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Each object (image, document) has an unique ID. This ID together with the information of Author(s), Year, Title (often not available for pictures) and the Publication Journal (AgTecCollection: Origin /Herkunft/, TU München Year of registration /Erfassungsjahr/, ID) allows for a doubtless scientific reference.

Citations are shown through the link at the end of the meta data in each objekt for copy or download!


Reference examples of images (there is often no author and/or title) :

- no author{s} and no title:  AgTecCollection: FG Technik im Gartenbau TUM / Meyer, TU München 2005, 

- with author{s} and no title:    Brenner, W., Wenner. H.-L., 1955. AgTecCollection: Lehrstuhl für Landtechnik TUM / Archiv, TU München 2003, 

- with author{s} and title:            Brenner, W., 1962: Bauelemente von Dreschmaschinen. AgTecCollection: Landtechnik Weihenstephan TUM / Zeichenbüro, TU München 2005, 


Reference examples of documents (there are always author{s} or editor{s}):

- with author:              Preuschen, G., 1955: Methoden und Verfahren der Landarbeitswissenschaften. AgTecCollection: FG Technik im Pflanzenbau TUM / Auernhammer, TU München 2011,

- with editor:         Terao, H. (Hrsg.), 2000: Electronic Farm Communication with LBS. AgTecCollection: FG Technik im Pflanzenbau TUM / Auernhammer, TU München 2009, 


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