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Lukas, K.; Borrmann, A.; Zintel, M.; Mayer, T.; Rank, E.
Developing a Life-Cycle Management System for Reinforced Concrete Buildings based on Fully-Probabilistic Deterioration Models
In a current research project we are developing a software tool for the predictive life-cycle management of reinforced concrete buildings. A key feature of our system is a three-dimensional building information model which forms the basis of all data acquisition and functional evaluation. This model serves to store all non-geometric information on building elements in relation to their geometry. The model provides multiple levels of detail and means to associate semantic classes with geometric o...     »
life-cycle management, three-dimensional geometry, non-destructive inspection, reinforced concrete, deterioration mechanisms, Java, Java3D
B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves; Barros, R.C.
Book / Congress title:
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing