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Betz W., Papaioannou I., Heidkamp H., Gollwitzer S., Straub D.
Reliability analysis with STRUREL
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP

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Geyer S., Papaioannou I., Straub D.
Cross entropy based importance sampling in low and high dimensions with a new mixture model
Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering

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Geyer S., Papaioannou I., Straub D.
Gaussian densities and Gaussian mixtures in the cross entropy method
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP, Crete, Greece

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Dittes B., Špačková O., Straub D.
Sequential planning of flood protection infrastructure under limited historic flood record and climate change uncertainty
European Geosciences Union General Assembly

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Straub D., Chatzi E., Bismut E., Courage W., Döhler M., Faber M.H., Köhler J., Lombaert G., Omenzetter P., Pozzi M., Thöns S., Val D., Wenzel H., Zonta D.
Value of information: A roadmap to quantifying the benefit of structural health monitoring
Proc. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability ICOSSAR 2017

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Uribe F., Papaioannou I., Betz W., Ullmann E., Straub D.
Random fields in Bayesian inference: Effects of prior assumptions
Proc. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability ICOSSAR

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Chatzi E., Papakonstantinou K.G., Hajdin R., Straub D.
Observation-based Decision-making for Infrastructure
Workshop on the Value of Structural Health Monitoring for Reliable Bridge Management,

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Zhang J., Boothroyd P., Calvello M., Eddleston M., Cañavate-Grimal A., Papaioannou I., Luo Z., Najjar S., Rodriguez-Marek A., Straub D., Uzielli M., Wang Y., Walter, H.
Bayesian method: a natural tool for processing geotechnical information

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Jiang S., Papaioannou I., Straub D.
Optimizing borehole locations for slope reliability assessment
Proc. 6th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk/Geo-risk,

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Zwirglmaier K., Papaioannou I., Straub D.
Enhancing sampling based inference in hybrid BNs for reliability assessment
Proc. ICOSSAR 2017,