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Raudies, Isabella Maria Monika; Holz als Werkstoff für süddeutsche Skulpturen (1000 - 1800)
Martin, Daniela; Sonographische Prävalenz von Lebercysten und ihre Assoziation mit Nieren- und Pankreascysten
Heiß, Elisabeth; Bedeutung von Sphingosin 1-Phosphat für die Thrombozytenfunktion - Etablierung eines Flusskammermodells zur in vitro Analyse von murinen Thrombozyten
Bodamer, Andres; Ein neues Verfahren zur Korrektur fehlbelichteter Röntgenaufnahmen
Stark, Konstantin; Die Rolle von Thrombozyten beim postnatalen Verschluss des Ductus arteriosus der Maus
Wiegand, Anne Katharina Gisela; Molekulare Charakterisierung der neuroprotektiven Wirkung transmembraner Proteine der TM9-Superfamilie und der TMEFF-Proteine
Reiter, Tomas Manuel; Reglerentwicklung und Optimierungsmethoden für DC/DC-Wandler im Kraftfahrzeug
Pflug, Christina; Bimodale Musikhörfähigkeiten mit Cochlea Implantat und Hörgerät
Elsäßer, Frank Tomas; Prädiktion eines progredienten Verlaufes bei Patienten mit Leichter kognitiver Störung (LKS) mittels Aufgaben-bezogener funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie (fMRT)
Breckwoldt, Michael; Visualisierung des Enzyms Myeloperoxidase in den Mausmodellen der Multiplen Sklerose und Cerebralen Ischämie mithilfe der Magnet Resonanz Tomographie und dem experimentellen Kontrastmittel bis-5HT-Gd-DTPA
Kratzer, Stephan Alexander; Der Einfluss des Inhalationsanästhetikums Xenon auf die synaptische Transmission.
Straub, Melanie; Intramyokardiale Transplantation von humanen, mesenchymalen Progenitorzellen zur Therapie des akuten Myokardinfarktes der Nacktratte
Hellings, C.;Joham, M.;Riemensberger, M.;Utschick, W.; Minimal Transmit Power in Parallel Vector Broadcast Channels with Linear Precoding
Constantin, Mariana Claudia; Selective interference with HDAC2 induces multiple effects on cell death signaling in colon cancer cells
Liska, Franz; Vergleich der mechanischen Eigenschaften von spongiösem Knochen verschiedener Spezies und künstlichem Knochen
Zeile, Martin; Strukturanalyse des trabekulären Knochens und Messung der vertebralen Knochendichte mittels abdominaler Multislice-Computertomographie in vivo
Simmer, Gregor; Messung sekundärer kosmischer Strahlung und Berechnung der zugehörigen Dosiskonversionskoeffizienten für den Menschen
Wilisch, Jonas Christian François; Analyse des BMP2-Einflusses auf die Knorpelregeneration mittels quantitativer RT-PCR in vitro und in vivo
Grogro, Eva; Die Rolle von NIPA im Zellzyklus nach DNS-Schädigung
Türk, Serin; Ein Hotspot für die koronare Herzkrankheit auf Chromosom 9: Assoziation ausgewählter Sequenzvariationen mit dem Myokardinfarkt
Masud, Sayed Mohammad; Blutglukose-Sensorik
Ritscher, Stephan; Degree Bounds and Complexity of Gröbner Bases of Important Classes of Polynomial Ideals
Bayer, Ferdinand; Abnormal somatosensory activation patterns in orofacial dystonia and their modulation by botulinum toxin examined by a fully automated tactile stimulation device in fMRI
Wartenberg, Martin; Interkompartimentäre Migrationsanalyse anhand der Mutationsmuster von rearrangierten Immunglobulinschwereketten-Gen-Segmenten aus Lymphknoten- und Knochenmark-residenten follikulären Lymphomzellen
Fitik, Birol; Ermüdungsverhalten von ultrahochfestem Beton (UHPC) bei zyklischen Beanspruchungen im Druck-Zug-Wechselbereich
Salling, Christina Maria; Atypisches Vorhofflattern nach potentialorientierter Substratmodifikation von Vorhofflimmern
Roth-Szadorski, Maria; Arthroskopisch-assistierte operative Versorgung der Tibiakopffraktur
Riester, Martin Bernhard; Ermittlung der Belastung durch den Metaboliten 1,2:3,4-Diepoxybutan bei 1,3-Butadien-exponierten Ratten und Mäusen
Münch, Marina Caroline; Klinische Ergebnisse nach Rekonstruktion des Ligamentum patellofemorale mediale zur Behandlung der patellofemoralen Instabilität - eine prospektive Studie
Timoshenko, Ekaterina; Rhythm Information for Automated Spoken Language Identification
Quante, Stephan; Risikostratifizierung des rezidivierenden Mammakarzinoms mittels integrierter [18F]FDG PET/CT
Atbaeva, Nurila; Klinische Ergebnisse der Karotis-Thrombendarteriektomie mit anatomieadaptierter Patchplastik.
Leserer, Michael Andreas; Untersuchungen zur pathophysiologischen Funktion der G-Protein-vermittelten Transaktivierung des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor Rezeptors in Tumorzellen
Meitinger, Michael; Lastbalancierung und Resequenzierung in Netzwerkprozessoren
Nocentini, Riccardo; Multidisciplinary design optimization of an ion source for fusion reactors.
Samkharadze, Tamar; Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor Increases Neuropathy and Fibrosis in Pancreatic Cancer
Bekker, Viktoria; Einfluss verschiedener MR-Markierungstechniken auf das Wachstum und Überleben hämatopoietischer CD34+-Stammzellen aus Nabelschnurblut
Tsotsoglou-Malowaniec, Anna Maria; Der Einfluss von TF-Genpolymorphismen PstI und MspI auf den klinischen und angiographischen Verlauf nach koronarer Stentimplantation
Groha, Philipp Klaus; Expandierte endotheliale Vorläuferzellen stimulieren die Proliferation von Gefäßzellen durch die Freisetzung von Mediatoren
Fritz, Sabina; Qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung des Schmeck- und Hörvermögens bei gynäkologischen Tumorpatientinnen unter Chemotherapie
Fatke, Johannes Bastian; Der Piriforme Kortex als Schrittmacher früher Netzwerkoszillationen im unreifen Mauskortex
Wolfschmidt, Holger; Substrate Effects in Electrocatalysis
Hellings, C.;Joham, M.;Utschick, W.; Gradient-Based Power Minimization in MIMO Broadcast Channels with Linear Precoding
Tay, Liang-Seah; An Analysis of Genetic Alterations of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and the Tyrosine Kinase 2 in Human Cancer Cell Lines
Römhild, Hannes; Bedeutung der Cytomegalie-Virus-Infektion nach Nierentransplantation
Scholz, Christian; Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Prostata-Karzinom vor, während und nach Bestrahlung im Hinblick auf Müdigkeit, Angst und Depression
Münchhoff, Maximilian; Evaluating the viability of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells transduced to overexpress Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor in a rat model of Dorsal Root Injury
Hohmann, Erik; Tibial acceleration profiles and musculotendinous stiffness of the lower extremity during the female menstrual cycle. Implications for the prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the female athlete
Miller, Michael; DNA-Taxonomie in der Entomologie
Meixner, Andrea; Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (Lrrk2): Functional characterization and interactome analysis of a protein kinase associated with Parkinson’s disease
Hinterstoißer, Stefan; Real-Time Detection and Pose Estimation of Low-Textured and Texture-less Objects
Aubele, Philipp Oliver; Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von extrazellulären Fragmenten der Tumor-Endothel-Markers 5 (TEM5)
Steinbauer, Carola; Modell zur Konfiguration der Kleinserienmontage
Schönwälder, Heike Ulla; Anforderungen an eine klinische Datenbank beim Harnblasenkarzinom: Datenbanktheorie und Auswahl der Parameter
Riaz, Zahid; Visual Interpretation of Human Body Language for Interactive Scenarios
Voigts, Clemens; Die Altäre von Selinunt
Fiedler, Katrin Anette; Klinische Fünf-Jahres-Ergebnisse des Vergleichs eines Sirolimus-beschichteten mit einem Paclitaxel-beschichteten Stent bei Hochrisikopatienten
Feucht, Achim; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu präfabrizierten Gewebelappen mit integriertem gezüchtetem Knorpelgewebe am autologen Kaninchenmodell
Liestak, Roberta; Einfluss eines schulbasierten Präventionsprojekts auf die retinale Mikrozirkulation bei Kindern
Wild, Georg Hermann; Josephson Junctions with Ferromagnetic Interlayer
Berberich, Anna Lisa; Untersuchung von myokardialen Verletzungen und ventrikulärer Funktion bei Marathonläufern in Abhängigkeit von genetischen Parametern
Hirsch, Daniela; Regulierte lentivirale Expression von Wachstumsfaktoren in Primärzellen zur Therapie osteochondraler Defekte
Becker, Sven; Intelligente Implantate zur Therapieunterstützung
Schlegel, Michael; Zeitkalibrierung in Augmented Reality Anwendungen
Tänzer, Marc; Novel epigenetic biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and response prediction in colorectal cancer
Zorn, Peter; Untersuchung von Bürstendichtungen für die Anwendung in Dampfturbinen
Krebs, Karin Maria; Adoptive T-Zelltherapie der chronischen Hepatitis B
Almeida, C. and Czado, C.; Efficient Bayesian inference for stochastic time-varying copula models
Fasen, V. and Svejda, A; Time-consistency of multi-period distortion measures
Buchmann, B. and Müller, G.; Limit experiments of GARCH
Hepperger, P.; Numerical hedging of electricity contracts using dimension reduction
Hepperger, P.; Hedging electricity swaptions using partial integro-differential equations
Czado, C., Kastenmeier, R., Brechmann, E.C., and Min, A.; A mixed copula model for insurance claims and claim sizes
Muhle-Karbe, J., Pfaffel, O. and Stelzer, R.; Option pricing in multivariate stochastic volatility models of OU type
Schlemm, E. and Stelzer, R.; Multivariate CARMA processes, continuous-time state space models and complete regularity of the innovations of the sampled processes
Brechmann, E.C., Czado, C. and Aas, K.; Truncated regular vines in high dimensions with applications to financial data
Bauer, A., Czado, C. and Klein, T.; Pair-copula constructions for non-Gaussian DAG models
Schlemm, E. and Pfaffel, O.; Limiting spectral distribution of a new random matrix model with depedence across rows and columns
Mueller, Marianne Larissa; Data Mining Methods for Medical Diagnosis
Mandlik, Veronika; Untersuchung zur Präfabrizierten Neovaskularisation von Tissue Engineering Konstrukten im Mausmodell
Seitz, Arne; Advanced Methods for Propulsion System Integration in Aircraft Conceptual Design
Schmidt, Markus; Automatische Selektion von Mehrweggütern der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie mittels Neurostatistik
Rix, Meike; Monitoring of volcanic sulfur dioxide emissions and estimation of the plume height using GOME-2 measurements
Hassel, Sebastian Friedrich; Relevanz von Dosis-Volumen-Histogrammen für die radiogene Pneumonitis sowie die Bedeutung des Hämoglobinwertes für die Tumorkontrolle bei der hypofraktionierten stereotaktischen Strahlentherapie von nicht kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinomen im Stadium I
Neumann, Alexander; Simulationsbasierte Messtechnik zur Prüfung von Head-up Displays
Bouzouraa, Mohamed Essayed; Belegungskartenbasierte Umfeldwahrnehmung in Kombination mit objektbasierten Ansätzen für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Kolev, Kalin; Convexity in Image-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction
Popiv, Daria; Enhancement of driver anticipation and its implications on efficiency and safety
Aydemir, Zehra; Früherkennung lärminduzierter Schwerhörigkeit mit Hilfe von Distorsionsprodukten otoakustischer Emissionen
Di Cerbo, Francesca Rosa Renate; Apoptoseverhalten der menschlichen Stammzellen und histologischer Verlauf bei akutem Herzinfarkt im Rattenmodell bei Stammzelltherapie mit und ohne IGF2
Klank, Ulrich Friedrich; Everyday Perception for Mobile Manipulation in Human Environments
Riedel, Stefan; Untersuchungen zur Gefügeoptimierung beim horizontalen Stranggießen von CuZn37
Zellner, Stephan; Langzeit-Follow-up nach endoskopischer Stenttherapie bei Patienten mit benignen Gallengangsstenosen
Mayer, Christoph; Facial Expression Recognition With A Three-Dimensional Face Model
Fuchs, Klaus Rainer; Ofloxacinkonzentration im Serum, im Ligamentum flavum, im Bandscheibengewebe und im Liquor bei offenen Operationen an der menschlichen Bandscheibe
Pfeifer, Lukas; Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen struktureller T-Zell-Avidität und Immunodominanz
Kohl, Jens; Effiziente Diagnose von verteilten Funktionen automobiler Steuergeräte
Apfel, Holger; Messungen an Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzellen mit Kohlenmonoxidhaltigen Brenngasen
Wolf, Florian Ulrich Michael; Soziodemographische und klinische Prädiktoren der Ansprechrate der Elektrokonvulsionstherapie zwischen 1990 und 2006 im Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München
Frohnmayer, Christine; Perinatales Outcome bei computerisierter CTG-Online-Analyse mit pathologischer und unauffälliger Befundung
Brendle-Simon, Monika Gertrud; Hochdrucksterilisation von Knochen zur Transplantation und von Implantaten
Falchner, Kathrin Julia; Klinische Relevanz des PD-1 Rezeptors beim malignen Melanom
Raukuttis, Julia; Statistische Auswertung und Analyse von Umwelteinflüssen und Beschwerden bei Patienten einer Umweltmedizinischen Ambulanz
Hartsperger, Mara Lena; A systems biological perspective on complex human diseases: uncovering hidden relations via multi-scale network analyses
Beji, Abdelhamid; Significance of the Negative Regulator of HER Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Family, mig-6 Protein, in Colon Cancer and Glioblastoma
Gläßer, Jochen Friedrich; Ereignisorientierte Simulation der Bierherstellung
Kirsten, Alexandra Ulrike; Effekt des Patienten-Prothesen Mismatches im postoperativen Verlauf auf die Überlebensrate und das Auftreten kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse bei normal- und übergewichtigen Patienten nach Aortenklappenersatz.
Kowarsch, Andreas; The impact of microRNAs on signaling pathways: From general perspectives to a computational model of the JAK-STAT pathway
Gkazepis, Apostolos; Tissue kallikrein-related peptidases as novel biomarkers in cancer: Cellular analysis of expression, epigenetic regulation and relation to course of the disease
Seitz, Anna Katharina; Die Bedeutung der Bcr-Abl und Aurora Kinase Inhibition für die biologische Aktivität der dualen Inhibitoren PHA-739358 und AS-703569 in Bcr-Abl transformierten Zellen
Näßl, Anna-Maria; Amino acid absorption and homeostasis in mice lacking the intestinal peptide transporter PEPT1
Baust, Maximilian; Polar Active Contours for Medical Applications
Hewera, Karina Barbara; Frauenleiden, Schwangerschaft und Geburt in der Naturalis Historia von Plinius dem Älteren (23/24-79 n.Chr.)
Bald, Christian; Retrograde Reperfusion und Ischämie- Reperfusionsschaden nach orthotoper Lebertransplantation im Rattenmodell: pathobiochemische und histopathologische Aspekte
Goedel, Alexander Rudolf Peter; Die Rolle von Isl1 und Nkx2.5 im transkriptionellen Netzwerk der kardialen Progenitorzelle
Berkovich, Marina; Requirements Engineering für IT-gestützte Product Service Systems
Elfinger, Nina Susanne; Langzeitanalyse des Eurotransplant Senior Programms
Witzig, Jochen; Flankenbruch - Eine Grenze der Zahnradtragfähigkeit in der Werkstofftiefe
Wilczek, Christina; Auswirkung mechanischer Reperfusion auf die Langzeit-Sterblichkeitsrate von Patienten mit akutem Myokardinfarkt, welche sich 12 bis 48 Stunden nach Symptombeginn vorstellen: ein randomisierter Vergleich
Guthy, Christian; Efficient Near Optimum Algorithms for Multiuser Multiantenna Systems
Kölbl, Dominik Alexander; Einfluss eines IT-basierten Trainingsprogramms auf das metabolische Profil und die kardiorespiratorische Fitness bei übergewichtigen, körperlich inaktiven Erwachsenen
Nissen, K.;Cyron, C.J.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; Information-flux method: a meshfree maximum-entropy Petrov-Galerkin method including stabilised finite element methods
Schönhofer-Merl geb. Merl, Sabine; Etablierung und Optimierung therapeutischer RNA-Interferenz zur Behandlung der coxsackieviralen Herzerkrankung
Zech, Michael; Phosphorylierung von NIPA (nuclear interaction partner of ALK)
Nitsche, Ulrich; Prognostische Wertigkeit der aktuellen siebten TNM-Klassifikation für das Kolorektale Karzinom
Cheng, Chih-Hong; An implementation for algorithmic game solving and its applications in system synthesis
Vogel, Michaela; Neuroendokrine Regulation der Ghrelinsekretion - Einfluss des Opioidsystems auf die Ghrelinsekretion des Rattenmagens
Merenda, Stefano; The Metamodelling Language M2L
Riedl, Michael; Potential eines virtuellen Fahrerplatzmodells in der Fahrzeugkonzeptentwicklung
Beyer, Moritz Dirk; Der humane Natrium-Iodid-Symporter in der Verwendung als kardiales Reportergen
Finkenbrink, Hannes; Standortbewertung bei der Internationalisierung von F&E-Einheiten
Hartwig , Kerstin; Neural Actions of Proteases and Probiotics
Draheim, Nicole Hannelore; Langzeit-Botulinumtoxin-Therapie bei zervikaler Dystonie: eine kernspintomographische und quantitative EMG-Studie
Chen, Yen-Chih; Enrichment Behavior of Immunoglobulin by Foam Fractionation Using Response Surface Methodology
Karrie, Isabel; Untersuchung der Lebensqualität von Patienten nach periprothetischen Femurfrakturen
Bannert, Andrea; Shifts of nitrogen transforming microbial communities during paddy soil evolution
Breu, Tobias; Linear and nonlinear analysis of plasma edge instabilities
Lobmaier, Silvia; Neue Methode zur Überwachung bei intrauteriner Wachstumsrestriktion: Phasengleichgerichtete Signalmittelung der fetalen Herzfrequenz
Wiesen, Elisabeth; Barley proteins – source and factor of haze formation in beer
Petzold, Tobias; Genetic disruption of the kindlin-3/β1-integrin interaction results in defective β1-integrin dependent platelet adhesion and granula secretion
Bauer, G.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; A stabilized finite element method for the numerical simulation of multi-ion transport in electrochemical systems
Brückner, Björn; Eine Bewertung der technischen Zuverlässigkeit aus Sicht von Fluggesellschaften
Junker, Anja; Untersuchung des Zentralstoffwechsels von Gluconobacter oxydans durch die Etablierung eines markerfreien Deletionssystems
Frühe, Thomas; Berechnung und Minimierung der Zahnfußspannung von Standard- und LowLoss-Verzahnungen
Schlemm, E. and Stelzer, R.; Quasi maximum likelihood estimation for strongly mxing state space models and multivariate Lévy-driven CARMA processes
Cotar, C. and Deuschel, J.-D.; Decay of covariances, uniqueness of ergodic component and scaling limit for a class of ∇ϕ systems with non-convex potential
Eder, I. and Klüppelberg, C.; Pareto Lévy measures and multivariate regular variation
Schreiber, I., Müller, G., Klüppelberg, C, Wagner, N.; Equities, credits and volatilities: a multivariate analysis of the european market during the sub-prime crisis
Bayer, Anne; Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbial activities in a tar oil contaminated aquifer
Degenhardt, Andreas Georg; Strukturchemische und sensorische Charakterisierung von Guaiansesquiterpenlactonen in Chicorée (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi) und C17-21-Oxylipinen in Avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass)
Baiges, J.;Codina, R.;Henke, F.;Shahmiri, S.;Wall, W.A.; A symmetric method for weakly imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions in embedded finite element meshes
Korger, Ulrike; Joint PHY-MAC Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Panico, Tiziano; Beurteilung der Kantenbelastung beim Scherschneiden höchstfester Stahlbleche mit Hilfe der Finiten-Element-Methode
Gamnitzer, P.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W.A.; A mixed/hybrid Dirichlet formulation for wall-bounded flow problems including turbulent flow
Schmidt, Tim-Christian; Representation and parallelization techniques for classical planning
Gueydon, Anne; Die Bedeutung der Gemeinschaftsalmen für die Landnutzung im Alpengebiet Bayerns – eine ökonomische und institutionelle Analyse
Finckh, Wolfgang; Einfluss bauteilspezifischer Effekte auf die Bemessung von mit CFK-Lamellen verstärkten Stahlbetonbauteilen
Kerner, René; Analysis of protein abundances in Fagus sylvatica L. and Cenococcum geophilum Fr. following biotic and abiotic stresses
P. Walk, P. Jung; Approximation of Löwdin Orthogonalization to a Spectrally Efficient Orthogonal Overlapping PPM Design for UWB Impulse Radio
Popp, A.;Wohlmuth, B.I.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; Dual quadratic mortar finite element methods for 3D finite deformation contact
Lahmer, Isabel; Zur Effizienz der Levatorplastik als sprechunterstützende Operation - Eine kombiniert retro- und prospektive Studie
Llorente Sancho, Daniel; SmartMem
Giesert, Florian; Pathogenic Mutation of Lrrk2
Iliev, Dimitre Lubomirov; Die horizontale Gleislagestabilität des Schotteroberbaus mit konventionellen und elastisch besohlten Schwellen
Ma, Rui; Development of multispectral optoacoustic imaging for high resolution small animal visualization
Marini, G.;Maier, A.;Reeps, C.;Eckstein, H.H.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.; A continuum description of the damage process in the arterial wall of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Han, Seunghan; A Subjective Logic Based Extensional Approach to Non-Monotonic Reasoning under Uncertainty and its Application to Visual Surveillance
Eid, Jochen; Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen dünner Betondecken auf Asphalt (Whitetopping)
Smenes, Kerstin Regina; Der Einfluss von Wissen über Symptomatik und Therapie des Myokardinfarktes auf die prähospitale Verzögerung von Patienten mit ST-Hebungs-Infarkt
Wehmhörner, Urs; Multikriterielle Regelung mit temperaturbasierter Speicherzustandsbestimmung für Mini-KWK-Anlagen
Ruf, Kathrin Andrea; Ein mathematisches Modell zur Kryokonservierung lebenden Gewebes
Taruttis, Adrian; Multispectral optoacoustic tomography for imaging of disease biomarkers
Jetzfellner, Thomas; Quantification of Molecular Probes in Optoacoustic Tomography
Rader, Tobias; Speech Perception of Cochlear Implanted Patients with Combined Electric-Acoustic Stimulation
Anglhuber, Martin; Untersuchungen zum Verhalten nanoskalig gefüllter Epoxidharzformstoffe unter elektrischer Beanspruchung
Sarantopoulos, Athanasios; Accurate quantification and detailed bio-distribution with planar multispectral fluorescence imaging
Cyron, C.J.;Wall, W.A.; Numerical method for the simulation of the Brownian dynamics of rod-like microstructures with three dimensional nonlinear beam elements
Gravemeier, V.;Comerford, A.;Yoshihara, L.;Ismail, M.;Wall, W.A.; A novel formulation for Neumann inflow boundary conditions in biomechanics
Maier, A.;Essler, M.;Gee, M.W.;Eckstein, H.-H.;Wall, W.A.;Reeps, C.; Correlation of biomechanics to tissue reaction in aortic aneurysms assessed by finite elements and [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/CT
Wolf, Jürgen; Efficiency, Auctioneer Revenue, and Bidding Behavior in the Combinatorial Clock Auction - An Analysis in the Context of European Spectrum Auctions
Siegler, Vera; Charakterisierung der Rolle der Transmembrandomänen des kleinen Hepatitis B Virus Hüllproteins für die Bildung von subviralen Partikeln
Laubner, Katerina; Der prognostische Nutzen von sensitivem Troponin T bei Patienten mit stabiler oder instabiler Angina pectoris, nicht nachweisbarem konventionellen Troponinspiegel und Revaskularisation
Kemmer, Jakob; Prospektive Lebensqualitätsuntersuchung bei Patienten mit konformaler Strahlentherapie des Prostatakarzinoms: Fünf-Jahres-Follow-Up
Böhme, Sascha; Proving Theorems of Higher-Order Logic with SMT Solvers
Karg, Michelle; Pattern Recognition Algorithms for Gait Analysis with Application to Affective Computing
Hackl, Christoph Michael; Contributions to high-gain adaptive control in mechatronics
Wieckhorst, Silke; Characterization of the PlARG locus mediating resistance against Plasmopara halstedii in sunflower
Vittorias, Iason; Human-centered control design for haptic telepresence systems over communication networks
Tombou Noumbi, Pierre Patrick; Die subklinische diastolische Dysfunktion bei Patienten mit Typ 2 Diabetes kann mittels Gewebedoppler quantifiziert werden mit dem Potential der Verlaufskontrolle bei präventiver Therapie am Beispiel zweier Pilotstudien mit Ramipril und Rosiglitazone
Aboumahboub, Tino; Modeling and Optimization of the Global Electricity Generation System with High Shares of Fluctuating Renewable Energy Sources
Ramakrishnan, Sunita; Aktive Konsumentenintegration im Kontext konsumtiver Mobilitätsdienstleistungen
Wyrembelski, Rafael Felix; Robust Coding Strategies and Physical Layer Service Integration for Bidirectional Relaying
Drapatz, Stefan; Parametric Reliability of 6T-SRAM Core Cell Arrays
Müller, Martina; Impact of the Integrin αvβ3 Transmembrane Domain Sequence and the Cytoplasmic Contacts on Cell/Matrix Adhesiveness and Integrin-mediated Cell Signalling
von Roon, Serafin; Auswirkungen von Prognosefehlern auf die Vermarktung von Windstrom
Buck, Thorbjörn; Untersuchungen zur Erfassung dynamischer Messgrößen mittels Faser-Bragg-Gitter-Messtechnik
Blättler, Hannah; Akute Effekte einer "open/hidden" Placebo-Intervention auf Koronargefäße
Gröber, Simone; Analyse des Expressionsprofils von zellzyklusregulierenden Proteinen und Mitgliedern des EGF-Rezeptor-Signalwegs in Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs in Hinblick auf ihr Potenzial als prognostische Biomarker
Brockwell, P.J., Ferrazzano, V. and Klüppelberg, C.; High-frequency sampling of a continuous-time ARMA processes
Zink, Alexander Gustav Stefan; Pilotstudie zur experimentellen Kombinationstherapie von Ig-Apherese und Omalizumab bei schwerem Atopischem Ekzem mit erhöhten IgE-Spiegeln
Wu, Honghui; Nitrogen turnover in steppe soils of Inner Mongolia as affected by sheep grazing
Groben, Sylvie; Somatoform disorders and causal attributions in patients with suspected allergies: Do somatic causal attributions matter?
Seyffarth, Torsten; Bildbasierte Abstandsregelung für Kraftfahrzeuge
Pfaffinger, Michael; Interaktive Strömungssimulation auf Hochleistungsrechnern unter Anwendung der Lattice-Boltzmann Methode
Ge, Subo; Chinese Companies in Germany
Plattner, Markus; Laser-based Measurement Systems for Space Applications
Birner, Matthias Hannes Hermann; NO-Berechnungsmethodik in der druckbasierten Motorregelung für stationär betriebene Industriegasmotoren
Kuppek, Alexandra; Immunhistologische Untersuchung von Host Defense Peptiden in Speicheldrüsentumoren und Kontrollen
Sremčević Witzig, Jovana; Model Reduction Methods in Room Acoustical Simulation at Low Frequencies
Thakolsri, Srisakul; Quality of Experience based Network Resource Allocation for Wireless Multimedia Delivery
Herrmann, Jan; Zugriffskontrolle in serviceorientierten Architekturen am Beispiel von Geodateninfrastrukturen
Arafin, Shamsul; Electrically-Pumped GaSb-Based Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Dahmen, Michael; Molekularbiologische Quantifizierung von Schimmelpilzbesatz an Saatgut und Braumalz
Schlecht, Albert; Minimierung der Schwingungsempfindlichkeit von Kraftfahrzeugvorderachsen
Hafner, Annette; Wechselwirkung Nachhaltigkeit und (Bau-)Qualität
Berone, Germán; The role of photosynthetic capacity and of leaf area ratio for the carbon gain of C3 and C4 species during the cool season in the Río de la Plata grasslands
Jung, Ulrich Sebastian; Alternative Air Brake Concepts for Transport Aircraft Steep Approach
Can, Salman; A Highly Versatile Single-Port System for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Meding, Stephan; Identification of Clinical Markers in Colon Cancer by Tissue Based in situ Proteomics
Kurka, Stefan; Biomasse-basierte Produkte aus Konsumentensicht - ausgewählte europäische Länder im Vergleich
Knauer, Maria; SERS-Based Label-Free Microarray Readout for the Detection of Microorganisms
Schmidts, Christian; Fahrbahnerkennung und -rekonstruktion in der Ebene durch Analyse von Umfeldveränderungen in Folgen von monokularen Grauwertbildern
Matthes, Julia; Nachweis und Vorkommen von Fusarientoxinen in Kartoffeln und Kartoffelprodukten
Schmalfuß, Elisabeth Katharina; Komplikationen nach operativ versorgten Unterkiefergelenkfortsatzfrakturen - eine funktionelle, axiographische und röntgenologische Nachuntersuchung
Selter, Rebecca Constance; Antikörper gegen native Myelinproteine und virale Erreger bei Erstmanifestation entzündlich-demyelinisierender Erkrankungen des Zentralen Nervensystems im Kindesalter
Loher, Anna Wiebke; Vergleich der Musikhörfähigkeit von CI -Trägern mit unterschiedlichen Implantaten
Fouquet, Marcel; Niedrigstemissionskonzept für einen wasserstoffbetriebenen Verbrennungsmotor
Lindner, Silvia; Discrete Optimisation in Machine Learning - Learning of Bayesian Network Structures and Conditional Independence Implication
Sauter, Philipp André; Wasserstoffrückhaltung und Erosionsverhalten von wolframdotierten Kohlenstofffilmen (a-C:W)
Hofmann, Michael; On Representation and Uniqueness of Invariant Means on Hypergroups
Duensing, Philipp Werner; Einfluss der Milchpasteurisierung und der Reifungszeit auf die Bildung von Schlüsselaromastoffen in Käse nach Gouda-Art
Hoffmann, Jürgen; Charakterisierung faserverstärkter Elastomere für formvariable Strukturflächen
Domurath, Anne; Growth of entrepreneurial ventures – Issues in venture internationalization and human resource management
Maier, Werner; Image-based Novelty Detection for Cognitive Mobile Robots
Göhl, Nathalie; Einfluss von genetischer Prädisposition auf den Erfolg einer Lebensstilintervention während stationärer Therapie bei übergewichtigen Kindern
Hudjetz, Saskia; Schlafentzug: Wirkung auf Stimmung, Müdigkeit und spontane Schlafepisoden bei depressiven Patienten und gesunden Versuchspersonen
Torío, Herena; Comparison and optimization of building energy supply systems through exergy analysis and its perspectives
Borm, Oliver; Instationäre numerische Untersuchung der aerodynamischen Rotor-Stator-Interaktion in einem Radialverdichter
Holla, Andrea Dorothee; Protein-Engineering eines Anticalins mit Bindungsspezifität für DC-SIGN
Radi, Marwan; Workspace Scaling and Haptic Feedback for Industrial Telepresence and Teleaction Systems with Heavy-duty Teleoperators
Schwarz, Timo; [3H]Cholin- und [18F]FDG-Uptake in die Prostatakarzinomzelllinien LNCaP, PC-3 sowie in stimulierte und unstimulierte menschliche Entzündungszellen
Fruth, Andreas; Methodik für die Durchführung von RFID-Implementierungsprojekten in der Logistik bei mittelständischen Unternehmen
Deubel, Max Ludwig; Atopie und andrologische Befunde bei Männern mit unerfülltem Kinderwunsch
Yi, Weiyong; The Earth’s gravity field from GOCE
Wohlmuth, B.I.;Popp, A.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A; An abstract framework for a priori estimates for contact problems in 3D with quadratic finite elements
Ale, Angelica Barbara Francisca; Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography and X-ray CT: Methods and Applications
Schmalenbach, Hanna; Qualität im Sportjournalismus
Engel, Nico; Essays on Value Creation and Risk Assessment in Private Equity-Sponsored Buyouts
Sattler, Franziska; Validierung der retinalen statischen Gefäßanalyse bei chronisch hämodialysepflichtigen Patienten
Ertl, Claudia; Interaktion des Cag-TypIV-Sekretionssystems von Helicobacter pylori mit β1-Integrin zur Untersuchung des Translokationsmechanismus des Cytotoxin-assoziierten Antigens (CagA)
Broxtermann, Mathias; Die Erkennung viraler Partikel durch Rezeptoren des angeborenen Immunsystems am Beispiel des HBV und AAV
Meisinger, Daniela Bianca; Molekulare Identifizierung und in situ Nachweis von Prokaryonten in einer schwer zugänglichen Höhle
Edenhofer, Simone; Die Hämodynamik drei Wochen alter Lämmer nach intrauteriner Anlage eines aortopulmonalen Shunts und lebenslanger Gabe von L-Arginin
Müllegger, Daniel; Untersuchung und Simulation der elektrischen Eigenschaften von Mikrovaristormaterialien
Eberhardt, Karla Maria; Makro- und Mikrozirkulation bei normalen und hochnormalen Blutdruckwerten
Steck, Natalie Marie Annabel; Mechanistic impact of Enterococcus faecalis metalloprotease on bacterial virulence in the context of chronic intestinal inflammation
Peng, Yang; Quality of Experience-Driven Low-Delay Error-Resilient Video Communication
Kraus, Tobias Johannes; Eine Delta-Kinematik für den nichttaktilen Einsatz in der Chirurgie
Adelsberger, Joseph G.; Struktur und Kinetik thermoresponsiver Hydrogele
Jonietz, Florian; Spin Transfer Torques and Spin Fluctuations in Helimagnets
Forstner, Sebastian; Der Einfluss von Bright Light auf die Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit
Gutsche, Kerstin Amelie; Production of volatile metabolites in model fermentations and in raw sausages by Lactobacillus sakei
Schmidl, Jörg; Fostering Knowledge Exchange Based on Relevant Activities
More, Shailesh; Aging Degradation and Countermeasures in Deep-submicrometer Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits
Bittner, Sebastian; Modellierung des Wasserumsatzes verschiedener Baumarten in gemischten Beständen
Böhm, Birgit; Risk screening and exercise interventions in pediatric prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: Links between carotid intima-media thickness and physical fitness
Li, Yining; Netzweite Lichtsignalsteuerung auf Basis Rekurrenter Neuronaler Netze
König, Alexander; Staginguntersuchungen bei der Primärdiagnose Mammakarzinom: Medizinische und ökonomische Aspekte
Wagner, Julia; Kommunikation zwischen Chirurgen und onkologischen Patienten
Zeitler, Georg; Low-Precision Quantizer Design for Communication Problems
Wolf, Anton; Prognosefaktoren bei Nierenlebendspende
Krajewski, Matthias; Charakterisierung der Proteinfamilie der Glutathion-S-Transferasen aus Arabidopsis thaliana in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Jiang, Lei; Hypersonic Orbiter Separation From A Carrier
Fink, Holger; Stochastic processes beyond semimartingales with application to interest rates, credit risk and volatility modeling
Liu, Xiangjiang; Nanoparticles and Surface-Enhanced Optical Effects for Chemical and Biological Sensing
Rittler-Ungethüm, Bettina Monika; Tissue Engineering - Kultivierung humaner Präadipozyten zur Beimpfung dreidimensionaler Polyurethankonstrukte
Sircar, Narayan; Group IV all-semiconductor spintronics: Materials aspects and optical spin selection rules
Granzow, Sebastian; Mechatronische Schwingungstilger in Fahrzeugen - ganzheitliche Massen- und Energiebilanz
Kraus, Sven; Fahrverhaltensanalyse zur Parametrierung situationsadaptiver Fahrzeugführungssysteme
Culhaoglu, Ali Eren; Microwave Metamaterials: Superlensing and Design of Low Reflection Coatings
Yu, Yanzhe; Hydrogenation of tetralin on bimetallic Pt-Pd catalysts
Mair, Elmar; Efficient and Robust Pose Estimation Based on Inertial and Visual Sensing
Zhang, Lin; The effect of Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) on thrombopoiesis
Dao, Thi Nhung; On the Phenomenology of Charged Higgs Bosons in the complex MSSM
Tremel, Alexander; Reactions Kinetics of Solid Fuels during Entrained Flow Gasification
Hertel, Gernot; Einfluss von Marathonlaufen auf myokardiale Schädigung und Ventrikelfunktion - biochemische, echokardiographische und kernspintomographische Untersuchungen
Dick, Christian; Computational Steering for Implant Planning in Orthopedics
Mittermeier, Johanna; Bedeutung von Tag-zu-Tag-Schwankungen, Energiedichte, Zwischenmahlzeiten und Frühstückskalorien für die tägliche Energieaufnahme Normalgewichtiger
Grundner-Culemann, Kathrin; Strategien der quantitativen Phosphoproteomik zur Signaltransduktionsanalyse von Kinasen
Alte, Ferdinand; Structural and Functional Studies on Proteins involved in Proteasomal Degradation, Photosynthesis and the Cellular Stress Response
Bollweg, Peter; Hollow Cone Spray Characterization and Integral Modeling
Bendig, Christoph; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen von Zulaufverfahren zur mikrobiellen Stoffproduktion im Parallelansatz
Walser, Sandra Maria; Validation of P2RX7 and TMEM132D as susceptibility genes for depression using genetic mouse models
Bartram-Wunn, Eva; Systematische Übersicht: Placebowirkung in randomisierten kontrollierten Medikamentenstudien beim Fibromyalgiesyndrom und der schmerzhaften peripheren diabetischen Neuropathie- Höhe und patienten-bezogene Prädiktoren
Hüttl, Rosa Eva; Molecular mechanisms that govern the establishment of sensory-motor networks
Laurent, Felizia; Screeningmethoden für zervikale Präkanzerosen und Karzinome
Sell, Charlotte Sophie; Expression der B-Zell-Differenzierungs-Proteine APRIL, CD27, Blimp1 und BLNK und ihre Bedeutung beim Lymphoplasmozytischen Lymphom
Steudle, Julia; Funktion der Dual-Specificity-Phosphatase-5 in Zellen des angeborenen und adaptiven Immunsystems
Efthymiou, Nikolaos; Transient bedload transport of sediment mixtures under disequilibrium conditions
Schittl, Beate; Characterization of the hepatitis B virus matrix domain function in virion assembly
Leclerque, Caterina; Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede der diastolischen und systolischen Myokardfunktion und der vaskulären Funktion bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 Patienten und bei Kontrollpersonen
Grilli, M.; Hickel, S.;Adams, N.A.;Hammerl, G.;Danowski, C.;Wall, W.A.; An innovative approach to thermo-fluid-structure interaction based on an immersed interface method and a monolithic thermo-structure interaction algorithm
Kuhn, Philipp; Iteratives Modell zur Optimierung von Speicherausbau und -betrieb in einem Stromsystem mit zunehmend fluktuierender Erzeugung
Tay Wo Chong Hilares, Luis Roberto; Numerical Simulation of the Dynamics of Turbulent Swirling Flames
Kittemann, Dominikus; Untersuchungen zu Fruchtfleischfestigkeit und Zellwandabbau von Apfelfrüchten während der Lagerung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Ethylen
Ackermann, Sebastian; Understanding the Role of the Internet in the Digital Age: A Multichannel, Multistudy Examination
Stiegler (geb. Bock), Annika; User-Manufacturer Integration – How User-Innovator Firms Exploit Their Innovativeness by Vertical Diversification
Vogl, Annette; Multiple functions of neddylation in neuronal development
Anciger, Danijel; Numerische Simulation der Fluid-Struktur-Interaktion fluidgesteuerter Ventile in oszillierenden Verdrängerpumpen
Schillinger, Dominik; The p- and B-spline versions of the geometrically nonlinear finite cell method and hierarchical refinement strategies for adaptive isogeometric and embedded domain analysis
Höppner, Christian; First Measurement of the Cross Section for the Production of Hadrons with High Transverse Momenta at COMPASS, and Developments for Particle Tracking in High-Rate Experiments
Moser, Martin; Extremal Behavior of Multivariate Mixed Moving Average Processes and of Random Walks with Dependent Increments
Neppl, Stefan; Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoemission from Surfaces and Interfaces
Söllner, Heidi; Developmental wiring and adaptive plasticity of peripheral sensorimotor circuitry
Schmidt, Christina; Studien zum Einfluss von Proteinzusätzen auf die Geschmacksstoffe von Schwarzteegetränken
Atasoy, Cana Selen; Endoscopic Video Manifolds for Scene Recognition in Targeted Optical Biopsy
Labisso, Wajana Lako; Early Detection and Treatment Evaluation of Gastric Cancer
Dobler, Günter; Das Selbst- und Bildungsverständnis von Waldpädagogen
Lange, Ralf; Nonlinear adaptive control of an endo-atmospheric dual-actuator interceptor
Otto, Daniela; Extrakardiale Risikofaktoren für Herzoperationen bei Erwachsenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Hedderich, Dennis Martin; Die klinische Bedeutung des costimulatorischen Liganden B7-H3 (CD 276) beim Pankreaskarzinom
Neddemeyer, Torsten; Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Nass- und Hochtemperaturkorrosion an thermisch gespritzten Funktionsschichten
Blomer, Jakob; Decentralized Data Storage and Processing in the Context of the LHC Experiments at CERN
Elser, Benedikt; Latency Prediction for P2P Overlays
Eckl, Michael; Tragverhalten von Rohrschirmdecken beim Tunnelbau im Lockergestein
Saballus, Björn; Maintaining Reference Graphs in Fully Decentralized Systems
Kellner, Marietta; Analyse des Lebensmittelverzehrs Normalgewichtiger
Ayoub, Mohamed; ISAR-REACT 3A: Reduktion der periinterventionellen Heparindosis bei Koronarpatienten ohne erhöhten Infarktmarkern und klinischer Verlauf
Johannes, Christine; Bedingungen für kohärentes Lehrhandeln in der Hochschullehre: Vorstellungen und Reflexionen von Lehranfängern und deren Bedeutung für die Professionalisierung
Seidova, Seid-Fatima; Anwendung von Monovision in der Kataraktchirurgie
Gusenbauer, Simone; Macrophage-Related Interaction Pathways in Tumor Stroma
Pauly, Olivier; Random Forests for Medical Applications
Willer, Diana; Förderung der individuellen Gesundheitskompetenz von Grundschulkindern als grundlegender Bestandteil zur Prävention von Übergewicht und Adipositas im Kindesalter im Rahmen eines einjährigen Interventionsprojektes an bayerischen Grundschulen
Simon, Christina; Straßenumfeldmodellierung durch Fusion und Interpretation von Sensordaten zur spurgenauen Positionierung des Fahrzeugs
Bingle, Gwen; Under the Sign of the Body: Technology, Commodification and Embodied Consciousness in Late 20th Century Germany
Schmid, Sebastian Christoph; Untersuchung des Kupfertransporters ATP7B auf Chromosomen- und Genebene in Hinblick auf primäre Chemotherapieresistenz bei Therapie mit platinhaltiger Chemotherapie.
Ziegler, Georg; Efficiency and Pricing in Combinatorial Auctions and the Impact of Side Constraints
Rohrmeier, Patrick; Social Networks and Online Communities
Jantsch, Andreas; Studies for a Top Quark Mass Measurement and Development of a Jet Energy Calibration with the ATLAS Detector
Lipowski, Katrin; Lehrerprofessionalisierung in einer europäisch vergleichenden Perspektive: Ausgangsbedingungen und Erwartungen für die Zukunft aus Expertensicht
Keilhacker, Simone K.E.; Inkrementeller prognostischer Wert der invasiven Koronarangiographie im Vergleich mit klinischen Risikoprädiktoren bei Patienten mit Verdacht auf koronare Herzerkrankung
Schwarz, Loren Arthur; Machine Learning for Human Motion Analysis and Gesture Recognition
Castaneda Zeman, Victor Antonio; Constructive interference for Multi-view Time-of-Flight acquisition
Anosova, Irina; NMR Investigation of Protein-RNA Interactions Involved in Ribosomal Gene Silencing
Homm, Florian; Fahrzeugeigenlokalisation im Kontext hochautomatisierter Fahrfunktionen
Peng, Baoxiang; Transformation of triglycerides and fatty acids into biofuels with sulfur-free catalysts
Heinrich, Martin; Untersuchungen zum hochdruckausgelösten Zerfall der Caseinmizelle
Stölken, Michael; Verfahren zur Klassifikation von Partikeln in elektronenmikroskopischen Tomogrammen
Skornia, Christine; The Function of the Arabidopsis Receptor-Like Kinase SRF4 in Growth Regulation
Hellings, C.;Damak, N.;Utschick, W.; Energy-Efficient Zero-Forcing with User Selection in Parallel Vector Broadcast Channels
Meier-Koll, Andreas; Neutronenkleinwinkelstreuung und Brillouinspektroskopie an thermoresponsiven Hydrogelen
Pioch, Christian; Measurement and Simulation of the Radiation Environment in the Lower Atmosphere for Dose Assessment
Bullinger, Ruben; In vitro Imaging neokortikaler Pyramidenneuronen nach patch-clamp gestützter Beladung mit Quantum Dots
Li, Yongle; Association analysis of frost tolerance in rye (Secale cereale L.) using candidate gene polymorphisms and phenotypic data from controlled, semi-controlled, and field phenotyping platforms
Kirschner, Rafael Johannes; Methodische Offene Produktentwicklung
Demler, Martin; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur autotrophen Herstellung von Acetat mit Acetobacterium woodii
Beck, Margit; Fundamental Studies on Sodium Reduction in Processing Cereal-Based Foods
Schwaiger, Benedikt; T2-Relaxationszeit-Analyse des Kniegelenkknorpels als Frühmarker für Knorpeldegeneration und Arthrose: Veränderungen der T2-Werte über 24 Monate bei Individuen mit und ohne Risikofaktoren für Kniegelenksarthrose im Zusammenhang mit morphologischen Läsionen im Kniegelenk
Betz, Martina; Einfluss von Glatirameracetat auf die zelluläre Funktion von B-Lymphozyten
Rathscheck, Amélie Jeanne Elisabeth; Aufsättigungstherapie der exsudativen altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration mit Ranibizumab - klinische und morphologische Effekte
Zhang, Ziyang; The Use of Cell-based Approaches for Inducing Therapeutic Vascularization
Busch, Vinzenz Erik Sebastian; The Pico- to Nanosecond Dynamics of Phospholipid Molecules
Gerngroß, Carlos; Langzeit-Follow-up der endoskopischen und/oder perkutan transhepatischen Therapie bei Patienten mit Gallengangsstenose nach orthotoper Lebertransplantation
Lebschi, Julia; Evaluierung des PET-Hypoxietracers [18F]Fluoroazomycin-Arabinosid [18F]FAZA) im Hinblick auf das Therapieansprechen von EMT6-Tumoren am Mausmodell
Swobodnik, Alexandra; Objektive Brustsymmetrieevaluation mit dreidimensionaler Körperoberflächenerfassung und Erstellung eines Symmetriemaßes zur genauen Quantifizierung
Wex, Claudia Maria; Modulation of apoptosis by SARS-CoV nucleocapsid- and 7a protein
Koller, Ines; Spatial pricing and competition: A theoretical and empirical analysis of the German raw milk market
Lemke, Holger; Elektromyographische Untersuchung zum "Belly off Zeichen" in der klinischen Diagnostik bei kombinierten Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen
Opitz, Anke; Echokardiographische und klinische Ergebnisse nach Katheter gestützter Aortenklappenimplantation: Beobachtung von 486 Patienten über drei Jahre
Ott, Michael; Multimaterialverarbeitung bei der additiven strahl- und pulverbettbasierten Fertigung
Yoshihara, L.;Comerford, A.;Bauer, G.;Kloeppel, T.;Vuong, A.-T.;Wall, W.A.; Computational modeling of transport phenomena in biomechanics
Serafimova-Jordan, Eleonora; Abciximab bei Patienten mit akutem Myokardinfarkt nach Vorbehandlung mit einer hohen Sättigungsdosis Clopidogrel: Ein-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, doppelblinden, placebo-kontrollierten Studie (BRAVE - 3)
Chouard, Florian Raoul; Device Aging in Analog Circuits for Nanoelectronic CMOS Technologies
Schönegge, Anne-Marie; Structure of Human Tripeptidyl Peptidase II determined by a Hybrid Approach
Gründinger, A.;Joham, M.;Utschick, W.; Feasibility Test and Globally Optimal Beamformer Design in the Satellite Downlink Based on Instantaneous and Ergodic Rates
Adigbli, Francis; Biomineralization of silicon dioxide on protein templates - Entrapment of proteins in silica particles
Wadepuhl, Markus; Simulations of the formation of a Milky Way like galaxy
Mucha, Andreas; CMOS Integrated Impedance Sensor Arrays for Cell Adhesion Measurement
Ettl, Rasmus Michael; Organo-Asche-Presslinge als zukunftsorientiertes Düngemittel – Produktionsoptimierung, ernährungskundliches Potenzial und Machbarkeitsstudie
Geiselbrecht, Fabian Klaus; Einfluss der postoperativen Sexualität und erektilen Funktion auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von präoperativ potenten Männern nach radikaler Prostatektomie
Sterner, Anne; Tranexamsäure versus ε -Aminocapronsäure bei kinderherzchirurgischen Eingriffen
Passenberg, Benjamin; Theory and Algorithms for Indirect Methods in Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems
Martínez Prado, Jorge Horacio; Development of a high-performance-6-DoF biomechanical joint analysis system based on an industrial robot
Peter, Maximilian; Mechanistic modeling of reaction kinetics and dynamic changes in catalyst morphology on a mesoscopic scale
Spleiß, Christoph; Eine Internet-Architektur mit Trennung von Locator und Identifier
Heinz, Paul; Silicon Containing Mesogen Building Blocks
Tiwari, Ashish; Enantio-recognition of Oxoanions by Chiral Bicyclic Guanidinium Hosts
Wojciak, Johannes; Quantitative Analysis of Vehicle Aerodynamics during Crosswind Gusts
Monz, Alexander; Tragfähigkeit und Wirkungsgrad von Schneckengetrieben bei Schmierung mit konsistenten Getriebefetten
Fröbel, Tobias; Instationäre Strömungsvorgänge im Bereich von Randkavitäten mehrstufiger Hochdruckverdichter
Heuvels, Per; Ergebnisse der Implantation torischer, phaker Hinterkammerlinsen in das linsenhaltige Auge (STAAR® Toric Implantable Collamer Lens) und deren Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität
Zia, Waqar; Resource Constrained Video Coding Systems
Knoke, T.; Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Ernährung: Klimafreundliche Landbewirtschaftung und Nahrungssicherheit?
Bompadre, A.;Perotti, L.E.;Cyron, C.J.;Ortiz, M.; Convergent meshfree approximation schemes of arbitrary order and smoothness
Heiseke, Alexander Frank; The role of CCL17 in murine experimental colitis
Oefele, Florian; Remote-Laserstrahlschweißen mit brillanten Laserstrahlquellen
Meier, C.;Popp, A.;Cyron, C.J.;Müller, K.;W.A., Wall; A beam-to-beam contact formulation adapted to highly slender structures and its application to biopolymer networks
Nagler, A.;Gee, M.;Wall, W.A.;Klug, W.;Ortiz, M.; Advanced cardiac mechanics emulator (ACME)-simulating the beating heart
Müller, K.W.;Cyron, C.J.;Meier, C.;Bausch, A.R.and Wall W.A.; A computational approach for the stochastic analysis of crosslinked biopolymer networks
Theissen, Pascal; Unsteady Vehicle Aerodynamics in Gusty Crosswind
Neumann, Sindy; Structure-function relationships in membrane protein families
Richter, Nadine; Eine neuartige Fluoreszenzmethode zur Bestimmung von Glutathion in Lunge und Bronchialepithel der Styrol-exponierten Maus – Bedeutung des Glutathionstatus für die Zellproliferation
Titze, Jean; Theoretische und praktische Aspekte bei der Anwendung der Ladungstitrationsmethode zur schnelleren Vorhersagbarkeit der kolloidalen Stabilität untergäriger Biere
Đurković, Marko; Localization, Tracking, and Separation of Sound Sources for Cognitive Robots
Fraedrich, Roland; Interactive Visualization Techniques for Large-Scale Particle Simulations
Kreppenhofer, Stefanie; Studien zur Struktur, Bildung und sensorischen Aktivität von Polyphenol-Thermolyseprodukten: Ein Beitrag zur Identifizierung unbekannter Bitterstoffe in Röstkaffee
Suen, Chun Hui; Runtime integrity framework based on trusted computing
Meier, Robert; Novel Structuring Routines for Organic Photovoltaics
Yeo, Angela; Charakteristika fetaler und maternaler Signale in der CTG-Aufzeichnung
Pietschmann, Elke; Die Rolle von Cks1 in der murinen Hämatopoese
Kammerl, Julius; Perceptual Haptic Data Communication for Telepresence and Teleaction
Tekouo Moutchiho, William Brice; A New Programming Approach for Robot-based Flexible Inspection Systems
Brehs, Manuel; Synthese und Charakterisierung eines synthetischen Antikörpers
Abdellah, Alaa; Scalable Thin-Film Manufacturing Technologies for Organic Electronics
Nair, Suraj; Visual Tracking of Multiple Humans with Machine Learning based Robustness Enhancement applied to Real-World Robotic Systems
Schwarz, Cem; Trübungsstabilität von Weizenbier
Hörnig, Gabriele; Untersuchungen zur Aerosolabscheidung in AGR-Wärmetauschern
Steinberger, Georg; Methodische Untersuchungen zur Integration automatisch erfasster Prozessdaten von mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen in ein Informationsmanagementsystem „Precision Farming“
Gabriel, Pia; Steller’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) Behavioural Syndromes
Jung, Christian Billy; Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem-Cell Models of Cardiac Disease
Dawid, Corinna; Strukturaufklärung und psychophysikalische Studien zu sensorisch aktiven Naturstoffen in Spargel (Asparagus officinalis L.) und Pfeffer (Piper nigrum L.)
Weber, Florian; Stochastic valuation of energy investments
Köstner, Katharina; Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur Regulation des kardinalen Kalziumkanals Cav1.2 über den Ca2+/CaM/CaMKII-Signalweg
Hirschberg, Verena; Analysis of uncoupling protein 1 and CideA function in two mammalian cell lines
Lorenz, Dominik; Aging Analysis of Digital Integrated Circuits
Hammerle-Fickinger, Andréa; Differential gene expression during pre-implantation pregnancy in bos taurus
Minin, Alexey; Modeling of Dynamical Systems with Complex Valued Recurrent Neural Networks
Jain, Dominik; Probabilistic Cognition for Technical Systems
Seidl, Bettina Angelika; Expression von Toll-like-Rezeptoren auf B-Lymphozyten in Abhängigkeit vom Immunglobulin-Klassenswitch
Papaioannou, Iason; Non-intrusive finite element reliability analysis methods
Sieper, Tina; Der Einfluss von N-Acyl-Homoserinlactonen in der Rhizosphäre von Hordeum vulgare L. - Aufnahme, Transport und pflanzliche Stressantworten
Kowalska, Kaja; Biochemical and biophysical characterization of CD44 and its binding partner, hyaluronic acid and structural investigations of the ubiquitin-like protein 5
Wolf, Siglinde Guillermina Morelia; Targeting the p53-MDM2 and p53-MDMX interaction as a therapeutic strategy for anticancer treatment
Esmaeili Sereshki, Leila; Modelling diffusion controlled reactions in living cells
Czabke, Axel; VITA - Ein neuer verhaltensintegrierter telemedizinischer Ansatz
Fusaro, Massimiliano; Angiographic and clinical efficacy of Paclitaxel-coated versus Uncoated-Balloon angioplasty for femoro-popliteal revascularization.
Lempe, Bernhard Volker; Die geologischen Verhältnisse auf der GK25 Blatt Nr. 8027 Memmingen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verwitterungserscheinungen in pleistozänen Schmelzwasserschottern und deren Einfluss auf ihre bautechnischen Eigenschaften. Entwicklung einer Verwitterungsklassifizierung
Käck, Stefanie Maria; Einfluss der Kombination von Coffein und Bestrahlung auf das Zellüberleben humaner HNO-Tumorzelllinien am Beispiel XF354 und SAS
Wysekal, Claudia; Verzehrsstudie zur Folsäureanreicherung bei Rohwurst
Sonner, Stefanie; Systems of Quasi-Linear PDEs Arising in the Modelling of Biofilms and Related Dynamical Questions
Wang, Xi; Detection and evolutionary analysis of functional conserved non-coding sequences in higher plants by integrating evolutionary and functional conservation
Safi, Asad Ali; Towards Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Pigmented Skin Lesions
Grünz, Gregor; Structure-activity relationship of selected flavonoids on aging and stress-resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans
Brüninghaus, Alissa Violetta; Therapieergebnisse nach chirurgischer Resektion intrakranieller Meningeome - ein retrospektiver Vergleich zwischen jungen und alten Patienten unter Anwendung spezifischer Skalen (CRGS, SKALE-Skala)
Hrabetz, Heidi Anna Maria; Therapie der Zyanidvergiftung - Welches Antidot wann?
Montag, Dominik; Untersuchung des Einflusses von Oberflächeneigenschaften verschiedener Kunststoffe auf die Besiedlung durch und die Umsatzleistung von PSEUDOMONAS PUTIDA MT2
Hoisl, Frank; Visual, Interactive 3D Spatial Grammars in CAD for Computational Design Synthesis
Schüll, Florian; Einfluss spezifischer Eigenschaften der Stärke auf den Brauprozess
Lehnerer, Sophie; Hsp70-Membranexpression auf Sarkomen - eine tumorspezifische Zielstruktur
Hanka, Oliver; Locator/Identifier Split Based Internet Architecture With Integrated Security & Privacy
Altmann, Philipp; Methyltrioxorhenium Catalyzed Oxidations
Hutter, Aurelia Naima; Functional Polymer Brushes on Diamond Electrodes for Amperometric Biosensor Applications
Doll, Viktoria Magdalena; Analysis of Bacillus cereus virulence factors in vitro and in vivo
Harschneck, Tobias; Entwicklung neuer stereo- und chemoselektiver Methoden zur Synthese von polyketiden Verbindungen, Heterozyklen und Aziden
Friebe, Julia; Evaluation und Langzeitverlauf des operativen Ergebnisses von Patienten mit Fallot'scher Tetralogie und Pulmonalatresie mit Ventrikelseptumdefekt nach Korrekturoperation im Erwachsenenalter
Kötke, Henning; Entwicklung von Mikrosieb-Applikationen in der Getränke-Filtrationstechnologie
Gonzalez Vasconcellos, Iria; Loss of the caretaker function of the Rb1 tumour suppressor gene triggers radiation-induced cancer
Putzien, Sophie; Functionalized Hybrid Silicones - Catalysis, Synthesis and Application
Mohr, Felix; Wirkung von Erythropoetin auf zirkulierende Progenitorzellen im akuten Myokardinfarkt – Substudie der REVIVAL-3 Studie
Hiltner, Oliver; Faciale Rhenium(I)-NHC-carbonyl-Komplexe als potentielle Ausgangsverbindungen für Radiopharmaka
Syska, Hitrisia; Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Applications of Water-Soluble Carbene Complexes for the Hydrogenation of Acetophenone
Ostertag, Maya Katharina; Functional analysis of membrane trafficking proteins in the interaction of barley with the barley powdery mildew fungus
Barnsteiner, Andreas; Analytik von Fettsäureestern pflanzlicher Sterole/Stanole in angereicherten Lebensmitteln
Gründinger, A.;Joham, M.;Utschick, W.; Bounds on Optimal Power Minimization and Rate Balancing in the Satellite Downlink
Lahmann, Wolfgang; Systemic Risk, Systemic Importance and Banking Sector Risk Contagion Dependencies
Brieu, Nicolas; Image-based Characterization of Thrombus Formation in Time-lapse DIC Microscopy
Ertelt, Christoph; Generative Design-to-Fabrication Automation using Spatial Grammars and Heuristic Search
Thämer, Martin; Linear and Nonlinear Surface Spectroscopy of Supported Size Selected Metal Clusters and Organic Adsorbates
Niazmand, Khalil; Medizinische Bewegungserkennung durch Beschleunigungsmessung
Trinchera, Oliver; Large Blockholders, Shareholder Protection and Taxes: Their Impact on Firm Performance and Payout Policy
Kuhn, Peer-Hendrik; α- and β-secretase in Alzheimer's disease: Identity and physiological substrates
Griess, Verena C.; Zur Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit der Fichte in Mischbeständen: Ansätze zur Verbesserung der bioökonomischen Modellierung von Waldbeständen
Cornet, Henriette; Sustainability screening tool for decision-making assistance in the field of urban mobility
Neidinger, Sara; Entwicklung eines Prüfverfahrens zur Bewertung von gesteinstechnischen Eigenschaften im Rahmen der Werkseigenen Produktionskontrolle
Rieger, Martin; Entwicklung von Anreicherungs- und Detektionsmethoden umweltrelevanter Analyten (Viren in Trinkwasser;adsorbiertes Benzo[a]pyren)
Bian, Hang; Colloidal behavior of casein biopolymer in alkaline solution and its application in self-levelling underlayments (SLUs)
Klenk, Andreas; Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiation for Agreement Discovery and Formation
Stadler, Martin; Design of Composite Slab Systems in Case of Fire Using Simplified Finite Element Analyses
Kiefer, Michael; Improving the Light Channel of the CRESST-II-Dark Matter Detectors
Grupp, Christina Stephanie; ITAM-gekoppelte NK-Zell Rezeptoren aktivieren über den Carma1/Bcl10/Malt1 Komplex NF-κB und MAP-Kinasen zur Produktion von Zytokinen
Beck, Johannes Gerhard; Structural Studies of N-methylated Cyclopeptides and of the Small Heat Shock Protein Hsp26 from S. cerevisiae
Duma, Marciana-Nona; The impact of image guided radiotherapy in head and neck cancers:soft tissue changes, dosimetric consequences and adaptive radiotherapy
Lumme, Christina; Einzelmolekül-Fluoreszenzmessungen an der Proteintranslokase Toc34
Reich, Dirk-Michael; Wissen, wann sich Wiederverwendung lohnt: e-FACTS, ein Modell zur einfachen ökonomischen Bewertung von Software-Produktlinien in der Automobilindustrie
Naujoks, Marcel Bruno; Restructuring Strategies and Post-Bankruptcy Performance
Lerche, Kristin; Dissecting the role of CRH and CRH-R1 in Alzheimer´s disease
Chiquito Lama, Yug Len; Akute Colchicinintoxikation: Eine restrospektive Studie
Priem, Katja; Bewohnerorientierte Pflegequalität in der ambulanten und stationären Altenhilfe
Gemmler, Katrin; Two complementary approaches to right-handed currents
Grismayer, Bettina; Characterization of breast cancer cell lines overexpressing the urokinase receptor splice variant uPAR-del4/5 or the GTP binding protein rab31
Steinke, Burkhard; First study of fast variability in Markarian 421 with the MAGIC stereoscopic system
Höfelmann, Daniela; Mögliche Interaktionen des endocannabinoiden Systems mit dem 5-HT3-Rezeptor in der Amygdala: Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung für die Modulation der GABAergen synaptischen Transmission und Furchtkonditionierung
Li, Qiang; In Vitro Toxicokinetics of Ethylene and Ethylene Oxide in Mice, Rats, and Humans
Huber, Robert; Dynamics of Variable Valve Trains and Extrapolation Methods for Time-Stepping Schemes
Hipp, Mauricio; Entwicklung von therapeutischen Ansätzen gegen die SARS-Coronavirus Infektion
Klar, Jan-Ulrich; Aerodynamik von Wirbelschleppen bei hochmanövrierfähigen Flugzeugen
Brüning, Stefanie; Strömungssimulation als Werkzeug zur Bioreaktorcharakterisierung
Schild, Carolin Michela; Der Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3K) Signalweg kontrolliert das E2F1 Gen im Pankreaskarzinom
Liedl, Katharina; Verlaufsuntersuchung bei Patienten mit subjektiven, fremdanamnestisch bestätigten Gedächtnisstörungen (Pre-MCI)
Kunze, Christian; Simulation und Bewertung zukünftiger IGCC-Kraftwerkskonzepte mit CO2-Abtrennung
Schörner, Karsten; Development of Methods for Scatter Artifact Correction in Industrial X-ray Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Frank, Felix; Trends in the Behavioral Sources of Customer Profitability and the Role of Flat-Rate Pricing
Zhixiang, Wu; Quantitative chemical proteomics for cancer characterization
Gerster, Daniel Friedrich; Light-induced electron motion in nanojunctions
Hüttenbrink, Alexander; The Role of the Institutional Environment in Executive Compensation
Blanchette, Jasmin Christian; Automatic Proofs and Refutations for Higher-Order Logic
Nauerth, Magdalena; Development of a novel TCR avidity assay for human CD8+ T cells
Bischoff, Meike; Phänotypische und genotypische Resistenz gegen quartäre Ammoniumverbindungen bei antibiotikaresistenten und -sensiblen Enterococcus-Isolaten
Mohr, Benedikt; Methodik für den modellbasierten Vorentwurf von Flugzeugsystemen
Lüling, Hannes; Auditory Information Processing
Klein, Markus; Zur Fresstragfähigkeit von Kegelrad- und Hypoidgetrieben
Riedlberger, Peter; Miniaturisierte Rührreaktoren zur enzymatischen Hydrolyse von suspendierten Pflanzenmaterialien
Glau, K.; A classification of Lévy processes via their symbols and its application to Finance
Anselment, Bernd Rainer Kurt; Optimization and Modeling of Protein Refolding Conditions
Lindenstrauß, Angela; Distribution of virulence factors in Enterococcus faecalis and its adaption to conditions in the intestinal tract
Schindler, Christoph; Quantum spin transport in semiconductor nanostructures
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Horch, Clemens; Diepold, Klaus; QualityCrowd - A Framework for Crowd-based Quality Evaluation
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Horch, Clemens; Diepold, Klaus; Video Quality Evaluation in the Cloud
Wu, Chin-Yi; Verbesserung der Lebenssituation für die Ureinwohner Taiwans durch eine sozialverträgliche Landentwicklung und Bodenordnung - gestützt auf Planungs- und Umsetzungsmethoden aus Deutschland
Bögle, Michael; Speciation in charophytes - a multidimensional approach
Buchinger, Helene; Arztgestalten in Goethes "Faust"
Mueller, K.M.;Meier, C.;Cyron, C. J.;Bausch, A. R.;Wall, W.A.; Computational approach to the simulation of the viscoelastic behaviour of the cytoskeleton using finite beam elements
Brocco, Michele; A Meta Model for Team Recommendations in Open Innovation Networks
Schade, Karin; Analyse der Mikrozirkulation der Retina bei chronisch niereninsuffizienten Patienten
Eckstein, Karin; Bewertung der Umweltwirkung von Agrarumweltmaßnahmen - dargestellt am Beispiel des Bayerischen Kulturlandschaftsprogramms
Straub, Sina; Transfer Operators in the Context of Orthogonal Polynomials
Mattusch, Corinna; Der Einfluss des Inhalationsanästhetikums Xenon auf die neuronale Aktivität im hippocampalen und thalamokortikalen Schnittpräparat
Peschel, Georg; Chlamydophila pneumoniae beeinflusst die Oberflächenexpression von MHC Klasse II durch Zelltyp-spezifische Mechanismen
Ruhstorfer, Markus; Rührreibschweißen von Rohren
Wang, Lejing; Novel techniques for integrating video augmented X-ray imaging into orthopedic and trauma surgery
Kellner, Imke Nora; Materialsysteme für das pulverbettbasierte 3D-Drucken
Weis, Corina; Molecular analysis of the function of BAX INHIBITOR-1 (BI-1), BI-1-interacting, and BI-1-like proteins in plant response to biotic and abiotic stress
Lee, Horan; Kapital – Weiterbildung – Arbeit
Daub, Rüdiger; Erhöhung der Nahttiefe beim Laserstrahl-Wärmeleitungsschweißen von Stählen
Tannert, T.; Dietsch, P.; Bertolini Cestari, C.; Kasal, B.; COST Action FP1101 "Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures".
Manook, André; Preclinical PET as Translational Tool for Imaging Alzheimer's Disease
Festring, Daniel; Geschmacksstoffe und Geschmacksmodulatoren in Hefeextrakten und Studien zur Maillard-Reaktion von Guanosin-5’-monophosphat
Rösch, Christoph G.; Market Liquidity
Roche, Thomas; Rate independent evolution processes on functions of bounded variation
Ismail, M.;Gravemeier, V., Comerford, A., W. A. Wall; Neumann Boundary Conditions in Coupled 3D-0D Biofluid Networks
Ismail, M.;Gravemeier, V., Comerford, A., W. A. Wall; A computational method coupling 3D and reduce-D models based on Neumann boundary conditions for biomechanical problems
Hammerl, G.;Danowski, C.;Grilli, M.;Adams, N.A.;Wall, W.A.,; A thermo-fluid-structure interaction approach based on an immersed interface method and on a monolithic thermo-structure interaction approach
Durkovic, Marina; Immunodeficient pigs for biomedical research
Marinkovic, Petar; Axonal Transport in Animal models of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
von Bredow, Max; Methode zur Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und des Risikos unternehmensübergreifender Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen in der Automobilindustrie
Wünsch, Tilo; Colonic expression of the intestinal peptide transporter PEPT1 is not associated with inflammatory bowel diseases in humans and mouse models
Weiler, Mathias; Magnon-phonon interactions in ferromagnetic thin films
Schmidl, Daniel; Bayesian model inference in dynamic biological systems using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
Landwehr, Ananda Demian Patrick; Higher-Order Predictions for Supersymmetric Particle Decays
Krenner, Wolfgang Benedikt; Supramolecular Templates
Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang; Finanzierung von Sozialunternehmen
Schwarz, Tobias Johannes; Examining new interactors of Notch/RBPJκ signalling in adult neural stem cells
Grinninger, Jürgen; Schlanke Produktionssteuerung zur Stabilisierung von Auftragsfolgen in der Automobilproduktion
Grüner, Barbara Maria; Molecular and proteomic analysis of signaling pathways in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using genetically engineered mouse models
Hampel, Thomas; Stereoselektive C,C-Kupplungsreaktionen zur Totalsynthese des HSP90 Inhibitors Geldanamycin
Fürst, Rainer Werner; Epigenetic effects of endogenous and exogenous estradiol-17β on male pig development
Lochmann, Magdalena; Genetische Niedrigrisikovarianten beim familiären Mammakarzinom
Eckl, Maria Florentine; Retrospektive Analyse der Nierenbiopsien des Klinikums rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München der Jahre 2004-2009: Indikationen, Verteilung der histologischen Diagnosen und Komplikationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Patienten ab 65 Jahren
Lotz, Marc Javier; Erhöhung der Fertigungsgenauigkeit beim Schwungrad-Reibschweißen durch modellbasierte Regelungsverfahren
Bauer, Tobias; The Bacillus cereus toxin cereulide: Quantification and its biological actions
Lamparter, Marina Carina; Enterococcus faecalis in the gut: Dissipation, destination and interaction with pathogens
Schöberl, Stefanie; Verbraucherverhalten bei Bio-Lebensmitteln: Analyse des Zusammenhangs zwischen Einstellungen, Moralischen Normen, Verhaltensabsichten und tatsächlichem Kaufverhalten
Pichlmaier, Benno; Traktionsmanagement für Traktoren
Pott, Susanne Barbara; Langzeitergebnisse in der Lebensqualität nach Operation des Adenofrühkarzinoms des distalen Ösophagus
Hennauer, Marcus; Entwicklungsbegleitende Prognose der mechatronischen Eigenschaften von Werkzeugmaschinen
Mücke, Thomas; Evaluation der Indocyanin-Grün Videoangiographie zur Validierung der Anwendung auf mikrovaskuläre Prozeduren im Rattenmodell
Dangel, Alexandra; Mode of Action of de novo designed Antimicrobial Peptides against Human and Plant Pathogens
Bartha, Bernadett; Uptake and metabolism of human pharmaceuticals in plants
Unger, Andreas; Serientaugliche quadratisch optimale Regelung für semiaktive Pkw-Fahrwerke
Herrnberger, Michael; Robuste nichtlineare Regelung mittels geschwindigkeitsbasierter Linearisierung für eine aktive Radaufhängung
Mühlfriedel, Bernd; Investments in Fallen Angel Stocks
Pais, Ramona; Role of adipokines in the regulation of intestinal GLP-1 secretion
Reiterer, Alexander; Wagner, Andreas; System Considerations of an Image Assisted Total Station - Evaluation and Assessment
Schwindl, Karl; Zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten von gelenkigen Sekundärträgeranschlüssen mit langen Fahnenblechen im Verbundbau
Wagner, Andreas; Reiterer, Alexander; Wasmeier, Peter; Rieke-Zapp, Dirk; Wunderlich, Thomas; Vision-Based Geo-Monitoring – A New Approach For An Automated System
Waibel, Matthias; Aktive Zusatzsysteme zur Schwingungsreduktion an Werkzeugmaschinen
Zeilinger, Tobias; Laserbasierte Bauteillagebestimmung bei der Montage optischer Mikrokomponenten
Lagleder, Stephan; Biochemical and NMR spectroscopic investigations on the Hsp90 chaperone system
Chen, Hu; Wyner-Ziv Bayer-pattern video coding
Pehl, Christian Michael; Discrete Sizing of Analog Integrated Circuits
Meister, Silke; Dienstgüte für vermaschte drahtlose Netze
Pikart, Philip; Advances in Coincident Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy: Element Selective Studies on Metallic Nanolayers with Monoenergetic Positrons
Sehnke, Frank; Parameter Exploring Policy Gradients and their Implications
Engstler, Florian; Perzentilierung maximaler Gelenkmomente des Menschen
Haug, Stephanie; Die Bedeutung der c-Myc – Skp2/Cks1 – p27Kip1- Signaltransduktionskaskade für die Prognose von diffus großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen
Wirth, Michael Andreas; Schleppmomente in Synchronisierungen von Fahrzeuggetrieben
Ruderer, Matthias A.; Morphology of polymer-based films for organic photovoltaics
Nörder, Anike; Diastereoselektive C-H Aminierungen benzylischer Methylengruppen
Wilcke, David; Stereoselektive SN1-Reaktionen über benzylische Carbokationen
Cillien, Melanie; Sexuelle Störungen und frühe sexuelle und nicht-sexuelle Traumatisierung bei Männern und Frauen mit komplexer posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung
Geiger, Pamina Xenia Charlotte; Einfluss des Metastasierungssuppressors KAI1 (CD 82) auf das Integrin αvβ3-vermittelte Migrations- und spreading-Verhalten humaner Ovarialkarzinomzellen
Jochner, Susanne; Environmental responses of phenology and allergenic pollen to recent climate change and urbanisation
Stegmaier, Saskia; Clusters and Networks of Tetrel Elements and Late d Block Metals in Ternary Intermetallic Phases with Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals
Benk, Janos; Immersed Boundary Methods within a PDE Toolbox on Distributed Memory Systems
Bubel, Esther Sieglinde; Konfliktbewältigungsstrategien bei Patienten mit somatoformen Störungen
Prestel, Wolfgang; Study of the Interaction Processes in Cuprate Superconductors by a Quantitative Comparison of Spectroscopic Experiments
Schön, Patric; Mutationsanalyse des INV-Gens (inv=inversion of embryonic turning) bei Patienten mit Lateralisationsdefekten (Situs anomalien)
Bitsch, Florian; Infrastructure Funds
Ostgathe, Martin; System zur produktbasierten Steuerung von Abläufen in der auftragsbezogenen Fertigung und Montage
Krenek, Kristin; Modellordnungsreduktion großer Systeme unter rotordynamischem Einfluss
Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Diepold, K.; Cartoon-like image reconstruction via constrained $\ell_p$-minimization
Müller, Jakob; Secondary plant metabolites and gut health: functional studies on porcine small intestine in vitro models
Danowski, Katrin; Modification of immune defense parameters in the mammary gland and of the estrous cycle by induced energy deficiency in dairy cows
Merkle, Christian; Beiträge zu einem teilautomatisierten Netzmanagement für breitbandige Transportnetze
Kaemmerer, Mathias; Empfängnisverhütung und Sexualberatung bei Frauen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern
Kammel, Andreas; Analysis of zonal flow bifurcations in 3D drift wave turbulence simulations
Bruckmeier, Christian; Bimetallische Wechselwirkungen in der photokatalytischen Reduktion von CO2
Münch, Philipp Alexander; Die globale Finanzkrise als Kumulation von Dilemmastrukturen
Gottfried, Tom; Assessing spatial variability of floodplain soil thickness with auxiliary high-resolution data and geostatistical modelling
Nötzel, Janis; Quantum communication under channel uncertainty
Wu, Haiyan; Aspects of High-Speed Visual Servo Control
Knoth, Christoph; Accurate Waveform-based Timing Analysis with Systematic Current Source Models
Kesper, Heiner; Gestaltung von Produktvariantenspektren mittels matrixbasierter Methoden
Forcisi, Sara; Chromatography and mass spectrometry-based non- targeted metabolomics forType2 Diabetes studies
Madinger, Christof; Einfluss von Prozesstechnologie und Extraktionsverfahren auf wichtige Aromastoffe in Röstkaffee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bildung und Stabilität von 2-Furanmethanthiol
Sebastian Sethe, Martin Hildebrandt; Caught in the Gap: ATMP Manufacture in Academia
Becker-Freyseng, Christoph; Nichtstationäres Rauschen im Zell-Transistor-Kontakt durch quantisierte Ionenströme
Hellings, C.;Kiefer, P.;Utschick, W.; Rate Prediction and Receding Horizon Power Minimization in Block-Fading Broadcast Channels
Göttl, Franziska; Kombination geodätischer Raumbeobachtungen zur Bestimmung von geophysikalischen Anregungsmechanismen der Polbewegung
R.F. Wyrembelski, T.J. Oechtering, H. Boche, M. Skoglund; Robust Transmit Strategies for Multiantenna Bidirectional Broadcast Channels
Just, Oliver; Multidimensional, Two-Moment Multi-Group Neutrino Transport and its Application to Black-Hole Accretion Tori as Remnants of Neutron-Star Mergers
Hiller, Julia; Differential regulation of T cell responses by pathogenic and apathogenic microorganisms
Ziriakus, Jennifer; Ruthenium katalysierte Umvinylierung
Gallastegui de la Rosa, Nerea; Characterisation and optimisation of 20S proteasome inhibitors
Klein, Tassilo Johannes; Statistical Image Processing of Medical Ultrasound Radio Frequency Data
Wagner, Stefan; Dietary factors in the modulation of Crohn's disease-like ielitis
Grahovac, Milica; Modeling and Optimization of Energy Generation and Storage Systems for Thermal Conditioning of Buildings Targeting Conceptual Building Design
Seedig, Eva; Aspects of immunoglobulin biosynthesis
Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, Franco; Modeling delayed detonations of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs
Nepper, Patrick; Continuous, seamless integration of users into the software design of interactive systems
Braun, Frank Hermann; Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Zellulose als Filterhilfsmittel in der Bierfiltration
Bärend, Danae; Protein renaturation with the help of a genetic algorithm
Schneider, Simon Gregor; Mechanische und thermische Beanspruchungen in Großdieselmotoren bei extrem hohen Mitteldrücken
Tribl, Christoph; Spatial competition of food processors in pure and mixed markets under uniform delivered pricing
Hrabe, Thomas; Entwicklung rechnergestützter Methoden für die Strukturanalyse von Makromolekülen durch die Kryoelektronentomographie
Span, Ingrid; Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung des Eisen-Schwefel-Proteins IspH in Komplex mit Liganden
Ugliano, Marcella; Explosion and Remnant Systematics of Core-Collapse Supernovae in one Dimension
Bigdelou, Ali; Operating Room Specific Domain Model for Usability Evaluations and HCI Design
Sepe, Alessandro; Structural ordering in block copolymer thin films
Kriehuber, Thomas; Strukturelle Organisation von kleinen Hitzeschockproteinen
Schäfer, Zasie Susanne; Genetic Variation and Functional Analysis of the Cardiomedin Gene
Janczyk, Weronika; Structural basis for the inhibition of cancer significant proteins: Pin1 and MDM2/MDMX and high-throughput approaches for screening for the inhibitors of these proteins
Klöppel, Thomas; A Finite Element Model for the Human Red Blood Cell
Zollner, Barbara Daniela; Die arthroskopisch assistierte Versorgung von Rotatorenmanschettenrupturen
Riesch, Johann; Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines wolframfaserverstärkten Wolfram-Verbundwerkstoffs
Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.; Reliability updating in geotechnical engineering including spatial variability of soil
Köhler, Simone; Dynamics and structure formation in active actin networks
Obermüller, Anton; Modellbasierte Fahrzustandsschätzung zur Ansteuerung einer aktiven Hinterachskinematik
Hebel, Marcus; Änderungsdetektion in urbanen Gebieten durch objektbasierte Analyse und schritthaltenden Vergleich von Multi-Aspekt ALS-Daten
Osters, Oliver Wilhelm; Untersuchungen zur Phasenbildung und der Eigenschaften von Gruppe XV. und XVI. Elementen und Verbindungen –Polyanionen und Netzwerke–
Capriotti, Daniele; Measurement of the Z → τ+τ- production cross section in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV center-of-mass energy with the ATLAS detector
Schütz, Ulrike; Structural and functional studies of the farnesylated peroxisomal membrane protein receptor PEX19
Askevold, Björn Birger; Late Transition Metal Amido Complexes: Electronic Structure and Reactivity
Perterer, Martin; Schadensidentifikation und -bewertung von CFK-Bauteilen mittels phasenmodulierter Thermographie
Paul, Stefan; Entwicklung neuer Legierungskonzepte für höchstfeste TRIP- Stähle mit nicht ferritischer Matrix und reduziertem Siliziumgehalt.
Hoppe, Eicke Tilo; Physikalische Eigenschaften von Polybutadienschmelzen am Polymer-Festkörper-Kontakt und im Volumen
Lehmann, M.; Schares, J.; Reith, C.; Monitoring eines Bergzerreißungsgebietes mittels terrestrischer Radarinterferometrie
Eißler, Tilo; A highly scalable system for genome based computational microbial diagnostics
Lichti, Pia; Identification of metabolic markers for the development of chronic intestinal inflammation
Kawai, Eisuke; Die Ausbildung der Grenze um die Münchner Altstadt
Rothballer, Christoph; Infrastructure Investment Characteristics: Risk, Regulation, and Inflation Hedging
Dünckelmeyer, Matthias; Ursachen des Walzenaufreißens in Warmbreitbandstraßen
Knopf, Elizabeth Achieng; Benefits of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Moringa to Lake Victoria basin, Kenya;towards Sustainable Resource Management
Zhu, Yueqin; Enrichment of routing map and its visualization for multimodal navigation
Mayer, Christoph; Konzept zur vorgemischten Verbrennung wasserstoffhaltiger Brennstoffe in Gasturbinen
Lenz, Peter; Beton-Beton-Verbund
Langhans, Birgit; Prognostischer Wert der kontrastverstärkten Magnetresonanztomographie verglichen mit der Myokardszintigraphie im akuten ST-Hebungsinfarkt
Czado, C., Schepsmeier, U. and Min, A.; Maximum likelihood estimation of mixed C-vines with application to exchange rates
Gutser, Klaus Mathias; Biodiversity and control of Staphylococcus aureus in the dairy chain
Pfaffenhäuser, Melanie; Verwendung von gerichteten und ungerichteten Mutagenese-Methoden zur Untersuchung des Acetyl-CoA Stoffwechsels von Bacillus licheniformis DSM13
Rotter, Michael; 5-Jahres Follow-up Untersuchungen von Gelenkwalzenfrakturen
Rotter, Bernadette; Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach operativer Versorgung von Gelenkwalzenfrakturen - Kollektiv 2004 - 2007
Wolff, Claudia; Proteinanalyse klinisch relevanter Signalmoleküle aus Formalin-fixierten Tumorgeweben
Krauße, Désirée; Einfluss der Redox-Balance auf die Solventogenese in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824.
Seibold, Ulrich; An advanced force feedback tool design for minimally invasive robotic surgery
Brunner, H.H.; Nossek, J.A.; Schaltungstechnik Vorlesungsbegleitende Simulationen mit SPICE
Schneider, Sebastian; Solvation of protein binding sites and optimisation of protein-protein complex prediction
Neubert, Christian; Facilitating Emergent and Adaptive Information Structures in Enterprise 2.0 Platforms
Grünewald, Thomas Georg Philipp; Functional characterization of the protein STEAP1 for the development of specific biomarkers and targeted therapeutics for Ewing tumors
Fuß, Alena; Studie zum Langzeitverlauf umweltbezogener Gesundheitsstörungen
Strehlein, Doris; Fleckige Dunkelverfärbungen an Sichtbetonoberflächen
Schuller, B.;Weninger, F.; Ten Recent Trends in Computational Paralinguistics
Tumasjan, Andranik; Zooming in, zooming out: The role of cognitive foci in organizational and entrepreneurial cognition
Gerdes, L.; Riemensberger, M.; Utschick, W.; Utility Maximization in the Half-Duplex Two-Way MIMO Relay Channel
Kettenring, Tim; Three Essays on Top Management Team Compensation
Krumsiek, Jan; Computational modeling of metabolite dependencies: From metabolomics data to biochemical networks
Lemaignan, Séverin; Grounding the Interaction: Knowledge Management for Interactive Robots
Zasada, Ingo; Peri-urban agriculture and multifunctionality: urban influence, farm adaptation behaviour and development perspectives
Auerswald, K.; Wittmer, M.H.O.M.; Yongfai Bai, Hao Yang, Taube, F.; C4 abundance in an Inner Mongolia grassland system is driven by temperature-moisture interaction, not grazing pressure
Rausch, Sophie; Computational and Experimental Modeling of Lung Parenchyma
Tokarz, Janina; Catabolism of glucocorticoids - novel pathways for stress reduction in zebrafish
Erdle, Klaus; High-throughput phenotyping of biomass, N status and yield development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Kurth, Franz; Efficiency Determination and Synthesis of Complex-Compound Planetary Gear Transmissions
Mezghani, A.; Rouatbi, M.; Nossek, J.A.; An iterative receiver for quantized MIMO systems
Kepka, Michal Jan; Signaltransduktion bei Trockenstress in Arabidopsis thaliana
Bonthuis, Douwe Jan; Aqueous Interfaces: Bridging the Gap between Molecular and Continuum Models
Heumann, Christian; The Effects of Failure and Recovery on Customer Purchase Behavior
Schmoller, Kurt Michael; Kinetics and Mechanics of Non-equilibrium Actin Networks
Gradl, Stephan; Performance-Modellierung und Simulation eines SAP-ERP-Systems
Graß, Andrea; Verschlußoperationen am Muttermund - Maßnahmen zur Schwangerschaftsverlängerung bei hohem Frühgeburtsrisiko
Ludwig, Tobias; Novel effects of n-3 LC-PUFA on adipose tissue and liver in diet-induced obesity in mice
Tejedor, Vincent; Random walks and first-passage properties
Schaber, Katrin; Steinke, Florian; Hamacher, Thomas; Transmission grid extensions for the integration of variable renewable energies in Europe: Who benefits where?
Schaber, Katrin; Steinke, Florian; Mühlich, Pascal; Hamacher, Thomas; Parametric study of variable renewable energy integration in Europe: Advantages and costs of transmission grid extensions
Schardinger, Ingrid; Botzenhart, Florian; Biberacher, Markus; Hamacher, Thomas; Blaschke, Thomas; Integrating spatial models into regional energy system optimisation - focusing on biomass
Gröbmaier, Johann; Ökonomische Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Marktfruchtbau und Bewertung von Anpassungsoptionen am Beispiel von Ernteversicherungen
Jurik, Angela Maria; Genetische Charakterisierung der Rolle von Calciumkanälen für die neuronale Entwicklung und Funktion
Hirsch, Martin Josef; Einfluss von Leichtbauwerkstoffen in schnelllaufenden Stanzwerkzeugen auf das Verschleißverhalten
Meling, Fabian; Methodik für die Rekombination von Anlagentechnik
Schöbel, Alexander; Differences of Zirconocenes and Hafnocenes
Dietmüller, Roland; Hybrid organic-inorganic heterojunctions for photovoltaic applications
Lehenmeier, Maximilian; Synthese zweikerniger Zinkkatalysatoren zur Copolymerisation von Kohlenstoffdioxid und Epoxiden
Ehinger, Claudia Anna; Automatisierte Montage von Faserverbund-Vorformlingen
Town, Jennifer; Functions of the germinal center kinase TNIK in signal transduction of the viral oncoprotein LMP1 and the related CD40 receptor.
Sedlacek, Matous; Sparse Approximate Inverses for Preconditioning, Smoothing, and Regularization
Winkelbauer, Jennifer; Standortvariabilität von Radiocäsium (137Cs) in Waldböden Bayerns unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Humusvariabilität
Pfaffel, Oliver; Eigenvalues of Large Random Matrices with Dependent Entries and Strong Solutions of SDEs
Schütze, Frank Alexander; Systemische proliferative Serumkapazität und Restenose nach humaner koronarer Stentimplantation
Dold, Markus; Metaanalyse doppelblinder, randomisierter, Haloperidol-kontrollierter Studien zur Überprüfung der These der vergleichbaren Wirksamkeit konventioneller Antipsychotika in der Pharmakotherapie der Schizophrenie
Stangl, Harald; SCRIPT: A Framework for Scenario-Driven Prototyping
Degenfeld-Schonburg, Sina; Multipliers for Hypergroups
Hertenberger, Simon; Growth and Properties of In(Ga)As Nanowires on Silicon
Rakitsch, Stefan; Dimensionierung und Auslegung stark geneigter Schneckenförderer
Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Energy-Efficient Rate Balancing in Vector Broadcast Channels with Linear Transceivers
Taxer, Thomas; Finite Element Simulation of Porous Nickel-Base Superalloys on Multiple Length Scales
Müller, Jan; Daily activity, exercise physiology and quality of life in adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease
Aguib, Yasmine; Pharmacological and genetic manipulation of autophagy and its impact on diverse prion infection scenarios
Ju, Xueming; Micromagnetic Simulation of Field-Coupled Devices from Co/Pt Nanomagnets
Neubert, Sebastian; First Amplitude Analysis of Resonant Structures in the 5-Pion Continuum at COMPASS
Fakhrian, Khashayar; Strahlentherapie des follikulären Lymphoms
Schaller, Kerstin; Generierung zytotoxischer T-Zellen gegen das tumorassoziierte Antigen HER3
Lindemann, Florian; Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Shape Optimization with Navier-Stokes Flows
List, Anja; Biochemische und strukturelle Charakterisierung von Proteasen und ihren Liganden
Neubeck, Philipp; A Probabilitistic Theory of Interactive Systems
Muschler, Bernhard; Carrier dynamics of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 as a function of doping
Ritter, Manuel; Novel C-type lectin-mediated signalling mechanisms that activate the NLRP3 inflammasome and IL-1ß production: consequences for TH2 polarized immune responses
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Strong Secrecy in Compound Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages
H. Boche, B. Farrell, M. Ledoux, M. Wiese; Expected Supremum of a Random Linear Combination of Shifted Kernels
M. Wiese, H. Boche; An Achievable Region for the Wiretap Multiple-Access Channel with Common Message
Hasler, Rafael Johannes; Immunphänotypisierung von allogener und autofetaler Amnionmembran
Gusrialdi, Azwirman; Performance-Oriented Distributed Control Design for Interconnected Systems
Rank, E. Markus; Dynamic Models of Human Perception and Action and Their Application in Telepresence
Jacod, J., Klüppelberg, C. and Müller, G.; Functional relationships between price and volatility jumps and its consequences for discretely observed data
Krug, Stefan; Automatische Konfiguration von Robotersystemen (Plug&Produce)
Brunie, Leonora; Generation of integrin αvβ3 cytoplasmic and transmembrane domain mutants: characterisation of the impact of integrin conformation on human ovarian cancer cell proliferation
Pander, Joachim; Bioindication tools for measuring the success of stream restoration
Schwager, Heike; Open quantum spin systems in semiconductor quantum dots and atoms in optical lattices
Bockmaier, Julia; Therapie der retinalen angiomatösen Proliferation (RAP) im Stadium III mittels intravitrealem Ranibizumab
Mazza, Leonardo; Quantum Simulation of Topological States of Matter
Thakur, M.; Fawaz, N.; Médard, M.; Reducibility of joint relay positioning and flow optimization problem
Löffel, Anja; Der Einfluss von Botulinumtoxin auf das chirurgische Behandlungsergebnis bei Patienten mit skelettalem Tiefbiss
Tazi, Hicham; Integration of Numerical Simulation Approaches in the Virtual Development of Automotive Antenna Systems
Papaioannou, I.; Gao, R.; Rank E.; Wang, C.M.; Hydroelastic Analysis of Very Large Floating Structures in Random Seas
Straub, D.; Efficient Algorithms and Models for Bayesian Updating in Structural Reliability
Bittner, Bernhard; Development and Characterisation of new High Rate Muon Drift Tube Detectors
Baierl, Daniela; A hybrid CMOS-imager with integrated solution-processable organic photodiodes
Schulz, Stephan; Dynamic of alkane degrading bacteria at different compartments in soil
Wohlleber, Florian Andreas Georg; Thermischer Haushalt nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen
Breitung, K.W.; Interval Probabilities for Reliability: Panacea or Pipe Dream?
Ng, Yen Kar; Functions of microRNAs in the developing midbrain-hindbrain of the mouse
Thümmel, Thomas; Experimentelle Mechanismendynamik
Althammer, Matthias Klaus; Spin-transport-phenomena in metals, semiconductors, and insulators
Gillmaier, Nadine; Interaktion zwischen Metabolismus und Virulenz pathogener Bakterien
Doedens, Lucas; Hochgradige N-Methylierung als Werkzeug für die Entwicklung selektiver und stabiler peptidischer Liganden für Melanocortinrezeptoren und Integrine
Ettl, Martin; Hochgenaue numerische Lösung von Bewegungsproblemen mit frei wählbarer Stellengenauigkeit
Zhang, Yun; Optimal Robust Pulse Design for Magnetic Resonance
Zimmer, Susanna; Silanmodifizierte Polyolefine
Gitterle, Markus; A dual mortar formulation for finite deformation frictional contact problems including wear and thermal coupling
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Privacy in Bidirectional Relay Networks
Lutz, T.; Hausl, C.; Kötter, R.; Bits Through Deterministic Relay Cascades with Half-Duplex Constraint
Heidsieck, Tillmann; Four Generatios versus Left-Right Symmetry: A Comparative Numerical Analysis
Wilde, Markus; Visual Augmentation Methods for Teleoperated Space Rendezvous
Menkens, Christian; From Service Delivery to Web-Telecom Converged Application Delivery in the Telecommunication Industry
Schneider, Elisabeth Veronika; Structural and functional characterization of human protein kinases exemplified on the human cyclin-dependent kinase 8/ cyclin C complex
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Challenges in Crowd-based Video Quality Assessment
Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus; The TUM High Definition Video Datasets
Dietsch, Philipp; Einsatz und Berechnung von Schubverstärkungen für Brettschichtholzbauteile
Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus; Influence of viewing experience and stabilization phase in subjective video testing
Redl, Arne; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus; Influence of viewing device and soundtrack in HDTV on subjective video quality
Jaksche, Vera; Beeinflussung kognitiver Funktionen durch Thrombendarteriektomie bei Stenosen der Arteria carotis interna
Feindler, Nico; Charakterisierungs- und Simulationsmethodik zum Versagensverhalten energieabsorbierender Faserverbundstrukturen
Berger, Benjamin; Modeling and Optimization for Stationary Base Engine Calibration
Valicu, Roxana Georgiana; Design and tests of an adaptive focusing neutron guide
Alachiotis, Nikolaos; Algorithms and Computer Architectures for Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Peschek, Jirka; Structural and Functional Principles of the Small Heat Shock Protein alpha-Crystallin
Nguyen, Khoi Nghia; Biodegradation of the herbicide glyphosate in different agricultural soils
Cremers, Claudia; Functional and structural characterization of the redox regulated chaperone Hsp33
Valderanis, Chrysostomos; Study of the Performance of ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers in Magnetic Fields and at High Irradiation Rates
Waibel, Markus; Investigations on the Reactivity of Homo- and Heteroatomic Group 14 Zintl Ions
Dorfner, Petra; Coated Implant Surfaces - Influence of RGD Coating in Combination with Surface Properties on the Adhesion Process of Osteoblasts
Winkenstette, Manuel; Monomerselektive Metallocenkatalysatoren zur Herstellung neuer Co- und Terpolymerarchitekturen
Mühlbauer, Christian; Fügen von Bauteilen aus ultrahochfestem Beton (UHPC) durch Verkleben
Bachmayer, Mathias; Effizientes Positionieren am Beispiel Regalbediengerät
Schmid, Johannes; Charakterisierung der partikulären Emission von Motoren: Reaktivität, Struktur und Leitfähigkeit von Dieselrußen
Leibl, Maria; Einfluß kohlenhydrat- und eiweißreicher Mahlzeiten auf die Ghrelinsekretion bei Adipösen
Vigh, Csaba Attila; Parallel Simulation of the Shallow Water Equations on Structured Dynamically Adaptive Triangular Grids.
Zhao, Zhi-Jian; Hydrocarbon conversion over transition metal catalysts
Röski, Karsten; Eine Methode zur simulationsbasierten Grundauslegung von PKW-Fahrwerken mit Vertiefung der Betrachtungen zum Fahrkomfort
Dr. Seifert, Arne;Teichert, Astrid; mediaTUM - Medien in der Cloud
Breitenbücher, Barbara; Studien zur Totalsynthese von Bioxalomycin β2
Bruns, Silke Esmeralda; Bewertung von rückstandsanalytischen Laborkompetenzen anhand experimenteller Daten
Heider, Michael Karl; Schwingungsverhalten von Zahnradgetrieben
Plank, Simon Manuel; Pre-survey suitability analysis of the differential and persistent scatterer synthetic aperture radar interferometry method for deformation monitoring of mass movements and subsidence
Volynets, Oleksandr; Methods to improve and understand the sensitivity of high purity germanium detectors for searches of rare events
Na Jom, Kriskamol; Metabolite profiling of sprouting mung beans (Vigna radiata)
Maier, Andreas; Computational Modeling of Rupture Risk in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Eißfeller, Thomas; Theory of the Electronic Structure of Quantum Dots in External Fields
Kochler, Thomas; Cutoff and cookies - interacting walks in random environment
Vaddepalli, Ponduranga Vara Prasad; The role of QUIRKY in inter-cellular signaling mediated by the Arabidopsis receptor-like kinase STRUBBELIG
Popp, Alexander; Mortar Methods for Computational Contact Mechanics and General Interface Problems
Kleinhammer, Aljoscha; Analysis of Tau Phosphorylation in Transgenic ES and iPS Cell-Derived Neurons
Schuhbauer, Christian; Future Power Plant Requirements
Silbernagl, Matthias; A Long-Term Power Market Model
Botteghi, Federico; Solid Fuel Gasification an Old Technology with Modern Challenges
Senyshyn, Anatoliy; In-operando neutron Studies on Li-Ion Batteries
Werhahn, Michael; Direct Carbon Fuel Cell
Rawolle, Monika; Advances in nanostructuring of titania thin films for dye-sensitized and hybrid photovoltaics
Oberhofer, Harald; Harvesting solar energy using computer simulations
Kiani, Arman; Game Therory Approach for interactive Wind Farm Control
da Rocha-Schmidt, Liuz; Smart Wind Turbine Rotor Blades
Grahovac, Milica; Early Building Design Heating and cooling Plant Approach the Architect
Geyer, Philipp; System Modeling for Energy-efficient and CO2-absorbing Building Design and City Planning
Bytschkow, Denis; Smart Grid Demonstrator of a Future office Prosumer
Brill, Markus; Set-Valued Solution Concepts in Social Choice and Game Theory
Held, Stefan; Monogenic Wavelet Frames for Image Analysis
Kugele , Stefan; Model-Based Development of Software-intensive Automotive Systems
Fackler, Philipp Hans; Bifunktionelle Oxidationskatalysatoren für einen Wasserstoffbrücken-vermittelten Chiralitätstransfer
Wiegand, Christian Andreas; Templat-induzierte Enantioselektivität in intermolekularen [4+2]- und [2+2]-Photocycloadditionsreaktionen
Truc-Vallet, Antonia Elisabeth; Ergebnisse der Behandlung distaler Radiusfrakturen mit volarer winkelstabiler Platte.
Hackl, Daniela; Influence of toll-like receptor ligands on the generation and function of regulatory T cells
Kreiner, Johanna; Charakterisierung von YB-1 als neuer unabhängiger prognostischer Faktor für das Langzeit Outcome von Prostatakarzinompatienten nach radikaler Prostatektomie
Helml, Wolfram; Development & Characterization of Sources for high-energy, high-intensity coherent Radiation
Hautmann, Christine; Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Semiconductors: A Comparative Optical Analysis of Direct and Indirect Materials
Figge, Christian; Essays on Secondary Buyouts
Höfle, Roger; Verformungen und Ortsbruststandsicherheit bei Tunnelvortrieben in gering durchlässigen Böden
Mönch S, Rychlik M; Improved Folate Extraction and Tracing Deconjugation Efficiency by Dual Label Isotope Dilution Assays in Foods
Rödel, Maximilian Georg; Inflation Hedging
Reiterer, A.; Modeling Atmospheric Refraction Influences by Optical Turbulences Using an Image-Assisted Total Station
Lichtenegger, Ludwig; Studien zur Züchtung von scharkaresistenten Klonen der Europäischen Pflaume Prunus domestica (L.) und zu deren Umweltstabilität
Hoenig, Daniel; The Role of Patents in Venture Capital Financing – an Empirical Analysis from Different Perspectives
Tamura, Hitoshi; Identification of new key aroma compounds in roasted sesame seeds with emphasis on sulfur components
Schwarzkopf, Manti; Analysis of the role of potential phytohormone and light-signalling components in photosynthetic organisms
Herrmann, S.;Hellings, C.;Utschick, W.; Carrier-Cooperative Zero-Forcing for Power Minimization in Parallel MIMO Broadcast Channels
Winkler, Martin Wolfgang; Light Dark Matter in Theory and Experiment
Fürmetz, Maria; Design, development and verification of the eROSITA thermal control system
Geillinger, Kerstin Elisabeth; Transcriptional regulation of the peptide transporter 1 and its role in development in Caenorhabditis elegans assessed by proteome analysis
Zabel, Thomas; Study on silicon-germanium nanoislands as emitters for a monolithic silicon light source
Stummer, Claudia; Gradiometer Data Processing and Analysis for the GOCE Mission
Kammerstätter, Stefan; Verbrennungsablauf und Schadstoffbildung in Erdgas-Großmotoren mit Vorkammerzündung
Palomeque Pesantez, Fanny Ximena; Natural succession and tree plantation as alternatives for restoring abandoned lands in the Andes of Southern Ecuador: Aspects of facilitation and competition
Klotz, Florian; Spin effects in self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots
Brennand Pierce, Takaaki Kuratate, Akinobu Maejima, Shigeo Morishima, Yosuke Matsusaka, Marko Durkovic, Klaus Diepold, Gordon Cheng.; Development of an integrated multi-modal communication robotic face
Hahne, Hannes; Studies towards the proteome-wide detection, identification and quantification of protein glycosylation
Pellegrini, Enrico; Model-Based Damper Control for Semi-Active Suspension Systems
Schäfer, Andrea; Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 A1 is expressed by cancer stem cells and mediates chemoresistance in human glioblastoma
Dankerl, Markus; Electronic properties of electrolyte-gated diamond FETs for bioelectronic applications
Jekle, Mario; Structure-function relationship in wheat dough – the impact of protein microstructure on rheology and processing performance
Baumann, Claudia Maria; Humane Amnionmembran zur Deckung von Vollhautwunden - eine tierexperimentelle Machbarkeitsstudie am Minischwein
Allevato, Viola; Halo Occupation of AGN in Deep X-ray surveys
Gregor Walla, Dirk Gabriel, Andreas Barthels, Florian Ruf, Hans-Ulrich Michel, Andreas Herkersdorf; ITE-Sim: A Simulator and Power Evaluation Framework for Electric/Electronic Architectures
Mayer, Renate Elisabeth; Wissens- und erlebnisorientierte Großveranstaltungen als Aktivierungsimpuls für private Waldbesitzer
Yin, Renfu; Role of the NFkB subunit p50 in particle induced, aseptic lung inflammation
A. Dotzler, M. Riemensberger, W. Utschick, and G. Dietl; Interference Robustness for Cellular MIMO Networks
Dotzler A., Dietl G., and Utschick W.; Unitary Precoding for MIMO Interference Networks
Maze, Mona; Modeling of growth and yield of some wheat cultivars under water shortage and expected climate change
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Impact of Interference in Coexisting Wireless Networks with Applications to Arbitrarily Varying Bidirectional Broadcast Channels
Ott, Sonja; Kombination von monolithischer Immunfiltration und Antikörper-Mikroarrays zur schnellen Quantifizierung von Mikroorganismen in Milch
Greiner, Gero; Sparse Matrix Computations and their I/O Complexity
Lin, Lin; Activation and Transformation of n-Alkanes and n-Alkene in Zeolites
Su, Mingxia; Effects of freezing and thawing on nitrification and denitrification in arable soil
Fotopoulou, Sotiria; Active Galactic Nuclei Luminosity Function and the Lockman Hole Deep Field
Spiegel, Frank; Familienunternehmen und Innovation
Göppert, Pierre; Aspekte der Hydrierung von Acrylnitril-Butadien-Copolymeren
Gruber, David; High-energy transients with Fermi/GBM
Eilert-Zell, Karin; Characterization of a combined optoacoustic / ultrasound system (OPUS) for tomographic absorption measurements
Eckert, Thomas; Kinetische und strukturelle Untersuchung der Mikrotubuli-schneidenden Enzyme Spastin und Katanin
Schmaler, Gabriele; Characterisation of PNCCDs and Analysis of Pixel Defects
Nissen, K.;Gravemeier, V.;Wall, W. A.; The information-flux method: a true Petrov-Galerkin formulation based on maximum-entropy methods applied to convection-dominated problems
Coroneo, M.;Yoshihara, L.;Bauer, G.;Wall; A finite element approach for the coupled numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction and mass transfer of moving biofilm structures
Hu L, Rychlik M; Biosynthesis of 15N3-labeled enniatins and beauvericin and their application to stable isotope dilution assays.
Kaiser, Christoph; Studying Cellular Protein Folding in Nematodes and Baker's Yeast
Wunderlich, Anja; Influence of organic carbon sources and isotope exchange processes between water and nitrate on the fractionation of the stable isotopes ¹⁵N/¹⁴N and ¹⁸O/¹⁶O in dissolved nitrate during microbial denitrification in groundwater
Nyffenegger, Christian; Effect of Osmolytes and other Co-Solutes on the Dynamics of Loop Formation in Proteins and Peptides
Hammerl, G.;Danowski, C.;Grilli, M.;Adams, N.A.;Wall, W.A.; An innovative approach to thermo-fluid-structure interaction based on an immersed interface method and a monolithic thermo-structure interaction algorithm
Yoshihara, L.;Bauer, G.;Comerford, A.;Coroneo, M.;Klöppel, T.;Vuong, A.-T., Wall, W.A.; Multi-scale computational modeling of coupled mass transfer and tissue deformation in biomechanics
Hengstler-Eger, Rosmarie Martina; Ion Irradiation Studies of the Origins of Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Assembly Deformation
Yoshihara, L.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.; Die virtuelle Lunge
Varga, Zsuzsanna; In vivo functional mapping of single synapses in the vibrissal cortex of the mouse
Gross, Stefan; Synthese von Hydroxymethyl-Analoga des Naturstoffs Amythiamicin D als neuartige EF-Tu-Inhibitoren
Peis, Regina; Prediction of new regulatory molecular networks in neurodegenerative diseases with the help of bioinformatical methods
Gravemeier, V.;Rasthofer, U.; A variational multiscale method with multifractal subgrid-scale modeling for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow
Heindlmaier, M.; Iscan, O.; Böhnke, R.; Hausl, C.; On Optimized Memoryless Relaying Functions for the Two-Way Relay Channel
Kessler, Eric; Coherent effects in mesoscopic quantum systems
Schaller, Volker; Dynamic Structure Formation in Active Cytoskeletal Systems
Biehler, J.;Gee, M.W.;Wall, W.A.; Uncertainty quantification in patient specific assessment of AAA rupture risk
Maier, A.;Gee, M.W.;Kehl, S.;Reeps, C.;Eckstein, H.-H.;Wall, W.A.; A new rupture potential index for abdominal aortic aneurysms based on patient-specific wall strength and thickness distribution
Yoshihara, L.;Coroneo, M.;Wall ,W.A.; A computational approach for transport in biological fluid-structure-systems as a basis for advanced growth modeling
Greck, Peter; Efficient calculation of dissipative quantum transport properties in semiconductor nanostructures
Gravemeier, V.;Rasthofer; A variational multiscale method with multifractal subgrid-scale modeling for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow
Fiorilla, Salvatore; Chiral Thermodynamics of Nuclear Matter
Tilke, Christoph; Methodische Entwicklung von Stetigförderern am Beispiel eines neuen Fördergerätes für Agrarrohstoffe
Pellacani, Filippo; Development and Validation of Bubble Breakup and Coalescence Constitutive Models for the One-Group Interfacial Area Transport Equation
Herzog, Matthias; Hydrodynamical simulations of combustion processes at high densities in compact stars
von Reutern, Boris Gerhard Jaroslav; Relationship between in-vivo [11C]PiB PET Signal and Amyloid-β Plaque Pathology in different transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease
Nagel, Thiemo; Measurement of the Charged Pion Polarizability at COMPASS
Liu, Changsheng; Genetic modeling of a neurodegenerative polyglutamine disorder in zebrafish and analysis of polyglutamine aggregate dynamics
Kraja, Fisnik; Designing High Performance Computing Architectures for Reliable Space Applications
Kochler, Michael; Random Walks in Random Environment: Random Orientations and Branching
Leis, Simon; Impact of Protein conformational Changes on Molecular Docking - Design of a Docking Approach including Receptor Flexibility
Bollinger, Markus; Design and Synthesis of Novel αIIbβ3 Integrin Antagonists
Grabmüller, Stefanie; Cryogenic Silicon Detectors and Analysis of Primakoff Contributions to the Reaction π-Pb→ π-π-π+Pb at COMPASS
Sturm, Richard; An X-ray investigation of the Small Magellanic Cloud with XMM-Newton
Nagel, Michael; The QUARC Metamodel: A Communication-Based Generic Project Model
Hauser, Simone Antonia; Organorhenium and Organomolybdenum Oxides: Synthesis and Application as Olefin Epoxidation Catalysts
Cousin, Christine; Verbessert das Hinzufügen von Estradiol an den Rapamycin-freisetzenden-Stent seine Wirksamkeit?
Roderus , Martin; Parallelization Strategies for Density Functional Software
Hofmann, Martin Alexander; Liquid Scintillators and Liquefied Rare Gases for Particle Detectors
Dürr, Georg Friedrich; Spin Waves in Nanochannels, Created by Individual and Periodic Bi-component Ferromagnetic Devices
Linkmeyer, Andrea Margret Hilde; Fusarium head blight of barley: epidemiology and host-pathogen interaction
Knoke, T.; Neue Methoden der Forstbetriebsplanung
Griess, V.C.; Modelle in der forstllichen Planung
Hahn, A.; Finanzielle Optimierung und Integration von Risiken
Härtl, F.; Optimierung der Sortierung auf Forstbetriebsebene unter Risiko
Elatawneh, A.; Tian, J.; Schneider, T.; Reinartz, P.; Welche Auflösung wird für Aussagen auf Betriebsebene benötigt?
Stepper, C.; Schneider, T.; Altersschätzung von Waldbeständen mittels Texturmerkmalen
Hahn, A.; Knoke, T.; Vom Sparbuch zum Risikopapier?
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Hybrid No-Reference Video Quality Metric Based on Multiway PLSR
Mitschke, Lars; Functional analysis of the co-chaperones Aha1 and Cns1 from S. cerevisiae
Bareiß, Mario; Nanodiodes and Nanoantennas Fabricated by Transfer Technology
Bräuninger, Carolin Barbara; Flavour Alignment in physics beyond the Standard Model
Langer, Veronika; Nachweis von Legionella pneumophila in Luft und Wasser mittels Antikörper-Mikroarrays
Beaujean, Frederik; A Bayesian analysis of rare B decays with advanced Monte Carlo methods
Strobel, Maria; Creating future-oriented organizations: Exploring the beneficial effects of future-oriented cognition and behavior
Jiang, Xiaobei; Intercultural Comparison of Road User Behavior Centred Vehicle-Pedestrian Conflict in Urban Traffic
Akinobu Maejima, Takaaki Kuratate, Brennand Pierce, Gordon Cheng, Shigeo Morishima; Automatic Texture Generation for Face-Shaped Display from a Frontal Face Image
Takaaki Kuratate, Marcia Riley, Brennand Pierce and Gordon Cheng; Gender identification Bias Induced with Texture Images on a Life Size Retro-Projected Face Screen
Takaaki Kuratate, Brennand Pierce, Christian Vogl, Akinobu Maejima, Yosuke Matsusaka, Gordon Cheng; Maskbot as a communication interface
Villa, Valentina; Electro-switchable DNA layers for the analysis of antibody-antigen and p53-DNA interactions
Nossek, Josef A.; Schaltungstechnik 2 - Übungen
Nossek, Josef A.; Schaltungstechnik 2 - Skriptum zum Vorlesung
Frey, Daniel; Damage Assessment System of Linear Infrastructure Objects during Flooding using Probabilistic Graphical Models
Monassier, Antoine; Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the transformation of carbon dioxide by molecular catalysts
Schueler, K.; Weiherer, T.; Bouzouraa, E.; Hofmann, U.; 360 Degree multi sensor fusion for static and dynamic obstacles
Stigler, Johannes; Complex ligand-dependent folding of single proteins observed with optical tweezers
Gründinger, A.;Butabayeva, A.;Joham, M.;Utschick, W.; Chance Constrained and Ergodic Robust QoS Power Minimization in the Satellite Downlink
Joham, M., Castro, P. M., Utschick, W., Castedo, L.; Robust Precoding With Limited Feedback Design Based on Precoding MSE for MU-MISO Systems
Li, Yang; Evaluation of adsorbents for road runoff treatment
J. Ellenbeck, A. Dotzler, W. Utschick; Interference Robustness for MIMO Networks — System-Level Performance Evaluation for LTE-Advanced
Andreas Barthels, Florian Ruf, Alexander Schlenk, Gregor Walla, Hans-Ulrich Michel, Uwe Baumgarten; PREcup-1: An Embedded System Platform for Prototyping ECU Power Management
Florian Ruf, Andreas Barthels, Gregor Walla, Michael Winter, Tom Kohler, Hans-Ulrich Michel, Joachim Froeschl, Hans-Georg Herzog; Autonomous Load Shutdown Mechanism as a Voltage Stabilization Method in Automotive Power Nets
Wolpert, Benjamin; Emission and abundance of biogenic volatile organic compounds in wind-throw areas of upland spruce forests in Bavaria
R.F. Wyrembelski, H. Boche; Physical Layer Integration of Private, Common, and Confidential Messages in Bidirectional Relay Networks
M. Andersson, R.F. Wyrembelski, T.J. Oechtering, M. Skoglund; Polar Codes for Bidirectional Broadcast Channels with Common and Confidential Messages
Hohberg, Melanie; Monte Carlo Simulation Studies and Image Reconstruction Methods for a Small Animal PET Scanner
Fabian Gerlinghaus, Brennand Pierce, Torsten Metzler, Iestyn Jowers, Kristina Shea and Gordon Cheng; Design and Emotional Expressiveness of Gertie (An Open Hardware Robotic Desk Lamp)
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; Integrating Discrete Normal Force Cells into Multi-modal Artificial Skin
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; Open-loop Self-calibration of Articulated Robots with Artificial Skins
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems3D Surface Reconstruction for Robotic Body Parts with Artificial Skins
P. Mittendorfer and G. Cheng; Uniform Cellular Design of Artificial Robotic Skin
Köberl, Mathias; Dicarboxylate-bridged Mo2 paddle-wheel complexes as building units for supramolecular coordination polymers
Peng, Changgeng; Function of Pitx3 and miRNAs in midbrain dopaminergic neurons
John Nassour, Fathi Ben Ouezdou and Gordon Cheng; Exploiting Past Success Failure for Effective and Robust Task Learning
Grigorescu A., Rudnicki M., Isik M., Hemmert W., Rini S.; Improving the entropy estimate of neuronal firings of modeled cochlear nucleus neurons.
Zirn S., Hempel J.-M., Schuster M., Hemmert W.; Signalwahrnehmung in komplexen komodulierten Störgeräuschen: Vergleich zwischen Cochlea Implantat-Trägern und Normalhörenden.
Vandenbroucke, Maxence; Development and Characterization of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors for Intense Beams of Hadrons
J.S. Knogl, and C. Günther; Mehrkeulenantenne für geostationäre Datenrelais
K. Giger, and J.S. Knogl; Introductory Course on Satellite Navigation
Leischner, Hannes; SRC a critical signaling mediator in FLT 3 ITD positive AML
Nossek, Josef A.; Schaltungstechnik 1 - Skriptum zur Vorlesung
Nossek, Josef A.; Schaltungstechnik 1 - Übungssammlung
Enneking, Christoph; Stein, Manuel; Castaneda, Mario; Antreich, Felix; Nossek, J.A.; Multi-Satellite Time-Delay Estimation for Reliable High-Resolution GNSS Receivers
Ibrahim Mahmoud Sayed Labena, Ahmed; Diversities and activities of three sulfidogenic biofilms originated from oil-field water tanks-control strategies to reduce corrosion by application of novel surfactants
Michel, Typhène; Epoxidation of Terpenes with Molecular Catalysts in Homogeneous Phase
Mondal, Padmabati; Jahn-Teller and spin-orbit coupling effects in transition-metal trifluorides
Busch, F.; Friedrich, M.; Schiller, C.; Bakircioglu, I.; Belzner, H.; Fiedler, I.; Koller-Matschke, I.; Mandir, E.; Pillat, J.; Riess, S.; Snethlage, M.; Winkler, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 1: Problemstellung und Erhebungsmethodik
Schepsmeier, U. and Stöber, J.; Web supplement: Derivatives and Fisher information of bivariate copulas
Pulko, Jozef; A Monte-Carlo Model of a Silicon Photomultiplier
Bauer, Georg; A Coupled Finite Element Approach for Electrochemical Systems
Wagner, Andreas; Der Einsatz von bildgebenden Tachymetersystemen für das Geo-Monitoring
Wasmeier, P.; Kalibrierung eines prototypischen Okularkamerasystems
Slim, I.; Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; CD Equalization with Non-maximally Decimated DFT Filter Bank
Slim, I.; Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; Modified DFT Filter Bank with One-tap per Subchannel Equalization for Frequency Domain Chromatic Dispersion Compensation
Breitung, K.W.; Sensitivity analysis methods for reliability problems
Nestler, Annabel; Analyse der lokalen Tumorkontrolle nach Strahlentherapie bei Mammakarzinom in Abhängigkeit vom operativ-rekonstruktiven Verfahren.
Papaioannou, I.; Zwirgelmaier, K.; Straub, D.; Assessment of MCMC algorithms for subset simulation
Firnkes, Matthias; Electroosmotic Flow and Protein Trapping in Solid-State Nanopores
Rasmussen, M.G. , Andresen, G.B., Greiner, M.; Storage and balancing synergies in a fully or highly renewable pan-European power system
Rasmussen, M.G.; A Taylor-like expansion of a commutator with a function of self-adjoint, pairwise commuting operators
Vo, Christoph; Ein kohärentes Logikgatter für Lichtpulse basierend auf atomarer Vierwellenmischung in einem Bose-Einstein-Kondensat
Danowski, C.; Yoshihara, L.; Wall W.A.; A monoltithic computational approach to thermo-structure interaction
Langenhan, Christoph;Seifert, Arne;Teichert, Astrid;Petzold, Frank; ar:searchbox – Knowledge management for architecture students
Ener, Semih; Lattice Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy System Ni-Mn-Ga
Rinderknecht, Frank; Entwicklung und Untersuchung eines Lineargenerators für ein Hybridfahrzeug
Lettl, Melanie; Lungenfunktionsveränderungen bei adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen
Mösl, Klaus; On the Formation of Nitrogen Oxides During the Combustion of Partially Pre-Vaporized Droplets
Beer, Michael; Regionalisiertes Energiemodell zur Analyse der flexiblen Betriebsweise von Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen
Leischner, Hannes; Evaluierung des biologischen Effekts von FLT3 und SRC Inhibitoren
Ehlert, Nina; Repräsentieren Änderungen der Leistungsfähigkeit auch Änderungen der Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern?
Brunner, H.H.; Nossek, J.A.; Handling unknown interference in cellular networks with interference coordination
Bratovic, Nino Maria; Axial Anomaly and Vector Interactions in the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
Döbrich, Christoph Martin Gerald; Cognitive biases in economic decisions – three essays on the impact of debiasing
Zhong, Qi; Structure and transition behavior of novel thermo-responsive polymer films
Schaupp, C., Friedrich, R., Foysi, H.:; Transverse injection of a plane-reacting jet into compressible
Lödl, M.; Witzmann, R.; Operation Strategies of Hybrid Energy Storages in Low-Voltage Distribution Grids with a High Degree of Decentralized and Fluctuating Generation
Tritschler, V. K.; Hu, X. Y.; Hickel, S.; Adams, N. A.; Numerical simulation of a Richtmyer–Meshkov instability with an adaptive central-upwind sixth-order WENO scheme
Remmler, S., Hickel, S.; Spectral structure of stratified turbulence: direct numerical simulations and predictions by large eddy simulation
Riedmann, M.; Lang, O.; Petrat, L.; Anderssohn, J.; Singer, J.; Thuro, T.; Heunecke, O.; Wunderlich, Th.; Minet, C.; Cost-efficient monitoring of landslide movement integrating corner reflector SAR Interferometry into an early warning system
Giglmaier, M.; Quaatz, J. F.; Gawehn, T.; Gülhan, A.; Adams, N.A.; Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Bypass Mass Flow Due to Small Gaps in a Transonic Channel Flow
Gawehn, T.; Giglmaier, M.; Quaatz, J. F.; Gülhan, A.; Adams, N. A.; Pseudo-shock System Structure in Rectangular Laval Nozzles with Gaps
Matyssek, R.; Schnyder, H.; Oßwald, W.; Ernst, D.; Munch J.-C.; Pretzsch, H.; Tracing Carbon Fluxes: Resolving Complexity Using Isotopes
Matyssek, R.; Schnyder, H.; Oßwald, W.; Ernst, D.; Munch J.-C.; Pretzsch, H.; The Balance Between Resource Sequestration and Retention: A Challenge in Plant Science
Matyssek, R.; Schnyder, H.; Oßwald, W.; Ernst, D.; Munch J.-C.; Pretzsch, H.; Predictability of Plant Resource Allocation: New Theory Needed?
Matyssek, R.; Schnyder, H.; Oßwald, W.; Ernst, D.; Munch J.-C.; Pretzsch, H.; Preface
Matyssek, R.; Schnyder, H.; Oßwald, W.; Ernst, D.; Munch J.-C.; Pretzsch, H.; Growth and Defence in Plants
Laschka, Alexander; Quark-Antiquark Potentials from QCD and Quarkonium Spectroscopy
Köhler, I.H.; MacDonald, A.; Schnyder, H.; Nutrient supply enhanced the increase in intrinsic water-use efficiency of a temperate seminatural grassland in the last century
Lee, Sin Ying Tina; Synthesis of acrylic acid derivatives from carbon dioxide and ethylene mediated by molecular nickel complexes
Howgate, John; GaN Heterostructures for Biosensing and Radiation Detection
Brosi, Prisca; Leadership, Affect and Organizations
Betz, W.; Papaioannou, I.; Straub, D.; A finite cell approach for discretization of random fields
Benth, F.E.; Di Nunno, G.; Khedher, A.; Schmeck, M.D.; Pricing of spread options on a bivariate jump market and stability to model risk
Auwärter, Willi;Seufert, Knud;Bischoff, Felix;Ecija, David;Vijayaraghavan, Saranyan; Joshi, Sushobhan; Klappenberger, Florian;Samudrala, Niveditha; Bart, Johannes V.; A surface-anchored molecular four-level conductance switch based on single proton transfer
Hahn, A.; Knoke, T.; Vom Sparbuch zum Risikopapier?
Clasen, C.; Böttcher, M.; Brehm, G.; Gulder, H.J.; Knoke, T.; Privatwaldberatung aus der Försterperspektive
Pfahler, Patrick; Realization of the low background neutrino detector Double Chooz: From the development of a high-purity liquid & gas handling concept to first neutrino data
Mosandl, R.; Summa, J.; Stimm, B.,; Coppice-with-Standards: Management Options for an Ancient Forest System.
Altamura, A.; Straub, D.; Subset simulation for reliability estimation of mechanical components subjected to fatigue using the Forman-Mettu model
Bamberger, Walter; Schlittenlacher, Josef; Diepold, Klaus; Ability-aware trust for vehicular networks
Bauer, A. and Czado, C.; Pair-copula Bayesian networks
Hövelmann, A.; Breitsamter, C.; Aerodynamic Characteristics of the SAGITTA Diamond Wing Demonstrator Configuration
Busch, F.; Friedrich, M.; Schiller, C.; Bakircioglu, I.; Belzner, H.; Fiedler, I.; Koller-Matschke, I.; Mandir, E.; Pillat, J.; Riess, S.; Snethlage, M.; Winkler, C.; Zimmermann, F.; Wirkungen individueller und kollektiver Verkehrsinformation in Straßennetzen - Teil 2: Analysen und Ergebnisse
Meyer, Christoph Jürgen; Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Stabilized Natural Substrates as Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitors
Heinemann, Lars; Effective and Efficient Reuse with Software Libraries
Kirchmaier, Ulrich;Hawe, Simon;Diepold, Klaus; A Swarm Intelligence inspired algorithm for contour detection in images
Meyer, Dominik; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus; L1 Regularized Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning
H. Yu, R. Huber, T. Schwarze, F. Brandl, T. Rapp, P. Berberich, G. Duerr, and D. Grundler; High propagating velocity of spin waves and temperature dependent damping in a CoFeB thin film
Rosenberger, Martin; Schindele, Frieder; Koch, Tilo; Lienkamp, Markus; Analyse und aktive Dämpfung von Antriebsstrangschwingungen bei Elektrofahrzeugen während der ABS-Regelung
Soaz, C.; Lederer, C.; Daumer, M.; A New Method to Estimate the Real Upper Limit of the False Alarm Rate in a 3 Accelerometry-Based Fall Detector for the Elderly
Soaz, C.; Daumer, M.; A feasibility study for the integration of 3D accelerometry in fall risk assessment
Shi, Hui; Structural requirements and reaction pathways of hydrogenolytic C−C bond cleavage in naphthenes over supported platinum and iridium domains
Fillibeck, Jochen; Oberflächensetzungen beim Tunnelvortrieb im Lockergestein
Delgado-L., S.; Kotyczka, P.; IDA-PBC Entwurf für das reibungsbehaftete inverse Pendel
Kloiber, T.; Kotyczka, P.; Passivitäsbasierte Regelung schaltender nichtlinearer Systeme
Panzer, H.; Wolf, T.; Lohmann, B.; A Strictly Dissipative State Space Representation of Second Order Systems
Castañé-Selga, R.; Lohmann, B.; Eid, R.; Stability Preservation in Projection-based Model Order Reduction of Large Scale Systems
Bai, Q.; Nossek, J.A.; Throughput maximization for energy harvesting nodes with generalized circuit power modeling.
Baltar, L.G.; Nossek, J.A.; Multicarrier systems: a comparison between Filter Bank based and Cyclic prefix based OFDM
Baltar, L.G.; Newinger, M.; Nossek, J.A.; Structured subchannel impulse response estimation for Filter Bank based Multicarrier systems
Enneking, C.; Stein, M.; Castaneda, M.; Antreich, F.; Nossek, J.A.; Multi-Satellite Time-Delay Estimation for Reliable High-Resolution GNSS Receivers
Pittala, F.; Msallem, M.; Hausek, F.N.; Ye, A.; Monroy, I.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Frequency domain training-aided channel estimation and equalization in time-varying optical transmission systems
Slim, I.; Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; CD Equalization with Non-maximally Decimated DFT Filter Bank (doubled)
Steiner, F.; Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Informatic theoretic analysis of concurrent information transfer and power gain.
Slim, I.; Baltar, L.G.; Mezghani, A.; Hauske, F.N.; Nossek, J.A.; Modified DFT Filter Bank with One-tap per Subchannel Equalization for Frequency Domain Chromatic Dispersion Compensation
Ruepp, Oliver; Recovery of Structure and Motion from Monocular Images under Poor Lighting and Texture Conditions.
Ulrich, Nadine; Geistiges Eigentum in Unternehmenserwerb und Unternehmensveräußerung
Daun, Thomas J.; Lienkamp, Markus; Spielend Fahren: Gamification-Konzept für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Sorger, Christian Gabor; Generierung von Netzen für Finite Elemente hoher Ordnung in zwei und drei Raumdimensionen
Akinobu Maejima, Takaaki Kuratate, Brennand Pierce, Shigeo Morishima and Gordon Cheng; Automatic Face Replacement for a Humanoid Robot with 3D Face Shape Display
Brennand Pierce, Takaaki Kuratate, Christian Vogl and Gordon Cheng; "Mask-Bot 2i": An active customisable Robotic Head with Interchangeable Face
Schindler, T. and Acary, V.; Timestepping schemes based on discontinuous Galerkin methods
Rossner, M. and Heckmann, B. and Thuemmel, T. and Ulbrich, H.; Model-Based Monitoring of Rotor Systems - Identification of Undamaged Rotor and Different Failures
Clauberg, J. and Ulbrich, H.; An Adaptive Internal Parallelization Method for Multibody Simulations
Schindler, T. and Ulbrich, H. and Pfeiffer, F. and van der Velde, A. and Brandsma, A.; Spatial Simulation of Pushbelt CVTs with Timestepping Schemes
Baur, J. and Pfaff, J. and Ulbrich, H. and Villgrattner, T.; Design and development of a redundant modular multipurpose agricultural manipulator
Buschmann, T. and Schwienbacher, M. and Favot, V. and Ewald, A. and Ulbrich, H.; The Biped Walking Robot Lola -- Hardware Design and Walking Control --
Cebulla, T. and Grundl, K. and Schindler, T. and Ulbrich, H. and van der Velde, A. and Pijpers, H.; Spatial Dynamics of Pushbelt CVTs: Model Enhancements
Thorsten Schindler and Markus Friedrich and Heinz Ulbrich; Computing Time Reduction Possibilities in Multibody Dynamics
Thorsten Schindler and Svenja Schoeder and Heinz Ulbrich; Discussion of the Gear-Gupta-Leimkuhler method for unilateral contacts
Thorsten Schindler and Vincent Acary; Timestepping schemes based on discontinuous Galerkin methods
Markus Schwienbacher AND Thomas Buschmann AND Heinz Ulbrich; Vertical Angular Momemtum Minimization for Biped Robots with Kinematically Redundant Joints
Buschmann, T. and Schwienbacher, M. and Favot, V. and Ewald, A. and Ulbrich, H.; Dynamics and Control of the Biped Robot Lola
Pradhan B., Buchroithner M.; Vision-Based Terrestrial Surface Monitoring
Buschmann, T.;Wittmann, R.;Schwienbacher, M.;Ulbrich, H.; A Method for Real-Time Kineto-Dynamic Trajectory Generation
Buschmann, T.;Ewald, A.;Ulbrich, H.;Büschges, A.; Event-Based Walking Control - From Neurobiology to Biped Robots
Buschmann, T.;Schwienbacher, M.;Favot, V.;Ewald, A.;Ulbrich, H.; The Biped Walking Robot Lola -- Hardware Design and Walking Control --
Clauberg, J.;Ulbrich, H.; A Parallelization Algorithm for Non-Smooth Multibody Dynamics
Clauberg, J.;Huber, B.;Ulbrich, H.; Simulation and Validation of Valve Springs in Valve Train Simulations
Esefeld, Bastian;Ulbrich, Heinz; A New Approach towards the Numerical Integration of Multibody Systems with Unilateral Constraints
Ewald, A.;Mayet, J.;Buschmann, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Generating Smooth Trajectories Free from Overshoot for Humanoid Robot Walking Pattern Replanning
Pfaff, J.;Baur, J.;Ulbrich, H.;Villgrattner, T.; Development of a multipurpose agricultural manipulator
Brückner, R.;Schuller, B.; Likability Classification -- A not so Deep Neural Network Approach
Deng, J.;Schuller, B.; Confidence Measures in Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Semi-supervised Learning
Eyben, F.;Batliner, A.;Schuller, B.; Towards a standard set of acoustic features for the processing of emotion in speech
Eyben, F.;Petridis, S.;Schuller, B.;Pantic, M.; Audiovisual Vocal Outburst Classification in Noisy Acoustic Conditions
Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Improving Generalisation and Robustness of Acoustic Affect Recognition
Eyben, F.;Weninger, F.;Lehment, N.;Rigoll, G.;Schuller, B.; Violent Scenes Detection with Large, Brute-forced Acoustic and Visual Feature Sets
Eyben, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; A Multi-Task Approach to Continuous Five-Dimensional Affect Sensing in Natural Speech
Fastl, H.; Rhona Hellman and the Munich School of Psychoacoustics
Fastl, H.;Lichtinger, B.;Kerber, S.; Psychoakustische Experimente zur Knallhaftigkeit
Fastl, H.;Stemplinger, I.; Psychoacoustic evaluation of noises produced by propellers with asymmetrical blade spacing
Geiger, J.;Vipperla, R.;Bozonnet, S.;Evans, N.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Convolutive Non-Negative Sparse Coding and New Features for Speech Overlap Handling in Speaker Diarization
Geiger, J.;Vipperla, R.;Evans, N.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Speech Overlap Detection and Attribution Using Convolutive Non-Negative Sparse Coding: New Improvements and Insights
Han, W.;Li, H.;Ma, L.;Zhang, X.;Sun, J.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; Preserving Actual Dynamic Trend of Emotion in Dimensional Speech Emotion Recognition
Han, W.;Zixing, Z.;Deng, J.;Wöllmer, M.;Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Towards Distributed Recognition of Emotion from Speech
Hofmann, M.;Bachmann, S.;Rigoll, G.; 2.5D Gait Biometrics using the Depth Gradient Histogram Energy Image
Hofmann, M.;Rigoll, G.; Improved Gait Recognition using Gradient Histogram Energy Image
Hofmann, M.;Schmidt, S. M.;AN., Rajagopalan;Rigoll, G.; Combined Face and Gait Recognition using Alpha Matte Preprocessing
Hofmann, M.;Tiefenbacher, P.;Rigoll, G.; Background Segmentation with Feedback: The Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter
Joder, C.;Schuller, B.; Score-Informed Leading Voice Separation from Monaural Audio
Joder, C.;Weninger, F.;Eyben, F.;Virette, D.;Schuller, B.; Real-time Speech Separation by Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Joder, C.;Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; The TUM Cumulative DTW Approach for the Mediaeval 2012 Spoken Web Search Task
Kohlbecher, S.;Wiese, E.;Bartl, K.;Blume, J.;Bannat, A.;Schneider, E.; Studying Gaze-based Human Robot Interaction: An Experimental Platform
Lehment, N.H.;Erhardt, K.;Rigoll, G.; Interface design for an inexpensive hands-free collaborative videoconferencing system
Marchi, E.;Batliner, A.;Schuller, B.;Fridenzon, S.;Tal, S.;Golan, O.; Speech, Emotion, Age, Language, Task, and Typicality: Trying to Disentangle Performance and Feature Relevance
Marchi, E.;Schuller, B.;Batliner, A.;Fridenzon, S.;Tal, S.;Golan, O.; Emotion in the Speech of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions: Prosody and Everything Else
Pavlic, M.;Belzner, H.;Rigoll, G.;Ilic, S.; Image Based Fog Detection in Vehicles
Prylipko, D.;Schuller, B.;Wendemuth, A.; Fine-Tuning HMMs for Nonverbal Vocalizations in Spontaneous Speech: a Multicorpus Perspective
Putner, J.;Fastl, H.;Dittmar, R.; Psychoakustische und instrumentelle Beurteilung typischer Geräusche von Gebläsen
Putner, J.;Fastl, H.;Lohrmann, M.;Kaltenhauser, A.;Ullrich, F.; Operational transfer path analysis predicting contributions to the vehicle interior noise for different excitations from the same sound source
Rader, T.;Adel, Y.;Baumann, U.;Fastl, H.; Modellierung der Sprachperzeption bei Cochlea-Implantat-Nutzern mit rein elektrischer und elektrisch-akustischer Stimulation (EAS)
Rehrl, T.;Blume, J.;Bannat, A.;Rigoll, G.;Wallhoff, F.; On-line Learning of Dynamic Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction
Rehrl, T.;Troncy, R.;Bley, A.;Ihsen, S.;Scheibl, K.;Schneider, W.;Glende, S.;Goetze, S.;Kessler, J.;Hintermueller, C.;Wallhoff, F.; The Ambient Adaptable Living Assistant is Meeting its Users
Ringeval, F.;Chetouani, M.;Schuller, B.; Novel Metrics of Speech Rhythm for the Assessment of Emotion
Schlittmeier, S.J.;Weißgerber, T.;Kerber, S.;Fastl, H.;Hellbrück, J.; Algorithmic modeling of the irrelevant sound effect (ISE) by the hearing sensation fluctuation strength
Schuller, B.;Hantke, S.;Weninger, F.;Han, W.;Zhang, Z.;Narayanan, S.; Automatic Recognition of Emotion Evoked by General Sound Events
Schuller, B.;Steidl, S.;Batliner, A.;Nöth, E.;Vinciarelli, A.;Burkhardt, F.;van Son, R.;Weninger, F.;Eyben, F.;Bocklet, T.;Mohammadi, G.;Weiss, B.; The INTERSPEECH 2012 Speaker Trait Challenge
Schuller,B.;Valstar, M.;Eyben,F.;Cowie, R.;Pantic, M.; AVEC 2012 - The Continuous Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge
Schuller, B.;Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Burkhardt, F.; Synthesized Speech for Model Training in Cross-Corpus Recognition of Human Emotion
Vipperla, R.;Geiger, J.;Bozonnet, S.;Wang, D.;Evans, N.;Schuller, B.;Rigoll, G.; Speech Overlap Detection and Attribution Using Convolutive Non-Negative Sparse Coding
Völk, F.;Fintoc, M. A.;Fastl, H.; Minimum Audible Angles with Dynamic Binaural Synthesis and Bilateral Noise Vocoder: Effects of the Channel Distribution
Völk, F.;Gottschalk, A.;Fastl, H.; Evaluation of Binaural Synthesis by Minimum Audible Angles
Völk, F.;Mühlbauer, U.;Fastl, H.; Minimum Audible Distance (MAD) by the Example of Wave Field Synthesis
Wallhoff, F.;Blume, J.;Bannat, A.;Appleton, B.;Rösel, W.;Zwicker, C.;Zäh, M.;Reinhart, G.;Pichler, A.;Ferrara, P.;Behrndt, R.; Robots Assisting in the Packaging Industry
Weninger, F.;Amir, N.;Amir, O.;Ronen, I.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; Robust Feature Extraction for Automatic Recognition of Vibrato Singing in Recorded Polyphonic Music
Weninger, F.;Krajewski, J.;Batliner, A.;Schuller, B.; The Voice of Leadership: Models and Performances of Automatic Analysis in On-Line Speeches
Weninger, F.;Marchi, E.;Schuller, B.; Improving Recognition of Speaker States and Traits by Cumulative Evidence: Intoxication, Sleepiness, Age and Gender
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Supervised and Semi-Supervised Supression of Background Music in Monaural Speech Recordings
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Optimization and Parallelization of Monaural Source Separation Algorithms in the open BliSSART Toolkit
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Discrimination of Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Vocalizations in Spontaneous Speech: Intra- and Inter-Corpus Perspectives
Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Geiger, J.;Schuller, B.;Gemmeke, J.;Hurmalainen, A.;Virtanen, T.;Rigoll, G.; Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Highly Noise-Robust ASR: to Enhance or to Recognize?
Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; Combining Bottleneck-BLSTM and Semi-Supervised Sparse NMF for Recognition of Conversational Speech in Highly Instationary Noise
Wöllmer, M.;Eyben, F.;Schuller, B.; Temporal and Situational Context Modeling for Improved Dominance Recognition in Meetings
Wöllmer, M.;Metallinou, A.;Katsamanis, N.;Schuller, B.;Narayanan, S.; Analyzing the Memory of BLSTM Neural Networks for Enhanced Emotion Classification in Dyadic Spoken Interactions
Zhang, Z.;Schuller, B.; Semi-Supervised Learning Helps in Sound Event Classification
Zhang, Z.;Schuller, B.; Active Learning by Sparse Instance Tracking and Classifier Confidence in Acoustic Emotion Recognition
Hafner, A.; Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Holzbauten Nutzung und Lebenszyklus
Hafner, A.; Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Rohstoffverwendung in Nutzungskaskaden
de Vaal, M.H.;Stock, U.A.;Wall, W.A.;Gee, M.W.; Interplay between cross-clamping and cannular flow during cardiopulmonary bypass assessed by computational fluid-structure interaction
Hafner, A.; Winter, S.; Ecological and economic impact of various materials and constructions for buildings over the whole life cycle
Hafner, A.; Winter, S.; Takano, A.; Wooden products as building material in life cycle analysis
Henke, K.; Pawlowski, R.; Schregle, P; Winter, S.; Digital Image Processing in the Monitoring of wide-span Timber Roof Structures.
Hanitzsch, A.; Hauenstein, A.; Korda, J.; Grötsch, M.; Parkraummanagement in München - Planung und Umsetzung
Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.;Liem, C.;Kurth, F.;Hanjalic, A.; Music Information Retrieval: An Inspirational Guide to Transfer from Related Disciplines
Weninger, F.;Wöllmer, M.;Schuller, B.; Sparse, Hierarchical and Semi-Supervised Base Learning for Monaural Enhancement of Conversational Speech
Zhang, Z.;Weninger, F.;Schuller, B.; Towards Automatic Intoxication Detection from Speech in Real-Life Acoustic Environments
Ivrlac, M.T.; Nossek, J.A.; On the physical meaning of the model of two uncoupled isotrops
Mezgahni, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Efficient reconstruction of sparse vectors from quantized observations
Favot, V.;Buschmann, T.;Schwienbacher, M.;Ewald, A.;Ulbrich, H.; The Sensor-Controller Network of the Humanoid Robot LOLA
Grundl, K.;Cebulla, T.;Schindler, T.;Ulbrich, H.; The Maxwell-Contact
Mayet, J.;Ulbrich, H.; Synchronous Centrifugal Pendulum Absorber
Salama, Ashraf M.;Thierstein, Alain; Editorial. Rethinking urban diversity
Salama, Ashraf M.;Thierstein, Alain;Wiedmann, Florian; A Framework for Investigating Urban Qualities in Emerging Knowledge Economies: The Case of Doha
Salama, Ashraf M.;Thierstein, Alain;Wiedmann, Florian; Urban evolution of the city of Doha: An investigation into the impact of economic transformations on urban structures
Thierstein, Alain; Wiese, Anne; Diversity as a unique constellation of superimposing network logics
Gnatzig, S.; Haas, E.; Lienkamp, M.; Die Teleoperation als Ansatz zur fahrerlosen Fahrzeugführung
Heiber, I.; An European viewpoint on Cooperative and Green Driver Assistance Systems Research
Bachleitner, M.; Fahrer- und fahrzeuggenerierte Verkehrsdaten (FCD) in der Praxis
Hirzinger, G.; „Robotische“ Steuerungs- und Autonomiekonzepte im Elektromobil der Zukunft
Mertens, P.; Fahrerassistenz und Serienentwicklung
Lutz, L.; Tang, T.; Lienkamp, M.; Analyse der rechtlichen Situation von teleoperierten und autonomen Fahrzeugen
Reinprecht, K.; Muhrer, E.; Vollrath, M.; Effekte eines Lichtwarnsystems auf die Reaktionsfähigkeit der Fahrer unter dem besonderen Einfluss von Müdigkeit
Seitz, M.; Matysiak, D.; Zimmermann, A.; Lienkamp, M.; Untersuchungen zur zeitlich optimierten Ausgabe von Fahrzeugmeldungen
Lattke, B.; Winner, H.; Eberlein, R.; Hoffman, R.; Gefahrstellenerkennung in einem kommunikationsbasierten Fahrerassistenzsystem für Motorräder
Bouzouraa, S.; Hofmann, U.; Neumaier, S.; Weiherer, T.; Storz, J.; Reichel, M.; Methoden zur Erfassung der Fahrbahninfrastruktur in komplexen Fahrsituationen
Zecha, S.; Jürgens, G.; Kern, S.; Westhofen, D.; Präventiver Fußgängerschutz mittels kooperativer Ortungsverfahren
Geyer, S.; Winner, H.; Hakuli, S.; Franz, B.; Kauer, M.; Ermittlung der Anforderungen an die Umfelderkennung für Conduct-by-Wire
Grewe, R.; Hohm, A.; Lüke, S.; Komar, M.; Genauigkeitsanalyse eines gridbasierten Verfahrens zur Umfeldbeschreibung
Müller, A.; Wünsche, H.-J.; GIS-basierte topologische Fahrzeuglokalisierung durch Kreuzungserkennung
Seeliger, F.; Dietmayer, K.; Fahrzeugübergreifende Informationsfusion
Dziubek, N.; Winner, H.; Becker, M.; Leinen, S.; Sensordatenfusion zur hochgenauen Ortung von Kraftfahrzeugen mit integrierter Genauigkeits- und Integritätsbewertung
Heyes, D.; Hipp, E.; Zimmermann, A.; Römersperger, X.; Raudszus, D.; Lienkamp, M.; ystematische Bewertung des Fahrereinflusses auf die Transporteffizienz von Nutzfahrzeugen
Tobias Bär, Jan Aidel, Dr. Marcus Strand, Prof. Dr. J. Marius Zöllner; Szenenbasierte Fahrstilerkennung durch probabilistische Auswertung von Fahrzeugdaten
Ahrens, D.; Parkassistent mit Längs- und Querführung
Weißgerber, T.; Damböck, D.; Kienle, M.; Bengler, K.; Erprobung einer kontaktanalogen Anzeige für Fahrerassistenzsysteme beim hochautomatisierten Fahren
Rauch, S.; Aeberhard, M.; Ardelt, M.; Kämpchen, N.; Autonomes Fahren auf der Autobahn – eine Potentialstudie für zukünftige Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Damböck, D.; Bengler, K.; Übernahmezeiten beim hochautomatisierten Fahren
Mirwaldt, P.; Bartels, A.; Lemmer, K.; Gestaltung eines Notfallassistenzsystems bei medizinisch bedingter Fahrunfähigkeit
Seiniger, P.; Bartels, O.; Unselt, T.; Rodarius, C.; Vissers, J.; Aparicio, A.; Baures, S.; Ein validiertes Testverfahren für Notbremssysteme – Ergebnisse des ASSESS-Projekts
Wille, J.M.; Jungbluth, A.; Kohsiek, A.; Zatloukal, M.; rateEFFECT – Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Effizienzbewertung aktiver Sicherheitssysteme
Spanfelner, B.; Richter, D.; Ebel, S.; Wilhelm, U.; Branz, W.; Patz, C.; Herausforderungen in der Anwendung der ISO26262 für Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Domsch, C.; Gruber, C.; Kompass, K.; Potential für die weitere Leistungssteigerung präventiver Schutzsysteme am Beispiel des präventiven Fußgängerschutzes
Nieuwland, A.; Dobbelaere, P.; Petti, S.; Ress, C.; Vehicle to infrastructure communication with today’stelecommunication systems
Reinisch, P.; Werling, M.; Schramm, D.; Vernetzungstechnologien als Beitrag zur integrierten Kollisionsvermeidung
Lüßmann, J.; Busch, F.; Rommerskirchen, C.; Bengler, K.; Netzweite Wirkungsermittlung kooperativer Fahrerassistenzsysteme zur Verbrauchsreduzierung mittels Simulation
Schuhmacher, T.; Straub, D.; Higgins, C.; Toward a Probabilistic Acoustic Emission Source Location Algorithm: a Bayesian Approach
Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.;Fischer, Sybille;Reichert, Joachim;Diller, Katharina;Blobner, Florian;Klappenberger, Florian;Allegretti, Francesco;Seitsonen Ari P.;Barth, Johannes V.; Chemical transformations drive complex self-assembly of uracil on close packed coinage metal surfaces
Ott, S.; Winter, S.; Parameter study of a prefabricated retrofit facade system.
Agugiaro, Giorgio; Kolbe, Thomas H.; A deterministic method to integrate triangular meshes of different resolution
Gröger, Gerhard;Kolbe, Thomas H.;Nagel, Claus;Häfele, Karl-Heinz; OGC City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) Encoding Standard
Kaden, Robert;Krüger, Andreas;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Integratives Entscheidungswerkzeug für die ganzheitliche Planung in Städten auf der Basis von semantischen 3D-Stadtmodellen am Beispiel des Energieatlasses Berlin
Scheidgen, Markus;Zubow, Anatolij;Fischer, Joachim;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Automated and Transparent Model Fragmentation for Persisting Large Models
Herreruela, Javier;Nagel, Claus;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Value-added Services for 3D City Models using Cloud Computing
C. Lichtenthäler;T. Lorenz;A. Kirsch; Influence of Legibility on Perceived Safety in a Virtual Human-Robot Path Crossing Task
C. Lichtenthäler;T. Lorenz;M. Karg;A. Kirsch; Increasing Perceived Value Between Human and Robots - Measuring Legibility in Human Aware Navigation
A. Mörtl;T. Lorenz;B. Vlaskamp;A. Gusrialdi;A. Schubö;S. Hirche; Modeling inter-human movement coordination: synchronization governs joint task dynamics
Dross, Michael;Alaily Mattar, Nadia;Thierstein, Alain; A conceptual foundation of spatial strategy. A methodology for spatial transformation
Heyszl, Johann and Merli, Dominik and Heinz, Benedikt and De Santis, Fabrizio and Sigl, Georg; Strengths and Limitations of High-Resolution Electromagnetic Field Measurements for Side-Channel Analysis
A. Mörtl;M. Lawitzky;A. Kucukyilmaz;M. Sezgin;C. Basdogan;S. Hirche; The Role of Roles: Physical Cooperation between Humans and Robots
A. Molin;S. Hirche; An Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Event-Triggered Estimation
M. Rank;T. Schauß;A. Peer;S. Hirche;R. L. Klatzky; Masking Effects for Damping JND , Haptics: Perception, Devices, Mobility, and Communication International Conference
H. Huang;C. Yu, A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche; Topology Design for Distributed Formation Control towards Optimal Convergence Rate
A. Gusrialdi;S. Hirche; On the Explicit Solution of Communication Topology Design for Distributed Control of Large-scale Interconnected Systems
H. Mangesius;S. Hirche;D. Obradovic; Quasi-Stationarity of Electric Power Grid Dynamics Based on a Spatially Embedded Kuramoto Model
M. Lawitzky;J.R. Medina Hernández;S. Hirche; Rapid Prototyping of Planning, Learning and Control in Physical Human-Robot Interaction
J.R. Medina Hernández;D. Lee;S. Hirche; Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control for Haptic Assistance
M. Lawitzky;J.R. Medina Hernández;D. Lee;S. Hirche; Feedback Motion Planning and Learning from Demonstration in Physical Robotic Assistance: Differences and Synergies
M. Kimmel;M. Lawitzky;S. Hirche; 6D Workspace Constraints for Physical Human-Robot Interaction using Invariance Control with Chattering Reduction
J.R. Medina Hernández;T. Lorenz;D. Lee;S. Hirche; Disagreement-Aware Physical Assistance Through Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control
J.R. Medina Hernández;M. Shelley;D. Lee, W. Takano;S. Hirche; Towards Interactive Physical Robotic Assistance: Parameterizing Motion Primitives Through Natural Language
M. Saida;J.R. Medina Hernández;S. Hirche; Dynamic Role Adaptation with Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control in Physical Human-Robot Interaction
M. Rambow;T. Schauß;M. Buss;S. Hirche; Autonomous Manipulation of Deformable Objects based on Teleoperated Demonstrations
S. Norouzzadeh;T. Lorenz;S. Hirche; Towards Safe Physical Human-Robot Interaction: an Online Optimal Control Scheme
T. Nierhoff;K. Heunisch;S. Hirche; Strategic play for a pool-playing robot
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche; Trajectory Classification in n Dimensions using Subspace Projection
V. Okunev;T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche; Human-preference-based Control Design: Adaptive Robot Admittance Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
V. Koropouli;S. Hirche;D. Lee; Learning and generalizing force control policies for sculpting
T. Schauß;C. Passenberg;N. Stefanov;D. Feth;I. Vittorias;A. Peer;S. Hirche;M. Buss;M. Rothbucher;K. Diepold;J. Kammerl;E. Steinbach; Video: Beyond classical teleoperation: Assistance, cooperation, data reduction, and spatial audio
Merli, Dominik and Sigl, Georg; Physical Unclonable Functions - CMOS-Implementierungen und Hardware-Attacken
E. Steinbach;S. Hirche;M. Ernst;F. Brandi;R. Chaudhari;J. Kammerl;I. Vittorias; Haptic communications
H. Wu;L. Lou;C.-C. Chen;S. Hirche;K. Kühnlenz; Cloud-based Networked Visual Servo Control
Y. Mozafari;A. Kiani;S. Hirche; Oscillator Network Synchronization by Distributed Control
J. Qin;C. Yu;S. Hirche; Stationary Consensus of Asynchronous Discrete-Time Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems Under Switching Topology
A. Molin;S. Hirche; Entwurf vernetzter ereignisbasierter Regelungssysteme mit Kommunikationsbeschränkungen
A. Molin;S. Hirche; Adaptive Event-triggered Control over a Shared Network
P. Basili;M. Huber;O. Kourakos;T. Lorenz;T. Brandt;S. Hirche; Inferring the goal of an approaching agent: a human-robot study
F. Deroo;M. Ulbrich;B.D.O. Anderson;S. Hirche; Accelerated Iterative Distributed Controller Synthesis with a Barzilai-Borwein Step Size
M. Lang and W. Feiten; MPG - Fast Forward Reasoning on 6 DOF Pose Uncertainty
S. Golemati;J. Stoitsis;A. Gastounioti;A.C. Dimopoulos;V. Koropouli;K.S. Nikita; Comparison of Block Matching and Differential Methods for Motion Analysis of the Carotid Artery Wall from Ultrasound Images
T. Nierhoff;L. Lou;V. Koropouli;M. Eggers;T. Fritzsch;O. Kourakos;K. Kühnlenz;D. Lee;B. Radig;M. Buss;S. Hirche; Tire Mounting on a Car Using the Real-Time Control Architecture ARCADE
T. Nierhoff;S. Hirche; Fast Trajectory Replanning using Laplacian Mesh Optimization
Ewald Lutscher, Gordon Cheng; A Set-Point-Generator for Indirect-Force-Controlled Manipulators Operating Unknown Constrained Mechanisms
Ewald Lutscher, Gordon Cheng; Operating Unknown Constrained Mechanisms with Compliant Robots
Kneidl, A.;Borrmann, A.;Hartmann, D.; Generation and use of sparse navigation graphs for microscopic pedestrian simulation models
Borrmann, A.;Kneidl, A.;Köster, G.;Ruzika, S.;Thiemann, M.; Bidirectional Coupling of Macroscopic and Microscopic Pedestrian Evacuation Models
Dori, G.;Borrmann, A.; Determination of float time for individual construction tasks using constraint-based discrete-event simulation
Breit, M.;Li, H.;Lang, F.;Ritter, F.;Borrmann, A.; Serious Play - Intuitive architectural conceptual design with immediate structural feedback and economical and ecological performance predictions
Obergriesser, M.;Borrmann, A.; Infrastructural BIM standards – Development of an Information Delivery Manual for the geotechnical infrastructural design and analysis process
Borrmann, A.;Ji, Y.;Jubierre, J. R.; Multi-scale geometry in civil engineering models: Consistency preservation through procedural representations
Flurl, M.;Mundani, R.-P.;Rank, E.;Borrmann, A.; A Collaborative Multi-Scale Planning Platform: Concept and Implementation Approach
Christodoulou, S.;Lukas, K.;Borrmann, A.; Entropy-Based Traffic Impact Analysis and Optimization of Roadway Maintenance
Huang, L.;Häubi, F.;Breit, M.;Borrmann, A.; BIM-based Information Exchange for Functional AEC Design and Ordering Processes
Dori, G.;Borrmann, A.;Szczesny, K.;Hamm, M.;König, M.; Combining forward and backward process simulation for generating and analysing construction schedules
Borrmann, A.; Ji, Y.; Jubierre, J. R.; Flurl M.; Procedural Modeling: A new approach to multi-scale design in infrastructure projects
Daum, S.;Borrmann, A.; Efficient and Robust Octree Generation for Implementing Topological Queries for Building Information Models
Horenburg, T.;Wimmer, J.;Günthner, W. A.;Borrmann, A.;Dori, G.; Collection, processing and use of actual data for the process simulation during construction
Lukas, K.;Borrmann, A.; Integrated Bridge Management from 3D-Model to Network Level
Ritter, F.; Li, H.; An early design tool for sustainable steel and steel composite structures under the use of a Genetic Algorithm
Ritter, F.; Li, H.; Softwareentwicklung mit Genetischen Algorithmen zur Unterstützung von Planern von Büro und Verwaltungsgebäuden in Stahl- und Stahlverbundbauweise im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit
Kneidl, A.;Hartmann, D.;Borrmann, A.; Using a multi-scale model for simulating pedestrian behavior
Seeber, B.U.; Differential contribution of interaural time and level differences to the precedence effect at high frequencies
Jubierre, J. R.; Flurl, M.; Umsetzung von mehrskaligen prozeduralen Modellen in eine Multi-Geometrie Umgebung.
S. Hirche;M. Buss; Human-Oriented Control for Haptic Teleoperation
Gonsior, Barbara; Buß, Malte; Sosnowski, Stefan; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; Buss, Martin; Towards Transferability of Theories on Prosocial Behavior from Social Psychology to HRI
Gonsior, Barbara; Sosnowski, Stefan; Buß, Malte; Wollherr, Dirk; Kühnlenz, Kolja; An Emotional Adaption Approach to increase Helpfulness towards a Robot
Hendrich, Elisabeth; Strobach, Tilo; Buss, Martin; Müller, Hermann J.; Schubert, Torsten; Temporal-Order Judgment of Visual and Auditory Stimuli: Modulations in Situations with and without Stimulus Discrimination
Hernández, J.R. Medina;Lee, Dongheui;Hirche, S.; Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control for Haptic Assistance
Hernández, J.R. Medina;Lorenz, T.;Lee, Dongheui;Hirche, S.; Disagreement-Aware Physical Assistance Through Risk-Sensitive Optimal Feedback Control
Hu, K.;Lee, Dongheui; Bipedal Locomotion Primitive Learning, Control and Prediction from Human Data
Kulic, Dana;Ott, Christian;Lee, Dongheui;Ishikawa, Junichi;Nakamura, Yoshihiko; Incremental Learning of Full Body Motion Primitives and their Sequencing through Human Motion Observation
Lawitzky, M.;Hernández, J.R. Medina;Lee, Dongheui;Hirche, S.; Feedback Motion Planning and Learning from Demonstration in Physical Robotic Assistance: Differences and Synergies
Nierhoff, T.;Lou, L.;Koropouli, V.;Eggers, M.;Fritzsch, T.;Kourakos, O.;Kühnlenz, K.;Lee, Dongheui;Radig, B.;Buss, M.;Hirche, S.; Tire Mounting on a Car Using the Real-Time Control Architecture ARCADE
Zhang, Licong;Sturm, Juergen;Cremers, Daniel;Lee, Dongheui; Real-time Human Motion Tracking using Multiple Depth Cameras
Karinne Ramirez Amaro and J.C. Chimal-Eguia; Image-Based Learning Approach Applied to Time Series Forecasting
Eun-sol Kim, Jiseob Kim, Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz and Byoung-Tak Zhang; A Visual Hypernetwork Model using Eye-Gaze-Information-Based Active Sampling
Eun-Sol Kim, Jiseob Kim, Karinne Ramirez Amaro, Michael Beetz, Byoung-Tak Zhang; Human Cooking Action Recognition via Spatio-temporal Feature Learning based on ISA
John Nassour, Gordon Cheng; Cognitive Development Through a Neurologically-Based Learning Framework
Erhard Wieser and Gordon Cheng; Forming Goal-directed Memory for Cognitive Development
Dietrich, Benedikt;Chakraborty, Samarjit; Managing Power for Closed-Source Android OS Games by Lightweight Graphics Instrumentation
Peter Keil, Andreas Jossen; Thermal FDM Battery Model
Christian Linse, Martin J. Brand, Jonny Dambrowski, Andreas Jossen; Model-based parameter estimation of li-ion batteries
Jonny Dambrowski; Aging-invariance of the open-circuit-voltage of NMC-lithium-ion-cells
Nora Martiny, Sabine Arnold, Andreas Jossen; Thermal Analysis of Li-Ion Cells for Safety Simulation
Axel Reinfelder, Nora Martiny, Andreas Jossen; Thermal In-Cell Measurement for Li-Ion Pouch Cells
Nora Martiny, Patrick J. Osswald, Christian Huber, Andreas Jossen; Safety Management for Electric Vehicle Batteries in a Tropic Environment
Martin J. Brand, Daniel Quinger, Georg Walder, Andreas Jossen, Markus Lienkamp; Ageing inhomogeneity of long-term used BEV-batteries and their reusability for 2nd-life applications
Peter Burda, Peter Keil, Markus Lienkamp, Andreas Jossen; Development of a modular lithium-ion battery for a sub-compact electric vehicle
Jan Geder, Harry Hoster, Andreas Jossen, Denis Y.W. Yu; Influence of Cathode Material Surface Area on Thermal Stability of Li-Ion Batteries
Rebecca Zeh, Frank M. Kindermann, Ralph Ch. Karl, Hubert Gasteiger, Andreas Jossen; Electrode optimization and behavior of LTO/LFP electrodes for applications in lithium ion batteries
Becher, V.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Validation of spectral gas radiation models under oxyfuel conditions - Part C: Validation of simplified models
Fendt, S.;Tremel, A.;Gaderer, M.;Spliethoff, H.; The potential of small-scale SNG production from biomass gasification
Gewald, D.;Sokos, K.;Karellas, S.;Spliethoff, H.; Waste heat recovery from a landfill gas-fired power plant
Jovanovic, R.;Milweska, A.;Swiatowski, B.;Goanta, A.;Spliethoff, H.; Sensitivity analysis of different devolatilisation models on predicting ignition point position during pulverized coal combustion in O-2/N-2 and O-2/CO2 atmospheres
Kreutzkam, B.;Wieland, C.;Spliethoff, H.; Improved numerical prediction of ash formation and deposition using a novel developed char fragmentation model
Losurdo, M.;Spliethoff, H.;Kiel, J.; Ash deposition modeling using a visco-elastic approach
Mayerhofer, M.;Mitsakis, P.;Meng, X.M.;De Jong, W.;Spliethoff, H.;Garderer, M.; Influence of pressure, temperature and steam on tar and gas in allothermal fluidized bed gasification
Meng, X.;Mitsakis, P.;Mayerhofer, M.;de Jong, W.;Gaderer, M.;Verkooijen, A.H.M.;Spliethoff, H.; Tar formation in a steam-O2 blown CFB gasifier and a steam blown PBFB gasifier (BabyHPR): Comparison between different on-line measurement techniques and the off-line SPA sampling and analysis method
Tremel, A.;Haselsteiner, T.;Nakonz, M.;Spliethoff, H.; Coal and char properties in high temperature entrained flow gasification
Tremel, A.;Stemann, J.;Herrmann, M.;Erlach, B.;Spliethoff, H.; Entrained flow gasification of biocoal from hydrothermal carbonization
Wieland, C.;Kreutzkam, B.;Balan, G.;Spliethoff, H.; Evaluation, comparison and validation of deposition criteria for numerical simulation of slagging
Fendt, S.;Albrecht, F.G.;Gaderer, M.;Spliethoff, H.; comparison of SNG (synthetic natural gas) production pathways for the storage of renewable energy - a german case study
Schuhbauer, C.;Spliethoff, H.; Bewertung von Kohlekraftwerken und Verbesserung ihrer Dynamik in Hinblick auf die zukünftigen Anforderungen
Fendt, S.; Biomethane directly out of the gasifier?
Erbel, C.;Mayerhofer, M.; Continuous in situ measurements of alkali species in the gasification of biomass
Pugachev, A. O.;Kleinhans, U.;Gaszner, M.; Prediction of rotordynamic coefficients for short labyrinth gas seals using computational fluid dynamics
Pugachev, A.O.;Deckner, M.; Experimental and theoretical rotordynamic stiffness coefficients for a three-stage brush seal
Pugachev, A. O.;Degen, H.; CFD-predicted rotordynamic coefficients for a 20-teeth-on-stator labyrinth seal at high supply pressure conditions
Christian Huber, Andreas Jossen, Robert Kuhn; Multiscope optimization
Martin J. Brand, Peter Keil, Stefan Grubwinkler, Andreas Jossen, Markus Lienkamp; Entwicklung und Diskussion einer 12V-Pufferbatterie aus LiFePO4-Akkumulatoren
Peter Keil, Andreas Jossen; Aufbau und Parametrierung von Batteriemodellen
Pittala, F.; Mezghani, A.; Hauske, F.N.; Ye, Y.; Monroy, I.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Efficient Training-Based Channel Estimation for Coherent Optical Communication Systems
Pittala, F.; Hausek, F.N.; Ye, Y.; Gonzalez, N.G.; Monroy, I.T.; Nossek, J.A.; PDL Monitoring based on the Eigenvalues Spread of a Data-Aided Zero-Forcing Frequency Domain Equalizer
Pittala, F.; Hauske, F.N.; Ye, Y.; Gonzalez, N.G.; Monroy, I.T.; Nossek, J.A.; PDL-aware in-band OSNR monitoring based on the spectral properties of concatenated CAZAC Sequences
Pittala, F.; Hauske, F.N.; Ye, Y.; Monroy, I.T.; Nossek, J.A.; Training-based channel estimation for signal equalization and OPM in 16-QAM optical transmission systems
Daum, S.; Octree-Generierung: Visual Debugging mit Blender
Runtemund, K; Cottone, G.; Müller, G.; A combined Kalman-fractional calculus method for the parameter identification of structures under arbitrarily correlated ambient noise
von Saucken, C.;Schröer, B.;Kain, A.;Lindemann, U.; Customer Experience Interaction Model
Srinivasan, V.;Chakrabarti, A.;Lindemann, U.; A Framework for Describing Functions in Design
Späth, Rainer;Hesse, Miriam;Kohn, Andreas; Möglichkeiten der Informationsvisualisierung in der Montageabsicherung
Siyam, G.I.;Kirner, K.G.M.;Wynn, D.C.;Lindemann, U.;Clarkson, P.J.; Value and Waste Dependencies and Guidelines
Siyam, G.I.;Kirner, K.;Wynn, D.C.;Lindemann, U.;Clarkson, P.J.; Relating Value Methods to Waste Types in Lean Product Development
Shea, Kristina; Systematische konzeptbasierte Modellentwicklung
Sharafi, A.;Elezi, F.;Zuber, F.;Wolf, P.;Krcmar, H.;Lindemann, U.; Determining the Drivers for Long Lead Times of Engineering Change Orders: A Data Mining Approach
Schrieverhoff, Phillip;Lindemann, Udo; Design for adaptability – support of upgrade strategies to react to evolving stakeholder needs and requirements
Schrieverhoff, Phillip;Lindemann, Udo; Teaching TRIZ at TU Munich
Schrieverhoff, P.;Bender, T.;Kissel, M.;Lindemann, U.; Evaluation of Architecture Options on System Engineering
Shimomura, Yoshiki;Kimita, Koji; PSS For Preventing Product Imitation
Schenkl, S. A.;Behncke, F. G. H.;Lindemann, U.; Assessing Procedures to Set up Protection Concepts against Product Counterfeiting
Reik, Alexander U.;Weiß, Stefan;Lindemann, Udo; Lean Monitoring Card: An approach for the multi-perspective evaluation of the success of measures to reduce waste within the frame of Lean Development
Plaikner, S.;Kissel, M.;Kreimeyer, M.;Lindemann, U.; An Architecture Framework for Multi-Product Portfolio Management in the Commercial Vehicle Industry
Parvan, M.;Oepke, H.;Kaiser, K.;Lindemann, U.; Role Development for Interdisciplinary Collaboration Support in Biomimetics
Orawski, Robert;Kammerl, Daniel;Schenkl, Sebastian;Hepperle, Clemens;Mörtl, Markus; Element Visualization ElViz: Graphical Representation of Planning-Relevant Dependencies between PSS-Elements
Orawski, Robert;Hepperle, Clemens;Schenkl, Sebastian;Mörtl, Markus;Lindemann, Udo; Life-cycle oriented requirement formalization and traceability
Steinhilper, R.;Rieg, F.; Kostenrechnung in der Konstruktion
Metzler, Torsten;Gerlinghaus, Fabian;Pierce, Brennand;Jowers, Iestyn;Shea, K.;Cheng, Gordon; Design and Emotional Expressiveness of Gertie (An Open Hardware Robotic Desk Lamp)
Lindemann, Udo;Orawski, Robert; Hybridantriebe im PKW – eine Problemlösung jetzt oder in Zukunft?
Gausemeier, J.;Lanza, G.;Lindemann, U.; Produktbezogene Kosten über den Produktlebenszyklus
Langer, S.;Maier, A. M.;Wilberg, J.;Münch, T. J.;Lindemann, U.; Exploring Differences between Average and Critical Engineering Changes: Survey Results from Denmark
Kortler, S.;Kohn, A.;Lindemann, U.; Validation of Product Properties Considering a High Variety of Complex Products
Kohn, A.;Lutter-Günther, M.;Hagg, M.;Maurer, M.; Handling Product Information- Towards an Improved Use of Product Models in Engineering Design
Kissel, M.;Schrieverhoff, P.;Lindemann, U.; Design for Adaptability – Identifying Potential for Improvement on an Architecture Basis
Kissel, M.;Bradford, N.;Kreimeyer, M.;Lindemann, U.; Product Structure Management as the Backbone of Engineering Design: Exploration of a Reference Model
Kaiser, M. K.;Hashemi Farzaneh, H.;Lindemann, U.; An Approach to Support Searching for Biomimetic Solutions Based on System Characteristics and its Environmental Interactions
Kain, A.;Kirschner, R.;Lindemann, U.; Utilization of Outside -In Innovation Input for Product Development
Herberg, Arne;Lindemann, Udo; Supporting system architecture assessment by two-level functional modeling: Process oriented analysis and comparison of large-scale systems
Helten, K.;Lindemann, U.; Structural Modelling and Analysis of Organizational Change During Lean Development Implementation
Helms, Bergen;Shea, Kristina; Computational Synthesis of Product Architectures Based on Object-Oriented Graph Grammars
Gausemeier, J.;Lanza, G.;Lindemann, U.; Bewertung von Entwicklungskosten
Hashemi Farzaneh, H.;Kaiser, M. K.;Schröer, B.;Srinivasan, V.;Lindemann, U.; Evaluation of Creativity - Structuring Solution Ideas Communicated in Groups Performing Solution Search
Hashemi Farzaneh, Helena;Kaiser, Maria Katharina;Lindemann, Udo; Creative processes in groups - relating communication, cognitive processes and solution ideas
Daniilidis, Harrys;Bauer, Wolfgang;Eben, Katharina;Lindemann, U.; Compendium for modular and platform based architecting
Daniilidis, Harrys;Bauer, Wolfgang;Eben, Katharina;Lindemann, U.; Systematic goal definition for complexity management projects
Steinhilper, R.;Rieg, F.; Recyclinggerechtes Konstruieren.
Biedermann, W.;Lindemann, U.; Correlation of Structural Characteristica of Product Design Structure Matrices
Biedermann, W.;Diepold, K. J.;Lindemann, U.;Lohmann, B.; Delimiting Structural and Dynamical System Analysis in Engineering Management
Behncke, Florian G. H.;Wickel, Martina;Lindemann, Udo; Managing the economic performance of research-driven initiatives in the field of transdisciplinary research
Bauer, Wolfgang;Elser, Hannes;Lindemann, Udo; A matrix-based approach for a qualitative assessment of system architecture specific processes regarding efficiency
Bauer, Wolfgang;Biedermann, Wieland;Helms, Bergen;Maurer, Maik; A Student Laboratory for Systems Engineering - Teaching Systems Engineering to Students Without Previous SE-Knowledge Based on an Industry-Oriented Example
Huber, Matthias; Trippe, Annette; Kuhn, Philipp; Hamacher, Thomas; Effects of large scale EV and PV integration on power supply systems in the context of Singapore
Mezghani, A.; Nossek, J.A.; Capacity Lower Bound of MIMO Channels with Output Quantization and Correlated Noise
El Kateb, H.; Mosandl, R.; Von der Wüste zum Wald.
Cottone, G.; Fileccia, G.; Pirrotta, A.; A modified ant colony damage identification algorithm for not well- spaced frequency systems
S. Wahls, H. Boche; Lower bounds on the infima in some H-infinity optimization problems
Reith, Christoph; Wagner, Andreas; Natural hazard monitoring
Geißelmann, Agnes; Zufriedenheit mit Bibliotheksdienstleistungen
H. Boche, R.F. Wyrembelski; Comparison of Different Attack Classes in Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels
I. Bjelakovic, H. Boche, J. Sommerfeld; Strong Secrecy in Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; On analog computation of vector-valued functions in clustered wireless sensor networks
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Complete characterization of bandlimited signals with bounded Hilbert transform
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Extension of the Hilbert transform
M. Karaca, Y. Sarikaya, O. Ercetin, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Efficient wireless scheduling with limited channel feedback and performance guarantees
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Solution of the peak value problem for Gabor's theory of communication
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; Analog computation via wireless multiple-access channels: Universality and robustness
Filippi, M.; Schindler, T.;Ulbrich, H.; Modeling Sticking, Stick-Slip And Sliding in Multi-Body Systems With Many Frictional Contacts
Filippi, M.;Ulbrich, H.; An Efficient Multi-Body Approach Modeling Elastohydrodynamic Friction in Drive Systems
Schlerege, F.;Kessler, K.;Brands, Ch.;Kirsten, K.;Degenhardt, C.;Ulbrich, H.;Filippi, M.; Optimierung von Steuerkettentrieben durch erweiterte Reibmodellierung
P. Walk, P. Jung; Compressed Sensing on Images of Bilinear Maps
Onyekwelu, J. C.; Stimm, B.; Mosandl, R.; Seed Germination and Early Growth of Chrysophyllum albidum Seedlings under Different Light Intensities.
Olusola, J. A.; Onyekwelu, J. C.; Mosandl, R.; Stimm, B.; Domestication Potentials of Irvingia gabonensis: Farm Level Tree Growth Characteristics Assessment, Fruit Phenology and Effect of Light Intensity on Seed Germination.
Khan, Aftab A.; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Constraints and their role in subspacing for the locomotion types in indoor navigation
H. Boche, S. Naik, T. Alpcan; Mechanism design and implementation theoretic perspective for interference coupled wireless systems
H. Boche, U.J. Mönich; Unboundedness of thresholding and quantization for bandlimited signals
M. Goldenbaum, H. Boche, S. Stanczak; Nomographic gossiping for f-consensus
M. Karaca, Y. Sarikaya, Ö. Ercetin, T. Alpcan, H. Boche; Efficient wireless scheduling with limited channel feedback and performance guarantees
M. Cai, N. Cai, C. Deppe; Capactities of classical compound quantum wiretap and classical quantum compound wiretap channels
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; Trading privacy with incentives in mobile commerce: A game theoretic approach
G. Iosifidis, A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan, I. Koutsopoulos; Incentive Mechanisms for Hierarchical Spectrum Markets
A.K. Chorppath, T. Alpcan; Risk Management for IT Security: When Theory Meets Practice
Roppenecker, D.B.;Meining, A.;Horst, G.;Ulbrich, H.;Lueth, T.C.; Interdisciplinary development of a single-port robot
Durchholz, J.; Stockenberger, D.; Günthner, W.; Präventiver Produktpiraterieschutz Einsatz von passiven, signierten RFID-Transpondern im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
Dewitz, M.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Drive-Thru Loading Concept for InPlant Milk Runs
Horenburg, T.; Wimmer, J.; Günthner, W. A.; Resource Allocation in Construction Scheduling based on Multi-Agent Negotiation
Ertl, R.; Günthner, W. A.; Fischer, G.; Energieeffiziente Intralogistik auf Geräteebene am Beispiel der Regalbediengeräts
Meißner, S.; Conze, M.; Habenicht, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Lean Supply Chain Management - Einstufige Materialbereitstellkonzepte zur Versorgung der variantenreichen Automobilproduktion
Wolf-Kluthausen, H.; Rechnergestützte Planung automatischer Lagersysteme
Günthner, W. A.; Rammelmeier, T.; Auf dem Weg zur Null-Fehler-Kommissionierung
Kammergruber, F.; Ebner, A.; Günthner, W. A.; Navigation in Virtual Reality using Microsoft Kinect
Ebner, A.; Kammergruber, F.; Horenburg, T.; Günthner, W. A.; Logistics and Layout Planning of Construction Equipment on a VR-Multi-Touch-Tablet
Hohenstein, F.; Jung, M.; Günthner, W. A.; Das Staplerauge zur Integration von Sensorfunktionen
Schneidler, S.; Dr. Kleeberger, M.; Dynamische Krantragwerksberechnungen
Kessler, S.; Wimmer J.; Günthner, W. A.; Baumaschinen Flottenmanagement mit Telematik Benefit für den Betreiber
Durchholz, J.; Stockenberger, D.; Günthner, W. A.; Auch Dinge haben ein Recht auf Individualität.
Günthner, W. A.; Hohenstein, F.; Salfer, M.; Machbarkeit RFID-basierter Textilidentifikation zur Pulkerfassung und Sortierung
Rammelmeier, T.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W. A.; Fehlervermeidung in der Kommissionierung
Wedekind, M.;Khoun, L.;Krempl, P.;Baier, H.;Hubert, P.; Impact behavior of thin thermoplastic composites dependant on manufacturing parameters and layup
Ungwattanapanit, T.;Baier, H.; Strength-Stability Optimization of Hybrid-Stiffness Laminated Plates with Cutouts subjected to Multiple Loads
Wei,B.;Datashvili,L.; "Cable web design for precision large deployable reflectors"
Xu,Q.;Baier,H.; "Physical-mathematical Structure Concerned Metamodel for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization"
Baier,H.;Rapp,S.; Compensation of residual stress induced shape errors in precision structures
Reinicke,G.;Baier,H.;Grillenbeck,A.;Scharfeld,F.;Hunger,J.;Abou-El-Ela,A.;Löhberg,A.; "Active Vibration Damping of Solar Arrays"
Endler,S.;Baier,H.;Datashvili,L.; Nano-fillers in fiber reinforced polymers for performance enhancement of satellite structures
Parvan, M. I.;Miedl, F.;Lindemann, U.; Nature-inspired Process Model for Concept Selection and Evaluation in Engineering Design
M. Kurras, K. Borner, L. Thiele, M. Olbirch, T. Haustein; Achievable system performance gains using distributed antenna deployments
K. Borner, J. Dommel, S. Jaeckel, L. Thiele; On the requirements for quasi-deterministic radio channel models for heterogeneous networks
S. Jaeckel, K. Borner, L. Thiele, V. Jungnickel; A Geometric Polarization Rotation Model for the 3-D Spatial Channel Model
M.M. Butt, B. Schubert, M. Kurras, K. Borner, T. Haustein, L. Thiele; On the energy-bandwidth trade-off in green wireless networks: System level results
Straub D., Papaioannou I., Michalski A.; Designing for wind actions based on time-domain analysis: Accounting for statistical uncertainty
Ohlmann-Lauber, J.; Filterungsansätze zur Bestimmung flächenhafter Deformationen aus TLS-Daten
Isokoski, Poika;Springare, Jukka; Haptics in Between-Person Object Transfer
Fasth, Åsa; Provost, Julien; Fabian, Martin; Stahre, Johan; Lennartson, Bengt; From Task Allocation Towards Resource Allocation when Optimising Assembly Systems
Provost, Julien; Fasth, Åsa; Stahre, Johan; Lennartson, Bengt; Fabian, Martin; Human operator and robot resource modeling for planning purposes in assembly systems
Provost, Julien; Lennartson, Bengt; Fabian, Martin; Fasth, Åsa; Stahre, Johan; Planning in assembly systems - A common modeling for products and resources
Yoshihara, L.; Wall, W.A.; Gee, M.W.; Die virtuelle Lunge
Yoshihara, L.; Computational Modeling of Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Phenomena in Respiratory Mechanics
Lee, Allen S.;Alter, Steve;Chiasson, Mike;Krcmar, Helmut; Long Live Design Science Research!
Tertilt, Daniel;Bögelsack, Andr'e;Krcmar, Helmut; Modeling the Performance and Scalability of a SAP ERP System using an Evolutionary Algorithm
Klendauer, Ruth;Hoffmann, Axel;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Berkovich, Marina;Krcmar, Helmut; Using the IDEAL Software Process Improvement Model for the Implementation of Automotive SPICE
Engel, Tobias;Lunow, Sascha;Fischer, Julian;Köbler, Felix;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Value Creation in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains using Customer-Centric RFID Applications
Sharafi, Armin;Elezi, Fatos;Zuber, Fabian;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut;Lindemann, Udo; Determining the Drivers for Long Lead Times of Engineering Change Orders: A Data Mining Approach
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; A Product Service System Lifecycle Model for the IT Service Industry
Jurisch, Marlen;Greger, Vanessa;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Entwicklung eines Domänenmodells zur Identifikation und Analyse von Prozessketten
Becker, Jörg;Heide, Tobias;Hofmann, Sara;Jurisch, Marlen;Knackstedt, Ralf;Krcmar, Helmut;Ley, Thomas;Räckers, Michael;Thome, Irena;Wolf, Petra; Forschung zur prozessorientierten Verwaltung
Ebner, Katharina;Riempp, Gerold;Müller, Benjamin;Urbach, Nils;Krcmar, Helmut; Making Strategic IT/IS Management Comparable: Designing an Instrument for Strategic IT/IS Benchmarking
Becker, Jörg;Hofmann, Sara;Jurisch, Marlen;Knackstedt, Ralf;Krcmar, Helmut;Räckers, Michael;Thome, Irena;Wolf, Petra; Prozessorientierte Verwaltung - Status quo und Forschungslücken
Kristekova, Zuzana;Brion, Jesica;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Simulation Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cloud Computing versus In-House Datacenters
Hoberg, Patrick;Krcmar, Helmut; Treiber und Hürden der Einführung von Shared Service Centern in der Verwaltungs-IT
Obermeier, Manuela;Greger, Vanessa;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Struktur, Elemente und Bausteine von IT-Strategien in der öffentlichen Verwaltung
Verclas, Stephan;Linnhoff-Popien, Claudia; Smart Automotive Apps für kundenorientierte Dienstleistungen im Fahrzeug
Hoermann, Stefan;Dongus, Konrad;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Do vendors include transaction characteristics in their risk estimation?
Goswami, Suparna;Ravichandran, T.;Teo, Hock Hai;Krcmar, Helmut; Relational Antecedents of Information Visibility in Value Networks
Petkov, Petromil;Goswami, Suparna;Köbler, Felix;Krcmar, Helmut; Personalised Eco-Feedback as A Design Technique for Motivating Energy Saving Behaviour at Home
Hua, Y.;Blohm, Ivo;Huber, Michael;Bretschneider, Ulrich;Goswami, Suparna;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Collaboration and the Quality of User Generated Ideas in Online Innovation Communities
Akkaya, Cigdem;Wofl, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; The Surprisingly Low Effect of National Culture on E-Government Adoption
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Hausen, Marina;Briggs, Robert O.;Krcmar, Helmut; Developing a Risk Management Process and a Risk Taxonomy for Medium-sized IT Solution Providers
Blohm, Ivo;Riedl, Christoph;Füller, Johann;Köroglu, Orhan;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; The Effects of Prediction Market Design and Price Elasticity on Trading Performance of Users: An Experimental Analysis
Akkaya, Cigdem;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Factors Influencing Citizen Adoption of E-Government Services: A cross-cultural comparison (Research in Progress)
Kristekova, Zuzana;Riasanow, Tobias;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards Prioritizing IT Solution Developments through System Dynamics and Fuzzy Logic
Hoermann, Stefan;Aust, Marco;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Comparing risks in individual software development and standard software implementation projects: A Delphi study
Jurisch, Marlen;Cuno, Johanna;Palka, Wolfgang;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; An Integrative Model of IT-Enabled Business Process Change: Causal Structures in Theory, Research and Practice
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Sunyaev, Ali;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Market Engineering for Electronic Health Services
Jurisch, Marlen;Ikas, Christian;Palka, Wolfgang;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; A Review of Success Factors and Challenges of Public Sector BPR Implementations
Hoberg, Patrick;Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; The Business Perspective on Cloud Computing - A Literature Review of Research on Cloud Computing
Tertilt, Daniel;Krcmar, Helmut; Easy-to-use SAP sizing based on evolutionary generated scalability models
Wiesche, Manuel;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; IT in Management Controls
Hoberg, Patrick;Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Service Descriptions for Cloud Services - The Customer's Perspective
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Seven principles for managing IT solutions from a provider's perspective
Kristekova, Zuzana;Jurisch, Marlen;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Consolidating findings from business process change case studies using system dynamics: The example of employee morale
Heininger, Robert;Wittges, Holger;Krcmar, Helmut; Literaturrecherche zu IT-Servicemanagement im Cloud Computing
Floerecke, Sebastian;Herzfeldt, Alexander;Krcmar, Helmut; Risiken bei IT-Lösungen
Engel, Tobias;Goswami, Suparna;Krcmar, Helmut; Mehrwert in der Pharmakette.
Berkovich, Marina;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Hoffmann, Axel;Krcmar, Helmut; A requirements data model for product service systems
Palka, Wolfgang;Schreiber, Veronika;Wolf, Petra;Krcmar, Helmut; Mobile Government - quo vadis 2012+?
Fähling, Jens;Huber, Michael;Böhm, Felix;Krcmar, Helmut;Leimeister, Jan Marco; Scenario planning for innovation development: an overview of different innovation domains
Hoberg, Patrick;Wollersheim, Jan;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Cloud Computing - Überblick und Herausforderungen für das Controlling
Ziaie, Pujan;Ziller, Markus;Wollersheim, Jan;Krcmar, Helmut; Introducing a Generic Concept for an Online IT-Benchmarking System
Klendauer, Ruth;Berkovich, Marina;Gelvin, Richard;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Towards a competency model for requirements analysts
Dünnebeil, Sebastian;Sunyaev, Ali;Blohm, Ivo;Leimeister, Jan Marco;Krcmar, Helmut; Determinants of physicians' technology acceptance for e-health in ambulatory care
Herzfeldt, Alexander;Schermann, Michael;Krcmar, Helmut; Ein Lebenszyklusmodell für IT-Lösungen aus Sicht kleiner und mittelständischer Anbieter
Ziaie, Pujan;Krcmar, Helmut; Introducing a design framework for reputation systems in multi-tier production communities
Schermann, Michael;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; The Role of Information Systems in Supporting Exploitative and Exploratory Management Control Activities
Wollersheim, Jan;Konstantinidis, Christos;Krcmar, Helmut; Sicherheitskriterien bei der Auswahl von ERP-Systemen
Klingenspor, Martin;Herzig, Stephan;Pfeifer, Alexander; Brown Fat Develops a Brite Future
Orozco, Monica N.;Arriaga, Claudia;Solomons, Noel W.;Schümann, Klaus; Equivalent Effects on Fecal Reactive Oxygen Species Generation with Oral Supplementation of Three Iron Compounds: Ferrous Sulfate, Sodium Iron EDTA and Iron Polymaltose
Müller, Joachim;Brill, Stefan;Hagen, Rudolf;Moeltner, Alexander;Brockmeier, Steffi-Johanna;Stark, Thomas;Helbig, Silke;Maurer, Jan;Zahnert, Thomas;Zierhofer, Clemens;Nopp, Peter;Anderson, Ilona; Clinical Trial Results with the MED-EL Fine Structure Processing Coding Strategy in Experienced Cochlear Implant Users
Otti, Alexander;Noll-Hussong, Michael; Acupuncture-Induced Pain Relief and the Human Brain’s Default Mode Network – an Extended View of Central Effects of Acupuncture Analgesia
Phillip, Veit;Berger, Hermann;Straub, Melanie;Saugel, Bernd;Treiber, Matthias;Einwächter, Henrik;Schmid, Roland M.;Huber, Wolfgang; Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic Stent-Shunt for Therapy of Bleeding Esophageal Varices Due to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in Primary Myelofibrosis: A Case Report
Pehl, C.;Seidl, H.;Scalercio, N.;Gundling, F.;Schmidt, T.;Schepp, W.;Labermeyer, S.; Accuracy of Anorectal Manometry in Patients with Fecal Incontinence
Luppa, Melanie;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.;Stein, Janine;Leicht, Hanna;König, Hans-Helmut;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Maier, Wolfgang;Scherer, Martin;Bickel, Horst;Mösch, Edelgard;Werle, Jochen;Pentzek, Michael;Fuchs, Angela;Eisele, Marion;Jessen, Frank;Tebarth, Franziska;Wiese, Birgitt;Weyerer, Siegfried; Predictors of Institutionalisation in Incident Dementia – Results of the German Study on Ageing, Cognition and Dementia in Primary Care Patients (AgeCoDe Study)
Lipp, Christina;Lohoefer, Fabian;Reeps, Christian;Rudelius, Martina;Baummann, Markus;Heemann, Uwe;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Pelisek, Jaroslav; Expression of a Disintegrin and Metalloprotease in Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Lahmer, Tobias;Hermans, Rob;Schmaderer, Christoph;Chang, Jianxing;Stock, Konrad;Lutz, Jens;Heemann, Uwe;Baumann, Marcus; Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism and Aldosterone Synthesis Inhibition Do Not Improve Glomerulosclerosis and Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in a Model of Chronic Kidney Allograft Injury
Mathus-Vliegen, Elisabeth M.H.;Basdevant, Arnaud;Finer, Nick;Hainer, Vojtech;Hauner, Hans;Micic, Dragan;Maislos, Maximo;Roman, Gabriela;Schutz, Yves;Tsigos, Constantine;Toplak, Hermann;Yumuk, Volkan;Zahorska-Markiewicz, Barbara; Prevalence, Pathophysiology, Health Consequences and Treatment Options of Obesity in the Elderly: A Guideline
Mascetta, G.;Di Mola, F. F.;Tavano, F.;Selvaggi, F.;Giese, N.;Bassi, C.;Büchler, M. W.;Friess, H.;Di Sebastiano, P.; Substance P and Neprilysin in Chronic Pancreatitis
Valent, Peter;Akin, Cem;Arock, Michel;Brockow, Knut;Butterfield, Joseph H.;Carter, Melody C.;Castells, Mariana;Escribano, Luis;Hartmann, Karin;Lieberman, Philip;Nedoszytko, Boguslaw;Orfao, Alberto;Schwartz, Lawrence B.;Sotlar, Karl;Sperr, Wolfgang R.;Triggiani, Massimo;Valenta, Rudolf;Horny, Hans-Peter;Metcalfe, Dean D.; Definitions, Criteria and Global Classification of Mast Cell Disorders with Special Reference to Mast Cell Activation Syndromes: A Consensus Proposal
Wahl, Simone;Yu, Zhonghao;Kleber, Michaela;Singmann, Paula;Holzapfel, Christina;He, Ying;Mittelstrass, Kirstin;Polonikov, Alexey;Prehn, Cornelia;Römisch-Margl, Werner;Adamski, Jerzy;Suhre, Karsten;Grallert, Harald;Illig, Thomas;Wang-Sattler, Rui;Reinehr, Thomas; Childhood Obesity Is Associated with Changes in the Serum Metabolite Profile
Wagner, Hermann; Toll-Like Receptors in Gastrointestinal Diseases
Schipke, C. G.;Peters, O.;Heuser, I.;Grimmer, T.;Sabbagh, M. N.;Sabri, O.;Hock, C.;Kunz, M.;Kuhlmann, J.;Reininger, C.;Blankenburg, M.; Impact of Beta-Amyloid-Specific Florbetaben PET Imaging on Confidence in Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
Schiefecker, Alois J.;Kreidenhuber, Rudolf;Milankovic-Eberl, Dragana;Etgen, Thorleif;Rieder, Georg; Limbic Encephalitis due to Pancreatic Cancer
Schnelzer, Andreas;Ehlerding, Alexandra;Blümel, Christina;Okur, Asli;Scheidhauer, Klemens;Paepke, Stefan;Kiechle, Marion; Showcase of Intraoperative 3D Imaging of the Sentinel Lymph Node in a Breast Cancer Patient using the New Freehand SPECT Technology
Stein, Janine;Luppa, Melanie;Maier, Wolfgang;Tebarth, Franziska;Heser, Kathrin;Scherer, Martin;Zimmermann, Thomas;Eisele, Marion;Bickel, Horst;Mösch, Edelgard;Weyerer, Siegfried;Werle, Jochen;Pentzek, Michael;Fuchs, Angela;Wiese, Birgitt;Prokein, Jana;König, Hans-Helmut;Leicht, Hanna;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; The Assessment of Changes in Cognitive Functioning in the Elderly: Age- and Education-Specific Reliable Change Indices for the SIDAM
Schümann, Klaus;Kroll, Sylvia;Romero-Abal, Maria-Eugenia;Georgiou, Niki A.;Marx, Jo J.M.;Weiss, Günter;Solomons, Noel W.; Impact of Oral Iron Challenges on Circulating Non-Transferrin-Bound Iron in Healthy Guatemalan Males
Schönherr, Alexandra;Aivazova-Fuchs, Viktoria;Annecke, Katja;Jückstock, Julia;Hepp, Philip;Andergassen, Ulrich;Augustin, Doris;Simon, Wolfgang;Wischnik, Arthur;Mohrmann, Svjetlana;Salmen, Jessica;Zwingers, Thomas;Kiechle, Marion;Harbeck, Nadja;Friese, Klaus;Janni, Wolfgang;Rack, Brigitte; Toxicity Analysis in the ADEBAR Trial: Sequential Anthracycline-Taxane Therapy Compared with FEC120 for the Adjuvant Treatment of High-Risk Breast Cancer
Bruckmeier, Martin;Kuehnl, Andreas;Culmes, Mihaela;Pelisek, Jaroslav;Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Impact of oxLDL and LPS on C-type Natriuretic Peptide System is Different between THP-1 Cells and Human Peripheral Blood Monocytic Cells
Bloecker, K.;Wirth, W.;Hudelmaier, M.;Burgkart, R.;Frobell, R.;Eckstein, F.; Morphometric Differences between the Medial and Lateral Meniscus in Healthy Men -- A Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Etgen, Thorleif;Sander, Dirk;Bickel, Horst;Sander, Kerstin;Förstl, Hans; Vitamin D Deficiency, Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Etgen, Thorleif;Chonchol, Michel;Förstl, Hans;Sander, Dirk; Chronic Kidney Disease and Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Dorn, F.;Stehle, S.;Lockau, H.;Zimmer, C.;Liebig, T.; Endovascular Treatment of Acute Intracerebral Artery Occlusions with the Solitaire Stent: Single-Centre Experience with 108 Recanalization Procedures
Demir, Ihsan Ekin;Ceyhan, Güralp O.;Friess, Helmut; Beyond Lactate: Is There a Role for Serum Lactate Measurement in Diagnosing Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
Bauer, Judith;Namineni, Sukumar;Reisinger, Florian;Zöller, Jessica;Yuan, Detian;Heikenwälder, Mathias; Lymphotoxin, NF-?B, and Cancer: The Dark Side of Cytokines
Ataseven, Beyhan;Gologan, Daniela;Gunesch, Angela;Kehl, Victoria;Hoegel, Bernhard;Beer, Michaela;Eiermann, Wolfgang; HER2/neu, Topoisomerase 2a, Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors: Discordance between Primary Breast Cancer and Metastatic Axillary Lymph Node in Expression and Amplification Characteristics
Falconi, Massimo;Bartsch, Detlef Klaus;Eriksson, Barbro;Klöppel, Günter;Lopes, Jos'e M.;O'Connor, Juan M.;Salazar, Ram'on;Taal, Babs G.;Vullierme, Marie Pierre;O'Toole, Dermot; ENETS Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Digestive System: Well-Differentiated Pancreatic Non-Functioning Tumors
Jackisch, Christian;Lück, Hans-Joachim;Untch, Michael;Bischoff, Joachim;Müller, Volkmar;Schmidt, Marcus;Thill, Marc;Kiechle, Marion; Weekly nab-Paclitaxel in Metastatic Breast Cancer – Summary and Results of an Expert Panel Discussion
Hauner, Hans;Bechthold, Angela;Boeing, Heiner;Brönstrup, Anja;Buyken, Anette;Leschik-Bonnet, Eva;Linseisen, Jakob;Schulze, Matthias;Strohm, Daniela;Wolfram, Günther; Evidence-Based Guideline of the German Nutrition Society: Carbohydrate Intake and Prevention of Nutrition-Related Diseases
Gratac'os, E.;Ortiz, J. U.;Martinez, J. M.; A Systematic Approach to the Differential Diagnosis and Management of the Complications of Monochorionic Twin Pregnancies
Günter, C. I.;Machens, H.-G.; New Strategies in Clinical Care of Skin Wound Healing
Schmitt-Kopplin Ph, Harir M, Kanawati B, Tziotis D, Hertkron N, Gabelica Z; Chemical footprint of the solvent soluble extraterrestrial organic matter occluded in Soltmany ordinary chondrite.
Sausenthaler, S. ; Standl, M. ; Koletzko, S. ; Bauer, C.-P. ; von Berg, A. ; Berdel, D. ; Kramer, U. ; Schaaf, B. ; Lehmann, I. ; Herbarth, O. ; Heinrich, J.; Food intake, diet quality and behavioral problems in children: results from the GINI-plus/LISA-plus studies.
Kutzner, Tatjana; Schilcher, Matthäus; Aderhold, Bianca; INSPIRE auf dem Prüfstand der grenzüberschreitenden Praxistauglichkeit in der Testregion Bodensee
Kutzner, Tatjana; Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und semantischen Modelltransformation in der Region Bodensee
Garcia-Alfaro, Joaquin;Navarro-Arribas, Guillermo;Cuppens-Boulahia, Nora;de Capitani di Vimercati, Sabrina; Representation-Independent Data Usage Control
Vasiliki Koropouli, Sandra Hirche, Dongheui Lee; Learning and generalizing force control policies for sculpting
Reiter, Bettina;Baumhöfener, Franziska;Dlaboha, Meike;Odde Madsen, Jesper;Regenfelder, Stephanie;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang; Building a Sustainable Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Network in Europe
Fischer, H. Felix;Junne, Florian;Witt, Claudia;von Ammon, Klaus;Cardini, Francesco;Fønnebø, Vinjar;Johannessen, Helle;Lewith, George;Uehleke, Bernhard;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Brinkhaus, Benno; Key Issues in Clinical and Epidemiological Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine – a Systematic Literature Review
Hök, Johanna;Lewith, George;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Santos-Rey, Koldo;Fønnebø, Vinjar;Wiesener, Solveig;Falkenberg, Torkel; International Development of Traditional Medicine / Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research – What Can Europe Learn?
Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Brinkhaus, Benno; CAMbrella – a Pan-European Research Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: From the Beginnings up to First Results
Nissen, Nina;Schunder-Tatzber, Susanne;Weidenhammer, Wolfgang;Johannessen, Helle; What Attitudes and Needs Do Citizens in Europe Have in Relation to Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
Auernhammer, H.; Precision Agriculture - state-of-the-art & future requirements - Germany (& Europe)
Auernhammer, H.; Main Stages of Precision Agriculture Development in Europe
Auernhammer, H.; Основные этапы развития точного сельского хозяйства в Европе
M. Goldenbaum, S. Stanczak; On Multiantenna Sensor Networks with Interference: Energy Consumption vs. Robustness
M. Zheng, M. Goldenbaum, S. Stanczak, H. Yu; Fast Average Consensus in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks by Superposition Gossiping
S. Stanczak, M. Goldenbaum, R. Cavalcante, F. Penna; On In-Network Computation via Wireless Multiple-Access Channels with Applications
Wuchner, Tobias;Pretschner, Alexander; Data Loss Prevention Based on Data-Driven Usage Control
Martinez, Horacio;von Deimling, Constantin;Ulbrich, Heinz;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rudieger;Burgkart, Rainer; Real-time 3D visualization in an open architecture of a robotic application in the biomechanics
Randt, Niclas P.; Jastrzebska-Fraczek, Iwona; AnthroVis - Entwicklung eines Präsentationsprogrammes zur Visualisierung anthropometrischer Anforderungen bei der Arbeitsplatzgestaltung
Wuchner, Tobias;Pretschner, Alexander; Data Loss Prevention Based on Data-Driven Usage Control
Kelbert, Florian;Shirazi, Fatemeh;Simo, Hervais;Wüchner, Tobias;Buchmann, Johannes;Pretschner, Alexander;Waidner, Michael; State of Online Privacy: A Technical Perspective
Feth, Denis;Pretschner, Alexander; Flexible Data-Driven Security for Android
Kelbert, Florian;Pretschner, Alexander; Towards a policy enforcement infrastructure for distributed usage control
Kumari, Prachi;Pretschner, Alexander; Deriving implementation-level policies for usage control enforcement
Pretschner, Alexander;Lovat, Enrico;Büchler, Matthias; Representation-Independent Data Usage Control
M.H. Mamduhi;S. Hirche; Analyzing Human and Virtual Agent Interaction Under Irrational Decision Making
Büchler, Matthias;Oudinet, Johan;Pretschner, Alexander; Semi-Automatic Security Testing of Web Applications from a Secure Model
Büchler, Matthias;Oudinet, Johan;Pretschner, Alexander; SPaCiTE -- Web Application Testing Engine
Bloch, G.; Loth, J.; Bruder, M.; Sattelmayer, T.; Effects of Turbulence and Longitudinal Vortices on Vapor Distribution and Heat Fluxes in Subcooled Flow Boiling
Nemeth, I.; Lindauer, M.;; Adaptation of a stochastic simulation model for long-term investigation of the development of the energy demand in larger building stocks
Schmidt, S.; Lindauer, M.; Hoppe M.; Comparing TRNSYS and WUFI®plus simulation models - illustrated on models validated on measurements at Gallery Schack Munich
Hoppe, M.; Schmidt, S.; Lindauer, M.; Improving the Energy Performance of Museum Buildings - Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Refurbishment Strategies
Bieberbach, Florian; Lerchl, Hans; Eidt, Stephan; Zuldt, Reinhold; Ein koordiniertes europäisches Marktdesign für erneuerbare Energien in der Stromversorgung
Kuhn, Philipp;Kühne, Maximilian;Heilek, Christian;Hamacher, Thomas; Ergebnisse einer Energiesystemmodellierung
H. Boche; Spaceability of Functions with Complicated Quantization and Truncation Behavior
M.F. Pinto; M. M. Lanes; O.M. Toledo; Módulo Didático Flexível de Baixo Custo para Sensoriamento de Velocidade
Baumgartner, B.;Rödel, K.;Knoll, A.; A Data Mining Approach to Reduce the False Alarm Rate of Patient Monitors
Baumgartner, B.;Rödel, K.;Schreiber, U.;Knoll, A.; A Web-Based Survey for Expert Review of Monitor Alarms
Bayer, Justin;Osendorfer, Christian;Smagt, Patrick van der; Learning sequence neigbourhood metrics
Geisberger, Eva;Broy, Manfred;al, et; Interoperabilitäts- und Quality-of-Service Plattformdienste am Beispiel der Domäne Fahrzeug
Buckl, Christian;Camek, Alexander;Kainz, Gerd;Simon, Carsten;Mercep, Ljubo;Stähle, Hauke;Knoll, Alois; The Software Car: Building ICT Architectures for Future Electric Vehicles
Schmid, Korbinian;Ruess, Felix;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; State estimation for highly dynamic flying systems using key frame odometry with varying time delays
Augustine, Marcus;Mair, Elmar;Stelzer, Annett;Ortmeier, Frank;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; Landmark-Tree Map: a Biologically Inspired Topological Map for Long-Distance Robot Navigation
Camek, Alexander;Buckl, Christian;Correia, Pedro S.;AloisKnoll; An Automotive Side-View System Based on Ethernet and IP
Can, S.;Staub, C.;Knoll, A.;Fiolka, A.;Schneider, A.;Feussner, H.; Design, development and evaluation of a highly versatile robot platform for minimally invasive single-port surgery
Can, S.;Jensen, B.;Dean-Leon, E.;Staub, C.;Knoll, A.;Fiolka, A.;Schneider, A.;Meining, A.;Feussner, H.; Kinematics, control and workspace analysis of a bowden wire actuated manipulator for minimally invasive single-port surgery
Chakraborty, Samarjit;Lukasiewycz, Martin;Buckl, Christian;Fahmy, Suhaib;Chang, Naehyuck;Park, Sangyoung;Kim, Younghyun;Leteinturier, Patrick;Adlkoferl, Hans; Embedded Systems and Software Challenges in Electric Vehicles
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Geisinger, Michael;Ruess, Harald;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Game Solving for Industrial Automation and Control
Cheng, Chih-Hong;Geisinger, Michael;Ruess, Harald;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; MGSyn: Automatic Synthesis for Industrial Automation
Huang, Kai;Chen, Gang;Keddis, Nadine;Geisinger, Michael;Buckl, Christian; Demo Abstract: An Inverted Pendulum Demonstrator for Timed Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems
Huang, Kai;Chen, Gang;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Conforming the runtime inputs for hard real-time embedded systems
Chen, Lili;Panin, Giorgio;Knoll, Alois; Hierarchical Grid-based People Tracking with Multi-camera Setup
Chen, Lili;Panin, Giorgio;Knoll, Alois; Human Body Orientation Estimation in Multiview Scenarios
Cordella, Francesca;Corato, Francesco Di;Zollo, Loredana;Siciliano, Bruno;Smagt, Patrick van der; Patient performace evaluation using kinect and Monte Carlo-based finger tracking
Dean-Le'on, E.C.;Nair, S.;Knoll, A.; User Friendly Matlab-Toolbox for Symbolic Robot Dynamic Modeling used for Control Design
Eder, Martin;Karl, Maximilian;Knoll, Alois;Riesner, Stefan; Compliant Worm-like Robotic Mechanism with decentrally controlled Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Fligge, Nadine;McIntyre, Joe;Smagt, Patrick van der; Minimum jerk for human catching movements in 3D
Foster, Mary Ellen;Gaschler, Andre;Giuliani, Manuel;Isard, Amy;Pateraki, Maria;Petrick, Ronald P. A.; Two People Walk Into a Bar: Dynamic Multi-Party Social Interaction with a Robot Agent
Gaschler, Andre;Huth, Kerstin;Giuliani, Manuel;Kessler, Ingmar;Ruiter, Jan de;Knoll, Alois; Modelling State of Interaction from Head Poses for Social Human-Robot Interaction
Gaschler, Andre;Jentzsch, Sören;Giuliani, Manuel;Huth, Kerstin;Ruiter, Jan de;Knoll, Alois; Social Behavior Recognition Using Body Posture and Head Pose for Human-Robot Interaction
Gierlach, Dominikus;Gustus, Agneta;Smagt, Patrick van der; Generating marker stars for 6D optical tracking
Giuliani, Manuel;Ruiter, Jan de; Combining Classical and Embodied Multimodal Fusion for Human-Robot Interaction
Dias, Andr'e;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Jörres, Rudolf;Fischer, Rainald;Hartvigsen, Gunnar;Horsch, Alexander; Assessing physical activity in the daily life of cystic fibrosis patients
Skrovseth, Stein Olav;Dias, Andr'e;Gorzelniak, Lukas;Godtliebsen, Fred;Horsch, Alexander; Scale-space methods for live processing of sensor data
Hattendorf, A.;Raabe, A.;Knoll, A.; Shared memory protection for spatial separation in multicore architectures
Hochberg, Leigh R.;Bacher, Daniel;Jarosiewicz, Beata;Masse, Nicolas Y.;Simeral, John D.;Vogel, Joern;Haddadin, Sami;Liu, Jie;Cash, Sydney S.;Smagt, Patrick van der;Donoghue, John P.; Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm
Huang, Jia;Blech, Jan Olaf;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Christian Buckland Alois; Static Scheduling of a Time-Triggered Network-on-Chip based on SMT Solving
Huang, Jia;Huang, Kai;Raabe, Andreas;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Towards Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems with Imperfect Fault Detection
Jäntsch, Michael;Wittmeier, Steffen;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Knoll, Alois; Computed Muscle Control for an Anthropomimetic Elbow Joint
Weede, Oliver;Dittrich, Frank;Jensen, Brian;Knoll, Alois;Wilhelm, Dirk;Kranzfelder, Michael;Feussner, Hubertus;Schneider, Armin;Wörn, Heinz; Workflow Analysis and Surgical Phase Recognition in Minimally Invasive Surgery
Whittle, Jon;Clark, Tony;Kühne, Thomas; A Generic Approach Simplifying Model-to-Model Transformation Chains
Chen, Jian-Jia;Huang, Kai;Thiele, Lothar; Dynamic Frequency Scaling Schemes for Heterogeneous Clusters under Quality of Service Requirements
Knoll, Alois;Prasad, Ramjee; Wireless Robotics: A Highly Promising Case for Standardization
Martiniuc, Aurel Vasile;Saalfrank, Dirk;Difato, Francesco;Succol, Francesca;Nanni, Marina;Knoll, Alois;Ingebrandt, Sven;Assad, John;Blau, Axel; Tracking the evolution of neural network activity in uninterrupted long-term MEA recordings
Knoll, Alois;Mayer, Hermann;Staub, Christoph;Bauernschmitt, Robert; Selective automation and skill transfer in medical robotics: a demonstration surgical knot tying
Kranzfelder, Michael;Staub, Christoph;Fiolka, Adam;Schneider, Armin;Gillen, Sonja;Wilhelm, Dirk;Friess, Helmut;Knoll, Alois;Feussner, Hubertus; Toward increased autonomy in the surgical OR: needs, requests, and expectations
Kupferberg, Aleksandra;Huber, Markus;Helfer, Bartosz;Lenz, Claus;Knoll, Alois;Glasauer, Stefan; Moving Just Like You: Motor Interference Depends on Similar Motility of Agent and Observer
Martiniuc, Aurel Vasile;Knoll, Alois; Interspike interval based filtering of directional selective retinal ganglion cells spike trains in rabbit retina
Mendoza, A.;Sprunk, N.;Baumgartner, B.;Knoll, A.;Schreiber, U.;Eichhorn, S.;Krane, M.;Lange, R.; Application of adaptive fuzzy controllers for the automation of medical devices
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Spielbasiertes Verfahren zur Fahrerzustandserkennung aus der Sidestick-Eingabe
Stoeck, Jakob;Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Platform-independent Interface for the Management of Sensor-generated Power and Data Flows in an Automotive Data-centric Architecture
Mercep, Ljubo;Spiegelberg, Gernot;Knoll, Alois; Die App für das Management des Ladevorgangs im Innotruck
Minin, A.;Knoll, A.;Zimmermann, H.-G.; Complex Valued Artificial Recurrent Neural Network as a Novel Approach to Model the Perceptual Binding Problem.
Minin, A.;Chistyakov, Yu.;Kholodova, E.;Zimmermann, H.-G.;Knoll, A.; Complex Valued Open Recurrent Neural Network for Power Transformer Modeling
Schwarz, Loren;Mkhitaryan, Artashes;Mateus, Diana;Navab, Nassir; Human Skeleton Tracking from Depth Data Using Geodesic Distances and Optical Flow
Artashes, Mkhitaryan;Burschka, Darius; Vision based haptic multisensor for manipulation of soft, fragile objects
Nair, Suraj;Dean-Leon, Emmanual;Knoll, Alois; Real-time 3D multiple human tracking with robustness enhancement through machine learning
Nasseri, M. Ali;Dean-Leon, Emmanuel;Nair, Suraj;Eder, Martin;Maier, Mathias;Lohmann, C. P.;Knoll, Alois; Clinical Motion Tracking and Motion Analysis during Ophthalmic Surgery using Electromagnetic Tracking System
Papazov, Chavdar;Haddadin, Sami;Parusel, Sven;Krieger, Kai;Burschka, Darius; Rigid 3D Geometry Matching for Grasping of Known Objects in Cluttered Scenes
Marco, Daniel Di;Koch, Andreas;Zweigle, Oliver;Häussermann, Kai;Schiessle, Björn;Levi, Paul;Galvez-Lopez, Dorian;Riazuelo, Luis;Civera, Javier;Montiel, J.M.M;Tenorth, Moritz;Perzylo, Alexander;Waibel, Markus;Molengraft, Marinus J. G. van de; Creating and Using RoboEarth Object Models
Perzylo, Alexander;Schiessle, Björn;Häussermann, Kai;Zweigle, Oliver;Levi, Paul;Knoll, Alois; Server-Sided Automatic Map Transformation in RoboEarth
Petsch, Susanne;Burschka, Darius; Path Configuration for Abstractly Represented Tasks with Respect to Efficient Control
Rückstiess, Thomas;Osendorfer, Christian;Smagt, Patrick van der; Minimizing Data Consumption in Sequential Classification
Rupanov, Vladimir;Buckl, Christian;Fiege, Ludger;Armbruster, Michael;Knoll, Alois;Spiegelberg, Gernot; Early Safety Evaluation of Design Decisions in E/E Architecture according to ISO 26262
Kranakis, Evangelos;Krizanc, Danny;Luccio, Flaminia; On Computer Integrated Rationalized Crossword Puzzle Manufacturing
Shah, Hardik;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Bounding WCET of applications using SDRAM with Priority Based Budget Scheduling in MPSoCs
Shah, Hardik;Raabe, Andreas;Knoll, Alois; Dynamic Priority Queue: An SDRAM Arbiter with Bounded Access Latencies for Tight WCET Calculation
Sojer, Dominik;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Deriving fault-detection mechanisms from safety requirements
Becker, Klaus;Buckl, Christian;Camek, Alexander;Falk, Reiner;Fiege, Ludger;Gessner, Juergen;Sommer, Stephan; SW-basierte Integration von neuen Fahrzeugfunktionen in zentralisierten Controllern
Sprunk, Nicole;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Knoll, Alois; Learning a fuzzy system from training data using the Muensteraner Optimisation System
Sprunk, Nicole;Kaur, Manpreet;Bauernschmitt, Robert;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Knoll, Alois; System design for simultaneous data acquisition from patient monitor and syringe pumps in intensive care unit
Staub, C.;Can, S.;Jensen, B.;Knoll, A.;Kohlbecher, S.; Human-computer interfaces for interaction with surgical tools in robotic surgery
Fligge, N.;Urbanek, H.;Smagt, P. Van der; Relation between object properties and EMG during reaching to grasp
Gustus, A.;Stillfried, G.;Visser, J.;Jorntell, H.;Smagt, P. Van der; Human hand modelling: kinematics, dynamics, applications
Vourdas, Nikolaos;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Kostis, Ioannis;Vasilopoulou, Maria;Davazoglou, Dimitris; Omnidirectional antireflective properties of porous Tungsten Oxide films with in-depth variation of void fraction and stoichiometry
Staub, C.;Lenz, C.;Jensen, B.;Can, S.;Knoll, A.;Bauernschmitt, R.; Micro camera augmented endoscopic instruments: Towards superhuman performance in remote surgical cutting
Wittmeier, S.;Gaschler, A.;Jantsch, M.;Dalamagkidis,K.;Knoll, A.; Calibration of a physics-based model of an anthropomimetic robot using Evolution Strategies
Wittmeier, Steffen;Alessandro, Cristiano;Bascarevic, Nenad;Dalamagkidis, Konstantinos;Devereux, David;Diamond, Alan;Jäntsch, Michael;Jovanovic, Kosta;Knight, Rob;Marques, Hugo Gravato;Milosavljevic, Predrag;Mitra, Bhargav;Svetozarevic, Bratislav;Potkonjak, Veljko;Pfeifer, Rolf;Knoll, Alois;Holland, Owen; Toward anthropomimetic robotics: development, simulation, and control of a musculoskeletal torso
Zhang, Feihu;Chen, Guang;Staehle, Hauke;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Visual Odometry based on Random Finite Set Statistics in Urban Environment
Zhang, Feihu;Staehle, Hauke;Gaschler, Andre;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Single Camera Visual Odometry Based on Random Finite Set Statistics
Zhang, Feihu;Staehle, Hauke;Chen, Guang;Chen, Chao;Simon, Carsten;Buckl, Christian;Knoll, Alois;Schrott, Gerhard; A Sensor Fusion Approach for Localization with Cumulative Error Elimination
Zang, Xuelian;Brvsči'c, Drazon;Wang, Wei;Kühnlenz, Kolja; Temporal Attention Control System for Multiple Objects Tracking
Bischoff, Bastian;Nguyen-Tuong, Duy;Streichert, Felix;Ewert, Marlon;Knoll, Alois; Fusing vision and odometry for accurate indoor robot localization
Thiele, Bernhard AND Schneider,Stefan-Alexander AND Mai, Pierre R.; A Modelica Sub-and Superset for Safety-Relevant Control Applications
Otter, Martin AND Thiele, Bernhard AND Elmqvist, Hilding; A Library for Synchronous Control Systems in Modelica
Althoff, M.;Krogh, B. H.; Avoiding Geometric Intersection Operations in Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems
Althoff, M.;Dolan, J. M.; Reachability Computation of Low-Order Models for the Safety Verification of High-Order Road Vehicle Models
Althoff, M.;Cvetkovi'c, M.;Ili'c, M.; Transient Stability Analysis by Reachable Set Computation
Tomic, Teodor;Schmid, Korbinian;Lutz, Philipp;Dömel, Andreas;Kassecker, Michael;Mair, Elmar;Grixa, Iris L.;Ruess, Felix;Suppa, Michael;Burschka, Darius; Toward a Fully Autonomous UAV: Research Platform for Indoor and Outdoor Urban Search and Rescue
Zimmermann, Alexey Minin AND Alois Knoll AND Hans-Georg; Complex Valued Artificial Recurrent Neural Network as a Novel Approach to Model the Perceptual Binding Problem
Han, Dongkun;Chesi, Graziano; Robust Discrete-time Consensus of Multi-agent systems with Uncertain Interaction
Aydt, Heiko;Lees, Michael;Knoll, Alois; Symbiotic Simulation for Future Electro-mobility Transportation Systems
Xu, Yadong;Aydt, Heiko;Lees, Michael; SEMSim : A Distributed Architecture for Multi-scale Traffic Simulation
Hatwig, Jens;Minnerup, Pascal;Zaeh, Michael F.;Reinhart, Gunther; An automated path planning system for a robot with a laser scanner for remote laser cutting and welding
Tenorth, Moritz;Perzylo, Alexander;Lafrenz, Reinhard;Beetz, Michael; The RoboEarth language: Representing and Exchanging Knowledge about Actions, Objects and Environments
Althoff, M.;Patil, M. J.;Traugott, J. P.; Nonlinear Modeling and Control Design of Active Helicopter Blades
Dilssner F., Springer T., Schmid R., Enderle W.; Estimation of azimuthal satellite antenna phase center variations
Jäggi A., Dilssner F., Schmid R., Dach R., Springer T., Bock H., Steigenberger P., Andres Y., Enderle W.; Extension of the GPS satellite antenna patterns to nadir angles beyond 14°
Jäggi A., Dilssner F., Schmid R., Dach R., Springer T., Bock H., Steigenberger P., Lutz S.; Extension of the GPS satellite antenna patterns to nadir angles beyond 14°
Erdle, K.; Mistele, B.; Schmidhalter, U.; Konkurrenz für´s Surfbrett - Sensorenvergleich
Hackl, H.; Baresel, J.P.; Mistele,B.; Hu, Y.; Schmidhalter, U.; A comparison of plant temperatures as measured by thermal imaging and infrared thermometry
Kipp, S.; Mistele, B.; Schmidhalter, U.; Active Sensor performance - dependence on measuring height, device temperature and light intensity
Schmidhalter, U.; Felber, M.; Ammoniak-Verluste aus Mineraldüngern - Versuchsergebnisse auf mitteleuropäischen Standorten
Verband Deutscher Landwirtschaftlicher Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalten (VDLUFA); Wirkung aufbereiteter Klärschlammasche als P-Dünger zu Raps und Mais
Abbott, Anne L.; Adelman, Mark A.; Alexandrov, Andrei V.; Barnett, Henry J.M.; Beard, Jonathan; Bell, Peter; Björck, Martin; Blacker, David; Buckley, Clifford J.; Cambria, Richard P.; Comerota, Anthony J.; Connolly, E. Sander; Davies, Alun H.; Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Faruqi, Rishad; Fraedrich, Gustav; Gloviczki, Peter; Hankey, Graeme J.; Harbaugh, Robert E.; Heldenberg, Eitan; Kittner, Steven J.; Kleinig, Timothy J.; Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.; Moore, Wesley S.; Naylor, Ross; Nicolaides, Andrew; Paraskevas, Kosmas I.; Pelz, David M.; Prichard, James W.; Purdie, Grant; Ricco, Jean-Baptiste; Riles, Thomas; Rothwell, Peter; Sandercock, Peter; Sillesen, Henrik; Spence, J. David; Spinelli, Francesco; Tan, Aaron; Thapar, Ankur; Veith, Frank J.; Zhou, Wei; Why the US Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Should Not Extend Reimbursement Indications for Carotid Artery Angioplasty/Stenting
Haas, Sylvia K.; Freund, Mathias; Heigener, David; Heilmann, Lothar; Kemkes-Matthes, Bettina; Tempelhoff, Georg-Friedrich von; Melzer, Nima; Kakkar, Ajay K.; Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Versus Placebo for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in Metastatic Breast Cancer or Stage III/IV Lung Cancer
Haas, Sylvia; Hohmann, Volker; Bramlage, Peter; Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Using Enoxaparin in Day Surgery: Results of the SMART Noninterventional Study
Hager, Alfred; Bildau, Judith; Kreuder, Joachim; Schreiber, Christian; Kaemmerer, Harald; Hess, John; Exercise capacity after coarctation repair relates to the c.46A?>?G genomic polymorphism of the ß2-adrenoreceptor and the c.704T?>?C angiotensinogen polymorphism
Pressler, Axel; Haller, Bernhard; Scherr, Johannes; Heitkamp, Daniel; Esefeld, Katrin; Boscheri, Alessandra; Wolfarth, Bernd; Halle, Martin; Association of body composition and left ventricular dimensions in elite athletes
Takken, T.; Giardini, A.; Reybrouck, T.; Gewillig, M.; Hövels-Gürich, H. H.; Longmuir, P. E.; McCrindle, B. W.; Paridon, S. M.; Hager, A.; Recommendations for physical activity, recreation sport, and exercise training in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease: a report from the Exercise, Basic & Translational Research Section of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, the European Congenital Heart and Lung Exercise Group, and the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology
Wu, Hong-Bin; Haugen, Håvard J.; Wintermantel, Erich; Supercritical CO2 in injection molding can produce open porous polyurethane scaffolds – a parameter study
Stoeckelhuber, Mechthild; Scherer, Elias Q.; Janssen, Klaus-Peter; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia; Loeffelbein, Denys J.; Rohleder, Nils H.; Nieberler, Markus; Hasler, Rafael; Kesting, Marco R.; The Human Submandibular Gland: Immunohistochemical Analysis of SNAREs and Cytoskeletal Proteins
Büttgen, Marion; Schumann, Jan H.; Ates, Zelal; Service Locus of Control and Customer Coproduction: The Role of Prior Service Experience and Organizational Socialization
Seifert, Christian L.; Wegner, Christiane; Sprenger, Till; Weber, Martin S.; Brück, Wolfgang; Hemmer, Bernhard; Sellner, Johann; Favourable response to plasma exchange in tumefactive CNS demyelination with delayed B-cell response
Stüve, Olaf; Hemmer, Bernhard; Time to talk about timing – when to start, stop and change anti-migratory drugs in MS
Warnke, Clemens; Dehmel, Thomas; Posevitz-Fejfár, Anita; Chan, Andrew; Berthele, Achim; Schmidt, Stephan; Haas, Judith; Kronsbein, Helena C.; Seitz, Florian; Tackenberg, Björn; Mäurer, Mathias; Gerbershagen, Kathrin; Limmroth, Volker; Adams, Ortwin; Hartung, Hans-Peter; Gold, Ralf; Hemmer, Bernhard; Wiendl, Heinz; Kieseier, Bernd C.; Anti-JC-virus antibody prevalence in a German MS cohort
By, Tomas; Formalizing Game-play
Tumasjan, Andranik; Sprenger, Timm O.; Sandner, Philipp G.; Welpe, Isabell M.; Where There is a Sea There are Pirates: Response to Jungherr, Jürgens, and Schoen
Czado, Claudia; Schepsmeier, Ulf; Min, Aleksey; Maximum likelihood estimation of mixed C-vines with application to exchange rates
Haddadin, Sami; Giordano, Paolo Robuffo; Peer, Angelika; Editorial
Mörtl, Alexander; Lawitzky, Martin; Kucukyilmaz, Ayse; Sezgin, Metin; Basdogan, Cagatay; Hirche, Sandra; The role of roles: Physical cooperation between humans and robots
Papazov, Chavdar; Haddadin, Sami; Parusel, Sven; Krieger, Kai; Burschka, Darius; Rigid 3D geometry matching for grasping of known objects in cluttered scenes
Jun, Tea-Sung; Hofmann, Felix; Hofmann, Michael; Korsunsky, Alexander M.; Residual stress characterization in 12
Abbott, Anne L.; Adelman, Mark A.; Alexandrov, Andrei V.; Barnett, Henry J. M.; Beard, Jonathan; Bell, Peter; Björck, Martin; Blacker, David; Buckley, Clifford J.; Cambria, Richard P.; Comerota, Anthony J.; Sander Connolly, E.; Davies, Alun H.; Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Faruqi, Rishad; Fraedrich, Gustav; Gloviczki, Peter; Hankey, Graeme J.; Harbaugh, Robert E.; Heldenberg, Eitan; Kittner, Steven J.; Kleinig, Timothy J.; Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.; Moore, Wesley S.; Naylor, Ross; Nicolaides, Andrew; Paraskevas, Kosmas I.; Pelz, David M.; Prichard, James W.; Purdie, Grant; Ricco, Jean-Baptiste; Riles, Thomas; Rothwell, Peter; Sandercock, Peter; Sillesen, Henrik; David Spence, J.; Spinelli, Francesco; Tan, Aaron; Thapar, Ankur; Veith, Frank J.; Zhou, Wei; Why the United States Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services should not extend reimbursement indications for carotid artery angioplasty/stenting
Eder, Irmingard; Klüppelberg, Claudia; Pareto Lévy Measures and Multivariate Regular Variation
Shea, Kristina; Opening our worlds
McKay, Alison; Chase, Scott; Shea, Kristina; Chau, Hau Hing; Spatial grammar implementation: From theory to useable software
Zehetmeier, M.; Baudracco, J.; Hoffmann, H.; Heißenhuber, A.; Does increasing milk yield per cow reduce greenhouse gas emissions? A system approach
Dietrich, Oliver; Heun, Manfred; Notroff, Jens; Schmidt, Klaus; Zarnkow, Martin; The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities. New evidence from Göbekli Tepe, south-eastern Turkey
Stolz, Jürgen; Daniel, Hannelore; A celebration of 100 years of vitamin research but time to revitalise the science
BÖTTCHER, JULIA; TARAZ, ANUSCH; WÜRFL, ANDREAS; Perfect Graphs of Fixed Density: Counting and Homogeneous Sets
Stelzig, Philipp Emanuel; Homogenization of many-body structures subject to large deformations
YANG, Y. E.; SCHÖN, CHRIS-CAROLIN; SORENSEN, DANIEL; The genetics of environmental variation of dry matter grain yield in maize
Angelis, Giorgio de; Lucibello, Andrea; Proietti, Emanuela; Marcelli, Romolo; Bartolucci, Giancarlo; Casini, Federico; Farinelli, Paola; Mannocchi, Giovanni; Di Nardo, Sergio; Pochesci, Daniele; Margesin, Benno; Giacomozzi, Flavio; Vendier, Olivier; Kim, Taeyoung; Vietzorreck, Larissa; RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations
Perneczky, Robert; Kurz, Alexander; Dealing with uncertainty: biomarkers for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease
Nunnemann, Sabine; Kurz, Alexander; Leucht, Stefan; Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Caregivers of patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a review of burden, problems, needs, and interventions
Grilli, Muzio; Schmid, Peter J.; Hickel, Stefan; ADAMS, NIKOLAUS A.; Analysis of unsteady behaviour in shockwave turbulent boundary layer interaction
AEHLIG, KLAUS; HAFTMANN, FLORIAN; NIPKOW, TOBIAS; A compiled implementation of normalisation by evaluation
Ulrich, Andreas; Light emission from particle beam induced plasma: An overview
KOHLS, MARTIN; SEZER, MÜF?T; Invariants of the dihedral group D2p in characteristic two
Wise, Jacqui; Psychiatric drugs are not inferior to other drugs, review concludes
Winkler von Mohrenfels, Christoph; Khoramnia, Ramin; Salgado, Josefina; Wüllner, Christian; Donitzky, Christof; Maier, Mathias; Lohmann, Chris P.; First clinical results with a new 200?kHz femtosecond laser system
Wildgruber, Moritz; Rummeny, Ernst J.; Bilateral tension pneumothorax
van den Bosch, B J C; Gerards, M.; Sluiter, W.; Stegmann, A. P. A.; Jongen, E. L. C.; Hellebrekers, D M E I; Oegema, R.; Lambrichs, E. H.; Prokisch, H.; Danhauser, K.; Schoonderwoerd, K.; de Coo, I F M; Smeets, H. J. M.; Defective NDUFA9 as a novel cause of neonatally fatal complex I disease
Steck, Natalie; Mueller, Kerstin; Schemann, Michael; Haller, Dirk; Bacterial proteases in IBD and IBS
Sharma, Manu; Ioannidis, John P. A.; Aasly, Jan O.; Annesi, Grazia; Brice, Alexis; Bertram, Lars; Bozi, Maria; Barcikowska, Maria; Crosiers, David; Clarke, Carl E.; Facheris, Maurizio F.; Farrer, Matthew; Garraux, Gaetan; Gispert, Suzana; Auburger, Georg; Vilariño-Güell, Carles; Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios M.; Hicks, Andrew A.; Hattori, Nobutaka; Jeon, Beom S.; Jamrozik, Zygmunt; Krygowska-Wajs, Anna; Lesage, Suzanne; Lill, Christina M.; Lin, Juei-Jueng; Lynch, Timothy; Lichtner, Peter; Lang, Anthony E.; Libioulle, Cecile; Murata, Miho; Mok, Vincent; Jasinska-Myga, Barbara; Mellick, George D.; Morrison, Karen E.; Meitnger, Thomas; Zimprich, Alexander; Opala, Grzegorz; Pramstaller, Peter P.; Pichler, Irene; Park, Sung Sup; Quattrone, Aldo; Rogaeva, Ekaterina; Ross, Owen A.; Stefanis, Leonidas; Stockton, Joanne D.; Satake, Wataru; Silburn, Peter A.; Strom, Tim M.; Theuns, Jessie; Tan, Eng-King et al.; A multi-centre clinico-genetic analysis of the VPS35 gene in Parkinson disease indicates reduced penetrance for disease-associated variants
Schneider, Günter; Krämer, Oliver H.; Saur, Dieter; A ZEB1-HDAC pathway enters the epithelial to mesenchymal transition world in pancreatic cancer
Rath, Eva; Berger, Emanuel; Messlik, Anja; Nunes, Tiago; Liu, Bo; Kim, Sandy C.; Hoogenraad, Nick; Sans, Miquel; Sartor, R. Balfour; Haller, Dirk; Induction of dsRNA-activated protein kinase links mitochondrial unfolded protein response to the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation
Mazur, Pawel K.; Siveke, Jens T.; Genetically engineered mouse models of pancreatic cancer: unravelling tumour biology and progressing translational oncology
Klopocki, Eva; Lohan, Silke; Doelken, Sandra C.; Stricker, Sigmar; Ockeloen, Charlotte W.; Soares Thiele de Aguiar, Renata; Lezirovitz, Karina; Mingroni Netto, Regina Celia; Jamsheer, Aleksander; Shah, Hitesh; Kurth, Ingo; Habenicht, Rolf; Warman, Matthew; Devriendt, Koenraad; Kordaß, Ulrike; Hempel, Maja; Rajab, Anna; Mäkitie, Outi; Naveed, Mohammed; Radhakrishna, Uppala; Antonarakis, Stylianos E.; Horn, Denise; Mundlos, Stefan; Duplications of BHLHA9 are associated with ectrodactyly and tibia hemimelia inherited in non-Mendelian fashion
Haller, Dirk; Author's response
Haack, Tobias B.; Madignier, Florence; Herzer, Martina; Lamantea, Eleonora; Danhauser, Katharina; Invernizzi, Federica; Koch, Johannes; Freitag, Martin; Drost, Rene; Hillier, Ingo; Haberberger, Birgit; Mayr, Johannes A.; Ahting, Uwe; Tiranti, Valeria; Rötig, Agnes; Iuso, Arcangela; Horvath, Rita; Tesarova, Marketa; Baric, Ivo; Uziel, Graziella; Rolinski, Boris; Sperl, Wolfgang; Meitinger, Thomas; Zeviani, Massimo; Freisinger, Peter; Prokisch, Holger; Mutation screening of 75 candidate genes in 152 complex I deficiency cases identifies pathogenic variants in 16 genes including NDUFB9
Haack, Tobias B.; Haberberger, Birgit; Frisch, Eva-Maria; Wieland, Thomas; Iuso, Arcangela; Gorza, Matteo; Strecker, Valentina; Graf, Elisabeth; Mayr, Johannes A.; Herberg, Ulrike; Hennermann, Julia B.; Klopstock, Thomas; Kuhn, Klaus A.; Ahting, Uwe; Sperl, Wolfgang; Wilichowski, Ekkehard; Hoffmann, Georg F.; Tesarova, Marketa; Hansikova, Hana; Zeman, Jiri; Plecko, Barbara; Zeviani, Massimo; Wittig, Ilka; Strom, Tim M.; Schuelke, Markus; Freisinger, Peter; Meitinger, Thomas; Prokisch, Holger; Molecular diagnosis in mitochondrial complex I deficiency using exome sequencing
Erkan, Mert; Adler, Guido; Apte, Minoti V.; Bachem, Max G.; Buchholz, Malte; Detlefsen, Sönke; Esposito, Irene; Friess, Helmut; Gress, Thomas M.; Habisch, Hans-Joerg; Hwang, Rosa F.; Jaster, Robert; Kleeff, Jörg; Klöppel, Günter; Kordes, Claus; Logsdon, Craig D.; Masamune, Atsushi; Michalski, Christoph W.; Oh, Junseo; Phillips, Phoebe A.; Pinzani, Massimo; Reiser-Erkan, Carolin; Tsukamoto, Hidekazu; Wilson, Jeremy; StellaTUM: current consensus and discussion on pancreatic stellate cell research
Cho, En-Young Nicole; Känel, Roland von; Marten-Mittag, Birgit; Ronel, Joram; Kolb, Christof; Baumert, Jens; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Determinants and trajectory of phobic anxiety in patients living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Singh, Preeti;Saengerlaub, Sven;Abas Wani, Ali;Langowski, Horst‐Christian; Role of plastics additives for food packaging
Baldini, Gianmarco;Oliveri, Franco;Braun, Michael;Seuschek, Hermann;Hess, Erwin; Securing disaster supply chains with cryptography enhanced RFID
Linner, Thomas;Bock, Thomas; Evolution of large-scale industrialisation and service innovation in Japanese prefabrication industry
El‐Khozondar, Hala J.;El‐Khozondar, Rifa J.;Müller, Mathias S.;Koch, A.W.; Sensitivity of TM nonlinear magnetooptical integrated optical sensor
Schardinger, Ingrid;Botzenhart, Florian;Biberacher, Markus;Hamacher, Thomas;Blaschke, Thomas; Integrating spatial models into regional energy system optimisation: focusing on biomass
Beck, Philipp; Covalent and non-covalent reversible proteasome inhibition
Skerra, Arne; ß-Barrel scaffolds for the grafting of extracellular loops from G-protein-coupled receptors
Grismayer, Bettina; Overexpression of the urokinase receptor splice variant uPAR-del4/5 in breast cancer cells affects cell adhesion and invasion in a dose-dependent manner and modulates transcription of tumor-associated genes
Langer, Rupert; Stromal cell-associated expression of kallikrein-related peptidase 6 (KLK6) indicates poor prognosis of ovarian cancer patients
Füchtmeier, Bernd; Development of a test system to analyze different hip fracture osteosyntheses under simulated walking
Grosse-Wentrup, Moritz; Modulating attentional states by EEG-based neurofeedback
Mykhaylyk, O.; Magnetische Nanopartikel für Gentransfer
Soaz, C.; A feasibility study for the integration of 3D accelerometry in fall risk assessment
Stadler, Eva; Triangulieren bis zum Gipfel. Eine Sommerakademie in Südtirol
Plank, Christian; Gene activated matrices for bone and cartilage regeneration in arthritis
Kraus, Florian; Fluorine chemistry meets liquid ammonia
Rummel, R.; Height unification using GOCE
Fecher, Th.; Approximations of the GOCE error variance-covariance matrix for least-squares estimation of height datum offsets
Gruber, T.; Intercontinental height datum connection with GOCE and GPS-levelling data
Gruber, T.; Towards worldwide height system unification using ocean information
Bonfig, Walter; Overestimation of final height prediction in patients with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia using the Bayley and Pinneau method
Bornkamm, Milena; Recurrent hypoglycemia due to growth hormone deficiency in an infant with Turner syndrome
Bech, Martin; Experimental validation of image contrast correlation between ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering and grating-based dark-field imaging using a laser-driven compact X-ray source
Révay, Zs.; Application of the k0 method in neutron activation analysis and in prompt gamma activation analysis
Muenzel, Daniela; Intra- and inter-observer variability in measurement of target lesions: implication on response evaluation according to RECIST 1.1
Gebhard Wulfhorst, Montserrat Miramontes; Integriertes Klimaschutzprojekt für die Stadt Würzburg
Weis, Mirjam; Trommsdorff, Gisela ; Heikamp, Tobias; Geschlechtsunterschiede in den Schulleistungen: Welche Rolle spielt Selbstregulation?
Wentland, Alexander;Knie, Andreas;Ruhrort, Lisa;Simon, Dagmar;Egeln, Jürgen;Aschhoff, Birgit;Grimpe, Christoph; Forschen in getrennten Welten: Konkurrierende Orientierungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in der Biotechnologie
Dietsch, P.; Gamper, A.; Merk, S.; Winter, S.; Building Climate - long-term measurements to determine the effect on the moisture gradient in large-span timber structures
Werther, N.; Merk, M.; Stein, R.; Winter, S.; Fire safe service installations in timber buildings
Werther, N.; Merk, M.; Stein, R.; Winter, S.; Influence of service installations for the separation and structural performance of timber assemblies exposed to fire
Hedman, K.;Hinz, S.; The application and potential of Bayesian network fusion for automatic cartographic mapping
Hirt, C.; Efficient and accurate high-degree spherical harmonic synthesis of gravity field functionals at the Earth's surface using the gradient approach.
Featherstone, W.E.;Filmer, M.S.;Claessens, S.J.;Kuhn, M.;Hirt, C.;Kirby, J.F.; Regional Geoid-based Vertical Datums - Some Australian Perspectives
Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.; Evaluation of high-degree series expansions of the topographic potential to higher-order powers
Hirt, C.;Claessens, S.J.;Kuhn, M.;Featherstone, W.E.; Indirect evaluation of Mars Gravity Model 2011 using a replication experiment on Earth.
Hirt, C.;Kuhn, M.;Featherstone, W.E.;Göttl, F.; Topographic/isostatic evaluation of newgeneration GOCE gravity field models
Hirt, C.;Claessens, S.J.;Kuhn, M.;Featherstone, W.E.; Kilometer-resolution gravity field of Mars: MGM2011
Hirt, C.;Featherstone, W.E.; A 1.5 km-resolution gravity field model of the Moon.
Hirt, C.; Anomalous atmospheric refraction and comments on "fast and accurate determination of astronomical coordinates …" (Balodimos et al. 2003, Survey Review 37,290:269-275)
Brieden, A. and P. Gritzmann; On optimal weighted balanced clusterings: gravity bodies and power diagrams
Gritzmann, P.; Z. Yang, P. Sachnik, D. Opritescu, R. Golle, W. Volk, H. Hoffmann, F. Schmiedl and M. Ritter; Automated driving by standardizing and scaling the production strategy
M. Eßig et. al.; Supply chain Safety: A Diversification model based on clustering
Werner, Horst; Im Banne des Stammplatzes
Sättele, M.; Bründl, M.; Straub, D.; Classification of warning systems for natural hazards
Sremcevic Witzig, J.; Model Reduction Methods in Room Acoustical Simulation at Low Frequencies
Lehar, Matthew;Zimmermann, Markus; An inexpensive estimate of failure probability for high-dimensional systems with uncertainty
A. Hangauer, J. Chen, R. Strzoda, and M.-C. Amann; Feasibility study of Zeeman modulation spectrometry with a hollow capillary fiber based gas cell
Erdt, S., Linner, T., Herdener, L., Kreitmair, M., Rieß, J., Roalter, L., Schulz, T., Setz, W., Struck, M., Bock, T., Kranz, M., Velioglu, V., Moritz, E. F.; Systematic development of a complex personal health assistance system explained by the example of GEWOS activity furniture
Georgoulas, C., Linner, T., Kasatkin, A., Bock, T.; An AmI Environment Implementation: Embedding TurtleBot into a novel Robotic Service Wall
Bock, T., Linner, T., Miura, S., Vetter, S.; Tokyo Sky Tree: Applied construction robotics as guarantor for quality and seismic safety
Chugo, D. & Yokota, S; Demografic Change Robotics: Mechatronic Assisted Living and Integrated Robot Technology
Zaier, R.; Exoskeleton and Humanoid Robotic Technology in Construction and Built Enviroment
Lahmer, Tobias;Hermans, Rob;Schmaderer, Christoph;Chang, Jianxing;Stock, Konrad;Lutz, Jens;Heemann, Uwe;Baumann, Marcus; Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism and Aldosterone Synthesis Inhibition Do Not Improve Glomerulosclerosis and Renal Interstitial Fibrosis in a Model of Chronic Kidney Allograft Injury
Müller, Jan;Oberhoffer, Renate;Barta, Christiane;Hulpke-Wette, Martin;Hager, Alfred; Oscillometric Carotid to Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity Estimated With the Vicorder Device
Camek, Alexander;Buckl, Christian;Correia, Pedro Sebastiao;Knoll, Alois; An Automotive Side-View System Based on Ethernet and IP
Höhl, Wolfgang; Netzwerktheorie und Prozessoptimierung
Höhl, Wolfgang; Entwerfen nach der Sonne
Marcus, Gilad;Helml, Wolfram;Gu, Xun;Deng, Yunpei;Hartmann, Robert;Kobayashi, Takayoshi;Strueder, Lothar;Kienberger, Reinhard;Krausz, Ferenc; SubfemtosecondK-Shell Excitation with a Few-Cycle Infrared Laser Field
Schultze, Martin;Bothschafter, Elisabeth M.;Sommer, Annkatrin;Holzner, Simon;Schweinberger, Wolfgang;Fiess, Markus;Hofstetter, Michael;Kienberger, Reinhard;Apalkov, Vadym;Yakovlev, Vladislav S.;Stockman, Mark I.;Krausz, Ferenc; Controlling dielectrics with the electric field of light
Neppl, S.;Ernstorfer, R.;Bothschafter, E. M.;Cavalieri, A. L.;Menzel, D.;Barth, J. V.;Krausz, F.;Kienberger, R.;Feulner, P.; Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoemission from Core and Valence States of Magnesium
Kienberger, Reinhard;Chang, Zenghu;Nam, Chang Hee; 10th anniversary of attosecond pulses
Schweinberger, Wolfgang;Sommer, Annkatrin;Bothschafter, Elisabeth;Li, Jiang;Krausz, Ferenc;Kienberger, Reinhard;Schultze, Martin; Waveform-controlled near-single-cycle milli-joule laser pulses generate sub-10 nm extreme ultraviolet continua
Schwarz, Alexander;Ueffing, Moritz;Deng, Yunpei;Gu, Xun;Fattahi, Hanieh;Metzger, Thomas;Ossiander, Marcus;Krausz, Ferenc;Kienberger, Reinhard; Active stabilization for optically synchronized optical parametric chirped pulse amplification
Monz, Alexander; Tragfähigkeit und Wirkungsgrad von Schneckengetrieben bei Schmierung mit konsistenten Getriebefetten
Rauch, J; Pattern recognition in a high-rate GEM-TPC
Hummel, Tobias;Pacheco-Vega, Arturo; Application of Karhunen-Loève Expansions for the Dynamic Analysis of a Natural Convection Loop for Known Heat Flux
Bondarev, I V;Gelin, M F;Domcke, W; Plasmon nanooptics with individual single wall carbon nanotubes
Nganso, H M Tetchou;Popov, Yu V;Piraux, B;Madroñero, J;Njock, M G Kwato; Interaction of atomic hydrogen with a UV pulse: model based calculations of the energy transfers from the laser field into both the electron kinetic energy and the harmonics
Belyaev, A K;Lebedev, O V;Domcke, W; Nonadiabatic Nuclear Dynamics in the Ammonia Cation Studied by the Branching Classical Trajectory Method
Stodolsky, Leo;Angloher, G;Bauer, M;Bavykina, I;Bento, A;Bucci, C;Ciemniak, C;Deuter, G;Feilitzsch, F v;Hauff, D;Huff, P;Isaila, C;Jochum, J;Kiefer, M;Kimmerle, M;Lanfranchi, J C;Pfister, S;Petricca, F;Potzel, W;Pröbst, F;Reindl, F;Roth, S;Rottler, K;Sailer, C;Schäffner, K;Schmaler, J;Scholl, S;Seidel, W;Sivers, M v;Strandhagen, C;Strauss, R;Tanzke, A;Usherov, I;Wawoczny, S;Willers, M;Zöller, A; The CRESST II Dark Matter Search
Wheldon, C;Ashwood, N I;Barr, M;Curtis, N;Freer, M;Kokalova, Tz;Malcolm, J D;Spencer, S J;Ziman, V A;Faestermann, Th;Krücken, R;Wirth, H-F;Hertenberger, R;Lutter, R;Bergmaier, A; Absolute decay width measurements in16O
Reed, M W;Walker, P M;Cullen, I J;Litvinov, Yu A;Blaum, K;Bosch, F;Brandau, C;Carroll, J J;Cullen, D M;Deo, A Y;Detwiler, B;Dimopoulou, C;Dracoulis, G D;Farinon, F;Geissel, H;Haettner, E;Heil, M;Kempley, R S;Knöbel, R;Kozhuharov, C;Kurcewicz, J;Kuzminchuk, N;Litvinov, S;Liu, Z;Mao, R;Nociforo, C;Nolden, F;Plaß, W R;Prochazka, A;Scheidenberger, C;Shubina, D;Steck, M;Stöhlker, Th;Sun, B;Swan, T P D;Trees, G;Weick, H;Winckler, N;Winkler, M;Woods, P J;Yamaguchi, T; Technique for Resolving Low-lying Isomers in the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) and the Occurrence of an Isomeric State in192Re
Bruce, A M;Bacelar, A M Denis;Benzoni, G;Gadea, A;Górska, M;Gottardo, A;Pietri, S;Podolyák, Zs;Valiente-Dobón, J J;Alcántara-Núñez, J A;Al-Dahan, N;Algora, A;Alkhomashi, N;Allegro, P R P;Ayyad, Y;Boutachkov, P;Bowry, M;Bunce, M;Casarejos, E;Cortés, M L;Deo, A Y;Domingo-Prado, C;Doncel, M;Eppinger, K;Farinon, F;Farrelly, G F;Geissel, H;Gerl, J;Goel, N;Grȩbosz, J;Gregor, E;Haberman, T;Hoischen, R;Janik, R;Klupp, S;Kojouharov, I;Kurz, N;Lunardi, S;Mandal, S;Menegazzo, R;Mengoni, D;Naqvi, F;Nicolini, R;Nociforo, C;Pissulla, T;Prochazka, A;Prokopowicz, W;Regan, P H;Rudolph, D;Sahin, E;Schaffner, H;Sharma, A;Sitar, B;Siwal, Davinder;Steiger, K;Strmen, P;Szarka, I;Walker, P M;Weick, H;Wollersheim, H-J; βdecay of102Y produced in projectile fission of238U
Winter, J;von Feilitzsch, F;Hellgartner, D;Lewke, T;Undagoitia, T Marrodán;Meindl, Q;Möllenberg, R;Oberauer, L;Tippmann, M;Wurm, M; Future neutrino physics with LENA (Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy)
Agostini, M;Detwiler, J A;Finnerty, P;Kröninger, K;Lenz, D;Liu, J;Marino, M G;Martin, R;Nguyen, K D;Pandola, L;Schubert, A G;Volynets, O;Zavarise, P; The MGDO software library for data analysis in Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments
Zavarise, P;Agostini, M;Machado, A A;Pandola, L;Volynets, O; Off-line data quality monitoring for the GERDA experiment
Agostini, M;Barnabé-Heider, M;Budjáš, D;Cattadori, C;D'Andragora, A;Gangapshev, A;Gusev, K;Heisel, M;Junker, M;Klimenko, A;Schönert, S;Smolnikov, A;Zuzel, G; LArGe R&D for active background suppression in Gerda
Calibbi, Lorenzo;Ota, Toshihiko;Takanishi, Yasutaka; Light neutralino in the MSSM: An update with the latest LHC results
Petricca, F;Angloher, G;Bauer, M;Bavykina, I;Bento, A;Bucci, C;Ciemniak, C;Deuter, G;Feilitzsch, F v;Hauff, D;Huff, P;Isaila, C;Jochum, J;Kiefer, M;Kimmerle, M;Lanfranchi, J C;Pfister, S;Potzel, W;Pröbst, F;Reindl, F;Roth, S;Rottler, K;Sailer, C;Schäffner, K;Schmaler, J;Scholl, S;Seidel, W;Sivers, M v;Stodolsky, L;Strandhagen, C;Strauss, R;Tanzke, A;Usherov, I;Wawoczny, S;Willers, M;Zöller, A; Latest results from the CRESST-II Dark Matter Search
Agostini, M;Pandola, L;Zavarise, P; Off-line data processing and analysis for the GERDA experiment
Lalkovski, S;Bruce, A M;Bacelar, A M Denis;Górska, M;Pietri, S;Podolyák, Zs;Bednarczyk, P;Caceres, L;Casarejos, E;Cullen, I J;Doornenbal, P;Farrelly, G F;Garnsworthy, A B;Geissel, H;Gelletly, W;Gerl, J;Grȩbosz, J;Hinke, C;Ilie, G;Jaworski, G;Kisyov, S;Kojouharov, I;Kurz, N;Myalski, S;Palacz, M;Prokopowicz, W;Regan, P H;Schaffner, H;Steer, S;Tashenov, S;Walker, P M;Wollersheim, H J;Zhekova, M; Single-particle isomeric states in121Pd and117Ru
Gan, W M;Randau, C;Hofmann, M;Brokmeier, H G;Mueller, M;Schreyer, A; Peak broadening and peak shift pole figures investigations by STRESS-SPEC diffractometer at FRM II
Kargl, F;Weis, H;Unruh, T;Meyer, A; Self diffusion in liquid aluminium
Konrad, G;Abele, H;Beck, M;Drescher, C;Dubbers, D;Erhart, J;Fillunger, H;Gösselsberger, C;Heil, W;Horvath, M;Jericha, E;Klauser, C;Klenke, J;Märkisch, B;Maix, R K;Mest, H;Nowak, S;Rebrova, N;Roick, C;Sauerzopf, C;Schmidt, U;Soldner, T;Wang, X;Zimmer, O;; Neutron Decay with PERC: a Progress Report
Repper, J;Häußler, W;Ostermann, A;Kredler, L;Chacón, A;Böni, P; The new polarizer devices at RESEDA
Klauser, C;Chastagnier, J;Jullien, D;Petoukhov, A;Soldner, T; High precision depolarisation measurements with an opaque test bench
Egidy, T von;Bucurescu, D; Statistical nuclear properties (level densities, spin distributions)
Tumino, A;Spitaleri, C;Mukhamedzhanov, A M;Typel, S;Aliotta, M;Burjan, V;Santo, M Gimenez del;Kiss, G G;Kroha,, V;Hons, Z;Cognata, M La;Lamia, L;Mrazek, J;Pizzone, R G;Piskor, S;Rapisarda, G G;Romano, S;Sergi, M L;Spartà, R; Bare nucleus S(E) factor of the2H(d,p)3H and2H(d,n)3He reactions via the Trojan Horse Method
Canetti, Laurent;Drewes, Marco;Shaposhnikov, Mikhail; Matter and antimatter in the universe
Chwedeńczuk, J;Hyllus, P;Piazza, F;Smerzi, A; Sub-shot-noise interferometry from measurements of the one-body density
Hauke, N;Tandaechanurat, A;Zabel, T;Reichert, T;Takagi, H;Kaniber, M;Iwamoto, S;Bougeard, D;Finley, J J;Abstreiter, G;Arakawa, Y; A three-dimensional silicon photonic crystal nanocavity with enhanced emission from embedded germanium islands
Hocke, Fredrik;Zhou, Xiaoqing;Schliesser, Albert;Kippenberg, Tobias J;Huebl, Hans;Gross, Rudolf; Electromechanically induced absorption in a circuit nano-electromechanical system
Leitner, Michael;Ceeh, Hubert;Weber, Josef-Andreas; Eliminating spatial distortions in Anger-type gamma cameras
Boxhammer, V;Morfill, G E;Jokipii, J R;Shimizu, T;Klämpfl, T;Li, Y-F;Köritzer, J;Schlegel, J;Zimmermann, J L; Bactericidal action of cold atmospheric plasma in solution
Gantert, Nina;Müller, Sebastian;Popov, Serguei;Vachkovskaia, Marina; Random walks on Galton–Watson trees with random conductances
Gantert, Nina;Mathieu, Pierre;Piatnitski, Andrey; Einstein relation for reversible diffusions in a random environment
Ben Arous, Gérard;Fribergh, Alexander;Gantert, Nina;Hammond, Alan; Biased random walks on Galton–Watson trees with leaves
Keune, A., Leinonen, T., & Purma, J.; New media tools for reflection in learning
Enugutti, Balaji; Molecular genetic analysis of UNICORN, a tumor suppressor gene required for planar development of integuments in Arabidopsis thaliana
Benk, Janos;Ulbrich, Michael;Mehl, Miriam; The Nitsche Method of the Navier Stokes Equations for Immersed and Moving Boundaries