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Schäfer, Lukas; Gruber, Felix; Althoff, Matthias; Scalable Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets of Nonlinear Systems
Lang, Harald; Query Processing on Modern Hardware
Muhammad, Marwan; Studying The Effects of Acoustic Heterogeneities on Optoacoustic Tomography
Buchmann, Louis Bernard; Biomechanische Evaluation einer neuartigen Versorgungstechnik der knöchernen Avulsionsverletzung des hinteren Kreuzbandes im Schweinemodel
Merdha, Lennard Nabil; Einfluss von Ernährungs- und Lifestyle-Faktoren auf das atopische Ekzem im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter im Rahmen der Munich Atopy Prediction Study (MAPS)
Ruzok, Tobias; Die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Frühgeburtlichkeit auf die Struktur des Hypothalamus und deren Rolle für die Entwicklung des Körpergewichtes
Weber, Ruben; Using geographic information science and remote sensing to analyze drivers of tropical forest dynamics across spatial levels and deforestation contexts
Völk, Felix Markus; Der Einfluss von Deep Inspiration Breath Hold auf die anatomische Lage thorakaler Strukturen bei Mammakarzinom-Patientinnen: Eine geometrische Analyse
Schlögl, Monika Valeria; Identification of novel genetic variation causing epilepsy using linkage analysis and next generation sequencing techniques
Fröhlich, Carolin Heike; Einfluss von Vorhofflimmern auf das linksventrikuläre Remodeling nach TAVI
Kohl , Markus; Kompetenzmanagement für Logistikmitarbeitende in der Industrie 4.0
Lautizi, Manuela; Challenges and Opportunities of Computational Biomarker Discovery in Cancer
Heidekrüger, Stefan; Learning Continuous and Pure Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Sealed-Bid Auctions
Slawik, Till Leonard; Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener Demenz am Lebensende, die in der häuslichen Pflege betreut werden
Schreyer, Korbinian Felix; Antipsychotic Induced Weight Gain and Genetic Variation
Jung, Heinrich Stephan; Impact of climate change and management on allergenic pollen of wind-pollinated species
Hecht, Tobias; User-Centered Development of Interaction Concepts for a Comfortable and Safe Use of Travel Time in the Context of Fragmented Automated Drives
Lanz, Hugo; Skeletal Muscle Ultrasound and Functional Independence in Critically Ill Patients
Klischat, Moritz Sebastian; Generating Safety-Critical Test Scenarios for Motion Planning Algorithms of Autonomous Vehicles
Charpentier, Bertrand P. A. H.; Uncertainty Estimation for Independent and Non-Independent Data
Prebeck, Sebastian Siegfried; HW-Acceleration for Edge-AI
Biloš, Marin; Machine Learning for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series
Stritzke, Florian Jonas Max; Tumor cell-intrinsic RIG-I signaling regulates anti-tumor T-cell immunity through programmed cell death and extracellular vesicle biogenesis
Gallersdörfer, Ulrich Simon Stefan; Public Key Infrastructures and Blockchain Systems
Kienitz, Sascha Ulrich; Investigations on a Fiber-Optic Pressure Measurement System for Aerodynamic Applications
Teichert, Olaf; Battery Design for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks
Nowak, Markus Heinrich; Co-Adaptation in Upper-Limb Prosthetics: Interactive Machine Learning applied to Myocontrol
Heilbronn, Daniel; Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in H2-CO-Air Mixtures
Schreiner, Johannes B.; Model-based Generation of Highly Configurable RTL Designs
Yu, Kevin; Advanced 3D UI for Immersive AR/VR Medical Teleconsultation
Bieringer, Sebastian Johannes; Synthese membranaktiver Lipopeptid- und Indolalkaloid-Varianten zur Entwicklung neuer Antibiotika und Zytostatika
Matchado, Monica Steffi; Tailoring bioinformatics methods for studying the challenges in 16S rRNA gene sequencing data analysis
My, Ilaria; Cell-cycle/ciliogenesis/UPR-autophagy hub defects impair cardiac progenitor specification in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Sebastian D. Proell, Peter Munch, Martin Kronbichler, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier; A highly efficient computational framework for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts
Sommer, Carina Andrea; Anwendung und Erweiterung der Amber-Stop Codon-Technologie mit Potential zur Generierung biomedizinischer Therapeutika
Winter, Hanna Lydia; The involvement of non-coding RNAs in smooth muscle cell dynamics in atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Rommel, Kim Madeleine; Evaluation der prognostischen Faktoren des primär und sekundär metastasierten Mammakarzinoms
Jordan, Katherina; Durchführung der Panendoskopie in der Primärdiagnostik bei Patienten mit einem Mundhöhlenkarzinom am Klinikum Rechts der Isar: eine Bestandsaufnahme mit Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse
Chen, Zhenyu; Grounding Natural Language to 3D Scenes
Fuhr, Maximilian; Deformation mechanisms of drawn tungsten wires
Bayer, Patrick Josef; Benefit Finding (BF) bei Prostatakarzinompatienten nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie
Schneider, Dominik; Optimierte Schätzverfahren für intelligente Batteriesysteme
Karmann, Stephan Bernhard; Entwicklung eines kompakten volloptischen Zugangs für Großmotoren und Anwendung für die Verbrennungsdiagnostik erneuerbarer Kraftstoffe
Kürzinger, Larissa; Klinische Bedeutung von Kallikrein-ähnlichen Peptidasen beim fortgeschrittenen serösen Ovarialkarzinom (KLK13, KLK14) und triple-negativen Mammakarzinom (KLK14)
Hillebrand, Sandra Daniela; Komplikationen und Evaluierung der chirurgischen Technik nach Eingriffen im Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel und der hinteren Schädelbasis über den retrosigmoidalen Zugang - eine Übersichtsarbeit
Singh, Nikita; Constitutive CXCR4 activation and B-cell targeted Myd88L252P collaborate in lymphoproliferation
Eiseler, Katharina Maria Elisabeth; Identification and functional analysis of genetic risk factors in idiopathic and hereditary chronic pancreatitis
Lehmann, Gabriel Matthias; Evaluation and Optimisation of Small-Diameter Tunnel Boring Machines in Hard Rock
Sigl, Alexander; Auswirkungen verschiedener Intensitäten des körperlichen Trainings auf das ventrikuläre Remodeling direkt nach akutem Myokardinfarkt
Banerjee, Anubhab; Coordination, Trust and Orchestration of Cognitive, Open, Multi-vendor Network Automation Functions
Lattka, Annkatrin; Vorzeitige Behandlungsbeendigungen in der stationären psychosomatischen Therapie an einem Universitätsklinikum
Kukačka, Jan; Advancing Clinical Optoacoustic Tomography
Freiberger, Robert Rudolf Daniel; Der Zusammenhang von Antikörpern gegen das Herpes-Simplex-Virus mit den Biomarkern der Alzheimer-Krankheit
Studen, Fabian Dominik; Machine-Learning basiertes Score-Modell zur Differenzierung zwischen spontan bakterieller Peritonitis und sekundärer Peritonitis bei Patienten mit hydropisch dekompensierter Leberzirrhose
Rechberger, Paul; Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Kaltschlingenpolypektomie von mittelgroßen kolorektalen Polypen
Winkler, Thomas; Messung und Modellierung der Flüssigkeitsmaldistribution und deren Auswirkungen auf den Stoffübergang in Packungskolonnen
Hartung, Christina Monika; Suitability of fen plant biomass as biogas substrate
Woll, Mira Magdalena; Eine retrospektive Analyse an Prostatakarzinom-Langzeitüberlebenden nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie unterschiedlicher Risikogruppen - Sind Prostatakarzinom-Patienten der intermediate-risk Gruppe auch für Active Surveillance geeignet?
Gärtner, Sebastian; Simulation und Optimierung von Power-to-Gas Systemen in der Glasindustrie
Zimmer, Walter; Creß, Christian; Nguyen, Huu Tung; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf Intersection Dataset: All You Need for Urban 3D Camera-LiDAR Roadside Perception [Best Student Paper Award]
Irani Liu, Edmond; Specification-Compliant Reachability Analysis for Motion Planning of Automated Vehicles
Brambilla, Alessandro; Plant-to-plant defence signalling in barley
Miranda, Lucas; Deep clustering of animal motion tracking data
de la Rosa, Ezequiel; Machine Learning Characterization of Vascular Functions in Stroke Perfusion Imaging
Just, Christopher Michael; New Pathways in the Isolation, Investigation, and Evaluation of Functional Slow- and Fast-Cycling Soil Organic Matter Fractions
Lingg, Jakob Gerhard Peter; Shortwave-infrared Line-Scanning Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging
Schilling, Clara Theresa; Bildgebung des Pankreaskarzinoms mittels Dual-Layer Spektral-CT
Sichert, Moritz-Felipe; Efficient and Safe Integration of User-Defined Operators into Modern Database Systems
Tnani, Mohamed Ali; Efficient Deep Feature Learning for Noisy Industrial Time-Series Data
Nehiba, Annika; Neuropathische Schmerzen nach operativer Versorgung benigner intraduraler Entitäten
Link, Tobias; Characterization and habitat adaptation of Tetragenococcus halophilus and Debaryomyces hansenii from a lupine seasoning sauce fermentation
Franz, Charlott Sophie; 18F-rh-PSMA-7.3 basierte Bildgebung in der Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinomrezidivs nach radikaler Prostatektomie
Hähnke, Daniel Benjamin; Behavioural and Neuronal Signatures of Executive Control in Monkey and Mouse Prefrontal Cortex
Li, Yue; New high-order low-dissipation schemes for convection-dominated problems with shockwaves
Busch, Theresa Sophie; Investigating early fate decisions of exhausted CD8+ T cells by in vivo single cell fate mapping
Syed, Arslan Ali; Optimization of Autonomous Mobility on Demand Services based on Spatio-Temporal Relations
Richter, Maria Lucia Johanna; Single cell transcriptomics unravels cellular heterogeneity in hepatocytes
Scholz, Hannah; Vergleich von Risikoscores für die Re-Bestrahlung maligner Rezidiv-Gliome
Tratt, Benedikt; Three Essays on Small Business Financing
Lippera, Maria Chiara; Advancing knowledge and prediction of physical clogging to enhance the long-term infiltration capacity of Managed Aquifer Recharge sites in response to accelerating water demand and scarcity
Herrmann, Matthias M. X.; Vergleich unterschiedlicher Algorithmen zur Unterkiefersegmentierung CT- und MRT- basierter Datensätze von Schweinekadavern: Semiautomatische versus automatisierte Anwendungen
Zurita, Francisco Luis; Analysis of Neural Devices for Small-Nerve Interfacing
Schmidt, Lea Elisabeth Maria; The possible influence of maternal insecure dismissive attachment on the onset of AD in the child
Makarov, Sergei Olegovich; Development and Implementation of a Generalized Multi-Ion Transport Model in Plasma Edge Fluid Codes
Keßler, Christopher; Characterization of the radioresponse of different pancreatic cancer patient-derived organoids
Kokott, Anna Maria; Erfolgsrate nach biatrialer Kryo-Maze Prozedur
Glibo, Iva; Strategic Sustainable Development in Sport Organisations
Heger, Julian Eliah; Formation and Deformation of Functional (Bio)hybrid Films Revealed by Advanced Scattering Methods
Alnasser, Hassan Habib; Enhancing Flight Safety through Data-Driven Uncertainty Quantification with Vine Copula Models in Aviation
Schloßmacher, Benjamin Wolfgang; Strahlentherapie bei Weichteilsarkomen der Extremitäten und Brustwand – retrospektiver Vergleich von adjuvanter und neoadjuvanter Radiotherapie hinsichtlich des onkologischen Outcomes und prognostischer Faktoren
Nauck, Alessia Valerie Gabriela; Analyse von Patienten mit Routinediagnostik auf sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten in der Dermatologie
Abouelela, Mohamed Besheer; Developing a Multi-Dimensional Framework for the Deployment of Free-Floating Shared Mobility Services
Fischer, Franziska Gabriele; Durchflusszytometrie-basierte Analyse der T- und NK-Zellantwort während der frühen symptomatischen Primärinfektion mit dem Epstein-Barr-Virus
Kempter, Johanna Maria; Prognostische und prädiktive Relevanz der p53-Mutation bei Glioblastom-Patient/-innen
Prokop, Georg; Multimodale Quantifizierung der Heterogenität in Glioblastomen und ihre klinische Relevanz
Lattermann, Moritz; Die Progression der Pulswellengeschwindigkeit als Marker der Gefäßsteifigkeit in einer Kohorte von chronischen Dialysepatienten
Barton, Michael; Entwicklung und Erprobung einer flexiblen Wärmepumpe mit integriertem Latentwärmespeicher
Braun, Charis Linda; The learning value chain: An action research perspective on innovation in local agri-food systems
Inhuber, Vivienne Katharina; Experimental Study on the Potential Role of Methionine as First-Limiting Amino Acid for Growing Fleckvieh (German Simmental) Bulls
Gottwald, Martin; Analysing Neuro-Dynamic Programming Through Non-Convex Optimisation
Reiser, Daniel Ludwig; Untersuchungen zur Temperaturabhängigkeit des Widerstandsverhaltens memristiver Bauelemente auf der Basis von TiO2
Dahmen, Victoria;Martinez, Santiago Álvarez-Ossorio;Loder, Allister;Bogenberger, Klaus; Making Large-Scale Semi-Passive GPS Travel Diaries Valuable: a Quality Enhancement Method
Schmitt, Matthias Moritz; Herstellung laser-strahlgeschmolzener Verzahnungen in Leichtbauweise aus Einsatzstahl
Dahmen, Victoria;Weikl, Simone;Bogenberger, Klaus; Interpretable Machine Learning for Mode Choice Modeling on Tracking-Based Revealed Preference Data
Alexander Lehner; Stefano Gasperini; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Michael Schmidt; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Predictions
Kolb, Martina; Biochemical and physiological characterization of PIN auxin efflux carriers from Arabidopsis thaliana
Schlürmann, Timo; Die Aminosäure-PET in der Diagnostik von intrazerebralen Metastasen: eine Metaanalyse
Zheng, Zhaohua; A Novel Method of Graph-Based Representation Learning for Floorplan CAD Drawings
Czech, Catharina Julia Frederike; A modular multi-fidelity scheme combining data-driven reduced order models for structural analysis under uncertainty
Meyermann, Svenia Ricarda; Investigations on the C-type lectin receptor Clec12a and its role in the activation by the adjuvant alum
Wissel, Juliane Birgit; Firm Compliance and Governance of Open Source Software Activities
Werner, Felix Bastian; Production of fatty acids and fatty alcohols with Corynebacterium glutamicum from first- and second-generation feedstock
Dillinger, Fabian; Implementierungsstrategie für die Kombination aus Lean-Production-Methoden und Industrie-4.0-Technologien
Krenz, Lukas Daniel Sidney; A Fully Coupled Model for Petascale Earthquake-Tsunami and Earthquake-Sound Simulations
Ben Yacoub, Emna; Error Floors and Efficient Decoding of LDPC Codes
Malagutti, Luca Firouz Franco; Klassifikation von anatomischen Varianten der Wirbelsäule und Darstellung von deren Bedeutung für die Performance Deep Learning basierter Labelling- und Segmentierungsalgorithmen
Lederer, Patrick; Strategic Manipulation in Social Choice Theory
Seiwald, Philipp; Dynamic Multi-Contact Locomotion for Humanoid Robots
Pohl, Lydia Emily; Microscale properties of iron minerals in redoximorphic soils
He, Xingchi; Orbit determination for independent LEO mega-constellations
de Diego Unanue, Alvaro; A dynamic p-Laplacian: theory, computational aspects, and numerical experiments
Hiller, Christian Xaver; Optimization of the removal efficiency of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by micro- and ultrafiltration treating WWTP effluents
Pircher, Sabine H.; Attacking and Optimizing Code-Based Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Bandle, Maximilian; Efficient Data Processing on Modern Hardware
Maier, Daniel Georg; Eigenschaftsflexibles Freiformbiegen mit bewegter Matrize
Arnold, Matthias Friedrich; Mechanical Properties of Diagonal Laminated Timber (DLT) with Respect to Point-Supported Mass Timber Slabs
Gamperl, Moritz Stanislaus; Implementation of a Landslide Early Warning System considering informal settlements in Medellín (Colombia)
Farshad, Azade; Learning to Learn Neural Representations with Limited Data and Supervision
Bauer, Harald Hermann Ulrich; Eine modulare Methodik zur Analyse von Änderungsauswirkungen in der Produktion
Bauer, Markus; Seed–substrate combinations: The establishment of species-rich meadows as Green Infrastructure
Dahl, Sarah-Alica; Ernährungsphysiologische Adaption von Wildwiederkäuern an saisonale und Habitat-spezifische Verhältnisse am Beispiel von Reh und Gams in bayerischen Lebensraumtypen
Qian, Kun; Deep Learning in Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomographic Inversion
Korfmann, Kevin; Simulation-based Modeling of Biological Traits and Inference from the Ancestral Recombination Graph
Barbara Wirthl, Christina Janko, Stefan Lyer, Bernhard A. Schrefler, Christoph Alexiou, Wolfgang A. Wall; An in silico model of the capturing of magnetic nanoparticles in tumour spheroids in the presence of flow
Schirmer, Tanja Miriam; Influence of baking conditions on the detection and composition of gluten
Bloch, T.;Borrmann, A.;Pauwels, P.; An Alternative Approach to Automated Code Checking -- Application of Graph Neural Networks Trained on Synthetic Data for an Accessibility Check Case Study
Schneider, Sebastian Constantin; Hemodynamic-vascular influences on blood-oxygenation-level-dependent functional connectivity (BOLD-FC) in resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI)
Mörtenkötter, H.; Heilmeier, C.; de Riese, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Temperature resolved release of inorganic compounds from biomass
Wu, Yue; Shaping cortical computations via short- and long-term synaptic plasticity
Wang, Z.;Sacks, R.;Ouyang, B.;Ying, H.;Borrmann, A.; A Framework for Generic Semantic Enrichment of BIM Models
Preisinger, David Pius; Modifying the Porcine Genome
Rackl, Jakob; Menapace, Luisa; The Economics of Geographical Indications in International Markets
Moghadas Tabatabaei Zavareh, Seyed Hamidreza; Sensors for Data Bus Protection
Pape, Lennart; The Promotion of Plant-Based Diets Among Sport Fans
Stübner, Christine Andrea; Development of the Automated Solvent-Assisted Flavor Evaporation and its Application to the Identification of the Key Odorants in Walnut Kernels
Waclaw, Adam; Modellbasierte Evaluation der Elektrifizierung gewerblicher Fahrzeugflotten
Arnold, Nathanael David; Unlocking a Potent Chitin Saccharification System in a Novel Bacterium Through Omics and Bioinformatics
Fent, Philipp; Low Latency Query Planning and Processing in Database Systems
Knoth, Alexandra; Three Essays on ESG and Compensation: Driving Sustainability in European Companies
Fournier, Guillaume Jean Jacques; Clusters of Thermoacoustic Modes in Annular and Can-Annular Combustors
Diesch, Anna Elisabeth; Bogotás ländliches Erbe
Pollak, Clara Teresa; CIAM’s Exhibitions as Method of Work
Durner, Dominik; High-Performance Query Processing in the Cloud
Stich, Julia Margareta; Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit hybrider und virtueller Lernumgebungen zum naturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Biotechnologie
Bauer, Maria Gabriela; Controlling the Adhesive Properties of Polymeric Materials by Surface Functionalizations
Lee, Eunji; Information Sharing and Coordination in Supply Chains
Witzke, Stefan Oliver Alexander; Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit multimodaler Lernmedien in der Chemie
Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Evolving Technology Education in Primary Schools: A Two-Decade Journey Through a Systematic Review and Teacher Insights
Jarmer, Tilmann; Lebenszyklusbetrachtung von Wohnraumlüftung unter Berücksichtigung des Nutzerverhaltens
Pretschner, Alexander; Gregor, Lena; Understanding Integration Testing
Ambs, Dominik;Schmied, Gerhard;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Kienlein, Sebastian;Pretzsch, Hans;Nikolova, Petia Simeonova; Regeneration dynamics in mixed mountain forests at their natural geographical distribution range in the Western Rhodopes
Hagspihl, Thomas Johannes; Essays on Optimization of Airport Infrastructure
Zimmermann, Carl Friedrich Benedikt; Validation of Momentum Transport Theory in the Core Plasma of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
Engelhart-Straub, Selina Alexandra; Influence of stress and nutrients on the production of high-value oleochemicals in Rhodococcus erythropolis
Khoja, Ahmed; Towards Bridging the Climate Resilience Gap in Building Assessment Systems: An Integrated Framework for the German Built Environment
Bott, Felix Sebastian; Brain connectivity in acute and chronic pain
Baer, Jan;Ziegaus, Sabrina;Schumann, Mark;Geist, Juergen;Brinker, Alexander; Escaping malnutrition by shifting habitats: A driver of three‐spined stickleback invasion in Lake Constance
Ehring, Jakob Christoph; Fast Neutrino Flavor Conversions in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations
Felix Tristram; Stefano Gasperini; Nassir Navab; Federico Tombari; Re-Nerfing: Improving Novel Views Synthesis through Novel Views Synthesis
Chan, Jianpeng; Adaptive Monte Carlo methods for network reliability assessment
Katzmeier, Florian Tobias; From Electrokinetically Driven Colloidal Pattern Formation to Microrobotic Applications
Scholl, Manuel; Impulsartige Störgeräusche aus verschraubten Fügestellen am Beispiel der Radverschraubung
Zhu, Huaiyuan; Studies on the Reactivity of Two Coordinate Acyclic Imino(silyl)silylene
Vollmuth, Yannik; Vergleichende Neuropathologie der Bornavirus-Enzephalitis in Mensch und Tier und Korrelation mit dem klinischen Verlauf
Creß, Christian; Zimmer, Walter; Purschke, Nils; Doan, Bach Ngoc; Kirchner, Sven; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Strand, Leah; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf Event: Calibration and Fusion Resulting in a Dataset for Roadside Event-Based and RGB Cameras
Noichl, F.;Collins, F. C.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Enhancing point cloud semantic segmentation in the data-scarce domain of industrial plants through synthetic data
Pham, Dai Trong; Decision-Making in Dynamic, Stochastic Environments with Large Decision Spaces: Integrated Planning for Spare Parts and Technician Routing
Hartl, Anna;Starke, Elena;Voggenreiter, Angelina;Holzberger, Doris;Michaeli,Tilman;Pfeffer, Jürgen; Empowering Digital Natives: InstaClone–a Novel Approach to Data Literacy Education in the Age of Social Media
Xu, Hongxiang; On-Surface Synthesis of Novel Macrocyclic Nanostructures via C–C Coupling Assisted by Coordination Pocket Templates
Wietfeld, Alexander; Schmidt, Sebastian; Kellerer, Wolfgang; DBMC-NOMA: Evaluating NOMA for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Networks
Stephan Sinzig, Christoph P. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall; A conservative and efficient model for grain boundaries of solid electrolytes in a continuum model for solid-state batteries
Silvayeh, Zahra;Domitner, Josef;Müller, Marius;Auer, Peter;Sommitsch, Christof;Mayr, Peter; Engineering approach for determining the mechanical behavior of thin welds
Maierhofer, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel J.; Computing Forces by ECSW-Hyperreduction in Nonlinear Magnetodynamic FEM Problems
von Nitzsch, Jannis; A Behavioral Perspective of the Entrepreneurial Group: Exploring the Impact of Team Design, Cognitions, and Group Dynamics on Entrepreneurial Outcomes
Koller, Lukas;Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Set-Based Training for Neural Network Verification
Meier, Dennis; Investigations of self-assembly approaches for 3D molecular networks at the solid-vacuum interface
Richard M. Milbradt, Qunsheng Huang, Christian B. Mendl; State Diagrams and Tree Tensor Networks
Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Lin Huang, Peng; Prado, Anna; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Network Planning for the Future Railway Communications
Wang, Weixing; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph; Özkan, Hasan Yagiz; Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Feature Distribution Shift Mitigation with Contrastive Pretraining for Intrusion Detection
Benciolini, Tommaso; Yuntian Yan; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Combining Belief Function Theory and Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Multi-Modal Uncertainty in Autonomous Driving
Pretzsch, Hans;Hilmers, Torben;del Río, Miren; The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce
Benjamin Rodenberg; Dirichlet-Neumann waveform iteration with the coupling library preCICE
Benjamin Rodenberg; Waveform iteration in partitioned multiphysics with preCICE
Prommegger, Barbara; Kraußer, Christoph; Straeussl, Alexander; Arpaci, Selin; Trost, Andrea; Krcmar, Helmut; Generation Z Entering IT – Navigating Expectations for Employers and Employees
Benedict, Alia;Kuehn, Ralph;Stoeckle, Bernhard C.;Geist, Juergen; Genetic comparisons of the invasive pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana from wild and pet shop populations in Germany
Braziunas, Kristin H.;Geres, Lisa;Richter, Tobias;Glasmann, Felix;Senf, Cornelius;Thom, Dominik;Seibold, Sebastian;Seidl, Rupert; Projected climate and canopy change lead to thermophilization and homogenization of forest floor vegetation in a hotspot of plant species richness
Pander, Joachim;Kuhn, Johannes;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Habersetzer, Luis;Geist, Juergen; Diurnal patterns of spatial stream temperature variations reveal the need for integrating thermal heterogeneity in riverscape habitat restoration
Leemann, Tobias; Pawelczyk, Martin; Eberle, Christian Thomas; Kasneci, Gjergji; I Prefer Not To Say: Protecting User Consent in Models with Optional Personal Data
Bodonhelyi, Anna; Bozkir, Efe; Yang, Shuo; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji; User Intent Recognition and Satisfaction with Large Language Models: A User Study with ChatGPT
Olbrich, Felix; Beil, Christof; Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Multimodale Navigationsanwendungen für CityGML 3.0-konforme 3D-Straßenraummodelle mittels Graphdatenbanken
Wietfeld, Alexander; Schmidt, Sebastian; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Error Probability Optimization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in DBMC Networks
Hofmann, Pit; Schmidt, Sebastian; Wietfeld, Alexander; Zhou, Pengjie; Fuchtmann, Jonas; Fitzek, Frank H.P.; Kellerer, Wolfgang; A Molecular Communication Perspective on Detecting Arterial Plaque Formation
Merkel, Konrad; Real Space Approach to Electronic and Optical Excitations in Organic and Inorganic Semiconductors
Lindner, Johannes; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Smartphone-based Human-Machine-Interface for Bicycles: A Study on Behavioral Change and Learning Effects
Lindner, Johannes; Pechinger, Mathias; Bogenberger, Klaus; Experimental Digital Twins: Unlocking Insights for Multimodal Transportation Systems through Targeted Data Collection
Keerthi Gaddameedi, Dominik Huber, Martin Schreiber, Jan Fecht, Valentina Schueller, Michael Minion, Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Dynamic HPC resources for PinT: Algorithmic perspective
Zheng, Zhidan; Cheng, Liaoyuan; Arisawa, Kanta; Li, Qingyu; Truppel, Alexandre; Yamashita, Shigeru; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Multi-Resonance Mesh-Based Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip
Liang, Siyuan; Zhang, Yushen; Altay, Rana; Gasvoda, Hudson; Li, Mengchu; Araci, Ismail Emre; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Ho, Tsung-Yi; LaMUX: Optimized Logic-Gate-Enabled High-Performance Microfluidic Multiplexer Design
Knott, Josef;Mueller, Melanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in‐stream structures
Schumm, Benedikt;Bremer, Stephanie;Knödlseder, Katharina;Schönfelder, Martin;Hain, Rainer;Semmler, Luisa;Lorenz, Elke;Wackerhage, Henning;Kähler, Christian J.;Jörres, Rudolf; Indices of airway resistance and reactance from impulse oscillometry correlate with aerosol particle emission in different age groups
Weber, Michael; Schniertshauer, Johannes; Przybilla, Leonard; Hein, Andreas; Weking, Jörg; Krcmar, Helmut; Streamlining the Operation of AI Systems: Examining MLOps Maturity at an Automotive Firm
Ekman, Ellinoora;Triviño, María;Blattert, Clemens;Mazziotta, Adriano;Potterf, Maria;Eyvindson, Kyle; Disentangling the effects of management and climate change on habitat suitability for saproxylic species in boreal forests
Lira Dyson, Bronwyn;Herpel, Rhea;Karasch, Peter;Müller, Jörg;Thom, Dominik;Bässler, Claus; Effects of forest management on the key fungal decomposer Fomes fomentarius in European beech forests – Lessons from a large-scale experiment
Zimmer, Walter; Wardana, Gerhard Arya; Sritharan, Suren; Zhou, Xingcheng; Song, Rui; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset
Keune, Anna; Learning within fiber-crafted algorithms: Posthumanist perspectives for capturing human-material collaboration
Keune, A. & Hurtado, S.; Materializing social media youth practices toward algorithmic learning
Hurtado, S. & Keune, A.; Social media as a space for youth’s algorithmic resistance
Keune, A., Hurtado, S. & Simšič, Ž.; Exploring AI Ethics through educational scenarios with AI generative arts apps
Asgari, H.; Munari, A.; Liva, G.; Age of Information for Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA
Engel, Thomas; Winter, Stefan; Grundlagen zur brandschutztechnischen Anwendbarkeit von begrünten Fassaden an mehrgeschossigen Gebäuden
Ramon Maria Garcia Alarcia, Pietro Russo, Alfredo Renga, Alessandro Golkar; Bringing Systems Engineering Models to Large Language Models: An Integration of OPM with an LLM for Design Assistants
Newcome, Samuel James; Simulation-Tuned Time and Energy Optimisation for Multi-Site and 3-body Molecular Dynamics Simulations with AutoPas
Yuhong Huang, Zhenshan Bing, Zitao Zhang, Genghang Zhuang, Kai Huang, Alois Knoll; Optimizing Dynamic Balance in a Rat Robot Via the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
Lopes-Lima, M.;Geist, J.;Egg, S.;Beran, L.;Bikashvili, A.;Van Bocxlaer, B.;Bogan, AE.;Bolotov, IN.;Chelpanovskaya, OA.;Douda, K.;Fernandes, V.;Gomes-dos-Santos, A.;Gonçalves, DV.;Gürlek, ME.;Johnson, NA.;Karaouzas, I.;Kebapçı, Ü.;Kondakov, AV.;Kuehn, R.;Lajtner, J.;Mumladze, L.;Nagel, K-O.;Neubert, E.;Österling, M.;Pfeiffer, J.;Prié, V.;Riccardi, N.;Sell, J.;Schneider, LD.;Shumka, S.;Sîrbu, I.;Skujienė, G.;Smith, CH.;Sousa, R.;Stöckl, K.;Taskinen, J.;Teixeira, A.;Todorov, M.;Trichkova, T.;Urbańska, M.;Välilä, S.;Varandas, S.;Veríssimo, J.;Vikhrev, IV.;Woschitz, G.;Zając, K.;Zając, T.;Zanatta, D.;Zieritz, A.;Zogaris, S.;Froufe, E.; Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications
Lin, Yuanfei;Li, Chenran;Ding, Mingyu;Tomizuka, Masayoshi;Zhan, Wei;Althoff, Matthias; DrPlanner: Diagnosis and Repair of Motion Planners Using Large Language Models
Vogel, Quirin;Deshpande, Yash;Stefanović, Cedomir;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Analysis of d-ary tree algorithms with successive interference cancellation
Shubhangi Bhadauria, Klea Plaku, Yash Deshpande, Wolfgang Kellerer; Evaluation of NR-Sidelink for Cooperative Industrial AGVs
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Pimp My Simulation Further: Combining Strategies for Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Particle Simulations
Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah; Rechtssichere Hochschulprüfungen mit und trotz generativer KI
Rothmeyer, Florian and Fottner, Johannes; Simulative Evaluation des koordinativen Steuerungsansatzes für heterogene Flurförderzeugsysteme
Lechner, Miriam;Moser, Stephanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen;Lewalter, Doris; Learning scientific observation with worked examples in a digital learning environment
Zagst, Sabine; Hirt, Philipp-Roman; Automatisierte Generierung eines Baumkatasters aus Punktwolken in unterschiedlichen urbanen Umgebungen
Gerasimos Chourdakis; A coherent curriculum track of RSE skills for simulation software
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Valentin Seitz; Benjamin Uekermann; System regression tests for the preCICE partitioned simulation ecosystem
Díaz‐Yáñez, Olalla;Käber, Yannek;Anders, Tim;Bohn, Friedrich;Braziunas, Kristin H.;Brůna, Josef;Fischer, Rico;Fischer, Samuel M.;Hetzer, Jessica;Hickler, Thomas;Hochauer, Christian;Lexer, Manfred J.;Lischke, Heike;Mairota, Paola;Merganič, Ján;Merganičová, Katarina;Mette, Tobias;Mina, Marco;Morin, Xavier;Nieberg, Mats;Rammer, Werner;Reyer, Christopher P. O.;Scheiter, Simon;Scherrer, Daniel;Bugmann, Harald; Tree regeneration in models of forest dynamics: A key priority for further research
Lecina‐Diaz, Judit;Senf, Cornelius;Grünig, Marc;Seidl, Rupert; Ecosystem services at risk from disturbance in Europe's forests
Ahmed, Shamim;Hilmers, Torben;Uhl, Enno;Jacobs, Martin;Bohnhorst, Luke;Kolisnyk, Bohdan;del Río, Miren;Pretzsch, Hans; Neighborhood competition modulates the link between crown structure and tree ring variability in monospecific and mixed forest stands
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Angermann D.; Analysis of legacy and VGOS Intensives at IVS AC DGFI-TUM
Mehranfar, M.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; From dense point clouds to semantic digital models: End-to-end AI-based automation procedure for Manhattan-world structures
Gregor, K.; Krause, A.; Reyer, C.; Knoke, T.; Meyer, B.; Suvanto, S.; Rammig, A.; Quantifying the impact of key factors on the carbon mitigation potential of managed temperate forests
Bödeker, K.; Knoke, T.; Ammer, C.; Verjüngungsinventuren
Newcome, Samuel James; Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Muehlhaeusser, Markus; Neumann, Philipp; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; AutoPas: Dynamic Algorithm Selection in Molecular Dynamics for Optimal Time and Energy
Li, Mengchu; Gu, Hanchen; Zhang, Yushen; Liang, Siyuan; Gasvoda, Hudson; Altay, Rana; Araci, Ismail; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Ho, Tsung-Yi; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Late Breaking Results: Efficient Built-in Self-Test for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration (mLSI)
Uluç, Nasire;Glasl, Sarah;Gasparin, Francesca;Yuan, Tao;He, Hailong;Jüstel, Dominik;Pleitez, Miguel A;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Non-invasive measurements of blood glucose levels by time-gating mid-infrared optoacoustic signals.
Bretzel, Joachim B.;Pulg, Ulrich;Geist, Juergen; Juvenile salmonid abundance in a diamictic semi‐fluvial stream in Norway—does stream bed shelter beat large woody debris?
Biefel, F.;Geist, J.;Connon, R.E.;Harper, B.;Brander, S.M.; Interactive effects between water temperature, microparticle compositions, and fiber types on the marine keystone species Americamysis bahia
Vollmuth, Pia; Bethäuser, Lasse; Brungs, Felix; Fottner, Johannes; From Traditional to Transformable Production Logistics – Measures for Successful Transformation
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Exponent Relaxation of Polynomial Zonotopes and Its Applications in Formal Neural Network Verification
Willinger, Lukas ; Runer, Armin ; Vieider, Romed ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Winkler, Philipp W.; Noninvasive and Reliable Quantification of Anteromedial Rotatory Knee Laxity: A Pilot Study on Healthy Individuals
Pepić, Amra ; Stark, Maria ; Friede, Tim ; Kopp-Schneider, Annette ; Calderazzo, Silvia ; Reichert, Maria ; Wolf, Michael ; Wirth, Ulrich ; Schopf, Stefan ; Zapf, Antonia; A diagnostic phase III/IV seamless design to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and clinical effectiveness using the example of HEDOS and HEDOS II
Niels, Tanja ; Bogenberger, Klaus ; Papageorgiou, Markos ; Papamichail, Ioannis; Optimization-Based Intersection Control for Connected Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians
Parotte, Céline ; Macq, Hadrien ; Delvenne, Pierre; The Efficacy Paradox Revisited:
Lizarraga, Aldana ; Ripp, Isabelle ; Sala, Arianna ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Düring, Marco ; Koch, Kathrin ; Yakushev, Igor; Similarity between structural and proxy estimates of brain connectivity
Berthold, Daniel P. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Elhassan, Bassem T. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Muench, Lukas N.; Anterior Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for Irreparable Subscapularis Tears Improves Shoulder Kinematics in a Dynamic Biomechanical Cadaveric Shoulder Model
Lechner, Miriam ; Moser, Stephanie ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen ; Lewalter, Doris; Learning scientific observation with worked examples in a digital learning environment
Buechel, Catherine ; Friedmann, Anna ; Eber, Stefan ; Behrends, Uta ; Mall, Volker ; Nehring, Ina; The change of psychosocial stress factors in families with infants and toddlers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A longitudinal perspective on the CoronabaBY study from Germany
Ritschl, Lucas M. ; Singer, Hannes ; Clasen, Franz-Carl ; Haller, Bernhard ; Fichter, Andreas M. ; Deppe, Herbert ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Weitz, Jochen; Oral rehabilitation and associated quality of life following mandibular reconstruction with free fibula flap: a cross-sectional study
Baumgart, Lea ; Anetsberger, Aida ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Hanno S. ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Single brain metastases - prognostic factors and impact of residual tumor burden on overall survival
Schröder, Sebastian ; Westhoff, Martin Schulze ; Pfister, Tabea ; Seifert, Johanna ; Bleich, Stefan ; Koop, Felix ; Proskynitopoulos, Phileas Johannes ; Glahn, Alexander ; Heck, Johannes; Drug safety in older patients with alcohol use disorder: a retrospective cohort study
Rietjens, Judith A. C. ; Griffioen, Ingeborg ; Sierra-Pérez, Jorge ; Sroczynski, Gaby ; Siebert, Uwe ; Buyx, Alena ; Peric, Barbara ; Svane, Inge Marie ; Brands, Jasper B. P. ; Steffensen, Karina D. ; Romero Piqueras, Carlos ; Hedayati, Elham ; Karsten, Maria M. ; Couespel, Norbert ; Akoglu, Canan ; Pazo-Cid, Roberto ; Rayson, Paul ; Lingsma, Hester F. ; Schermer, Maartje H. N. ; Steyerberg, Ewout W. ; Payne, Sheila A. ; Korfage, Ida J. ; Stiggelbout, Anne M.; Improving shared decision-making about cancer treatment through design-based data-driven decision-support tools and redesigning care paths: an overview of the 4D PICTURE project
Muench, Lukas N. ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Dorsey, Caitlin G. ; Hawthorne, Benjamin ; Trudeau, Maxwell T. ; Wolf, John D. ; Wellington, Ian ; Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Long-Term Functional Outcomes and Athletic Ability in Shoulder Sports After Anatomic Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Type 3 and 5 Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
Kosel, Christian ; Bauer, Elisabeth ; Seidel, Tina; Where experience makes a difference: teachers' judgment accuracy and diagnostic reasoning regarding student learning characteristics
Berlet, Maximilian ; Fuchtmann, Jonas ; Krumpholz, Roman ; Naceri, Abdeldjallil ; Macari, Daniela ; Jähne-Schon, Christoph ; Haddadin, Sami ; Friess, Helmut ; Feussner, Hubertus ; Wilhelm, Dirk; Toward telemedical diagnostics_clinical evaluation of a robotic examination system for emergency patients
Shu, Qiguan ; Yazdi, Hadi ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Ludwig, Ferdinand; Predicting resprouting of Platanus × hispanica following branch pruning by means of machine learning
Yu, Mia S. C. ; Chiang, Dapi Menglin ; Reithmair, Marlene ; Meidert, Agnes ; Brandes, Florian ; Schelling, Gustav ; Ludwig, Christina ; Meng, Chen ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Zenner, Christian ; Muller, Laurent ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; The proteome of bacterial membrane vesicles in Escherichia coli_a time course comparison study in two different media
Hasseli, Rebecca ; Hanses, Frank ; Stecher, Melanie ; Specker, Christof ; Weise, Tobias ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Hasselberger, Martina ; Hertenstein, Bernd ; Hower, Martin ; Hoyer, Bimba F. ; Koll, Carolin ; Krause, Andreas ; von Lilienfeld-Toal, Marie ; Lorenz, Hanns-Martin ; Merle, Uta ; Nunes de Miranda, Susana M. ; Pletz, Mathias W. ; Regierer, Anne C. ; Richter, Jutta G. ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Roemmele, Christoph ; Ruethrich, Maria M. ; Schmeiser, Tim ; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik ; Strangfeld, Anja ; Vehreschild, Maria J.G.T. ; Voit, Florian ; Voll, Reinhard E. ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; Müller-Ladner, Ulf ; Pfeil, Alexander; The protective effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases compared to the general population_A comparison of two German registries
Harlacher, Eva ; Schulte, Corinna ; Vondenhoff, Sonja ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Diederich, Philippe ; Hemmers, Christian ; Moellmann, Julia ; Wollenhaupt, Julia ; Veltrop, Rogier ; Biessen, Erik ; Lehrke, Michael ; Peters, Björn ; Schlieper, Georg ; Kuppe, Christoph ; Floege, Jürgen ; Jankowski, Vera ; Marx, Nikolaus ; Jankowski, Joachim ; Noels, Heidi; Increased levels of a mycophenolic acid metabolite in patients with kidney failure negatively affect cardiomyocyte health
Allwang, Christine ; Frank, Tamara ; Bruckmann, Paul ; Dinkel, Andreas ; Binneboese, Marius ; Wallis, Hannah ; Elgner, Melanie ; Giel, Katrin E. ; Schurr, Marisa ; Gündel, Harald ; Wedekind, Lisa ; Kuhn, Julia ; Lahmann, Claas ; Müller, Anne-Maria ; Beckmann, Pauline ; Massag, Janka ; Mikolajczyk, Rafael ; Junne, Florian; Addressing psychosocial needs in patients with Long-COVID (PsyLoCo-Study): study protocol of a pilot-study of a specialized modular intervention
Martens, Eimo ; Haase, Hans-Ulrich ; Mastella, Giulio ; Henkel, Andreas ; Spinner, Christoph ; Hahn, Franziska ; Zou, Congyu ; Fava Sanches, Augusto ; Allescher, Julia ; Heid, Daniel ; Strauss, Elena ; Maier, Melanie-Maria ; Lachmann, Mark ; Schmidt, Georg ; Westphal, Dominik ; Haufe, Tobias ; Federle, David ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Boeker, Martin ; Becker, Matthias ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Steger, Alexander ; Müller, Alexander; Smart hospital: achieving interoperability and raw data collection from medical devices in clinical routine
Scatà, Maria Carmela ; Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Grandoni, Francesco ; Reale, Anna ; Zampieri, Michele ; Hussen, Jamal ; De Matteis, Giovanna; Hyperthermia-induced changes in leukocyte survival and phagocytosis: a comparative study in bovine and buffalo leukocytes
Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Hussen, Jamal ; De Matteis, Giovanna; Editorial: Heat stress and immune responses in livestock: current challenges and intervention strategies
Gscheidle, Christian ; Witzel, Thilo ; Smolka, Alexander ; Reiss, Philipp; Permittivity sensor development for lunar and planetary surface exploration
Schorr, Isabel ; Plecher, David A. ; Eichhorn, Christian ; Klinker, Gudrun; Foreign language learning using augmented reality environments: a systematic review
Paulus, Frank W. ; Joas, Jens ; Friedmann, Anna ; Fuschlberger, Tamara ; Möhler, Eva ; Mall, Volker; Familial context influences media usage in 0- to 4-year old children
Toussaint, Anne ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Riedl, Bernhard ; Linde, Klaus ; Dreischulte, Tobias ; Falkai, Peter ; Gensichen, Jochen ; Henningsen, Peter ; Bühner, Markus ; Jung-Sievers, Caroline ; Krcmar, Helmut ; Lukaschek, Karoline ; Pitschel-Walz, Gabriele ; Schneider, Antonius ; Vukas, Jochen ; Younesi, Puya ; Gökce, Feyza ; von Schrottenberg, Victoria ; Schönweger, Petra ; Schillock, Hannah ; Raub, Jonas ; Reindl-Spanner, Philipp ; Hattenkofer, Lisa ; Kaupe, Lukas ; Haas, Carolin ; Eder, Julia ; Brisnik, Vita ; Brand, Constantin ; Ebert, Chris ; Emilia Vogel, Marie ; Teusen, Clara ; Biersack, Katharina; Lessons learned from applying established cut-off values of questionnaires to detect somatic symptom disorders in primary care: a cross-sectional study
Lu, Chenghao ; Nnadozie, Emmanuel ; Camenzind, Moritz Paul ; Hu, Yuncai ; Yu, Kang; Maize plant detection using UAV-based RGB imaging and YOLOv5
Camenzind, Moritz Paul ; Yu, Kang; Multi temporal multispectral UAV remote sensing allows for yield assessment across European wheat varieties already before flowering
Jin, Jessica ; Rothämel, Paula ; Büchel, Johanna ; Kammer, Birgit ; Brunet, Theresa ; Pattathu, Joseph ; Flemmer, Andreas W. ; Nussbaum, Claudia ; Schroepf, Sebastian; Case Report: Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome_a rare cause of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
Goldberg, Maria ; Mondragon-Soto, Michel G. ; Altawalbeh, Ghaith ; Baumgart, Lea ; Gempt, Jens ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan; Enhancing outcomes: neurosurgical resection in brain metastasis patients with poor Karnofsky performance score - a comprehensive survival analysis
von Ofen, Anna Josefine ; Thiel, Uwe ; Eck, Jennifer ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; Thiede, Melanie ; Hauer, Julia ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Schober, Sebastian J.; YB-1-based oncolytic virotherapy in combination with CD47 blockade enhances phagocytosis of pediatric sarcoma cells
Pricoco, Rafael ; Meidel, Paulina ; Hofberger, Tim ; Zietemann, Hannah ; Mueller, Yvonne ; Wiehler, Katharina ; Michel, Kaja ; Paulick, Johannes ; Leone, Ariane ; Haegele, Matthias ; Mayer-Huber, Sandra ; Gerrer, Katrin ; Mittelstrass, Kirstin ; Scheibenbogen, Carmen ; Renz-Polster, Herbert ; Mihatsch, Lorenz ; Behrends, Uta; One-year follow-up of young people with ME/CFS following infectious mononucleosis by Epstein-Barr virus
Brummer, Julian ; Glasbrenner, Christina ; Hechenbichler Figueroa, Sieglinde ; Koehler, Karsten ; Höchsmann, Christoph; Continuous glucose monitoring for automatic real-time assessment of eating events and nutrition: a scoping review
Hellbach, Fabian ; Freuer, Dennis ; Meisinger, Christa ; Peters, Annette ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Costeira, Ricardo ; Hauner, Hans ; Baumeister, Sebastian-Edgar ; Bell, Jordana T. ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Linseisen, Jakob; Usual dietary intake and change in DNA methylation over years: EWAS in KORA FF4 and KORA fit
Wang, Hui ; Li, GuanNan ; Zhao, Jie ; Eiber, Matthias ; Tian, Rong; Current status of PSMA-targeted imaging and therapy
Daniel, Hannelore; Dietary proteins: from evolution to engineering
Ortiz, Stephan ; Pittock, Sean J. ; Berthele, Achim ; Levy, Michael ; Nakashima, Ichiro ; Oreja-Guevara, Celia ; Allen, Kerstin ; Mashhoon, Yasmin ; Parks, Becky ; Kim, Ho Jin; Immediate and sustained terminal complement inhibition with ravulizumab in patients with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
Kern, Jan ; Gulde, Philipp ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; A prospective investigation of the effects of soccer heading on cognitive and sensorimotor performances in semi-professional female players
Roth, Sebastian ; Müller, Franz-Ullrich ; Angermeier, Julian ; Hemmert, Werner ; Zirn, Stefan; Effect of a processing delay between direct and delayed sound in simulated open fit hearing aids on speech intelligibility in noise
Hörner, Michaela ; Popp, Sandy ; Branchu, Julien ; Stevanin, Giovanni ; Darios, Frédéric ; Klebe, Stephan ; Groh, Janos ; Martini, Rudolf; Clinically approved immunomodulators ameliorate behavioral changes in a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia type 11
Vierbaum, Laura ; Weiss, Nathalie ; Kaiser, Patricia ; Kremser, Marcel ; Wenzel, Folker ; Thevis, Mario ; Schellenberg, Ingo ; Luppa, Peter B.; Longitudinal analysis of external quality assessment of immunoassay-based steroid hormone measurement indicates potential for improvement in standardization
Wolff, Andreas W. ; Bidner, Helen ; Remane, Yvonne ; Zimmer, Janine ; Aarsland, Dag ; Rascol, Olivier ; Wyse, Richard K. ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Lingor, Paul; Protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase IIa study of the safety, tolerability, and symptomatic efficacy of the ROCK-inhibitor Fasudil in patients with Parkinson's disease (ROCK-PD)
Jiang, Jiehui ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Hettie, Kenneth S. ; Hsu, Chih-Yu ; Kung, Woon-Man; Editorial: Translational advances in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other dementia: molecular mechanisms, biomarkers, diagnosis, and therapies, volume III
Rodríguez, Victoria ; Bartholomäus, Alexander ; Witzgall, Kristina ; Riveras-Muñoz, Nicolás ; Oses, Romulo ; Liebner, Susanne ; Kallmeyer, Jens ; Rach, Oliver ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Seguel, Oscar ; Scholten, Thomas ; Wagner, Dirk; Microbial impact on initial soil formation in arid and semiarid environments under simulated climate change
Stullich, Ananda ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Stephan, Johannes ; Gehrmann, Jan ; Richter, Matthias; Evaluating a rehabilitative intervention for substance-dependent patients with and without their accompanying children in Germany (KontextSucht): study protocol for a non-randomised trial
Kastorff, Tamara ; Stegmann, Karsten; Teachers' technological (pedagogical) knowledge-predictors for students' ICT literacy?
Seiringer, Peter ; Hillig, Christina ; Schäbitz, Alexander ; Jargosch, Manja ; Pilz, Anna Caroline ; Eyerich, Stefanie ; Szegedi, Andrea ; Sochorová, Michaela ; Gruber, Florian ; Zouboulis, Christos C. ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Menden, Michael P. ; Eyerich, Kilian ; Töröcsik, Daniel; Spatial transcriptomics reveals altered lipid metabolism and inflammation-related gene expression of sebaceous glands in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
Schober, Sebastian J. ; Thiede, Melanie ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; von Ofen, Anna Josefine ; Knoch, Pia ; Eck, Jennifer ; Prexler, Carolin ; Kordass-Wally, Corazon ; Hauer, Julia ; Burdach, Stefan ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Thiel, Uwe; TCR-transgenic T cells and YB-1-based oncolytic virotherapy improve survival in a preclinical Ewing sarcoma xenograft mouse model
Bottero, Alessandra ; Moos, Christine ; Stritih, Ana ; Teich, Michaela; Editorial: Impacts of global change on protective forests in mountain areas
Addo-Danso, Shalom D. ; Defrenne, Camille E. ; Yaffar, Daniela ; Lugli, Laynara F.; Editorial: Insights into forest ecosystem belowground processes and functioning in a changing environment
Svec, Mortimer ; Dötsch, Sarah ; Warmuth, Linda ; Trebo, Manuel ; Fräßle, Simon ; Riddell, Stanley R. ; Jäger, Ulrich ; D'Ippolito, Elvira ; Busch, Dirk H.; A chimeric antigen receptor-based cellular safeguard mechanism for selective in vivo depletion of engineered T cells
Niarakis, Anna ; Ostaszewski, Marek ; Mazein, Alexander ; Kuperstein, Inna ; Kutmon, Martina ; Gillespie, Marc E. ; Funahashi, Akira ; Acencio, Marcio Luis ; Hemedan, Ahmed ; Aichem, Michael ; Klein, Karsten ; Czauderna, Tobias ; Burtscher, Felicia ; Yamada, Takahiro G. ; Hiki, Yusuke ; Hiroi, Noriko F. ; Hu, Finterly ; Pham, Nhung ; Ehrhart, Friederike ; Willighagen, Egon L. ; Valdeolivas, Alberto ; Dugourd, Aurelien ; Messina, Francesco ; Esteban-Medina, Marina ; Peña-Chilet, Maria ; Rian, Kinza ; Soliman, Sylvain ; Aghamiri, Sara Sadat ; Puniya, Bhanwar Lal ; Naldi, Aurélien ; Helikar, Tomáš ; Singh, Vidisha ; Fernández, Marco Fariñas ; Bermudez, Viviam ; Tsirvouli, Eirini ; Montagud, Arnau ; Noël, Vincent ; Ponce-de-Leon, Miguel ; Maier, Dieter ; Bauch, Angela ; Gyori, Benjamin M. ; Bachman, John A. ; Luna, Augustin ; Piñero, Janet ; Furlong, Laura I. ; Balaur, Irina ; Rougny, Adrien ; Jarosz, Yohan ; Overall, Rupert W. ; Phair, Robert ; Perfetto, Livia ; Matthews, Lisa ; Rex, Devasahayam Arokia Balaya ; Orlic-Milacic, Marija ; Gomez, Luis Cristobal Monraz ; De Meulder, Bertrand ; Ravel, Jean Marie ; Jassal, Bijay ; Satagopam, Venkata ; Wu, Guanming ; Golebiewski, Martin ; Gawron, Piotr ; Calzone, Laurence ; Beckmann, Jacques S. ; Evelo, Chris T. ; D'Eustachio, Peter ; Schreiber, Falk ; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio ; Dopazo, Joaquin ; Kuiper, Martin ; Valencia, Alfonso ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Kitano, Hiroaki ; Barillot, Emmanuel ; Auffray, Charles ; Balling, Rudi ; Schneider, Reinhard; Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
Hillmayr, Delia ; Reinhold, Frank ; Holzberger, Doris ; Reiss, Kristina; STEM teachers' beliefs about the relevance and use of evidence-based information in practice: a case study using thematic analysis
Ripsam, Melanie ; Nerdel, Claudia; Teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy toward augmented reality in chemistry education
Bittner, Norbert ; Shi, Chenfu ; Zhao, Danyun ; Ding, James ; Southam, Lorraine ; Swift, Diane ; Kreitmaier, Peter ; Tutino, Mauro ; Stergiou, Odysseas ; Cheung, Jackson T S ; Katsoula, Georgia ; Hankinson, Jenny ; Wilkinson, Jeremy Mark ; Orozco, Gisela ; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Primary osteoarthritis chondrocyte map of chromatin conformation reveals novel candidate effector genes
Kählke, Fanny ; Hasking, Penelope ; Küchler, Ann-Marie ; Baumeister, Harald; Mental health services for German university students: acceptance of intervention targets and preference for delivery modes
Albert, Alba M. ; Balamurali, Deepak ; Beslika, Evangelia ; Fernandez, Ileana D. ; Genedy, Hussein H. ; Babaei Khorzoughi, Reyhaneh ; Lauta, Francesca Cecilia ; Peppas, Panagiotis ; Ragone, Isabella ; Rizzari, Giorgia ; Sansonetti, Marida ; Silva, Joana ; Spanò, Giulia ; Wrona, Kinga M.; Harnessing the power of RNA therapeutics in treating ischemic heart failure: the TRAIN-HEART story
Zhao, Zilong ; Kunar, Aditya ; Birke, Robert ; Van der Scheer, Hiek ; Chen, Lydia Y.; CTAB-GAN+: enhancing tabular data synthesis
Koppara, Tobias ; Dregely, Isabel ; Nekolla, Stephan G. ; Nährig, Jörg ; Langwieser, Nicolas ; Bradaric, Christian ; Ganter, Carl ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Ibrahim, Tareq; Simultaneous 18-FDG PET and MR imaging in lower extremity arterial disease
Bisignani, Giovanni ; Cheung, Jim W. ; Rordorf, Roberto ; Kutyifa, Valentina ; Hofer, Daniel ; Berti, Dana ; Di Biase, Luigi ; Martens, Eimo ; Russo, Vincenzo ; Vitillo, Paolo ; Zoutendijk, Marlies ; Deneke, Thomas ; Köhler, Irina ; Schrader, Jürgen ; Upadhyay, Gaurav; Implantable cardiac monitors: artificial intelligence and signal processing reduce remote ECG review workload and preserve arrhythmia detection sensitivity
Schmitz, Linus Paul ; Gosslar, Joschua ; Dorresteijn, Evelien ; Lowke, Dirk ; Kloft, Harald; Experimental investigations on the compaction energy for a robotic rammed earth process
Brill, Monika S. ; Fassier, Coralie ; Song, Yuyu; Editorial: Cytoskeletal alterations in aging and disease
Wang, Ying ; Hils, Miriam ; Fischer, Andrea ; Wölbing, Florian ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Schnieke, Angelika ; Fischer, Konrad; Gene-edited pigs: a translational model for human food allergy against alpha-Gal and anaphylaxis
Ko, Jeff C. ; Murillo, Carla ; Weil, Ann B. ; Kreuzer, Matthia ; Moore, George E.; Dexmedetomidine Sedation in Dogs: Impact on Electroencephalography, Behavior, Analgesia, and Antagonism with Atipamezole
Wettengel, Jochen M. ; Naka, Hiroaki ; Dissen, Gregory A. ; Torgerson, Jeffrey ; Pounder, Michelle ; Mueller, Simon F. ; Mueller, Elisabeth ; Hagen, Philipp ; Brandt, Micah ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Burwitz, Benjamin J.; High-Throughput Screening for the Prevalence of Neutralizing Antibodies against Human Adenovirus Serotype 5
Zhang, Jingcheng ; Hu, Yuncai ; Li, Fei ; Fue, Kadeghe G. ; Yu, Kang; Meta-Analysis Assessing Potential of Drone Remote Sensing in Estimating Plant Traits Related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Gedrich, Kurt ; Kolossa, Silvia ; Hartwig, Kai; The Effectiveness of Specific Pieces of Advice in Personalized Nutrition_An Example from the German Food4Me Sub-Cohort +
Reik, Anna ; Schauberger, Gunther ; Wiechert, Meike ; Hauner, Hans ; Holzapfel, Christina; Association between the Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Response and Changes in Anthropometric Parameters after an 8-Week Formula Diet_Data from the Lifestyle Intervention Study +
Yildiz, Cennet ; Medina, Isabel; Thermodynamic Analysis to Evaluate the Effect of Diet on Brain Glucose Metabolism: The Case of Fish Oil
Boza Espinoza, Tatiana Erika ; Salinas, Norma ; Cosio, Eric G. ; Tito, Richard ; Nina-Quispe, Alex ; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa María; Assessing Peru's Land Monitoring System Contributions towards Fulfilment of Its International Environmental Commitments
Picard, Philipp K. W. ; Osswald, Tim A. ; Zaremba, Swen ; Drechsler, Klaus; Modeling of a Process Window for Tailored Reinforcements in Overmolding Processes
Mayer, Julius M. ; Spies, Sophie I. ; Mayer, Carla K. ; Zubler, Cédric ; Loucas, Rafael ; Holzbach, Thomas; How to Treat a Cyclist's Nodule?_Introduction of a Novel, ICG-Assisted Approach
Gabriel, Anna ; Konrad, Andreas ; Herold, Nadine ; Horstmann, Thomas ; Schleip, Robert ; Paternoster, Florian K.; Testing the Posterior Chain: Diagnostic Accuracy of the Bunkie Test versus the Isokinetic Hamstrings/Quadriceps Measurement in Patients with Self-Reported Knee Pain and Healthy Controls
Gramer, Gwendolyn ; Wortmann, Saskia B. ; Fang-Hoffmann, Junmin ; Kohlmüller, Dirk ; Okun, Jürgen G. ; Prokisch, Holger ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Hoffmann, Georg F.; New Cases of Maleylacetoacetate Isomerase Deficiency with Detection by Newborn Screening and Natural History over 32 Years: Experience from a German Newborn Screening Center
Schlicke, Marcel ; Wannenmacher, Helmut ; Nübel, Konrad; Advancing TBM Performance: Integrating Shield Friction Analysis and Machine Learning in Geotechnical Engineering
Gabler, Anna Maria ; Ludwig, Annalena ; Biener, Florian ; Waldner, Magdalena ; Dawid, Corinna ; Frank, Oliver; Chemical Characterization of Red Wine Polymers and Their Interaction Affinity with Odorants
Salariseddigh, Mohammad Javad ; Dabbabi, Ons ; Deppe, Christian ; Boche, Holger; Deterministic K-Identification for Future Communication Networks: The Binary Symmetric Channel Results +
Raab, Florian ; Böse, Lennart ; Klein, Harald ; Opferkuch, Frank; Steam Storage Rankine Cycle for Unutilized Applications in Distributed High-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery
Zeng, Guang ; Wu, Zhizhou ; Xu, Lipeng ; Liang, Yunyi; Efficient Vision Transformer YOLOv5 for Accurate and Fast Traffic Sign Detection
Agormedah, Edmond Kwesi ; Ankomah, Francis ; Srem-Sai, Medina ; Nugba, Regina Mawusi ; Quansah, Frank ; Hagan, John Elvis ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Schack, Thomas; Effects of Gender and Age Interaction on Sense of Coherence and Subjective Well-Being of Senior High School Students in Northern Ghana
Gsänger, Matthias ; Hösel, Volker ; Mohamad-Klotzbach, Christoph ; Müller, Johannes; Opinion Models, Election Data, and Political Theory
Pulvermacher, Samuel ; Loebich, Florian ; Prahs, Andreas ; Liu, Hangning ; Cabeza, Sandra ; Pirling, Thilo ; Hofmann, Michael ; Gibmeier, Jens; Analysis of Phase-Specific Strain Pole Figures for Duplex Steels under Elasto-Plastic Uniaxial Tension_Experiment vs. EPSC Modelling
Spitschan, Manuel ; Vidafar, Parisa ; Cain, Sean W. ; Phillips, Andrew J. K. ; Lambert, Ben C.; Power Analysis for Human Melatonin Suppression Experiments
May, Lilly ; Chu, Chang-Feng ; Zielinski, Christina E.; Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals HIF1A as a Severity-Sensitive Immunological Scar in Circulating Monocytes of Convalescent Comorbidity-Free COVID-19 Patients
Kravchuk, Anton P. ; Wolff, Ingmar ; Gilfrich, Christian ; Wirtz, Ralph M. ; Soares, Paula ; Braun, Kay-Patrick ; Brookman-May, Sabine D. ; Kollitsch, Lisa ; Hauner, Katharina ; Burchardt, Martin ; Bründl, Johannes ; Burger, Maximilian ; May, Matthias; Urine-Based Biomarker Test Uromonitor® in the Detection and Disease Monitoring of Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer_A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Performance
Steuwe, Andrea ; Kamp, Benedikt ; Afat, Saif ; Akinina, Alena ; Aludin, Schekeb ; Bas, Elif Gülsah ; Berger, Josephine ; Bohrer, Evelyn ; Brose, Alexander ; Büttner, Susanne Martina ; Ehrengut, Constantin ; Gerwing, Mirjam ; Grosu, Sergio ; Gussew, Alexander ; Güttler, Felix ; Heinrich, Andreas ; Jiraskova, Petra ; Kloth, Christopher ; Kottlors, Jonathan ; Kuennemann, Marc-David ; Liska, Christian ; Lubina, Nora ; Manzke, Mathias ; Meinel, Felix G. ; Meyer, Hans-Jonas ; Mittermeier, Andreas ; Persigehl, Thorsten ; Schmill, Lars-Patrick ; Steinhardt, Manuel ; Antoch, Gerald ; Valentin, Birte; Standardization of a CT Protocol for Imaging Patients with Suspected COVID-19_A RACOON Project
Petz, Dominik ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Park, Juyeon ; Schökel, Alexander ; Kriele, Armin ; Rebelo Kornmeier, Joana ; Paulmann, Carsten ; Koch, Max ; Nilges, Tom ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Heterogeneity of Lithium Distribution in the Graphite Anode of 21700-Type Cylindrical Li-Ion Cells during Degradation
Forestano, Roy T. ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Dong, Zhongtian ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia ; Unlu, Eyup B.; A Comparison between Invariant and Equivariant Classical and Quantum Graph Neural Networks
Gidarakou, Marilena ; Papayannis, Alexandros ; Kokkalis, Panagiotis ; Evangeliou, Nikolaos ; Vratolis, Stergios ; Remoundaki, Emmanouella ; Groot Zwaaftink, Christine ; Eckhardt, Sabine ; Veselovskii, Igor ; Mylonaki, Maria ; Argyrouli, Athina ; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos ; Solomos, Stavros ; Gini, Maria I.; Optical and Microphysical Properties of the Aerosols during a Rare Event of Biomass-Burning Mixed with Polluted Dust
Radeck, Domenik ; Hsu, Felix He-Mao ; Janke, Florian ; Semino, Gabriele ; Hofmann, Tim ; Rink, Sebastian ; Jocher, Agnes; Propulsion and Suspension Concept of the Technical University of Munich Hyperloop Full-Scale Demonstrator
Müller, Moritz ; Dupuis, Ambre ; Zeulner, Tobias ; Vazquez, Ignacio ; Hagerer, Johann ; Gloor, Peter A.; Predicting Team Well-Being through Face Video Analysis with AI
Šimenko, Jo ef ; Mahni , Nik ; Kukovica, David ; Sertić, Hrvoje ; Segedi, Ivan ; Milić, Radoje ; Karpljuk, Damir ; Ceylan, Bayram ; Rauter, Samo; Exploring the Relationship between Anaerobic and Morphological Characteristics and Competition Success in Young Male Slovenian Judo Athletes
Kehl, Alexandra ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike ; de Brot, Simone ; van der Weyden, Louise; Review of Molecular Technologies for Investigating Canine Cancer
Lun, Runqi ; Liu, Wei ; Li, Guojing ; Luo, Qiyou; Does Digital Agricultural Technology Extension Service Enhance Sustainable Food Production? Evidence from Maize Farmers in China
He, Ruichen ; Holzapfel, Florian ; Bröcker, Johannes ; Lai, Yi ; Zhang, Shuguang; A Decentralized Voting and Monitoring Flight Control Actuation System for eVTOL Aircraft
Li, Yuhan ; Zhang, Shuguang ; He, Ruichen ; Holzapfel, Florian; Objective Detection of Trust in Automated Urban Air Mobility: A Deep Learning-Based ERP Analysis
Mbikayi, Zoe ; Steinert, Agnes ; Heimsch, Dominik ; Speckmaier, Moritz ; Rudolph, Philippe ; Liu, Hugh ; Holzapfel, Florian; Online Deterministic 3D Trajectory Generation for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft
Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Hochberger, Felix ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Willinger, Lukas; Tibiofemoral Subluxation on Radiograph as a Predictor of Location and Size of Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee
Stephan, Johannes ; Gehrmann, Jan ; Stullich, Ananda ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias; Development, piloting and evaluation of an app-supported psychosocial prevention intervention to strengthen participation in working life: a study protocol of a mixed-methods approach
Papa, Andrea ; Nussbaumer, Clement ; Goulouti, Eleni ; Schwitz, Fabienne ; Wustmann, Kerstin ; Tobler, Daniel ; Greutmann, Matthias ; Schwerzmann, Markus; Prognostic value of right ventricular dyssynchrony in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot
Jacobs, An ; Warnants, Maarten ; Vollmuth, Veronika ; Winkler, Christiane ; Weiss, Andreas ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele ; Lundgren, Markus ; Elding Larsson, Helena ; Kordonouri, Olga ; von dem Berge, Thekla ; Zielmann, Marie-Luise ; Bonifacio, Ezio ; Hommel, Angela ; Oltarzewski, Mariusz ; Szypowska, Agnieszka ; Besser, Rachel ; Todd, John A. ; Casteels, Kristina; Vitamin D insufficiency in infants with increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes: a secondary analysis of the POInT Study
Edouard, Pascal ; Dandrieux, Pierre-Eddy ; Hollander, Karsten ; Zyskowski, Michael; Injuries and illnesses at the Munich 2022 European Championships: a prospective study of 5419 athletes from 52 countries involved in 9 sports
Heimke, Ferdinand ; Furukawa, Yuki ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Johnston, Bradley C. ; Engel, Rolf R. ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Leucht, Stefan; Understanding effect size: an international online survey among psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians from other medical specialities, dentists and other health professionals
Sahker, Ethan ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Luo, Yan ; Ferreira, Manuela L ; Okazaki, Kaori ; Chevance, Astrid ; Markham, Sarah ; Ede, Roger ; Leucht, Stefan ; Cipriani, Andrea ; Salanti, Georgia; Estimating the smallest worthwhile difference of antidepressants: a cross-sectional survey
Harrer, Mathias ; Nixon, Patricia ; Sprenger, Antonia A ; Heber, Elena ; Boß, Leif ; Heckendorf, Hanna ; Buntrock, Claudia ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Lehr, Dirk; Are web-based stress management interventions effective as an indirect treatment for depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis of six randomised trials
Würtz, Samuel ; Bogenberger, Klaus ; Göhner, Ulrich ; Rupp, Andreas; Towards Efficient Battery Electric Bus Operations: A Novel Energy Forecasting Framework
Fuchs, Yannic ; Scherbaum, Susanne ; Huber, Richard ; Rüther, Nils ; Hartlieb, Arnd; Removing Plastic Waste from Rivers: A Prototype-Scale Experimental Study on a Novel River-Cleaning Concept
Shen, Zixin ; Hu, Rongbo ; Wan, Dong ; Bock, Thomas; Fit Islands: Designing a Multifunctional Virtual Urban Community to Promote Healthy Aging for Chinese Older Adults
Huo, Yinjia ; Wang, Kevin ; Lampe, Lutz ; Leung, Victor C.M.; Validation of Machine Learning-Aided and Power Line Communication-Based Cable Monitoring Using Measurement Data
Yang, Kui ; Al Haddad, Christelle ; Alam, Rakibul ; Brijs, Tom ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Adaptive Intervention Algorithms for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Turkalj, Ivica ; Assadsolimani, Mohammad ; Braun, Markus ; Halffmann, Pascal ; Hegemann, Niklas ; Kerstan, Sven ; Maciejewski, Janik ; Sharma, Shivam ; Zhou, Yuanheng; Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Approach for Incorporating Solvency Capital into Portfolio Optimization
Yin, Hang ; Li, Fei ; Yang, Haibo ; Di, Yunfei ; Hu, Yuncai ; Yu, Kang; Mapping Plant Nitrogen Concentration and Aboveground Biomass of Potato Crops from Sentinel-2 Data Using Ensemble Learning Models
Winter, Theis ; Aeschbach, Werner ; Einsiedl, Florian; Reconstruction of the Pleistocene Paleoclimate From Deep Groundwater in Southern Germany From Noble Gas Temperatures Linked With Organic Radiocarbon Dating
Jaworski, ukasz M. ; Zabrzyński, Jan ; Millett, Peter J. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Familiari, Filippo ; Huri, Gazi ; Antosik, Paulina ; Blachowski, Michal ; Wiciński, Michal ; Gagat, Maciej; The Association of Tobacco Smoking and Level of Apoptosis in the Long Head of the Biceps Chronic Tendinopathy_An Immunohistochemical Study
Olszewska, Ewa ; De Vito, Andrea ; Baptista, Peter ; Heiser, Clemens ; O'Connor-Reina, Carlos ; Kotecha, Bhik ; Vanderveken, Olivier ; Vicini, Claudio; Consensus Statements among European Sleep Surgery Experts on Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Part 1 Definitions and Diagnosis
Scheele, Christian ; Toepfer, Andreas ; Beischl, Simone ; Dammerer, Dietmar ; Harrasser, Norbert ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Lenze, Florian; Insights into the Distribution Patterns of Foot and Ankle Tumours: Update on the Perspective of a University Tumour Institute
Slomka, Gunda ; Schleip, Robert ; Frei, Peter ; Kurpiers, Nicolas ; Krämer, Michael ; Bauermeister, Katharina ; Bauermeister, Wolfgang; The Influence of Mobility Training on the Myofascial Structures of the Back and Extremities
Puttini, Ilaria ; Kapalla, Marvin ; Braune, Anja ; Michler, Enrico ; Kröger, Joselyn ; Lutz, Brigitta ; Sakhalihasan, Natzi ; Trenner, Matthias ; Biro, Gabor ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Rössel, Thomas ; Reeps, Christian ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Wolk, Steffen ; Knappich, Christoph ; Notohamiprodjo, Susan ; Busch, Albert; Aortic Vascular Graft and Endograft Infection-Patient Outcome Cannot Be Determined Based on Pre-Operative Characteristics
Vogelsang, Tilman L. R. ; Schmoeckel, Elisa ; Topalov, Nicole Elisabeth ; Ganster, Franziska ; Mahner, Sven ; Jeschke, Udo ; Vattai, Aurelia; Prognostic Impact of Heat Shock Protein 90 Expression in Women Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
Jiang, Dongsheng ; Guo, Ruiji ; Dai, Ruoxuan ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Tao, Jin ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Rinkevich, Yuval; The Multifaceted Functions of TRPV4 and Calcium Oscillations in Tissue Repair
Caballero Cerbon, Daniel Alejandro ; Gebhard, Leon ; Dokuyucu, Ruveyda ; Ertl, Theresa ; Härtl, Sophia ; Mazhar, Ayesha ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Challenges and Advances in the Bioproduction of L-Cysteine
Ishola, Oluwaseun A. ; Kublik, Susanne ; Durai Raj, Abilash Chakravarthy ; Ohnmacht, Caspar ; Schulz, Stefanie ; Foesel, Bärbel U. ; Schloter, Michael; Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Bacteriophages and Prophages in Gnotobiotic Mouse Models
Vliegenthart-Jongbloed, Klaske J. ; Vasylyev, Marta ; Jordans, Carlijn C. E. ; Bernardino, Jose I. ; Nozza, Silvia ; Psomas, Christina K. ; Voit, Florian ; Barber, Tristan J. ; Skrzat-Klapaczyńska, Agata ; S ndulescu, Oana ; Rokx, Casper; Systematic Review: Strategies for Improving HIV Testing and Detection Rates in European Hospitals
Takken, Michel ; Wille, Robert; Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Microfluidic Devices by Exploiting Higher Levels of Abstraction
Pidgaiska, Olga ; Niemann, Marcel ; Braun, Karl ; Trampuz, Andrej ; Goumenos, Stavros ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Meller, Sebastian; The Safety and Efficacy of Microporous Polysaccharide Hemospheres in Terms of the Complication Rates in Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures: A Control-Matched Retrospective Cohort
Oberleiter, Sandra ; Patzl, Sabine ; Fries, Jonathan ; Diedrich, Jennifer ; Voracek, Martin ; Pietschnig, Jakob; Measurement-Invariant Fluid Anti-Flynn Effects in Population_Representative German Student Samples (2012-2022)
Ma, Ziming ; Hu, Lanjuan ; Jiang, Wenzhu; Understanding AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Responses and Tolerance to Various Abiotic Stresses in Plants: A Comprehensive Review
Panter, Sabrina ; Ayekoi, Audrey ; Tesche, Jannis ; Chen, Jing ; Illarionov, Boris ; Bacher, Adelbert ; Fischer, Markus ; Weber, Stefan; Shining a Spotlight on Methyl Groups: Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Spectroscopy of 5-Deazariboflavin and Its Nor Analogs
Braziunas, Kristin H. ; Geres, Lisa ; Richter, Tobias ; Glasmann, Felix ; Senf, Cornelius ; Thom, Dominik ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Seidl, Rupert; Projected climate and canopy change lead to thermophilization and homogenization of forest floor vegetation in a hotspot of plant species richness
Steegmüller, Tobias ; Kratky, Tim ; Gollwitzer, Lena ; Schwaminger, Sebastian Patrick ; Berensmeier, Sonja; Development of a New Affinity Gold Polymer Membrane with Immobilized Protein A
Pfäffle, Simon P. ; Herz, Corinna ; Brombacher, Eva ; Proietti, Michele ; Gigl, Michael ; Hofstetter, Christoph K. ; Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena K. ; Claßen, Sophie ; Tran, Hoai T. T. ; Dawid, Corinna ; Kreutz, Clemens ; Günther, Stefan ; Lamy, Evelyn; A 14-Day Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Crossover Intervention Study with Anti-Bacterial Benzyl Isothiocyanate from Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) on Human Gut Microbiome and Host Defense
Tamersit, Khalil ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Rodriguez, José ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Electrostatically Doped Junctionless Graphene Nanoribbon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor for High-Performance Gas Sensing Applications: Leveraging Doping Gates for Multi-Gas Detection
Wang, Jizhao ; Liang, Yunyi ; Tang, Jinjun ; Wu, Zhizhou; Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Lagrange-Interpolation-Based Framework
Roy, Susmita ; Ehrlich, Stefan K. ; Lampe, Renée; Somatosensory Mismatch Response in Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Rusche, Daniel ; Englert, Nils ; Runz, Marlen ; Hetjens, Svetlana ; Langner, Cord ; Gaiser, Timo ; Weis, Cleo-Aron; Unraveling a Histopathological Needle-in-Haystack Problem: Exploring the Challenges of Detecting Tumor Budding in Colorectal Carcinoma Histology
Prelipcean, Daniel ; Lerner, Giuseppe ; Slipukhin, Ivan ; Lucsanyi, David ; Sandberg, Hampus ; Storey, James ; Martin-Holgado, Pedro ; Romero-Maestre, Amor ; Morilla García, Yolanda ; García Alía, Rubén; Towards a Timepix3 Radiation Monitor for the Accelerator Mixed Radiation Field: Characterisation with Protons and Alphas from 0.6 MeV to 5.6 MeV
Mohammedi, Ridha Djamel ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Mosbah, Mustafa ; Souli, Aissa ; Rodriguez, Jose ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Allocation and Sizing of DSTATCOM with Renewable Energy Systems and Load Uncertainty Using Enhanced Gray Wolf Optimization
Streich, Philipp ; Redwitz, Johannes ; Walser-Reichenbach, Sandra ; Herr, Caroline E. W. ; Elsner, Martin ; Seidel, Michael; Culture-Independent Quantification of Legionella pneumophila in Evaporative Cooling Systems Using Immunomagnetic Separation Coupled with Flow Cytometry
Brockow, Knut ; Bent, Rebekka Karolin ; Schneider, Simon ; Spies, Sophie ; Kranen, Katja ; Hindelang, Benedikt ; Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna ; Broesby-Olsen, Sigurd ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Grattan, Clive E.; Challenges in the Diagnosis of Cutaneous Mastocytosis
Sasani, Faraz ; Moghareh Dehkordi, Mohammad ; Ebrahimi, Zahra ; Dustmohammadloo, Hakimeh ; Bouzari, Parisa ; Ebrahimi, Pejman ; Lencsés, Enikö ; Fekete-Farkas, Mária; Forecasting of Bitcoin Illiquidity Using High-Dimensional and Textual Features
vom Ende, Frederik ; Malvetti, Emanuel; The Thermomajorization Polytope and Its Degeneracies
Bader, Christoph ; Stumpenhausen, Jörn ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Prediction of the Spatial and Temporal Adoption of an Energy Management System in Automated Dairy Cattle Barns in Bavaria_
Boulos, Federico ; Riemschneider, Georg Frederik ; Caizzone, Stefano; 3D Phased Array Enabling Extended Field of View in Mobile Satcom Applications
Lahmer, Tobias ; Weirich, Gregor ; Porubsky, Stefan ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Kammerstetter, Florian A. ; Schustetter, Christian ; Schüffler, Peter ; Erber, Johanna ; Dibos, Miriam ; Delbridge, Claire ; Kuhn, Peer Hendrik ; Jeske, Samuel ; Steinhardt, Manuel ; Chaker, Adam ; Heim, Markus ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Weichert, Wilko ; Stock, Konrad Friedrich ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia; Postmortem Minimally Invasive Autopsy in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients at the Bedside: A Proof-of-Concept Study at the ICU
Werfel, Thomas ; Heratizadeh, Annice ; Aberer, Werner ; Augustin, Matthias ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Bauer, Andrea ; Fölster-Holst, Regina ; Kahle, Julia ; Kinberger, Maria ; Nemat, Katja ; Neustädter, Irena ; Peters, Eva ; von Kiedrowski, Ralph ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter ; Schmitt, Jochen ; Schwennesen, Thomas ; Simon, Dagmar ; Spindler, Thomas ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Werner, Ricardo Niklas ; Wollenberg, Andreas ; Worm, Margitta ; Ott, Hagen; S3 Guideline Atopic dermatitis: Part 1 - General aspects, topical and non-drug therapies, special patient groups
Ahmed, Mabroor ; Bicher, Sandra ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Lindner, Rainer ; Raulefs, Susanne ; Schmid, Thomas E. ; Spasova, Suzana ; Stolz, Jessica ; Wilkens, Jan Jakob ; Winter, Johanna ; Bartzsch, Stefan; In Vivo Microbeam Radiation Therapy at a Conventional Small Animal Irradiator
Barbosa, Silvia ; Laureano, Natalia Koerich ; Hadiwikarta, Wahyu Wijaya ; Visioli, Fernanda ; Bonrouhi, Mahnaz ; Pajdzik, Kinga ; Conde-Lopez, Cristina ; Herold-Mende, Christel ; Eidt, Gustavo ; Langie, Renan ; Lamers, Marcelo Lazzaron ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Hess, Jochen ; Kurth, Ina ; Jou, Adriana; The Role of SOX2 and SOX9 in Radioresistance and Tumor Recurrence
Ratter-Rieck, Jacqueline M ; Shi, Mengya ; Suhre, Karsten ; Prehn, Cornelia ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Thorand, Barbara ; Roden, Michael ; Peters, Annette ; Wang-Sattler, Rui ; Herder, Christian; Omentin associates with serum metabolite profiles indicating lower diabetes risk: KORA F4 Study
Kirchberg, Ina ; Lainka, Elke ; Gangfuß, Andrea ; Kuechler, Alma ; Baertling, Fabian ; Schlieben, Lea D. ; Lenz, Dominic ; Tschiedel, Eva; Distinct neonatal hyperammonemia and liver synthesis dysfunction: case report of a severe MEGDHEL syndrome
Goldberg, Maria ; Mondragon-Soto, Michel G. ; Dieringer, Laura ; Altawalbeh, Ghaith ; Pöser, Paul ; Baumgart, Lea ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan; Navigating Post-Operative Outcomes: A Comprehensive Reframing of an Original Graded Prognostic Assessment in Patients with Brain Metastases
Mettmann, Vanessa L. ; Blattmann, Claudia ; Friedel, Godehard ; Harrabi, Semi ; von Kalle, Thekla ; Kager, Leo ; Kevric, Matthias ; Kühne, Thomas ; Nathrath, Michaela ; Sorg, Benjamin ; Werner, Mathias ; Bielack, Stefan S. ; Hecker-Nolting, Stefanie; Primary Multi-Systemic Metastases in Osteosarcoma: Presentation, Treatment, and Survival of 83 Patients of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group
Bissinger, Oliver ; Von den Hoff, Anne ; Maier, Elisabeth ; Obermeier, Katharina Theresa ; Stimmer, Herbert ; Kolk, Andreas ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Götz, Carolin; The Value of Surveillance Imaging of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Iturralde, Kepa ; Gambao, Ernesto ; Bock, Thomas; Semiautomated Primary Layout Definition with a Point Cloud for Building-Envelope Renovation
Hepf, Christian ; Gottkehaskamp, Ben ; Miller, Clayton ; Auer, Thomas; International Comparison of Weather and Emission Predictive Building Control
Saroglou, Soultana Tanya ; Selvan, Surayyn Uthaya ; Windorfer, Laura ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Joschinski, Jens ; Hauck, Thomas E. ; Perini, Katia ; Mosca, Francesca ; Grobman, Yasha J. ; Barath, Shany; Utilizing Design Objectives and Key Performance Indicators as a Means for Multi-Species Building Envelopes
Lambrecht, Sebastian ; Liu, Dapeng ; Dzaye, Omar ; Kamson, David O. ; Reis, Jonas ; Liebig, Thomas ; Holdhoff, Matthias ; Van Zijl, Peter ; Qin, Qin ; Lin, Doris D. M.; Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion in Monitoring High Grade Gliomas Following Therapy: Clinical Feasibility at 1.5T and Comparison with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion
Burkhardt, Franziska Katharina ; Hayer, Jason Jeremia ; Heinemann, Céline ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia; Effect of Climatic Condition, Type of Trough and Water Cleanliness on Drinking Behavior in Dairy Cows
Ngoko Tchamba, Eric-Ivan ; Tybussek, Thorsten ; Muranyi, Peter ; Nguetsop, Victor Francois ; Aghofack-Nguemezi, Jean ; Schwab, Wilfried; The Combined Effect of Lemon Peel Extract and Calcium Chloride on the Physical and Biochemical Quality Parameters of the Dessert Banana (Musa acuminata var. Dwarf Cavendish) Fruit
Yang, Tianle ; Zhu, Shaolong ; Zhang, Weijun ; Zhao, Yuanyuan ; Song, Xiaoxin ; Yang, Guanshuo ; Yao, Zhaosheng ; Wu, Wei ; Liu, Tao ; Sun, Chengming ; Zhang, Zujian; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Scale Weed Segmentation Method Based on Image Analysis Technology for Enhanced Accuracy of Maize Seedling Counting
Farahmandnejad, Mitra ; Mosaddeghi, Pouria ; Dorvash, Mohammadreza ; Sakhteman, Amirhossein ; Negahdaripour, Manica ; Faridi, Pouya; Correlation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Expansion with Upregulated Transposable Elements in Severe COVID-19 Unveiled in Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reanalysis
Brandl, Beate ; Czech, Coline ; Wudy, Susanne I. ; Beusch, Anja ; Hauner, Hans ; Skurk, Thomas ; Lang, Roman; Validation of N-Methylpyridinium as a Feasible Biomarker for Roasted Coffee Intake
Rühling, Sebastian ; Dittmann, Jonas ; Müller, Tobias ; Husseini, Malek El ; Bodden, Jannis ; Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz R. ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Baum, Thomas ; Seifert-Klauss, Vanadin ; Wostrack, Maria ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Sex differences and age-related changes in vertebral body volume and volumetric bone mineral density at the thoracolumbar spine using opportunistic QCT
Evangelisti, Giulio;Hirche, Sandra; Data-Driven Momentum Observers With Physically Consistent Gaussian Processes
Schopper, S; Müller, G.; Removing Inconsistencies of Reduced Bases in Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation
Rowsell, Jennifer;Keune, Anna;Buxton, Alison;Peppler, Kylie; Seeking Languagelessness: Maker Literacies Mindsets to Disrupt Normative Practices
Zeidler, Oliver; Sturm, Julian; Fraunholz, Daniel; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Performance Evaluation of Transport Layer Security in the 5G Core Control Plane
Hayden Liu Weng; Advances in Data-Driven Solver Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices
Würsching, Gerald;Mascetta, Tobias;Lin, Yuanfei;Althoff, Matthias; Simplifying Sim-to-Real Transfer in Autonomous Driving: Coupling Autoware with the CommonRoad Motion Planning Framework
Fuchs, Simon; Schnellbach, Janik; Schmidt, Lukas; Wittges, Holger; Data Annotation for Support Ticket Data: A Literature Review
Martins Pacheco, Nuno Miguel;Geisler, Mara;Bajramovic, Medina;Fu, Gabrielle;Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, Anand;Mörtl, Markus;Zimmermann, Markus; Learning by doing? The relationship between effort, learning effect and product quality during hackathons of novice teams
Bienert, Lucas; Plattentragverhalten von aufgelöstem hybridem Brettsperrholz
Seitz F.; Geodätische Erdbeobachtung aus dem Weltraum - Aktuelle Arbeiten am Deutschen Geodätischen Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM)
Würsching, Gerald; Althoff, Matthias; Robust and Efficient Curvilinear Coordinate Transformation with Guaranteed Map Coverage for Motion Planning
Lercher, Florian;Althoff, Matthias; Specification-Compliant Reachability Analysis for Autonomous Vehicles Using On-the-Fly Model Checking
Prado, Anna; Ciki, Merve; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang;; Enhanced Mobility Management with SD-RAN in 5G Networks
Hempel, Nico;Nitschke-Pagel, Thomas;Klaus, Manuela;Apel, Daniel;Genzel, Christoph;Dilger, Klaus; In Situ Analysis of Stress and Microstructure Evolution during Welding of High-Alloy Steels Using Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction
Engel, Thomas;Werther, Norman; Fire Safety for Green Façades: Part 1: Basics, State-of-the-Art Research and Experimental Investigation of Plant Flammability
Mehmeti, Fidan;Papa, Arled;Kellerer, Wolfgang;La Porta, Thomas F.; Minimizing Rate Variability with Effective Resource Utilization in Cellular Networks
Nalcaci, Atilla Alpay; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Schiegg, Florian; Evaluation and Optimization of Positional Accuracy for Maritime Positioning Systems
Arne Sachtler, Davide Calzolari, Maximilian Raff, Annika Schmidt, Yannik P. Wotte, Cosimo Della Santina, C. David Remy, Alin Albu-Schäffer; Swing-Up of a Weakly Actuated Double Pendulum via Nonlinear Normal Modes
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Fully Automatic Neural Network Reduction for Formal Verification
Lichtenecker, Daniel;Nachbagauer, Karin; A discrete adjoint gradient approach for equality and inequality constraints in dynamics
Ladner, Tobias;Eichelbeck, Michael;Althoff, Matthias; Formal Verification of Graph Convolutional Networks with Uncertain Node Features and Uncertain Graph Structure
Betzwieser, Benedikt; Landler, Philipp; Levkovksyi, Borys; Utesch, Matthias; Krcmar, Helmut; Designing a Business Game to Teach the Relationship Between Business Models and Business Processes
Bernecker-Castro, C.; Timmermann, J.; Witzmann, R.; Lechner, T.; Seifried, S.; Finkel, M.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Herrmann, S.; Replacing Diesel-Driven Generators with Batteries to Power Islanded Grids: Modeling and Performance Comparison
Timmermann, J.; Hötzel, S.; Bernecker-Castro, C.; Witzmann, R.; Lechner, T.; Seifried, S.; Finkel, M.; Menker, D.; Dellmann, C.; Störzer, G.; Simulative Untersuchung des Stationären und Dynamischen Betriebsbereichs eines Synchrongenerators, im Inselbetrieb
Lechner, T.; Bogendörfer, F.; Seifried, S.; Timmermann, J.; Bernecker-Castro, C.; Kerber, G.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Herrmann, S.; Finkel, M., Witzmann, R.; Prognose der Einspeisung aus PV-Anlagen mithilfe von Wettervorhersagen
Engel, Thomas; Fassadenbegrünung an mehrgeschossigen Gebäuden aus brandschutztechnischer Sicht
Mühlbauer, Maximilian;Hulin, Thomas;Weber, Bernhard;Calinon, Sylvain;Stulp, Freek;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Silvério, João; A Probabilistic Approach to Multi-Modal Adaptive Virtual Fixtures
Müller, Jasper;Di Rosa, Gabriele;Jovanovic, Ognjen;Wenning, Mario;Autenrieth, Achim;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Physical-layer-aware multi-band optical network planning framework for rate-adaptive transceivers
Kurotschka, Peter K. ; Borgulya, Gábor ; Bucher, Eva ; Endrich, Isabell ; Figueiras, Adolfo ; Gensichen, Jochen ; Hay, Alastair D ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Kretzschmann, Christian ; Kurzai, Oliver ; Lam, Thien-Tri ; Massidda, Orietta ; Sanftenberg, Linda ; Schmiemann, Guido ; Schneider, Antonius ; Simmenroth, Anne ; Stark, Stefanie ; Warkentin, Lisette ; Ebell, Mark H ; Gàgyor, Ildikò; Dipsticks and point-of-care Microscopy to reduce antibiotic use in women with an uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (MicUTI): protocol of a randomised controlled pilot trial in primary care
Gabler, Volker ; Wollherr, Dirk; Decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning based on best-response policies
Gerritsen, Jasper Kees Wim ; Young, Jacob S ; Chang, Susan M ; Krieg, Sandro M ; Jungk, Christine ; van den Bent, Martin J ; Satoer, Djaina D ; Ille, Sebastian ; Schucht, Philippe ; Nahed, Brian V ; Broekman, Marike Lianne Daphne ; Berger, Mitchel ; De Vleeschouwer, Steven ; Vincent, Arnaud J P E; SUPRAMAX-study: supramaximal resection versus maximal resection for glioblastoma patients: study protocol for an international multicentre prospective cohort study (ENCRAM 2201)
Batterham, P. ; Allenhof, Caroline ; Cerga Pashoja, Arlinda ; Etzelmueller, A. ; Fanaj, N. ; Finch, T. ; Freund, J. ; Hanssen, D. ; Mathiasen, K. ; Piera Jiminez, Jordi ; Qirjako, G. ; Rapley, T. ; Sacco, Y. ; Samalin, L. ; Schuurmans, J. ; van Genugten, Claire ; Vis, C.; Psychometric properties of two implementation measures: Normalization MeAsure Development questionnaire (NoMAD) and organizational readiness for implementing change (ORIC)
Benveniste, Jérôme ; Dinardo, Salvatore ; Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana ; Buchhaupt, Christopher ; Scagliola, Michele ; Passaro, Marcello ; Nielsen, Karina ; Restano, Marco ; Ambrózio, Américo ; Sabatino, Giovanni ; Orrù, Carla ; Abis, Beniamino; SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand for Cryosat-2, Sentinel-3 & Sentinel-6 at ESA's Altimetry Virtual Lab
Guarin, Jose Rafael ; Jägermeyr, Jonas ; Ainsworth, Elizabeth A. ; Oliveira, Fabio A. A. ; Asseng, Senthold ; Boote, Kenneth ; Elliott, Joshua ; Emberson, Lisa ; Foster, Ian ; Hoogenboom, Gerrit ; Kelly, David ; Ruane, Alex C. ; Sharps, Katrina; Modeling the effects of tropospheric ozone on the growth and yield of global staple crops with DSSAT v4.8.0
Khanal, Prajwal ; Hoek Van Dijke, Anne J. ; Schaffhauser, Timo ; Li, Wantong ; Paulus, Sinikka J. ; Zhan, Chunhui ; Orth, René; Relevance of near-surface soil moisture vs. terrestrial water storage for global vegetation functioning
Thurner, Melanie A. ; Caldararu, Silvia ; Engel, Jan ; Rammig, Anja ; Zaehle, Sönke; Modelled forest ecosystem carbon-nitrogen dynamics with integrated mycorrhizal processes under elevated CO2
Meyer, Benjamin F. ; Buras, Allan ; Gregor, Konstantin ; Layritz, Lucia S. ; Principe, Adriana ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Rammig, Anja ; Zang, Christian S.; Frost matters: incorporating late-spring frost into a dynamic vegetation model regulates regional productivity dynamics in European beech forests
Li, Tian ; Heidler, Konrad ; Mou, Lichao ; Ignéczi, Ádám ; Zhu, Xiao Xiang ; Bamber, Jonathan L.; A high-resolution calving front data product for marine-terminating glaciers in Svalbard
Treu, Simon ; Muis, Sanne ; Dangendorf, Sönke ; Wahl, Thomas ; Oelsmann, Julius ; Heinicke, Stefanie ; Frieler, Katja ; Mengel, Matthias; Reconstruction of hourly coastal water levels and counterfactuals without sea level rise for impact attribution
Reiter, Karsten ; Heidbach, Oliver ; Ziegler, Moritz O.; Impact of faults on the remote stress state
Darela-Filho, João Paulo ; Rammig, Anja ; Fleischer, Katrin ; Reichert, Tatiana ; Lugli, Laynara Figueiredo ; Quesada, Carlos Alberto ; Hurtarte, Luis Carlos Colocho ; de Paula, Mateus Dantas ; Lapola, David M.; Reference maps of soil phosphorus for the pan-Amazon region
Barbosa, Natalie ; Leinauer, Johannes ; Jubanski, Juilson ; Dietze, Michael ; Münzer, Ulrich ; Siegert, Florian ; Krautblatter, Michael; Massive sediment pulses triggered by a multi-stage 130 000 m3 alpine cliff fall (Hochvogel, DE-AT)
Wunderling, Nico ; von der Heydt, Anna S. ; Aksenov, Yevgeny ; Barker, Stephen ; Bastiaansen, Robbin ; Brovkin, Victor ; Brunetti, Maura ; Couplet, Victor ; Kleinen, Thomas ; Lear, Caroline H. ; Lohmann, Johannes ; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa Maria ; Sinet, Sacha ; Swingedouw, Didier ; Winkelmann, Ricarda ; Anand, Pallavi ; Barichivich, Jonathan ; Bathiany, Sebastian ; Baudena, Mara ; Bruun, John T. ; Chiessi, Cristiano M. ; Coxall, Helen K. ; Docquier, David ; Donges, Jonathan F. ; Falkena, Swinda K. J. ; Klose, Ann Kristin ; Obura, David ; Rocha, Juan ; Rynders, Stefanie ; Steinert, Norman Julius ; Willeit, Matteo; Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review
Abbasi, Rasha ; Ackermann, Markus ; Adams, Jenni ; Aggarwal, Nakul ; Aguilar, Juanan ; Ahlers, Markus ; Ahrens, Maryon ; Alameddine, Jean-Marco ; Alves Junior, Antonio Augusto ; Amin, Najia Moureen Binte ; Andeen, Karen ; Anderson, Tyler ; Anton, Gisela ; Argüelles, Carlos ; Ashida, Yosuke ; Athanasiadou, Sofia ; Axani, Spencer ; Bai, Xinhua ; Balagopal V, Aswathi ; Baricevic, Moreno ; Barwick, Steve ; Basu, Vedant ; Bay, Ryan ; Beatty, James ; Becker, Karl Heinz ; Becker Tjus, Julia ; Beise, Jakob ; Bellenghi, Chiara ; Benda, Samuel ; BenZvi, Segev ; Berley, David ; Bernardini, Elisa ; Besson, Dave ; Binder, Gary ; Bindig, Daniel ; Blaufuss, Erik ; Blot, Summer ; Bontempo, Federico ; Book, Julia ; Borowka, Jürgen ; Boscolo Meneguolo, Caterina ; Böser, Sebastian ; Botner, Olga ; Böttcher, Jakob ; Bourbeau, Etienne ; Braun, Jim ; Brinson, Bennett ; Brostean-Kaiser, Jannes ; Burley, Ryan ; Busse, Raffaela ; Campana, Michael ; Carnie-Bronca, Erin ; Chen, Chujie ; Chen, Zheyang ; Chirkin, Dmitry ; Choi, Koun ; Clark, Brian ; Classen, Lew ; Coleman, Alan ; Collin, Gabriel ; Connolly, Amy ; Conrad, Janet ; Coppin, Paul ; Correa, Pablo ; Countryman, Stefan ; Cowen, Doug ; Cross, Robert ; Dappen, Christian ; Dave, Pranav ; De Clercq, Catherine ; DeLaunay, James ; Delgado López, Diyaselis ; Dembinski, Hans ; Deoskar, Kunal ; Desai, Abhishek ; Desiati, Paolo ; de Vries, Krijn ; de Wasseige, Gwenhael ; DeYoung, Tyce ; Diaz, Alejandro ; Díaz-Vélez, Juan Carlos ; Dittmer, Markus ; Dujmovic, Hrvoje ; DuVernois, Michael ; Ehrhardt, Thomas ; Eller, Philipp ; Engel, Ralph ; Erpenbeck, Hannah ; Evans, John ; Evenson, Paul ; Fan, Kwok Lung ; Fazely, Ali ; Fedynitch, Anatoli ; Feigl, Nora ; Fiedlschuster, Sebastian ; Fienberg, Aaron ; Finley, Chad ; Fischer, Leander ; Fox, Derek ; Franckowiak, Anna ; Friedman, Elizabeth ; Fritz, Alexander ; Fürst, Philipp ; Gaisser, Tom ; Gallagher, Jay ; Ganster, Erik ; Garcia, Alfonso ; Garrappa, Simone ; Gerhardt, Lisa ; Ghadimi, Ava ; Glaser, Christian ; Glüsenkamp, Thorsten ; Glauch, Theo ; Goehlke, Noah ; Gonzalez, Javier ; Goswami, Sreetama ; Grant, Darren ; Gray, Shannon ; Grégoire, Timothée ; Griswold, Spencer ; Günther, Christoph ; Gutjahr, Pascal ; Haack, Christian ; Hallgren, Allan ; Halliday, Robert ; Halve, Lasse ; Halzen, Francis ; Hamdaoui, Hassane ; Ha Minh, Martin ; Hanson, Kael ; Hardin, John ; Harnisch, Alexander ; Hatch, Patrick ; Haungs, Andreas ; Helbing, Klaus ; Hellrung, Jonas ; Henningsen, Felix ; Heuermann, Lars ; Hickford, Stephanie ; Hill, Colton ; Hill, Gary ; Hoffman, Kara ; Hoshina, Kotoyo ; Hou, Wenjie ; Huber, Thomas ; Hultqvist, Klas ; Hünnefeld, Mirco ; Hussain, Raamis ; Hymon, Karolin ; In, Seongjin ; Iovine, Nadege ; Ishihara, Aya ; Jansson, Matti ; Japaridze, George ; Jeong, Minjin ; Jin, Miaochen ; Jones, Ben ; Kang, Donghwa ; Kang, Woosik ; Kang, Xinyue ; Kappes, Alexander ; Kappesser, David ; Kardum, Leonora ; Karg, Timo ; Karl, Martina ; Karle, Albrecht ; Katz, Uli ; Kauer, Matt ; Kelley, John ; Kheirandish, Ali ; Kin, Ken'ichi ; Kiryluk, Joanna ; Klein, Spencer ; Kochocki, Alina ; Koirala, Ramesh ; Kolanoski, Hermann ; Kontrimas, Tomas ; Köpke, Lutz ; Kopper, Claudio ; Koskinen, Jason ; Koundal, Paras ; Kovacevich, Michael ; Kowalski, Marek ; Kozynets, Tetiana ; Krupczak, Emmett ; Kun, Emma ; Kurahashi, Naoko ; Lad, Neha ; Lagunas Gualda, Cristina ; Larson, Michael ; Lauber, Frederik ; Lazar, Jeffrey ; Lee, Jiwoong ; Leonard, Kayla ; Leszczyńska, Agnieszka ; Lincetto, Massimiliano ; Liu, Qinrui ; Liubarska, Maria ; Lohfink, Elisa ; Love, Christina ; Lozano Mariscal, Cristian Jesus ; Lu, Lu ; Lucarelli, Francesco ; Ludwig, Andrew ; Luszczak, William ; Lyu, Yang ; Ma, Wing Yan ; Madsen, Jim ; Mahn, Kendall ; Makino, Yuya ; Mancina, Sarah ; Marie Sainte, Wenceslas ; Mariş, Ioana ; Marka, Szabolcs ; Marka, Zsuzsa ; Marsee, Matthew ; Martinez-Soler, Ivan ; Maruyama, Reina ; McElroy, Thomas ; McNally, Frank ; Mead, James Vincent ; Meagher, Kevin ; Mechbal, Sarah ; Medina, Andres ; Meier, Maximilian ; Meighen-Berger, Stephan ; Merckx, Yarno ; Micallef, Jessie ; Mockler, Daniela ; Montaruli, Teresa ; Moore, Roger ; Morse, Bob ; Moulai, Marjon ; Mukherjee, Tista ; Naab, Richard ; Nagai, Ryo ; Naumann, Uwe ; Nayerhoda, Amid ; Necker, Jannis ; Neumann, Miriam ; Niederhausen, Hans ; Nisa, Mehr ; Nowicki, Sarah ; Obertacke Pollmann, Anna ; Oehler, Marie ; Oeyen, Bob ; Olivas, Alex ; Orsoe, Rasmus ; Osborn, Jesse ; O'Sullivan, Erin ; Pandya, Hershal ; Pankova, Daria ; Park, Nahee ; Parker, Grant ; Paudel, Ek Narayan ; Paul, Larissa ; Pérez de los Heros, Carlos ; Peters, Lilly ; Peterson, Josh ; Philippen, Saskia ; Pieper, Sarah ; Pizzuto, Alex ; Plum, Matthias ; Popovych, Yuiry ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Prado Rodriguez, Maria ; Pries, Brandon ; Procter-Murphy, Rachel ; Przybylski, Gerald ; Raab, Christoph ; Rack-Helleis, John ; Rameez, Mohamed ; Rawlins, Katherine ; Rechav, Zoe ; Rehman, Abdul ; Reichherzer, Patrick ; Renzi, Giovanni ; Resconi, Elisa ; Reusch, Simeon ; Rhode, Wolfgang ; Richman, Mike ; Riedel, Benedikt ; Roberts, Ella ; Robertson, Sally ; Rodan, Steven ; Roellinghoff, Gerrit ; Rongen, Martin ; Rott, Carsten ; Ruhe, Tim ; Ruohan, Li ; Ryckbosch, Dirk ; Rysewyk Cantu, Devyn ; Safa, Ibrahim ; Saffer, Julian ; Salazar-Gallegos, Daniel ; Sampathkumar, Pranav ; Sanchez Herrera, Sebastian ; Sandrock, Alexander ; Santander, Marcos ; Sarkar, Sourav ; Sarkar, Subir ; Schaufel, Merlin ; Schieler, Harald ; Schindler, Sebastian ; Schlüter, Berit ; Schmidt, Torsten ; Schneider, Judith ; Schröder, Frank ; Schumacher, Lisa ; Schwefer, Georg ; Sclafani, Steve ; Seckel, Dave ; Seunarine, Surujhdeo ; Sharma, Ankur ; Shefali, Shefali ; Shimizu, Nobuhiro ; Silva, Manuel ; Skrzypek, Barbara ; Smithers, Ben ; Snihur, Robert ; Soedingrekso, Jan ; Søgaard, Andreas ; Soldin, Dennis ; Spannfellner, Christian ; Spiczak, Glenn ; Spiering, Christian ; Stamatikos, Michael ; Stanev, Todor ; Stein, Robert ; Stezelberger, Thorsten ; Stürwald, Timo ; Stuttard, Thomas ; Sullivan, Greg ; Taboada, Ignacio ; Ter-Antonyan, Samvel ; Thompson, Will ; Thwaites, Jessie ; Tilav, Serap ; Tollefson, Kirsten ; Tönnis, Christoph ; Toscano, Simona ; Tosi, Delia ; Trettin, Alexander ; Tung, Chun Fai ; Turcotte, Roxanne ; Twagirayezu, Jean Pierre ; Ty, Bunheng ; Unland Elorrieta, Martin ; Upshaw, Karriem ; Valtonen-Mattila, Nora ; Vandenbroucke, Justin ; van Eijndhoven, Nick ; Vannerom, David ; van Santen, Jakob ; Vara, Javi ; Veitch-Michaelis, Joshua ; Verpoest, Stef ; Veske, Doga ; Walck, Christian ; Wang, Winnie ; Watson, Timothy Blake ; Weaver, Chris ; Weigel, Philip ; Weindl, Andreas ; Weldert, Jan ; Wendt, Chris ; Werthebach, Johannes ; Weyrauch, Mark ; Whitehorn, Nathan ; Wiebusch, Christopher ; Willey, Nathan ; Williams, Dawn ; Wolf, Martin ; Wrede, Gerrit ; Wulff, Johan ; Xu, Xianwu ; Yanez, Juan Pablo ; Yildizci, Emre ; Yoshida, Shigeru ; Yu, Shiqi ; Yuan, Tianlu ; Zhang, Zelong ; Zhelnin, Pavel; In situ estimation of ice crystal properties at the South Pole using LED calibration data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Khoshouei, Ali ; Kempf, Georg ; Mykhailiuk, Volodymyr ; Griessing, Johanna Mariko ; Honemann, Maximilian Nicolas ; Kater, Lukas ; Cavadini, Simone ; Dietz, Hendrik; Designing RigidDNA Origami Templates for MolecularVisualization Using Cryo-EM
Sanin, Alexey ; Stein, Helge S.; ExploringReproducible Nonaqueous Scanning DropletCell Electrochemistry in Model Battery Chemistries
Grumet, Manuel ; von Scarpatetti, Clara ; Buc ko, Toma s ; Egger, David A.; Delta Machine Learning for Predicting Dielectric Propertiesand Raman Spectra
Huang, Junhao ; Klahn, Marcus ; Tian, Xinxin ; Dai, Xingchao ; Rabeah, Jabor ; Aladin, Victoria ; Corzilius, Bjo rn ; Bartling, Stephan ; Lund, Henrik ; Steinfeldt, Norbert ; Peppel, Tim ; Logsdail, Andrew J. ; Jiao, Haijun ; Strunk, Jennifer; Exfoliated PolymericCarbon Nitride Nanosheets forPhotocatalytic Applications
Kouroudis, Ioannis ; Tanko, Kenedy Tabah ; Karimipour, Masoud ; Ali, Aziz Ben ; Kumar, D. Kishore ; Sudhakar, Vediappan ; Gupta, Ritesh Kant ; Visoly-Fisher, Iris ; Lira-Cantu, Monica ; Gagliardi, Alessio; ArtificialIntelligence-Based, Wavelet-Aided Predictionof Long-Term Outdoor Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
Ho rmann, Nicolas G. ; Beinlich, Simeon D. ; Reuter, Karsten; Converging DivergentPaths: Constant Charge vs ConstantPotential Energetics in Computational Electrochemistry
Song, Kun-Ting ; Zagalskaya, Alexandra ; Schott, Christian M. ; Schneider, Peter M. ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Alexandrov, Vitaly ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Influence of Alkali Metal Cations on the Oxygen ReductionActivity of Pt5Y and Pt5Gd Alloys
Wang, Yong ; Zhao, Wenru ; Chen, Xiaofeng ; Ji, Yinjie ; Zhu, Xilei ; Chen, Xiaomai ; Mei, Donghai ; Shi, Hui ; Lercher, Johannes A.; Methane-H2S Reforming Catalyzedby Carbon and Metal Sulfide Stabilized Sulfur Dimers
Fuchs, Alexander ; Romeis, Dennis ; Hupfeld, Enrico ; Sieber, Volker; Biocatalytic Conversion of Carrageenans for the Productionof 3,6-Anhydro-D-galactose
Macher, Meline ; Obermeier, Amelie ; Fabritz, Sebastian ; Kube, Massimo ; Kempf, Hannah ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Platzman, Ilia ; Spatz, Joachim P.; An Efficient Methodfor the Production of High-PurityBioinspired Large Unilamellar Vesicles
Omorogie, Martins O. ; Helmreich, Brigitte; Exploring the Potentialof Amino-Functionalized ZeoliteSeries/H3PO4 Biochar for EnvironmentalMicroplastic Removal
Mostert, Dietrich ; Bubeneck, Wilhelm Andrei ; Rauh, Theresa ; Kielkowski, Pavel ; Itzen, Aymelt ; Jung, Kirsten ; Sieber, Stephan A.; PronucleotideProbes Reveal a Diverging Specificityfor AMPylation vs UMPylation of Human and Bacterial Nucleotide Transferases
Li, Katja ; Kelly, H. Ray ; Franco, Ana ; Batista, Victor S. ; Bara th, Eszter; Dehydrogenationand Transfer Hydrogenation of Alkenonesto Phenols and Ketones on Carbon-Supported Noble Metals
Halama, Kerstin ; Lin, Molly Tzu-Yu ; Schaffer, Andreas ; Foith, Marvin ; Adams, Friederike ; Rieger, Bernhard; Cytocompatible Triblock Copolymers with ControlledMicrostructure Enabling Orthogonally Functionalized Bio-polymer Conjugates
Antsiburov, Ivan ; Schu tz, Max ; Bu hler, Raphael ; Muhr, Maximilian ; Stephan, Johannes ; Gemel, Christian ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Kahlal, Samia ; Saillard, Jean-Yves ; Fischer, Roland A.; All-Hydrocarbon-Ligated Superatomic Gold/AluminumClusters
Kumar, Anand ; Cholsuk, Chanaprom ; Mishuk, Mohammad N. ; Hazra, Mouli ; Pillot, Clotilde ; Matthes, Tjorben ; Shaik, Tanveer A. ; C akan, Asli ; Deckert, Volker ; Suwanna, Sujin ; Vogl, Tobias; Comparative Study of Quantum Emitter Fabrication inWide Bandgap Materials Using Localized Electron Irradiation
Kumar, Anand ; Samaner, C ag lar ; Cholsuk, Chanaprom ; Matthes, Tjorben ; Pac al, Serkan ; Oyun, Yag iz ; Zand, Ashkan ; Chapman, Robert J. ; Saerens, Gre goire ; Grange, Rachel ; Suwanna, Sujin ; Ates , Serkan ; Vogl, Tobias; PolarizationDynamics of Solid-State Quantum Emitters
Zou, Yuqin ; Eichhorn, Johanna ; Zhang, Jiyun ; Apfelbeck, Fabian A. C. ; Yin, Shanshan ; Wolz, Lukas ; Chen, Chun-Chao ; Sharp, Ian D. ; Mu ller-Buschbaum, Peter; Microstrain and Crystal Orientation Variation withinNaked Triple-Cation Mixed Halide Perovskites under Heat, UV, and VisibleLight Exposure
Hagel, Stefan ; Brillinger, Nicole ; Decker, Sebastian ; Deja, Maria ; Ertmer, Christian ; Fiedler, Sandra ; Franken, Philipp ; Heim, Markus ; Weigand, Markus A ; Zarbock, Alexander ; Pletz, Mathias W; Effect of acyclovir therapy on the outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with lower respiratory tract infection and detection of herpes simplex virus in bronchoalveolar lavage: protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (HerpMV)
Streng, Raphael L. ; Vagin, Sergei ; Guo, Yuejie ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Identifying the charge storage mechanism in polyimide anodes for Na-ion aqueous batteries by impedance spectroscopy+
Kronawitter, Silva M. ; Röβ-Ohlenroth, Richard ; Hallweger, Sebastian A. ; Hirrle, Marcel ; Krug von Nidda, Hans-Albrecht ; Luxenhofer, Tobias ; Myatt, Emily ; Pitcairn, Jem ; Cliffe, Matthew J. ; Daisenberger, Dominik ; Wojciechowski, Jakub ; Volkmer, Dirk ; Kieslich, Gregor; Spin-state dependent pressure responsiveness of Fe(ii)-based triazolate metal-organic frameworks+
Coburger, Peter ; Buzanich, Ana Guilherme ; Emmerling, Franziska ; Abbenseth, Josh; Combining geometric constraint and redox non-innocence within an ambiphilic PBiP pincer ligand+
Büchele, Wolfgang R. E. ; Schlachta, Tim P. ; Gebendorfer, Andreas L. ; Pamperin, Jenny ; Richter, Leon F. ; Sauer, Michael J. ; Prokop, Aram ; Kühn, Fritz E.; Synthesis, characterization, and biomedical evaluation of ethylene-bridged tetra-NHC Pd(ii), Pt(ii) and Au(iii) complexes, with apoptosis-inducing properties in cisplatin-resistant neuroblastoma cells+
Schwiers, Alexander ; Röhrer, Daniel ; Lenser, Christian ; Steinrücken, Benjamin ; Sebold, Doris ; Spliethoff, Hartmut ; Guillon, Olivier ; Menzler, Norbert H.; Phase stability, redox-behavior and carbon-tolerance of Sr1-x(Ti0.3Fe0.7-yNiy)O3- with exsolved nanoparticles+
Grossmann, Lukas ; Hocke, Manuela ; Galeotti, Gianluca ; Contini, Giorgio ; Floreano, Luca ; Cossaro, Albano ; Ghosh, Amit ; Schmittel, Michael ; Rosen, Johanna ; Heckl, Wolfgang M. ; Björk, Jonas ; Lackinger, Markus; Mechanistic insights into on-surface reactions from isothermal temperature-programmed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy+
Schomburg, Felix ; Heidrich, Bastian ; Wennemar, Sarah ; Drees, Robin ; Roth, Thomas ; Kurrat, Michael ; Heimes, Heiner ; Jossen, Andreas ; Winter, Martin ; Cheong, Jun Young ; Röder, Fridolin; Lithium-ion battery cell formation: status and future directions towards a knowledge-based process design
Yan, Yingfei ; Hemmler, Daniel ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Discovery ofGlycation Products: Unraveling the UnknownGlycation Space Using a Mass Spectral Library from In Vitro ModelSystems
Leuter, Philipp ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Requirements on synthesis gas from gasification for material and energy utilization: a mini review
Baumann, Carmen ; Kaye, Stephen B ; Steel, David H; Reversing the paradigm on the urgency of acute retinal detachments defined by their foveal status: when off may be more urgent than on
McLennan, Stuart ; Fiske, Amelia ; Celi, Leo Anthony; Building a house without foundations? A 24-country qualitative interview study on artificial intelligence in intensive care medicine
Trautner, R. ; Barber, S. J. ; Fisackerly, R. ; Heather, D. ; Houdou, B. ; Howe, C. ; Iacobellis, S. ; Leese, M. ; Mariani, A. ; Meogrossi, G. ; Murray, N. ; Panza, C. ; Reiss, P. ; Rusconi, A. ; Abernethy, F. ; Cann, N. ; Chinnery, H. ; Gscheidle, C. ; Landsberg, P. ; Lindner, R. ; Morse, A. D. ; Mortimer, J. ; Nicolae, L. ; Picchi, P. ; Sheridan, S. ; Verchovsky, A.; PROSPECT: A comprehensive sample acquisition and analysis package for lunar science and exploration
Lechner, Katharina ; Kia, Sylvia ; von Korn, Pia ; Dinges, Sophia M. ; Mueller, Stephan ; Tjønna, Arnt-Erik ; Wisløff, Ulrik ; Van Craenenbroeck, Emeline M. ; Pieske, Burkert ; Adams, Volker ; Pressler, Axel ; Landmesser, Ulf ; Halle, Martin ; Kränkel, Nicolle; Cardiometabolic and immune response to exercise training in patients with metabolic syndrome: retrospective analysis of two randomized clinical trials
Rupp, Luise ; Dietsche, Ina ; Kießler, Maximilian ; Sommer, Ulrich ; Muckenhuber, Alexander ; Steiger, Katja ; van Eijck, Casper W. F. ; Richter, Leonard ; Istvanffy, Rouzanna ; Jäger, Carsten ; Friess, Helmut ; van Eijck, Casper H. J. ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Reyes, Carmen Mota ; Schmitz, Marc; Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is associated with suppression of the B cell-centered immune landscape in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
von Rennenberg, Regina ; Nolte, Christian H. ; Liman, Thomas G. ; Hellwig, Simon ; Riegler, Christoph ; Scheitz, Jan F. ; Georgakis, Marios K. ; Fang, Rong ; Bode, Felix J. ; Petzold, Gabor C. ; Hermann, Peter ; Zerr, Inga ; Goertler, Michael ; Bernkopf, Kathleen ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Dichgans, Martin ; Endres, Matthias; High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T and Cognitive Function Over 12 Months After Stroke_Results of the DEMDAS Study
Katzmeier, Florian ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Reversible Self-Assembly of Nucleic Acids in a Diffusiophoretic Trap
Xu, Hongxiang ; Chakraborty, Ritam ; Adak, Abhishek Kumar ; Das, Arpan ; Yang, Biao ; Meier, Dennis ; Riss, Alexander ; Reichert, Joachim ; Narasimhan, Shobhana ; Barth, Johannes V. ; Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; On-Surface Isomerization of Indigo within 1D Coordination Polymers
Meyer, Dorothy ; Gjika, Ejona ; Raab, Roxana ; Michel, Sophie K. F. ; Hauner, Hans; How does gestational weight gain influence short- and long-term postpartum weight retention? An updated systematic review and meta-analysis
Coburger, Peter ; Zuber, David ; Schweinzer, Clara ; Scharnhölz, Moritz; Phosphonium-substituted Diphosphaindenylide (PPI): Exploration of Biradical Character and Ligand Properties
Bahlke, Fabian ; Englert, Florian ; Popa, Miruna ; Bourier, Felix ; Reents, Tilko ; Lennerz, Carsten ; Kraft, Hannah ; Martinez, Alex Tunsch ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Syväri, Jan ; Tydecks, Madeleine ; Telishevska, Marta ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Erhard, Nico; First clinical data on artificial intelligence-guided catheter ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation
Banda-Vázquez, Jesús Agustín ; Mauz, Alexander ; Werner, Juan Pablo Fuenzalida ; Costa, Rubén D.; VARPA: In Silico Additive Screening for Protein-Based Lighting Devices
Aßfalg, Marlene ; Güner, Gökhan ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Breimann, Stephan ; Langosch, Dieter ; Muhle-Goll, Claudia ; Frishman, Dmitrij ; Steiner, Harald ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Cleavage efficiency of the intramembrane protease y-secretase is reduced by the palmitoylation of a substrate's transmembrane domain
Wang, Fang ; Böhnke, Frank ; Böck, Katja ; Wirth, Markus; Population-based study of environmental heavy metal exposure and hearing loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Schwarz, Irina ; Rieck, Arielle ; Mehmood, Asad ; Bublitz, Raphaela ; Bongers, Lukas ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk ; Fellinger, Tim-Patrick; PEM Electrolysis in a Stirred-Tank Bioreactor Enables Autotrophic Growth of Clostridium ragsdalei with CO2 and Electrons
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Kulinowski, ukasz ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Trifan, Adriana; Phytochemical profiling and bioactivity assessment of underutilized Symphytum species in comparison with Symphytum officinale
Yan, Peng ; Stegbauer, Simone ; Wu, Qinqin ; Kolodzeiski, Elena ; Stein, Christopher J. ; Lu, Ping ; Bach, Thorsten; Enantioselective Intramolecular ortho Photocycloaddition Reactions of 2-Acetonaphthones
Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Bucka, Franziska ; Totsche, Kai Uwe ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; Impact of bare fallow management on soil carbon storage and aggregates across a rock fragment gradient
Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Kluge, Regina M. ; Maljusch, Artjom ; Borowski, Patrick ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Impedance Response Analysis of Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzers for Determination of the Electrochemically Active Catalyst Surface Area
Potapova, Ekaterina ; Tripodi, Salvatore ; Panetta, Valentina ; Dramburg, Stephanie ; Bernardini, Roberto ; Caffarelli, Carlo ; Casani, Antonella ; Cervone, Rosa ; Chini, Loredana ; Comberiati, Pasquale ; De Castro, Giovanna ; del Giudice, Michele Miraglia ; Dello Iacono, Iride ; Di Rienzo Businco, Andrea ; Gallucci, Marcella ; Giannetti, Arianna ; Moschese, Viviana ; Sfika, Ifigenia ; Varin, Elena ; Asero, Riccardo ; Bianchi, Annamaria ; Calvani, Mauro ; Frediani, Tullio ; Macrì, Francesco ; Maiello, Nunzia ; Paravati, Francesco ; Pelosi, Umberto ; Peroni, Diego ; Pingitore, Giuseppe ; Tosca, Mariangela ; Zicari, Anna Maria ; Ricci, Giampaolo ; Reese, Gerald ; Grabenhenrich, Linus ; Icke, Katja ; Grübl, Armin ; Müller, Christoph ; Zepp, Fred ; Schuster, Antje ; Wahn, Ulrich ; Lau, Susanne ; Keil, Thomas ; Matricardi, Paolo Maria; IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) in childhood: Prevalence, risk factors, putative origins
Hölderle, Tobias ; Monchak, Mykhailo ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Kriele, Armin ; Mühlbauer, Martin J. ; Dyadkin, Vadim ; Rabenbauer, Alfred ; Schökel, Alexander ; Ehrenberg, Helmut ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Thermal Structural Behavior of ElectrochemicallyLithiated Graphite (LixC6) Anodes in Li-ion Batteries
Muñoz Hoyos, Lina ; Anisha, Wan Petra ; Meng, Chen ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Dawid, Corinna ; Hückelhoven, Ralph ; Stam, Remco; Untargeted metabolomics reveals PTI-associated metabolites
Daiber, Vincent ; Zeitz, Sabine ; Hlukhyy, Viktor ; Dankert, Dominik ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Synthesis, Crystal structure, electronic structure, and Raman spectra of Li4Sr2SiP4
Boos, Katarina ; Sbresny, Friedrich ; Kim, Sang Kyu ; Kremser, Malte ; Riedl, Hubert ; Bopp, Frederik W. ; Rauhaus, William ; Scaparra, Bianca ; Jöns, Klaus D. ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Müller, Kai ; Hanschke, Lukas; Coherent Swing-Up Excitation for Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Lecina-Diaz, Judit ; Senf, Cornelius ; Grünig, Marc ; Seidl, Rupert; Ecosystem services at risk from disturbance in Europe's forests
Kloos, Simon ; Klosterhalfen, Anne ; Knohl, Alexander ; Menzel, Annette; Decoding autumn phenology: Unraveling the link between observation methods and detected environmental cues
Bernard, Marie ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias ; Völlm, Carina ; Fink, Astrid ; Dawal, Britta; Participation of adolescents with and without physical disabilities and chronic diseases: A comprehensive conceptualization
Armleder, Simon ; Dean-Leon, Emmanuel ; Bergner, Florian ; Guadarrama Olvera, Julio Rogelio ; Cheng, Gordon; Tactile-Based Negotiation of Unknown Objects during Navigation in Unstructured Environments with Movable Obstacles
Neuhaus-Harr, Annika ; Ojeda-Prieto, Lina ; Eilers, Elisabeth ; Müller, Caroline ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Heinen, Robin; Chemodiversity affects preference for Tanacetum vulgare chemotypes in two aphid species
Fabel, Yann ; Nouri, Bijan ; Wilbert, Stefan ; Blum, Niklas ; Schnaus, Dominik ; Triebel, Rudolph ; Zarzalejo, Luis F. ; Ugedo, Enrique ; Kowalski, Julia ; Pitz-Paal, Robert; Combining Deep Learning and Physical Models: A Benchmark Study on All-Sky Imager-Based Solar Nowcasting Systems
Restle, Tassilo M. F. ; Zeitz, Sabine ; Stanley, Philip M. ; Karttunen, Antti J. ; Meyer, Jan ; Raudaschl-Sieber, Gabriele ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Direct Band Gap Semiconductors with Two- and Three-Dimensional Triel-Phosphide Frameworks (Triel=Al, Ga, In)
Sanchez-Mahecha, Oriana ; Klink, Sophia ; Rothballer, Michael ; Sturm, Sarah ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Zytynska, Sharon ; Heinen, Robin; Microbe-induced plant resistance against insect pests depends on timing of inoculation but is consistent across climatic conditions
Mühlhofer, Moritz ; Offensperger, Felix ; Reschke, Sarah ; Wallmann, Georg ; Csaba, Gergely ; Berchtold, Evi ; Riedl, Maximilian ; Blum, Helmut ; Haslbeck, Martin ; Zimmer, Ralf ; Buchner, Johannes; Deletion of the transcription factors Hsf1, Msn2 and Msn4 in yeast uncovers transcriptional reprogramming in response to proteotoxic stress
Otto, Mathias ; Papastefanou, Phillip ; Fahse, Lorenz; Pressure from insect-resistant maize on protected butterflies and moths
Schuster, Joachim ; Dreyhaupt, Jens ; Mönkemöller, Karla ; Dupuis, Luc ; Dieterlé, Stéphane ; Weishaupt, Jochen H. ; Kassubek, Jan ; Petri, Susanne ; Meyer, Thomas ; Grosskreutz, Julian ; Schrank, Berthold ; Boentert, Matthias ; Emmer, Alexander ; Hermann, Andreas ; Zeller, Daniel ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Grehl, Torsten ; Heneka, Michael T. ; Johannesen, Siw ; Göricke, Bettina ; Witzel, Simon ; Dorst, Johannes ; Ludolph, Albert C.; In-depth analysis of data from the RAS-ALS study reveals new insights in rasagiline treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Knott, Josef ; Mueller, Melanie ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen; Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in-stream structures
Sternberg, Henrike ; Steinert, Janina Isabel ; Büthe, Tim; Compliance in the public versus the private realm: Economic preferences, institutional trust and COVID-19 health behaviors
Schneider, Peter M. ; Kollmannsberger, Kathrin L. ; Cesari, Cristiana ; Khare, Rachit ; Boniface, Maxime ; Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz ; Lunkenbein, Thomas ; Elsner, Martin ; Zacchini, Stefano ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Warnan, Julien ; Fischer, Roland A.; Engineering ORR Electrocatalysts from Co8Pt4 Carbonyl Clusters via ZIF-8 Templating
Villagómez, Gemma Nydia ; Keller, Alexander ; Rasmussen, Claus ; Lozano, Pablo ; Donoso, David A. ; Blüthgen, Nico ; Leonhardt, Sara Diana; Nutrients or resin? - The relationship between resin and food foraging in stingless bees
Trommer, Johanna ; Lesniowski, Florian ; Buchner, Johannes ; Svilenov, Hristo L.; Specific features of a scaffolding antibody light chain
Steiner, Franziska A. ; Wild, Andreas J. ; Tyborski, Nicolas ; Tung, Shu-Yin ; Koehler, Tina ; Buegger, Franz ; Carminati, Andrea ; Eder, Barbara ; Groth, Jennifer ; Hesse, Benjamin D. ; Pausch, Johanna ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Vahl, Wouter K. ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Vidal, Alix; Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety-specific and a key component of belowground plant adaptation
Dietrich, Peter ; Ebeling, Anne ; Meyer, Sebastian T. ; Asato, Ana Elizabeth Bonato ; Bröcher, Maximilian ; Gleixner, Gerd ; Huang, Yuanyuan ; Roscher, Christiane ; Schmid, Bernhard ; Vogel, Anja ; Eisenhauer, Nico; Plant diversity and community age stabilize ecosystem multifunctionality
Egerer, Monika ; Karlebowski, Susan ; Conitz, Felix ; Neumann, Astrid E. ; Schmack, Julia M. ; Sturm, Ulrike; In defence of urban community gardens
Reus, Manuel A. ; Reb, Lennart K. ; Kosbahn, David P. ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; INSIGHT: in situ heuristic tool for the efficient reduction of grazing-incidence X-ray scattering data
Palanisamy, Krishnaveni ; Daboss, Sven ; Romer, Jan ; Schäfer, David ; Rohnke, Marcus ; Flowers, Jackson K. ; Fuchs, Stefan ; Stein, Helge S. ; Fichtner, Maximilian ; Kranz, Christine; Microscopic and Spectroscopic Analysis of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase at Hard Carbon Composite Anodes in 1 M NaPF6/Diglyme
Rehpenn, Andreas ; Hindelang, Stephan ; Truong, Khai-Nghi ; Pöthig, Alexander ; Storch, Golo; Enhancing Flavins Photochemical Activity in Hydrogen Atom Abstraction and Triplet Sensitization through Ring-Contraction
Phi, Manh Tri ; Singer, Helena ; Zäh, Felix ; Haisch, Christoph ; Schneider, Sabine ; Op den Camp, Huub J. M. ; Daumann, Lena J.; Assessing Lanthanide-Dependent Methanol Dehydrogenase Activity: The Assay Matters
Schmey, Tamara ; Tominello-Ramirez, Christopher S. ; Brune, Carolin ; Stam, Remco; Alternaria diseases on potato and tomato
Schott, Christian M. ; Schneider, Peter M. ; Sadraoui, Kais ; Song, Kun-Ting ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Michali ka, Jan ; Macak, Jan M. ; Viola, Arnaud ; Maillard, Frédéric ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy ; Fischer, Johannes A. ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Gubanova, Elena L.; Top-down Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Supported Palladium-Nanostructured Catalysts
Appel, Stefan ; Villafane, Viviana ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Müller, Kai; Transfer Matrix Model for Emission Profile Optimization of Radial Gratings
Cambra, Josep M. ; Gil, Maria A. ; Cuello, Cristina ; Gonzalez-Plaza, Alejandro ; Rodriguez-Martinez, Heriberto ; Klymiuk, Nikolai ; Martinez, Emilio A. ; Parrilla, Inmaculada; Cytokine profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells differs between embryo donor and potential recipient sows
Bratke, Sebastian ; Schmid, Sebastian ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Borgstedt, Laura; Genotype- and sex-specific changes in vital parameters during isoflurane anesthesia in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Han, Rui ; Baudrexl, Melanie ; Ludwig, Christina ; Berezina, Oksana V. ; Rykov, Sergey V. ; Liebl, Wolfgang; Identification of a novel xanthan-binding module of a multi-modular Cohnella sp. xanthanase
Kranzler, Markus ; Walser, Veronika ; Stark, Timo D. ; Ehling-Schulz, Monika; A poisonous cocktail: interplay of cereulide toxin and its structural isomers in emetic Bacillus cereus
Ganz, Kirstin ; Kern, Timo ; Hinterstocker, Michael; Systemic Evaluation of PV Self-Consumption Optimization Using Electric Vehicles
Liao, Bo-Hung ; Platen, Louise ; Grommes, Myriam ; Cheng, Cho-Chin ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Christa, Catharina ; Haller, Bernhard ; Kappler, Verena ; Bester, Romina ; Werz, Maia Lucia ; Platen, Eva ; Eggerer, Peter ; Tréguer, Laëtitia ; Küchle, Claudius ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Heemann, Uwe ; Renders, Lutz ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Braunisch, Matthias Christoph; SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization Capacity in Hemodialysis Patients with and without a Fifth Vaccination with the Updated Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.4-5 Vaccine
Hedskog, Charlotte ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Ko, Chunkyu ; Gottlieb, Robert L. ; Askar, Medhat ; Roestenberg, Meta ; de Vries, Jutte J. C. ; Carbo, Ellen C. ; Martin, Ross ; Li, Jiani ; Han, Dong ; Rodriguez, Lauren ; Parvangada, Aiyappa ; Perry, Jason K. ; Ferrer, Ricard ; Antón, Andrés ; Andrés, Cristina ; Casares, Vanessa ; Günthard, Huldrych F. ; Huber, Michael ; McComsey, Grace A. ; Sadri, Navid ; Aberg, Judith A. ; van Bakel, Harm ; Porter, Danielle P.; No Remdesivir Resistance Observed in the Phase 3 Severe and Moderate COVID-19 SIMPLE Trials
Lüddecke, Tim ; Blank, Simon; Animal Toxins: Biodiscovery, Mechanistic Insights and Translational Potential
Mekonen, Sisay S. ; Boyce, Scott E. ; Mohammed, Abdella K. ; Flint, Lorraine ; Flint, Alan ; Disse, Markus; Correction: Mekonen et al. Recharge Estimation Approach in a Data-Scarce Semi-Arid Region, Northern Ethiopian Rift Valley. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15887
Dorn, Anna Rebecca ; Neff, Sara ; Hupp, Sophia ; Engelhardt, Melissa ; Pion, Eric ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Knebel, Carolin ; Duprée, Anna ; Schewe, Simone ; Weber, Markus ; Wulbrand, Christian ; Hillmann, Axel ; Weber, Florian ; Clarke, Phillip ; Kainz, Philipp ; Aung, Thiha ; Haerteis, Silke; Analysis of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines and Patient Tissue Using a 3D In Vivo Tumor Model_Possible Effects of Punicalagin
Widberger, Jonas ; Wittgens, Andreas ; Klaunig, Sebastian ; Krämer, Markus ; Kissmann, Ann-Kathrin ; Höfele, Franziska ; Baur, Tina ; Weil, Tanja ; Henkel, Marius ; Hausmann, Rudolf ; Bengelsdorf, Frank R. ; Eikmanns, Bernhard J. ; Dürre, Peter ; Rosenau, Frank; Recombinant Production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rhamnolipids in P. putida KT2440 on Acetobacterium woodii Cultures Grown Chemo-Autotrophically with Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen
Fabiano, Luca ; Pandey, Shilpi ; Brischwein, Martin ; Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, Morteza ; Hayden, Oliver; Continuous Perfusion Experiments on 3D Cell Proliferation in Acoustic Levitation
Dinar, Yousuf ; Qurashi, Moeid ; Papantoniou, Panagiotis ; Antoniou, Constantinos; How Do Humanlike Behaviors of Connected Autonomous Vehicles Affect Traffic Conditions in Mixed Traffic?
Horlemann, Jonas ; Heidinger, Mathias ; Wenner, Fabian ; Thierstein, Alain; Introducing a Novel Framework for the Analysis and Assessment of Transport Projects in City Regions
Kruse, Jakob Adrian ; Ciechanowski, Leon ; Dupuis, Ambre ; Vazquez, Ignacio ; Gloor, Peter A.; Leveraging the Sensitivity of Plants with Deep Learning to Recognize Human Emotions
Bärligea, Adelina ; Hase, Kazunori ; Yoshida, Makoto; Simulation of Human Movement in Zero Gravity
Gao, Chao ; Li, Shasha ; Sun, Maopeng ; Zhao, Xiyang ; Liu, Dewen; Exploring the Relationship between Urban Vibrancy and Built Environment Using Multi-Source Data: Case Study in Munich
Sukianto, Tobias ; Schober, Sebastian A. ; Carbonelli, Cecilia ; Mittermaier, Simon ; Wille, Robert; Neural Network Approaches for Distributional Shifts in Environmental Sensors +
Korek, Eva-Maria ; Kounoupioti, Evanthia Chrysanthi ; Brederlow, Ralf; Equivalent Circuit Models for Impedimetric Sensors +
Mitteramskogler, Tina ; Fuchsluger, Andreas ; Ecker, Rafael ; Wilfinger, Thomas ; Jakoby, Bernhard ; Wille, Robert; Contact Angle Measurement through Liquid Flow in Curved Open Microchannels +
Silva Ortiz, Pablo ; de Oliveira, Silvio ; Mariano, Adriano Pinto ; Jocher, Agnes ; Posada, John; Exergy-Based Improvements of Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Comparing Biorefinery Pathways
Roggendorf, Hedwig ; Shouval, Daniel ; Roggendorf, Michael ; Gerken, Guido; Longterm Outcome of Therapeutic Vaccination with a Third Generation Pre-S/S HBV Vaccine (PreHevbrioR) of Chronically HBV Infected Patients
Wunsch, Lennard ; Tenorio, Christian Görner ; Anding, Katharina ; Golomoz, Andrei ; Notni, Gunther; Data Fusion of RGB and Depth Data with Image Enhancement
Bischofreiter, Martin ; Sacan, Edanur ; Gattringer, Michael ; Gruber, Michael S. ; Breulmann, Franziska L. ; Kindermann, Harald ; Heuberer, Philipp ; Mattiassich, Georg ; Ortmaier, Reinhold; The Value of Computed Tomography-Based Planning in Shoulder Arthroplasty Compared to Intra-/Interobserver Reliability of X-ray Planning
Faihs, Valentina ; Schmalhofer, Viktoria ; Kugler, Claudia ; Bent, Rebekka K. ; Scherf, Katharina A. ; Lexhaller, Barbara ; Mortz, Charlotte G. ; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Skov, Per S. ; Eberlein, Bernadette ; Brockow, Knut; Detection of Sensitization Profiles with Cellular In Vitro Tests in Wheat Allergy Dependent on Augmentation Factors (WALDA)
Liu, Lei ; Wang, Wei ; Liu, Weiwei ; Li, Xingzheng ; Yi, Guoqiang ; Adetula, Adeyinka Abiola ; Huang, Haibo ; Tang, Zhonglin; Comprehensive Atlas of Alternative Splicing Reveals NSRP1 Promoting Adipogenesis through CCDC18
Berrezueta-Guzman, Santiago ; Kandil, Mohanad ; Martín-Ruiz, María-Luisa ; Pau de la Cruz, Iván ; Krusche, Stephan; Future of ADHD Care: Evaluating the Efficacy of ChatGPT in Therapy Enhancement
Loew, Alexandra ; Kurpiers, Christina ; Götze, Martin ; Nitsche, Sven ; Bengler, Klaus; How to Counteract Driver Fatigue during Conditional Automated Driving_A Systematic Review
Funk, Paul F. ; Hoch, Cosima C. ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Knoedler, Leonard ; Cotofana, Sebastian ; Sofo, Giuseppe ; Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Wollenberg, Barbara ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Alfertshofer, Michael; ChatGPT's Response Consistency: A Study on Repeated Queries of Medical Examination Questions
Bette, Stefanie ; Canalini, Luca ; Feitelson, Laura-Marie ; Woźnicki, Piotr ; Risch, Franka ; Huber, Adrian ; Decker, Josua A. ; Tehlan, Kartikay ; Becker, Judith ; Wollny, Claudia ; Scheurig-Münkler, Christian ; Wendler, Thomas ; Schwarz, Florian ; Kroencke, Thomas; Radiomics-Based Machine Learning Model for Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis Using Computed Tomography
Gezer, Ugur ; Oberhofer, Angela ; Worf, Karolina ; Stoetzer, Oliver ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Bronkhorst, Abel; Targeted Sequencing of Human Satellite 2 Repeat Sequences in Plasma cfDNA Reveals Potential Breast Cancer Biomarkers
Tzeplaeff, Laura ; Jürs, Alexandra V. ; Wohnrade, Camilla ; Demleitner, Antonia F.; Unraveling the Heterogeneity of ALS_A Call to Redefine Patient Stratification for Better Outcomes in Clinical Trials
Scheck, Magdalena K. ; Hofheinz, Ralf D. ; Lorenzen, Sylvie; HER2-Positive Gastric Cancer and Antibody Treatment: State of the Art and Future Developments
Absmaier-Kijak, Magdalena ; Iuliano, Caterina ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Posch, Christian ; Brockow, Knut; T-Cell Subtypes and Immune Signatures in Cutaneous Immune-Related Adverse Events in Melanoma Patients under Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
Otto, Danny ; Matzner, Nils; Let Us Get Regional: Exploring Prospects for Biomass-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Ground
Stoess, Christian ; Choi, Yeon-Kyung ; Onyuru, Janset ; Friess, Helmut ; Hoffman, Hal M. ; Hartmann, Daniel ; Feldstein, Ariel E.; Cell Death in Liver Disease and Liver Surgery
Dong, Zhongtian ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Forestano, Roy T. ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia ; Unlu, Eyup B.; 2 × 2 Equivariant Quantum Neural Networks: Benchmarking against Classical Neural Networks
Unlu, Eyup B. ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Dong, Zhongtian ; Forestano, Roy T. ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia; Hybrid Quantum Vision Transformers for Event Classification in High Energy Physics
Moreira, Catharina ; Herzog, Nikolai ; Breitsamter, Christian; Wind Tunnel Investigation of Transient Propeller Loads for Non-Axial Inflow Conditions
Tripathi, Veenu ; Caizzone, Stefano; Virtual Validation of In-Flight GNSS Signal Reception during Jamming for Aeronautics Applications
Kesting, Sabine ; Gaser, Dominik ; Queisser, Jennifer ; Götte, Miriam ; von Luettichau, Irene ; Peters, Christiane ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Gauß, Gabriele; Availability and adaption of exercise programs in pediatric oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: a nationwide follow-up survey of providers in Germany
Lin, Yan-Cheng ; Mayer, Manfred ; Valle Torres, Daniel ; Pook, Torsten ; Hölker, Armin C. ; Presterl, Thomas ; Ouzunova, Milena ; Schön, Chris-Carolin; Genomic prediction within and across maize landrace derived populations using haplotypes
Würstle, Silvia ; Spanke, Lisa-Marie ; Mehlhase, Niklas ; Stanley, Gail ; Koff, Jonathan ; Dimitriadis, Stavros ; König, Sarah ; Hann, Alexander; Evaluation of a Virtual Reality-Based Open Educational Resource Software
Luppa, Peter B. ; Zeller, Michael ; Pieper, Marija ; Kaiser, Patricia ; Weiss, Nathalie ; Vierbaum, Laura ; Freckmann, Guido; Quality assessment of glucose measurement with regard to epidemiology and clinical management of diabetes mellitus in Germany
Machado, Helena ; de Freitas, Cláudia ; Fiske, Amelia ; Radhuber, Isabella ; Silva, Susana ; Grimaldo-Rodríguez, Christian O. ; Botrugno, Carlo ; Kinner, Ralph ; Marelli, Luca; Performing publics of science in the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Austria, Bolivia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal
Strobl, Frances ; Theurich, Melissa Ann; Prolonged Jaundice in a Premature Breastfed Infant With Gilbert's Syndrome
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Self Optimizing Particle Simulations: Combining Expert Knowledge with Learning
Maierhofer, Sebastian;Althoff, Matthias; CommonRoad-CARLA Interface: Bridging the Gap between MotionPlanning and 3D Simulation
Pretzsch, Hans;Hilmers, Torben; Structural diversity and carbon stock of forest stands: tradeoff as modified by silvicultural thinning
Kuntz, M.; Seeber, B.U.; Adapting sound reproduction to listener position with dynamic loudspeaker equalization
Bischof, N.F.; Seeber, B.U.; Über den Einfluss von Konstantstrom-Adaptern für vorpolarisierte Messmikrofone auf den Frequenzgang
Hládek, Ľ.; Seeber, B.U.; On speech-hand synchrony during conversations in a virtual underground station
Azaripasand, P.; Seeber, B.U.; Assessment of Head-Related Transfer Function Time-Alignment Preprocessing Through Spatial Principal Component Analysis
Bajool, M.; Galeano Otavaro, J.D.; Seeber, B.U.; The Interplay of Attention and Gaze Direction in EEG and Audio Envelope Analysis
Lambacher, M.; Kirchhof, J.; Seeber, B.U.; Automatisierte Akustische Breitbandkompensation für Echtzeit-Fahrgeräuscherzeugung in Elektrofahrzeugen
Keune, A. & Hurtado, S.; Materializing social media youth practices toward algorithmic learning
Keune, A., Hurtado, S. & Simšič, Ž.; Exploring AI Ethics through educational scenarios with AI generative arts apps
Hurtado, S. & Keune, A.; Social media as a space for youth’s algorithmic resistance
Dumler, Patrick; Blankenhagen, Jakob; Werther, Norman; Mensinger, Martin; Validierungsversuche für brandschutztechnisch sichere Konstruktionen in Stahl-Holz-Mischbauweise
Blankenhagen, Jakob; Dumler, Patrick; Werther, Norman; Mensinger, Martin; Brandverhalten von Stahl-Holz-Hybrid-Konstruktionen
Christian Ziegler; Marcin Praski; Dmitry Fadeev; Thomas Wagner; Hassan Matout; A Network Analysis of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
Mair, Sebastian; Althoff, Matthias; Provably Correct Safety Protocol for Cooperative Platooning
Ogunjinmi, G. J.;Forth, K.;Theißen, S.;Borrmann, A.; Estimating the Circularity of Building Elements using Building Information Modelling
Hillebrand, Veronika;Dobler, Andreas H.;Schwalb, Astrid N.;Geist, Juergen; Physiological effects of interacting native and invasive bivalves under thermal stress
Funk, Nicole;Knott, Josef;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Fish behavior at the horizontal screen of a novel shaft hydropower plant
Kuhn, Johannes;Pander, Joachim;Habersetzer, Luis;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Geist, Juergen; Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mesohabitat Level and Its Influence on UAV-Based Thermal Imaging Accuracy
Hysa, Artan;Löwe, Roland;Geist, Juergen; Ecosystem services potential is declining across European capital metropolitan areas
Natterer, Elena; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Effects of the Plan Vélo I and II on vehicular flow in Paris - An Empirical Analysis
Biefel, Felix;Brander, Susanne M.;Connon, Richard E.;Geist, Juergen; Polystyrene Plastic Particles Result in Adverse Outcomes for Hyalella azteca When Exposed at Elevated Temperatures
Holzer, D.; Bödeker, K.; Rammer, W.; Knoke, T.; Evaluating dynamic tree-species-shifting and height development caused by ungulate browsing in forest regeneration using a process-based modeling approach
Samonaki, Maria; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Optimal and Reliable Routing for Multicast Sessions in WDM Networks
Tobias Mascetta, Edmond Irani Liu, Matthias Althoff; Rule-Compliant Multi-Agent Driving Corridor Generation using Reachable Sets and Combinatorial Negotiations