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Karl-Robert Wichmann, Martin Kronbichler, Rainald Löhner, Wolfgang A. Wall; A runtime based comparison of highly tuned lattice Boltzmann and finite difference solvers
Ma, Lingni; Semantic mapping and tracking with RGB-D cameras
Breitenbach, Jonathan; Prognostische Faktoren des Überlebens und der Rezidivwahrscheinlichkeit von Patienten mit Liposarkomen in einem muskuloskelettalen Tumorzentrum
Engel J., Pagano A. and Scherer M.; A block-structured model for banking networks across multiple countries
Löb, Rebekka; Challenges and opportunities in PET/MR image reconstruction
Bauer, Florian; Multidisciplinary Optimization of Drag Power Kites
Remmert, Carolin; Die Pharyngotomie als therapeutische Option maligner Kopf- und Hals Tumore: funktionelle und onkologische Aspekte
Stadler, Stephanie Franziska; Verzerrungstendenzen in neuropsychologischen Untersuchungen
Weber, Julia Maria; Transposon- and CRISPR-based tools for tumour suppressor gene screening in vivo
Fellinger, Helena Maria; Zeit- und dosisabhängige Auswirkungen der Bestrahlung auf die Expression von mHsp70 auf humanen Glioblastomzellen
Ebentheuer, Andreas Wilhelm; Aktives kybernetisches Energiemanagementsystem für die stationäre Energiespeicherung
Mengue N'dille, Gabriel Patrice Roland; Anti-obesity effects of Iwong (Ipomoea alba L., Convolvulaceae)
Brandt, Bastian; Prospektive klinisch-experimentelle Studie zur Evaluation der Herzzeitvolumenmessung mittels unkalibrierter Pulskonturanalyse (ProAqt) sowie eines auf Körperoberflächentemperaturen und biometrischen Daten basierenden Verfahrens bei kritisch kranken Patienten im Vergleich zum Goldstandard der transpulmonalen Thermodilution
Windorfer, Stefanie; Speicheldrüsentumoren im Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtsbereich
Baur, Sebastian Johannes; Secret Key Generation with Perfect Secrecy;Source Uncertainty and Jamming Attacks
Ager, Christoph Franz; Computational Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction including Porous Media and Solid Contact
Ulmer, Franz-Georg; Compensation of atmospheric disturbances in differential interferometry by adoption of high resolution weather models
Jäger, Lisa; Einfluss des Geschlechts und des Geschlechtshormonstatus auf die zerebrale Inflammation und Apoptose 14 Tage nach extrakorporaler Zirkulation mit 45-minütigem tief hypothermem Kreislaufstillstand bei der Ratte
Jambagi, Akhila; Integration of decentralized battery storage in low voltage systems
Reiner, Barbara Anna Maria; Präventives Screening von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit angeborenem Herzfehler
Härtl, Johanna; Efficiency of transcranial motor evoked potential monitoring in the clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysms
Janta, Marius Reinhard; Wearables in Sport und Gesundheit
Heilmaier, Markus Andreas Ludwig; Zum Stellenwert nichtinvasiver hämodynamischer Messverfahren in Diagnostik und Monitoring des Kreislaufschocks im Vergleich zur transpulmonalen Thermodilution und Entwicklung eines statistischen Modells zur Schätzung des Herzindexes basierend auf Körperoberflächentemperaturen
Hiendlmayer Cadilha, Regina Veronika; Vergleich der angiographischen Restenose nach Atherektomie oder Stent-Implantation nach Aufdehnung mit oder ohne Paclitaxel-beschichtetem Ballon in der Arteria femoralis superficialis
Beckmann, Alexander Andreas; Vergleich bildgebender Diagnostik als Therapiekontrolle bei Psoriasis-Arthritis und als Erstuntersuchung bei aktivierter Osteoarthrose mittels qualitativer und quantitativer Perfusionsanalyse in fluoreszenz-optischer Bildgebung (FOI) und kontrastverstärkter Magnetresonanztomographie
Schneider, Sandra; The assessment of bone quality in osteoporosis and a possible treatment to influence the healing capability of osteoporotic bone
Schuseil, Tim; Vergleich der osteogenen Differenzierung primärer Osteoblasten sowie junger und alter Ad-MSCs in 2D und 3D Kulturen
Fritz, Celina Madleen; Exercise Capacity in the Context of Training, Heart Rate Variability and Lung Function in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Kazak, Beray; Etablierung und Validierung eines familienspezifischen Testsystems für direkten und indirekten Gentest bei Präimplantationsdiagnostik (PID)
Fleer, Roman; Test der Ausrisskräfte der Flexoren und Extensoren am distalen Humerus - nativ und nach einer Single Row oder einer Double Row Refixation
Volta, Francesco; Glucose homeostasis is regulated by pancreatic β-cell cilia via endosomal EphA-processing
Wiesner, T.; Mayr, M.; Popp, A.; Gee, M.; Wall, W.A.; Algebraic multigrid methods for saddle point systems arising from mortar contact formulations
Ager, Christoph; Seitz, Alexander; Wall, Wolfang A.; A consistent and comprehensive computational approach for general Fluid-Structure-Contact Interaction problems
Gora, Thomas; Detektion von strahleninduzierter Lungenfibrose im Mausmodell mittels Dunkelfeld - Röntgenbildgebung
Clevenger, Thomas C.; Heister, Timo; Kanschat, Guido; Kronbichler, Martin; A Flexible, Parallel, Adaptive Geometric Multigrid method for FEM
Heltai, Luca; Bangerth, Wolfgang; Kronbichler, Martin; Mola, Andrea; Propagating Geometry Information to Finite Element Computations
Knigge, Marlene; A Comprehensive Competency Model and a Prototype Curriculum for Employees in Industry 4.0
Nguyen, Lily Thuy Duong; Mechanisms leading to radioresistance in pancreatic cancer
Brandl, Maximiliane Raphaela Antonia; Latenz- und Amplitudenverhalten der mit frequenzspezifischen Chirpreizen ausgelösten Hirnstammpotentiale – normative Daten
Quitt, Oliver; Generation and functional characterization of bi- and trispecific antibodies for treatment of chronic hepatitis B
Annkathrin Krämmer, Christoph Schöller, Dhiraj Gulati, Venkatnarayanan Lakshminarasimhan, Franz Kurz, Dominik Rosenbaum, Claus Lenz, Alois Knoll; Providentia - A Large-Scale Sensor System for the Assistance of Autonomous Vehicles and Its Evaluation
Fayed, Mohamed Hosny Mohamed; Incidence of Arterial Hypertension & Re-coarctation long-term after Stent Therapy of the Aortic Coarctation
Sotrop, Jürgen; Multi physics simulation with high temporal range reveals new aspects of laser ablation
Pree, David; Determinanten des klinischen und angiographischen Outcomes nach endovaskulärer Behandlung von Verschlüssen der Arteria Basilaris
Akkan, Jan Genco; Evaluation of FAM3C as a potential serum biomarker in ALDH1A3-positive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Bogner, Eva-Maria; Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP)-dependent tumorigenesis in the pituitary
Karlas, Angelos; Advances in Translational Optoacoustics: From Vascular to Vasometabolic Imaging
Willerich, Stephan; Anwendung vektorieller Hysteresemodelle zur Charakterisierung ferromagnetischer Werkstoffe
Meinicke, Alexander; Multimodale Analyse der inflammatorischen Antwort nach akutem Myokardinfarkt
Duswald, Anna; Charakterisierung der serologischen Immunreaktivität von Insektengiftallergikern mit rekombinanten Allergenen
Christange, Franz; The Combined Smart Energy Systems Laboratory
Khalil, Mohamed Magdi Mohamed Mohamed; Combining Physics-Based Models and Machine Learning for an Enhanced Structural Health Monitoring
Backes, Fabian; Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Partikelanzahlemissionen beim direkteinspritzenden Ottomotor
Meyer, Andrea; Bakterielle Kommunikation in genetischen Netzwerken
Kaltenecker, Emanuel Maria; Der klinische Verlauf der hypertrophen Kardiomyopathie bei Kindern mit Noonan-Syndrom im Vergleich zu Kindern mit familiärer hypertropher Kardiomyopathie, sekundär zu Sarkomer-Protein-Mutationen
Berezhnoi, Andrei; Development of multi-wavelength optoacoustic mesoscopy for high resolution morphological and functional imaging of skin
Neumeyer, Victoria Diana; Histopathological and functional analysis of the tumor suppressor RNF43 during gastric carcinogenesis
Menges, Anna-Leonie; Iterative Rekonstruktion zur Strahlendosisreduktion bei der koronaren CT-Angiographie
Klothaki, Paraskevi; Retrospektive und prospektive Beobochtungsstudie von Patienten mit Pyruvatkinasemangel der Erythrozyten
Bandur, Miriam Cornelia; Anwendung von Kallikrein 2 bei der molekularbiologischen Detektion und topographischen Einordnung disseminierter Tumorzellen in Lymphknoten von Prostatakarzinom-Patienten mittels quantitativer RT-PCR
Schäffer, Christoph Johann Heinz; Kontrastmittelverstärkte Sonographie der Arteria carotis interna und Vergleich mit MRT-Plaqueimaging-Sequenzen
Chaturvedi, Kanishk; Integration and Management of Time-dependent Properties with Semantic 3D City Models
Zhang, Kai; Spot pricing principles in distribution grids: From local market organization to multi-regional coordination
Schmidle, Paul Leonhard; Prognosestellung bei Patienten mit acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Schulz, Jens Claudius; Interaction-Aware Probabilistic Behavior Prediction of Traffic Participants in Urban Environments
Friedrich, Stefan Roland; Learning and Feedback in Robotics with Stabilizing Controller Parameterizations
Gradev, Stanko; Modeling and Control of a Dual-Voltage Synchronous Machine
Machl, Thomas Ludwig; Entwicklung eines raumzeitlichen Informationsmodells zur Analyse der Kulturlandschaft und ihrer zeitlichen Veränderung
Zöllinger, Isabel Renate; Mortalitätsprädiktion bei Hämodialysepatienten anhand der dynamischen retinalen Gefäßanalyse
Yang, Hong; Image reconstruction in clinical hybrid optoacoustic and ultrasound imaging
Perl, Markus; Zielgerichtete Therapie gastrointestinaler Karzinome
Trummler, Theresa; Numerical investigations of cavitation phenomena
Weingart, Julia Vera; Analyse der Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung eines postoperativen Delirs nach rekonstruktiver Chirurgie im Kopf-Hals-Bereich
Witthauer, Simon; Symptome autonomer Dysfunktion bei Dialysepatienten und deren Korrelation mit intradialytischer Hypotension
Mirifar, Arash; Neurofeedback training to optimize athletes' performance: from overview to application
Conrad, Teresa Maria Cathérine; Pilotstudie zur Untersuchung des pathologischen Substrats der Hypodipsie bei der Progressiven Supranukleären Blickparese (PSP)
Masser, Sawinee Janina; Modulation of hypoxia by HAdV
Perchermeier, Sophie; Chronic Schistosoma mansoni Infection during Pregnancy: Effects on Offspring’s T Cell Differentiation Capacity, Epigenetics and Memory T Cell Compartment
Mc Larney, Benedict Edward; Functional Optoacoustic Neuro-Tomography for Large Scale Electrophysiology in Optically Scattering Tissues
Bratke, Sebastian; Ursachen für geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im transgenen Alzheimer Mausmodell Tg2576
Bittner, Robert; Einfluss der veränderten Bevölkerungsstruktur auf die Identifizierung von familiären Prostatakarzinom-Patienten
Hahn, Lisa Jutta; Der prozentuale Körpergrößenverlust als klinisches Messinstrument der Kamptokormie bei Patienten mit idiopathischem Parkinson-Syndrom
Aichinger, Lena; Postoperative Morbidität bei Patienten mit periampullären Karzinomen und Verschlussikterus – Prognosefaktoren und ideale Dauer der Gallengangsdrainage
Scheunemann, Lisa-Marie; Klinische und funktionsdiagnostische Befunde nach konservativ-frühfunktioneller Therapie von diakapitulären Kiefergelenkwalzenfrakturen und Vergleich mit klinischen und funktionsdiagnostischen Befunden nach Osteosynthese entsprechender Kiefergelenkwalzenfrakturen mit Kleinfragmentschrauben
Cömert, Suat; Development and Verification of Miniature Compliant Manipulator Systems for Minimally Invasive Interventions with Confined Workspaces
Mothes, Federico; Trajectory Planning in Time-Varying Adverse Weather for Fixed-Wing Aircraft applying a Model Predictive Approach
Kretschmer, Lorenz Christoph Benjamin; Antigen-dependence of cell cycle speed during priming shapes CD8+ T cell memory
Bui, Linda Mai; Regression Optimization for Camera Localization
Zhao, Ruixue; Modification of MFI zeolites with extra-framework Si(OH)x groups for catalytic cracking
Beck, Rafael; Simulation eines Screeningprogrammes zur Früherkennung von Stenosen der extrakraniellen Arteria carotis interna
Waldherr, Florian; Funktionelles Outcome nach Sprunggelenksfrakturen
Freifrau von Seckendorff-Gutend, Jennie; Shape Matters - Experimental and Numerical Study on the Catalyst Carrier’s Geometry and the Utilization of 3d Printing herefor
Niu, Minli; Kinetics of Lymphocyte Subpopulations of HNSCC Patients before, after RCT and in Follow-up
Birda, Athina; Synchronous optimal PWM for two-level inverter fed salient-pole synchronous machines in automotive applications
Maresch, Roman; Somatic multiplexed CRISPR/Cas9-based mutagenesis
Stapor, Paul; Efficient computational methods for parameter estimation of ordinary differential equation and mixed-effect models in systems biology
Gerding, Ann-Kathrin Maria; Einflussfaktoren auf klinische und radiologische Ergebnisse bei Patienten mit hochgradiger adoleszenter idiopathischer Skoliose ≥ 80° nach dorsaler Korrekturspondylodese
Habicht, Karoline Eva Maria; Etablierung prädiktiver Faktoren für sagittale spino-pelvine Balance und optimierte Ergebnisse in der operativen Behandlung hochgradiger Spondylolisthesen und Spondyloptosen
Mota Reyes, Carmen; Histopathological characterization of the impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in human pancreatic cancer
Ettl, Johannes Christian; Reales Abgasemissionsverhalten von Traktoren am Prüfstand und im Feldeinsatz
Pump, Christoph; Einfluss von speziellen präventiven Maßnahmen auf die Infektionsrate nach elektiven neurochirurgischen Eingriffen an der Wirbelsäule
Matthias Althoff, Sebastian Maierhofer, and Christian Pek; Provably-Correct and Comfortable Adaptive Cruise Control
Berg, Philipp; Structural dynamics and vibration durability of lithium-ion cells
Niklas Fehn, Johannes Heinz, Wolfgang A. Wall, Martin Kronbichler; High-order arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian discontinuous Galerkin methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Scheibner, Katharina Friederike; Understanding endoderm and endocrine lineage specification for improved stem cell derived beta cell formation
Berger, Sebastian Johann Georg; On the Efficiency and Interpretability of Permutation Entropy in Quantitative Electroencephalography
Dudek, Michael; Molekulare Mechanismen zur Entstehung des Leberschadens durch CD8+ T-Zellen in nicht-alkoholisch induzierter Fettleber
Piccioni, Gaia; Exploit satellite altimetry to improve coastal tide estimation
Preißler, Maximilian; Klinisch-experimentelle Studie zum zirkulierenden Blutvolumen bei Intensivpatienten: Assoziation des zirkulierenden Blutvolumens und weiterer kardialer Vorlastparameter (ZVD, GEDV) mit dem Herzzeitvolumen.
Süßmann, Alexander; Kundenspezifische Bewertung von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion des Kraftstoffverbrauchs bei schweren Nutzfahrzeugen
Settele, Ferdinand; Strategien zur energieoptimalen Flugführung eines batterie-elektrisch angetriebenen Leichtflugzeuges
Wolff, Lisa Sophia; Generation and characterization of novel human monoclonal antibodies directed against the hepatitis B virus
Zeilberger, Mira Stephanie; Die Bedeutung mechanischer Induktion von Vorhofflimmern während der Pulmonalvenenisolation bei paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern im Hinblick auf den Erfolg der Katheterablation
Haupt, Julian Mirko; Die posttraumatische Reaktion der Adipokine Leptin, Resistin, Interleukin-6 /-17A /-33 und Adiponektin bei Polytraumapatienten und deren Eignung als potentielle Biomarker für die frühe Diagnose des Multiorganversagens
Dettendorfer, Elisabeth; Einfluss proinflammatorischer Marker auf den Verlauf der chronischen Pankreatitis, die Symptome und die Lebensqualität
Usman, Zainab; Evolution of hepatotropic viruses during chronic infection in humans
Plötz, Tanja Angelika; Functional characterization and pathophysiological evaluation of the Olfactomedin-like 2B gene
Nurmetov, Umidjon; Design of a fully CMOS compatible Mechanical Stress Sensor
Friedrich, Stefan Andreas; Baumartenwahl im Klimawandel
Reichert, Kristina; Die Rolle der CXCL12-CXCR4/CXCR7-Achse in der pankreatischen Neuropathie
Herr, Anne-Claire; Dosisbelastung am Herzen bei der Tangentialbestrahlung des linksseitigen Mammakarzinoms
Wiese, Thomas; Infinite unions of subspaces
Andresen, Felicia Miranda Katharina; The role of the deubiquitinase USP9X in lymphomagenesis
Höckele, Selina; The role of TGFβ1 and microRNAs in skeletal muscle cell metabolism and differentiation
Siala, Kais; Spatial complexity in energy system modeling
Janott, Christoph; Machine Learning Strategies for the Acoustic Interpretation of Snoring Noise
Weking, Jörg Markus; Business Model Innovations: Analyzing Business Model Patterns and Transformation Paths
Braun, Annekathrin; Interstage-Monitoring bei Kindern mit angeborenem Herzfehler und shuntabhängiger Lungenperfusion
Lutz, Christina Alma Caecilia; Die Expression von Cortactin und EGFR beim humanen Plattenepithelkarzinom des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs
Winter, Maximilian; Nonlinear Aerodynamic Reduced-Order Modeling Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches
Günther, Thomas; Novel GRPR-targeted antagonists with improved pharmacokinetics for imaging and therapy of GRPR-expressing malignancies
de Almeida Terça, Gonçalo; Essays on stochastic optimization with applications to energy storage valuation
Stelzer, Max; Highly reliable graphenic carbon-silicon contacts
Ehrenwirth, Mathias Stephan; Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Polymer-Based Solar Thermal Drain Back Systems
Jelsma, Jil Anne; Rolle und Regulation des CX3CL1 Chemokins in humanen und murinen Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinomzellen
Mayer, Thomas; Modellbasierte Analyse und Optimierung von Wasserstoffprozessketten für Brennstoffzellen-PKWs in Deutschland
Wegemann, Andreas; Low-Field NMR and the Application on Magnetic Nanoparticles and Multiple-Quantum Coherences
Olefir, Ivan; Functional Imaging with Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography: Methods and Applications
Escoter Torres, Laura; Mechanisms of inflammatory gene repression by the Glucocorticoid Receptor
Hotz, Matthias; Optimal Power Flow in Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems
Weber, Constance Shahrzad; Chirurgische Strategien zur kurativen Behandlung von Lebermetastasen des kolorektalen Karzinoms
Block, Zenonas Konstantin Berthold; Zusammenhang zwischen Kalzifikationsneigung (T50) und kognitiver Beeinträchtigung (MoCA) bei Hämodialysepatienten im Querschnitt und Längsschnitt
Sakic, Ermin; Analysis and Design of Distributed Control Plane Mechanisms in SDN-based Industrial Networks
Griese, Vanessa; Auswirkungen von chronischer Minderperfusion auf visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei Patienten mit hochgradiger Carotisstenose
Ditsch, Alexander; Analyse der Thrombozytenbeteiligung an der Ausbildung der posttraumatischen Immunantwort in einer klinisch experimentellen Studie.
Kellerer, Teresa Elena Isabel; Impact of obesity and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on gut permeability
Ziegler, Isabel; Evaluation kommerziell verfügbarer Lateral Flow Immunoassays von vier verschiedenen Herstellern zum Nachweis von B. anthracis, F. tularensis und Y. pestis
Shan, Chuan; Functions of Snail as a mediator of tumor-stroma cross signaling in pancreatic cancer
Ron, Avihai; Whole body optoacoustic tomography for high resolution functional and molecular imaging in mice
Kölbl, Carolin Mareike; Untersuchungen zur Granulozyten-Monozyten-Apherese in der Therapie der Colitis ulcerosa: Zwischenanalyse einer prospektiven, placebokontrollierten und randomisierten Doppelblindstudie nach 24 Patienten
Ringelstetter, Larissa Rebecca; Negative Regulation of HIF1α by the E3 Ligases RNF8 and TRAF6
Olcay, Ertug; Toward Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Cooperative Navigation of Autonomous Agents in Unknown Environments
Höfer, Lucas Georg Adam; Innere Teilentladungen bei Gleichspannungsbelastung
Jelinek, Michael Klaus Gerhard; Wissensbasiertes zerstörungsfreies Prüfen hybrider Faserverbundstrukturen durch optische Lock-in-Thermografie
Schmidt, Leonard Hubertus Johannes; Evaluation des FLOW® 800-Tools zur Analyse von kompromittierten Gewebetransplantaten – Einfluss der venösen Stauung auf den epigastrischen Lappen im Rattenmodell
Molocea, Claudia-Eveline; The contribution of liver-secreted factors to tissue wasting in cancer cachexia
Oettl, Christian Albert; Enterprise Social Networks in the Context of Organizational Development
Meggendorfer, Tobias; Verification of Discrete-Time Markov Decision Processes
Haßler, Stefan Johannes; About robust accuracy, dynamic continuity and reception resiliency of GNSS user equipment
Sutiono, Samuel; Development of decarboxylases and dehydratases as valuable biocatalysts for the production of fine chemicals
Dengler, Christian; Design of Adaptive Nonlinear Controllers using Supervised Learning
Häußler, Michael; Modular sound & vibration engineering by substructuring
Steckel, Mathias Stefan; Potential of silvicultural measures for stabilising stand productivity and mitigating tree drought susceptibility of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Quercus robur L.)
Hawe, Johann Sebastian; Deciphering regulatory molecular mechanisms using graphical models
Alfaro Nunez, Ana Jimena; Exploring the Prox1 SUMO-switch in hepatocytes
Dreyer, Tobias Fabian; The functional role of CXCL9 and CX3CL1 in breast cancer biology
Altschuck, Natalie; Einsatz der instrumentellen Ganganalyse in der Entwicklungspädiatrie zur Evaluierung von Entwicklung und Entwicklungsstörungen.
Hölscher, Sarah Catherine; Characterisation of miR-128a in early cardiac development
Schönfeld, Catharina Anna; Der ärztliche Entscheidungskonflikt im Entscheidungsprozess einer Simulationspatientin mit fortgeschrittener Tumorerkrankung: Verlauf, Prädiktoren und Vergleich mit einer belgischen Stichprobe
Krieger, Yannick Simon; Automatisierter Entwurf von additiv gefertigten monolithischen Manipulatorstrukturen für die minimalinvasive Chirurgie
Sperling, Valeria Susanna Elise; Risikofaktoren für Wohnungslosigkeit bei Schizophrenie
Gu, Yan; Cities within cities
Rapp, Leopold; Untersuchungen zur Wertigkeit und Interaktion von Parametern der transpulmonalen Thermodilution und Pulskonturanalyse mit Parametern der Organfunktion
Sturm, Veronika; Vergleich der kappen-assistierten Endoskopie versus Seitblick-Duodenoskopie bei der Untersuchung der Papilla duodeni major
Schoppe, Oliver; Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Analysis
Tietze, Stefan; Examination of the influence of different stress states on the rheological behavior of starch containing food matrices
Klein, Franziska Sophie; Ein System zur automatischen Registrierung in der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Chirurgie
Bork, Felix Jonas; Interactive Augmented Reality for Student-Centered, Explorative, and Collaborative Human Gross Anatomy Education
Bresug, Silvia; Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles with Safety Guarantees
Adelsberger, Barbara Margaretha; Medikationsanalyse bei den schizophren erkrankten Patienten der COGPIP-Studie: Lässt sich der Einsatz einer neuroleptischen Kombinationsbehandlung anhand klinischer Parameter begründen?
Finsterer, Sebastian; Analyse der Psoriasisarthritis in der qualitativen und quantitativen Perfusionsanalyse mittels Indocyaningrün-verstärkter fluoreszenzoptischer Bildgebung (ICG-FOI) und in der kontrastverstärkten Magnetresonanztomographie
Esser, S.;Borrmann, A.; A system architecture ensuring consistency among distributed, heterogeneous information models for civil infrastructure projects
Haubold, Martin W.; Automatische Qualitätssicherung hinsichtlich der Spritzerbildung beim Remote-Laserstrahlschweißen
Leushacke, Stephanie Katrin; Trauma und Traumatologie in Comics
Petsch - van Randenborgh, Stefanie Natascha; Kindliche/ Jugendliche Wahrnehmung von Trauma und Traumatologie durch die in Comics transportierten Inhalte in Zusammenhang mit der eigenen Erlebens- und Erfahrungswelt
Schmid, Karola; Funktionelles Outcome nach arthroskopisch unterstützter Versorgung bei distalen Radiusfrakturen mit Begleitverletzungen
Wilhelm, Frederik Thomas; Einsatz von Leistungsultraschall in der geschlossenen Injektionspultrusion
Profanter, Stefan; From Unpacking to Plug & Produce - Flexible Components Integration for Robots in Industry 4.0
Radi, Christoph Martin; Objektives und subjektives Outcome nach operativer Versorgung distaler Radiusfrakturen in Bezug auf die posttraumatische Arthrose
Greim, Axel; Spectral Super Elements for Beams with Arbitrary Cross Section
Merkel, Lukas Andreas; Einführung kognitiver Assistenzsysteme in der manuellen Montage
Zirngibl, Sebastian A.; Untersuchung eines überstöchiometrischen Brennverfahrens für einen kleinen stationären Zündstrahl-Gasmotor
Levin, Friedrich Christoph; Time-dependent compression behaviour of sands under oedometric conditions
Haus, Michael Andreas; Edge-Driven Proximity Service Platform for the Internet of Things in Indoor Environments
Knapp, Samuel; Yield stability, yield development, and breeding progress in conventional and organic agriculture
Glaser, Peter; Ein Beitrag zu Segmentschalen aus ebenen Brettsperrholzplatten unter Berücksichtigung von Verbindungseigenschaften
Xu, Han; Demo Engineering: Using Software Theater for Exploratory Projects
Rafsandjani, Helia; Vergleich zwischen strukturierten klinischen Interviews (SKID) und erhobenen standardisierten Fragebogendaten bei Patienten nach elektiver Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
Böing, Daniel; Motorisierte Spiralenteroskopie des Dünndarms
Lechner, Antonie; Eicosanoid profiles and programs of macrophages in allergic airway inflammation
Siegl, Michael Manfred; Der Einfluss des humanen Papillomavirus (HPV) auf die Wirkung von in vitro Chemotherapie, Röntgenbestrahlung sowie zielgerichteter Alphapartikel-Emitter-Therapie (TAT) bei HNSCC-Zelllinien.
Skarabis, Jens; Anwendung der Mikroindentation zur Gefügeuntersuchung von Fahrbahndeckenbetonen
Mehlich, Jana; Basophilenaktivierungstest zur Differenzierung von Patienten mit Alpha-Gal-Syndrom und asymptomatischen Patienten mit Sensibilisierung auf alpha-Gal
Du, Fan; Auxin signaling downstream of RAM1 and a non-cell autonomous role of CCaMK in Lotus japonicus arbuscular mycorrhiza development.
Hoffmann, Laura Walburga; Molekulare Bildgebung des Myokardinfarktes unter Verwendung von T1-Mapping und Gadofluorine P bei 7 Tesla kombiniert mit ex-vivo Validierung mittels MALDI-TOF-IMS und LA-ICP-MS
Gruber, F.;Althoff, M.; Computing safe sets of linear sampled-data systems
Koch, Luisa; Patientenfragebögen in der Beurteilung der Krankheitskontrolle und Lebensqualität von Asthmakranken – Validierung der deutschen Version des CARAT10
Gärtner, Jasmin Anika; Office Space Design for Flexibility: An Approach to Guarantee Thermal Comfort During the Entire Operation Phase
Katzy, Peter; Combustion Model for the Computation of Flame Propagation in Lean Hydrogen-Air Mixtures at Low Turbulence
Lüddemann, Tobias; Eine relationale Datenbank zur computer-assistierten Zulassung von Medizinprodukten
Kaulmann, David; Cortical processing of light touch for the control of postural stability
Ziegelmayer, Sebastian; Nicht-invasive Subtypisierung des Pankreaskarzinoms mittels Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens
Riedhammer, Korbinian Maria; Exome sequencing in hereditary nephropathies
Grebmer, Christian; Effekte der kardialen Resynchronisationstherapie auf Patienten mit elektrokardiographischem Linksschenkelblock und residueller Leitung
Wassermann, Benjamin Paul Thomas; Direct simulation on geometric representations with the finite cell method
Brumbarov, Jassen; Si on conductive self-organized TiO2 nanotubes – A safe high capacity anode material for Li-ion batteries
Kumar, Rohit; How Stimulus-responsive Extracellular Vesicle Release is Regulated and Associated to Lewy Body Disease
Poch, Felix Gerd Martin; Veränderungen der rechtsventrikulären Funktion nach Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation und deren Einfluss auf die Prognose
Wagner, Sebastian Karl; Efficient scenario-based assessment of automated driving systems through virtual testing
Hofer, Volker Josef; Alginatkontrollierte Differenzierung von mesenchymalen Stammzellen (AdMSC und BMSC) zu Osteoblasten
Eising, Viola Margaritha; Frühzeitige Abschätzung der Mortalität bei Intensivpatienten basierend auf der Urinkonzentration von TIMP-2 (Gewebeinhibitor der Metalloproteinase-2) und von IGFBP 7 (Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7) mittels des NephroChecksTM (ICU-Neck)
Günther, Elisabeth Heidi; Untersuchung synergistischer Wirkungen ionisierender Strahlung und statischer Magnetfelder bei PET-MRT-Untersuchungen
Iwanow, Marcin; Subarray Hybrid Architectures for mmWave Communication
Hladik, Daniela; The effect of low-dose ionising radiation on the proteome of the murine hippocampus
Li, Yin; CXCR4-CXCL12 axis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma regarding HPV status
Naik, Hemal; XR For All: Closed-loop Visual Stimulation Techniques for Human and Non-Human Animals
Jost, C.; Schiffels, S.; Pharmacy Training - Nudging Routing Behavior Through Customer Matching
Backes, Clara Vanessa; Bedeutung der In-Sano-Resektion am Hauptpräparat auf das Rezidiv-Verhalten und Überleben bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen des oberen Aerodigestivtraktes
Weickert, Marie-Theresa; The Role of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Baudrexl, Josefine Christine; Facetten des sexuellen Selbstbildes in Assoziation zu dem Sexualverhalten und der sexuellen Identität des 45-jährigen Mannes in Deutschland
Kramer, Michael Alexander; Hierarchical Distributed Control to Integrate Prosumer Flexibility in Smart Grids
Perovic-Rott, Nevena; Coupling of Models and Scales in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Diewald, Stefan; Mobile Device-Complemented Advanced Mobility Assistance Systems
Schneider, Annika; Restoration of HBV-specific CD8+ T cell immunity in chronic HBV infection via a dual mode of action induced by Interferon-signaling
Thumann, Philipp; Lebensdauerbewertung von stoßartig belasteten Werkzeugkomponenten
Schläger, Sarah Joanna; Development and validation of MR-based quantitative biomarkers for detection of pathological changes in skeletal muscle tissue of patients with neuromuscular diseases
Willkommen, Desiree; Investigation of changes of the metallome and metabolome as a cause for neurodegeneration: Application of combined speciation and metabolomics techniques
Natanian, Jonathan; Beyond Zero Energy Districts: A Holistic Energy and Environmental Quality Evaluation Workflow for Dense Urban Contexts in Hot Climates
Faber, Martyna; Antizipation postoperativer Pankreasfisteln:
Eberl, Manuel; Asymptotic Reasoning in a Proof Assistant
Rahe, Stephanie Maria; Wahl der Versorgung und Ergebnisqualität bei aseptischen Hüftrevisionsoperationen
Schürger, Kareem Nikolas Narayan; Interesse und Bedarf an integrativ-medizinischen Konzepten in der Frauenklinik rechts der Isar: Ergebnisse einer Patientinnenbefragung
Kraft, Pia Viktoria; Validierung eines Vorhersagemodells für eine positive 68Ga-PSMA Liganden PET/CT Untersuchung bei Patienten mit einem frühbiochemischen Rezidiv nach primärer radikaler Prostatektomie
Cerda Muñoz, Fabian Esteban; Structural study of the Amyloid β cytotoxicity
Hatsy, Sandra; Inzidenz und Prädiktoren von Chemotherapie-Modifikationen und deren Einfluss auf das Überleben bei Patientinnen mit Ovarialkarzinom
Romer, Emilia Johanna; Untersuchungen zur Abhängigkeit der Allergenität von Apfelgenotypen vom Mal d 1-Gesamtgehalt, den Mal d 1-Proteinvarianten und dem Polyphenolgehalt
Schick, Markus Kilian; Forward genetic screening identifies actionable drivers of B-cell lymphomagenesis
Tüshaus, Johanna; Proteomic secretome analysis of primary brain cells
Wischmann, Johannes; Untersuchung des Einflusses der mineralischen Komponente des Knochens auf die Genexpression osteoblastärer Zellen
Fleming, Megan Judith; Histologische und molekularbiologische Analysen von mit MR-Kontrastmittel gelabelter mesenchymaler Stammzellen nach Implantation in osteochondrale Defekte im Kaninchenmodell
Lähner, Zorah; Continuous Correspondence of Non-Rigid 3D Shapes
Alt, Bastian; Technische Anforderungen an die Überwachung von elektrostatischen Abscheidern in Biomasseheizwerken
Ostmeier, Esther Hanna Caroline; Competencies for digital transformation: Predictors of proactive and innovative work behaviors
Heublein, Norbert; Dehydrierung flüssiger organischer Wasserstoffträger in vertikalen und horizontalen Rohrreaktoren
Pesahl, Marina-Theresa; Intraoperatives Neuromonitoring während der Resektion von Hirnstamm-Kavernomen
Ji, Zhe; Numerical methods and high-performance computing for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Manzinger, Stefanie;Pek, Christian;Althoff, Matthias; Using Reachable Sets for Trajectory Planning of Automated Vehicles
Grießl, Michael Fritz; Gegenüberstellung von ASC- und SVF- basierten Fettgewebskonstrukten im Mausmodell
Wesemann, Lorraine; Der Effekt von Multipole Pacing (MPP) auf die linksventrikuläre Dyssynchronie bei Patienten mit kardialer Resynchronisationstherapie (CRT) - ein Ansatz mit Echtzeit dreidimensionaler-Echokardiographie
Lieb, Christian; Dynamische Steuerungsstrategien für innerbetriebliche Routenzugsysteme
Sartorius, Thomas Skyler; Aircraft design optimization informed by stakeholder wisdom
Mergen, Victor Frank Simon; Diagnostische Wertigkeit qualitativer und quantitativer Parameter für die Diagnose von Aortenprotheseninfektionen mittels [18F] - FDG PET/CT
Moroder, Clemens; Untersuchung des Wet-Antenna-Effekts bei Richtfunkstrecken
Gales, Alina; Women and Technology: How Far Have We Come in the Digital Age?
Gusic, Mirjana; Role of coding and non-coding variants in mitochondrial disease genes
Rottmann (geb. Demharter), Matthias Johannes; Untersuchung des Wärmetransports in expandiertem Perlit zur Entwicklung einer Vakuumpulverisolation für Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen bis 800 °C
Liu, Chang; Baricitinib reduces inflammation and improves cell homeostasis of HGPS fibroblasts by inhibiting JAK-STAT signaling
Malm, Fabian; Zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren zur Charakterisierung von zementgebundenen Werkstoffen mit Selbstheilungseigenschaften
Engerer, Daniela Cosima Beatrice Isabel; Verbessert optimiertes Feedback kommunikative Fertigkeiten bei Medizinstudierenden im Praktikum Ärztliche Gesprächsführung 1?
Mishra, Kanuj; Development of Novel Genetically Encoded Labels for Optoacoustic Imaging
Theiss, Mayla Kristin; Validierung eines deutschsprachigen Fragebogens zur Messung der spirituellen Kompetenz in Gesundheitsberufen
Herrmann, Patrick Ludwig; Automatisierte Trajektorienplanung für die Nadelwickeltechnik
Karamooz Mahdiabadi, Morteza;Tiso, Paolo;Brandt, Antoine;Rixen, Daniel Jean; A non-intrusive model-order reduction of geometrically nonlinear structural dynamics using modal derivatives
Segler, Christoph; Enabling Data-Driven Functions in Automotive E/E Architectures
Hauser, Michael Maximilian; Effects of Tars on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Krüger, Kimberly; Relevance of blood-based biomarkers for prediction of response to chemotherapy and prognosis in lung cancer patients
Tampubolon, Ezra; Microscopic, Mesoscopic, and Macroscopic Learning Algorithms and Effects in Multi-Agent Systems
Panitz, Johanna Claudia; Verwertung von Weizenstroh und Mühlennebenprodukten zur Butanolproduktion durch cellulolytische und solventogene Clostridien
Klinker, Kai Jürgen; Digitizing Health Care Processes using Augmented Reality Mobile Health Applications
Müller, Felix Lucian; Improved polar geostrophic surface currents from satellite altimetry
Pöppl, Alexander Ludwig; Evaluation of the Actor Model for the Parallelization of Block-Structured Adaptive HPC Applications
Valeskini, Michael Manuel; Neue Stenttechnologien zur Behandlung von Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung
Karimi Ghodoosi, Elham; Improving Quantitative Imaging Accuracy for Dosimetry of Lutetium-177-PSMA Imaging &Therapy
Salem, Aleieldin; Accurate and Reliable Labeling for Effective Detection of Android Malware
Geipel, Andrea; "Don't Act Like a Teacher" - How Science YouTubers become Experts
Waas, Till Ferdinand; Entwicklung von Ingenieurmethoden zur Bestimmung der dynamischen Boden-Bauwerk-Wechselwirkung für aufgeständerte Tankbauwerke zur Lagerung von Flüssiggasen
Burger, Thomas; COx Methanation over Ni-Al-Based Catalysts: Development of CO2 Methanation Catalysts and Kinetic Modeling
Hefele, Markus; Highly Integrated Multichannel CMOS Sensor Systems for Micro-Physiological High-Content Screening Applications
Wilhelm, Jörn; Diffraction analysis of anode inhomogeneity in lithium-ion batteries
Altevogt, Felix Sebastian; Niedrigdosierte Paclitaxel-freisetzende Ballone gegen konventionelle Paclitaxel-freisetzende Ballone zur Therapie von Drug-Eluting-Stent- Restenosen bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit
Hohagen, Hendrik Jan Benedikt; Entwicklung, Optimierung und Etablierung von enzymatischen Reaktionskaskaden zur Herstellung von Chemikalien aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Chaulwar, Amit Tulsidas; Hybrid Machine Learning Methods for Vehicle Safety Applications
Eckmann, Maximilian Klaus; Transpulmonale Thermodilution: Unterscheiden sich die Werte der mindestens drei einzelnen Indikator-Dilutionen?
Sturm, Johannes Jörg; State-Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries using Physicochemical Models and Experimental Characterization Techniques
Sidorenko, Juri; Self-calibration of time-based localization systems in noisy environments with nonlinear optimization
Wolz, Elena; Gottlieb, Matthias; Pongratz, Hans; Digital Credentials in Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review
Azizi Koutenaei, Bamshad; Computer-Assisted Navigation Methods for Screw Placement in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Surgery
Hülpüsch, Claudia; Value and pitfalls of skin microbiome research in atopic diseases
Heinze, Simon; Genübertragung zur Etablierung neuer Bazillen für die sekretorische Produktion heterologer Glycosidhydrolasen
Grob, Leroy Romain; Printed 3D electrodes for sensing and bioelectronics
Hackenberg, Stefanie Ingrid; Wheat dough formation - Impact of mechanical starch modification
Kaiser, Waldemar; Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Charge and Exciton Transport in Organic Solar Cells
Hoffmann, Marcel; Photoakustische Interferometrie zur Gasdetektion
Baur, Christoph; Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI: From Supervised to Unsupervised Deep Learning
Stahl, Florian Felix; Influences on purchase intention for bioplastic products and consumer preferences for bio-based apparel in Germany
Köhler, Michael; Breitbandige statische Fourier-Transformations-Spektrometer für den mittleren Infrarotbereich
Shnaiderman, Rami; Silicon photonics sensors of ultrasound for optoacoustic imaging
Zhao, Yu; Deep learning based medical image segmentation and classification for artificial intelligence healthcare
Lechner, Benjamin; Sicherheit, Durchführbarkeit und Effektivität von regelmäßigem körperlichen Training nach perkutanem Aortenklappenersatz
Zengjie, Zhang; Towards Safe Human-Robot Collaboration Oriented to Collision Handling
Zgoll, Fabian; Methodik zur maschinenoptimalen Werkzeugeinarbeitung durch virtuelle Kompensation der Werkzeug- und Pressendurchbiegung
Malekzadeh Najafabadi, Jaber; Studying nonlinear effects in optoacoustics
Georgios Grigoropoulos;Patrick Malcolm;Andreas Keler;Heather Kaths;Fritz Busch;Klaus Bogenberger;; Bicyclist Maneuver Type Prediction using Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Bachmann, Laura; Meniskusfunktion unter Extrembelastung - Untersuchung gesunder Athleten während eines Bergultramarathons
Hieber, Maren Susanne; Molekulare Analyse der Metastasierung des Pankreaskarzinoms
Ashok, Pranav; A Learning Twist on Controllers: Synthesis via Partial Exploration and Concise Representations
Koschi, Markus; Althoff, Matthias; Set-based Prediction of Traffic Participants Considering Occlusions and Traffic Rules
Koschi, Markus Matthias; Set-based Prediction of Traffic Participants and its Applications to Safe Motion Planning
Wallner, Adelheid Maria Elfriede; Informationserfassung für ein forstliches Inventur- und Monitoring-System aus hochaufgelösten Fernerkundungsdaten
Lypp, Benedikt; Statistische Auswertung von Grundwasserdaten zur Festlegung von Bemessungswasserständen von Bauwerken am Beispiel der Münchner Schotterebene
Ebert, Tim Gerhard; On the search for translational biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment
Yépez Mora, Vicente A.; Improving and upscaling the diagnostics of genetic diseases via gene expression and functional assays
Fthenakis, Philippe-Emmanuel Georges; Propofolinduzierte Sedierung zur Schlafvideoendoskopie: Elektrophysiologisches Monitoring der Sedierungstiefe und Modulation des Obstruktionsmusters bei obstruktiver Schlafapnoe
Tatzber, Anna; Einfluss von Narben- und Substratarealen auf das Ergebnis der Ablation bei persistierendem Vorhofflimmern
Gerlit, Robert; Barrieren politischer Partizipation am Bürgerhaushalt in Deutschland
Franz, Katharina; Zusammenhänge zwischen inflammativen Parametern und Ausprägung psychosozialer Charakteristika bei depressiven KHK-Patienten
Buzica, Andrei; Leading-Edge Vortex Control by Unsteady Blowing
Haidari, Selgai; Die YB-1 basierte onkolytische Virotherapie beim Kopf- Hals-Karzinom und ihr Einfluss auf die Angiogenese
Ung, Marie-Claire; The long-term effects of low dose ionizing radiation on the adult mouse brain and the consequences for behavior
Knappich, Fabian; Vakuum-Desolventierung beim lösemittelbasierten Recycling von thermoplastischen Polymeren
Meyer, Dominik Jakob; Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Robust Temporal Difference Learning
Kröger, Isabel Maria; Die funktionelle Analyse der Interaktion zwischen der nervalen Invasion und der Angioinvasion im humanen und murinen Pankreaskarzinom
Zhong, Suyang; The role of HNF1B in pancreatic cancer initiation and progression
Anastasopoulou, Maria; Methods for standardizing and enhancing Biomedical Fluorescence Imaging
Muntean, Paul Ioan; Mitigation of Advanced Code Reuse Attacks
Bühler, Lea Katharina; Lipocalin 13 in Systemic Energy Homeostasis
Künzner, Florian; Efficient non-intrusive uncertainty quantification for large-scale simulation scenarios
Miehle, Florian Johannes; Multi-Omics Analysis Reveals Extensive Lipid and Metabolite Remodeling During Adipogenesis in Human Adipocytes
Diepolder, Johannes Wolfgang Maximilian; Optimal Control Based Clearance of Flight Control Laws
Gauthier, Nina Ilse; Neue therapeutische Strategien für die FLT3-ITD+ akute myeloische Leukämie in Zusammenhang mit der nischenabhängigen Regulation
Wiedeck, Clea Céline; Auswertung eines Patientenfragebogens zur Anwendung von Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin (CAM) und Durchführung von Lebensstilveränderungen bei Patientinnen mit gynäkologischen Krebserkrankungen
Merck, Georg Konrad; In vitro analysis of the regulation of Kinesin-2 motors from C. elegans and X. laevis
Wolff, Lara; Einfluss klinischer Parametereinstellungen auf die Läsionsgröße bei der elektrophysiologischen Katheterablation
Ponn, Thomas; How to Define System-Specific Corner Cases for the Type-Approval of Automated Vehicles
Buiatti, Alessandra; Clinical and Electrophysiological Predictors of Arrhythmia Recurrences after Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
Brönner, Matthias Martin; Decision-Support for Production Strategies for Developing Economies
Rothe, Johannes Felix Martin; Low-Threshold Cryogenic Detectors for Low-Mass Dark Matter Search and Coherent Neutrino Scattering
Kunze, Sarah; Kataraktentstehung aufgrund von Ganzkörper-Exposition niedriger ionisierender Strahlung an Mäusen
Lei, Meng; The role of PDK1 in PI3K-driven intestinal carcinogenesis
Clancy, Mary Veronica; The Chemical Ecology of Tansy
Ochs, Oliver Michael; The Immersion Scanning Tunneling Microscope: Development and First Long-Term Variable-Temperature Studies at Liquid-Solid Interfaces
Borrmann, A.;Forster, C.;Liebich, T.;König, M.;Tulke, J.; Germany’s Governmental BIM Initiative -- The BIM4INFRA2020 Project Implementing the BIM Roadmap
Lassi, Maximilian; Paternal Circadian Arrhythmia Affects Offspring Health and Feeding Behavior
Hastreiter, Sieglinde Theresia; Systematic analysis of the class I histone deacetylases HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3 in pancreatic cancer
von der Esch, Elisabeth; The automation and validation of a morphological and chemical quantification procedure for microplastic fragments using Raman microspectroscopy
Lee, Cheonjae; A Divided Nation: Land Tenure, Governance, and the Korean (Re-)unification
Zhu, Ying; Design and Optimization of Emerging Systems for Biochemical Experiments and Neuromorphic Computing
Kopp, Philipp Moritz; Motivation, Volition, and Gym Attendance - A Longitudinal Prospective Study
Vater, Johannes Maximilian; Präskriptive Automatisierung
Qiu, Jiajun; Sequence-based prediction reveals effect of protein-, DNA- RNA-binding residues on sequence variants
Strese, Matti; Haptic Material Acquisition, Modeling, and Display
Hirschel, Ernst Heinrich;Rizzi, Arthur;Breitsamter, Christian;Staudacher, Werner; Separated and Vortical Flow in Aircraft Wing Aerodynamics
Perakis, Nikolaos; Wall Heat Transfer Measurement and Prediction in Methane/Oxygen Rocket Engines
Lippert, Thomas; Sewage sludge disintegration using innovative ultrasound reactors with surface transducers - Performance assessment and optimization of operating conditions
Hofmeister , Andreas Sebastian; Reduktion der Lungendosis bei stereotaktischer Bestrahlung von Lungentumoren durch Atemgating
Mosch, Michael; Automated evaluation of non-destructive testing situations using a generic model
Sellinger, Thibaut Paul Patrick; Integration and inference of biological traits from whole genome sequence polymorphism data
Schädler, Torben Ansgar; Biomasse- und Lipidherstellung mit Microchloropsis salina in offenen Flachgerinnereaktoren
Jomo, John Njuguna; Towards scalable finite cell computations on massively parallel systems
Perschbacher, Sarah; Metabolic profiles in umbilical cord blood in response to maternal obesity and in relation to offspring longitudinal weight development
Potthast, Maria; Investigation into the role of the transcription factor RelB for the immunological tolerance induction
Löffler, Alexander Friedrich; Praxisorientierte Ausbildung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Ein Planspiel zur Lehre von Geschäftsprozessveränderungen
Springer, Margherita; The role of SULT1A1 in whole body metabolism and adipocyte biology
Bohrdt, Annabelle; Probing strongly correlated many-body systems with quantum simulation
Benka, Georg Alexander; Preparation and Investigation of Intermetallic Magnetic Compounds with Disorder
Jorde, Daniel Rene; Learning from Power: Machine Learning on Electrical Signals
Wimmer, Stefan Georg; Producer implications of agricultural policy trends
Dettling, Anna Lina; Thermophilic spore formers in powdered dairy products: Source tracking, population dynamics and genomic characterisation of persisting strains
Reitmeier, Sandra; Arrhytmic Gut Microbiome Signatures for Type 2 Diabetes Risk Profiling
Fetzer, Andreas; Rapeseed proteins for technical applications – extraction, isolation and modification
Naumann, Susanne; Interactions between Bile Acids and Plant Compounds – with Particular Reference to the Fractionation and Processing of Lupin Seeds (Lupinus angustifolius L.)
Mattner, Laura Felicitas; Time-resolved analysis of phosphoproteome dynamics in fibroblast mechanosensing
Rauch, Johannes; Development of a track-fitting toolkit and analysis of D0 → π+ π− π+ π− at Belle
Christel, Simon Timotheus; Beurteilung der Vorfußgeometrie vor und nach modifizierter Lapidus-Arthrodese mittels dreidmensionaler digitaler Volumentomographie unter Belastung
Opromolla, Renzo Filomeno; Einfluss von humanem rekombinantem Erythropoetin auf die Entzündungsreaktion und Thrombozytenaktivierung bei Patienten mit chronischer dialysepflichtiger Niereninsuffizienz
Steyer, Sascha Jannik; Grid-based object tracking
Boukovala, Myrto Aikaterini; Effects of congenital heart disease treatment on quality of life: A longitudinal study of adolescents and adults
Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Ovalle-Perandones, Maria-Antonia; Ontology-Based Decision Support System for the Nitrogen Fertilization of Winter Wheat
Fritz, Anouk; Der Einfluss des Schweregrads der neuralen Invasion auf die Inzidenz eines Lokalrezidivs bei Patienten mit einem duktalen Adenokarzinom des Pankreas
Skrzypczak, Matthias; Untersuchungen zum Erwerb und zur Retention von Wissen und Selbstvertrauen bei Schülerinnen eines Gymnasiums nach einem Training in Basisreanimation
Ibrahim, Amjad; An Actual Causality Framework for Accountable Systems
Sun, Jianfeng; Prediction of residue contacts and interaction sites in transmembrane proteins using deep learning
Bresha, Jola; Klinische Ergebnisse nach optischen Charakteristika der Neointima und Behandlungsmodalität bei Patienten mit koronarer In-Stent-Restenose
Sales, Jennifer Horatia; Phytohormone crosstalk via legume lectin like-proteins regulates systemic acquired resistance and abiotic stress tolerance
Zoffl, Agnes Maria; Quantitative Magnetresonanztomographie zur Evaluierung der physiologischen Muskelkomposition und deren Veränderung bei neuromuskulären Erkrankungen
Bergner, Florian; Efficient Realization of Large-Area E-Skin based on Biologically Plausible Principles
Coello Uribe, Jorge Eduardo; Advanced Acquisition, Reconstruction and Quantification Methods for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging
Berling-Ernst, Anika Pamela; Körperliche Aktivität und kardiopulmonale Leistungsfähigkeit bei gesunden und erkrankten BRCA1/2-Mutationsträgerinnen (LIBRE-1-Pilotstudie)
Lienert, Thomas; Methodik zur simulationsbasierten Durchsatzanalyse FTF-basierter Kommissioniersysteme
Heißler, Karl Martin; 5th Generation District Heating Networks - Potentials for Reducing CO2-Emissions and Increasing the Share of Renewable Energies in Residential Districts
Willner, Claudia Lisa Kathrin; Charakteristika und Outcome autolog und allogen stammzelltransplantierter Patienten bei Vorstellung in der Notaufnahme
Aldea, Jorge;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;del Río, Miren;Pretzsch, Hans;Heym, Michael;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Jansons, Aris;Metslaid, Marek;Barbeito, Ignacio;Bielak, Kamil;Granhus, Aksel;Holm, Stig-Olof;Nothdurft, Arne;Sitko, Roman;Löf, Magnus; Species stratification and weather conditions drive tree growth in Scots pine and Norway spruce mixed stands along Europe
Obermeier, Martha Maria; Einfluss von innatem Immunsystem und ER-Stress auf den inflammatorischen Status und die Kontraktilität glatter Gefäßmuskelzellen
Schlaugk, Stephanie Constanze; Untersuchung einer Splicevariante des Tumorsuppressor KAI1 (CD 82) im Ovarialkarzinom
Frost, Christina Violetta; Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Applications from Alzheimer’s Disease to Photopharmacology
Börner, Hendrik; Human impedance control during physical interaction
Groselli, Sofia; Mikrostrukturelle retinale Veränderungen nach pharmakologischer Vitreolyse mit Ocriplasmin – eine SD-OCT gestützte Analyse
Papapanagiotou, Eftychios; Data Fusion in Sporadic Connected Environments for Urban Traffic Control
Bösl, Mathias Helmut; PICLS: a gyrokinetic full-f particle-in-cell code for the scrape-off layer
Bauer, Andreas; What motivates students to act consistently pro-environmentally?
Graupner, Sarah Céline; High-risk stigmata und worrisome features bei intraduktal papillär-muzinösen Neoplasien des Pankreas
Wißmiller, Katharina; The role of IGFR-L1 in insulin signalling of pancreatic beta-cells and hormone-dependent cancers
Göpfert, Christian Peter; Enhancing Joint Institutionalization of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in City Administrations
Honold, Johannes David; Energiemanagement in Wohngebäuden – Vergleich von zentraler und verteilter Entscheidungsfindung
Götzfried, Marisa Antonia; Towards Molecular Machines
Wang, Chengyu; Numerical simulation of wind farm control
Pfeiffer, Jakob; Self-Learning Enhancement of the Measurement Quality for Electric Power Trains
Dumler, Sonja Lucia; Kontinenz und Erektile Funktion in Assoziation zu Masturbation im postoperativen Verlauf nach nervschonender radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie
Kaiser, Jakob Wolfgang Josef; Modeling Interfacial Instabilities with the Level Set Method
Sitzberger, Christina; Die Gesundheit von Mutter und Kind bei Risikoschwangerschaften - Möglichkeiten der Prävention
Ahmadvand, Mohsen; Strengthened, Composable, and Quantifiable Software Integrity Protection
Graßl, Raphaela Susanne; Photochemical Reactions of Thiocarbonyl Compounds and 2-(2'-Alkenyloxy)cycloalk-2-enones
Stange, Marion; Einfluss der hepatischen Metabolisierungsgeschwindigkeit auf die Wirksamkeit von Antidementiva
Lechner, Benedikt; Behaviour of 4H-SiC Power Semiconductor Devices under Extreme Operating Conditions
Graf-Hollweck, Benedikt; Entwicklung einer Methodik für eine einheitliche Bewertung des gesamtheitlichen Energiebedarfs unter realen Rahmenbedingungen und dessen Anwendung auf verschiedene Pkw-Antriebsvarianten
Kaspar, Daniela; Development of epigenomic signatures during intergenerational inheritance of diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes
Mrowca, Artur; Specification Mining in High dimensional Heterogeneous Data Sets of Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Fügener, A.; Schiffels, S.; Human-AI Collaboration in Surgery Planning: The Role of Contextual Information
Steil, Tina Miriam Denise; „Interaktion der Serpine Plasminogen-Aktivator-Inhibitor Typ 1 und 2 mit Kallikrein-ähnlichen Peptidasen“
Habedank, Jan Bernd; Laser Structuring of Graphite Anodes for Functionally Enhanced Lithium-Ion Batteries
Sievers, Holger Lars; Entwicklung und Optimierung einer ligandunterstützten Cloud Point Extraktion von Rhodium, Palladium und Platin
Kaczmarz, Stephan Simon; Quantification of Cerebral Oxygenation and Perfusion by Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Carotid Artery Stenosis
Eltair, Hani Mahmoud Nabih Mahmoud; Clinical and Radiological Results of Management of Multilocular Cartilage lesions in the Knee Joint by Matrix Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation (MACT)
Leconte, Uta; World Trade Centerness
Metz, Nicole; Environment interaction, fungicide resistance development and biological control of Alternaria solani on potato
Völse, Kerstin; Role of the t(4;11) fusion proteins MLL/AF4 and AF4/MLL for survival and growth of patient-derived xenograft leukemia cells in vivo
Du, Jiqing; Insights into the regulation of Rab-AMPylation by the Legionella enzyme DrrA
Musiol, Maximilian Marco; Molekularbiologische Analyse der Interaktion von Isofluran mit unterschiedlichen beta-Amyloid Subformen im Maushirn
Wolf, Saskia Heidemarie; Untersuchungen zur Überwindung der Stromaresistenz von FLT3-ITD+ AML Zellen durch die Kombination von Crenolanib und Azacitidin
Pardos, M.;del Río, M.;Pretzsch, H.;Jactel, H.;Bielak, K.;Bravo, F.;Brazaitis, G.;Defossez, E.;Engel, M.;Godvod, K.;Jacobs, K.;Jansone, L.;Jansons, A.;Morin, X.;Nothdurft, A.;Oreti, L.;Ponette, Q.;Pach, M.;Riofrío, J.;Ruíz-Peinado, R.;Tomao, A.;Uhl, E.;Calama, R.; The greater resilience of mixed forests to drought mainly depends on their composition: Analysis along a climate gradient across Europe
Gebhard, Julia Katharina; Dermatohistopathologische Charakterisierung der Mastozytose
Cania, Barbara; Bacterial polysaccharides as drivers of soil aggregation
Huber, Stefan; Ein Beitrag zur bodenmechanischen und erdbautechnischen Charakterisierung von Recycling-Baustoffen
Boedeker, Sebastian; Elektrohydraulische Lithotripsie (EHL) mit dem Short-Access-Mother-Baby-System (SAMBA) zur Therapie von komplizierten Gallengangsteinen
Linsenmann, Fabian; Operando and In Situ Characterizations of Fundamental Electrochemical Processes in Lithium- and Sodium-Ion Batteries
Khaloian Sarnaghi, Sevana; Mitochondrial impairment drives intestinal stem cell transition towards dysfunctional Paneth cells predicting Crohn’s disease recurrence
Folger, Nicholas Andreas; Essays on the Impact of Digital Transformation on Employees, Applicants, and Organizations
Amrhein, Lisa; Stochastic Modeling of Heterogeneous Low-Input Gene Expression: Linking Single-Cell Probability Distributions to Transcription Mechanisms
Boada De Narvaez, Daniel; Moduli of Bielliptic Surfaces
He, Qi; Discharge and Charge Mechanisms of Sulfur Electrodes in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Hermann, Johannes; A Crystallographic and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Protein Crystallization
Odysseos, Georgios; Der Einfluss der Neuropeptid-Rezeptoruntereinheit RAMP1 auf das angeborene Immunsystem im Rahmen der akuten Pankreatitis
Greß, Thomas Manfred; Vertical Continuous Compound Casting of Copper Aluminium Semi-Finished Products
Müller, Thomas Raffael; Next-Generation TCR-transgenic T cells for Immunotherapy
Hübner, Ines; Elucidating the mechanism of action of the natural product xanthocillin X & tailored cofactor traps for the in situ detection of hemithioacetal-forming pyridoxal kinases
Duarte Pinto de Almeida Matos, Francisco; Deep Learning for Tomography, State Classification and Event Detection in Nuclear Fusion Plasmas
Littmann, Richard; Pricing in Non-Convex Markets
Gronauer, Thomas Frederik; Design and synthesis of novel inhibitors for human protease ClpXP and substrate identification of human and S. aureus ClpXP
Schrenk, Hannah; Computing the Adaptive Cycle
Engbert, Alexander; Ersatz von Lithiumcarbonat als Beschleuniger für Calciumaluminatzemente: Untersuchungen zur Wirkung und Aufklärung des Mechanismus von beschleunigenden Biopolymeren
Küfner, Wolfgang; Response of diatoms to climate change in mountain lakes in the Northern calcareous Alps with indications for the future development of the lake biota
Jaser, Miriam Angelika; Goodness-of-fit tests for elliptical copulas
Stanner, Christoph Michael; Herzschrittmachertherapie bei Patienten mit einem Körpergewicht unter 20 kg
Dawo, F.; Eyerer, S.; Pili, R.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation, model validation and application of twin-screw expanders with different built-in volume ratios
Jakob, Katharina; Versorgungs- und Lebensqualität bei Osteoporose-Patienten in Abhängigkeit von der Knochendichte: DXA-Messungen und Patientenbefragungen in einem geriatrischen Kollektiv
Karlina, Ruth; Interconnection of the metabolic syndrome and allergic lung inflammation through changes in thermogenic adipocytes
Dollinger, Christiane Doris; Methode zur kosteneffizienten Konfiguration eines Springerpools in der taktgebundenen Montage
Köhl, Bernhard; Scalings im Thermalwasserkreislauf
Bernd, Marco; Macrocyclic Tetra-dentate NHC Complexes for Catalysis and Medicinal Chemistry
Balázs, Kinga; Multi-omics data integration approaches to study glucocorticoid receptor function
Ciecielski, Katrin Jana; The gp130/SHP2 Signaling Axis in Pancreatic Cancer
Mayer, Manfred; Discovery of novel beneficial alleles in maize landraces for the improvement of quantitative traits
Zehelein, Thomas; Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Diagnosing Automotive Damper Defects
Ladewig, Leon; Online Algorithms for Packing Problems in the Random-Order Model
Hofmann, Benjamin Jochen; High valent Rhenium compounds in catalysis: Synthesis, reactivity and decomposition pathways
Jonas F. Eichinger, Lea J. Haeusel, Daniel Paukner, Roland C. Aydin, Jay D. Humphrey & Christian J. Cyron; Mechanical homeostasis in tissue equivalents: a review
Hottenrott, Andreas Michael; Smart Factory in the Automotive Industry: Design of Novel Flexible Layouts and Data-Driven Sequencing for Traditional Assembly Lines
Kurt, Berat; Metastasierungsverhalten des Mundhöhlenkarzinoms in Abhängigkeit von der anatomischen Lokalisation. Eine retrospektive Studie über Plattenepithelkarzinome des Unterkiefers.
Gnambs, Rebekka Cäcilia Elisabeth; Extrakranielle, stereotaktische Strahlentherapie am Klinikum rechts der Isar - Überlebensanalysen und Patient-reported Outcome
Lampl, Thomas Stefan; Integrated Design of Advanced Flight Control Configurations and System Architectures
Rechl, Philip Felix; Funktionelle Erholung nach rhegmatogener Netzhautablösung mit Makulabeteiligung und ihre morphologische Korrelation mit präoperativen OCT-Biomarkern
Nicolaiciuc, Sina; Ergebnisvergleich der Frührehabilitation moderner Fast-Track Knieendoprothetik mit und ohne Blutsperre
Teubner, Severin; Dynamisches und individuelles Werkerinformationssystem für die manuelle Serienmontage
Wang, Shu-Hung; Transitional T Cell Phenotypes in Allergen-specific Immunotherapy
Yan, Hongkai; Analysis of PIF-pocket and PH-domain mediated 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 signaling in pancreatic cancer
Braun, Eva-Maria; Erstellung einer hochauflösenden Karte für das dominante Verzwergungsgen Ddw1 im Winterroggen (Secale cereale L.)
Dzilic, Elda; Identification of ventricular cardiomyocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells using CRISPR/Cas9
Bleicher, Walter Philip; Molecular principles governing the organization of active actin networks
Hock, Julia Theresa; Functional outcomes in young patients with complex congenital heart disease
Trunk, Markus Alexander; Determination of isotope concentration profiles in materials science applications using cold neutrons
Feuerherd, Martin Karl-Friedrich; Altered HBV-specific T-cell immunity in HBV/HIV co-infection and chronic hepatitis B
Wu, Zhiyuan; Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis Revealed Cellular Heterogeneity of Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Eggers, Julia; Hein, Andreas; Weking, Jörg; Böhm, Markus ; Krcmar, Helmut; Process Automation on the Blockchain: An Exploratory Case Study on Smart Contracts
Zhang, Haosu; The analysis of language-related tracts based on nTMS mapping in patients with left-hemispheric perisylvian tumors
Braun, Daniel; Automated Semantic Analysis, Legal Assessment, and Summarization of Standard Form Contracts
Fritzemeyer, Janina Viktoria; Validierung neuer Kandidatengene bei familiärem Brustkrebs in BRCA1/2-negativen Familien liefert Hinweis auf digene Vererbung
Wolfram, Arno Peter Theodor; Faktoren, die mit der Risikowahrnehmung und der Besorgnis 45-jähriger Männer an Prostatakrebs zu erkranken assoziiert sind
Marszalek, Michael Lukas; Advancing digital farm management by machine learning and remote sensing
Halbe, Omkar; Optimal Trajectory Generation and Robust Flight Control for Helicopters
Dörries, Carola; Die Häufigkeit thromboembolischer Ereignisse unter Behandlung mit Antipsychotika der zweiten Generation und Placebo im Rahmen randomisiert-kontrollierter Studien
Fisel, Patrick Cornelius; Analyse kardiovaskulärer Funktionsparameter bei jugendlichen Leistungssportlern
Rus, Janez; Contact-free non-destructive inspection by broadband ultrasound
Schmiester, Leonard Günter; Efficient parameter optimization for ordinary differential equation models of biological processes using semi-quantitative and qualitative data
Heister, Simon Philipp; Developmental stage-dependent role of the COP9 signalosome in the brain
Basirati, Mohammadreza; Understanding Conflicts in Product-Service System Development
König, Michael Manfred; PSMA-Liganden PET/CT bei Patienten mit biochemischem Rezidiv nach radikaler Prostatektomie: Matched-Pair Vergleich von 68Ga-PSMA-11 und 18F-PSMA-1007
Shahvarani, Seyedamirhesam; Parallel In-memory Data Processing using Modern Hardware
Matthias, Julia; Modulation des Effektorphänotyps humaner T-Zellen in Natriumchlorid-reichen Mikromilieus
Caprioli, Sara; Essays on Product Design and Consumer Behavior
Slepukhin, V.M.; Grill, M.J.; Hu,Q.; Botvinick, E.L.; Wall, W.A.; Levine, A.J.; Topological defects produce kinks in biopolymer filament bundles
Singh, Ajay; Electronic-Ionic Transport in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
Pawelka, Kim Melissa; Characterization of myeloid cells inducing local T cell activation and proliferation in the hepatic environment
Preuhs, Maximilian; Retrospektive Analyse zur Evaluation des Einflusses klinischer Faktoren auf das Auftreten eines Lokalrezidivs und/oder einer distalen Metastase bei einer behandelten Patientengruppe nach Resektion eines duktalen Adenokarzinoms des Pankreas, sowie der Vergleich adjuvanter Therapiestrategien
Milz, Johannes; Topics in PDE-Constrained Optimization under Uncertainty and Uncertainty Quantification
Kellerer, Christina; Diagnostic value of capnovolumetry in obstructive airway diseases
Cui, Kai; Boev, Atanas; Alshina, Elena; Steinbach, Eckehard; Color Image Restoration Exploiting Inter-channel Correlation with a 3-stage CNN
Barthelme, Andreas; Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Model Order Selection for Systems with Subarray Sampling
Meyer, Michael; A web-based exercise approach to improve functional outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease
Contreras, Raian Eduardo; Regulation of hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons and systemic energy metabolism by histone deacetylase 5
Kneißl, Maximilian Johannes; Distributed optimal control for multi-vehicle coordination
Machleid, Felix; Investigating the interplay between α-Synuclein and fragile X mental retardation protein in Parkinson’s disease
Martínez Alba, Alberto;Babarczi, Péter;Blenk, Andreas;He, Mu;Krämer, Patrick;Zerwas, Johannes;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Modeling the Cost of Flexibility in Communication Networks
Rauer, Denise; Allergies in a changing world - The impact of environmental influences on pollen allergenicity and host-microbe interactions
Behringer, Niklas; Pointwise Estimates for Finite Element Approximations of the Stokes Problem and Applications in Optimal Control
Sutterer, Paul R.; Essays on bidding strategies and auction design
Guo, Shuai; Uncertainty Management in Thermoacoustic Instability Analysis
Glauch, Theo; The Origin of High-Energy Cosmic Particles: IceCube Neutrinos and the Blazar Case
Parreidt, Tugce; Alginate-based Edible Coating to Maintain Quality Attributes of Fresh-cut Fruits
Kohler, Benedikt; Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Online-Selbstmanagementprogramms für Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale
Rötzer, Marco Manuel; Anisotropiebasierte lagegeberlose Regelung von elektrischen Kleinantrieben in der Automobilindustrie
Diesch, Rainer; Assessing the Information Security Status of an Organization from a Management Perspective
Amann, Elisabeth Veronika Maria; Natural-origin biopolymers and stem cells in chondral and osteochondral repair
Mansour, Nabeel; Vergleich einer konventionellen SPECT-Kamera mit einer CZT-Kamera bei der Myokardperfusionsszintigraphie
Danner, Hannah; Sustainable consumption – insights from text mining on consumer perception and agenda setting and implications for consumer behavior
Schlüter, Karsten; Tungsten Properties Correlated with the Orientation of its Crystals
Chen, Xinyu; A model-driven approach for the engineering of manufacturing execution systems in the food and beverage industry
Schlüter, Miriam Isabel; Characterization of patients with autoinflammation-related genetic variants and effects of long-term natalizumab treatment on peripheral and CNS immunoglobulin production
Danner, Julia Maren; Multivariate Analyse CT - morphologischer Kriterien als Prädiktoren der Überlebenszeit anhand von 101 Fällen operierter Pankreasadenokarzinome
Inderst, Florian Valerian; Internationale Migrationspolitik
Kanev, Kristiyan;Zehn, Dietmar; Origin and fine-tuning of effector CD8 T cell subpopulations in chronic infection
Hitz, Niklas Alexander; Effects of perfluorocarbons on the neurological outcome after subarachnoid haemorrhage in mice
Kaiser, Markus; Structured Models with Gaussian Processes
Mangesius, Herbert; Energy and dissipation in consensus systems
Obermeier, Michael Mortimer; Influence of Agricultural Management Practices on the Restoration of Marginal Land with Special Emphasis on the Development of Plant-Microbe Interactions
Stippel, Michaela Sabine Ingeborg; Genotyp und Phänotyp von Patienten mit einer hereditären Nierenerkrankung assoziiert mit Skelettauffälligkeiten - Fallserie aus einer Single-Center-Kohorte
Römer, Felix Olaf; Active Cell Interconnection for Improved Battery Utilization in Electric Vehicles
Pandey, Varun; Advancing Spatial Analytical Database Systems
Meyer, Philipp Klara Johanna; Constraint-based Analysis of Distributed Systems
Glock, Clemens Edmund; Überführung des Liegenschaftskatasters nach ETRS89/UTM mittels des Homogenisierungsansatzes Ortra
Wolf, Lara; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen von Dunaliella salina zur Herstellung von β-Carotin bei physikalischer Klimasimulation
Schulte-Vorwick, Lucas; Inline-Richten von Fahrzeugstrukturteilen aus Leichtmetalldruckguss
Hinz, Nora Illieva; Elterliche Sprachentwicklungsstörung als beeinflussender Faktor für die Ausprägung und für den Verlauf der kindlichen Sprachentwicklungsstörung
Söllner, Michaela; Paving the Way for Medical AI: Consumer Response to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Schack, Peter Wolfgang; Multi-sensor data fusion for terrestrial 3D-gravity profiling
Zoppi, Samuele; Radio Resource Management of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks for Networked Control Systems
Bode, Simone Sofie Waltraud; Entwicklung neuer Ganzzellbiokatalysatoren mit Essigsäurebakterien
Rothammer, Anna; Analyse des Biomarkers Hsp70 im Serum von Brustkrebspatientinnen im Therapieverlauf
Rainer, Jessica Chr.; Spondylodiszitis - Klinisches Outcome nach operativer Therapie
Listl, Alexandra; Prediction, Mitigation, and Emulation of Reliability Risks in System-on-Chips for Advanced Technology Nodes
Pieschner, Susanne; Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Differential Equation Models of Intracellular Processes
Bell, Natascha Ariane Maria; Determinants and consequences of CSR disclosure: normative and empirical evidence
Grünewald, Marc Georg; Visitenkommunikation: Förderung der ärztlichen Kompetenz bei der Durchführung von Visiten
Littmann, Maria; Prediction of Protein Function through Machine Learning
Schwienbacher, Daniel; Coupling phenomena in Nanomechanical Hybrid Systems
La Spina, Andrea; Coupling of continuous and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods for weakly compressible fluid-structure interaction
Dornmair, Rita; Modellentwicklung zur Bewertung von Sektorkopplung und Flexibilität im deutschen Strom- und Wärmesystem
Gantert, Thomas Uwe Robin; Recruitment of brown adipocytes in visceral white adipose tissue by fibroblast growth factor 8b
Teschemacher, Sonja Ursula; Gebietsübergreifende Retentionspotenzialanalyse agrarwirtschaftlicher und konstruktiver Maßnahmen des dezentralen Hochwasserrückhalts
Schmid-Querg, Jonas;Keler, Andreas;Grigoropoulos, Georgios; The Munich Bikeability Index: A Practical Approach for Measuring Urban Bikeability
Saur, Isabel M.L.;Hückelhoven, Ralph; Recognition and defence of plant-infecting fungal pathogens
Ludwig, Esther Susanne; Exploring the impact of environment and infection on fetomaternal immunity
Gutsmiedl, Katharina; Ansprechraten von Antidepressiva bei geriatrischen Menschen mit Major Depression - ein systematisches Review mit Metaanalyse
Schaden, Daniel; Variance reduction with multilevel estimators
Imgrund, Regina Indra; Charakterisierung von Lymphozyten bei Sarkomen
Geder, Jan; Role of active material composition and microstructure in lithium-ion battery cell safety
Tempelmeier, Michael Theodor; A hardware benchmarking platform for the standardization of authenticated encryption algorithms
Prexl, Eva-Maria; Diagnostic Applications of Grating-Based X-Ray Phase-Contrast and Dark-Field Imaging
Wenner, Fabian Volker Heinz-Wilhelm; Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development
Zhuang, Yu; A new route for analyzing of casein/hydrocolloids interaction and formation of casein-based microparticles
Ibrügger, Martin; State Selective Fluorescence Detection of Cold Formaldehyde
Kirchhoff, Katharina; Einfluss der hypoxischen Konditionierung von peripheren Blutzellen auf die parakrine Angiogeneseinduktion
Eisenbach, Lara; Identification of assertiveness-strategies of meat-associated Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus by comparative genomics
Seyedebrahimi, Mir Mehdi; Sensing of Metabolites using Optoacoustic Spectroscopy
Gschwendtner, Martina Maria; Programmable Quantum Processors
Paul, Riya; Dimensionality reduction and unsupervised learning techniques applied to clinical psychiatric and neuroimaging phenotypes
Kochdumper, Niklas;Althoff, Matthias; Sparse Polynomial Zonotopes: A Novel Set Representation for Reachability Analysis
Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Pretzsch, Hans;Löf, Magnus;Heym, Michael;Bielak, Kamil;Aldea, Jorge;Barbeito, Ignacio;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Drössler, Lars;Godvod, Kšištof;Granhus, Aksel;Holm, Stig-Olof;Jansons, Aris;Makrickienė, Ekaterina;Metslaid, Marek;Metslaid, Sandra;Nothdurft, Arne;Otto Juel Reventlow, Ditlev;Sitko, Roman;Stankevičienė, Gintarė;del Río, Miren; Mixing effects on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) productivity along a climatic gradient across Europe
Neumair, Birgit Marina Monika; Data Analysis in Sterile Neutrino Searches
Perner, Cora Lisa; Adaptive and safe network configurations in safety-critical systems
Stöckle, Patrick; Grobauer, Bernd; Pretschner, Alexander; Automated Implementation of Windows-related Security-Configuration Guides
Rommel, Steffen Heinz; Influencing Factors on the Treatment of Road Runoff using Decentralized Stormwater Quality Improvement Devices
Oelsmann J., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Sánchez L., Seitz F.; The zone of influence: matching sea level variability from coastal altimetry and tide gauges for vertical land motion estimation
Nuttall, Rachel Corinne; Evoked response variability across alpha oscillatory sources to visual flicker stimulation: An investigation in humans using electrophysiological and blood-oxygenation recordings
Wienhold, Kerstin Sabrina; Printed Organic Solar Cells
Reypens, Lina; Entrepreneurial Resource Mobilization Under Resource Scarcity: Examining the Nexus of Agency and Context
Rehm, Mathias Günther; Veränderungen hypothalamischer Konnektivitäten mittels fMRT bei Migränepatienten im interiktalen und iktalen Erkrankungsintervall
Synek, Stefan Gabriel; Essays on the adoption of the German company-bicycle leasing program
Bachner, Joachim Stefan; Application of Recent Approaches in Assessment, Analysis and Explanation of Adolescent Physical Activity – Laying the Groundwork for Tailored Interventions
Eisele, Andreas; Analyse der Steifigkeit von hydraulischen Bremssystemen unter dem Einfluss von Luft in Krafträdern
Schopf, Marina; Analytical and structural characterization of wheat gluten to predict its functionality in breadmaking
Goers, S.; Rumohr, F.; Fendt, S.; Gosselin, L.; Jannuzzi, G.; Gomes, R.; Sousa, S.; Wolvers, R.; The Role of Renewable Energy in Regional Energy Transitions: An Aggregate Qualitative Analysis for the Partner Regions Bavaria, Georgia, Québec, São Paulo, Shandong, Upper Austria, and Western Cape
Meyer, Verena Katharina; Etablierung von regenerierbaren Chemilumineszenz-Mikroarray-basierten Immuno- und Rezeptor-Assays für den Nachweis von Antibiotika in flüssigen (Umwelt-)Proben
Feryel Zoghlami; Okan Kamil Sen; Harald Heinrich; Germar Schneider; Emec Ercelik; Alois Knoll; Thomas Villman; ToF/Radar early feature-based fusion system for human detection and tracking
Kozak, Eva Lucija; Studies of the Planar Bipolar Epithelium of Zebrafish Neuromasts
Lupperger, Valerio; Modeling spatiotemporal single cell patterns in tissue maintenance and repair
Passaro M., Rautiainen L., Müller F.L., Abulaitijiang A., Andersen O.B., Dettmering D., Høyer J.L., Madsen K.S., Oelsmann J., Ringgard I.M., Särkkä J., Scarrott R., Schwatke C., Seitz F., Tuomi L., Restano M., Benveniste J.; Baltic SEAL: assessment and perspectives of Ku and Ka band sea level retrieval with and without sea ice coverage
Reinartz, Feline Lucia; Prospektive unizentrische Beobachtungsstudie der präoperativen Patientenerwartungen und der postoperativen Zufriedenheit bei stabilisierenden Operationen der Halswirbelsäule
Lösl, Martin Johann; Prognostischer Einfluss der wiederholten Revaskularisation des ungeschützten linkskoronaren Hauptstamms – Eine gebündelte Analyse der randomisierten klinischen Studien ISAR-LEFT MAIN und ISAR-LEFT MAIN 2
Riester, Josef Konrad; Die Rolle der Extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung im Rahmen der kathetergestützten Aortenklappenimplantation: Notfallstrategie und prophylaktische Kreislaufunterstützung
Backs, Alexander; Vortex Matter of the Intertype Superconductor Niobium Studied by Neutron Imaging, Neutron Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Schaffer, Andreas Friedrich Josef; From C-H bond activation to function: Diversification of smart materials generated via rare earth metal-mediated group transfer polymerization
Pawliczek, Daniel; Schädigung des optischen Apparats von Mus musculus nach Exposition gegenüber ionisierender Strahlung moderater Dosis: In-vivo- und post-mortem-Analyse der Linse, Retina und Cornea.
Li, Han; Heteroleptic Fe(II)-Hexa-NHC complex with 130 ps MLCT lifetime & Mechanism study of photocatalyzed synthesis of medium sized ring compounds
Kirch, Alina Sarah; Let’s Focus on our Students
De Marco, Fabio Domenico; Image reconstruction, pre-clinical studies, and signal formation investigations at a dark-field chest radiography setup
Huck-Fries, Veronika; Nothaft, Francisca; Wiesche, Manuel; Investigating the Role of Stakeholders in Agile Information Systems Development projects: A Mixed Methods Approach
Porth, Ann-Kristin; Effekte der in vivo Röntgen-Mikrostrahltherapie an einer kompakten Strahlenquelle auf humane Hypopharynxkarzinomzellen (FaDu)
Edebali-Avci, Refika; Bedingungen der Inanspruchnahme von psychoonkologischer Unterstützung
Busam, Benjamin Emanuel; High Performance Visual Pose Computation
Liu, Nian; Croconaine-based nanoparticles for efficient optoacoustic imaging and tumor theranostics
Oelsmann, Julius;Passaro, Marcello;Dettmering, Denise;Schwatke, Christian;Sánchez, Laura;Seitz, Florian; The zone of influence: matching sea level variability from coastal altimetry and tide gauges for vertical land motion estimation
Weger, Daniel;Pierre, Alexandre;Perrot, Arnaud;Kränkel, Thomas;Lowke, Dirk;Gehlen, Christoph; Penetration of Cement Pastes into Particle-Beds: A Comparison of Penetration Models
Liu, Wenjun;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Matrix Inequalities Based Robust Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Considering Model Uncertainties, External Disturbances, and Time-Varying Delay
Lugauer, Florian Julian;Kainz, Josef;Gaderer, Matthias; Techno-Economic Efficiency Analysis of Various Operating Strategies for Micro-Hydro Storage Using a Pump as a Turbine
Klüh, Daniel;Waldmüller, Wolfgang;Gaderer, Matthias; Kolbe Electrolysis for the Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Valuable Products—A Process Design Study
Hameed, Muhammed Zubair Shahul;Wölfle, Christoph Hubertus;Robl, Tobias;Obermayer, Thomas;Rappl, Stefan;Osterminski, Kai;Krempaszky, Christian;Werner, Ewald; Parameter Identification for Thermo-Mechanical Constitutive Modeling to Describe Process-Induced Residual Stresses and Phase Transformations in Low-Carbon Steels
Wolff, Sebastian;Kalt, Svenja;Bstieler, Manuel;Lienkamp, Markus; Influence of Powertrain Topology and Electric Machine Design on Efficiency of Battery Electric Trucks—A Simulative Case-Study
Balser, Nele; Hardware complications and patients satisfaction after semi-rigid dorsoventral spondylodesis of the spine using PEEK rods combined with a ‛topping-off’ technique
Röth, Kai; Efficient coding in populations of sensory neurons with multiple sources of noise and its relationship to phase transitions
Wolfgang Höhl; COVID-19 and Digital Transformation - Developing an Open Experimental Testbed for Sustainable and Innovative Environments (ETSIE) using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Przybilla, Leonard; Klinker, Kai; Kauschinger, Martin; Krcmar, Helmut; Stray Off-topic to Stay On-topic: Preserving Interaction and Team Morale in a Highly Collaborative Course while at a Distance
Strangmüller, Stefan; Investigation of Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Electrolytes
Jegen, Magdalena Catherine; Der Einfluss von Biofilm-konditioniertem Medium von Staphylococcus aureus und Staphylococcus epidermidis auf die Inflammation und Apoptose primärer humaner Osteoblasten
Hirl, Regina Theresia; The transfer of the 18O signal from meteoric water to cellulose in a grassland ecosystem - an evaluation with a process-based model
Jonas Nitzler, Christoph A. Meier, Kei W. Müller, Wolfgang A. Wall, Neil E. Hodge; A novel physics-based and data-supported microstructure model for part-scale simulation of laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
Maximilian J. Grill, Jonas F. Eichinger, Jonas Koban, Christoph Meier, Oliver Lieleg, Wolfgang A. Wall; A Novel Modeling and Simulation Approach for the Hindered Mobility of Charged Particles in Biological Hydrogels
Kleehaus, Martin; Model Management along the IT Value Chain in Microservice-based IT Landscapes
Huth, Dominik Martin; Development of a reference process model for GDPR compliance management based on enterprise architecture
Lourenço Coelho, João Pedro; Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Protein Quality Control
Glaub, Alina Sophie; Improvements to ribosome profiling analysis in E. coli K 12 and diverse prokaryotes, and the detection of antisense overlapping genes
Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Hosseini, Seyed Abdollah; Keler, Andreas; Kaths, Heather; Spangler, Matthias; Busch, Fritz; Bogenberger, Klaus; Traffic Simulation Analysis of Bicycle Highways in Urban Areas
Bosch, Miriam; Liver-resident CD8+ T cells in resolved and persistent viral infection of the liver
Schmid, Jonas; Characterization and exploitation of glucan production of lactic acid bacteria in plant-based food fermentations
Klaas, Julian Elias Maria; Morphologie des vitreoretinalen Übergangs am Partnerauge bei Patienten mit durchgreifendem Makulaforamen und vitreomakulärer Traktion
Leßmann, Leonie Friederike; Prävalenz und prognostischer Einfluss eines Eisenmangels bei Patienten mit hochgradiger Aortenklappenstenose und geplanter Transkatheter-Aortenklappenimplantation (TAVI)
Schnitzius, Melina Isabelle; Teachers Matter
W. Jin;D. Kulic;S. Mou;S. Hirche; Inverse Optimal Control from Incomplete Trajectory Observations
Ritter, Stefanie; Extraktion und Screening bioaktiver Naturstoffe als erster Schritt der Entwicklung neuroregenerativer Therapien
Kutschera, Alexander Markus; Lipopolysaccharide of plant-associated bacteria and their role in innate immunity of Arabidopsis thaliana
Musić, Selma; Shared control for human–robot team interaction
Erlwein, Sabrina;Pauleit, Stephan; Trade-Offs between Urban Green Space and Densification: Balancing Outdoor Thermal Comfort, Mobility, and Housing Demand
Luan, Mengkai; The Effects of Attentional Directions and Multisensory Action Effects on Motor Skill Performance
Stahl, Jens-Michael; Residual stresses induced by shear cutting
Erlwein, Sabrina;Pauleit, Stephan; Trade-Offs between Urban Green Space and Densification: Balancing Outdoor Thermal Comfort, Mobility, and Housing Demand
Kalt, Svenja; Automatisierte Auslegung elektrischer Antriebsmaschinen zur anwendungsspezifischen Optimierung
Zönnchen, Benedikt Sebastian; Efficient parallel algorithms for large-scale pedestrian simulation
Zeller, Leonie Elisabeth; Erstellung und Validierung eines Scores zur präoperativen Erkennung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität nach elektiven Operationen an der Halswirbelsäule
Höllig, Christoph Emil; Online Employer Reviews: Text-Mining Analyses of Contents, Effects, and Employer Responsiveness
Lechner, Philipp Johnathan; A Material Model for Foundry Cores
Höppler, Katharina Maria; Das Sexualleben und die Nutzung neuer Medien Medizinstudierender im internationalen Vergleich zwischen Debrecen (Ungarn) und München (Deutschland)
Haynes, D. C.;Wurzer, M.;Schletter, A.;Al-Haddad, A.;Blaga, C.;Bostedt, C.;Bozek, J.;Bromberger, H.;Bucher, M.;Camper, A.;Carron, S.;Coffee, R.;Costello, J. T.;DiMauro, L. F.;Ding, Y.;Ferguson, K.;Grguraš, I.;Helml, W.;Hoffmann, M. C.;Ilchen, M.;Jalas, S.;Kabachnik, N. M.;Kazansky, A. K.;Kienberger, R.;Maier, A. R.;Maxwell, T.;Mazza, T.;Meyer, M.;Park, H.;Robinson, J.;Roedig, C.;Schlarb, H.;Singla, R.;Tellkamp, F.;Walker, P. A.;Zhang, K.;Doumy, G.;Behrens, C.;Cavalieri, A. L.; Clocking Auger electrons
Jakob, Christian Helmut Georg; Synthesis and Characterization of Au(I) bis-NHC Complexes as Potential Anticancer Drugs
Hundeshagen, Simon; Optimierte Indizierung und Prognosefähigkeit des extravaskulären Lungenwassers
Kauschinger, Martin; Schreieck, Maximilian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Knowledge Sharing in Digital Platform Ecosystems – Textual Analysis of SAP’s Developer Community
Varasteh, Amir; Madiwalar, Basavaraj; Van Bemten, Amaury; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Holu: Power-Aware and Delay-Constrained VNF Placement and Chaining
Rayudu, Nithin Manohar;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Löffler, Maximilian T.;Noël, Peter B.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas;Subburaj, Karupppasamy; Predicting Vertebral Bone Strength Using Finite Element Analysis for Opportunistic Osteoporosis Screening in Routine Multidetector Computed Tomography Scans—A Feasibility Study
Kogler, Lorenz, Ernst; Radiologische Beurteilung der zervikalen subaxialen Fusion, Alignement und Sinterung: Eine Vergleichsanalyse verschiedener Messmethoden
Sacherl, Julia; Development of a thermostable, therapeutic vaccine against chronic hepatitis B
Lang, Marion; Reintroduction of rare arable plants on agricultural fields
Taha, Emine; Klinische Ergebnisse nach Bohrkanalauffüllung mittels autologer Beckenkammspongiosa bei Patienten mit Rezidivinstabilität nach vorderer Kreuzbandplastik
Urstöger, Alexander; Entwicklung und Optimierung von Anreicherungstechniken zur Bestimmung von Silbernanopartikeln in Umweltproben
Schilling, Christoph; Metabolic engineering of Paenibacillus polymyxa DSM 365
McGraphery, Kate; Functional and Comparative Analysis of Small Molecule Glycosyltransferases from Plants by High-Throughput Assays
Ziermann, Franziska Kristin; Fehlkonnektierte Koronararterien zur Pulmonalarterie
Huber, Anna-Katharina Tatjana Edwina; Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und assoziierte klinische und soziodemographische Einflussfaktoren bei Patienten mit Transposition der großen Gefäße nach arterieller Switch-Operation
J. Jiao;H. L. Trentelman;M. K. Camlibel; H2 suboptimal output synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Loibl, Peter; Effects of Environmental Stress Induced by Modified Stable Routine or Feed-Borne Mycotoxin Exposure on Feed Intake Patterns of Pigs under Practical Housing Conditions
Mamot, Philipp; Predicting the mechanical stability of degrading permafrost rock slopes
Profanter, Stefan;Perzylo, Alexander;Rickert, Markus;Knoll, Alois; A Generic Plug & Produce System Composed of Semantic OPC UA Skills
Bock, Nicolas Walter Herbert; Morphology and Dynamics of Supported Metal Nanoparticles at the Solid-Liquid Interface – Model Systems for Sustainable Electrocatalysis
Basak Chowdhury, Kaushik; Efficient transducer modelling and characterization for handheld optoacoustic tomography
Ghosh, Dipan; Modelling false positives in high throughput assays
Lang, Armin Fredrik; Entwicklung eines kamerabasierten Kollisionsgefahrerkennungssystems zur Assistenz von Gabelstaplerfahrern unter Einsatz von Computer-Vision und Machine-Learning
Schönbauer, Petra Elisabeth; Langzeiterfassung der Therapieergebnisse nach operativer Korrektur der kongenitalen Penisdeviation
Eggerdinger, Agnes Katharina; Die Rolle des Ischämie-/Reperfusionsschadens (I/R) bei der akuten Abstoßung nach allogener Lebertransplantation im orthotopen Rattenmodell
Haag, Lukas Alexander; Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchung der Radumströmung am Pkw
Kleinmeier, Benedikt; Modeling of Behavioral Changes in Agent-Based Simulations
Pennemann, Lisa Friederike; Antiviral properties of species conserved nucleic acid-binding proteins
Wang, Zhaoguang;Hopfes, Thomas;Giglmaier, Marcus;Adams, Nikolaus A.; Experimental investigation of shock-induced tandem droplet breakup
Bäckers, Lio; Systematische Übersichtsarbeit randomisierter Studien über anticholinerge Nebenwirkungen von Antipsychotika im Vergleich zu Placebo in der Akutbehandlung der Schizophrenie
Sebastian Ludwig, Ilya Zilberman, Max F. Horsche, Tim Wohlers, Andreas Jossen; Pulse resistance based online temperature estimation for lithium-ion cells
Wang, Zhaoguang; Experimental investigation of shock-induced droplet breakup
Rupp, Marco-Christopher; Die Interaktion von Thrombozyten und regulatorischen CD4+ T-Helferzellen über direkten Zellkontakt via CD40-Ligand und P-Selektin nach Trauma
Falconí Salazar, Guillermo Paúl; Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control for VTOL Aircraft with Actuator Redundancy
Gomari, Daniel Parviz; Novel network-based methods for multi-omics data analysis and interpretation
Dolique, Isabelle Gabriele; Entwicklung einer radiochemischen Schnellmethode zur Bestimmung von rein alpha- und betastrahlenden Nukliden in Umwelt- und Lebensmittelproben
Cha, Suhyun; Application concept and evaluation of a formal specification approach usable by engineers for retrofitting production automation by software changes
Stroucken, Birte Anna Katharina; Massenspektrometrische Analyse solider Tumoren zur Identifikation von proteinbasierten prognostischen Biomarkern am Beispiel des Analen Plattenepithelkarzinoms
Bachmann, Anna-Maria; Self-Modulation Development of a Proton Bunch in Plasma
Seidel, Hannes Karl; Intraspecific variation in the response of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings to multiple warmer drought periods
Seckler, Steffen;Gratl, Fabio;Heinen, Matthias;Vrabec, Jadran;Bungartz, Hans-Joachim;Neumann, Philipp; AutoPas in ls1 mardyn: Massively parallel particle simulations with node-level auto-tuning
Palm, Jana Luise; Bedeutung der Bronchoskopie nach außerklinischem Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand
Ulas, Cagdas; Advanced reconstruction techniques in perfusion magnetic resonance imaging
Meyer, Dorothy Marie; The value of maternal and fetal biomarkers for predicting early childhood obesity: results from the INFAT cohort
Heldmann, Alexander Erwin; Diffraction Based Investigation of Elastic and Plastic Deformation on Multiphase Alloys
Ehmcke, Gabriele Gunhilde; In situ characterization of non-degraded and brown rot colonized cell walls of furfuryl alcohol modified wood
Mordasini, Cindy Victorine Simone; Generalisation of the Cumulants of Flow Amplitudes to the higher orders
Silvagni, Davide; Experimental power exhaust studies of the improved confinement regime at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
Taschew, Maxim Simeon; Herstellerunabhängige Integration von Industrierobotersystemen in den automobilen Karosseriebau
Zips, Sabine; Printing technologies for bioelectronic applications and organs-on-chips
Oksanen, Timo;Auernhammer, Hermann; ISOBUS — The Open Hard-Wired Network Standard for Tractor-Implement Communication, 1987-2020
Pfister, Kerstin Nadine; Influence of mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase on KrasG12D-mediated pancreatic carcinogenesis
Dong, Xingchen; Hyperspectral imaging microscopy for atomic layer mapping of two-dimensional materials
Gross, Sabine;Roosen, Jutta; Effects of information on social trust in farmers regarding animal welfare
Follmann, Patrick Moritz; Few-Shot Object Detection in Industrial Applications
Yu, Yuanyuan; mTORC1 is responsible for generating inflammatory desmoplastic reaction in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Haslbeck, Maximilian Paul Louis; Verified Quantitative Analysis of Imperative Algorithms
Rebholz, Gerold Felix; Elucidation of the impact of exogenous amylase activity on wheat bread making
Sturm, David Joseph; Promoting physical activity in girls by a theory-based intervention in physical education
Djeffal, Christian; Schöne neue Welt oder unsere Welt? Künstliche Intelligenz in Staat und Verwaltung
Hofmann, Andreas Joseph; Homo- and Heterobimetallic Complexes of the PDIxCy ligand system;Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity
Lochner, Tim; Impedance Analysis and Monitoring of Automotive Fuel Cells
Merkel, Benjamin; Enhancing the Emission and Coherence of Erbium Dopants
Baklanov, Aleksandr; Silicon and Porphyrins: Molecular Nanosystems on Silicene and Noble Metal Surfaces
Jahn, Patrick Björn; Modellbasierte Applikation der Klimaregelung für thermischen Komfort im Fahrzeug
Engelbrecht, Lisa Katharina; Analysis of cellular heterogeneity and plasticity in the human mammary gland at the single-cell level - a transcriptomic and morphologic study
Urich, Julia; Einfluss intraoperativer hämodynamischer und metabolischer Parameter auf das Volumen postoperativer Infarkte und das Überleben bei Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen
Ayan, Onur;Özkan, Hasan Yagiz; Kellerer, Wolfgang; An Experimental Framework for Age of Information and Networked Control via Software-Defined Radios
Ayan, Onur; Ephremides, Anthony; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Age of Information: An Indirect Way To Improve Control System Performance
Markus Schindler, Johannes Sturm, Sebastian Ludwig, Julius Schmitt, Andreas Jossen; Evolution of Initial Cell-to-Cell Variations During a Three-Year Production Cycle
Voit, Florian Maximilian; Avidity dependent evolution of the T cell receptor repertoire during chronic viral infection
Robl, Teresa; Die Magnetresonanztomografie zur Diagnose und Beurteilung von Parodontitis – Eignung und Mehrwert
Zebhauser, Paul Theo; Einflussfaktoren auf die Tau-Protein-Konzentration im Liquor cerebrospinalis bei Patienten mit Demenz bei Alzheimer-Krankheit und bei Gesunden
Zeller, Laura;Caicoya, Astor Toraño;Pretzsch, Hans; Analyzing the effect of silvicultural management on the trade-off between stand structural heterogeneity and productivity over time
Rothfeld, Raoul Leander; Agent-based Modelling and Simulation of Urban Air Mobility Operation
Kabacaoglu, Derya; Understanding the function of NF-κB transcription factor c-Rel in pancreatic cancer
Becher, Stefanie Christina; Shared Decision Making bei akutpsychiatrischen Patienten mit Störungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis
Mihaylov, Dimitar Lubomirov; Analysis techniques for femtoscopy and correlation studies in small collision systems and their applications to the investigation of proton-Lambda and Lambda-Lambda interactions with ALICE
Zhao, Lili; Anti-HBs conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) to visualize and target HBV infection in vitro and in vivo
Kunkel, Christian; Data-driven Organic Semiconductor Discovery
Papa, Arled; H. Murat Guersu; Goratti, Leonardo; Rasheed, Tinku;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Cost of Network Slice Collaboration: Edge Network Slicing for In-Flight Connectivity
Li, Shile; Perception for Human Action: 3D Hand Pose Estimation and Camera Localization
Stähler, Lisa Katharina; Klinischer Verlauf der chronisch-entzündlichen Dermatose Lichen sclerosus
Bast, Lisa; Computational modeling and model selection to reveal cellular mechanisms in tissue homeostasis
Hahn, Andreas; Die Auswirkungen von Diffraktion und Multi-Reflexion auf zylindrische Stützen und benachbarte Strukturen
Pretzsch, Hans; The social drift of trees. Consequence for growth trend detection, stand dynamics, and silviculture
Pein, Anne; On the dynamics of stochastic heat equations
Quiroz Dahik, Carlos;Crespo, Patricio;Stimm, Bernd;Mosandl, Reinhard;Cueva, Jorge;Hildebrandt, Patrick;Weber, Michael; Impacts of pine plantations on carbon stocks of páramo sites in southern Ecuador
Kersten, Timo; Optimizing Relational Query Engine Architecture for Modern Hardware
Papantoniou, Christos; Presynaptic Tethers and Connectors: Molecular Composition and Functional Role
Keppler, Henry Friedrich; Essays on Ownership over the Company Life Cycle
Gosling, E.; Knoke, T.; Reith, E.; Reyes Cáceres, A.; Paul, C.; Which Socio-economic Conditions Drive the Selection of Agroforestry at the Forest Frontier?
Knoke, T.; Kindu, M.; Schneider, T.; Gobakken, T.; Inventory of Forest Attributes to Support the Integration of Non-provisioning Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Forest Planning — from Collecting Data to Providing Information
Hauer, Florian; On Scenario-Based Testing of Automated and Autonomous Driving Systems
Godoy Ortega, Janeth Carolina; The Ecuadorian power sector planning from a Multi-Criteria Analysis
Jones, Angela; Active learning in child- and adulthood: an interdisciplinary perspective
Weber, Sandrina Katharina; Phänotypische und genotypische Charakterisierung einer Dystoniekohorte
Johannes Kremheller, Sebastian Brandstaeter, Bernhard A. Schrefler, Wolfgang A. Wall; Validation and parameter optimization of a hybrid embedded/homogenized solid tumor perfusion model
Plank, Verena Alexandra; Regulation of Hepatitis B virus X protein function by host SUMOylation processes as a basis for novel therapy approaches
Haag, Elena; Retrospektive Analyse der Epidemiologie und des Therapieerfolges bei operativ versorgten Patienten mit ossären Wirbelsäulenmetastasen am Klinikum rechts der Isar
Pretzsch, Hans; Trees grow modulated by the ecological memory of their past growth. Consequences for monitoring, modelling, and silvicultural treatment
Siebenmorgen, Till; Novel Advanced Sampling Methods to Study Biomolecular Association
Ghantasala, Lakshmi Narasimha Aditya; Coupling Procedures for Fluid-Fluid and Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems Based on Domain Decomposition Methods.
Rothfeld, Raoul;Fu, Mengying;Balać, Miloš;Antoniou, Constantinos; Potential Urban Air Mobility Travel Time Savings: An Exploratory Analysis of Munich, Paris, and San Francisco
Schulz, Dominik Andreas Helmut Otto; Mechanismen der Resistenzentwicklung auf zielgerichtete Therapie und Chemotherapie in Kopf-Hals-Tumorzellen
Rauh, Theresa; A chemical proteomic platform to elucidate infection-mediated AMPylation of the human proteome
Plecher, David Alexander; Impacts of Serious Games for Cultural Heritage
Nguyen, Noemi Adelindis Maria An; Korrelation der präoperativen 68Gallium-PSMA-PET/mpMRT und des Prostatektomiepräparates zur Lokalisation des Prostatakarzinoms
Medina Serrano, Juan Carlos; Multiplatform Analysis of Political Communication on Social Media
Strobel, Magnus Emanuel; Three essays on the economics of managerial decision-making
Hofmann, Andrea Maria; The response of Alpine aquatic ecosystems to climate change: a combined limnological and paleolimnological approach based on diatom, pigment and stable isotope analyses
Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Lemme, Hannes;Braumiller, Philipp;Hilmers, Torben;Jacobs, Martin;Hochrein, Sophia;Kienlein, Sebastian;Müller, Jörg;Pretzsch, Hans;Stimm, Kilian;Seibold, Sebastian;Jaworek, Jessica;Hahn, W. Andreas;Müller‐Kroehling, Stefan;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Relative impacts of gypsy moth outbreaks and insecticide treatments on forest resources and ecosystems: An experimental approach
Kosel, Christian; Teacher Vision
Schneider, Sonja Anna Elisabeth; Behavioral validity in virtual reality pedestrian simulators
zur Bonsen, Lynn Sophie; Klinische, morphologische und funktionelle Analyse leukozytärer Zellen bei allergischem Asthma bronchiale
Rösch, Martin Walter; System zur energieorientierten und kostenbasierten Produktionssteuerung mittels Reinforcement Learning
Amininejad, Sayed Mohamad; Nanoparticles and light - Characterization of dynamic changes to nanoparticle surfaces
Rogalski, Esther; Biodiversity and lifestyle of Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis and its interaction with yeasts in sourdough
Sánchez L., Ågren J., Huang J., Wang Y.M., Mäkinen J., Pail R., Barzaghi R., Vergos G.S., Ahlgren K., Liu Q.; Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Merz, Katharina Maria Verena; Untersuchung von EEG-basierten Netzwerkveränderungen zur Differenzierung von anhaltenden Bewusstseinsstörungen nach Hirnschädigung
Rienäcker, Benjamin; Creation and manipulation of positronium for efficient antihydrogen production at AEGIS
Fottner, J.; Clauer, D.; Hormes, F.; Freitag, M.; Beinke, T.; Overmeyer, L.; Gottwald, S.; Elbert, R.; Sarnow, T.; Schmidt, T.; Reith, K.; Zadek, H.; Thomas, F.; Autonomous Systems in Intralogistics – State of the Art and Future Research Challenges
Prokopchuk, Olga;Hermann, Chris D.;Schoeps, Benjamin;Nitsche, Ulrich;Prokopchuk, Oleksii L.;Knolle, Percy;Friess, Helmut;Martignoni, Marc E.;Krüger, Achim; A novel tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases‐1/liver/cachexia score predicts prognosis of gastrointestinal cancer patients
Schuster, Florian;Holzhüter, Fabian;Heres, Stephan;Hamann, Johannes; ‘Triadic’ shared decision making in mental health: Experiences and expectations of service users, caregivers and clinicians in Germany
Floetgen, Rob Jago;Strauss, Jana;Weking, Jörg;Hein, Andreas;Urmetzer, Florian;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Introducing platform ecosystem resilience: leveraging mobility platforms and their ecosystems for the new normal during COVID-19
Elrewaidy, Hossam Ahmed Mohammad; Deep Learning Methods for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction
van Buren, Simon Hendrik; Acoustic and Thermal Characterization of Quarter-Wave Resonators
Krämer, Patrick; Diederich, Philip; Krämer, Corinna; Pries, Rastin; Kellerer, Wolfgank; Blenk, Andreas; sfc2cpu: Operating a Service Function Chain Platform with Neural Combinatorial Optimization
Riepl, Manuel; Naturumlaufaustreiber für mehrstufige Absorptionswärmepumpen
Michelmann, Johannes; Steinweg, Dominik; Paul, Annika; Habersetzer, Antoine; Hornung, Mirko; Impact of a New Long-Range Aircraft Concept Considering Aircraft Sharing on Airline Fleet Scheduling
Pitea, Adriana; Integrative approaches of DNA, non-coding RNAs, and protein data levels reveal molecular functions and biological system responses in multiple cancers
Kalb, Anke; Induktion neuronaler Plastizität im menschlichen primär motorischen Kortex mit Quadri-Pulse Theta Burst Stimulation mit doppelter Sinusvollwelle
Frédéric Simonis; Adaptive Dynamic Meshes for Fully-Parallel Partitioned Multi-Physics in preCICE
Frédéric Simonis; What is new in preCICE?
Höpfner, Dorothea Maria; AMPylierungen im Kontext bakterieller Infektionen am Beispiel des FIC-Proteins 2 aus Coxiella burnetii
Potzy, Johannes Markus; Design and Evaluation of an Automated Lane Change in Dense Traffic from Interacting Human Drivers' Perspective
Knoll, Dino Nikolaus Gustaf; Value Stream Mapping for Internal Logistics using Process Mining
Kaziales, Anna; The human and C.elegans Hsp90 chaperone machinery in the context of steroid receptor clients
Gossler, Manuel Alexander; Local thermal non-equilibrium effects and thermal retardation in natural porous media: Laboratory experiments and numerical modeling
Jorba Cabré, Pau; New magnetic phases under extreme conditions in transition metal compounds
Santucci, Daniele; Impact of microclimate on people flows in dense urban space
Klöber-Koch, Jan; System zur operativen Produktionsplanung unter Berücksichtigung der Risikopräferenz
Haberfellner, Flora; Identifikation von donor- und empfängerspezifischen Risikofaktoren auf das Transplantat- und Patientenüberleben nach Nierentransplantation am Klinikum rechts der Isar
Gewald, Tanja Lisa Maria; Beschleunigte Alterungscharakterisierung von Lithium-Ionen-Zellen in der Fahrzeuganwendung
Wiedemann, Thomas;Vlaicu, Cosmin;Josifovski, Josip;Viseras, Alberto; Robotic Information Gathering With Reinforcement Learning Assisted by Domain Knowledge: An Application to Gas Source Localization
Deric, Nemanja;Varasteh, Amir;Van Bemten, Amaury;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Enabling SDN Hypervisor Provisioning through Accurate CPU Utilization Prediction
Iturralde Lerchundi, Kepa; Study on Automated and Robotic Renovation of Building Façades with Prefabricated Modules
Kubitscheck-Sutter, Antonia Angela Dorothea; Non-invasive transcranial magnetic language mapping complemented by fiber tracking
Schineis, Julia Franziska; Negativeres sexuelles Selbstbild bei 45-jährigen heterosexuellen und homosexuellen Männern mit erektiler Dysfunktion, Ejaculatio praecox oder geringer Libido
Pöge, Matthias; The nanoscale architecture of the mouse rod outer segment elucidated by cryo-electron tomography
Schwarz, R.; DeYoung, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Numerical simulation of gasification with a one-dimensional particle submodel for char structure evolution
Reschen, Antonia Katharina; Nierenlebendspende in Deutschland
Raven T. Reisch; Roboter für die additive Fertigung
Rettenmaier, Regina Maria; Physiologische und genomsequenzbasierte Charakterisierung neuartiger saccharolytischer Organismen in Bezug auf die anaerobe Fermentation von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
Kaiser, Maria Heidi Erika; Data-driven modeling of areas prone to heavy rain-induced floods
Pretzsch, Hans; Tree growth as affected by stem and crown structure
Stelzle, Dominik;Tanaka, Luana F;Lee, Kuan Ken;Ibrahim Khalil, Ahmadaye;Baussano, Iacopo;Shah, Anoop S V;McAllister, David A;Gottlieb, Sami L;Klug, Stefanie J;Winkler, Andrea S;Bray, Freddie;Baggaley, Rachel;Clifford, Gary M;Broutet, Nathalie;Dalal, Shona; Estimates of the global burden of cervical cancer associated with HIV
Curic, Maja; Scalable Transactional Software Defined Networking
Fehn, Niklas; Robust and Efficient Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Incompressible Flows
Leidgschwendner, Katharina; Prognostischer Einfluss der linksatrialen Funktion bei Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz nach MitraClip Implantation
Grohmann, Sandra; Reaktive Partikel aus Nickel und Aluminium als innovative Wärmequelle für die Fügetechnik
Huber, Christina Maria; Komplementärmedizinische Verfahren und der Übergang von der Klinik in die hausärztliche Praxis
Grams, Thorsten E. E.;Hesse, Benjamin D.;Gebhardt, Timo;Weikl, Fabian;Rötzer, Thomas;Kovacs, Benedikt;Hikino, Kyohsuke;Hafner, Benjamin D.;Brunn, Melanie;Bauerle, Taryn;Häberle, Karl‐Heinz;Pretzsch, Hans;Pritsch, Karin; The Kroof experiment: realization and efficacy of a recurrent drought experiment plus recovery in a beech/spruce forest
Bader, Michael; Gallard, Jean-Matthieu; Rannabauer, Leonhard; Reinarz, Anne; Weinzierl, Tobias; Role-Oriented Code Generation in ExaHyPE
Baumgärtl, Martin; Pore entrance kinetics in nano-sized ZSM-5 zeolites
Krenz, Lukas; 3D Acoustic-Elastic Simulations for Tsunami-Genesis
Ye, Egon; Würsching, Gerald; Steyer, Sascha; Althoff, Matthias; Offline Dynamic Grid Generation for Automotive Environment Perception Using Temporal Inference Methods
Dawo, F.; Fleischmann, J.; Kaufmann, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Eyerer, S.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; R1224yd(Z), R1233zd(E) and R1336mzz(Z) as replacements for R245fa: Experimental performance, interaction with lubricants and environmental impact
Rosenbeiger, Christian; Klinische Langzeituntersuchung zum Vergleich von unbeschichteten Stents und medikamentenfreisetzenden Stents im venösen Koronararterienbypass
Kerger, Caroline Susanne; Analyse von Überlebenszeit und Prognosefaktoren bei Palliativpatienten mit metastasierenden Gastrointestinaltumoren
Hofmann, Felix Carl Daniel; Biochemical Composition of the Cartilage Matrix in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Longitudinal Evolution over 24 months in the OAI cohort
Stöger, Magdalena Annemarie; Assessment of the endothelium in the genesis of neoatherosclerosis in an atherosclerotic rabbit model and in primary human cell lines
Meindl, Maximilian Johannes; Linearized Modeling of Thermoacoustic Systems utilizing a Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method
Gabidulin, Ernst M.; Rank Codes
Otto, Jens; Command Signal Configuration for Control Strategies of Discrete Production Systems
Hammann, Claudius Alexander; Analysis of safety systems: Methodology and data for risk quantification in organizational, technical and structural systems with focus on fire protection
Heinz, Werner Reinhold; Defects in Functional Porous Materials
Schramm, Nicholas Oliver; Zur Querkrafttragfähigkeit von Spannbetonbalkenelementen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bügelform
Sun, Yilun; Automatic design of compliant medical instruments using bionic structural optimization methods
Gosling, Elizabeth Jane; Evaluating agroforestry from the farmers’ perspective
del Río, Miren;Vergarechea, Marta;Hilmers, Torben;Alday, Josu G;Avdagić, Admir;Binderh, Franz;Bosela, Michal;Dobor, Laura;Forrester, David I.;Halilović, Velid;Ibrahimspahić, Aida;Klopcic, Matija;Lévesque, Mathieu;Nagel, Thomas A.;Sitkova, Zuzana;Schütze, Gerhard;Stajić, Branko;Stojanović, Dejan;Uhl, Enno;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Tognetti, Roberto;Pretzsch, Hans; Effects of elevation-dependent climate warming on intra- and inter-specific growth synchrony in mixed mountain forests
Philipp, Jos; Low- and high-dose irradiation effects on microvascular endothelial cells of different origin (tumor and normal tissues)
Strobl, Patrick; Quantum effects on right-handed neutrino parameters and phenomenological implications
Ettemeyer, Florian; Charakterisierung des Entkernverhaltens anorganisch gebundener Sand-Binder-Systeme
Pfeifer, Sandrina; Evaluation des Einflusses neoadjuvanter Therapien auf Rezidivrate und Mortalität des lokal fortgeschrittenen und borderline-resektablen Adenokarzinoms des Pankreas
Felber, Johanna Maria; Kallikrein-ähnliche Peptidase 4 (KLK4) induziert die differentielle Expression EMT-assoziierter Proteine in humanen Prostatakarzinomzellen
Yang, Yucheng; Driver’s non-driving postures in automated driving: Modeling, assessment, and countermeasure
Boucsein, Benedikt; Kasioumi, Eirini; Fettahoglu-Özgen, Elif Simge; The front side-backyard-multiplicity
Aigner B, Rathkolb B, Hrabě de Angelis M, Wolf E; Analysis of the Sex-specific Variability of Blood Parameters in C3H Inbred Mice by Using Data from a Long-term, High-throughput Project.
McCollum, Christopher; Investigation on barley ROP INTERACTIVE PARTNER proteins and their function in barley disease susceptibility
Schilling, Nathanael; Characterization and efficient computation of Lagrangian coherent structures
Dai, Rui; Change-Management-fokussierte Einführung eines „Ganzheitlichen Produktionssystems“ in Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen
Colocho Hurtarte, Luis Carlos; Elucidation of Phosphorus Cycling in Temperate Forest Ecosystems by Synchrotron-based X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Schuster, Florian Johannes; Die Rolle der Angehörigen in der Therapieplanung im Bereich der Akutpsychiatrie
Kloberg, Marc Julian; Two Sides of the Same Silicon Particle
Wakonig, Franziska; Funktionelles Outcome nach transmandibulärer Resektion und primärer Radiochemotherapie von fortgeschrittenen Oropharynxkarzinomen
Pretzsch, H.;Moser-Reischl, A.;Rahman, M. A.;Pauleit, S.;Rötzer, T.; Towards sustainable management of the stock and ecosystem services of urban trees. From theory to model and application
Salinno, Ciro; Deciphering mechanisms of postnatal β-cell heterogeneity and maturation
Gratl, Fabio Alexander;Neumann, Philipp; Workshop AutoPas
Varasteh, Amir; Patri, Sai Kireet; Autenrieth, Achim; Mas Machuca, Carmen; Towards Dynamic Network Reconfigurations for Flexible Optical Network Planning
Matthias Maier, Martin Kronbichler; Efficient parallel 3D computation of the compressible Euler equations with an invariant-domain preserving second-order finite-element scheme
Christoph Meier, Sebastian L. Fuchs, Nils Much, Jonas Nitzler, Ryan W. Penny, Patrick M. Praegla, Sebastian D. Pröll, Yushen Sun, Reimar Weissbach, Magdalena Schreter, Neil E. Hodge, A. John Hart, Wolfgang A. Wall; Physics-Based Modeling and Predictive Simulation of Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Across Length Scales
Ana Petrovska, Malte Neuss, Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Alexander Pretschner; Run-time Reasoning from Uncertain Observations with Subjective Logic in Multi-Agent Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
Göpfert, Lisa Katharina Morgane; Rapid methods for the analysis of pathogens, antibiotic resistance genes, and microplastic-associated bacteria in water samples
Schneck, Marc Matthias; Technology strategy for metal-based additive manufacturing
Chen, Long; Gradient descent akin method
Schlagintweit, Jonas Felix; Transition Metal NHC Complexes in Oxidation Catalysis and Medicinal Chemistry
Lassmann, Irène; Benefit-finding bei Prostatakrebs-Langzeitüberlebenden
Schneider, Peter; Anomaly Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems
Benedikt Tepe, Nils Collath, Holger C. Hesse, Markus Rosenthal, Urban Windelen; Stationäre Batteriespeicher in Deutschland: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends in 2021
Niemietz, Dominik; Nondestructive detection of photonic qubits with single atoms in crossed fiber cavities
Esterle, Klemens; Formalizing and Modeling Traffic Rules Within Interactive Behavior Planning
Hart, Patrick Christopher; Learning, Evaluating and Optimizing Behavior Policies for Autonomous Vehicles
International Altimetry Team: Abdalla S., ... Dettmering D., ... Passaro M., ... Rudenko S., ..., Schwatke C.,... et al.; Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress
Schnitzler, Katharina; Where the hidden becomes visible: Exploring individual differences in student engagement and their utility to teachers as a window into student motivational-affective and cognitive characteristics
Gisder, Thomas; Methoden zur Integration eines automobilen Radars mit synthetischer Apertur
Kaths, Heather; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Calibrating the Wiedemann 99 Car-Following Model for Bicycle Traffic
Fattler, Steffen; Economic and Environmental Assessment of Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies
Korshunova, Nina; From imaging to numerical characterization: a simulation workflow for additively manufactured products
Schmidt, Sebastian; A cellular model for the prodromal phase of sporadic Parkinson's disease
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Qunsheng Huang; Francisco Javier Espinosa Pelaez; Fabian Weyermann; Benjamin Uekermann; Geometric multi-scale coupling prototypes with preCICE
Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Gerasimos Chourdakis; Kyle Davis; Ishaan Desai; Konrad Eder; Oguz Ziya Koseomur; Miriam Mehl; Benjamin Rodenberg; David Schneider; Frédéric Simonis; Benjamin Uekermann; preCICE - A Sustainable Foundation for Modern Multi-Physics Simulations
Bandelin, Jochen Stefan; Increasing the energy efficiency of ultrasonic pre-treatment systems in wastewater treatment plants
Unterstein, Florian; High precision electromagnetic analysis of leakage resilient cryptographic constructions
Leichter, Marilena Susan; Combinatorial Algorithms for Covering and Scheduling Problems
Vaziri, Parisa; Rethinking the architecture of the renewable-energy power plants: Potential stations to transform the social flows
Kumar, Neeraj; MiMiC- A computational method for automated generation of minimal microbial consortia based on functional metagenomic profiles
Schönbach, Dorothea Magdalena Ingeborg; Application of the systematic intervention mapping approach to conceptualize a school-based randomized controlled trial for the promotion of cycling to secondary school in Germany: the ACTS study
Wackerhage H, Sitzberger C, Kreuzpointner F, Oberhoffer-Fritz R; WHO-Leitlinien zu körperlicher Aktivität und sitzendem Verhalten
Gao, Han; Low Complexity Inter-Picture Prediction Enhancement Methods for Video Coding
Kanoldt, Verena Anna Maria Caterina; The role of metavinculin in force transduction at cell adhesion sites
Kuhn, Nadine; Anwendung konformationell ungeordneter rekombinanter PAS-Aminosäurepolymere für die Stabilisierung therapeutischer Proteine
Manzinger, Stefanie; Using Reachability Analysis for Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles in Complex Traffic Situations
May, Chaline Annika Petra; Relevanz der MRT-Bildgebung während der Strahlentherapie in Bezug auf Tumorgeometrie und Veränderungen von Risikoorganen bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren
Baumann, Tobias Manuel; Regulation of immune effector cells by myeloid cells in solid and hematological tumors
Schmid, Dominik; Mixing times and limit theorems for exclusion processes
Semrau, Anna Lisa; Positioning of coordination-network materials at surfaces
Paul S., Huntemann M.; Improved machine-learning-based open-water–sea-ice–cloud discrimination over wintertime Antarctic sea ice using MODIS thermal-infrared imagery
Durán-Rodas, David Telmo; Efficiency and/or equity? Understanding and planning bike-sharing based on spatial fairness
Marr, Lisa Susanne; 18F-FDG-PET/CT-Parameter als Prädiktoren für das Überleben und Therapieansprechen auf die neoadjuvante Radiochemotherapie bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Ösophagus
Christoph Schöller, Alois Knoll; FloMo: Tractable Motion Prediction with Normalizing Flows
Forel, Alexandre; Rolling-horizon production planning for seasonal and uncertain demand
Tatsch, Évelin Francine; Taxonomy, diagnosis and mycotoxicology of species belonging to the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex (FFSC)
Vielemeyer, Johanna;Müller, Roy;Staufenberg, Nora-Sophie;Renjewski, Daniel;Abel, Rainer; Ground reaction forces intersect above the center of mass in single support, but not in double support of human walking
Stoiber, Karolina Angela; Investigating molecules at surfaces - from preparative mass spectrometry of large biomolecules to complex desorption kinetics
Heimfarth, Andreas; Operations Research Methods for the Sustainable Use of Autonomous Delivery Robots in Retail
Elfner, Johannes Karl Leopold; Flexibilisierung dezentraler KWK-Anlagen durch LowEx-Technologie und Speichermanagement
Lee, Seong-Ki; Computational Support for Interactive Urban Design Exploration
Spengler, Helmut Toni; Agile and privacy preserving data warehousing for biomedical research
Fauser, Joel; Covalent capture of enzyme-substrate complexes for target identification and structure determination
Landmesser, Anne Heidi; Biomarker-based dosimetry for e-cigarette users using stable-isotope labeled precursors and MS/MS analysis
Arnold, Matthias; Dietsch, Philipp; Winter, Stefan; Mechanical Properties of Innovative Multifunctional Cross Laminated Timber
Hu, Xiaobin; Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Arnold, Andreas Michael; Biomimetic Proton- and Halonium-Induced Cyclization Reactions
Duda, Natalie Denise; Generation and functional characterization of CRISPR/Cas9-expressing chickens to protect them from Marek´s disease virus
Shi, Jingyi; Qualification of U-Mo fuel for research reactors: Characterisation of the interfaces between U-Mo kernel, diffusion barrier and Al matrix under heavy ion irradiation
Pollozek, Silvan Amatus; Data circulation and the (re)configuration of European migration and border control
Müller, Alexandra; Zum ökonomischen Wert von Waldökosystemleistungen - Integration der Ergebnisse eines Choice Experimentes in ein Szenario-Modell zur Waldbewertung
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus Helge; Rule(s) of Recommendation
Bechtner, Julia Doris; Molecular mechanisms of water kefir lactobacilli to persist in and shape their environment
Radani, Nikole Fjoralba; Potential role of the microbiome in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma
Mahmoud, Mahmoud Khaled Mohamed; Efficient Implementation of Symbolic Controllers for Cyber-Physical Systems
Escher, Benjamin; Protein-Engineering katalytischer Bioscavenger zur Detoxifizierung phosphororganischer Verbindungen
Kremheller, Johannes Josef; Continuum-based Computational Approaches for Modeling Tumor Growth
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J.; Recent activities of the IDS Associate Analysis Center at DGFI-TUM
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Benjamin Uekermann; Partitioned fluid-structure interaction with the coupling library preCICE
Nzau, Joslyn Muthio; Human Acceptance and Ecological Outcomes of Conservation Strategies in Fragile Forest Ecosystems of South-Eastern Kenya
Tacke, Friedrich Felix; Entrepreneurial greed
Wirths, Walter; Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Mikrotiterplatten-basierten Analysesystems für die elektrochemische Mikrophysiometrie
Goss, Andreas Michael Josef; Generation of high-resolution global and regional multi-scale B-spline models of the vertical total electron content based on low-latency GNSS data
Wang, Yang; Signalling of the neuropeptide CGRP via its receptor component RAMP1 promotes liver fibrosis upon chronic liver injury through controlling YAP activity
Wohlfarth, Robert; A mixed-dimensional multi-physics model of a novel cardiac assist device coupled to patient-specific cardiovascular systems
Bianchi, Flavia; Chemical characterization and influence on the fitness of Drosophila suzukii of different yeast species and yeast-based attract-and-kill formulations
Urban, Kai; Large electroweak corrections to heavy WIMP dark matter annihilation and resummation
Burkert, Nora Waltraud Ida; PLAVAC – eine retrospektive Analyse zur Evaluation eines Platzbauches und postoperativen Wundheilungsstörungen mit Augenmerk auf die VAC-Therapie
Bachmann, Frederik R.; Rau, Andreas; Busch, Fritz; Redirecting Passengers and Reallocating Capacities during Incidents in Public Transport
Fuest, Tanja Elisabeth; Comparison of Methods to Evaluate Automated Vehicle’s Driving Behavior for Communicating Intentions to Pedestrians by Using Wizard of Oz, Virtual Reality, and Video Setups
Teufl, Daniel Manuel; Improving the 2.45 GHz microwave processing of fiber reinforced plastics
Murphy, Chaise Austin; The Effects of Energy Deficiency, Exercise and Dietary Protein on Skeletal Muscle and Bone
Hennicke , Kathrin Sophie; Regionale Unterschiede von Erregerspektren und Antibiotikaresistenzen bei odontogenen Abszessen
Jaskiewicz, Sebastian Eryk; Factorization and Resummation at Subleading Powers
Sharghi, Amir; Spatiotemporal Structure of Rheotactic Behavior in Larval Zebrafish
Dieckmann, Sebastian; The relationship between lipid metabolites and the recruitment of uncoupling protein 1
Schifflechner, C.; Eyerer, S.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; External Costs of ORC Working Fluids for Geothermal Applications
Edzards, Frank Arne; Characterization of point contact Germanium detectors and development of signal readout electronics for LEGEND
Hartl, Roman; Monitoring and Optimizing the Surface Quality of Friction Stir Welds Using Machine Learning
vom Stein, Antti Matthias; Visuelle Informationsbereitstellung im Gabelstapler ohne Blickabwendung
Trunzer, Tatjana; Analysis of the carbon nanotube solid-liquid interface for designing a preparative potential-controlled chromatography
Gansbiller, Moritz Michael Richard; Effect of exopolysaccharide structures and their modification on their rheological properties
Codreanu, Elias Julian; Approximating practice: Developing a video-based simulation for measuring preservice teachers' diagnostic skills
Martínez Alba, Alberto;Janardhanan, Shakthivelu;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Enabling dynamically centralized RAN architectures in 5G and beyond
Bohland, Moritz; Competition Policy and Market Design in Low-Carbon Energy Markets
Fazekas, Zoltán; Popa, Sebastian Adrian; Schmitt, Hermann; Barberá, Pablo; Theocharis, Yannis; Elite-public interaction on twitter: EU issue expansion in the campaign
Theocharis, Yannis;Jungherr, Andreas; Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication
Theocharis, Yannis;de Moor, Joost;van Deth, Jan W.; Digitally Networked Participation and Lifestyle Politics as New Modes of Political Participation
Antic Nikolic, Ana; Restless legs syndrome-associated variants contribute to MEIS1 regulation during neurodevelopment
Gorski, Vadim; Microstructure of energy markets: Theory and empirics
Grimm, Johanna Elisabeth; Odor-Active Compounds in Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) and Cempedak (Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr.)
Kohl, Christopher Oswald; Prognose der Akzeptanz von Innovationen am Beispiel autonomer Fahrzeuge
Burger-Krebes, Laura; TMD and orthognathic surgery: Is the matter still relevant? A longitudinal analysis of 375 patients
Wildschutz, Noémie; Risikostratifizierung des postoperativen motorischen Status von Patienten mit Neoplasien in motorisch eloquenten Arealen: eine kombinierte Methode aus navigierter transkranieller Magnetstimulation (nTMS) und Diffusion Tensor Imaging Fiber Tracking (DTI-FT)
Mora-Ruano, Julio Gregorio; The Effectiveness and Effects of Collaboration among Teachers in German Schools
Liensberger, Lukas; Magnon Hybrid Dynamics
Wang, Hui; Correlation of molecular imaging of PSMA-ligand uptake with clinicohistopathological parameters and biochemical recurrence prediction in primary prostate cancer patients
Eraslan, Gökcen; Enriching the characterization of complex clinical and molecular phenotypes with deep learning
Baumert, Philipp;Temple, S.;Stanley, J. M.;Cocks, M.;Strauss, J. A.;Shepherd, S. O.;Drust, B.;Lake, M. J.;Stewart, C. E.;Erskine, R. M.; Neuromuscular fatigue and recovery after strenuous exercise depends on skeletal muscle size and stem cell characteristics
Wimmer, Andreas; Einzelpartikel-Massenspektrometrie zur Analyse von Silbernanopartikeln in Umweltproben – Eintragsrouten und Schicksal von Silbernanopartikeln in der aquatischen Umwelt
Weinberger, Christoph; Supernova diagnostics from gamma-ray lines in the young remnant phase
Friedl, Gunther; Ann, Christoph; Bemessungsgrundlagen für FRAND-konforme SEP-Lizenzentgelte - Warum der Blick auf Kosten wichtig ist!
Bräutigam, Peter;Kraul, Torsten; § 25 Öffentliche Verwaltung und Smart Cities
Irene Lopez Gutierrez; Felix Dietrich; Christian B. Mendl; Unitary quantum process tomography by time-delayed measurements
Hüttermann, Marcel Philipp; Fan engagement in professional team sports
Knecht, Peter; Transition Metal Centers Embedded in Surface-Confined Coordination Environments: Tunable Interfaces and N-Heterocyclic Carbene Nanoarchitectures
Netter, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; A collection of model parameters describing the gasification behavior of different fuels under entrained flow conditions
Helfrich, Anna Franziska Helene; Perinatale Biometrie und cerebroplazentare Hämodynamik bei Feten mit Linksherzobstruktion
Lantzouni, Ourania; Gibberellin signaling interactions with strigolactone and cold stress
De Simone, Costanza; Active and ecological learning to navigate the social world
Cathey Cevallos, Andrés; Non-linear magnetohydrodynamic simulations of edge localised modes (ELMs)
Liu, Xin; Development of Silent Multi-contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition Techniques
Emeç Erçelik; Ekim Yurtsever; Alois Knoll; Temp-Frustum Net: 3D Object Detection with Temporal Fusion
Häußler, Marco; Development of methods for model-based quality assurance in railway infrastructure design
Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann; Editorial
Reinhard Kleindl; Linsen aus purer Schwerkraft zur Auflösung eines kosmischen Widerspruchs
Claudia Doyle; Was lange hält, ist gut
Dr. Brigitte Röthlein; Das Beste aus zwei Welten kombinieren
Monika Offenberger; Klimawandel vor der Haustür
Tim Schröder; Leichtbauwerkstoffe aus Algen
Thomas Edelmann; Viele Funktionen, ein Material, ein Prozess
Jan Oliver Löfken; Die Molekül-Ingenieure
Gitta Rohling; Wenn es einfach gut strömt
Nanos, Emmanouil Marios; A multipronged study on improved wind farm operation with emphasis on wind farm aerodynamics
Eraslan, Basak; Deciphering the genetic code of post-transcriptional gene expression regulation via multi-omics data integration
Kölle, Martina Petra; Genetic and regulatory investigation of fungal brown rot decay and its response to wood acetylation
Jadid, Adnane; Multi-IMU: Multiple Inertial Measurement Unit Systems in Mixed Reality
Orrego, Santiago; Mirrors and Labyrinths
Schneider, Fritz Isaku; Neuroprotektive Wirkung von Argon beim experimentellen Controlled Cortical Impact Schädel-Hirn-Trauma-Modell der Maus
Simon Pfingstl, Yann Niklas Schoebel, Markus Zimmermann; Reinforcement Learning for Structural Health Monitoring based on Inspection Data
Herrmann, S.; Van Lo, T.; Spliethoff, H.; Transient CFD Simulation of Reversible SOC Operation in a 3D Stripe Model
Sölch, Maximilian Johannes Georg; Uncovering dynamics
Courtois, Carla; Photochemical and Photocatalytic Reaction Pathways of Alcohols on Bare and Metal-Loaded TiO2(110)
Paschali, Magdalini; Learning Robust Representations for Medical Diagnosis
Weber, Melanie Maria; Expression of human endogenous retrovirus type K HML2 in hepatitis C patients treated with direct acting antiviral therapy
Lamm, Katharina; Unlocking the cryptic metabolic potential of bacterial alkaloids
Frankl, Stephanie Gabriele; Numerische Simulation von kraftstoffflexiblen, direkteinspritzenden Schiffsmotoren
Vigneshkumar Balamurugan, Jia Chen, Xiao Bi, Zhen Qu, Johannes Gensheimer, Ankit Shekhar, Shrutilipi Bhattacharjee, Frank Keutsch; Tropospheric NO2 and O3 response to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions at the national and urban scales in Germany
Johannes Gensheimer, Alex Turner, Ankit Shekhar, Adrian Wenzel, Frank N. Keutsch, Jia Chen; What are different measures of mobility changes telling us about emission reductions during the COVID‑19 pandemic?
Bubb, Catherina Anna Barbara; Myokardschädigungen nach nicht-herzchirurgischen Operationen als Prognosewerkzeug für kardiale und nicht-kardiale postoperative Komplikationen nach elektiver nicht-herzchirurgischer Operation
Manhardt, Fabian; Towards Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation
Brüdigam, Tim; Olbrich, Michael; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Stochastic Model Predictive Control with a Safety Guarantee for Automated Driving
Göttl F., Groh A., Schmidt M., Schröder L., Seitz F.; The influence of Antarctic ice loss on polar motion: an assessment based on GRACE and multi-mission satellite altimetry
Rudenko S., Dettmering D., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J., Alkahal R.; On the current accuracy of altimetry satellite orbits
Oelsmann J., Passaro M., Müller F.L., Dettmering D., Hart-Davis M.G., Abulaitijiang A., Andersen O.B., Chalençon E., Høyer J.L., Johansson M., Rautiainen L., Ringgaard I.M., Rinne E., Särkkä J., Scarrott R., Schwatke C., Seitz F., Skovgaard Madsen K., Tuomi L., Ambrozio A., Restano M., Benveniste J.; Absolute Baltic Sea Level Trends in the Satellite Altimetry Era: A Revisit
Kiese, Sandra; Experimental and theoretical studies on the water vapor permeation in barrier structures
Schütz, Max; Fundamental understanding of living cluster libraries in solution
Kühnel, Nico; Traffic Noise Modeling in Agent-Based Land Use/Transport Models
Bauer, David; Application of Raman Microscopy For a Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Test and the Investigation of Dormant Mycobacteria
Stenton, Sarah Louise; Mitochondrial disease: elucidating genetic aetiology by variant discovery, validation, and integration with clinical phenotype
Kolbeck, Sandra; Interaction of modified atmosphere packaging gases and meat-spoiling bacteria
Harter, Hannes Michel; Lebenszyklusanalyse der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung großer Wohngebäudebestände auf der Basis semantischer 3D-Stadtmodelle
Oeser, Julian;Heurich, Marco;Senf, Cornelius;Pflugmacher, Dirk;Kuemmerle, Tobias; Satellite‐based habitat monitoring reveals long‐term dynamics of deer habitat in response to forest disturbances
Perse, Benedikt; Geometric Particle-in-Cell Methods on Mapped Grids
Neumayer, Michael; Gebietsübergreifende Retentionspotenzialanalyse einer naturnahen Gewässer- und Auengestaltung als Beitrag zum dezentralen Hochwasserrückhalt
Châteauvieux-Hellwig, C.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Towards semantic enrichment of early-design timber models for noise and vibration analysis
Ruhdorfer, Maximilian; Aspects of BSM physics: from gravity to dark matter to UV instantons
Mann, Magdalena Agnes; Regulation of PAU5 – a gushing-reducing protein in sparkling wine – by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Pilak, Patrick; Semi-rationales Design der Saccharose-Isomerase SmuA und der Alkoholdehydrogenase EhADH1 für Anwendungen in der industriellen Biotechnologie
Urbauer, Elisabeth;Rath, Eva;Haller, Dirk; Mitochondrial Metabolism in the Intestinal Stem Cell Niche—Sensing and Signaling in Health and Disease
Löffler, Maximilian T.;Sollmann, Nico;Burian, Egon;Bayat, Amirhossein;Aftahy, Kaywan;Baum, Thomas;Meyer, Bernhard;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Kirschke, Jan S.; Opportunistic Osteoporosis Screening Reveals Low Bone Density in Patients With Screw Loosening After Lumbar Semi-Rigid Instrumentation: A Case-Control Study
Mertens, Jan;Hauenstein, Jürgen;Diermeyer, Frank;Zimmermann, Andreas; Strategic Coordination of Cooperative Truck Overtaking Maneuvers
Vater, Johannes;Pollach, Matthias;Lenz, Claus;Winkle, Daniel;Knoll, Alois; Quality Control and Fault Classification of Laser Welded Hairpins in Electrical Motors
Sabawa, Jarek Peter; Temperature effects in automotive polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Deric, Nemanja;Varasteh, Amir;Van-Bemten, Amaury;Mas-Machuca, Carmen;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Understanding the Performance of Traffic Policing in Programmable Hardware Switches
Huang, Rong; Change detection of construction sites based on 3D point clouds
Bruhm, Tobias; The Nature of Active Copper Species in Ethynylation Reactions and Methanol Synthesis
Meixner, Marco; Development of low-field and mobile MRI devices and methods to monitor xylem emboli in trees
Leroy, Benjamin Michel Laurent; Effects of aerial insecticide treatments on forest arthropod communities – limitations and opportunities of ecological impact assessment
Goldbach, Ann-Kathrin; The CAD-integrated design cycle for structural membranes
Becker, Annette; The economics of corporate research and development
Kraft, Ludwig; Enhancing the Performance of Lithium-Ion Cells via New Active Materials and Improved Electrode and Cell Design
Tippmann, Marc André; Comprehensive photosensor research for large liquid scintillator neutrino detectors
Messerer, Katharina Martine; Auswirkungen der Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten und Wachstumsreaktionen auf die ökonomisch optimale Bewirtschaftung von Fichten-Buchen- und Fichten-Reinbeständen
Engel, Thomas; Kurzer, Christoph; Werther, Norman; Winter, Stefan; TIMpuls - abschließende Realbrandversuche für den mehrgeschossigen Holzbau
Castro, Laia; Strömbäck, Jesper; Esser, Frank; Aelst, Peter Van; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana S.; Corbu, Nicoleta; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stepinska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav; Theocharis, Yannis; Navigating High-choice European Political Information Environments: A Comparative Analysis of News User Profiles and Political Knowledge
Brand, Korbinian Johannes; Systematische Übersichtsarbeit zu Subgruppenanalysen randomisierter klinischer Studien aus dem Themenbereich der kardiovaskulären Forschung
Boucsein, Benedikt; What the Files Reveal: Making Everyday Architecture Talk
Kang, Jia-Jhen; Structural investigation on molecular brushes
Ko, Chia-Hsin; Novel Thermoresponsive Homopolymers and Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers
Gerzer, Frederik; Relational Representation Learning Beyond Simple Graphs
Buchmann, Benedikt; The role of plastic collagen remodeling during structure formation of human mammary gland organoids
Kessler, Lisa; Strategies for Detection of Congestion Patterns Using Multiple Sensor Technologies
Stuhlpfarrer, Marco; Numerical Simulation of Lifting Surfaces in Rotating Systems
Yassin, Abdallah; NKT cells crosstalk with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells is triggering induction of polyclonal T-cell and NK cell immunity
Huber, Dominik; Entwicklung eines Analysenverbundverfahrens mit laserinduzierter Plasmaspektrometrie und multivariater Datenauswertung zur Charakterisierung von Partikeln im Bereich der technischen Sauberkeitsanalyse
Nedelcu, Andrei-Stefan; From Compact MIMO to Massive MIMO
Döge, Stefan;Liu, Chen-Yu;Young, Albert;Morkel, Christoph; Incoherent approximation for neutron up-scattering cross sections and its corrections for slow neutrons and low crystal temperatures
Wild, Matthias Rainer; Zur Beurteilung des Zustands von Brücken bei Spannstahlausfällen infolge von Spannungsrisskorrosion
Lampmann, Jenny Lyn; How we eat
Papaioannou I., Straub D.; Combination line sampling for structural reliability analysis
Laude, Emanuel; Lower Envelopes and Lifting for Structured Nonconvex Optimization
Ryan W. Penny, Patrick M. Praegla, Marvin Ochsenius, Daniel Oropeza, Christoph Meier, Wolfgang A. Wall, A. John Hart; Spatial Mapping of Powder Layer Density for Metal Additive Manufacturing via X-ray Microscopy
Davoodi Kermani I., Schmitter M., Eichinger J.F., Aydin R.C., Cyron C.J.; Computational study of the geometric properties governing the linear mechanical behavior of fiber networks
Stadler, Sebastian Rudolf Johann; The integration of virtual reality into the design process
Meighen-Berger, Stephan; Precision background modeling for neutrino telescopes
Backofen, G.; Würth, M.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Power-to-Process-Heat in Industrial Combined Heat and Power Plants – Integration of a Large-Scale Thermochemical Energy Storage
Ewald, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; PyroGas - Decentralized Exploitation of Biomass-Derived Waste and Residues by Pyrolysis and Subsequent Entrained Flow Gasification for Gas Engine Use
Mörtenkötter, H.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Temperature-resolved Experimental Investigation of the Alkali Release during the Combustion of Solid Biomass
Kerscher, F.; Stary, A.; Gleis, S.; Ulrich, A.; Klein, H.; Spliethoff, H.; Low-carbon hydrogen production via electron beam plasma methane pyrolysis: Techno-economic analysis and carbon footprint assessment
Dawo, F.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Schuster, A.; Weigand, A.; Stromerzeugung aus Niedertemperaturwärme
Schuth, Marvin; Socio-psychological aspects of talent management in organizations
Djeffal, Christian;Horst, Antonia; Übersetzung und ­Künstliche Intelligenz in der öffentlichen ­Verwaltung
Bäcker, Julius; Böttcher, Timo Phillip; Weking, Jörg; How Companies Create Value From Data – A Taxonomy on Data, Approaches, and Resulting Business Value
Dinca, Lucian;Onet, Aurelia;Samuel, Alina Dora;Tognetti, Roberto;Uhl, Enno;Bosela, Michal;Gömöryová, Erika;Bielak, Kamil;Skrzyszewski, Jerzy;Hukić, Emira;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;de-Dios-García, Javier;Tonon, Giustino;Giammarchi, Francesco;Svoboda, Miroslav;Dobor, Laura;Rolando, Ludovica;Rauseo, Jasmin;Pescatore, Tanita;Garbini, Gian Luigi;Visca, Andrea;Patrolecco, Luisa;Barra Caracciolo, Anna;Grenni, Paola; MICROBIAL SOIL BIODIVERSITY IN BEECH FORESTS OF EUROPEAN MOUNTAINS
Steinbacher, Christian Helmut; Aktivierbare und filmbildende Haftvermittler auf Basis von mikroverkapselten Isocyanaten
Mir, Jonas; Inferring mechanisms of T cell expansion and contraction in response to acute infection from single-cell data
Deggim S., Eicker A., Schawohl L., Gerdener H., Schulze K., Engels O., Kusche J., Saraswati A.T., van Dam T., Ellenbeck L., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Mayr S., Klein I., Longuevergne L.; RECOG RL01: correcting GRACE total water storage estimates for global lakes/reservoirs and earthquakes
Nguyen, Tuan-Anh; Genetic code expansion tools for studying protein-protein interactions and posttranslational modifications
Hart-Davis M.G., Backeberg B.C.; Preliminary assessment of the potential for particle trajectory modelling to support ocean search and rescue operations
Heye S., Krug M., Veitch J., Rouault M., Hart-Davis M.G.; Impact of the Agulhas Current mesoscale variability on surface dispersion in the KwaZulu-Natal Bight
Kössinger, Antonia Leonie Theresa; Evaluation des Therapieansprechens nach Radiochemotherapie beim Rektumkarzinom in der Dual-Energy Computertomographie
Agarwal, Rohit; High-throughput Studies of Macromolecular Complexes using Flow Magnetic Tweezers
Kreitmeier, Michaela Veronika; Identification of overlapping genes in the human pathogens Escherichia coli LF82 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 using transcriptomics, translatomics and proteomics
Kreuzer, Lucas Philipp; Dual-Thermoresponsive Diblock Copolymer Thin Films
Eichinger JF, Paukner D, Aydin RC, Wall WA, Humphrey JD, Cyron CJ; What do cells regulate in soft tissues on short time scales?
Eichinger JF, Grill MJ, Davoodi Kermani I, Aydin RC, Wall WA, Humphrey JD, Cyron CJ; A computational framework for modeling cell-matrix interactions in soft biological tissues
Kamariotis, A., Chatzi, E., Straub, D.; Value of Information from SHM via estimating deterioration jump processes with particle filtering
del Águila Pérez, Ana; High Performance Processing Algorithms of Satellite Measurements for Retrieval of Trace Gases and Cloud Properties
Maier, Christopher Maximilian; Quantification of Pseudomonas spp. in raw milk and molecular analysis of their proteolytic potential
Häußler, M.;Borrmann, A.; Knowledge-Based Engineering in the context of railway designs by integrating BIM, BPMN, DMN and the methodology for knowledge-based engineering applications (MOKA)
Knapp, Josef; Antenna Field Measurements and Transformations in Arbitrary Echoic Environments
Zimmermann, Julia Antonia; The relationship of teachers’ multidimensional autonomy support in physical education and students’ leisure-time physical activity mediated by cognitive appraisals and achievement emotions
Châteauvieux-Hellwig, C.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Analysis of the early-design timber models for sound insulation analysis
Schindler, Markus Thomas; Untersuchung des Alterungsverhaltens parallel verschalteter Lithium-Ionen-Zellen unter dem Einfluss unterschiedlicher Ladeprofile und initialer Zellvariationen
Oliver De Candido; Maximilian Binder; Wolfgang Utschick; An Interpretable Lane Change Detector Algorithm based on Deep Autoencoder Anomaly Detection
Wilde, Florian K. A.; Metrics for physical unclonable functions
Göbel, Martin; Untersuchung des Einflusses der Gasdiffusionslage auf das Wassermanagement in der automobilen PEM-Brennstoffzelle
Passaro M., Müller F.L., Oelsmann J., Rautiainen L., Dettmering D., Hart-Davis M.G., Abulaitijiang A., Andersen O.B., Høyer J., Madsen K., Ringgaard I., Särkkä J., Scarrott R., Schwatke C., Seitz F., Tuomi L., Restano M., Benveniste J.; Absolute Baltic Sea Level Trends in the Satellite Altimetry Era: A Revisit
Hofmann, Katharina Christine; Pseudomonas spp. in deutscher Rohmilch - Prävalenz und Ermittlung von Eintragsrouten
Passaro M.; Observing sea level and climate change at the coast and at the polar latitudes with reprocessed altimetry: a review
Holzbaur, Lukas; Data Integrity and Privacy in Distributed Storage
Pirkl, Carolin Martha Anna; Deep Learning for Fast and Robust Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
von Korn , Pia M. M.; Physical fitness and exercise as prevention strategies during different stages of cardiovascular disease
Askaripoor, Hadi;Shafaei, Sina;Knoll, Alois; A Flexible Scheduling Architecture of Resource Distribution Proposal for Autonomous Driving Platforms
Schneider, Maja;Körner, Marco; [Re] Satellite Image Time Series Classification with Pixel-Set Encoders and Temporal Self-Attention
Mahdavipour Vahdati, P.; Biber, A.; Ferrand, T.; Westermeier, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; WP5 – Whole Plant Performance --- Technology Assessment Steam Cycle and Aero Derivative Power Plants
Koch, Jana Annika; Combining Oncolytic Virotherapy with Target Therapy in Bladder Cancer
Sauther, Schorsch Michael; de Haas-van Alphen effect and magnetic anisotropy in correlated electron systems studied by cantilever magnetometry
Hou, Ji; Learning Priors from RGB-D Data for 3D Scene Understanding
Irani Liu, Edmond; Althoff, Matthias; Computing Specification-Compliant Reachable Sets for Motion Planning of Automated Vehicles
Rosov, Vladislav; Randbedingungsbasierte und Datengetriebene Modellierung Reduzierter Ordnung der Instationären Aerodynamik
Berardocco, Luca; Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for time-domain electromagnetic diffusion in conductive media
Arabian, Ehsan; Numerical Simulation of NO2 Formation in Dual-Fuel Engines with Lean Premixed Methane-Air Charge
Guadarrama Olvera, Julio Rogelio; Multi-sensory tactile feedback control for robot physical interaction and biped locomotion
Quiroz Dahik, Carlos Alberto; Impact analysis of pine plantations on Ecuador’s páramo and corresponding stakeholder perceptions
Motov, Stefan; Quantitative Messung der longitudinalen T1 Relaxationszeit mittels Magnetresonanztomographie zur Charakterisierung maligner Hirntumore
Hanna Krasowski; Matthias Althoff; Temporal Logic Formalization of Marine Traffic Rules
Ayub, Muhammad Mudussir; Pre-Silicon Power and Performance Estimation and Optimization for System Scenarios of Mobile Communication Platforms
Hermes, Sebastian René; Digital Platforms: Sources of Power, Impacts on Consumers and Organizations, and European Platform Competition
Obersteiner, Michael Johannes; A Spatially Adaptive and Massively Parallel Implementation of the Fault-Tolerant Combination Technique
Wagner, Fabian; On efficient methods and error bounds for rare event estimation
Felber, Veronika Barbara; Development and Preclinical Evaluation of Radiolabeled GLP-1 Receptor Ligands and PSMA Inhibitors
Sun, Fengchao; Insights from isotope fractionation on limitations of micropollutant biodegradation—evaluating mass-transfer limitation and biodegradation in a bench-scale aquifer
Platzer, Stefan; Aerodynamic Influences of Non-Parallel Ground Effect, Rotor-Rotor Interference, and Dynamic Actuation on Rotors in Hover
Mai, Julia Luisa; Role of the chromatin-associated proto-oncogene DEK during productive infection with HAdV5 and virus-mediated oncogenesis
Förster K.M., Roth C.J., Hilgendorff A., Ertl-Wagner B., Flemmer A.W., Wall W.A; In silico numerical simulation of ventilator settings during high frequency ventilation in preterm infants
Fuchs S.L., Meier C., Wall W.A., Cyron C.J; An SPH framework for fluid-solid and contact interaction problems including thermo-mechanical coupling and reversible phase transitions
Fuchs S.L., Meier C., Wall W.A., Cyron C.J; A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element coupling scheme for fluid-structure interaction: the sliding boundary particle approach
Brandstaeter S., Fuchs S.L., Biehler J., Aydin R.C., Wall W.A., Cyron C.J; Global sensitivity analysis of a homogenized constrained mixture model of arterial growth and remodeling
Meier C., Fuchs S.L., Hart J., Wall W.A.; A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics formulation for thermo-capillary phase change problems with focus on metal additive manufacturing melt pool modeling
Yuan, Peihong; Polar coding with complexity-adaptive decoding and time-varying channels
Liu, Yinlong;Chen, Guang;Gu, Rongqi;Knoll, Alois; Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization for Relative Pose Estimation with Known Gravity Direction
Keil, Jonas Peter Lothar; Linear and Nonlinear Aging of Lithium-Ion Cells
Schuster, Martina; The role of the long-noncoding RNA Gm12606 in irradiated and in ageing murine mesenchymal stem cells
Schwatke C., Dettmering D., Scherer D.; DAHITI – Satellite-derived Hydrological Products for Monitoring the Global Water Cycle
Eichinger, Jonas Felix; Micromechanical Foundations of Mechanobiology in Soft Tissues
Schwarz, Sascha; Mechanical characterization of biological materials with laser-Doppler vibrometry
Kunz, Karolin Cäcilia Astrid; Phenotyping Complex Traits of Drought and Heat Tolerance for Future Climate-resilient German Wheat
Stephen, David T.; Topological phases of matter with subsystem symmetries
Rex, Willem; Output-Only Aeroelastic Analysis of Helicopters in Atmospheric Turbulence
Friedrich, Stefan;Hilmers, Torben;Chreptun, Claudia;Gosling, Elizabeth;Jarisch, Isabelle;Pretzsch, Hans;Knoke, Thomas; The cost of risk management and multifunctionality in forestry: a simulation approach for a case study area in Southeast Germany
Brandstäter, Sebastian; Global Sensitivity Analysis for Models of Active Biomechanical Systems
Fuchs, Sebastian Leonhard; Computational Multiphysics Modeling with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Elements
Pukhova, Alona;Moreno, Ana Tsui;Llorca, Carlos;Huang, Wei-Chieh;Moeckel, Rolf; Agent-Based Simulation of Long-Distance Travel: Strategies to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Passenger Aviation
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Parameterizable and Jerk-Limited Trajectories with Blending for Robot Motion Planning and Spherical Cartesian Waypoints
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Grasp Planning for Flexible Production with Small Lot Sizes using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces and Bayesian Optimization
Medina-Cabrera, Edilberto Vicente; Investigation and Optimization of Exopolysaccharide (EPS) Production by Microalgae
Seiler, Alina Isabell; Prädiktion des Perinatalen Outcomes und des Zeitintervalls bis zur Entbindung mittels sFlt-1/PlGF Ratio bei Zwillingsschwangerschaften mit vermuteter Präeklampsie
Bilali, Aledia; Analytical Modelling of On-Demand Ride Pooling Impacts
Utschick, Christoph; Superconducting Wireless Power Transfer at High Power Densities for Industrial Applications and Fast Battery Charging
Grossmann, Lukas; On-Surface Photopolymerization of Two-Dimensional Polymers and Determination of Adsorption Heights in On-Surface Synthesis
Delerue, Thomas; Spatio-temporal processes of stochastic integral type
Klushyn, Alexej; Latent Matters
Insam, C.;Rixen, D. J.; Fidelity Assessment of Real-Time Hybrid Substructure Testing: a Review and the Application of Artificial Neural Networks
Insam, Christina;Peiris, L. D. Hashan;Rixen, Daniel J.; Normalized passivity control for hardware-in-the-loop with contact
Insam, Christina;Kist, Arian;Schwalm, Henri;Rixen, Daniel J.; Robust and high fidelity real-time hybrid substructuring
Khourshed, May; The Lost, the Confused and the Haunted: Modelling subjective beliefs on and hindrances to economic integration for forced migrants
Lechner, Markus; Holzbewehrtes Holz
Ana Petrovska, Malte Neuss, Sebastian Bergemann, Martin Büchner, M. Ansab Shohab; Smart Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems: How can Exploration and Learning Improve Performance in a Partially Observable Multi-Agent Context?
Brüdigam, Tim; Zhan, Jie; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Collision Avoidance with Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Systems with a Twofold Uncertainty Structure
Brüdigam, Tim; Gaßmann, Victor; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Minimization of Constraint Violation Probability in Model Predictive Control
Varasteh, Amir; Kireet Patri, Sai; Autenrieth, Achim;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Evaluation of Lightpath Deployment Strategies in Flexible-Grid Optical Networks
Stallhofer, Klara;Nuber, Matthias;Cortecchia, Daniele;Bruno, Annalisa;Kienberger, Reinhard;Deschler, Felix;Soci, Cesare;Iglev, Hristo; Picosecond Charge Localization Dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Probed by Infrared-Activated Vibrations
Engelke, Alexis Friedrich; Optimizing Performance Using Dynamic Code Generation
Diez, Michael;Galler, Andreas;Schulz, Sebastian;Boemer, Christina;Coffee, Ryan N.;Hartmann, Nick;Heider, Rupert;Wagner, Martin S.;Helml, Wolfram;Katayama, Tetsuo;Sato, Tokushi;Sato, Takahiro;Yabashi, Makina;Bressler, Christian; A self-referenced in-situ arrival time monitor for X-ray free-electron lasers
Chiapedi, Stefano; Flexibility-Oriented Design Guidelines for Pedestrian Leg Impact on the Basis of a Low-Fidelity Vehicle Front-End Model
Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Alkali removal with mineral sorbents – Part I: Sorption capacity and reaction kinetics
Kerscher, F.; Bolz, J.; Stellwag, I.; Handy, V.; Bier, R.; Spliethoff, H.; Alkali removal with mineral sorbents – Part II: Fixed-bed experimentsand model validation
Géradin, Michel;Rixen, Daniel J.; A fresh look at the dynamics of a flexible body application to substructuring for flexible multibody dynamics
Haeussler, M.;Kobus, D.C.;Rixen, D.J.; Parametric design optimization of e-compressor NVH using blocked forces and substructuring
Muenster, M.;Lehner, M.;Rixen, D.; Requirement derivation of vehicle steering using mechanical four-poles in the presence of nonlinearities
Siebert, Annemarie Karoline; Rohmilchmikrobiota in Nord- und Süddeutschland - Zusammensetzung und Ermittlung hofseitiger Einflussfaktoren
Baumeister, Theresa; A Dietary-Shaped Gut Microbiome Accelerates Progression From Barrett´s Esophagus To Adenocarcinoma via Systemic Bile Acids
Urban, Christian; Systems-level analysis of virus-host interactions using mass spectrometry-based proteomics
Podolskiy, Vladimir; Predictive Autoscaling for Multilayered Cloud Deployments
Ehbrecht, Martin;Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Kreft, Holger;Köhler, Michael;Zemp, Delphine Clara;Puettmann, Klaus;Nilus, Reuben;Babweteera, Fred;Willim, Katharina;Stiers, Melissa;Soto, Daniel;Boehmer, Hans Juergen;Fisichelli, Nicholas;Burnett, Michael;Juday, Glenn;Stephens, Scott L.;Ammer, Christian; Global patterns and climatic controls of forest structural complexity
Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Thielman, Anton;Seifert, Quentin Edward;Thauer, Jan-Henrik;Glatthorn, Jonas;Ehbrecht, Martin;Kneib, Thomas;Ammer, Christian; Predicting Tree Species From 3D Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using Deep Learning
Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Ammer, Christian;Ehbrecht, Martin;Willim, Katharina;Bannister, Jan;Soto, Daniel P.; Quantifying Understory Complexity in Unmanaged Forests Using TLS and Identifying Some of Its Major Drivers
Höwler, Kirsten;Vor, Torsten;Schall, Peter;Annighöfer, Peter;Seidel, Dominik;Ammer, Christian; Distribution of the timber quality attribute ‘knot surface’ in logs of Fagus sylvatica L. from pure and mixed forest stands
Dorji, Yonten;Schuldt, Bernhard;Neudam, Liane;Dorji, Rinzin;Middleby, Kali;Isasa, Emilie;Körber, Klaus;Ammer, Christian;Annighöfer, Peter;Seidel, Dominik; Three-dimensional quantification of tree architecture from mobile laser scanning and geometry analysis
Seidel, Dominik;Stiers, Melissa;Ehbrecht, Martin;Werning, Maik;Annighöfer, Peter; On the structural complexity of central European agroforestry systems: a quantitative assessment using terrestrial laser scanning in single-scan mode
Baumgart, Mona; Function and Design of Protein Conformational Switches
Christian Lang, Steffen J. Schmidt and Nikolaus A. Adams; Compressible 3D-simulations of spherical bubble collapses in viscoelastic fluids
Kazungu, Moses; Forest resources and land use change in Zambia: Examining the relationship between household-level attributes, contextual factors, deforestation and forest degradation, and their implications for livelihoods
Matías García, Pamela Raquel; Plasma proteomic biomarkers and DNA methylation-based measures of biological aging and lifespan: a multi-omics approach to kidney function and related traits
Zwick, Simon;Keler, Andreas;Krisp, Jukka M.; Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Traffic Volume Changes in the Metropolitan Area of Minneapolis- Saint Paul in 1996 and 2016
Heermann, Tamara; Mechanistic Analysis of the Membrane-Associated MinDE Reaction Cycle
Zieglmeier, Valentin; Loyola Daiqui, Gabriel; GDPR-Compliant Use of Blockchain for Secure Usage Logs
Lin-Jie Shu, Milena Schäffer, Sabine Eschrig, Stefanie Ranf; Low cost, medium throughput depletion-binding assay for screening S-domain-receptor ligand interactions using in planta protein expression
Wolf, Sebastian; Advanced Material Models for Seismic Simulations using ADER-DG
Rose S.K., Andersen O.B., Passaro M., Ludwigsen C., Benveniste J., Bouffard J.; CryoSat-2's contribution to the complete sea level records from the Polar Oceans
Cotton D., Garcia-Mondejar A., ..., Passaro M., Dettmering D., ..., Benveniste J.; Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland waters - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
Pretzsch, Hans;Poschenrieder, Werner;Uhl, Enno;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Makrickiene, Ekaterina;Calama, Rafael; Silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species forest stands. A European review and perspective
Smialek, Nicole; Challenges in fish conservation in hydropower affected rivers in europe
Pratap, Shambhavi; Hybrid Perovskites : Colloidal Precursors to Thin Films
Wahman, Rofida Mostafa Ali; Pathway effect studies of different environmental pollutants on Lemna minor and Phragmites australis metabolism using polarity-extended chromatographic separation with mass spectrometric detection
Sun, Yao; Large-scale LoD1 building model reconstruction from a single SAR image
Irauschek, Florian;Barka, Ivan;Bugmann, Harald;Courbaud, Benoit;Elkin, Che;Hlásny, Tomáš;Klopcic, Matija;Mina, Marco;Rammer, Werner;Lexer, Manfred J; Evaluating five forest models using multi-decadal inventory data from mountain forests
Honkaniemi, Juha;Rammer, Werner;Seidl, Rupert; From mycelia to mastodons – A general approach for simulating biotic disturbances in forest ecosystems
Maréchaux, Isabelle;Langerwisch, Fanny;Huth, Andreas;Bugmann, Harald;Morin, Xavier;Reyer, Christopher P.O.;Seidl, Rupert;Collalti, Alessio;Dantas de Paula, Mateus;Fischer, Rico;Gutsch, Martin;Lexer, Manfred J.;Lischke, Heike;Rammig, Anja;Rödig, Edna;Sakschewski, Boris;Taubert, Franziska;Thonicke, Kirsten;Vacchiano, Giorgio;Bohn, Friedrich J.; Tackling unresolved questions in forest ecology: The past and future role of simulation models
Jung, Hoseung;Senf, Cornelius;Beudert, Burkhard;Krueger, Tobias; Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Nitrate Concentration in a Forest Stream Affected by Large‐Scale Forest Dieback
Stritih, Ana;Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert;Grêt-Regamey, Adrienne;Bebi, Peter; The impact of land-use legacies and recent management on natural disturbance susceptibility in mountain forests
Senf, Cornelius;Sebald, Julius;Seidl, Rupert; Increasing canopy mortality affects the future demographic structure of Europe's forests
Sebald, Julius;Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Human or natural? Landscape context improves the attribution of forest disturbances mapped from Landsat in Central Europe
Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Storm and fire disturbances in Europe: Distribution and trends
Seibold, Sebastian;Hothorn, Torsten;Gossner, Martin M.;Simons, Nadja K.;Blüthgen, Nico;Müller, Jörg;Ambarlı, Didem;Ammer, Christian;Bauhus, Jürgen;Fischer, Markus;Habel, Jan C.;Penone, Caterina;Schall, Peter;Schulze, Ernst‐Detlef;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Insights from regional and short‐term biodiversity monitoring datasets are valuable: a reply to Daskalova et al . 2021
Habel, Jan Christian;Koc, Elisabeth;Gerstmeier, Roland;Gruppe, Axel;Seibold, Sebastian;Ulrich, Werner; Insect diversity across an afro-tropical forest biodiversity hotspot
Hagge, Jonas;Müller, Jörg;Birkemoe, Tone;Buse, Jörn;Christensen, Rune Haubo Bojesen;Gossner, Martin M.;Gruppe, Axel;Heibl, Christoph;Jarzabek‐Müller, Andrea;Seibold, Sebastian;Siitonen, Juha;Soutinho, João Gonçalo;Sverdrup‐Thygeson, Anne;Thorn, Simon;Drag, Lukas; What does a threatened saproxylic beetle look like? Modelling extinction risk using a new morphological trait database
Leroy, Benjamin M.L.;Gossner, Martin M.;Ferrini, Gabriele;Seibold, Sebastian;Lauer, Florian P.M.;Petercord, Ralf;Eichel, Peter;Jaworek, Jessica;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Side Effects of Insecticides on Leaf‐Miners and Gall‐Inducers Depend on Species Ecological Traits and Competition with Leaf‐Chewers
Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Lemme, Hannes;Braumiller, Philipp;Hilmers, Torben;Jacobs, Martin;Hochrein, Sophia;Kienlein, Sebastian;Müller, Jörg;Pretzsch, Hans;Stimm, Kilian;Seibold, Sebastian;Jaworek, Jessica;Hahn, W. Andreas;Müller‐Kroehling, Stefan;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Relative impacts of gypsy moth outbreaks and insecticide treatments on forest resources and ecosystems: An experimental approach
Simons, Nadja K.;Felipe-Lucia, María R.;Schall, Peter;Ammer, Christian;Bauhus, Jürgen;Blüthgen, Nico;Boch, Steffen;Buscot, François;Fischer, Markus;Goldmann, Kezia;Gossner, Martin M.;Hänsel, Falk;Jung, Kirsten;Manning, Peter;Nauss, Thomas;Oelmann, Yvonne;Pena, Rodica;Polle, Andrea;Renner, Swen C.;Schloter, Michael;Schöning, Ingo;Schulze, Ernst-Detlef;Solly, Emily F.;Sorkau, Elisabeth;Stempfhuber, Barbara;Wubet, Tesfaye;Müller, Jörg;Seibold, Sebastian;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; National Forest Inventories capture the multifunctionality of managed forests in Germany
Abellan Schneyder, Isabel Sophie; Improved detection methods to assess microbial communities using high-throughput sequencing
Clever, Jan;Abualdenien, Jimmy;Borrmann, André; Deep learning approach for predicting pedestrian dynamics for transportation hubs in early design phases
Wimmer, Tobias; Control and manipulation of magnonic spin currents in magnetic insulators
Krenz, Lukas; 3D Coupled Simulations of Dynamic Rupture, Elastic, Acoustic and Tsunami Wave Propagation
Kochdumper, Niklas and Gruber, Felix and Schürmann, Bastian and Gaßmann, Victor and Klischat, Moritz and Althoff, Matthias; AROC: A Toolbox for Automated Reachset Optimal Controller Synthesis
Kahlon, Parvinderdeep Singh; Polymorphisms in defence responses of the wild tomato species Solanum chilense against Phytophthora infestans and Cladosporium fulvum
Raith, Florian Christian; Natürliche Benutzerschnittstellen im Umfeld verteilter Projektarbeit
Frankenberger, Martin Johann; Surface modifications on lithium-ion-battery cell components
Guan, Shengyang; Investigation and application of multinuclear coinage metal organometallic complexes
Hirling, Oliver; Operational Safety Considerations for the Type Certification of Light Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Fan, Zhiying; Copper-Paddlewheel-Based Mixed-Linker Metal-Organic Frameworks for Heterogeneous Catalysis
Cheng, Chih-Hong and Knoll, Alois and Liao, Hsuan-Cheng; Safety Metrics for Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
Bucka, Franziska Barbara; Soil structure formation initiated by biochemical processing of organic matter
Wolff, Andreas Wolfgang; Investigation of the protective efficacy of α-synuclein-specific antibodies in a novel neuronal cell model for α-synucleinopathies
Hönle, Andreas; Searches for new resonances decaying to a Higgs and a vector boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Chen, Xi; Impact of pH on adsorption of H2 and hydrogenation of phenol on Pt in the aqueous phase
Mark Wetzlinger, Adrian Kulmburg, Matthias Althoff; Adaptive Parameter Tuning for Reachability Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
Cheng, Guanhua; Solvent effects on Pd catalyzed hydrodeoxygenation reactions
Wolf, Sebastian; Bader, Michael; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Galis, Martin; Uphoff, Carsten; Wave propagation in anisotropic and poroelastic media using high order ADER-DG
Cueva Ortiz, Jorge Luis; Impacts of anthropogenic disturbances and climate change on biodiversity and stand dynamics on Ecuadorian dry forest sites
Ferstl, Simone; Laboratory-Based X-ray Microscopy with Staining and Propagation-Based Phase Effects for Contrast Enhancement
Heine, Florian Neil; Reservoir characterisation of the deep Upper Jurassic aquifer in the South German Molasse Basin using water chemical data and environmental isotopes
Esser, S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Graph-based version control for asynchronous BIM level 3 collaboration
Gruber, T.; Ågren, J.; Angermann, D.; Ellmann, A.; Gisinger, C.; Nastula, J.; Poutanen, M.; Schlaak, M.; Nilfouroushan, F.; Varbla, S.; Zdunek, R.; Marila, S.; Engfeldt, A.; Saari, T.; Świątek, A.; Oikonomidou, X.; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research - Observation Concept and Results in the Baltic Sea
Jussupow, Alexander; Integrative multi-scale simulations of complex biomolecular systems
Bing, Zhenshan;Brucker, Matthias;Morin, Fabrice O.;Li, Rui;Su, Xiaojie;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Complex Robotic Manipulation via Graph-Based Hindsight Goal Generation
López-Randulfe, Javier;Duswald, Tobias;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois; Spiking Neural Network for Fourier Transform and Object Detection for Automotive Radar
Zhou, Mingchuan;Jiang, Huanyu;Bing, Zhenshan;Su, Hang;Knoll, Alois; Design and evaluation of the target spray platform
Konrad, Matthias Lorenz; Cyclic pentapeptide-based CXCR4 ligands for various applications within cancerous malignancies
Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Bruno Blais, Marc Fehling, Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Uwe Köcher, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Peter Munch, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Sebastian Proell, Konrad Simon, Bruno Turcksin, David Wells, and Jiaqi Zhang; The deal.II Library, Version 9.3
Engel, Thomas; Kurzer, Christoph; Werther, Norman; Winter, Stefan; Realbrandversuche als Grundlage neuer Forschungserkenntnisse für den Brandschutz im Holzbau
Amjad, Saquib; Varasteh, Amir; Deric, Nemanja; Mas Machuca, Carmen; Delay-Aware Dynamic Hypervisor Placement and Reconfiguration in Virtualized SDN
Golkov, Vladimir; Deep learning and variational analysis for high-dimensional and geometric biomedical data
Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Deep Hierarchical Rotation Invariance Learning with Exact Geometry Feature Representation for Point Cloud Classification
Matthias Mayer, Anurag Mohapatra, Vedran S. Peric; IoT Integration for Combined Energy Systems at the CoSES Laboratory
Hess, Sandra; Rapid concentration and detection methods for enteric viruses in water
Pfaffenzeller, N.; Pail, P.; Multi-satellite formations and constellations of CubeSats and their potential in NGGMs
Cop, Konrad P.; Peters, Arne; Žagar, Bare L; Hettegger, Daniel; Knoll, Alois C; New Metrics for Industrial Depth Sensors Evaluation for Precise Robotic Applications
Grodziecki, Alessandro; The Use of Intestinal Organoids to Study Colorectal Cancer in Pigs
Kaschubek, Daniel Markus; Hybrid Life Support Systems
Erdmann, Marvin;Dandl, Florian;Bogenberger, Klaus; Combining immediate customer responses and car–passenger reassignments in on-demand mobility services
Kohler, Fabian; Precision Design and Characterization of DNA Origami Nanostructures Using High-Resolution Cryo-EM
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Angermann D., Gerstl M.; DGFI-TUM Analysis Center Biennial Report 2019+2020
Bui, Minh Duc:; Fraktionierter Sedimenttransport in Flüssen: numerische Modelle und ihre Anwendungen. Habilitationsschrift, Technische Universität München, Mai 2020.
Hesse, Simon Henk; Optimization of Automotive Composite Structures for Crashworthiness
Benciolini, Tommaso; Brüdigam, Tim; Leibold, Marion; Multistage Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Urban Automated Driving
Sollweck, Katharina; Flow-based chemiluminescence bioassays for rapid screening of fungi, antibiotic resistant bacteria and diclofenac
Lalaouna, David;Fochesato, Sylvain;Harir, Mourad;Ortet, Philippe;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Heulin, Thierry;Achouak, Wafa; Amplifying and Fine-Tuning Rsm sRNAs Expression and Stability to Optimize the Survival of Pseudomonas brassicacerum in Nutrient-Poor Environments
Schneider, Maja; Broszeit, Amelie; Körner, Marco; EuroCrops: A Pan-European Dataset for Time Series Crop Type Classification
Mertes, Christian; Improving the genetic diagnosis of Mendelian disorders via robust outlier detection methods for transcriptome sequencing
Daniel Auge, Julian Hille, Felix Kreutz, Etienne Mueller, Alois Knoll; End-to-end Spiking Neural Network for Speech Recognition Using Resonating Input Neurons
Bastek, S.; Hanel, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Techno-economic Analysis of Feedstocks and End Products for Advanced Gasification Solutions in Germany
Wagner, Jacqueline M. H.; Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen zur Reduktion von D-Galakturonsäure zu L-Galaktonat mit rekombinanten Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Etienne Mueller, Julius Hansjakob, Daniel Auge, Alois Knoll; Minimizing Inference Time: Optimization Methods for Converted Deep Spiking Neural Networks
Rea, Immacolata Carmen; The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment: feasibility study for a new Neutrino Telescope at Cascadia Basin, NE Pacific Ocean
Ivanchev, Jordan and Deboeser, Corvin and Braud, Thomas and Knoll, Alois and Eckhoff, David and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto; A Hierarchical State-Machine-Based Framework for Platoon Manoeuvre Descriptions
Kulmburg, Adrian;Althoff, Matthias; On the co-NP-Completeness of the Zonotope Containment Problem
Diery, Annika; Teacher educators as central agents in an evidence-based practice agenda
Downar, Benedikt;Ernstberger, Jürgen;Koch, Christopher; Determinants and consequences of auditor dyad formation at the top level of audit teams
Downar, Benedikt;Ernstberger, Jürgen;Koch, Christopher; Who makes partner in Big 4 audit firms? – Evidence from Germany
Griesser, Christoph;Li, Haobo;Wernig, Eva-Maria;Winkler, Daniel;Shakibi Nia, Niusha;Mairegger, Thomas;Götsch, Thomas;Schachinger, Thomas;Steiger-Thirsfeld, Andreas;Penner, Simon;Wielend, Dominik;Egger, David;Scheurer, Christoph;Reuter, Karsten;Kunze-Liebhäuser, Julia; True Nature of the Transition-Metal Carbide/Liquid Interface Determines Its Reactivity
Yan, Wei;Birle, Emanuel;Cudmani, Roberto; A new framework to determine general multimodal soil water characteristic curves
Chandra, Bodhinanda;Singer, Veronika;Teschemacher, Tobias;Wüchner, Roland;Larese, Antonia; Nonconforming Dirichlet boundary conditions in implicit material point method by means of penalty augmentation
Dutta, Suman;Hornung, Simon;Kruayatidee, Adira;Maina, Katherine N.;del Rosario, Irish;Paul, Kimberly C.;Wong, Darice Y.;Duarte Folle, Aline;Markovic, Daniela;Palma, Jose-Alberto;Serrano, Geidy E.;Adler, Charles H.;Perlman, Susan L.;Poon, Wayne W.;Kang, Un Jung;Alcalay, Roy N.;Sklerov, Miriam;Gylys, Karen H.;Kaufmann, Horacio;Fogel, Brent L.;Bronstein, Jeff M.;Ritz, Beate;Bitan, Gal; α-Synuclein in blood exosomes immunoprecipitated using neuronal and oligodendroglial markers distinguishes Parkinson’s disease from multiple system atrophy
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Breese, Philipp P.;Lutz, Benjamin S.;Pantano, Matteo;Nalam, Yogesh;Bela, Katharina;Kamps, Tobias;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Porosity in wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Breese, Philipp P.;Nalam, Yogesh;Joshi, Kaivalya S.;Bela, Katharina;Kamps, Tobias;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Oxidation in wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys
Brett, Calvin J.;Forslund, Ola K.;Nocerino, Elisabetta;Kreuzer, Lucas P.;Widmann, Tobias;Porcar, Lionel;Yamada, Norifumi L.;Matsubara, Nami;Månsson, Martin;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter;Söderberg, L. Daniel;Roth, Stephan V.; Humidity‐Induced Nanoscale Restructuring in PEDOT:PSS and Cellulose Nanofibrils Reinforced Biobased Organic Electronics
Cavinato, Luca M.;Fresta, Elisa;Ferrara, Sara;Costa, Rubén D.; Merging Biology and Photovoltaics: How Nature Helps Sun‐Catching
Reimer, Martin;Zollfrank, Cordt; Cellulose for Light Manipulation: Methods, Applications, and Prospects
Li, Weijin;Mukerjee, Soumya;Ren, Baohui;Cao, Rong;Fischer, Roland A.; Open Framework Material Based Thin Films: Electrochemical Catalysis and State‐of‐the‐art Technologies
Stegmaier, Sina;Schierholz, Roland;Povstugar, Ivan;Barthel, Juri;Rittmeyer, Simon P.;Yu, Shicheng;Wengert, Simon;Rostami, Samare;Kungl, Hans;Reuter, Karsten;Eichel, Rüdiger‐A.;Scheurer, Christoph; Nano‐Scale Complexions Facilitate Li Dendrite‐Free Operation in LATP Solid‐State Electrolyte
Illgen, Christian;Bohne, Benjamin;Wagner, Martin F.-X.;Gruber, Maximilian;Volk, Wolfram;Frint, Philipp; Facing the Issues of Sheet Metal Equal‐Channel Angular Pressing: A Modified Approach Using Stacks to Produce Ultrafine‐Grained High Ductility AA5083 Sheets
Kümmel, Frank;Höppel, Heinz Werner;Göken, Mathias; Ultrafine‐Grained Laminated Metal Composites: A New Material Class for Tailoring Cyclically Stressed Components
Li, Xiaohu;Hofmann, Michael;Landesberger, Martin;Reiberg, Marius;Zhang, Xiao;Huang, Yuanding;Wang, Lijiu;Werner, Ewald;Gan, Weimin; A Unique Quenching and Deformation Dilatometer for Combined In Situ Neutron Diffraction Analysis of Engineering Materials
Geiger, Christina;Reitenbach, Julija;Henschel, Cristiane;Kreuzer, Lucas P.;Widmann, Tobias;Wang, Peixi;Mangiapia, Gaetano;Moulin, Jean-François;Papadakis, Christine M.;Laschewsky, André;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Ternary Nanoswitches Realized with Multiresponsive PMMA‐ b ‐PNIPMAM Films in Mixed Water/Acetone Vapor Atmospheres
Serrano-Munoz, Itziar;Ulbricht, Alexander;Fritsch, Tobias;Mishurova, Tatiana;Kromm, Arne;Hofmann, Michael;Wimpory, Robert C.;Evans, Alexander;Bruno, Giovanni; Scanning Manufacturing Parameters Determining the Residual Stress State in LPBF IN718 Small Parts
Benedikt Leible, Norbert Hanik; Full Nonlinear Spectrum NFDM Systems and Loss-Induced Performance Degradation
Jinca, Dwiyanti Arimbi; Urban Road Transport Emissions and Potential for Reducing Emissions by Electric Vehicles
Wang, Yanwei; Integration of 3D microfluidic platform with gold nanoparticle-catalyzed chemiluminescence analysis system
Klimpel, Fabian; Generalisation of track extrapolation, reconstruction and parametrised simulation for the ACTS project in the context of experiment-comprehensive, future tracking challenges using the example of the ATLAS detector
Bloßfeld M., Hart-Davis M.G., Glomsda M., Dettmering D.; The impact of the EOT20 global ocean tide model on space geodetic measurements, satellite orbits and derived geodetic parameters
Papa, Arled;Durner, Raphael;Goshi, Endri;Goratti, Leonardo;Rasheed, Tinku;Blenk, Andreas;Kellerer Wolfgang; MARC: On Modeling and Analysis of Software-Defined Radio Access Network Controllers
Kleinwort, Robin Karl-Hermann; Methodology for Enabling Active Vibration Control Systems of Machine Tools for Industrial Use
Vagionitis, Stavros; Studying axonal and glial dynamics during CNS myelination and remyelination in vivo using zebrafish
Mingchuan Zhou, Jiahao Wu, Ali Ebrahimi, Niravkumar Patel, Yunhui Liu, Nassir Navab, Peter Gehlbach, Alois Knoll, M. Ali Nasseri, Ioan Iulian Iordachita; Spotlight-based 3D Instrument Guidance for Autonomous Task in Robot-assisted Retinal Surgery
Betzwieser, Benedikt;Dick, Theresa;Utesch, Matthias;Krcmar, Helmut; A Review on Requirements for Teaching the Relationship Between Business Models and Business Processes
Djeffal, Christian; Art. 22 DSGVO als sozio-technische Gestaltungsnorm: Eine Neuinterpretation der Regelung von automatisierten Entscheidungen
Xiao Wang; Hanna Krasowski; Matthias Althoff; CommonRoad-RL: A Configurable Reinforcement Learning Environment for Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles
Teymouri, Shokoufeh; Label-free, non-invasive cell based monitoring based on organic bioelectronics
Krischer, Lukas;Zimmermann, Markus; Decomposition and optimization of linear structures using meta models
Stefan Kugele, Ana Petrovska, Ilias Gerostathopoulos; Towards a Taxonomy of Autonomous Systems
Kluge, Regina Michaela; Identification of Active Sites for the Oxygen Reduction and Evolution under Reaction Conditions using Electrochemical Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
Walter, Florian M. J.; Advanced Embodied Learning
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Towards geometric multi-scale coupling in preCICE
Lin, Yuanfei; Maierhofer, Sebastian; Althoff, Matthias; Sampling-Based Trajectory Repairing for Autonomous Vehicles
Karge, Lukas;Gilles, Ralph;Hofmann, Michael;Mukherji, Debashis;Rösler, Joachim;Honecker, Dirk;Beran, Přemysl;Strunz, Pavel;Schell, Norbert;Busch, Sebastian; TaC Precipitation Kinetics During Cooling of Co−Re‐Based Alloys
Henning, Alex;Bartl, Johannes D.;Zeidler, Andreas;Qian, Simon;Bienek, Oliver;Jiang, Chang‐Ming;Paulus, Claudia;Rieger, Bernhard;Stutzmann, Martin;Sharp, Ian D.; Aluminum Oxide at the Monolayer Limit via Oxidant‐Free Plasma‐Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition on GaN
Jiang, Kun;Yan, Hongji;Rickert, Carolin;Marczynski, Matthias;Sixtensson, Kajsa;Vilaplana, Francisco;Lieleg, Oliver;Crouzier, Thomas; Modulating the Bioactivity of Mucin Hydrogels with Crosslinking Architecture
Zhang, Jun;Byers, Patrick;Erben, Amelie;Frank, Christine;Schulte‐Spechtel, Levin;Heymann, Michael;Docheva, Denitsa;Huber, Heinz P.;Sudhop, Stefanie;Clausen‐Schaumann, Hauke; Single Cell Bioprinting with Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Jung, Florian A.;Schart, Maximilian;Bührend, Lukas;Meidinger, Elisabeth;Kang, Jia‐Jhen;Niebuur, Bart‐Jan;Ariaee, Sina;Molodenskiy, Dmitry S.;Posselt, Dorthe;Amenitsch, Heinz;Tsitsilianis, Constantinos;Papadakis, Christine M.; Highly Tunable Nanostructures in a Doubly pH‐Responsive Pentablock Terpolymer in Solution and in Thin Films
Di Giosia, Matteo;Soldà, Alice;Seeger, Markus;Cantelli, Andrea;Arnesano, Fabio;Nardella, Maria I.;Mangini, Vincenzo;Valle, Francesco;Montalti, Marco;Zerbetto, Francesco;Rapino, Stefania;Calvaresi, Matteo;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; A Bio‐Conjugated Fullerene as a Subcellular‐Targeted and Multifaceted Phototheranostic Agent
Li, Nian;Guo, Renjun;Chen, Wei;Körstgens, Volker;Heger, Julian E.;Liang, Suzhe;Brett, Calvin J.;Hossain, Md Asjad;Zheng, Jianshu;Deimel, Peter S.;Buyruk, Ali;Allegretti, Francesco;Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Veinot, Jonathan G. C.;Schmitz, Guido;Barth, Johannes V.;Ameri, Tayebeh;Roth, Stephan V.;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter; Tailoring Ordered Mesoporous Titania Films via Introducing Germanium Nanocrystals for Enhanced Electron Transfer Photoanodes for Photovoltaic Applications
Mehta, Aditi;Michler, Thomas;Merkel, Olivia M.; siRNA Therapeutics against Respiratory Viral Infections—What Have We Learned for Potential COVID‐19 Therapies?
Liu, Nian;O'Connor, Patrick;Gujrati, Vipul;Gorpas, Dimitris;Glasl, Sarah;Blutke, Andreas;Walch, Axel;Kleigrewe, Karin;Sattler, Michael;Plettenburg, Oliver;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Facile Synthesis of a Croconaine‐Based Nanoformulation for Optoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy
Amann, Elisabeth;Amirall, Amisel;Franco, Albina R.;Poh, Patrina S. P.;Sola Dueñas, Francisco J.;Fuentes Estévez, Gastón;Leonor, Isabel B.;Reis, Rui L.;Griensven, Martijn;Balmayor, Elizabeth R.; A Graded, Porous Composite of Natural Biopolymers and Octacalcium Phosphate Guides Osteochondral Differentiation of Stem Cells
Katzenmeier, Leon;Carstensen, Leif;Schaper, Simon J.;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Characterization and Quantification of Depletion and Accumulation Layers in Solid‐State Li + ‐Conducting Electrolytes Using In Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Hausmann, J. Niklas;Beltrán‐Suito, Rodrigo;Mebs, Stefan;Hlukhyy, Viktor;Fässler, Thomas F.;Dau, Holger;Driess, Matthias;Menezes, Prashanth W.; Evolving Highly Active Oxidic Iron(III) Phase from Corrosion of Intermetallic Iron Silicide to Master Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation and Selective Oxygenation of 5‐Hydroxymethylfurfural
Li, Weijin;Yang, Guang;Terzis, Alexandros;Mukherjee, Soumya;He, Chao;An, Xingtao;Wu, Jingyi;Weigand, Bernhard;Fischer, Roland A.; In Situ Tracking of Wetting‐Front Transient Heat Release on a Surface‐Mounted Metal–Organic Framework
Kretschmer, Martin;Schüßler, Carina Anke;Lieleg, Oliver; Biofilm Adhesion to Surfaces is Modulated by Biofilm Wettability and Stiffness
Kraushofer, Florian;Resch, Nikolaus;Eder, Moritz;Rafsanjani‐Abbasi, Ali;Tobisch, Sarah;Jakub, Zdenek;Franceschi, Giada;Riva, Michele;Meier, Matthias;Schmid, Michael;Diebold, Ulrike;Parkinson, Gareth S.; Surface Reduction State Determines Stabilization and Incorporation of Rh on α‐Fe 2 O 3 (11¯02)
Yin, Shanshan;Cao, Wei;Ji, Qing;Cheng, Yajun;Song, Lin;Li, Nian;Weindl, Christian L.;Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Roth, Stephan V.;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter; Multidimensional Morphology Control for PS‐b‐P 4 VP Templated Mesoporous Iron (III) Oxide Thin Films
Teshima, Tetsuhiko F.;Hiendlmeier, Lukas;Terkan, Korkut;Zips, Sabine;Grob, Leroy;Zurita, Francisco;Rinklin, Philipp;Wolfrum, Bernhard; 3D Printing of Implants Composed of Nanjing Tamasudare‐Inspired Flexible Shape Transformers
Thakur, Bhawana;Karve, Vikram V.;Sun, Daniel T.;Semrau, A. Lisa;Weiß, Lennart J. K.;Grob, Leroy;Fischer, Roland A.;Queen, Wendy L.;Wolfrum, Bernhard; An Investigation into the Intrinsic Peroxidase‐Like Activity of Fe‐MOFs and Fe‐MOFs/Polymer Composites
Mutschke, Alexander;Wylezich, Thomas;Sontakke, Atul D.;Meijerink, Andries;Hoelzel, Markus;Kunkel, Nathalie; MCaH x F 3− x (M = Rb, Cs): Synthesis, Structure, and Bright, Site‐Sensitive Tunable Eu 2+ Luminescence
Feldmann, Sascha;Neumann, Timo;Ciesielski, Richard;Friend, Richard H.;Hartschuh, Achim;Deschler, Felix; Tailored Local Bandgap Modulation as a Strategy to Maximize Luminescence Yields in Mixed‐Halide Perovskites
Muzalyova, Anna;Brunner, Jens O.;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Damialis, Athanasios; Forecasting Betula and Poaceae airborne pollen concentrations on a 3-hourly resolution in Augsburg, Germany: toward automatically generated, real-time predictions
Facchin, Federico;Pagani, Andrea;Marchica, Paolo;Pandis, Laura;Scarpa, Carlotta;Brambullo, Tito;Bassetto, Franco;Vindigni, Vincenzo; The Role of Portable Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (piNPWT) in Reducing Local Complications of Post-bariatric Brachioplasty: A Case-Control Study
Broer, P. Niclas;Moellhoff, Nicholas;Aung, Thiha;Forte, Antonio J.;Topka, Charlotte;Richter, Dirk F.;Colombo, Martin;Sinno, Sammy;Kehrer, Andreas;Zeman, Florian;Rohrich, Rodney J.;Prantl, Lukas;Heidekrueger, Paul I.; How to Approach Secondary Breast Reduction: International Trends and a Systematic Review of the Literature
Braun, Charis Linda;Bitsch, Vera;Häring, Anna Maria; Behind the scenes of a learning agri-food value chain: lessons from action research
Grafe, Martin;Kurth, Julia Katharina;Panten, Kerstin;Raj, Abilash Durai;Baum, Christel;Zimmer, Dana;Leinweber, Peter;Schloter, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie; Effects of different innovative bone char based P fertilizers on bacteria catalyzing P turnover in agricultural soils
Zubay, Péter;Kunzelmann, Jakob;Ittzés, András;Németh Zámboriné, Éva;Szabó, Krisztina; Allelopathic effects of leachates of Juglans regia L., Populus tremula L. and juglone on germination of temperate zone cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants
Reckling, Moritz;Ahrends, Hella;Chen, Tsu-Wei;Eugster, Werner;Hadasch, Steffen;Knapp, Samuel;Laidig, Friedrich;Linstädter, Anja;Macholdt, Janna;Piepho, Hans-Peter;Schiffers, Katja;Döring, Thomas F.; Methods of yield stability analysis in long-term field experiments. A review
Steinert, Janina I.;Khan, Shaukat;Mafara, Emma;Wong, Cebele;Mlambo, Khudzie;Hettema, Anita;Walsh, Fiona J.;Lejeune, Charlotte;Mazibuko, Sikhathele;Okello, Velephi;Ogbuoji, Osondu;De Neve, Jan-Walter;Vollmer, Sebastian;Bärnighausen, Till;Geldsetzer, Pascal; The Impact of Immediate Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy on Patients' Healthcare Expenditures: A Stepped-Wedge Randomized Trial in Eswatini
Olliges, Elisabeth;Bührlen, Bernhard;Fischer, Franz;Boesecke, Christoph;Kümmerle, Tim;Schneider, Jochen;Weidlich, Simon;Cordes, Christiane;Heiken, Hans;Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen;Krznaric, Ivanka;Scholten, Stefan;Jensen, Björn Erik-Ole;Wolf, Eva;Ronel, Joram;Spinner, Christoph D.;on behalf of the DUALIS STUDY GROUP; Health-related quality-of-life in people living with HIV after switching to dual therapy with ritonavir-boosted darunavir + dolutegravir: a DUALIS sub-study
Albers, Susanne;Janke, Maximilian; Scheduling in the Random-Order Model
Albers, Susanne;Khan, Arindam;Ladewig, Leon; Improved Online Algorithms for Knapsack and GAP in the Random Order Model
Wang, Shu‐Hung;Zissler, Ulrich M.;Buettner, Maren;Heine, Sonja;Heldner, Alexander;Kotz, Sebastian;Pechtold, Lisa;Kau, Josephine;Plaschke, Mirjam;Ullmann, Julia T.;Guerth, Ferdinand;Oelsner, Madlen;Alessandrini, Francesca;Blank, Simon;Chaker, Adam M.;Schmidt‐Weber, Carsten B.;Jakwerth, Constanze A.; An exhausted phenotype of T H 2 cells is primed by allergen exposure, but not reinforced by allergen‐specific immunotherapy
Biedermann, Tilo;Couroux, Peter;Greve, Tina Maria;Mäkelä, Mika; Safety of the SQ tree sublingual immunotherapy tablet: Pooled safety analysis of clinical trials
Zissler, Ulrich M.;Jakwerth, Constanze A.;Guerth, Ferdinand;Lewitan, Larissa;Rothkirch, Sandra;Davidovic, Miodrag;Ulrich, Moritz;Oelsner, Madlen;Garn, Holger;Schmidt‐Weber, Carsten B.;Chaker, Adam M.; Allergen‐specific immunotherapy induces the suppressive secretoglobin 1A1 in cells of the lower airways
Leonard, Cathy;Montamat, Guillem;Davril, Caroline;Domingues, Olivia;Hunewald, Oliver;Revets, Dominique;Guerin, Coralie;Blank, Simon;Heckendorn, Justine;Jardon, Gauthier;Hentges, François;Ollert, Markus; Comprehensive mapping of immune tolerance yields a regulatory TNF receptor 2 signature in a murine model of successful Fel d 1‐specific immunotherapy using high‐dose CpG adjuvant
Tomasdottir, Maria, MD;Held, Claes, MD, PhD;Hadziosmanovic, Nermin;Westerbergh, Johan;Lindbäck, Johan;Aylward, Philip E.;Budaj, Andrzej;Cannon, Christopher P.;Engdahl, Johan;Granger, Christopher B.;Koenig, Wolfgang;Manolis, Athanasios J.;Oldgren, Jonas;Stewart, Ralph A.H.;Svennberg, Emma;Vinereanu, Dragos;White, Harvey D.;Siegbahn, Agneta;Wallentin, Lars;Hijazi, Ziad; Risk markers of incident atrial fibrillation in patients with coronary heart disease
Mussack, Veronika;Wittmann, Georg;Pfaffl, Michael W.; On the trail of blood doping— microRNA fingerprints to monitor autologous blood transfusions in vivo
Morava, Eva;Schatz, Ulrich A.;Torring, Pernille M.;Abbott, Mary-Alice;Baumann, Matthias;Brasch-Andersen, Charlotte;Chevalier, Nathalie;Dunkhase-Heinl, Ulrike;Fleger, Martin;Haack, Tobias B.;Nelson, Stephen;Potelle, Sven;Radenkovic, Silvia;Bommer, Guido T.;Van Schaftingen, Emile;Veiga-da-Cunha, Maria; Impaired glucose-1,6-biphosphate production due to bi-allelic PGM2L1 mutations is associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder
Hengel, Holger;Hannan, Shabab B.;Dyack, Sarah;MacKay, Sara B.;Schatz, Ulrich;Fleger, Martin;Kurringer, Andreas;Balousha, Ghassan;Ghanim, Zaid;Alkuraya, Fowzan S.;Alzaidan, Hamad;Alsaif, Hessa S.;Mitani, Tadahiro;Bozdogan, Sevcan;Pehlivan, Davut;Lupski, James R.;Gleeson, Joseph J.;Dehghani, Mohammadreza;Mehrjardi, Mohammad Y.V.;Sherr, Elliott H.;Parks, Kendall C.;Argilli, Emanuela;Begtrup, Amber;Galehdari, Hamid;Balousha, Osama;Shariati, Gholamreza;Mazaheri, Neda;Malamiri, Reza A.;Pagnamenta, Alistair T.;Kingston, Helen;Banka, Siddharth;Jackson, Adam;Osmond, Mathew;Rieß, Angelika;Haack, Tobias B.;Nägele, Thomas;Schuster, Stefanie;Hauser, Stefan;Admard, Jakob;Casadei, Nicolas;Velic, Ana;Macek, Boris;Ossowski, Stephan;Houlden, Henry;Maroofian, Reza;Schöls, Ludger; Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in BCAS3 cause a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder
Heilbronner, Urs;Papiol, Sergi;Budde, Monika;Andlauer, Till F. M.;Strohmaier, Jana;Streit, Fabian;Frank, Josef;Degenhardt, Franziska;Heilmann‐Heimbach, Stefanie;Witt, Stephanie H.;Forstner, Andreas J.;Loerbroks, Adrian;Amelang, Manfred;Stürmer, Til;Müller‐Myhsok, Bertram;Nöthen, Markus M.;Rietschel, Marcella;Schulze, Thomas G.; “The Heidelberg Five” personality dimensions: Genome‐wide associations, polygenic risk for neuroticism, and psychopathology 20 years after assessment
Lingor, Paul;Koch, Jan C.;Statland, Jeffrey M.;Hussain, Sumaira;Hennecke, Christiane;Wuu, Joanne;Langbein, Thomas;Ahmed, Raees;Günther, René;Ilse, Benjamin;Kassubek, Jan;Kollewe, Katja;Kuttler, Josua;Leha, Andreas;Lengenfeld, Teresa;Meyer, Thomas;Neuwirth, Christoph;Tostmann, Ralf;Benatar, Michael; Challenges and opportunities for Multi-National Investigator-Initiated clinical trials for ALS: European and United States collaborations
Borrmann, A.;Bruckmann, T.;Dörfler, K.;Hartmann, T.;Smarsly, K.; Towards realizing the information backbone of robotized construction – Computational methods and cyber-physical architectures for collaborative robotic fleets
Borrmann, A.;Abualdenien, J.;Krijnen, T.; Information containers providing deep linkage of drawings and BIM models
Gocci, Alessandro; The role of tradition and innovation among EU GI products and sustainable pathways within the GI scheme
Würsching, Gerald; Althoff, Matthias; Sampling-Based Optimal Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Vehicles Using Reachable Sets
Zanon, Patrick R. A.; Development of electrophiles and chemoproteomic methods for the exploration of the ligandability of bacterial proteomes
Zerwas, Johannes; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Blenk, Andreas; What You Need to Know About Optical Circuit Reconfigurations in Datacenter Networks
Schwaferts, Christian;Schwaferts, Patrick;von der Esch, Elisabeth;Elsner, Martin;Ivleva, Natalia P.; Which particles to select, and if yes, how many?
Witting, Michael;Schmidt, Ulrike;Knölker, Hans-Joachim; UHPLC-IM-Q-ToFMS analysis of maradolipids, found exclusively in Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae
Köck, Johannes;Gottschalk, Christoph;Ulrich, Sebastian;Schwaiger, Karin;Gareis, Manfred;Niessen, Ludwig; Rapid and selective detection of macrocyclic trichothecene producing Stachybotrys chartarum strains by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
Slavik, Benedikt;Roehrer, Simon;Loos, Helene M.;Minceva, Mirjana;Buettner, Andrea; Isolation of sesquiterpenoids from Matricaria chamomilla by means of solvent assisted flavor evaporation and centrifugal partition chromatography
Klüpfel, Julia;Koros, Rosa Carolina;Dehne, Kerstin;Ungerer, Martin;Würstle, Silvia;Mautner, Josef;Feuerherd, Martin;Protzer, Ulrike;Hayden, Oliver;Elsner, Martin;Seidel, Michael; Automated, flow-based chemiluminescence microarray immunoassay for the rapid multiplex detection of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in human serum and plasma (CoVRapid CL-MIA)
Zachos, Ioannis;Döring, Manuel;Tafertshofer, Georg;Simon, Robert C.;Sieber, Volker; carba Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate: Robust Cofactor for Redox Biocatalysis
Stanley, Philip M.;Haimerl, Johanna;Thomas, Christopher;Urstoeger, Alexander;Schuster, Michael;Shustova, Natalia B.;Casini, Angela;Rieger, Bernhard;Warnan, Julien;Fischer, Roland A.; Host–Guest Interactions in a Metal–Organic Framework Isoreticular Series for Molecular Photocatalytic CO 2 Reduction
Annapureddy, Rajasekar Reddy;Burg, Finn;Gramüller, Johannes;Golub, Tino P.;Merten, Christian;Huber, Stefan M.;Bach, Thorsten; Silver‐Catalyzed Enantioselective Sulfimidation Mediated by Hydrogen Bonding Interactions
Li, Hailong;Mars, Julian;Lohstroh, Wiebke;Koza, Michael Marek;Butt, Hans‐Jürgen;Mezger, Markus; Water Mobility in the Interfacial Liquid Layer of Ice/Clay Nanocomposites
Peschel, Martin T.;Kabaciński, Piotr;Schwinger, Daniel P.;Thyrhaug, Erling;Cerullo, Giulio;Bach, Thorsten;Hauer, Jürgen;Vivie‐Riedle, Regina; Activation of 2‐Cyclohexenone by BF 3 Coordination: Mechanistic Insights from Theory and Experiment
Scherlach, Kirstin;Kuttenlochner, Wolfgang;Scharf, Daniel H.;Brakhage, Axel A.;Hertweck, Christian;Groll, Michael;Huber, Eva M.; Structural and Mechanistic Insights into C−S Bond Formation in Gliotoxin
Weindl, Roland;Khare, Rachit;Kovarik, Libor;Jentys, Andreas;Reuter, Karsten;Shi, Hui;Lercher, Johannes A.; Zeolite‐Stabilized Di‐ and Tetranuclear Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters Form Stable Catalytic Hydrogenation Sites
Mutschke, Alexander;Bernard, Guy M.;Bertmer, Marko;Karttunen, Antti J.;Ritter, Clemens;Michaelis, Vladimir K.;Kunkel, Nathalie; Na 3 SO 4 H—The First Representative of the Material Class of Sulfate Hydrides
Ajayakumar, M. R.;Ma, Ji;Lucotti, Andrea;Schellhammer, Karl Sebastian;Serra, Gianluca;Dmitrieva, Evgenia;Rosenkranz, Marco;Komber, Hartmut;Liu, Junzhi;Ortmann, Frank;Tommasini, Matteo;Feng, Xinliang; Persistent peri ‐Heptacene: Synthesis and In Situ Characterization
Knecht, Peter;Reichert, Joachim;Deimel, Peter S.;Feulner, Peter;Haag, Felix;Allegretti, Francesco;Garnica, Manuela;Schwarz, Martin;Auwärter, Willi;Ryan, Paul T. P.;Lee, Tien‐Lin;Duncan, David A.;Seitsonen, Ari Paavo;Barth, Johannes V.;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; Conformational Control of Chemical Reactivity for Surface‐Confined Ru‐Porphyrins
Elsner, Daniel;Hauer, Florian;Pretschner, Alexander;Reimer, Silke; Empirically evaluating readily available information for regression test optimization in continuous integration
Huchler, Norbert;Kessler Ingmar;Lay, Florian;Perzylo, Alexander;Seidler, Michael;Steinmetz, Franz; Empowering Workers in a Mixed Skills Concept for Collaborative Robot Systems
Blömeke, Nicolas; Determinants of intra-membrane client recognition by the molecular chaperone Calnexin
Ding, Xing; LASER-Assisted Determination of the Potential of Maximum Entropy. Applications in Electrocatalysis
Gallard, Jean-Matthieu; Template-based code generation for a customizable high-performance hyperbolic PDE engine
Grünewald, Jonas;Clarkson, Pirmin;Salveson, Ryan;Fey, Georg;Wudy, Katrin; Influence of Pulsed Exposure Strategies on Overhang Structures in Powder Bed Fusion of Ti6Al4V Using Laser Beam
Seckler, Steffen; Algorithm and Performance Engineering for HPC Particle Simulations
Wurm, Markus; Klinisch-funktionelles Outcome nach operativer Versorgung instabiler lateraler Klavikulafrakturen mittels winkelstabiler Plattenosteosynthese und coracoclaviculärer Refixation via Dog Bone™ -Technik: Vergleich zweier Methoden und Analyse des Return to Sports
Wörle, Martin;Holleitner, Alexander W.;Kienberger, Reinhard;Iglev, Hristo; Ultrafast hot-carrier relaxation in silicon monitored by phase-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy
Daniel Auge, Julian Hille, Etienne Mueller, Alois Knoll; Hand Gesture Recognition in Range-Doppler Images Using Binary Activated Spiking Neural Networks
Zimmermann, Judith; Quantifying hemodynamics in the aorta with four-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging
Löhrer, Franziska Carina; Relating morphology and function in low-bandgap polymer-based solar cells
Kächele, Martin; Novel treatment options for chronic hepatitis B: Therapeutic vaccination and interferon-mediated cccDNA degradation
Pretzsch, Hans; Genetic diversity reduces competition and increases tree growth on a Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) provenance mixing experiment
Uhl, Enno;Hilmers, Torben;Pretzsch, Hans; From Acid Rain to Low Precipitation: The Role Reversal of Norway Spruce, Silver Fir, and European Beech in a Selection Mountain Forest and Its Implications for Forest Management
Ceribella, Giovanni; Insights into the 10-100 GeV gamma-ray emission of pulsars from extensive observations of MAGIC
Li, Nian; Tailoring titania nanostructures for application in solar cells
Natras R., Schmidt M.; Time-series Forecasting of Ionospheric Space Weather using Ensemble Machine Learning
Well, Friederike;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Development of an Integrated Design Strategy for Blue-Green Architecture
Drewes, L.;Forth, K.; BIM-integration of sustainable building certification criteria in the early design stages
Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; PBG: A parametric building graph capturing and transferring detailing patterns of building models
Harkous, Hasanin;He, Mu;Jarschel, Michael;Pries, Rastin;Mansour, Ehab;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Performance Study of P4 Programmable Devices: Flow Scalability and Rule Update Responsiveness
Harkous, Hasanin;Papagianni, Chrysa;De Schepper, Koen;Jarschel, Michael;Dimolianis, Marinos;Preis, Rastin; Virtual Queues for P4: A Poor Man’s Programmable Traffic Manager
Bacharach, Guido; Gottlieb, Matthias; Norder, Jan Joost; Pongratz, Hans; Steiper, Ramona-Denisa; Radenbach, Wolfgang; Strack, Hermann; Waßmann, Arn; Progress on Digitization of Higher Education Processes towards Standards EU & DE: Status and future Perspectives
Sperl, Laura Esther; Structural studies on the pore-forming mitochondrial membrane proteins Bak and MPV17
Mukherjee, Soumya;Kumar, Naveen;Bezrukov, Andrey A.;Tan, Kui;Pham, Tony;Forrest, Katherine A.;Oyekan, Kolade A.;Qazvini, Omid T.;Madden, David G.;Space, Brian;Zaworotko, Michael J.; Amino‐Functionalised Hybrid Ultramicroporous Materials that Enable Single‐Step Ethylene Purification from a Ternary Mixture
Harth‐Kitzerow, Johannes;Leike, Reimar H.;Arras, Philipp;Enßlin, Torsten A.; Toward Bayesian Data Compression
Hecht, Anna;Meyer, Julia A.;Jann, Johann-Christoph;Sockel, Katja;Giagounidis, Aristoteles;Götze, Katharina S.;Letsch, Anne;Haase, Detlef;Schlenk, Richard F.;Haferlach, Torsten;Schafhausen, Philippe;Bug, Gesine;Lübbert, Michael;Thol, Felicitas;Büsche, Guntram;Schuler, Esther;Nowak, Verena;Obländer, Julia;Fey, Stephanie;Müller, Nadine;Metzgeroth, Georgia;Hofmann, Wolf-Karsten;Germing, Ulrich;Nolte, Florian;Reinwald, Mark;Nowak, Daniel; Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis pre- and post-lenalidomide treatment in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated deletion (5q)
Vandebergh, Marijne;Andlauer, Till F. M.;Zhou, Yuan;Mallants, Klara;Held, Friederike;Aly, Lilian;Taylor, Bruce V.;Hemmer, Bernhard;Dubois, Bénédicte;Goris, An; Genetic Variation in WNT9B Increases Relapse Hazard in Multiple Sclerosis
Wingerchuk, Dean M.;Fujihara, Kazuo;Palace, Jacqueline;Berthele, Achim;Levy, Michael;Kim, Ho Jin;Nakashima, Ichiro;Oreja‐Guevara, Celia;Wang, Kai‐Chen;Miller, Larisa;Shang, Shulian;Sabatella, Guido;Yountz, Marcus;Pittock, Sean J.;Villa, Andres;Garcea, Orlando;Manin, Analisa;Melamud, Luciana;Aguirre, Florencia;Fernandez, Victoria;Muñoz, Daniel Julio;Amor, Jorge;Bocchiardo, Carolina;Obregon, Carolina Daniela Diaz;Laffue, Alfredo;Paez, Maria Fernanda;Perez, Roberto Martín;Rocchi, Viviana;Teijeiro, Loreley;De Virgiliis, Mariana;Cordoba, Marta;Ingolotti, Mariana;Lupinacci, Anahi;Ballario, Carlos;Chiesa, Ana;Gomez, Hernan;Mainella, Carolina;Lattini, Hernan;Barnett, Michael;Barton, Joshua;Beadnall, Heidi;Garber, Justin;Hardy, Todd;Pollard, John;Trewin, Benjamin;Shuey, Neil;Bryson, Alex;French, Ann;Laing, Joshua;Law, Lai Yin;Plummer, Christopher;Sanders, Lauren;Sedal, Leslie;Winkel, Anthony;Neal, Andrew;Habek, Mario;Adamec, Ivan;Barun, Barbara;Crnosija, Luka;Gabelic, Tereza;Pitha, Jiri;Nytrova, Petra;Novakova, Iveta;Tyblova, Michaela;Krasulova, Eva;Pavlickova, Jana;Petersen, Thor;Rasmussen, Peter;Stilund, Morten;Svendsen, Kristina;Diem, Ricarda;Platten, Michael;Berberich, Anne;Jaschonek, Hannah;Wildemann, Brigitte;Biberacher, Viola Maria;Brinkhoff, Kirsten;Golkowski, Daniel;Kowarik, Markus;Lehmann‐Horn, Klaus;Pongratz, Viola;Zettl, Uwe;Klinke, Jan;Loebermann, Micha;Meister, Stefanie;Rimmele, Florian;Winkelmann, Alexander;Lau, Alexander Yuk Lun;Au, Lisa Wing Chi;Fan, Sin Ying Florence;Ip, Vincent Hing Lung;Ma, Sze Ho;Ma, Ka Yan Karen;Mok, Chung Tong Vincent;Patti, Francesco;Messina, Silvia;Proietto, Maria;Filla, Allessandro;Morra, Vincenzo Brescia;Costabile, Teresa;Nozzolillo, Agostino;Saccà, Francesco;Gasperini, Claudio;Claudio, Vento;Shalom, Haggiag;Simonetta, Simonetta;Ruggeri, Serena;Pozzilli, Carlo;Boriello, Giovanna;De Angelis, Floriana;Marinelli, Fabiana;Ishibashi, Satoru;Yokota, Takanori;Nishida, Yoichiro;Ozaki, Kokoro;Sanjo, Nobuo;Sato, Nozomu;Mori, Masahiro;Otani, Ryohei;Sekiguchi, Yukari;Shibuya, Kazumoto;Uzawa, Akiyuki;Matsushita, Takuya;Murai, Hiroyuki;Hayashi, Shintaro;Ogata, Hidenori;Shinoda, Koji;Watanabe, Mitsuru;Yamaguchi, Hiroo;Yamasaki, Ryo;Lin, Youwei;Araki, Manabu;Mori, Madoka;Mukai, Yohei;Okamoto, Tomoko;Sano, Terunori;Sato, Wakiro;Takahashi, Yuji;Saida, Takahiko;Nakamura, Shinichi;Nasu, Tetsuya;Saida, Kyoko;Shikata, Yuko;Ukon, Shinichiro;Yoshikawa, Hiroo;Kimura, Takashi;Nishi, Masamitsu;Sakamoto, Shun;Watanabe, Shohei;Misu, Tatsuro;Kaneko, Kimihiko;Kuroda, Hiroshi;Matsumoto, Yuki;Namatame, Chihiro;Nishiyama, Shuhei;Ono, Hirohiko;Takai, Yoshiki;Kanda, Takashi;Honda, Masaya;Kawai, Motoharu;Koga, Michiaki;Maeda, Toshihiko;Omoto, Masatoshi;Sano, Yasuteru;Hyun, Jae‐Won;Jeong, In Hye;Kim, Su‐Hyun;Shin, Hyun‐June;Yoo, JiSung;Kim, Byung‐Jo;Baek, SeolHee;Kim, YooHwan;Kim, Jung Bin;Koo, Yong Seo;Lee, Chan Nyoung;Seok, Hung Youl;Kim, Byoung Joon;Cho, Eun Bin;Cho, Hye‐Jin;Choi, MiSong;Kim, Ju Hyeon;Kim, SeungJu;Kim, Dong‐Sun;Lee, HyeLim;Lee, Kwang‐Ho;Min, Ju‐Hong;Park, Ji‐Hyung;Seok, Jinmyoung;Kim, Sung Min;Ahn, So‐Hyun;Baek, SeolHee;Choi, SeokJin;Choi, Kyomin;Im, SunYoung;Kim, Ji‐Sun;Kim, BongJe;Kim, JunSoon;Kwon, Young Nam;Shin, Je‐Young;Sohn, Sung‐Yeon;Kim, Seung Woo;Jeong, Ha‐Neul;Jung, JinWoo;Kim, Yool‐hee;Lee, Hyung Seok;Shin, Ha Young;Viswanathan, Shanthi;Adenan, Mohd Sufian;Mawardi, Ahmad Shahir;Muthusamy, Nantini;Agos, Siti Fadhilah;Unit, Hazfadzila Mohd;Khabirov, Farit;Milovanov, Yuriy;Averyanova, Lyudmila;Babicheva, Natalya;Granatov, Eugenii;Kazarov, Sergey;Pokhabov, Dmitry;Nesterova, Yulia;Amelina, Anastasiya;Bozhenkina, Tatyana;Sazonov, Denis;Babenko, Larisa;Yarmoschuk, Asya;Balyazin, Victor;Balyazina, Elena;Budaeva, Elena;Goncharova, Zoya;Totolyan, Natalia;Krasnov, Vladimir;Myatleva, Marina;Timofeeva, Alla;Samulyzhko, Iuliana;Duran, Sabas Boyero;Llona, Jose Eulalio Barcena;Mar Mendibe Bilbao, Maria;Eizaguirre, Amaia Gonzalez;Domingo, Jose Maria Losada;Moyano, Roberto Valverde;Roman, Carmen Bahamonde;Morales, Raquel Piñar;Agüera‐Morales, Eduardo;Valero, Maria Del Carmen Blanco;Diaz, Lucia Forero;Sepulveda, Juan Jose Ochoa;Viña, Nazaret Pelaez;Diaz, Judit Diaz;Matarrubia, Marta Fernandez;Estevez, Irene Gomez;Garcia, Nuria Gonzalez;Monje, Mariana Hernandez‐Gonzalez;Canalejo, Diego Mayo;Guillamon, Elena Minano;Delgado, Fernando Romero;Yin, Jiu‐Haw;Lai, Yu‐Hua;Tsai, Ching‐Piao;Srisuwannanukorn, Suwat;Boonmongkol, Thanatat;Siritanan, Krittika;Thearapati, Chidchanoke;Singwicha, Duangkamol;Arayawichanont, Arkhom;Konpan, Phanpaphon;Riablershirun, Nathapol;Wiroteurai, Thaddao;Kulkantrakorn, Kongkiat;Lolekha, Praween;Potigumjon, Artit;Sukphulloprat, Puchit;Suksasunee, Dararat;Tuncer, Meryem;Kurt, Can Ebru Bekircan;Dursun, Ece Gok;Ayhan, Gokce;Demir, Gulsen Akman;Altunrende, Burcu;Matur, Zeliha;Topcular, Baris;Tutuncu, Melih;Altintas, Ayse;Cam, Abdulsamed;Saip, Sabahattin;Siva, Aksel;Tanrıverdi, Uygur;Cetinkaya, Damla;Sengun, Ihsan;Idiman, Egemen;Ala, Rahmi Tumay;Bulut, Utku;Kaya, Derya;Efendi, Husnu;Aydinlik, Seda;Sarikaya, Cansu Egilmez;Gorkem, Yunus Emre;Cavus, Hakan;Terzi, Murat;Ayer, Sehriban;Onar, Musa Kazim;Sahin, Yanki;Sen, Sedat;Huda, Saif;Jacob, Anu;Arndt, Heike;Jenkins, Damian;Leite, Maria Isabel;Rodriguez, Pedro;Tackley, George;Pardo‐Villamizar, Carlos;Newsome, Scott;Saidha, Shiv;Cortes, Paula;Royal, Walter;Shin, Robert;Bever, Christopher;Harrison, Daniel;Rus, Horea;Frishberg, Benjamin;Oh, Irene;Rosenberg, Jay;Sadoff, Mark;Sahagian, Gregory;Wang, Anchi;Okai, Annette;Hasan, Rashedul;Khoury, Chaouki;Stevens, James;Banas, Thomas;Bultemeyer, Marlene;Haller, Andrea;Lynch, Sharon;Hammond, Nancy;Mittal, Manoj;Nashatizadeh, Muhammad;Rippee, Michael;Uysal, Utku;Wang, Yunxia;Winkley, James;Coleman, Timothy;Cooper, Gregory;Sheffield, Stephanie;Rammohan, Kottil;Sheremata, William;Lizarraga, Alexis;Tornes, Leticia;Kister, Ilya;Charlson, Erik;Howard, Jonathan;Zhovtis‐Ryerson, Lana;Jacobs, Daniel;Easterling, Constance;Fairbank, Jennifer;Iyengar, Revathi;Klafter, Mark;Lai, Heng;Lindquist, Justin;Sadek, Ahmed;Toro, Beatriz;Verma, Navin;Berger, Joseph;Williamson, Eric;Bar‐Or, Amit;Jacobs, Dina;Markowitz, Clyde;Zaydan, Islam;Mitchell, Galen;Heyman, Rock;Suski, Valerie;Orie, Ryan;Flanagan, Eoin;McKeon, Andrew;Tobin, Oliver;Zekeridou, Anastasia;Clardy, Stacey;Cortez, Melissa;Rose, John;Soldon, Mateo;Carter, Jonathan;Dajdaj, Bachir;Snyder, Charlene;Repovic, Pavle;Bowen, James;Mayadev, Angeli;Qian, Peiqing;Naismith, Robert;Cross, Dorothy Anne;Orchard, Megan;Wu, Gregory;Amjad, Faria;Tornatore, Carlo;Mitchell, Erika;Mora, Carlos;Schreiber, Bethany;Stuart, Susan;; Long‐Term Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in Aquaporin‐4 IgG‐Positive NMOSD
Schänzer, Anne;Achleitner, Melanie T.;Trümbach, Dietrich;Hubert, Laurence;Munnich, Arnold;Ahlemeyer, Barbara;AlAbdulrahim, Maha M.;Greif, Philipp A.;Vosberg, Sebastian;Hummer, Blake;Feichtinger, René G.;Mayr, Johannes A.;Wortmann, Saskia B.;Aichner, Heidi;Rudnik‐Schöneborn, Sabine;Ruiz, Anna;Gabau, Elisabeth;Sánchez, Jacobo Pérez;Ellard, Sian;Homfray, Tessa;Stals, Karen L.;Wurst, Wolfgang;Neubauer, Bernd A.;Acker, Till;Bohlander, Stefan K.;Asensio, Cédric;Besmond, Claude;Alkuraya, Fowzan S.;AlSayed, Moenaldeen D.;Hahn, Andreas;Weber, Axel; Mutations in HID1 Cause Syndromic Infantile Encephalopathy and Hypopituitarism
Kucevic, Daniel;Englberger, Stefan;Sharma, Anurag;Trivedi, Anupam;Tepe, Benedikt;Schachler, Birgit;Hesse, Holger;Srinivasan, Dipti;Jossen, Andreas; Reducing grid peak load through the coordinated control of battery energy storage systems located at electric vehicle charging parks
Maier, Christopher;Hofmann, Katharina;Huptas, Christopher;Scherer, Siegfried;Wenning, Mareike;Lücking, Genia; Simultaneous quantification of the most common and proteolytic Pseudomonas species in raw milk by multiplex qPCR
Siebert, Annemarie;Hofmann, Katharina;Staib, Lena;Doll, Etienne V.;Scherer, Siegfried;Wenning, Mareike; Amplicon-sequencing of raw milk microbiota: impact of DNA extraction and library-PCR
Meliawati, Meliawati;Schilling, Christoph;Schmid, Jochen; Recent advances of Cas12a applications in bacteria
Schmidt, Mark;Grill, Christin;Lotz, Simon;Pfeiffer, Tom;Huber, Robert;Jirauschek, Christian; Intensity pattern types in broadband Fourier domain mode-locked (FDML) lasers operating beyond the ultra-stable regime
Knipfer, Kristin;Kump, Barbara; Collective rumination: When “problem talk” impairs organizational resilience
Müller, Daniel;Stahl, Jens;Nürnberger, Anian;Golle, Roland;Tobie, Thomas;Volk, Wolfram;Stahl, Karsten; Shear cutting induced residual stresses in involute gears and resulting tooth root bending strength of a fineblanked gear
Franceschi, A.;Stahl, J.;Kock, C.;Selbmann, R.;Ortmann-Ishkina, S.;Jobst, A.;Merklein, M.;Kuhfuß, B.;Bergmann, M.;Behrens, B.-A.;Volk, W.;Groche, P.; Strategies for residual stress adjustment in bulk metal forming
Wolter, Aline;Markert, Natalia;Wolter, Jan Sebastian;Kurkevych, Andrii;Degenhardt, Jan;Ritgen, Jochen;Stressig, Rüdiger;Enzensberger, Christian;Bedei, Ivonne;Vorisek, Carina;Schenk, Johanna;Graupner, Oliver;Khalil, Markus;Thul, Josef;Jux, Christian;Axt-Fliedner, Roland; Natural history of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PAIVS) and critical pulmonary stenosis (CPS) and prediction of outcome
Sebastian, Pesch;Michael, Zyskowski;Frederik, Greve;Michael, Müller;Marcus, Wurm;Moritz, Crönlein;Peter, Biberthaler;Chlodwig, Kirchhoff; Influence of patella height after patella fracture on clinical outcome: a 13-year period
Moog, P.;Dozan, M.;Betzl, J.;Sukhova, I.;Kükrek, H.;Megerle, K.; WALANT–Epinephrine injection may lead to short term, reversible episodes of critical oxygen saturation in the fingertips
Geyer, Stephanie;Heine, Caroline;Winkler, Philipp W.;Lutz, Patricia M.;Lenich, Andreas;Scheiderer, Bastian;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Siebenlist, Sebastian; LUCL reconstruction of the elbow: clinical midterm results based on the underlying pathogenesis
Dammerer, D.;Keiler, A.;Putzer, D.;Lenze, F.;Liebensteiner, M.;Thaler, M.; Different wear in two highly cross-linked polyethylene liners in THA: wear analysis with EBRA
Lutz, Patricia M.;Geyer, Stephanie;Winkler, Philipp W.;Irger, Markus;Berthold, Daniel P.;Feucht, Matthias J.;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Forkel, Philipp; Reliable ligamentous stability and high return-to-sport rates after arthroscopic reduction and internal fixation of tibial eminence fractures
Gronauer, Sven;Diepold, Klaus; Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning: a survey
Brandes, Ralf P.;Dueck, Anne;Engelhardt, Stefan;Kaulich, Manuel;Kupatt, Christian;De Angelis, Maria Teresa;Leisegang, Matthias S.;le Noble, Ferdinand;Moretti, Alessandra;Müller, Oliver J.;Skryabin, Boris V.;Thum, Thomas;Wurst, Wolfgang; DGK and DZHK position paper on genome editing: basic science applications and future perspective
Keler, Andreas; Malcolm, Patrick; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Hosseini, Seyed Abdollah; Kaths, Heather; Busch, Fritz; Bogenberger, Klaus; Data-Driven Scenario Specification for AV–VRU Interactions at Urban Roundabouts
Santhanakrishnan Narayanan; Aggregate four step models and disaggregate agent based models, but what is in between?
Kender, R.; Kaufmann, F.; Rößler, F.; Wunderlich, B.; Golubev, D.; Thomas, I.; Ecker, A.-M.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.; Development of a digital twin for a flexible air separation unit using a pressure-driven simulation approach
Schnaudt, Christian; van Deth, Jan W; Zorell, Carolin; Theocharis, Yannis; Revisiting norms of citizenship in times of democratic change
Auge, Daniel;Hille, Julian;Mueller, Etienne;Knoll, Alois; A Survey of Encoding Techniques for Signal Processing in Spiking Neural Networks
Boada De Narvaez, Daniel; Moduli of Bielliptic Surfaces
Palm, Stephan Matthias; Mapping of urban scenes by single-channel mmW FMCW SAR on circular flight and curved car trajectories
Kakatkar, Aishwarya; Entrepreneurial Cognition and Well-Being in Early-Stage Ventures
Cao, Wei; Magnetic hybrid films based on ultrahigh molecular weight diblock copolymers
Seifert, Marc; Neutron depolarization of ferromagnetic materials under ultra-high pressures
Pretzsch, H;Schütze, G; Tree species mixing can increase stand productivity, density, and growth efficiency and attenuate the tradeoff between density and growth throughout the whole rotation
Abualdenien, J.;Harder, B.;Clever, J.; A prescriptive parametric model supporting performance-based design exploration at the early stages
Sirtl, F.;Abualdenien, J.; Extended Imperative Model Checking A visual programming approach for a user friendly MVD generation and validation
Matthei, J.;Abualdenien, J.; The impact of implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) during construction
Jaud, S.;Esser, S.;Wikstroem, L.;Muhic, S.;Mirtschin, J.;Borrmann, A.; A critical analysis of linear placement in IFC models
Zerwas, Johannes; Aykurt, Kaan; Schmid, Stefan; Blenk, Andreas; Network Traffic Characteristics of Machine Learning Frameworks Under the Microscope
Nayis, Asmar; Theoretical study of isolated and interacting single-stranded DNA
Pretzsch, Hans;Biber, Peter; Fertilization modifies forest stand growth but not stand density: consequences for modelling stand dynamics in a changing climate
Wolfgang Höhl; Ambiguity in Utopian XR-Games: Basic Principles for the Design of Virtual Worlds
Dettmering D., Müller F. L., Oelsmann J., Passaro M., Schwatke C., Restano M., Benveniste J., Seitz F.; North SEAL: a new dataset of sea level changes in the North Sea from satellite altimetry
A. Lederer;A. J. Ordóñez Conejo;K. Maier;W. Xiao;J. Umlauft;S. Hirche; Gaussian Process-Based Real-Time Learning for Safety Critical Applications
Goshi, Endri; Jarschel, Michael; Pries, Rastin; He, Mu; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Investigating Inter-NF Dependencies in Cloud-Native 5G Core Networks
Sebastian D. Proell, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier; A simple yet consistent constitutive law and mortar-based layer coupling schemes for thermomechanical part-scale simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes
Zhao, Chen; Generation and characterization of genetically engineered mouse models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Mehling, T., Halbe, O., Gasparac, T., Vrdoljak, M., Hajek, M.,; Piloted Simulation of Helicopter Shipboard Recovery with Visual and Control Augmentation
Hauertmann, Lukas Martin; Surface Characterization of Segmented Germanium Detectors with Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles
Trauer, Jakob; Wöhr, Ferdinand; Eckert, Claudia; Kannengiesser, Udo; Sankowski, Olga; Zimmermann, MarkusKnippenberg, Sjoerd;; Criteria for Selecting Design Process Modelling Approaches
Tofanelli, Rachele; Quantitative analysis of cellular growth patterns in ovule morphogenesis and curvature in Arabidopsis thaliana
Hart-Davis M.G., Piccioni G., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Passaro M., Seitz F.; EOT20: a global ocean tide model from multi-mission satellite altimetry
Potamianos, Dionysios; Light-Matter Interactions and Electron Dynamics of Semiconductor Systems in Femto- and Attosecond Timescale
Hala, Amando; Applications of Sum-Rule Techniques in Quantum Chromodynamics for the Search of New Physics at Low Energies
Levin, Nikita; Activation and Coupling of Carbon Dioxide and Methane by Cationic Tantalum Clusters in the Gas Phase
Lin, Jianjie;Rickert, Markus;Perzylo, Alexander;Knoll, Alois; PCTMA-Net: Point Cloud Transformer with Morphing Atlas-based Point Generation Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
Book, Alexander; Mathematical Analysis of the Phase Problem for in situ Neutron Reflectometry using an Algorithmic Approach
Lechner, Markus; Dietsch, Philipp; Winter, Stefan; VENEER-REINFORCED TIMBER
Garcia Gomez, Francisco Javier; Information Rates and Noise Statistics of Optical Fiber Channels via Nonlinear Perturbation
Philipp, Peter; Hermes, Sebastian; Schreieck, Maximilian; Böhm Markus; Challenges and Success Potentials of Platform Cooperatives: Insights from a Multiple Case Study
Klimmek, Moritz; Hermes, Sebastian; Schreieck, Maximilian; Krcmar, Helmut; Modeling a Multi-Platform Strategy: A Case Study of Google
Vijayaraghavan, Hansini; Prado, Anna; Wiese, Thomas; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Algorithmic and System Approaches for a Stable LiFi-RF HetNet Under Transient Channel Conditions
Hart-Davis M.G., Dettmering D., Sulzbach R., Thomas M., Schwatke C., Seitz F.; Regional Evaluation of Minor Tidal Constituents for Improved Estimation of Ocean Tides
Anand, Akanksha; Analysis of inflammatory and mutational alterations in mouse models of esophageal carcinogenesis
Cruz Avendaño, Juan Sebastian; Quantum mechanical field fluctuations about inhomogeneous backgrounds
Clormann, Michael Andreas; Negotiating Beyond-Planetary Challenges: The European Space Sector in the New Space Age
Drummer, Katharina; Kartierung kortikaler arithmetischer Prozessierung via transkranieller Magnetstimulation bei Patienten mit parietalen Tumoren beider Hemisphären
Banik, Soubarna;Gracia, Alejandro Mendoza;Knoll, Alois; 3D Human Pose Regression using Graph Convolutional Network
Banik, Soubarna;Lauri, Mikko;Knoll, Alois;Frintrop, Simone; Object Localization with Attribute Preference based on Top-Down Attention
Banik, Soubarna;Garcia, Alejandro Mendoza;Kiwull, Lorenz;Berweck, Steffen;Knoll, Alois; Vogtareuth Rehab Depth Datasets: Benchmark for Marker-less Posture Estimation in Rehabilitation
Zerwas, Johannes; Poese, Ingmar; Schmid, Stefan; Blenk, Andreas; On the Benefits of Joint Optimization of Reconfigurable CDN-ISP Infrastructure
Esser, S.; Graphenbasiertes Änderungsmanagement von BIM-Modellen
Ilg, Manuel Klaus; Untersuchungen zum Einfluss nicht-ionischer Co-Dispergiermittel sowie hyperverzweigter PCE- und Lignit-basierter Fließmittel auf Dispergierung und rheologische Eigenschaften zementärer Systeme
Dominik Urbaniak, Alejandro Agostini, Dongheui Lee; Combining Task and Motion Planning using Policy Improvement with Path Integrals
Shengzhi Wang, George Mesesan, Johannes Englsberger, Dongheui Lee, Christian Ott; Online Virtual Repellent Point Adaptation for Bipedal Walking usinng Iterative Learning Control
Schuckert, Alexander; Probing nonequilibrium quantum matter with two-time correlation functions
Bast-Habersbrunner, Andrea Daniela; The role of long noncoding RNA Ctcflos in the orchestration of transcription and alternative splicing programs in thermogenic adipogenesis
Pretzsch, Hans;Rais, Andreas;Malherbe, Deon;Ruano, Antonio;Lambrechts, Hugo;Uhl, Enno;du Toit, Ben; Structure, growth and growing space efficiency of Pinus radiata (D. Don) trees as affected by their social position
Borgmann, Anna Katharina; Analyse und Monitoring der Perfusion von dünnen Gewebetransplantaten unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Hebetechniken
Singer, Markus; Towards the Creation of a Pair Plasma – Simultaneous Injection of the NEPOMUC Positron Beam and an Electron Beam into the APEX Dipole Trap
Irl, M.; Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of Scaling on Electrical Submersible Pumps concerning Heat and Power Production of Geothermal Plants and Optimization of Acidification Intervals
Haas, Roman;Elsner, Daniel;Juergens, Elmar;Pretschner, Alexander;Apel, Sven; How can manual testing processes be optimized? developer survey, optimization guidelines, and case studies
Irl, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Development of an Advanced Monitoring Application for the Power and Efficiency of Air-cooled Geothermal Power Plants
Backofen, G.; Haimerl, J.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermochemical Energy Storage for Increasing the Flexibility of an Industrial Combined Heat and Power Plant
Appelman, Monique D.;Wettengel, Jochen M.;Protzer, Ulrike;Oude Elferink, Ronald P.J.;van de Graaf, Stan F.J.; Molecular regulation of the hepatic bile acid uptake transporter and HBV entry receptor NTCP
Egerer, Monika;Buchholz, Sascha; Reframing urban “wildlife” to promote inclusive conservation science and practice
Habel, Jan Christian;Zamora, Camilo;Rödder, Dennis;Teucher, Mike;Cuadros-Casanova, Ivon;Fischer, Christina; Using indicator species to detect high quality habitats in an East African forest biodiversity hotspot
Posa, Francesca;Baha-Schwab, Elisabeth H.;Wei, Qiang;Di Benedetto, Adriana;Neubauer, Stefanie;Reichart, Florian;Kessler, Horst;Spatz, Joachim P.;Albiges-Rizo, Corinne;Mori, Giorgio;Cavalcanti-Adam, Elisabetta Ada; Surface Co-presentation of BMP-2 and integrin selective ligands at the nanoscale favors α5β1 integrin-mediated adhesion
Eichinger, Jonas F.;Haeusel, Lea J.;Paukner, Daniel;Aydin, Roland C.;Humphrey, Jay D.;Cyron, Christian J.; Mechanical homeostasis in tissue equivalents: a review
Pastor-Villaescusa, Belén;Plaza-Díaz, Julio;Egea-Zorrilla, Alejandro;Leis, Rosaura;Bueno, Gloria;Hoyos, Raúl;Vázquez-Cobela, Rocío;Latorre, Miriam;Cañete, María Dolores;Caballero-Villarraso, Javier;Gil, Ángel;Cañete, Ramón;Aguilera, Concepción María; Evaluation of the gut microbiota after metformin intervention in children with obesity: A metagenomic study of a randomized controlled trial
Emad Mohamed Elhady, Nancy; Failure Detection and Isolation of Event-driven Binary Sensors in Ambient Assisted Living
Hörmann, Stefan;Cao, Zhenxiang;Knoche, Martin;Herzog, Fabian;Rigoll, Gerhard; Face Aggregation Network For Video Face Recognition
Hörmann, Stefan;Zhang, Zeyuan;Knoche, Martin;Teepe, Torben;Rigoll, Gerhard; Attention-Based Partial Face Recognition
Eggers, Julia;Hein, Andreas;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; No Longer Out of Sight, No Longer Out of Mind? How Organizations Engage with Process Mining-Induced Transparency to Achieve Increased Process Awareness
Schönbauer, Sarah; Müller, Ruth; A Risky Object? How Microplastics Are Represented in the German Media
Bödeker, K.; Ammer, C.; Knoke, T.; Heurich, M.; Determining Statistically Robust Changes in Ungulate Browsing Pressure as a Basis for Adaptive Wildlife Management
Shakirov, Eldar F.;Kattner, Niklas;Fortin, Clement;Uzhinsky, Ighor K.;Lindemann, Udo; Reducing the uncertainty in engineering change management using historical data and simulation modelling: a process twin concept
Lopez-Randulfe, Javier.;Duswald, Tobias;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois; Spiking Neural Network for Fourier Transform and Object Detection for Automotive Radar
Zhou, Zhehua; Ögüz, Özgür S.; Leibold, Marion; Buss, Martin; Learning a Low-Dimensional Representation of a Safe Region for Safe Reinforcement Learning on Dynamical Systems
Kormann, Katharina;Yurova, Anna; A generalized Fourier–Hermite method for the Vlasov–Poisson system
Thiel, U.;Schober, S. J.;Ranft, A.;Gassmann, H.;Jabar, S.;Gall, K.;von Lüttichau, I.;Wawer, A.;Koscielniak, E.;Diaz, M. A.;Ussowicz, M.;Kazantsev, I.;Afanasyev, B.;Merker, M.;Klingebiel, T.;Prete, A.;Gruhn, B.;Bader, P.;Jürgens, H.;Dirksen, U.;Handgretinger, R.;Burdach, S.;Lang, P.; No difference in survival after HLA mismatched versus HLA matched allogeneic stem cell transplantation in Ewing sarcoma patients with advanced disease
Schmidt, Christoph;Zeeden, Christian;Krauß, Lydia;Lehmkuhl, Frank;Zöller, Ludwig; A chronological and palaeoenvironmental re‐evaluation of two loess‐palaeosol records in the northern Harz foreland, Germany, based on innovative modelling tools
Kaiyrzhanov, Rauan;Wortmann, Saskia;Reid, Taryn;Dehghani, Mohammadreza;Vahidi Mehrjardi, Mohammad Yahya;Alhaddad, Bader;Wagner, Matias;Deschauer, Marcus;Cordts, Isabell;Fernandez-Murray, J Pedro;Treffer, Veronika;Metanat, Zahra;Pitman, Alan;Houlden, Henry;Meitinger, Thomas;Carroll, Christopher;McMaster, Christopher R;Maroofian, Reza; Defective phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis leads to a broad ataxia-spasticity spectrum
Grill, Sabine;Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam;Basrai, Maryam;Struck, Joachim;Schulte, Janin;Berling-Ernst, Anika;Engel, Christoph;Ullrich, Mirjam;Lammert, Jacqueline;Bischoff, Stephan C.;Schmidt, Thorsten;Niederberger, Uwe;Chronas, Dimitrios;Rhiem, Kerstin;Schmutzler, Rita;Halle, Martin;Kiechle, Marion; Precursor fractions of neurotensin and enkephalin might point to molecular mechanisms of cancer risk modulation during a lifestyle-intervention in germline BRCA1/2 gene mutation carriers
Lüftner, Diana;Hartkopf, Andreas D.;Lux, Michael P.;Overkamp, Friedrich;Tesch, Hans;Titzmann, Adriana;Pöschke, Patrik;Wallwiener, Markus;Müller, Volkmar;Beckmann, Matthias W.;Belleville, Erik;Janni, Wolfgang;Fehm, Tanja N.;Kolberg, Hans-Christian;Ettl, Johannes;Wallwiener, Diethelm;Schneeweiss, Andreas;Brucker, Sara Y.;Fasching, Peter A.; Challenges and Opportunities for Real-World Evidence in Metastatic Luminal Breast Cancer
García, Paul S.;Kreuzer, Matthias;Hight, Darren;Sleigh, James W.; Effects of noxious stimulation on the electroencephalogram during general anaesthesia: a narrative review and approach to analgesic titration
Vaidya, Jayant S.;Bulsara, Max;Baum, Michael;Wenz, Frederik;Massarut, Samuele;Pigorsch, Steffi;Alvarado, Michael;Douek, Michael;Saunders, Christobel;Flyger, Henrik;Eiermann, Wolfgang;Brew-Graves, Chris;Williams, Norman R.;Potyka, Ingrid;Roberts, Nicholas;Bernstein, Marcelle;Brown, Douglas;Sperk, Elena;Laws, Siobhan;Sütterlin, Marc;Corica, Tammy;Lundgren, Steinar;Holmes, Dennis;Vinante, Lorenzo;Bozza, Fernando;Pazos, Montserrat;Blanc-Onfroy, Magali Le;Gruber, Günther;Polkowski, Wojciech;Dedes, Konstantin J.;Niewald, Marcus;Blohmer, Jens;McReady, David;Hoefer, Richard;Kelemen, Pond;Petralia, Gloria;Falzon, Mary;Joseph, David;Tobias, Jeffrey S.; New clinical and biological insights from the international TARGIT-A randomised trial of targeted intraoperative radiotherapy during lumpectomy for breast cancer
Moitinho‐Silva, L.;Boraczynski, N.;Emmert, H.;Baurecht, H.;Szymczak, S.;Schulz, H.;Haller, D.;Linseisen, J.;Gieger, C.;Peters, A.;Tittmann, L.;Lieb, W.;Bang, C.;Franke, A.;Rodriguez, E.;Weidinger, S.; Host traits, lifestyle and environment are associated with human skin bacteria
Schnitzius, Melina;Kirch, Alina;Spengler, Sarah;Blaschke, Simon;Mess, Filip; What makes a physical education teacher? Personal characteristics for physical education development
Verbeke, Alain;Hutzschenreuter, Thomas; Imposing versus Enacting Commitments for the Long‐Term Energy Transition: Perspectives from the Firm
Nikulsin, Nikita; Models and methods for nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations of stellarators
Giresini, Linda;Solarino, Fabio;Taddei, Francesca;Mueller, Gerhard; Experimental estimation of energy dissipation in rocking masonry walls restrained by an innovative seismic dissipator (LICORD)
Cocconi, Luca;Kuhn-Régnier, Alexander;Neuss, Malte;Sendova-Franks, Ana B.;Christensen, Kim; Reconstructing the Intrinsic Statistical Properties of Intermittent Locomotion Through Corrections for Boundary Effects
Yilmaz, Tim I.;Wadsworth, Fabian B.;Gilg, H. Albert;Hess, Kai-Uwe;Kendrick, Jackie E.;Wallace, Paul A.;Lavallée, Yan;Utley, James;Vasseur, Jérémie;Nakada, Setsuya;Dingwell, Donald B.; Rapid alteration of fractured volcanic conduits beneath Mt Unzen
Osmani, Vanesa;Klug, Stefanie J.; HPV-Impfung zur Prävention von Genitalwarzen und Krebsvorstufen – Evidenzlage und Bewertung
Wabnitz, Katharina;Galle, Sophia;Hegge, Louise;Masztalerz, Oskar;Schwienhorst-Stich, Eva‑Maria;Eichinger, Michael; Planetare Gesundheit – transformative Lehr- und Lernformate zur Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitskrise für Gesundheitsberufe
Niedermeier, Andreas;Emberger‐Klein, Agnes;Menrad, Klaus; Which factors distinguish the different consumer segments of green fast‐moving consumer goods in Germany?
Seckendorff, Jennie;Hinrichsen, Olaf; Review on the structure of random packed‐beds
Arce-Ramos, Juan Manuel;Rugg, Graham;Genest, Alexander;Rösch, Notker; Probing the Positions of TeO Moieties in the Channels of the MoVNbTeO M1 Catalyst: A Density Functional Theory Model Study
Dahlin, Sandra;Englund, Johanna;Malm, Henrik;Feigel, Matthias;Westerberg, Björn;Regali, Francesco;Skoglundh, Magnus;Pettersson, Lars J.; Effect of biofuel- and lube oil-originated sulfur and phosphorus on the performance of Cu-SSZ-13 and V2O5-WO3/TiO2 SCR catalysts
Soni, Tapisha ; Schellmann, Malte; Eichinger, Joseph; Knoll, Alois; Unleashing Latency-critical IIoT communication by virtue of cooperative sidelink-assisted DL transmissions
Mahmoud Akl, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Florian Walter, Alois Knoll; Porting Deep Spiking Q-Networks to neuromorphic chip Loihi
Trauer, Jakob; Pfingstl, Simon; Finsterer, Markus; Zimmermann, Markus; Improving Production Efficiency with a Digital Twin Based on Anomaly Detection
Wang, Xin;Ros, Uris;Agrawal, Deepti;Keller, Eva C.;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Dill, Veronika;Shen, Bo;Shi, Run;Herold, Tobias;Belka, Claus;Mishra, Ritu;Bassermann, Florian;Garcia-Saez, Ana J.;Jost, Philipp J.; MLKL promotes cellular differentiation in myeloid leukemia by facilitating the release of G-CSF
Zhang, Qian;Delessa, Challa Tenagne;Augustin, Robert;Bakhti, Mostafa;Colldén, Gustav;Drucker, Daniel J.;Feuchtinger, Annette;Caceres, Cristina Garcia;Grandl, Gerald;Harger, Alexandra;Herzig, Stephan;Hofmann, Susanna;Holleman, Cassie Lynn;Jastroch, Martin;Keipert, Susanne;Kleinert, Maximilian;Knerr, Patrick J.;Kulaj, Konxhe;Legutko, Beata;Lickert, Heiko;Liu, Xue;Luippold, Gerd;Lutter, Dominik;Malogajski, Emilija;Medina, Marta Tarquis;Mowery, Stephanie A.;Blutke, Andreas;Perez-Tilve, Diego;Salinno, Ciro;Sehrer, Laura;DiMarchi, Richard D.;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Stemmer, Kerstin;Finan, Brian;Wolfrum, Christian;Müller, Timo D.; The glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) regulates body weight and food intake via CNS-GIPR signaling
Sinnott-Armstrong, Nasa;Sousa, Isabel S.;Laber, Samantha;Rendina-Ruedy, Elizabeth;Nitter Dankel, Simon E.;Ferreira, Teresa;Mellgren, Gunnar;Karasik, David;Rivas, Manuel;Pritchard, Jonathan;Guntur, Anyonya R.;Cox, Roger D.;Lindgren, Cecilia M.;Hauner, Hans;Sallari, Richard;Rosen, Clifford J.;Hsu, Yi-Hsiang;Lander, Eric S.;Kiel, Douglas P.;Claussnitzer, Melina; A regulatory variant at 3q21.1 confers an increased pleiotropic risk for hyperglycemia and altered bone mineral density
Russo, Gianluca L.;Sonsalla, Giovanna;Natarajan, Poornemaa;Breunig, Christopher T.;Bulli, Giorgia;Merl-Pham, Juliane;Schmitt, Sabine;Giehrl-Schwab, Jessica;Giesert, Florian;Jastroch, Martin;Zischka, Hans;Wurst, Wolfgang;Stricker, Stefan H.;Hauck, Stefanie M.;Masserdotti, Giacomo;Götz, Magdalena; CRISPR-Mediated Induction of Neuron-Enriched Mitochondrial Proteins Boosts Direct Glia-to-Neuron Conversion
van Oosten-Hawle, Patricija;Bergink, Steven;Blagg, Brian;Brodsky, Jeff;Edkins, Adrienne;Freeman, Brian;Genest, Olivier;Hendershot, Linda;Kampinga, Harm;Johnson, Jill;De Maio, Antonio;Masison, Dan;Morano, Kevin;Multhoff, Gabriele;Prodromou, Chris;Prahlad, Veena;Scherz-Shouval, Ruth;Zhuravleva, Anastasia;Mollapour, Mehdi;Truman, Andrew W.; First Virtual International Congress on Cellular and Organismal Stress Responses, November 5–6, 2020
Kälin, Roland E.;Cai, Linzhi;Li, Yuping;Zhao, Dongxu;Zhang, Huabin;Cheng, Jiying;Zhang, Wenlong;Wu, Yingxi;Eisenhut, Katharina;Janssen, Philipp;Schmitt, Lukas;Enard, Wolfgang;Michels, Friederike;Flüh, Charlotte;Hou, Mengzhuo;Kirchleitner, Sabrina V.;Siller, Sebastian;Schiemann, Matthias;Andrä, Immanuel;Montanez, Eloi;Giachino, Claudio;Taylor, Verdon;Synowitz, Michael;Tonn, Jörg-Christian;von Baumgarten, Louisa;Schulz, Christian;Hellmann, Ines;Glass, Rainer; TAMEP are brain tumor parenchymal cells controlling neoplastic angiogenesis and progression
Calderini, Elia;Drienovská, Ivana;Myrtollari, Kamela;Pressnig, Michaela;Sieber, Volker;Schwab, Helmut;Hofer, Michael;Kourist, Robert; Simple Plug‐In Synthetic Step for the Synthesis of (−)‐Camphor from Renewable Starting Materials
Zhao, Lei;Le Chapelain, Camille;Brachmann, Alexander O.;Kaiser, Marcel;Groll, Michael;Bode, Helge B.; Activation, Structure, Biosynthesis and Bioactivity of Glidobactin‐like Proteasome Inhibitors from Photorhabdus laumondii
Hemmer, Karina;Cokoja, Mirza;Fischer, Roland A.; Exploitation of Intrinsic Confinement Effects of MOFs in Catalysis
Vummaleti, Sai V. C.;Genest, Alexander;Rösch, Notker; Ethene Conversion at a Zeolite‐Supported Ir(I) Complex. A Computational Perspective on a Single‐Site Catalyst System
Chánique, Andrea M.;Dimos, Nicole;Drienovská, Ivana;Calderini, Elia;Pantín, Mónica P.;Helmer, Carl P. O.;Hofer, Michael;Sieber, Volker;Parra, Loreto P.;Loll, Bernhard;Kourist, Robert; A Structural View on the Stereospecificity of Plant Borneol‐Type Dehydrogenases
Bock, Nicolas;De Clercq, Astrid;Seidl, Lukas;Kratky, Tim;Ma, Tian;Günther, Sebastian;Kortz, Ulrich;Heiz, Ueli;Esch, Friedrich; Towards Size‐Controlled Deposition of Palladium Nanoparticles from Polyoxometalate Precursors: An Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study
Bandelt Riess, Peter Michael;Kuhn, Michael;Först, Petra;Briesen, Heiko; Investigating the Effect of Packed Structures on Filter Cake Compressibility
Kuhn, Michael; Big Data, AI und die Freude am Ingenieurwesen
Voggenreiter, Johannes;Burger, Jakob; Irreversible Bildung von Nebenprodukten bei der Synthese von Poly(oxymethylen)dimethylethern
Fritsch, Philipp;Hoffmann, Rainer;Flüggen, Rainer;Haider, Patrick;Rehfeldt, Sebastian;Klein, Harald; A Cryogenic Test Rig for Dynamically Operated Plate‐Fin Heat Exchangers
Ding, Xing;Garlyyev, Batyr;Watzele, Sebastian A.;Kobina Sarpey, Theophilus;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Spotlight on the Effect of Electrolyte Composition on the Potential of Maximum Entropy: Supporting Electrolytes Are Not Always Inert
Mühlhaus, M.;Kreuter, D.;Sepahvand, K.; Deep Learning Based Fatigue and Vibration Analysis Using Sensor Data
Busse, Madleen;Marciniszyn, Jaroslaw P.;Ferstl, Simone;Kimm, Melanie A.;Pfeiffer, Franz;Gulder, Tanja; 3D‐Non‐destructive Imaging through Heavy‐Metal Eosin Salt Contrast Agents
Schmidbaur, Hubert;Schwarz, W. H. Eugen; Permanganyl Fluoride: A Brief History of the Molecule MnO 3 F and of Those Who Cared For It
Buglak, Andrey A.;Charisiadis, Asterios;Sheehan, Aimee;Kingsbury, Christopher J.;Senge, Mathias O.;Filatov, Mikhail A.; Quantitative Structure‐Property Relationship Modelling for the Prediction of Singlet Oxygen Generation by Heavy‐Atom‐Free BODIPY Photosensitizers**
Hardian, Rifan;Dissegna, Stefano;Ullrich, Aladin;Llewellyn, Philip L.;Coulet, Marie‐Vanessa;Fischer, Roland A.; Tuning the Properties of MOF‐808 via Defect Engineering and Metal Nanoparticle Encapsulation
Hohlfeld, Benjamin F.;Gitter, Burkhard;Kingsbury, Christopher J.;Flanagan, Keith J.;Steen, Dorika;Wieland, Gerhard D.;Kulak, Nora;Senge, Mathias O.;Wiehe, Arno; Dipyrrinato‐Iridium(III) Complexes for Application in Photodynamic Therapy and Antimicrobial Photodynamic Inactivation
Pios, Sebastian;Huang, Xiang;Domcke, Wolfgang; Can Hydrated Electrons be Produced from Water with Visible Light?
Günther, Sebastian;Zeller, Patrick;Böller, Bernhard;Wintterlin, Joost; Method for the Manual Analysis of Moiré Structures in STM images
Derlin, Thorsten;Jaeger, Benedikt;Jonigk, Danny;Apel, Rosa M.;Freise, Julia;Shin, Hoen-Oh;Weiberg, Desiree;Warnecke, Gregor;Ross, Tobias L.;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Seeliger, Benjamin;Welte, Tobias;Bengel, Frank M.;Prasse, Antje; Clinical Molecular Imaging of Pulmonary CXCR4 Expression to Predict Outcome of Pirfenidone Treatment in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Abusleme, Angel;Adam, Thomas;Ahmad, Shakeel;Aiello, Sebastiano;Akram, Muhammad;Ali, Nawab;An, Fengpeng;An, Guangpeng;An, Qi;Andronico, Giuseppe;Anfimov, Nikolay;Antonelli, Vito;Antoshkina, Tatiana;Asavapibhop, Burin;de André, João Pedro Athayde Marcondes;Auguste, Didier;Babic, Andrej;Baldini, Wander;Barresi, Andrea;Baussan, Eric;Bellato, Marco;Bergnoli, Antonio;Bernieri, Enrico;Biare, David;Birkenfeld, Thilo;Blin, Sylvie;Blum, David;Blyth, Simon;Bolshakova, Anastasia;Bongrand, Mathieu;Bordereau, Clément;Breton, Dominique;Brigatti, Augusto;Brugnera, Riccardo;Bruno, Riccardo;Budano, Antonio;Buesken, Max;Buscemi, Mario;Busto, Jose;Butorov, Ilya;Cabrera, Anatael;Cai, Hao;Cai, Xiao;Cai, Yanke;Cai, Zhiyan;Cammi, Antonio;Campeny, Agustin;Cao, Chuanya;Cao, Guofu;Cao, Jun;Caruso, Rossella;Cerna, Cédric;Chang, Jinfan;Chang, Yun;Chen, Pingping;Chen, Po-An;Chen, Shaomin;Chen, Shenjian;Chen, Xurong;Chen, Yi-Wen;Chen, Yixue;Chen, Yu;Chen, Zhang;Cheng, Jie;Cheng, Yaping;Chepurnov, Alexander;Chiesa, Davide;Chimenti, Pietro;Chukanov, Artem;Chuvashova, Anna;Claverie, Gérard;Clementi, Catia;Clerbaux, Barbara;Lorenzo, Selma Conforti Di;Corti, Daniele;Costa, Salvatore;Corso, Flavio Dal;Taille, Christophe De La;Deng, Jiawei;Deng, Zhi;Deng, Ziyan;Depnering, Wilfried;Diaz, Marco;Ding, Xuefeng;Ding, Yayun;Dirgantara, Bayu;Dmitrievsky, Sergey;Dohnal, Tadeas;Donchenko, Georgy;Dong, Jianmeng;Dornic, Damien;Doroshkevich, Evgeny;Dracos, Marcos;Druillole, Frédéric;Du, Shuxian;Dusini, Stefano;Dvorak, Martin;Enqvist, Timo;Enzmann, Heike;Fabbri, Andrea;Fajt, Lukas;Fan, Donghua;Fan, Lei;Fang, Can;Fang, Jian;Fargetta, Marco;Fatkina, Anna;Fedoseev, Dmitry;Fekete, Vladko;Feng, Li-Cheng;Feng, Qichun;Ford, Richard;Formozov, Andrey;Fournier, Amélie;Gan, Haonan;Gao, Feng;Garfagnini, Alberto;Göttel, Alexandre;Genster, Christoph;Giammarchi, Marco;Giaz, Agnese;Giudice, Nunzio;Giuliani, Franco;Gonchar, Maxim;Gong, Guanghua;Gong, Hui;Gorchakov, Oleg;Gornushkin, Yuri;Grassi, Marco;Grewing, Christian;Gromov, Maxim;Gromov, Vasily;Gu, Minghao;Gu, Xiaofei;Gu, Yu;Guan, Mengyun;Guardone, Nunzio;Gul, Maria;Guo, Cong;Guo, Jingyuan;Guo, Wanlei;Guo, Xinheng;Guo, Yuhang;Hackspacher, Paul;Hagner, Caren;Han, Ran;Han, Yang;He, Miao;He, Wei;Heinz, Tobias;Hellmuth, Patrick;Heng, Yuekun;Herrera, Rafael;Hong, Daojin;Hor, YuenKeung;Hou, Shaojing;Hsiung, Yee;Hu, Bei-Zhen;Hu, Hang;Hu, Jianrun;Hu, Jun;Hu, Shouyang;Hu, Tao;Hu, Zhuojun;Huang, Chunhao;Huang, Guihong;Huang, Hanxiong;Huang, Qinhua;Huang, Wenhao;Huang, Xingtao;Huang, Yongbo;Hui, Jiaqi;Huo, Wenju;Huss, Cédric;Hussain, Safeer;Insolia, Antonio;Ioannisian, Ara;Ioannisyan, Daniel;Isocrate, Roberto;Jen, Kuo-Lun;Ji, Xiaolu;Ji, Xingzhao;Jia, Huihui;Jia, Junji;Jian, Siyu;Jiang, Di;Jiang, Xiaoshan;Jin, Ruyi;Jing, Xiaoping;Jollet, Cécile;Joutsenvaara, Jari;Jungthawan, Sirichok;Kalousis, Leonidas;Kampmann, Philipp;Kang, Li;Karagounis, Michael;Kazarian, Narine;Khan, Amir;Khan, Waseem;Khosonthongkee, Khanchai;Kinz, Patrick;Korablev, Denis;Kouzakov, Konstantin;Krasnoperov, Alexey;Krokhaleva, Svetlana;Krumshteyn, Zinovy;Kruth, Andre;Kutovskiy, Nikolay;Kuusiniemi, Pasi;Lachenmaier, Tobias;Landini, Cecilia;Leblanc, Sébastien;Lefevre, Frederic;Lei, Liping;Lei, Ruiting;Leitner, Rupert;Leung, Jason;Li, Demin;Li, Fei;Li, Fule;Li, Haitao;Li, Huiling;Li, Jiaqi;Li, Jin;Li, Kaijie;Li, Mengzhao;Li, Nan;Li, Nan;Li, Qingjiang;Li, Ruhui;Li, Shanfeng;Li, Shuaijie;Li, Tao;Li, Weidong;Li, Weiguo;Li, Xiaomei;Li, Xiaonan;Li, Xinglong;Li, Yi;Li, Yufeng;Li, Zhibing;Li, Ziyuan;Liang, Hao;Liang, Hao;Liang, Jingjing;Liao, Jiajun;Liebau, Daniel;Limphirat, Ayut;Limpijumnong, Sukit;Lin, Guey-Lin;Lin, Shengxin;Lin, Tao;Ling, Jiajie;Lippi, Ivano;Liu, Fang;Liu, Haidong;Liu, Hongbang;Liu, Hongjuan;Liu, Hongtao;Liu, Hu;Liu, Hui;Liu, Jianglai;Liu, Jinchang;Liu, Min;Liu, Qian;Liu, Qin;Liu, Runxuan;Liu, Shuangyu;Liu, Shubin;Liu, Shulin;Liu, Xiaowei;Liu, Yan;Lokhov, Alexey;Lombardi, Paolo;Lombardo, Claudio;Loo, Kai;Lu, Chuan;Lu, Haoqi;Lu, Jingbin;Lu, Junguang;Lu, Shuxiang;Lu, Xiaoxu;Lubsandorzhiev, Bayarto;Lubsandorzhiev, Sultim;Ludhova, Livia;Luo, Fengjiao;Luo, Guang;Luo, Pengwei;Luo, Shu;Luo, Wuming;Lyashuk, Vladimir;Ma, Qiumei;Ma, Si;Ma, Xiaoyan;Ma, Xubo;Maalmi, Jihane;Malyshkin, Yury;Mantovani, Fabio;Manzali, Francesco;Mao, Xin;Mao, Yajun;M. Mari, Stefano;Marini, Filippo;Marium, Sadia;Martellini, Cristina;Martin-Chassard, Gisele;Martini, Agnese;Mayilyan, Davit;Müller, Axel;Mednieks, Ints;Meng, Yue;Meregaglia, Anselmo;Meroni, Emanuela;Meyhöfer, David;Mezzetto, Mauro;Miller, Jonathan;Miramonti, Lino;Monforte, Salvatore;Montini, Paolo;Montuschi, Michele;Morozov, Nikolay;Muralidharan, Pavithra;Nastasi, Massimiliano;Naumov, Dmitry V.;Naumova, Elena;Nemchenok, Igor;Nikolaev, Alexey;Ning, Feipeng;Ning, Zhe;Nunokawa, Hiroshi;Oberauer, Lothar;Ochoa-Ricoux, Juan Pedro;Olshevskiy, Alexander;Orestano, Domizia;Ortica, Fausto;Pan, Hsiao-Ru;Paoloni, Alessandro;Parkalian, Nina;Parmeggiano, Sergio;Payupol, Teerapat;Pei, Yatian;Pelliccia, Nicomede;Peng, Anguo;Peng, Haiping;Perrot, Frédéric;Petitjean, Pierre-Alexandre;Petrucci, Fabrizio;Piñeres Rico, Luis Felipe;Pilarczyk, Oliver;Popov, Artyom;Poussot, Pascal;Pratumwan, Wathan;Previtali, Ezio;Qi, Fazhi;Qi, Ming;Qian, Sen;Qian, Xiaohui;Qiao, Hao;Qin, Zhonghua;Qiu, Shoukang;Rajput, Muhammad;Ranucci, Gioacchino;Raper, Neill;Re, Alessandra;Rebber, Henning;Rebii, Abdel;Ren, Bin;Ren, Jie;Rezinko, Taras;Ricci, Barbara;Robens, Markus;Roche, Mathieu;Rodphai, Narongkiat;Romani, Aldo;Roskovec, Bedřich;Roth, Christian;Ruan, Xiangdong;Ruan, Xichao;Rujirawat, Saroj;Rybnikov, Arseniy;Sadovsky, Andrey;Saggese, Paolo;Salamanna, Giuseppe;Sanfilippo, Simone;Sangka, Anut;Sanguansak, Nuanwan;Sawangwit, Utane;Sawatzki, Julia;Sawy, Fatma;Schever, Michaela;Schuler, Jacky;Schwab, Cédric;Schweizer, Konstantin;Selivanov, Dmitry;Selyunin, Alexandr;Serafini, Andrea;Settanta, Giulio;Settimo, Mariangela;Shahzad, Muhammad;Sharov, Vladislav;Shi, Gang;Shi, Jingyan;Shi, Yongjiu;Shutov, Vitaly;Sidorenkov, Andrey;Šimkovic, Fedor;Sirignano, Chiara;Siripak, Jaruchit;Sisti, Monica;Slupecki, Maciej;Smirnov, Mikhail;Smirnov, Oleg;Sogo-Bezerra, Thiago;Songwadhana, Julanan;Soonthornthum, Boonrucksar;Sotnikov, Albert;Sramek, Ondrej;Sreethawong, Warintorn;Stahl, Achim;Stanco, Luca;Stankevich, Konstantin;Štefánik, Dušan;Steiger, Hans;Steinmann, Jochen;Sterr, Tobias;Stock, Matthias Raphael;Strati, Virginia;Studenikin, Alexander;Sun, Gongxing;Sun, Shifeng;Sun, Xilei;Sun, Yongjie;Sun, Yongzhao;Suwonjandee, Narumon;Szelezniak, Michal;Tang, Jian;Tang, Qiang;Tang, Quan;Tang, Xiao;Tietzsch, Alexander;Tkachev, Igor;Tmej, Tomas;Treskov, Konstantin;Triossi, Andrea;Troni, Giancarlo;Trzaska, Wladyslaw;Tuve, Cristina;van Waasen, Stefan;Boom, Johannes van den;Vanroyen, Guillaume;Vassilopoulos, Nikolaos;Vedin, Vadim;Verde, Giuseppe;Vialkov, Maxim;Viaud, Benoit;Volpe, Cristina;Vorobel, Vit;Votano, Lucia;Walker, Pablo;Wang, Caishen;Wang, Chung-Hsiang;Wang, En;Wang, Guoli;Wang, Jian;Wang, Jun;Wang, Kunyu;Wang, Lu;Wang, Meifen;Wang, Meng;Wang, Meng;Wang, Ruiguang;Wang, Siguang;Wang, Wei;Wang, Wei;Wang, Wenshuai;Wang, Xi;Wang, Xiangyue;Wang, Yangfu;Wang, Yaoguang;Wang, Yi;Wang, Yi;Wang, Yifang;Wang, Yuanqing;Wang, Yuman;Wang, Zhe;Wang, Zheng;Wang, Zhimin;Wang, Zongyi;Watcharangkool, Apimook;Wei, Lianghong;Wei, Wei;Wei, Yadong;Wen, Liangjian;Wiebusch, Christopher;Wong, Steven Chan-Fai;Wonsak, Bjoern;Wu, Diru;Wu, Fangliang;Wu, Qun;Wu, Wenjie;Wu, Zhi;Wurm, Michael;Wurtz, Jacques;Wysotzki, Christian;Xi, Yufei;Xia, Dongmei;Xie, Yuguang;Xie, Zhangquan;Xing, Zhizhong;Xu, Benda;Xu, Donglian;Xu, Fanrong;Xu, Jilei;Xu, Jing;Xu, Meihang;Xu, Yin;Xu, Yu;Yan, Baojun;Yan, Xiongbo;Yan, Yupeng;Yang, Anbo;Yang, Changgen;Yang, Huan;Yang, Jie;Yang, Lei;Yang, Xiaoyu;Yang, Yifan;Yao, Haifeng;Yasin, Zafar;Ye, Jiaxuan;Ye, Mei;Yegin, Ugur;Yermia, Frédéric;Yi, Peihuai;Yin, Xiangwei;You, Zhengyun;Yu, Boxiang;Yu, Chiye;Yu, Chunxu;Yu, Hongzhao;Yu, Miao;Yu, Xianghui;Yu, Zeyuan;Yuan, Chengzhuo;Yuan, Ying;Yuan, Zhenxiong;Yuan, Ziyi;Yue, Baobiao;Zafar, Noman;Zambanini, Andre;Zeng, Pan;Zeng, Shan;Zeng, Tingxuan;Zeng, Yuda;Zhan, Liang;Zhang, Feiyang;Zhang, Guoqing;Zhang, Haiqiong;Zhang, Honghao;Zhang, Jiawen;Zhang, Jie;Zhang, Jingbo;Zhang, Peng;Zhang, Qingmin;Zhang, Shiqi;Zhang, Tao;Zhang, Xiaomei;Zhang, Xuantong;Zhang, Yan;Zhang, Yinhong;Zhang, Yiyu;Zhang, Yongpeng;Zhang, Yuanyuan;Zhang, Yumei;Zhang, Zhenyu;Zhang, Zhijian;Zhao, Fengyi;Zhao, Jie;Zhao, Rong;Zhao, Shujun;Zhao, Tianchi;Zheng, Dongqin;Zheng, Hua;Zheng, Minshan;Zheng, Yangheng;Zhong, Weirong;Zhou, Jing;Zhou, Li;Zhou, Nan;Zhou, Shun;Zhou, Xiang;Zhu, Jiang;Zhu, Kejun;Zhuang, Honglin;Zong, Liang;Zou, Jiaheng;(JUNO Collaboration); Feasibility and physics potential of detecting 8B solar neutrinos at JUNO
Steffani, Marcella;Merz, Constanze;Stöß, Christian;Landau, Lars;Hüser, Norbert;Hartmann, Daniel;Friess, Helmut;Theisen, Jörg;Novotny, Alexander; Auswirkungen der ersten COVID‑19-Welle auf die Viszeralchirurgie
Kessel, K. A.;Deichl, A.;Gempt, J.;Meyer, B.;Posch, C.;Diehl, C.;Zimmer, C.;Combs, S. E.; Outcomes after stereotactic radiosurgery of brain metastases in patients with malignant melanoma and validation of the melanoma molGPA
Pergolini, Ilaria;Jäger, Carsten;Safak, Okan;Göß, Rüdiger;Novotny, Alexander;Ceyhan, Güralp O.;Friess, Helmut;Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Diabetes and Weight Loss Are Associated With Malignancies in Patients With Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms
Schuhmann, Sarah;Koller, Heiko;Sticht, Heinrich;Kraus, Cornelia;Krumbiegel, Mandy;Uebe, Steffen;Ekici, Arif B.;Reis, André;Thiel, Christian T.; Clinical and molecular delineation of spondylocostal dysostosis type 3
Schuch, Luise A.;Forstner, Maria;Rapp, Christina K.;Li, Yang;Smith, Desiree E. C.;Mendes, Marisa I.;Delhommel, Florent;Sattler, Michael;Emiralioğlu, Nagehan;Taskiran, Ekim Z.;Orhan, Diclehan;Kiper, Nural;Rohlfs, Meino;Jeske, Tim;Hastreiter, Maximilian;Gerstlauer, Michael;Torrent‐Vernetta, Alba;Moreno‐Galdó, Antonio;Kammer, Birgit;Brasch, Frank;Reu‐Hofer, Simone;Griese, Matthias; FARS1 ‐related disorders caused by bi‐allelic mutations in cytosolic phenylalanyl‐ tRNA synthetase genes: Look beyond the lungs!
Brunet, Theresa;Jech, Robert;Brugger, Melanie;Kovacs, Reka;Alhaddad, Bader;Leszinski, Gloria;Riedhammer, Korbinian M.;Westphal, Dominik S.;Mahle, Isabella;Mayerhanser, Katharina;Skorvanek, Matej;Weber, Sandrina;Graf, Elisabeth;Berutti, Riccardo;Necpál, Ján;Havránková, Petra;Pavelekova, Petra;Hempel, Maja;Kotzaeridou, Urania;Hoffmann, Georg F.;Leiz, Steffen;Makowski, Christine;Roser, Timo;Schroeder, Sebastian A.;Steinfeld, Robert;Strobl‐Wildemann, Gertrud;Hoefele, Julia;Borggraefe, Ingo;Distelmaier, Felix;Strom, Tim M.;Winkelmann, Juliane;Meitinger, Thomas;Zech, Michael;Wagner, Matias; De novo variants in neurodevelopmental disorders—experiences from a tertiary care center
Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Golkowski, Daniel;Ikenberg, Benno;Schlegel, Jürgen;Protzer, Ulrike;Schulz, Christian;Novotny, Julia;Kreiser, Kornelia;Zimmer, Claus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Wunderlich, Silke; COVID-19-associated Large Vessel Stroke in a 28-year-old Patient
Nentwig, Katharina;Unterhuber, Tobias;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Ritschl, Lucas M.;Nieberler, Markus; The impact of intraoperative frozen section analysis on final resection margin status, recurrence, and patient outcome with oral squamous cell carcinoma
Roth, Maximilian;Lonic, Daniel;Grill, Florian D.;Ritschl, Lucas M.;Loeffelbein, Denys J.;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Niu, Lien-Shin;Pai, Betty Chien-Jung;Prantl, Lukas;Kehrer, Andreas;Heidekrüger, Paul I.;Rau, Andrea;Lo, Lun-Jou; NAM—help or burden? Intercultural evaluation of parental stress caused by nasoalveolar molding: a retrospective multi-center study
Kiefl, Gabriel Maria; Development of Novel λ3-F-Iodane Based Umpolung Strategies for the Chemoselective Synthesis of α-Functionalized Ketones
Ott, Stephan; Badini, Lorenzo; Fotopoulou, Anastasia; Ferrante, Annarita; Seismic Strengthening and Energy Retrofit with Post-Tensioned Timber Structures and Building Envelope Components
Clever, J.; Abualdenien, J.; Deep Learning Ansatz zur Vorhersage der Fußgängerdynamik für Verkehrsknotenpunkte in frühen Entwurfsphasen
Badini, Lorenzo; Ott, Stephan; Aondio, Patrik; Winter, Stefan; A New Integrated Approach on the Seismic Strengthening of Existing RC Buildings with External Cross-Laminated Timber Panels
Schlenger, J.; Data structure for realizing a digital twin of construction processes
Mafipour, MS.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Deriving Digital Twin Models of Existing Bridges from Point Cloud Data Using Parametric Models and Metaheuristic Algorithms
Khomchenko, Dmitry;Patri, Sai Kireet;Autenrieth, Achim;Mas-Machuca, Carmen;Richter, Andre; Transmission-Aware Bandwidth Variable Transceiver Allocation in DWDM Optical Networks
Fischer, Andrea Margareta; Genetically Engineered Pigs for Xenotransplantation
Ledwoch, Jakob;Fröhlich, Carolin;Olbrich, Ida;Poch, Felix;Thalmann, Ruth;Fellner, Carmen;Bradaric, Christian;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Kupatt, Christian;Hoppmann, Petra; Impact of sinus rhythm versus atrial fibrillation on left ventricular remodeling after transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Möllmann, Helge;Holzhey, David M.;Hilker, Michael;Toggweiler, Stefan;Schäfer, Ulrich;Treede, Hendrik;Joner, Michael;Søndergaard, Lars;Christen, Thomas;Allocco, Dominic J.;Kim, Won-Keun; The ACURATE neo2 valve system for transcatheter aortic valve implantation: 30-day and 1-year outcomes
Imori, Yoichi;Kato, Ken;Cammann, Victoria L.;Szawan, Konrad A.;Wischnewsky, Manfred;Dreiding, Sara;Würdinger, Michael;Schönberger, Maximilian;Petkova, Vanya;Niederseer, David;Levinson, Rena A.;Di Vece, Davide;Gili, Sebastiano;Seifert, Burkhardt;Wakita, Masaki;Suzuki, Noriko;Citro, Rodolfo;Bossone, Eduardo;Heiner, Susanne;Knorr, Maike;Jansen, Thomas;Münzel, Thomas;D’Ascenzo, Fabrizio;Franke, Jennifer;Sorici-Barb, Ioana;Katus, Hugo A.;Sarcon, Annahita;Shinbane, Jerold;Napp, L. Christian;Bauersachs, Johann;Jaguszewski, Milosz;Shiomura, Reiko;Nakamura, Shunichi;Takano, Hitoshi;Noutsias, Michel;Burgdorf, Christof;Ishibashi, Iwao;Himi, Toshiharu;Koenig, Wolfgang;Schunkert, Heribert;Thiele, Holger;Kherad, Behrouz;Tschöpe, Carsten;Pieske, Burkert M.;Rajan, Lawrence;Michels, Guido;Pfister, Roman;Mizuno, Shingo;Cuneo, Alessandro;Jacobshagen, Claudius;Hasenfuß, Gerd;Karakas, Mahir;Mochizuki, Hiroki;Pott, Alexander;Rottbauer, Wolfgang;Said, Samir M.;Braun-Dullaeus, Ruediger C.;Banning, Adrian;Isogai, Toshiaki;Kimura, Akihisa;Cuculi, Florim;Kobza, Richard;Fischer, Thomas A.;Vasankari, Tuija;Airaksinen, K. E. Juhani;Tomita, Yasuhiro;Budnik, Monika;Opolski, Grzegorz;Dworakowski, Rafal;MacCarthy, Philip;Kaiser, Christoph;Osswald, Stefan;Galiuto, Leonarda;Crea, Filippo;Dichtl, Wolfgang;Murakami, Tsutomu;Ikari, Yuji;Empen, Klaus;Beug, Daniel;Felix, Stephan B.;Delmas, Clément;Lairez, Olivier;Yamaguchi, Tetsuo;El-Battrawy, Ibrahim;Akin, Ibrahim;Borggrefe, Martin;Horowitz, John D.;Kozel, Martin;Tousek, Petr;Widimský, Petr;Gilyarova, Ekaterina;Shilova, Alexandra;Gilyarov, Mikhail;Neuhaus, Michael;Meyer, Philippe;Arroja, Jose David;Chan, Christina;Bridgman, Paul;Galuszka, Jan;Poglajen, Gregor;Carrilho-Ferreira, Pedro;Pinto, Fausto J.;Hauck, Christian;Maier, Lars S.;Liu, Kan;Di Mario, Carlo;Paolini, Carla;Bilato, Claudio;Bianco, Matteo;Jörg, Lucas;Rickli, Hans;Winchester, David E.;Ukena, Christian;Böhm, Michael;Bax, Jeroen J.;Prasad, Abhiram;Rihal, Charanjit S.;Saito, Shigeru;Kobayashi, Yoshio;Lüscher, Thomas F.;Ruschitzka, Frank;Shimizu, Wataru;Ghadri, Jelena R.;Templin, Christian; Ethnic comparison in takotsubo syndrome: novel insights from the International Takotsubo Registry
Engel, Maximilian;Kuehn, Christian; A Random Dynamical Systems Perspective on Isochronicity for Stochastic Oscillations
Nachtergaele, Bruno;Warzel, Simone;Young, Amanda; Spectral Gaps and Incompressibility in a $${\varvec{\nu }}$$ = 1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall System
Becker, Simon;Datta, Nilanjana;Lami, Ludovico;Rouzé, Cambyse; Convergence Rates for the Quantum Central Limit Theorem
Ehstand, Noémie;Kuehn, Christian;Soresina, Cinzia; Numerical continuation for fractional PDEs: sharp teeth and bloated snakes
Brandner, Silvia;Kratky, Tim;Holtz, Kerstin;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Controlling glass bead surface functionality - Impact on network formation in natural edible polymer systems
Aganovic, Kemal;Hertel, Christian;Vogel, Rudi. F.;Johne, Reimar;Schlüter, Oliver;Schwarzenbolz, Uwe;Jäger, Henry;Holzhauser, Thomas;Bergmair, Johannes;Roth, Angelika;Sevenich, Robert;Bandick, Niels;Kulling, Sabine E.;Knorr, Dietrich;Engel, Karl‐Heinz;Heinz, Volker; Aspects of high hydrostatic pressure food processing: Perspectives on technology and food safety
Sautter, Klaus Bernd;Hofmann, Helene;Wendeler, Corinna;Wüchner, Roland;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Influence of DE-cluster refinement on numerical analysis of rockfall experiments
Batista, S. F. A.;Cantelmo, Guido;Menéndez, Mónica;Antoniou, Constantinos; A Gaussian sampling heuristic estimation model for developing synthetic trip sets
Bonnaire, P.;Pettersson, P.;Silva, C.F.; Intrusive generalized polynomial chaos with asynchronous time integration for the solution of the unsteady Navier–Stokes equations
Scheibel, Beate;Mangler, Juergen;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Extraction of dimension requirements from engineering drawings for supporting quality control in production processes
Mangat, Amolkirat Singh;Mangler, Juergen;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Interactive Process Automation based on lightweight object detection in manufacturing processes
Geiger, Isabel;Reber, Katrin C.;Darius, Harald;Holzgreve, Alfred;Karmann, Sebastian;Liersch, Sebastian;Stürtz, Anica;Riesner, Petra;Sundmacher, Leonie; Improving care coordination for patients with cardiac disease: Study protocol of the randomised controlled new healthcare programme (Cardiolotse)
Reiberg, M.;Li, X.;Maawad, E.;Werner, E.; Lattice strain during compressive loading of AlCrFeNiTi multi-principal element alloys
Kingsbury, Christopher J.;Senge, Mathias O.; The shape of porphyrins
Visscher, Klaasjan;Hahn, Katrin;Konrad, Kornelia; Innovation ecosystem strategies of industrial firms: A multilayered approach to alignment and strategic positioning
Maldonado, Paloma P.;Nuno-Perez, Alvaro;Kirchner, Jan H.;Hammock, Elizabeth;Gjorgjieva, Julijana;Lohmann, Christian; Oxytocin Shapes Spontaneous Activity Patterns in the Developing Visual Cortex by Activating Somatostatin Interneurons
Wurz, Amanda;McLaughlin, Emma;Chamorro Viña, Carolina;Grimshaw, Sarah L.;Hamari, Lotta;Götte, Miriam;Kesting, Sabine;Rossi, Francesca;van der Torre, Patrick;Guilcher, Gregory M. T.;McIntyre, Krista;Culos-Reed, S. Nicole; Advancing the Field of Pediatric Exercise Oncology: Research and Innovation Needs
Schiepe-Tiska, Anja;Schattke, Kaspar;Seeliger, Jörg;Kehr, Hugo M.; Distal and proximal motivational processes related to flow experience: Investigating the role of implicit motives, affective and cognitive preferences, and perceived abilities
Atzmueller, Martin;Günnemann, Stephan;Zimmermann, Albrecht; Mining communities and their descriptions on attributed graphs: a survey
Renner, Julian;Puchinger, Sven;Wachter-Zeh, Antonia; LIGA: a cryptosystem based on the hardness of rank-metric list and interleaved decoding
Meder, Björn;Wu, Charley M.;Schulz, Eric;Ruggeri, Azzurra; Development of directed and random exploration in children
Assfalg, Robin;Knoop, Jan;Hoffman, Kristi L.;Pfirrmann, Markus;Zapardiel-Gonzalo, Jose Maria;Hofelich, Anna;Eugster, Anne;Weigelt, Marc;Matzke, Claudia;Reinhardt, Julia;Fuchs, Yannick;Bunk, Melanie;Weiss, Andreas;Hippich, Markus;Halfter, Kathrin;Hauck, Stefanie M.;Hasford, Jörg;Petrosino, Joseph F.;Achenbach, Peter;Bonifacio, Ezio;Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele; Oral insulin immunotherapy in children at risk for type 1 diabetes in a randomised controlled trial
Giroud, Maude;Tsokanos, Foivos-Filippos;Caratti, Giorgio;Kotschi, Stefan;Khani, Sajjad;Jouffe, Céline;Vogl, Elena S.;Irmler, Martin;Glantschnig, Christina;Gil-Lozano, Manuel;Hass, Daniela;Khan, Asrar Ali;Garcia, Marcos Rios;Mattijssen, Frits;Maida, Adriano;Tews, Daniel;Fischer-Posovszky, Pamela;Feuchtinger, Annette;Virtanen, Kirsi A.;Beckers, Johannes;Wabitsch, Martin;Uhlenhaut, Henriette;Blüher, Matthias;Tuckermann, Jan;Scheideler, Marcel;Bartelt, Alexander;Herzig, Stephan; HAND2 is a novel obesity-linked adipogenic transcription factor regulated by glucocorticoid signalling
Rasch, Sebastian;Pichlmeier, Eva-Maria;Phillip, Veit;Mayr, Ulrich;Schmid, Roland M.;Huber, Wolfgang;Lahmer, Tobias; Prediction of Outcome in Acute Pancreatitis by the qSOFA and the New ERAP Score
Iwen, Mark A.;Krahmer, Felix;Krause-Solberg, Sara;Maly, Johannes; On Recovery Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds
Esparza, Javier;Jaax, Stefan;Raskin, Mikhail;Weil-Kennedy, Chana; The complexity of verifying population protocols
Frimberger, Theresa;Andrade, S. Daniel;Weber, Samuel;Krautblatter, Michael; Modelling future lahars controlled by different volcanic eruption scenarios at Cotopaxi (Ecuador) calibrated with the massively destructive 1877 lahar
Heym, Michael;Uhl, Enno;Moshammer, Ralf;Dieler, Jochen;Stimm, Kilian;Pretzsch, Hans; Utilising forest inventory data for biodiversity assessment
Achury, Rafael;Holway, David A.;Suarez, Andrew V.; Pervasive and persistent effects of ant invasion and fragmentation on native ant assemblages
Biddick, Matt;Burns, Kevin C.; A simple null model predicts the island rule
Ahmed, Mostafa;Abdelrahem, Mohamed;Farhan, Ahmed;Harbi, Ibrahim;Kennel, Ralph; DC-link sensorless control strategy for grid-connected PV systems
Giebel, Nicole;Jaime‐Soguero, Anchel;García del Arco, Ana;Landry, Jonathan J M;Tietje, Marlene;Villacorta, Laura;Benes, Vladimir;Fernández‐Sáiz, Vanesa;Acebrón, Sergio P; USP42 protects ZNRF3/RNF43 from R‐spondin‐dependent clearance and inhibits Wnt signalling
Bast‐Habersbrunner, Andrea;Kiefer, Christoph;Weber, Peter;Fromme, Tobias;Schießl, Anna;Schwalie, Petra C;Deplancke, Bart;Li, Yongguo;Klingenspor, Martin; LncRNA Ctcflos orchestrates transcription and alternative splicing in thermogenic adipogenesis
Yuan Tan, Maximilian Dahlenburg, Stephan Kessler, Johannes Fottner; Virtual Prototyping mit DEM zur Entwicklung eines Near-Nozzle-Mixing Verfahrens für den additiven 3D Betondruck für den Roboter Einsatz
Hanel, A.; Seibold, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of Power-to-X on Energy Systems as a Key Technology to Defossilization
Vetter, Kim-Marie; Perfluorosulfonic acid-based membrane electrode assemblies in PEM water electrolysis
Sebastian Maierhofer, Moritz Klischat, and Matthias Althoff; CommonRoad Scenario Designer: An Open-Source Toolbox for Map Conversion and Scenario Creation for Autonomous Vehicles
Noichl, F.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; "BIM-to-Scan" for Scan-to-BIM: Generating Realistic Synthetic Ground Truth Point Clouds based on Industrial 3D Models
Bertosin, Eva; A synthetic DNA rotary mechanism with coordinated coupled motion
Wiehl, Juliane C.;Patzauer, Maximilian;Krischer, Katharina; Birhythmicity, intrinsic entrainment, and minimal chimeras in an electrochemical experiment
Stadler, Daniela;Kächele, Martin;Jones, Alisha N;Hess, Julia;Urban, Christian;Schneider, Jessica;Xia, Yuchen;Oswald, Andreas;Nebioglu, Firat;Bester, Romina;Lasitschka, Felix;Ringelhan, Marc;Ko, Chunkyu;Chou, Wen‐Min;Geerlof, Arie;Klundert, Maarten A;Wettengel, Jochen M;Schirmacher, Peter;Heikenwälder, Mathias;Schreiner, Sabrina;Bartenschlager, Ralf;Pichlmair, Andreas;Sattler, Michael;Unger, Kristian;Protzer, Ulrike; Interferon‐induced degradation of the persistent hepatitis B virus cccDNA form depends on ISG20
Mediani, Laura;Antoniani, Francesco;Galli, Veronica;Vinet, Jonathan;Carrà, Arianna Dorotea;Bigi, Ilaria;Tripathy, Vadreenath;Tiago, Tatiana;Cimino, Marco;Leo, Giuseppina;Amen, Triana;Kaganovich, Daniel;Cereda, Cristina;Pansarasa, Orietta;Mandrioli, Jessica;Tripathi, Priyanka;Troost, Dirk;Aronica, Eleonora;Buchner, Johannes;Goswami, Anand;Sterneckert, Jared;Alberti, Simon;Carra, Serena; Hsp90‐mediated regulation of DYRK3 couples stress granule disassembly and growth via mTORC1 signaling
Kielmann, Julia;Manner, Hans;Min, Aleksey; Stock market returns and oil price shocks: A CoVaR analysis based on dynamic vine copula models
Canil, Laura;Cramer, Tobias;Fraboni, Beatrice;Ricciarelli, Damiano;Meggiolaro, Daniele;Singh, Ajay;Liu, Maning;Rusu, Marin;Wolff, Christian M.;Phung, Nga;Wang, Qiong;Neher, Dieter;Unold, Thomas;Vivo, Paola;Gagliardi, Alessio;De Angelis, Filippo;Abate, Antonio; Tuning halide perovskite energy levels
Süsser, Diana;Ceglarz, Andrzej;Gaschnig, Hannes;Stavrakas, Vassilis;Flamos, Alexandros;Giannakidis, George;Lilliestam, Johan; Model-based policymaking or policy-based modelling? How energy models and energy policy interact
Zimmermann, Arno W.;Buchner, Georg A.;Schomäcker, Reinhard; Apples and Apples: A Shortcut Assessment Framework for Early‐Stage Carbon Capture and Utilization Technologies Based on Efficiency, Feasibility, and Risk
Rauwolf, Stefan;Steegmüller, Tobias;Schwaminger, Sebastian Patrick;Berensmeier, Sonja; Purification of a peptide tagged protein via an affinity chromatographic process with underivatized silica
Ankenbauer, Andreas;Nitschel, Robert;Teleki, Attila;Müller, Tobias;Favilli, Lorenzo;Blombach, Bastian;Takors, Ralf; Micro‐aerobic production of isobutanol with engineered Pseudomonas putida
Mirra, Michele;Ravenshorst, Geert;de Vries, Peter;van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem; An analytical model describing the in-plane behaviour of timber diaphragms strengthened with plywood panels
Venus, Terese E.;Bilgram, Stephanie;Sauer, Johannes;Khatri-Chettri, Arun; Livelihood vulnerability and climate change: a comparative analysis of smallholders in the Indo-Gangetic plains
Sun, Fengchao;Peters, Jan;Thullner, Martin;Cirpka, Olaf A.;Elsner, Martin; Magnitude of Diffusion- and Transverse Dispersion-Induced Isotope Fractionation of Organic Compounds in Aqueous Systems
Sun, Fengchao;Mellage, Adrian;Gharasoo, Mehdi;Melsbach, Aileen;Cao, Xin;Zimmermann, Ralf;Griebler, Christian;Thullner, Martin;Cirpka, Olaf A.;Elsner, Martin; Mass-Transfer-Limited Biodegradation at Low Concentrations—Evidence from Reactive Transport Modeling of Isotope Profiles in a Bench-Scale Aquifer
Götz, Astrid;Imhof, Hannes K.;Geist, Juergen;Beggel, Sebastian; Moving Toward Standardized Toxicity Testing Procedures with Particulates by Dietary Exposure of Gammarids
Zholobenko, Wladimir; Global Braginskii turbulence simulations across the edge and scrape-off layer of diverted tokamaks
Pflumm, Tobias;Gaugelhofer, Lukas;Heuschneider, Verena;Berghammer, Florian;Hajek, Manfred; Hybrid Experimental Measurement of Sectional Stiffness Properties of the MERIT Rotor Blade with Digital Image Correlation
Graf, S.;Kirschstein, L.;Knopf, A.;Mansour, N.;Jeleff-Wölfler, O.;Buchberger, A. M. S.;Hofauer, B.; Systematic evaluation of laryngeal impairment in Sjögren’s syndrome
Steffen, Armin;Heiser, Clemens;Galetke, Wolfgang;Herkenrath, Simon-Dominik;Maurer, Joachim T.;Günther, Eck;Stuck, Boris A.;Woehrle, Holger;Löhler, Jan;Randerath, Winfried; Hypoglossal nerve stimulation for obstructive sleep apnea: updated position paper of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Paulik, Sabina;Paczkowski, Christoph;Laukemper, Rita;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Texture design of gluten-free bread by mixing under controlled headspace atmosphere
Rogalski, Esther;Ehrmann, Matthias A.;Vogel, Rudi F.; Strain-specific interaction of Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis with yeasts in the sourdough fermentation
Kolbeck, Sandra;Kienberger, Hermine;Kleigrewe, Karin;Hilgarth, Maik;Vogel, Rudi F.; Effect of high levels of CO2 and O2 on membrane fatty acid profile and membrane physiology of meat spoilage bacteria
Könen, Philipp P.;Stötzel, Ines;Schwab, Wilfried;Wüst, Matthias; Qualitative profiling of mono- and sesquiterpenols in aglycon libraries from Vitis vinifera L. Gewürztraminer using multidimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Rebholz, Gerold Felix;Sebald, Karin;Dirndorfer, Sebastian;Dawid, Corinna;Hofmann, Thomas;Scherf, Katharina Anne; Impact of exogenous maltogenic α-amylase and maltotetraogenic amylase on sugar release in wheat bread
Schopf, Marina;Wehrli, Monika Christine;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario;Scherf, Katharina Anne; Fundamental characterization of wheat gluten
Wierer, Michael;Werner, Julia;Wobst, Jana;Kastrati, Adnan;Cepele, Ganildo;Aherrahrou, Redouane;Sager, Hendrik B;Erdmann, Jeanette;Dichgans, Martin;Flockerzi, Veit;Civelek, Mete;Dietrich, Alexander;Mann, Matthias;Schunkert, Heribert;Kessler, Thorsten; A proteomic atlas of the neointima identifies novel druggable targets for preventive therapy
Günther, Julia;Hoffmann, Julia;Stecher, Lynne;Spies, Monika;Geyer, Kristina;Raab, Roxana;Meyer, Dorothy;Rauh, Kathrin;Hauner, Hans; How does antenatal lifestyle affect the risk for gestational diabetes mellitus? A secondary cohort analysis from the GeliS trial
Karch, André;;Schindler, Daniela;Kühn-Steven, Andrea;Blaser, Rainer;Kuhn, Klaus A.;Sandmann, Lisa;Sommerer, Claudia;Guba, Markus;Heemann, Uwe;Strohäker, Jens;Glöckner, Stephan;Mikolajczyk, Rafael;Busch, Dirk H.;Schulz, Thomas F.; The transplant cohort of the German center for infection research (DZIF Tx-Cohort): study design and baseline characteristics
Portilla-Fernández, Eliana;Hwang, Shih-Jen;Wilson, Rory;Maddock, Jane;Hill, W. David;Teumer, Alexander;Mishra, Pashupati P.;Brody, Jennifer A.;Joehanes, Roby;Ligthart, Symen;Ghanbari, Mohsen;Kavousi, Maryam;Roks, Anton J. M.;Danser, A. H. Jan;Levy, Daniel;Peters, Annette;Ghasemi, Sahar;Schminke, Ulf;Dörr, Marcus;Grabe, Hans J.;Lehtimäki, Terho;Kähönen, Mika;Hurme, Mikko A.;Bartz, Traci M.;Sotoodehnia, Nona;Bis, Joshua C.;Thiery, Joachim;Koenig, Wolfgang;Ong, Ken K.;Bell, Jordana T.;Meisinger, Christine;Wardlaw, Joanna M.;Starr, John M.;Seissler, Jochen;Then, Cornelia;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Ikram, M. Arfan;Psaty, Bruce M.;Raitakari, Olli T.;Völzke, Henry;Deary, Ian J.;Wong, Andrew;Waldenberger, Melanie;O’Donnell, Christopher J.;Dehghan, Abbas; Meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies of carotid intima-media thickness
Boscoe, Audra N.;Yan, Yan;Hedgeman, Elizabeth;van Beers, Eduard J.;Al‐Samkari, Hanny;Barcellini, Wilma;Eber, Stefan W.;Glader, Bertil;Yaish, Hassan M.;Chonat, Satheesh;Sharma, Mukta;Kuo, Kevin H. M.;Neufeld, Ellis J.;Wang, Heng;Verhovsek, Madeleine;Sheth, Sujit;Grace, Rachael F.; Comorbidities and complications in adults with pyruvate kinase deficiency
Klingler, Corinna;von Jagwitz-Biegnitz, Magdaléna;Baber, Ronny;Becker, Karl-Friedrich;Dahl, Edgar;Eibner, Cornelius;Fuchs, Jörg;Groenewold, Maike K.;Hartung, Mara Lena;Hummel, Michael;Jahns, Roland;Kirsten, Romy;Kopfnagel, Verena;Maushagen, Regina;Nussbeck, Sara Yasemin;Schoneberg, Anne;Winter, Theresa;Specht, Cornelia; Stakeholder engagement to ensure the sustainability of biobanks: a survey of potential users of biobank services
Hidalgo‐Sastre, Ana;Kuebelsbeck, Ludwig A.;Jochheim, Leonie S.;Staufer, Lina M.;Altmayr, Felicitas;Johannes, Widya;Steiger, Katja;Ronderos, Monica;Hartmann, Daniel;Hüser, Norbert;Schmid, Roland M.;Holzmann, Bernhard;Figura, Guido; Toll‐like receptor 3 expression in myeloid cells is essential for efficient regeneration after acute pancreatitis in mice
Poeck, Hendrik;Wintges, Alexander;Dahl, Sarah;Bassermann, Florian;Haas, Tobias;Heidegger, Simon; Tumor cell‐intrinsic RIG‐I signaling governs synergistic effects of immunogenic cancer therapies and checkpoint inhibitors in mice
Okazoe, Shinya;Staiger, Lena;Cokoja, Mirza;Kusada, Kohei;Yamamoto, Tomokazu;Toriyama, Takaaki;Matsumura, Syo;Kitagawa, Hiroshi;Fischer, Roland A.; Enhanced Hydrogenation Catalytic Activity of Ruthenium Nanoparticles by Solid‐Solution Alloying with Molybdenum
Farine, Gianluca;Migliore, Claudio;Terenzi, Alessio;Lo Celso, Fabrizio;Santoro, Antonio;Bruno, Giuseppe;Bonsignore, Riccardo;Barone, Giampaolo; On the G‐Quadruplex Binding of a New Class of Nickel(II), Copper(II), and Zinc(II) Salphen‐Like Complexes
Vöglein, Jonathan;Kostova, Irena;Arzberger, Thomas;Roeber, Sigrun;Schmitz, Peer;Simons, Mikael;Ruf, Viktoria;Windl, Otto;Herms, Jochen;Dieterich, Marianne;Danek, Adrian;Höglinger, Günter U.;Giese, Armin;Levin, Johannes; First symptom guides diagnosis and prognosis in neurodegenerative diseases—a retrospective study of autopsy proven cases
Sellner, Johann;Jenkins, Thomas M.;Oertzen, Tim J.;Bassetti, Claudio L.;Beghi, Ettore;Bereczki, Daniel;Bodini, Benedetta;Cavallieri, Francesco;Di Liberto, Giovanni;Helbok, Raimund;Macerollo, Antonella;Maia, Luis F.;Oreja‐Guevara, Celia;Özturk, Serefnur;Rakusa, Martin;Pisani, Antonio;Priori, Alberto;Sauerbier, Anna;Soffietti, Riccardo;Taba, Pille;Zedde, Marialuisa;Crean, Michael;Burlica, Anja;Twardzik, Alex;Moro, Elena;; A plea for equitable global access to COVID‐19 diagnostics, vaccination and therapy: The NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force of the European Academy of Neurology
Birnbacher, Lorenz;Braig, Eva-Maria;Pfeiffer, Daniela;Pfeiffer, Franz;Herzen, Julia; Quantitative X-ray phase contrast computed tomography with grating interferometry
Guo, Rui;Hu, Xiaobin;Song, Haoming;Xu, Pengpeng;Xu, Haoping;Rominger, Axel;Lin, Xiaozhu;Menze, Bjoern;Li, Biao;Shi, Kuangyu; Weakly supervised deep learning for determining the prognostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma, nasal type
Gassert, Felix G.;Rübenthaler, Johannes;Cyran, Clemens C.;Rink, Johann S.;Schwarze, Vincent;Luitjens, Johanna;Gassert, Florian T.;Makowski, Marcus R.;Schoenberg, Stefan O.;Mayerhoefer, Marius E.;Tamandl, Dietmar;Froelich, Matthias F.; 18F FDG PET/MRI with hepatocyte-specific contrast agent for M staging of rectal cancer: a primary economic evaluation
Afshar-Oromieh, Ali;da Cunha, Marcelo Livorsi;Wagner, Jairo;Haberkorn, Uwe;Debus, Nils;Weber, Wolfgang;Eiber, Matthias;Holland-Letz, Tim;Rauscher, Isabel; Performance of [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT in patients with recurrent prostate cancer after prostatectomy—a multi-centre evaluation of 2533 patients
Kontos, Christos; Design, synthesis, and structure-function studies of peptides as inhibitors of the MIF/chemokine receptor axis
Keler, Andreas; Denk, Florian; Brunner, Pascal; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Malcolm, Patrick; Bogenberger, Klaus; Varying Bicycle Infrastructures - An Interconnected Simulator Study for Inspecting Motorist-Cyclist Conflicts
Keler, Andreas; Mansour, Mostafa; Malcolm, Patrick; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Busch, Fritz; Bogenberger, Klaus; An Interconnected Motorist-Cyclist Simulator Study for Observing Communication at a Static Bottleneck – First Insights
Vijayaraghavan, Hansini; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Delay-aware Wireless Resource Allocation and User Association in LiFi-WiFi Heterogeneous Networks
Windel, Hendrik Uwe; CLAWS - An injection background monitoring system for the second and third phase of the SuperKEKB commissioning
Martins Pacheco, Nuno Miguel; Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, Anand; Nürnberger, Masaru Charles; Durán Noy, Laura Isabel; Zimmermann, Markus; A FUZZY FRONT-END PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FOR START-UPS
Gaßmann, Victor;Althoff, Matthias; Verified Polynomial Controller Synthesis for Disturbed Nonlinear Systems
Liu, Wenjun;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Matrix Inequalities Based Robust Model Predictive Control for Vehicle Considering Model Uncertainties, External Disturbances, and Time-Varying Delay
Liu, Wenjun;Liu, Chang;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Gaussian Process Based Model Predictive Control for Overtaking in Autonomous Driving
Mayer, Johannes;Wurster, Thomas-Heinrich;Schaeffter, Tobias;Landmesser, Ulf;Morguet, Andreas;Bigalke, Boris;Hamm, Bernd;Brenner, Winfried;Makowski, Marcus R.;Kolbitsch, Christoph; Imaging coronary plaques using 3D motion-compensated [18F]NaF PET/MR
Giesel, Frederik L.;Kratochwil, Clemens;Schlittenhardt, Joel;Dendl, Katharina;Eiber, Matthias;Staudinger, Fabian;Kessler, Lukas;Fendler, Wolfgang P.;Lindner, Thomas;Koerber, Stefan A.;Cardinale, Jens;Sennung, David;Roehrich, Manuel;Debus, Juergen;Sathekge, Mike;Haberkorn, Uwe;Calais, Jeremie;Serfling, Sebastian;Buck, Andreas L.; Head-to-head intra-individual comparison of biodistribution and tumor uptake of 68Ga-FAPI and 18F-FDG PET/CT in cancer patients
Ceci, Francesco;Oprea-Lager, Daniela E.;Emmett, Louise;Adam, Judit A.;Bomanji, Jamshed;Czernin, Johannes;Eiber, Matthias;Haberkorn, Uwe;Hofman, Michael S.;Hope, Thomas A.;Kumar, Rakesh;Rowe, Steven P.;Schwarzenboeck, Sarah M.;Fanti, Stefano;Herrmann, Ken; E-PSMA: the EANM standardized reporting guidelines v1.0 for PSMA-PET
Levillain, Hugo;Bagni, Oreste;Deroose, Christophe M.;Dieudonné, Arnaud;Gnesin, Silvano;Grosser, Oliver S.;Kappadath, S. Cheenu;Kennedy, Andrew;Kokabi, Nima;Liu, David M.;Madoff, David C.;Mahvash, Armeen;Martinez de la Cuesta, Antonio;Ng, David C. E.;Paprottka, Philipp M.;Pettinato, Cinzia;Rodríguez-Fraile, Macarena;Salem, Riad;Sangro, Bruno;Strigari, Lidia;Sze, Daniel Y.;de Wit van der veen, Berlinda J.;Flamen, Patrick; International recommendations for personalised selective internal radiation therapy of primary and metastatic liver diseases with yttrium-90 resin microspheres
Hübner, Alexander;Düsterhöft, Tobias;Ostermeier, Manuel; Shelf space dimensioning and product allocation in retail stores
Frank, Markus;Ostermeier, Manuel;Holzapfel, Andreas;Hübner, Alexander;Kuhn, Heinrich; Optimizing routing and delivery patterns with multi-compartment vehicles
Ostermeier, Manuel;Henke, Tino;Hübner, Alexander;Wäscher, Gerhard; Multi-compartment vehicle routing problems: State-of-the-art, modeling framework and future directions
Norvaiša, Karolis;Yeow, Kathryn;Twamley, Brendan;Roucan, Marie;Senge, Mathias O.; Strategic Synthesis of ‘Picket Fence’ Porphyrins Based on Nonplanar Macrocycles**
Tölle, Thomas;Fitzcharles, Mary‐Ann;Häuser, Winfried; Is opioid therapy for chronic non‐cancer pain associated with a greater risk of all‐cause mortality compared to non‐opioid analgesics? A systematic review of propensity score matched observational studies
Wager, Julia;Ruhe, Ann‐Kristin;Stahlschmidt, Lorin;Leitsch, Kathrin;Claus, Benedikt B.;Häuser, Winfried;Brähler, Elmar;Dinkel, Andreas;Kocalevent, Rüya;Zernikow, Boris; Long‐term outcomes of children with severe chronic pain: Comparison of former patients with a community sample
Häuser, Winfried;Morlion, Bart;Vowles, Kevin E.;Bannister, Kirsty;Buchser, Eric;Casale, Roberto;Chenot, Jean‐François;Chumbley, Gillian;Drewes, Asbjørn Mohr;Dom, Geert;Jutila, Liisa;O'Brien, Tony;Pogatzki‐Zahn, Esther;Rakusa, Martin;Suarez–Serrano, Carmen;Tölle, Thomas;Krčevski Škvarč, Nevenka; European* clinical practice recommendations on opioids for chronic noncancer pain – Part 1: Role of opioids in the management of chronic noncancer pain
Krčevski Škvarč, Nevenka;Morlion, Bart;Vowles, Kevin E.;Bannister, Kirsty;Buchsner, Eric;Casale, Roberto;Chenot, Jean‐François;Chumbley, Gillian;Drewes, Asbjørn Mohr;Dom, Geert;Jutila, Liisa;O'Brien, Tony;Pogatzki‐Zahn, Esther;Rakusa, Martin;Suarez–Serrano, Carmen;Tölle, Thomas;Häuser, Winfried; European clinical practice recommendations on opioids for chronic noncancer pain – Part 2: Special situations*
Häuser, Winfried;Buchser, Eric;Finn, David P.;Dom, Geerd;Fors, Egil;Heiskanen, Tarja;Jarlbaek, Lene;Knaggs, Roger D.;Kosek, Eva;Krcevski‐Škvarč, Nevenka;Pakkonen, Kaire;Perrot, Serge;Trouvin, Anne‐Priscille;Morlion, Bart; Is Europe also facing an opioid crisis?—A survey of European Pain Federation chapters
Prado, Anna; Vijayaraghavan, Hansini; Kellerer, Wolfgang; ECHO: Enhanced Conditional Handover boosted by Trajectory Prediction
Keppler, Lena;Keppler, Alexander Martin;Ihle, Christoph;Minzlaff, Philipp;Fürmetz, Julian;Beck, Markus;Saier, Tim; Patients with complex proximal tibial fractures overestimate the prognosis of their injury
Fisch, Urs;von Felten, Stefanie;Wiencierz, Andrea;Jansen, Olav;Howard, George;Hendrikse, Jeroen;Halliday, Alison;Fraedrich, Gustav;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Calvet, David;Bulbulia, Richard;Becquemin, Jean-Pierre;Algra, Ale;Rothwell, Peter;Ringleb, Peter;Mas, Jean-Louis;Brown, Martin M.;Brott, Thomas G.;Bonati, Leo H.; Editor's Choice – Risk of Stroke before Revascularisation in Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis: A Pooled Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials
Henke, Klaudius;Talke, Daniel;Bunzel, Frauke;Buschmann, Birger;Asshoff, Carsten; Individual layer fabrication (ILF): a novel approach to additive manufacturing by the use of wood
Bergmann, Nicolas;Galperin, Michael; A Green’s function perspective on the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of open quantum systems strongly coupled to baths
Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Schneider, Charlotte;Kronthaler, Sophia;Gassert, Florian T.;Böhm, Christof;Pfeiffer, Daniela;Baum, Thomas;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Makowski, Marcus R.;Woertler, Klaus;Wurm, Markus;Gersing, Alexandra S.; CT-like images based on T1 spoiled gradient-echo and ultra-short echo time MRI sequences for the assessment of vertebral fractures and degenerative bone changes of the spine
Gassert, Felix G.;Schacky, Claudio E.;Müller-Leisse, Christina;Gassert, Florian T.;Pahn, Gregor;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Makowski, Marcus R.;Nadjiri, Jonathan; Calcium scoring using virtual non-contrast images from a dual-layer spectral detector CT: comparison to true non-contrast data and evaluation of proportionality factor in a large patient collective
Riederer, Isabelle;Mühlau, Mark;Zimmer, Claus;Gutbrod-Fernandez, Magaly;Sollmann, Nico;Kirschke, Jan S; Pre-contrast T1-weighted imaging of the spinal cord may be unnecessary in patients with multiple sclerosis
Löffler, Maximilian T.;Jacob, Alina;Scharr, Andreas;Sollmann, Nico;Burian, Egon;El Husseini, Malek;Sekuboyina, Anjany;Tetteh, Giles;Zimmer, Claus;Gempt, Jens;Baum, Thomas;Kirschke, Jan S.; Automatic opportunistic osteoporosis screening in routine CT: improved prediction of patients with prevalent vertebral fractures compared to DXA
Renner, Swetlana;Sauer, Johannes;El Benni, Nadja; Why considering technological heterogeneity is important for evaluating farm performance?
Koller, Heiko;Hartmann, Sebastian;Raphael, Gmeiner;Schmölz, Werner;Orban, Christoph;Thome, Claudius; Surgical nuances and construct patterns influence construct stiffness in C1-2 stabilizations: a biomechanical study of C1-2 gapping and advanced C1-2 fixation
Schweigert-Recksiek, Sebastian; Hagenow, Niklas; Lindemann, Udo; Evaluation of Improvement Opportunities for the Collaboration of Design and Simulation - An Industrial Multi-Method Study
Wuddi, P; Fottner, J; Self-Learning Problem Prioritization for Operating Tugger Train Systems
Butenschoen, Vicki M.;Hitscherich, Hanna;Eicker, Sven O.;Lobmaier, Silvia M.;Rösler, Judith;Bretschneider, Martin;Kirschke, Jan S.;Vajkoczy, Peter;Kögl, Nikolaus;Constanthin, Paul;Thome, Claudius;Tessitore, Enrico;Meyer, Bernhard;Wostrack, Maria; Spine surgery in pregnant women: a multicenter case series and proposition of treatment algorithm
AlEissa, Sami I.;Tamai, Koji;Konbaz, Faisal;Alturkistany, Ahmed;Blattert, Thomas R.;Chhabra, Harvinder S.;Costanzo, Giuseppe;Dohring, Edward J.;Kandziora, Frank;Kothe, Ralph;Misaggi, Bernardo;Muehlbauer, Eric J.;Pereira, Paulo;Rajasekaran, Shanmuganathan;Sullivan, William J.;Truumees, Eeric;Alqahtani, Yahya;Alsobayel, Hana I.;Franke, Joerg;Teli, Marco G. A.;Wang, Jeffrey C.;Al-Hazzaa, Hazzaa M.;Alosaimi, Majed Nasser;Berven, Sigurd;Brayda-Bruno, Marco;Briggs, Andrew M.;Busari, Jamiu O.;Caserta, Antonello-Valerio;Côté, Pierre;Crostelli, Marco;Fehlings, Michael G.;Gunzburg, Robert;Haddadin, Sami;Ihm, Joseph;Hilibrand, Alan S.;Luca, Andrea;Osvaldo, Mazza;Pigott, Tim;Rothenfluh, Dominique A.;Ruosi, Carlo;Salmi, Louis-Rachid;Shetty, Ajoy P.;Singh, Kern;Vaccaro, Alexander R.;Wong, David A.;Zileli, Mehmet;Nordin, Margareta; SPINE20 A global advocacy group promoting evidence-based spine care of value
Luiting, Henk B.;Remmers, Sebastiaan;Meijer, Dennie;Vis, André N.;Donswijk, Maarten;Oprea-Lager, Daniela E.;Emmett, Louise;Rauscher, Isabel;Van der Poel, Henk G.;Roobol, Monique J.;van Leeuwen, Pim J.; External Validation of Two Nomograms Developed for 68Ga-PSMA-11 Applied to the Prostate-specific Membrane Antigen Tracer 18F-DCFPyl: Is Prediction of the Optimal Timing of Salvage Therapy Feasible?
Kong, Ka-Yiu Edwin;Coelho, João P.L.;Feige, Matthias J.;Khmelinskii, Anton; Quality control of mislocalized and orphan proteins
Vogel, Manuel;Bachfischer, Michael;Kaufmann, Jan;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Experimental investigation of equivalence ratio fluctuations in a lean premixed kerosene combustor
Kotthoff, Matthias;Bauer, Julia;Haag, Franziska;Krautwurst, Dietmar; Conserved C‐terminal motifs in odorant receptors instruct their cell surface expression and cAMP signaling
Marcinek, Patrick;Haag, Franziska;Geithe, Christiane;Krautwurst, Dietmar; An evolutionary conserved olfactory receptor for foodborne and semiochemical alkylpyrazines
Hesse, Julia;Groterath, Wiebke;Owenier, Christoph;Steinhausen, Julia;Ding, Zhaoping;Steckel, Bodo;Czekelius, Constantin;Alter, Christina;Marzoq, Aseel;Schrader, Jürgen; Normoxic induction of HIF‐1α by adenosine‐A 2B R signaling in epicardial stromal cells formed after myocardial infarction
Jaufmann, Jennifer;Franke, Fabian Christoph;Sperlich, Andreas;Blumendeller, Carolin;Kloos, Isabel;Schneider, Barbara;Sasaki, Daisuke;Janssen, Klaus‐Peter;Beer‐Hammer, Sandra; The emerging and diverse roles of the SLy/SASH1‐protein family in health and disease—Overview of three multifunctional proteins
Manček‐Keber, Mateja;Hafner‐Bratkovič, Iva;Lainšček, Duško;Benčina, Mojca;Govednik, Tea;Orehek, Sara;Plaper, Tjaša;Jazbec, Vid;Bergant, Valter;Grass, Vincent;Pichlmair, Andreas;Jerala, Roman; Disruption of disulfides within RBD of SARS‐CoV‐2 spike protein prevents fusion and represents a target for viral entry inhibition by registered drugs
Gantert, Thomas;Henkel, Fiona;Wurmser, Christine;Oeckl, Josef;Fischer, Lena;Haid, Mark;Adamski, Jerzy;Esser‐von Bieren, Julia;Klingenspor, Martin;Fromme, Tobias; Fibroblast growth factor induced Ucp1 expression in preadipocytes requires PGE2 biosynthesis and glycolytic flux
Moreno-Cadena, Patricia;Hoogenboom, Gerrit;Cock, James H.;Ramirez-Villegas, Julian;Pypers, Pieter;Kreye, Christine;Tariku, Meklit;Ezui, Kodjovi Senam;Becerra Lopez-Lavalle, Luis Augusto;Asseng, Senthold; Modeling growth, development and yield of cassava: A review
Alfarano, Gianira N.;Lobillo, F.J.;Neri, Alessandro; Roos bound for skew cyclic codes in Hamming and rank metric
Laukemper, Rita;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Surface Energy of Food Contact Materials and Its Relation to Wheat Dough Adhesion
Krebs, Georg;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas; Chemometric modeling of palate fullness in lager beers
Kiumarsi, Maryam;Majchrzak, Dorota;Jäger, Henry;Song, Jian;Lieleg, Oliver;Shahbazi, Mahdiyar; Comparative study of instrumental properties and sensory profiling of low-calorie chocolate containing hydrophobically modified inulin. Part II: Proton mobility, topological, tribological and dynamic sensory properties
Keppler, Julia K.;Heyse, Anja;Scheidler, Eva;Uttinger, Maximilian J.;Fitzner, Laura;Jandt, Uwe;Heyn, Timon R.;Lautenbach, Vanessa;Loch, Joanna I.;Lohr, Jonas;Kieserling, Helena;Günther, Gabriele;Kempf, Elena;Grosch, Jan-Hendrik;Lewiński, Krzysztof;Jahn, Dieter;Lübbert, Christian;Peukert, Wolfgang;Kulozik, Ulrich;Drusch, Stephan;Krull, Rainer;Schwarz, Karin;Biedendieck, Rebekka; Towards recombinantly produced milk proteins: Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of engineered whey protein beta-lactoglobulin variants
John, Harald;Richter, Annika;Siegert, Markus;Eyer, Florian;Thiermann, Horst; Evidence of exposure to organophosphorus toxicants by detection of the propionylated butyrylcholinesterase-derived nonapeptide-adduct as a novel biomarker
Thurm, Eric Andreas;Pretzsch, Hans; Growth–density relationship in mixed stands – Results from long-term experimental plots
Blondin, Michael;Esparza, Javier;Jaax, Stefan;Meyer, Philipp J.; Towards efficient verification of population protocols
Völkel, Katharina;Meingaßner, Georg Johann;Pflaum, Hermann;Stahl, Karsten; Reibungsverhalten nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen am Übergang Haftreibung – Gleitreibung
Groetsch, D.;Stockinger, U.;Schneider, T.;Reiner, F.;Voelkel, K.;Pflaum, H.;Stahl, K.; Experimental investigations of spontaneous damage to wet multi-plate clutches with carbon friction linings
Stockinger, U.;Groetsch, D.;Reiner, F.;Voelkel, K.;Pflaum, H.;Stahl, K.; Friction behavior of innovative carbon friction linings for wet multi-plate clutches
Firmansyah, Dennis;Mergel, Kai;Benecke, Cord;Huber, Dorothea;Grimm, Imke;Klug, Günther;Henkel, Miriam; Deutungen: eine qualitative Studie unmittelbarer Patientenreaktionen
Göttl, Quirin;Grimm, Dominik G.;Burger, Jakob; Automated synthesis of steady-state continuous processes using reinforcement learning
Kupatt, Christian;Windisch, Alina;Moretti, Alessandra;Wolf, Eckhard;Wurst, Wolfgang;Walter, Maggie C.; Genome editing for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a glimpse of the future?
Giordano, Luca;Aneja, Manish K.;Sommer, Natascha;Alebrahimdehkordi, Nasim;Seraji, Alireza;Weissmann, Norbert;Rudolph, Carsten;Plank, Christian;Jacobs, Howard T.;Szibor, Marten; Alternative oxidase encoded by sequence-optimized and chemically-modified RNA transfected into mammalian cells is catalytically active
Bauer, Alina;Zierer, Astrid;Gieger, Christian;Büyüközkan, Mustafa;Müller‐Nurasyid, Martina;Grallert, Harald;Meisinger, Christa;Strauch, Konstantin;Prokisch, Holger;Roden, Michael;Peters, Annette;Krumsiek, Jan;Herder, Christian;Koenig, Wolfgang;Thorand, Barbara;Huth, Cornelia; Comparison of genetic risk prediction models to improve prediction of coronary heart disease in two large cohorts of the MONICA/KORA study
Dworschak, Gabriel C.;Punetha, Jaya;Kalanithy, Jeshurun C.;Mingardo, Enrico;Erdem, Haktan B.;Akdemir, Zeynep C.;Karaca, Ender;Mitani, Tadahiro;Marafi, Dana;Fatih, Jawid M.;Jhangiani, Shalini N.;Hunter, Jill V.;Dakal, Tikam Chand;Dhabhai, Bhanupriya;Dabbagh, Omar;Alsaif, Hessa S.;Alkuraya, Fowzan S.;Maroofian, Reza;Houlden, Henry;Efthymiou, Stephanie;Dominik, Natalia;Salpietro, Vincenzo;Sultan, Tipu;Haider, Shahzad;Bibi, Farah;Thiele, Holger;Hoefele, Julia;Riedhammer, Korbinian M.;Wagner, Matias;Guella, Ilaria;Demos, Michelle;Keren, Boris;Buratti, Julien;Charles, Perrine;Nava, Caroline;Héron, Delphine;Heide, Solveig;Valkanas, Elise;Waddell, Leigh B.;Jones, Kristi J.;Oates, Emily C.;Cooper, Sandra T.;MacArthur, Daniel;Syrbe, Steffen;Ziegler, Andreas;Platzer, Konrad;Okur, Volkan;Chung, Wendy K.;O’Shea, Sarah A.;Alcalay, Roy;Fahn, Stanley;Mark, Paul R.;Guerrini, Renzo;Vetro, Annalisa;Hudson, Beth;Schnur, Rhonda E.;Hoganson, George E.;Burton, Jennifer E.;McEntagart, Meriel;Lindenberg, Tobias;Yilmaz, Öznur;Odermatt, Benjamin;Pehlivan, Davut;Posey, Jennifer E.;Lupski, James R.;Reutter, Heiko; Biallelic and monoallelic variants in PLXNA1 are implicated in a novel neurodevelopmental disorder with variable cerebral and eye anomalies
Bischoff, Addi;Alexander, Conel M. O'D.;Barrat, Jean-Alix;Burkhardt, Christoph;Busemann, Henner;Degering, Detlev;Di Rocco, Tommaso;Fischer, Meike;Fockenberg, Thomas;Foustoukos, Dionysis I.;Gattacceca, Jérôme;Godinho, Jose R.A.;Harries, Dennis;Heinlein, Dieter;Hellmann, Jan L.;Hertkorn, Norbert;Holm, Anja;Jull, A.J. Timothy;Kerraouch, Imene;King, Ashley J.;Kleine, Thorsten;Koll, Dominik;Lachner, Johannes;Ludwig, Thomas;Merchel, Silke;Mertens, Cornelia A.K.;Morino, Précillia;Neumann, Wladimir;Pack, Andreas;Patzek, Markus;Pavetich, Stefan;Reitze, Maximilian P.;Rüfenacht, Miriam;Rugel, Georg;Schmidt, Charlotte;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Schönbächler, Maria;Trieloff, Mario;Wallner, Anton;Wimmer, Karl;Wölfer, Elias; The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg – Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies
Igel, Heiner;Schreiber, Karl Ulrich;Gebauer, André;Bernauer, Felix;Egdorf, Sven;Simonelli, Andrea;Lin, Chin-Jen;Wassermann, Joachim;Donner, Stefanie;Hadziioannou, Céline;Yuan, Shihao;Brotzer, Andreas;Kodet, Jan;Tanimoto, Toshiro;Hugentobler, Urs;Wells, Jon-Paul R; ROMY: a multicomponent ring laser for geodesy and geophysics
Zabel, Florian;Müller, Christoph;Elliott, Joshua;Minoli, Sara;Jägermeyr, Jonas;Schneider, Julia M.;Franke, James A.;Moyer, Elisabeth;Dury, Marie;Francois, Louis;Folberth, Christian;Liu, Wenfeng;Pugh, Thomas A.M.;Olin, Stefan;Rabin, Sam S.;Mauser, Wolfram;Hank, Tobias;Ruane, Alex C.;Asseng, Senthold; Large potential for crop production adaptation depends on available future varieties
Roy, Jacques;Rineau, François;De Boeck, Hans J.;Nijs, Ivan;Pütz, Thomas;Abiven, Samuel;Arnone, John A., III;Barton, Craig V. M.;Beenaerts, Natalie;Brüggemann, Nicolas;Dainese, Matteo;Domisch, Timo;Eisenhauer, Nico;Garré, Sarah;Gebler, Alban;Ghirardo, Andrea;Jasoni, Richard L.;Kowalchuk, George;Landais, Damien;Larsen, Stuart H.;Leemans, Vincent;Le Galliard, Jean‐François;Longdoz, Bernard;Massol, Florent;Mikkelsen, Teis N.;Niedrist, Georg;Piel, Clément;Ravel, Olivier;Sauze, Joana;Schmidt, Anja;Schnitzler, Jörg‐Peter;Teixeira, Leonardo H.;Tjoelker, Mark G.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Winkler, Barbro;Milcu, Alexandru; Ecotrons: Powerful and versatile ecosystem analysers for ecology, agronomy and environmental science
Duan, Bingbing;Hugentobler, Urs; Enhanced solar radiation pressure model for GPS satellites considering various physical effects
Bleidißel, Nathalie;Friedrich, Julia;Klaas, Julian;Feucht, Nikolaus;Lohmann, Chris Patrick;Maier, Mathias; Inverted internal limiting membrane flap technique in eyes with large idiopathic full-thickness macular hole: long-term functional and morphological outcomes
Klaas, Julian E.;Rechl, Philip;Feucht, Nikolaus;Siedlecki, Jakob;Friedrich, Julia;Lohmann, Chris P.;Maier, Mathias; Functional recovery after macula involving retinal detachment and its correlation with preoperative biomarkers in optical coherence tomography
Alpert, Hannah;Roldán, Érika; Art Gallery Problem with Rook and Queen Vision
Bai, Jie;Fügener, Andreas;Gönsch, Jochen;Brunner, Jens O.;Blobner, Manfred; Managing admission and discharge processes in intensive care units
Ledwoch, Jakob;Krauth, Anna;Kraxenberger, Jana;Schneider, Alisa;Leidgschwendner, Katharina;Schneider, Vera;Müller, Alexander;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Kupatt, Christian;Martens, Eimo; Accuracy of high-sensitive troponin depending on renal function for clinical outcome prediction in patients with acute heart failure
Holzmann‐Littig, Christopher;Kuechle, Claudius;Bietenbeck, Andreas;McCallum, Wendy;Heemann, Uwe;Renders, Lutz;Steubl, Dominik; Estimating serum‐ionized magnesium concentration in hemodialysis patients
Müller, Jasper; Fehenberger, Tobias; Patri, Sai Kireet; Kaeval, Kaida; Griesser, Helmut; Tikas, Marko; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Estimating Quality of Transmission in a Live Production Network using Machine Learning
Cho, Joo Yeon;Pedreno-Manresa, Jose-Juan;Patri, Sai Kireet;Sergeev, Andrew; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Griesser, Helmut; White, Catherine; Lord, Andrew; Demonstration of Software-defined Key Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network
Shariati, B.;Pedreno-Manresa, J. J.;Dochhan, A.;Muqaddas, A. S.;Casellas, R.;González de Dios, O.;Canto, L. L.;Lent, B.;López de Vergara, J. E.;López-Buedo, S.;Moreno, F. J.;Pavón, P.;Velasco, L.;Patri, S.;Giorgetti, A.;Cugini, F.;Sgambelluri, A.;Nejabati, R.;Simeonidou, D.;Braun, R.-P.;Autenrieth, A.;Elbers, J.-P.;Fischer, J. K.;Freund, R.; A Latency-Aware Real-Time Video Surveillance Demo: Network Slicing for Improving Public Safety
Müller, Jasper; Patri, Sai Kireet; Fehenberger, Tobias; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Griesser, Helmut; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; A QoT Estimation Method using EGN-assisted Machine Learning for Network Planning Applications
Vartak, Nachiket;Guenther, Georgia;Joly, Florian;Damle‐Vartak, Amruta;Wibbelt, Gudrun;Fickel, Jörns;Jörs, Simone;Begher‐Tibbe, Brigitte;Friebel, Adrian;Wansing, Kasimir;Ghallab, Ahmed;Rosselin, Marie;Boissier, Noemie;Vignon‐Clementel, Irene;Hedberg, Christian;Geisler, Fabian;Hofer, Heribert;Jansen, Peter;Hoehme, Stefan;Drasdo, Dirk;Hengstler, Jan G.; Intravital Dynamic and Correlative Imaging of Mouse Livers Reveals Diffusion‐Dominated Canalicular and Flow‐Augmented Ductular Bile Flux
Denkena, Johanna;Johannes, Frank;Colomé-Tatché, Maria; Region-level epimutation rates in Arabidopsis thaliana
Stöver, T.;Dazert, S.;Plontke, S. K.;Kramer, S.;Ambrosch, P.;Arens, C.;Betz, C.;Beutner, D.;Bohr, C.;Bruchhage, K.-L.;Canis, M.;Dietz, A.;Guntinas-Lichius, O.;Hagen, R.;Hosemann, W.;Iro, H.;Klussmann, J. P;Knopf, A.;Lang, S.;Leinung, M.;Lenarz, T.;Löwenheim, H.;Matthias, C.;Mlynski, R.;Olze, H.;Park, J.;Plinkert, P.;Radeloff, A.;Rotter, N.;Rudack, C.;Bozzato, A.;Schipper, J.;Schrader, M.;Schuler, P. J.;Strieth, S.;Stuck, B. A.;Volkenstein, S.;Westhofen, M.;Wolf, G.;Wollenberg, B.;Zahnert, T.;Zenk, J.;Hoffmann, T. K.; Auswirkungen der SARS-CoV‑2-Pandemie auf die universitäre Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde im Bereich der Forschung, Lehre und Weiterbildung
Wu, Qiong;Ripp, Isabelle;Emch, Mónica;Koch, Kathrin; Cortical and subcortical responsiveness to intensive adaptive working memory training: An MRI surface‐based analysis
Luppi, Andrea I.;Golkowski, Daniel;Ranft, Andreas;Ilg, Rüdiger;Jordan, Denis;Menon, David K.;Stamatakis, Emmanuel A.; Brain network integration dynamics are associated with loss and recovery of consciousness induced by sevoflurane
Chen, Xue;Wang, Yanjiang;Kopetzky, Sebastian J.;Butz‐Ostendorf, Markus;Kaiser, Marcus; Connectivity within regions characterizes epilepsy duration and treatment outcome
Ran, Wei; Bottom-up Construction and Characterization of Low-dimensional Graphene- and Phthalocyanine-based Nanostructures
Kolbeck, L.;Forth, K.; Interoperability of BIM based Life Cycle Energy Analysis in Early Design Stages
Kolbeck, L.;Auer, D.;Fischer, O.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Modulare Brückenbauwerke aus carbonfaserbewehrtem Ultrahochleistungsbeton
Beck, F.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.;Kolbe, T. H.; An evaluation of the strict meaning of owl:sameAs in the field of BIM GIS Integration
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D., Rudenko S., Zeitlhöfler J.; DTRF2020: the ITRS 2020 realization of DGFI-TUM
Cao, Hu;Chen, Guang;Xia, Jiahao;Zhuang, Genghang;Knoll, Alois; Fusion-based Feature Attention Gate Component for Vehicle Detection based on Event Camera
Stenton, Sarah L.;Piekutowska‐Abramczuk, Dorota;Kulterer, Lea;Kopajtich, Robert;Claeys, Kristl G.;Ciara, Elżbieta;Eisen, Johannes;Płoski, Rafał;Pronicka, Ewa;Malczyk, Katarzyna;Wagner, Matias;Wortmann, Saskia B.;Prokisch, Holger; Expanding the clinical and genetic spectrum of FDXR deficiency by functional validation of variants of uncertain significance
Neuser, Sonja;Brechmann, Barbara;Heimer, Gali;Brösse, Ines;Schubert, Susanna;O'Grady, Lauren;Zech, Michael;Srivastava, Siddharth;Sweetser, David A.;Dincer, Yasemin;Mall, Volker;Winkelmann, Juliane;Behrends, Christian;Darras, Basil T.;Graham, Robert J.;Jayakar, Parul;Byrne, Barry;Bar‐Aluma, Bat El;Haberman, Yael;Szeinberg, Amir;Aldhalaan, Hesham M.;Hashem, Mais;Al Tenaiji, Amal;Ismayl, Omar;Al Nuaimi, Asma E.;Maher, Karima;Ibrahim, Shahnaz;Khan, Fatima;Houlden, Henry;Ramakumaran, Vijayalakshmi S.;Pagnamenta, Alistair T.;Posey, Jennifer E.;Lupski, James R.;Tan, Wen‐Hann;ElGhazali, Gehad;Herman, Isabella;Muñoz, Tatiana;Repetto, Gabriela M.;Seitz, Angelika;Krumbiegel, Mandy;Poli, Maria Cecilia;Kini, Usha;Efthymiou, Stephanie;Meiler, Jens;Maroofian, Reza;Alkuraya, Fowzan S.;Abou Jamra, Rami;Popp, Bernt;Ben‐Zeev, Bruria;Ebrahimi‐Fakhari, Darius; Clinical, neuroimaging, and molecular spectrum of TECPR2 ‐associated hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy with intellectual disability
Würstle, Silvia;Spinner, Christoph D.;Voit, Florian;Hoffmann, Dieter;Hering, Svenja;Weidlich, Simon;Schneider, Jochen;Zink, Alexander;Treiber, Matthias;Iakoubov, Roman;Schmid, Roland M.;Protzer, Ulrike;Erber, Johanna; Self-sampling versus health care professional-guided swab collection for SARS-CoV-2 testing
Soto Setzke, David;Riasanow, Tobias;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Pathways to Digital Service Innovation: The Role of Digital Transformation Strategies in Established Organizations
Uribe, Felipe;Papaioannou, Iason;Latz, Jonas;Betz, Wolfgang;Ullmann, Elisabeth;Straub, Daniel; Bayesian inference with subset simulation in varying dimensions applied to the Karhunen–Loève expansion
Wang, Jian‐Hang;Zhang, Chi; The variable‐extended immersed boundary method for compressible gaseous reactive flows past solid bodies
Wiesner, Tobias A.;Mayr, Matthias;Popp, Alexander;Gee, Michael W.;Wall, Wolfgang A.; Algebraic multigrid methods for saddle point systems arising from mortar contact formulations
Baydoun, Suhaib Koji;Voigt, Matthias;Goderbauer, Benedikt;Jelich, Christopher;Marburg, Steffen; A subspace iteration eigensolver based on Cauchy integrals for vibroacoustic problems in unbounded domains
Zhao, Mengjie;Zorrilla, Rubén;Rossi, Riccardo;Wüchner, Roland; A time averaged steady state method for the Navier–Stokes equations
Chen, Xinyu;Nophut, Christoph;Voigt, Tobias; A model-driven approach for engineering customizable MES with the application to the food and beverage industry
Schnös, Florian;Hartmann, Dirk;Obst, Birgit;Glashagen, Glenn; GPU accelerated voxel-based machining simulation
Kempf, Christian;Tian, Jiaojiao;Kurz, Franz;D’Angelo, Pablo;Schneider, Thomas;Reinartz, Peter; Oblique view individual tree crown delineation
Wehrli, Monika C.;Kratky, Tim;Schopf, Marina;Scherf, Katharina A.;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Thermally induced gluten modification observed with rheology and spectroscopies
Yuan, Ye;Härer, Stefan;Ottenheym, Tobias;Misra, Gourav;Lüpke, Alissa;Estrella, Nicole;Menzel, Annette; Maps, trends, and temperature sensitivities—phenological information from and for decreasing numbers of volunteer observers
Jung, Stephan;Zhao, Feng;Menzel, Annette; Establishing the twig method for investigations on pollen characteristics of allergenic tree species
Teng, Nancy M. Y.;Price, Christopher A.;McKee, Alastair M.;Hall, Lindsay J.;Robinson, Stephen D.; Exploring the impact of gut microbiota and diet on breast cancer risk and progression
Ramachandran, Dhanya;Wang, Yingying;Schürmann, Peter;Hülse, Fabienne;Mao, Qianqian;Jentschke, Matthias;Böhmer, Gerd;Strauß, Hans‐Georg;Hirchenhain, Christine;Schmidmayr, Monika;Müller, Florian;Runnebaum, Ingo;Hein, Alexander;Koch, Martin;Ruebner, Matthias;Beckmann, Matthias W.;Fasching, Peter A.;Luyten, Alexander;Dürst, Matthias;Hillemanns, Peter;Dörk, Thilo; Association of genomic variants at PAX8 and PBX2 with cervical cancer risk
Buergy, Daniel;Würschmidt, Florian;Gkika, Eleni;Hörner‐Rieber, Juliane;Knippen, Stefan;Gerum, Sabine;Balermpas, Panagiotis;Henkenberens, Christoph;Voglhuber, Theresa;Kornhuber, Christine;Barczyk, Steffen;Röper, Barbara;Rashid, Ali;Blanck, Oliver;Wittig, Andrea;Herold, Hans‐Ulrich;Brunner, Thomas B.;Klement, Rainer J.;Kahl, Klaus Henning;Ciernik, Ilja F.;Ottinger, Annette;Izaguirre, Victor;Putz, Florian;König, Laila;Hoffmann, Michael;Combs, Stephanie E.;Guckenberger, Matthias;Boda‐Heggemann, Judit; Stereotactic or conformal radiotherapy for adrenal metastases: Patient characteristics and outcomes in a multicenter analysis
Kübler, J.;Burgstahler, C.;Brendel, J. M.;Gassenmaier, S.;Hagen, F.;Klingel, K.;Olthof, S.-C.;Blume, K.;Wolfarth, B.;Mueller, K. A. L.;Greulich, S.;Krumm, P.; Cardiac MRI findings to differentiate athlete's heart from hypertrophic (HCM), arrhythmogenic right ventricular (ARVC) and dilated (DCM) cardiomyopathy
Barz, Christoph;Stöss, Christian;Neumann, Philipp-Alexander;Wilhelm, Dirk;Janssen, Klaus-Peter;Friess, Helmut;Nitsche, Ulrich; Retrospective study of prognosis of patients with multiple colorectal carcinomas: synchronous versus metachronous makes the difference
Stöss, Christian;Berlet, Maximilian;Reischl, Stefan;Nitsche, Ulrich;Weber, Marie-Christin;Friess, Helmut;Wilhelm, Dirk;Neumann, Philipp-Alexander; Crohn’s disease: a population-based study of surgery in the age of biological therapy
Steger, Jana;Patzke, Isabella;Berlet, Maximilian;Ficht, Stefanie;Eblenkamp, Markus;Mela, Petra;Wilhelm, Dirk; Design of a force-measuring setup for colorectal compression anastomosis and first ex-vivo results
Fuchtmann, Jonas;Krumpholz, Roman;Berlet, Maximilian;Ostler, Daniel;Feussner, Hubertus;Haddadin, Sami;Wilhelm, Dirk; COVID-19 and beyond: development of a comprehensive telemedical diagnostic framework
Vogel, Thomas;Schippers, Dina;Aldarweesh, Balqees;Pergolini, Ilaria;Stollreiter, Martina;Wagner, Klaus;Wilhelm, Dirk;Friess, Helmut;Kranzfelder, Michael; Effective operating room (OR) utilization by performing low-complex surgical procedures during the 2020 corona pandemic
T. Soleymani;J. Baras;S. Hirche;K.H. Johansson; Feedback Control over Noisy Channels: Characterization of a General Equilibrium
M. Kneissl;A.K. Madhusudhanan;A. Molin;H. Esen;S. Hirche; A Multi-Vehicle Control Framework with Application to Automated Valet Parking
Benzoni, Claudio; Crystals of Topological Solitons: an Effective Field Theory Approach
Coşkun, M. C.; Polar Code Design for SCL Decoding: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
Coşkun, M. C.; Polar Code Design for SCL Decoding: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
Collins, F.;Mafipour, MS.;Noichl, F.;Pan, Y.;Vega Torres, M. A.; Towards applicable Scan-to-BIM and Scan-to-Floorplan: An end-to-end experiment
Eickeler, F.;Noichl, F.; Pogo Sampling: How to best preserve information during manual point cloud labeling
Ya Wu, Guang Chen, Zhijun Li, Lu Xiong, Zhengfa Liu, Alois Knoll; HSTA: A Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Attention Model for Trajectory Prediction
Stoll, Christian; Klaaßen, Lena; Harmonizing Corporate Carbon Footprints
Guang Chen, Fan Lu, Zhijun Li, Yinlong Liu, Jinhu Dong, Junqiao Zhao, Junwei Yu, Alois Knoll; Pole-Curb Fusion based Robust and Efficient Autonomous Vehicle Localization System with Branch-and-Bound Global Optimization and Local Grid Map Method
Tianpei Zou, Guang Chen, Zhijun Li, Wei He, Sanqing Qu, Shangding Gu, Alois Knoll; KAM-Net: Keypoint-Aware and Keypoint-Matching Network for Vehicle Detection from 2D Point Cloud
Guang Chen, Kai Chen, Lijun Zhang, Liming Zhang, Alois Knoll; VCANet: Vanishing-Point-Guided Context-Aware Network for Small Road Object Detection
Fan Lu, Guang Chen, Sanqing Qu, Zhijun Li, Yinlong Liu, Alois Knoll; PointINet: Point Cloud Frame Interpolation Network
Chen, Guang and Xu, Zhongcong and Li, Zhijun and Tang, Huajin and Qu, Sanqing and Ren, Kejia and Knoll, Alois; A novel illumination-robust hand gesture recognition system with event-based neuromorphic vision sensor
Batsch, Fabian Gregor; Instability and Seeded Self-Modulation of a Relativistic Proton Bunch in Plasma
T. Soleymani;J. S. Baras;S. Hirche; Value of Information in Feedback Control: Quantification
Walter, Florian;Akl, Mahmoud;Morin, Fabrice O.;Knoll, Alois; Massively Parallel Robot Simulations with the HBP Neurorobotics Platform
Brunkhorst, Sven; Zehfuß, Jochen; Engel, Thomas; Kurzer, Christoph; Werther, Norman; Steeger, Felix; Butscher, Daniel; TIMpuls Grossversuche an Holzbauten
Younes, Samer; Design and development of microbial platforms for sustainable oleochemicals and biorefinery applications
Leong, Martin C. W.;Lee, Kit-Hang;Kwan, Bowen P. Y.;Ng, Yui-Lun;Liu, Zhiyu;Navab, Nassir;Luk, Wayne;Kwok, Ka-Wai; Performance-aware programming for intraoperative intensity-based image registration on graphics processing units
Hein, Jonas;Seibold, Matthias;Bogo, Federica;Farshad, Mazda;Pollefeys, Marc;Fürnstahl, Philipp;Navab, Nassir; Towards markerless surgical tool and hand pose estimation
Bergmann, Paul;Batzner, Kilian;Fauser, Michael;Sattlegger, David;Steger, Carsten; The MVTec Anomaly Detection Dataset: A Comprehensive Real-World Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
Schreurs, Miranda A.; Reconstruction and revitalization in Fukushima a decade after the “triple disaster” struck: Striving for sustainability and a new future vision
Hajek, André;Luppa, Melanie;Brettschneider, Christian;der Leeden, Carolin;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Oey, Anke;Wiese, Birgitt;Weyerer, Siegfried;Werle, Jochen;Fuchs, Angela;Pentzek, Michael;Löbner, Margrit;Stein, Janine;Weeg, Dagmar;Bickel, Horst;Heser, Kathrin;Wagner, Michael;Scherer, Martin;Maier, Wolfgang;Riedel‐Heller, Steffi G.;König, Hans‐Helmut; Correlates of institutionalization among the oldest old—Evidence from the multicenter AgeCoDe‐AgeQualiDe study
Doehring, A.;Kaller, T.;Schmidt, S.J.;Adams, N.A.; Large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow at transcritical states
Zhou, Qiaoxia;Gong, Daoyin;Zhang, Yu;Huang, Feijun; Association between monoamine oxidase A promoter polymorphism and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome: a meta-analysis
Scandola, Lorenzo;Büdenbender, Christoph;Till, Michael;Maier, Daniel;Ott, Michael;Behrens, Bernd-Arno;Volk, Wolfram; Development of a numerical compensation framework for geometrical deviations in bulk metal forming exploiting a surrogate model and computed compatible stresses
Chen, Hui;Giannopoulou, Danai;Greß, Thomas;Isakovic, Jonas;Mittler, Tim;Volk, Wolfram;Khalifa, Noomane Ben; Homogenization of the interfacial bonding of compound-cast AA7075/6060 bilayer billets by co-extrusion
Ahmed, Mohamed;Metwaly, Amira;Haller, Dirk; Modeling microbe-host interaction in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease
Kunze, Mareike;Steiner, Thomas;Chen, Fan;Huber, Claudia;Rydzewski, Kerstin;Stämmler, Maren;Heuner, Klaus;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Metabolic adaption of Legionella pneumophila during intracellular growth in Acanthamoeba castellanii
Liebisch, Gerhard;Plagge, Johannes;Höring, Marcus;Seeliger, Claudine;Ecker, Josef; The effect of gut microbiota on the intestinal lipidome of mice
Hitch, Thomas C.A.;Afrizal, Afrizal;Riedel, Thomas;Kioukis, Antonios;Haller, Dirk;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Overmann, Jörg;Clavel, Thomas; Recent advances in culture-based gut microbiome research
Hammer, Barbara;Kadalayil, Latha;Boateng, Eistine;Buschmann, Dominik;Rezwan, Faisal I.;Wolff, Martin;Reuter, Sebastian;Bartel, Sabine;Knudsen, Toril Mørkve;Svanes, Cecilie;Holloway, John W.;Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne; Preconceptional smoking alters spermatozoal miRNAs of murine fathers and affects offspring’s body weight
Stahl, Rafael;Hoffman, Alexander;Mueller-Gritschneder, Daniel;Gerstlauer, Andreas;Schlichtmann, Ulf; DeeperThings: Fully Distributed CNN Inference on Resource-Constrained Edge Devices
Ostheim, Patrick;Don Mallawaratchy, Alan;Müller, Thomas;Schüle, Simone;Hermann, Cornelius;Popp, Tanja;Eder, Stefan;Combs, Stephanie E.;Port, Matthias;Abend, Michael; Acute radiation syndrome-related gene expression in irradiated peripheral blood cell populations
Schültke, Elisabeth;Bayat, Sam;Bartzsch, Stefan;Bräuer-Krisch, Elke;Djonov, Valentin;Fiedler, Stefan;Fernandez-Palomo, Cristian;Jaekel, Felix;Pellicioli, Paolo;Trappetti, Verdiana;Hildebrandt, Guido; A Mouse Model for Microbeam Radiation Therapy of the Lung
Afonso, Rubens J. M.;Galvão, Roberto K. H.; Robust intersample crossing of target sets with mixed‐integer linear programming
Bertrand, Nathalie;Konnov, Igor;Lazić, Marijana;Widder, Josef; Verification of randomized consensus algorithms under round-rigid adversaries
Csehi, Robert;Heldt, Eugenia C.; Populism as a ‘corrective’ to trade agreements? ‘America First’ and the readjustment of NAFTA
von Au, Alexandra;Wallwiener, Stephanie;Matthies, Lina Maria;Friedrich, Benjamin;Keim, Sabine;Wallwiener, Markus;Reisenauer, Christl;Brugger, Sarah; The burden of incontinence in a real-world data environment—insights from a digital patient companion
Yang, Weijie;Meng, Wenjun;Gao, Lingchong;Tan, Yuan;Fottner, Johannes;Dai, Xiaobing;Yao, Fenglin;Yuan, Yuan;Sun, Xiaoxia; Analysis of the Screw Flight Wear Model and Wear Regularity of the Bulk Transport in Screw Ship Unloader
Hua, Yuansheng;Mou, Lichao;Lin, Jianzhe;Heidler, Konrad;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; Aerial scene understanding in the wild: Multi-scene recognition via prototype-based memory networks
Boehner, Alexander;Neuhauser, Ruth;Zink, Alexander;Ring, Johannes; Figurate erythemas – update and diagnostic approach
Wiala, Antonia;Vujic, Igor;Richter, Leo;Rappersberger, Klemens;Posch, Christian; Dermatomyositis requires long‐term treatment with combined immunosuppressive and immunoglobulin therapy
Pilz, Anna Caroline;Zink, Alexander;Schielein, Maximilian C.;Hell, Katharina;Romer, Katrin;Hillmann, Elena;Bäumer, Daniel;Reinhardt, Maximilian;Wagner, Nicola; Despite large choice of effective therapies: Individuals with psoriasis still seem undertreated
Zhou , Zhenyu; Porphyrinic MOF: Film Preparation and Properties of Electrochemical sensing/catalysis
Fritsch, Tobias;Sprengel, Maximilian;Evans, Alexander;Farahbod-Sternahl, Lena;Saliwan-Neumann, Romeo;Hofmann, Michael;Bruno, Giovanni; On the determination of residual stresses in additively manufactured lattice structures
Haider, Richard;Sartori, Barbara;Radeticchio, Andrea;Wolf, Marcell;Dal Zilio, Simone;Marmiroli, Benedetta;Amenitsch, Heinz; µDrop: a system for high-throughput small-angle X-ray scattering measurements of microlitre samples
Ross, Breyan;Krapp, Stephan;Geiss-Friedlander, Ruth;Littmann, Walter;Huber, Robert;Kiefersauer, Reiner; Aerosol-based ligand soaking of reservoir-free protein crystals
Sebald, Julius;Thrippleton, Timothy;Rammer, Werner;Bugmann, Harald;Seidl, Rupert; Mixing tree species at different spatial scales: The effect of alpha, beta and gamma diversity on disturbance impacts under climate change
Nagel, Christoffer;Spiessl, Christina;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; SEM images reveal intraspecific differences in egg surface properties of common nase ( Chondrostoma nasus L.)
Unruh, Charlotte Franziska; The Strings Attached to Bringing Future Generations into Existence
Elsässer, Christina;Micheluz, Anna;Pamplona, Marisa;Kavda, Stefani;Montag, Peter; Selection of thermal, spectroscopic, spectrometric, and chromatographic methods for characterizing historical celluloid
Ülgen, Okan;Shnaiderman, Rami;Zakian, Christian;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Interferometric optical fiber sensor for optoacoustic endomicroscopy
Sideris, Konstantinos;Burri, Melchior;Prinzing, Anatol;Voss, Stephanie;Krane, Markus;Guenzinger, Ralf;Lange, Ruediger;Voss, Bernhard; Mitral valve repair with the edge‐to‐edge technique: A 20 years single‐center experience
Voss, Stephanie;Ernst, Annick;Erlebach, Magdalena;Ruge, Hendrik;Sideris, Konstantinos;Bleiziffer, Sabine;Voss, Bernhard;Tassani‐Prell, Peter;Mayr, N. Patrick; Effects of a dual‐filter‐based cerebral embolic protection device in transcatheter aortic valve replacement on cerebral oxygen saturation: A prospective pilot study
Hörmann, Nicolas G.;Reuter, Karsten; Thermodynamic Cyclic Voltammograms Based on Ab Initio Calculations: Ag(111) in Halide-Containing Solutions
Brunet-Navarro, Pau;Jochheim, Hubert;Cardellini, Giuseppe;Richter, Klaus;Muys, Bart; Climate mitigation by energy and material substitution of wood products has an expiry date
Kellerer, Christina;Wagenpfeil, Stefan;Daines, Luke;Jörres, Rudolf A.;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Schneider, Antonius; Diagnostic accuracy of FeNO [fractional exhaled nitric oxide] and asthma symptoms increased when evaluated with a superior reference standard
Munshaw, Sonali;Bruche, Susann;Redpath, Andia N.;Jones, Alisha;Patel, Jyoti;Dubé, Karina N.;Lee, Regent;Hester, Svenja S.;Davies, Rachel;Neal, Giles;Handa, Ashok;Sattler, Michael;Fischer, Roman;Channon, Keith M.;Smart, Nicola; Thymosin β4 protects against aortic aneurysm via endocytic regulation of growth factor signaling
Van Opdenbosch, Daniel;Haslböck, Maria;Zollfrank, Cordt; Determining paracrystallinity in mixed-tacticity polyhydroxybutyrates
Kaußler, Clemens;Kieslich, Gregor; crystIT: complexity and configurational entropy of crystal structures via information theory
Reinhardt, Katja; New Ligand Structures for Homogeneous Transition-Metal Catalysis: Synthesis and Applications of New Dimenthylphosphine Donors and Benzoannulated Dialkylbiaryl Phosphines
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Breese, Philipp P.;Nalam, Yogesh;Joshi, Kaivalya S.;Bela, Katharina;Kamps, Tobias;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Oxidation in wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Breese, Philipp P.;Lutz, Benjamin S.;Pantano, Matteo;Nalam, Yogesh;Bela, Katharina;Kamps, Tobias;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Porosity in wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminium alloys
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Seebauer, Stefan;Parasar, Aashirwad;Kamps, Tobias;Casati, Riccardo;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Multi-Material Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of low and high alloyed aluminium alloys with in-situ material analysis
Scherr, Matthias Josef; The dynamics of eukaryotic replication initiation revealed at the single-molecule level
Haslbeck, Franz Xaver; Neutron scattering studies of thermally and periodically driven spin correlations
Siciliano, G.; Fottner J.; Concept Development and Evaluation of Order Assignment Strategies in a Highly-Dynamic, Hybrid Pallet Storage and Retrieval System
Probst, Monika;Burian, Egon;Robl, Teresa;Weidlich, Dominik;Karampinos, Dimitrios;Brunner, Teresa;Zimmer, Claus;Probst, Florian Andreas;Folwaczny, Matthias; Magnetic resonance imaging as a diagnostic tool for periodontal disease: A prospective study with correlation to standard clinical findings—Is there added value?
Bezgin, Deniz A.;Schmidt, Steffen J.;Adams, Nikolaus A.; A data-driven physics-informed finite-volume scheme for nonclassical undercompressive shocks
Schübl, Marleen;Kiecak, Aleksandra;Hug, Katrin;Lintelmann, Jutta;Zimmermann, Ralf;Stumpp, Christine; Sorption and biodegradation parameters of selected pharmaceuticals in laboratory column experiments
Schielein, Maximilian Christian;Tizek, Linda;Baeumer, Daniel;Hillmann, Elena;Romer, Katrin;Wagner, Nicola;Zink, Alexander; People‐centered care for psoriasis and urticaria: Are we overlooking Internet addiction while only considering patients and physician settings?
Cornalba, Federico;Shardlow, Tony;Zimmer, Johannes; Well-posedness for a regularised inertial Dean–Kawasaki model for slender particles in several space dimensions
Brandstaeter, Sebastian;Fuchs, Sebastian L.;Biehler, Jonas;Aydin, Roland C.;Wall, Wolfgang A.;Cyron, Christian J.; Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Homogenized Constrained Mixture Model of Arterial Growth and Remodeling
Buzogány, Aron;Ćetković, Stefan; Fractionalized but ambitious? Voting on energy and climate policy in the European Parliament
Huber, Robert A.;Maltby, Tomas;Szulecki, Kacper;Ćetković, Stefan; Is populism a challenge to European energy and climate policy? Empirical evidence across varieties of populism
Hummel, Felix; Boundary value problems of elliptic and parabolic type with boundary data of negative regularity
Kuehn, Christian;Neamţu, Alexandra;Sonner, Stefanie; Random attractors via pathwise mild solutions for stochastic parabolic evolution equations
Hennemann, Martin;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas; Optical method for porosity determination to prove the stamp effect in filter cakes
Duan, Bingbing;Hugentobler, Urs;Selmke, Inga;Wang, Ningbo; Estimating ambiguity fixed satellite orbit, integer clock and daily bias products for GPS L1/L2, L1/L5 and Galileo E1/E5a, E1/E5b signals
Feldhütter, Anna Franziska; Effect of Fatigue on Take-Over Performance in Conditionally Automated Driving
Xing Hao, Xue Yuxuan, Zhou Mingchuan, Burschka Darius; Robust Event Detection based on Spatio-Temporal Latent Action Unit using Skeletal Information
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Automated Algorithm Selection for Particle Simulations in Engineering Applications with AutoPas
Liu, Tong; Buss, Martin; Output Feedback Model Reference Adaptive Control of Piecewise Affine Systems with Parameter Convergence Analysis
Scheibel, Beate;Mangler, Juergen;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Extraction of dimension requirements from engineering drawings for supporting quality control in production processes
Enghofer, F.;Hládek, L.;Seeber, B. U.; An 'Unreal' Framework for Creating and Controlling Audio-Visual Scenes for the rtSOFE
Hládek, Ľ.;Seeber, B. U.; Self-rotation behavior during a spatialized speech test in reverberation
Kolotzek, N.;Aublin, P. G.;Seeber, B. U.; The effect of early and late reflections on binaural unmasking
Fuchs, Tobias; Einfluss von abiotischen Stressfaktoren und Nährstoffen auf die Wertstoffproduktion durch Mikroorganismen
Borrmann, A.; Künstliche Intelligenz für die gebaute Umwelt
Dubey, R. K.;Sohn, S. S.;Abualdenien, J.;T., Thrash;C., Hölscher;A., Borrmann;M., Kapadia; SNAP:Successor Entropy based Incremental Subgoal Discovery for Adaptive Navigation
Wurm, David; PanEDM at SuperSUN
Larissa Breuning, Anđelka Kerekeš; endemo – Energy Demand Modeling for Europe
G.P. Fettweis, H. Boche; 6G: The Personal Tactile Internet - And Open Questions for Information Theory
Döllerer, M.; Bödeker, K.; Kienlein, S.; Ein virtuelles Labor (nicht nur) für die Forstwissenschaft
Knoke, T.; Kienlein, S.; Gang, B.; Ökonomische Schäden in Fichtenbeständen
Rank; E.; Gang, B.; Überlebenschancen der Hauptbaumarten im Uniwald Landshut
Reith, E.; Gosling, E.; Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Das Potenzial der Agroforstwirtschaft zur Wiederbewaldung
Schneider, T.; Tian, J.; Knoke, T.; Bestandsaufnahmen mit 3D/ multispektralen Satelliten Daten
Fino, Roberto; Combining Computer-Aided Drug Design, NMR-Fragment based Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry in Early-Stage Drug Development
Passaro M.; Recent advances in coastal altimetry and implications for sea level monitoring closer to the coast
Erdogan E., Schmidt M., Goss A., Görres B., Seitz F.; Real‐time monitoring of ionosphere VTEC using Multi‐GNSS carrier‐phase observations and B‐splines
Insam, Christina;Ballat, Lisa-Marie;Lorenz, Felix;Rixen, Daniel Jean; Hardware-in-the-Loop Test of a Prosthetic Foot
Jedrzej Orbik, Alejandro Agostini, Dongheui Lee; Inverse reinforcement learning for dexterous hand manipulation
Pecho, Franziska; Enantioselective [2+2] Photocycloaddition Reactions Mediated by a Sensitizing Chiral Phosphoric Acid
Luft, Thomas; Schmied, Christian; Schöberl, Maximilian; Wartzack, Sandro; Zimmermann, Markus; Mörtl, Markus; Variant Value Management to Optimize Complexity and Value of Product Families
Solari, Esteban Lucas;Gafita, Andrei;Schachoff, Sylvia;Bogdanović, Borjana;Villagrán Asiares, Alberto;Amiel, Thomas;Hui, Wang;Rauscher, Isabel;Visvikis, Dimitris;Maurer, Tobias;Schwamborn, Kristina;Mustafa, Mona;Weber, Wolfgang;Navab, Nassir;Eiber, Matthias;Hatt, Mathieu;Nekolla, Stephan G.; The added value of PSMA PET/MR radiomics for prostate cancer staging
Notohamiprodjo, Susan;Nekolla, Stephan G.;Robu, Stephanie;Villagran Asiares, Alberto;Kupatt, Christian;Ibrahim, Tareq;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Makowski, Marcus R.;Schwaiger, Markus;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Varasteh, Zohreh; Imaging of cardiac fibroblast activation in a patient after acute myocardial infarction using 68Ga-FAPI-04
Talebi, E.; Würth, M.; Winklbauer, L.; Gleis, S.; Vandersickel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Maximizing Heat Transfer for Energy Storage Application – Design of a Continuous Fluidized Bed Cold Model
Bae, Soyeon;Müller, Jörg;Förster, Bernhard;Hilmers, Torben;Hochrein, Sophia;Jacobs, Martin;Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Pretzsch, Hans;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Mitesser, Oliver; Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high‐resolution radar satellite data
Capobianco, Nicolò;Sibille, Ludovic;Chantadisai, Maythinee;Gafita, Andrei;Langbein, Thomas;Platsch, Guenther;Solari, Esteban Lucas;Shah, Vijay;Spottiswoode, Bruce;Eiber, Matthias;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Navab, Nassir;Nekolla, Stephan G.; Whole-body uptake classification and prostate cancer staging in 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT using dual-tracer learning
Vega, M.;Braun, A.;Bauer, H.;Noichl, F.;Borrmann, A.; Efficient Vertical Object Detection in Large High-Quality Point Clouds of Construction Sites
Collins, F.;Braun, A.;Ringsquandl, M.;Hall, D.;Borrmann, A.; Assessing IFC classes with means of geometric deep learning on different graph encodings
Mittermüller, Julia ; Erlwein, Sabrina ; Bauer, Amelie ; Trokai, Tatjana ; Duschinger, Sophie ; Schönemann, Michael; Context-Specific, User-Centred: Designing Urban Green Infrastructure to Effectively Mitigate Urban Density and Heat Stress
H, Zhao;A, Schwabe;F, Schläfli;T, Thrash;L, Aguilar;K, Dubey R;J, Karjalainen;C, Hölscher;D, Helbing;R, Schinazi V; Fire evacuation supported by centralized and decentralized visual guidance systems
Papa, Arled;Jano, Alba;Ayvaşik, Serkut;Ayan, Onur;Gürsu, H. Murat;Kellerer Wolfgang; User-Based Quality of Service Aware Multi-Cell Radio Access Network Slicing
Hauptmann, Hanna;Leipold, Nadja;Madenach, Mira;Wintergerst, Monika;Lurz, Martin;Groh, Georg;Böhm, Markus;Gedrich, Kurt;Krcmar, Helmut; Effects and challenges of using a nutrition assistance system: results of a long-term mixed-method study
Cao, Hu;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Lin, Jianjie;Knoll, Alois; Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network with Multi-scale Spatial Pyramid Module for Fast Robotic Grasping Detection
Murphy, Chaise;Koehler, Karsten; Energy deficiency impairs resistance training gains in lean mass but not strength: A meta‐analysis and meta‐regression
Schulze, Ben; Riemschneider, Manuel; Köhler, Karsten; Entwicklung eines Ernährungsleitfadens für Nachwuchsleistungssportler*innen am Beispiel Handball
Koppenborg, Florentine;Hanssen, Ulv; Japan’s Climate Change Discourse: Toward Climate Securitisation?
Lian, Yujie; Rempfer, Georg; Askaripoor, Hadi; Landsgesell, Jonas; Knoll, Alois; Efficient Polyline Surface Mapping with Strong Error Bounds
Albrich, Katharina;Thom, Dominik;Rammer, Werner;Seidl, Rupert; The long way back: Development of Central European mountain forests towards old‐growth conditions after cessation of management
Thom, Dominik;Seidl, Rupert; Accelerating Mountain Forest Dynamics in the Alps
Rammer, Werner;Braziunas, Kristin H.;Hansen, Winslow D.;Ratajczak, Zak;Westerling, Anthony L.;Turner, Monica G.;Seidl, Rupert; Widespread regeneration failure in forests of Greater Yellowstone under scenarios of future climate and fire
Sebald, Julius;Thrippleton, Timothy;Rammer, Werner;Bugmann, Harald;Seidl, Rupert; Mixing tree species at different spatial scales: The effect of alpha, beta and gamma diversity on disturbance impacts under climate change
Pöpperl, Franziska;Seidl, Rupert; Effects of stand edges on the structure, functioning, and diversity of a temperate mountain forest landscape
Munteanu, Catalina;Senf, Cornelius;Nita, Mihai D.;Sabatini, Francesco Maria;Oeser, Julian;Seidl, Rupert;Kuemmerle, Tobias; Leveraging historical spy satellite photographs and recent remote sensing data to identify high conservation value forests
Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Persistent impacts of the 2018 drought on forest disturbance regimes in Europe
Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert;Poulter, Benjamin; Post‐disturbance canopy recovery and the resilience of Europe’s forests
Engel, Thomas; Kurzer, Christoph; Werther, Norman; Brunkhorst, Sven; Winter, Stefan; Aus der Forschung: TIMpuls - mehrgeschossige Holzbauten unter Feuer
Stefan aus der Wiesche; Felix Reinker; Dimensional analysis and performance laws for organic vapor flow turbomachinery
Schmähl, M.; Nagy, B.; Hornung, M.; Comparison of a Fully Empiric and a Semi-Empiric Noise Modeling Approach for a Cargo-UAV
Seiwald, Philipp;Wu, Shun-Cheng;Sygulla, Felix;Berninger, Tobias F. C.;Staufenberg, Nora-Sophie;Sattler, Moritz F.;Neuburger, Nicolas;Rixen, Daniel;Tombari, Federico; LOLA v1.1 – An Upgrade in Hardware and Software Design for Dynamic Multi-Contact Locomotion
Henningsen, Felix; The self-monitoring precision calibration light source for the IceCube Upgrade
Jan-Niklas Schollmeier; Stefan aus der Wiesche; A user-friendly Pitot probe data reduction Excel-Refprop-Routine for non-ideal gas flow applications
George Kosmadakis; Panagiotis Neofytou; Performance and economic evaluation of a reversible high-temperature heat pump/ORC for waste heat recovery in the marine sector
Pascal Smague; Mickael Loszka; Jules Sery; Workflow design methodology for ORC system dedicated to waste heat recovery from the engine coolant of commercial vehicles
Barış Gürel; Ali Keçebaş; Volkan Ramazan Akkaya; Merve Göltaş; Karani Kurtuluş; Onur Vahip Güler; Comparative thermal and flow analyses of two different plate patterns for a compact plate heat exchanger
Tomasz Zygmunt Kaczmarczyk; Grzegorz Żywica; Paweł Bagiński; Artur Andrearczyk; Experimental study of an ultra-high-speed ORC turbogenerator
Biber, Peter;Schwaiger, Fabian;Poschenrieder, Werner;Pretzsch, Hans; A fuzzy logic-based approach for evaluating forest ecosystem service provision and biodiversity applied to a case study landscape in Southern Germany
Mikalajunas, M;Pretzsch, H;Mozgeris, G;Linkevičius, E;Augustaitiene, I;Augustaitis, A; Scots pine’s capacity to adapt to climate change in hemi-boreal forests in relation to dominating tree increment and site condition
Ercelik, Emec;Yurtsever, Ekim;Knoll, Alois; 3D Object Detection with Multi-Frame RGB-Lidar Feature Alignment
Eduardo Palma Anselmi; Daniele Fiaschi; Giampaolo Manfrida; Giovanni Nicotra; Lorenzo Talluri; Design and optimization of a Tesla pump for ORC applications
Martin White; Teemu Turunen-Saaresti; Simulation of a supersonic stator vane under two-phase inlet conditions
Ramin Moradi; Pietro Elia Campana; Roberto Tascioni; Luca Cioccolanti; Thermodynamic analysis of the off-design performance of a micro solar organic Rankine cycle trigeneration system
Vaclav Novotny; Jan Spale; Jan Pavlicko; Michal Kolovratnik; Experimental investigation of a kW scale absorption power cycle with LiBr solution
Jakub Mascuch; Jan Spale; Vaclav Vodicka; Zbynek Zeleny; Vaclav Novotny; Scaling-up a biomass fired micro-CHP ORC for better performance towards commercialization
Antti Uusitalo; Teemu Turunen-Saaresti; Combined thermodynamic and turbine design analysis of transcritical CO2 cycle for waste heat recovery
Benedikt Gregor Bederna; Riley Bradley Barta; Ullrich Hesse; Composition Optimization of Zeotropic Mixtures for ORC Systems Considering Constraints
Maximilian Oehler; Benedikt Gregor Bederna; Riley Bradley Barta; Ullrich Hesse; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of an air-cooled ORC system for waste heat recovery
Konstantinos Soulis; Dimitrios Manolakos; Erika Ntavou; George Kosmadakis; Preliminary operation assessment of a two-stage ORC engine combined with evacuated tube solar collectors throughout Greece
Mohammad Ali Motamed; Lars O. Nord; Improving the off-design efficiency of ORC bottoming cycle by variable area nozzle turbine technology
Tobias Popp; Florian Heberle; Andreas P. Weiß; Dieter Brüggemann; Thermodynamic evaluation of an ORC test rig - from comprehensive experimental results to a simulation model
Oreva Joe Ogorure; Florian Heberle; Dieter Brüggemann; Thermodynamic analysis of a combined Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer (PEME) in an integrated biomass conversion system
Xander van Heule; Anastasios Skiadopoulos; Dimitrios Manolakos; Michel De Paepe; Steven Lecompte; Modelling and design of a two-phase reciprocating expander for integration in a trilateral flash cycle
Luca Cioccolanti; Edoardo Mancini; Ramin Moradi; Emanuele Farotti; Marco Sasso; Structural analysis of a regenerative flow turbine for low temperature organic Rankine cycle systems
Anastasios Skiadopoulos; Xander van Heule; George Kosmadakis; Dimitrios Manolakos; Michel de Paepe; Steven Lecompte; Thermodynamic low-order model for the simulation of two-phase expansion within a TFC unit
Jürgen Krail; Georg Beckmann; Florian Schittl; Improved ORC cycle for power production by using low temperature heat
Memeti, Armela; Huck-Fries, Veronika; Wiesche, Manuel; Thatcher, Jason; Krcmar, Helmut; Motivation in IT Projects: Investigating the Effect of Agile Practices on Team Members’ Intrinsic Motivation
Christopher Schifflechner; Florian Kaufmann; Ludwig Irrgang; Lara Kuhnert; Fabian Dawo; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; Evaluation of Plant Configurations for Geothermal Trigeneration Systems with Organic Rankine Cycles
Krenz, Lukas; 3D Acoustic-Elastic Coupling with Gravity: The Dynamics of the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
Krenz, Lukas; Seismo-acoustic Wavefield Simulations
Barış Gürel; Ali Keçebaş; Volkan Ramazan Akkaya; Ramazan Algan; Merve Göltaş; Onur Vahip Güler; Investigation of the effects of plate patterns on effectiveness and entropy generation in plate heat exchangers
Florian Raab; Harald Klein; Frank Opferkuch; Steam Rankine cycle instead of organic Rankine cycle for distributed high temperature waste heat recovery – pros and cons
Yi-Chen Li; Hung-Chun Hsu; Jui-Ching Hsieh; Numerical investigation of flow field and structure of a micro-axial turbine of ORC using R245fa
Daniel Steger; Jürgen Karl; Eberhard Schlücker; Launch and first experimental results of a reversible heat pump-ORC pilot plant as Carnot Battery
Petri Sallinen; Antti Uusitalo; Juha Honkatukia; Jonna Tiainen; Teemu Turunen-Saaresti; Design and experimental analysis of high-speed feed pump for small-scale ORC
Haoshui Yu; Ning Guo; Sylvain Quoilin; Gürkan Sin; Performance comparison of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and CO2 cycle for simultaneous utilization of liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy and solar energy
Takeshi Yasunaga; Akira Miyazaki; Kevin Fontaine; Yasuyuki Ikegami; Comprehensive heat exchanger performance evaluation method on ocean thermal energy conversion for maximum net power
Roberto Pili; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; Fredrik Haglind; Model predictive control for organic Rankine cycle systems on heavy-duty trucks: controller tuning and optimization
Carlotta Tammone; Roberto Pili; Sigurd Indrehus; Fredrik Haglind; Techno-economic analysis of partial evaporation organic Rankine cycle systems for geothermal applications
Pengcheng Li; Jing Li; High temperature direct vapor generation organic Rankine cycle in the concentrated solar power application
Antonios Charalampidis; Konstantinos Braimakis; Sotirios Karellas; Design of a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle unit for a renewables-based trigeneration system
Marco Manfredi; Giacomo Persico; Andrea Spinelli; Paolo Gaetani; Vincenzo Dossena; Design of experiments for supersonic ORC nozzles in linear cascade configuration
Egoi Ortego Sampedro; Léopold Védie; Wet to dry cycles for high temperature waste heat valorisation using a diphenyl-biphenyl oxide mixture
Patrick Hadamitzky; Maximilian Hebeler; Juergen Koehler; Roland Scharf; Optimization of a Rankine Cycle integrated in a Long-Range Intercity Bus with expander sizing
João Silva Pereira; Ricardo Mendes; Jorge Campos André; José Baranda Ribeiro; Investigation of a topping/bottoming ORC based CHP configuration using a new evaporator concept for residential applications
Quentin Blondel; Nicolas Tauveron; Guillaume Lhermet; Nadia Caney;; Zeotropic mixtures study in plate heat exchangers and ORC systems
Maksim Smirnov; Natalia Kuklina; Aleksandr Sebelev; Alessandro Zuccato; Nikolay Zabelin; Comparison of four types of radial turbines for a 250KW ORC power installation
Liuchen Liu; Guomin Cui; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; The impact of working fluid charge on performance of organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture under design condition
Robin Tassenoy; Kenny Couvreur; Wim Beyne; Michel De Paepe; Steven Lecompte; Introduction of a High-Level, Application Based Sizing Methodology for Carnot Batteries
Jera Van Nieuwenhuyse; Steven Lecompte; Michel De Paepe; Supercritical heat transfer to refrigerants: advances on a new experimental test rig
Dabo Krempus; Sebastian Bahamonde; Teus van der Stelt; Carlo Maria De Servi; Wolfgang Klink; Piero Colonna; On Mixtures as Working Fluids for Air-cooled ORC Bottoming Power Plants of Gas Turbines
Fabio Fatigati; Davide Di Battista; Marco Di Bartolomeo; Giammarco Di Giovine; Luigi Mariani; Roberto Cipollone; Steady and transient operations of small-scale ORC-based power unit for low-grade thermal sources
Tryfon Roumpedakis; George Kallis; Zoi Koutantzi; Platon Pallis; Antonios Charalampidis; Sotirios Karellas; Environmental analysis of a small scale marine ORC
Bing, Zhenshan;Álvarez, Erick;Long, Cheng;Morin, Fabrice O.;Li, Rui;Su, Xiaojie;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Robotic Manipulation in Dynamic Scenarios via Bounding Box-Based Hindsight Goal Generation
Schuster, Martin; Temperature dependence of charge carrier drift in Germanium detectors
Maximilian Weitzer; Dominik Müller; Jürgen Karl; Advanced Organic Rankine Cycles for thermally integrated Carnot batteries
Francesco Moraschinelli; Roberto Bini; L. Frosio; D. Migliari; Fault Ride Trough requirements by grid codes: transient analysis and solutions for 1-10 MW range ORCs
Fabian Dawo.; Jonathan Buhr; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; Experimental investigation of the partially evaporated organic Rankine cycle for various heat source conditions
Sindu Daniarta;Piotr Kolasiński; An integration of geothermal energy, waste, and cold energy system employing the technology of organic Rankine cycle
Sindu Daniarta; Piotr Kolasiński; A preliminary study of two-phase volumetric expanders and their application in ORC systems
Przemysław Błasiak; Piotr Kolasiński; Sindu Daniarta; Analysis of heat transfer within rotary vane expander
Sindu Daniarta; Piotr Kolasiński; Features and characteristics of low-grade heat storage for organic Rankine cycle
Camilla Conti; Alberto Fusetti; Andrea Spinelli; Alberto Guardone; Shock losses and pitot tube measurements in non-ideal supersonic and subsonic flows of organic vapors
Stefan aus der Wiesche; Leander Hake; Paola Cinnella; Experimental and numerical assessment of an asymptotically correct choking mach number correlation for organic vapor flows through turbine cascades
Paola Cinnella; Camille Matar; Xavier Gloerfelt; Felix Reinker; Stefan Aus der Wiesche; Subsonic organic vapor flow past a circular cylinder
Rémi Dickes; Adriano Desideri; Emiliano Casati; Sylvain Quoilin; From 1885 to nowadays: a (short) techno-historical review of solar organic Rankine cycle systems
Florian Kaufmann; Christopher Schifflechner; Fabian Dawo; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; Evaluation of reversible screw compressors with an adaptable built-in volume ratio in reversible heat pumps
Takeshi Yasunaga; Taisei Nakamura; Tomoya Okuno; Yasuyuki Ikegami; Exergetic Performance Evaluation of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System with Crossflow Plate Heat Exchangers
Francesco Crespi; Pablo Rodríguez de Arriba; David Sánchez; Antonio Muñoz; Tomás Sánchez; The potential of supercritical cycles based on CO2 mixtures in concentrated solar power plants: An exergy-based analysis
Guido Francesco Frate; Andrea Baccioli; Leonardo Bernardini; Lorenzo Ferrari; Off-design characterisation of a hybrid energy storage based on pumped thermal energy storage and low-concentration solar thermal collectors
Francesco Tosto; David Pasquale; Piero Colonna; Matteo Pini; The effect of working fluid and compressibility on the optimal solidity in ORC turbine cascades
Aldo Serafino; Benoit Obert; Paola Cinnella; Multi-fidelity robust design optimization of an ORC turbine for high temperature waste-heat recovery
Cor Rops; Tahmid Hossain; Patrique Boerboom; ORC system optimisation: Innovative exhaust heat exchanger, in-engine block heat exchanger and zero impact condensor
Michele Bianchi; Lisa Branchini; Andrea De Pascale; Francesco Melino; Saverio Ottaviano; Antonio Peretto; Noemi Torricelli; Experimental transient analysis of micro-ORC system for low-grade heat recovery
Peter Ambros; Daniel Raab; Markus Keite; Florian Raab; Frank Opferkuch; Compact and high efficient Rankine-evaporator following economical targets
Youcef Redjeb; Alberto Benato; Anna Stoppato; Khatima Kaabeche-Djerafi; Evaluation of organic Rankine cycle using low GWP fluids as a technology for Algerian cement industries waste heat recovery
Thomas Garabetian; ORC Geothermal power plants: an analysis of the structure and trends of the European market
Thomas Garabetian; Flexibility services and capacity availability: towards a business model and regulatory framework for geothermal ORC plant market uptake
Federica Ascione; Carlo Maria De Servi; Onno Meijer; Vincent Pommé; Piero Colonna; Assessment of an Inverse Organic Rankine cycle system for the ECS of a large rotorcraft adopting a high-speed centrifugal compressor and a low GWP refrigerant
Stefan Kranz; Ali Saadat; Gina Kupfermann; Bernd Weber; Suyanto Suyanto; Earthquake early warning system for geothermal binary power plant in Indonesia
Sajjad Zakeralhoseini; Jürg Schiffmann; The effects of the tip clearance on the performance of small-scale turbopumps for ORC applications;analysis and modeling
Marco Manfredi; Andrea Spinelli; Marco Astolfi; Simultaneous optimization of cycle and expander design for truck on board waste heat recovery with ORC technology
Optimal design and localization of a biomass-fired ORC in DH systems: an energetic, environmental and economic analysis; Chiara Monzani;Giulio Cerino Abdin;Alberto Poggio
Ammar Mouaky; Adil Rachek; Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic evaluation and optimization of an ORC coupled to a combined reverse osmosis/membrane distillation desalination system
Manuel Jimenez-Arreola; Christoph Wieland; Alessandro Romagnoli; Experimental investigation of response time characteristics of an organic Rankine cycle evaporator for waste heat recovery
Matthäus Irl; Christoph Wieland; Hartmut Spliethoff; Development of an Advanced Monitoring Application for Geothermal Power Plants with an Organic Rankine Cycle
Matteo Marchionni; Giuseppe Bianchi; Savvas A Tassou; Dynamics of SCO2 heat to power units equipped with dual tank inventory control system
Nan Jiang; Yang Du; Kang Chen; Gang Fan; Jiangfeng Wang; Pan Zhao; Yiping Dai; Dynamic exergy analysis of a recuperative dual-pressure ORC driven by waste heat
Zheng Liu; Alessandro Romagnol; Paul Sapin; Christos Markides; Matthias Mersch; Dynamic control strategies for a solar-ORC system using first-law dynamic and data-driven machine learning models
Christina Antonopoulou; Konstantinos Atsonios; Panagiotis Grammelis; Dimitrios Manolakos; Anastasios Skiadopoulos; Pantelis Bakalis; Thermodynamic analysis on trilateral flash cycle (TFC) for low grade heat to power generation using different working fluids
Ji Wang; Martin Belusko; Ming Liu; Michael Evans; Alemu Alemu; Frank Bruno; Preliminary study on a novel transcritical CO2 high-temperature heat pump
Wenhuan Wang; Xiaoye Dai; Lin Shi; Analysis of siloxane mixtures used in organic Rankine cycle with thermal stability limits
Ligeng Li; Hua Tian; Lingfeng Shi; Yonghao Zhang; Xuan Wang; Gequn Shu; Configuration optimization of a splitting CO2 transcritical power cycle in engine waste heat recovery: An experimental comparative study
Matthias Geiselhart; Torben Anker Lenau; Jürg Schiffmann; Fredrik Haglind; A reduced order model to predict the machining time and cost of small-scale radial-inflow turbines
Ian Bell; Accelerating iterative equation of state calculations with superancillary phase boundaries
Henrik Öhman; Screw expander characteristics for ORC system design
Hirofumi Arima; Yuta Shigenaga; Masanao Nishiguchi; Heat transfer characteristic of plate evaporator using aluminum herringbone plate for OTEC
Lance Hays; Atsushi Otsuka; Patrick Boyle; Sea trials of an organic triangle system (OTC) for waste heat recovery
Kang Chen; Yang Du; Yiping Dai; Tianliang Yang; Xiaowei Zheng; Wenbin Li; A novel LNG cold energy compressive utilization system
Forth, K.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.;Fellermann, S.;Schunicht, C.; Design optimization approach comparing multicriterial variants using BIM in early design stages
Schöberl, Maximilian; Bartmann, Daniel; Kessler, Stephan; Fottner, Johannes; Towards a Construction Site Control System – Task Management in Construction Operations and Intralogistics
Levkovskyi, Borys; Betzwieser, Benedikt; Utesch, Matthias; Krcmar, Helmut; Teaching the Change: Integration of Digital Transformation Success Factors into a Simulation Game for Business Process Management
Levkovskyi, Borys; Hinrichs, Maren; Betzwieser, Benedikt; Utesch, Matthias; Companies in Transition: Understanding how the Digital Transformation Affects Business Processes and Their Key Performance Indicators
Levkovskyi, Borys; Laurim, Vanessa; Kayacı, Bilgenur; Mustroph, Henryk; Utesch, Matthias; Krcmar, Helmut; Teaching the Digital Transformation of Business Processes: Design of a Simulation Game of Business Process Change
Allihn, Patrick Wolfgang Anton; Unraveling bacterial interkingdom signaling by targeting phosphoaspartate with chemoproteomics
Heim, Sophie; Drieschner, Clemens; Wittges, Holger; Krcmar, Helmut; Providing Learning Success as a Service: A Structured Literature Review
J. Brüdigam, J. Janeva, S. Sosnowski, and S. Hirche; Linear-Time Contact and Friction Dynamics in Maximal Coordinates using Variational Integrators
Drieschner, Clemens; Urlberger, Horst; Schulte-Tigges, Magnus; Weking, Jörg; Krcmar, Helmut; Requirements for a Simulation Tool of Services-Based Business Model Transformations
Parshin, Sergey G.;Mayr, Peter; Thermophysical Properties of Electric Arc Plasma and the Wire Melting Effect with Lanthanum and Sulfur Fluorides Addition in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Auernhammer, Hermann; Digitale Geschichte der Agartechnik in mediaTUM®
Andrejewski, Jana Katharina Luise; Human-sized X-ray Dark-field Imaging
Z. Yang;S. Sosnowski;Q. Liu;J. Jiao;A. Lederer;S. Hirche; Distributed Learning Consensus Control for Unknown Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems based on Gaussian Processes
Gressenbuch, Luis;Althoff, Matthias; Predictive Monitoring of Traffic Rules
Xie, Meng;Ramanathan, Saravanan;Rau, Andreas;Eckhoff, David;Busch, Fritz; Design and Evaluation of V2X-Based Dynamic Bus Lanes
Xiao, Jiajian;Andelfinger, Philipp;Cai, Wentong;Eckhoff, David;Knoll, Alois; OptCL: A Middleware to Optimise Performance for High Performance Domain-Specific Languages on Heterogeneous Platforms
Tan, Wen Jun;Andelfinger, Philipp;Eckhoff, David;Cai, Wentong;Knoll, Alois; Causality and Consistency of State Update Schemes in Synchronous Agent-based Simulations
Braud, Thomas;Ivanchev, Jordan;Deboeser, Corvin;Knoll, Alois;Eckhoff, David;Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto; AVDM: A hierarchical command-and-control system architecture for cooperative autonomous vehicles in highways scenario using microscopic simulations
Bojic, Iva;Luo, Chunling;Li, Xinrong;Zehe, Daniel;Eckhoff, David;Ratti, Carlo; Optimal Railway Disruption Bridging Using Heterogeneous Bus Fleets
Bhati, Bhawani Shanker;Ivanchev, Jordan;Bojic, Iva;Datta, Anwitaman;Eckhoff, David; Utility-Driven k-Anonymization of Public Transport User Data
Askaripoor, Hadi;Farzaneh, Morteza Hashemi;Knoll, Alois; A Model-Based Approach to Facilitate Design of Homogeneous Redundant E/E Architectures
Breitfuß, Matthias; Schöberl, Maximilian; Fottner, Johannes; Safety through Perception: Multi-modal Traversability Analysis in rough outdoor environments
Lambert, J.; Miehling, S.; Herrmann, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of Different Forecast Horizons in Energy System Simulations
Johne, P.; Leuter, P.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of Gasification Parameters on Nitrogen Species in Oxygen-blown Entrained Flow Gasification
Wieland, C.; The ORC2021 Market Report
Vasiliu, Laurentiu;Cortis, Keith;McDermott, Ross;Kerr, Aphra;Peters, Arne;Hesse, Marc;Hagemeyer, Jens;Belpaeme, Tony;McDonald, John;Villing, Rudi;Mileo, Alessandra;Capulto, Annalina;Scriney, Michael;Griffiths, Sascha;Koumpis, Adamantios;Davis, Brian; CASIE – Computing affect and social intelligence for healthcare in an ethical and trustworthy manner
Dossow, M. ;Dieterich, V.; Hanel, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Fendt, S.; Improving carbon efficiency for an advanced Biomass-to-Liquid process using hydrogen and oxygen from electrolysis
Chagnon-Lessard, N.; Gosselin, L.; Barnabe, S.; Bello-Ochende, T.; Fendt, .; Goers, S.; Silva, L.; Schweiger, B.; Simmons, R.; Vandersickel, A.; Zhang, P.; Smart Campuses: Extensive Review of the Last Decade of Research and Current Challenges
Wang Y.M., Sánchez L., Ågren J., Huang J., Forsberg R., Abd-Elmotaal H.A., Ahlgren K., Barzaghi R., Bašić T., Carrion D., Claessens S., Erol B., Erol S., Filmer M., Grigoriadis V.N., Isik M.S., Jiang T., Koç Ö., Krcmaric J., Li X., Liu Q., Matsuo K., Natsiopoulos D.A., Novák P., Pail R., Pitoňák M., Schmidt M., Varga M., Vergos G.S., Véronneau M., Willberg M., Zingerle P.; Colorado geoid computation experiment: overview and summary
Penkler, Michael;Jacob, Chandni M;Müller, Ruth;Kenney, Martha;Norris, Shane A.;da Costa, Clarissa P;Richardson, Sarah S.;Roseboom, Tessa J.;Hanson, Mark; Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, resilience and social justice in the COVID era
Schifflechner, C.; Kaufmann, F.; Irrgang, L.; Kuhnert, L.; Dawo, F.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Evaluation of Plant Configurations for Geothermal Trigeneration Systems with Organic Rankine Cycles
Kaufmann, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Dawo, F.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Evaluation of reversible screw compressors with an adaptable built-in volume ratio in reversible heat pumps
Jimenez-Arreola, M.; Wieland, C.; Romagnoli, A.; Experimental investigation of response time characteristics of an organic Rankine cycle evaporator for waste heat recovery
Pili, R.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Haglind, F.; Model predictive control for organic Rankine cycle systems on heavy-duty trucks: controller tuning and optimization
Dawo, F.; Buhr, J.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental investigation of the partially evaporated organic Rankine cycle for various heat source conditions
Liu, L; Cui, G.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; The impact of working fluid charge on performance of organic Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture under design condition
Irl, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Development of an Advanced Monitoring Application for Geothermal Power Plants with an Organic Rankine Cycle
Winkler, Manuel;Staniczek, Theresa;Kürschner, Sina Wietje;Schmid, Christian David;Schönhaber, Hiltrud;Cordero, Julio;Kessler, Linda;Mathes, Arthur;Sticht, Carsten;Neßling, Michelle;Uvarovskii, Alexey;Anders, Simon;Zhang, Xue-jun;von Figura, Guido;Hartmann, Daniel;Mogler, Carolin;Dobreva, Gergana;Schledzewski, Kai;Géraud, Cyrill;Koch, Philipp-Sebastian;Goerdt, Sergij; Endothelial GATA4 controls liver fibrosis and regeneration by preventing a pathogenic switch in angiocrine signaling
Nottensteiner, Korbinian;Sachtler, Arne;Albu-Schäffer, Alin; Towards Autonomous Robotic Assembly: Using Combined Visual and Tactile Sensing for Adaptive Task Execution
Mayer, Sebastian;Classen, Tobias;Endisch, Christian; Modular production control using deep reinforcement learning: proximal policy optimization
Seitz, Matthias;Gehlhoff, Felix;Cruz Salazar, Luis Alberto;Fay, Alexander;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Automation platform independent multi-agent system for robust networks of production resources in industry 4.0
Schäbitz, A.;Eyerich, K.;Garzorz‐Stark, N.; So close, and yet so far away: The dichotomy of the specific immune response and inflammation in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
Meixner, Marco;Kochs, Johannes;Foerst, Petra;Windt, Carel W.; An integrated magnetic resonance plant imager for mobile use in greenhouse and field
Schmitzer, Lena;Sollmann, Nico;Kufer, Jan;Kallmayer, Michael;Eckstein, Hans‐Henning;Zimmer, Claus;Preibisch, Christine;Kaczmarz, Stephan;Göttler, Jens; Decreasing Spatial Variability of Individual Watershed Areas by Revascularization Therapy in Patients With High‐Grade Carotid Artery Stenosis
Bodden, Jannis;Ok, Ahmet H.;Joseph, Gabby B.;Nevitt, Michael C.;McCulloch, Charles E.;Lane, Nancy E.;Link, Thomas M.; Joint‐adjacent Adipose Tissue by MRI is Associated With Prevalence and Progression of Knee Degenerative Changes: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
Tomassi, Stefano;D’Amore, Vincenzo Maria;Di Leva, Francesco Saverio;Vannini, Andrea;Quilici, Giacomo;Weinmüller, Michael;Reichart, Florian;Amato, Jussara;Romano, Barbara;Izzo, Angelo Antonio;Di Maro, Salvatore;Novellino, Ettore;Musco, Giovanna;Gianni, Tatiana;Kessler, Horst;Marinelli, Luciana; Halting the Spread of Herpes Simplex Virus-1: The Discovery of an Effective Dual αvβ6/αvβ8 Integrin Ligand
Beckert, Vera;Rassmann, Sebastian;Kayvanjoo, Amir Hossein;Klausen, Christina;Bonaguro, Lorenzo;Botermann, Dominik Simon;Krause, Melanie;Moreth, Kristin;Spielmann, Nadine;da Silva-Buttkus, Patricia;Fuchs, Helmut;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;de Angelis, Martin Hrabě;Händler, Kristian;Ulas, Thomas;Aschenbrenner, Anna C.;Mass, Elvira;Wachten, Dagmar; Creld1 regulates myocardial development and function
Schmidt, Thomas G.M.;Eichinger, Andreas;Schneider, Markus;Bonet, Lidia;Carl, Uwe;Karthaus, Dennis;Theobald, Ina;Skerra, Arne; The Role of Changing Loop Conformations in Streptavidin Versions Engineered for High-affinity Binding of the Strep-tag II Peptide
Braunisch, Matthias C.;Gundel, Peter;Werfel, Stanislas;Mayer, Christopher C.;Bauer, Axel;Haller, Bernhard;Günthner, Roman;Lorenz, Georg;Angermann, Susanne;Matschkal, Julia;Schaller, Carolin;Holzmann-Littig, Christopher;Kemmner, Stephan;Mann, Johannes;Krieter, Axel;Renders, Lutz;Wassertheurer, Siegfried;Schmidt, Georg;Heemann, Uwe;Malik, Marek;Schmaderer, Christoph; Electrocardiographic parameters of left ventricular hypertrophy and prediction of mortality in hemodialysis patients
Saal, Kim Ann;Warth Pérez Arias, Carmina;Roser, Anna‐Elisa;Christoph Koch, Jan;Bähr, Mathias;Rizzoli, Silvio O.;Lingor, Paul; Rho‐kinase inhibition by fasudil modulates pre‐synaptic vesicle dynamics
Löffler, Maximilian T.;Sollmann, Nico;Mönch, Sebastian;Friedrich, Benjamin;Zimmer, Claus;Baum, Thomas;Maegerlein, Christian;Kirschke, Jan S.; Improved Reliability of Automated ASPECTS Evaluation Using Iterative Model Reconstruction from Head CT Scans
García-Azorín, David;Seeher, Katrin M.;Newton, Charles R.;Okubadejo, Njideka U.;Pilotto, Andrea;Saylor, Deanna;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Charfi Triki, Chahnez;Leonardi, Matilde; Disruptions of neurological services, its causes and mitigation strategies during COVID-19: a global review
Kamp, Marcel A.;Malzkorn, Bastian;von Sass, Christiane;DiMeco, Francesco;Hadjipanayis, Constantinos G.;Senft, Christian;Rapp, Marion;Gepfner-Tuma, Irina;Fountas, Konstantinos;Krieg, Sandro M.;Neukirchen, Martin;Florian, Ioan Ștefan;Schnell, Oliver;Mijderwijk, Hendrik-Jan;Perin, Alessandro;Baumgarten, Peter;van Lieshout, Jasper H.;Thon, Niklas;Renovanz, Miriam;Kahlert, Ulf;Spoor, Jochem K. H.;Hänggi, Daniel;McLean, Aaron Lawson;Mäurer, Matthias;Sarrubbo, Silvio;Freyschlag, Christian F.;Schmidt, Nils O.;Vergani, Francesco;Jungk, Christine;Stein, Marco;Forster, Marie-Therese;Weinberg, Jeffrey S.;Sinclair, John;Belykh, Evgenii;Bello, Lorenzo;Mandonnet, Emmanuel;Moiyadi, Aliasgar;Sabel, Michael; Proposed definition of competencies for surgical neuro-oncology training
Wiegand, Tim L. T.;Sollmann, Nico;Bonke, Elena M.;Umeasalugo, Kosisochukwu E.;Sobolewski, Kristen R.;Plesnila, Nikolaus;Shenton, Martha E.;Lin, Alexander P.;Koerte, Inga K.; Translational neuroimaging in mild traumatic brain injury
Notohamiprodjo, Susan;Nekolla, Stephan G.;Robu, Stephanie;Villagran Asiares, Alberto;Kupatt, Christian;Ibrahim, Tareq;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Makowski, Marcus R.;Schwaiger, Markus;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Varasteh, Zohreh; Imaging of cardiac fibroblast activation in a patient after acute myocardial infarction using 68Ga-FAPI-04
Ghantasala, Aditya;Najian Asl, Reza;Geiser, Armin;Brodie, Andrew;Papoutsis, Efthymios;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Realization of a Framework for Simulation-Based Large-Scale Shape Optimization Using Vertex Morphing
Alston, Charlotte L;Stenton, Sarah L;Hudson, Gavin;Prokisch, Holger;Taylor, Robert W; The genetics of mitochondrial disease: dissecting mitochondrial pathology using multi‐omic pipelines
Kovac, Michal;Ameline, Baptiste;Ribi, Sebastian;Kovacova, Monika;Cross, William;Barenboim, Maxim;Witt, Olaf;Bielack, Stefan;Krieg, Andreas;Hartmann, Wolfgang;Nathrath, Michaela;Baumhoer, Daniel; The early evolutionary landscape of osteosarcoma provides clues for targeted treatment strategies
Kuefner, Wolfgang;Hofmann, Andrea M.;Geist, Juergen;Dubois, Natalie;Raeder, Uta; Algal Community Change in Mountain Lakes of the Alps Reveals Effects of Climate Warming and Shifting Treelines 1
Sbuelz, Luca;Loi, Federico;Pozzo, Monica;Bignardi, Luca;Nicolini, Eugenio;Lacovig, Paolo;Tosi, Ezequiel;Lizzit, Silvano;Kartouzian, Aras;Heiz, Ueli;Alfé, Dario;Baraldi, Alessandro; Atomic Undercoordination in Ag Islands on Ru(0001) Grown via Size-Selected Cluster Deposition: An Experimental and Theoretical High-Resolution Core-Level Photoemission Study
Wackerhage, Henning; Contributions by the Cologne group to the development of lactate exercise testing and anaerobic threshold concepts in the 1970s and 1980s
Vaupel, Peter;Multhoff, Gabriele; Revisiting the Warburg effect: historical dogma versus current understanding
Hoheneder, Felix;Hofer, Katharina;Groth, Jennifer;Herz, Markus;Heß, Michael;Hückelhoven, Ralph; Ramularia leaf spot disease of barley is highly host genotype-dependent and suppressed by continuous drought stress in the field
Wang, Ye;Bauke, Sara L.;von Sperber, Christian;Tamburini, Federica;Guigue, Julien;Winkler, Pauline;Kaiser, Klaus;Honermeier, Bernd;Amelung, Wulf; Soil phosphorus cycling is modified by carbon and nitrogen fertilization in a long‐term field experiment
Jocher, P.;Steinhardt, M.;Ludwig, S.;Schindler, M.;Martin, J.;Jossen, A.; A novel measurement technique for parallel-connected lithium-ion cells with controllable interconnection resistance
Krauss, Lydia;Klasen, Nicole;Schulte, Philipp;Lehmkuhl, Frank; New results concerning the pedo‐ and chronostratigraphy of the loess–palaeosol sequence Attenfeld (Bavaria, Germany) derived from a multi‐methodological approach
Happach, Felix; Makespan minimization with OR-precedence constraints
Schültke, Elisabeth;Fiedler, Stefan;Menk, Ralf Hendrik;Jaekel, Felix;Dreossi, Diego;Casarin, Katia;Tromba, Giuliana;Bartzsch, Stefan;Kriesen, Stephan;Hildebrandt, Guido;Arfelli, Fulvia; Perspectives for microbeam irradiation at the SYRMEP beamline
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Bi, Fandi; Interdisciplinary effects of technical debt in companies with mechatronic products — a qualitative study
Tizek, Linda;Schielein, Maximilian Christian;Zink, Alexander; PeakPASI: A new measurement tool in psoriasis care
Cosco, Emily D.;Arús, Bernardo A.;Spearman, Anthony L.;Atallah, Timothy L.;Lim, Irene;Leland, Olivia S.;Caram, Justin R.;Bischof, Thomas S.;Bruns, Oliver T.;Sletten, Ellen M.; Bright Chromenylium Polymethine Dyes Enable Fast, Four-Color In Vivo Imaging with Shortwave Infrared Detection
Hinkel, Rabea;Batkai, Sandor;Bähr, Andrea;Bozoglu, Tarik;Straub, Sarah;Borchert, Tobias;Viereck, Janika;Howe, Andrea;Hornaschewitz, Nadja;Oberberger, Lisa;Jurisch, Victoria;Kozlik-Feldmann, Rainer;Freudenthal, Franz;Ziegler, Tilman;Weber, Christian;Sperandio, Markus;Engelhardt, Stefan;Laugwitz, Karl Ludwig;Moretti, Alessandra;Klymiuk, Nik;Thum, Thomas;Kupatt, Christian; AntimiR-132 Attenuates Myocardial Hypertrophy in an Animal Model of Percutaneous Aortic Constriction
Geißinger, Cajetan;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas; Enzymes from Cereal and Fusarium Metabolism Involved in the Malting Process – A Review
Hottenrott, Hanna;Rose, Michael E.;Lawson, Cornelia; The rise of multiple institutional affiliations in academia
Herman, A.;Uter, W.;Rustemeyer, T.;Matura, M.;Aalto‐Korte, K.;Duus Johansen, J.;Gonçalo, M.;White, I.R.;Balato, A.;Giménez Arnau, A.M.;Brockow, K.;Mortz, C.G.;Mahler, V.;Goossens, A.;; Position statement: The need for EU legislation to require disclosure and labelling of the composition of medical devices
Pereira, M.P.;Ziehfreund, S.;Rueth, M.;Ewering, T.;Legat, F.J.;Lambert, J.;Elberling, J.;Misery, L.;Brenaut, E.;Papadavid, E.;Garcovich, S.;Evers, A.W.M.;Halvorsen, J.A.;Szepietowski, J.C.;Reich, A.;Gonçalo, M.;Lvov, A.;Bobko, S.;Serra‐Baldrich, E.;Wallengren, J.;Savk, E.;Leslie, T.;Ständer, S.;Zink, A.;; Google search trends for itch in Europe: a retrospective longitudinal study
Müller, Magdalena;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas; Key constituents, flavour profiles and specific sensory evaluation of wheat style non‐alcoholic beers depending on their production method
Gorski, Mathias;Jung, Bettina;Li, Yong;Matias-Garcia, Pamela R.;Wuttke, Matthias;Coassin, Stefan;Thio, Chris H.L.;Kleber, Marcus E.;Winkler, Thomas W.;Wanner, Veronika;Chai, Jin-Fang;Chu, Audrey Y.;Cocca, Massimiliano;Feitosa, Mary F.;Ghasemi, Sahar;Hoppmann, Anselm;Horn, Katrin;Li, Man;Nutile, Teresa;Scholz, Markus;Sieber, Karsten B.;Teumer, Alexander;Tin, Adrienne;Wang, Judy;Tayo, Bamidele O.;Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S.;Almgren, Peter;Bakker, Stephan J.L.;Banas, Bernhard;Bansal, Nisha;Biggs, Mary L.;Boerwinkle, Eric;Bottinger, Erwin P.;Brenner, Hermann;Carroll, Robert J.;Chalmers, John;Chee, Miao-Li;Chee, Miao-Ling;Cheng, Ching-Yu;Coresh, Josef;de Borst, Martin H.;Degenhardt, Frauke;Eckardt, Kai-Uwe;Endlich, Karlhans;Franke, Andre;Freitag-Wolf, Sandra;Gampawar, Piyush;Gansevoort, Ron T.;Ghanbari, Mohsen;Gieger, Christian;Hamet, Pavel;Ho, Kevin;Hofer, Edith;Holleczek, Bernd;Xian Foo, Valencia Hui;Hutri-Kähönen, Nina;Hwang, Shih-Jen;Ikram, M. Arfan;Josyula, Navya Shilpa;Kähönen, Mika;Khor, Chiea-Chuen;Koenig, Wolfgang;Kramer, Holly;Krämer, Bernhard K.;Kühnel, Brigitte;Lange, Leslie A.;Lehtimäki, Terho;Lieb, Wolfgang;Loos, Ruth J.F.;Lukas, Mary Ann;Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka;Meisinger, Christa;Meitinger, Thomas;Melander, Olle;Milaneschi, Yuri;Mishra, Pashupati P.;Mononen, Nina;Mychaleckyj, Josyf C.;Nadkarni, Girish N.;Nauck, Matthias;Nikus, Kjell;Ning, Boting;Nolte, Ilja M.;O’Donoghue, Michelle L.;Orho-Melander, Marju;Pendergrass, Sarah A.;Penninx, Brenda W.J.H.;Preuss, Michael H.;Psaty, Bruce M.;Raffield, Laura M.;Raitakari, Olli T.;Rettig, Rainer;Rheinberger, Myriam;Rice, Kenneth M.;Rosenkranz, Alexander R.;Rossing, Peter;Rotter, Jerome I.;Sabanayagam, Charumathi;Schmidt, Helena;Schmidt, Reinhold;Schöttker, Ben;Schulz, Christina-Alexandra;Sedaghat, Sanaz;Shaffer, Christian M.;Strauch, Konstantin;Szymczak, Silke;Taylor, Kent D.;Tremblay, Johanne;Chaker, Layal;van der Harst, Pim;van der Most, Peter J.;Verweij, Niek;Völker, Uwe;Waldenberger, Melanie;Wallentin, Lars;Waterworth, Dawn M.;White, Harvey D.;Wilson, James G.;Wong, Tien-Yin;Woodward, Mark;Yang, Qiong;Yasuda, Masayuki;Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M.;Zhang, Yan;Snieder, Harold;Wanner, Christoph;Böger, Carsten A.;Köttgen, Anna;Kronenberg, Florian;Pattaro, Cristian;Heid, Iris M.;Alizadeh, Behrooz Z.;Boezen, H. Marike;Franke, Lude;van der Harst, Pim;Navis, Gerjan;Rots, Marianne;Snieder, Harold;Swertz, Morris;Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H.R.;Wijmenga, Cisca;Abecasis, Goncalo;Baras, Aris;Cantor, Michael;Coppola, Giovanni;Economides, Aris;Lotta, Luca A.;Overton, John D.;Reid, Jeffrey G.;Shuldiner, Alan;Beechert, Christina;Forsythe, Caitlin;Fuller, Erin D.;Gu, Zhenhua;Lattari, Michael;Lopez, Alexander;Overton, John D.;Schleicher, Thomas D.;Padilla, Maria Sotiropoulos;Toledo, Karina;Widom, Louis;Wolf, Sarah E.;Pradhan, Manasi;Manoochehri, Kia;Ulloa, Ricardo H.;Bai, Xiaodong;Balasubramanian, Suganthi;Barnard, Leland;Blumenfeld, Andrew;Eom, Gisu;Habegger, Lukas;Hawes, Alicia;Khalid, Shareef;Reid, Jeffrey G.;Maxwell, Evan K.;Salerno, William;Staples, Jeffrey C.;Jones, Marcus B.;Mitnaul, Lyndon J.; Meta-analysis uncovers genome-wide significant variants for rapid kidney function decline
Etienne Mueller, Daniel Auge, Alois Knoll; Normalization Hyperparameter Search for Converted Spiking Neural Networks
Mueller, Etienne; Studenyak, Viktor; Auge, Daniel; Knoll, Alois; Spiking Transformer Networks: A Rate Coded Approach for Processing Sequential Data
M. Kneissl;A. Molin;H. Esen;S. Hirche; Any-Time Feasible Coordination for Multi-Vehicle Systems
M: H. Mamduhi;D. Maity;S. Hirche, J. S. Baras;K. H. Johansson; Delay-sensitive Joint Optimal Control and Resource Management in Multi-loop Networked Control Systems
D. Maity;M. H. Mamduhi;S. Hirche;K. H. Johansson,; Optimal LQG Control of Networked Systems under Traffic-Correlated Delay and Dropout
Maschek, Stefan Raimund; Search for heavy Zh and Wh resonances in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Engel, Thomas; Aktuelle Erkenntnisse zur Planung von Holzfassaden
Henningsen, John; Programming Dynamic Bacterial Behaviour with CRISPRi-Based Genetic Circuits
Gruber, T.; GOCE Sensor System & Data Processing
Hansen, L.;Fendt, S.;Spliethoff, H.; Comparison of Fuels and Effluents Originating from Washing and Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Residual Biomass
Schupsky, J.;Netter, T.;Wu, G.;Spliethoff, H.;Müller, M.; Crystal morphology data for viscosity modelling of fuel slags – Supplementation of spinel phase and validation by crystallisation in entrained flow gasifiers
Steinrücken, B., Herrmann, S.; Hauck, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexible and Modular Fully Metallic Housing Concept for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Hahn, Thomas;Eggers, Jeannette;Subramanian, Narayanan;Toraño Caicoya, Astor;Uhl, Enno;Snäll, Tord; Specified resilience value of alternative forest management adaptations to storms
Liu, S. B.; Althoff, M.; Online Verification of Impact-Force-Limiting Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Giusti, A.; Liu, S. B.; Althoff, M.; Interval-Arithmetic-Based Robust Control of Fully Actuated Mechanical Systems
Schäffer, Christian; Speck, Konstantin; Gümmer, Volker; Numerical Calibration and Investigation of the Influence of Reynolds Number on Measurements With Five-Hole Probes in Compressible Flows
Isabel Tannert‡, Katrin H. Schulleri‡, Youssef Michel , Steeven Villa, Leif Johannsen, Joachim Hermsdörfer and Dongheui Lee; Immediate Effects of Vibrotactile Biofeedback Instructions on Human Postural Control
Vincent Hessfeld‡, Katrin H. Schulleri‡, and Dongheui Lee; Assessment of Balance Instability by Wearable Sensor Systems During Postural Transitions
Hubner, Sarah;Boron, Julie Blaskewicz;Koehler, Karsten; The Effects of Exercise on Appetite in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Kuntz, M.;Kolotzek, N.;Seeber, B. U.; Gemessener Schalldruckpegel im Lautsprecherarray für verschiedene Schallfeldsyntheseverfahren
Kuntz, M.;Müller, G.-J.;Kalinke, P.;Seeber, B. U.; Loudspeaker-based sound reproduction for evaluating noise transmission into the car cabin
Kuntz, M.;Seeber, B. U.; Sound field synthesis: Simulation and evaluation of auralized interaural cues over an extended area
Slepicka, Martin;Vilgertshofer, Simon;Borrmann, André; Fabrication Information Modeling: Closing the gap between Building Information Modeling and Digital Fabrication
Chen, Guang;Liu, Yinlong;Dong, Jinhu;Zhang, Lijun;Liu, Haotian;Zhang, Bo;Knoll, Alois; Efficient and Robust Line-based Registration Algorithm for Robot Perception Under Large-scale Structural Scenes
Forkel, Philipp;Buchmann, Louis;Lang, Jan J.;Burgkart, Rainer;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Mehl, Julian;Feucht, Matthias J.;Lutz, Patrizia;Schmitt, Andreas; Suspension button constructs restore posterior knee laxity in solid tibial avulsion of the posterior cruciate ligament
Rupp, Marco-Christopher;Winkler, Philipp W.;Lutz, Patricia M.;Irger, Markus;Forkel, Philipp;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Feucht, Matthias J.; Dislocated hinge fractures are associated with malunion after lateral closing wedge distal femoral osteotomy
Knebel, Carolin;Ertl, Max;Lenze, Ulrich;Suren, Christian;Dinkel, Andreas;Hirschmann, Michael T.;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger;Pohlig, Florian; COVID-19-related cancellation of elective orthopaedic surgery caused increased pain and psychosocial distress levels
Winkler, Philipp W.;Wagala, Nyaluma N.;Hughes, Jonathan D.;Lesniak, Bryson P.;Musahl, Volker; A high tibial slope, allograft use, and poor patient-reported outcome scores are associated with multiple ACL graft failures
Willinger, Lukas;Balendra, Ganesh;Pai, Vishal;Lee, Justin;Mitchell, Adam;Jones, Mary;Williams, Andy; High incidence of superficial and deep medial collateral ligament injuries in ‘isolated’ anterior cruciate ligament ruptures: a long overlooked injury
Winkler, Philipp W.;Vivacqua, Thiago;Thomassen, Stephan;Lovse, Lisa;Lesniak, Bryson P.;Getgood, Alan M. J.;Musahl, Volker; Quadriceps tendon autograft is becoming increasingly popular in revision ACL reconstruction
Lutz, Patricia M.;Merkle, Michael;Winkler, Philipp W.;Geyer, Stephanie;Herbst, Elmar;Braun, Sepp;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Feucht, Matthias J.; Combined posterolateral knee reconstruction: ACL-based injuries perform better compared to PCL-based injuries
Imhoff, Andreas B.;Bartsch, Eva;Becher, Christoph;Behrens, Peter;Bode, Gerrit;Cotic, Matthias;Diermeier, Theresa;Falk, Holger;Feucht, Matthias J.;Haupt, Ulrich;Hinterwimmer, Stefan;Holz, Johannes;Hutter, René;Kaiser, René;Knoblauch, Tobias;Nebelung, Wolfgang;Niemeyer, Philipp;O’Donnel, Turlough;Pagenstert, Geert;Patzer, Thilo;Rose, Tim;Rupp, Marco C.;Tischer, Thomas;Venjakob, Arne J.;Vogt, Stephan;Pogorzelski, Jonas; The lack of retropatellar resurfacing at index surgery is significantly associated with failure in patients following patellofemoral inlay arthroplasty: a multi-center study of more than 260 patients
Öttl, Lena Katharina;Wilken, Florian;Auerswald, Karl;Sommer, Michael;Wehrhan, Marc;Fiener, Peter; Tillage erosion as an important driver of in‐field biomass patterns in an intensively used hummocky landscape
Ron, Avihai;Kalva, Sandeep Kumar;Periyasamy, Vijitha;Deán‐Ben, Xosé Luís;Razansky, Daniel; Flash Scanning Volumetric Optoacoustic Tomography for High Resolution Whole‐Body Tracking of Nanoagent Kinetics and Biodistribution
Kolbeck, S.;Hilgarth, M.;Vogel, R.F.; Proof of concept: predicting the onset of meat spoilage by an integrated oxygen sensor spot in MAP packages
Handl, Sarah;von Heydebrand, Franziska;Voelkl, Simon;Oostendorp, Robert A. J.;Wilke, Jochen;Kremer, Anita N.;Mackensen, Andreas;Lutzny-Geier, Gloria; Immune modulatory effects of Idelalisib in stromal cells of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Soták, Matúš;Casselbrant, Anna;Rath, Eva;Zietek, Tamara;Strömstedt, Maria;Adingupu, Damilola D.;Karlsson, Daniel;Fritsch Fredin, Maria;Ergang, Peter;Pácha, Jiří;Batorsky, Anna;Alpers, Charles E.;Börgeson, Emma;Hansen, Pernille B.L.;Ericsson, Anette;Björnson Granqvist, Anna;Wallenius, Ville;Fändriks, Lars;Unwin, Robert J.; Intestinal sodium/glucose cotransporter 3 expression is epithelial and downregulated in obesity
Sebastian, Martin;Eberhardt, Wilfried E.E.;Hoffknecht, Petra;Metzenmacher, Martin;Wehler, Thomas;Kokowski, Konrad;Alt, Jürgen;Schütte, Wolfgang;Büttner, Reinhard;Heukamp, Lukas C.;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Jänicke, Martina;Fleitz, Annette;Zacharias, Stefan;Dille, Stephanie;Hipper, Annette;Sandberg, Marlen;Weichert, Wilko;Groschek, Matthias;von der Heyde, Eyck;Rauh, Jacqueline;Dechow, Tobias;Thomas, Michael;Griesinger, Frank; KRAS G12C-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A real-world cohort from the German prospective, observational, nation-wide CRISP Registry (AIO-TRK-0315)
Griesinger, Frank;Eberhardt, Wilfried;Nusch, Arnd;Reiser, Marcel;Zahn, Mark-Oliver;Maintz, Christoph;Bernhardt, Christiane;Losem, Christoph;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Heukamp, Lukas C.;Büttner, Reinhard;Marschner, Norbert;Jänicke, Martina;Fleitz, Annette;Spring, Lisa;Sahlmann, Jörg;Karatas, Aysun;Hipper, Annette;Weichert, Wilko;Heilmann, Monika;Sadjadian, Parvis;Gleiber, Wolfgang;Grah, Christian;Waller, Cornelius F.;Reck, Martin;Rittmeyer, Achim;Christopoulos, Petros;Sebastian, Martin;Thomas, Michael; Biomarker testing in non-small cell lung cancer in routine care: Analysis of the first 3,717 patients in the German prospective, observational, nation-wide CRISP Registry (AIO-TRK-0315)
Kopetzki, Anna-Kathrin;Günnemann, Stephan; Reachable sets of classifiers and regression models: (non-)robustness analysis and robust training
Metzger, Christoph;Briesen, Heiko; Thermoplastic Starch Nanocomposites Reinforced with Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions Containing Residual Salt from Neutralization
Kleybolte, Magdalena Maria;Winnacker, Malte; β ‐Pinene‐Derived Polyesteramides and Their Blends: Advances in Their Upscaling, Processing, and Characterization
Weidlich, Dominik;Honecker, Julius;Boehm, Christof;Ruschke, Stefan;Junker, Daniela;Van, Anh T.;Makowski, Marcus R.;Holzapfel, Christina;Claussnitzer, Melina;Hauner, Hans;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Lipid droplet–size mapping in human adipose tissue using a clinical 3T system
Hammernik, Kerstin;Schlemper, Jo;Qin, Chen;Duan, Jinming;Summers, Ronald M.;Rueckert, Daniel; Systematic evaluation of iterative deep neural networks for fast parallel MRI reconstruction with sensitivity‐weighted coil combination
Dieckmeyer, Michael;Roy, Abhijit Guha;Senapati, Jyotirmay;Wachinger, Christian;Grundl, Lioba;Döpfert, Jörg;Bertran, Pere Ferrera;Lemke, Andreas;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Hedderich, Dennis M.; Effect of MRI acquisition acceleration via compressed sensing and parallel imaging on brain volumetry
Biagosch, Caroline A.;Vidali, Silvia;Faerberboeck, Michael;Hensler, Svenja-Viola;Becker, Lore;Amarie, Oana V.;Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio;Garrett, Lillian;Klein-Rodewald, Tanja;Rathkolb, Birgit;Zanuttigh, Enrica;Calzada-Wack, Julia;da Silva-Buttkus, Patricia;Rozman, Jan;Treise, Irina;Fuchs, Helmut;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;de Angelis, Martin Hrabě;Janik, Dirk;Wurst, Wolfgang;Mayr, Johannes A.;Klopstock, Thomas;Meitinger, Thomas;Prokisch, Holger;Iuso, Arcangela; A comprehensive phenotypic characterization of a whole-body Wdr45 knock-out mouse
Bodendorf, Frank;Lutz, Manuel;Franke, Jörg; Valuation and pricing of software licenses to support supplier–buyer negotiations: A case study in the automotive industry
Rutzen, Matthias;Lauff, Philipp;Niedermeier, Roland;Fischer, Oliver;Raith, Manuel;Grosse, Christian U.;Weiss, Ursula;Peter, Malte A.;Volkmer, Dirk; Influence of fiber alignment on pseudoductility and microcracking in a cementitious carbon fiber composite material
Tilley, B. S.;Ueckert, M.;Baumann, T.; Porosity Dynamics through Carbonate-Reaction Kinetics in High-Temperature Aquifer Storage Applications
Geweth, C.A.;Baydoun, S.K.;Saati, F.;Sepahvand, K.;Marburg, S.; Effect of boundary conditions in the experimental determination of structural damping
Osterman, Andreas;Baldauf, Hanna-Mari;Eletreby, Marwa;Wettengel, Jochen M.;Afridi, Suliman Q.;Fuchs, Thimo;Holzmann, Elena;Maier, Anton;Döring, Johanna;Grzimek-Koschewa, Natascha;Muenchhoff, Maximilian;Protzer, Ulrike;Kaderali, Lars;Keppler, Oliver T.; Evaluation of two rapid antigen tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 in a hospital setting
Dommasch, M.;Zimmermann, M.;Kanz, K.-G.;Spinner, C. D.; Die Universitätsmedizin in Bayern im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie
Michalsen, Andrej;Neitzke, Gerald;Dutzmann, Jochen;Rogge, Annette;Seidlein, Anna-Henrikje;Jöbges, Susanne;Burchardi, Hilmar;Hartog, Christiane;Nauck, Friedemann;Salomon, Fred;Duttge, Gunnar;Michels, Guido;Knochel, Kathrin;Meier, Stefan;Gretenkort, Peter;Janssens, Uwe; Überversorgung in der Intensivmedizin: erkennen, benennen, vermeiden
Spanier, Britta;Laurençon, Anne;Weiser, Anna;Pujol, Nathalie;Omi, Shizue;Barsch, Aiko;Korf, Ansgar;Meyer, Sven W.;Ewbank, Jonathan J.;Paladino, Francesca;Garvis, Steve;Aguilaniu, Hugo;Witting, Michael; Comparison of lipidome profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans—results from an inter-laboratory ring trial
Behrens, Andrew;Rodschinka, Geraldine;Nedialkova, Danny D.; High-resolution quantitative profiling of tRNA abundance and modification status in eukaryotes by mim-tRNAseq
Heider, Michael;Eichner, Ruth;Stroh, Jacob;Morath, Volker;Kuisl, Anna;Zecha, Jana;Lawatscheck, Jannis;Baek, Kheewoong;Garz, Anne-Kathrin;Rudelius, Martina;Deuschle, Friedrich-Christian;Keller, Ulrich;Lemeer, Simone;Verbeek, Mareike;Götze, Katharina S.;Skerra, Arne;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Buchner, Johannes;Schulman, Brenda A.;Kuster, Bernhard;Fernández-Sáiz, Vanesa;Bassermann, Florian; The IMiD target CRBN determines HSP90 activity toward transmembrane proteins essential in multiple myeloma
Märkle, Hanna;John, Sona;Cornille, Amandine;Fields, Peter D.;Tellier, Aurélien; Novel genomic approaches to study antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites
Sellinger, Thibaut Paul Patrick;Abu‐Awad, Diala;Tellier, Aurélien; Limits and convergence properties of the sequentially Markovian coalescent
Zacharias, Helena U.;Hertel, Johannes;Johar, Hamimatunnisa;Pietzner, Maik;Lukaschek, Karoline;Atasoy, Seryan;Kunze, Sonja;Völzke, Henry;Nauck, Matthias;Friedrich, Nele;Kastenmüller, Gabi;Grabe, Hans J.;Gieger, Christian;Krumsiek, Jan;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; A metabolome-wide association study in the general population reveals decreased levels of serum laurylcarnitine in people with depression
Huber, Meret K.;Raichle, Claudia;Lingor, Paul;Synofzik, Matthis;Borgmann, Stefan;Erber, Johanna;Tometten, Lukas;Rimili, Wolfgang;Dolff, Sebastian;Wille, Kai;Knauss, Samuel;Piepel, Christiane;Lanznaster, Julia;Rieg, Siegbert;Prasser, Fabian;Pilgram, Lisa;Spottke, Annika;Klockgether, Thomas;Klein, Christine;Hopfner, Franziska;Höglinger, Günter U.;; Outcomes of SARS‐CoV‐2 Infections in Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases in the LEOSS Cohort
Zech, Michael;Jech, Robert;Boesch, Sylvia;Škorvánek, Matej;Necpál, Ján;Švantnerová, Jana;Wagner, Matias;Sadr‐Nabavi, Ariane;Distelmaier, Felix;Krenn, Martin;Serranová, Tereza;Rektorová, Irena;Havránková, Petra;Mosejová, Alexandra;Příhodová, Iva;Šarláková, Jana;Kulcsarová, Kristína;Ulmanová, Olga;Bechyně, Karel;Ostrozovičová, Miriam;Haň, Vladimír;Ventosa, Joaquim Ribeiro;Brunet, Theresa;Berutti, Riccardo;Shariati, Mohammad;Shoeibi, Ali;Schneider, Susanne A.;Kuster, Alice;Baumann, Matthias;Weise, David;Wilbert, Friederike;Janzarik, Wibke G.;Eckenweiler, Matthias;Mall, Volker;Haslinger, Bernhard;Berweck, Steffen;Winkelmann, Juliane;Oexle, Konrad; Scoring Algorithm‐Based Genomic Testing in Dystonia: A Prospective Validation Study
Chen, Wei;He, Cenyu;Ji, Chunlin;Zhang, Meiying;Chen, Siyu; An improved K-means algorithm for underwater image background segmentation
Kim, Ho Jin;Nakashima, Ichiro;Viswanathan, Shanthi;Wang, Kai-Chen;Shang, Shulian;Miller, Larisa;Yountz, Marcus;Wingerchuk, Dean M.;Pittock, Sean J.;Levy, Michael;Berthele, Achim;Totolyan, Natalia;Palace, Jacqueline;Barnett, Michael H.;Fujihara, Kazuo; Eculizumab in Asian patients with anti-aquaporin-IgG-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: A subgroup analysis from the randomized phase 3 PREVENT trial and its open-label extension
Palace, Jacqueline;Wingerchuk, Dean M.;Fujihara, Kazuo;Berthele, Achim;Oreja-Guevara, Celia;Kim, Ho Jin;Nakashima, Ichiro;Levy, Michael;Terzi, Murat;Totolyan, Natalia;Viswanathan, Shanthi;Wang, Kai-Chen;Pace, Amy;Yountz, Marcus;Miller, Larisa;Armstrong, Róisín;Pittock, Sean; Benefits of eculizumab in AQP4+ neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: Subgroup analyses of the randomized controlled phase 3 PREVENT trial
Scheibenzuber, Sophie;Dick, Fabian;Asam, Stefan;Rychlik, Michael; Analysis of 13 Alternaria mycotoxins including modified forms in beer
Sunder-Plassmann, Andreas; Ludger Sunder-Plassmann. Kirchenbauten 1948-1980
Bing, Zhenshan;Sewisy, Amir EI;and Zhuang, Genghang;Walter, Florian;Morin, Fabrice O.;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Toward Cognitive Navigation: Design and Implementation of a Biologically Inspired Head Direction Cell Network
Bergendal, Erik;Gutfreund, Philipp;Pilkington, Georgia A.;Campbell, Richard A.;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Holt, Stephen A.;Rutland, Mark W.; Tuneable interfacial surfactant aggregates mimic lyotropic phases and facilitate large scale nanopatterning
Ruhstorfer, Daniel;Lang, Armin;Matich, Sonja;Döblinger, Markus;Riedl, Hubert;Finley, Jonathan J;Koblmüller, Gregor; Growth dynamics and compositional structure in periodic InAsSb nanowire arrays on Si (111) grown by selective area molecular beam epitaxy
Wilde, Marc A.;Dodenhöft, Matthias;Niedermayr, Arthur;Bauer, Andreas;Hirschmann, Moritz M.;Alpin, Kirill;Schnyder, Andreas P.;Pfleiderer, Christian; Symmetry-enforced topological nodal planes at the Fermi surface of a chiral magnet
Warnat-Herresthal, Stefanie;Schultze, Hartmut;Shastry, Krishnaprasad Lingadahalli;Manamohan, Sathyanarayanan;Mukherjee, Saikat;Garg, Vishesh;Sarveswara, Ravi;Händler, Kristian;Pickkers, Peter;Aziz, N. Ahmad;Ktena, Sofia;Tran, Florian;Bitzer, Michael;Ossowski, Stephan;Casadei, Nicolas;Herr, Christian;Petersheim, Daniel;Behrends, Uta;Kern, Fabian;Fehlmann, Tobias;Schommers, Philipp;Lehmann, Clara;Augustin, Max;Rybniker, Jan;Altmüller, Janine;Mishra, Neha;Bernardes, Joana P.;Krämer, Benjamin;Bonaguro, Lorenzo;Schulte-Schrepping, Jonas;De Domenico, Elena;Siever, Christian;Kraut, Michael;Desai, Milind;Monnet, Bruno;Saridaki, Maria;Siegel, Charles Martin;Drews, Anna;Nuesch-Germano, Melanie;Theis, Heidi;Heyckendorf, Jan;Schreiber, Stefan;Kim-Hellmuth, Sarah;Balfanz, Paul;Eggermann, Thomas;Boor, Peter;Hausmann, Ralf;Kuhn, Hannah;Isfort, Susanne;Stingl, Julia Carolin;Schmalzing, Günther;Kuhl, Christiane K.;Röhrig, Rainer;Marx, Gernot;Uhlig, Stefan;Dahl, Edgar;Müller-Wieland, Dirk;Dreher, Michael;Marx, Nikolaus;Nattermann, Jacob;Skowasch, Dirk;Kurth, Ingo;Keller, Andreas;Bals, Robert;Nürnberg, Peter;Rieß, Olaf;Rosenstiel, Philip;Netea, Mihai G.;Theis, Fabian;Mukherjee, Sach;Backes, Michael;Aschenbrenner, Anna C.;Ulas, Thomas;Angelov, Angel;Bartholomäus, Alexander;Becker, Anke;Bezdan, Daniela;Blumert, Conny;Bonifacio, Ezio;Bork, Peer;Boyke, Bunk;Blum, Helmut;Clavel, Thomas;Colome-Tatche, Maria;Cornberg, Markus;De La Rosa Velázquez, Inti Alberto;Diefenbach, Andreas;Dilthey, Alexander;Fischer, Nicole;Förstner, Konrad;Franzenburg, Sören;Frick, Julia-Stefanie;Gabernet, Gisela;Gagneur, Julien;Ganzenmueller, Tina;Gauder, Marie;Geißert, Janina;Goesmann, Alexander;Göpel, Siri;Grundhoff, Adam;Grundmann, Hajo;Hain, Torsten;Hanses, Frank;Hehr, Ute;Heimbach, André;Hoeper, Marius;Horn, Friedemann;Hübschmann, Daniel;Hummel, Michael;Iftner, Thomas;Iftner, Angelika;Illig, Thomas;Janssen, Stefan;Kalinowski, Jörn;Kallies, René;Kehr, Birte;Keppler, Oliver T.;Klein, Christoph;Knop, Michael;Kohlbacher, Oliver;Köhrer, Karl;Korbel, Jan;Kremsner, Peter G.;Kühnert, Denise;Landthaler, Markus;Li, Yang;Ludwig, Kerstin U.;Makarewicz, Oliwia;Marz, Manja;McHardy, Alice C.;Mertes, Christian;Münchhoff, Maximilian;Nahnsen, Sven;Nöthen, Markus;Ntoumi, Francine;Overmann, Jörg;Peter, Silke;Pfeffer, Klaus;Pink, Isabell;Poetsch, Anna R.;Protzer, Ulrike;Pühler, Alfred;Rajewsky, Nikolaus;Ralser, Markus;Reiche, Kristin;Ripke, Stephan;da Rocha, Ulisses Nunes;Saliba, Antoine-Emmanuel;Sander, Leif Erik;Sawitzki, Birgit;Scheithauer, Simone;Schiffer, Philipp;Schmid-Burgk, Jonathan;Schneider, Wulf;Schulte, Eva-Christina;Sczyrba, Alexander;Sharaf, Mariam L.;Singh, Yogesh;Sonnabend, Michael;Stegle, Oliver;Stoye, Jens;Vehreschild, Janne;Velavan, Thirumalaisamy P.;Vogel, Jörg;Volland, Sonja;von Kleist, Max;Walker, Andreas;Walter, Jörn;Wieczorek, Dagmar;Winkler, Sylke;Ziebuhr, John;Breteler, Monique M. B.;Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J.;Kox, Matthijs;Becker, Matthias;Cheran, Sorin;Woodacre, Michael S.;Goh, Eng Lim;Schultze, Joachim L.;;; Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning
Pfister, Dominik;Núñez, Nicolás Gonzalo;Pinyol, Roser;Govaere, Olivier;Pinter, Matthias;Szydlowska, Marta;Gupta, Revant;Qiu, Mengjie;Deczkowska, Aleksandra;Weiner, Assaf;Müller, Florian;Sinha, Ankit;Friebel, Ekaterina;Engleitner, Thomas;Lenggenhager, Daniela;Moncsek, Anja;Heide, Danijela;Stirm, Kristin;Kosla, Jan;Kotsiliti, Eleni;Leone, Valentina;Dudek, Michael;Yousuf, Suhail;Inverso, Donato;Singh, Indrabahadur;Teijeiro, Ana;Castet, Florian;Montironi, Carla;Haber, Philipp K.;Tiniakos, Dina;Bedossa, Pierre;Cockell, Simon;Younes, Ramy;Vacca, Michele;Marra, Fabio;Schattenberg, Jörn M.;Allison, Michael;Bugianesi, Elisabetta;Ratziu, Vlad;Pressiani, Tiziana;D’Alessio, Antonio;Personeni, Nicola;Rimassa, Lorenza;Daly, Ann K.;Scheiner, Bernhard;Pomej, Katharina;Kirstein, Martha M.;Vogel, Arndt;Peck-Radosavljevic, Markus;Hucke, Florian;Finkelmeier, Fabian;Waidmann, Oliver;Trojan, Jörg;Schulze, Kornelius;Wege, Henning;Koch, Sandra;Weinmann, Arndt;Bueter, Marco;Rössler, Fabian;Siebenhüner, Alexander;De Dosso, Sara;Mallm, Jan-Philipp;Umansky, Viktor;Jugold, Manfred;Luedde, Tom;Schietinger, Andrea;Schirmacher, Peter;Emu, Brinda;Augustin, Hellmut G.;Billeter, Adrian;Müller-Stich, Beat;Kikuchi, Hiroto;Duda, Dan G.;Kütting, Fabian;Waldschmidt, Dirk-Thomas;Ebert, Matthias Philip;Rahbari, Nuh;Mei, Henrik E.;Schulz, Axel Ronald;Ringelhan, Marc;Malek, Nisar;Spahn, Stephan;Bitzer, Michael;Ruiz de Galarreta, Marina;Lujambio, Amaia;Dufour, Jean-Francois;Marron, Thomas U.;Kaseb, Ahmed;Kudo, Masatoshi;Huang, Yi-Hsiang;Djouder, Nabil;Wolter, Katharina;Zender, Lars;Marche, Parice N.;Decaens, Thomas;Pinato, David J.;Rad, Roland;Mertens, Joachim C.;Weber, Achim;Unger, Kristian;Meissner, Felix;Roth, Susanne;Jilkova, Zuzana Macek;Claassen, Manfred;Anstee, Quentin M.;Amit, Ido;Knolle, Percy;Becher, Burkhard;Llovet, Josep M.;Heikenwalder, Mathias; NASH limits anti-tumour surveillance in immunotherapy-treated HCC
Rabanus-Wallace, M. Timothy;Hackauf, Bernd;Mascher, Martin;Lux, Thomas;Wicker, Thomas;Gundlach, Heidrun;Baez, Mariana;Houben, Andreas;Mayer, Klaus F. X.;Guo, Liangliang;Poland, Jesse;Pozniak, Curtis J.;Walkowiak, Sean;Melonek, Joanna;Praz, Coraline R.;Schreiber, Mona;Budak, Hikmet;Heuberger, Matthias;Steuernagel, Burkhard;Wulff, Brande;Börner, Andreas;Byrns, Brook;Čížková, Jana;Fowler, D. Brian;Fritz, Allan;Himmelbach, Axel;Kaithakottil, Gemy;Keilwagen, Jens;Keller, Beat;Konkin, David;Larsen, Jamie;Li, Qiang;Myśków, Beata;Padmarasu, Sudharsan;Rawat, Nidhi;Sesiz, Uğur;Biyiklioglu-Kaya, Sezgi;Sharpe, Andy;Šimková, Hana;Small, Ian;Swarbreck, David;Toegelová, Helena;Tsvetkova, Natalia;Voylokov, Anatoly V.;Vrána, Jan;Bauer, Eva;Bolibok-Bragoszewska, Hanna;Doležel, Jaroslav;Hall, Anthony;Jia, Jizeng;Korzun, Viktor;Laroche, André;Ma, Xue-Feng;Ordon, Frank;Özkan, Hakan;Rakoczy-Trojanowska, Monika;Scholz, Uwe;Schulman, Alan H.;Siekmann, Dörthe;Stojałowski, Stefan;Tiwari, Vijay K.;Spannagl, Manuel;Stein, Nils; Chromosome-scale genome assembly provides insights into rye biology, evolution and agronomic potential
Scandroglio, Riccardo;Draebing, Daniel;Offer, Maike;Krautblatter, Michael; 4D quantification of alpine permafrost degradation in steep rock walls using a laboratory‐calibrated electrical resistivity tomography approach
Förstl, Hans; Mathilde Ludendorff (1877–1966): Nervenärztin und völkische Philosophin
Ostermeier, Manuel;Heimfarth, Andreas;Hübner, Alexander; Cost‐optimal truck‐and‐robot routing for last‐mile delivery
Ghayvat, Hemant;Gope, Prosanta; Smart aging monitoring and early dementia recognition (SAMEDR): uncovering the hidden wellness parameter for preventive well-being monitoring to categorize cognitive impairment and dementia in community-dwelling elderly subjects through AI
Annaházi, Anita;Schröder, Alexandra;Schemann, Michael; Region‐specific effects of the cysteine protease papain on gastric motility
Michel, Klaus;Krüger, Dagmar;Schäuffele, Stefanie;Zeller, Florian;Demir, Ihsan Ekin;Theisen, Jörg;Schemann, Michael; Fast synaptic excitatory neurotransmission in the human submucosal plexus
Shalash, Ali S.;Rösler, Thomas W.;Salama, Mohamed;Pendziwiat, Manuela;Müller, Stefanie H.;Hopfner, Franziska;Höglinger, Günter U.;Kuhlenbäumer, Gregor; Evidence for pathogenicity of variant ATM Val1729Leu in a family with ataxia telangiectasia
Pelin, Helena;Ising, Marcus;Stein, Frederike;Meinert, Susanne;Meller, Tina;Brosch, Katharina;Winter, Nils R.;Krug, Axel;Leenings, Ramona;Lemke, Hannah;Nenadić, Igor;Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie;Forstner, Andreas J.;Nöthen, Markus M.;Opel, Nils;Repple, Jonathan;Pfarr, Julia;Ringwald, Kai;Schmitt, Simon;Thiel, Katharina;Waltemate, Lena;Winter, Alexandra;Streit, Fabian;Witt, Stephanie;Rietschel, Marcella;Dannlowski, Udo;Kircher, Tilo;Hahn, Tim;Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;Andlauer, Till F. M.; Identification of transdiagnostic psychiatric disorder subtypes using unsupervised learning
Pirkl, Carolin M.;Nunez-Gonzalez, Laura;Kofler, Florian;Endt, Sebastian;Grundl, Lioba;Golbabaee, Mohammad;Gómez, Pedro A.;Cencini, Matteo;Buonincontri, Guido;Schulte, Rolf F.;Smits, Marion;Wiestler, Benedikt;Menze, Bjoern H.;Menzel, Marion I.;Hernandez-Tamames, Juan A.; Accelerated 3D whole-brain T1, T2, and proton density mapping: feasibility for clinical glioma MR imaging
Wagner, Arthur;Ille, Sebastian;Liesenhoff, Caspar;Aftahy, Kaywan;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Improved potential quality of intraoperative transcranial motor-evoked potentials by navigated electrode placement compared to the conventional ten-twenty system
Motov, Stefan;Aftahy, Kaywan;Jörger, Ann-Kathrin;Wagner, Arthur;Meyer, Bernhard;Shiban, Ehab; High-frequency spinal cord stimulation in failed back surgery syndrome patients with predominant low back pain—single-center experience
Ruhkamp, Patrick; Gao, Daoyi; Chen, Hanzhi; Navab, Nassir; Busam, Benjamin; Attention meets Geometry: Geometry Guided Spatial-Temporal Attention for Consistent Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Ma, Wei;Liu, ZhaoJun;Beier, Sebastian;Houben, Andreas;Carpentier, Sebastien; Identification of rye B chromosome‐associated peptides by mass spectrometry
Ramadhan, R.S.;Cabeza, S.;Pirling, T.;Kabra, S.;Hofmann, M.;Rebelo Kornmeier, J.;Venter, A.M.;Marais, D.; Quantitative analysis and benchmarking of positional accuracies of neutron strain scanners
Chmelíková, Lucie;Schmid, Harald;Anke, Sandra;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Nitrogen-use efficiency of organic and conventional arable and dairy farming systems in Germany
Ghirardo, Andrea;Nosenko, Tetyana;Kreuzwieser, Jürgen;Winkler, J. Barbro;Kruse, Jörg;Albert, Andreas;Merl-Pham, Juliane;Lux, Thomas;Ache, Peter;Zimmer, Ina;Alfarraj, Saleh;Mayer, Klaus F. X.;Hedrich, Rainer;Rennenberg, Heinz;Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter; Protein expression plasticity contributes to heat and drought tolerance of date palm
Niu, Guanglin;Hellmuth, Isabel;Flisikowska, Tatiana;Pausch, Hubert;Rieblinger, Beate;Carrapeiro, Alexander;Schade, Benjamin;Böhm, Brigitte;Kappe, Eva;Fischer, Konrad;Klinger, Bernhard;Steiger, Katja;Burgkart, Reiner;Bourdon, Jean-Christophe;Saur, Dieter;Kind, Alexander;Schnieke, Angelika;Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Porcine model elucidates function of p53 isoform in carcinogenesis and reveals novel circTP53 RNA
Mayer, Christian S.;Baur, Isabella D.;Storr, Julia;Khoramnia, Ramin; Traumatische Aniridie: Konservativer oder chirurgischer Therapieansatz?
Pferschy, Ulrich;Schauer, Joachim;Thielen, Clemens; Approximating the product knapsack problem
Baldino, Salvatore;Giboulot, Steven;Lovison, Denise;Nedden, Hans Günter;Pöthig, Alexander;Zanotti-Gerosa, Antonio;Zuccaccia, Daniele;Ballico, Maurizio;Baratta, Walter; Preparation of Neutral trans - cis [Ru(O2CR)2P2(NN)], Cationic [Ru(O2CR)P2(NN)](O2CR) and Pincer [Ru(O2CR)(CNN)P2] (P = PPh3, P2 = diphosphine) Carboxylate Complexes and their Application in the Catalytic Carbonyl Compounds Reduction
Prieto, Jérôme;Rummel, Michael;Scholz, Herbert;Mein, Pierre; A new middle Miocene lineage based on taxonomic revision of the large and rare cricetid-rodent genus Lartetomys
Hammersen, Johanna;Tittel, Sascha R.;Warncke, Katharina;Fritsch, Maria;Placzek, Kerstin;Pacaud, Danièle;Karges, Beate;Woelfle, Joachim;Holl, Reinhard W.;; Previous diabetic ketoacidosis as a risk factor for recurrence in a large prospective contemporary pediatric cohort: Results from the DPV initiative
Söntgerath, Regine;Däggelmann, Julia;Kesting, Sabine V.;Rueegg, Corina S.;Wittke, Torge-Christian;Reich, Simon;Eckert, Katharina G.;Stoessel, Sandra;Chamorro-Viña, Carolina;Wiskemann, Joachim;Wright, Peter;Senn-Malashonak, Anna;Oschwald, Vanessa;Till, Anne-Marie;Götte, Miriam; Physical and functional performance assessment in pediatric oncology: a systematic review
Fonseca, Carlos Roberto;Paterno, Gustavo B.;Guadagnin, Demétrio L.;Venticinque, Eduardo M.;Overbeck, Gerhard E.;Ganade, Gislene;Metzger, Jean Paul;Kollmann, Johannes;Sauer, Johannes;Cardoso, Márcio Zikán;Lopes, Priscila F.M.;Oliveira, Rafael S.;Pillar, Valério D.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Conservation biology: four decades of problem- and solution-based research
Rabus, H.;Li, W.B.;Villagrasa, C.;Schuemann, J.;Hepperle, P.A.;de la Fuente Rosales, L.;Beuve, M.;Di Maria, S.;Klapproth, A.P.;Li, C.Y.;Poignant, F.;Rudek, B.;Nettelbeck, H.; Intercomparison of Monte Carlo calculated dose enhancement ratios for gold nanoparticles irradiated by X-rays: Assessing the uncertainty and correct methodology for extended beams
Stefano Gasperini; Patrick Koch; Vinzenz Dallabetta; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes
Ahn, Hyemin and Lee, Dongheui; Refining Action Segmentation With Hierarchical Video Representations
Harkous, Hasanin; Sherkawi, Khaled; Jarschel, Michael; Pries, Rastin; He, Mu; Kellerer, Wolfgang; P4RCProbe for Evaluating the Performance of P4Runtime-based Controllers
Harkous, Hasanin; Kröger, Nicolai; Jarschel, Michael; Pries, Rastin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Modeling and Performance Analysis of P4 Programmable Devices
Harkous, Hasanin; Aboul Hosn, Bassel; He, Mu; Jarschel, Michael; Pries, Rastin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards Performance-Aware Management of P4-based Cloud Environments
Jung, HyunJun;Brasch, Nikolas;Leonardis, Ales;Navab, Nassir;Busam, Benjamin; Wild ToFu : Improving Range and Quality of Indirect Time-of-Flight Depth with RGB Fusion in Challenging Environments
Thiele, Moritz; Salassidis, Dimitrios; Hornung, Mirko; Propeller Wake - Object Interaction using a Free Wake Model utilizing Local Mesh Separation
Perdolt, Daniel; Thiele, Moritz; Milz, Daniel; May, Marc; Kuchar, Richard; Hornung, Mirko; Comparison of multi-fidelity rotor analysis tools for transitional and low speed flight regimes
Bauer, Maria G.;Reithmeir, Rosa;Lutz, Theresa M.;Lieleg, Oliver; Wetting behavior and stability of surface‐modified polyurethane materials
Köhler, Christian Peter;Helcig, Christian;Gümmer, Volker; Blade design and tip clearance flow analysis for a compact high-pressure compressor rear stage
Straub, Felix; Weking, Jörg; Kowalkiewicz, Marek; and Krcmar, Helmut; Understanding Digital Transformation from a Holistic Perspective
Baecker, Julius; Wollmann, Markus; and Weking, Jörg; Opportunities and Challenges of Use-oriented Business Models in Industrial Settings
Passaro M., Müller F.L., Abulaitijiang A., Andersen O.B., Chalençon E., Dettmering D., Hart-Davis M.G., Høyer J.L., Oelsmann J., Rautiainen L., Ringgaard I.M., Särkkä J., Scarrott R., Schwatke C., Seitz F., Madsen K.S., Tuomi L., Restano M., Benveniste J.; Baltic SEAL: new insights into the mean and variability of the sea level in the Satellite Altimetry era
Flexeder, Nina; Ott, Stephan; Bodemer, Eva; Winter, Stefan; Monitoring of an office building in uninsulated cross laminated timber construction regarding hygrothermal component behavior
Askaripoor, Hadi;Farzaneh, Morteza Hashemi;Knoll, Alois; A Platform to Configure and Monitor Safety-Critical Applications for Automotive Central Computers
Christoph Wieland; Fabian Dawo; Christopher Schifflechner; Marco Astolfi; Market report on Organic Rankine Cycle power systems: recent developments and outlook
Althammer, Matthias; All‐Electrical Magnon Transport Experiments in Magnetically Ordered Insulators
Becker, Daniel;Dierking, Christoph W.;Suchan, Jiří;Zurheide, Florian;Lengyel, Jozef;Fárník, Michal;Slavíček, Petr;Buck, Udo;Zeuch, Thomas; Temperature evolution in IR action spectroscopy experiments with sodium doped water clusters
Petrić, Marko M.;Kremser, Malte;Barbone, Matteo;Qin, Ying;Sayyad, Yasir;Shen, Yuxia;Tongay, Sefaattin;Finley, Jonathan J.;Botello-Méndez, Andrés R.;Müller, Kai; Raman spectrum of Janus transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers WSSe and MoSSe
Naumann, M.;Mokhtari, P.;Medvecka, Z.;Arnold, F.;Pillaca, M.;Flipo, S.;Sun, D.;Rosner, H.;Leithe-Jasper, A.;Gille, P.;Baenitz, M.;Hassinger, E.; Fermi surface of the skutterudite CoSb3 : Quantum oscillations and band-structure calculations
Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna;Vornholz, Larsen;Pechloff, Konstanze;Kemény, Lajos V;Wartewig, Tim;Muschaweckh, Andreas;Joshi, Abhinav;Kranen, Katja;Hartjes, Lara;Möckel, Sigrid;Steiger, Katja;Hameister, Erik;Volz, Thomas;Mellett, Mark;French, Lars E;Biedermann, Tilo;Korn, Thomas;Ruland, Jürgen; Keratinocyte-intrinsic BCL10/MALT1 activity initiates and amplifies psoriasiform skin inflammation.
Althoff, M.; Guaranteed State Estimation in CORA 2021
Althoff, M.;Ábrahám, E.;Forets, M.;Frehse, G.;Freire, D.;Schilling, C.;Schupp, S.;Wetzlinger, M.; ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Continuous Dynamics
Althoff, M.;Frehse, G.;Girard, A.; Set Propagation Techniques for Reachability Analysis
Althoff, M.;Rath, J.~J.; Comparison of Guaranteed State Estimators for Linear Time-Invariant Systems
Camara, F.;Bellotto, N.;Cosar, S.;Nathanael, D.;Althoff, M.;Wu, J.;Ruenz, J.;Dietrich, A.;Fox, C.; Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
Camara, F.;Bellotto, N.;Cosar, S.;Weber, F.;Nathanael, D.;Althoff, M.;Wu, J.;Ruenz, J.;Dietrich, A.;Markkula, G.;Schieben, A.;Tango, F.;Merat, N.;Fox, C.; Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
Schürmann, Bastian;Althoff, Matthias; Optimizing Sets of Solutions for Controlling Constrained Nonlinear Systems
Pek, C.;Althoff, M.; Fail-safe Motion Planning for Online Verification of Autonomous Vehicles Using Convex Optimization
Jirauschek, C.; Popp, J.; Haider, M.; Franckié, M.; Faist, J.; Ensemble Monte Carlo modeling of quantum cascade detectors
Althoff, M.; Ensuring Flexibility and Safety through Self-Programming Modular Robots
Sulzbach R., Wziontek H., Hart-Davis M.G., Dobslaw H., Thomas M.; Signatures of degree-3 tidal loading effects in superconducting gravimeter records predicted by data-unconstrained ocean tide modeling
Gao, Daoyi; Li, Yitong; Ruhkamp, Patrick; Skobleva, Iuliia; Wysocki, Magdalena; Jung, HyunJun; Wang, Pengyuan; Guridi, Arturo; Navab, Nassir; Busam, Benjamin; Polarimetric Pose Prediction
Sanginés de Cárcer, Paula;Mederski, Piotr S.;Magagnotti, Natascia;Spinelli, Raffaele;Engler, Benjamin;Seidl, Rupert;Eriksson, Andreas;Eggers, Jeannette;Bont, Leo Gallus;Schweier, Janine; The Management Response to Wind Disturbances in European Forests
Uhler, Johannes;Redlich, Sarah;Zhang, Jie;Hothorn, Torsten;Tobisch, Cynthia;Ewald, Jörg;Thorn, Simon;Seibold, Sebastian;Mitesser, Oliver;Morinière, Jérôme;Bozicevic, Vedran;Benjamin, Caryl S.;Englmeier, Jana;Fricke, Ute;Ganuza, Cristina;Haensel, Maria;Riebl, Rebekka;Rojas-Botero, Sandra;Rummler, Thomas;Uphus, Lars;Schmidt, Stefan;Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf;Müller, Jörg; Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient
S. Tesfazgi;A. Lederer;S. Hirche; Inverse Reinforcement Learning: A Control Lyapunov Approach
Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah; Elektronische Fernprüfungen als Katalysator für notwendige Reformen der Juristenausbildung
Agarwala, Adhip;Bhattacharjee, Subhro;Knolle, Johannes;Moessner, Roderich; Gapless state of interacting Majorana fermions in a strain-induced Landau level
Liu, Shu-Wei;Willsher, J.;Bilitewski, T.;Li, Jin-Jie;Smith, A.;Christensen, K.;Moessner, R.;Knolle, J.; Butterfly effect and spatial structure of information spreading in a chaotic cellular automaton
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aggarwal, M. M.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Anson, C.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bagnasco, S.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Balouza, S.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartalini, P.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Bedda, C.;Behera, N. K.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berenyi, D.;Bertens, R. A.;Berzano, D.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhatt, H.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, R.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruna, E.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Buxton, J. T.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Castro, A. J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Chowdhury, T.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Corrales Morales, Y.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dabrowski, D.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, A.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Deloff, A.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frankenfeld, U.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gomez Ramirez, A.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Goswami, A.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hassan, Q. U.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herghelegiu, A.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Horak, D.;Hornung, A.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hussain, S. A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khan, S. A.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, C.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Kluge, A.;Knichel, M. L.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kubera, A. M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Lardeux, A.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Leardini, L.;Lee, J.;Lee, S.;Lehas, F.;Lehner, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Lisa, M. A.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Liu, S.;Llope, W. J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal'Kevich, D.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Margutti, J.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, C. D.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Masson, E.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mengke, C.;Meninno, E.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nayak, R.;Nayak, T. K.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Negrao De Oliveira, R. A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Neumann, L. T.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Pacik, V.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Pistone, D.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Putschke, J.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Raha, S.;Rajput, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ratza, V.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Ren, X.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Roslon, K.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadhu, S.;Sadovsky, S.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Scapparone, E.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Serebryakov, D.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stenlund, E.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stritto, L. D.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suleymanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Thakur, D.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Thoresen, F.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Tropp, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vernet, R.;Vértesi, R.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Weber, S. G.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Z.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; ΛK femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV
Bonilla, Cesar;Herms, Johannes;Ibarra, Alejandro;Strobl, Patrick; Neutrino parameters in the Planck-scale lepton number breaking scenario with extended scalar sectors
Li, S. X.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Ahn, J. K.;Aihara, H.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bernlochner, F.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bozek, A.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Grzymkowska, O.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kato, Y.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, B. H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, S.;Mori, T.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uehara, S.;Uglov, T.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vossen, A.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Measurements of the branching fractions of Λc+→pη and Λc+→pπ0 decays at Belle
Lee, J. Y.;Tanida, K.;Kato, Y.;Kim, S. K.;Yang, S. B.;Adachi, I.;Ahn, J. K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Beleño, C.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;De Nardo, G.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, B. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y. J.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liptak, Z.;Liventsev, D.;Luo, T.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mori, T.;Mussa, R.;Nakano, T.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Olsen, S. L.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seidl, R.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Uno, S.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Vossen, A.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Wehle, S.;Wiechczynski, J.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Measurement of branching fractions of Λc+→ηΛπ+ , ηΣ0π+ , Λ(1670)π+ , and ηΣ(1385)+
Kang, K. H.;Park, H.;Higuchi, T.;Miyabayashi, K.;Sumisawa, K.;Adachi, I.;Ahn, J. K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Bakich, A. M.;Behera, P.;Beleño, C.;Bennett, J.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Eidelman, S.;Fast, J. E.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Greenwald, D.;Guan, Y.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jeon, H. B.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumar, R.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacNaughton, J.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Miyata, H.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mori, T.;Morii, T.;Mrvar, M.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Nakazawa, H.;Natkaniec, Z.;Nayak, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Purohit, M. V.;Ritter, M.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Rozanska, M.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Ushiroda, Y.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Measurement of time-dependent CP violation parameters in B0→KS0KS0KS0 decays at Belle
Brambilla, Nora;Chung, Hee Sok;Vairo, Antonio; Inclusive Hadroproduction of P -Wave Heavy Quarkonia in Potential Nonrelativistic QCD
Patzauer, Maximilian;Krischer, Katharina; Self-Organized Multifrequency Clusters in an Oscillating Electrochemical System with Strong Nonlinear Coupling
Malz, Daniel;Smith, Adam; Topological Two-Dimensional Floquet Lattice on a Single Superconducting Qubit
Andreev, Yu. M.;Banerjee, D.;Bernhard, J.;Burtsev, V. E.;Chumakov, A. G.;Cooke, D.;Crivelli, P.;Depero, E.;Dermenev, A. V.;Donskov, S. V.;Dusaev, R. R.;Enik, T.;Charitonidis, N.;Feshchenko, A.;Frolov, V. N.;Gardikiotis, A.;Gerassimov, S. G.;Gninenko, S. N.;Hösgen, M.;Kachanov, V. A.;Karneyeu, A. E.;Kekelidze, G.;Ketzer, B.;Kirpichnikov, D. V.;Kirsanov, M. M.;Kolosov, V. N.;Konorov, I. V.;Kovalenko, S. G.;Kramarenko, V. A.;Kravchuk, L. V.;Krasnikov, N. V.;Kuleshov, S. V.;Lyubovitskij, V. E.;Lysan, V.;Matveev, V. A.;Mikhailov, Yu. V.;Molina Bueno, L.;Peshekhonov, D. V.;Polyakov, V. A.;Radics, B.;Rojas, R.;Rubbia, A.;Samoylenko, V. D.;Sieber, H.;Shchukin, D.;Tikhomirov, V. O.;Tlisova, I.;Toropin, A. N.;Trifonov, A. Yu.;Vasilishin, B. I.;Volkov, P. V.;Volkov, V. Yu.;; Constraints on New Physics in Electron g−2 from a Search for Invisible Decays of a Scalar, Pseudoscalar, Vector, and Axial Vector
Aker, M.;Altenmüller, K.;Beglarian, A.;Behrens, J.;Berlev, A.;Besserer, U.;Bieringer, B.;Blaum, K.;Block, F.;Bornschein, B.;Bornschein, L.;Böttcher, M.;Brunst, T.;Caldwell, T. S.;La Cascio, L.;Chilingaryan, S.;Choi, W.;Díaz Barrero, D.;Debowski, K.;Deffert, M.;Descher, M.;Doe, P. J.;Dragoun, O.;Drexlin, G.;Dyba, S.;Edzards, F.;Eitel, K.;Ellinger, E.;Engel, R.;Enomoto, S.;Fedkevych, M.;Felden, A.;Formaggio, J. A.;Fränkle, F. M.;Franklin, G. B.;Friedel, F.;Fulst, A.;Gauda, K.;Gil, W.;Glück, F.;Grössle, R.;Gumbsheimer, R.;Höhn, T.;Hannen, V.;Haußmann, N.;Helbing, K.;Hickford, S.;Hiller, R.;Hillesheimer, D.;Hinz, D.;Houdy, T.;Huber, A.;Jansen, A.;Köllenberger, L.;Karl, C.;Kellerer, J.;Kippenbrock, L.;Klein, M.;Kopmann, A.;Korzeczek, M.;Kovalík, A.;Krasch, B.;Krause, H.;Lasserre, T.;Le, T. L.;Lebeda, O.;Le Guennic, N.;Lehnert, B.;Lokhov, A.;Lopez Poyato, J. M.;Müller, K.;Machatschek, M.;Malcherek, E.;Mark, M.;Marsteller, A.;Martin, E. L.;Melzer, C.;Mertens, S.;Niemes, S.;Oelpmann, P.;Osipowicz, A.;Parno, D. S.;Poon, A. W. P.;Priester, F.;Röllig, M.;Röttele, C.;Rest, O.;Robertson, R. G. H.;Rodenbeck, C.;Ryšavý, M.;Sack, R.;Saenz, A.;Schaller, A.;Schäfer, P.;Schimpf, L.;Schlösser, M.;Schlösser, K.;Schlüter, L.;Schrank, M.;Schulz, B.;Šefčík, M.;Seitz-Moskaliuk, H.;Sibille, V.;Siegmann, D.;Slezák, M.;Spanier, F.;Steidl, M.;Sturm, M.;Sun, M.;Telle, H. H.;Thümmler, T.;Thorne, L. A.;Titov, N.;Tkachev, I.;Trost, N.;Vénos, D.;Valerius, K.;Vizcaya Hernández, A. P.;Wüstling, S.;Weber, M.;Weinheimer, C.;Weiss, C.;Welte, S.;Wendel, J.;Wilkerson, J. F.;Wolf, J.;Xu, W.;Yen, Y.-R.;Zadoroghny, S.;Zeller, G.;; Bound on 3+1 Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing from the First Four-Week Science Run of KATRIN
Miehling, S.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimal integration of Power-to-X plants in a future European energy system and the resulting dynamic requirements
Ewald, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermochemische Vorbehandlung von Klärschlamm für den Einsatz in der Flugstromvergasung
Backofen, G.; Würth, M.; Vandersickel, A.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Power-to-Process-Heat in Industrial Combined Heat and Power Plants – Integration of a Large-Scale Thermochemical Energy Storage
Day Goodacre, T.;Afanasjev, A. V.;Barzakh, A. E.;Marsh, B. A.;Sels, S.;Ring, P.;Nakada, H.;Andreyev, A. N.;Van Duppen, P.;Althubiti, N. A.;Andel, B.;Atanasov, D.;Billowes, J.;Blaum, K.;Cocolios, T. E.;Cubiss, J. G.;Farooq-Smith, G. J.;Fedorov, D. V.;Fedosseev, V. N.;Flanagan, K. T.;Gaffney, L. P.;Ghys, L.;Huyse, M.;Kreim, S.;Lunney, D.;Lynch, K. M.;Manea, V.;Martinez Palenzuela, Y.;Molkanov, P. L.;Rosenbusch, M.;Rossel, R. E.;Rothe, S.;Schweikhard, L.;Seliverstov, M. D.;Spagnoletti, P.;Van Beveren, C.;Veinhard, M.;Verstraelen, E.;Welker, A.;Wendt, K.;Wienholtz, F.;Wolf, R. N.;Zadvornaya, A.;Zuber, K.; Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Hg207,208 Isotopes: Illuminating the Kink and Odd-Even Staggering in Charge Radii across the N=126 Shell Closure
Batsch, F.;Muggli, P.;Agnello, R.;Ahdida, C. C.;Amoedo Goncalves, M. C.;Andrebe, Y.;Apsimon, O.;Apsimon, R.;Bachmann, A.-M.;Baistrukov, M. A.;Blanchard, P.;Braunmüller, F.;Burrows, P. N.;Buttenschön, B.;Caldwell, A.;Chappell, J.;Chevallay, E.;Chung, M.;Cooke, D. A.;Damerau, H.;Davut, C.;Demeter, G.;Deubner, H. L.;Doebert, S.;Farmer, J.;Fasoli, A.;Fedosseev, V. N.;Fiorito, R.;Fonseca, R. A.;Friebel, F.;Furno, I.;Garolfi, L.;Gessner, S.;Gorgisyan, I.;Gorn, A. A.;Granados, E.;Granetzny, M.;Graubner, T.;Grulke, O.;Gschwendtner, E.;Hafych, V.;Helm, A.;Henderson, J. R.;Hüther, M.;Kargapolov, I. Yu.;Kim, S.-Y.;Kraus, F.;Krupa, M.;Lefevre, T.;Liang, L.;Liu, S.;Lopes, N.;Lotov, K. V.;Martyanov, M.;Mazzoni, S.;Medina Godoy, D.;Minakov, V. A.;Moody, J. T.;Moon, K.;Morales Guzmán, P. I.;Moreira, M.;Nechaeva, T.;Nowak, E.;Pakuza, C.;Panuganti, H.;Pardons, A.;Perera, A.;Pucek, J.;Pukhov, A.;Ramjiawan, R. L.;Rey, S.;Rieger, K.;Schmitz, O.;Senes, E.;Silva, L. O.;Speroni, R.;Spitsyn, R. I.;Stollberg, C.;Sublet, A.;Topaloudis, A.;Torrado, N.;Tuev, P. V.;Turner, M.;Velotti, F.;Verra, L.;Verzilov, V. A.;Vieira, J.;Vincke, H.;Welsch, C. P.;Wendt, M.;Wing, M.;Wiwattananon, P.;Wolfenden, J.;Woolley, B.;Xia, G.;Zepp, M.;Zevi Della Porta, G.;; Transition between Instability and Seeded Self-Modulation of a Relativistic Particle Bunch in Plasma
Wehle, S.;Adachi, I.;Adamczyk, K.;Aihara, H.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Berger, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Biswal, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Chang, M.-C.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Di Capua, F.;Dubey, S.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Greenwald, D.;Guan, Y.;Haba, J.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Higuchi, T.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joffe, D.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Karyan, G.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Komarov, I.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, J. Y.;Lee, S. C.;Li, Y. B.;Libby, J.;Liptak, Z.;Liventsev, D.;Luo, T.;MacNaughton, J.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;McNeil, J. T.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyata, H.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, M.;Niebuhr, C.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Resmi, P. K.;Ritter, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Savinov, V.;Schneider, O.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Strube, J. F.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Ushiroda, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Varvell, K. E.;Vorobyev, V.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Test of Lepton-Flavor Universality in B→K*ℓ+ℓ− Decays at Belle
Teramoto, Y.;Uehara, S.;Masuda, M.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Beleño, C.;Bennett, J.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;De Nardo, G.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Eidelman, S.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Greenwald, D.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kato, Y.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, B. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kimmel, T. D.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Lewis, P.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liptak, Z.;Liventsev, D.;Luo, T.;MacQueen, C.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Miyata, H.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mohanty, S.;Moon, T. J.;Mori, T.;Mrvar, M.;Mussa, R.;Nakano, E.;Nakao, M.;Nakazawa, H.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Ritter, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Singh, J. B.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanabe, M.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Evidence for X(3872)→J/ψπ+π− Produced in Single-Tag Two-Photon Interactions
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aggarwal, M. M.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Anson, C.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bagnasco, S.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Balouza, S.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartalini, P.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Bedda, C.;Behera, N. K.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berenyi, D.;Bertens, R. A.;Berzano, D.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhatt, H.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, R.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruna, E.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Castro, A. J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Chowdhury, T.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cilladi, L. D.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Corrales Morales, Y.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dabrowski, D.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, A.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Deloff, A.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frankenfeld, U.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gomez Ramirez, A.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Goswami, A.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hassan, Q. U.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herghelegiu, A.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Horak, D.;Hornung, A.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hussain, S. A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, C.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Kluge, A.;Knichel, M. L.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kubera, A. M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Lardeux, A.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Leardini, L.;Lee, J.;Lee, S.;Lehner, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Lisa, M. A.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Liu, S.;Llope, W. J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, C. D.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Masson, E.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mengke, C.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nayak, R.;Nayak, T. K.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Negrao De Oliveira, R. A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Neumann, L. T.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Pacik, V.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Pistone, D.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Putschke, J.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Raha, S.;Rajput, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ratza, V.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Ren, X.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Roslon, K.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadhu, S.;Sadovsky, S.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Scapparone, E.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Serebryakov, D.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stenlund, E.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stritto, L. D.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suleymanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Thakur, D.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Thoresen, F.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Tropp, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vernet, R.;Vértesi, R.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Weber, S. G.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Z.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Elliptic Flow of Electrons from Beauty-Hadron Decays in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV
Fan, Zheyong;Garcia, José H.;Cummings, Aron W.;Barrios-Vargas, Jose Eduardo;Panhans, Michel;Harju, Ari;Ortmann, Frank;Roche, Stephan; Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies
Jia, Zhongtao;Bienert, Manuela Désirée;von Wirén, Nicolaus;Bienert, Gerd Patrick; Genome‐wide association mapping identifies HvNIP2;2 / HvLsi6 accounting for efficient boron transport in barley
Monino‐Lopez, Daniel;Nijenhuis, Maarten;Kodde, Linda;Kamoun, Sophien;Salehian, Hamed;Schentsnyi, Kyrylo;Stam, Remco;Lokossou, Anoma;Abd‐El‐Haliem, Ahmed;Visser, Richard G.F.;Vossen, Jack H.; Allelic variants of the NLR protein Rpi‐chc1 differentially recognize members of the Phytophthora infestans PexRD12/31 effector superfamily through the leucine‐rich repeat domain
Höfler, K;Happel, T;Hennequin, P;Stroth, U;Cavedon, M;Dux, R;Fischer, R;McDermott, R M;Poli, E;Schuster, C U;Wolfrum, E;Upgrade Team, the ASDEX; Poloidally resolved measurements of the perpendicular propagation velocity of density fluctuations in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode plasmas
Matschinski, A;Ziegler, P;Abstreiter, T;Wolf, T;Drechsler, K; Fiber Formation of Printed Carbon Fiber/Poly (Ether Ether Ketone) with Different Nozzle Shapes
Mittermayer, Martin;Gilg, August;Maidl, Franz-Xaver;Nätscher, Ludwig;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Site‐specific nitrogen balances based on spatially variable soil and plant properties
Iavarone, Salvatore;Péquin, Arthur;Chen, Zhi X.;Doan, Nguyen Anh Khoa;Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian;Parente, Alessandro; An a priori assessment of the Partially Stirred Reactor (PaSR) model for MILD combustion
Sciortino, Alfredo;Bausch, Andreas R.; Pattern formation and polarity sorting of driven actin filaments on lipid membranes
Kläsener, Kathrin;Jellusova, Julia;Andrieux, Geoffroy;Salzer, Ulrich;Böhler, Chiara;Steiner, Sebastian N.;Albinus, Jonas B.;Cavallari, Marco;Süß, Beatrix;Voll, Reinhard E.;Boerries, Melanie;Wollscheid, Bernd;Reth, Michael; CD20 as a gatekeeper of the resting state of human B cells
Rieblinger, Beate;Sid, Hicham;Duda, Denise;Bozoglu, Tarik;Klinger, Romina;Schlickenrieder, Antonina;Lengyel, Kamila;Flisikowski, Krzysztof;Flisikowska, Tatiana;Simm, Nina;Grodziecki, Alessandro;Perleberg, Carolin;Bähr, Andrea;Carrier, Lucie;Kurome, Mayuko;Zakhartchenko, Valeri;Kessler, Barbara;Wolf, Eckhard;Kettler, Lutz;Luksch, Harald;Hagag, Ibrahim T.;Wise, Daniel;Kaufman, Jim;Kaufer, Benedikt B.;Kupatt, Christian;Schnieke, Angelika;Schusser, Benjamin; Cas9-expressing chickens and pigs as resources for genome editing in livestock
Damialis, Athanasios;Gilles, Stefanie;Sofiev, Mikhail;Sofieva, Viktoria;Kolek, Franziska;Bayr, Daniela;Plaza, Maria P.;Leier-Wirtz, Vivien;Kaschuba, Sigrid;Ziska, Lewis H.;Bielory, Leonard;Makra, László;del Mar Trigo, Maria;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;; Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe
Müller, Katrin;Honcharova-Biletska, Hanna;Koppe, Christiane;Egger, Michèle;Chan, Lap Kwan;Schneider, Anne T.;Küsgens, Lena;Böhm, Friederike;Boege, Yannick;Healy, Marc E.;Schmitt, Johannes;Comtesse, Sarah;Castoldi, Mirco;Preisinger, Christian;Szydlowska, Marta;Focaccia, Enrico;Gaisa, Nadine T.;Loosen, Sven H.;Jörs, Simone;Tacke, Frank;Roderburg, Christoph;Keitel, Verena;Bode, Johannes G.;Boor, Peter;Davis, Roger J.;Longerich, Thomas;Geisler, Fabian;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Weber, Achim;Vucur, Mihael;Luedde, Tom; JNK signaling prevents biliary cyst formation through a CASPASE-8–dependent function of RIPK1 during aging
Schiffels, Sebastian;Voigt, Guido; Capacity Reservation and Wholesale Price Contracts under Forecast Sharing: A Behavioral Assessment
Jedrzej Orbik, Shile Li, Dongheui Lee; Human hand motion retargeting for dexterous robotic hand
David Paulius, Alejandro Agostini, Yu Sun, Dongheui Lee; A Road-map to Robot Task Execution with the Functional Object-Oriented Network
Niemelä, P.;Nowak Delgado, R.; de Riese, T.; Tolvanen, H.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Joronen, T.; Fuel-specific devolatilization parameters for detailed comparison of pulverized biomass fuels
Hauck, M.; Herrmann, S.; Fischer, F.; Weinrich, J.; Steinrücken, B.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of an Anode Supported SOFC Stack under High Direct Internal Reforming Conditions
Hart-Davis M.G.; The importance of ocean tides in sea level research using satellite altimetry
Natras R., Schmidt M.; Machine Learning Model Development for Space Weather Forecast
Wiese, Jonas Gregor;Shanmugaratnam, Sooruban;Höcker, Birte; Extension of a de novo TIM barrel with a rationally designed secondary structure element
Coulther, Timothy A.;Pott, Moritz;Zeymer, Cathleen;Hilvert, Donald;Ondrechen, Mary Jo; Analysis of electrostatic coupling throughout the laboratory evolution of a designed retroaldolase
Pourjafar‐Dehkordi, Danial;Zacharias, Martin; Influence of a Ser111‐phosphorylation on Rab1b GTPase conformational dynamics studied by advanced sampling simulations
Schürmann, Jan;Gottwald, Juliane;Rottenaicher, Georg;Tholey, Andreas;Röcken, Christoph; MALDI mass spectrometry imaging unravels organ and amyloid‐type specific peptide signatures in pulmonary and gastrointestinal amyloidosis
Nguyen, Lily;Dobiasch, Sophie;Schneider, Günter;Schmid, Roland M.;Azimzadeh, Omid;Kanev, Kristiyan;Buschmann, Dominik;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Bartzsch, Stefan;Schmid, Thomas E.;Schilling, Daniela;Combs, Stephanie E.; Impact of DNA repair and reactive oxygen species levels on radioresistance in pancreatic cancer
Combs, Stephanie E.;Baumert, Brigitta G.;Bendszus, Martin;Bozzao, Alessandro;Brada, Michael;Fariselli, Laura;Fiorentino, Alba;Ganswindt, Ute;Grosu, Anca L.;Lagerwaard, Frank L;Niyazi, Maximilian;Nyholm, Tufve;Paddick, Ian;Weber, Damien Charles;Belka, Claus;Minniti, Giuseppe; ESTRO ACROP guideline for target volume delineation of skull base tumors
Lavenex, Sandra;Serrano, Omar;Büthe, Tim; Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux
Heilmann, C.;Friedl, G.; Factors influencing the economic success of grid-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-grid applications—A review and meta-analysis
Massopust, Peter; Interpolation and Sampling with Exponential Splines of Real Order
Karpfinger, Christian; Places of Near-Fields: To Heinrich Wefelscheid
Casas‐Mulet, Roser;Pander, Joachim;Prietzel, Maximilian;Geist, Juergen; The HydroEcoSedimentary tool: An integrated approach to characterise interstitial hydro‐sedimentary and associated ecological processes
Renz, Harald;Bachert, Claus;Berek, Claudia;Hamelmann, Eckard;Levi‐Schaffer, Francesca;Raap, Ulrike;Simon, Hans‐Uwe;Ploetz, Sabine;Taube, Christian;Valent, Peter;Voehringer, David;Werfel, Thomas;Zhang, Nan;Ring, Johannes; Physiology and pathology of eosinophils: Recent developments
do Rêgo Sousa, Thiago;Stelzer, Robert; Moment‐based estimation for the multivariate COGARCH(1,1) process
Ghada, Wael;Estrella, Nicole;Pfoerringer, Dominik;Kanz, Karl-Georg;Bogner-Flatz, Viktoria;Ankerst, Donna P.;Menzel, Annette; Effects of weather, air pollution and Oktoberfest on ambulance-transported emergency department admissions in Munich, Germany
Andrade-Linares, Diana R.;Zistl-Schlingmann, Marcus;Foesel, Baerbel;Dannenmann, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie;Schloter, Michael; Short term effects of climate change and intensification of management on the abundance of microbes driving nitrogen turnover in montane grassland soils
Zhao, Jie-Yu;Hu, Bing;Dolfing, Jan;Li, Yan;Tang, Yue-Qin;Jiang, Yiming;Chi, Chang-Qiao;Xing, Jianmin;Nie, Yong;Wu, Xiao-Lei; Thermodynamically favorable reactions shape the archaeal community affecting bacterial community assembly in oil reservoirs
Gruetzmacher, Kim;Karesh, William B.;Amuasi, John H.;Arshad, Adnan;Farlow, Andrew;Gabrysch, Sabine;Jetzkowitz, Jens;Lieberman, Susan;Palmer, Clare;Winkler, Andrea S.;Walzer, Chris; The Berlin principles on one health – Bridging global health and conservation
Weitere, Markus;Altenburger, Rolf;Anlanger, Christine;Baborowski, Martina;Bärlund, Ilona;Beckers, Liza-Marie;Borchardt, Dietrich;Brack, Werner;Brase, Lisa;Busch, Wibke;Chatzinotas, Antonis;Deutschmann, Björn;Eligehausen, Jens;Frank, Karin;Graeber, Daniel;Griebler, Christian;Hagemann, Jeske;Herzsprung, Peter;Hollert, Henner;Inostroza, Pedro A.;Jäger, Christoph G.;Kallies, René;Kamjunke, Norbert;Karrasch, Bernhard;Kaschuba, Sigrid;Kaus, Andrew;Klauer, Bernd;Knöller, Kay;Koschorreck, Matthias;Krauss, Martin;Kunz, Julia V.;Kurz, Marie J.;Liess, Matthias;Mages, Margarete;Müller, Christin;Muschket, Matthias;Musolff, Andreas;Norf, Helge;Pöhlein, Florian;Reiber, Lena;Risse-Buhl, Ute;Schramm, Karl-Werner;Schmitt-Jansen, Mechthild;Schmitz, Markus;Strachauer, Ulrike;von Tümpling, Wolf;Weber, Nina;Wild, Romy;Wolf, Christine;Brauns, Mario; Disentangling multiple chemical and non-chemical stressors in a lotic ecosystem using a longitudinal approach
Bose, Arun K.;Scherrer, Daniel;Camarero, J. Julio;Ziche, Daniel;Babst, Flurin;Bigler, Christof;Bolte, Andreas;Dorado-Liñán, Isabel;Etzold, Sophia;Fonti, Patrick;Forrester, David I.;Gavinet, Jordane;Gazol, Antonio;de Andrés, Ester González;Karger, Dirk Nikolaus;Lebourgeois, Francois;Lévesque, Mathieu;Martínez-Sancho, Elisabet;Menzel, Annette;Neuwirth, Burkhard;Nicolas, Manuel;Sanders, Tanja G.M.;Scharnweber, Tobias;Schröder, Jens;Zweifel, Roman;Gessler, Arthur;Rigling, Andreas; Climate sensitivity and drought seasonality determine post-drought growth recovery of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in Europe
Bußmann, Agnes Beate;Durasiewicz, Claudia Patricia;Kibler, Sebastian Heinrich Alexander;Wald, Christian Klaus; Piezoelectric titanium based microfluidic pump and valves for implantable medical applications
Liebich, Christoph;Bruehl, Marie‐Luise;Schubert, Irene;Oberhoffer, Renate;Sander, Christian; Retrospective evaluation of the performance of the electrical impedance spectroscopy system Nevisense in detecting keratinocyte cancers
Wirth, Markus;Bautz, Maximilian;von Meyer, Franziska;Hofauer, Benedikt;Strassen, Ulrich;Heiser, Clemens; Obstruction level associated with outcome in hypoglossal nerve stimulation
Urbanska, Marta;Lüdecke, Annemarie;Walter, Wilhelm J.;Oijen, Antoine M.;Duderstadt, Karl E.;Diez, Stefan; Highly‐Parallel Microfluidics‐Based Force Spectroscopy on Single Cytoskeletal Motors
Carter, Thomas J.;Agliardi, Giulia;Lin, Fang‐Yu;Ellis, Matthew;Jones, Clare;Robson, Mathew;Richard‐Londt, Angela;Southern, Paul;Lythgoe, Mark;Zaw Thin, May;Ryzhov, Vyacheslav;Rosales, Rafael T. M.;Gruettner, Cordula;Abdollah, Maha R. A.;Pedley, R. Barbara;Pankhurst, Quentin A.;Kalber, Tammy L.;Brandner, Sebastian;Quezada, Sergio;Mulholland, Paul;Shevtsov, Maxim;Chester, Kerry; Potential of Magnetic Hyperthermia to Stimulate Localized Immune Activation
Brandl, Florian;Brandt, Felix;Stricker, Christian; An analytical and experimental comparison of maximal lottery schemes
Franquelim, Henri G.;Dietz, Hendrik;Schwille, Petra; Reversible membrane deformations by straight DNA origami filaments
Jindal, Anshul;Gerndt, Michael;Chadha, Mohak;Podolskiy, Vladimir;Chen, Pengfei; Function delivery network: Extending serverless computing for heterogeneous platforms
Zhou, Zikai;He, Mu;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Blenk, Andreas;Foerster, Klaus-Tycho; P4Update: fast and locally verifiable consistent network updates in the P4 data plane
Martínez Alba, Alberto;Pundt, Steffen;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Comparison of performance- and cost-optimal functional splits in 5G and beyond
Schlüter, Maria;Förster, Nick; Stufen und Stacheldraht
Oelsmann J., Passaro M., Sánchez L., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Seitz F.; Bayesian modelling of discontinuities and piecewise trends (trend changes) improves coastal vertical land motion estimates
Nudelis, Natan;Mayr, Peter; A Novel Classification Method for Pores in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Greim, Axel; Spectral Super Elements for Beams with Arbitrary Cross Section
Ertl, Christoph;Mundani, Ralf-Peter; Distributed Domain Generation for Large-Scale Scientific Computing
Pan, Y.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.;I., Brilakis; Void-growing: a novel Scan-to-BIM method for manhattan world buildings from point cloud
Ludwig, Ferdinand; The Imposition of Uncertainty
Beck, S. F.;Abualdenien, J.;Hijazi, I. H.;Borrmann, A.;Kolbe, T. H.; Analyzing Contextual Linking of Heterogeneous Information Models from the Domains BIM and UIM
Lu, Fan;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Zhang, Lijun;Liu, Yinlong;Qu, Sanqing;Knoll, Alois; MoNet: Motion-Based Point Cloud Prediction Network
Chen, Cuili;Wei, Zhongbao;Knoll, Alois; Charging Optimization for Li-ion Battery in Electric Vehicles: A Review
Stefano Gasperini; Jan Haug; Mohammad-Ali Nikouei Mahani; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; CertainNet: Sampling-free Uncertainty Estimation for Object Detection
Stefano Gasperini; Mohammad-Ali Nikouei Mahani; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Nassir Navab; Federico Tombari; Panoster: End-to-end Panoptic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds
Wu, Shun-Cheng;Wald, Johanna;Tateno, Keisuke;Navab, Nassir;Tombari, Federico; SceneGraphFusion: Incremental 3D Scene Graph Prediction from RGB-D Sequences
Wackerhage, Henning;Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Personalized, Evidence-Informed Training Plans and Exercise Prescriptions for Performance, Fitness and Health
Vogel, Marco M. E.;Dewes, Sabrina;Sage, Eva K.;Devecka, Michal;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Schiller, Kilian;Combs, Stephanie E.; Patterns of care for prostate cancer radiotherapy—results from a survey among German-speaking radiation oncologists
Krug, David;;Baumann, René;Combs, Stephanie E.;Duma, Marciana Nona;Dunst, Jürgen;Feyer, Petra;Fietkau, Rainer;Haase, Wulf;Harms, Wolfgang;Hehr, Thomas;Piroth, Marc D.;Sedlmayer, Felix;Souchon, Rainer;Strnad, Vratislav;Budach, Wilfried; Moderate hypofractionation remains the standard of care for whole-breast radiotherapy in breast cancer: Considerations regarding FAST and FAST-Forward
Antonau, Ihar;Hojjat, Majid;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Relaxed gradient projection algorithm for constrained node-based shape optimization
Lassmann, Irène;Dinkel, Andreas;Marten-Mittag, Birgitt;Jahnen, Matthias;Schulwitz, Helga;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Herkommer, Kathleen; Benefit finding in long-term prostate cancer survivors
Wagner, Martin;Bihlmaier, Andreas;Kenngott, Hannes Götz;Mietkowski, Patrick;Scheikl, Paul Maria;Bodenstedt, Sebastian;Schiepe-Tiska, Anja;Vetter, Josephin;Nickel, Felix;Speidel, S.;Wörn, H.;Mathis-Ullrich, F.;Müller-Stich, B. P.; A learning robot for cognitive camera control in minimally invasive surgery
van Treeck, Ruben;Radinger, Johannes;Noble, Richard A.A.;Geiger, Franz;Wolter, Christian; The European Fish Hazard Index – An assessment tool for screening hazard of hydropower plants for fish
Versteeg, Marjolein;Bressers, Guusje;Wijnen-Meijer, Marjo;Ommering, Belinda W. C.;de Beaufort, Arnout Jan;Steendijk, Paul; What Were You Thinking? Medical Students’ Metacognition and Perceptions of Self-Regulated Learning
Goldberg, Patricia;Schwerter, Jakob;Seidel, Tina;Müller, Katharina;Stürmer, Kathleen; How does learners’ behavior attract preservice teachers’ attention during teaching?
Teubner, Lisa K.;Henkel, Joachim;Bekkers, Rudi; Industry consortia in mobile telecommunications standards setting: Purpose, organization and diversity
Eggels, Stella;Blankenagel, Sonja;Schön, Chris-Carolin;Avramova, Viktoriya; The carbon isotopic signature of C4 crops and its applicability in breeding for climate resilience
Vojgani, Elaheh;Pook, Torsten;Martini, Johannes W. R.;Hölker, Armin C.;Mayer, Manfred;Schön, Chris-Carolin;Simianer, Henner; Accounting for epistasis improves genomic prediction of phenotypes with univariate and bivariate models across environments
Auinger, Hans-Jürgen;Lehermeier, Christina;Gianola, Daniel;Mayer, Manfred;Melchinger, Albrecht E.;da Silva, Sofia;Knaak, Carsten;Ouzunova, Milena;Schön, Chris-Carolin; Calibration and validation of predicted genomic breeding values in an advanced cycle maize population
Albers, Susanne;Ladewig, Leon; New results for the k-secretary problem
Eilenberg, Wolf;Zagrapan, Branislav;Bleichert, Sonja;Ibrahim, Nahla;Knöbl, Viktoria;Brandau, Annika;Martelanz, Luca;Grasl, Marie-Therese;Hayden, Hubert;Nawrozi, Paimann;Rajic, Renata;Häusler, Charlotte;Potolidis, Alexandros;Schirwani, Nawa;Scheuba, Andreas;Klopf, Johannes;Teubenbacher, Peter;Weigl, Markus P.;Kirchweger, Patrick;Beitzke, Dietrich;Stiglbauer-Tscholakoff, Alexander;Panzenböck, Adelheid;Lang, Irene;Mauracher, Lisa-Marie;Hell, Lena;Pabinger, Ingrid;Bailey, Marc A.;Scott, D. Julian A.;Maegdefessel, Lars;Busch, Albert;Huk, Ihor;Neumayer, Christoph;Brostjan, Christine; Histone citrullination as a novel biomarker and target to inhibit progression of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Schoenberg, Markus Bo;Ehmer, Ursula;Umgelter, Andreas;Bucher, Julian Nikolaus;Koch, Dominik Thomas;Börner, Nikolaus;Nieß, Hanno;Denk, Gerald;De Toni, Enrico Narciso;Seidensticker, Max;Andrassy, Joachim;Angele, Martin Kurt;Werner, Jens;Guba, Markus Otto; Liver transplantation versus watchful waiting in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with complete response to bridging therapy – a retrospective observational study
Zwick, Felix;Kuehnel, Nico;Moeckel, Rolf;Axhausen, Kay W.; Agent-based simulation of city-wide autonomous ride-pooling and the impact on traffic noise
Khan Mirzaei, Mohammadali;Xue, Jinling;Costa, Rita;Ru, Jinlong;Schulz, Sarah;Taranu, Zofia E.;Deng, Li; Challenges of Studying the Human Virome – Relevant Emerging Technologies
Stelzle, Dominik;Storz, Corinna;Baxmann, Arlette;Liang, Linda A.;Burtscher, Clemens;Matuja, William;Schmutzhard, Erich;Winkler, Andrea S.; Febrile seizures in an urban Tanzanian population: lessons learned from a community‐based random cluster survey
Pflüger, Patrick;Zyskowski, Michael;Völk, Christopher;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Funktionelles Outcome nach konservativer im Vergleich zu operativer Therapie von 111 Mittelfußfrakturen
Hinz, Maximilian;Kleim, Benjamin D.;Mayr, Felix;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Siebenlist, Sebastian; Akute muskulotendinöse Ruptur des M. pectoralis major
Jahnen, Matthias;Dichtl, Lorenz;Stirenberg, Nora;Dinkel, Andreas;Schiele, Stefan;Schulwitz, Helga;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Herkommer, Kathleen; Selbstuntersuchung von Hoden und Brust – eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie an Medizinstudierenden
Kidess, Marc;Schmid, Sebastian C.;Pollak, Sebastian;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Berberat, Pascal O.;Autenrieth, Michael E.; Virtueller Praktikumstag Urologie
Loose, Maria;Naber, Kurt G.;Purcell, Larry;Wirth, Manfred P.;Wagenlehner, Florian M.E.; Anti-Biofilm Effect of Octenidine and Polyhexanide on Uropathogenic Biofilm-Producing Bacteria
Kliesch, Sabine;Schmidt, Stefanie;Wilborn, Doris;Aigner, Clemens;Albrecht, Walter;Bedke, Jens;Beintker, Matthias;Beyersdorff, Dirk;Bokemeyer, Carsten;Busch, Jonas;Classen, Johannes;de Wit, Maike;Dieckmann, Klaus-Peter;Diemer, Thorsten;Dieing, Anette;Gockel, Matthias;Göckel-Beining, Bernt;Hakenberg, Oliver W.;Heidenreich, Axel;Heinzelbecker, Julia;Herkommer, Kathleen;Hermanns, Thomas;Kaufmann, Sascha;Kornmann, Marko;Kotzerke, Jörg;Krege, Susanne;Kristiansen, Glen;Lorch, Anja;Müller, Arndt-Christian;Oechsle, Karin;Ohloff, Timur;Oing, Christoph;Otto, Ulrich;Pfister, David;Pichler, Renate;Recken, Heinrich;Rick, Oliver;Rudolph, Yvonne;Ruf, Christian;Schirren, Joachim;Schmelz, Hans;Schmidberger, Heinz;Schrader, Mark;Schweyer, Stefan;Seeling, Stefanie;Souchon, Rainer;Winter, Christian;Wittekind, Christian;Zengerling, Friedemann;Zermann, D.H.;Zillmann, Roger;Albers, Peter; Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testes in Adult Patients: German Clinical Practice Guideline, PART II – Recommendations for the Treatment of Advanced, Recurrent, and Refractory Disease and Extragonadal and Sex Cord/Stromal Tumours and for the Management of Follow-Up, Toxicity, Quality of Life, Palliative Care, and Supportive Therapy
Kliesch, Sabine;Schmidt, Stefanie;Wilborn, Doris;Aigner, Clemens;Albrecht, Walter;Bedke, Jens;Beintker, Matthias;Beyersdorff, Dirk;Bokemeyer, Carsten;Busch, Jonas;Classen, Johannes;de Wit, Maike;Dieckmann, Klaus-Peter;Diemer, Thorsten;Dieing, Anette;Gockel, Matthias;Göckel-Beining, Bernt;Hakenberg, Oliver W.;Heidenreich, Axel;Heinzelbecker, Julia;Herkommer, Kathleen;Hermanns, Thomas;Kaufmann, Sascha;Kornmann, Marko;Kotzerke, Jörg;Krege, Susanne;Kristiansen, Glen;Lorch, Anja;Müller, Arndt-Christian;Oechsle, Karin;Ohloff, Timur;Oing, Christoph;Otto, Ulrich;Pfister, David;Pichler, Renate;Recken, Heinrich;Rick, Oliver;Rudolph, Yvonne;Ruf, Christian;Schirren, Joachim;Schmelz, Hans;Schmidberger, Heinz;Schrader, Mark;Schweyer, Stefan;Seeling, Stefanie;Souchon, Rainer;Winter, Christian;Wittekind, Christian;Zengerling, Friedemann;Zermann, Dirk-Henrik;Zillmann, Roger;Albers, Peter; Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testis in Adult Patients. German Clinical Practice Guideline Part I: Epidemiology, Classification, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Fertility Preservation, and Treatment Recommendations for Localized Stages
Zhou, Liguo;Chen, Guang;Feng, Mingyue;Knoll, Alois; Improving Low-Resolution Image Classification by Super-Resolution with Enhancing High-Frequency Content
Wieland, C.; Dawo, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Astolfi, M.; Market Report on Organic Rancine Cycle Power Systems: Recent Developments and Outlook
P. Bevanda;S. Sosnowski;S. Hirche; Koopman operator dynamical models: Learning, analysis and control
Jungreis, Irwin;Nelson, Chase W.;Ardern, Zachary;Finkel, Yaara;Krogan, Nevan J.;Sato, Kei;Ziebuhr, John;Stern-Ginossar, Noam;Pavesi, Angelo;Firth, Andrew E.;Gorbalenya, Alexander E.;Kellis, Manolis; Conflicting and ambiguous names of overlapping ORFs in the SARS-CoV-2 genome: A homology-based resolution
Rohrbach, Nina;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Huber, Lisa-Marie;Thierfelder, Annika;Buckingham, Gavin; Fooling the size–weight illusion—Using augmented reality to eliminate the effect of size on perceptions of heaviness and sensorimotor prediction
Kersten, Timo;Leis, Viktor;Neumann, Thomas; Tidy Tuples and Flying Start: fast compilation and fast execution of relational queries in Umbra
Wünsch, Robin;Mayer, Carina;Plattner, Julia;Eugster, Fabienne;Wülser, Richard;Gebhardt, Jens;Hübner, Uwe;Canonica, Silvio;Wintgens, Thomas;von Gunten, Urs; Micropollutants as internal probe compounds to assess UV fluence and hydroxyl radical exposure in UV/H2O2 treatment
Fabian, Elisabeth;Kump, Patrizia;Schiller, Dietmar;Brcic, Iva;Gruber, Christine;Heitz, Philipp U.;Klöppel, Günter;Lipp, Rainer W.;Moinfar, Farid;Schöfl, Rainer;Fickert, Peter;Krejs, Guenter J.; Clinical-Pathological Conference Series from the Medical University of Graz
Daum, Thomas;Villalba, Roberto;Anidi, Oluwakayode;Mayienga, Sharon Masakhwe;Gupta, Saurabh;Birner, Regina; Uber for tractors? Opportunities and challenges of digital tools for tractor hire in India and Nigeria
Meissner, Valentin H.;Woll, Mira;Ankerst, Donna P.;Schiele, Stefan;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Herkommer, Kathleen; Long-term and pathological outcomes of low- and intermediate-risk prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy: implications for active surveillance
Alidjanov, Jakhongir F.;Cai, Tommaso;Bartoletti, Riccardo;Bonkat, Gernot;Bruyère, Franck;Köves, Béla;Kulchavenya, Ekaterina;Medina-Polo, José;Naber, Kurt;Perepanova, Tamara;Pilatz, Adrian;Tandogdu, Zafer;Bjerklund Johansen, Truls E.;Wagenlehner, Florian M.; The negative aftermath of prostate biopsy: prophylaxis, complications and antimicrobial stewardship: results of the global prevalence study of infections in urology 2010–2019
Zullo, Alberto;Mancini, Francesco Paolo;Schleip, Robert;Wearing, Scott;Klingler, Werner; Fibrosis: Sirtuins at the checkpoints of myofibroblast differentiation and profibrotic activity
Mayer, Kerstin;Klein, Wilhelm;Geier, Sebastian;Fässler, Thomas F.; On the Oxidation of [Ge 9 ] 4− – Crystal Structures and Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Linked Ge 9 Clusters
Sachs, Malte;Deubner, Lars;Möbs, Martin;Hoelzel, Markus;Conrad, Matthias;Kraus, Florian; Temperature dependent crystal structure re‐determination and electronic properties of UI 3
Restle, Tassilo M. F.;Zeitz, Sabine;Meyer, Jan;Klein, Wilhelm;Raudaschl‐Sieber, Gabriele;Karttunen, Antti J.;Fässler, Thomas F.; Aliovalent substitution in phosphide‐based materials – Crystal structures of Na 10 AlTaP 6 and Na 3 GaP 2 featuring edge‐sharing E P 4 tetrahedra ( E =Al/Ta and Ga)
Luca Geretti, Julien Alexandre dit Sandretto, Matthias Althoff, Luis Benet, Alexandre Chapoutot, Pieter Collins, Parasara Sridhar Duggirala, Marcelo Forets, Edward Kim, Uziel Linares, David P. Sanders, Christian Schilling, Mark Wetzlinger; ARCH-COMP21 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics
Gufler, Veit;Wehrle, Erich;Zwölfer, Andreas; A review of flexible multibody dynamics for gradient-based design optimization
Kreutz, Michael; Maierhofer, Johannes; Thümmel, Thomas; Rixen, Daniel J.; Identification of Various Frequency Response Functions for Levitating Rotor System using Active Magnetic Bearings
Chen, Guang;Wang, Fa;Yuan, Xiaoding;Li, Zhijun;Liang, Zichen;Knoll, Alois; NeuroBiometric: An eye blink based biometric authentication system using an event-based neuromorphic vision sensor
Thompson, Alexander G;Oeckl, Patrick;Feneberg, Emily;Bowser, Robert;Otto, Markus;Fischer, Roman;Kessler, Benedikt;Turner, Martin R; Advancing mechanistic understanding and biomarker development in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Mishra, Kanuj;Fuenzalida-Werner, Juan Pablo;Pennacchietti, Francesca;Janowski, Robert;Chmyrov, Andriy;Huang, Yuanhui;Zakian, Christian;Klemm, Uwe;Testa, Ilaria;Niessing, Dierk;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Stiel, Andre C.; Genetically encoded photo-switchable molecular sensors for optoacoustic and super-resolution imaging
Sedlacek, Tadeas;Odenthal, Dirk;Wollherr, Dirk; Space splitting convexification: a local solution method for nonconvex optimal control problems
Pugliese, Francesco;Caroppi, Gerardo;Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Lupp, Gerd;Gerundo, Carlo; Assessment of NBSs effectiveness for flood risk management: The Isar River case study
Heldt, Eugénia C.;Müller, Tony; Bringing Independence and Accountability Together: Mission Impossible for the European Central Bank?
Heider, Michael;Nickel, Katharina;Högner, Marion;Bassermann, Florian; Multiple Myeloma: Molecular Pathogenesis and Disease Evolution
Regier, Matthias; Does Longer Duration of Executive Compensation Foster Investment Efficiency?
Schmidinger, Manuela;Motzer, Robert J.;Rolland, Frederic;Staehler, Michael;Rink, Michael;Retz, Margitta;Csoszi, Tibor;McCaffrey, John A.;De Giorgi, Ugo;Caserta, Claudia;Duran, Ignacio;Benzaghou, Fawzi;Clary, Douglas O.;Albiges, Laurence;Choueiri, Toni K.;Tannir, Nizar M.; Analysis by region of outcomes for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with cabozantinib or everolimus: a sub-analysis of the METEOR study
Gaurav, Kumar;Arora, Sanu;Silva, Paula;Sánchez-Martín, Javier;Horsnell, Richard;Gao, Liangliang;Brar, Gurcharn S.;Widrig, Victoria;John Raupp, W.;Singh, Narinder;Wu, Shuangye;Kale, Sandip M.;Chinoy, Catherine;Nicholson, Paul;Quiroz-Chávez, Jesús;Simmonds, James;Hayta, Sadiye;Smedley, Mark A.;Harwood, Wendy;Pearce, Suzannah;Gilbert, David;Kangara, Ngonidzashe;Gardener, Catherine;Forner-Martínez, Macarena;Liu, Jiaqian;Yu, Guotai;Boden, Scott A.;Pascucci, Attilio;Ghosh, Sreya;Hafeez, Amber N.;O’Hara, Tom;Waites, Joshua;Cheema, Jitender;Steuernagel, Burkhard;Patpour, Mehran;Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;Liu, Shuyu;Rudd, Jackie C.;Avni, Raz;Sharon, Amir;Steiner, Barbara;Kirana, Rizky Pasthika;Buerstmayr, Hermann;Mehrabi, Ali A.;Nasyrova, Firuza Y.;Chayut, Noam;Matny, Oadi;Steffenson, Brian J.;Sandhu, Nitika;Chhuneja, Parveen;Lagudah, Evans;Elkot, Ahmed F.;Tyrrell, Simon;Bian, Xingdong;Davey, Robert P.;Simonsen, Martin;Schauser, Leif;Tiwari, Vijay K.;Randy Kutcher, H.;Hucl, Pierre;Li, Aili;Liu, Deng-Cai;Mao, Long;Xu, Steven;Brown-Guedira, Gina;Faris, Justin;Dvorak, Jan;Luo, Ming-Cheng;Krasileva, Ksenia;Lux, Thomas;Artmeier, Susanne;Mayer, Klaus F. X.;Uauy, Cristobal;Mascher, Martin;Bentley, Alison R.;Keller, Beat;Poland, Jesse;Wulff, Brande B. H.; Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement
Boehm, Wolf-Diether U.;Piontek, Daniela;Latarius, Stefanie;Schoffer, Olaf;Borkowetz, Angelika;Klug, Stefanie J.;Wirth, Manfred P.; The Clinical Complexity of Penile Cancer: Current Clinical-Epidemiological Data from the Database of the Free State of Saxony/Germany
Brunner, Silvia;Mayer, Hanna;Dietrich, Michael;Breidert, Matthias;Blum, Karin;Müller-Staub, Maria; Gefahr einer Mangelernährung älterer Patient_innen im Akutspital
Weindling, Paul;Hohendorf, Gerrit;Hüntelmann, Axel C.;Kindel, Jasmin;Kinzelbach, Annemarie;Loewenau, Aleksandra;Neuner, Stephanie;Palacz, Michał Adam;Zingler, Marion;Czech, Herwig; The problematic legacy of victim specimens from the Nazi era: Identifying the persons behind the specimens at the Max Planck Institutes for Brain Research and of Psychiatry
Hoffmann, Martin A.;Nothias, Louis-Félix;Ludwig, Marcus;Fleischauer, Markus;Gentry, Emily C.;Witting, Michael;Dorrestein, Pieter C.;Dührkop, Kai;Böcker, Sebastian; High-confidence structural annotation of metabolites absent from spectral libraries
Wiebers, David O.;Feigin, Valery L.;Winkler, Andrea S.; Brain Health, One Health, and COVID-19
Theocharis, Yannis;Cardenal, Ana;Jin, Soyeon;Aalberg, Toril;Hopmann, David Nicolas;Strömbäck, Jesper;Castro, Laia;Esser, Frank;Van Aelst, Peter;de Vreese, Claes;Corbu, Nicoleta;Koc-Michalska, Karolina;Matthes, Joerg;Schemer, Christian;Sheafer, Tamir;Splendore, Sergio;Stanyer, James;Stępińska, Agnieszka;Štětka, Václav; Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries
Pfotenhauer, Sebastian;Laurent, Brice;Papageorgiou, Kyriaki;Stilgoe, and Jack; The politics of scaling
Agathokleous, Evgenios;Kitao, Mitsutoshi;Shi, Cong;Masui, Noboru;Abu-ElEla, Shahenda;Hikino, Kyohsuke;Satoh, Fuyuki;Koike, Takayoshi; Ethylenediurea (EDU) spray effects on willows (Salix sachalinensis F. Schmid) grown in ambient or ozone-enriched air: implications for renewable biomass production
Kufer, Jan;Preibisch, Christine;Epp, Samira;Göttler, Jens;Schmitzer, Lena;Zimmer, Claus;Hyder, Fahmeed;Kaczmarz, Stephan; Imaging effective oxygen diffusivity in the human brain with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging
Bussas, Matthias;Grahl, Sophia;Pongratz, Viola;Berthele, Achim;Gasperi, Christiane;Andlauer, Till;Gaser, Christian;Kirschke, Jan S;Wiestler, Benedikt;Zimmer, Claus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Mühlau, Mark; Gray matter atrophy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis is associated with white matter lesions in connecting fibers
Putzer, David;Dammerer, Dietmar;Baldauf, Martina;Lenze, Florian;Liebensteiner, Michael C.;Nogler, Michael; A Prospective Assessment of Knee Arthroscopy Skills Between Medical Students and Residents—Simulator Exercises for Partial Meniscectomy and Analysis of Learning Curves
Pushkina, Darya;Siewert, Markus B.;Wolff, Stefan; Mission (im)possible? UN military peacekeeping operations in civil wars
van Belkom, Aran;Pittrich, Matthias;Lojda, Vit; Intermittent cyclic load testing of polymer railway sleepers
Mahajan, Vishal;Kuehnel, Nico;Intzevidou, Aikaterini;Cantelmo, Guido;Moeckel, Rolf;Antoniou, Constantinos; Data to the people: a review of public and proprietary data for transport models
Gollwitzer, Mario;Platzer, Christine;Göritz, Anja S.;Zwarg, Clarissa;Twardawski, Mathias; Does Lockdown Compliance Reflect a Latent Trait?
Pittock, Sean J;Fujihara, Kazuo;Palace, Jacqueline;Berthele, Achim;Kim, Ho Jin;Oreja-Guevara, Celia;Nakashima, Ichiro;Levy, Michael;Shang, Shulian;Yountz, Marcus;Miller, Larisa;Armstrong, Róisín;Wingerchuk, Dean M;; Eculizumab monotherapy for NMOSD: Data from PREVENT and its open-label extension
Lotfollahi, Mohammad;Naghipourfar, Mohsen;Luecken, Malte D.;Khajavi, Matin;Büttner, Maren;Wagenstetter, Marco;Avsec, Žiga;Gayoso, Adam;Yosef, Nir;Interlandi, Marta;Rybakov, Sergei;Misharin, Alexander V.;Theis, Fabian J.; Mapping single-cell data to reference atlases by transfer learning
Nobis, Arndt;Wendl, Stefan;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; Formation and degradation of 3‐deoxyglucosone as a key intermediate for ageing indicators during wort boiling
McGillivray, David;Koenigstorfer, Joerg;Bocarro, Jason N.;Edwards, Michael B.; The role of advocacy organisations for ethical mega sport events
Rosenstiel, Stephanie;Volk, Carmen;Schmid, Julia;Wagner, Wolfgang;Demetriou, Yolanda;Höner, Oliver;Thiel, Ansgar;Trautwein, Ulrich;Sudeck, Gorden; Promotion of physical activity-related health competence in physical education: A person-oriented approach for evaluating the GEKOS intervention within a cluster randomized controlled trial
Pfeiffer, Stefan;Herzmann, Christian;Gaede, Karoline I;Kovacevic, Draginja;Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne;Schloter, Michael; Different responses of the oral, nasal and lung microbiomes to cigarette smoke
Link, Daniel;Anzer, Gabriel; How the COVID-19 Pandemic has Changed the Game of Soccer
Sebök, Martina;Hostettler, Isabel C;Keller, Emanuela;Rautalin, Ilari M;Coert, Bert A;Vandertop, William P;Post, René;Sardeha, Ali;Tjerkstra, Maud A;Regli, Luca;Verbaan, Dagmar;Germans, Menno R; Prehemorrhage antiplatelet use in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and impact on clinical outcome
Mahrenbach, Laura C;Pfeffer, Jürgen; Measuring political legitimacy with Twitter: Insights from India’s Aadhaar program
Böhle, T.;Kuehn, C.;Thalhammer, M.; On the reliable and efficient numerical integration of the Kuramoto model and related dynamical systems on graphs
Rhiem, Kerstin;Auber, Bernd;Briest, Susanne;Dikow, Nicola;Ditsch, Nina;Dragicevic, Neda;Grill, Sabine;Hahnen, Eric;Horvath, Judit;Jaeger, Bernadette;Kast, Karin;Kiechle, Marion;Leinert, Elena;Morlot, Susanne;Püsken, Michael;Schäfer, Dieter;Schott, Sarah;Schroeder, Christopher;Siebers-Renelt, Ulrike;Solbach, Christine;Weber-Lassalle, Nana;Witzel, Isabell;Zeder-Göß, Christine;Schmutzler, Rita K.; Consensus Recommendations of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Bolch, Tobias;Duethmann, Doris;Wortmann, Michel;Liu, Shiyin;Disse, Markus; Declining glaciers endanger sustainable development of the oases along the Aksu-Tarim River (Central Asia)
Aly, Lilian;Strauß, Eva-Maria;Feucht, Nikolaus;Weiß, Isabella;Berthele, Achim;Mitsdoerffer, Meike;Haass, Christian;Hemmer, Bernhard;Maier, Mathias;Korn, Thomas;Knier, Benjamin; Optical coherence tomography angiography indicates subclinical retinal disease in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
Reibelt, Antonia;Mayinger, Michael;Borm, Kai J.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Duma, Marciana N.; Neuroanatomical changes seen in MRI in patients with cerebral metastasized breast cancer after radiotherapy
Froehlich, Laura;Hattesohl, Daniel BR;Cotler, Joseph;Jason, Leonard A;Scheibenbogen, Carmen;Behrends, Uta; Causal attributions and perceived stigma for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
Hirt, Philipp-Roman;Xu, Yusheng;Hoegner, Ludwig;Stilla, Uwe; Change Detection of Urban Trees in MLS Point Clouds Using Occupancy Grids
Laurson-Doube, Joanna;Rijke, Nick;Helme, Anne;Baneke, Peer;Banwell, Brenda;Viswanathan, Shanthi;Hemmer, Bernhard;Yamout, Bassem; Ethical use of off-label disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis
Hainz, Daniela;Krüger, Marcus;Reber, Daniela;Mehnert, Karl;Brunet, Theresa;Lederer, Gabriele;Langer-Freitag, Sabine;Hoefele, Julia; Mosaic trisomy 12 diagnosed in a female patient: clinical features, genetic analysis, and review of the literature
Niebuur, Bart-Jan;Chiappisi, Leonardo;Jung, Florian A.;Zhang, Xiaohan;Schulte, Alfons;Papadakis, Christine M.; Nanoscale disintegration kinetics of mesoglobules in aqueous poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) solutions revealed by small-angle neutron scattering and pressure jumps
Hsu, Chiao-Peng;Baysal, Hasan Emre;Wirenborn, Görel;Mårtensson, Gustaf;Prahl Wittberg, Lisa;Isa, Lucio; Roughness-dependent clogging of particle suspensions flowing into a constriction
Jayaramulu, Kolleboyina;Esclance DMello, Marilyn;Kesavan, Kamali;Schneemann, Andreas;Otyepka, Michal;Kment, Stepan;Narayana, Chandrabhas;Kalidindi, Suresh Babu;Varma, Rajender S.;Zboril, Radek;Fischer, Roland A.; A multifunctional covalently linked graphene–MOF hybrid as an effective chemiresistive gas sensor
Berthold, Daniel P.;LeVasseur, Matthew R.;Muench, Lukas N.;Mancini, Michael R.;Uyeki, Colin L.;Lee, Julianna;Beitzel, Knut;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Arciero, Robert A.;Scheiderer, Bastian;Siebenlist, Sebastian;Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Minimum 10-Year Clinical Outcomes After Arthroscopic 270° Labral Repair in Traumatic Shoulder Instability Involving Anterior, Inferior, and Posterior Labral Injury
Nikolova, Viktoriya L.;Hall, Megan R. B.;Hall, Lindsay J.;Cleare, Anthony J.;Stone, James M.;Young, Allan H.; Perturbations in Gut Microbiota Composition in Psychiatric Disorders
Schreieck, Maximilian;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; Capabilities for value co-creation and value capture in emergent platform ecosystems: A longitudinal case study of SAP’s cloud platform
Thorvaldsdottir, Svanhildur;Patz, Ronny; Explaining sentiment shifts in UN system annual reporting: a longitudinal comparison of UNHCR, UNRWA and IOM
Huang, Juanjuan;Deng, Fuli;Günther, Benedikt;Achterhold, Klaus;Liu, Yue;Jentys, Andreas;Lercher, Johannes A.;Dierolf, Martin;Pfeiffer, Franz; Laboratory-scale in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy of a palladium catalyst on a compact inverse-Compton scattering X-ray beamline
Brand, Karl-Werner; Das schwarze Loch der „Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit“. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Ingolfur Blühdorns Forschungsansatz
van Eck van der Sluijs, Anita;van Jaarsveld, Brigit C;Allen, Jennifer;Altabas, Karmela;Béchade, Clémence;Bonenkamp, Anna A;Burkhalter, Felix;Clause, Anne-Lorraine;Corbett, Richard W;Dekker, Friedo W;Eden, Gabriele;François, Karlien;Gudmundsdottir, Helga;Lundström, Ulrika Hahn;de Laforcade, Louis;Lambie, Mark;Martin, Heike;Pajek, Jernej;Panuccio, Vincenzo;Ros-Ruiz, Silvia;Steubl, Dominik;Vega, Almudena;Wojtaszek, Ewa;Davies, Simon J;Van Biesen, Wim;Abrahams, Alferso C; Assisted peritoneal dialysis across Europe: Practice variation and factors associated with availability
Hahn Lundström, Ulrika;Abrahams, Alferso C;Allen, Jennifer;Altabas, Karmela;Béchade, Clémence;Burkhalter, Felix;Clause, Anne-Lorraine;Corbett, Richard W;Eden, Gabriele;François, Karlien;de Laforcade, Louis;Lambie, Mark;Martin, Heike;Pajek, Jernej;Panuccio, Vincenzo;Ros-Ruiz, Silvia;Steubl, Dominik;Vega, Almudena;Wojtaszek, Ewa;Zaloszyc, Ariane;Davies, Simon J;Van Biesen, Wim;Gudmundsdottir, Helga; Barriers and opportunities to increase PD incidence and prevalence: Lessons from a European Survey
Ardila Riveros, Jessi Carolina;Blöchinger, Anna Karolina;Atwell, Scott;Moussus, Michel;Compera, Nina;Rajabnia, Omid;Georgiev, Tihomir;Lickert, Heiko;Meier, Matthias; Automated optimization of endoderm differentiation on chip
Andersson, Anna;Gonsior, Michael;Harir, Mourad;Hertkorn, Norbert;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Powers, Leanne;Kylin, Henrik;Hellström, Daniel;Nilsson, Kerstin;Pettersson, Ämma;Stavklint, Helena;Bastviken, David; Molecular changes among non-volatile disinfection by-products between drinking water treatment and consumer taps
Bronger, Holger; Immunology and Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Ovarian Cancer – Current Aspects
Balbach, Samira;Jiang, Nan;Moreddu, Rosalia;Dong, Xingchen;Kurz, Wolfgang;Wang, Congyan;Dong, Jie;Yin, Yixia;Butt, Haider;Brischwein, Martin;Hayden, Oliver;Jakobi, Martin;Tasoglu, Savas;Koch, Alexander W.;Yetisen, Ali K.; Smartphone-based colorimetric detection system for portable health tracking
Blauvelt, Andrew;Teixeira, Henrique D.;Simpson, Eric L.;Costanzo, Antonio;De Bruin-Weller, Marjolein;Barbarot, Sebastien;Prajapati, Vimal H.;Lio, Peter;Hu, Xiaofei;Wu, Tianshuang;Liu, John;Ladizinski, Barry;Chu, Alvina D.;Eyerich, Kilian; Efficacy and Safety of Upadacitinib vs Dupilumab in Adults With Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis
Hebenstreit, Doris;Ahmed, S. Faisal;Krone, Nils;Krall, Christoph;Bryce, Jillian;Alvi, Sabah;Ortolano, Rita;Lima, Mario;Birkebaek, Niels;Bonfig, Walter;Claahsen van der Grinten, Hedi;Costa, Eduardo Correa;Poyrazoglu, Sukran;de Vries, Liat;Flück, Christa E.;Guran, Tulay;Bugrul, Fuat;Güven, Ayla;Iotova, Violeta;Koehler, Birgit;Schröder, Jennyver-Tabea;Konrad, Daniel;Gevers, Evelien;Krone, Ruth;Milenkovic, Tatjana;Vieites, Ana;Ross, Richard;Tadokoro Cuccaro, Rieko;Hughes, Ieuan;Acerini, Carlo;Springer, Alexander; Surgical Practice in Girls with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: An International Registry Study
Davis, John;Zamora, Daisy;Horowitz, Mark;Leucht, Stefan; Evaluating pimavanserin as a treatment for psychiatric disorders: A pharmacological property in search of an indication
Eichhorn, Johanna;Lechner, Simon P.;Jiang, Chang-Ming;Folchi Heunecke, Giulia;Munnik, Frans;Sharp, Ian D.; Indirect bandgap, optoelectronic properties, and photoelectrochemical characteristics of high-purity Ta3N5 photoelectrodes
Vizza, Carmine Dario;Hoeper, Marius M.;Huscher, Doerte;Pittrow, David;Benjamin, Nicola;Olsson, Karen M.;Ghofrani, H. Ardeschir;Held, Matthias;Klose, Hans;Lange, Tobias;Rosenkranz, Stephan;Dumitrescu, Daniel;Badagliacca, Roberto;Claussen, Martin;Halank, Michael;Vonk-Noordegraaf, Anton;Skowasch, Dirk;Ewert, Ralf;Gibbs, J. Simon R.;Delcroix, Marion;Skride, Andris;Coghlan, Gerry;Ulrich, Silvia;Opitz, Christian;Kaemmerer, Harald;Distler, Oliver;Grünig, Ekkehard; Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With COPD
Tulin, Frej; Buying time: FASCIATA1 deficiency rescues wee1 plants from replication stress by delaying mitosis
Streese, Lukas;Springer, Anna Maria;Deiseroth, Arne;Carrard, Justin;Infanger, Denis;Schmaderer, Christoph;Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno;Madl, Tobias;Hanssen, Henner; Metabolic profiling links cardiovascular risk and vascular end organ damage
Grosch, Melanie;Brunner, Katrin;Ilyaskin, Alexandr V.;Schober, Michael;Staudner, Tobias;Schmied, Denise;Stumpp, Tina;Schmidt, Kerstin N.;Madej, M. Gregor;Pessoa, Thaissa D.;Othmen, Helga;Kubitza, Marion;Osten, Larissa;de Vries, Uwe;Mair, Magdalena M.;Somlo, Stefan;Moser, Markus;Kunzelmann, Karl;Ziegler, Christine;Haerteis, Silke;Korbmacher, Christoph;Witzgall, Ralph; A polycystin-2 protein with modified channel properties leads to an increased diameter of renal tubules and to renal cysts
Hassan, Zonera;Schneeweis, Christian;Wirth, Matthias;Müller, Sebastian;Geismann, Claudia;Neuß, Thorsten;Steiger, Katja;Krämer, Oliver H.;Schmid, Roland M.;Rad, Roland;Arlt, Alexander;Reichert, Maximilian;Saur, Dieter;Schneider, Günter; Important role of Nfkb2 in the KrasG12D-driven carcinogenesis in the pancreas
Oehlmann, Malte;Glenk, Klaus;Lloyd-Smith, Patrick;Meyerhoff, Jürgen; Quantifying landscape externalities of renewable energy development: Implications of attribute cut-offs in choice experiments
Duran-Rodas, David;Wright, Benjamin;Pereira, Francisco C.;Wulfhorst, Gebhard; Demand And/oR Equity (DARE) method for planning bike-sharing
Graupner, Oliver;Enzensberger, Christian; Prediction of Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Related to Placental Dysfunction Using the sFlt-1/PlGF Ratio: A Narrative Review
Karlsson, Questa;Brook, Mark N.;Dadaev, Tokhir;Wakerell, Sarah;Saunders, Edward J.;Muir, Kenneth;Neal, David E.;Giles, Graham G.;MacInnis, Robert J.;Thibodeau, Stephen N.;McDonnell, Shannon K.;Cannon-Albright, Lisa;Teixeira, Manuel R.;Paulo, Paula;Cardoso, Marta;Huff, Chad;Li, Donghui;Yao, Yu;Scheet, Paul;Permuth, Jennifer B.;Stanford, Janet L.;Dai, James Y.;Ostrander, Elaine A.;Cussenot, Olivier;Cancel-Tassin, Géraldine;Hoegel, Josef;Herkommer, Kathleen;Schleutker, Johanna;Tammela, Teuvo L.J.;Rathinakannan, Venkat;Sipeky, Csilla;Wiklund, Fredrik;Grönberg, Henrik;Aly, Markus;Isaacs, William B.;Dickinson, Jo L.;FitzGerald, Liesel M.;Chua, Melvin L.K.;Nguyen-Dumont, Tu;Schaid, Daniel J.;Southey, Melissa C.;Eeles, Rosalind A.;Kote-Jarai, Zsofia; Rare Germline Variants in ATM Predispose to Prostate Cancer: A PRACTICAL Consortium Study
Gafita, Andrei;Calais, Jeremie;Grogan, Tristan R;Hadaschik, Boris;Wang, Hui;Weber, Manuel;Sandhu, Shahneen;Kratochwil, Clemens;Esfandiari, Rouzbeh;Tauber, Robert;Zeldin, Anna;Rathke, Hendrik;Armstrong, Wesley R;Robertson, Andrew;Thin, Pan;D'Alessandria, Calogero;Rettig, Matthew B;Delpassand, Ebrahim S;Haberkorn, Uwe;Elashoff, David;Herrmann, Ken;Czernin, Johannes;Hofman, Michael S;Fendler, Wolfgang P;Eiber, Matthias; Nomograms to predict outcomes after 177Lu-PSMA therapy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: an international, multicentre, retrospective study
Fahmy, Ahmed Raouf;Amann, Laura Sophie;Dunkel, Andreas;Frank, Oliver;Dawid, Corinna;Hofmann, Thomas;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Sensory design in food 3D printing – Structuring, texture modulation, taste localization, and thermal stabilization
Acar, Oguz A.;Dahl, Darren W.;Fuchs, Christoph;Schreier, Martin; The Signal Value of Crowdfunded Products
Steinberg, Julia;Southam, Lorraine;Fontalis, Andreas;Clark, Matthew J;Jayasuriya, Raveen L;Swift, Diane;Shah, Karan M;Brooks, Roger A;McCaskie, Andrew W;Wilkinson, Jeremy Mark;Zeggini, Eleftheria; Linking chondrocyte and synovial transcriptional profile to clinical phenotype in osteoarthritis
Hong, Danfeng;Hu, Jingliang;Yao, Jing;Chanussot, Jocelyn;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; Multimodal remote sensing benchmark datasets for land cover classification with a shared and specific feature learning model
Meiburger, Kristen M.;Zahnd, Guillaume;Faita, Francesco;Loizou, Christos P.;Carvalho, Catarina;Steinman, David A.;Gibello, Lorenzo;Bruno, Rosa Maria;Marzola, Francesco;Clarenbach, Ricarda;Francesconi, Martina;Nicolaides, Andrew N.;Campilho, Aurelio;Ghotbi, Reza;Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos;Navab, Nassir;Griffin, Maura;Panayiotou, Andrie G.;Gherardini, Rachele;Varetto, Gianfranco;Bianchini, Elisabetta;Pattichis, Constantinos S.;Ghiadoni, Lorenzo;Rouco, José;Molinari, Filippo; Carotid Ultrasound Boundary Study (CUBS): An Open Multicenter Analysis of Computerized Intima–Media Thickness Measurement Systems and Their Clinical Impact
Wilkes, Gabriel;Engelhardt, Roman;Briem, Lars;Dandl, Florian;Vortisch, Peter;Bogenberger, Klaus;Kagerbauer, Martin; Self-Regulating Demand and Supply Equilibrium in Joint Simulation of Travel Demand and a Ride-Pooling Service
Kiessling, Aleksandr;Fornaciari, Julie C.;Anderson, Grace;Peng, Xiong;Gerstmayr, Andreas;Gerhardt, Michael R.;McKinney, Samuel;Serov, Alexey;Kim, Yu Seung;Zulevi, Barr;Weber, Adam Z.;Danilovic, Nemanja; Influence of Supporting Electrolyte on Hydroxide Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Performance: Anolyte
Baumgartner, Christian;Schaub, Michael P.;Wenger, Andreas;Malischnig, Doris;Augsburger, Mareike;Lehr, Dirk;Blankers, Matthijs;Ebert, David D.;Haug, Severin; “Take Care of You” – Efficacy of integrated, minimal-guidance, internet-based self-help for reducing co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression symptoms in adults: Results of a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Dach, Rolf;Selmke, Inga;Villiger, Arturo;Arnold, Daniel;Prange, Lars;Schaer, Stefan;Sidorov, Dmitry;Stebler, Pascal;Jäggi, Adrian;Hugentobler, Urs; Review of Recent GNSS Modelling Improvements Based on CODEs Repro3 Contribution
Gläser, Peter;Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena Karolin;Spaccasassi, Andrea;Hofmann, Thomas;Dawid, Corinna; Quantification and Bitter Taste Contribution of Lipids and Their Oxidation Products in Pea-Protein Isolates (Pisum sativum L.)
Thakur, Kiran T.;Tamborska, Arina;Wood, Greta K.;McNeill, Emily;Roh, David;Akpan, Imo J.;Miller, Eliza C.;Bautista, Alyssa;Claassen, Jan;Kim, Carla Y.;Guekht, Alla;Pardo, Carlos A.;Williams, Olajide;García-Azorín, David;Prasad, Kameshwar;Schmutzhard, Erich;Michael, Benedict D.;Chou, Sherry H.-Y.;Winkler, Andrea S.;Solomon, Tom;Elkind, Mitchell S.; Clinical review of cerebral venous thrombosis in the context of COVID-19 vaccinations: Evaluation, management, and scientific questions
Nisar, N. K.;Savinov, V.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dubey, S.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Frey, A.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mohanty, S.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Simon, F.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vossen, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for the decay Bs0→η′η
Alexeev, G. D.;Alexeev, M. G.;Amoroso, A.;Andrieux, V.;Anosov, V.;Antoshkin, A.;Augsten, K.;Augustyniak, W.;Azevedo, C. D. R.;Badełek, B.;Balestra, F.;Ball, M.;Barth, J.;Beck, R.;Bedfer, Y.;Berenguer Antequera, J.;Bernhard, J.;Bodlak, M.;Bradamante, F.;Bressan, A.;Burtsev, V. E.;Chang, W.-C.;Chatterjee, C.;Chiosso, M.;Chumakov, A. G.;Chung, S.-U.;Cicuttin, A.;Correia, P. M. M.;Crespo, M. L.;D’Ago, D.;Dalla Torre, S.;Dasgupta, S. S.;Dasgupta, S.;Denisenko, I.;Denisov, O. Yu.;Donskov, S. V.;Doshita, N.;Dreisbach, Ch.;Dünnweber, W.;Dusaev, R. R.;Efremov, A.;Eversheim, P. D.;Faccioli, P.;Faessler, M.;Finger, M.;Finger, M.;Fischer, H.;Franco, C.;Friedrich, J. M.;Frolov, V.;Gautheron, F.;Gavrichtchouk, O. P.;Gerassimov, S.;Giarra, J.;Gnesi, I.;Gorzellik, M.;Grasso, A.;Gridin, A.;Grosse Perdekamp, M.;Grube, B.;Guskov, A.;von Harrach, D.;Heitz, R.;Herrmann, F.;Horikawa, N.;d’Hose, N.;Hsieh, C.-Y.;Huber, S.;Ishimoto, S.;Ivanov, A.;Iwata, T.;Jandek, M.;Jary, V.;Joosten, R.;Jörg, P.;Kabuß, E.;Kaspar, F.;Kerbizi, A.;Ketzer, B.;Khaustov, G. V.;Khokhlov, Yu. A.;Kisselev, Yu.;Klein, F.;Koivuniemi, J. H.;Kolosov, V. N.;Kondo Horikawa, K.;Konorov, I.;Konstantinov, V. F.;Kotzinian, A. M.;Kouznetsov, O. M.;Koval, A.;Kral, Z.;Krinner, F.;Kulinich, Y.;Kunne, F.;Kurek, K.;Kurjata, R. P.;Kveton, A.;Lavickova, K.;Levorato, S.;Lian, Y.-S.;Lichtenstadt, J.;Lin, P.-J.;Longo, R.;Lyubovitskij, V. E.;Maggiora, A.;Magnon, A.;Makins, N.;Makke, N.;Mallot, G. K.;Maltsev, A.;Mamon, S. A.;Marianski, B.;Martin, A.;Marzec, J.;Matoušek, J.;Matsuda, T.;Mattson, G.;Meshcheryakov, G. V.;Meyer, M.;Meyer, W.;Mikhailov, Yu. V.;Mikhasenko, M.;Mitrofanov, E.;Mitrofanov, N.;Miyachi, Y.;Moretti, A.;Nagaytsev, A.;Naim, C.;Neyret, D.;Nový, J.;Nowak, W.-D.;Nukazuka, G.;Nunes, A. S.;Olshevsky, A. G.;Ostrick, M.;Panzieri, D.;Parsamyan, B.;Paul, S.;Pekeler, H.;Peng, J.-C.;Pešek, M.;Peshekhonov, D. V.;Pešková, M.;Pierre, N.;Platchkov, S.;Pochodzalla, J.;Polyakov, V. A.;Pretz, J.;Quaresma, M.;Quintans, C.;Reicherz, G.;Riedl, C.;Rudnicki, T.;Ryabchikov, D. I.;Rybnikov, A.;Rychter, A.;Samoylenko, V. D.;Sandacz, A.;Sarkar, S.;Savin, I. A.;Sbrizzai, G.;Schmieden, H.;Selyunin, A.;Sinha, L.;Slunecka, M.;Smolik, J.;Srnka, A.;Steffen, D.;Stolarski, M.;Subrt, O.;Sulc, M.;Suzuki, H.;Sznajder, P.;Tessaro, S.;Tessarotto, F.;Thiel, A.;Tomsa, J.;Tosello, F.;Townsend, A.;Tskhay, V.;Uhl, S.;Vasilishin, B. I.;Vauth, A.;Veit, B. M.;Veloso, J.;Ventura, B.;Vidon, A.;Virius, M.;Wagner, M.;Wallner, S.;Zaremba, K.;Zavada, P.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zemko, M.;Zemlyanichkina, E.;Zhao, Y.;Ziembicki, M.; Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the a1(1420)
Berni, Francesca;Kalfopoulou, Ermioni;Gimeno Cardells, Ana M.;Carboni, Filippo;van der Es, Daan;Romero-Saavedra, Felipe;Laverde, Diana;Miklic, Karmela;Malic, Suzana;Rovis, Tihana L.;Jonjic, Stipan;Ali, Sara;Overkleeft, Herman S.;Hokke, Cornelis H.;van Diepen, Angela;Adamo, Roberto;Jiménez-Barbero, Jesús;van der Marel, Gijsbert A.;Huebner, Johannes;Codée, Jeroen D. C.; Epitope Recognition of a Monoclonal Antibody Raised against a Synthetic Glycerol Phosphate Based Teichoic Acid
Fragasso, Alessio;De Franceschi, Nicola;Stömmer, Pierre;van der Sluis, Eli O.;Dietz, Hendrik;Dekker, Cees; Reconstitution of Ultrawide DNA Origami Pores in Liposomes for Transmembrane Transport of Macromolecules
van der Weijden, Vera A.;Bick, Jochen T.;Bauersachs, Stefan;Rüegg, Anna B.;Hildebrandt, Thomas B.;Goeritz, Frank;Jewgenow, Katarina;Giesbertz, Pieter;Daniel, Hannelore;Derisoud, Emilie;Chavatte-Palmer, Pascale;Bruckmaier, Rupert M.;Drews, Barbara;Ulbrich, Susanne E.; Amino acids activate mTORC1 to release roe deer embryos from decelerated proliferation during diapause
Zuo, Fangda;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Ho, Tsung-Yi;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Relative-Scheduling-Based High-Level Synthesis for Flow-Based Microfluidic Biochips
Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Lian, Meng;Li, Mengchu;Rinklin, Philipp;Grob, Leroy;Wolfrum, Bernhard;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Manufacturing Cycle-Time Optimization Using Gaussian Drying Model for Inkjet-Printed Electronics
Zheng, Zhidan;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; ToPro: A Topology Projector and Waveguide Router for Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip
Xiao, Moyuan;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; FAST: A Fast Automatic Sweeping Topology Customization Method for Application-Specific Wavelength-Routed Optical NoCs
Zheng, Zhidan;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Light: A Scalable and Efficient Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-On-Chip Topology
J. Jiao;H.J. van Waarde;H.L. Trentelman M.K. Camlibel;S. Hirche; Data-driven output synchronization of heterogeneous leader-follower multi-agent systems
Kochdumper, Niklas;Gassert, Philipp;Althoff, Matthias; Verification of Collision Avoidance for CommonRoad Traffic Scenarios
Tyranowski, Tomasz M.; Stochastic variational principles for the collisional Vlasov–Maxwell and Vlasov–Poisson equations
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Anguelov, V.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Berenyi, D.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lee, J.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mengke, C.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Sheikh, A. I.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F. D.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Multiharmonic Correlations of Different Flow Amplitudes in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=2.76  TeV
Alonso-Álvarez, Gonzalo;Elor, Gilly;Escudero, Miguel; Collider signals of baryogenesis and dark matter from B mesons: A roadmap to discovery
Rehpenn, Andreas;Walter, Alexandra;Storch, Golo; Molecular Editing of Flavins for Catalysis
Pérez-Martínez, Ricardo;Ramos-Sánchez, Saúl;Vaudrevange, Patrick K. S.; Landscape of promising nonsupersymmetric string models
Galles, Natalie C;Liu, Patrick Y;Updike, Rachel L;Fullman, Nancy;Nguyen, Jason;Rolfe, Sam;Sbarra, Alyssa N;Schipp, Megan F;Marks, Ashley;Abady, Gdiom Gebreheat;Abbas, Kaja M;Abbasi, Sumra Wajid;Abbastabar, Hedayat;Abd-Allah, Foad;Abdoli, Amir;Abolhassani, Hassan;Abosetugn, Akine Eshete;Adabi, Maryam;Adamu, Abdu A;Adetokunboh, Olatunji O;Adnani, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah;Advani, Shailesh M;Afzal, Saira;Aghamir, Seyed Mohammad Kazem;Ahinkorah, Bright Opoku;Ahmad, Sohail;Ahmad, Tauseef;Ahmadi, Sepideh;Ahmed, Haroon;Ahmed, Muktar Beshir;Ahmed Rashid, Tarik;Ahmed Salih, Yusra;Akalu, Yonas;Aklilu, Addis;Akunna, Chisom Joyqueenet;Al Hamad, Hanadi;Alahdab, Fares;Albano, Luciana;Alemayehu, Yosef;Alene, Kefyalew Addis;Al-Eyadhy, Ayman;Alhassan, Robert Kaba;Ali, Liaqat;Aljunid, Syed Mohamed;Almustanyir, Sami;Altirkawi, Khalid A;Alvis-Guzman, Nelson;Amu, Hubert;Andrei, Catalina Liliana;Andrei, Tudorel;Ansar, Adnan;Ansari-Moghaddam, Alireza;Antonazzo, Ippazio Cosimo;Antony, Benny;Arabloo, Jalal;Arab-Zozani, Morteza;Artanti, Kurnia Dwi;Arulappan, Judie;Awan, Asma Tahir;Awoke, Mamaru Ayenew;Ayza, Muluken Altaye;Azarian, Ghasem;Azzam, Ahmed Y;B, Darshan B;Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din;Balakrishnan, Senthilkumar;Banach, Maciej;Bante, Simachew Animen;Bärnighausen, Till Winfried;Barqawi, Hiba Jawdat;Barrow, Amadou;Bassat, Quique;Bayarmagnai, Narantuya;Bejarano Ramirez, Diana Fernanda;Bekuma, Tariku Tesfaye;Belay, Habtamu Gebrehana;Belgaumi, Uzma Iqbal;Bhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth;Bhandari, Dinesh;Bhardwaj, Nikha;Bhardwaj, Pankaj;Bhaskar, Sonu;Bhattacharyya, Krittika;Bibi, Sadia;Bijani, Ali;Biondi, Antonio;Boloor, Archith;Braithwaite, Dejana;Buonsenso, Danilo;Butt, Zahid A;Camargos, Paulo;Carreras, Giulia;Carvalho, Felix;Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A;Chakinala, Raja Chandra;Charan, Jaykaran;Chatterjee, Souranshu;Chattu, Soosanna Kumary;Chattu, Vijay Kumar;Chowdhury, Fazle Rabbi;Christopher, Devasahayam J;Chu, Dinh-Toi;Chung, Sheng-Chia;Cortesi, Paolo Angelo;Costa, Vera Marisa;Couto, Rosa A S;Dadras, Omid;Dagnew, Amare Belachew;Dagnew, Baye;Dai, Xiaochen;Dandona, Lalit;Dandona, Rakhi;De Neve, Jan-Walter;Derbew Molla, Meseret;Derseh, Behailu Tariku;Desai, Rupak;Desta, Abebaw Alemayehu;Dhamnetiya, Deepak;Dhimal, Mandira Lamichhane;Dhimal, Meghnath;Dianatinasab, Mostafa;Diaz, Daniel;Djalalinia, Shirin;Dorostkar, Fariba;Edem, Bassey;Edinur, Hisham Atan;Eftekharzadeh, Sahar;El Sayed, Iman;El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa;Elhadi, Muhammed;El-Jaafary, Shaimaa I;Elsharkawy, Aisha;Enany, Shymaa;Erkhembayar, Ryenchindorj;Esezobor, Christopher Imokhuede;Eskandarieh, Sharareh;Ezeonwumelu, Ifeanyi Jude;Ezzikouri, Sayeh;Fares, Jawad;Faris, Pawan Sirwan;Feleke, Berhanu Elfu;Ferede, Tomas Y;Fernandes, Eduarda;Fernandes, João C;Ferrara, Pietro;Filip, Irina;Fischer, Florian;Francis, Mark Rohit;Fukumoto, Takeshi;Gad, Mohamed M;Gaidhane, Shilpa;Gallus, Silvano;Garg, Tushar;Geberemariyam, Biniyam Sahiledengle;Gebre, Teshome;Gebregiorgis, Birhan Gebresillassie;Gebremedhin, Ketema Bizuwork;Gebremichael, Berhe;Gessner, Bradford D;Ghadiri, Keyghobad;Ghafourifard, Mansour;Ghashghaee, Ahmad;Gilani, Syed Amir;Glăvan, Ionela-Roxana;Glushkova, Ekaterina Vladimirovna;Golechha, Mahaveer;Gonfa, Kebebe Bekele;Gopalani, Sameer Vali;Goudarzi, Houman;Gubari, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohialdeen;Guo, Yuming;Gupta, Veer Bala;Gupta, Vivek Kumar;Gutiérrez, Reyna Alma;Haeuser, Emily;Halwani, Rabih;Hamidi, Samer;Hanif, Asif;Haque, Shafiul;Harapan, Harapan;Hargono, Arief;Hashi, Abdiwahab;Hassan, Shoaib;Hassanein, Mohamed H;Hassanipour, Soheil;Hassankhani, Hadi;Hay, Simon I;Hayat, Khezar;Hegazy, Mohamed I;Heidari, Golnaz;Hezam, Kamal;Holla, Ramesh;Hoque, Mohammad Enamul;Hosseini, Mostafa;Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi;Hostiuc, Mihaela;Househ, Mowafa;Hsieh, Vivian Chia-rong;Huang, Junjie;Humayun, Ayesha;Hussain, Rabia;Hussein, Nawfal R;Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel;Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen;Ilic, Irena M;Ilic, Milena D;Inamdar, Sumant;Iqbal, Usman;Irham, Lalu Muhammad;Irvani, Seyed Sina Naghibi;Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful;Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah;Itumalla, Ramaiah;Jha, Ravi Prakash;Joukar, Farahnaz;Kabir, Ali;Kabir, Zubair;Kalhor, Rohollah;Kamal, Zul;Kamande, Stanley M;Kandel, Himal;Karch, André;Kassahun, Getinet;Kassebaum, Nicholas J;Katoto, Patrick DMC;Kelkay, Bayew;Kengne, Andre Pascal;Khader, Yousef Saleh;Khajuria, Himanshu;Khalil, Ibrahim A;Khan, Ejaz Ahmad;Khan, Gulfaraz;Khan, Junaid;Khan, Maseer;Khan, Moien AB;Khang, Young-Ho;Khoja, Abdullah T;Khubchandani, Jagdish;Kim, Gyu Ri;Kim, Min Seo;Kim, Yun Jin;Kimokoti, Ruth W;Kisa, Adnan;Kisa, Sezer;Korshunov, Vladimir Andreevich;Kosen, Soewarta;Kuate Defo, Barthelemy;Kulkarni, Vaman;Kumar, Avinash;Kumar, G Anil;Kumar, Nithin;Kwarteng, Alexander;La Vecchia, Carlo;Lami, Faris Hasan;Landires, Iván;Lasrado, Savita;Lassi, Zohra S;Lee, Hankil;Lee, Yeong Yeh;Levi, Miriam;Lewycka, Sonia;Li, Shanshan;Liu, Xuefeng;Lobo, Stany W;Lopukhov, Platon D;Lozano, Rafael;Lutzky Saute, Ricardo;Magdy Abd El Razek, Muhammed;Makki, Alaa;Malik, Ahmad Azam;Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz;Mansournia, Mohammad Ali;Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni;Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio;Matthews, Philippa C;Medina, John Robert Carabeo;Mendoza, Walter;Menezes, Ritesh G;Mengesha, Endalkachew Worku;Meretoja, Tuomo J;Mersha, Amanual Getnet;Mesregah, Mohamed Kamal;Mestrovic, Tomislav;Miazgowski, Bartosz;Milne, George J;Mirica, Andreea;Mirrakhimov, Erkin M;Mirzaei, Hamid Reza;Misra, Sanjeev;Mithra, Prasanna;Moghadaszadeh, Masoud;Mohamed, Teroj Abdulrahman;Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin;Mohammad, Yousef;Mohammadi, Mokhtar;Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah;Mohammed, Arif;Mohammed, Shafiu;Mohapatra, Archisman;Mokdad, Ali H;Molokhia, Mariam;Monasta, Lorenzo;Moni, Mohammad Ali;Montasir, Ahmed Al;Moore, Catrin E;Moradi, Ghobad;Moradzadeh, Rahmatollah;Moraga, Paula;Mueller, Ulrich Otto;Munro, Sandra B;Naghavi, Mohsen;Naimzada, Mukhammad David;Naveed, Muhammad;Nayak, Biswa Prakash;Negoi, Ionut;Neupane Kandel, Sandhya;Nguyen, Trang Huyen;Nikbakhsh, Rajan;Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini;Nixon, Molly R;Nnaji, Chukwudi A;Noubiap, Jean Jacques;Nuñez-Samudio, Virginia;Nwatah, Vincent Ebuka;Oancea, Bogdan;Ochir, Chimedsuren;Ogbo, Felix Akpojene;Olagunju, Andrew T;Olakunde, Babayemi Oluwaseun;Onwujekwe, Obinna E;Otstavnov, Nikita;Otstavnov, Stanislav S;Owolabi, Mayowa O;Padubidri, Jagadish Rao;Pakshir, Keyvan;Park, Eun-Cheol;Pashazadeh Kan, Fatemeh;Pathak, Mona;Paudel, Rajan;Pawar, Shrikant;Pereira, Jeevan;Peres, Mario F P;Perianayagam, Arokiasamy;Pinheiro, Marina;Pirestani, Majid;Podder, Vivek;Polibin, Roman V;Pollok, Richard Charles G;Postma, Maarten J;Pottoo, Faheem Hyder;Rabiee, Mohammad;Rabiee, Navid;Radfar, Amir;Rafiei, Alireza;Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa;Rahman, Mosiur;Rahmani, Amir Masoud;Rahmawaty, Setyaningrum;Rajesh, Aashish;Ramshaw, Rebecca E;Ranasinghe, Priyanga;Rao, Chythra R;Rao, Sowmya J;Rathi, Priya;Rawaf, David Laith;Rawaf, Salman;Renzaho, Andre M N;Rezaei, Negar;Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh;Rios-Blancas, Maria;Rogowski, Emma L B;Ronfani, Luca;Rwegerera, Godfrey M;Saad, Anas M;Sabour, Siamak;Saddik, Basema;Saeb, Mohammad Reza;Saeed, Umar;Sahebkar, Amirhossein;Sahraian, Mohammad Ali;Salam, Nasir;Salimzadeh, Hamideh;Samaei, Mehrnoosh;Samy, Abdallah M;Sanabria, Juan;Sanmarchi, Francesco;Santric-Milicevic, Milena M;Sartorius, Benn;Sarveazad, Arash;Sathian, Brijesh;Sawhney, Monika;Saxena, Deepak;Saxena, Sonia;Seidu, Abdul-Aziz;Seylani, Allen;Shaikh, Masood Ali;Shamsizadeh, Morteza;Shetty, Pavanchand H;Shigematsu, Mika;Shin, Jae Il;Sidemo, Negussie Boti;Singh, Ambrish;Singh, Jasvinder A;Sinha, Smriti;Skryabin, Valentin Yurievich;Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna;Soheili, Amin;Tadesse, Eyayou Girma;Tamiru, Animut Tagele;Tan, Ker-Kan;Tekalegn, Yohannes;Temsah, Mohamad-Hani;Thakur, Bhaskar;Thapar, Rekha;Thavamani, Aravind;Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan;Tohidinik, Hamid Reza;Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto;Traini, Eugenio;Tran, Bach Xuan;Tripathi, Manjari;Tsegaye, Berhan;Tsegaye, Gebiyaw Wudie;Ullah, Anayat;Ullah, Saif;Ullah, Sana;Unim, Brigid;Vacante, Marco;Velazquez, Diana Zuleika;Vo, Bay;Vollmer, Sebastian;Vu, Giang Thu;Vu, Linh Gia;Waheed, Yasir;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Wiysonge, Charles Shey;Yiğit, Vahit;Yirdaw, Birhanu Wubale;Yon, Dong Keon;Yonemoto, Naohiro;Yu, Chuanhua;Yuce, Deniz;Yunusa, Ismaeel;Zamani, Mohammad;Zamanian, Maryam;Zewdie, Dejene Tesfaye;Zhang, Zhi-Jiang;Zhong, Chenwen;Zumla, Alimuddin;Murray, Christopher J L;Lim, Stephen S;Mosser, Jonathan F; Measuring routine childhood vaccination coverage in 204 countries and territories, 1980–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2020, Release 1
Compera, Nina;Atwell, Scott;Wirth, Johannes;Wolfrum, Bernhard;Meier, Matthias; Upscaling of pneumatic membrane valves for the integration of 3D cell cultures on chip
Kellerer, Christina;Kahnert, Kathrin;Trudzinski, Franziska C.;Lutter, Johanna;Berschneider, Korbinian;Speicher, Tim;Watz, Henrik;Bals, Robert;Welte, Tobias;Vogelmeier, Claus F.;Jörres, Rudolf A.;Alter, Peter; COPD maintenance medication is linked to left atrial size: Results from the COSYCONET cohort
Jaksch, Sebastian;Pipich, Vitaliy;Frielinghaus, Henrich; Multiple scattering and resolution effects in small-angle neutron scattering experiments calculated and corrected by the software package MuScatt
Svilenov, Hristo L.;Sacherl, Julia;Reiter, Alwin;Wolff, Lisa S.;Cheng, Cho-Chin;Stern, Marcel;Grass, Vincent;Feuerherd, Martin;Wachs, Frank-Peter;Simonavicius, Nicole;Pippig, Susanne;Wolschin, Florian;Keppler, Oliver T.;Buchner, Johannes;Brockmeyer, Carsten;Protzer, Ulrike; Picomolar inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern by an engineered ACE2-IgG4-Fc fusion protein
Heinen, Robin; A spotlight on the phytobiome: Plant-mediated interactions in an illuminated world
Falcomatà, Chiara;Bärthel, Stefanie;Ulrich, Angelika;Diersch, Sandra;Veltkamp, Christian;Rad, Lena;Boniolo, Fabio;Solar, Myriam;Steiger, Katja;Seidler, Barbara;Zukowska, Magdalena;Madej, Joanna;Wang, Mingsong;Öllinger, Rupert;Maresch, Roman;Barenboim, Maxim;Eser, Stefan;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus;Mehrabi, Arianeb;Roessler, Stephanie;Goeppert, Benjamin;Kind, Alexander;Schnieke, Angelika;Robles, Maria S.;Bradley, Allan;Schmid, Roland M.;Schmidt-Supprian, Marc;Reichert, Maximilian;Weichert, Wilko;Sansom, Owen J.;Morton, Jennifer P.;Rad, Roland;Schneider, Günter;Saur, Dieter; Genetic Screens Identify a Context-Specific PI3K/p27Kip1 Node Driving Extrahepatic Biliary Cancer
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Ocker, Felix;Scheuer, Tobias; An approach for leveraging Digital Twins in agent-based production systems
Kalman, Janos L.;Olde Loohuis, Loes M.;Vreeker, Annabel;McQuillin, Andrew;Stahl, Eli A.;Ruderfer, Douglas;Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria;Panagiotaropoulou, Georgia;Ripke, Stephan;Bigdeli, Tim B.;Stein, Frederike;Meller, Tina;Meinert, Susanne;Pelin, Helena;Streit, Fabian;Papiol, Sergi;Adams, Mark J.;Adolfsson, Rolf;Adorjan, Kristina;Agartz, Ingrid;Aminoff, Sofie R.;Anderson-Schmidt, Heike;Andreassen, Ole A.;Ardau, Raffaella;Aubry, Jean-Michel;Balaban, Ceylan;Bass, Nicholas;Baune, Bernhard T.;Bellivier, Frank;Benabarre, Antoni;Bengesser, Susanne;Berrettini, Wade H;Boks, Marco P.;Bromet, Evelyn J.;Brosch, Katharina;Budde, Monika;Byerley, William;Cervantes, Pablo;Chillotti, Catina;Cichon, Sven;Clark, Scott R.;Comes, Ashley L.;Corvin, Aiden;Coryell, William;Craddock, Nick;Craig, David W.;Croarkin, Paul E.;Cruceanu, Cristiana;Czerski, Piotr M.;Dalkner, Nina;Dannlowski, Udo;Degenhardt, Franziska;Del Zompo, Maria;DePaulo, J. Raymond;Djurovic, Srdjan;Edenberg, Howard J.;Eissa, Mariam Al;Elvsåshagen, Torbjørn;Etain, Bruno;Fanous, Ayman H.;Fellendorf, Frederike;Fiorentino, Alessia;Forstner, Andreas J.;Frye, Mark A.;Fullerton, Janice M.;Gade, Katrin;Garnham, Julie;Gershon, Elliot;Gill, Michael;Goes, Fernando S.;Gordon-Smith, Katherine;Grof, Paul;Guzman-Parra, Jose;Hahn, Tim;Hasler, Roland;Heilbronner, Maria;Heilbronner, Urs;Jamain, Stephane;Jimenez, Esther;Jones, Ian;Jones, Lisa;Jonsson, Lina;Kahn, Rene S.;Kelsoe, John R.;Kennedy, James L.;Kircher, Tilo;Kirov, George;Kittel-Schneider, Sarah;Klöhn-Saghatolislam, Farah;Knowles, James A.;Kranz, Thorsten M.;Lagerberg, Trine Vik;Landen, Mikael;Lawson, William B.;Leboyer, Marion;Li, Qingqin S.;Maj, Mario;Malaspina, Dolores;Manchia, Mirko;Mayoral, Fermin;McElroy, Susan L.;McInnis, Melvin G.;McIntosh, Andrew M.;Medeiros, Helena;Melle, Ingrid;Milanova, Vihra;Mitchell, Philip B.;Monteleone, Palmiero;Monteleone, Alessio Maria;Nöthen, Markus M.;Novak, Tomas;Nurnberger, John I.;O'Brien, Niamh;O'Connell, Kevin S.;O'Donovan, Claire;O'Donovan, Michael C.;Opel, Nils;Ortiz, Abigail;Owen, Michael J.;Pålsson, Erik;Pato, Carlos;Pato, Michele T.;Pawlak, Joanna;Pfarr, Julia-Katharina;Pisanu, Claudia;Potash, James B.;Rapaport, Mark H;Reich-Erkelenz, Daniela;Reif, Andreas;Reininghaus, Eva;Repple, Jonathan;Richard-Lepouriel, Hélène;Rietschel, Marcella;Ringwald, Kai;Roberts, Gloria;Rouleau, Guy;Schaupp, Sabrina;Scheftner, William A;Schmitt, Simon;Schofield, Peter R.;Schubert, K. Oliver;Schulte, Eva C.;Schweizer, Barbara;Senner, Fanny;Severino, Giovanni;Sharp, Sally;Slaney, Claire;Smeland, Olav B.;Sobell, Janet L.;Squassina, Alessio;Stopkova, Pavla;Strauss, John;Tortorella, Alfonso;Turecki, Gustavo;Twarowska-Hauser, Joanna;Veldic, Marin;Vieta, Eduard;Vincent, John B.;Xu, Wei;Zai, Clement C.;Zandi, Peter P.;Di Florio, Arianna;Smoller, Jordan W.;Biernacka, Joanna M.;McMahon, Francis J.;Alda, Martin;Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;Koutsouleris, Nikolaos;Falkai, Peter;Freimer, Nelson B.;Andlauer, Till F.M.;Schulze, Thomas G.;Ophoff, Roel A.;;;; Characterisation of age and polarity at onset in bipolar disorder
Yang, Weijie;Meng, Wenjun;Dai, Xiaobing;Yin, Zhenxiao;Yao, Fenglin;Yuan, Yuan; Continuous medium hypothesis-based study on the screw flight wear model and wear regularity in a screw ship unloader
May, Elisabeth S.;Gil Ávila, Cristina;Ta Dinh, Son;Heitmann, Henrik;Hohn, Vanessa D.;Nickel, Moritz M.;Tiemann, Laura;Tölle, Thomas R.;Ploner, Markus; Dynamics of brain function in patients with chronic pain assessed by microstate analysis of resting-state electroencephalography
Wilkes-Allemann, Jerylee;Deuffic, Philippe;Jandl, Robert;Westin, Kerstin;Lieberherr, Eva;Foldal, Cecilie;Lidestav, Gun;Weiss, Gerhard;Zabel, Astrid;Živojinović, Ivana;Pecurul-Botines, Mireia;Koller, Nancy;Haltia, Emmi;Sarvašová, Zuzana;Sarvaš, Milan;Curman, Marta;Riedl, Marcel;Jarský, Vilém; Communication campaigns to engage (non-traditional) forest owners: A European perspective
Dhard, C P;Brezinsek, S;Mayer, M;Naujoks, D;Masuzaki, S;Zhao, D;Yi, R;Oelmann, J;Schmid, K;Romazanov, J;Pardanaud, C;Kandler, M;Kharwandikar, A K;Schlisio, G;Volzke, O;Grote, H;Gao, Y;Rudischhauser, L;Goriaev, A;Wauters, T;Kirschner, A;Sereda, S;Wang, E;Rasinski, M;Dittmar, T;Motojima, G;Hwangbo, D;Kajita, S;Balden, M;Burwitz, V V;Neu, R;Linsmeier, Ch;W7-X Team, the; Plasma-wall interaction studies in W7-X: main results from the recent divertor operations
Jongen, Renske;Hannula, S. Emilia;De Long, Jonathan R.;Heinen, Robin;Huberty, Martine;Steinauer, Katja;Bezemer, T. Martijn; Plant community legacy effects on nutrient cycling, fungal decomposer communities and decomposition in a temperate grassland
Löwe, Roland;Böhm, Julian;Jensen, David Getreuer;Leandro, Jorge;Rasmussen, Søren Højmark; U-FLOOD – Topographic deep learning for predicting urban pluvial flood water depth
Kroeger, Carolin;Kumar, Shuba;Mohanraj, Rani;Kundem, Sripriya;Bärnighausen, Kate;Sudharsanan, Nikkil; Understanding low mobilization for non-communicable diseases among people living with NCDs: A qualitative study on hypertension in urban South India
Ho, Sarah;Tian, Lu;Disse, Markus;Tuo, Ye; A new approach to quantify propagation time from meteorological to hydrological drought
Fischer, Richard;Tamayo Cordero, Fabian;Ojeda Luna, Tatiana;Ferrer Velasco, Rubén;DeDecker, Maria;Torres, Bolier;Giessen, Lukas;Günter, Sven; Interplay of governance elements and their effects on deforestation in tropical landscapes: Quantitative insights from Ecuador
Bourdin, David;Halkias, Georgios;Makri, Katerina; The compensatory influences of country stereotypes and the global/local nature of brands: An extended framework
de la Rosa, Ezequiel;Sima, Diana M.;Menze, Bjoern;Kirschke, Jan S.;Robben, David; AIFNet: Automatic vascular function estimation for perfusion analysis using deep learning
Abramov, Aleksej;Hoffmann, Thomas;Stark, Timo D.;Zheng, Linlin;Lenk, Stefan;Hammerl, Richard;Lanzl, Tobias;Dawid, Corinna;Schön, Chris-Carolin;Schwab, Wilfried;Gierl, Alfons;Frey, Monika; Engineering of benzoxazinoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana: Metabolic and physiological challenges
Wylezich, Claudia;Schaller, Tina;Claus, Rainer;Hirschbühl, Klaus;Märkl, Bruno;Kling, Elisabeth;Spring, Oliver;Höper, Dirk;Schlegel, Jürgen;Beer, Martin;Dintner, Sebastian; Whole-genome analysis of SARS-CoV-2 samples indicate no tissue specific genetic adaptation of the virus in COVID-19 patients’ upper and lower respiratory tract
Köninger, Julia;Lugato, Emanuele;Panagos, Panos;Kochupillai, Mrinalini;Orgiazzi, Alberto;Briones, Maria J.I.; Manure management and soil biodiversity: Towards more sustainable food systems in the EU
Addis, Bill; Physical Models and Innovation in Architectural and Civil Engineering
Fladerer, Martin P.;Kugler, Sonja;Kunze, Louisa G.; An Exploration of Co-Workers’ Group Identification as Moderator of the Leadership-Health Link
Munoz, Camila;Ellis, Sam;Nekolla, Stephan G.;Kunze, Karl P.;Vitadello, Teresa;Neji, Radhouene;Botnar, Rene M.;Schnabel, Julia A.;Reader, Andrew J.;Prieto, Claudia; MRI-Guided Motion-Corrected PET Image Reconstruction for Cardiac PET/MRI
Hoelle, S.;Scharner, S.;Asanin, S.;Hinrichsen, O.; Analysis on Thermal Runaway Behavior of Prismatic Lithium-Ion Batteries with Autoclave Calorimetry
Friedrich, Franziska;Pieper, Susanne;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Entropy Measurements of Li-Ion Battery Cells with Li- and Mn-Rich Layered Transition Metal Oxides via Linear Temperature Variation
Schmid, Christian;Brockhoff, Anne;Shoshan-Galeczki, Yaron Ben;Kranz, Maximilian;Stark, Timo D.;Erkaya, Rukiye;Meyerhof, Wolfgang;Niv, Masha Y.;Dawid, Corinna;Hofmann, Thomas; Comprehensive structure-activity-relationship studies of sensory active compounds in licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Sonner, Maximilian M;Gnedel, Maximilian;Berlin, Johannes C;Rudolph, Daniel;Koblmüller, Gregor;Krenner, Hubert J; Sub-nanosecond acousto-electric carrier redistribution dynamics and transport in polytypic GaAs nanowires
Lobert, Felix;Holtgrave, Ann-Kathrin;Schwieder, Marcel;Pause, Marion;Vogt, Juliane;Gocht, Alexander;Erasmi, Stefan; Mowing event detection in permanent grasslands: Systematic evaluation of input features from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8 time series
Baur, Sebastian;Frank, Oliver;Hausladen, Hans;Hückelhoven, Ralph;Hofmann, Thomas;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Dawid, Corinna; Biosynthesis of α-solanine and α-chaconine in potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum L.) – A 13CO2 study
Peters, Verena Christina Tabea;Dunkel, Andreas;Frank, Oliver;McCormack, Brian;Dowd, Eric;Didzbalis, John;Dawid, Corinna;Hofmann, Thomas; A high throughput toolbox for comprehensive flavor compound mapping in mint
Asseng, S.;Palm, C. A.;Anderson, J. L.;Fresco, L.;Sanchez, P. A.;Asche, F.;Garlock, T. M.;Fanzo, J.;Smith, M. D.;Knapp, G.;Jarvis, A.;Adesogan, A.;Capua, I.;Hoogenboom, G.;Despommier, D. D.;Conti, L.;Garrett, K. A.; Implications of new technologies for future food supply systems
Dershwitz, Philip;Bandow, Nathan L.;Yang, Junwon;Semrau, Jeremy D.;McEllistrem, Marcus T.;Heinze, Rafael A.;Fonseca, Matheus;Ledesma, Joshua C.;Jennett, Jacob R.;DiSpirito, Ana M.;Athwal, Navjot S.;Hargrove, Mark S.;Bobik, Thomas A.;Zischka, Hans;DiSpirito, Alan A.; Oxygen Generation via Water Splitting by a Novel Biogenic Metal Ion-Binding Compound
Cao, Yuanwei;Macián-Juan, Rafael; The wobbling motion of single and two inline bubbles rising in quiescent liquid
Sellner, Johann;Sitte, Harald H.;Rommer, Paulus S.; Targeting interleukin-6 to treat neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: Implications from immunology, the FcRn pathway and clinical experience
Alcock, Thomas D;Thomas, Catherine L;Ó Lochlainn, Seosamh;Pongrac, Paula;Wilson, Michael;Moore, Christopher;Reyt, Guilhem;Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina;Kelemen, Mitja;Hayden, Rory;Wilson, Lolita;Stephenson, Pauline;Østergaard, Lars;Irwin, Judith A;Hammond, John P;King, Graham J;Salt, David E;Graham, Neil S;White, Philip J;Broadley, Martin R; Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa
Toraño Caicoya, Astor;Pretzsch, Hans; Stand density biases the estimation of the site index especially on dry sites
Willinger, Lukas;Athwal, Kiron K.;Williams, Andy;Amis, Andrew A.; An Anterior Cruciate Ligament In Vitro Rupture Model Based on Clinical Imaging
Berthold, Daniel P.;Willinger, Lukas;LeVasseur, Matthew R.;Marrero, Daniel E.;Bell, Ryan;Muench, Lukas N.;Kane, Zenon;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Herbst, Elmar;Cote, Mark P.;Arciero, Robert A.;Edgar, Cory M.; High Rate of Initially Overlooked Kaplan Fiber Complex Injuries in Patients With Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Spykman, O.;Gabriel, A.;Ptacek, M.;Gandorfer, M.; Farmers’ perspectives on field crop robots – Evidence from Bavaria, Germany
Díaz-Caneja, CM;State, MW;Hagerman, RJ;Jacquemont, S;Marín, O;Bagni, C;Umbricht, D;Simonoff, E;de Andrés-Trelles, F;Kaale, A;Pandina, G;Gómez-Mancilla, B;Wang, PP;Cusak, J;Siafis, S;Leucht, S;Parellada, M;Loth, E;Charman, T;Buitelaar, JK;Murphy, D;Arango, C; A white paper on a neurodevelopmental framework for drug discovery in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders
Addo-Akoto, Reynolds;Han, Jong-Seob;Han, Jae-Hung; Roles of wing flexibility and kinematics in flapping wing aerodynamics
Wang, Yuanyuan;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; SAR Tomography via Nonlinear Blind Scatterer Separation
Goto, Shinya;Turpie, Alexander G.G.;Farjat, Alfredo E.;Weitz, Jeffrey I.;Haas, Sylvia;Ageno, Walter;Goldhaber, Samuel Z.;Angchaisuksiri, Pantep;Kayani, Gloria;MacCallum, Peter;Schellong, Sebastian;Bounameaux, Henri;Mantovani, Lorenzo G.;Prandoni, Paolo;Kakkar, Ajay K.; The influence of anemia on clinical outcomes in venous thromboembolism: Results from GARFIELD-VTE
Hong, Danfeng;Yokoya, Naoto;Chanussot, Jocelyn;Xu, Jian;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; Joint and Progressive Subspace Analysis (JPSA) With Spatial–Spectral Manifold Alignment for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction
Wing, Peter A.C.;Liu, Peter Jianrui;Harris, James M.;Magri, Andrea;Michler, Thomas;Zhuang, Xiaodong;Borrmann, Helene;Minisini, Rosalba;Frampton, Nicholas R.;Wettengel, Jochen M.;Mailly, Laurent;D’Arienzo, Valentina;Riedl, Tobias;Nobre, Luis;Weekes, Michael P.;Pirisi, Mario;Heikenwalder, Mathias;Baumert, Thomas F.;Hammond, Ester M.;Mole, David R.;Protzer, Ulrike;Balfe, Peter;McKeating, Jane A.; Hypoxia inducible factors regulate hepatitis B virus replication by activating the basal core promoter
Addazi, A;Anderson, K;Ansell, S;Babu, K S;Barrow, J L;Baxter, D V;Bentley, P M;Berezhiani, Z;Bevilacqua, R;Biondi, R;Bohm, C;Brooijmans, G;Broussard, L J;Cedercäll, J;Crawford, C;Dev, P S B;DiJulio, D D;Dolgov, A D;Dunne, K;Fierlinger, P;Fitzsimmons, M R;Fomin, A;Frost, M J;Gardiner, S;Gardner, S;Galindo-Uribarri, A;Geltenbort, P;Girmohanta, S;Golubev, P;Golubeva, E;Greene, G L;Greenshaw, T;Gudkov, V;Hall-Wilton, R;Heilbronn, L;Herrero-Garcia, J;Holley, A;Ichikawa, G;Ito, T M;Iverson, E;Johansson, T;Jönsson, L;Jwa, Y-J;Kamyshkov, Y;Kanaki, K;Kearns, E;Kokai, Z;Kerbikov, B;Kitaguchi, M;Kittelmann, T;Klinkby, E;Kobakhidze, A;Koerner, L W;Kopeliovich, B;Kozela, A;Kudryavtsev, V;Kupsc, A;Lee, Y T;Lindroos, M;Makkinje, J;Marquez, J I;Meirose, B;Miller, T M;Milstead, D;Mohapatra, R N;Morishima, T;Muhrer, G;Mumm, H P;Nagamoto, K;Nepomuceno, A;Nesti, F;Nesvizhevsky, V V;Nilsson, T;Oskarsson, A;Paryev, E;Pattie, R W, Jr;Penttil, S;Perrey, H;Pokotilovski, Y N;Potashnikovav, I;Ramic, K;Redding, C;Richard, J-M;Ries, D;Rinaldi, E;Rizzi, N;Rossi, N;Ruggles, A;Rybolt, B;Santoro, V;Sarkar, U;Saunders, A;Senjanovic, G;Serebrov, A P;Shimizu, H M;Shrock, R;Silverstein, S;Silvermyr, D;Snow, W M;Takibayev, A;Tkachev, I;Townsend, L;Tureanu, A;Varriano, L;Vainshtein, A;de Vries, J;Wagner, R;Woracek, R;Yamagata, Y;Yiu, S;Young, A R;Zanini, L;Zhang, Z;Zimmer, O; New high-sensitivity searches for neutrons converting into antineutrons and/or sterile neutrons at the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source
Griesinger, Frank;Eberhardt, Wilfried;Nusch, Arnd;Reiser, Marcel;Zahn, Mark-Oliver;Maintz, Christoph;Bernhardt, Christiane;Losem, Christoph;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Heukamp, Lukas C.;Büttner, Reinhard;Marschner, Norbert;Jänicke, Martina;Fleitz, Annette;Spring, Lisa;Sahlmann, Jörg;Karatas, Aysun;Hipper, Annette;Weichert, Wilko;Heilmann, Monika;Sadjadian, Parvis;Gleiber, Wolfgang;Grah, Christian;Waller, Cornelius F.;Reck, Martin;Rittmeyer, Achim;Christopoulos, Petros;Sebastian, Martin;Thomas, Michael; Corrigendum to “Biomarker testing in non-small cell lung cancer in routine care: Analysis of the first 3,717 patients in the German prospective, observational, nation-wide CRISP registry (AIO-TRK-0315)” [Lung Cancer 152 (2021) 174–184]
Pond, Amy; Biased politicians and independent agencies
Sollmann, Nico;Schandelmaier, Paul;Weidlich, Dominik;Börner, Corinna;Urban, Giada;Lang, Magdalena;Zimmer, Claus;Karampinos, Dimitrios C;Landgraf, Mirjam N;Heinen, Florian;Baum, Thomas;Bonfert, Michaela V; Patients with episodic migraine show increased T2 values of the trapezius muscles – an investigation by quantitative high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging
Reb, Lennart K.;Böhmer, Michael;Predeschly, Benjamin;Grott, Sebastian;Dreißigacker, Christoph;Drescher, Jörg;Meyer, Andreas;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; An experiment for novel material thin-film solar cell characterization on sounding rocket flights
Knyazev, A.;Park, J.;Golubev, P.;Cederkäll, J.;Alvarez-Pol, H.;Benlliure, J.;Cabanelas, P.;Casarejos, E.;Causeret, L.;Cortina-Gil, D.;Fernández, P. Díaz;Feijoo, M.;Galaviz, D.;Galiana, E.;Gernhäuser, R.;Gonzalez, D.;Hartig, A.-L.;Heinz, A.;Heiss, B.;Johansson, H.T.;Klenze, P.;Kröll, T.;Perea, A.;Ponnath, L.;Ren, Z.;Rhee, H.-B.;Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.L.;Rondeau, G.;Tengblad, O.;Scheblykin, I.G.;Teubig, P.;Timm, R.; Simulations of light collection in long tapered CsI(Tl) scintillators using real crystal surface data and comparisons to measurement
Aker, M.;Altenmüller, K.;Beglarian, A.;Behrens, J.;Berlev, A.;Besserer, U.;Bieringer, B.;Blaum, K.;Block, F.;Bornschein, B.;Bornschein, L.;Böttcher, M.;Brunst, T.;Caldwell, T. S.;La Cascio, L.;Chilingaryan, S.;Choi, W.;Díaz Barrero, D.;Debowski, K.;Deffert, M.;Descher, M.;Doe, P. J.;Dragoun, O.;Drexlin, G.;Dyba, S.;Edzards, F.;Eitel, K.;Ellinger, E.;Engel, R.;Enomoto, S.;Fedkevych, M.;Felden, A.;Formaggio, J. A.;Fränkle, F. M.;Franklin, G. B.;Friedel, F.;Fulst, A.;Gauda, K.;Gil, W.;Glück, F.;Grössle, R.;Gumbsheimer, R.;Höhn, T.;Hannen, V.;Haußmann, N.;Helbing, K.;Hickford, S.;Hiller, R.;Hillesheimer, D.;Hinz, D.;Houdy, T.;Huber, A.;Jansen, A.;Köllenberger, L.;Karl, C.;Kellerer, J.;Kippenbrock, L.;Klein, M.;Kopmann, A.;Korzeczek, M.;Kovalík, A.;Krasch, B.;Krause, H.;Lasserre, T.;Le, T. L.;Lebeda, O.;Lehnert, B.;Lokhov, A.;Lopez Poyato, J. M.;Müller, K.;Machatschek, M.;Malcherek, E.;Mark, M.;Marsteller, A.;Martin, E. L.;Melzer, C.;Mertens, S.;Niemes, S.;Oelpmann, P.;Osipowicz, A.;Parno, D. S.;Poon, A. W. P.;Priester, F.;Röllig, M.;Röttele, C.;Rest, O.;Robertson, R. G. H.;Rodenbeck, C.;Ryšavý, M.;Sack, R.;Saenz, A.;Schaller (née Pollithy), A.;Schäfer, P.;Schimpf, L.;Schlösser, K.;Schlösser, M.;Schlüter, L.;Schrank, M.;Schulz, B.;Šefčík, M.;Seitz-Moskaliuk, H.;Sibille, V.;Siegmann, D.;Slezák, M.;Spanier, F.;Steidl, M.;Sturm, M.;Sun, M.;Telle, H. H.;Thümmler, T.;Thorne, L. A.;Titov, N.;Tkachev, I.;Trost, N.;Vénos, D.;Valerius, K.;Vizcaya Hernández, A. P.;Wüstling, S.;Weber, M.;Weinheimer, C.;Weiss, C.;Welte, S.;Wendel, J.;Wilkerson, J. F.;Wolf, J.;Xu, W.;Yen, Y.-R.;Zadoroghny, S.;Zeller, G.;; Analysis methods for the first KATRIN neutrino-mass measurement
Cao, L.;Sutcliffe, W.;Van Tonder, R.;Bernlochner, F. U.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bauer, M.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dubey, S.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Frey, A.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Guan, Y.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jeon, H. B.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, B. H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, H. J.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Lewis, P.;Li, C. H.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liptak, Z.;Liventsev, D.;MacNaughton, J.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mori, T.;Mrvar, M.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, C. W.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Ritter, M.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Rozanska, M.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Simon, F.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Varner, G.;Varvell, K. E.;Vinokurova, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Vossen, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Wehle, S.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Measurements of partial branching fractions of inclusive B→Xuℓ+νℓ decays with hadronic tagging
Dubey, S.;Browder, T. E.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilokin, S.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dossett, D.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Greenwald, D.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jang, E.-J.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kimmel, T. D.;Kinoshita, K.;Korpar, S.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mohanty, S.;Moon, T. J.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumisawa, K.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Ushiroda, Y.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, P.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for Bs0→η′Xss¯ at Belle using a semi-inclusive method
Aytulun, Aykut;Cruz-Herranz, Andrés;Aktas, Orhan;Balcer, Laura J.;Balk, Lisanne;Barboni, Piero;Blanco, Augusto Azuara;Calabresi, Peter A.;Costello, Fiona;Sanchez-Dalmau, Bernardo;DeBuc, Delia Cabrera;Feltgen, Nicolas;Finger, Robert P.;Frederiksen, Jette Lautrup;Frohman, Elliot;Frohman, Teresa;Garway-Heath, David;Gabilondo, Iñigo;Graves, Jennifer S.;Green, Ari J.;Hartung, Hans-Peter;Havla, Joachim;Holz, Frank G.;Imitola, Jaime;Kenney, Rachel;Klistorner, Alexander;Knier, Benjamin;Korn, Thomas;Kolbe, Scott;Krämer, Julia;Lagrèze, Wolf A.;Leocani, Letizia;Maier, Oliver;Martínez-Lapiscina, Elena H.;Meuth, Sven;Outteryck, Olivier;Paul, Friedemann;Petzold, Axel;Pihl-Jensen, Gorm;Preiningerova, Jana Lizrova;Rebolleda, Gema;Ringelstein, Marius;Saidha, Shiv;Schippling, Sven;Schuman, Joel S.;Sergott, Robert C.;Toosy, Ahmed;Villoslada, Pablo;Wolf, Sebastian;Yeh, E. Ann;Yu-Wai-Man, Patrick;Zimmermann, Hanna G.;Brandt, Alexander U.;Albrecht, Philipp; APOSTEL 2.0 Recommendations for Reporting Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography Studies
Lichtenecker, D.;Eichmeir, P.;Nachbagauer, K.; On the Role of Adjoint Gradients in Time-Optimal Control Problems under Final Constraints
Schmidt, Annika;Feldotto, Benedikt;Gumpert, Thomas;Seidel, Daniel;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Stratmann, Philipp; Adapting Highly-Dynamic Compliant Movements to Changing Environments: A Benchmark Comparison of Reflex- vs. CPG-Based Control Strategies
Bartasevicius, Julius;Koeberle, Sebastian J;Teubl, Daniel;Roessler, Christian;Hornung, Mirko; Flight Testing of 65Kg T-Flex Subscale Demonstrator
Theresa Trummler; Fabian Thiery; Steffen J. Schmidt and Nikolaus A. Adams; Advanced Collapse Clustering Algorithms for Numerical Cavitation Erosion Prediction
Kazi, Anees Babasaheb; Graph Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications
Lucija Hanžiˇc, Sebastijan Robiˇc, Alisa Machner, Marie Helene Bjørndal, Klaartje De Weerdt, Yushan Gu, Benoît Bary, Rosa Maria Lample Carreras and Aljoša Šajna; Experimental Carbonation Study for a Durability Assessment of Novel Cementitious Materials
Liu, Yinlong;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Globally Optimal Camera Orientation Estimation from Line Correspondences by BnB algorithm
Fu, Kexue;Liu, Yinlong;Wang, Manning; Global Registration of 3D Cerebral Vessels to Its 2D Projections by a New Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
Schuldt, S.;Suyu, S. H.;Cañameras, R.;Taubenberger, S.;Meinhard, T.;Leal-Taixé, L.;Hsieh, B. C.; Photometric redshift estimation with a convolutional neural network: NetZ
Bulluck, Heerajnarain;Paradies, Valeria;Barbato, Emanuele;Baumbach, Andreas;Bøtker, Hans Erik;Capodanno, Davide;De Caterina, Raffaele;Cavallini, Claudio;Davidson, Sean M;Feldman, Dmitriy N;Ferdinandy, Péter;Gili, Sebastiano;Gyöngyösi, Mariann;Kunadian, Vijay;Ooi, Sze-Yuan;Madonna, Rosalinda;Marber, Michael;Mehran, Roxana;Ndrepepa, Gjin;Perrino, Cinzia;Schüpke, Stefanie;Silvain, Johanne;Sluijter, Joost P G;Tarantini, Giuseppe;Toth, Gabor G;Van Laake, Linda W;von Birgelen, Clemens;Zeitouni, Michel;Jaffe, Allan S;Thygesen, Kristian;Hausenloy, Derek J; Prognostically relevant periprocedural myocardial injury and infarction associated with percutaneous coronary interventions: a Consensus Document of the ESC Working Group on Cellular Biology of the Heart and European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)
van de Goor, Tim W. J.;Liu, Yun;Feldmann, Sascha;Bourelle, Sean A.;Neumann, Timo;Winkler, Thomas;Kelly, Nicola D.;Liu, Cheng;Jones, Michael A.;Emge, Steffen P.;Friend, Richard H.;Monserrat, Bartomeu;Deschler, Felix;Dutton, Siân E.; Impact of Orientational Glass Formation and Local Strain on Photo-Induced Halide Segregation in Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskites
Röpke, Michael;Riepl, Daniel;Saura, Patricia;Di Luca, Andrea;Mühlbauer, Max E.;Jussupow, Alexander;Gamiz-Hernandez, Ana P.;Kaila, Ville R. I.; Deactivation blocks proton pathways in the mitochondrial complex I
Aliee, Hananeh;Theis, Fabian J.; AutoGeneS: Automatic gene selection using multi-objective optimization for RNA-seq deconvolution
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aggarwal, M. M.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Anson, C.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bagnasco, S.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Balouza, S.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartalini, P.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Bedda, C.;Behera, N. K.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berenyi, D.;Bertens, R. A.;Berzano, D.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhatt, H.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, R.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruna, E.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Castro, A. J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Chowdhury, T.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cilladi, L. D.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Corrales Morales, Y.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dabrowski, D.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, A.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Deloff, A.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frankenfeld, U.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gomez Ramirez, A.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Goswami, A.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hassan, Q. U.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herghelegiu, A.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Horak, D.;Hornung, A.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hussain, S. A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, C.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Kluge, A.;Knichel, M. L.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kubera, A. M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Lardeux, A.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Leardini, L.;Lee, J.;Lee, S.;Lehner, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Lisa, M. A.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Liu, S.;Llope, W. J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, C. D.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Masson, E.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mengke, C.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nayak, R.;Nayak, T. K.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Negrao De Oliveira, R. A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Neumann, L. T.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Pacik, V.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Pistone, D.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Putschke, J.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Raha, S.;Rajput, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ratza, V.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Ren, X.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Roslon, K.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadhu, S.;Sadovsky, S.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Scapparone, E.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Serebryakov, D.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stenlund, E.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stritto, L. D.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suleymanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Thakur, D.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Thoresen, F.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Tropp, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vernet, R.;Vértesi, R.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Weber, S. G.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Z.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Soft-Dielectron Excess in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13  TeV
Hildebrandt, Alex;Kirchner, Benedikt;Nolte-'t Hoen, Esther N.M.;Pfaffl, Michael W.; miREV: An Online Database and Tool to Uncover Potential Reference RNAs and Biomarkers in Small-RNA Sequencing Data Sets from Extracellular Vesicles Enriched Samples
Spinelli, Raffaele;Magagnotti, Natascia;Cosola, Giulio;Grigolato, Stefano;Marchi, Luca;Proto, Andrea Rosario;Labelle, Eric R.;Visser, Rien;Erber, Gernot; Skyline tension and dynamic loading for cable yarding comparing conventional single-hitch versus horizontal double-hitch suspension carriages
Dey, Amrita;Ye, Junzhi;De, Apurba;Debroye, Elke;Ha, Seung Kyun;Bladt, Eva;Kshirsagar, Anuraj S.;Wang, Ziyu;Yin, Jun;Wang, Yue;Quan, Li Na;Yan, Fei;Gao, Mengyu;Li, Xiaoming;Shamsi, Javad;Debnath, Tushar;Cao, Muhan;Scheel, Manuel A.;Kumar, Sudhir;Steele, Julian A.;Gerhard, Marina;Chouhan, Lata;Xu, Ke;Wu, Xian-gang;Li, Yanxiu;Zhang, Yangning;Dutta, Anirban;Han, Chuang;Vincon, Ilka;Rogach, Andrey L.;Nag, Angshuman;Samanta, Anunay;Korgel, Brian A.;Shih, Chih-Jen;Gamelin, Daniel R.;Son, Dong Hee;Zeng, Haibo;Zhong, Haizheng;Sun, Handong;Demir, Hilmi Volkan;Scheblykin, Ivan G.;Mora-Seró, Iván;Stolarczyk, Jacek K.;Zhang, Jin Z.;Feldmann, Jochen;Hofkens, Johan;Luther, Joseph M.;Pérez-Prieto, Julia;Li, Liang;Manna, Liberato;Bodnarchuk, Maryna I.;Kovalenko, Maksym V.;Roeffaers, Maarten B. J.;Pradhan, Narayan;Mohammed, Omar F.;Bakr, Osman M.;Yang, Peidong;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Kamat, Prashant V.;Bao, Qiaoliang;Zhang, Qiao;Krahne, Roman;Galian, Raquel E.;Stranks, Samuel D.;Bals, Sara;Biju, Vasudevanpillai;Tisdale, William A.;Yan, Yong;Hoye, Robert L. Z.;Polavarapu, Lakshminarayana; State of the Art and Prospects for Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
Fennouri, Aziz;List, Jonathan;Ducrey, Julie;Dupasquier, Jessica;Sukyte, Viktorija;Mayer, Simon F.;Vargas, Reyner D.;Pascual Fernandez, Laura;Bertani, Frederick;Rodriguez Gonzalo, Sandra;Yang, Jerry;Mayer, Michael; Tuning the Diameter, Stability, and Membrane Affinity of Peptide Pores by DNA-Programmed Self-Assembly
Jia, S.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Graziani, E.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kato, Y.;Kawasaki, T.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Miyata, H.;Mizuk, R.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Takizawa, M.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanuki, S.;Werbycka, O.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for the ηc2(1D) in e+e−→γηc2(1D) at s near 10.6 GeV at Belle
Ost, Alexander D.;Wu, Tianyi;Höschen, Carmen;Mueller, Carsten W.;Wirtz, Tom;Audinot, Jean-Nicolas; 4D Surface Reconstructions to Study Microscale Structures and Functions in Soil Biogeochemistry
Le, Anh Tuan;Brieussel, A.;Weig, E. M.; Room temperature cavity electromechanics in the sideband-resolved regime
Rochau, Felix;Sánchez Arribas, Irene;Brieussel, Alexandre;Stapfner, Sebastian;Hunger, David;Weig, Eva M.; Dynamical Backaction in an Ultrahigh-Finesse Fiber-Based Microcavity
Nguyen, Tai;Fleming, Yves;Bender, Philipp;Grysan, Patrick;Valle, Nathalie;El Adib, Brahime;Adjeroud, Noureddine;Arl, Didier;Emo, Mélanie;Ghanbaja, Jaafar;Michels, Andreas;Polesel-Maris, Jérôme; Low-Temperature Growth of AlN Films on Magnetostrictive Foils for High-Magnetoelectric-Response Thin-Film Composites
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Ansseau, I.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;Balagopal V., A.;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baum, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K.-H.;Becker Tjus, J.;Bellenghi, C.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bourbeau, J.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Burgman, A.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Chen, C.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, S.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dave, P.;De Clercq, C.;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;De Ridder, S.;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Dharani, S.;Diaz, A.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fahey, S.;Fazely, A. R.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Goldschmidt, A.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Grégoire, T.;Griffith, Z.;Griswold, S.;Gündüz, M.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Ha Minh, M.;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Haungs, A.;Hauser, S.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hoinka, T.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Joppe, R.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kim, J.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Krings, K.;Krückl, G.;Kulacz, N.;Kurahashi, N.;Kyriacou, A.;Lagunas Gualda, C.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Leonard, K.;Leszczyńska, A.;Li, Y.;Liu, Q. R.;Lohfink, E.;Lozano Mariscal, C. J.;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mallik, P.;Mancina, S.;Mariş, I. C.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;McNally, F.;Meagher, K.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Merz, J.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Momenté, G.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Neer, G.;Nguyễn, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Nygren, D. R.;Obertacke Pollmann, A.;Oehler, M.;Olivas, A.;O’Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Peiffer, P.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Philippen, S.;Pieloth, D.;Pieper, S.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Prado Rodriguez, M.;Price, P. B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rehman, A.;Reimann, R.;Renschler, M.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk Cantu, D.;Safa, I.;Sanchez Herrera, S. E.;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Scharf, M.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Shefali, S.;Silva, M.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stokstad, R. G.;Strotjohann, N. L.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tomankova, L.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Unger, E.;Unland Elorrieta, M. A.;Usner, M.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijk, D.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Verpoest, S.;Vraeghe, M.;Walck, C.;Wallace, A.;Wandkowsky, N.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whelan, B. J.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebe, K.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Wood, T. R.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Xu, Y.;Yanez, J. P.;Yoshida, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.;; Measurement of the high-energy all-flavor neutrino-nucleon cross section with IceCube
Savill, Kimberley J.;Ulatowski, Aleksander M.;Herz, Laura M.; Optoelectronic Properties of Tin–Lead Halide Perovskites
Lee, Seungjae;Krischer, Katharina; Attracting Poisson chimeras in two-population networks
Karlöf, Eva;Buckler, Andrew;Liljeqvist, Moritz L.;Lengquist, Mariette;Kronqvist, Malin;Toonsi, Mawaddah A.;Maegdefessel, Lars;Matic, Ljubica P.;Hedin, Ulf; Carotid Plaque Phenotyping by Correlating Plaque Morphology from Computed Tomography Angiography with Transcriptional Profiling
Salman, Munir;Bick, Christian;Krischer, Katharina; Bifurcations of clusters and collective oscillations in networks of bistable units
Vollmer, Almut H.;Kieferle, Ingrun;Pusl, Alexandra;Kulozik, Ulrich; Effect of pentasodium triphosphate concentration on physicochemical properties, microstructure, and formation of casein fibrils in model processed cheese
Han, Jong-Seob;Breitsamter, Christian; Aerodynamic investigation on shifted-back vertical stroke plane of flapping wing in forward flight
Huang, Juanjuan;Günther, Benedikt;Achterhold, Klaus;Dierolf, Martin;Pfeiffer, Franz; Simultaneous two-color X-ray absorption spectroscopy using Laue crystals at an inverse-compton scattering X-ray facility
Volmar, Marie N M;Cheng, Jiying;Alenezi, Haitham;Richter, Sven;Haug, Alisha;Hassan, Zonera;Goldberg, Maria;Li, Yuping;Hou, Mengzhuo;Herold-Mende, Christel;Maire, Cecile L;Lamszus, Katrin;Flüh, Charlotte;Held-Feindt, Janka;Gargiulo, Gaetano;Topping, Geoffrey J;Schilling, Franz;Saur, Dieter;Schneider, Günter;Synowitz, Michael;Schick, Joel A;Kälin, Roland E;Glass, Rainer; Cannabidiol converts NF-κB into a tumor suppressor in glioblastoma with defined antioxidative properties
van Tilburg, Cornelis M.;Pfaff, Elke;Pajtler, Kristian W.;Langenberg, Karin P.S.;Fiesel, Petra;Jones, Barbara C.;Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash;Stark, Sebastian;Johann, Pascal D.;Blattner-Johnson, Mirjam;Schramm, Kathrin;Dikow, Nicola;Hirsch, Steffen;Sutter, Christian;Grund, Kerstin;von Stackelberg, Arend;Kulozik, Andreas E.;Lissat, Andrej;Borkhardt, Arndt;Meisel, Roland;Reinhardt, Dirk;Klusmann, Jan-Henning;Fleischhack, Gudrun;Tippelt, Stephan;von Schweinitz, Dietrich;Schmid, Irene;Kramm, Christof M.;von Bueren, André O.;Calaminus, Gabriele;Vorwerk, Peter;Graf, Norbert;Westermann, Frank;Fischer, Matthias;Eggert, Angelika;Burkhardt, Birgit;Wößmann, Wilhelm;Nathrath, Michaela;Hecker-Nolting, Stefanie;Frühwald, Michael C.;Schneider, Dominik T.;Brecht, Ines B.;Ketteler, Petra;Fulda, Simone;Koscielniak, Ewa;Meister, Michael T.;Scheer, Monika;Hettmer, Simone;Schwab, Matthias;Tremmel, Roman;Øra, Ingrid;Hutter, Caroline;Gerber, Nicolas U.;Lohi, Olli;Kazanowska, Bernarda;Kattamis, Antonis;Filippidou, Maria;Goemans, Bianca;Zwaan, C. Michel;Milde, Till;Jäger, Natalie;Wolf, Stephan;Reuss, David;Sahm, Felix;von Deimling, Andreas;Dirksen, Uta;Freitag, Angelika;Witt, Ruth;Lichter, Peter;Kopp-Schneider, Annette;Jones, David T.W.;Molenaar, Jan J.;Capper, David;Pfister, Stefan M.;Witt, Olaf; The Pediatric Precision Oncology INFORM Registry: Clinical Outcome and Benefit for Patients with Very High-Evidence Targets
Tirado-Gonzalez, Irene;Descot, Arnaud;Soetopo, Devona;Nevmerzhitskaya, Aleksandra;Schäffer, Alexander;Kur, Ivan-Maximilano;Czlonka, Ewelina;Wachtel, Carolin;Tsoukala, Ioanna;Müller, Luise;Schäfer, Anna-Lena;Weitmann, Maresa;Dinse, Petra;Alberto, Emily;Buck, Michèle C.;Landry, Jonathan JM.;Baying, Bianka;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Roesler, Jenny;Harter, Patrick N.;Kubasch, Anne-Sophie;Meinel, Jörn;Elwakeel, Eiman;Strack, Elisabeth;Quang, Christine Tran;Abdel-Wahab, Omar;Schmitz, Marc;Weigert, Andreas;Schmid, Tobias;Platzbecker, Uwe;Benes, Vladimir;Ghysdael, Jacques;Bonig, Halvard;Götze, Katharina S.;Rothlin, Carla V.;Ghosh, Sourav;Medyouf, Hind; AXL Inhibition in Macrophages Stimulates Host-versus-Leukemia Immunity and Eradicates Naïve and Treatment-Resistant Leukemia
Schrodi, S.;Braun, M.;Andrulat, A.;Harbeck, N.;Mahner, S.;Kiechle, M.;Klein, E.;Schnelzer, A.;Schindlbeck, C.;Bauerfeind, I.;Schubert-Fritschle, G.;Nekljudova, V.;Mayr, D.;Weichert, W.;Denkert, C.;Loibl, S.;Engel, J.; Outcome of breast cancer patients with low hormone receptor positivity: analysis of a 15-year population-based cohort
Bighelli, Irene;Rodolico, Alessandro;García-Mieres, Helena;Pitschel-Walz, Gabi;Hansen, Wulf-Peter;Schneider-Thoma, Johannes;Siafis, Spyridon;Wu, Hui;Wang, Dongfang;Salanti, Georgia;Furukawa, Toshi A;Barbui, Corrado;Leucht, Stefan; Psychosocial and psychological interventions for relapse prevention in schizophrenia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Probst, Pascal;Hüttner, Felix J.;Meydan, Ömer;Abu Hilal, Mohammed;Adham, Mustapha;Barreto, Savio G.;Besselink, Marc G.;Busch, Olivier R.;Bockhorn, Maximillian;Del Chiaro, Marco;Conlon, Kevin;Castillo, Carlos Fernandez-del;Friess, Helmut;Fusai, Giuseppe Kito;Gianotti, Luca;Hackert, Thilo;Halloran, Christopher;Izbicki, Jakob;Kalkum, Eva;Kelemen, Dezső;Kenngott, Hannes G.;Kretschmer, Rüdiger;Landré, Vincent;Lillemoe, Keith D.;Miao, Yi;Marchegiani, Giovanni;Mihaljevic, André;Radenkovic, Dejan;Salvia, Roberto;Sandini, Marta;Serrablo, Alejandro;Shrikhande, Shailesh;Shukla, Parul J.;Siriwardena, Ajith K.;Strobel, Oliver;Uzunoglu, Faik G.;Vollmer, Charles;Weitz, Jürgen;Wolfgang, Christopher L.;Zerbi, Alessandro;Bassi, Claudio;Dervenis, Christos;Neoptolemos, John;Büchler, Markus W.;Diener, Markus K.; Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery–A living systematic review with meta-analyses by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)
Laeven, Roger J.A.;Milevsky, Moshe A.;Scherer, Matthias;Zagst, Rudi;Zhou, Xun Yu; Editorial to the special issue on Behavioral Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Swishchuk, Anatoliy;Zagst, Rudi;Zeller, Gabriela; Hawkes processes in insurance: Risk model, application to empirical data and optimal investment
Paiho, Satu;Kiljander, Jussi;Sarala, Roope;Siikavirta, Hanne;Kilkki, Olli;Bajpai, Arpit;Duchon, Markus;Pahl, Marc-Oliver;Wüstrich, Lars;Lübben, Christian;Kirdan, Erkin;Schindler, Josef;Numminen, Jussi;Weisshaupt, Thomas; Towards cross-commodity energy-sharing communities – A review of the market, regulatory, and technical situation
Spielbauer, Markus;Berg, Philipp;Soellner, Jonas;Peters, Julia;Schaeufl, Florian;Rosenmüller, Christian;Bohlen, Oliver;Jossen, Andreas; Experimental investigation of the failure mechanism of 18650 lithium-ion batteries due to shock and drop
Jelbart, S;Kristiansen, K U;Wechselberger, M; Singularly perturbed boundary-equilibrium bifurcations
Nunez-Gonzalez, Laura;Kotek, Gyula;Gómez, Pedro A.;Buonincontri, Guido;Vogel, Mika;Krestin, Gabriel P.;Poot, Dirk H.J.;Hernandez-Tamames, Juan A.; Accuracy and repeatability of QRAPMASTER and MRF-vFA
Theissler, Andreas;Pérez-Velázquez, Judith;Kettelgerdes, Marcel;Elger, Gordon; Predictive maintenance enabled by machine learning: Use cases and challenges in the automotive industry
Song, Mengmeng;Beyer, Leonie;Kaiser, Lena;Barthel, Henryk;van Eimeren, Thilo;Marek, Ken;Nitschmann, Alexander;Scheifele, Maximilian;Palleis, Carla;Respondek, Gesine;Kern, Maike;Biechele, Gloria;Hammes, Jochen;Bischof, Gèrard;Barbe, Michael;Onur, Özgür;Jessen, Frank;Saur, Dorothee;Schroeter, Matthias L;Rumpf, Jost-Julian;Rullmann, Michael;Schildan, Andreas;Patt, Marianne;Neumaier, Bernd;Barret, Olivier;Madonia, Jennifer;Russell, David S;Stephens, Andrew W;Mueller, Andre;Roeber, Sigrun;Herms, Jochen;Bötzel, Kai;Danek, Adrian;Levin, Johannes;Classen, Joseph;Höglinger, Günter U;Bartenstein, Peter;Villemagne, Victor;Drzezga, Alexander;Seibyl, John;Sabri, Osama;Boening, Guido;Ziegler, Sibylle;Brendel, Matthias; Binding characteristics of [18F]PI-2620 distinguish the clinically predicted tau isoform in different tauopathies by PET
Klimburg-Witjes, Nina;Wentland, Alexander; Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses
Mayer, Christian;Baur, Isabella Diana;Storr, Julia;Khoramnia, Ramin; Complete anterior segment reconstruction: Corneal transplantation and implantation of an iris prosthesis and IOL in a single surgery
Damjanović, Ana Marija;Koyutürk, Burak;Li, Yan-Sheng;Menga, Davide;Eickes, Christian;El-Sayed, Hany A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Fellinger, Tim-Patrick;Piana, Michele; Loading Impact of a PGM-Free Catalyst on the Mass Activity in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Brambilla, Nora;Escobedo, Miguel Ángel;Strickland, Michael;Vairo, Antonio;Vander Griend, Peter;Weber, Johannes Heinrich; Bottomonium production in heavy-ion collisions using quantum trajectories: Differential observables and momentum anisotropy
Lazaridis, Timon;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Pt-Catalyzed Oxidation of PEMFC Carbon Supports: A Path to Highly Accessible Carbon Morphologies and Implications for Start-Up/Shut-Down Degradation
Scharring, Stefan;Dreyer, Heiko;Wagner, Gerd;Kästel, Jürgen;Wagner, Paul;Schafer, Ewan;Riede, Wolfgang;Bamann, Christoph;Hugentobler, Urs;Lejba, Pawel;Suchodolski, Tomasz;Döberl, Egon;Weinzinger, Dietmar;Promper, Wolfgang;Flohrer, Tim;Setty, Srinivas;Zayer, Igor;Di Mira, Andrea;Cordelli, Emiliano; LARAMOTIONS: a conceptual study on laser networks for near-term collision avoidance for space debris in the low Earth orbit
Hartig-Weiß, Alexandra;Bernt, Maximilian;Siebel, Armin;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; A Platinum Micro-Reference Electrode for Impedance Measurements in a PEM Water Electrolysis Cell
Moons, Philip;Bratt, Ewa-Lena;De Backer, Julie;Goossens, Eva;Hornung, Tim;Tutarel, Oktay;Zühlke, Liesl;Araujo, John Jairo;Callus, Edward;Gabriel, Harald;Shahid, Nauman;Sliwa, Karen;Verstappen, Amy;Yang, Hsiao-Ling;Thomet, Corina; Transition to adulthood and transfer to adult care of adolescents with congenital heart disease: a global consensus statement of the ESC Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP), the ESC Working Group on Adult Congenital Heart Disease (WG ACHD), the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), the Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR), the Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society (APPCS), the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (IASC), the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ), the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD), the World Heart Federation (WHF), the European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation (ECHDO), and the Global Alliance for Rheumatic and Congenital Hearts (Global ARCH)
Kurzhals, Philipp;Riewald, Felix;Bianchini, Matteo;Sommer, Heino;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Janek, Jürgen; The LiNiO2 Cathode Active Material: A Comprehensive Study of Calcination Conditions and their Correlation with Physicochemical Properties. Part I. Structural Chemistry
Auffenberg, Eva;Hedrich, Ulrike B.S.;Barbieri, Raffaella;Miely, Daniela;Groschup, Bernhard;Wuttke, Thomas V.;Vogel, Niklas;Lührs, Philipp;Zanardi, Ilaria;Bertelli, Sara;Spielmann, Nadine;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;Fuchs, Helmut;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Pusch, Michael;Dichgans, Martin;Lerche, Holger;Gavazzo, Paola;Plesnila, Nikolaus;Freilinger, Tobias; Hyperexcitable interneurons trigger cortical spreading depression in an Scn1a migraine model
Spingler, Franz B.;Friedrich, Sven;Kücher, Simon;Schmid, Simon;López-Cruz, Daniel;Jossen, Andreas; The Effects of Non-Uniform Mechanical Compression of Lithium-Ion Cells on Local Current Densities and Lithium Plating
Ziliotto, F.;Basilio Hazas, M.;Rolle, M.;Chiogna, G.; Mixing Enhancement Mechanisms in Aquifers Affected by Hydropeaking: Insights From Flow‐Through Laboratory Experiments
Abudinén, F.;Adachi, I.;Adamczyk, K.;Aggarwal, L.;Ahmed, H.;Aihara, H.;Akopov, N.;Aloisio, A.;Anh Ky, N.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, V.;Babu, V.;Bacher, S.;Bae, H.;Baehr, S.;Bahinipati, S.;Bambade, P.;Banerjee, Sw.;Bansal, S.;Barrett, M.;Baudot, J.;Bauer, M.;Baur, A.;Becker, J.;Behera, P. K.;Bennett, J. V.;Bernieri, E.;Bernlochner, F. U.;Bertemes, M.;Bertholet, E.;Bessner, M.;Bettarini, S.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bianchi, F.;Bilka, T.;Bilokin, S.;Biswas, D.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Bolz, A.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Braun, N.;Briere, R. A.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Bussino, S.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Casarosa, G.;Cecchi, C.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Cheaib, R.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, C.;Chen, Y.-T.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Chirapatpimol, K.;Cho, H.-E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Corona, L.;Cremaldi, L. M.;Cunliffe, S.;Czank, T.;Dattola, F.;De La Cruz-Burelo, E.;de Marino, G.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;de Sangro, R.;Destefanis, M.;Dey, S.;De Yta-Hernandez, A.;Di Canto, A.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Domínguez Jiménez, I.;Dong, T. V.;Dorigo, M.;Dort, K.;Dossett, D.;Dubey, S.;Duell, S.;Dujany, G.;Ecker, P.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Finocchiaro, G.;Flood, K.;Fodor, A.;Forti, F.;Fulsom, B. G.;Gabrielli, A.;Gabyshev, N.;Gaz, A.;Gellrich, A.;Giakoustidis, G.;Giordano, R.;Giri, A.;Glazov, A.;Gobbo, B.;Godang, R.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Gradl, W.;Graziani, E.;Greenwald, D.;Gu, T.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Guilliams, J.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hara, K.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hazra, S.;Hearty, C.;Heredia de la Cruz, I.;Hernández Villanueva, M.;Hershenhorn, A.;Higuchi, T.;Hill, E. C.;Hirata, H.;Hoek, M.;Hohmann, M.;Hsu, C.-L.;Humair, T.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jaffe, D. E.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Junkerkalefeld, H.;Kakuno, H.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kandra, J.;Kang, K. H.;Karl, R.;Karyan, G.;Kato, Y.;Kawasaki, T.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C.-H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kim, Y.;Kimmel, T. D.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Koga, T.;Kohani, S.;Konno, T.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Kowalewski, R.;Kraetzschmar, T. M. G.;Krinner, F.;Križan, P.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, J.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kurz, S.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lacaprara, S.;Lalwani, K.;Lam, T.;Lanceri, L.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lautenbach, K.;Le Diberder, F. R.;Lee, S. C.;Leitl, P.;Levit, D.;Li, C.;Li, L. K.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liptak, Z.;Liu, Q. Y.;Liventsev, D.;Longo, S.;Lueck, T.;Lyu, C.;Manfredi, R.;Manoni, E.;Marinas, C.;Martini, A.;Matsuda, T.;Matsuoka, K.;Matvienko, D.;McKenna, J. A.;Meier, F.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miller, C.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Molina-Gonzalez, N.;Moon, H.;Moser, H.-G.;Mrvar, M.;Murphy, C.;Mussa, R.;Nakamura, I.;Nakamura, K. R.;Nakao, M.;Nakazawa, H.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nazaryan, G.;Niebuhr, C.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Onishchuk, Y.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Oxford, E. R.;Ozaki, H.;Pakhlov, P.;Paladino, A.;Pang, T.;Panta, A.;Paoloni, E.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Paschen, B.;Passeri, A.;Pathak, A.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Peruzzi, I.;Peschke, R.;Pestotnik, R.;Pham, F.;Piccolo, M.;Piilonen, L. E.;Pinna Angioni, G.;Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.;Podobnik, T.;Pokharel, S.;Polat, G.;Popov, V.;Praz, C.;Prell, S.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Purohit, M. V.;Purwar, H.;Rad, N.;Rados, P.;Raiz, S.;Reiter, S.;Remnev, M.;Ripp-Baudot, I.;Rizzo, G.;Rizzuto, L. B.;Robertson, S. H.;Roney, J. M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Rozanska, M.;Sahoo, D.;Sanders, D. A.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sato, Y.;Savinov, V.;Scavino, B.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Selce, A.;Senyo, K.;Serrano, J.;Sfienti, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Sibidanov, A.;Simon, F.;Sobie, R. J.;Soffer, A.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Spataro, S.;Spruck, B.;Starič, M.;Stefkova, S.;Stottler, Z. S.;Stroili, R.;Strube, J.;Sumihama, M.;Sutcliffe, W.;Suzuki, S. Y.;Svidras, H.;Tabata, M.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanaka, S.;Tanida, K.;Tanigawa, H.;Taniguchi, N.;Tenchini, F.;Tiwary, R.;Tonelli, D.;Torassa, E.;Toutounji, N.;Trabelsi, K.;Tsuboyama, T.;Ueda, I.;Uehara, S.;Uematsu, Y.;Uglov, T.;Unger, K.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Ushiroda, Y.;Usov, Y. V.;Vahsen, S. E.;van Tonder, R.;Varner, G. S.;Vinokurova, A.;Vitale, L.;Vossen, A.;Waheed, E.;Wakeling, H. M.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, X. L.;Warburton, A.;Watanabe, M.;Welsch, M.;Wessel, C.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Xu, X. P.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yamada, S.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yoshihara, K.;Yusa, Y.;Zani, L.;Zhilich, V.;Zhou, Q. D.;Zhou, X. Y.;Zhukova, V. I.;Žlebčík, R.;; Precise Measurement of the D0 and D+ Lifetimes at Belle II
Dávila López, Alexandra C.;Eggert, Thorben;Reuter, Karsten;Hörmann, Nicolas G.; Static and dynamic water structures at interfaces: A case study with focus on Pt(111)
Ruf, Alexander;Bouquet, Alexis;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Boduch, Philippe;Mousis, Olivier;Danger, Grégoire; Sulfur ion irradiation experiments simulating space weathering of Solar System body surfaces
Atmacan, H.;Schwartz, A. J.;Kinoshita, K.;Adachi, I.;Adamczyk, K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Bauer, M.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bernlochner, F.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dubey, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Frey, A.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Graziani, E.;Greenwald, D.;Gu, T.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Kato, Y.;Kawasaki, T.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lai, Y.-T.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Passeri, A.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Ripp-Baudot, I.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Simon, F.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Varvell, K. E.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for B0→τ±ℓ∓ ( ℓ=e , μ ) with a hadronic tagging method at Belle
Day Goodacre, T.;Afanasjev, A. V.;Barzakh, A. E.;Nies, L.;Marsh, B. A.;Sels, S.;Perera, U. C.;Ring, P.;Wienholtz, F.;Andreyev, A. N.;Van Duppen, P.;Althubiti, N. A.;Andel, B.;Atanasov, D.;Augusto, R. S.;Billowes, J.;Blaum, K.;Cocolios, T. E.;Cubiss, J. G.;Farooq-Smith, G. J.;Fedorov, D. V.;Fedosseev, V. N.;Flanagan, K. T.;Gaffney, L. P.;Ghys, L.;Gottberg, A.;Huyse, M.;Kreim, S.;Kunz, P.;Lunney, D.;Lynch, K. M.;Manea, V.;Palenzuela, Y. Martinez;Medonca, T. M.;Molkanov, P. L.;Mougeot, M.;Ramos, J. P.;Rosenbusch, M.;Rossel, R. E.;Rothe, S.;Schweikhard, L.;Seliverstov, M. D.;Spagnoletti, P.;Van Beveren, C.;Veinhard, M.;Verstraelen, E.;Welker, A.;Wendt, K.;Wolf, R. N.;Zadvornaya, A.;Zuber, K.; Charge radii, moments, and masses of mercury isotopes across the N=126 shell closure
Yun, Jeongsik;Sagehashi, Ryota;Sato, Yoshihiko;Masuda, Takuya;Hoshino, Satoshi;Rajendra, Hongahally Basappa;Okuno, Kazuki;Hosoe, Akihisa;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.;Yabuuchi, Naoaki; Nanosized and metastable molybdenum oxides as negative electrode materials for durable high-energy aqueous Li-ion batteries
Nikačević, Pavle;Hegner, Franziska S.;Galán-Mascarós, José Ramón;López, Núria; Influence of Oxygen Vacancies and Surface Facets on Water Oxidation Selectivity toward Oxygen or Hydrogen Peroxide with BiVO4
Rodrigues, Maria Paula de Souza;Dourado, André H. B.;Cutolo, Leonardo de O.;Parreira, Luanna S;Alves, Tiago Vinicius;Slater, Thomas J. A.;Haigh, Sarah J.;Camargo, Pedro H. C.;Cordoba de Torresi, Susana Inés; Gold–Rhodium Nanoflowers for the Plasmon-Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction under Visible Light
Andergassen, Daniel;Smith, Zachary D.;Kretzmer, Helene;Rinn, John L.;Meissner, Alexander; Diverse epigenetic mechanisms maintain parental imprints within the embryonic and extraembryonic lineages
del Giudice, Fabio;Fust, Sergej;Schmiedeke, Paul;Pantle, Johannes;Döblinger, Markus;Ajay, Akhil;Meder, Steffen;Riedl, Hubert;Finley, Jonathan J.;Koblmüller, Gregor; Epitaxial type-I and type-II InAs-AlAsSb core–shell nanowires on silicon
Engerer, Peter;Petridou, Eleni;Williams, Philip R.;Suzuki, Sachihiro C.;Yoshimatsu, Takeshi;Portugues, Ruben;Misgeld, Thomas;Godinho, Leanne; Notch-mediated re-specification of neuronal identity during central nervous system development
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Berenyi, D.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lee, J.;Lee, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Mengke, C.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nayak, R.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, B. S.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Sheikh, A. I.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stritto, L. D.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Thoresen, F.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Tropp, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Λc+ Production and Baryon-to-Meson Ratios in pp and p -Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV at the LHC
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Berenyi, D.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Cai, M.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Capon, A. A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hussain, N.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lee, J.;Lee, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S. M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal'Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C. J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nattrass, C.;Nayak, R.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, B. S.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S. P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Sheikh, A. I.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stritto, L. D.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Thoresen, F.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Tropp, L.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E. N.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Λc+ production in pp and in p -Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
Haggenmüller, Sarah;Maron, Roman C.;Hekler, Achim;Utikal, Jochen S.;Barata, Catarina;Barnhill, Raymond L.;Beltraminelli, Helmut;Berking, Carola;Betz-Stablein, Brigid;Blum, Andreas;Braun, Stephan A.;Carr, Richard;Combalia, Marc;Fernandez-Figueras, Maria-Teresa;Ferrara, Gerardo;Fraitag, Sylvie;French, Lars E.;Gellrich, Frank F.;Ghoreschi, Kamran;Goebeler, Matthias;Guitera, Pascale;Haenssle, Holger A.;Haferkamp, Sebastian;Heinzerling, Lucie;Heppt, Markus V.;Hilke, Franz J.;Hobelsberger, Sarah;Krahl, Dieter;Kutzner, Heinz;Lallas, Aimilios;Liopyris, Konstantinos;Llamas-Velasco, Mar;Malvehy, Josep;Meier, Friedegund;Müller, Cornelia S.L.;Navarini, Alexander A.;Navarrete-Dechent, Cristián;Perasole, Antonio;Poch, Gabriela;Podlipnik, Sebastian;Requena, Luis;Rotemberg, Veronica M.;Saggini, Andrea;Sangueza, Omar P.;Santonja, Carlos;Schadendorf, Dirk;Schilling, Bastian;Schlaak, Max;Schlager, Justin G.;Sergon, Mildred;Sondermann, Wiebke;Soyer, H. Peter;Starz, Hans;Stolz, Wilhelm;Vale, Esmeralda;Weyers, Wolfgang;Zink, Alexander;Krieghoff-Henning, Eva;Kather, Jakob N.;von Kalle, Christof;Lipka, Daniel B.;Fröhling, Stefan;Hauschild, Axel;Kittler, Harald;Brinker, Titus J.; Skin cancer classification via convolutional neural networks: systematic review of studies involving human experts
van der Doelen, Maarten J.;Mehra, Niven;van Oort, Inge M.;Looijen-Salamon, Monika G.;Janssen, Marcel J.R.;Custers, José A.E.;Slootbeek, Peter H.J.;Kroeze, Leonie I.;Bruchertseifer, Frank;Morgenstern, Alfred;Haberkorn, Uwe;Kratochwil, Clemens;Nagarajah, James;Gerritsen, Winald R.; Clinical outcomes and molecular profiling of advanced metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with 225Ac-PSMA-617 targeted alpha-radiation therapy
Freynhagen, Rainer;Argoff, Charles;Eerdekens, Mariëlle;Engelen, Sylvia;Perrot, Serge; Progressive Response to Repeat Application of Capsaicin 179 mg (8% w/w) Cutaneous Patch in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Comprehensive New Analysis and Clinical Implications
Wurz, Amanda;McLaughlin, Emma;Lategan, Conné;Chamorro Viña, Carolina;Grimshaw, Sarah L;Hamari, Lotta;Götte, Miriam;Kesting, Sabine;Rossi, Francesca;van der Torre, Patrick;Guilcher, Gregory M T;McIntyre, Krista;Culos-Reed, S Nicole; The international Pediatric Oncology Exercise Guidelines (iPOEG)
Buchmeier, Jonas;Bußmann, Alexander;Gao, Xiangyu;Bermejo-Moreno, Iván; Geometry and dynamics of passive scalar structures in compressible turbulent mixing
Herms, Johannes;Ibarra, Alejandro; Production and signatures of multi-flavour dark matter scenarios with t-channel mediators
Bury, G.;Sośnica, K.;Zajdel, R.;Strugarek, D.;Hugentobler, U.; Geodetic Datum Realization Using SLR‐GNSS Co‐Location Onboard Galileo and GLONASS
Bittner, Daniel;Engel, Michael;Wohlmuth, Barbara;Labat, David;Chiogna, Gabriele; Temporal Scale‐Dependent Sensitivity Analysis for Hydrological Model Parameters Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform and Active Subspaces
Smirnov, Artem;Shprits, Yuri;Zhelavskaya, Irina;Lühr, Hermann;Xiong, Chao;Goss, Andreas;Prol, Fabricio S.;Schmidt, Michael;Hoque, Mainul;Pedatella, Nicholas;Szabó‐Roberts, Mátyás; Intercalibration of the Plasma Density Measurements in Earth's Topside Ionosphere
Xu, Xun;Lu, Yuqian;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Wang, Lihui; Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception
Hu, Yingbai;Li, Jian;Chen, Yongquan;Wang, Qiwen;Chi, Chuliang;Zhang, Heng;Gao, Qing;Lan, Yuanmin;Li, Zheng;Mu, Zonggao; Sun, Zhenglong; Knoll, Alois; Design and Control of a Highly Redundant Rigid-Flexible Coupling Robot to Assist the COVID-19 Oropharyngeal-Swab Sampling
Hu, Yingbai;Su, Hang;Fu, Junling;Karimi, Hamid Reza;Ferrigno, Giancarlo;De Momi, Elena;Knoll, Alois; Nonlinear model predictive control for mobile medical robot using neural optimization
May, Elisabeth S.;Hohn, Vanessa D.;Nickel, Moritz M.;Tiemann, Laura;Gil Ávila, Cristina;Heitmann, Henrik;Sauseng, Paul;Ploner, Markus; Modulating Brain Rhythms of Pain Using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) - A Sham-Controlled Study in Healthy Human Participants
Heermann, Tamara;Steiert, Frederik;Ramm, Beatrice;Hundt, Nikolas;Schwille, Petra; Mass-sensitive particle tracking to elucidate the membrane-associated MinDE reaction cycle
Chien, Wei-Jung;Zhang, Li;Winken, Martin;Li, Xiang;Liao, Ru-Ling;Gao, Han;Hsu, Chih-Wei;Liu, Hongbin;Chen, Chun-Chi; Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
Feigin, Valery L;Stark, Benjamin A;Johnson, Catherine Owens;Roth, Gregory A;Bisignano, Catherine;Abady, Gdiom Gebreheat;Abbasifard, Mitra;Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen;Abd-Allah, Foad;Abedi, Vida;Abualhasan, Ahmed;Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME;Abushouk, Abdelrahman I;Adebayo, Oladimeji M;Agarwal, Gina;Agasthi, Pradyumna;Ahinkorah, Bright Opoku;Ahmad, Sohail;Ahmadi, Sepideh;Ahmed Salih, Yusra;Aji, Budi;Akbarpour, Samaneh;Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola;Al Hamad, Hanadi;Alahdab, Fares;Alif, Sheikh Mohammad;Alipour, Vahid;Aljunid, Syed Mohamed;Almustanyir, Sami;Al-Raddadi, Rajaa M;Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam;Alvis-Guzman, Nelson;Ancuceanu, Robert;Anderlini, Deanna;Anderson, Jason A;Ansar, Adnan;Antonazzo, Ippazio Cosimo;Arabloo, Jalal;Ärnlöv, Johan;Artanti, Kurnia Dwi;Aryan, Zahra;Asgari, Samaneh;Ashraf, Tahira;Athar, Mohammad;Atreya, Alok;Ausloos, Marcel;Baig, Atif Amin;Baltatu, Ovidiu Constantin;Banach, Maciej;Barboza, Miguel A;Barker-Collo, Suzanne Lyn;Bärnighausen, Till Winfried;Barone, Mark Thomaz Ugliara;Basu, Sanjay;Bazmandegan, Gholamreza;Beghi, Ettore;Beheshti, Mahya;Béjot, Yannick;Bell, Arielle Wilder;Bennett, Derrick A;Bensenor, Isabela M;Bezabhe, Woldesellassie Mequanint;Bezabih, Yihienew Mequanint;Bhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth;Bhardwaj, Pankaj;Bhattacharyya, Krittika;Bijani, Ali;Bikbov, Boris;Birhanu, Mulugeta M;Boloor, Archith;Bonny, Aime;Brauer, Michael;Brenner, Hermann;Bryazka, Dana;Butt, Zahid A;Caetano dos Santos, Florentino Luciano;Campos-Nonato, Ismael R;Cantu-Brito, Carlos;Carrero, Juan J;Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A;Catapano, Alberico L;Chakraborty, Promit Ananyo;Charan, Jaykaran;Choudhari, Sonali Gajanan;Chowdhury, Enayet Karim;Chu, Dinh-Toi;Chung, Sheng-Chia;Colozza, David;Costa, Vera Marisa;Costanzo, Simona;Criqui, Michael H;Dadras, Omid;Dagnew, Baye;Dai, Xiaochen;Dalal, Koustuv;Damasceno, Albertino Antonio Moura;D'Amico, Emanuele;Dandona, Lalit;Dandona, Rakhi;Darega Gela, Jiregna;Davletov, Kairat;De la Cruz-Góngora, Vanessa;Desai, Rupak;Dhamnetiya, Deepak;Dharmaratne, Samath Dhamminda;Dhimal, Mandira Lamichhane;Dhimal, Meghnath;Diaz, Daniel;Dichgans, Martin;Dokova, Klara;Doshi, Rajkumar;Douiri, Abdel;Duncan, Bruce B;Eftekharzadeh, Sahar;Ekholuenetale, Michael;El Nahas, Nevine;Elgendy, Islam Y;Elhadi, Muhammed;El-Jaafary, Shaimaa I;Endres, Matthias;Endries, Aman Yesuf;Erku, Daniel Asfaw;Faraon, Emerito Jose A;Farooque, Umar;Farzadfar, Farshad;Feroze, Abdullah Hamid;Filip, Irina;Fischer, Florian;Flood, David;Gad, Mohamed M;Gaidhane, Shilpa;Ghanei Gheshlagh, Reza;Ghashghaee, Ahmad;Ghith, Nermin;Ghozali, Ghozali;Ghozy, Sherief;Gialluisi, Alessandro;Giampaoli, Simona;Gilani, Syed Amir;Gill, Paramjit Singh;Gnedovskaya, Elena V;Golechha, Mahaveer;Goulart, Alessandra C;Guo, Yuming;Gupta, Rajeev;Gupta, Veer Bala;Gupta, Vivek Kumar;Gyanwali, Pradip;Hafezi-Nejad, Nima;Hamidi, Samer;Hanif, Asif;Hankey, Graeme J;Hargono, Arief;Hashi, Abdiwahab;Hassan, Treska S;Hassen, Hamid Yimam;Havmoeller, Rasmus J;Hay, Simon I;Hayat, Khezar;Hegazy, Mohamed I;Herteliu, Claudiu;Holla, Ramesh;Hostiuc, Sorin;Househ, Mowafa;Huang, Junjie;Humayun, Ayesha;Hwang, Bing-Fang;Iacoviello, Licia;Iavicoli, Ivo;Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel;Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen;Ilic, Irena M;Ilic, Milena D;Iqbal, Usman;Irvani, Seyed Sina Naghibi;Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful;Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah;Iso, Hiroyasu;Isola, Gaetano;Iwagami, Masao;Jacob, Louis;Jain, Vardhmaan;Jang, Sung-In;Jayapal, Sathish Kumar;Jayaram, Shubha;Jayawardena, Ranil;Jeemon, Panniyammakal;Jha, Ravi Prakash;Johnson, Walter D;Jonas, Jost B;Joseph, Nitin;Jozwiak, Jacek Jerzy;Jürisson, Mikk;Kalani, Rizwan;Kalhor, Rohollah;Kalkonde, Yogeshwar;Kamath, Ashwin;Kamiab, Zahra;Kanchan, Tanuj;Kandel, Himal;Karch, André;Katoto, Patrick DMC;Kayode, Gbenga A;Keshavarz, Pedram;Khader, Yousef Saleh;Khan, Ejaz Ahmad;Khan, Imteyaz A;Khan, Maseer;Khan, Moien AB;Khatib, Mahalaqua Nazli;Khubchandani, Jagdish;Kim, Gyu Ri;Kim, Min Seo;Kim, Yun Jin;Kisa, Adnan;Kisa, Sezer;Kivimäki, Mika;Kolte, Dhaval;Koolivand, Ali;Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi;Koyanagi, Ai;Krishan, Kewal;Krishnamoorthy, Vijay;Krishnamurthi, Rita V;Kumar, G Anil;Kusuma, Dian;La Vecchia, Carlo;Lacey, Ben;Lak, Hassan Mehmood;Lallukka, Tea;Lasrado, Savita;Lavados, Pablo M;Leonardi, Matilde;Li, Bingyu;Li, Shanshan;Lin, Hualiang;Lin, Ro-Ting;Liu, Xuefeng;Lo, Warren David;Lorkowski, Stefan;Lucchetti, Giancarlo;Lutzky Saute, Ricardo;Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan;Magnani, Francesca Giulia;Mahajan, Preetam Bhalchandra;Majeed, Azeem;Makki, Alaa;Malekzadeh, Reza;Malik, Ahmad Azam;Manafi, Navid;Mansournia, Mohammad Ali;Mantovani, Lorenzo Giovanni;Martini, Santi;Mazzaglia, Giampiero;Mehndiratta, Man Mohan;Menezes, Ritesh G;Meretoja, Atte;Mersha, Amanual Getnet;Miao Jonasson, Junmei;Miazgowski, Bartosz;Miazgowski, Tomasz;Michalek, Irmina Maria;Mirrakhimov, Erkin M;Mohammad, Yousef;Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah;Mohammed, Shafiu;Mokdad, Ali H;Mokhayeri, Yaser;Molokhia, Mariam;Moni, Mohammad Ali;Montasir, Ahmed Al;Moradzadeh, Rahmatollah;Morawska, Lidia;Morze, Jakub;Muruet, Walter;Musa, Kamarul Imran;Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman;Naghavi, Mohsen;Narasimha Swamy, Sreenivas;Nascimento, Bruno Ramos;Negoi, Ruxandra Irina;Neupane Kandel, Sandhya;Nguyen, Trang Huyen;Norrving, Bo;Noubiap, Jean Jacques;Nwatah, Vincent Ebuka;Oancea, Bogdan;Odukoya, Oluwakemi Ololade;Olagunju, Andrew T;Orru, Hans;Owolabi, Mayowa O;Padubidri, Jagadish Rao;Pana, Adrian;Parekh, Tarang;Park, Eun-Cheol;Pashazadeh Kan, Fatemeh;Pathak, Mona;Peres, Mario F P;Perianayagam, Arokiasamy;Pham, Truong-Minh;Piradov, Michael A;Podder, Vivek;Polinder, Suzanne;Postma, Maarten J;Pourshams, Akram;Radfar, Amir;Rafiei, Alireza;Raggi, Alberto;Rahim, Fakher;Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa;Rahman, Mosiur;Rahman, Muhammad Aziz;Rahmani, Amir Masoud;Rajai, Nazanin;Ranasinghe, Priyanga;Rao, Chythra R;Rao, Sowmya J;Rathi, Priya;Rawaf, David Laith;Rawaf, Salman;Reitsma, Marissa B;Renjith, Vishnu;Renzaho, Andre M N;Rezapour, Aziz;Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio Buendia;Roever, Leonardo;Romoli, Michele;Rynkiewicz, Andrzej;Sacco, Simona;Sadeghi, Masoumeh;Saeedi Moghaddam, Sahar;Sahebkar, Amirhossein;Saif-Ur-Rahman, KM;Salah, Rehab;Samaei, Mehrnoosh;Samy, Abdallah M;Santos, Itamar S;Santric-Milicevic, Milena M;Sarrafzadegan, Nizal;Sathian, Brijesh;Sattin, Davide;Schiavolin, Silvia;Schlaich, Markus P;Schmidt, Maria Inês;Schutte, Aletta Elisabeth;Sepanlou, Sadaf G;Seylani, Allen;Sha, Feng;Shahabi, Saeed;Shaikh, Masood Ali;Shannawaz, Mohammed;Shawon, Md Shajedur Rahman;Sheikh, Aziz;Sheikhbahaei, Sara;Shibuya, Kenji;Siabani, Soraya;Silva, Diego Augusto Santos;Singh, Jasvinder A;Singh, Jitendra Kumar;Skryabin, Valentin Yurievich;Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna;Sobaih, Badr Hasan;Stortecky, Stefan;Stranges, Saverio;Tadesse, Eyayou Girma;Tarigan, Ingan Ukur;Temsah, Mohamad-Hani;Teuschl, Yvonne;Thrift, Amanda G;Tonelli, Marcello;Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto;Tran, Bach Xuan;Tripathi, Manjari;Tsegaye, Gebiyaw Wudie;Ullah, Anayat;Unim, Brigid;Unnikrishnan, Bhaskaran;Vakilian, Alireza;Valadan Tahbaz, Sahel;Vasankari, Tommi Juhani;Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy;Vervoort, Dominique;Vo, Bay;Volovici, Victor;Vosoughi, Kia;Vu, Giang Thu;Vu, Linh Gia;Wafa, Hatem A;Waheed, Yasir;Wang, Yanzhong;Wijeratne, Tissa;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Wolfe, Charles D A;Woodward, Mark;Wu, Jason H;Wulf Hanson, Sarah;Xu, Xiaoyue;Yadav, Lalit;Yadollahpour, Ali;Yahyazadeh Jabbari, Seyed Hossein;Yamagishi, Kazumasa;Yatsuya, Hiroshi;Yonemoto, Naohiro;Yu, Chuanhua;Yunusa, Ismaeel;Zaman, Muhammed Shahriar;Zaman, Sojib Bin;Zamanian, Maryam;Zand, Ramin;Zandifar, Alireza;Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich;Zastrozhina, Anasthasia;Zhang, Yunquan;Zhang, Zhi-Jiang;Zhong, Chenwen;Zuniga, Yves Miel H;Murray, Christopher J L; Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Heinemann, Paul;Schmidhalter, Urs; Simplifying residual nitrogen (Nmin) sampling strategies and crop response
Voss, Raoul;Lee, Roh Pin;Seidl, Ludwig;Keller, Florian;Fröhling, Magnus; Global warming potential and economic performance of gasification-based chemical recycling and incineration pathways for residual municipal solid waste treatment in Germany
Gregor, András;Pignitter, Marc;Fahrngruber, Christine;Bayer, Sebastian;Somoza, Veronika;König, Jürgen;Duszka, Kalina; Caloric restriction increases levels of taurine in the intestine and stimulates taurine uptake by conjugation to glutathione
Bunk, Steffie;Zuidema, Sytse;Koch, Kathrin;Lautenbacher, Stefan;De Deyn, Peter P.;Kunz, Miriam; Pain processing in older adults with dementia-related cognitive impairment is associated with frontal neurodegeneration
Khudiakova, Anastasiia;Brunner, Andreas J.;Wolfahrt, Markus;Wettemann, Thomas;Godec, Damir;Pinter, Gerald; On the investigation of quasi-static crack resistance of thermoplastic tape layered composites with multiple delaminations: Approaches for quantification
Parlikar, Anupam;Truong, Cong Nam;Jossen, Andreas;Hesse, Holger; The carbon footprint of island grids with lithium-ion battery systems: An analysis based on levelized emissions of energy supply
Petz, Dominik;Mühlbauer, Martin J.;Baran, Volodymyr;Schökel, Alexander;Kochetov, Vladislav;Hofmann, Michael;Dyadkin, Vadim;Staron, Peter;Vaughan, Gavin;Lienert, Ulrich;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Lithium distribution and transfer in high-power 18650-type Li-ion cells at multiple length scales
Mayr, Christina Maria;Schuhbäck, Stefan;Wischhof, Lars;Köster, Gerta; Analysis of information dissemination through direct communication in a moving crowd
Van de Velde, Lee-Ann;Allen, E. Kaitlynn;Crawford, Jeremy Chase;Wilson, Taylor L.;Guy, Clifford S.;Russier, Marion;Zeitler, Leonie;Bahrami, Armita;Finkelstein, David;Pelletier, Stephane;Schultz-Cherry, Stacey;Thomas, Paul G.;Murray, Peter J.; Neuroblastoma Formation Requires Unconventional CD4 T Cells and Arginase-1–Dependent Myeloid Cells
Nishizawa, T.;Griener, M.;Dux, R.;Grenfell, G.;Wendler, D.;Kado, S.;Manz, P.;Cavedon, M.;; Linearized spectrum correlation analysis for thermal helium beam diagnostics
Toigo, Christina;Frankenberger, Martin;Billot, Nicolas;Pscherer, Claudia;Stumper, Benedikt;Distelrath, Fabian;Schubert, Jonathan;Pettinger, Karl-Heinz;Arbizzani, Catia; Improved Li4Ti5O12 electrodes by modified current collector surface
Jax, Kurt; Correction to: “Organismic” positions in early German-speaking ecology and its (almost) forgotten dissidents
Aditi Kumawat, Ullrich Martin, Sebastian Bahamon, Sebastian Rapp; The Influence of Local Irregularities on the Vehicle–Track Interaction
Bojarska, Katarzyna;Maugeri, Luca;Kuehn, Ralph;Król, Wiesław;Theuerkauf, Jörn;Okarma, Henryk;Gula, Roman; Wolves under cover: The importance of human-related factors in resting site selection in a commercial forest
Tsakonas, C.;Manikas, A.C.;Andersen, M.;Dimitropoulos, M.;Reuter, K.;Galiotis, C.; In situ kinetic studies of CVD graphene growth by reflection spectroscopy
Flommersfeld, Sophie;Böttcher, Jan P.;Ersching, Jonatan;Flossdorf, Michael;Meiser, Philippa;Pachmayr, Ludwig O.;Leube, Justin;Hensel, Inge;Jarosch, Sebastian;Zhang, Qin;Chaudhry, M. Zeeshan;Andrae, Immanuel;Schiemann, Matthias;Busch, Dirk.H.;Cicin-Sain, Luka;Sun, Joseph C.;Gasteiger, Georg;Victora, Gabriel D.;Höfer, Thomas;Buchholz, Veit R.;Grassmann, Simon; Fate mapping of single NK cells identifies a type 1 innate lymphoid-like lineage that bridges innate and adaptive recognition of viral infection
Ivleva, Natalia P.; Chemical Analysis of Microplastics and Nanoplastics: Challenges, Advanced Methods, and Perspectives
Hinterdobler, Julia;Schott, , Simin;Jin, Hong;Meesmann, Almut;Steinsiek, Anna-Lena;Zimmermann, Anna-Sophia;Wobst, Jana;Müller, Philipp;Mauersberger, Carina;Vilne, Baiba;Baecklund, Alexandra;Chen, Chien-Sin;Moggio, Aldo;Braster, Quinte;Molitor, Michael;Krane, Markus;Kempf, Wolfgang E;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Hristov, Michael;Hulsmans, Maarten;Hilgendorf, Ingo;Weber, Christian;Wenzel, Philip;Scheiermann, Christoph;Maegdefessel, Lars;Soehnlein, Oliver;Libby, Peter;Nahrendorf, Matthias;Schunkert, Heribert;Kessler, Thorsten;Sager, Hendrik B; Acute mental stress drives vascular inflammation and promotes plaque destabilization in mouse atherosclerosis
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;An, R.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Ansseau, I.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Ashida, Y.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;Balagopal V., A.;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K.-H.;Becker Tjus, J.;Bellenghi, C.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Bontempo, F.;Borowka, J.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Browne, S.;Burgman, A.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Chen, C.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, K.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dave, P.;De Clercq, C.;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;De Ridder, S.;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Dharani, S.;Diaz, A.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Erpenbeck, H.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fazely, A. R.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garcia, A.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glaser, C.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Goldschmidt, A.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Grégoire, T.;Griswold, S.;Gündüz, M.;Günther, C.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Ha Minh, M.;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Harnisch, A. A.;Haungs, A.;Hauser, S.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hettinger, E. C.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hoinka, T.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Joppe, R.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Kontrimas, T.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Kurahashi, N.;Kyriacou, A.;Lad, N.;Lagunas Gualda, C.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Lee, J. W.;Leonard, K.;Leszczyńska, A.;Li, Y.;Lincetto, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Liubarska, M.;Lohfink, E.;Lozano Mariscal, C. J.;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mancina, S.;Mariş, I. C.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;McElroy, T.;McNally, F.;Meagher, K.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Merz, J.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Nguyễn, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Nygren, D. R.;Obertacke Pollmann, A.;Oehler, M.;Olivas, A.;O’Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Paul, L.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Philippen, S.;Pieloth, D.;Pieper, S.;Pittermann, M.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Prado Rodriguez, M.;Price, P. B.;Pries, B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Rack-Helleis, J.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rehman, A.;Reimann, R.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk Cantu, D.;Safa, I.;Saffer, J.;Sanchez Herrera, S. E.;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Scharf, M.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Sharma, A.;Shefali, S.;Silva, M.;Skrzypek, B.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spannfellner, C.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stürwald, T.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Terliuk, A.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tomankova, L.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Unland Elorrieta, M. A.;Valtonen-Mattila, N.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Verpoest, S.;Vraeghe, M.;Walck, C.;Wallace, A.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weigel, P.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whelan, B. J.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Xu, Y.;Yanez, J. P.;Yoshida, S.;Yu, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.;; All-flavor constraints on nonstandard neutrino interactions and generalized matter potential with three years of IceCube DeepCore data
Burghardt, Irene;Carles, Rémi;Kammerer, Clotilde Fermanian;Lasorne, Benjamin;Lasser, Caroline; Separation of scales: dynamical approximations for composite quantum systems*
Bußmann, Agnes Beate;Grünerbel, Lorenz Maximilian;Durasiewicz, Claudia Patricia;Thalhofer, Thomas Alexander;Wille, Axel;Richter, Martin; Microdosing for drug delivery application—A review
Wang, Shi-Qiang;Mukherjee, Soumya;Zaworotko, Michael J.; Spiers Memorial Lecture: Coordination networks that switch between nonporous and porous structures: an emerging class of soft porous crystals
Balamurugan, Vigneshkumar;Chen, Jia;Qu, Zhen;Bi, Xiao;Gensheimer, Johannes;Shekhar, Ankit;Bhattacharjee, Shrutilipi;Keutsch, Frank N.; Tropospheric NO 2 and O 3 Response to COVID‐19 Lockdown Restrictions at the National and Urban Scales in Germany
Li, S. X.;Li, L. K.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Borah, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Graziani, E.;Gu, T.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Kato, Y.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lai, Y.-T.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Simon, F.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Measurement of the branching fraction of Λc+→pω decay at Belle
Fino, Roberto;Lenhart, Dominik;Kalel, Vishal C.;Softley, Charlotte A.;Napolitano, Valeria;Byrne, Ryan;Schliebs, Wolfgang;Dawidowski, Maciej;Erdmann, Ralf;Sattler, Michael;Schneider, Gisbert;Plettenburg, Oliver;Popowicz, Grzegorz M.; Computer-Aided Design and Synthesis of a New Class of PEX14 Inhibitors: Substituted 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydrobenzo[F][1,4]oxazepines as Potential New Trypanocidal Agents
Krane, Markus;Dreßen, Martina;Santamaria, Gianluca;My, Ilaria;Schneider, Christine M.;Dorn, Tatjana;Laue, Svenja;Mastantuono, Elisa;Berutti, Riccardo;Rawat, Hilansi;Gilsbach, Ralf;Schneider, Pedro;Lahm, Harald;Schwarz, Sascha;Doppler, Stefanie A.;Paige, Sharon;Puluca, Nazan;Doll, Sophia;Neb, Irina;Brade, Thomas;Zhang, Zhong;Abou-Ajram, Claudia;Northoff, Bernd;Holdt, Lesca M.;Sudhop, Stefanie;Sahara, Makoto;Goedel, Alexander;Dendorfer, Andreas;Tjong, Fleur V.Y.;Rijlaarsdam, Maria E.;Cleuziou, Julie;Lang, Nora;Kupatt, Christian;Bezzina, Connie;Lange, Rüdiger;Bowles, Neil E.;Mann, Matthias;Gelb, Bruce D.;Crotti, Lia;Hein, Lutz;Meitinger, Thomas;Wu, Sean;Sinnecker, Daniel;Gruber, Peter J.;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Moretti, Alessandra; Sequential Defects in Cardiac Lineage Commitment and Maturation Cause Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Abudinén, F.;Adachi, I.;Adamczyk, K.;Ahlburg, P.;Aihara, H.;Akopov, N.;Aloisio, A.;Anh Ky, N.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Aushev, V.;Baur, A.;Babu, V.;Baehr, S.;Bambade, P.;Banerjee, Sw.;Bansal, S.;Baudot, J.;Becker, J.;Behera, P. K.;Bennett, J. V.;Bernieri, E.;Bernlochner, F. U.;Bertemes, M.;Bertholet, E.;Bessner, M.;Bettarini, S.;Bianchi, F.;Bilka, T.;Biswas, D.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Braun, N.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Bussino, S.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Casarosa, G.;Cecchi, C.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, P.;Cheaib, R.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, C.;Chen, Y.-T.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Chirapatpimol, K.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Corona, L.;Cremaldi, L. M.;Cunliffe, S.;Czank, T.;Dattola, F.;De La Cruz-Burelo, E.;de Marino, G.;De Nardo, G.;De Nuccio, M.;De Pietro, G.;de Sangro, R.;Destefanis, M.;Dey, S.;De Yta-Hernandez, A.;Di Canto, A.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Domínguez Jiménez, I.;Dong, T. V.;Dort, K.;Dubey, S.;Duell, S.;Dujany, G.;Eidelman, S.;Eliachevitch, M.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fillinger, T.;Finocchiaro, G.;Fiore, S.;Fodor, A.;Forti, F.;Frey, A.;Fulsom, B. G.;Gabyshev, N.;Ganiev, E.;Garcia-Hernandez, M.;Garmash, A.;Gaur, V.;Gaz, A.;Gellrich, A.;Giordano, R.;Giri, A.;Glazov, A.;Gobbo, B.;Godang, R.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Grace, P.;Gradl, W.;Graziani, E.;Greenwald, D.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hara, K.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hazra, S.;Hearty, C.;Heredia de la Cruz, I.;Hernández Villanueva, M.;Hershenhorn, A.;Higuchi, T.;Hill, E. C.;Hirata, H.;Hoek, M.;Hohmann, M.;Hsu, C.-L.;Humair, T.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Irakkathil Jabbar, J.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jackson, P.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jaffe, D. E.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C.;Junkerkalefeld, H.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kandra, J.;Kang, K. H.;Karl, R.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Ketter, C.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C.-H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kimmel, T. D.;Kodyš, P.;Koga, T.;Kohani, S.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Kraetzschmar, T. M. G.;Krinner, F.;Križan, P.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, J.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kunigo, T.;Kurz, S.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lacaprara, S.;Lai, Y.-T.;La Licata, C.;Lanceri, L.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lautenbach, K.;Le Diberder, F. R.;Lee, S. C.;Leitl, P.;Levit, D.;Lewis, P. M.;Li, C.;Li, L. K.;Li, S. X.;Li, Y. B.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liptak, Z.;Liu, Q. Y.;Liventsev, D.;Longo, S.;Lozar, A.;Lueck, T.;Lyu, C.;Maggiora, M.;Maity, S.;Manfredi, R.;Manoni, E.;Marcello, S.;Marinas, C.;Martini, A.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matsuoka, K.;Matvienko, D.;Meier, F.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Milesi, M.;Miller, C.;Miyabayashi, K.;Miyake, H.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moser, H.-G.;Mrvar, M.;Müller, F. J.;Murphy, C.;Mussa, R.;Nakamura, K. R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, M.;Nazaryan, G.;Niebuhr, C.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Onishchuk, Y.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Ozaki, H.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Paladino, A.;Pang, T.;Panta, A.;Paoloni, E.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Paschen, B.;Passeri, A.;Pathak, A.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Peruzzi, I.;Pestotnik, R.;Piccolo, M.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.;Podobnik, T.;Pokharel, S.;Polat, G.;Popov, V.;Praz, C.;Prell, S.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rad, N.;Rados, P.;Raiz, S.;Remnev, M.;Ripp-Baudot, I.;Ritter, M.;Rizzo, G.;Rizzuto, L. B.;Robertson, S. H.;Rodríguez Pérez, D.;Roney, J. M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sanders, D. A.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sato, Y.;Savinov, V.;Scavino, B.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seddon, R. M.;Seino, Y.;Selce, A.;Senyo, K.;Serrano, J.;Sevior, M. E.;Sfienti, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Sibidanov, A.;Simon, F.;Sobie, R. J.;Soffer, A.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Spataro, S.;Spruck, B.;Starič, M.;Stefkova, S.;Stottler, Z. S.;Stroili, R.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Summers, D. J.;Sutcliffe, W.;Suzuki, S. Y.;Svidras, H.;Tabata, M.;Takahashi, M.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanaka, S.;Tanida, K.;Tanigawa, H.;Taniguchi, N.;Taras, P.;Tenchini, F.;Tonelli, D.;Torassa, E.;Toutounji, N.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Ushiroda, Y.;Usov, Y. V.;Vahsen, S. E.;van Tonder, R.;Varner, G. S.;Varvell, K. E.;Vinokurova, A.;Vitale, L.;Wach, B.;Waheed, E.;Wakeling, H. M.;Wan Abdullah, W.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, X. L.;Warburton, A.;Watanuki, S.;Webb, J.;Welsch, M.;Wessel, C.;Wiechczynski, J.;Windel, H.;Xu, X. P.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yamada, S.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yook, Y. M.;Yoshihara, K.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zani, L.;Zhilich, V.;Zhou, Q. D.;Zhou, X. Y.;Zhukova, V. I.;; Search for B+→K+νν¯ Decays Using an Inclusive Tagging Method at Belle II
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Ocker, Felix;Weiß, Iris;Mieth, Robert;Mann, Frederik; Potential for combining semantics and data analysis in the context of digital twins
;Abuter, R.;Amorim, A.;Bauböck, M.;Baganoff, F.;Berger, J. P.;Boyce, H.;Bonnet, H.;Brandner, W.;Clénet, Y.;Davies, R.;de Zeeuw, P. T.;Dexter, J.;Dallilar, Y.;Drescher, A.;Eckart, A.;Eisenhauer, F.;Fazio, G. G.;Förster Schreiber, N. M.;Foster, K.;Gammie, C.;Garcia, P.;Gao, F.;Gendron, E.;Genzel, R.;Ghisellini, G.;Gillessen, S.;Gurwell, M. A.;Habibi, M.;Haggard, D.;Hailey, C.;Harrison, F. A.;Haubois, X.;Heißel, G.;Henning, T.;Hippler, S.;Hora, J. L.;Horrobin, M.;Jiménez-Rosales, A.;Jochum, L.;Jocou, L.;Kaufer, A.;Kervella, P.;Lacour, S.;Lapeyrère, V.;Le Bouquin, J.-B.;Léna, P.;Lowrance, P. J.;Lutz, D.;Markoff, S.;Mori, K.;Morris, M. R.;Neilsen, J.;Nowak, M.;Ott, T.;Paumard, T.;Perraut, K.;Perrin, G.;Ponti, G.;Pfuhl, O.;Rabien, S.;Rodríguez-Coira, G.;Shangguan, J.;Shimizu, T.;Scheithauer, S.;Smith, H. A.;Stadler, J.;Stern, D. K.;Straub, O.;Straubmeier, C.;Sturm, E.;Tacconi, L. J.;Vincent, F.;von Fellenberg, S. D.;Waisberg, I.;Widmann, F.;Wieprecht, E.;Wiezorrek, E.;Willner, S. P.;Witzel, G.;Woillez, J.;Yazici, S.;Young, A.;Zhang, S.;Zins, G.; Constraining particle acceleration in Sgr A⋆ with simultaneous GRAVITY, Spitzer, NuSTAR, and Chandra observations
Mjøen, Geir;Maggiore, Umberto;Kessaris, Nicos;Kimenai, Diederik;Watschinger, Bruno;Mariat, Cristophe;Sever, Mehmet Sukru;Crespo, Marta;Peruzzi, Licia;Spasovski, Goce;Sørensen, Søren Schwartz;Heemann, Uwe;Pascual, Julio;Viklicky, Ondrej;Courtney, Aisling E;Hadaya, Karine;Wagner, Laszlo;Nistor, Ionut;Hadjianastassiou, Vassilis;Durlik, Magdalena;Helanterä, Ilkka;Oberbauer, Rainer;Oniscu, Gabriel;Hilbrands, Luuk;Abramowicz, Daniel; Long-term risks after kidney donation: how do we inform potential donors? A survey from DESCARTES and EKITA transplantation working groups
Tsokaktsidis, Dimitrios Ernst;Nau, Clemens;Maeder, Marcus;Marburg, Steffen; Using rectified linear unit and swish based artificial neural networks to describe noise transfer in a full vehicle context
Baydoun, Suhaib Koji;Voigt, Matthias;Marburg, Steffen; Low-Rank Iteration Schemes for the Multi-Frequency Solution of Acoustic Boundary Element Equations
Aliluev, Alexandra;Tritschler, Sophie;Sterr, Michael;Oppenländer, Lena;Hinterdobler, Julia;Greisle, Tobias;Irmler, Martin;Beckers, Johannes;Sun, Na;Walch, Axel;Stemmer, Kerstin;Kindt, Alida;Krumsiek, Jan;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Luecken, Malte D.;Theis, Fabian J.;Lickert, Heiko;Böttcher, Anika; Diet-induced alteration of intestinal stem cell function underlies obesity and prediabetes in mice
Hauser, Tobias;Reisch, Raven T.;Seebauer, Stefan;Parasar, Aashirwad;Kamps, Tobias;Casati, Riccardo;Volpp, Joerg;Kaplan, Alexander F.H.; Multi-Material Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of low and high alloyed aluminium alloys with in-situ material analysis
Ageeva-Kieferle, Alexandra;Georgii, Elisabeth;Winkler, Barbro;Ghirardo, Andrea;Albert, Andreas;Hüther, Patrick;Mengel, Alexander;Becker, Claude;Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter;Durner, Jörg;Lindermayr, Christian; Nitric oxide coordinates growth, development, and stress response via histone modification and gene expression
Bebre, Ieva;Riebl, Hannes;Annighöfer, Peter; Seedling Growth and Biomass Production under Different Light Availability Levels and Competition Types
Leverkus, Alexandro B.;Levy, Laura;Andivia, Enrique;Annighöfer, Peter;De Cuyper, Bart;Ivetic, Vladan;Lazdina, Dagnija;Löf, Magnus;Villar-Salvador, Pedro; Restoring oak forests through direct seeding or planting: Protocol for a continental-scale experiment
Scholz, Dominik;Harkous, Hasanin;Gallenmüller, Sebastian;Stubbe, Henning;Helm, Max;Jaeger, Benedikt;Deric, Nemanja;Goshi, Endri;Zhou, Zikai;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Carle, Georg; A Framework for Reproducible Data Plane Performance Modeling
Helm, Max; Stubbe, Henning; Scholz, Dominik; Jaeger, Benedikt; Gallenmüller, Sebastian; Deric, Nemanja; Goshi, Endri; Harkous, Hasanin; Zhou, Zikai; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Carle, Georg; Application of Network Calculus Models on Programmable Device Behavior
Knoche, Martin;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Cross-Quality LFW: A Database for Analyzing Cross- Resolution Image Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments
Patzelt, Holger;Gartzia, Leire;Wolfe, Marcus T.;Shepherd, Dean A.; Managing negative emotions from entrepreneurial project failure: When and how does supportive leadership help employees?
Rabus, H.;Li, W.B.;Nettelbeck, H.;Schuemann, J.;Villagrasa, C.;Beuve, M.;Di Maria, S.;Heide, B.;Klapproth, A.P.;Poignant, F.;Qiu, R.;Rudek, B.; Consistency checks of results from a Monte Carlo code intercomparison for emitted electron spectra and energy deposition around a single gold nanoparticle irradiated by X-rays
Schüffler, Peter J;Geneslaw, Luke;Yarlagadda, D Vijay K;Hanna, Matthew G;Samboy, Jennifer;Stamelos, Evangelos;Vanderbilt, Chad;Philip, John;Jean, Marc-Henri;Corsale, Lorraine;Manzo, Allyne;Paramasivam, Neeraj H G;Ziegler, John S;Gao, Jianjiong;Perin, Juan C;Kim, Young Suk;Bhanot, Umeshkumar K;Roehrl, Michael H A;Ardon, Orly;Chiang, Sarah;Giri, Dilip D;Sigel, Carlie S;Tan, Lee K;Murray, Melissa;Virgo, Christina;England, Christine;Yagi, Yukako;Sirintrapun, S Joseph;Klimstra, David;Hameed, Meera;Reuter, Victor E;Fuchs, Thomas J; Integrated digital pathology at scale: A solution for clinical diagnostics and cancer research at a large academic medical center
Kinigadner, Julia;Büttner, Benjamin; How accessibility instruments contribute to a low carbon mobility transition: Lessons from planning practice in the Munich region
Hessmann, Elisabeth;Schneider, Günter;Bousquet, Corinne;Der, Channing;Dreyer, Stephan;Dusetti, Nelson;Eilers, Martin;Ellenrieder, Volker;Espinet, Elisa;Falcomatà, Chiara;Feldmann, Karin;Gebhardt, Anneli;Gress, Thomas;Hamdan, Feda;Huber, Magdalena;Johnsen, Steven A.;Kleger, Alexander;Krenz, Bastian;Lomberk, Gwen;Mazur, Pawel;Michl, Patrick;Morton, Jennifer;Pasca di Magliano, Marina;Picard, Felix;Reichert, Maximilian;Saur, Dieter;Schmid, Roland;Sebens, Susanne;Singh, Shiv K.;Siveke, Jens;Trumpp, Andreas; New Insights Into Pancreatic Cancer: Notes from a Virtual Meeting
Vollmer, Almut H.;Kieferle, Ingrun;Youssef, Nabil N.;Kulozik, Ulrich; Mechanisms of structure formation underlying the creaming reaction in a processed cheese model system as revealed by light and transmission electron microscopy
Collettini, Federico;Brangsch, Julia;Reimann, Carolin;Chapiro, Julius;Savic, Lynn Jeanette;Buchholz, Rebecca;Keller, Sarah;Hamm, Bernd;Goldberg, S. Nahum;Makowski, Marcus R.; Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation
Schulz, Thomas;Zimmermann, Sina;Böhm, Markus;Gewald, Heiko;Krcmar, Helmut; Value co-creation and co-destruction in service ecosystems: The case of the Reach Now app
Blumenthal, David B.;Boria, Nicolas;Bougleux, Sébastien;Brun, Luc;Gamper, Johann;Gaüzère, Benoit; Scalable generalized median graph estimation and its manifold use in bioinformatics, clustering, classification, and indexing
Römer, Thomas;Bitzer, Johannes;Egarter, Christian;Hadji, Peyman;Kiechle, Marion;Kramer, Heike;Oppelt, Patricia G.;Peters, Klaus;Stute, Petra;Schaudig, Katrin;Wiegratz, Inka;Regidor, Pedro-Antonio; Oral Progestins in Hormonal Contraception: Importance and Future Perspectives of a New Progestin Only-Pill Containing 4 mg Drospirenone
Schindler, Markus;Jocher, Philipp;Durdel, Axel;Jossen, Andreas; Analyzing the Aging Behavior of Lithium-Ion Cells Connected in Parallel Considering Varying Charging Profiles and Initial Cell-to-Cell Variations
Durakoglugil, Murat S.;Wasser, Catherine R.;Wong, Connie H.;Pohlkamp, Theresa;Xian, Xunde;Lane-Donovan, Courtney;Fritschle, Katja;Naestle, Lea;Herz, Joachim; Reelin regulates neuronal excitability through STriatal Enriched Protein Tyrosine phosphatase (STEP61) and Calcium Permeable AMPARs in an NMDAR-dependent manner
Burger, Stefan;Grover, Shivani;Butler, Keith T.;Boström, Hanna L. B.;Grau-Crespo, Ricardo;Kieslich, Gregor; Tilt and shift polymorphism in molecular perovskites
Mohammed, Safwan;Gill, Abid Rashid;Alsafadi, Karam;Hijazi, Omar;Yadav, Krishna Kumar;Hasan, Mohd Abul;Khan, Afzal Husain;Islam, Saiful;Cabral-Pinto, Marina M.S.;Harsanyi, Endre; An overview of greenhouse gases emissions in Hungary
Li, Y.;Tang, S. S.;Jia, S.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Bessner, M.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Graziani, E.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, L. K.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;McNeil, J. T.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mori, T.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Passeri, A.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanuki, S.;Werbycka, O.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Evidence for the decay Ωc0→π+Ω(2012)−→π+(K¯Ξ)−
Gondolo, Paolo;Kang, Sunghyun;Scopel, Stefano;Tomar, Gaurav; Effective theory of nuclear scattering for a WIMP of arbitrary spin
Gondolo, Paolo;Jeong, Injun;Kang, Sunghyun;Scopel, Stefano;Tomar, Gaurav; Phenomenology of nuclear scattering for a WIMP of arbitrary spin
de Marvao, Antonio;McGurk, Kathryn A.;Zheng, Sean L.;Thanaj, Marjola;Bai, Wenjia;Duan, Jinming;Biffi, Carlo;Mazzarotto, Francesco;Statton, Ben;Dawes, Timothy J.W.;Savioli, Nicolò;Halliday, Brian P.;Xu, Xiao;Buchan, Rachel J.;Baksi, A. John;Quinlan, Marina;Tokarczuk, Paweł;Tayal, Upasana;Francis, Catherine;Whiffin, Nicola;Theotokis, Pantazis I.;Zhang, Xiaolei;Jang, Mikyung;Berry, Alaine;Pantazis, Antonis;Barton, Paul J.R.;Rueckert, Daniel;Prasad, Sanjay K.;Walsh, Roddy;Ho, Carolyn Y.;Cook, Stuart A.;Ware, James S.;O’Regan, Declan P.; Phenotypic Expression and Outcomes in Individuals With Rare Genetic Variants of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Schmitt, Julius;Schindler, Markus;Jossen, Andreas; Change in the half-cell open-circuit potential curves of silicon–graphite and nickel-rich lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide during cycle aging
Li, Y. B.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Adamczyk, K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dong, T. V.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Grzymkowska, O.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hsu, C.-L.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kato, Y.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, L. K.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Masuda, M.;Matvienko, D.;McNeil, J. T.;Metzner, F.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mori, T.;Mussa, R.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uehara, S.;Uglov, T.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Usov, Y.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Vossen, A.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Measurements of the Branching Fractions of the Semileptonic Decays Ξc0→Ξ−ℓ+νℓ and the Asymmetry Parameter of Ξc0→Ξ−π+
Cañameras, R.;Schuldt, S.;Shu, Y.;Suyu, S. H.;Taubenberger, S.;Meinhardt, T.;Leal-Taixé, L.;Chao, D. C.-Y.;Inoue, K. T.;Jaelani, A. T.;More, A.; HOLISMOKES
Boer, Cindy G.;Hatzikotoulas, Konstantinos;Southam, Lorraine;Stefánsdóttir, Lilja;Zhang, Yanfei;Coutinho de Almeida, Rodrigo;Wu, Tian T.;Zheng, Jie;Hartley, April;Teder-Laving, Maris;Skogholt, Anne Heidi;Terao, Chikashi;Zengini, Eleni;Alexiadis, George;Barysenka, Andrei;Bjornsdottir, Gyda;Gabrielsen, Maiken E.;Gilly, Arthur;Ingvarsson, Thorvaldur;Johnsen, Marianne B.;Jonsson, Helgi;Kloppenburg, Margreet;Luetge, Almut;Lund, Sigrun H.;Mägi, Reedik;Mangino, Massimo;Nelissen, Rob R.G.H.H.;Shivakumar, Manu;Steinberg, Julia;Takuwa, Hiroshi;Thomas, Laurent F.;Tuerlings, Margo;Babis, George C.;Cheung, Jason Pui Yin;Kang, Jae Hee;Kraft, Peter;Lietman, Steven A.;Samartzis, Dino;Slagboom, P. Eline;Stefansson, Kari;Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur;Tobias, Jonathan H.;Uitterlinden, André G.;Winsvold, Bendik;Zwart, John-Anker;Davey Smith, George;Sham, Pak Chung;Thorleifsson, Gudmar;Gaunt, Tom R.;Morris, Andrew P.;Valdes, Ana M.;Tsezou, Aspasia;Cheah, Kathryn S.E.;Ikegawa, Shiro;Hveem, Kristian;Esko, Tõnu;Wilkinson, J. Mark;Meulenbelt, Ingrid;Lee, Ming Ta Michael;van Meurs, Joyce B.J.;Styrkársdóttir, Unnur;Zeggini, Eleftheria;Loughlin, John;Arden, Nigel;Birrell, Fraser;Carr, Andrew;Deloukas, Panos;Doherty, Michael;McCaskie, Andrew W.;Ollier, William E.R.;Rai, Ashok;Ralston, Stuart H.;Spector, Tim D.;Wallis, Gillian A.;Martinsen, Amy E.;Willer, Cristen;Fors, Egil Andreas;Mundal, Ingunn;Hagen, Knut;Nilsen, Kristian Bernhard;Lie, Marie Udnesseter;Børte, Sigrid;Brumpton, Ben;Nielsen, Jonas Bille;Fritsche, Lars G.;Zhou, Wei;Heuch, Ingrid;Storheim, Kjersti;Tyrpenou, Evangelos;Koukakis, Athanasios;Chytas, Dimitrios;Evangelopoulos, Dimitrios Stergios;Efstathios, Chronopoulos;Pneumaticos, Spiros;Nikolaou, Vasileios S.;Malizos, Konstantinos;Anastasopoulou, Lydia;Abecasis, Goncalo;Baras, Aris;Cantor, Michael;Coppola, Giovanni;Deubler, Andrew;Economides, Aris;Lotta, Luca A.;Overton, John D.;Reid, Jeffrey G.;Shuldiner, Alan;Karalis, Katia;Siminovitch, Katherine;Beechert, Christina;Forsythe, Caitlin;Fuller, Erin D.;Gu, Zhenhua;Lattari, Michael;Lopez, Alexander;Schleicher, Thomas D.;Padilla, Maria Sotiropoulos;Widom, Louis;Wolf, Sarah E.;Pradhan, Manasi;Manoochehri, Kia;Bai, Xiaodong;Balasubramanian, Suganthi;Boutkov, Boris;Eom, Gisu;Habegger, Lukas;Hawes, Alicia;Krasheninina, Olga;Lanche, Rouel;Mansfield, Adam J.;Maxwell, Evan K.;Nafde, Mona;O’Keeffe, Sean;Orelus, Max;Panea, Razvan;Polanco, Tommy;Rasool, Ayesha;Salerno, William;Staples, Jeffrey C.;Li, Dadong;Sharma, Deepika;Banerjee, Ilanjana;Bovijn, Jonas;Locke, Adam;Verweij, Niek;Haas, Mary;Hindy, George;De, Tanima;Akbari, Parsa;Sosina, Olukayode;Ferreira, Manuel A.R.;Jones, Marcus B.;Mighty, Jason;LeBlanc, Michelle G.;Mitnaul, Lyndon J.; Deciphering osteoarthritis genetics across 826,690 individuals from 9 populations
Zweck, Ulrike;Leitner, Michael; Antiphase domain growth: Correlation functions and structure factors in the scaling regime
Boniolo, Fabio;Dorigatti, Emilio;Ohnmacht, Alexander J.;Saur, Dieter;Schubert, Benjamin;Menden, Michael P.; Artificial intelligence in early drug discovery enabling precision medicine
Haag, Franziska;Hoffmann, Sandra;Krautwurst, Dietmar; Key Food Furanones Furaneol and Sotolone Specifically Activate Distinct Odorant Receptors
Darma, Mariyam Susana Dewi;Zhu, Jiangong;Yan, Peng;Zheng, Chenghao;Mühlbauer, Martin J.;Sørensen, Daniel R.;Indris, Sylvio;Bergfeldt, Thomas;Das, Chittaranjan;Heere, Michael;Mereacre, Liuda;Geckle, Udo;Senyshyn, Anatoliy;Ehrenberg, Helmut;Knapp, Michael; Managing Life Span of High-Energy LiNi0.88Co0.11Al0.01O2|C–Si Li-Ion Batteries
Marcisz, Mateusz;Zacharias, Martin;Samsonov, Sergey A.; Modeling Protein–Glycosaminoglycan Complexes: Does the Size Matter?
Salei, Natallia;Ji, Xingqi;Pakalniškytė, Dalia;Kuentzel, Vanessa;Rambichler, Stephan;Li, Na;Moser, Markus;Steiger, Katja;Buch, Thorsten;Anders, Hans-Joachim;Schraml, Barbara U.; Selective depletion of a CD64-expressing phagocyte subset mediates protection against toxic kidney injury and failure
Doan, N. A. K.;Polifke, W.;Magri, L.; Short- and long-term predictions of chaotic flows and extreme events: a physics-constrained reservoir computing approach
Bayer, J.;Huber, S.;Vogl, C.;Suyu, S. H.;Taubenberger, S.;Sluse, D.;Chan, J. H. H.;Kerzendorf, W. E.; HOLISMOKES
Schilz, J.;Binder, U.;Friedrich, L.;Gebauer, M.;Lutz, C.;Schlapschy, M.;Schiefner, A.;Skerra, A.; Molecular recognition of structurally disordered Pro/Ala-rich sequences (PAS) by antibodies involves an Ala residue at the hot spot of the epitope
Nikitin, S. E.;Podlesnyak, A.;Xu, J.;Voneshen, D.;Le, Manh Duc;Bud'ko, S. L.;Canfield, P. C.;Sokolov, D. A.; Magnetic field induced softening of spin waves and hard-axis order in the Kondo-lattice ferromagnet CeAgSb2
Demeter, G.;Moody, J. T.;Kedves, M. Á.;Ráczkevi, B.;Aladi, M.;Bachmann, A.-M.;Batsch, F.;Braunmüller, F.;Djotyan, G. P.;Fedosseev, V.;Friebel, F.;Gessner, S.;Granados, E.;Guran, E.;Hüther, M.;Lee, V.;Martyanov, M.;Muggli, P.;Öz, E.;Panuganti, H.;Verra, L.;Della Porta, G. Zevi; Long-range propagation of ultrafast ionizing laser pulses in a resonant nonlinear medium
Yelton, J.;Adachi, I.;Ahn, J. K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Graziani, E.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Kato, Y.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kulasiri, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;McNeil, J. T.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, D.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Measurement of the masses and widths of the Σc(2455)+ and Σc(2520)+ baryons
Djeffal, Christian;Magrani, Eduardo;Hitrova, Christina; Recommender Systems and Autonomy: A Role for Regulation of Design, Rights, and Transparency
Hörmann, Stefan;Xia, Zhibing;Knoche, Martin;Rigoll, Gerhard; A Coarse-to-Fine Dual Attention Network for Blind Face Completion
Watzel, Tobias;Kürzinger, Ludwig;Li, Lujun;Rigoll, Gerhard; Induced Local Attention for Transformer Models in Speech Recognition
Watzel, Tobias;Kürzinger, Ludwig;Li, Lujun;Rigoll, Gerhard; Regularized forward-backward decoder for attention models
Looschen, Christian;Berger, Simon;Lach, Miroslav;Fottner, Johannes; Consideration of RFID Systems in the Factory Planning Process
Patzauer, Maximilian;Krischer, Katharina; Self-Organized Multifrequency Clusters in an Oscillating Electrochemical System with Strong Nonlinear Coupling
Kloft, Harald;Gehlen, Christoph;Dörfler, Kathrin;Hack, Norman;Henke, Klaudius;Lowke, Dirk;Mainka, Jeldrik;Raatz, Annika; TRR 277: Additive manufacturing in construction
Gruber, F.;Althoff, M.; Scalable robust output feedback MPC of linear sampled-data systems
Dugstad, A.;Bralic, S.;Abualdenien, J.; Path planning through disaster scenes: qualitative interviews to assess relevant parameters
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Kehm A., Gerstl M., Angermann D.; First VLBI-only TRF/CRF solution based on DGFI-TUM data for ITRF2020
Gottwald, Martin;Gronauer, Sven;Shen, Hao;Diepold, Klaus; Analysis and Optimisation of Bellman Residual Errors with Neural Function Approximation
Newall, Philip W.S.;Walasek, Lukasz;Kiesel, Rebecca Vázquez;Ludvig, Elliot A.;Meyer, Caroline; Request-a-bet sports betting products indicate patterns of bettor preference and bookmaker profits
Lee, Jung-Hoon;Bollschweiler, Daniel;Schäfer, Tillman;Huber, Robert; Structural basis for the regulation of nucleosome recognition and HDAC activity by histone deacetylase assemblies
Hübner, Ines;Shapiro, Justin A.;Hoßmann, Jörn;Drechsel, Jonas;Hacker, Stephan M.;Rather, Philip N.;Pieper, Dietmar H.;Wuest, William M.;Sieber, Stephan A.; Broad Spectrum Antibiotic Xanthocillin X Effectively Kills Acinetobacter baumannii via Dysregulation of Heme Biosynthesis
Mayr, Felix;Gagliardi, Alessio; Global Property Prediction: A Benchmark Study on Open-Source, Perovskite-like Datasets
Rasp, Stephan;Thuerey, Nils; Data‐Driven Medium‐Range Weather Prediction With a Resnet Pretrained on Climate Simulations: A New Model for WeatherBench
Verbruggen, Steven;Gessulat, Siegfried;Gabriels, Ralf;Matsaroki, Anna;Van de Voorde, Hendrik;Kuster, Bernhard;Degroeve, Sven;Martens, Lennart;Van Criekinge, Wim;Wilhelm, Mathias;Menschaert, Gerben; Spectral Prediction Features as a Solution for the Search Space Size Problem in Proteogenomics
Liotta, Lucia;Lange, Sebastian;Maurer, H. Carlo;Olive, Kenneth P.;Braren, Rickmer;Pfarr, Nicole;Burger, Sebastian;Muckenhuber, Alexander;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Steiger, Katja;Weichert, Wilko;Friess, Helmut;Schmid, Roland;Algül, Hana;Jost, Philipp J.;Ramser, Juliane;Fischer, Christine;Quante, Anne S.;Reichert, Maximilian;Quante, Michael; PALLD mutation in a European family conveys a stromal predisposition for familial pancreatic cancer
Zhao, Yukai;Lesmes, Luis Andres;Dorr, Michael;Bex, Peter J.;Lu, Zhong-Lin; Psychophysical Validation of a Novel Active Learning Approach for Measuring the Visual Acuity Behavioral Function
Baumann, Carmen;Iannetta, Danilo;Sultan, Ziyaad;Pearce, Ian A.;Lohmann, Chris P.;Zheng, Yalin;Kaye, Stephen B.; Predictive Association of Pre-Operative Defect Areas in the Outer Retinal Layers With Visual Acuity in Macular Hole Surgery
Baumann, Carmen;Hoffmann, Saskia;Almarzooqi, Ahmed;Johannigmann-Malek, Navid;Lohmann, Chris P.;Kaye, Stephen B.; Defining a Cutoff for Progression of Macular Holes
Yang, Chuhua;Starnecker, Fabian;Pang, Shichao;Chen, Zhifen;Güldener, Ulrich;Li, Ling;Heinig, Matthias;Schunkert, Heribert; Polygenic risk for coronary artery disease in the Scottish and English population
Zhou, Yanan;Ma, Yuejiao;Yang, Winson Fu Zun;Wu, Qiuxia;Wang, Qianjin;Wang, Dongfang;Ren, Honghong;Luo, Yinli;Yang, Dong;Liu, Tieqiao;Wu, Xiaoming; Doctor-patient relationship improved during COVID-19 pandemic, but weakness remains
Wichmann, Stefan;Scherer, Siegfried;Ardern, Zachary; Biological factors in the synthetic construction of overlapping genes
Atmann, Oxana;Torge, Marion;Schneider, Antonius; The “General practitioner learning stations”—development, implementation and optimization of an innovative format for sustainable teaching in general practice
Abellan-Schneyder, Isabel;Schusser, Andrea Janina;Neuhaus, Klaus; ddPCR allows 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of very small DNA amounts from low-biomass samples
Dienemann, Thomas;Brennfleck, Frank;Dejaco, Alexander;Grützmann, Robert;Binder, Johannes;Krautz, Christian;Stöß, Christian;Jäger, Carsten;Friess, Helmut;Schlitt, Hans Jürgen;Brunner, Stefan M.; Collateral effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on oncologic surgery in Bavaria
Pflüger, Patrick;Zyskowski, Michael;Müller, Michael;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Functional outcome of 103 fractures of the proximal fifth metatarsal bone
Azodi, Christina B.;Zappia, Luke;Oshlack, Alicia;McCarthy, Davis J.; splatPop: simulating population scale single-cell RNA sequencing data
Louadi, Zakaria;Elkjaer, Maria L.;Klug, Melissa;Lio, Chit Tong;Fenn, Amit;Illes, Zsolt;Bongiovanni, Dario;Baumbach, Jan;Kacprowski, Tim;List, Markus;Tsoy, Olga; Functional enrichment of alternative splicing events with NEASE reveals insights into tissue identity and diseases
Shaigani, Pariya;Awad, Dania;Redai, Veronika;Fuchs, Monika;Haack, Martina;Mehlmer, Norbert;Brueck, Thomas; Oleaginous yeasts- substrate preference and lipid productivity: a view on the performance of microbial lipid producers
Bunge, Eveline M;van Hout, Ben;Haas, Sylvia;Spentzouris, Georgios;Cohen, Alexander; Critical appraisal and issues regarding generalisability of comparative effectiveness studies of NOACs in atrial fibrillation and their relation to clinical trial data: a systematic review
Pérez-García, Carlos;Maegerlein, Christian;Rosati, Santiago;Rüther, Charlotte;Gómez-Escalonilla, Carlos;Zimmer, Claus;Arrazola, Juan;Berndt, Maria Teresa;Moreu, Manuel; Impact of aspiration catheter size on first-pass effect in the combined use of contact aspiration and stent retriever technique
Ikenberg, Benno;Demleitner, Antonia Franziska;Thiele, Thomas;Wiestler, Benedikt;Götze, Katharina;Mößmer, Georg;Lingor, Paul; Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccination with a misleading first cerebral MRI scan
Heilbronner, Urs;Streit, Fabian;Vogl, Thomas;Senner, Fanny;Schaupp, Sabrina K.;Reich-Erkelenz, Daniela;Papiol, Sergi;Oraki Kohshour, Mojtaba;Klöhn-Saghatolislam, Farahnaz;Kalman, Janos L.;Heilbronner, Maria;Gade, Katrin;Comes, Ashley L.;Budde, Monika;Andlauer, Till F. M.;Anderson-Schmidt, Heike;Adorjan, Kristina;Stürmer, Til;Loerbroks, Adrian;Amelang, Manfred;Poisel, Eric;Foo, Jerome;Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie;Forstner, Andreas J.;Degenhardt, Franziska;Zimmermann, Jörg;Wiltfang, Jens;von Hagen, Martin;Spitzer, Carsten;Schmauss, Max;Reininghaus, Eva;Reimer, Jens;Konrad, Carsten;Juckel, Georg;Lang, Fabian U.;Jäger, Markus;Figge, Christian;Fallgatter, Andreas J.;Dietrich, Detlef E.;Dannlowski, Udo;Baune, Bernhardt T.;Arolt, Volker;Anghelescu, Ion-George;Nöthen, Markus M.;Witt, Stephanie H.;Andreassen, Ole A.;Chen, Chi-Hua;Falkai, Peter;Rietschel, Marcella;Schulze, Thomas G.;Schulte, Eva C.; Interplay between the genetics of personality traits, severe psychiatric disorders and COVID-19 host genetics in the susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection
Karaivazoglou, Katerina;Konstantopoulou, Georgia;Kalogeropoulou, Maria;Iliou, Theodoros;Vorvolakos, Theofanis;Assimakopoulos, Konstantinos;Gourzis, Philippos;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis; Psychological distress in the Greek general population during the first COVID-19 lockdown
Grimm, Christina;Frässle, Stefan;Steger, Céline;von Ziegler, Lukas;Sturman, Oliver;Shemesh, Noam;Peleg-Raibstein, Daria;Burdakov, Denis;Bohacek, Johannes;Stephan, Klaas Enno;Razansky, Daniel;Wenderoth, Nicole;Zerbi, Valerio; Optogenetic activation of striatal D1R and D2R cells differentially engages downstream connected areas beyond the basal ganglia
Bourgeois, Benjamin;Gui, Tianshu;Hoogeboom, Diana;Hocking, Henry G.;Richter, Gesa;Spreitzer, Emil;Viertler, Martin;Richter, Klaus;Madl, Tobias;Burgering, Boudewijn M.T.; Multiple regulatory intrinsically disordered motifs control FOXO4 transcription factor binding and function
Penkert, Horst;Bertrand, Alix;Tiwari, Vini;Breimann, Stephan;Müller, Stephan A.;Jordan, Paul M.;Gerl, Mathias J.;Klose, Christian;Cantuti-Castelvetri, Ludovico;Bosch-Queralt, Mar;Levental, Ilya;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.;Werz, Oliver;Simons, Mikael; Proteomic and lipidomic profiling of demyelinating lesions identifies fatty acids as modulators in lesion recovery
Coşkun, Mustafa Cemil; Polar-Coded Non-Coherent Communication
Coşkun, Mustafa Cemil; Optimum Decoding of Modified Polar Codes: From Inactivation Decoding to Tree-Search
Carla Matthäus; Klaudius Henke; Daniel Talke; Thomas Kränkel; Leichtbeton-3D-Druck
Deng, Jun;Gao, Chunhui;Feng, Qian;Xu, Xinzhou;Chen, Zhaopeng; Adaptive Generalized Cross-Entropy Loss for Sound Event Classification with Noisy Labels
Shi, Yunlei;Chen, Zhaopeng;Wu, Yansong;Henkel, Dimitri;Riedel, Sebastian;Liu, Hongxu;Feng, Qian;Zhang, Jianwei; Combining Learning from Demonstration with Learning by Exploration to Facilitate Contact-Rich Tasks
Shi, Yunlei;Chen, Zhaopeng;Liu, Hongxu;Riedel, Sebastian;Gao, Chunhui;Feng, Qian;Deng, Jun;Zhang, Jianwei; Proactive Action Visual Residual Reinforcement Learning for Contact-Rich Tasks Using a Torque-Controlled Robot
Qunsheng Huang; Qaintum: A Julia-based Simulation Framework for Quantum Circuits
Uhl, Enno;Hilmers, Torben;Pretzsch, Hans; From Acid Rain to Low Precipitation: The Role Reversal of Norway Spruce, Silver Fir, and European Beech in a Selection Mountain Forest and Its Implications for Forest Management
S. Bazan Santos, A. Cadavid Isaza, C.Tubella; Long-term investment in low-carbon energy system resilient to climate change: Case study for Colombia and Peru
Schmitz-Koep, Benita;Zimmermann, Juliana;Menegaux, Aurore;Nuttall, Rachel;Bäuml, Josef G.;Schneider, Sebastian C.;Daamen, Marcel;Boecker, Henning;Zimmer, Claus;Wolke, Dieter;Bartmann, Peter;Hedderich, Dennis M.;Sorg, Christian; Within amygdala: Basolateral parts are selectively impaired in premature-born adults
Stankewitz, Anne;Keidel, Leonie;Rehm, Mathias;Irving, Stephanie;Kaczmarz, Stephan;Preibisch, Christine;Witkovsky, Viktor;Zimmer, Claus;Schulz, Enrico;Toelle, Thomas R; Migraine attacks as a result of hypothalamic loss of control
Kayser, Sabine;Schlenk, Richard F.;Lebon, Delphine;Carre, Martin;Götze, Katharina S.;Stölzel, Friedrich;Berceanu, Ana;Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin;Peterlin, Pierre;Hicheri, Yosr;Rahme, Ramy;Raffoux, Emmanuel;Chermat, Fatiha;Krause, Stefan W.;Aulitzky, Walter E.;Rigaudeau, Sophie;Noppeney, Richard;Berthon, Celine;Görner, Martin;Jost, Edgar;Carassou, Philippe;Keller, Ulrich;Orvain, Corentin;Braun, Thorsten;Saillard, Colombe;Arar, Ali;Kunzmann, Volker;Wemeau, Mathieu;De Wit, Maike;Niemann, Dirk;Bonmati, Caroline;Schwänen, Carsten;Abraham, Julie;Aljijakli, Ahmad;Haiat, Stephanie;Krämer, Alwin;Reichle, Albrecht;Gnadler, Martina;Willekens, Christophe;Spiekermann, Karsten;Hiddemann, Wolfgang;Müller-Tidow, Carsten;Thiede, Christian;Röllig, Christoph;Serve, Hubert;Bornhäuser, Martin;Baldus, Claudia D.;Lengfelder, Eva;Fenaux, Pierre;Platzbecker, Uwe;Adès, Lionel; Characteristics and outcome of patients with low-/intermediate-risk acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with arsenic trioxide - an international collaborative study
Goettler, Andrea; Activity and Social Responsibility in the Discourse on Health Care, Long-Term Care and Welfare Services for Older Immigrants
Li, Jinying;Xu, Hongen;Sun, Jianfeng;Tian, Yongan;Liu, Danhua;Qin, Yaping;Liu, Huanfei;Li, Ruijun;Neng, Lingling;Deng, Xiaohua;Xue, Binbin;Yu, Changyun;Tang, Wenxue; Missense Variant of Endoplasmic Reticulum Region of WFS1 Gene Causes Autosomal Dominant Hearing Loss without Syndromic Phenotype
Diesinger, Torsten;Lautwein, Alfred;Bergler, Sebastian;Buckert, Dominik;Renz, Christian;Dvorsky, Radovan;Buko, Vyacheslav;Kirko, Siarhei;Schneider, Edith;Kuchenbauer, Florian;Kumar, Mukesh;Günes, Cagatay;Genze, Felicitas;Büchele, Berthold;Simmet, Thomas;Haslbeck, Martin;Masur, Kai;Barth, Thomas;Müller-Enoch, Dieter;Wirth, Thomas;Haehner, Thomas; A New CYP2E1 Inhibitor, 12-Imidazolyl-1-dodecanol, Represents a Potential Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Yang, Weijie;Meng, Wenjun;Dai, Xiaobing; Microstructure and Dry Friction of 2205 Dual-Phase Steel during Solution Precipitation
Pequeno, Diego N L;Hernández-Ochoa, Ixchel M;Reynolds, Matthew;Sonder, Kai;MoleroMilan, Anabel;Robertson, Richard D;Lopes, Marta S;Xiong, Wei;Kropff, Martin;Asseng, Senthold; Climate impact and adaptation to heat and drought stress of regional and global wheat production
Hu, Yuncai;Schmidhalter, Urs; Urease inhibitors: opportunities for meeting EU national obligations to reduce ammonia emission ceilings by 2030 in EU countries
Gebhart, Valentin;Klatt, Juliane;Cronenberg, Gunther;Filter, Hanno;Buhmann, Stefan Yoshi; Casimir–Polder interaction of neutrons with metal or dielectric surfaces
Bross, L.;Bäumer, J.;Voggenreiter, I.;Wienand, I.;Fekete, A.; Public health without water? Emergency water supply and minimum supply standards of hospitals in high-income countries using the example of Germany and Austria
Hosoglu, Salih;Classen, Annika Yanina;Akturk, Zekeriya; Antibiotic prescription in primary care from the perspective of family physicians: a qualitative study
Kunzke, Thomas;Hölzl, Fabian T.;Prade, Verena M.;Buck, Achim;Huber, Katharina;Feuchtinger, Annette;Ebert, Karolin;Zwingenberger, Gwen;Geffers, Robert;Hauck, Stefanie M.;Haffner, Ivonne;Luber, Birgit;Lordick, Florian;Walch, Axel; Metabolomic therapy response prediction in pretherapeutic tissue biopsies for trastuzumab in patients with HER2‐positive advanced gastric cancer
Caldi Gomes, Lucas;Roser, Anna‐Elisa;Jain, Gaurav;Pena Centeno, Tonatiuh;Maass, Fabian;Schilde, Lukas;May, Caroline;Schneider, Anja;Bähr, Mathias;Marcus, Katrin;Fischer, André;Lingor, Paul; MicroRNAs from extracellular vesicles as a signature for Parkinson's disease
Fusar-Poli, Laura;Rodolico, Alessandro;Sturiale, Serena;Carotenuto, Bianca;Natale, Antimo;Arillotta, Davide;Siafis, Spyridon;Signorelli, Maria Salvina;Aguglia, Eugenio; Second-to-Fourth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) in Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review of Case-control Studies
Graef, Frank;Doll, Christian;Niemann, Marcel;Tsitsilonis, Serafeim;Stöckle, Ulrich;Braun, Karl F.;Wüster, Jonas;Märdian, Sven; Epidemiology, Injury Severity, and Pattern of Standing E-Scooter Accidents: 6-Month Experience from a German Level I Trauma Center
Paraskevas, Kosmas I.;Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.;Baradaran, Hediyeh;Davies, Alun H.;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Faggioli, Gianluca;Fernandes, Jose Fernandes e;Gupta, Ajay;Jezovnik, Mateja K.;Kakkos, Stavros K.;Katsiki, Niki;Kooi, M. Eline;Lanza, Gaetano;Liapis, Christos D.;Loftus, Ian M.;Millon, Antoine;Nicolaides, Andrew N.;Poredos, Pavel;Pini, Rodolfo;Ricco, Jean-Baptiste;Rundek, Tatjana;Saba, Luca;Spinelli, Francesco;Stilo, Francesco;Sultan, Sherif;Zeebregts, Clark J.;Chaturvedi, Seemant; Management of Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis May Need to Be Individualized: A Multidisciplinary Call for Action
Schneider, Simon;Li, Linda;Zink, Alexander; The New Era of Biologics in Atopic Dermatitis: A Review
Zolotareva, Olga;Nasirigerdeh, Reza;Matschinske, Julian;Torkzadehmahani, Reihaneh;Bakhtiari, Mohammad;Frisch, Tobias;Späth, Julian;Blumenthal, David B.;Abbasinejad, Amir;Tieri, Paolo;Kaissis, Georgios;Rückert, Daniel;Wenke, Nina K.;List, Markus;Baumbach, Jan; Flimma: a federated and privacy-aware tool for differential gene expression analysis
Hansen, Jens;von Melchner, Harald;Wurst, Wolfgang; Mutant non-coding RNA resource in mouse embryonic stem cells
Dobosz, Ewelina;Lorenz, Georg;Ribeiro, Andrea;Würf, Vivian;Wadowska, Marta;Kotlinowski, Jerzy;Schmaderer, Christoph;Potempa, Jan;Fu, Mingui;Koziel, Joanna;Lech, Maciej; Murine myeloid cell MCPIP1 suppresses autoimmunity by regulating B-cell expansion and differentiation
Jarmołowski, Wojciech;Belehaki, Anna;Hernández Pajares, Manuel;Schmidt, Michael;Goss, Andreas;Wielgosz, Paweł;Yang, Heng;Krypiak-Gregorczyk, Anna;Tsagouri, Ioanna;Paouris, Evangelos;Monte-Moreno, Enric;García-Rigo, Alberto;Milanowska, Beata;Erdogan, Eren;Graffigna, Victoria;Haagmans, Roger; Combining Swarm Langmuir probe observations, LEO-POD-based and ground-based GNSS receivers and ionosondes for prompt detection of ionospheric earthquake and tsunami signatures: case study of 2015 Chile-Illapel event
Desmet, Sandrien;Saeys, Yvan;Verstaen, Kevin;Dauwe, Rebecca;Kim, Hoon;Niculaes, Claudiu;Fukushima, Atsushi;Goeminne, Geert;Vanholme, Ruben;Ralph, John;Boerjan, Wout;Morreel, Kris; Maize specialized metabolome networks reveal organ-preferential mixed glycosides
Sun, Jianfeng;Frishman, Dmitrij; Improved sequence-based prediction of interaction sites in α-helical transmembrane proteins by deep learning
Matchado, Monica Steffi;Lauber, Michael;Reitmeier, Sandra;Kacprowski, Tim;Baumbach, Jan;Haller, Dirk;List, Markus; Network analysis methods for studying microbial communities: A mini review
Song, Beomjong;Kang, Chan Young;Han, Jun Hee;Kano, Masanobu;Konnerth, Arthur;Bae, Sangsu; In vivo genome editing in single mammalian brain neurons through CRISPR-Cas9 and cytosine base editors
Lora, Jose;Weskamp, Gisela;Li, Thomas M.;Maretzky, Thorsten;Shola, Dorjee T.N.;Monette, Sébastien;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.;Lu, Theresa T.;Yang, Chingwen;Blobel, Carl P.; Targeted truncation of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain in mice results in protein destabilization and a hypomorphic phenotype
Rottenaicher, Georg J.;Weber, Benedikt;Rührnößl, Florian;Kazman, Pamina;Absmeier, Ramona M.;Hitzenberger, Manuel;Zacharias, Martin;Buchner, Johannes; Molecular mechanism of amyloidogenic mutations in hypervariable regions of antibody light chains
Gan, Sufu;Rozhon, Wilfried;Varga, Elisabeth;Halder, Jyotirmoy;Berthiller, Franz;Poppenberger, Brigitte; The acyltransferase PMAT1 malonylates brassinolide glucoside
Vvedenskaya, Olga;Rose, Tim Daniel;Knittelfelder, Oskar;Palladini, Alessandra;Wodke, Judith Andrea Heidrun;Schuhmann, Kai;Ackerman, Jacobo Miranda;Wang, Yuting;Has, Canan;Brosch, Mario;Thangapandi, Veera Raghavan;Buch, Stephan;Züllig, Thomas;Hartler, Jürgen;Köfeler, Harald C.;Röcken, Christoph;Coskun, Ünal;Klipp, Edda;von Schoenfels, Witigo;Gross, Justus;Schafmayer, Clemens;Hampe, Jochen;Pauling, Josch Konstantin;Shevchenko, Andrej; Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease stratification by liver lipidomics
Olasupo, Matthew O.;Idemudia, Erhabor S.;Kareem, Dauda B.; Moderated mediation roles of social connectedness and optimism on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction
Rakić, Mladen;Vercruyssen, Sophie;Van Eyndhoven, Simon;de la Rosa, Ezequiel;Jain, Saurabh;Van Huffel, Sabine;Maes, Frederik;Smeets, Dirk;Sima, Diana M.; icobrain ms 5.1: Combining unsupervised and supervised approaches for improving the detection of multiple sclerosis lesions
Ringwald, Kai G.;Meller, Tina;Schmitt, Simon;Andlauer, Till F.M.;Stein, Frederike;Brosch, Katharina;Pfarr, Julia-Katharina;Steinsträter, Olaf;Meinert, Susanne;Lemke, Hannah;Waltemate, Lena;Thiel, Katharina;Grotegerd, Dominik;Enneking, Verena;Klug, Melissa;Jansen, Andreas;Forstner, Andreas J.;Streit, Fabian;Witt, Stephanie H.;Rietschel, Marcella;Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;Nöthen, Markus M.;Dannlowski, Udo;Krug, Axel;Nenadić, Igor;Kircher, Tilo; Interaction of developmental factors and ordinary stressful life events on brain structure in adults
Koch, Kathrin;Rodriguez-Manrique, Daniela;Rus-Oswald, Oana Georgiana;Gürsel, Deniz A.;Berberich, Götz;Kunz, Miriam;Zimmer, Claus; Homogeneous grey matter patterns in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Mortazavi, Matin;Hizarci, Öznur;Gerdes, Lisa Ann;Havla, Joachim;Kümpfel, Tania;Hohlfeld, Reinhard;Stöcklein, Sophia;Keeser, Daniel;Ertl-Wagner, Birgit; Multiple sclerosis and subclinical neuropathology in healthy individuals with familial risk: A scoping review of MRI studies
DOMÍNGUEZ, EDWIN;MURILLO, VIELKA;ORWAT, JACQUELINE; Leafhopper food plants in a Neotropical forest in Panama (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)
Buonincontri, Guido;Kurzawski, Jan W.;Kaggie, Joshua D;Matys, Tomasz;Gallagher, Ferdia A;Cencini, Matteo;Donatelli, Graziella;Cecchi, Paolo;Cosottini, Mirco;Martini, Nicola;Frijia, Francesca;Montanaro, Domenico;Gómez, Pedro A.;Schulte, Rolf F;Retico, Alessandra;Tosetti, Michela; Three dimensional MRF obtains highly repeatable and reproducible multi-parametric estimations in the healthy human brain at 1.5T and 3T
Radwan, Ahmed M.;Emsell, Louise;Blommaert, Jeroen;Zhylka, Andrey;Kovacs, Silvia;Theys, Tom;Sollmann, Nico;Dupont, Patrick;Sunaert, Stefan; Virtual brain grafting: Enabling whole brain parcellation in the presence of large lesions
Cerri, Stefano;Puonti, Oula;Meier, Dominik S.;Wuerfel, Jens;Mühlau, Mark;Siebner, Hartwig R.;Van Leemput, Koen; A contrast-adaptive method for simultaneous whole-brain and lesion segmentation in multiple sclerosis
Berg, Ronja C.;Preibisch, Christine;Thomas, David L.;Shmueli, Karin;Biondetti, Emma; Investigating the effect of flow compensation and quantitative susceptibility mapping method on the accuracy of venous susceptibility measurement
Ripp, Isabelle;Wallenwein, Lara A;Wu, Qiong;Emch, Monica;Koch, Kathrin;Cumming, Paul;Yakushev, Igor; Working memory task induced neural activation: A simultaneous PET/fMRI study
Dimitrova, Ralica;Pietsch, Maximilian;Ciarrusta, Judit;Fitzgibbon, Sean P.;Williams, Logan Z.J.;Christiaens, Daan;Cordero-Grande, Lucilio;Batalle, Dafnis;Makropoulos, Antonios;Schuh, Andreas;Price, Anthony N.;Hutter, Jana;Teixeira, Rui PAG;Hughes, Emer;Chew, Andrew;Falconer, Shona;Carney, Olivia;Egloff, Alexia;Tournier, J-Donald;McAlonan, Grainne;Rutherford, Mary A.;Counsell, Serena J.;Robinson, Emma C.;Hajnal, Joseph V.;Rueckert, Daniel;Edwards, A. David;O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan; Preterm birth alters the development of cortical microstructure and morphology at term-equivalent age
Biechele, Gloria;Wind, Karin;Blume, Tanja;Sacher, Christian;Beyer, Leonie;Eckenweber, Florian;Franzmeier, Nicolai;Ewers, Michael;Zott, Benedikt;Lindner, Simon;Gildehaus, Franz-Josef;von Ungern-Sternberg, Barbara;Tahirovic, Sabina;Willem, Michael;Bartenstein, Peter;Cumming, Paul;Rominger, Axel;Herms, Jochen;Brendel, Matthias; Microglial activation in the right amygdala-entorhinal-hippocampal complex is associated with preserved spatial learning in App mice
Timmins, Kimberley M.;van der Schaaf, Irene C.;Bennink, Edwin;Ruigrok, Ynte M.;An, Xingle;Baumgartner, Michael;Bourdon, Pascal;De Feo, Riccardo;Noto, Tommaso Di;Dubost, Florian;Fava-Sanches, Augusto;Feng, Xue;Giroud, Corentin;Group, Inteneural;Hu, Minghui;Jaeger, Paul F.;Kaiponen, Juhana;Klimont, Michał;Li, Yuexiang;Li, Hongwei;Lin, Yi;Loehr, Timo;Ma, Jun;Maier-Hein, Klaus H.;Marie, Guillaume;Menze, Bjoern;Richiardi, Jonas;Rjiba, Saifeddine;Shah, Dhaval;Shit, Suprosanna;Tohka, Jussi;Urruty, Thierry;Walińska, Urszula;Yang, Xiaoping;Yang, Yunqiao;Yin, Yin;Velthuis, Birgitta K.;Kuijf, Hugo J.; Comparing methods of detecting and segmenting unruptured intracranial aneurysms on TOF-MRAS: The ADAM challenge
Wagner, Nicola;Zink, Alexander;Hell, Katharina;Reinhardt, Maximilian;Romer, Katrin;Hillmann, Elena;Baeumer, Daniel;Schielein, Maximilian C.; Patients with Chronic Urticaria Remain Largely Undertreated: Results from the DERMLINE Online Survey
Klein, Toni Maria;Blome, Christine;Kleyn, C. Elise;Conrad, Curdin;Sator, Paul G.;Ståhle, Mona;Eyerich, Kilian;Radtke, Marc Alexander;Bundy, Christine;Cordey, Myriam;Griffiths, Christopher E. M.;Augustin, Matthias; Real-World Experience of Patient-Relevant Benefits and Treatment Satisfaction with Apremilast in Patients with Psoriasis: An Analysis of the APPRECIATE Study
Huang, Yuanhui;Omar, Murad;Tian, Weili;Lopez-Schier, Hernán;Westmeyer, Gil Gregor;Chmyrov, Andriy;Sergiadis, George;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Noninvasive visualization of electrical conductivity in tissues at the micrometer scale
Lassi, Maximilian;Tomar, Archana;Comas-Armangué, Gemma;Vogtmann, Rebekka;Dijkstra, Dorieke J.;Corujo, David;Gerlini, Raffaele;Darr, Jonatan;Scheid, Fabienne;Rozman, Jan;Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio;Koren, Omry;Buschbeck, Marcus;Fuchs, Helmut;Marschall, Susan;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;Hrabe de Angelis, Martin;Plösch, Torsten;Gellhaus, Alexandra;Teperino, Raffaele; Disruption of paternal circadian rhythm affects metabolic health in male offspring via nongerm cell factors
Schober, Florian A.;Moore, David;Atanassov, Ilian;Moedas, Marco F.;Clemente, Paula;Végvári, Ákos;Fissi, Najla El;Filograna, Roberta;Bucher, Anna-Lena;Hinze, Yvonne;The, Matthew;Hedman, Erik;Chernogubova, Ekaterina;Begzati, Arjana;Wibom, Rolf;Jain, Mohit;Nilsson, Roland;Käll, Lukas;Wedell, Anna;Freyer, Christoph;Wredenberg, Anna; The one-carbon pool controls mitochondrial energy metabolism via complex I and iron-sulfur clusters
Lopez, Juan Pablo;Brivio, Elena;Santambrogio, Alice;De Donno, Carlo;Kos, Aron;Peters, Miriam;Rost, Nicolas;Czamara, Darina;Brückl, Tanja M.;Roeh, Simone;Pöhlmann, Max L.;Engelhardt, Clara;Ressle, Andrea;Stoffel, Rainer;Tontsch, Alina;Villamizar, Javier M.;Reincke, Martin;Riester, Anna;Sbiera, Silviu;Fassnacht, Martin;Mayberg, Helen S.;Craighead, W. Edward;Dunlop, Boadie W.;Nemeroff, Charles B.;Schmidt, Mathias V.;Binder, Elisabeth B.;Theis, Fabian J.;Beuschlein, Felix;Andoniadou, Cynthia L.;Chen, Alon; Single-cell molecular profiling of all three components of the HPA axis reveals adrenal ABCB1 as a regulator of stress adaptation
Neff, Felix;Brändle, Martin;Ambarlı, Didem;Ammer, Christian;Bauhus, Jürgen;Boch, Steffen;Hölzel, Norbert;Klaus, Valentin H.;Kleinebecker, Till;Prati, Daniel;Schall, Peter;Schäfer, Deborah;Schulze, Ernst-Detlef;Seibold, Sebastian;Simons, Nadja K.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Pellissier, Loïc;Gossner, Martin M.; Changes in plant-herbivore network structure and robustness along land-use intensity gradients in grasslands and forests
Kuehn, Christian;Bick, Christian; A universal route to explosive phenomena
Sonner, Maximilian M.;Khosravi, Farhad;Janker, Lisa;Rudolph, Daniel;Koblmüller, Gregor;Jacob, Zubin;Krenner, Hubert J.; Ultrafast electron cycloids driven by the transverse spin of a surface acoustic wave
Harris, E.;Diaz-Pines, E.;Stoll, E.;Schloter, M.;Schulz, S.;Duffner, C.;Li, K.;Moore, K. L.;Ingrisch, J.;Reinthaler, D.;Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.;Glatzel, S.;Brüggemann, N.;Bahn, M.; Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting
Cadilha, Bruno L.;Benmebarek, Mohamed-Reda;Dorman, Klara;Oner, Arman;Lorenzini, Theo;Obeck, Hannah;Vänttinen, Mira;Di Pilato, Mauro;Pruessmann, Jasper N.;Stoiber, Stefan;Huynh, Duc;Märkl, Florian;Seifert, Matthias;Manske, Katrin;Suarez-Gosalvez, Javier;Zeng, Yi;Lesch, Stefanie;Karches, Clara H.;Heise, Constanze;Gottschlich, Adrian;Thomas, Moritz;Marr, Carsten;Zhang, Jin;Pandey, Dharmendra;Feuchtinger, Tobias;Subklewe, Marion;Mempel, Thorsten R.;Endres, Stefan;Kobold, Sebastian; Combined tumor-directed recruitment and protection from immune suppression enable CAR T cell efficacy in solid tumors
Li, Dong;Wang, Qin;Gong, Naihua N.;Kurolap, Alina;Feldman, Hagit Baris;Boy, Nikolas;Brugger, Melanie;Grand, Katheryn;McWalter, Kirsty;Guillen Sacoto, Maria J.;Wakeling, Emma;Hurst, Jane;March, Michael E.;Bhoj, Elizabeth J.;Nowaczyk, Małgorzata J. M.;Gonzaga-Jauregui, Claudia;Mathew, Mariam;Dava-Wala, Ashita;Siemon, Amy;Bartholomew, Dennis;Huang, Yue;Lee, Hane;Martinez-Agosto, Julian A.;Schwaibold, Eva M. C.;Brunet, Theresa;Choukair, Daniela;Pais, Lynn S.;White, Susan M.;Christodoulou, John;Brown, Dana;Lindstrom, Kristin;Grebe, Theresa;Tiosano, Dov;Kayser, Matthew S.;Tan, Tiong Yang;Deardorff, Matthew A.;Song, Yuanquan;Hakonarson, Hakon; Pathogenic variants in SMARCA5 , a chromatin remodeler, cause a range of syndromic neurodevelopmental features
Werner, Helen;Bapat, Shalmali;Schobesberger, Michael;Segets, Doris;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Calcium Oxalate Crystallization: Influence of pH, Energy Input, and Supersaturation Ratio on the Synthesis of Artificial Kidney Stones
Wang, Shuaijun;Meixner, Maximilian;Yu, Lushuang;Zhuo, Ling;Karmann, Lisa;Kazmaier, Uli;Vollmar, Angelika M.;Antes, Iris;Zahler, Stefan; Turning the Actin Nucleating Compound Miuraenamide into Nucleation Inhibitors
Morales Guzmán, P. I.;Muggli, P.;Agnello, R.;Ahdida, C. C.;Aladi, M.;Amoedo Goncalves, M. C.;Andrebe, Y.;Apsimon, O.;Apsimon, R.;Bachmann, A.-M.;Baistrukov, M. A.;Batsch, F.;Bergamaschi, M.;Blanchard, P.;Braunmüller, F.;Burrows, P. N.;Buttenschön, B.;Caldwell, A.;Chappell, J.;Chevallay, E.;Chung, M.;Cooke, D. A.;Damerau, H.;Davut, C.;Demeter, G.;Dexter, A.;Doebert, S.;Farmer, J.;Fasoli, A.;Fedosseev, V. N.;Fiorito, R.;Fonseca, R. A.;Furno, I.;Gessner, S.;Gorn, A. A.;Granados, E.;Granetzny, M.;Graubner, T.;Grulke, O.;Gschwendtner, E.;Guran, E. D.;Hafych, V.;Henderson, J. R.;Hüther, M.;Kedves, M. Á.;Khudyakov, V.;Kim, S.-Y.;Kraus, F.;Krupa, M.;Lefevre, T.;Liang, L.;Lopes, N.;Lotov, K. V.;Martyanov, M.;Mazzoni, S.;Medina Godoy, D.;Moody, J. T.;Moon, K.;Moreira, M.;Nechaeva, T.;Nowak, E.;Pakuza, C.;Panuganti, H.;Pardons, A.;Perera, A.;Pucek, J.;Pukhov, A.;Ráczkevi, B.;Ramjiawan, R. L.;Rey, S.;Schmitz, O.;Senes, E.;Silva, L. O.;Stollberg, C.;Sublet, A.;Topaloudis, A.;Torrado, N.;Tuev, P. V.;Turner, M.;Velotti, F.;Verra, L.;Vieira, J.;Vincke, H.;Welsch, C. P.;Wendt, M.;Wing, M.;Wolfenden, J.;Woolley, B.;Xia, G.;Zepp, M.;Zevi Della Porta, G.;; Simulation and experimental study of proton bunch self-modulation in plasma with linear density gradients
Chappell, J.;Adli, E.;Agnello, R.;Aladi, M.;Andrebe, Y.;Apsimon, O.;Apsimon, R.;Bachmann, A.-M.;Baistrukov, M. A.;Batsch, F.;Bergamaschi, M.;Blanchard, P.;Burrows, P. N.;Buttenschön, B.;Caldwell, A.;Chevallay, E.;Chung, M.;Cooke, D. A.;Damerau, H.;Davut, C.;Demeter, G.;Deubner, L. H.;Dexter, A.;Djotyan, G. P.;Doebert, S.;Farmer, J.;Fasoli, A.;Fedosseev, V. N.;Fiorito, R.;Fonseca, R. A.;Friebel, F.;Furno, I.;Garolfi, L.;Gessner, S.;Goddard, B.;Gorgisyan, I.;Gorn, A. A.;Granados, E.;Granetzny, M.;Grulke, O.;Gschwendtner, E.;Hafych, V.;Hartin, A.;Helm, A.;Henderson, J. R.;Howling, A.;Hüther, M.;Jacquier, R.;Jolly, S.;Kargapolov, I. Yu.;Kedves, M. Á.;Keeble, F.;Kelisani, M. D.;Kim, S.-Y.;Kraus, F.;Krupa, M.;Lefevre, T.;Li, Y.;Liang, L.;Liu, S.;Lopes, N.;Lotov, K. V.;Martyanov, M.;Mazzoni, S.;Medina Godoy, D.;Minakov, V. A.;Moody, J. T.;Morales Guzmán, P. I.;Moreira, M.;Panuganti, H.;Pardons, A.;Peña Asmus, F.;Perera, A.;Petrenko, A.;Pucek, J.;Pukhov, A.;Ráczkevi, B.;Ramjiawan, R. L.;Rey, S.;Ruhl, H.;Saberi, H.;Schmitz, O.;Senes, E.;Sherwood, P.;Silva, L. O.;Spitsyn, R. I.;Tuev, P. V.;Velotti, F.;Verra, L.;Verzilov, V. A.;Vieira, J.;Welsch, C. P.;Williamson, B.;Wing, M.;Wolfenden, J.;Woolley, B.;Xia, G.;Zepp, M.;Zevi Della Porta, G.;; Experimental study of extended timescale dynamics of a plasma wakefield driven by a self-modulated proton bunch
Haldar, Asmi;Mallayya, Krishnanand;Heyl, Markus;Pollmann, Frank;Rigol, Marcos;Das, Arnab; Signatures of Quantum Phase Transitions after Quenches in Quantum Chaotic One-Dimensional Systems
Shimazaki, Yuya;Kuhlenkamp, Clemens;Schwartz, Ido;Smoleński, Tomasz;Watanabe, Kenji;Taniguchi, Takashi;Kroner, Martin;Schmidt, Richard;Knap, Michael;Imamoğlu, Ataç; Optical Signatures of Periodic Charge Distribution in a Mott-like Correlated Insulator State
Verresen, Ruben;Thorngren, Ryan;Jones, Nick G.;Pollmann, Frank; Gapless Topological Phases and Symmetry-Enriched Quantum Criticality
Ji, Geoffrey;Xu, Muqing;Kendrick, Lev Haldar;Chiu, Christie S.;Brüggenjürgen, Justus C.;Greif, Daniel;Bohrdt, Annabelle;Grusdt, Fabian;Demler, Eugene;Lebrat, Martin;Greiner, Markus; Coupling a Mobile Hole to an Antiferromagnetic Spin Background: Transient Dynamics of a Magnetic Polaron
Pechal, M.;Salis, G.;Ganzhorn, M.;Egger, D. J.;Werninghaus, M.;Filipp, S.; Characterization and Tomography of a Hidden Qubit
Rosenberger, Joachim H.;Göppel, Tobias;Kudella, Patrick W.;Braun, Dieter;Gerland, Ulrich;Altaner, Bernhard; Self-Assembly of Informational Polymers by Templated Ligation
Kao, Wen-Han;Knolle, Johannes;Halász, Gábor B.;Moessner, Roderich;Perkins, Natalia B.; Vacancy-Induced Low-Energy Density of States in the Kitaev Spin Liquid
Maurice, Nicholas J.;Berner, Jacqueline;Taber, Alexis K.;Zehn, Dietmar;Prlic, Martin; Inflammatory signals are sufficient to elicit TOX expression in mouse and human CD8+ T cells
Busch, Albert;Pauli, Jessica;Winski, Greg;Bleichert, Sonja;Chernogubova, Ekaterina;Metschl, Susanne;Winter, Hanna;Trenner, Matthias;Wiegering, Armin;Otto, Christoph;Fischer, Johannes;Reiser, Judith;Werner, Julia;Roy, Joy;Brostjan, Christine;Knappich, Christoph;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Paloschi, Valentina;Maegdefessel, Lars; Lenvatinib halts aortic aneurysm growth by restoring smooth muscle cell contractility
Kaiser, Rainer;Leunig, Alexander;Pekayvaz, Kami;Popp, Oliver;Joppich, Markus;Polewka, Vivien;Escaig, Raphael;Anjum, Afra;Hoffknecht, Marie-Louise;Gold, Christoph;Brambs, Sophia;Engel, Anouk;Stockhausen, Sven;Knottenberg, Viktoria;Titova, Anna;Haji, Mohamed;Scherer, Clemens;Muenchhoff, Maximilian;Hellmuth, Johannes C.;Saar, Kathrin;Schubert, Benjamin;Hilgendorff, Anne;Schulz, Christian;Kääb, Stefan;Zimmer, Ralf;Hübner, Norbert;Massberg, Steffen;Mertins, Philipp;Nicolai, Leo;Stark, Konstantin; Self-sustaining IL-8 loops drive a prothrombotic neutrophil phenotype in severe COVID-19
Gonzalez-Perez, Ana Cristina;Stempel, Markus;Wyler, Emanuel;Urban, Christian;Piras, Antonio;Hennig, Thomas;Ganskih, Sabina;Wei, Yuanjie;Heim, Albert;Landthaler, Markus;Pichlmair, Andreas;Dölken, Lars;Munschauer, Mathias;Erhard, Florian;Brinkmann, Melanie M.; The Zinc Finger Antiviral Protein ZAP Restricts Human Cytomegalovirus and Selectively Binds and Destabilizes Viral UL4 / UL5 Transcripts
de Assis, Leandro José;Silva, Lilian Pereira;Bayram, Ozgur;Dowling, Paul;Kniemeyer, Olaf;Krüger, Thomas;Brakhage, Axel A.;Chen, Yingying;Dong, Liguo;Tan, Kaeling;Wong, Koon Ho;Ries, Laure N. A.;Goldman, Gustavo H.; Carbon Catabolite Repression in Filamentous Fungi Is Regulated by Phosphorylation of the Transcription Factor CreA
Jiang, Puzi;Wu, Sicheng;Luo, Qibin;Zhao, Xing-ming;Chen, Wei-Hua; Metagenomic Analysis of Common Intestinal Diseases Reveals Relationships among Microbial Signatures and Powers Multidisease Diagnostic Models
Triebelhorn, Julian;Haschka, Stefanie;Hesse, Felix;Erber, Johanna;Weidlich, Simon;Lee, Marcel;Hoffmann, Dieter;Eberle, Josef;Spinner, Christoph D.; Acute HIV infection syndrome mimicking COVID-19 vaccination side effects: a case report
Crowell, Trevor A.;Qian, Haoyu;Tiemann, Carsten;Lehmann, Clara;Boesecke, Christoph;Stoehr, Albrecht;Hartikainen, Jukka;Esser, Stefan;Bickel, Markus;Spinner, Christoph D.;Schneeweiß, Stephan;Cordes, Christiane;Brockmeyer, Norbert;Jessen, Heiko;Robb, Merlin L.;Michael, Nelson L.;Jansen, Klaus;Streeck, Hendrik;; Factors associated with testing for HIV and hepatitis C among behaviorally vulnerable men in Germany: a cross-sectional analysis upon enrollment into an observational cohort
Wolf, Eva;Boesecke, Christoph;Balogh, Annamaria;Bidner, Helen;Cordes, Christiane;Heiken, Hans;Krznaric, Ivanka;Kümmerle, Tim;Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen;Schneider, Jochen;Spinner, Christoph D.;; Virologic outcomes of switching to boosted darunavir plus dolutegravir with respect to history of drug resistance
Mensch, Maria;Dunot, Jade;Yishan, Sandy M.;Harris, Samuel S.;Blistein, Aline;Avdiu, Alban;Pousinha, Paula A.;Giudici, Camilla;Busche, Marc Aurel;Jedlicka, Peter;Willem, Michael;Marie, Hélène; Aη-α and Aη-β peptides impair LTP ex vivo within the low nanomolar range and impact neuronal activity in vivo
Di, Jing;Siddique, Ibrar;Li, Zizheng;Malki, Ghattas;Hornung, Simon;Dutta, Suman;Hurst, Ian;Ishaaya, Ella;Wang, Austin;Tu, Sally;Boghos, Ani;Ericsson, Ida;Klärner, Frank-Gerrit;Schrader, Thomas;Bitan, Gal; The molecular tweezer CLR01 improves behavioral deficits and reduces tau pathology in P301S-tau transgenic mice
Dyrba, Martin;Hanzig, Moritz;Altenstein, Slawek;Bader, Sebastian;Ballarini, Tommaso;Brosseron, Frederic;Buerger, Katharina;Cantré, Daniel;Dechent, Peter;Dobisch, Laura;Düzel, Emrah;Ewers, Michael;Fliessbach, Klaus;Glanz, Wenzel;Haynes, John-Dylan;Heneka, Michael T.;Janowitz, Daniel;Keles, Deniz B.;Kilimann, Ingo;Laske, Christoph;Maier, Franziska;Metzger, Coraline D.;Munk, Matthias H.;Perneczky, Robert;Peters, Oliver;Preis, Lukas;Priller, Josef;Rauchmann, Boris;Roy, Nina;Scheffler, Klaus;Schneider, Anja;Schott, Björn H.;Spottke, Annika;Spruth, Eike J.;Weber, Marc-André;Ertl-Wagner, Birgit;Wagner, Michael;Wiltfang, Jens;Jessen, Frank;Teipel, Stefan J.;; Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease
Engels, Eliane S.;Mutz, Michael;Demetriou, Yolanda;Reimers, Anne K.; Levels of physical activity in four domains and affective wellbeing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
Bressem, Keno K.;Vahldiek, Janis L.;Adams, Lisa;Niehues, Stefan Markus;Haibel, Hildrun;Rodriguez, Valeria Rios;Torgutalp, Murat;Protopopov, Mikhail;Proft, Fabian;Rademacher, Judith;Sieper, Joachim;Rudwaleit, Martin;Hamm, Bernd;Makowski, Marcus R.;Hermann, Kay-Geert;Poddubnyy, Denis; Deep learning for detection of radiographic sacroiliitis: achieving expert-level performance
Bodden, Jannis;Joseph, Gabby B.;Schirò, Silvia;Lynch, John A.;Lane, Nancy E.;McCulloch, Charles E.;Nevitt, Michael C.;Link, Thomas M.; Opioid users show worse baseline knee osteoarthritis and faster progression of degenerative changes: a retrospective case-control study based on data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
Herring, W. Joseph;Mukai, Yuki;Wang, Aobo;Lutkiewicz, Jeannine;Lombard, John F.;Lin, Li;Watkins, Molly;Broussard, David M.;Blobner, Manfred; A randomized trial evaluating the safety profile of sugammadex in high surgical risk ASA physical class 3 or 4 participants
Horrow, Jay C.;Li, Wen;Blobner, Manfred;Lombard, John;Speek, Marcel;DeAngelis, Matthew;Herring, W. Joseph; Actual versus ideal body weight dosing of sugammadex in morbidly obese patients offers faster reversal of rocuronium- or vecuronium-induced deep or moderate neuromuscular block: a randomized clinical trial
Wagner, Soeren;Sutter, Lorenz;Wagenblast, Fabian;Walther, Andreas;Schiff, Jan-Henrik; Short term cognitive function after sevoflurane anesthesia in patients suspect to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: an observational study
Waibel, Dominik Jens Elias;Shetab Boushehri, Sayedali;Marr, Carsten; InstantDL: an easy-to-use deep learning pipeline for image segmentation and classification
Amrhein, Lisa;Fuchs, Christiane; stochprofML: stochastic profiling using maximum likelihood estimation in R
Bej, Saptarshi;Galow, Anne-Marie;David, Robert;Wolfien, Markus;Wolkenhauer, Olaf; Automated annotation of rare-cell types from single-cell RNA-sequencing data through synthetic oversampling
Yu, Shiqing;Drton, Mathias;Promislow, Daniel E. L.;Shojaie, Ali; CorDiffViz: an R package for visualizing multi-omics differential correlation networks
Baca Cabrera, Juan C.;Hirl, Regina T.;Schäufele, Rudi;Macdonald, Andy;Schnyder, Hans; Stomatal conductance limited the CO2 response of grassland in the last century
Calais, Jeremie;Zhu, Shaojun;Hirmas, Nader;Eiber, Matthias;Hadaschik, Boris;Stuschke, Martin;Herrmann, Ken;Czernin, Johannes;Kishan, Amar U.;Nickols, Nicholas G.;Elashoff, David;Fendler, Wolfgang P.; Phase 3 multicenter randomized trial of PSMA PET/CT prior to definitive radiation therapy for unfavorable intermediate-risk or high-risk prostate cancer [PSMA dRT]: study protocol
Kemmerer, Constanze L.;Schittenhelm, Jens;Dubois, Evelyn;Neumann, Laura;Häsler, Lisa M.;Lambert, Marius;Renovanz, Mirjam;Kaeser, Stephan A.;Tabatabai, Ghazaleh;Ziemann, Ulf;Naumann, Ulrike;Kowarik, Markus C.; Cerebrospinal fluid cytokine levels are associated with macrophage infiltration into tumor tissues of glioma patients
Götze, Thorsten O.;Piso, Pompiliu;Lorenzen, Sylvie;Bankstahl, Ulli S.;Pauligk, Claudia;Elshafei, Moustafa;Amato, Giuseppe;Reim, Daniel;Bechstein, Wolf O.;Königsrainer, Alfred;Mönig, Stefan P.;Rau, Beate;Schwarzbach, Matthias;Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin; Preventive HIPEC in combination with perioperative FLOT versus FLOT alone for resectable diffuse type gastric and gastroesophageal junction type II/III adenocarcinoma – the phase III “PREVENT”- (FLOT9) trial of the AIO /CAOGI /ACO
Voglhuber, Theresa;Eitz, Kerstin A.;Oechsner, Markus;Vogel, Marco M. E.;Combs, Stephanie E.; Analysis of using high-precision radiotherapy in the treatment of liver metastases regarding toxicity and survival
Jahnen, Matthias;Mynzak, Eike;Meissner, Valentin H.;Schiele, Stefan;Schulwitz, Helga;Ankerst, Donna P.;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Herkommer, Kathleen;Dinkel, Andreas; Diversity of cancer-related identities in long-term prostate cancer survivors after radical prostatectomy
Gassert, Felix G.;Gassert, Florian T.;Specht, Katja;Knebel, Carolin;Lenze, Ulrich;Makowski, Marcus R.;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Woertler, Klaus; Soft tissue masses: distribution of entities and rate of malignancy in small lesions
Wehner, Katja;Renker, Carsten;Simons, Nadja K.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Blüthgen, Nico; Narrow environmental niches predict land-use responses and vulnerability of land snail assemblages
Silva-Arias, Gustavo A.;Caballero-Villalobos, Lina;Giudicelli, Giovanna C.;Freitas, Loreta B.; Landscape and climatic features drive genetic differentiation processes in a South American coastal plant
Jörgens, Maximilian;Königer, Jürgen;Kanz, Karl-Georg;Birkholz, Torsten;Hübner, Heiko;Prückner, Stephan;Zwissler, Bernhard;Trentzsch, Heiko; Testing mechanical chest compression devices of different design for their suitability for prehospital patient transport - a simulator-based study
Seckler, Eva;Regauer, Verena;Krüger, Melanie;Gabriel, Anna;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Niemietz, Carolin;Bauer, Petra;Müller, Martin; Improving mobility and participation of older people with vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders in primary care using a care pathway: feasibility study and process evaluation
Lloret-Villas, Audald;Bhati, Meenu;Kadri, Naveen Kumar;Fries, Ruedi;Pausch, Hubert; Investigating the impact of reference assembly choice on genomic analyses in a cattle breed
van der Weijden, Vera A.;Schmidhauser, Meret;Kurome, Mayuko;Knubben, Johannes;Flöter, Veronika L.;Wolf, Eckhard;Ulbrich, Susanne E.; Transcriptome dynamics in early in vivo developing and in vitro produced porcine embryos
Steidele, C. E.;Stam, R.; Multi-omics approach highlights differences between RLP classes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Flossmann, Gabriele;Wurmser, Christine;Pausch, Hubert;Tenghe, Amabel;Dodenhoff, Jörg;Dahinten, Günther;Götz, Kay-Uwe;Russ, Ingolf;Fries, Ruedi; A nonsense mutation of bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP15) causes both infertility and increased litter size in pigs
Tavares, Maria J.;Güldener, Ulrich;Mendes-Ferreira, Ana;Mira, Nuno P.; Genome sequencing, annotation and exploration of the SO2-tolerant non-conventional yeast Saccharomycodes ludwigii
Geiger, Isabel;;Kammerlander, Christian;Höfer, Christine;Volland, Ruth;Trinemeier, Jörg;Henschelchen, Martina;Friess, Thomas;Böcker, Wolfgang;Sundmacher, Leonie; Implementation of an integrated care programme to avoid fragility fractures of the hip in older adults in 18 Bavarian hospitals – study protocol for the cluster-randomised controlled fracture liaison service FLS-CARE
Piraux, Arthur;Faure, Sébastien;Naber, Kurt G.;Alidjanov, Jakhongir F.;Ramond-Roquin, Aline; Changes in the management of urinary tract infections in women: impact of the new recommendations on antibiotic prescribing behavior in France, between 2014 and 2019
Mukendi, Deby;Kalo, Jean-Roger Lilo;Lutumba, Pascal;Barbé, Barbara;Jacobs, Jan;Yansouni, Cedric P.;Gabriël, Sarah;Dorny, Pierre;Chappuis, François;Boelaert, Marleen;Winkler, Andrea S.;Verdonck, Kristien;Bottieau, Emmanuel; High frequency of Taenia solium antigen positivity in patients admitted for neurological disorders in the Rural Hospital of Mosango, Democratic Republic of Congo
Wiedemann, Gabriela M.;Schneider, Jochen;Verbeek, Mareike;Konukiewitz, Björn;Spinner, Christoph D.;Einwächter, Henrik;Schmid, Roland M.;Rothe, Kathrin; An Eschar-like souvenir from a journey to Colombia: Ecthyma gangrenosum as a differential diagnosis of tropical diseases in immunocompromised patients – a case report
Bernt, M.;Schramm, C.;Schröter, J.;Gebauer, C.;Byrknes, J.;Eickes, C.;Gasteiger, H. A.; Effect of the IrOx Conductivity on the Anode Electrode/Porous Transport Layer Interfacial Resistance in PEM Water Electrolyzers
Morasch, Robert;Keilhofer, Josef;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Suthar, Bharatkumar; Methods—Understanding Porous Electrode Impedance and the Implications for the Impedance Analysis of Li-Ion Battery Electrodes
Greese, Tobias;Loichet Torres, Paulette A.;Menga, Davide;Dotzauer, Petra;Wiener, Matthias;Reichenauer, Gudrun; Impact of Plasma and Thermal Treatment on the Long-term Performance of Vanadium Redox Flow Electrodes – Significance of Surface Structure vs Oxygen Functionalities
Hartmann, Louis;Pritzl, Daniel;Beyer, Hans;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Evidence for Li+/H+ Exchange during Ambient Storage of Ni-Rich Cathode Active Materials
Stühmeier, Björn M.;Pietsch, Markus R.;Schwämmlein, Jan N.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Pressure and Temperature Dependence of the Hydrogen Oxidation and Evolution Reaction Kinetics on Pt Electrocatalysts via PEMFC-based Hydrogen-Pump Measurements
Fathi Tovini, Mohammad;Damjanovic, Ana Marija;El-Sayed, Hany A.;Speder, Jozsef;Eickes, Christian;Suchsland, Jens-Peter;Ghielmi, Alessandro;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Degradation Mechanism of an IrO2 Anode Co-Catalyst for Cell Voltage Reversal Mitigation under Transient Operation Conditions of a PEM Fuel Cell
Schindler, Markus;Sturm, Johannes;Ludwig, Sebastian;Durdel, Axel;Jossen, Andreas; Comprehensive Analysis of the Aging Behavior of Nickel-Rich, Silicon-Graphite Lithium-Ion Cells Subject to Varying Temperature and Charging Profiles
Kraft, Ludwig;Hoefling, Alexander;Zünd, Tanja;Kunz, Alexander;Steinhardt, Marco;Tübke, Jens;Jossen, Andreas; Implications of the Heat Generation of LMR-NCM on the Thermal Behavior of Large-Format Lithium-Ion Batteries
Loichet Torres, Paulette A.;El-Sayed, Hany A.;Schwämmlein, Jan N.;Friedrich, Franziska;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Hydrogen Gas Promoted Self-Limiting Copper Monolayer Deposition on Platinum
Strehle, Benjamin;Friedrich, Franziska;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; A Comparative Study of Structural Changes during Long-Term Cycling of NCM-811 at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures
Landesfeind, Johannes;Hosaka, Tomooki;Graf, Maximilian;Kubota, Kei;Komaba, Shinichi;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Comparison of Ionic Transport Properties of Non-Aqueous Lithium and Sodium Hexafluorophosphate Electrolytes
Spingler, Franz B.;Kücher, Simon;Phillips, Robert;Moyassari, Erfan;Jossen, Andreas; Electrochemically Stable In Situ Dilatometry of NMC, NCA and Graphite Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Cells Compared to XRD Measurements
Hamar, Jacob C.;Erhard, Simon V.;Zoerr, Christoph;Jossen, Andreas; Anode Potential Estimation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Data-Driven Models for Online Applications
Schreiner, David;Zünd, Tanja;Günter, Florian J.;Kraft, Ludwig;Stumper, Benedikt;Linsenmann, Fabian;Schüßler, Michael;Wilhelm, Rebecca;Jossen, Andreas;Reinhart, Gunther;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Comparative Evaluation of LMR-NCM and NCA Cathode Active Materials in Multilayer Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: Part I. Production, Electrode Characterization, and Formation
Rheinländer, Philipp Jan;Durst, Julien; Transformation of the OER-Active IrOx Species under Transient Operation Conditions in PEM Water Electrolysis
Kraft, Ludwig;Zünd, Tanja;Schreiner, David;Wilhelm, Rebecca;Günter, Florian J.;Reinhart, Gunther;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;Jossen, Andreas; Comparative Evaluation of LMR-NCM and NCA Cathode Active Materials in Multilayer Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells: Part II. Rate Capability, Long-Term Stability, and Thermal Behavior
Moyassari, Erfan;Streck, Luiza;Paul, Neelima;Trunk, Markus;Neagu, Robert;Chang, Chia-Chin;Hou, Shang-Chieh;Märkisch, Bastian;Gilles, Ralph;Jossen, Andreas; Impact of Silicon Content within Silicon-Graphite Anodes on Performance and Li Concentration Profiles of Li-Ion Cells using Neutron Depth Profiling
Solchenbach, Sophie;Huang, Xinyi;Pritzl, Daniel;Landesfeind, Johannes;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Monitoring SEI Formation on Graphite Electrodes in Lithium-Ion Cells by Impedance Spectroscopy
Fathi Tovini, Mohammad;Hartig-Weiß, Alexandra;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;El-Sayed, Hany A.; The Discrepancy in Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalyst Lifetime Explained: RDE vs MEA - Dynamicity within the Catalyst Layer Matters
Stühmeier, Björn M.;Greiner, Mark T.;Sureshwaran, Vignesh;Schuster, Lukas;Tiah, Li Hui;Schwämmlein, Jan N.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.;El-Sayed, Hany A.; Extending the Polyol Reduction Process into the Second Dimension: Oxide Thin Film Reduction
Linsenmann, Fabian;Pritzl, Daniel;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Comparing the Lithiation and Sodiation of a Hard Carbon Anode Using In Situ Impedance Spectroscopy
McAllister, Lucy;Daly, Meaghan;Chandler, Patrick;McNatt, Marisa;Benham, Andrew;Boykoff, Maxwell; Balance as bias, resolute on the retreat? Updates & analyses of newspaper coverage in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Canada over the past 15 years
Liu, Bing;Zhang, Dongzheng;Zhang, Huxin;Asseng, Senthold;Yin, Tingwei;Qiu, Xiaolei;Ye, Zi;Liu, Leilei;Tang, Liang;Cao, Weixing;Zhu, Yan; Separating the impacts of heat stress events from rising mean temperatures on winter wheat yield of China
Nóia Júnior, Rogério de Souza;Martre, Pierre;Finger, Robert;van der Velde, Marijn;Ben-Ari, Tamara;Ewert, Frank;Webber, Heidi;Ruane, Alex C;Asseng, Senthold; Extreme lows of wheat production in Brazil
Kleiner, Karin;Murray, Claire A.;Grosu, Cristina;Ying, Bixian;Winter, Martin;Nagel, Peter;Schuppler, Stefan;Merz, Michael; On the Origin of Reversible and Irreversible Reactions in LiNixCo(1−x)/2Mn(1−x)/2O2
Oswald, Stefan;Pritzl, Daniel;Wetjen, Morten;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Novel Method for Monitoring the Electrochemical Capacitance by In Situ Impedance Spectroscopy as Indicator for Particle Cracking of Nickel-Rich NCMs: Part II. Effect of Oxygen Release Dependent on Particle Morphology
Mayer, M;Balden, M;Brezinsek, S;Dhard, C P;Elgeti, S;Fajardo, D;Fellinger, J;Guitart Corominas, M;Hiret, P;Kandler, M;Krause, M;Loesser, D;Lumsdaine, A;Naujoks, D;Neilson, H;Neu, R;Oelmann, J;Ruset, C;Schmidt-Dencker, J-H; Erosion of tungsten marker layers in W7-X
Lee, Oscar;Sahliger, Jan;Aqeel, Aisha;Khan, Safe;Seki, Shinichiro;Kurebayashi, Hidekazu;Back, Christian H; Tunable gigahertz dynamics of low-temperature skyrmion lattice in a chiral magnet
Wieser, H P;Huang, Y;Schauer, J;Lascaud, J;Würl, M;Lehrack, S;Radonic, D;Vidal, M;Hérault, J;Chmyrov, A;Ntziachristos, V;Assmann, W;Parodi, K;Dollinger, G; Experimental demonstration of accurate Bragg peak localization with ionoacoustic tandem phase detection (iTPD)
Bock, L.;Brida, D.;Faitsch, M.;Schmid, K.;Lunt, T.;the ASDEX Upgrade Team; Comparison of the influence of 2D and 3D geometry of the main chamber on plasma parameters in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade
Garrido, Manuel M;Bernardino, Rui M;Marta, José C;Holdenrieder, Stefan;Guimarães, João T; Tumour markers in prostate cancer: The post-prostate-specific antigen era
Kofler, Florian;Ezhov, Ivan;Fidon, Lucas;Pirkl, Carolin M.;Paetzold, Johannes C.;Burian, Egon;Pati, Sarthak;El Husseini, Malek;Navarro, Fernando;Shit, Suprosanna;Kirschke, Jan;Bakas, Spyridon;Zimmer, Claus;Wiestler, Benedikt;Menze, Bjoern H.; Robust, Primitive, and Unsupervised Quality Estimation for Segmentation Ensembles
Goeppert, Benjamin;Stichel, Damian;Toth, Reka;Fritzsche, Sarah;Loeffler, Moritz Anton;Schlitter, Anna Melissa;Neumann, Olaf;Assenov, Yassen;Vogel, Monika Nadja;Mehrabi, Arianeb;Hoffmann, Katrin;Köhler, Bruno;Springfeld, Christoph;Weichenhan, Dieter;Plass, Christoph;Esposito, Irene;Schirmacher, Peter;von Deimling, Andreas;Roessler, Stephanie; Integrative analysis reveals early and distinct genetic and epigenetic changes in intraductal papillary and tubulopapillary cholangiocarcinogenesis
Tutarel, Oktay;Baris, Lucia;Budts, Werner;Gamal Abd-El Aziz, Mohamad;Liptai, Csilla;Majdalany, David;Jovanova, Silvana;Frogoudaki, Alexandra;Connolly, Heidi M;Johnson, Mark R;Maggioni, Aldo P;Hall, Roger;Roos-Hesselink, Jolien W; Pregnancy outcomes in women with a systemic right ventricle and transposition of the great arteries results from the ESC-EORP Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease (ROPAC)
Bennstein, Sabrina B.;Weinhold, Sandra;Degistirici, Özer;Oostendorp, Robert A. J.;Raba, Katharina;Kögler, Gesine;Meisel, Roland;Walter, Lutz;Uhrberg, Markus; Efficient In Vitro Generation of IL-22-Secreting ILC3 From CD34+ Hematopoietic Progenitors in a Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Niche
Mair, Olivia;Pflüger, Patrick;Hoffeld, Kai;Braun, Karl F.;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Management of Pilon Fractures—Current Concepts
Qi, Wen;Su, Hang;Fan, Ke;Chen, Ziyang;Li, Jiehao;Zhou, Xuanyi;Hu, Yingbai;Zhang, Longbin;Ferrigno, Giancarlo;De Momi, Elena; Multimodal data fusion framework enhanced robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery
Dolgopolova, Irina;Toscano, Alessia;Roosen, Jutta; Different Shades of Nudges: Moderating Effects of Individual Characteristics and States on the Effectiveness of Nudges during a Fast-Food Order
Rahman, Mizanur;Irmler, Martin;Keshavan, Sandeep;Introna, Micol;Beckers, Johannes;Palmberg, Lena;Johanson, Gunnar;Ganguly, Koustav;Upadhyay, Swapna; Differential Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein 1 on Human Bronchial and Alveolar Lung Mucosa Models: Implications for Pathogenicity
Tavakol, Ershad;Jákli, Bálint;Cakmak, Ismail;Dittert, Klaus;Senbayram, Mehmet; Optimization of Potassium Supply under Osmotic Stress Mitigates Oxidative Damage in Barley
Trifan, Adriana;Zengin, Gokhan;Brebu, Mihai;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna;Luca, Simon Vlad; Phytochemical Characterization and Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Anti-Enzymatic Activity of Five Common Spices: Focus on Their Essential Oils and Spent Material Extractives
Reale, Alberto;Calistri, Arianna;Altomonte, Jennifer; Giving Oncolytic Viruses a Free Ride: Carrier Cells for Oncolytic Virotherapy
Stavrou, Michalis;Stathis, Aristeidis;Papadakis, Ioannis;Lyuleeva-Husemann, Alina;Koudoumas, Emmanouel;Couris, Stelios; Silicon Nanosheets: An Emerging 2D Photonic Material with a Large Transient Nonlinear Optical Response beyond Graphene
Shahriarinour, Mahdi;Divsar, Faten;Dahka, Fereshteh Kamalpour;Chegini, Sharareh Nezamivand;Mahani, Mohamad;Moeini, Arash;Cerruti, Pierfrancesco; Biodegradation of Alprazolam in Pharmaceutical Wastewater Using Mesoporous Nanoparticles-Adhered Pseudomonas stutzeri
Macovei, Irina;Luca, Simon Vlad;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna;Sacarescu, Liviu;Pascariu, Petronela;Ghilan, Alina;Doroftei, Florica;Ursu, Elena-Laura;Rimbu, Cristina Mihaela;Horhogea, Cristina Elena;Lungu, Cristina;Vochita, Gabriela;Panainte, Alina Diana;Nechita, Constantin;Corciova, Maria Andreia;Miron, Anca; Phyto-Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles Derived from Conifer Bark Extracts and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial and Cytogenotoxic Effects
Schiffer, Carolin J.;Abele, Miriam;Ehrmann, Matthias A.;Vogel, Rudi F.; Bap-Independent Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus xylosus
Klein, Jan;Ernst, Mona;Christmann, Alexander;Tropper, Marina;Leykauf, Tim;Kreis, Wolfgang;Munkert, Jennifer; Knockout of Arabidopsis thaliana VEP1, Encoding a PRISE (Progesterone 5β-Reductase/Iridoid Synthase-Like Enzyme), Leads to Metabolic Changes in Response to Exogenous Methyl Vinyl Ketone (MVK)
Maier, Lisa;von Krüchten, Ricarda;Lorbeer, Roberto;Filler, Jule;Nattenmüller, Johanna;Thorand, Barbara;Koenig, Wolfgang;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Bamberg, Fabian;Schlett, Christopher L.;Peters, Annette;Rospleszcz, Susanne; Distribution and Associated Factors of Hepatic Iron—A Population-Based Imaging Study
Wahman, Rofida;Moser, Stefan;Bieber, Stefan;Cruzeiro, Catarina;Schröder, Peter;Gilg, August;Lesske, Frank;Letzel, Thomas; Untargeted Analysis of Lemna minor Metabolites: Workflow and Prioritization Strategy Comparing Highly Confident Features between Different Mass Spectrometers
Grünewald, Jonas;Gehringer, Florian;Schmöller, Maximilian;Wudy, Katrin; Influence of Ring-Shaped Beam Profiles on Process Stability and Productivity in Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion of AISI 316L
Heller, Martin;Stöcker, Anett;Kawalla, Rudolf;Leuning, Nora;Hameyer, Kay;Wei, Xuefei;Hirt, Gerhard;Böhm, Lucas;Volk, Wolfram;Korte-Kerzel, Sandra; Characterization Methods along the Process Chain of Electrical Steel Sheet—From Best Practices to Advanced Characterization
Ibrahim, Salam A.;Ayivi, Raphael D.;Zimmerman, Tahl;Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;Altemimi, Ammar B.;Fidan, Hafize;Esatbeyoglu, Tuba;Bakhshayesh, Reza Vaseghi; Lactic Acid Bacteria as Antimicrobial Agents: Food Safety and Microbial Food Spoilage Prevention
Bensalem, Yemna;Kouzou, Abdellah;Abbassi, Rabeh;Jerbi, Houssem;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Sliding-Mode-Based Current and Speed Sensors Fault Diagnosis for Five-Phase PMSM
Gärtner, Sebastian;Rank, Daniel;Heberl, Michael;Gaderer, Matthias;Dawoud, Belal;Haumer, Anton;Sterner, Michael; Simulation and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Power-to-Hydrogen Process for Oxyfuel Glass Melting
Ahmed, Mostafa;Harbi, Ibrahim;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Predictive Fixed Switching Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm with Dual Adaptive Step-Size for PV Systems
Westerkamp, Margret;Ovchinnikov, Igor;Frank, Philipp;Enßlin, Torsten; Dynamical Field Inference and Supersymmetry
Haider, Patrick;Heinz, Paul;Acher, Thomas;Rehfeldt, Sebastian;Klein, Harald; A Framework for Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers Using a Detailed Three-Dimensional Simulation Model
Greulich, Franziska;Bielefeld, Kirsten Adele;Scheundel, Ronny;Mechtidou, Aikaterini;Strickland, Benjamin;Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette; Enhancer RNA Expression in Response to Glucocorticoid Treatment in Murine Macrophages
Elhag, Sara;Stremmel, Christopher;Zehrer, Annette;Plocke, Josefine;Hennel, Roman;Keuper, Michaela;Knabe, Clarissa;Winterhalter, Julia;Gölling, Vanessa;Tomas, Lukas;Weinberger, Tobias;Fischer, Maximilian;Liu, Lulu;Wagner, Franziska;Lorenz, Michael;Stark, Konstantin;Häcker, Hans;Schmidt-Supprian, Marc;Völker, Uwe;Jastroch, Martin;Lauber, Kirsten;Straub, Tobias;Walzog, Barbara;Hammer, Elke;Schulz, Christian; Differences in Cell-Intrinsic Inflammatory Programs of Yolk Sac and Bone Marrow Macrophages
Dreher, Simon I.;Höckele, Selina;Huypens, Peter;Irmler, Martin;Hoffmann, Christoph;Jeske, Tim;Hastreiter, Maximilian;Moller, Anja;Birkenfeld, Andreas L.;Häring, Hans-Ulrich;Peter, Andreas;Beckers, Johannes;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Weigert, Cora; TGF-β Induction of miR-143/145 Is Associated to Exercise Response by Influencing Differentiation and Insulin Signaling Molecules in Human Skeletal Muscle
Heger, Leonie M.;Wise, Rachel M.;Hees, J. Tabitha;Harbauer, Angelika B.;Burbulla, Lena F.; Mitochondrial Phenotypes in Parkinson’s Diseases—A Focus on Human iPSC-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons
Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali;Yazdi, Mina;Pockley, Alan Graham;Khosravi, Mohammad;Kobold, Sebastian;Wagner, Ernst;Multhoff, Gabriele; NK Cells Armed with Chimeric Antigen Receptors (CAR): Roadblocks to Successful Development
Shirvani Samani, Omid;Scherr, Johannes;Kayvanpour, Elham;Haas, Jan;Lehmann, David H.;Gi, Weng-Tein;Frese, Karen S.;Nietsch, Rouven;Fehlmann, Tobias;Sandke, Steffi;Weis, Tanja;Keller, Andreas;Katus, Hugo A.;Halle, Martin;Frey, Norbert;Meder, Benjamin;Sedaghat-Hamedani, Farbod; Marathon-Induced Cardiac Strain as Model for the Evaluation of Diagnostic microRNAs for Acute Myocardial Infarction
Engl, Tobias;Müller, Jan;Fisel, Patrick;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Aortic Root Dimensions and Pulse Wave Velocity in Young Competitive Athletes
Wacker-Gussmann, Annette;Schopen, Judith;Engelhard, Jana;Sitzberger, Christina;Lienert, Nadine;Ewert, Peter;Müller, Alexander;Schmidt, Georg;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Lobmaier, Silvia Maria; The Impact of Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy on the Cardiovascular System of Children at One Year of Age
Reiser, Daniel;Reichel, Peter;Pechmann, Stefan;Mallah, Maen;Oppelt, Maximilian;Hagelauer, Amelie;Breiling, Marco;Fey, Dietmar;Reichenbach, Marc; A Framework for Ultra Low-Power Hardware Accelerators Using NNs for Embedded Time Series Classification
Giommi, Paolo;Padovani, Paolo; Astrophysical Neutrinos and Blazars
Schreiber, Nikolaus;Hackl, Gerald;Reisinger, Alexander C.;Zollner-Schwetz, Ines;Eller, Kathrin;Schlagenhaufen, Claudia;Pietzka, Ariane;Czerwenka, Christoph;Stark, Timo D.;Kranzler, Markus;Fickert, Peter;Eller, Philipp;Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Acute Liver Failure after Ingestion of Fried Rice Balls: A Case Series of Bacillus cereus Food Poisonings
Baier, Valentin;Schardt, Michael;Fink, Maximilian;Jakobi, Martin;Koch, Alexander W.; MEMS-Scanner Testbench for High Field of View LiDAR Applications
Esmaeili, Nazila;Sharaf, Esam;Gomes Ataide, Elmer Jeto;Illanes, Alfredo;Boese, Axel;Davaris, Nikolaos;Arens, Christoph;Navab, Nassir;Friebe, Michael; Deep Convolution Neural Network for Laryngeal Cancer Classification on Contact Endoscopy-Narrow Band Imaging
Bischeltsrieder, Florian;Peichl, Markus;Utschick, Wolfgang; On Dispersion and Multipath Effects in Harmonic Radar Imaging Applications
Pintus, Valentina;Szabó, Ferenc;Noel Tóth, Dávid;Wieland, Karin;Csuti, Péter;Anghelone, Marta;Santorelli, Ottavia;Salvadori, Carlotta;Haisch, Christoph;Sterflinger, Katja;Schreiner, Manfred; A Multi-Analytical Approach for Studying the Effect of New LED Lighting Systems on Modern Paints: Chemical Stability Investigations
Marques, Adilson;Santos, Thiago;Gouveia, Élvio R.;Demetriou, Yolanda;Schönbach, Dorothea M. I.;Ferrari, Gerson;Kleszczewska, Dorota;Dzielska, Anna;Peralta, Miguel; Translation and Validation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Active Commuting to and from School (BPNS-ACS) Scale in Young Portuguese Students
Welzel, Franziska Dinah;Luppa, Melanie;Pabst, Alexander;Pentzek, Michael;Fuchs, Angela;Weeg, Dagmar;Bickel, Horst;Weyerer, Siegfried;Werle, Jochen;Wiese, Birgitt;Oey, Anke;Brettschneider, Christian;König, Hans-Helmut;Heser, Kathrin;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Eisele, Marion;Maier, Wolfgang;Scherer, Martin;Wagner, Michael;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; Incidence of Anxiety in Latest Life and Risk Factors. Results of the AgeCoDe/AgeQualiDe Study
Bueno-Fortes, Santiago;Muenzner, Julienne K.;Berral-Gonzalez, Alberto;Hampel, Chuanpit;Lindner, Pablo;Berninger, Alexandra;Huebner, Kerstin;Kunze, Philipp;Bäuerle, Tobias;Erlenbach-Wuensch, Katharina;Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel;Hartmann, Arndt;De Las Rivas, Javier;Schneider-Stock, Regine; A Gene Signature Derived from the Loss of CDKN1A (p21) Is Associated with CMS4 Colorectal Cancer
Geppert, Julia;Walth, Alina;Terrón Expósito, Raúl;Kaltenecker, Doris;Morigny, Pauline;Machado, Juliano;Becker, Maike;Simoes, Estefania;Lima, Joanna;Daniel, Carolin;Berriel Diaz, Mauricio;Herzig, Stephan;Seelaender, Marilia;Rohm, Maria; Aging Aggravates Cachexia in Tumor-Bearing Mice
Panoutsopoulou, Konstantina;Dreyer, Tobias;Dorn, Julia;Obermayr, Eva;Mahner, Sven;Gorp, Toon van;Braicu, Ioana;Zeillinger, Robert;Magdolen, Viktor;Avgeris, Margaritis;Scorilas, Andreas; tRNAGlyGCC-Derived Internal Fragment (i-tRF-GlyGCC) in Ovarian Cancer Treatment Outcome and Progression
Nakkina, Sai Preethi;Gitto, Sarah B.;Pandey, Veethika;Parikh, Jignesh G.;Geerts, Dirk;Maurer, Hans Carlo;Olive, Kenneth P.;Phanstiel, Otto, IV;Altomare, Deborah A.; Differential Expression of Polyamine Pathways in Human Pancreatic Tumor Progression and Effects of Polyamine Blockade on Tumor Microenvironment
Mc Laughlin, Anna M.;Schmulenson, Eduard;Teplytska, Olga;Zimmermann, Sebastian;Opitz, Patrick;Groenland, Stefanie L.;Huitema, Alwin D. R.;Steeghs, Neeltje;Müller, Lothar;Fuxius, Stefan;Illerhaus, Gerald;Joerger, Markus;Mayer, Frank;Fuhr, Uwe;Holdenrieder, Stefan;Hempel, Georg;Scherf-Clavel, Oliver;Jaehde, Ulrich;Kloft, Charlotte;; Developing a Nationwide Infrastructure for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Targeted Oral Anticancer Drugs: The ON-TARGET Study Protocol
Schmitt, Maxime;Silva, Miguel;Konukiewitz, Björn;Lang, Corinna;Steiger, Katja;Halfter, Kathrin;Engel, Jutta;Jank, Paul;Pfarr, Nicole;Wilhelm, Dirk;Foersch, Sebastian;Denkert, Carsten;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus;Weichert, Wilko;Jesinghaus, Moritz; Loss of SATB2 Occurs More Frequently Than CDX2 Loss in Colorectal Carcinoma and Identifies Particularly Aggressive Cancers in High-Risk Subgroups
Azimzadeh, Omid;Subramanian, Vikram;Sievert, Wolfgang;Merl-Pham, Juliane;Oleksenko, Kateryna;Rosemann, Michael;Multhoff, Gabriele;Atkinson, Michael J.;Tapio, Soile; Activation of PPARα by Fenofibrate Attenuates the Effect of Local Heart High Dose Irradiation on the Mouse Cardiac Proteome
Weckesser, Fabian;Leßke, Frank;Luthardt, Marco;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Conceptual Design of a Comprehensive Farm Nitrogen Management System
Li, Mengqiao;Gaussmann, Stefan;Tippler, Bettina;Ott, Julia;Popowicz, Grzegorz M;Schliebs, Wolfgang;Sattler, Michael;Erdmann, Ralf;Kalel, Vishal C; Novel Trypanocidal Inhibitors that Block Glycosome Biogenesis by Targeting PEX3–PEX19 Interaction
Borges do Nascimento, Israel Júnior;O’Mathúna, Dónal P.;von Groote, Thilo Caspar;Abdulazeem, Hebatullah Mohamed;Weerasekara, Ishanka;Marusic, Ana;Puljak, Livia;Civile, Vinicius Tassoni;Zakarija-Grkovic, Irena;Pericic, Tina Poklepovic;Atallah, Alvaro Nagib;Filoso, Santino;Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi;Marcolino, Milena Soriano;; Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic: an overview of systematic reviews
Radon, Katja;Bakuli, Abhishek;Pütz, Peter;Le Gleut, Ronan;Guggenbuehl Noller, Jessica Michelle;Olbrich, Laura;Saathoff, Elmar;Garí, Mercè;Schälte, Yannik;Frahnow, Turid;Wölfel, Roman;Pritsch, Michael;Rothe, Camilla;Pletschette, Michel;Rubio-Acero, Raquel;Beyerl, Jessica;Metaxa, Dafni;Forster, Felix;Thiel, Verena;Castelletti, Noemi;Rieß, Friedrich;Diefenbach, Maximilian N.;Fröschl, Günter;Bruger, Jan;Winter, Simon;Frese, Jonathan;Puchinger, Kerstin;Brand, Isabel;Kroidl, Inge;Wieser, Andreas;Hoelscher, Michael;Hasenauer, Jan;Fuchs, Christiane;Ackermann, Nikolaus;Alamoudi, Emad;Anderson, Jared;Baumann, Maxilmilian;Becker, Marc;Bednarzki, Franziska;Bemirayev, Olimbek;Bitzer, Patrick;Böhnlein, Rebecca;Caroli, Friedrich;Coleman, Josephine;Contento, Lorenzo;Czwienzek, Alina;Deák, Flora;Diekmannshemke, Jana;Dobler, Gerhard;Durner, Jürgen;Eberle, Ute;Eckstein, Judith;Eser, Tabea;Falk, Philine;Feyereisen, Manuela;Fingerle, Volker;Geisenberger, Otto;Geldmacher, Christof;Gilberg, Leonard;Gillig, Kristina;Girl, Philipp;Golschan, Elias;Guglielmini, Elena Maria;Gutierrez, Pablo;Haderer, Anslem;Hannes, Marlene;Hartinger, Lena;Hernandez, Alejandra;Hillari, Leah;Hinske, Christian;Hofberger, Tim;Horn, Sacha;Huber, Kristina;Janke, Christian;Kappl, Ursula;Keßler, Antonia;Khan, Zohaib;Kresin, Johanna;Kroidl, Arne;Lang, Magdalena;Lang, Clemens;Lange, Silvan;Laxy, Michael;Leidl, Reiner;Liedl, Leopold;Lucaj, Xhovana;Luppa, Fabian;Nafziger, Alexandra Sophie;Mang, Petra;Markgraf, Alisa;Mayrhofer, Rebecca;Müller, Hannah;Müller, Katharina;Paunovic, Ivana;Plank, Michael;Pleimelding, Claire;Prückner, Stephan;Raimúndez, Elba;Reich, Jakob;Ruci, Viktoria;Schäfer, Nicole;Schluse, Benedikt;Schneider, Lara;Schunk, Mirjam;Schwettmann, Lars;Sing, Andreas;Soler, Alba;Sothmann, Peter;Strobl, Kathrin;Tang, Jeni;Theis, Fabian;Thiesbrummel, Sophie;Vollmayr, Vincent;von Lovenberg, Emilia;von Lovenberg, Jonathan;Waibel, Julia;Wallrauch, Claudia;Wolff, Julia;Würfel, Tobias;Yaqine, Houda;Zange, Sabine;Zeggini, Eleftheria;Zielke, Anna;Zimmer, Thorbjörn;; From first to second wave: follow-up of the prospective COVID-19 cohort (KoCo19) in Munich (Germany)
Mubanga, Chishimba;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Phiri, Isaac K.;Trevisan, Chiara;Kabululu, Mwemezi;Zulu, Gideon;Van Damme, Inge;Schmidt, Veronika;Dorny, Pierre;Gabriël, Sarah; Operational characteristics of an antibody detecting point of care test for Taenia solium infections in a community and hospital setting
Heininger, Susanne Katharina;Baumgartner, Maria;Zehner, Fabian;Burgkart, Rainer;Söllner, Nina;Berberat, Pascal O.;Gartmeier, Martin; Measuring hygiene competence: the picture-based situational judgement test HygiKo
Wehkamp, Kai;Kuhn, Eva;Petzina, Rainer;Buyx, Alena;Rogge, Annette; Enhancing patient safety by integrating ethical dimensions to Critical Incident Reporting Systems
Reetz, Jana;Richter, Gesine;Borzikowsky, Christoph;Glinicke, Christine;Darabaneanu, Stephanie;Buyx, Alena; Consent to research participation: understanding and motivation among German pupils
Heydt, Carina;Wölwer, Christina B.;Velazquez Camacho, Oscar;Wagener-Ryczek, Svenja;Pappesch, Roberto;Siemanowski, Janna;Rehker, Jan;Haller, Florian;Agaimy, Abbas;Worm, Karl;Herold, Thomas;Pfarr, Nicole;Weichert, Wilko;Kirchner, Thomas;Jung, Andreas;Kumbrink, Jörg;Goering, Wolfgang;Esposito, Irene;Buettner, Reinhard;Hillmer, Axel M.;Merkelbach-Bruse, Sabine; Detection of gene fusions using targeted next-generation sequencing: a comparative evaluation
Schön, Ulrike;Holzer, Anna;Laner, Andreas;Kleinle, Stephanie;Scharf, Florentine;Benet-Pagès, Anna;Peschel, Oliver;Holinski-Feder, Elke;Diebold, Isabel; HPO-driven virtual gene panel: a new efficient approach in molecular autopsy of sudden unexplained death
Mönch, Sebastian;Andrisan, Tiberiu;Bernkopf, Kathleen;Ikenberg, Benno;Friedrich, Benjamin;Zimmer, Claus;Hedderich, Dennis M.; Structured reporting of brain MRI following mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke patients
Dennstädt, Fabio;Treffers, Theresa;Iseli, Thomas;Panje, Cédric;Putora, Paul Martin; Creation of clinical algorithms for decision-making in oncology: an example with dose prescription in radiation oncology
Soellner, Michaela;Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Compliance with medical recommendations depending on the use of artificial intelligence as a diagnostic method
Aghaee, Bahareh Lashtoo;Mirzaei, Mohammadali Khan;Alikhani, Mohammad Yousef;Mojtahedi, Ali; Sewage and sewage-contaminated environments are the most prominent sources to isolate phages against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Link, Tobias;Vogel, Rudi F.;Ehrmann, Matthias A.; The diversity among the species Tetragenococcus halophilus including new isolates from a lupine seed fermentation
Eckstein, Simone;Stender, Jana;Mzoughi, Sonia;Vogele, Kilian;Kühn, Jana;Friese, Daniela;Bugert, Christina;Handrick, Susann;Ferjani, Mustapha;Wölfel, Roman;Millard, Andrew;Ben Moussa, Mohamed;Bugert, Joachim J.; Isolation and characterization of lytic phage TUN1 specific for Klebsiella pneumoniae K64 clinical isolates from Tunisia
Sedlmeier, Eva-Maria;Meyer, Dorothy M.;Stecher, Lynne;Sailer, Manuela;Daniel, Hannelore;Hauner, Hans;Bader, Bernhard L.; Fetal sex modulates placental microRNA expression, potential microRNA-mRNA interactions, and levels of amino acid transporter expression and substrates: INFAT study subpopulation analysis of n-3 LCPUFA intervention during pregnancy and associations with offspring body composition
Toepfer, Andreas;Straßer, Veit;Ladurner, Andreas;Calek, Anna-Katharina;Potocnik, Primoz;von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger; Different outcomes after proximal femoral replacement in oncologic and failed revision arthroplasty patients - a retrospective cohort study
Pflüger, Patrick;Zyskowski, Michael;Weber, Anne;Gleisenberg, Katharina;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Patient reported outcome of 33 operatively treated talar fractures
Zyskowski, Michael;Wurm, Markus;Greve, Frederik;Pesch, Sebastian;von Matthey, Francesca;Pflüger, Patrick;Crönlein, Moritz;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Is early full weight bearing safe following locking plate ORIF of distal fibula fractures?
Wurm, Markus;Siebenlist, Sebastian;Zyskowski, Michael;Pflüger, Patrick;Biberthaler, Peter;Beirer, Marc;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Excellent clinical and radiological outcome following locking compression plate fixation of displaced medial clavicle fractures
Völk, Dominik;Neumaier, Markus;Einhellig, Heike;Biberthaler, Peter;Hanschen, Marc; Outcome after polyaxial locking plate osteosynthesis in proximal tibia fractures: a prospective clinical trial
Berger, N.;Bauer, M.;Hapfelmeier, A.;Salzmann, M.;Prodinger, P. M.; Orthotic treatment of idiopathic toe walking with a lower leg orthosis with circular subtalar blocking
Lutz, Patricia M.;Knörr, Michel;Geyer, Stephanie;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Feucht, Matthias J.; Delayed proximal hamstring tendon repair after ischial tuberosity apophyseal fracture in a professional volleyball athlete: a case report
Seppel, Gernot;Voss, Andreas;Henderson, Daniel J. H.;Waldt, Simone;Haller, Bernhard;Forkel, Philipp;Reuter, Sven;Holzapfel, Boris M.;Plath, Johannes E.;Imhoff, Andreas B.; Atrophy patterns in isolated subscapularis lesions
Hamel, Johannes;Hörterer, Hubert;Harrasser, Norbert; Radiological tarsal bone morphology in adolescent age of congenital clubfeet treated with the Ponseti method
Barz, Melanie;Gerhardt, Julia;Bette, Stefanie;Aftahy, A. Kaywan;Huber, Thomas;Combs, Stephanie E.;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Wiestler, Benedikt;Skardelly, Marco;Gepfner-Tuma, Irina;Behling, Felix;Schmidt-Graf, Friederike;Meyer, Bernhard;Gempt, Jens; Prognostic value of tumour volume in patients with a poor Karnofsky performance status scale – a bicentric retrospective study
Martin, Jan;Plank, Eva;Ulm, Bernhard;Gempt, Jens;Wostrack, Maria;Jungwirth, Bettina;Kagerbauer, Simone M.; Concentrations of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage correlate weakly with transcranial Doppler flow velocities
Phillips, Sarah;Watt, Rachel;Atkinson, Thomas;Savva, George M;Hayhoe, Antonietta;Hall, Lindsay J;Hall, Lindsay J;Philips, Sarah;Watt, Rachel;Cameron, Martin;Clarke, Paul;Lartey, Jon;Hayhoe, Antonietta;Savva, George;Atkinson, Thomas;Cambell-Kelly, Melissa;Harris, Laura;Summerfield, Hayley;; The Pregnancy and EARly Life study (PEARL) - a longitudinal study to understand how gut microbes contribute to maintaining health during pregnancy and early life
Eichinger, Johanna;Elger, Bernice S.;Koné, Insa;Filges, Isabel;Shaw, David;Zimmermann, Bettina;McLennan, Stuart; The full spectrum of ethical issues in pediatric genome-wide sequencing: a systematic qualitative review
Ankert, Juliane;Groten, Tanja;Pletz, Mathias W.;Mishra, Sasmita;Seliger, Gregor;Lobmaier, Silvia M.;da Costa, Clarissa Prazeres;Seidel, Vera;von Weizsäcker, Katharina;Jablonka, Alexandra;Dopfer, Christian;Schleenvoigt, Benjamin T.; Fetal growth restriction in a cohort of migrants in Germany
Wolf, Sebastian;Seiffer, Britta;Zeibig, Johanna-Marie;Welkerling, Jana;Bauer, Leonie Louisa;Frei, Anna Katharina;Studnitz, Thomas;Rosenstiel, Stephanie;Fiedler, David Victor;Helmhold, Florian;Ray, Andreas;Herzog, Eva;Takano, Keisuke;Nakagawa, Tristan;Kropp, Saskia;Franke, Sebastian;Peters, Stefan;El-Kurd, Nadja;Zwanzleitner, Lena;Sundmacher, Leonie;Ramos-Murguialday, Ander;Hautzinger, Martin;Sudeck, Gorden;Ehring, Thomas; Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a Transdiagnostic group-based exercise intervention: study protocol for a pragmatic multi-site randomized controlled trial
Baumgardt, Johanna;Schwarz, Julian;Bechdolf, Andreas;Nikolaidis, Konstantinos;Heinze, Martin;Hamann, Johannes;Holzke, Martin;Längle, Gerhard;Richter, Janina;Brieger, Peter;Kilian, Reinhold;Timm, Jürgen;Hirschmeier, Constance;Von Peter, Sebastian;Weinmann, Stefan; Implementation, efficacy, costs and processes of inpatient equivalent home-treatment in German mental health care (AKtiV): protocol of a mixed-method, participatory, quasi-experimental trial
Politis, Anastasios;Kokras, Nikolaos;Souvatzoglou, Michael;Siarkos, Kostas;Toulas, Panagiotis;Potagas, Constantin;Hatzipanagiotou, Theodoros;Limouris, Georgios;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis; Differences in cause and 12-month follow-up outcome of parkinsonian symptoms in depressed older adults treated with antipsychotics: a case series
Tibubos, Ana N.;Otten, Daniëlle;Zöller, Daniela;Binder, Harald;Wild, Philipp S.;Fleischer, Toni;Johar, Hamimatunnisa;Atasoy, Seryan;Schulze, Lara;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Schomerus, Georg;Linkohr, Birgit;Grabe, Hans J.;Kruse, Johannes;Schmidt, Carsten-Oliver;Münzel, Thomas;König, Jochem;Brähler, Elmar;Beutel, Manfred E.; Bidimensional structure and measurement equivalence of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: sex-sensitive assessment of depressive symptoms in three representative German cohort studies
Hahnefeld, Andrea;Sukale, Thorsten;Weigand, Elena;Münch, Katharina;Aberl, Sigrid;Eckler, Lea V.;Schmidt, Davin;Friedmann, Anna;Plener, Paul L.;Fegert, Jörg M.;Mall, Volker; Survival states as indicators of learning performance and biological stress in refugee children: a cross-sectional study with a comparison group
Boß, Leif;Angerer, Peter;Dragano, Nico;Ebert, David;Engels, Miriam;Heber, Elena;Kuhlmann, Rebekka;Ruhle, Sascha;Schwens, Christian;Wulf, Ines Catharina;Lehr, Dirk; Comparative effectiveness of guided internet-based stress management training versus established in-person group training in employees – study protocol for a pragmatic, randomized, non-inferiority trial
Nixon, Patricia;Boß, Leif;Heber, Elena;Ebert, David Daniel;Lehr, Dirk; A three-armed randomised controlled trial investigating the comparative impact of guidance on the efficacy of a web-based stress management intervention and health impairing and promoting mechanisms of prevention
Burns, Jacob;Kurz, Christoph;Laxy, Michael; Effectiveness of the German disease management programs: quasi-experimental analyses assessing the population-level health impact
Zimmermann, Bettina Maria;Eichinger, Johanna;Schönweitz, Franziska;Buyx, Alena; Face mask uptake in the absence of mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study with Swiss residents
Paepke, Daniela;Wiedeck, Clea;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Kiechle, Marion;Brambs, Christine; Lifestyle modifications after the diagnosis of gynecological cancer
Linde, Philipp;Baues, Christian;Wegen, Simone;Trommer, Maike;Quaas, Alexander;Rosenbrock, Johannes;Celik, Eren;Marnitz, Simone;Bruns, Christiane J.;Fischer, Thomas;Schomaecker, Klaus;Wester, Hans-Juergen;Drzezga, Alexander;van Heek, Lutz;Kobe, Carsten; Pentixafor PET/CT for imaging of chemokine receptor 4 expression in esophageal cancer – a first clinical approach
Klapproth, Alexander P.;Schuemann, Jan;Stangl, Stefan;Xie, Tianwu;Li, Wei Bo;Multhoff, Gabriele; Multi-scale Monte Carlo simulations of gold nanoparticle-induced DNA damages for kilovoltage X-ray irradiation in a xenograft mouse model using TOPAS-nBio
Sinning, Christoph;Makarova, Nataliya;Völzke, Henry;Schnabel, Renate B.;Ojeda, Francisco;Dörr, Marcus;Felix, Stephan B.;Koenig, Wolfgang;Peters, Annette;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Schöttker, Ben;Brenner, Hermann;Veronesi, Giovanni;Cesana, Giancarlo;Brambilla, Paolo;Palosaari, Tarja;Kuulasmaa, Kari;Njølstad, Inger;Mathiesen, Ellisiv Bøgeberg;Wilsgaard, Tom;Blankenberg, Stefan;Söderberg, Stefan;Ferrario, Marco M.;Thorand, Barbara; Association of glycated hemoglobin A1c levels with cardiovascular outcomes in the general population: results from the BiomarCaRE (Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe) consortium
Elhadad, Mohamed A.;Wilson, Rory;Zaghlool, Shaza B.;Huth, Cornelia;Gieger, Christian;Grallert, Harald;Graumann, Johannes;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Koenig, Wolfgang;Sinner, Moritz F.;Hveem, Kristian;Suhre, Karsten;Thorand, Barbara;Jonasson, Christian;Waldenberger, Melanie;Peters, Annette; Metabolic syndrome and the plasma proteome: from association to causation
Peter, Raphael S.;Jaensch, Andrea;Mons, Ute;Schöttker, Ben;Schmucker, Roman;Koenig, Wolfgang;Brenner, Hermann;Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Prognostic value of long-term trajectories of depression for incident diabetes mellitus in patients with stable coronary heart disease
Yao, Chen;Joehanes, Roby;Wilson, Rory;Tanaka, Toshiko;Ferrucci, Luigi;Kretschmer, Anja;Prokisch, Holger;Schramm, Katharina;Gieger, Christian;Peters, Annette;Waldenberger, Melanie;Marzi, Carola;Herder, Christian;Levy, Daniel; Epigenome-wide association study of whole blood gene expression in Framingham Heart Study participants provides molecular insight into the potential role of CHRNA5 in cigarette smoking-related lung diseases
Gomez-Alonso, Monica del C.;Kretschmer, Anja;Wilson, Rory;Pfeiffer, Liliane;Karhunen, Ville;Seppälä, Ilkka;Zhang, Weihua;Mittelstraß, Kirstin;Wahl, Simone;Matias-Garcia, Pamela R.;Prokisch, Holger;Horn, Sacha;Meitinger, Thomas;Serrano-Garcia, Luis R.;Sebert, Sylvain;Raitakari, Olli;Loh, Marie;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Müller-Nurasyid, Martina;Herder, Christian;Roden, Michael;Hurme, Mikko;Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta;Ala-Korpela, Mika;Kooner, Jaspal S.;Peters, Annette;Lehtimäki, Terho;Chambers, John C.;Gieger, Christian;Kettunen, Johannes;Waldenberger, Melanie; DNA methylation and lipid metabolism: an EWAS of 226 metabolic measures
Li, Hongzhen;Peng, Chunyan;Zhu, Chenhui;Nie, Shuang;Qian, Xuetian;Shi, Zhao;Shi, Mengyue;Liang, Yan;Ding, Xiwei;Zhang, Shu;Zhang, Bin;Li, Xihan;Xu, Guifang;Lv, Ying;Wang, Lei;Friess, Helmut;Kong, Bo;Zou, Xiaoping;Shen, Shanshan; Hypoxia promotes the metastasis of pancreatic cancer through regulating NOX4/KDM5A-mediated histone methylation modification changes in a HIF1A-independent manner
Chen, Yuqing;Kassam, Irfahan;Lau, Suk Hiang;Kooner, Jaspal S.;Wilson, Rory;Peters, Annette;Winkelmann, Juliane;Chambers, John C.;Chow, Vincent T.;Khor, Chiea Chuen;van Dam, Rob M.;Teo, Yik-Ying;Loh, Marie;Sim, Xueling; Impact of BMI and waist circumference on epigenome-wide DNA methylation and identification of epigenetic biomarkers in blood: an EWAS in multi-ethnic Asian individuals
Marttila, Saara;Viiri, Leena E.;Mishra, Pashupati P.;Kühnel, Brigitte;Matias-Garcia, Pamela R.;Lyytikäinen, Leo-Pekka;Ceder, Tiina;Mononen, Nina;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Winkelmann, Juliane;Peters, Annette;Kähönen, Mika;Hutri-Kähönen, Nina;Juonala, Markus;Aalto-Setälä, Katriina;Raitakari, Olli;Lehtimäki, Terho;Waldenberger, Melanie;Raitoharju, Emma; Methylation status of nc886 epiallele reflects periconceptional conditions and is associated with glucose metabolism through nc886 RNAs
Matías-García, Pamela R.;Ward-Caviness, Cavin K.;Raffield, Laura M.;Gao, Xu;Zhang, Yan;Wilson, Rory;Gào, Xīn;Nano, Jana;Bostom, Andrew;Colicino, Elena;Correa, Adolfo;Coull, Brent;Eaton, Charles;Hou, Lifang;Just, Allan C.;Kunze, Sonja;Lange, Leslie;Lange, Ethan;Lin, Xihong;Liu, Simin;Nwanaji-Enwerem, Jamaji C.;Reiner, Alex;Shen, Jincheng;Schöttker, Ben;Vokonas, Pantel;Zheng, Yinan;Young, Bessie;Schwartz, Joel;Horvath, Steve;Lu, Ake;Whitsel, Eric A.;Koenig, Wolfgang;Adamski, Jerzy;Winkelmann, Juliane;Brenner, Hermann;Baccarelli, Andrea A.;Gieger, Christian;Peters, Annette;Franceschini, Nora;Waldenberger, Melanie; DNAm-based signatures of accelerated aging and mortality in blood are associated with low renal function
Sarno, Federica;;Benincasa, Giuditta;List, Markus;Barabasi, Albert-Lazlo;Baumbach, Jan;Ciardiello, Fortunato;Filetti, Sebastiano;Glass, Kimberly;Loscalzo, Joseph;Marchese, Cinzia;Maron, Bradley A.;Paci, Paola;Parini, Paolo;Petrillo, Enrico;Silverman, Edwin K.;Verrienti, Antonella;Altucci, Lucia;Napoli, Claudio; Clinical epigenetics settings for cancer and cardiovascular diseases: real-life applications of network medicine at the bedside
Magunia, Harry;Lederer, Simone;Verbuecheln, Raphael;Gilot, Bryant Joseph;Koeppen, Michael;Haeberle, Helene A.;Mirakaj, Valbona;Hofmann, Pascal;Marx, Gernot;Bickenbach, Johannes;Nohe, Boris;Lay, Michael;Spies, Claudia;Edel, Andreas;Schiefenhövel, Fridtjof;Rahmel, Tim;Putensen, Christian;Sellmann, Timur;Koch, Thea;Brandenburger, Timo;Kindgen-Milles, Detlef;Brenner, Thorsten;Berger, Marc;Zacharowski, Kai;Adam, Elisabeth;Posch, Matthias;Moerer, Onnen;Scheer, Christian S.;Sedding, Daniel;Weigand, Markus A.;Fichtner, Falk;Nau, Carla;Prätsch, Florian;Wiesmann, Thomas;Koch, Christian;Schneider, Gerhard;Lahmer, Tobias;Straub, Andreas;Meiser, Andreas;Weiss, Manfred;Jungwirth, Bettina;Wappler, Frank;Meybohm, Patrick;Herrmann, Johannes;Malek, Nisar;Kohlbacher, Oliver;Biergans, Stephanie;Rosenberger, Peter; Machine learning identifies ICU outcome predictors in a multicenter COVID-19 cohort
Fischer, H.;Maleitzke, T.;Eder, C.;Ahmad, S.;Stöckle, U.;Braun, K. F.; Management of proximal femur fractures in the elderly: current concepts and treatment options
Postl, Lukas;Mücke, Thomas;Hunger, Stefan;Bissinger, Oliver;Malek, Michael;Holberg, Svenia;Burgkart, Rainer;Krennmair, Stefan; In-house 3D-printed surgical guides for osseous lesions of the lower jaw: an experimental study
Wurm, M.;Zyskowski, M.;Greve, F.;Gersing, A.;Biberthaler, P.;Kirchhoff, C.; Comparable results using 2.0-mm vs. 3.5-mm screw augmentation in midshaft clavicle fractures: a 10-year experience
Haupt, Julian;Krysiak, Niels;Unger, Marina;Bogner-Flatz, Viktoria;Biberthaler, Peter;Hanschen, Marc;van Griensven, Martijn;Haug, Alexander T.; The potential of adipokines in identifying multiple trauma patients at risk of developing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Fischer, David S.;Dony, Leander;König, Martin;Moeed, Abdul;Zappia, Luke;Heumos, Lukas;Tritschler, Sophie;Holmberg, Olle;Aliee, Hananeh;Theis, Fabian J.; Sfaira accelerates data and model reuse in single cell genomics
Zappia, Luke;Theis, Fabian J.; Over 1000 tools reveal trends in the single-cell RNA-seq analysis landscape
Witte, Franziska;Ruiz-Orera, Jorge;Mattioli, Camilla Ciolli;Blachut, Susanne;Adami, Eleonora;Schulz, Jana Felicitas;Schneider-Lunitz, Valentin;Hummel, Oliver;Patone, Giannino;Mücke, Michael Benedikt;Šilhavý, Jan;Heinig, Matthias;Bottolo, Leonardo;Sanchis, Daniel;Vingron, Martin;Chekulaeva, Marina;Pravenec, Michal;Hubner, Norbert;van Heesch, Sebastiaan; A trans locus causes a ribosomopathy in hypertrophic hearts that affects mRNA translation in a protein length-dependent fashion
Cheng, Jun;Çelik, Muhammed Hasan;Kundaje, Anshul;Gagneur, Julien; MTSplice predicts effects of genetic variants on tissue-specific splicing
McCartney, Daniel L.;Min, Josine L.;Richmond, Rebecca C.;Lu, Ake T.;Sobczyk, Maria K.;Davies, Gail;Broer, Linda;Guo, Xiuqing;Jeong, Ayoung;Jung, Jeesun;Kasela, Silva;Katrinli, Seyma;Kuo, Pei-Lun;Matias-Garcia, Pamela R.;Mishra, Pashupati P.;Nygaard, Marianne;Palviainen, Teemu;Patki, Amit;Raffield, Laura M.;Ratliff, Scott M.;Richardson, Tom G.;Robinson, Oliver;Soerensen, Mette;Sun, Dianjianyi;Tsai, Pei-Chien;van der Zee, Matthijs D.;Walker, Rosie M.;Wang, Xiaochuan;Wang, Yunzhang;Xia, Rui;Xu, Zongli;Yao, Jie;Zhao, Wei;Correa, Adolfo;Boerwinkle, Eric;Dugué, Pierre-Antoine;Durda, Peter;Elliott, Hannah R.;Gieger, Christian;de Geus, Eco J. C.;Harris, Sarah E.;Hemani, Gibran;Imboden, Medea;Kähönen, Mika;Kardia, Sharon L. R.;Kresovich, Jacob K.;Li, Shengxu;Lunetta, Kathryn L.;Mangino, Massimo;Mason, Dan;McIntosh, Andrew M.;Mengel-From, Jonas;Moore, Ann Zenobia;Murabito, Joanne M.;Ollikainen, Miina;Pankow, James S.;Pedersen, Nancy L.;Peters, Annette;Polidoro, Silvia;Porteous, David J.;Raitakari, Olli;Rich, Stephen S.;Sandler, Dale P.;Sillanpää, Elina;Smith, Alicia K.;Southey, Melissa C.;Strauch, Konstantin;Tiwari, Hemant;Tanaka, Toshiko;Tillin, Therese;Uitterlinden, Andre G.;Van Den Berg, David J.;van Dongen, Jenny;Wilson, James G.;Wright, John;Yet, Idil;Arnett, Donna;Bandinelli, Stefania;Bell, Jordana T.;Binder, Alexandra M.;Boomsma, Dorret I.;Chen, Wei;Christensen, Kaare;Conneely, Karen N.;Elliott, Paul;Ferrucci, Luigi;Fornage, Myriam;Hägg, Sara;Hayward, Caroline;Irvin, Marguerite;Kaprio, Jaakko;Lawlor, Deborah A.;Lehtimäki, Terho;Lohoff, Falk W.;Milani, Lili;Milne, Roger L.;Probst-Hensch, Nicole;Reiner, Alex P.;Ritz, Beate;Rotter, Jerome I.;Smith, Jennifer A.;Taylor, Jack A.;van Meurs, Joyce B. J.;Vineis, Paolo;Waldenberger, Melanie;Deary, Ian J.;Relton, Caroline L.;Horvath, Steve;Marioni, Riccardo E.;;; Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging
Lê Cao, Kim-Anh;Abadi, Al J.;Davis-Marcisak, Emily F.;Hsu, Lauren;Arora, Arshi;Coullomb, Alexis;Deshpande, Atul;Feng, Yuzhou;Jeganathan, Pratheepa;Loth, Melanie;Meng, Chen;Mu, Wancen;Pancaldi, Vera;Sankaran, Kris;Righelli, Dario;Singh, Amrit;Sodicoff, Joshua S.;Stein-O’Brien, Genevieve L.;Subramanian, Ayshwarya;Welch, Joshua D.;You, Yue;Argelaguet, Ricard;Carey, Vincent J.;Dries, Ruben;Greene, Casey S.;Holmes, Susan;Love, Michael I.;Ritchie, Matthew E.;Yuan, Guo-Cheng;Culhane, Aedin C.;Fertig, Elana; Community-wide hackathons to identify central themes in single-cell multi-omics
López de Maturana, Evangelina;;Rodríguez, Juan Antonio;Alonso, Lola;Lao, Oscar;Molina-Montes, Esther;Martín-Antoniano, Isabel Adoración;Gómez-Rubio, Paulina;Lawlor, Rita;Carrato, Alfredo;Hidalgo, Manuel;Iglesias, Mar;Molero, Xavier;Löhr, Matthias;Michalski, Christopher;Perea, José;O’Rorke, Michael;Barberà, Victor Manuel;Tardón, Adonina;Farré, Antoni;Muñoz-Bellvís, Luís;Crnogorac-Jurcevic, Tanja;Domínguez-Muñoz, Enrique;Gress, Thomas;Greenhalf, William;Sharp, Linda;Arnes, Luís;Cecchini, Lluís;Balsells, Joaquim;Costello, Eithne;Ilzarbe, Lucas;Kleeff, Jörg;Kong, Bo;Márquez, Mirari;Mora, Josefina;O’Driscoll, Damian;Scarpa, Aldo;Ye, Weimin;Yu, Jingru;García-Closas, Montserrat;Kogevinas, Manolis;Rothman, Nathaniel;Silverman, Debra T;Albanes, Demetrius;Arslan, Alan A;Beane-Freeman, Laura;Bracci, Paige M;Brennan, Paul;Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas;Buring, Julie;Canzian, Federico;Du, Margaret;Gallinger, Steve;Gaziano, J Michael;Goodman, Phyllis J;Gunter, Marc;LeMarchand, Loic;Li, Donghui;Neale, Rachael E;Peters, Ulrika;Petersen, Gloria M;Risch, Harvey A;Sánchez, Maria José;Shu, Xiao-Ou;Thornquist, Mark D;Visvanathan, Kala;Zheng, Wei;Chanock, Stephen J;Easton, Douglas;Wolpin, Brian M;Stolzenberg-Solomon, Rachael Z;Klein, Alison P;Amundadottir, Laufey T;Marti-Renom, Marc A;Real, Francisco X;Malats, Núria;; A multilayered post-GWAS assessment on genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer
Yap, Zheng Yie;Park, Yo Han;Wortmann, Saskia B.;Gunning, Adam C.;Ezer, Shlomit;Lee, Sukyeong;Duraine, Lita;Wilichowski, Ekkehard;Wilson, Kate;Mayr, Johannes A.;Wagner, Matias;Li, Hong;Kini, Usha;Black, Emily Davis;Monaghan, Kristin G.;Lupski, James R.;Ellard, Sian;Westphal, Dominik S.;Harel, Tamar;Yoon, Wan Hee; Functional interpretation of ATAD3A variants in neuro-mitochondrial phenotypes
Wolbring, Laura;Reimers, Anne Kerstin;Niessner, Claudia;Demetriou, Yolanda;Schmidt, Steffen Christian Ekkehard;Woll, Alexander;Wäsche, Hagen; How to disseminate national recommendations for physical activity: a qualitative analysis of critical change agents in Germany
Pit, Sabrina;Fisk, Malcolm;Freihaut, Winona;Akintunde, Fashola;Aloko, Bamidele;Berge, Britta;Burmeister, Anne;Ciacâru, Adriana;Deller, Jürgen;Dulmage, Rae;Han, Tae Hwa;Hao, Qiang;Honeyman, Peter;Huber, Peter C.;Linner, Thomas;Lundberg, Stefan;Nwamara, Mofoluwaso;Punpuing, Kamolpun;Schramm, Jennifer;Yamada, Hajime;Yap, Jason C. H.; COVID-19 and the ageing workforce: global perspectives on needs and solutions across 15 countries
Netter, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Untersuchung des Vergasungsverhaltens von Klärschlamm unter Flugstrombedingungen
Livingstone, Katherine M.;Celis-Morales, Carlos;Navas-Carretero, Santiago;San-Cristobal, Rodrigo;Forster, Hannah;Woolhead, Clara;O’Donovan, Clare B.;Moschonis, George;Manios, Yannis;Traczyk, Iwona;Gundersen, Thomas E.;Drevon, Christian A.;Marsaux, Cyril F. M.;Fallaize, Rosalind;Macready, Anna L.;Daniel, Hannelore;Saris, Wim H. M.;Lovegrove, Julie A.;Gibney, Mike;Gibney, Eileen R.;Walsh, Marianne;Brennan, Lorraine;Martinez, J. Alfredo;Mathers, John C.;; Personalised nutrition advice reduces intake of discretionary foods and beverages: findings from the Food4Me randomised controlled trial
Raab, Roxana;Michel, Sophie;Günther, Julia;Hoffmann, Julia;Stecher, Lynne;Hauner, Hans; Associations between lifestyle interventions during pregnancy and childhood weight and growth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Horng, Annie;Stroebel, Johannes;Geith, Tobias;Milz, Stefan;Pacureanu, Alexandra;Yang, Yang;Cloetens, Peter;Lovric, Goran;Mittone, Alberto;Bravin, Alberto;Coan, Paola; Multiscale X-ray phase contrast imaging of human cartilage for investigating osteoarthritis formation
Hartmann, Eliza Sophie;Heinisch, Paul Philipp;Luedi, Markus M.;Mihalj, Maks; Many steps can be taken to enhance recovery after thoracic surgery
Kazimierczyk, Remigiusz;Malek, Lukasz A.;Szumowski, Piotr;Nekolla, Stephan G.;Blaszczak, Piotr;Jurgilewicz, Dorota;Hladunski, Marcin;Sobkowicz, Bozena;Mysliwiec, Janusz;Grzywna, Ryszard;Musial, Wlodzimierz J.;Kaminski, Karol A.; Multimodal assessment of right ventricle overload-metabolic and clinical consequences in pulmonary arterial hypertension
Giel, Katrin Elisabeth;Martus, Peter;Schag, Kathrin;Herpertz, Stephan;Hofmann, Tobias;Schneider, Antonius;Teufel, Martin;Voderholzer, Ulrich;von Wietersheim, Jörn;Wild, Beate;Zeeck, Almut;Bethge, Wolfgang;Schmidt, Ulrike;Zipfel, Stephan;Junne, Florian; Specialized post-inpatient psychotherapy for sustained recovery in anorexia nervosa via videoconference – study protocol of the randomized controlled SUSTAIN trial
Schmidt, Oxana;Nehls, Nadja;Prexler, Carolin;von Heyking, Kristina;Groll, Tanja;Pardon, Katharina;Garcia, Heathcliff D.;Hensel, Tim;Gürgen, Dennis;Henssen, Anton G.;Eggert, Angelika;Steiger, Katja;Burdach, Stefan;Richter, Günther H. S.; Class I histone deacetylases (HDAC) critically contribute to Ewing sarcoma pathogenesis
Liu, Nian;Chen, Xiao;Sun, Xia;Sun, Xiaolian;Shi, Junpeng; Persistent luminescence nanoparticles for cancer theranostics application
Höhler, Chiara;Rasamoel, Nils David;Rohrbach, Nina;Hansen, John Paulin;Jahn, Klaus;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Krewer, Carmen; The impact of visuospatial perception on distance judgment and depth perception in an Augmented Reality environment in patients after stroke: an exploratory study
Payr, Stephan;Rosado-Balmayor, Elizabeth;Tiefenboeck, Thomas;Schuseil, Tim;Unger, Marina;Seeliger, Claudine;van Griensven, Martijn; Direct comparison of 3D and 2D cultivation reveals higher osteogenic capacity of elderly osteoblasts in 3D
Fuchs, Tobias;Melcher, Felix;Rerop, Zora Selina;Lorenzen, Jan;Shaigani, Pariya;Awad, Dania;Haack, Martina;Prem, Sophia Alice;Masri, Mahmoud;Mehlmer, Norbert;Brueck, Thomas B.; Identifying carbohydrate-active enzymes of Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus using systems biology
Breuninger, Taylor A.;Wawro, Nina;Breuninger, Jakob;Reitmeier, Sandra;Clavel, Thomas;Six-Merker, Julia;Pestoni, Giulia;Rohrmann, Sabine;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Peters, Annette;Grallert, Harald;Meisinger, Christa;Haller, Dirk;Linseisen, Jakob; Associations between habitual diet, metabolic disease, and the gut microbiota using latent Dirichlet allocation
Amar, Yacine;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Silva, Rafaela L.;Ishola, Oluwaseun Ayodeji;Foesel, Bärbel U.;Kublik, Susanne;Schöler, Anne;Niedermeier, Sebastian;Bleuel, Rachela;Zink, Alexander;Neuhaus, Klaus;Schloter, Michael;Biedermann, Tilo;Köberle, Martin; Pre-digest of unprotected DNA by Benzonase improves the representation of living skin bacteria and efficiently depletes host DNA
Wang, Ying;Wang, Jian-Ye;Schnieke, Angelika;Fischer, Konrad; Advances in single-cell sequencing: insights from organ transplantation
Zöllner, Johann Philipp;Grau, Janina;Rosenow, Felix;Sauter, Matthias;Knuf, Markus;Kurlemann, Gerhard;Mayer, Thomas;Hertzberg, Christoph;Bertsche, Astrid;Immisch, Ilka;Klein, Karl Martin;Knake, Susanne;Marquard, Klaus;Meyer, Sascha;Noda, Anna H.;von Podewils, Felix;Schäfer, Hannah;Thiels, Charlotte;Willems, Laurent M.;Zukunft, Bianca;Schubert-Bast, Susanne;Strzelczyk, Adam; Direct and indirect costs and cost-driving factors in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: a multicenter cohort study and a review of the literature
Zimmermann, Bettina M.;Eichinger, Johanna;Baumgartner, Matthias R.; A systematic review of moral reasons on orphan drug reimbursement
Lotz-Havla, Amelie S.;Weiß, Katharina J.;Schiergens, Katharina A.;Brunet, Theresa;Kohlhase, Jürgen;Regenauer-Vandewiele, Stephanie;Maier, Esther M.; Subcutaneous vitamin B12 administration using a portable infusion pump in cobalamin-related remethylation disorders: a gentle and easy to use alternative to intramuscular injections
Meixner, Marco;Foerst, Petra;Windt, Carel W.; Reduced spatial resolution MRI suffices to image and quantify drought induced embolism formation in trees
Vogel, Marco M. E.;Dewes, Sabrina;Sage, Eva K.;Devecka, Michal;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Eiber, Matthias;Combs, Stephanie E.;Schiller, Kilian; A survey among German-speaking radiation oncologists on PET-based radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Niu, Minli;Combs, Stephanie E.;Linge, Annett;Krause, Mechthild;Baumann, Michael;Lohaus, Fabian;Ebert, Nadja;Tinhofer, Ingeborg;Budach, Volker;von der Grün, Jens;Rödel, Franz;Grosu, Anca-Ligia;Multhoff, Gabriele; Comparison of the composition of lymphocyte subpopulations in non-relapse and relapse patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck before, during radiochemotherapy and in the follow-up period: a multicenter prospective study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Group (DKTK-ROG)
Corradini, Stefanie;Niyazi, Maximilian;Verellen, Dirk;Valentini, Vincenzo;Walsh, Seán;Grosu, Anca-L.;Lauber, Kirsten;Giaccia, Amato;Unger, Kristian;Debus, Jürgen;Pieters, Bradley R.;Guckenberger, Matthias;Senan, Suresh;Budach, Wilfried;Rad, Roland;Mayerle, Julia;Belka, Claus; X-change symposium: status and future of modern radiation oncology—from technology to biology
Gloeckl, Rainer;Schneeberger, Tessa;Leitl, Daniela;Reinold, Tobias;Nell, Christoph;Jarosch, Inga;Kenn, Klaus;Koczulla, Andreas R.; Whole-body vibration training versus conventional balance training in patients with severe COPD—a randomized, controlled trial
Schneider, Jochen;Mijočević, Hrvoje;Ulm, Kurt;Ulm, Bernhard;Weidlich, Simon;Würstle, Silvia;Rothe, Kathrin;Treiber, Matthias;Iakoubov, Roman;Mayr, Ulrich;Lahmer, Tobias;Rasch, Sebastian;Herner, Alexander;Burian, Egon;Lohöfer, Fabian;Braren, Rickmer;Makowski, Marcus R.;Schmid, Roland M.;Protzer, Ulrike;Spinner, Christoph;Geisler, Fabian; SARS-CoV-2 serology increases diagnostic accuracy in CT-suspected, PCR-negative COVID-19 patients during pandemic
Kellerer, Christina;Jörres, Rudolf A.;Schneider, Antonius;Alter, Peter;Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich;Jobst, Bertram;Biederer, Jürgen;Bals, Robert;Watz, Henrik;Behr, Jürgen;Kauffmann-Guerrero, Diego;Lutter, Johanna;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Magnussen, Helgo;Trudzinski, Franziska C.;Welte, Tobias;Vogelmeier, Claus F.;Kahnert, Kathrin; Prediction of lung emphysema in COPD by spirometry and clinical symptoms: results from COSYCONET
Thies, Nina;Zech, Alexandra;Kohlmann, Thorsten;Biberthaler, Peter;Bayeff-Filloff, Michael;Kanz, Karl-Georg;Prückner, Stephan; Preparation of hospitals for mass casualty incidents in Bavaria, Germany: care capacities for penetrating injuries and explosions in TerrorMASCALs
Ren, Sen;Xiong, Hewei;Chen, Jing;Yang, Xiaofan;Liu, Yutian;Guo, Jiahe;Jiang, Tao;Xu, Zhao;Yuan, Meng;Liu, Yang;Zhou, Nan;Chen, Hongrui;Li, Wenqing;Machens, Hans-Günther;Chen, Zhenbing; The whole profiling and competing endogenous RNA network analyses of noncoding RNAs in adipose-derived stem cells from diabetic, old, and young patients
Mamsen, Frederik Penzien;Munthe-Fog, Lea;Kring, Mikela Karen Mungal;Duscher, Dominik;Taudorf, Mikkel;Katz, Adam J.;Kølle, Stig-Frederik Trojahn; Differences of embedding adipose-derived stromal cells in natural and synthetic scaffolds for dermal and subcutaneous delivery
Schneider-Thoma, Johannes;Kapfhammer, Angelika;Wang, Dongfang;Bighelli, Irene;Siafis, Spyridon;Wu, Hui;Hansen, Wulf-Peter;Davis, John M.;Salanti, Georgia;Leucht, Stefan; Metabolic side effects of antipsychotic drugs in individuals with schizophrenia during medium- to long-term treatment: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Keitel, Verena;;Jensen, Björn;Feldt, Torsten;Fischer, Johannes C.;Bode, Johannes G.;Matuschek, Christiane;Bölke, Edwin;Budach, Wilfried;Plettenberg, Christian;Scheckenbach, Kathrin;Kindgen-Milles, Detlef;Timm, Jörg;Müller, Lisa;Kolbe, Henrike;Stöhr, Andreas;Calles, Christian;Hippe, Andreas;Verde, Pablo;Spinner, Christoph D.;Schneider, Jochen;Wolf, Timo;Kern, Winfried V.;Nattermann, Jacob;Zoufaly, Alexander;Ohmann, Christian;Luedde, Tom; Reconvalescent plasma/camostat mesylate in early SARS-CoV-2 Q-PCR positive high-risk individuals (RES-Q-HR): a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Sundmacher, Leonie;Flemming, Ronja;Leve, Verena;Geiger, Isabel;Franke, Sebastian;Czihal, Thomas;Krause, Clemens;Wiese, Birgitt;Meyer, Frank;Brittner, Matthias;Pollmanns, Johannes;Martin, Johannes;Brandenburg, Paul;Schultz, Annemarie;Brua, Emmanuelle;Schneider, Udo;Dortmann, Olga;Rupprecht, Christoph;Wilm, Stefan;Schüttig, Wiebke; Improving the continuity and coordination of ambulatory care through feedback and facilitated dialogue—a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial to evaluate the ACD study (Accountable Care in Germany)
Briel, Matthias;Elger, Bernice S.;McLennan, Stuart;Schandelmaier, Stefan;von Elm, Erik;Satalkar, Priya; Exploring reasons for recruitment failure in clinical trials: a qualitative study with clinical trial stakeholders in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada
Dieter, Sebastian M.;Siegl, Christine;Codó, Paula L.;Huerta, Mario;Ostermann-Parucha, Anna L.;Schulz, Erik;Zowada, Martina K.;Martin, Sylvia;Laaber, Karin;Nowrouzi, Ali;Blatter, Mona;Kreth, Sina;Westermann, Frank;Benner, Axel;Uhrig, Ulrike;Putzker, Kerstin;Lewis, Joe;Haegebarth, Andrea;Mumberg, Dominik;Holton, Simon J.;Weiske, Joerg;Toepper, Lena-Marit;Scheib, Ulrike;Siemeister, Gerhard;Ball, Claudia R.;Kuster, Bernhard;Stoehr, Gabriele;Hahne, Hannes;Johannes, Sarah;Lange, Martin;Herbst, Friederike;Glimm, Hanno; Degradation of CCNK/CDK12 is a druggable vulnerability of colorectal cancer
Adlung, Lorenz;Stapor, Paul;Tönsing, Christian;Schmiester, Leonard;Schwarzmüller, Luisa E.;Postawa, Lena;Wang, Dantong;Timmer, Jens;Klingmüller, Ursula;Hasenauer, Jan;Schilling, Marcel; Cell-to-cell variability in JAK2/STAT5 pathway components and cytoplasmic volumes defines survival threshold in erythroid progenitor cells
Spier, Anna;Connor, Michael G.;Steiner, Thomas;Carvalho, Filipe;Cossart, Pascale;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Wai, Timothy;Stavru, Fabrizia; Mitochondrial respiration restricts Listeria monocytogenes infection by slowing down host cell receptor recycling
Greulich, Franziska;Wierer, Michael;Mechtidou, Aikaterini;Gonzalez-Garcia, Omar;Uhlenhaut, N. Henriette; The glucocorticoid receptor recruits the COMPASS complex to regulate inflammatory transcription at macrophage enhancers
Sebag, Sara C.;Zhang, Zeyuan;Qian, Qingwen;Li, Mark;Zhu, Zhiyong;Harata, Mikako;Li, Wenxian;Zingman, Leonid V.;Liu, Limin;Lira, Vitor A.;Potthoff, Matthew J.;Bartelt, Alexander;Yang, Ling; ADH5-mediated NO bioactivity maintains metabolic homeostasis in brown adipose tissue
Trefzer, Anne;Kadam, Pallavi;Wang, Shu-Hung;Pennavaria, Stefanie;Lober, Benedikt;Akçabozan, Batuhan;Kranich, Jan;Brocker, Thomas;Nakano, Naoko;Irmler, Martin;Beckers, Johannes;Straub, Tobias;Obst, Reinhard; Dynamic adoption of anergy by antigen-exhausted CD4+ T cells
Rackles, Elisabeth;Witting, Michael;Forné, Ignasi;Zhang, Xing;Zacherl, Judith;Schrott, Simon;Fischer, Christian;Ewbank, Jonathan J.;Osman, Christof;Imhof, Axel;Rolland, Stéphane G.; Reduced peroxisomal import triggers peroxisomal retrograde signaling
Albertos, Pablo;Tatematsu, Kiyoshi;Mateos, Isabel;Sánchez-Vicente, Inmaculada;Fernández-Arbaizar, Alejandro;Nakabayashi, Kazumi;Nambara, Eiji;Godoy, Marta;Franco, José M.;Solano, Roberto;Gerna, Davide;Roach, Thomas;Stöggl, Wolfgang;Kranner, Ilse;Perea-Resa, Carlos;Salinas, Julio;Lorenzo, Oscar; Redox feedback regulation of ANAC089 signaling alters seed germination and stress response
Sprenger, Richard R.;Hermansson, Martin;Neess, Ditte;Becciolini, Lena Sokol;Sørensen, Signe Bek;Fagerberg, Rolf;Ecker, Josef;Liebisch, Gerhard;Jensen, Ole N.;Vance, Dennis E.;Færgeman, Nils J.;Klemm, Robin W.;Ejsing, Christer S.; Lipid molecular timeline profiling reveals diurnal crosstalk between the liver and circulation
Pei, Jingjing;Beri, Nina R.;Zou, Angela J.;Hubel, Philipp;Dorando, Hannah K.;Bergant, Valter;Andrews, Rebecca D.;Pan, Jiehong;Andrews, Jared M.;Sheehan, Kathleen C.F.;Pichlmair, Andreas;Amarasinghe, Gaya K.;Brody, Steven L.;Payton, Jacqueline E.;Leung, Daisy W.; Nuclear-localized human respiratory syncytial virus NS1 protein modulates host gene transcription
Roman, Malgorzata;Roman, Pawel;Verbeke, Rhea;Gutierrez, Leonardo;Vanoppen, Marjolein;Dickmann, Marcel;Egger, Werner;Vankelecom, Ivo;Post, Jan;Cornelissen, Emile;Keesman, Karel;Verliefde, Arne; Non-steady diffusion and adsorption of organic micropollutants in ion-exchange membranes: effect of the membrane thickness
Afridi, Suliman Qadir;Usman, Zainab;Donakonda, Sainitin;Wettengel, Jochen Martin;Velkov, Stoyan;Beck, Robert;Gerhard, Markus;Knolle, Percy;Frishman, Dmitrij;Protzer, Ulrike;Moeini, Hassan;Hoffmann, Dieter; Prolonged norovirus infections correlate to quasispecies evolution resulting in structural changes of surface-exposed epitopes
Bast, Lisa;Buck, Michèle C.;Hecker, Judith S.;Oostendorp, Robert A.J.;Götze, Katharina S.;Marr, Carsten; Computational modeling of stem and progenitor cell kinetics identifies plausible hematopoietic lineage hierarchies
McKee, Alastair M.;Kirkup, Benjamin M.;Madgwick, Matthew;Fowler, Wesley J.;Price, Christopher A.;Dreger, Sally A.;Ansorge, Rebecca;Makin, Kate A.;Caim, Shabhonam;Le Gall, Gwenaelle;Paveley, Jack;Leclaire, Charlotte;Dalby, Matthew;Alcon-Giner, Cristina;Andrusaite, Anna;Feng, Tzu-Yu;Di Modica, Martina;Triulzi, Tiziana;Tagliabue, Elda;Milling, Simon W.F.;Weilbaecher, Katherine N.;Rutkowski, Melanie R.;Korcsmáros, Tamás;Hall, Lindsay J.;Robinson, Stephen D.; Antibiotic-induced disturbances of the gut microbiota result in accelerated breast tumor growth
Savitskiy, Sergey;Wachtel, Rudolf;Pourjafar-Dehkordi, Danial;Kang, Hyun-Seo;Trauschke, Vanessa;Lamb, Don C.;Sattler, Michael;Zacharias, Martin;Itzen, Aymelt; Proteolysis of Rab32 by Salmonella GtgE induces an inactive GTPase conformation
Spellerberg, Rebekka;Benli-Hoppe, Teoman;Kitzberger, Carolin;Berger, Simone;Schmohl, Kathrin A.;Schwenk, Nathalie;Yen, Hsi-Yu;Zach, Christian;Schilling, Franz;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Kälin, Roland E.;Glass, Rainer;Nelson, Peter J.;Wagner, Ernst;Spitzweg, Christine; Selective sodium iodide symporter (NIS) gene therapy of glioblastoma mediated by EGFR-targeted lipopolyplexes
Billerhart, Magdalena;Schönhofer, Monika;Schueffl, Hemma;Polzer, Wolfram;Pichler, Julia;Decker, Simon;Taschauer, Alexander;Maier, Julia;Anton, Martina;Eckmann, Sebastian;Blaschek, Manuel;Heffeter, Petra;Sami, Haider;Ogris, Manfred; CD47-targeted cancer immunogene therapy: Secreted SIRPα-Fc fusion protein eradicates tumors by macrophage and NK cell activation
Jones, Taylor S.;Franklin, Jonathan E.;Chen, Jia;Dietrich, Florian;Hajny, Kristian D.;Paetzold, Johannes C.;Wenzel, Adrian;Gately, Conor;Gottlieb, Elaine;Parker, Harrison;Dubey, Manvendra;Hase, Frank;Shepson, Paul B.;Mielke, Levi H.;Wofsy, Steven C.; Assessing urban methane emissions using column-observing portable Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers and a novel Bayesian inversion framework
Lieberherr, Gian;Auderset, Kevin;Calpini, Bertrand;Clot, Bernard;Crouzy, Benoît;Gysel-Beer, Martin;Konzelmann, Thomas;Manzano, José;Mihajlovic, Andrea;Moallemi, Alireza;O'Connor, David;Sikoparija, Branko;Sauvageat, Eric;Tummon, Fiona;Vasilatou, Konstantina; Assessment of real-time bioaerosol particle counters using reference chamber experiments
Liu, Song;Valks, Pieter;Pinardi, Gaia;Xu, Jian;Chan, Ka Lok;Argyrouli, Athina;Lutz, Ronny;Beirle, Steffen;Khorsandi, Ehsan;Baier, Frank;Huijnen, Vincent;Bais, Alkiviadis;Donner, Sebastian;Dörner, Steffen;Gratsea, Myrto;Hendrick, François;Karagkiozidis, Dimitris;Lange, Kezia;Piters, Ankie J. M.;Remmers, Julia;Richter, Andreas;Van Roozendael, Michel;Wagner, Thomas;Wenig, Mark;Loyola, Diego G.; An improved TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 research product over Europe
Hubert, Daan;Heue, Klaus-Peter;Lambert, Jean-Christopher;Verhoelst, Tijl;Allaart, Marc;Compernolle, Steven;Cullis, Patrick D.;Dehn, Angelika;Félix, Christian;Johnson, Bryan J.;Keppens, Arno;Kollonige, Debra E.;Lerot, Christophe;Loyola, Diego;Maata, Matakite;Mitro, Sukarni;Mohamad, Maznorizan;Piters, Ankie;Romahn, Fabian;Selkirk, Henry B.;da Silva, Francisco R.;Stauffer, Ryan M.;Thompson, Anne M.;Veefkind, J. Pepijn;Vömel, Holger;Witte, Jacquelyn C.;Zehner, Claus; TROPOMI tropospheric ozone column data: geophysical assessment and comparison to ozonesondes, GOME-2B and OMI
Dietrich, Florian;Chen, Jia;Voggenreiter, Benno;Aigner, Patrick;Nachtigall, Nico;Reger, Björn; MUCCnet: Munich Urban Carbon Column network
Compernolle, Steven;Argyrouli, Athina;Lutz, Ronny;Sneep, Maarten;Lambert, Jean-Christopher;Fjæraa, Ann Mari;Hubert, Daan;Keppens, Arno;Loyola, Diego;O'Connor, Ewan;Romahn, Fabian;Stammes, Piet;Verhoelst, Tijl;Wang, Ping; Validation of the Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI cloud data with Cloudnet, Aura OMI O2–O2, MODIS, and Suomi-NPP VIIRS
Braun, Alexander;Spona-Friedl, Marina;Avramov, Maria;Elsner, Martin;Baltar, Federico;Reinthaler, Thomas;Herndl, Gerhard J.;Griebler, Christian; Reviews and syntheses: Heterotrophic fixation of inorganic carbon – significant but invisible flux in environmental carbon cycling
Sampaio, Gilvan;Shimizu, Marília H.;Guimarães-Júnior, Carlos A.;Alexandre, Felipe;Guatura, Marcelo;Cardoso, Manoel;Domingues, Tomas F.;Rammig, Anja;von Randow, Celso;Rezende, Luiz F. C.;Lapola, David M.; CO2 physiological effect can cause rainfall decrease as strong as large-scale deforestation in the Amazon
Schulz, Kai G.;Achterberg, Eric P.;Arístegui, Javier;Bach, Lennart T.;Baños, Isabel;Boxhammer, Tim;Erler, Dirk;Igarza, Maricarmen;Kalter, Verena;Ludwig, Andrea;Löscher, Carolin;Meyer, Jana;Meyer, Judith;Minutolo, Fabrizio;von der Esch, Elisabeth;Ward, Bess B.;Riebesell, Ulf; Nitrogen loss processes in response to upwelling in a Peruvian coastal setting dominated by denitrification – a mesocosm approach
Matiu, Michael;Crespi, Alice;Bertoldi, Giacomo;Carmagnola, Carlo Maria;Marty, Christoph;Morin, Samuel;Schöner, Wolfgang;Cat Berro, Daniele;Chiogna, Gabriele;De Gregorio, Ludovica;Kotlarski, Sven;Majone, Bruno;Resch, Gernot;Terzago, Silvia;Valt, Mauro;Beozzo, Walter;Cianfarra, Paola;Gouttevin, Isabelle;Marcolini, Giorgia;Notarnicola, Claudia;Petitta, Marcello;Scherrer, Simon C.;Strasser, Ulrich;Winkler, Michael;Zebisch, Marc;Cicogna, Andrea;Cremonini, Roberto;Debernardi, Andrea;Faletto, Mattia;Gaddo, Mauro;Giovannini, Lorenzo;Mercalli, Luca;Soubeyroux, Jean-Michel;Sušnik, Andrea;Trenti, Alberto;Urbani, Stefano;Weilguni, Viktor; Observed snow depth trends in the European Alps: 1971 to 2019
Mamot, Philipp;Weber, Samuel;Eppinger, Saskia;Krautblatter, Michael; A temperature-dependent mechanical model to assess the stability of degrading permafrost rock slopes
Kiefer, Carolin;Oswald, Patrick;Moernaut, Jasper;Fabbri, Stefano Claudio;Mayr, Christoph;Strasser, Michael;Krautblatter, Michael; A 4000-year debris flow record based on amphibious investigations of fan delta activity in Plansee (Austria, Eastern Alps)
Draebing, Daniel; Identification of rock and fracture kinematics in high alpine rockwalls under the influence of elevation
Bayer, Anita D.;Fuchs, Richard;Mey, Reinhard;Krause, Andreas;Verburg, Peter H.;Anthoni, Peter;Arneth, Almut; Diverging land-use projections cause large variability in their impacts on ecosystems and related indicators for ecosystem services
Kvas, Andreas;Brockmann, Jan Martin;Krauss, Sandro;Schubert, Till;Gruber, Thomas;Meyer, Ulrich;Mayer-Gürr, Torsten;Schuh, Wolf-Dieter;Jäggi, Adrian;Pail, Roland; GOCO06s – a satellite-only global gravity field model
Papaioannou I., Straub D.; Variance-based reliability sensitivity analysis and the FORM α-factors
Reisch, Raven Thomas;Hauser, Tobias;Franke, Jan;Heinrich, Florian;Theodorou, Konstantinos;Kamps, Tobias;Knoll, Alois; Nozzle-to-Work Distance Measurement and Control in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Steinert, Janina Isabel;Atika Nyarige, David;Jacobi, Milan;Kuhnt, Jana;Kaplan, Lennart; A systematic review on ethical challenges of ‘field’ research in low-income and middle-income countries: respect, justice and beneficence for research staff?
El Vilaly, Mohamed Abd salam;Jones, Maureen A;Stankey, Makela Cordero;Seyi-Olajide, Justina;Onajin-Obembe, Bisola;Dasogot, Andat;Klug, Stefanie J;Meara, John G;Ameh, Emmanuel A;Osagie, Olabisi O;Juran, Sabrina; Access to paediatric surgery: the geography of inequality in Nigeria
Gerritsen, Jasper Kees Wim;Dirven, Clemens Maria Franciscus;De Vleeschouwer, Steven;Schucht, Philippe;Jungk, Christine;Krieg, Sandro M;Nahed, Brian Vala;Berger, Mitchel Stuart;Broekman, Marike Lianne Daphne;Vincent, Arnaud Jean Pierre Edouard; The PROGRAM study: awake mapping versus asleep mapping versus no mapping for high-grade glioma resections: study protocol for an international multicenter prospective three-arm cohort study
Andonian, Caroline Sophie;Freilinger, Sebastian;Achenbach, Stephan;Ewert, Peter;Gundlach, Ulrike;Hoerer, Jürgen;Kaemmerer, Harald;Pieper, Lars;Weyand, Michael;Neidenbach, Rhoia Clara;Beckmann, Jürgen; ‘Well-being paradox’ revisited: a cross-sectional study of quality of life in over 4000 adults with congenital heart disease
Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele;Arnolds, Stefanie;Kölln, Annika;Achenbach, Peter;Berner, Reinhard;Bonifacio, Ezio;Casteels, Kristina;Elding Larsson, Helena;Gündert, Melanie;Hasford, Joerg;Kordonouri, Olga;Lundgren, Markus;Oltarzewski, Mariusz;Pekalski, Marcin L;Pfirrmann, Markus;Snape, Matthew D;Szypowska, Agnieszka;Todd, John A; Supplementation with Bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis EVC001 for mitigation of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity: the GPPAD-SINT1A randomised controlled trial protocol
Dieris-Hirche, Jan;Bottel, Laura;Pape, Magdalena;te Wildt, Bert Theodor;Wölfling, Klaus;Henningsen, Peter;Timmesfeld, Nina;Neumann, Anja;Neusser, Silke;Beckers, Rainer;Herpertz, Stephan; Effects of an online-based motivational intervention to reduce problematic internet use and promote treatment motivation in internet gaming disorder and internet use disorder (OMPRIS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
von Korn, Pia;Sydow, Hanna;Neubauer, Sarah;Duvinage, André;Mocek, Anja;Dinges, Sophia;Hackenberg, Bjoern;Weichenberger, Mario;Schoenfeld, Julia;Amelung, Volker;Mueller, Stephan;Halle, Martin; Lifestyle Intervention in Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes (the LeIKD study): study protocol of a prospective, multicentre, randomised, controlled trial
Fiske, Amelia;Schneider, Antonius;McLennan, Stuart;Karapetyan, Siranush;Buyx, Alena; Impact of COVID-19 on patient health and self-care practices: a mixed-methods survey with German patients
Kellerer, Christina;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Jörres, Rudolf A;Schultz, Konrad;Brunn, Benjamin;Schneider, Antonius; Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in patients with suspected asthma: study protocol for a prospective diagnostic study
Steinert, Janina I;Alacevich, Caterina;Steele, Bridget;Hennegan, Julie;Yakubovich, Alexa R; Response strategies for promoting gender equality in public health emergencies: a rapid scoping review
Krüger, Caroline;Schäfer, Ingmar;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Bickel, Horst;Dreischulte, Tobias;Fuchs, Angela;König, Hans-Helmut;Maier, Wolfgang;Mergenthal, Karola;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G;Schön, Gerhard;Weyerer, Siegfried;Wiese, Birgitt;von Renteln-Kruse, Wolfgang;Langebrake, Claudia;Scherer, Martin; Comparison of FORTA, PRISCUS and EU(7)-PIM lists on identifying potentially inappropriate medication and its impact on cognitive function in multimorbid elderly German people in primary care: a multicentre observational study
Krüger, Caroline;Schäfer, Ingmar;van den Bussche, Hendrik;Bickel, Horst;Fuchs, Angela;Gensichen, Jochen;König, Hans-Helmut;Maier, Wolfgang;Mergenthal, Karola;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G;Schön, Gerhard;Weyerer, Siegfried;Wiese, Birgitt;von Renteln-Kruse, Wolfgang;Langebrake, Claudia;Scherer, Martin; Anticholinergic drug burden according to the anticholinergic drug scale and the German anticholinergic burden and their impact on cognitive function in multimorbid elderly German people: a multicentre observational study
Novelli, Anna;Schüttig, Wiebke;Spallek, Jacob;Wachtler, Benjamin;Diehl, Katharina;Moor, Irene;Richter, Matthias;Dragano, Nico;Sundmacher, Leonie; Correlation of mesolevel characteristics of the healthcare system and socioeconomic inequality in healthcare use: a scoping review protocol
Katzenberger, Benedict;Schwettmann, Lars;Weigl, Martin;Paulus, Alexander;Pedron, Sara;Fuchs, Sebastian;Koller, Daniela;Grill, Eva; Behavioural and patient-individual determinants of quality of life, functioning and physical activity in older adults (MobilE-TRA 2): study protocol of an observational cohort study in a tertiary care setting
Lau, Lina Hui Ying;Nano, Jana;Cecil, Alexander;Schederecker, Florian;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Prehn, Cornelia;Zeller, Tanja;Lechner, Andreas;Adamski, Jerzy;Peters, Annette;Thorand, Barbara; Cross-sectional and prospective relationships of endogenous progestogens and estrogens with glucose metabolism in men and women: a KORA F4/FF4 Study
Grosu, Sergio;Lorbeer, Roberto;Hartmann, Felix;Rospleszcz, Susanne;Bamberg, Fabian;Schlett, Christopher L;Galie, Franziska;Selder, Sonja;Auweter, Sigrid;Heier, Margit;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Mueller-Peltzer, Katharina;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Peters, Annette;Ertl-Wagner, Birgit B;Stoecklein, Sophia; White matter hyperintensity volume in pre-diabetes, diabetes and normoglycemia
Wagner, Nikolaus B;Lenders, Max M;Kühl, Kathrin;Reinhardt, Lydia;André, Fiona;Dudda, Milena;Ring, Natalie;Ebel, Chiara;Stäger, Ramon;Zellweger, Caroline;Lang, Roland;Paar, Michael;Gussek, Philipp;Richtig, Georg;Stürmer, Suzan H;Kimeswenger, Susanne;Oellinger, Angela;Forschner, Andrea;Leiter, Ulrike;Weide, Benjamin;Gassenmaier, Maximilian;Schraag, Amadeus;Klumpp, Bernhard;Hoetzenecker, Wolfram;Berking, Carola;Richtig, Erika;Ziemer, Mirjana;Mangana, Johanna;Terheyden, Patrick;Loquai, Carmen;Nguyen, Van Anh;Gebhardt, Christoffer;Meier, Friedegund;Diem, Stefan;Cozzio, Antonio;Flatz, Lukas;Röcken, Martin;Garbe, Claus;Eigentler, Thomas K; Pretreatment metastatic growth rate determines clinical outcome of advanced melanoma patients treated with anti-PD-1 antibodies: a multicenter cohort study
Beyranvand Nejad, Elham;Labrie, Camilla;van Elsas, Marit J;Kleinovink, Jan Willem;Mittrücker, Hans-Willi;Franken, Kees L M C;Heink, Sylvia;Korn, Thomas;Arens, Ramon;van Hall, Thorbald;van der Burg, Sjoerd H; IL-6 signaling in macrophages is required for immunotherapy-driven regression of tumors
Ressler, Julia Maria;Karasek, Matthias;Koch, Lukas;Silmbrod, Rita;Mangana, Joanna;Latifyan, Sofiya;Aedo-Lopez, Veronica;Kehrer, Helmut;Weihsengruber, Felix;Koelblinger, Peter;Posch, Christian;Kofler, Julian;Michielin, Olivier;Richtig, Erika;Hafner, Christine;Hoeller, Christoph; Real-life use of talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) in melanoma patients in centers in Austria, Switzerland and Germany
Rogiers, Aljosja;Pires da Silva, Ines;Tentori, Chiara;Tondini, Carlo Alberto;Grimes, Joseph M;Trager, Megan H;Nahm, Sharon;Zubiri, Leyre;Manos, Michael;Bowling, Peter;Elkrief, Arielle;Papneja, Neha;Vitale, Maria Grazia;Rose, April A N;Borgers, Jessica S W;Roy, Severine;Mangana, Joanna;Pimentel Muniz, Thiago;Cooksley, Tim;Lupu, Jeremy;Vaisman, Alon;Saibil, Samuel D;Butler, Marcus O;Menzies, Alexander M;Carlino, Matteo S;Erdmann, Michael;Berking, Carola;Zimmer, Lisa;Schadendorf, Dirk;Pala, Laura;Queirolo, Paola;Posch, Christian;Hauschild, Axel;Dummer, Reinhard;Haanen, John;Blank, Christian U;Robert, Caroline;Sullivan, Ryan J;Ascierto, Paolo Antonio;Miller Jr, Wilson H;Stephen Hodi, F;Suijkerbuijk, Karijn P M;Reynolds, Kerry L;Rahma, Osama E;Lorigan, Paul C;Carvajal, Richard D;Lo, Serigne;Mandala, Mario;Long, Georgina V; Clinical impact of COVID-19 on patients with cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibition
Bräunlein, Eva;Lupoli, Gaia;Füchsl, Franziska;Abualrous, Esam T;de Andrade Krätzig, Niklas;Gosmann, Dario;Wietbrock, Lukas;Lange, Sebastian;Engleitner, Thomas;Lan, Huan;Audehm, Stefan;Effenberger, Manuel;Boxberg, Melanie;Steiger, Katja;Chang, Yinshui;Yu, Kai;Atay, Cigdem;Bassermann, Florian;Weichert, Wilko;Busch, Dirk H;Rad, Roland;Freund, Christian;Antes, Iris;Krackhardt, Angela M; Functional analysis of peripheral and intratumoral neoantigen-specific TCRs identified in a patient with melanoma
Stein, Alexander;Simnica, Donjete;Schultheiß, Christoph;Scholz, Rebekka;Tintelnot, Joseph;Gökkurt, Eray;von Wenserski, Lisa;Willscher, Edith;Paschold, Lisa;Sauer, Markus;Lorenzen, Sylvie;Riera-Knorrenschild, Jorge;Depenbusch, Reinhard;Ettrich, Thomas J;Dörfel, Steffen;Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin;Karthaus, Meinolf;Pelzer, Uwe;Waberer, Lisa;Hinke, Axel;Bauer, Marcus;Massa, Chiara;Seliger, Barbara;Wickenhauser, Claudia;Bokemeyer, Carsten;Hegewisch-Becker, Susanna;Binder, Mascha; PD-L1 targeting and subclonal immune escape mediated by PD-L1 mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer
Brzykcy, Anna;Boehm, Stephan; No such thing as a free ride: The impact of disability labels on relationship building at work
Kluck, H;Angloher, G;Benato, G;Bento, A;Bertolini, A;Breier, R;Bucci, C;Canonica, L;Addabbo, A D’;Lorenzo, S Di;Einfalt, L;Erb, A;Feilitzsch, F v.;Iachellini, N Ferreiro;Fichtinger, S;Fuchs, D;Fuss, A;Garai, A;Ghete, V M;Gorla, P;Gupta, S;Hauff, D;Ješkovský, M;Jochum, J;Kaznacheeva, M;Kinast, A;Kraus, H;Langenkamper, A;Mancuso, M;Marini, L;Mokina, V;Nilima, A;Olmi, M;Ortmann, T;Pagliarone, C;Palušová, V;Pattavina, L;Petricca, F;Potzel, W;Povinec, P;Pröbst, F;Pucci, F;Reindl, F;Rothe, J;Schäffner, K;Schieck, J;Schmiedmayer, D;Schönert, S;Schwertner, C;Stahlberg, M;Stodolsky, L;Strandhagen, C;Strauss, R;Usherov, I;Wagner, F;Willers, M;Zema, V; Cosmic activation of Cresst’s CaWO4 crystals
Bolton, Patrick D.;Deppisch, Frank F;Fridell, Kåre;Harz, Julia;Hati, Chandan;Kulkarni, Suchita; Transition neutrino magnetic moments in CEvNS
Nava, A;Biassoni, M;Pozzi, S;Gugiatti, M;Carminati, M;Fiorini, C;King, P;Mertens, S;Lechner, P; A Geant4-based model for the TRISTAN detector
Piscicchia, Kristian;Bazzi, Massimiliano;Bragadireanu, Mario;Cargnelli, Michael;Clozza, Alberto;Paolis, Luca De;Grande, Raffaele Del;Guaraldo, Carlo;Iliescu, Mihail;Laubenstein, Matthias;Marton, Johann;Miliucci, Marco;Napolitano, Fabrizio;Porcelli, Alessio;Scordo, Alessandro;Sgarmella, Francesco;Shi, Hexi;Sirghi, Diana Laura;Sirghi, Florin;Doce, Oton Vazquez;Zmeskal, Johann;Curceanu, Catalina; γ-ray high sensitivity tests of Collapse Models
Wagner, V;Angloher, G;Bento, A;Canonica, L;Cappella, F;Cardani, L;Casali, N;Cerulli, R;Colantoni, I;Cruciani, A;del Castello, G;Erhart, A;Friedl, M;Garai, A;Ghete, V M;Goupy, C;Guidi, V;Hauff, D;Kaznacheeva, M;Kinast, A;Klinkenberg, L;Kluck, H;Langenkamper, A;Lasserre, T;Lhuillier, D;Mancuso, M;Mauri, B;Mazzolari, A;Mazzucato, E;Neyrial, H;Nones, C;Oberauer, L;Onillon, A;Ortmann, T;Pattavina, L;Petricca, F;Potzel, W;Pröbst, F;Pucci, F;Reindl, F;Rogly, R;Rothe, J;Savu, V;Schermer, N;Schieck, J;Schönert, S;Schwertner, C;Scola, L;Stodolsky, L;Strauss, R;Tomei, C;Mirbach, K v;Vignati, M;Vivier, M;Wex, A; Exploring CEνNS of reactor neutrinos with the NUCLEUS experiment
Krause, P.; GERDA: Final Results and Physics Beyond Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay
Brenner, Anja;Herrera, Gonzalo;Ibarra, Alejandro;Kang, Sunghyun;Rappelt, Andreas;Scopel, Stefano;Tomar, Gaurav; The impact of operator interference and target complementarity in dark matter direct detection experiments
Tomar, Gaurav;Jeong, Injun;Kang, Sunghyun;Scopel, Stefano; WimPyDD: an object-oriented Python code for WIMP-nucleus scattering direct detection in virtually any scenario
Herrera, Gonzalo;Ibarra, Alejandro; Implications of non-galactic dark matter for sub-GeV direct detection searches
Fridell, Kåre;Harz, Julia;Hati, Chandan; Neutron-antineutron oscillations as a probe of baryogenesis
Ludhova, L;Agostini, M;Altenmüller, K;Appel, S;Atroshchenko, V;Bagdasarian, Z;Basilico, D;Bellini, G;Benziger, J;Biondi, R;Bravo, D;Caccianiga, B;Calaprice, F;Caminata, A;Cavalcante, P;Chepurnov, A;D’Angelo, D;Davini, S;Derbin, A;Giacinto, A Di;Marcello, V Di;Ding, X.F;Ludovico, A Di;Noto, L Di;Drachnev, I;Formozov, A;Franco, D;Galbiati, C;Ghiano, C;Giammarchi, M;Goretti, A;Göttel, A.S;Gromov, M;Guffanti, D;Ianni, Aldo;Ianni, Andrea;Jany, A;Jeschke, D;Kobychev, V;Korga, G;Kumaran, S;Laubenstein, M;Litvinovich, E;Lombardi, P;Lomskaya, I;Lukyanchenko, G;Lukyanchenko, L;Machulin, I;Martyn, J;Meroni, E;Meyer, M;Miramonti, L;Misiaszek, M;Muratova, V;Neumair, B;Nieslony, M;Nugmanov, R;Oberauer, L;Orekhov, V;Ortica, F;Pallavicini, M;Papp, L;Pelicci, L;Penek, Ö;Pietrofaccia, L;Pilipenko, N;Pocar, A;Raikov, G;Ranalli, M.T;Ranucci, G;Razeto, A;Re, A;Redchuk, M;Romani, A;Rossi, N;Schönert, S;Semenov, D;Settanta, G;Skorokhvatov, M;Singhal, A;Smirnov, O;Sotnikov, A;Suvorov, Y;Tartaglia, R;Testera, G;Thurn, J;Unzhakov, E;Villante, F;Vishneva, A;Vogelaar, R.B;Feilitzsch, F von;Wojcik, M;Wurm, M;Zavatarelli, S;Zuber, K;Zuzel, G; Solar and geoneutrinos
Gerritsen, Jasper Kees Wim;Dirven, Clemens Maria Franciscus;De Vleeschouwer, Steven;Schucht, Philippe;Jungk, Christine;Krieg, Sandro M;Nahed, Brian Vala;Berger, Mitchel Stuart;Broekman, Marike Lianne Daphne;Vincent, Arnaud Jean Pierre Edouard; The PROGRAM study: awake mapping versus asleep mapping versus no mapping for high-grade glioma resections: study protocol for an international multicenter prospective three-arm cohort study
Hubbard, N. J.;Diget, C. Aa.;Fox, S. P.;Fynbo, H. O. U.;Howard, A. M.;Kirsebom, O. S.;Laird, A. M.;Munch, M.;Parikh, A.;Pignatari, M.;Tomlinson, J. R.; New Experimental 23Na(α, p)26Mg Reaction Rate for Massive Star and Type Ia Supernova Models
Troshyn, Oleksiy;Hoffmann, Christian;Große, Veit;Hänisch, Jens;Becker, Lucas;Gross, Rudolf; La1−xMn1−yO3±δ buffer layers on inclined substrate deposited MgO templates for coated conductors
Ebel, J;Joas, T;Schalk, M;Weinbrenner, P;Angerer, A;Majer, J;Reinhard, F; Dispersive readout of room-temperature ensemble spin sensors
Aiello, Clarice D;Awschalom, D D;Bernien, Hannes;Brower, Tina;Brown, Kenneth R;Brun, Todd A;Caram, Justin R;Chitambar, Eric;Di Felice, Rosa;Edmonds, Karina Montilla;Fox, Michael F J;Haas, Stephan;Holleitner, Alexander W;Hudson, Eric R;Hunt, Jeffrey H;Joynt, Robert;Koziol, Scott;Larsen, M;Lewandowski, H J;McClure, Doug T;Palsberg, Jen;Passante, Gina;Pudenz, Kristen L;Richardson, Christopher J K;Rosenberg, Jessica L;Ross, R S;Saffman, Mark;Singh, M;Steuerman, David W;Stark, Chad;Thijssen, Jos;Vamivakas, A Nick;Whitfield, James D;Zwickl, Benjamin M; Achieving a quantum smart workforce
Hansen, S K;Jacobsen, A S;Willensdorfer, M;Nielsen, S K;Stober, J;Höfler, K;Maraschek, M;Fischer, R;Dunne, M; Microwave diagnostics damage by parametric decay instabilities during electron cyclotron resonance heating in ASDEX Upgrade
Cathey, A;Hoelzl, M;Futatani, S;Lang, P T;Lackner, K;Huijsmans, G T A;Pamela, S J P;Günter, S; Comparing spontaneous and pellet-triggered ELMs via non-linear extended MHD simulations
Zito, A;Wischmeier, M;Carralero, D;Manz, P;Paradela Pérez, I;Passoni, M; Numerical modelling of an enhanced perpendicular transport regime in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade
Hoyer, Dirk;Schmidt, Alexander;Pytlik, Adelina;Viehöfer, Lukas;Gonçalves, Hernâni;Amorim-Costa, Célia;Bernardes, João;Ayres-de-Campos, Diogo;Lobmaier, Silvia M;Schneider, Uwe; Can fetal heart rate variability obtained from cardiotocography provide the same diagnostic value like from electrophysiological interbeat intervals?
Ippoliti, Matteo;Lukas, Mathias;Brenner, Winfried;Schatka, Imke;Furth, Christian;Schaeffter, Tobias;Makowski, Marcus R;Kolbitsch, Christoph; Respiratory motion correction for enhanced quantification of hepatic lesions in simultaneous PET and DCE-MR imaging
Wochnik, A;Stolarczyk, L;Ambrožová, I;Davídková, M;De Saint-Hubert, M;Domański, S;Domingo, C;Knežević, Ž;Kopeć, R;Kuć, M;Majer, M;Mojżeszek, N;Mares, V;Martínez-Rovira, I;Caballero-Pacheco, M Á;Pyszka, E;Swakoń, J;Trinkl, S;Tisi, M;Harrison, R;Olko, P; Out-of-field doses for scanning proton radiotherapy of shallowly located paediatric tumours—a comparison of range shifter and 3D printed compensator
Hoelzl, M.;Huijsmans, G.T.A.;Pamela, S.J.P.;Bécoulet, M.;Nardon, E.;Artola, F.J.;Nkonga, B.;Atanasiu, C.V.;Bandaru, V.;Bhole, A.;Bonfiglio, D.;Cathey, A.;Czarny, O.;Dvornova, A.;Fehér, T.;Fil, A.;Franck, E.;Futatani, S.;Gruca, M.;Guillard, H.;Haverkort, J.W.;Holod, I.;Hu, D.;Kim, S.K.;Korving, S.Q.;Kos, L.;Krebs, I.;Kripner, L.;Latu, G.;Liu, F.;Merkel, P.;Meshcheriakov, D.;Mitterauer, V.;Mochalskyy, S.;Morales, J.A.;Nies, R.;Nikulsin, N.;Orain, F.;Pratt, J.;Ramasamy, R.;Ramet, P.;Reux, C.;Särkimäki, K.;Schwarz, N.;Singh Verma, P.;Smith, S.F.;Sommariva, C.;Strumberger, E.;van Vugt, D.C.;Verbeek, M.;Westerhof, E.;Wieschollek, F.;Zielinski, J.; The JOREK non-linear extended MHD code and applications to large-scale instabilities and their control in magnetically confined fusion plasmas
Bonanomi, N.;Angioni, C.;Silvagni, D.;Happel, T.;Plank, U.;Gil, L.;Schneider, P.A.;Puetterich, T.;EUROFusion MST1 Team, the;ASDEX Upgrade Team, the; I-mode in non-deuterium plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade
Solano, E.R.;Birkenmeier, G.;Delabie, E.;Silva, C.;Hillesheim, J.C.;Boboc, A.;Carvalho, I.S.;Carvalho, P.;Chernyshova, M.;Craciunescu, T.;de la Luna, E.;Fontdecaba, J.M.;Henriques, R.;Jacquet, P.;Jepu, I.;Kappatou, A.;King, D.;Lennholm, M.;Lerche, E.;Litherland-Smith, E.;Loarte, A.;Maslov, M.;Parra Diaz, F.;Parail, V.;Pawelec, E.;Rimini, F.G.;Shaw, A.;Siren, P.;Szepesi, G.;Štancar, Ž.;Tholerus, E.;Vartanian, S.;Viola, B.;Weisen, H.;JET Contributors; L–H transition threshold studies in helium plasmas at JET
Nickl, M. ; Winter, F. ; Gümmer, V.; Piston Engine Modelling for Hydrogen Fueled Composite Cycle Engines
Liu, Zhimei;Zhang, Li;Ren, Changhong;Xu, Manting;Li, Shufang;Ban, Rui;Wu, Ye;Chen, Ling;Sun, Suzhen;Elstner, Matthias;Shimura, Masaru;Ogawa-Tominaga, Minako;Murayama, Kei;Shi, Tieliu;Prokisch, Holger;Fang, Fang; Whole genome and exome sequencing identify NDUFV2 mutations as a new cause of progressive cavitating leukoencephalopathy
Kloesch, Bernhard;Ionasz, Vivien;Paliwal, Sumit;Hruschka, Natascha;Martinez de Villarreal, Jaime;Öllinger, Rupert;Mueller, Sebastian;Dienes, Hans Peter;Schindl, Martin;Gruber, Elisabeth S;Stift, Judith;Herndler-Brandstetter, Dietmar;Lomberk, Gwen A;Seidler, Barbara;Saur, Dieter;Rad, Roland;Urrutia, Raul A;Real, Francisco X;Martinelli, Paola; A GATA6-centred gene regulatory network involving HNFs and ΔNp63 controls plasticity and immune escape in pancreatic cancer
Zhao, Lili;Chen, Fuwang;Quitt, Oliver;Festag, Marvin;Ringelhan, Marc;Wisskirchen, Karin;Festag, Julia;Yakovleva, Luidmila;Sureau, Camille;Bohne, Felix;Aichler, Michaela;Bruss, Volker;Shevtsov, Maxim;Klundert, Maarten;Momburg, Frank;Möhl, Britta S.;Protzer, Ulrike; Hepatitis B virus envelope proteins can serve as therapeutic targets embedded in the host cell plasma membrane
Vidali, Silvia;Gerlini, Raffaele;Thompson, Kyle;Urquhart, Jill E;Meisterknecht, Jana;Aguilar‐Pimentel, Juan Antonio;Amarie, Oana V;Becker, Lore;Breen, Catherine;Calzada‐Wack, Julia;Chhabra, Nirav F;Cho, Yi‐Li;da Silva‐Buttkus, Patricia;Feichtinger, René G;Gampe, Kristine;Garrett, Lillian;Hoefig, Kai P;Hölter, Sabine M;Jameson, Elisabeth;Klein‐Rodewald, Tanja;Leuchtenberger, Stefanie;Marschall, Susan;Mayer‐Kuckuk, Philipp;Miller, Gregor;Oestereicher, Manuela A;Pfannes, Kristina;Rathkolb, Birgit;Rozman, Jan;Sanders, Charlotte;Spielmann, Nadine;Stoeger, Claudia;Szibor, Marten;Treise, Irina;Walter, John H;Wurst, Wolfgang;Mayr, Johannes A;Fuchs, Helmut;Gärtner, Ulrich;Wittig, Ilka;Taylor, Robert W;Newman, William G;Prokisch, Holger;Gailus‐Durner, Valerie;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin; Characterising a homozygous two‐exon deletion in UQCRH : comparing human and mouse phenotypes
Diepold, Benedikt;Palm, Mathias Sebastian;Wimmer, Andreas;Sebald, Torsten;Höppel, Heinz Werner;Neumeier, Steffen;Göken, Mathias; Rotating Scan Strategy Induced Anisotropic Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Selective Laser Melted Materials and Their Reduction by Heat Treatments
Koser, Lilla;Lechner, Vivian Miles;Bach, Thorsten; Biomimetic Total Synthesis of Enterocin
Rüdiger, Julian;Schwab, Wilfried; Improvement of an Escherichia coli whole‐cell biocatalyst for geranyl glucoside production using directed evolution
Avril, Stéphane;Gee, Michael W.;Hemmler, André;Rugonyi, Sandra; Patient‐specific computational modeling of endovascular aneurysm repair: State of the art and future directions
Rosenbaum, Marc;Schnalzger, Theresa;Engleitner, Thomas;Weiß, Christin;Mishra, Ritu;Mibus, Cora;Mitterer, Theresa;Rad, Roland;Ruland, Jürgen; MALT1 protease function in regulatory T cells induces MYC activity to promote mitochondrial function and cellular expansion
Tomsitz, Dirk;Biedermann, Tilo;Brockow, Knut; Sublingual immunotherapy reduces reaction threshold in three patients with wheat‐dependent exercise‐induced anaphylaxis
Redlich, Sarah;Zhang, Jie;Benjamin, Caryl;Dhillon, Maninder Singh;Englmeier, Jana;Ewald, Jörg;Fricke, Ute;Ganuza, Cristina;Haensel, Maria;Hovestadt, Thomas;Kollmann, Johannes;Koellner, Thomas;Kübert‐Flock, Carina;Kunstmann, Harald;Menzel, Annette;Moning, Christoph;Peters, Wibke;Riebl, Rebekka;Rummler, Thomas;Rojas‐Botero, Sandra;Tobisch, Cynthia;Uhler, Johannes;Uphus, Lars;Müller, Jörg;Steffan‐Dewenter, Ingolf; Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services—A multi‐scale experimental design
Zeitler, Lea;Corbin, Armin;Vielberg, Kristin;Rudenko, Sergei;Löcher, Anno;Bloßfeld, Mathis;Schmidt, Michael;Kusche, Jürgen; Scale Factors of the Thermospheric Density: A Comparison of Satellite Laser Ranging and Accelerometer Solutions
Licata‐Dandel, Maria;Wenzel, Anne Sophie;Kristen‐Antonow, Susanne;Sodian, Beate; Predicting child problem behaviour at school age: The role of maternal sensitivity, child temperament and theory of mind
Fischer, Theresa;Suttor, Susana;Mansi, Salma;Osthues, Lucas;Mela, Petra; Antimicrobial silicone rubbers based on photocatalytically active additives
Wittke, Christina;Petkovic, Sonja;Dobricic, Valerija;Schaake, Susen;Arzberger, Thomas;Compta, Yaroslau;Englund, Elisabet;Ferguson, Leslie W.;Gelpi, Ellen;Roeber, Sigrun;Giese, Armin;Grossman, Murray;Irwin, David J.;Meissner, Wassilios G.;Nilsson, Christer;Pantelyat, Alexander;Rajput, Alex;Swieten, John C.;Troakes, Claire;Respondek, Gesine;Weissbach, Anne;Madoev, Harutyun;Trinh, Joanne;Vollstedt, Eva‐Juliane;Kuhnke, Neele;Lohmann, Katja;Dulovic Mahlow, Marija;Marras, Connie;König, Inke R.;Stamelou, Maria;Bonifati, Vincenzo;Lill, Christina M.;Kasten, Meike;Huppertz, Hans‐Jürgen;Höglinger, Günter;Klein, Christine;; Genotype–Phenotype Relations for the Atypical Parkinsonism Genes: MDSGene Systematic Review
Zerbini, Giulia;Merrow, Martha;Winnebeck, Eva C; Weekly and seasonal variation in the circadian melatonin rhythm in humans: A response
Boehm, Christof;Sollmann, Nico;Meineke, Jakob;Ruschke, Stefan;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Weiss, Kilian;Zimmer, Claus;Makowski, Marcus R.;Baum, Thomas;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Preconditioned water‐fat total field inversion: Application to spine quantitative susceptibility mapping
Erdogan, Eren;Schmidt, Michael;Goss, Andreas;Görres, Barbara;Seitz, Florian; Real‐Time Monitoring of Ionosphere VTEC Using Multi‐GNSS Carrier‐Phase Observations and B‐Splines
Vöglein, Jonathan;Kostova, Irena;Arzberger, Thomas;Noachtar, Soheyl;Dieterich, Marianne;Herms, Jochen;Schmitz, Peer;Ruf, Viktoria;Windl, Otto;Roeber, Sigrun;Simons, Mikael;Höglinger, Günter U.;Danek, Adrian;Giese, Armin;Levin, Johannes; Seizure prevalence in neurodegenerative diseases—a study of autopsy proven cases
Bichler, Martin;Merting, Soeren; Randomized Scheduling Mechanisms: Assigning Course Seats in a Fair and Efficient Way
Tian, Ting;Yin, Shanshan;Tu, Suo;Weindl, Christian L.;Wienhold, Kerstin S.;Liang, Suzhe;Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Roth, Stephan V.;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter; Morphology Transformation Pathway of Block Copolymer‐Directed Cooperative Self‐Assembly of ZnO Hybrid Films Monitored In Situ during Slot‐Die Coating
Shahryari, Alireza;Burtscher, Ingo;Nazari, Zahra;Lickert, Heiko; Engineering Gene Therapy: Advances and Barriers
Wirth, Richard;Kruhl, Jörn H.;Morales, Luiz F. G.;Schreiber, Anja; Partially open grain and phase boundaries as fluid pathways in metamorphic and magmatic rocks
Kloft, Harald;Gehlen, Christoph;Dörfler, Kathrin;Hack, Norman;Henke, Klaudius;Lowke, Dirk;Mainka, Jeldrik;Raatz, Annika; TRR 277: Additive manufacturing in construction
Cao, Wei;Yin, Shanshan;Bitsch, Martin;Liang, Suzhe;Plank, Martina;Opel, Matthias;Scheel, Manuel A.;Gallei, Markus;Janka, Oliver;Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Roth, Stephan V.;Müller‐Buschbaum, Peter; In Situ Study of FePt Nanoparticles‐Induced Morphology Development during Printing of Magnetic Hybrid Diblock Copolymer Films
Vartak, Nachiket;Drasdo, Dirk;Geisler, Fabian;Itoh, Tohru;P.J.Oude Elferink, Ronald;Graaf, Stan F.J.;Chiang, John;Keitel, Verena;Trauner, Michael;Jansen, Peter;Hengstler, Jan G.; On the Mechanisms of Biliary Flux
Leonard, L.;Höhlein, K.;Westermann, R.; Learning Multiple‐Scattering Solutions for Sphere‐Tracing of Volumetric Subsurface Effects
Hsia, Hung‐En;Tüshaus, Johanna;Feng, Xiao;Hofmann, Laura I.;Wefers, Benedikt;Marciano, Denise K.;Wurst, Wolfgang;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Endoglycan (PODXL2) is proteolytically processed by ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10) and controls neurite branching in primary neurons
N´Diaye, Katharina;Debong, Marcel;Behr, Jürgen;Dirndorfer, Sebastian;Duggan, Tara;Beusch, Anja;Schlagbauer, Verena;Dawid, Corinna;Loos, Helene M.;Buettner, Andrea;Lang, Roman;Hofmann, Thomas; Dietary Piperine is Transferred into the Milk of Nursing Mothers
Jewell, Paul D.;Abraham, Annette;Schmidt, Veronika;Buell, Kevin G.;Bustos, Javier A.;Garcia, Hector H.;Dixon, Matthew A.;Walker, Martin;Ngowi, Bernard J.;Basáñez, Maria‐Gloria;Winkler, Andrea S.; Neurocysticercosis and HIV/AIDS co‐infection: A scoping review
Högner, Anica;Al‐Batran, Salah‐Eddin;Siveke, Jens T.;Lorenz, Mario;Bartels, Prisca;Breithaupt, Kirstin;Malfertheiner, Peter;Homann, Nils;Stein, Alexander;Gläser, Dietrich;Tamm, Ingo;Hinke, Axel;Vogel, Arndt;Thuss‐Patience, Peter;; Pazopanib with 5‐FU and oxaliplatin as first line therapy in advanced gastric cancer: A randomized phase‐II study—The PaFLO trial. A study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie AIO‐STO ‐0510
Smialek, Nicole;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Environmental threats and conservation implications for Atlantic salmon and brown trout during their critical freshwater phases of spawning, egg development and juvenile emergence
Cossarizza, Andrea;Chang, Hyun‐Dong;Radbruch, Andreas;Abrignani, Sergio;Addo, Richard;Akdis, Mübeccel;Andrä, Immanuel;Andreata, Francesco;Annunziato, Francesco;Arranz, Eduardo;Bacher, Petra;Bari, Sudipto;Barnaba, Vincenzo;Barros‐Martins, Joana;Baumjohann, Dirk;Beccaria, Cristian G.;Bernardo, David;Boardman, Dominic A.;Borger, Jessica;Böttcher, Chotima;Brockmann, Leonie;Burns, Marie;Busch, Dirk H.;Cameron, Garth;Cammarata, Ilenia;Cassotta, Antonino;Chang, Yinshui;Chirdo, Fernando Gabriel;Christakou, Eleni;Čičin‐Šain, Luka;Cook, Laura;Corbett, Alexandra J.;Cornelis, Rebecca;Cosmi, Lorenzo;Davey, Martin S.;De Biasi, Sara;De Simone, Gabriele;del Zotto, Genny;Delacher, Michael;Di Rosa, Francesca;Di Santo, James;Diefenbach, Andreas;Dong, Jun;Dörner, Thomas;Dress, Regine J.;Dutertre, Charles‐Antoine;Eckle, Sidonia B. G.;Eede, Pascale;Evrard, Maximilien;Falk, Christine S.;Feuerer, Markus;Fillatreau, Simon;Fiz‐Lopez, Aida;Follo, Marie;Foulds, Gemma A.;Fröbel, Julia;Gagliani, Nicola;Galletti, Giovanni;Gangaev, Anastasia;Garbi, Natalio;Garrote, José Antonio;Geginat, Jens;Gherardin, Nicholas A.;Gibellini, Lara;Ginhoux, Florent;Godfrey, Dale I.;Gruarin, Paola;Haftmann, Claudia;Hansmann, Leo;Harpur, Christopher M.;Hayday, Adrian C.;Heine, Guido;Hernández, Daniela Carolina;Herrmann, Martin;Hoelsken, Oliver;Huang, Qing;Huber, Samuel;Huber, Johanna E.;Huehn, Jochen;Hundemer, Michael;Hwang, William Y. K.;Iannacone, Matteo;Ivison, Sabine M.;Jäck, Hans‐Martin;Jani, Peter K.;Keller, Baerbel;Kessler, Nina;Ketelaars, Steven;Knop, Laura;Knopf, Jasmin;Koay, Hui‐Fern;Kobow, Katja;Kriegsmann, Katharina;Kristyanto, H.;Krueger, Andreas;Kuehne, Jenny F.;Kunze‐Schumacher, Heike;Kvistborg, Pia;Kwok, Immanuel;Latorre, Daniela;Lenz, Daniel;Levings, Megan K.;Lino, Andreia C.;Liotta, Francesco;Long, Heather M.;Lugli, Enrico;MacDonald, Katherine N.;Maggi, Laura;Maini, Mala K.;Mair, Florian;Manta, Calin;Manz, Rudolf Armin;Mashreghi, Mir‐Farzin;Mazzoni, Alessio;McCluskey, James;Mei, Henrik E.;Melchers, Fritz;Melzer, Susanne;Mielenz, Dirk;Monin, Leticia;Moretta, Lorenzo;Multhoff, Gabriele;Muñoz, Luis Enrique;Muñoz‐Ruiz, Miguel;Muscate, Franziska;Natalini, Ambra;Neumann, Katrin;Ng, Lai Guan;Niedobitek, Antonia;Niemz, Jana;Almeida, Larissa Nogueira;Notarbartolo, Samuele;Ostendorf, Lennard;Pallett, Laura J.;Patel, Amit A.;Percin, Gulce Itir;Peruzzi, Giovanna;Pinti, Marcello;Pockley, A. Graham;Pracht, Katharina;Prinz, Immo;Pujol‐Autonell, Irma;Pulvirenti, Nadia;Quatrini, Linda;Quinn, Kylie M.;Radbruch, Helena;Rhys, Hefin;Rodrigo, Maria B.;Romagnani, Chiara;Saggau, Carina;Sakaguchi, Shimon;Sallusto, Federica;Sanderink, Lieke;Sandrock, Inga;Schauer, Christine;Scheffold, Alexander;Scherer, Hans U.;Schiemann, Matthias;Schildberg, Frank A.;Schober, Kilian;Schoen, Janina;Schuh, Wolfgang;Schüler, Thomas;Schulz, Axel R.;Schulz, Sebastian;Schulze, Julia;Simonetti, Sonia;Singh, Jeeshan;Sitnik, Katarzyna M.;Stark, Regina;Starossom, Sarah;Stehle, Christina;Szelinski, Franziska;Tan, Leonard;Tarnok, Attila;Tornack, Julia;Tree, Timothy I. M.;van Beek, Jasper J. P.;van de Veen, Willem;van Gisbergen, Klaas;Vasco, Chiara;Verheyden, Nikita A.;von Borstel, Anouk;Ward‐Hartstonge, Kirsten A.;Warnatz, Klaus;Waskow, Claudia;Wiedemann, Annika;Wilharm, Anneke;Wing, James;Wirz, Oliver;Wittner, Jens;Yang, Jennie H. M.;Yang, Juhao; Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (third edition)
Wurstbauer, Ursula;Holleitner, Alexander W.; Bose‐Einstein‐Kondensat aus Exzitonen?
Hou, Shujin;Kluge, Regina M.;Haid, Richard W.;Gubanova, Elena L.;Watzele, Sebastian A.;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.;Garlyyev, Batyr; A Review on Experimental Identification of Active Sites in Model Bifunctional Electrocatalytic Systems for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions
Allescher, Julia;Rasch, Sebastian;Wiessner, Johannes R.;Perez Ruiz de Garibay, Aritz;Huberle, Christina;Hesse, Felix;Schulz, Dominik;Schmid, Roland M.;Huber, Wolfgang;Lahmer, Tobias; Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal with the Advanced Organ Support system in critically ill COVID‐19 patients
Bae, Soyeon;Müller, Jörg;Förster, Bernhard;Hilmers, Torben;Hochrein, Sophia;Jacobs, Martin;Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Pretzsch, Hans;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Mitesser, Oliver; Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high‐resolution radar satellite data
Tagscherer, Nevine;Consul, Patrick;Kottenstedde, Ingo Leonard;Latiri, Houyem;Zaremba, Swen;Drechsler, Klaus; Investigation of nonisothermal fusion bonding for extrusion additive manufacturing of large structural parts
Lombardi, Jolina;Mayer, Benjamin;Semler, Elisa;Anderl‐Straub, Sarah;Uttner, Ingo;Kassubek, Jan;Diehl‐Schmid, Janine;Danek, Adrian;Levin, Johannes;Fassbender, Klaus;Fliessbach, Klaus;Schneider, Anja;Huppertz, Hans‐Jürgen;Jahn, Holger;Volk, Alexander;Kornhuber, Johannes;Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard;Lauer, Martin;Prudlo, Johannes;Wiltfang, Jens;Schroeter, Matthias L.;Ludolph, Albert;Otto, Markus;; Quantifying progression in primary progressive aphasia with structural neuroimaging
Venjakob, C.;Ruedenauer, F. A.;Klein, A.‐M.;Leonhardt, S. D.; Variation in nectar quality across 34 grassland plant species
Csehi, Robert;Schulz, Daniel F.; The EU's New Economic Governance Framework and Budgetary Decision‐Making in the Member States: Boon or Bane for Throughput Legitimacy?*
Probst, Florian Andreas;Burian, Egon;Malenova, Yoana;Lyutskanova, Plamena;Stumbaum, Maria Juliane;Ritschl, Lucas Maximilian;Kronthaler, Sophia;Karampinos, Dimitrios;Probst, Monika; Geometric accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging derived virtual 3‐dimensional bone surface models of the mandible in comparison to computed tomography and cone beam computed tomography : A porcine cadaver study
Buck, Achim;Prade, Verena M;Kunzke, Thomas;Feuchtinger, Annette;Kröll, Dino;Feith, Marcus;Dislich, Bastian;Balluff, Benjamin;Langer, Rupert;Walch, Axel; Metabolic tumor constitution is superior to tumor regression grading for evaluating response to neoadjuvant therapy of esophageal adenocarcinoma patients
Rauschendorfer, Natalie;Prügl, Reinhard;Lude, Maximilian; Love is in the air. Consumers' perception of products from firms signaling their family nature
Falgenhauer, Elisabeth;Schönberg, Sophie;Meng, Chen;Mückl, Andrea;Vogele, Kilian;Emslander, Quirin;Ludwig, Christina;Simmel, Friedrich C.; Evaluation of an E. coli Cell Extract Prepared by Lysozyme‐Assisted Sonication via Gene Expression, Phage Assembly and Proteomics
Werfel, Stanislas;Jakob, Carolin E. M.;Borgmann, Stefan;Schneider, Jochen;Spinner, Christoph;Schons, Maximilian;Hower, Martin;Wille, Kai;Haselberger, Martina;Heuzeroth, Hanno;Rüthrich, Maria M.;Dolff, Sebastian;Kessel, Johanna;Heemann, Uwe;Vehreschild, Jörg J.;Rieg, Siegbert;Schmaderer, Christoph;; Development and validation of a simplified risk score for the prediction of critical COVID‐19 illness in newly diagnosed patients
Biddick, Matt;Burns, Kevin C.; Minimal models provide maximally parsimonious explanations
Türk, Hanna;Schmidt, Franz‐Philipp;Götsch, Thomas;Girgsdies, Frank;Hammud, Adnan;Ivanov, Danail;Vinke, Izaak C.;de Haart, L.G.J. (Bert);Eichel, Rüdiger‐A.;Reuter, Karsten;Schlögl, Robert;Knop‐Gericke, Axel;Scheurer, Christoph;Lunkenbein, Thomas; Complexions at the Electrolyte/Electrode Interface in Solid Oxide Cells
Kochsiek, Janna;O'Donnell, Lauren J.;Zhang, Fan;Bonke, Elena M.;Sollmann, Nico;Tripodis, Yorghos;Wiegand, Tim L. T.;Kaufmann, David;Umminger, Lisa;Di Biase, Maria A.;Kaufmann, Elisabeth;Schultz, Vivian;Alosco, Michael L.;Martin, Brett M.;Lin, Alexander P.;Coleman, Michael J.;Rathi, Yogesh;Pasternak, Ofer;Bouix, Sylvain;Stern, Robert A.;Shenton, Martha E.;Koerte, Inga K.; Exposure to Repetitive Head Impacts Is Associated With Corpus Callosum Microstructure and Plasma Total Tau in Former Professional American Football Players
Annahazi, Anita;Schemann, Michael; From watery and fluffy to soft and formed: What shapes our stool?
Ganz, Hilary M;Buchmann, Benedikt;Engelbrecht, Lisa K;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Eichelberger, Laura;Gabka, Christian J;Schmidt, Georg P;Muckenhuber, Alexander;Weichert, Wilko;Bausch, Andreas R;Scheel, Christina H; Generation of ductal organoids from normal mammary luminal cells reveals invasive potential
Liu, Lian;Erickson, Nicole Tonya;Ricard, Ingrid;Weikersthal, Ludwig Fischer;Lerch, Markus M.;Decker, Thomas;Kiani, Alexander;Kaiser, Florian;Heintges, Tobias;Kahl, Christoph;Kullmann, Frank;Scheithauer, Werner;Link, Hartmut;Höffkes, Heinz‐Gert;Moehler, Markus;Gesenhues, Alena Britta;Theurich, Sebastian;Michl, Marlies;Modest, Dominik P.;Algül, Hana;Stintzing, Sebastian;Heinemann, Volker;Holch, Julian W.; Early weight loss is an independent risk factor for shorter survival and increased side effects in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer undergoing first‐line treatment within the randomized Phase  III trial FIRE ‐3 ( AIO KRK ‐0306)
Becher, Stefanie;Holzhüter, Fabian;Heres, Stephan;Hamann, Johannes; Barriers and facilitators of shared decision making in acutely ill inpatients with schizophrenia—Qualitative findings from the intervention group of a randomised‐controlled trial
Kremheller, Johannes;Brandstaeter, Sebastian;Schrefler, Bernhard A.;Wall, Wolfgang A.; Validation and parameter optimization of a hybrid embedded/homogenized solid tumor perfusion model
Johannes, Frank; Epigenomics in trees: decoding the plastic lives of mangroves
Posch, C.; Ageing research: rethinking primary prevention of skin cancer
Sperl, Laura E;Rührnößl, Florian;Schiller, Anita;Haslbeck, Martin;Hagn, Franz; High‐resolution analysis of the conformational transition of pro‐apoptotic Bak at the lipid membrane
Upadhyay, Maulik;Kunz, Elisabeth;Sandoval‐Castellanos, Edson;Hauser, Andreas;Krebs, Stefan;Graf, Alexander;Blum, Helmut;Dotsev, Arsen;Okhlopkov, Innokentiy;Shakhin, Alexey;Bagirov, Vugar;Brem, Gottfried;Fries, Ruedi;Zinovieva, Natalia;Medugorac, Ivica; Whole genome sequencing reveals a complex introgression history and the basis of adaptation to subarctic climate in wild sheep
Dobler, Andreas H.;Geist, Juergen; Impacts of native and invasive crayfish on three native and one invasive freshwater mussel species
Hayta, Elif N.;Ertelt, Marvin J.;Kretschmer, Martin;Lieleg, Oliver; Bacterial Materials: Applications of Natural and Modified Biofilms
Jelich, Christopher;Koji Baydoun, Suhaib;Voigt, Matthias;Marburg, Steffen; A greedy reduced basis algorithm for structural acoustic systems with parameter and implicit frequency dependence
Häuser, Winfried;Fitzcharles, Mary‐Ann; Register‐based studies on cannabis‐based medicines and medical cannabis need reliable diagnoses and cannabis treatment details
Li, Hongwei;Menegaux, Aurore;Schmitz‐Koep, Benita;Neubauer, Antonia;Bäuerlein, Felix J. B.;Shit, Suprosanna;Sorg, Christian;Menze, Bjoern;Hedderich, Dennis; Automated claustrum segmentation in human brain MRI using deep learning
Semrau, Anna Lisa;Stanley, Philip M.;Huber, Dominik;Schuster, Michael;Albada, Bauke;Zuilhof, Han;Cokoja, Mirza;Fischer, Roland A.; Vektorielle Katalyse mit oberflächenverankerten nano‐metallorganischen Gerüsten in mikrofluidischen Reaktoren
Rickert, Carolin A.;Bauer, Maria G.;Hoffmeister, Julia C.;Lieleg, Oliver; Effects of Sterilization Methods on the Integrity and Functionality of Covalent Mucin Coatings on Medical Devices
Le Stradic, Soizig;Roumet, Catherine;Durigan, Giselda;Cancian, Leonardo;Fidelis, Alessandra; Variation in biomass allocation and root functional parameters in response to fire history in Brazilian savannas
Meier, Dennis;Adak, Abhishek K.;Knecht, Peter;Reichert, Joachim;Mondal, Sourav;Suryadevara, Nithin;Kuppusamy, Senthil Kumar;Eguchi, Keitaro;Muntwiler, Matthias K.;Allegretti, Francesco;Ruben, Mario;Barth, Johannes V.;Narasimhan, Shobhana;Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; Rotation in an Enantiospecific Self‐Assembled Array of Molecular Raffle Wheels
Jakwerth, Constanze A.;Chaker, Adam M.;Guerth, Ferdinand;Oelsner, Madlen;Pechtold, Lisa;zur Bonsen, Lynn S.;Ullmann, Julia T.;Krauss‐Etschmann, Susanne;Erb, Anna;Kau, Josephine;Plaschke, Mirjam;Winkler, Marlene;Kurz, Alexandra;Kloss, Antonia;Esser‐von Bieren, Julia;Schmidt‐Weber, Carsten B.;Zissler, Ulrich M.; Sputum microRNA‐screening reveals Prostaglandin EP3 receptor as selective target in allergen‐specific immunotherapy
Reinbold, Christian;Westermann, Rüdiger; Parameterized Splitting of Summed Volume Tables
Latifi, Hooman;Holzwarth, Stefanie;Skidmore, Andrew;Brůna, Josef;Červenka, Jaroslav;Darvishzadeh, Roshanak;Hais, Martin;Heiden, Uta;Homolová, Lucie;Krzystek, Peter;Schneider, Thomas;Starý, Martin;Wang, Tiejun;Müller, Jörg;Heurich, Marco; A laboratory for conceiving Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs)—The ‘Data pool initiative for the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem’
Neukäufer, Johannes;Sarajlic, Nadin;Klein, Harald;Rehfeldt, Sebastian;Hallmann, Heiko;Knösche, Carsten;Grützner, Thomas; Flexible distillation test rig on a laboratory scale for characterization of additively manufactured packings
Wicklein, Rebecca;Wauschkuhn, Josephine;Giglhuber, Katrin;Kümpfel, Tania;Hemmer, Bernhard;Havla, Joachim;Knier, Benjamin; Association of peripapillary hyper‐reflective ovoid masslike structures and disease duration in primary progressive multiple sclerosis
Kollmannsberger, Stefan;Kopp, Philipp; On accurate time integration for temperature evolutions in additive manufacturing
Pfaar, Oliver;Agache, Ioana;Bonini, Matteo;Brough, Helen Annaruth;Chivato, Tomás;Del Giacco, Stefano R.;Gawlik, Radoslaw;Gelincik, Aslı;Hoffmann‐Sommergruber, Karin;Jutel, Marek;Klimek, Ludger;Knol, Edward F.;Lauerma, Antti;Ollert, Markus;O’Mahony, Liam;Mortz, Charlotte G.;Palomares, Oscar;Riggioni, Carmen;Schwarze, Jürgen;Skypala, Isabel;Torres, María José;Untersmayr, Eva;Walusiak‐Skorupa, Jolanta;Chaker, Adam;Giovannini, Mattia;Heffler, Enrico;Jensen‐Jarolim, Erika;Quecchia, Cristina;Sandoval‐Ruballos, Mónica;Sahiner, Umit;Tomić Spirić, Vesna;Alvaro‐Lozano, Montserrat; COVID‐19 pandemic and allergen immunotherapy—an EAACI survey
Brockow, K.; Unsatisfactory agreement using current classification of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
Bauer, Maria G.;Reithmeir, Rosa;Lutz, Theresa M.;Lieleg, Oliver; Wetting behavior and stability of surface‐modified polyurethane materials
Murphy, Chaise;Koehler, Karsten; Energy deficiency impairs resistance training gains in lean mass but not strength: A meta‐analysis and meta‐regression
Bauer, Barbara;Kleyer, Michael;Albach, Dirk C.;Blasius, Bernd;Brose, Ulrich;Ferreira‐Arruda, Thalita;Feudel, Ulrike;Gerlach, Gabriele;Hof, Christian;Kreft, Holger;Kuczynski, Lucie;Lõhmus, Kertu;Moorthi, Stefanie;Scherber, Christoph;Scheu, Stefan;Zotz, Gerhard;Hillebrand, Helmut; Functional trait dimensions of trophic metacommunities
Debong, Marcel W.;N'Diaye, Katharina;Owsienko, Diana;Schöberl, Daniela;Ammar, Tayyaba;Lang, Roman;Buettner, Andrea;Hofmann, Thomas;Loos, Helene M.; Dietary Linalool is Transferred into the Milk of Nursing Mothers
Tumajer, Jan;Buras, Allan;Camarero, J. Julio;Carrer, Marco;Shetti, Rohan;Wilmking, Martin;Altman, Jan;Sangüesa‐Barreda, Gabriel;Lehejček, Jiří;Michaletz, Sean; Growing faster, longer or both? Modelling plastic response of Juniperus communis growth phenology to climate change
Sample, Harry C.;Emandi, Ganapathi;Twamley, Brendan;Grover, Nitika;Khurana, Bhavya;Sol, Vincent;Senge, Mathias O.; Synthesis and Properties of BODIPY Appended Tetraphenylethylene Scaffolds as Photoactive Arrays
Tawk, Bouchra;Wirkner, Ute;Schwager, Christian;Rein, Katrin;Zaoui, Karim;Federspil, Philippe A.;Adeberg, Sebastian;Linge, Annett;Ganswindt, Ute;Hess, Julia;Unger, Kristian;Tinhofer, Ingeborg;Budach, Volker;Lohaus, Fabian;Krause, Mechthild;Guberina, Maja;Stuschke, Martin;Balermpas, Panagiotis;Rödel, Claus;Grosu, Anca L.;Schäfer, Henning;Zips, Daniel;Combs, Stephanie E.;Pigorsch, Steffi;Zitzelsberger, Horst;Baumeister, Philipp;Kirchner, Thomas;Bewerunge‐Hudler, Melanie;Weichert, Wilko;Hess, Jochen;Herpel, Esther;Belka, Claus;Baumann, Michael;Debus, Jürgen;Abdollahi, Amir;; Tumor DNA‐methylome derived epigenetic fingerprint identifies HPV ‐negative head and neck patients at risk for locoregional recurrence after postoperative radiochemotherapy
Maiwald, Lukas;Sommer, Timo;Sidorenko, Mikhail S.;Yafyasov, Ruslan R.;Mustafa, Meraj E.;Schulz, Marvin;Rybin, Mikhail V.;Eich, Manfred;Petrov, Alexander Yu.; Control over Light Emission in Low‐Refractive‐Index Artificial Materials Inspired by Reciprocal Design
Sarkar, Debotra;Dutta, Sayan;Weetman, Catherine;Schubert, Emeric;Koley, Debasis;Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Germyliumylidene: A Versatile Low Valent Group 14 Catalyst
Clemen, Christoph S.;Schmidt, Andreas;Winter, Lilli;Canneva, Fabio;Wittig, Ilka;Becker, Lore;Coras, Roland;Berwanger, Carolin;Hofmann, Andreas;Eggers, Britta;Marcus, Katrin;Gailus‐Durner, Valerie;Fuchs, Helmut;Angelis, Martin Hrabe;Krüger, Marcus;Hörsten, Stephan;Eichinger, Ludwig;Schröder, Rolf;; N471D WASH complex subunit strumpellin knock‐in mice display mild motor and cardiac abnormalities and BPTF and KLHL11 dysregulation in brain tissue
Pretzsch, Hans; The emergent past: past natural and human disturbances of trees can reduce their present resistance to drought stress
Wagner, Elias;Siafis, Spyridon;Fernando, Piyumi;Falkai, Peter;Honer, William G.;Röh, Astrid;Siskind, Dan;Leucht, Stefan;Hasan, Alkomiet; Efficacy and safety of clozapine in psychotic disorders—a systematic quantitative meta-review
Lindeskog, Mats;Smith, Benjamin;Lagergren, Fredrik;Sycheva, Ekaterina;Ficko, Andrej;Pretzsch, Hans;Rammig, Anja; Accounting for forest management in the estimation of forest carbon balance using the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS (v4.0, r9710): implementation and evaluation of simulations for Europe
Wu, Liwen;Gomez-Velez, Jesus D.;Krause, Stefan;Wörman, Anders;Singh, Tanu;Nützmann, Gunnar;Lewandowski, Jörg; How daily groundwater table drawdown affects the diel rhythm of hyporheic exchange
Hermle, Doris;Keuschnig, Markus;Hartmeyer, Ingo;Delleske, Robert;Krautblatter, Michael; Timely prediction potential of landslide early warning systems with multispectral remote sensing: a conceptual approach tested in the Sattelkar, Austria
Kruspe, Anna;Kersten, Jens;Klan, Friederike; Review article: Detection of actionable tweets in crisis events
Hutter, Veronika;Techel, Frank;Purves, Ross S.; How is avalanche danger described in textual descriptions in avalanche forecasts in Switzerland? Consistency between forecasters and avalanche danger
Kalks, Fabian;Noren, Gabriel;Mueller, Carsten W.;Helfrich, Mirjam;Rethemeyer, Janet;Don, Axel; Geogenic organic carbon in terrestrial sediments and its contribution to total soil carbon
Lahmann, Ines;Griger, Joscha;Chen, Jie-Shin;Zhang, Yao;Schuelke, Markus;Birchmeier, Carmen; Met and Cxcr4 cooperate to protect skeletal muscle stem cells against inflammation-induced damage during regeneration
Maruno, Takahisa;Fukuda, Akihisa;Goto, Norihiro;Tsuda, Motoyuki;Ikuta, Kozo;Hiramatsu, Yukiko;Ogawa, Satoshi;Nakanishi, Yuki;Yamaga, Yuichi;Yoshioka, Takuto;Takaori, Kyoichi;Uemoto, Shinji;Saur, Dieter;Chiba, Tsutomu;Seno, Hiroshi; Visualization of stem cell activity in pancreatic cancer expansion by direct lineage tracing with live imaging
Balaguer, Francisco de Asis;Aicart-Ramos, Clara;Fisher, Gemma LM;de Bragança, Sara;Martin-Cuevas, Eva M;Pastrana, Cesar L;Dillingham, Mark Simon;Moreno-Herrero, Fernando; CTP promotes efficient ParB-dependent DNA condensation by facilitating one-dimensional diffusion from parS
Bespalov, Anton;Bernard, René;Gilis, Anja;Gerlach, Björn;Guillén, Javier;Castagné, Vincent;Lefevre, Isabel A;Ducrey, Fiona;Monk, Lee;Bongiovanni, Sandrine;Altevogt, Bruce;Arroyo-Araujo, María;Bikovski, Lior;de Bruin, Natasja;Castaños-Vélez, Esmeralda;Dityatev, Alexander;Emmerich, Christoph H;Fares, Raafat;Ferland-Beckham, Chantelle;Froger-Colléaux, Christelle;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;Hölter, Sabine M;Hofmann, Martine CJ;Kabitzke, Patricia;Kas, Martien JH;Kurreck, Claudia;Moser, Paul;Pietraszek, Malgorzata;Popik, Piotr;Potschka, Heidrun;Prado Montes de Oca, Ernesto;Restivo, Leonardo;Riedel, Gernot;Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel;Samardzic, Janko;Schunn, Michael;Stöger, Claudia;Voikar, Vootele;Vollert, Jan;Wever, Kimberley E;Wuyts, Kathleen;MacLeod, Malcolm R;Dirnagl, Ulrich;Steckler, Thomas; Introduction to the EQIPD quality system
Wosniack, Marina E;Kirchner, Jan H;Chao, Ling-Ya;Zabouri, Nawal;Lohmann, Christian;Gjorgjieva, Julijana; Adaptation of spontaneous activity in the developing visual cortex
Zeitler, Leonie;Fiore, Alessandra;Meyer, Claudia;Russier, Marion;Zanella, Gaia;Suppmann, Sabine;Gargaro, Marco;Sidhu, Sachdev S;Seshagiri, Somasekar;Ohnmacht, Caspar;Köcher, Thomas;Fallarino, Francesca;Linkermann, Andreas;Murray, Peter J; Anti-ferroptotic mechanism of IL4i1-mediated amino acid metabolism
Vijayan, Athul;Tofanelli, Rachele;Strauss, Sören;Cerrone, Lorenzo;Wolny, Adrian;Strohmeier, Joanna;Kreshuk, Anna;Hamprecht, Fred A;Smith, Richard S;Schneitz, Kay; A digital 3D reference atlas reveals cellular growth patterns shaping the Arabidopsis ovule
Claudi, Federico;Tyson, Adam L;Petrucco, Luigi;Margrie, Troy W;Portugues, Ruben;Branco, Tiago; Visualizing anatomically registered data with brainrender
Wolff, Michael Roland;Schmid, Andrea;Korber, Philipp;Gerland, Ulrich; Effective dynamics of nucleosome configurations at the yeast PHO5 promoter
Henneke, Philipp;Kierdorf, Katrin;Hall, Lindsay J;Sperandio, Markus;Hornef, Mathias; Perinatal development of innate immune topology
Jais, Marius;Bakaç, Cafer;Kehr, Hugo M.;Baumann, Nicola;Quirin, Markus; Misattribution of duties as free choices: The role of emotional awareness in self-infiltration
Düsing, Rainer;Radtke, Elise L.;Kuhl, Julius;Konrad, Carsten;Vandekerckhove, Marie;Quirin, Markus; Emotion regulation ability compensates for the depression-related negativity bias
Yousef, Rehab I.;Mahmoud, Naglaa F.H.;El-Hosiny, Fouad I.;Kühn, Fritz E.;Bassioni, Ghada; Electric and magnetic properties of cobalt, copper and nickel organometallic complexes for molecular wires
von Hoessle, Friedrich;Mohamed, Mayar;Farid, Reham;Hammouda, Rawia M.;Kühn, Fritz E.;Bassioni, Ghada; Interfacial phenomena of magnesium hydroxide micro phases
Inhuber, V.;Windisch, W.;Bächler, B.;Schuster, M.;Spiekers, H.;Ettle, T.; Effects of supplementing a CP-reduced diet with rumen-protected methionine on Fleckvieh bull fattening
Wild, K.J.;Siegert, W.;Windisch, W.M.;Südekum, K.-H.;Rodehutscord, M.; Meta-analysis-based estimates of efficiency of calcium utilisation by ruminants
Blinov, Andrey V.;Siddiqui, Shahida A.;Nagdalian, Andrey A.;Blinova, Anastasiya A.;Gvozdenko, Alexey A.;Raffa, Vladislav V.;Oboturova, Natalya P.;Golik, Alexey B.;Maglakelidze, David G.;Ibrahim, Salam A.; Investigation of the influence of Zinc-containing compounds on the components of the colloidal phase of milk
Pazdera, Jakub;Berger, Edith;Lercher, Johannes A.;Jentys, Andreas; Conversion of CO2 to methanol over bifunctional basic-metallic catalysts
García Arteaga, Verónica;Leffler, Sophia;Muranyi, Isabel;Eisner, Peter;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute; Sensory profile, functional properties and molecular weight distribution of fermented pea protein isolate
Dommasch, Michael;Steger, Alexander;Barthel, Petra;Huster, Katharina M;Müller, Alexander;Sinnecker, Daniel;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Penzel, Thomas;Lubinski, Andrzej;Flevari, Panagiota;Harden, Markus;Friede, Tim;Kääb, Stefan;Merkely, Bela;Sticherling, Christian;Willems, Rik;Huikuri, Heikki V.;Bauer, Axel;Malik, Marek;Zabel, Markus;Schmidt, Georg; Nocturnal respiratory rate predicts ICD benefit: A prospective, controlled, multicentre cohort study
Rosbakh, Sergey;Auerswald, Karl;Poschlod, Peter; Rising CO2 concentrations reduce nitrogen availability in alpine grasslands
Zinsmeister, Daniel;Licklederer, Thomas;Christange, Franz;Tzscheutschler, Peter;Perić, Vedran S.; A comparison of prosumer system configurations in district heating networks
Fahimipirehgalin, Mina;Trunzer, Emanuel;Odenweller, Matthias;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Automatic Visual Leakage Detection and Localization from Pipelines in Chemical Process Plants Using Machine Vision Techniques
Raimúndez, Elba;Dudkin, Erika;Vanhoefer, Jakob;Alamoudi, Emad;Merkt, Simon;Fuhrmann, Lara;Bai, Fan;Hasenauer, Jan; COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan demonstrates the limitations of publicly available case numbers for epidemiological modeling
Tabernero, J.;Shitara, K.;Zaanan, A.;Doi, T.;Lorenzen, S.;Van Cutsem, E.;Fornaro, L.;Catenacci, D.V.T.;Fougeray, R.;Moreno, S.R.;Azcue, P.;Arkenau, H.-T.;Alsina, M.;Ilson, D.H.; Trifluridine/tipiracil versus placebo for third or later lines of treatment in metastatic gastric cancer: an exploratory subgroup analysis from the TAGS study
Babu Kumaran Nalini; Michel Zade; Zhengjie You; Peter Tzscheutschler; Ulrich Wagner; Does Oversizing Improve Prosumer Profitability in a Flexibility Market? - A Sensitivity Analysis using PV-battery System
Suda, Michael; von Detten, Roderich; Die Neuerfindung des Selbst - 12 Thesen für den schnellen Leser
Degue, Kwassi H.;Efimov, Denis;Le Ny, Jerome;Hirche, Sandra; Design of Interval Observers for Uncertain Linear Impulsive Systems
Werther, Norman; Frangi, Andrea; Hakkarainen, Jouni; Just, Alar; Schmid, Joachim; EUROCODE 5-1-2 – HOLZBAU – WAS WIRD NEU?
Potamianos, D.;Nuber, M.;Schletter, A.;Schnitzenbaumer, M.;Haimerl, M.;Scigalla, P.;Wörle, M.;Wagner, L. I.;Kienberger, R.;Iglev, H.; Full Dynamics Description of Mg Phthalocyanine Crystalline and Amorphous Semiconductor Systems
Wörle, Martin;Holleitner, Alexander W.;Kienberger, Reinhard;Iglev, Hristo; Ultrafast hot-carrier relaxation in silicon monitored by phase-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy
Nuber, Matthias;Sandner, Daniel;Neumann, Timo;Kienberger, Reinhard;Deschler, Felix;Iglev, Hristo; Bimolecular Generation of Excitonic Luminescence from Dark Photoexcitations in Ruddlesden–Popper Hybrid Metal-Halide Perovskites
Yang, Haibo;Li, Fei;Hu, Yuncai;Yu, Kang; Hyperspectral indices optimization algorithms for estimating canopy nitrogen concentration in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Abid, Nosheen;Shahzad, Muhammad;Malik, Muhammad Imran;Schwanecke, Ulrich;Ulges, Adrian;Kovács, György;Shafait, Faisal; UCL: Unsupervised Curriculum Learning for water body classification from remote sensing imagery
Zhang, Rui;Li, Guangyun;Wunderlich, Thomas;Wang, Li; A survey on deep learning-based precise boundary recovery of semantic segmentation for images and point clouds
Philippi, Paula;Baumeister, Harald;Apolinário-Hagen, Jennifer;Ebert, David Daniel;Hennemann, Severin;Kott, Leonie;Lin, Jiaxi;Messner, Eva-Maria;Terhorst, Yannik; Acceptance towards digital health interventions – Model validation and further development of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Braun, Lina;Titzler, Ingrid;Terhorst, Yannik;Freund, Johanna;Thielecke, Janika;Ebert, David Daniel;Baumeister, Harald; Are guided internet-based interventions for the indicated prevention of depression in green professions effective in the long run? Longitudinal analysis of the 6- and 12-month follow-up of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (PROD-A)
Schoeps, Benjamin;Eckfeld, Celina;Flüter, Laura;Keppler, Selina;Mishra, Ritu;Knolle, Percy;Bayerl, Felix;Böttcher, Jan;Hermann, Chris D.;Häußler, Daniel;Krüger, Achim; Identification of invariant chain CD74 as a functional receptor of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1)
Gubensäk, Nina;Schrank, Evelyne;Hartlmüller, Christoph;Göbl, Christoph;Falsone, Fabio S.;Becker, Walter;Wagner, Gabriel E.;Pulido, Sergio;Meyer, N. Helge;Pavkov-Keller, Tea;Madl, Tobias;Reidl, Joachim;Zangger, Klaus; Structural and DNA-binding properties of the cytoplasmic domain of Vibrio cholerae transcription factor ToxR
Zhao, Bingqian;Sun, Huaiwei;Yan, Dong;Wei, Guanghui;Tuo, Ye;Zhang, Wenxin; Quantifying changes and drivers of runoff in the Kaidu River Basin associated with plausible climate scenarios
Herrnegger, Mathew;Stecher, Gabriel;Schwatke, Christian;Olang, Luke; Hydroclimatic analysis of rising water levels in the Great rift Valley Lakes of Kenya
Muti, Hannah Sophie;Heij, Lara Rosaline;Keller, Gisela;Kohlruss, Meike;Langer, Rupert;Dislich, Bastian;Cheong, Jae-Ho;Kim, Young-Woo;Kim, Hyunki;Kook, Myeong-Cherl;Cunningham, David;Allum, William H;Langley, Ruth E;Nankivell, Matthew G;Quirke, Philip;Hayden, Jeremy D;West, Nicholas P;Irvine, Andrew J;Yoshikawa, Takaki;Oshima, Takashi;Huss, Ralf;Grosser, Bianca;Roviello, Franco;d'Ignazio, Alessia;Quaas, Alexander;Alakus, Hakan;Tan, Xiuxiang;Pearson, Alexander T;Luedde, Tom;Ebert, Matthias P;Jäger, Dirk;Trautwein, Christian;Gaisa, Nadine Therese;Grabsch, Heike I;Kather, Jakob Nikolas; Development and validation of deep learning classifiers to detect Epstein-Barr virus and microsatellite instability status in gastric cancer: a retrospective multicentre cohort study
Hoene, Miriam;Kappler, Lisa;Kollipara, Laxmikanth;Hu, Chunxiu;Irmler, Martin;Bleher, Daniel;Hoffmann, Christoph;Beckers, Johannes;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Häring, Hans-Ulrich;Birkenfeld, Andreas L.;Peter, Andreas;Sickmann, Albert;Xu, Guowang;Lehmann, Rainer;Weigert, Cora; Exercise prevents fatty liver by modifying the compensatory response of mitochondrial metabolism to excess substrate availability
Chhabra, Nirav Florian;Amend, Anna–Lena;Bastidas-Ponce, Aimée;Sabrautzki, Sibylle;Tarquis-Medina, Marta;Sachs, Stephan;Rubey, Marina;Lorenz-Depiereux, Bettina;Feuchtinger, Annette;Bakhti, Mostafa;Lickert, Heiko;Przemeck, Gerhard K.H.;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin; A point mutation in the Pdia6 gene results in loss of pancreatic β-cell identity causing overt diabetes
Salinno, Ciro;Büttner, Maren;Cota, Perla;Tritschler, Sophie;Tarquis-Medina, Marta;Bastidas-Ponce, Aimée;Scheibner, Katharina;Burtscher, Ingo;Böttcher, Anika;Theis, Fabian J.;Bakhti, Mostafa;Lickert, Heiko; CD81 marks immature and dedifferentiated pancreatic β-cells
Ruiz-Ojeda, Francisco Javier;Wang, Jiefu;Bäcker, Theresa;Krueger, Martin;Zamani, Samira;Rosowski, Simon;Gruber, Tim;Onogi, Yasuhiro;Feuchtinger, Annette;Schulz, Tim J.;Fässler, Reinhard;Müller, Timo D.;García-Cáceres, Cristina;Meier, Matthias;Blüher, Matthias;Ussar, Siegfried; Active integrins regulate white adipose tissue insulin sensitivity and brown fat thermogenesis
Oppenländer, Lena;Palit, Subarna;Stemmer, Kerstin;Greisle, Tobias;Sterr, Michael;Salinno, Ciro;Bastidas-Ponce, Aimée;Feuchtinger, Annette;Böttcher, Anika;Ansarullah;Theis, Fabian J.;Lickert, Heiko; Vertical sleeve gastrectomy triggers fast β-cell recovery upon overt diabetes
Klaus, Valentina S.;Schriever, Sonja C.;Monroy Kuhn, José Manuel;Peter, Andreas;Irmler, Martin;Tokarz, Janina;Prehn, Cornelia;Kastenmüller, Gabi;Beckers, Johannes;Adamski, Jerzy;Königsrainer, Alfred;Müller, Timo D.;Heni, Martin;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Pfluger, Paul T.;Lutter, Dominik; Correlation guided Network Integration (CoNI) reveals novel genes affecting hepatic metabolism
Weiner, Juliane;Roth, Lisa;Kranz, Mathias;Brust, Peter;Boelen, Anita;Klöting, Nora;Heiker, John T.;Blüher, Matthias;Tönjes, Anke;Pfluger, Paul T.;Stumvoll, Michael;Mittag, Jens;Krause, Kerstin; Leptin counteracts hypothermia in hypothyroidism through its pyrexic effects and by stabilizing serum thyroid hormone levels
Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia;Karlas, Angelos;Kallmayer, Michael;Milik, Anamaria Beatrice;Pelisek, Jaroslav;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Klingenspor, Martin;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Multicompartmental non-invasive sensing of postprandial lipemia in humans with multispectral optoacoustic tomography
Lemmer, Imke L.;Willemsen, Nienke;Hilal, Nazia;Bartelt, Alexander; A guide to understanding endoplasmic reticulum stress in metabolic disorders
Lunt, T.;Bernert, M.;Brida, D.;Cavedon, M.;David, P.;Faitsch, M.;Feng, Y.;Griener, M.;Herrmann, A.;Kurzan, B.;Pan, O.;Plank, U.;Silvagni, D.;Teschke, M.;Willensdorfer, M.;Wischmeier, M.;Wolfrum, E.;Zammuto, I.; Study of detachment in future ASDEX Upgrade alternative divertor configurations by means of EMC3-EIRENE
Kremer, Kristof;Schwarz-Selinger, Thomas;Jacob, Wolfgang; Influence of thin tungsten oxide films on hydrogen isotope uptake and retention in tungsten – Evidence for permeation barrier effect
Kärcher, A.;Riesch, J.;Almanstötter, P.;Manhard, A.;Balden, M.;Coenen, J.W.;Hunger, K.;Maier, H.;Raumann, L.;Schwalenberg, D.;Neu, R.; Deuterium retention in tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites
Faitsch, M.;Eich, T.;Harrer, G.F.;Wolfrum, E.;Brida, D.;David, P.;Griener, M.;Stroth, U.; Broadening of the power fall-off length in a high density, high confinement H-mode regime in ASDEX Upgrade
Gietl, H.;Riesch, J.;Zielinski, M.;Höschen, T.;Coenen, J.W.;Schönen, S.;Neu, R.; Interlayer properties of tungsten fibre-reinforced composites and their determination by different methods
Roy, Ananda;Schuricht, Dirk;Hauschild, Johannes;Pollmann, Frank;Saleur, Hubert; The quantum sine-Gordon model with quantum circuits
Nilles, Hans Peter;Ramos–Sánchez, Saúl;Trautner, Andreas;Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S.; Orbifolds from Sp(4,Z) and their modular symmetries
Nilles, Hans Peter;Ramos–Sánchez, Saúl;Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S.; Eclectic flavor scheme from ten-dimensional string theory - II detailed technical analysis
Vicente, Creuza Rachel;Jacobs, Fabian;de Carvalho, Denise Siqueira;Chhaganlal, Kajal;de Carvalho, Raquel Baroni;Raboni, Sonia Mara;Qosaj, Fatime Arënliu;Tanaka, Luana Fiengo; Creating a platform to enable collaborative learning in One Health: The Joint Initiative for Teaching and Learning on Global Health Challenges and One Health experience
Watanabe, H.;Yuan, C.X.;Lorusso, G.;Nishimura, S.;Xu, Z.Y.;Sumikama, T.;Söderström, P.-A.;Doornenbal, P.;Browne, F.;Gey, G.;Jung, H.S.;Taprogge, J.;Vajta, Zs.;Wang, H.K.;Wu, J.;Yagi, A.;Baba, H.;Benzoni, G.;Chae, K.Y.;Crespi, F.C.L.;Fukuda, N.;Gernhäuser, R.;Inabe, N.;Isobe, T.;Jungclaus, A.;Kameda, D.;Kim, G.D.;Kim, Y.K.;Kojouharov, I.;Kondev, F.G.;Kubo, T.;Kurz, N.;Kwon, Y.K.;Lane, G.J.;Li, Z.;Moon, C.-B.;Montaner-Pizá, A.;Moschner, K.;Naqvi, F.;Niikura, M.;Nishibata, H.;Nishimura, D.;Odahara, A.;Orlandi, R.;Patel, Z.;Podolyák, Zs.;Sakurai, H.;Schaffner, H.;Simpson, G.S.;Steiger, K.;Suzuki, H.;Takeda, H.;Wendt, A.;Yoshinaga, K.; Impact of shell evolution on Gamow-Teller β decay from a high-spin long-lived isomer in 127Ag
Grawe, H.;Straub, K.;Faestermann, T.;Górska, M.;Hinke, C.;Krücken, R.;Nowacki, F.;Böhmer, M.;Boutachkov, P.;Geissel, H.;Gernhäuser, R.;Gottardo, A.;Grȩbosz, J.;Kurz, N.;Liu, Z.;Maier, L.;Pietri, S.;Podolyák, Zs.;Steiger, K.;Weick, H.;Wollersheim, H.J.;Woods, P.J.;Al-Dahan, N.;Alkhomashi, N.;Ataç, A.;Blazhev, A.;Braun, N.;Čeliković, I.;Davinson, T.;Dillmann, I.;Domingo-Pardo, C.;Doornenbal, P.;Farrelly, G.;Farinon, F.;de France, G.;Gerl, J.;Goel, N.;Habermann, T.;Hoischen, R.;Janik, R.;Karny, M.;Kaşkaş, A.;Kojouharov, I.;Kröll, Th.;Lewitowicz, M.;Litvinov, Yu.A.;Myalski, S.;Nebel, F.;Nishimura, S.;Nociforo, C.;Nyberg, J.;Parikh, A.;Procházka, A.;Regan, P.H.;Rigollet, C.;Schaffner, H.;Scheidenberger, C.;Schwertel, S.;Söderström, P.-A.;Steer, S.;Stolz, A.;Strmeň, P.; The (6+) isomer in 102Sn revisited: Neutron and proton effective charges close to the double shell closure
Valiente-Dobón, J.J.;Gottardo, A.;Benzoni, G.;Gadea, A.;Lunardi, S.;Algora, A.;de Angelis, G.;Bazzacco, D.;Benlliure, J.;Boutachkov, P.;Bracco, A.;Bruce, A.M.;Camera, F.;Casarejos, E.;Cortés, M.L.;Crespi, F.C.L.;Corsi, A.;Domingo-Pardo, C.;Doncel, M.;Engert, T.;Geissel, H.;Gerl, J.;Goasduff, A.;Goel, N.;Górska, M.;Grebosz, J.;Gregor, E.;Habermann, T.;Klupp, S.;Kojouharov, I.;Kurz, N.;Lenzi, S.M.;Leoni, S.;Mandal, S.;Menegazzo, R.;Mengoni, D.;Million, B.;Morales, A.I.;Napoli, D.R.;Naqvi, F.;Nociforo, C.;Pfützner, M.;Pietri, S.;Podolyák, Zs.;Prochazka, A.;Recchia, F.;Regan, P.H.;Rudolph, D.;Sahin, E.;Schaffner, H.;Sharma, A.;Sitar, B.;Siwal, D.;Strmen, P.;Szarka, I.;Ur, C.A.;Walker, P.M.;Weick, H.;Wieland, O.;Wollersheim, H.-J.;Van Isacker, P.; Manifestation of the Berry phase in the atomic nucleus 213Pb
Adamczewski-Musch, J.;Arnold, O.;Behnke, C.;Belounnas, A.;Belyaev, A.;Berger-Chen, J.C.;Blanco, A.;Blume, C.;Böhmer, M.;Bordalo, P.;Chernenko, S.;Chlad, L.;Ciepał, I.;Deveaux, C.;Dreyer, J.;Epple, E.;Fabbietti, L.;Fateev, O.;Filip, P.;Fonte, P.;Franco, C.;Friese, J.;Fröhlich, I.;Galatyuk, T.;Garzón, J.A.;Gernhäuser, R.;Golubeva, M.;Greifenhagen, R.;Guber, F.;Gumberidze, M.;Harabasz, S.;Heinz, T.;Hennino, T.;Hlavac, S.;Höhne, C.;Holzmann, R.;Ierusalimov, A.;Ivashkin, A.;Kämpfer, B.;Karavicheva, T.;Kardan, B.;Koenig, I.;Koenig, W.;Kohls, M.;Kolb, B.W.;Korcyl, G.;Kornakov, G.;Kornas, F.;Kotte, R.;Kugler, A.;Kunz, T.;Kurepin, A.;Kurilkin, A.;Kurilkin, P.;Ladygin, V.;Lalik, R.;Lapidus, K.;Lebedev, A.;Lopes, L.;Lorenz, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maier, L.;Malige, A.;Mangiarotti, A.;Markert, J.;Matulewicz, T.;Maurus, S.;Metag, V.;Michel, J.;Mihaylov, D.M.;Morozov, S.;Müntz, C.;Münzer, R.;Naumann, L.;Nowakowski, K.;Parpottas, Y.;Pechenov, V.;Pechenova, O.;Petukhov, O.;Piasecki, K.;Pietraszko, J.;Przygoda, W.;Pysz, K.;Ramos, S.;Ramstein, B.;Rathod, N.;Reshetin, A.;Rodriguez-Ramos, P.;Rosier, P.;Rost, A.;Sadovsky, A.;Salabura, P.;Scheib, T.;Schuldes, H.;Schwab, E.;Scozzi, F.;Seck, F.;Sellheim, P.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Siebenson, J.;Silva, L.;Singh, U.;Smyrski, J.;Sobolev, Yu.G.;Spataro, S.;Spies, S.;Ströbele, H.;Stroth, J.;Sturm, C.;Svoboda, O.;Szala, M.;Tlusty, P.;Traxler, M.;Tsertos, H.;Usenko, E.;Wagner, V.;Wendisch, C.;Wiebusch, M.G.;Wirth, J.;Wójcik, D.;Zanevsky, Y.;Zumbruch, P.; Correlated pion-proton pair emission off hot and dense QCD matter
Díaz Sáez, Bastián;Ghorbani, Karim; Singlet scalars as dark matter and the muon (g − 2) anomaly
Herrera, Gonzalo;Ibarra, Alejandro; Direct detection of non-galactic light dark matter
Baur, Alexander;Kade, Moritz;Nilles, Hans Peter;Ramos-Sánchez, Saúl;Vaudrevange, Patrick K.S.; Siegel modular flavor group and CP from string theory
Ai, Wen-Yuan;Cruz, Juan S.;Garbrecht, Björn;Tamarit, Carlos; Consequences of the order of the limit of infinite spacetime volume and the sum over topological sectors for CP violation in the strong interactions
Alvey, James;Escudero Abenza, Miguel; Constraints on global symmetry breaking in quantum gravity from cosmic birefringence measurements
Agostini, Matteo;Bossio, Elisabetta;Ibarra, Alejandro;Marcano, Xabier; Search for light exotic fermions in double-beta decays
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S.U.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Albuquerque, D.S.D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H.M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M.N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Anguelov, V.;Antičić, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arratia, M.;Arsene, I.C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M.D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y.W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G.G.;Barnby, L.S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J.L.;Bearden, I.G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A.D.C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Berenyi, D.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M.G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P.P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I.R.;Bhat, M.A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, A.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J.T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M.B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P.M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G.E.;Buckland, M.D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buncic, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J.B.;Bysiak, S.A.;Cai, M.;Caffarri, D.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J.M.M.;Camacho, R.S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F.D.M.;Capon, A.A.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E.A.R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chang, W.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T.G.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D.D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C.H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M.R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J.S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J.G.;Cormier, T.M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M.R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F.P.A.;Danisch, M.C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H.F.;Deja, K.R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R.A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D.U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A.K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Eder, T.M.;Ehlers, R.J.;Eikeland, V.N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M.R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Festanti, A.;Feuillard, V.J.G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F.M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A.N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusco Girard, M.;Gaardhøje, J.J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A.M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C.D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J.R.A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E.F.;Gay Ducati, M.B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S.K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A.M.C.;Glässel, P.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L.H.;Gorbunov, S.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L.K.;Graham, K.L.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O.S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J.F.;Grosso, R.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Guittiere, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I.B.;Haake, R.;Habib, M.K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M.R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J.W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J.A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L.B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S.T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E.G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K.F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G.H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T.J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L.A.;Hussain, N.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J.P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G.M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M.S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P.M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M.J.;Janik, M.A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jin, M.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P.G.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A.M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, D.;Kim, D.J.;Kim, E.J.;Kim, H.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Klay, J.L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A.G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M.K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S.A.;Konopka, P.J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S.D.;Koska, L.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P.G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, L.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A.B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M.J.;Kwon, J.Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S.L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y.S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lee, J.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R.C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E.D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X.L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S.H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I.M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J.A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J.R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y.G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmood, S.M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Majka, R.D.;Malaev, M.;Malik, Q.W.;Malinina, L.;Mal'Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G.V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N.A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J.L.;Martínez, M.I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A.M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P.F.T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A.L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M.A.;Mechler, A.F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A.S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L.C.;Mihaylov, D.L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A.N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, A.P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D.A.;Moreno, L.A.P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J.D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M.G.;Munzer, R.H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myers, C.J.;Myrcha, J.W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B.K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M.U.;Nassirpour, A.F.;Nattrass, C.;Nazarenko, S.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S.V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B.S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A.C.;Oliver, M.H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J.E.;Parmar, S.;Pathak, S.P.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L.G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G.M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R.P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M.G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S.K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C.A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R.E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S.A.R.;Ramos, A.G.T.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S.S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K.F.;Redelbach, A.R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S.P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T.S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P.F.;Rokita, P.S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E.D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O.V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O.A.M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S.K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P.K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V.M.;Sas, M.H.P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H.S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H.R.;Schmidt, M.O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N.V.;Schmier, A.R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J.E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J.J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sheibani, O.;Sheikh, A.I.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T.F.D.;Silvermyr, D.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V.K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T.B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R.J.M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P.J.;Stiefelmaier, S.F.;Stocco, D.;Storetvedt, M.M.;Stylianidis, C.P.;Suaide, A.A.P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S.F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G.J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M.G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A.R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Torres, S.R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W.H.;Trzcinski, T.P.;Trzeciak, B.A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T.S.;Ullaland, K.;Umaka, E.N.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G.L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L.V.R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M.A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S.A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Weber, M.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S.C.;Wessels, J.P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G.A.;Willsher, E.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W.E.;Wright, J.R.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J.H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H.J.C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.; First measurement of the |t|-dependence of coherent J/ψ photonuclear production
Gao, Ping;Gao, Pan;Zhao, Jinjing;Shan, Shengshuai;Luo, Wei;Slivano, Orazio J.;Zhang, Wei;Tabuchi, Akiko;LeMaire, Scott A.;Maegdefessel, Lars;Shen, Ying H.;Miano, Joseph M.;Singer, Harold A.;Long, Xiaochun; MKL1 cooperates with p38MAPK to promote vascular senescence, inflammation, and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Macchi, C.;Somoza, A.;Guimpel, J.;Suárez, S.;Egger, W.;Hugenschmidt, C.;Mariazzi, S.;Brusa, R.S.; Oxygen related defects and vacancy clusters identified in sputtering grown UOx thin films by positron annihilation techniques
Siala, Kais;Odersky, Leonhard; pyGRETA, pyCLARA, pyPRIMA: A pre-processing suite to generate flexible model regions for energy system models
Rodenberg, Benjamin;Desai, Ishaan;Hertrich, Richard;Jaust, Alexander;Uekermann, Benjamin; FEniCS–preCICE: Coupling FEniCS to other simulation software
Siehler, Johanna;Blöchinger, Anna Karolina;Akgün, Melis;Wang, Xianming;Shahryari, Alireza;Geerlof, Arie;Lickert, Heiko;Burtscher, Ingo; Generation of a heterozygous C-peptide-mCherry reporter human iPSC line (HMGUi001-A-8)
Bae, Soyeon;Müller, Jörg;Förster, Bernhard;Hilmers, Torben;Hochrein, Sophia;Jacobs, Martin;Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Pretzsch, Hans;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Mitesser, Oliver; Tracking the temporal dynamics of insect defoliation by high‐resolution radar satellite data
Walker, Alesia;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; The role of fecal sulfur metabolome in inflammatory bowel diseases
Karlas, Angelos;Kallmayer, Michael;Bariotakis, Michael;Fasoula, Nikolina-Alexia;Liapis, Evangelos;Hyafil, Fabien;Pelisek, Jaroslav;Wildgruber, Moritz;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Multispectral optoacoustic tomography of lipid and hemoglobin contrast in human carotid atherosclerosis
Liu, Nian;Gujrati, Vipul;Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, Jaber;Werner, Juan Pablo Fuenzalida;Klemm, Uwe;Tang, Longguang;Chen, Zhenyue;Prakash, Jaya;Huang, Yuanhui;Stiel, Andre;Mettenleiter, Gabriele;Aichler, Michaela;Blutke, Andreas;Walch, Axel;Kleigrewe, Karin;Razansky, Daniel;Sattler, Michael;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Croconaine-based nanoparticles enable efficient optoacoustic imaging of murine brain tumors
Neumeyer, Victoria;Brutau-Abia, Anna;Allgäuer, Michael;Pfarr, Nicole;Weichert, Wilko;Falkeis-Veits, Christina;Kremmer, Elisabeth;Vieth, Michael;Gerhard, Markus;Mejías-Luque, Raquel; Loss of RNF43 Function Contributes to Gastric Carcinogenesis by Impairing DNA Damage Response
Shalash, Ali S.;Rösler, Thomas W.;Abdelrahman, Ibrahim Y.;Abulmakarem, Hatem S.;Müller, Stefanie H.;Hopfner, Franziska;Kuhlenbäumer, Gregor;Höglinger, Günter U.;Salama, Mohamed; Atypical pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration with variable phenotypes in an Egyptian family
Gebre, Betemariam;Ayenew, Habtamu Yesigat;Biadgilign, Sibhatu; Drought, hunger and coping mechanisms among rural household in Southeast Ethiopia
Gubanova, Kristina;Lang, Julia;Latzko, Juliane;Novotna, Bianka;Perneczky, Julian;Pingitzer, Stefan;Purer, Petra;Wuchty, Bianca;Waiß, Christoph;Sellner, Johann; Peripheral neuropathy due to neuroborreliosis: Insensitivity for CXCL13 as early diagnostic marker
Rothe, Kathrin;Braitsch, Krischan;Okrojek, Rainer;Heim, Markus;Rasch, Sebastian;Verbeek, Mareike;Schmid, Roland M.;Busch, Dirk H.;Lahmer, Tobias; Clinical and microbiological features and outcomes of mucormycosis in critically ill patients
Eggert, Sebastian;Kahl, Melanie;Bock, Nathalie;Meinert, Christoph;Friedrich, Oliver;Hutmacher, Dietmar W.; An open-source technology platform to increase reproducibility and enable high-throughput production of tailorable gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) - based hydrogels
Lehmann, Maja;Kolb, Cara G.;Klinger, Flavia;Zaeh, Michael F.; Preparation, characterization, and monitoring of an aqueous graphite ink for use in binder jetting
Korshunova, N.;Alaimo, G.;Hosseini, S.B.;Carraturo, M.;Reali, A.;Niiranen, J.;Auricchio, F.;Rank, E.;Kollmannsberger, S.; Bending behavior of octet-truss lattice structures: Modelling options, numerical characterization and experimental validation
Zhao, Mingyue;Schlueter, Karsten;Wurmshuber, Michael;Reitgruber, Maria;Kiener, Daniel; Open-cell tungsten nanofoams: Scaling behavior and structural disorder dependence of Young’s modulus and flow strength
Bruin-Weller, M;Biedermann, T;Bissonnette, R;Deleuran, M;Foley, P;Girolomoni, G;Hercogová, J;Hong, C;Katoh, N;Pink, A;Richard, M;Shumack, S;Silvestre, J;Weidinger, S; Treat-to-Target in Atopic Dermatitis: An International Consensus on a Set of Core Decision Points for Systemic Therapies
Ma, Hao;Zhang, Botao;Zhang, Chi;Haidn, Oskar J.; Generative adversarial networks with physical evaluators for spray simulation of pintle injector
Schmidt-Mende, Lukas;Dyakonov, Vladimir;Olthof, Selina;Ünlü, Feray;Lê, Khan Moritz Trong;Mathur, Sanjay;Karabanov, Andrei D.;Lupascu, Doru C.;Herz, Laura M.;Hinderhofer, Alexander;Schreiber, Frank;Chernikov, Alexey;Egger, David A.;Shargaieva, Oleksandra;Cocchi, Caterina;Unger, Eva;Saliba, Michael;Byranvand, Mahdi Malekshahi;Kroll, Martin;Nehm, Frederik;Leo, Karl;Redinger, Alex;Höcker, Julian;Kirchartz, Thomas;Warby, Jonathan;Gutierrez-Partida, Emilio;Neher, Dieter;Stolterfoht, Martin;Würfel, Uli;Unmüssig, Moritz;Herterich, Jan;Baretzky, Clemens;Mohanraj, John;Thelakkat, Mukundan;Maheu, Clément;Jaegermann, Wolfram;Mayer, Thomas;Rieger, Janek;Fauster, Thomas;Niesner, Daniel;Yang, Fengjiu;Albrecht, Steve;Riedl, Thomas;Fakharuddin, Azhar;Vasilopoulou, Maria;Vaynzof, Yana;Moia, Davide;Maier, Joachim;Franckevičius, Marius;Gulbinas, Vidmantas;Kerner, Ross A.;Zhao, Lianfeng;Rand, Barry P.;Glück, Nadja;Bein, Thomas;Matteocci, Fabio;Castriotta, Luigi Angelo;Di Carlo, Aldo;Scheffler, Matthias;Draxl, Claudia; Roadmap on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices
Miyatsu, Satoshi;Kofu, Maiko;Shigematsu, Akihito;Yamada, Teppei;Kitagawa, Hiroshi;Lohstroh, Wiebke;Simeoni, Giovanna;Tyagi, Madhusudan;Yamamuro, Osamu; Quasielastic neutron scattering study on proton dynamics assisted by water and ammonia molecules confined in MIL-53
Hong, Fan;Gong, Zhenyu;Zhang, Xu;Ma, Peipei;Yin, Yongxiang;Wang, Hongxiang; Identification of biomarkers and ceRNA network in glioblastoma through bioinformatic analysis and evaluation of potential prognostic values
Karlas, Angelos;Masthoff, Max;Kallmayer, Michael;Helfen, Anne;Bariotakis, Michail;Fasoula, Nikolina Alexia;Schäfers, Michael;Seidensticker, Max;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Wildgruber, Moritz; Multispectral optoacoustic tomography of peripheral arterial disease based on muscle hemoglobin gradients—a pilot clinical study
Knappich, Christoph;Lang, Thomas;Tsantilas, Pavlos;Schmid, Sofie;Kallmayer, Michael;Haller, Bernhard;Eckstein, Hans-Henning; Intraoperative completion studies in carotid endarterectomy: systematic review and meta-analysis of techniques and outcomes
Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Gorenflo, Matthias;Huscher, Dörte;Pittrow, David;Ewert, Peter;Pausch, Christine;Delcroix, Marion;Ghofrani, Hossein A.;Hoeper, Marius M.;Kozlik-Feldmann, Rainer;Skride, Andris;Stähler, Gerd;Vizza, Carmine Dario;Jureviciene, Elena;Jancauskaite, Dovile;Gumbiene, Lina;Ewert, Ralf;Dähnert, Ingo;Held, Matthias;Halank, Michael;Skowasch, Dirk;Klose, Hans;Wilkens, Heinrike;Milger, Katrin;Jux, Christian;Koestenberger, Martin;Scelsi, Laura;Brunnemer, Eva;Hofbeck, Michael;Ulrich, Silvia;Noordegraaf, Anton Vonk;Lange, Tobias J.;Bruch, Leonhard;Konstantinides, Stavros;Claussen, Martin;Löffler-Ragg, Judith;Wirtz, Hubert;Apitz, Christian;Neidenbach, Rhoia;Freilinger, Sebastian;Nemes, Attila;Opitz, Christian;Grünig, Ekkehard;Rosenkranz, Stephan; Medical treatment of pulmonary hypertension in adults with congenital heart disease: updated and extended results from the International COMPERA-CHD Registry
Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Freilinger, Sebastian;Andonian, Caroline;Ewert, Peter;Havasi, Kalman;Nagdyman, Nicole;Pieper, Lars;Nebel, Kathrin;Seidel, Lavinia;Neidenbach, Rhoia;Nemes, Attila; Provision of medical health care for adults with congenital heart disease associated with aortic involvement
Remmele, Julia;Schiele, Sandra;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Bauer, Ulrike M. M.;Helm, Paul Christian; Endangered patients with congenital heart defect during transition—Germany-wide evaluation of medical data from National Register for Congenital Heart Defects (NRCHD)
Andonian, Caroline;Freilinger, Sebastian;Achenbach, Stefan;Ewert, Peter;Gundlach, Ulrike;Kaemmerer, Harald;Nagdyman, Nicole;Neidenbach, Rhoia Clara;Pieper, Lars;Schelling, Jörg;Weyand, Michael;Beckmann, Jürgen; Quality of life in patients with Marfan syndrome: a cross-sectional study of 102 adult patients
Pabst von Ohain, Jelena;Tonino, Eleonora;Kaemmerer, Harald;Cleuziou, Julie;Ewert, Peter;Lange, Rüdiger;Hörer, Jürgen; German Heart Centre Munich—45 years of surgery in adults with congenital heart defects: from primary corrections of septal defects and coarctation to complex reoperations
Neidenbach, Rhoia;Achenbach, Stephan;Andonian, Caroline;Bauer, Ulrike M. M.;Ewert, Peter;Freilinger, Sebastian;Gundlach, Ulrike;Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Nagdyman, Nicole;Nebel, Kathrin;Oberhoffer, Renate;Pieper, Lars;Reinhard, Wibke;Sanftenberg, Linda;von Scheidt, Fabian;Schelling, Jörg;Seidel, Lavinia;Weyand, Michael;Kaemmerer, Harald; Systematic assessment of health care perception in adults with congenital heart disease in Germany
Regenbogen, Claudia;Braunisch, Matthias Christoph;Schmaderer, Christoph;Heemann, Uwe; Fabry disease: what the cardiologist should consider in non-cardiac screening, diagnosis, and management—narrative review
Apitz, Christian;;Berger, Rolf M. F.;Ivy, D. Dunbar;Humpl, Tilman;Bonnet, Damien;Beghetti, Maurice;Schranz, Dietmar;Latus, Heiner; Hemodynamic and prognostic impact of the diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure in children with pulmonary arterial hypertension—a registry-based analysis
Abicht, Angela;Schön, Ulrike;Laner, Andreas;Holinski-Feder, Elke;Diebold, Isabel; Actionable secondary findings in arrhythmogenic right ventricle cardiomyopathy genes: impact and challenge of genetic counseling
Reiter, Florian P.;Hadjamu, Nino J.;Nagdyman, Nicole;Zachoval, Reinhart;Mayerle, Julia;De Toni, Enrico N.;Kaemmerer, Harald;Denk, Gerald; Congenital heart disease-associated liver disease: a narrative review
Cheng, Zhangjun;Lei, Zhengqing;Jin, Xiaoling;Zhang, Qi;Si, Anfeng;Yang, Pinghua;Zhou, Jiahua;Hartmann, Daniel;Hüser, Norbert;Shen, Feng; Postoperative adjuvant transarterial chemoembolization for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma patients with microvascular invasion: a propensity score analysis
Deutsch, Oliver;Deisenhofer, Isabell;Koch-Buettner, Katharina;Lange, Rüdiger;Krane, Markus; Need for permanent pacemaker implantation following implantation of the rapid deployment valve in combined procedures: a single centre cohort study
Martin Kronbichler, Niklas Fehn, Peter Munch, Maximilian Bergbauer, Karl-Robert Wichmann, Carolin Geitner, Momme Allalen, Martin Schulz; A Next-Generation Discontinuous Galerkin Fluid Dynamics Solver with Application to High-Resolution Lung Airflow Simulations
K. H. Degue; D. Efimov; J. Le Ny;S. Hirche; Novel_Interval_Observer_Hybrid_Systems_Final_Version
Mayr, Benedikt;Burri, Melchior;Vitanova, Keti;Prinzing, Anatol;Goppel, Gertrud;Krane, Markus;Lange, Rüdiger;Günzinger, Ralf; Serial echocardiographic evaluation of the Perimount Magna Ease prosthesis
Jankrift, Neele;Kellerer, Christina;Magnussen, Helgo;Nowak, Dennis;Jörres, Rudolf A.;Schneider, Antonius; The role of clinical signs and spirometry in the diagnosis of obstructive airway diseases: a systematic analysis adapted to general practice settings
Syväri, Jan;Junker, Daniela;Patzelt, Lisa;Kappo, Katharina;Al Sadat, Loubna;Erfanian, Sonia;Makowski, Marcus R.;Hauner, Hans;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Longitudinal changes on liver proton density fat fraction differ between liver segments
Sollmann, Nico;Rayudu, Nithin Manohar;Lim, John Jie Sheng;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Burian, Egon;Löffler, Maximilian T.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas;Subburaj, Karupppasamy; Multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) imaging: association of bone texture parameters with finite element analysis (FEA)-based failure load of single vertebrae and functional spinal units
Leonhardt, Yannik;Gassert, Florian T.;Feuerriegel, Georg;Gassert, Felix G.;Kronthaler, Sophia;Boehm, Christof;Kufner, Alexander;Ruschke, Stefan;Baum, Thomas;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Makowski, Marcus R.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Gersing, Alexandra S.; Vertebral bone marrow T2* mapping using chemical shift encoding-based water-fat separation in the quantitative analysis of lumbar osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures
Burian, Egon;Sollmann, Nico;Mei, Kai;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Juncker, Daniela;Löffler, Maximilian;Greve, Tobias;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas;Noël, Peter B.; Low-dose MDCT: evaluation of the impact of systematic tube current reduction and sparse sampling on quantitative paraspinal muscle assessment
Greve, Tobias;Burian, Egon;Zoffl, Agnes;Feuerriegel, Georg;Schlaeger, Sarah;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Sollmann, Nico;Klupp, Elisabeth;Weidlich, Dominik;Inhuber, Stephanie;Löffler, Maximilian;Montagnese, Federica;Deschauer, Marcus;Schoser, Benedikt;Bublitz, Sarah;Zimmer, Claus;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas; Regional variation of thigh muscle fat infiltration in patients with neuromuscular diseases compared to healthy controls
Zhang, Guofeng;Wang, Bin;Cheng, Shiqi;Fan, Hengyi;Liu, Shaowen;Zhou, Bin;Liu, Weibin;Liang, Rui;Tang, Youjia;Zhang, Yan; KDELR2 knockdown synergizes with temozolomide to induce glioma cell apoptosis through the CHOP and JNK/p38 pathways
Kazdal, Daniel;Rempel, Eugen;Oliveira, Cristiano;Allgäuer, Michael;Harms, Alexander;Singer, Kerstin;Kohlwes, Elke;Ormanns, Steffen;Fink, Ludger;Kriegsmann, Jörg;Leichsenring, Michael;Kriegsmann, Katharina;Stögbauer, Fabian;Tavernar, Luca;Leichsenring, Jonas;Volckmar, Anna-Lena;Longuespée, Rémi;Winter, Hauke;Eichhorn, Martin;Heußel, Claus Peter;Herth, Felix;Christopoulos, Petros;Reck, Martin;Muley, Thomas;Weichert, Wilko;Budczies, Jan;Thomas, Michael;Peters, Solange;Warth, Arne;Schirmacher, Peter;Stenzinger, Albrecht;Kriegsmann, Mark; Conventional and semi-automatic histopathological analysis of tumor cell content for multigene sequencing of lung adenocarcinoma
Cuxart, Marc G.;Seufert, Knud;Chesnyak, Valeria;Waqas, Wajahat A.;Robert, Anton;Bocquet, Marie-Laure;Duesberg, Georg S.;Sachdev, Hermann;Auwärter, Willi; Borophenes made easy
Botkin, Nikolai;Turova, Varvara;Hosseini, Barzin;Diepolder, Johannes;Holzapfel, Florian; Tracking aircraft trajectories in the presence of wind disturbances
Ambrosio, Luigi;;Savaré, Giuseppe;;;;;; Duality properties of metric Sobolev spaces and capacity
McLennan, Stuart;Nussbaumer-Streit, Barbara;Hemkens, Lars G.;Briel, Matthias; Barriers and Facilitating Factors for Conducting Systematic Evidence Assessments in Academic Clinical Trials
McLennan, Stuart;Griessbach, Alexandra;Briel, Matthias;; Practices and Attitudes of Swiss Stakeholders Regarding Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Funding Acquisition and Cost Management
Abellan-Schneyder, Isabel;Matchado, Monica S.;Reitmeier, Sandra;Sommer, Alina;Sewald, Zeno;Baumbach, Jan;List, Markus;Neuhaus, Klaus; Primer, Pipelines, Parameters: Issues in 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing
Mettler, Marcel;Mueller-Gritschneder, Daniel;Schlichtmann, Ulf; A Distributed Hardware Monitoring System for Runtime Verification on Multi-Tile MPSoCs
Pflüger, Patrick;Braun, Karl-Friedrich;Mair, Olivia;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Current management of trimalleolar ankle fractures
Galderisi, Silvana;De Hert, Marc;Del Prato, Stefano;Fagiolini, Andrea;Gorwood, Philip;Leucht, Stefan;Maggioni, Aldo Pietro;Mucci, Armida;Arango, Celso; Identification and management of cardiometabolic risk in subjects with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A Delphi expert consensus study
Levine, Stephen Z.;Goldberg, Yair;Yoshida, Kazufumi;Samara, Myrto;Cipriani, Andrea;Iwatsubo, Takeshi;Leucht, Stefan;Furawaka, Toshiaki A.; Quantifying the heterogeneity of cognitive functioning in Alzheimer’s disease to extend the placebo-treatment dichotomy: Latent class analysis of individual-participant data from five pivotal randomized clinical trials of donepezil
Kahle, Matthew;Paquette, Elliot;Roldán, Érika; Topology of random -dimensional cubical complexes
Romualdas, Ginevicius;;Martin, Schieg;Magdalena, Kot-Radojewska;Jarocka, Marta;;;; Quantitative Assessment of the Dynamics of Socioeconomic Processes
Criens, David; On absolute continuity and singularity of multidimensional diffusions
Wang, Rui;Han, Hongbin;Shi, Kuangyu;Alberts, Ian Leigh;Rominger, Axel;Yang, Chenlong;Yan, Junhao;Cui, Dehua;Peng, Yun;He, Qingyuan;Gao, Yajuan;Lian, Jingge;Yang, Shuangfeng;Liu, Huipo;Yang, Jun;Wong, Chaolan;Wei, Xunbin;Yin, Feng;Jia, Yanxing;Tong, Huaiyu;Liu, Bo;Lei, Jianbo; The Alteration of Brain Interstitial Fluid Drainage with Myelination Development
Lazarev, Vladimir F;Tsolaki, Magda;Mikhaylova, Elena R;Benken, Konstantin A;Shevtsov, Maxim A;Nikotina, Alina D;Lechpammer, Mirna;Mitkevich, Vladimir A;Makarov, Alexander A;Moskalev, Alexey A;Kozin, Sergey A;Margulis, Boris A;Guzhova, Irina V;Nudler, Evgeny; Extracellular GAPDH Promotes Alzheimer Disease Progression by Enhancing Amyloid-β Aggregation and Cytotoxicity
Liapis, Evangelos;Karlas, Angelos;Klemm, Uwe;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Chemotherapeutic effects on breast tumor hemodynamics revealed by eigenspectra multispectral optoacoustic tomography (eMSOT)
Mayerhoefer, Marius E.;Raderer, Markus;Lamm, Wolfgang;Pichler, Verena;Pfaff, Sarah;Weber, Michael;Kiesewetter, Barbara;Hacker, Markus;Kazianka, Lukas;Staber, Philipp B.;Wester, Hans-Juergen;Rohrbeck, Johannes;Simonitsch-Klupp, Ingrid;Haug, Alexander; CXCR4 PET imaging of mantle cell lymphoma using [68Ga]Pentixafor: comparison with [18F]FDG-PET
Varasteh, Zohreh;De Rose, Francesco;Mohanta, Sarajo;Li, Yuanfang;Zhang, Xi;Miritsch, Benedikt;Scafetta, Giorgia;Yin, Changjun;Sager, Hendrik B.;Glasl, Sarah;Gorpas, Dimitris;Habenicht, Andreas J.R.;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Bartolazzi, Armando;Schwaiger, Markus;D'Alessandria, Calogero; Imaging atherosclerotic plaques by targeting Galectin-3 and activated macrophages using (89Zr)-DFO- Galectin3-F(ab')2 mAb
Kluin-Nelemans, Hanneke C.;Jawhar, Mohamad;Reiter, Andreas;van Anrooij, Bjorn;Gotlib, Jason;Hartmann, Karin;Illerhaus, Anja;Oude Elberink, Hanneke N.G.;Gorska, Aleksandra;Niedoszytko, Marek;Lange, Magdalena;Scaffidi, Luigi;Zanotti, Roberta;Bonadonna, Patrizia;Perkins, Cecelia;Elena, Chiara;Malcovati, Luca;Shoumariyeh, Khalid;von Bubnoff, Nikolas;Müller, Sabine;Triggiani, Massimo;Parente, Roberta;Schwaab, Juliana;Kundi, Michael;Fortina, Anna Belloni;Caroppo, Francesca;Brockow, Knut;Zink, Alexander;Fuchs, David;Angelova-Fischer, Irena;Yavuz, Akif Selim;Doubek, Michael;Mattsson, Mattias;Hagglund, Hans;Panse, Jens;Simonowski, Anne;Sabato, Vito;Schug, Tanja;Jentzsch, Madlen;Breynaert, Christine;Várkonyi, Judit;Kennedy, Vanessa;Hermine, Olivier;Rossignol, Julien;Arock, Michel;Valent, Peter;Sperr, Wolfgang R.; Cytogenetic and molecular aberrations and worse outcome for male patients in systemic mastocytosis
Biechele, Gloria;Blume, Tanja;Deussing, Maximilian;Zott, Benedikt;Shi, Yuan;Xiang, Xianyuan;Franzmeier, Nicolai;Kleinberger, Gernot;Peters, Finn;Ochs, Katharina;Focke, Carola;Sacher, Christian;Wind, Karin;Schmidt, Claudio;Lindner, Simon;Gildehaus, Franz-Josef;Eckenweber, Florian;Beyer, Leonie;von Ungern-Sternberg, Barbara;Bartenstein, Peter;Baumann, Karlheinz;Dorostkar, Mario M.;Rominger, Axel;Cumming, Paul;Willem, Michael;Adelsberger, Helmuth;Herms, Jochen;Brendel, Matthias; Pre-therapeutic microglia activation and sex determine therapy effects of chronic immunomodulation
Lu, Kun;Seidel, Thomas;Cao-Ehlker, Xiaochun;Dorn, Tatjana;Batcha, Aarif Mohamed Nazeer;Schneider, Christine Maria;Semmler, Marie;Volk, Tilmann;Moretti, Alessandra;Dendorfer, Andreas;Tomasi, Roland; Progressive stretch enhances growth and maturation of 3D stem-cell-derived myocardium
Dominguez-Paredes, David;Jahanshahi, Ali;Kozielski, Kristen L.; Translational considerations for the design of untethered nanomaterials in human neural stimulation
Ille, Sebastian;Kelm, Anna;Schroeder, Axel;Albers, Lucia E.;Negwer, Chiara;Butenschoen, Vicki M.;Sollmann, Nico;Picht, Thomas;Vajkoczy, Peter;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves the outcome of postsurgical paresis in glioma patients – A randomized, double-blinded trial
Kumpf, U.;Stadler, M.;Plewnia, C.;Bajbouj, M.;Langguth, B.;Zwanzger, P.;Normann, C.;Keeser, D.;Schellhorn, K.;Egert-Schwender, S.;Berkes, S.;Palm, U.;Hasan, A.;Padberg, F.; Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for major depression – Interim analysis of cloud supervised technical data from the DepressionDC trial
Giehl, Alexander;Heinl, Michael P.;Busch, Maximilian; Leveraging Edge Computing and Differential Privacy to Securely Enable Industrial Cloud Collaboration Along the Value Chain
Habegger, R.;;Bergamo, E.;Schwab, W.;Berninger, T.;Rixen, D.; Impact of intensive modification of sweet pepper plants on performance of end effectors for autonomous harvesting
F. Krüger, R. Thierer, Y. Tahouni, R. Sachse, D. Wood, A. Menges, M. Bischoff, J. Rühe; Development of a Material Design Space for 4D-Printed Bio-Inspired Hygroscopically Actuated Bilayer Structures with Unequal Effective Layer Widths
Fernández‑Remolar, David C.;Carrizo, Daniel;Harir, Mourad;Huang, Ting;Amils, Ricardo;Schmitt‑Kopplin, Philippe;Sánchez‑García, Laura;Gomez‑Ortiz, David;Malmberg, Per; Publisher Correction: Unveiling microbial preservation under hyperacidic and oxidizing conditions in the Oligocene Rio Tinto deposit
Zhou, Yuni;Kong, Lingxuan;Sosnowski, Stefan;Liu, Qingchen;Hirche, Sandra; Distributed Event- and Self-Triggered Coverage Control with Speed Constrained Unicycle Robots
Welti, Ellen A. R.;Zajicek, Petr;Frenzel, Mark;Ayasse, Manfred;Bornholdt, Tim;Buse, Jörn;Classen, Alice;Dziock, Frank;Engelmann, Rolf A.;Englmeier, Jana;Fellendorf, Martin;Förschler, Marc I.;Fricke, Ute;Ganuza, Cristina;Hippke, Mathias;Hoenselaar, Günter;Kaus‐Thiel, Andrea;Kerner, Janika;Kilian, Daniela;Mandery, Klaus;Marten, Andreas;Monaghan, Michael T.;Morkel, Carsten;Müller, Jörg;Puffpaff, Stephanie;Redlich, Sarah;Richter, Ronny;Rojas‐Botero, Sandra;Scharnweber, Tobias;Scheiffarth, Gregor;Yáñez, Paul Schmidt;Schumann, Rhena;Seibold, Sebastian;Steffan‐Dewenter, Ingolf;Stoll, Stefan;Tobisch, Cynthia;Twietmeyer, Sönke;Uhler, Johannes;Vogt, Juliane;Weis, Dirk;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Wilmking, Martin;Haase, Peter; Temperature drives variation in flying insect biomass across a German malaise trap network
Vega Torres, M.A.;Braun, A.;Noichl, F.;Borrmann, A.;Bauer, H.;Wohlfeld, D.; Recognition of temporary vertical objects in large point clouds of construction sites
Burman, E ; Jain, N ; de-Borja-Torrejón, M; Towards net-zero carbon performance: using demand side management and a low carbon grid to reduce operational carbon emissions in a UK public office
Mayer, A J ; Jürgens, T; Analysis and comparison of passive and climate-unadapted design in terms of resources, energy demands and thermal comfort by means of building simulation and life cycle assessment
Norouzi, S ; Noerpel, F ; Matschinski, A ; Drechsler, K; Investigation of penetration forces during tufting of stacked carbon-fibre preforms
Kizak, M ; Matschinski, A ; Drechsler, K; Systematic analysis of additive manufacturing for printing on semi-finished parts
Theilig, K ; Vollmer, M ; Lang, W; Identification and life cycle based allocation of building emissions based on a systematic literature review
Vollmer, M ; Harter, H ; Theilig, K ; Kierdorf, D ; Lang, W; Implementation of strategies for the realization of ecologically and economically optimized serial type house buildings for social housing
Meier-Dotzler, Christina ; Harter, Hannes ; Banihashemi, Farzan ; Lang, Werner; Comparative Life Cycle Assessment on City Quarter Level - A Case Study of Redensification
Pawar, Priya ; Zhang, Deying ; Wu, Xiaoying ; Lang, Werner; Thermal performance of a non-segmented and segmented tall atrium in hot and humid climate
Kierdorf, Daniel ; Banihashemi, Farzan ; Harter, Hannes ; Vollmer, Michael ; Lang, Werner; Simulation-based optimization of energy performance with focus on sustainable building services engineering
Wortmann, Thomas ; Natanian, Jonathan; Optimizing solar access and density in Tel Aviv: Benchmarking multi-objective optimization algorithms
Natanian, Jonathan ; Luca, Francesco De ; Wortmann, Thomas ; Capeluto, Guedi; The Solar Block Generator: an additive parametric method for solar driven urban block design
Licklederer, Thomas ; Zinsmeister, Daniel ; Elizarov, Ilya ; Peri0̆107, Vedran ; Tzscheutschler, Peter; Characteristics and Challenges in Prosumer-Dominated Thermal Networks
Elizarov, I ; Licklederer, T; ProsNet - a Modelica library for prosumer-based heat networks: description and validation
Seitner, Lukas ; Popp, Johannes ; Riesch, Michael ; Haider, Michael ; Jirauschek, Christian; Group velocity dispersion in terahertz frequency combs within a generalized Maxwell-Bloch framework
Eckel, J ; Gümmer, V; Numerical Investigation of Compressor Tandem Aerofoils Featuring Near-Endwall Modification
Hamodi, A. ; Hökelek, Tuncer ; Mahmood, Natheer B. ; Hamodi, Y. I. ; Bdair, T. ; Salih, A. T. ; Naji, K. K.; Growth and experimental evidences for doped nanofilms by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy data analyses
Steinrücken, B., Herrmann, S., Hauck, M., Spliethoff, H.; Flexible and Modular Fully Metallic Housing Concept for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Wagner, Christina;Uliczka, Karin;Bossen, Judith;Niu, Xiao;Fink, Christine;Thiedmann, Marcus;Knop, Mirjam;Vock, Christina;Abdelsadik, Ahmed;Zissler, Ulrich M.;Isermann, Kerstin;Garn, Holger;Pieper, Mario;Wegmann, Michael;Koczulla, Andreas R.;Vogelmeier, Claus F.;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Fehrenbach, Heinz;König, Peter;Silverman, Neil;Renz, Harald;Pfefferle, Petra;Heine, Holger;Roeder, Thomas; Constitutive immune activity promotes JNK- and FoxO-dependent remodeling of Drosophila airways
Kessler, Thorsten;Schunkert, Heribert; Coronary Artery Disease Genetics Enlightened by Genome-Wide Association Studies
Hager, Alfred; Minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production in congenital heart disease
Huber, Rudolf M.;Kauffmann-Guerrero, Diego;Hoffmann, Hans;Flentje, Michael; New developments in locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer
Arif, M. Saad Bin;Mustafa, Uvais;Ayob, Shahrin Bin Md;Rodriguez, Jose;Nadeem, Abdul;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Asymmetrical 17-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Total Standing Voltage and Device Count
Schonberger, Lea;Hamad, Mohammad;Gomez, Javier Velasquez;Steinhorst, Sebastian;Saidi, Selma; Towards an Increased Detection Sensitivity of Time-Delay Attacks on Precision Time Protocol
Wiedemann, Thomas;Vlaicu, Cosmin;Josifovski, Josip;Viseras, Alberto; Robotic Information Gathering With Reinforcement Learning Assisted by Domain Knowledge: An Application to Gas Source Localization
Kim, Seong Tae;Kucukaslan, Umut;Navab, Nassir; Longitudinal Brain MR Image Modeling Using Personalized Memory for Alzheimer’s Disease
Chagnon-Lessard, Noemie;Gosselin, Louis;Barnabe, Simon;Bello-Ochende, Tunde;Fendt, Sebastian;Goers, Sebastian;Silva, Luiz Carlos Pereira Da;Schweiger, Benedikt;Simmons, Richard;Vandersickel, Annelies;Zhang, Peng; Smart Campuses: Extensive Review of the Last Decade of Research and Current Challenges
Gantert, Nina;Georgiou, Nicos;Schmid, Dominik; The TASEP on Galton–Watson trees
Budde gen. Dohmann, Pablo;Lederer, Armin;Dißemond, Marcel;Hirche, Sandra; Distributed Bayesian Online Learning for Cooperative Manipulation
Siyi Wang, Qingchen Liu, Precious Ugo Abara, John S. Baras and Sandra Hirche; Value of Information in Networked Control Systems Subject to Delay
Li, Lujun;Watzel, Tobias;Kurzinger, Ludwig;Rigoll, Gerhard; Towards Constructing HMM Structure for Speech Recognition With Deep Neural Fenonic Baseform Growing
Zayets, Alexandra;Gentner, Christian;Steinbach, Eckehard; High-Precision Multipath-Based Indoor Localization Scheme With User Privacy Protection for Dynamic NLoS Environments
Ercelik, Emec;Yurtsever, Ekim;Knoll, Alois; 3D Object Detection With Multi-Frame RGB-Lidar Feature Alignment
Benker, Maximilian;Bliznyuk, Artem;Zaeh, Michael F.; A Gaussian Process Based Method for Data- Efficient Remaining Useful Life Estimation
Newrzella, Sebastian Richard;Franklin, David W.;Haider, Sultan; 5-Dimension Cross-Industry Digital Twin Applications Model and Analysis of Digital Twin Classification Terms and Models
Ivanchev, Jordan;Deboeser, Corvin;Braud, Thomas;Knoll, Alois;Eckhoff, David;Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto; A Hierarchical State-Machine-Based Framework for Platoon Manoeuvre Descriptions
Weber, Manuel;Auch, Maximilian;Doblander, Christoph;Mandl, Peter;Jacobsen, Hans-Arno; Transfer Learning With Time Series Data: A Systematic Mapping Study
Diez, Luis;Alba, Alberto Martinez;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Aguero, Ramon; Flexible Functional Split and Fronthaul Delay: A Queuing-Based Model
Dieckmann, Sebastian ; Maurer, Stefanie ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Klingenspor, Martin; Spatial Recruitment of Cardiolipins in Inguinal White Adipose Tissue after Cold Stimulation is Independent of UCP1
Giannaki, Marina ; Ludwig, Christina ; Heermann, Stephan ; Roussa, Eleni; Regulation of electrogenic Na+/HCO32̆212 cotransporter 1 (NBCe1) function and its dependence on m\0̆10TOR mediated phosphorylation of Ser245
Danner, Hannah ; Thøgersen, John; Does online chatter matter for consumer behaviour? A priming experiment on organic food
Lauerer, Markus ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Boeckh2̆010Behrens, Tobias ; Ikenberg, Benno; Increased intracranial blood flow velocity following mechanical thrombectomy in treatment of acute stroke precedes reocclusion
Bäumler, Miriam ; Schneider, Martina ; Ehrenreich, Armin ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Weuster2̆010Botz, Dirk; Synthetic co2̆010culture of autotrophic Clostridium carboxidivorans and chain elongating Clostridium kluyveri monitored by flow cytometry
Grohmann, Christoph ; Marapana, Danushka S. ; Ebert, Gregor; Targeted protein degradation at the host-pathogen interface
Pichler, Theresia ; Marten2̆010Mittag, Birgitt ; Hermelink, Kerstin ; Telzerow, Eva ; Frank, Tamara ; Ackermann, Ulrike ; Belka, Claus ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Gratzke, Christian ; Gschwend, Jürgen ; Harbeck, Nadia ; Heinemann, Volker ; Herkommer, Kathleen ; Kiechle, Marion ; Mahner, Sven ; Pigorsch, Steffi ; Rauch, Josefine ; Stief, Christian ; Mumm, Friederike ; Heußner, Pia ; Herschbach, Peter ; Dinkel, Andreas; Distress in hospitalized cancer patients: Associations with personality traits, clinical and psychosocial characteristics
Fritsch, Philipp ; Hoffmann, Rainer ; Flüggen, Rainer ; Woitalka, Alexander ; Haider, Patrick ; Rehfeldt, Sebastian ; Klein, Harald; Distributed Temperature and Strain Measurements at a Cryogenic Plate2̆010Fin Heat Exchanger Test Rig
Zuberbier, Torsten ; Abdul Latiff, Amir Hamzah ; Abuzakouk, Mohamed ; Aquilina, Susan ; Asero, Riccardo ; Baker, Diane ; Ballmer2̆010Weber, Barbara ; Bangert, Christine ; Ben\0̆10Shoshan, Moshe ; Bernstein, Jonathan A. ; Bindslev\u1̆0Jensen, Carsten ; Brockow, Knut ; Brzoza, Zenon ; Chong Neto, Herberto Jose ; Church, Martin K. ; Criado, Paulo R. ; Danilycheva, Inna V. ; Dressler, Corinna ; Ensina, Luis Felipe ; Fonacier, Luz ; Gaskins, Matthew ; Gáspár, Krisztian ; Gelincik, Asli ; Giménez\u20̆Arnau, Ana ; Godse, Kiran ; Gonçalo, Margarida ; Grattan, Clive ; Grosber, Martine ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Hébert, Jacques ; Hide, Michihiro ; Kaplan, Allen ; Kapp, Alexander ; Kessel, Aharon ; Kocatürk, Emek ; Kulthanan, Kanokvalai ; Larenas\u20L̆innemann, Désirée ; Lauerma, Antti ; Leslie, Tabi A. ; Magerl, Markus ; Makris, Michael ; Meshkova, Raisa Y. ; Metz, Martin ; Micallef, Daniel ; Mortz, Charlotte G. ; Nast, Alexander ; Oude\u201l̆berink, Hanneke ; Pawankar, Ruby ; Pigatto, Paolo D. ; Ratti Sisa, Hector ; Rojo Gutiérrez, María Isabel ; Saini, Sarbjit S. ; Schmid\u2010ĕndelmeier, Peter ; Sekerel, Bulent E. ; Siebenhaar, Frank ; Siiskonen, Hanna ; Soria, Angele ; Staubach\u2010Rz̆, Petra ; Stingeni, Luca ; Sussman, Gordon ; Szegedi, Andrea ; Thomsen, Simon Francis ; Vadasz, Zahava ; Vestergaard, Christian ; Wedi, Bettina ; Zhao, Zuotao ; Maurer, Marcus; The international EAACI/GA²LEN/EuroGuiDerm/APAAACI guideline for the definition, classification, diagnosis, and management of urticaria
Zhang, Haosu ; Ille, Sebastian ; Sogerer, Lisa ; Schwendner, Maximilian ; Schröder, Axel ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Krieg, Sandro M.; Elucidating the structural-functional connectome of language in glioma2̆010induced aphasia using nTMS and DTI
Thoma, Felix ; Schulze, Clarissa ; Gutierrez2̆010Coto, Carolina ; Hädrich, Maurice ; Huber, Janine ; Gunkel, Christoph ; Thoma, Rebecca ; Blombach, Bastian; Metabolic engineering of Vibrio natriegens for anaerobic succinate production
Biber, Matthias F. ; Voskamp, Alke ; Hof, Christian; Representation of the world's biophysical conditions by the global protected area network
Roesler, Jennifer ; Haertl, Johanna ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Boeckh2̆010Behrens, Tobias ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Bartels, Eva ; Ikenberg, Benno; Extracranial ultrasound following mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute stroke
Meder, Björn ; Mayrhofer, Ralf ; Ruggeri, Azzurra; Developmental Trajectories in the Understanding of Everyday Uncertainty Terms
Nguyen, Minh T. T. ; Emberger2̆010Klein, Agnes ; Menrad, Klaus; Some like it tailor2̆010made: The effectiveness of personalized coupons for lower\0̆10calorie food choices at a university canteen
Mick, A. ; Tizek, L. ; Schielein, M. ; Zink, A.; Can crowdsourced data help to optimize atopic dermatitis treatment? Comparing web search data and environmental data in Germany
Dutz, Regina ; Hubner, Sylvia ; Peus, Claudia; When agency
Pretzsch, Hans;Biber, Peter; Fertilization modifies forest stand growth but not stand density: consequences for modelling stand dynamics in a changing climate
Santos, Dorabella;De Sousa, Amaro;Mas-Machuca, Carmen;Rak, Jacek; Assessment of Connectivity-Based Resilience to Attacks Against Multiple Nodes in SDNs
Rao, Shilpa;Seco-Granados, Gonzalo;Pirzadeh, Hessam;Nossek, Josef A.;Swindlehurst, A. Lee; Massive MIMO Channel Estimation With Low-Resolution Spatial Sigma-Delta ADCs
Schirmer, Pascal A.;Geiger, Christian;Mporas, Iosif; Reducing Grid Distortions Utilizing Energy Demand Prediction and Local Storages
Shu, Qiguan;Middleton, Wilfrid;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Teaching Computational Approaches in Baubotanik: Developing a design-and-build workflow for a living architecture pavilion
Bobeth, C.;Buras, A.J.; Searching for New Physics with \(\bar {\mathcal {B}}(B_{s,d}\to \mu \bar \mu )/\Delta M_{s,d}\)
Buras, A.J.; The \(\varepsilon '/\varepsilon \)-story: 1976–2021
von Maltitz, Marcel;Ballhausen, Hendrik;Kaul, David;Fleischmann, Daniel F;Niyazi, Maximilian;Belka, Claus;Carle, Georg; A Privacy-Preserving Log-Rank Test for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator With Secure Multiparty Computation: Algorithm Development and Validation
van Genugten, Claire Rosalie;Schuurmans, Josien;Hoogendoorn, Adriaan W;Araya, Ricardo;Andersson, Gerhard;Baños, Rosa;Botella, Cristina;Cerga Pashoja, Arlinda;Cieslak, Roman;Ebert, David Daniel;García-Palacios, Azucena;Hazo, Jean-Baptiste;Herrero, Rocío;Holtzmann, Jérôme;Kemmeren, Lise;Kleiboer, Annet;Krieger, Tobias;Smoktunowicz, Ewelina;Titzler, Ingrid;Topooco, Naira;Urech, Antoine;Smit, Johannes H;Riper, Heleen; Examining the Theoretical Framework of Behavioral Activation for Major Depressive Disorder: Smartphone-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Holst, Christine;Isabwe, Ghislain Maurice Norbert;Sukums, Felix;Ngowi, Helena;Kajuna, Flora;Radovanović, Danica;Mansour, Wisam;Mwakapeje, Elibariki;Cardellichio, Peter;Ngowi, Bernard;Noll, Josef;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia; Development of Digital Health Messages for Rural Populations in Tanzania: Multi- and Interdisciplinary Approach
Escobar-Anel, Marcos;Spies, Ben;Zagst, Rudi; Expected Utility Theory on General Affine GARCH Models
Vogel, Marco M E;Eitz, Kerstin A;Combs, Stephanie E; Web-Based Patient Self-Reported Outcome After Radiotherapy in Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer: Survey on Acceptance of Digital Tools
Kammrath Betancor, Paola;Tizek, Linda;Zink, Alexander;Reinhard, Thomas;Böhringer, Daniel; Estimating the Incidence of Conjunctivitis by Comparing the Frequency of Google Search Terms With Clinical Data: Retrospective Study
Drescher, Larissa S;Roosen, Jutta;Aue, Katja;Dressel, Kerstin;Schär, Wiebke;Götz, Anne; The Spread of COVID-19 Crisis Communication by German Public Authorities and Experts on Twitter: Quantitative Content Analysis
Guinemer, Camille;Boeker, Martin;Fürstenau, Daniel;Poncette, Akira-Sebastian;Weiss, Björn;Mörgeli, Rudolf;Balzer, Felix; Telemedicine in Intensive Care Units: Scoping Review
Ebenfeld, Lara;Lehr, Dirk;Ebert, David Daniel;Kleine Stegemann, Stefan;Riper, Heleen;Funk, Burkhardt;Berking, Matthias; Evaluating a Hybrid Web-Based Training Program for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: Randomized Controlled Trial
Huemer, Matthias;Jahn-Kuch, Daniela;Hofmann, Guenter;Andritsch, Elisabeth;Farkas, Clemens;Schaupp, Walter;Masel, Eva Katharina;Jost, Philipp J;Pichler, Martin; Trends and Patterns in the Public Awareness of Palliative Care, Euthanasia, and End-of-Life Decisions in 3 Central European Countries Using Big Data Analysis From Google: Retrospective Analysis
Yang, Yanxiang;Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Determinants of Fitness App Usage and Moderating Impacts of Education-, Motivation-, and Gamification-Related App Features on Physical Activity Intentions: Cross-sectional Survey Study
Zimmermann, Bettina Maria;Fiske, Amelia;Prainsack, Barbara;Hangel, Nora;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena; Early Perceptions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in German-Speaking Countries: Comparative Mixed Methods Study
Ebert, David Daniel;Franke, Marvin;Zarski, Anna-Carlotta;Berking, Matthias;Riper, Heleen;Cuijpers, Pim;Funk, Burkhardt;Lehr, Dirk; Effectiveness and Moderators of an Internet-Based Mobile-Supported Stress Management Intervention as a Universal Prevention Approach: Randomized Controlled Trial
Völkel, Gunnar;Fürstberger, Axel;Schwab, Julian D;Werle, Silke D;Ikonomi, Nensi;Gscheidmeier, Thomas;Kraus, Johann M;Groß, Alexander;Holderried, Martin;Balig, Julien;Jobst, Franz;Kuhn, Peter;Kuhn, Klaus A;Kohlbacher, Oliver;Kaisers, Udo X;Seufferlein, Thomas;Kestler, Hans A; Patient Empowerment During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Ensuring Safe and Fast Communication of Test Results: Implementation and Performance of a Tracking System
Borges do Nascimento, Israel Júnior;Marcolino, Milena Soriano;Abdulazeem, Hebatullah Mohamed;Weerasekara, Ishanka;Azzopardi-Muscat, Natasha;Gonçalves, Marcos André;Novillo-Ortiz, David; Impact of Big Data Analytics on People’s Health: Overview of Systematic Reviews and Recommendations for Future Studies
Emmert, Martin;McLennan, Stuart; One Decade of Online Patient Feedback: Longitudinal Analysis of Data From a German Physician Rating Website
Buntrock, Claudia;Lehr, Dirk;Smit, Filip;Horvath, Hanne;Berking, Matthias;Spiegelhalder, Kai;Riper, Heleen;Ebert, David Daniel; Guided Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: Health-Economic Evaluation From the Societal and Public Health Care Perspective Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial
Kleinert, Stefan;Bartz-Bazzanella, Peter;von der Decken, Cay;Knitza, Johannes;Witte, Torsten;Fekete, Sándor P;Konitzny, Matthias;Zink, Alexander;Gauler, Georg;Wurth, Patrick;Aries, Peer;Karberg, Kirsten;Kuhn, Christoph;Schuch, Florian;Späthling-Mestekemper, Susanna;Vorbrüggen, Wolfgang;Englbrecht, Matthias;Welcker, Martin;; A Real-World Rheumatology Registry and Research Consortium: The German RHADAR Registry (Preprint)
Baumgartner, Christian;Schaub, Michael Patrick;Wenger, Andreas;Malischnig, Doris;Augsburger, Mareike;Walter, Marc;Berger, Thomas;Stark, Lars;Ebert, David Daniel;Keough, Matthew T;Haug, Severin; CANreduce 2.0 Adherence-Focused Guidance for Internet Self-Help Among Cannabis Users: Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial
Juran, Sabrina;Moren, Sanna;Santhirapala, Vatshalan;Roa, Lina;Makasa, Emmanuel;Davies, Justine;Guzman, Jose Miguel;Hagander, Lars;Holmer, Hampus;Shrime, Mark G.;Weiser, Thomas G.;Meara, John G.;Klug, Stefanie J.;Ljungman, David; The Development and Inclusion of Questions on Surgery in the 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey
Zimmermann, Bettina M.;Fiske, Amelia;McLennan, Stuart;Sierawska, Anna;Hangel, Nora;Buyx, Alena; Motivations and Limits for COVID-19 Policy Compliance in Germany and Switzerland
Drees, Catharina;Krevers, Barbro;Ekerstad, Niklas;Rogge, Annette;Borzikowsky, Christoph;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena M.; Clinical Priority Setting and Decision-Making in Sweden: A Cross-sectional Survey Among Physicians
Lepczyńska, Małgorzata;Dzika, Ewa;Chen, WenChieh;Lu, Chien-Yu; Influence of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Histamine Receptor 2 Antagonists on Blastocystis ST3 and Selected Microorganisms of Intestinal Microbiota In Vitro
Valent, Peter;Akin, Cem;Hartmann, Karin;Alvarez-Twose, Ivan;Brockow, Knut;Hermine, Olivier;Niedoszytko, Marek;Schwaab, Juliana;Lyons, Jonathan J.;Carter, Melody C.;Elberink, Hanneke Oude;Butterfield, Joseph H.;George, Tracy I.;Greiner, Georg;Ustun, Celalettin;Bonadonna, Patrizia;Sotlar, Karl;Nilsson, Gunnar;Jawhar, Mohamad;Siebenhaar, Frank;Broesby-Olsen, Sigurd;Yavuz, Selim;Zanotti, Roberta;Lange, Magdalena;Nedoszytko, Boguslaw;Hoermann, Gregor;Castells, Mariana;Radia, Deepti H.;Muñoz-Gonzalez, Javier I.;Sperr, Wolfgang R.;Triggiani, Massimo;Kluin-Nelemans, Hanneke C.;Galli, Stephen J.;Schwartz, Lawrence B.;Reiter, Andreas;Orfao, Alberto;Gotlib, Jason;Arock, Michel;Horny, Hans-Peter;Metcalfe, Dean D.; Updated Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Mast Cell Disorders: A Consensus Proposal
Witzens-Harig, Mathias;Viardot, Andreas;Keller, Ulrich;Wosniok, Julia;Deuster, Oliver;Klemmer, Jennifer;Geueke, Anne-Marie;Meißner, Julia;Ho, Anthony D.;Atta, Johannes;Marks, Reinhard;La Rosée, Paul;Buske, Christian;Dreyling, Martin H.;Hess, Georg; The mTOR Inhibitor Temsirolimus Added to Rituximab Combined With Dexamethasone, Cytarabine, and Cisplatinum (R-DHAP) for the Treatment of Patients With Relapsed or Refractory DLBCL – Results From the Phase-II STORM Trial
Jaffredo, Thierry;Balduini, Alessandra;Bigas, Anna;Bernardi, Rosa;Bonnet, Dominique;Canque, Bruno;Charbord, Pierre;Cumano, Anna;Delwel, Ruud;Durand, Charles;Fibbe, Willem;Forrester, Lesley;de Franceschi, Lucia;Ghevaert, Cedric;Gjertsen, Bjørn;Gottgens, Berthold;Graf, Thomas;Heidenreich, Olaf;Hermine, Olivier;Higgs, Douglas;Kleanthous, Marina;Klump, Hannes;Kouskoff, Valerie;Krause, Daniela;Lacaud, George;Celso, Cristina Lo;Martens, Joost H.A.;Méndez-Ferrer, Simón;Menendez, Pablo;Oostendorp, Robert;Philipsen, Sjaak;Porse, Bo;Raaijmakers, Marc;Robin, Catherine;Stunnenberg, Henk;Theilgaard-Mönch, Kim;Touw, Ivo;Vainchenker, William;Corrons, Joan-Lluis Vives;Yvernogeau, Laurent;Schuringa, Jan Jacob; The EHA Research Roadmap: Normal Hematopoiesis
Gaitzsch, Erik;Passerini, Verena;Khatamzas, Elham;Strobl, Carolin D.;Muenchhoff, Maximilian;Scherer, Clemens;Osterman, Andreas;Heide, Michael;Reischer, Anna;Subklewe, Marion;Leutbecher, Alexandra;Tast, Benjamin;Ruhle, Adrian;Weiglein, Tobias;Stecher, Stephanie-Susanne;Stemmler, Hans J.;Dreyling, Martin;Girl, Philipp;Georgi, Enrico;Wölfel, Roman;Mateyka, Laura;D’Ippolito, Elvira;Schober, Kilian;Busch, Dirk H.;Kager, Juliane;Spinner, Christoph D.;Treiber, Matthias;Rasch, Sebastian;Lahmer, Tobias;Iakoubov, Roman;Schneider, Jochen;Protzer, Ulrike;Winter, Christof;Ruland, Jürgen;Quante, Michael;Keppler, Oliver T.;von Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael;Hellmuth, Johannes;Weigert, Oliver; COVID-19 in Patients Receiving CD20-depleting Immunochemotherapy for B-cell Lymphoma
Kørup, Alex K.;Søndergaard, Jens;Lucchetti, Giancarlo;Ramakrishnan, Parameshwaran;Baumann, Klaus;Lee, Eunmi;Frick, Eckhard;Büssing, Arndt;Alyousefi, Nada A.;Karimah, Azimatul;Schouten, Esther;Wermuth, Inga;Hefti, René;de Diego-Cordero, Rocío;Menegatti-Chequini, Maria Cecilia;Hvidt, Niels Christian; Physicians’ religious/spiritual characteristics and their behavior regarding religiosity and spirituality in clinical practice
Rothhammer, Veit;Kenison, Jessica E.;Li, Zahorong;Tjon, Emily;Takenaka, Maisa C.;Chao, Chun-Cheih;Alves de Lima, Kalil;Borucki, Davis M.;Kaye, Joel;Quintana, Francisco J.; Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation in Astrocytes by Laquinimod Ameliorates Autoimmune Inflammation in the CNS
Ayzenberg, Ilya;Richter, Daniel;Henke, Eugenia;Asseyer, Susanna;Paul, Friedemann;Trebst, Corinna;Hümmert, Martin W.;Havla, Joachim;Kümpfel, Tania;Ringelstein, Marius;Aktas, Orhan;Wildemann, Brigitte;Jarius, Sven;Häußler, Vivien;Stellmann, Jan-Patrick;Senel, Makbule;Klotz, Luisa;Pellkofer, Hannah L.;Weber, Martin S.;Pawlitzki, Marc;Rommer, Paulus S.;Berthele, Achim;Wernecke, Klaus-Dieter;Hellwig, Kerstin;Gold, Ralf;Kleiter, Ingo;; Pain, Depression, and Quality of Life in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
Brand, Rosa Margareta;Friedrich, Verena;Diddens, Jolien;Pfaller, Monika;Romana de Franchis, Francesca;Radbruch, Helena;Hemmer, Bernhard;Steiger, Katja;Lehmann-Horn, Klaus; Anti-CD20 Depletes Meningeal B Cells but Does Not Halt the Formation of Meningeal Ectopic Lymphoid Tissue
Cirac, Ana;Tsaktanis, Thanos;Beyer, Tobias;Linnerbauer, Mathias;Andlauer, Till;Grummel, Verena;Nirschl, Lucy;Loesslein, Lena;Quintana, Francisco J.;Hemmer, Bernhard;Rothhammer, Veit; The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor–Dependent TGF-α/VEGF-B Ratio Correlates With Disease Subtype and Prognosis in Multiple Sclerosis
Blondin, Michael;Raskin, Mikhail; The Complexity of Reachability in Affine Vector Addition Systems with States
Blondin, Michael;Haase, Christoph;Mazowiecki, Filip;Raskin, Mikhail; Affine Extensions of Integer Vector Addition Systems with States
Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna;Vornholz, Larsen;Pechloff, Konstanze;Kemény, Lajos V.;Wartewig, Tim;Muschaweckh, Andreas;Joshi, Abhinav;Kranen, Katja;Hartjes, Lara;Möckel, Sigrid;Steiger, Katja;Hameister, Erik;Volz, Thomas;Mellett, Mark;French, Lars E.;Biedermann, Tilo;Korn, Thomas;Ruland, Jürgen; Keratinocyte-intrinsic BCL10/MALT1 activity initiates and amplifies psoriasiform skin inflammation
Woellner, Romy;Scheidegger, Christoph;Fink, Sabine; Gene flow in a highly dynamic habitat and a single founder event: Proof from a plant population on a relocated river site
Mihatsch, Lorenz ; von der Linde, Mira ; Knolle, Franziska ; Luchting, Benjamin ; Dimitriadis, Konstantinos ; Heyn, Jens; Survey of German medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: attitudes toward volunteering versus compulsory service and associated factors
Keune, Anna; Fabric-Based Computing: (Re)examining the Materiality of Computer Science Learning Through Fiber Crafts
Keune, A., Zambrano-Gutiérrez, J., Phonethibsavads, A., & Peppler, K.; The Unexamined Influence: An Object’s Perceived Gender on Spatial Reasoning Skills in Girls
Keune, A. & Peppler, K.; Advancing Posthuman Methodological Approaches in the Study of Learning
Keune, A., Yankova, N., & Peppler, K.; Crafting Human-Material Collaborative Learning Processes and Technology Advances
Zieglmeier, Valentin; Lehene, Antonia Maria; Designing Trustworthy User Interfaces
Zhang, Chi;Steinhauser, Florian;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; Improved Occlusion Scenario Coverage with a POMDP-based Behavior Planner for Autonomous Urban Driving
Brüdigam, Tim; Capone, Alexandre; Hirche, Sandra; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion;; Gaussian processbased stochastic model predictive control for overtaking in autonomous racing
Jehn, Johannes;Oser, Patrick;Courrau, M. A. Maz;Kaiser, Michael;Wu, Datong;Grosse, Christian U.;Moosheimer, Ulrich;Ruediger, Andreas;Schindler, Christina; Fully Inkjet-Printed Carbon Nanotube-PDMS-Based Strain Sensor: Temperature Response, Compressive and Tensile Bending Properties, and Fatigue Investigations
Bej, Saptarshi;Schulz, Kristian;Srivastava, Prashant;Wolfien, Markus;Wolkenhauer, Olaf; A Multi-Schematic Classifier-Independent Oversampling Approach for Imbalanced Datasets
Gerostathopoulos, Ilias;Plasil, Frantisek;Prehofer, Christian;Thomas, Janek;Bischl, Bernd; Automated Online Experiment-Driven Adaptation–Mechanics and Cost Aspects
Villamil Lopez, Carlos;Stilla, Uwe; Monitoring of Oil Tank Filling With Spaceborne SAR Using Coherent Scatterers
Xu, Yusheng;Stilla, Uwe; Toward Building and Civil Infrastructure Reconstruction From Point Clouds: A Review on Data and Key Techniques
Saha, Sudipan;Kondmann, Lukas;Song, Qian;Zhu, Xiao Xiang; Change Detection in Hyperdimensional Images Using Untrained Models
Long, Yang;Xia, Gui-Song;Li, Shengyang;Yang, Wen;Yang, Michael Ying;Zhu, Xiao Xiang;Zhang, Liangpei;Li, Deren; On Creating Benchmark Dataset for Aerial Image Interpretation: Reviews, Guidances, and Million-AID
Fdhila, Walid;Knuplesch, David;Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie;Reichert, Manfred; Verifying Compliance in Process Choreographies: Foundations, Algorithms, and Implementation
Iltis, Xavière;Drouan, Doris;Blay, Thierry;Zacharie, Isabelle;Sabathier, Catherine;Onofri, Claire;Steyer, Christian;Schwarz, Christian;Baumeister, Bruno;Allenou, Jérôme;Stepnik, Bertrand;Petry, Winfried; Microstructural characteristics of a fresh U(Mo) monolithic mini-plate: Focus on the Zr coating deposited by PVD
Scharf, Florentine ; Leal Silva, Rafaela Magalhaes ; Morak, Monika ; Hastie, Alex ; Pickl, Julia M A ; Sendelbach, Kai ; Gebhard, Christian ; Locher, Melanie ; Laner, Andreas ; Steinke-Lange, Verena ; Koehler, Udo ; Holinski-Feder, Elke ; Wolf, Dieter A; Constitutional chromothripsis of the APC locus as a cause of genetic predisposition to colon cancer
Halkias, Georgios ; Florack, Arnd ; Diamantopoulos, Adamantios ; Palcu, Johanna; Eyes Wide Shut? Understanding and Managing Consumers' Visual Processing of Country-of-Origin Cues
Cicalese, Marco ; Orlando, Gianluca ; Ruf, Matthias; Emergence of Concentration Effects in the Variational Analysis of the N-Clock Model
Ledderose, Stephan ; Ledderose, Carola ; Penkava, Josef ; Ledderose, Georg J.; Prognostic Value of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma
Theurer, Christian P. ; Schäpers, Philipp ; Tumasjan, Andranik ; Welpe, Isabell ; Lievens, Filip; What you see is what you get? Measuring companies' projected employer image attributes via companies' employment webpages
Ebner, Bruno ; Henze, Norbert ; Strieder, David; Testing normality in any dimension by Fourier methods in a multivariate Stein equation
Causevic, Vedad ; Abara, Precious Ugo ; Hirche, Sandra; Optimal power-constrained control of distributed systems with information constraints
Smart, Richard D. ; Ait Sidhoum, Amer ; Sauer, Johannes; Decomposition of efficiency in the global seed industry: A nonparametric approach
Gutmann, Sebastian ; Maget, Christoph ; Spangler, Matthias ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Truck Parking Occupancy Prediction: XGBoost-LSTM Model Fusion
Michas, Antonios ; Pastore, Giovanni ; Chiba, Akane ; Grafe, Martin ; Clausing, Simon ; Polle, Andrea ; Schloter, Michael ; Spohn, Marie ; Schulz, Stefanie; Phosphorus Availability Alters the Effect of Tree Girdling on the Diversity of Phosphorus Solubilizing Soil Bacterial Communities in Temperate Beech Forests
de Vries, Walter Timo; Urban Greening for New Capital Cities. A Meta Review
Syed, Arslan Ali ; Dandl, Florian ; Kaltenhäuser, Bernd ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Density Based Distribution Model for Repositioning Strategies of Ride Hailing Services
Wolff, Justus ; Pauling, Josch ; Keck, Andreas ; Baumbach, Jan; Success Factors of Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Healthcare
Seidl, Thomas ; Russomanno, Tiago Guedes ; Stöckl, Michael ; Lames, Martin; Assessment of Sprint Parameters in Top Speed Interval in 100 m Sprint_A Pilot Study Under Field Conditions
Eigenfeld, Marco ; Kerpes, Roland ; Becker, Thomas; Understanding the Impact of Industrial Stress Conditions on Replicative Aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Braun, Frederik ; Hentschel, Andreas ; Sickmann, Albert ; Marteau, Theodore ; Hertel, Swantje ; Förster, Fabian ; Prokisch, Holger ; Wagner, Matias ; Wortmann, Saskia ; Della Marina, Adela ; Kölbel, Heike ; Roos, Andreas ; Schara-Schmidt, Ulrike; Muscular and Molecular Pathology Associated with SPATA5 Deficiency in a Child with EHLMRS
Arnold, Rouven ; Vehns, Elena ; Randl, Hannah ; Djabali, Karima; Baricitinib, a JAK-STAT Inhibitor, Reduces the Cellular Toxicity of the Farnesyltransferase Inhibitor Lonafarnib in Progeria Cells
Kirstein, Anna ; Schilling, Daniela ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Schmid, Thomas E.; Lomeguatrib Increases the Radiosensitivity of MGMT Unmethylated Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Cell Lines
Haberl, Elisabeth M. ; Weiss, Thomas S. ; Peschel, Georg ; Weigand, Kilian ; Köhler, Nikolai ; Pauling, Josch K. ; Wenzel, Jürgen J. ; Höring, Marcus ; Krautbauer, Sabrina ; Liebisch, Gerhard ; Buechler, Christa; Liver Lipids of Patients with Hepatitis B and C and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Strüven, Anna ; Holzapfel, Christina ; Stremmel, Christopher ; Brunner, Stefan; Obesity, Nutrition and Heart Rate Variability
Morales, Florentino F. ; de Vries, Walter Timo; Establishment of Natural Hazards Mapping Criteria Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Multhoff, Gabriele; Radiation: A New Multi-Disciplinary Open Access Journal for Advances in Radiation Technology
Adams, Lisa ; Brangsch, Julia ; Hamm, Bernd ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Keller, Sarah; Targeting the Extracellular Matrix in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using Molecular Imaging Insights
Widelski, Jaroslaw ; Luca, Simon Vlad ; Skiba, Adrianna ; Maci g, Monika ; Budzyńska, Barbara ; Marcourt, Laurence ; Wolfender, Jean-Luc ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Coumarins from Seseli devenyense Simonk.: Isolation by Liquid-Liquid Chromatography and Potential Anxiolytic Activity Using an In Vivo Zebrafish Larvae Model
Loder, Allister ; Bressan, Lea ; Wierbos, Maria J. ; Becker, Henrik ; Emmonds, Andy ; Obee, Martin ; Knoop, Victor L. ; Menendez, Monica ; Axhausen, Kay W.; How Many Cars in the City Are Too Many? Towards Finding the Optimal Modal Split for a Multi-Modal Urban Road Network
Froehlich, Laura ; Hattesohl, Daniel B. R. ; Jason, Leonard A. ; Scheibenbogen, Carmen ; Behrends, Uta ; Thoma, Manuel; Medical Care Situation of People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Germany
Mozaffari, Hasan ; Rezaei, Mahrooz ; Ostovari, Yaser; Soil Sensitivity to Wind and Water Erosion as Affected by Land Use in Southern Iran
Holik, Ann-Katrin ; Schweiger, Kerstin ; Stoeger, Verena ; Lieder, Barbara ; Reiner, Angelika ; Zopun, Muhammet ; Hoi, Julia K. ; Kretschy, Nicole ; Somoza, Mark M. ; Kriwanek, Stephan ; Pignitter, Marc ; Somoza, Veronika; Gastric Serotonin Biosynthesis and Its Functional Role in L-Arginine-Induced Gastric Proton Secretion
Burtscher, Ingo ; Tarquis-Medina, Marta ; Salinno, Ciro ; Schirge, Silvia ; Beckenbauer, Julia ; Bakhti, Mostafa ; Lickert, Heiko; Generation of a Novel Nkx6-1 Venus Fusion Reporter Mouse Line
Kutschera, Alexander ; Schombel, Ursula ; Schwudke, Dominik ; Ranf, Stefanie ; Gisch, Nicolas; Analysis of the Structure and Biosynthesis of the Lipopolysaccharide Core Oligosaccharide of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000
Weiser, Anna ; Feige, Jerome N. ; De Marchi, Umberto; Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling in Pancreatic β-Cell
Parrotta, Elvira Immacolata ; Procopio, Anna ; Scalise, Stefania ; Esposito, Claudia ; Nicoletta, Giovanni ; Santamaria, Gianluca ; De Angelis, Maria Teresa ; Dorn, Tatjana ; Moretti, Alessandra ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Montefusco, Francesco ; Cosentino, Carlo ; Cuda, Giovanni; Deciphering the Role of Wnt and Rho Signaling Pathway in iPSC-Derived ARVC Cardiomyocytes by In Silico Mathematical Modeling
Castiglione, Marisdea ; Cantelmo, Guido ; Qurashi, Moeid ; Nigro, Marialisa ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Assignment Matrix Free Algorithms for On-line Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrices
Gilun, Przemyslaw ; Flisikowski, Krzysztof ; Flisikowska, Tatiana ; Kwiatkowska, Joanna ; W sowska, Barbara ; Koziorowska-Gilun, Magdalena; Role of Methylation in Period2 (PER2) Transcription in the Context of the Presence or Absence of Light Signals: Natural and Chemical_Studies on the Pig Model
Le, Nguyen Phan Khoi ; Herz, Corinna ; Gomes, João Victor Dutra ; Förster, Nadja ; Antoniadou, Kyriaki ; Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena Karolin ; Mewis, Inga ; Dawid, Corinna ; Ulrichs, Christian ; Lamy, Evelyn; Comparative Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Salix Cortex Extracts and Acetylsalicylic Acid in SARS-CoV-2 Peptide and LPS-Activated Human In Vitro Systems
Sandin, Elvira S. ; Folberth, Julica ; Müller-Fielitz, Helge ; Pietrzik, Claus U. ; Herold, Elisabeth ; Willnow, Thomas E. ; Pfluger, Paul T. ; Nogueiras, Ruben ; Prevot, Vincent ; Krey, Thomas ; Schwaninger, Markus; Is LRP2 Involved in Leptin Transport over the Blood-Brain Barrier and Development of Obesity?
Otto, Sven ; Aljohani, Suad ; Fliefel, Riham ; Ecke, Sara ; Ristow, Oliver ; Burian, Egon ; Troeltzsch, Matthias ; Pautke, Christoph ; Ehrenfeld, Michael; Infection as an Important Factor in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)
Krishnan, Ramesh Kumar ; Baskar, Raju ; Anna, Bakhrat ; Elia, Natalie ; Boermel, Mandy ; Bausch, Andreas R. ; Abdu, Uri; Recapitulating Actin Module Organization in the Drosophila Oocyte Reveals New Roles for Bristle-Actin-Modulating Proteins
Brockow, Knut ; Plata-Nazar, Katarzyna ; Lange, Magdalena ; Nedoszytko, Boguslaw ; Niedoszytko, Marek ; Valent, Peter; Mediator-Related Symptoms and Anaphylaxis in Children with Mastocytosis
Kortüm, Friederike ; Kieninger, Sinja ; Mazzola, Pascale ; Kohl, Susanne ; Wissinger, Bernd ; Prokisch, Holger ; Stingl, Katarina ; Weisschuh, Nicole; X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Caused by Non-Canonical Splice Site Variants in RPGR
Baumgartner, Lisa ; Weberruß, Heidi ; Appel, Katharina ; Engl, Tobias ; Goeder, Daniel ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Schulz, Thorsten; Improved Carotid Elasticity but Altered Central Hemodynamics and Carotid Structure in Young Athletes
Rehschuh, Stephanie ; Jonard, Mathieu ; Wiesmeier, Martin ; Rennenberg, Heinz ; Dannenmann, Michael; Impact of European Beech Forest Diversification on Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Stocks-A Meta-Analysis
Pichlmaier, Simon ; Kult, Michael ; Wagner, Ulrich; Extension of Energy and Transport Scenario Modelling to Include a Life Cycle Perspective
Staniszewska, Magdalena ; Fragoso Costa, Pedro ; Eiber, Matthias ; Klose, Jasmin M. ; Wosniack, Jasmin ; Reis, Henning ; Szarvas, Tibor ; Hadaschik, Boris ; Lückerath, Katharina ; Herrmann, Ken ; Fendler, Wolfgang P. ; Iking, Janette; Enzalutamide Enhances PSMA Expression of PSMA-Low Prostate Cancer
Stahl, Florian Felix ; Emberger-Klein, Agnes ; Menrad, Klaus; Consumer Preferences in Germany for Bio-Based Apparel With Low and Moderate Prices, and the Influence of Specific Factors in Distinguishing Between These Groups
Menzel, Annette ; Ghasemifard, Homa ; Yuan, Ye ; Estrella, Nicole; A First Pre-season Pollen Transport Climatology to Bavaria, Germany
Cavinato, Luca M. ; Volpi, Giorgio ; Fresta, Elisa ; Garino, Claudio ; Fin, Andrea ; Barolo, Claudia; Microwave-Assisted Synthesis, Optical and Theoretical Characterization of Novel 2-(imidazo[1,5-a]pyridine-1-yl)pyridinium Salts
Nacul, Luis ; Authier, François Jérôme ; Scheibenbogen, Carmen ; Lorusso, Lorenzo ; Helland, Ingrid Bergliot ; Martin, Jose Alegre ; Sirbu, Carmen Adella ; Mengshoel, Anne Marit ; Polo, Olli ; Behrends, Uta ; Nielsen, Henrik ; Grabowski, Patricia ; Sekulic, Slobodan ; Sepulveda, Nuno ; Estévez-López, Fernando ; Zalewski, Pawel ; Pheby, Derek F. H. ; Castro-Marrero, Jesus ; Sakkas, Giorgos K. ; Capelli, Enrica ; Brundsdlund, Ivan ; Cullinan, John ; Krumina, Angelika ; Bergquist, Jonas ; Murovska, Modra ; Vermuelen, Ruud C. W. ; Lacerda, Eliana M.; European Network on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (EUROMENE): Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis, Service Provision, and Care of People with ME/CFS in Europe
Lange, Magdalena ; Hartmann, Karin ; Carter, Melody C. ; Siebenhaar, Frank ; Alvarez-Twose, Ivan ; Torrado, Inés ; Brockow, Knut ; Renke, Joanna ; Irga-Jaworska, Ninela ; Plata-Nazar, Katarzyna ; ugowska-Umer, Hanna ; Czarny, Justyna ; Belloni Fortina, Anna ; Caroppo, Francesca ; Nowicki, Roman J. ; Nedoszytko, Boguslaw ; Niedoszytko, Marek ; Valent, Peter; Molecular Background, Clinical Features and Management of Pediatric Mastocytosis: Status 2021
Romantowski, Jan ; Górska, Aleksandra ; Niedoszytko, Marek ; Gulen, Theo ; Gruchala-Niedoszytko, Marta ; Nedoszytko, Boguslaw ; Lange, Magdalena ; Brockow, Knut ; Arock, Michel ; Akin, Cem ; Valent, Peter; A Challenge for Allergologist: Application of Allergy Diagnostic Methods in Mast Cell Disorders
Just, Christopher ; Poeplau, Christopher ; Don, Axel ; van Wesemael, Bas ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid ; Wiesmeier, Martin; A Simple Approach to Isolate Slow and Fast Cycling Organic Carbon Fractions in Central European Soils_Importance of Dispersion Method
Gondhalekar, Daphne ; Erlbeck, Ruth; Application of the Nexus Approach as an Integrated Urban Planning Framework: From Theory to Practice and Back Again
Cusack, Daniela Francis ; Addo-Danso, Shalom D. ; Agee, Elizabeth A. ; Andersen, Kelly M. ; Arnaud, Marie ; Batterman, Sarah A. ; Brearley, Francis Q. ; Ciochina, Mark I. ; Cordeiro, Amanda L. ; Dallstream, Caroline ; Diaz-Toribio, Milton H. ; Dietterich, Lee H. ; Fisher, Joshua B. ; Fleischer, Katrin ; Fortunel, Claire ; Fuchslueger, Lucia ; Guerrero-Ramírez, Nathaly R. ; Kotowska, Martyna M. ; Lugli, Laynara Figueiredo ; Marín, César ; McCulloch, Lindsay A. ; Maeght, Jean-Luc ; Metcalfe, Dan ; Norby, Richard J. ; Oliveira, Rafael S. ; Powers, Jennifer S. ; Reichert, Tatiana ; Smith, Stuart W. ; Smith-Martin, Chris M. ; Soper, Fiona M. ; Toro, Laura ; Umaña, Maria N. ; Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar ; Weemstra, Monique ; Werden, Leland K. ; Wong, Michelle ; Wright, Cynthia L. ; Wright, Stuart Joseph ; Yaffar, Daniela; Tradeoffs and Synergies in Tropical Forest Root Traits and Dynamics for Nutrient and Water Acquisition: Field and Modeling Advances
Kölle, Martina ; Crivelente Horta, Maria Augusta ; Benz, J. Philipp ; Pilgård, Annica; Comparative Transcriptomics During Brown Rot Decay in Three Fungi Reveals Strain-Specific Degradative Strategies and Responses to Wood Acetylation
Maruhn, Philipp; VR Pedestrian Simulator Studies at Home: Comparing Google Cardboards to Simulators in the Lab and Reality
Schmidt, Felicitas ; Hauptmann, Christian ; Kohlenz, Walter ; Gasser, Philipp ; Hartmann, Sascha ; Daunderer, Michael ; Weiler, Thomas ; Nowak, Lorenz; Tackling the Waves of COVID-19: A Planning Model for Intrahospital Resource Allocation
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Gawel-B ben, Katarzyna ; Strz pek-Gomólka, Marcelina ; Jumabayeva, Ainur ; Sakipova, Zuriyadda ; Xiao, Jianbo ; Marcourt, Laurence ; Wolfender, Jean-Luc ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Liquid-Liquid Chromatography Separation of Guaiane-Type Sesquiterpene Lactones from Ferula penninervis Regel & Schmalh. and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Cytotoxic and Melanin Inhibitory Potential
Barz, Melanie ; Aftahy, Kaywan ; Janssen, Insa ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Prokop, Georg ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Spinal Manifestation of Malignant Primary (PLB) and Secondary Bone Lymphoma (SLB)
Dominko, Kristina ; Rastija, Ana ; Sobocanec, Sandra ; Vidatic, Lea ; Meglaj, Sarah ; Lovincic Babic, Andrea ; Hutter-Paier, Birgit ; Colombo, Alessio-Vittorio ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Tahirovic, Sabina ; Hecimovic, Silva; Impaired Retromer Function in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease Is Dependent on Intracellular Cholesterol Accumulation
Offenbächer, Martin ; Seitlinger, Michael ; Münch, Daniela ; Schnopp, Christina ; Darsow, Ulf ; Harfensteller, Julia ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter ; Ring, Johannes ; Kohls, Niko; A Pilot Study of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme in Patients Suffering from Atopic Dermatitis
Kessler , Lisa ; Rempe , Felix ; Bogenberger , Klaus; Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Accurate Traffic Speed and Travel Time Reconstruction
Pauleit, Stephan ; Hansen, Rieke ; Pribadi, Didit Okta; Editorial: Transformative Urban Greening: Advancing Green Space Governance
Mataix-Solera, Jorge ; Arellano, Eduardo C. ; Jaña, Jorge E. ; Olivares, Luis ; Guardiola, José ; Arcenegui, Victoria ; García-Carmona, Minerva ; García-Franco, Noelia ; Valenzuela, Patricio; Soil Vulnerability Indicators to Degradation by Wildfires in Torres del Paine National Park (Patagonia, Chile)
Schmid, Marc ; Blauberger, Patrick ; Lames, Martin; Simulating Defensive Trajectories in American Football for Predicting League Average Defensive Movements
Elstner, Matthias ; Olszewski, Konrad ; Prokisch, Holger ; Klopstock, Thomas ; Murgia, Marta; Multi-Omics Approach to Mitochondrial DNA Damage in Human Muscle Fibers
Michalke, Bernhard ; Berthele, Achim ; Venkataramani, Vivek; Simultaneous Quantification and Speciation of Trace Metals in Paired Serum and CSF Samples by Size Exclusion Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Dynamic Reaction Cell-Mass Spectrometry (SEC-DRC-ICP-MS)
Kobas, Bilge ; Koth, Sebastian Clark ; Nkurikiyeyezu, Kizito ; Giannakakis, Giorgos ; Auer, Thomas; Effect of Exposure Time on Thermal Behaviour: A Psychophysiological Approach
Shutkov, Ilya A. ; Okulova, Yulia N. ; Tyurin, Vladimir Yu. ; Sokolova, Elena V. ; Babkov, Denis A. ; Spasov, Alexander A. ; Gracheva, Yulia A. ; Schmidt, Claudia ; Kirsanov, Kirill I. ; Shtil, Alexander A. ; Redkozubova, Olga M. ; Shevtsova, Elena F. ; Milaeva, Elena R. ; Ott, Ingo ; Nazarov, Alexey A.; Ru(III) Complexes with Lonidamine-Modified Ligands
Betz, Iris Rosa ; Qaiyumi, Sarah Julia ; Goeritzer, Madeleine ; Thiele, Arne ; Brix, Sarah ; Beyhoff, Niklas ; Grune, Jana ; Klopfleisch, Robert ; Greulich, Franziska ; Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette ; Kintscher, Ulrich ; Foryst-Ludwig, Anna; Cardioprotective Effects of Palmitoleic Acid (C16:1n7) in a Mouse Model of Catecholamine-Induced Cardiac Damage Are Mediated by PPAR Activation
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Gawel-B ben, Katarzyna ; Strz pek-Gomólka, Marcelina ; Jumabayeva, Ainur ; Sakipova, Zuriyadda ; Xiao, Jianbo ; Marcourt, Laurence ; Wolfender, Jean-Luc ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Liquid-Liquid Chromatography Separation of Guaiane-Type Sesquiterpene Lactones from Ferula penninervis Regel & Schmalh. and Evaluation of Their In Vitro Cytotoxic and Melanin Inhibitory Potential
Sepahvand, Kian K.; Deep Learning Based Uncertainty Analysis in Computational Micromechanics of Composite Materials
Tarquis-Medina, Marta ; Scheibner, Katharina ; González-García, Ismael ; Bastidas-Ponce, Aimée ; Sterr, Michael ; Jaki, Jessica ; Schirge, Silvia ; García-Cáceres, Cristina ; Lickert, Heiko ; Bakhti, Mostafa; Synaptotagmin-13 Is a Neuroendocrine Marker in Brain, Intestine and Pancreas
Jakob, Lena ; Müller, Tony Andreas ; Rassner, Michael ; Kleinfelder, Helen ; Veratti, Pia ; Mitschke, Jan ; Miething, Cornelius ; Oostendorp, Robert A. J. ; Pfeifer, Dietmar ; Waterhouse, Miguel ; Duyster, Justus; Murine Oncostatin M Has Opposing Effects on the Proliferation of OP9 Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and NIH/3T3 Fibroblasts Signaling through the OSMR
Horbert, Victoria ; Xin, Long ; Föhr, Peter ; Huber, René ; Burgkart, Rainer H. ; Kinne, Raimund W.; In Vitro Cartilage Regeneration with a Three-Dimensional Polyglycolic Acid (PGA) Implant in a Bovine Cartilage Punch Model
Antoniadou, Kyriaki ; Herz, Corinna ; Le, Nguyen Phan Khoi ; Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena Karolin ; Förster, Nadja ; Zander, Matthias ; Ulrichs, Christian ; Mewis, Inga ; Hofmann, Thomas ; Dawid, Corinna ; Lamy, Evelyn; Identification of Salicylates in Willow Bark (Salix Cortex) for Targeting Peripheral Inflammation
Barz, Melanie ; Aftahy, Kaywan ; Janssen, Insa ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Prokop, Georg ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Spinal Manifestation of Malignant Primary (PLB) and Secondary Bone Lymphoma (SLB)
Westerlund, Annie M. ; Hawe, Johann S. ; Heinig, Matthias ; Schunkert, Heribert; Risk Prediction of Cardiovascular Events by Exploration of Molecular Data with Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Mantwill, Klaus ; Klein, Florian Gerhard ; Wang, Dongbiao ; Hindupur, Sruthi Vasantamadhava ; Ehrenfeld, Maximilian ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Nawroth, Roman; Concepts in Oncolytic Adenovirus Therapy
Heine, Jörg-Henrik ; Stemmler, Mark; Analysis of Categorical Data with the R Package confreq
Bauchau, Olivier ; Sonneville, Valentin; Formulation of Shell Elements Based on the Motion Formalism
Hartmann, Florian G. ; Heine, Jörg-Henrik ; Ertl, Bernhard; Concepts and Coefficients Based on John L. Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice_Examining the R Package holland
Gabashvili, Anna N. ; Vodopyanov, Stepan S. ; Chmelyuk, Nelly S. ; Sarkisova, Viktoria A. ; Fedotov, Konstantin A. ; Efremova, Maria V. ; Abakumov, Maxim A.; Encapsulin Based Self-Assembling Iron-Containing Protein Nanoparticles for Stem Cells MRI Visualization
Tsiamasiotis, Konstantinos ; Chaniotakis, Emmanouil ; Qurashi, Moeid ; Jiang, Hai ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Identifying and Quantifying Factors Determining Dynamic Vanpooling Use
Nguyen, Phong B. H. ; Ohnmacht, Alexander J. ; Sharifli, Samir ; Garnett, Mathew J. ; Menden, Michael P.; Inferred Ancestral Origin of Cancer Cell Lines Associates with Differential Drug Response
Innes, Hamish;Nischalke, Hans Dieter;Guha, Indra Neil;Weiss, Karl Heinz;Irving, Will;Gotthardt, Daniel;Barnes, Eleanor;Fischer, Janett;Ansari, M. Azim;Rosendahl, Jonas;Lin, Shang‐Kuan;Marot, Astrid;Pedergnana, Vincent;Casper, Markus;Benselin, Jennifer;Lammert, Frank;McLauchlan, John;Lutz, Philip L.;Hamill, Victoria;Mueller, Sebastian;Morling, Joanne R.;Semmler, Georg;Eyer, Florian;von Felden, Johann;Link, Alexander;Vogel, Arndt;Marquardt, Jens U.;Sulk, Stefan;Trebicka, Jonel;Valenti, Luca;Datz, Christian;Reiberger, Thomas;Schafmayer, Clemens;Berg, Thomas;Deltenre, Pierre;Hampe, Jochen;Stickel, Felix;Buch, Stephan; The rs429358 Locus in Apolipoprotein E Is Associated With Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Cirrhosis
Drexler, Konstantin;Schmidt, Katharina M;Jordan, Katrin;Federlin, Marianne;Milenkovic, Vladimir M;Liebisch, Gerhard;Artati, Anna;Schmidl, Christian;Madej, Gregor;Tokarz, Janina;Cecil, Alexander;Jagla, Wolfgang;Haerteis, Silke;Aung, Thiha;Wagner, Christine;Kolodziejczyk, Maria;Heinke, Stefanie;Stanton, Evan H;Schwertner, Barbara;Riegel, Dania;Wetzel, Christian H;Buchalla, Wolfgang;Proescholdt, Martin;Klein, Christoph A;Berneburg, Mark;Schlitt, Hans J;Brabletz, Thomas;Ziegler, Christine;Parkinson, Eric K;Gaumann, Andreas;Geissler, Edward K;Adamski, Jerzy;Haferkamp, Sebastian;Mycielska, Maria E; Cancer-associated cells release citrate to support tumour metastatic progression
Borchard, Sabine;Raschke, Stefanie;Zak, Krzysztof M;Eberhagen, Carola;Einer, Claudia;Weber, Elisabeth;Müller, Sandra M;Michalke, Bernhard;Lichtmannegger, Josef;Wieser, Albrecht;Rieder, Tamara;Popowicz, Grzegorz M;Adamski, Jerzy;Klingenspor, Martin;Coles, Andrew H;Viana, Ruth;Vendelbo, Mikkel H;Sandahl, Thomas D;Schwerdtle, Tanja;Plitz, Thomas;Zischka, Hans; Bis-choline tetrathiomolybdate prevents copper-induced blood–brain barrier damage
Bühler, Lea;Maida, Adriano;Vogl, Elena Sophie;Georgiadi, Anastasia;Takacs, Andrea;Kluth, Oliver;Schürmann, Annette;Feuchtinger, Annette;von Toerne, Christine;Tsokanos, Foivos-Filippos;Klepac, Katarina;Wolff, Gretchen;Sakurai, Minako;Ekim Üstünel, Bilgen;Nawroth, Peter;Herzig, Stephan; Lipocalin 13 enhances insulin secretion but is dispensable for systemic metabolic control
Böhm, Markus;Rott, Julian;Eggers, Julia;Grindemann, Philipp;Nakladal, Janina;Hoffmann, Maximilian;Krcmar, Helmut; Process mining at Lufthansa CityLine: The path to process excellence
Singavarapu, Bala ; Beugnon, Rémy ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Cesarz, Simone ; Du, Jianqing ; Eisenhauer, Nico ; Guo, Liang-Dong ; Nawaz, Ali ; Wang, Yanfen ; Xue, Kai ; Wubet, Tesfaye; Tree mycorrhizal type and tree diversity shape the forest soil microbiota
Heldt, Eugenia C. ; Dörfler, Thomas; Orchestrating private investors for development: How the World Bank revitalizes
Seitz F. (ed.); Commission A2 Triennial Report (2018-2021)
Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Thermodynamic and Economic Optimization of CO2 Plume Geothermal Systems for Combined Heat and Power Production
Marzluff, John M.;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio;Ho, Cameron K.;Coleman, Georgia W.;Restani, Marco; Thinking Like a Raven: Restoring Integrity, Stability, and Beauty to Western Ecosystems
Jiang, Chang-Ming;Wagner, Laura I.;Horton, Matthew K.;Eichhorn, Johanna;Rieth, Tim;Kunzelmann, Viktoria F.;Kraut, Max;Li, Yanbo;Persson, Kristin A.;Sharp, Ian D.; Metastable Ta2N3 with highly tunable electrical conductivity via oxygen incorporation
Mayer, Christian ; Baur, Isabella Diana ; Storr, Julia ; Khoramnia, Ramin; Complete anterior segment reconstruction: Corneal transplantation and implantation of an iris prosthesis and IOL in a single surgery
Partner, Moysies &; Künstliche Intelligenz - Vertrauen & Recht
Füting, Pamina ; Barthel, Lars ; Cairns, Timothy C. ; Briesen, Heiko ; Schmideder, Stefan; Filamentous fungal applications in biotechnology: a combined bibliometric and patentometric assessment
Pflüger, Patrick ; Zyskowski, Michael ; Müller, Michael ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Crönlein, Moritz; Functional outcome of 103 fractures of the proximal fifth metatarsal bone
Soelch, Susanne ; Beaufort, Nathalie ; Loessner, Daniela ; Kotzsch, Matthias ; Reuning, Ute ; Luther, Thomas ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Magdolen, Viktor; Rab31-dependent regulation of transforming growth factor ß expression in breast cancer cells
Reitmeier, Sandra ; Hitch, Thomas C. A. ; Treichel, Nicole ; Fikas, Nikolaos ; Hausmann, Bela ; Ramer-Tait, Amanda E. ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Berry, David ; Haller, Dirk ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias ; Clavel, Thomas; Handling of spurious sequences affects the outcome of high-throughput 16S rRNA gene amplicon profiling
Bachmann, Joel ; Obst, Philip ; Knorr, Lukas ; Schmölzer, Stefan ; Fruhmann, Gabriele ; Witt, Gerd ; Osswald, Tim ; Wudy, Katrin ; Hinrichsen, Olaf; Cavity vat photopolymerisation for additive manufacturing of polymer-composite 3D objects
Kretschmer, Martin ; Winkeljann, Benjamin ; Kriebisch, Brigitte A. K. ; Boekhoven, Job ; Lieleg, Oliver; Viscoelastic behavior of chemically fueled supramolecular hydrogels under load and influence of reaction side products
Feuerherd, M. ; Sippel, A.-K. ; Erber, J. ; Baumbach, J. I. ; Schmid, R. M. ; Protzer, U. ; Voit, F. ; Spinner, C. D.; A proof of concept study for the differentiation of SARS-CoV-2, hCoV-NL63, and IAV-H1N1 in vitro cultures using ion mobility spectrometry
Deppe, Herbert ; Ahrens, Markus ; Behr, Alexandra V. ; Marr, Christina ; Sculean, Anton ; Mela, Petra ; Ritschl, Lucas M.; Thermal effect of a 445 nm diode laser on five dental implant systems: an in vitro study
Oswald, Andreas ; Chakraborty, Anindita ; Ni, Yi ; Wettengel, Jochen M. ; Urban, Stephan ; Protzer, Ulrike; Concentration of Na+-taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide expressed after in vitro-transcribed mRNA transfection determines susceptibility of hepatoma cells for hepatitis B virus
Lazic, Igor ; Feihl, Susanne ; Prodinger, Peter M. ; Banke, Ingo J. ; Trampuz, Andrej ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Suren, Christian; Diagnostic accuracy of multiplex polymerase chain reaction on tissue biopsies in periprosthetic joint infections
Zhang, Yushen ; Tseng, Tsun-Ming ; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Portable all-in-one automated microfluidic system (PAMICON) with 3D-printed chip using novel fluid control mechanism
Scholz, Josef ; Roiser, Nathalie ; Braig, Eva-Maria ; Petrich, Christian ; Birnbacher, Lorenz ; Andrejewski, Jana ; Kimm, Melanie A. ; Sauter, Andreas ; Busse, Madleen ; Korbel, Rüdiger ; Herzen, Julia ; Pfeiffer, Daniela; X-ray dark-field radiography for in situ gout diagnosis by means of an ex vivo animal study
Afshari, Parastoo ; Zakian, Christian ; Bachmann, Jeannine ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Speckle reduction in ultrasound endoscopy using refraction based elevational angular compounding
Schleicher, Erik ; Rein, Stephan ; Illarionov, Boris ; Lehmann, Ariane ; Al Said, Tarek ; Kacprzak, Sylwia ; Bittl, Robert ; Bacher, Adelbert ; Fischer, Markus ; Weber, Stefan; Selective 13C labelling reveals the electronic structure of flavocoenzyme radicals
Borm, Kai J. ; Junker, Yannis ; Düsberg, Mathias ; Deve ka, Michal ; Münch, Stefan ; Dapper, Hendrik ; Oechsner, Markus ; Combs, Stephanie E.; Impact of CBCT frequency on target coverage and dose to the organs at risk in adjuvant breast cancer radiotherapy
Tübel, Jutta ; Maier, Elisabeth ; Jegen, Magdalena ; Marthen, Carmen ; Obermeier, Andreas ; Haug, Alexander T. ; Schneider, Jochen ; Burgkart, Rainer; Patient-specific effects of soluble factors from Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms on osteogenic differentiation of primary human osteoblasts
Jud, Christoph ; Sharma, Yash ; Günther, Benedikt ; Weitz, Jochen ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Pfeiffer, Daniela; X-ray dark-field tomography reveals tooth cracks
Fleischer, Toni ; Ulke, Christine ; Beutel, Manfred ; Binder, Harald ; Brähler, Elmar ; Johar, Hamimatunnisa ; Atasoy, Seryan ; Kruse, Johannes ; Otten, Daniëlle ; Tibubos, Ana N. ; Zöller, Daniela ; Speerforck, Sven ; Grabe, Hans J. ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Schomerus, Georg; The relation between childhood adversity and adult obesity in a population-based study in women and men
Ziller, Alexander ; Usynin, Dmitrii ; Braren, Rickmer ; Makowski, Marcus ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Kaissis, Georgios; Medical imaging deep learning with differential privacy
Butenschoen, Vicki M. ; Abulhala, Shadi ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Body mass index has an impact on preoperative symptoms but not clinical outcome in acute cauda equina syndrome
Hörpel, Stephen Gareth ; Baier, A. Leonie ; Peremans, Herbert ; Reijniers, Jonas ; Wiegrebe, Lutz ; Firzlaff, Uwe; Communication breakdown: Limits of spectro-temporal resolution for the perception of bat communication calls
Berger, Michelle T. ; Hemmler, Daniel ; Walker, Alesia ; Rychlik, Michael ; Marshall, James W. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Molecular characterization of sequence-driven peptide glycation
Kaziales, Anna ; Rührnößl, Florian ; Richter, Klaus; Glucocorticoid resistance conferring mutation in the C-terminus of GR alters the receptor conformational dynamics
Hausamann, Peter ; Sinnott, Christian B. ; Daumer, Martin ; MacNeilage, Paul R.; Evaluation of the Intel RealSense T265 for tracking natural human head motion
Esteve-Codina, Anna ; Hofer, Thomas P. ; Burggraf, Dorothe ; Heiss-Neumann, Marion S. ; Gesierich, Wolfgang ; Boland, Anne ; Olaso, Robert ; Bihoreau, Marie-Therese ; Deleuze, Jean-Francois ; Moeller, Winfried ; Schmid, Otmar ; Soler Artigas, María ; Renner, Kathrin ; Hohlfeld, Jens M. ; Welte, Tobias ; Fuehner, Thomas ; Jerrentrup, Lukas ; Koczulla, Andreas Rembert ; Greulich, Timm ; Prasse, Antje ; Müller-Quernheim, Joachim ; Gupta, Sumit ; Brightling, Christopher ; Subramanian, Deepak R. ; Parr, David G. ; Kolsum, Umme ; Gupta, Vandana ; Barta, Imre ; Döme, Balázs ; Strausz, János ; Stendardo, Mariarita ; Piattella, Marco ; Boschetto, Piera ; Korzybski, Damian ; Gorecka, Dorota ; Nowinski, Adam ; Dabad, Marc ; Fernández-Callejo, Marcos ; Endesfelder, David ; zu Castell, Wolfgang ; Hiemstra, Pieter S. ; Venge, Per ; Noessner, Elfriede ; Griebel, Thasso ; Heath, Simon ; Singh, Dave ; Gut, Ivo ; Ziegler-Heitbrock, Loems; Gender specific airway gene expression in COPD sub-phenotypes supports a role of mitochondria and of different types of leukocytes
Nassour, John ; Zhao, Guoping ; Grimmer, Martin; Soft pneumatic elbow exoskeleton reduces the muscle activity, metabolic cost and fatigue during holding and carrying of loads
Schmauder, Lukas ; Richter, Klaus; hsp-90 and unc-45 depletion induce characteristic transcriptional signatures in coexpression cliques of C. elegans
Sima, Siyuan ; Barkovits, Katalin ; Marcus, Katrin ; Schmauder, Lukas ; Hacker, Stephan M. ; Hellwig, Nils ; Morgner, Nina ; Richter, Klaus; HSP-90/kinase complexes are stabilized by the large PPIase FKB-6
Sedaghatjoo, Somayyeh ; Forster, Monika K. ; Niessen, Ludwig ; Karlovsky, Petr ; Killermann, Berta ; Maier, Wolfgang; Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the detection of Tilletia controversa based on genome comparison
Rasch, Sebastian ; Schmidle, Paul ; Sancak, Sengül ; Herner, Alexander ; Huberle, Christina ; Schulz, Dominik ; Mayr, Ulrich ; Schneider, Jochen ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Geisler, Fabian ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Huber, Wolfgang; Increased extravascular lung water index (EVLWI) reflects rapid non-cardiogenic oedema and mortality in COVID-19 associated ARDS
Schouten, Jens P. E. ; Matek, Christian ; Jacobs, Luuk F. P. ; Buck, Michèle C. ; Bošna ki, Dragan ; Marr, Carsten; Tens of images can suffice to train neural networks for malignant leukocyte detection
Kraus, Kim M. ; Fischer, Julius C. ; Borm, Kai J. ; Vogel, Marco M. E. ; Pigorsch, Steffi. U. ; Deve ka, Michal ; Combs, Stephanie E.; Evaluation of practical experiences of German speaking radiation oncologists in combining radiation therapy with checkpoint blockade
Peplau, Emanuel ; De Rose, Francesco ; Eichinger, Andreas ; Reder, Sybille ; Mittelhäuser, Markus ; Scafetta, Giorgia ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Weber, Wolfgang A. ; Bartolazzi, Armando ; D'Alessandria, Calogero ; Skerra, Arne; Effective rational humanization of a PASylated anti-galectin-3 Fab for the sensitive PET imaging of thyroid cancer in vivo
Collettini, Federico ; Reimann, Carolin ; Brangsch, Julia ; Chapiro, Julius ; Savic, Lynn Jeanette ; Onthank, David C. ; Robinson, Simon P. ; Karst, Uwe ; Buchholz, Rebecca ; Keller, Sarah ; Hamm, Bernd ; Goldberg, S. Nahum ; Makowski, Marcus R.; Elastin-specific MRI of extracellular matrix-remodelling following hepatic radiofrequency-ablation in a VX2 liver tumor model
Kühn, Johannes ; Bagnato, Carlo ; Burdet, Etienne ; Haddadin, Sami; Arm movement adaptation to concurrent pain constraints
Weickert, Marie-Theresa ; Hecker, Judith S. ; Buck, Michèle C. ; Schreck, Christina ; Rivière, Jennifer ; Schiemann, Matthias ; Schallmoser, Katharina ; Bassermann, Florian ; Strunk, Dirk ; Oostendorp, Robert A. J. ; Götze, Katharina S.; Bone marrow stromal cells from MDS and AML patients show increased adipogenic potential with reduced Delta-like-1 expression
Kraus, K. M. ; Oechsner, M. ; Wilkens, J. J. ; Kessel, K. A. ; Münch, S. ; Combs, S. E.; Patient individual phase gating for stereotactic radiation therapy of early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Zimmermann, Juliana ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Nuttall, Rachel ; Bäuml, Josef G. ; Schneider, Sebastian C. ; Daamen, Marcel ; Boecker, Henning ; Zimmer, Claus ; Wolke, Dieter ; Bartmann, Peter ; Hedderich, Dennis M. ; Sorg, Christian; Decreased amygdala volume in adults after premature birth
Feuerecker, Benedikt ; Biechl, Philipp ; Seidl, Christof ; Bruchertseifer, Frank ; Morgenstern, Alfred ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Diverse metabolic response of cancer cells treated with a 213Bi-anti-EGFR-immunoconjugate
Kunze, Bettina ; Middelhoff, Moritz ; Maurer, H. Carlo ; Agibalova, Tatiana ; Anand, Akanksha ; Bührer, Anne-Marie ; Fang, Hsin-Yu ; Baumeister, Theresa ; Steiger, Katja ; Strangmann, Julia ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Wang, Timothy C. ; Quante, Michael; Notch signaling drives development of Barrett's metaplasia from Dclk1-positive epithelial tuft cells in the murine gastric mucosa
Maurer, Stefanie ; Butenschoen, Vicki Marie ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Krieg, Sandro M.; Non-invasive mapping of cortical categorization function by repetitive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
Yun, Misun ; You, Sung-Hwan ; Nguyen, Vu Hong ; Prakash, Jaya ; Glasl, Sarah ; Gujrati, Vipul ; Choy, Hyon E. ; Stiel, Andre C. ; Min, Jung-Joon ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Reporter gene-based optoacoustic imaging of E. coli targeted colon cancer in vivo
Littmann, Maria ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Dallago, Christian ; Weissenow, Konstantin ; Rost, Burkhard; Protein embeddings and deep learning predict binding residues for various ligand classes
Sarkar, Pritam ; Lobmaier, Silvia ; Fabre, Bibiana ; González, Diego ; Mueller, Alexander ; Frasch, Martin G. ; Antonelli, Marta C. ; Etemad, Ali; Detection of maternal and fetal stress from the electrocardiogram with self-supervised representation learning
Tarkka, Mika T. ; Grams, Thorsten E. E. ; Angay, Oguzhan ; Kurth, Florence ; Maboreke, Hazel R. ; Mailänder, Sarah ; Bönn, Markus ; Feldhahn, Lasse ; Fleischmann, Frank ; Ruess, Liliane ; Schädler, Martin ; Scheu, Stefan ; Schrey, Silvia D. ; Buscot, Francois ; Herrmann, Sylvie; Ectomycorrhizal fungus supports endogenous rhythmic growth and corresponding resource allocation in oak during various below- and aboveground biotic interactions
Andrejewski, Jana ; De Marco, Fabio ; Willer, Konstantin ; Noichl, Wolfgang ; Urban, Theresa ; Frank, Manuela ; Gustschin, Alex ; Meyer, Pascal ; Koehler, Thomas ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Herzen, Julia; Retrieval of 3D information in X-ray dark-field imaging with a large field of view
Farschtschi, Sabine ; Mattes, Martin ; Hildebrandt, Alex ; Chiang, Dapi ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Kliem, Heike ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Development of an advanced flow cytometry based high-resolution immunophenotyping method to benchmark early immune response in dairy cows
Große, K. ; Ohm, D. ; Würstle, S. ; Brozat, J. F. ; Schmid, R. M. ; Trautwein, C. ; Stallmach, A. ; Bruns, T. ; Reuken, Philipp A.; Clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with enterococcal liver abscess
Syga, Simon ; David-Rus, Diana ; Schälte, Yannik ; Hatzikirou, Haralampos ; Deutsch, Andreas; Inferring the effect of interventions on COVID-19 transmission networks
Paprottka, Karolin J. ; Kupfer, Karina ; Riederer, Isabelle ; Zimmer, Claus ; Beer, Meinrad ; Noël, Peter B. ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Sollmann, Nico; Impact of dose reduction and iterative model reconstruction on multi-detector CT imaging of the brain in patients with suspected ischemic stroke
Schneider, Antonius ; Rauscher, Katharina ; Kellerer, Christina ; Linde, Klaus ; Kneissl, Frederike ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander; COVID-19 assessment in family practice_A clinical decision rule based on self-rated symptoms and contact history
Schlosser, Pascal ; Tin, Adrienne ; Matias-Garcia, Pamela R. ; Thio, Chris H. L. ; Joehanes, Roby ; Liu, Hongbo ; Weihs, Antoine ; Yu, Zhi ; Hoppmann, Anselm ; Grundner-Culemann, Franziska ; Min, Josine L. ; Adeyemo, Adebowale A. ; Agyemang, Charles ; Ärnlöv, Johan ; Aziz, Nasir A. ; Baccarelli, Andrea ; Bochud, Murielle ; Brenner, Hermann ; Breteler, Monique M. B. ; Carmeli, Cristian ; Chaker, Layal ; Chambers, John C. ; Cole, Shelley A. ; Coresh, Josef ; Corre, Tanguy ; Correa, Adolfo ; Cox, Simon R. ; de Klein, Niek ; Delgado, Graciela E. ; Domingo-Relloso, Arce ; Eckardt, Kai-Uwe ; Ekici, Arif B. ; Endlich, Karlhans ; Evans, Kathryn L. ; Floyd, James S. ; Fornage, Myriam ; Franke, Lude ; Fraszczyk, Eliza ; Gao, Xu ; Gào, X n ; Ghanbari, Mohsen ; Ghasemi, Sahar ; Gieger, Christian ; Greenland, Philip ; Grove, Megan L. ; Harris, Sarah E. ; Hemani, Gibran ; Henneman, Peter ; Herder, Christian ; Horvath, Steve ; Hou, Lifang ; Hurme, Mikko A. ; Hwang, Shih-Jen ; Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta ; Kardia, Sharon L. R. ; Kasela, Silva ; Kleber, Marcus E. ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Kooner, Jaspal S. ; Kramer, Holly ; Kronenberg, Florian ; Kühnel, Brigitte ; Lehtimäki, Terho ; Lind, Lars ; Liu, Dan ; Liu, Yongmei ; Lloyd-Jones, Donald M. ; Lohman, Kurt ; Lorkowski, Stefan ; Lu, Ake T. ; Marioni, Riccardo E. ; März, Winfried ; McCartney, Daniel L. ; Meeks, Karlijn A. C. ; Mishra, Pashupati P. ; Nauck, Matthias ; Navas-Acien, Ana ; Nowak, Christoph ; Peters, Annette ; Prokisch, Holger ; Psaty, Bruce M. ; Raitakari, Olli T. ; Ratliff, Scott M. ; Reiner, Alex P. ; Rosas, Sylvia E. ; Schöttker, Ben ; Schwartz, Joel ; Sedaghat, Sanaz ; Smith, Jennifer A. ; Sotoodehnia, Nona ; Stocker, Hannah R. ; Stringhini, Silvia ; Sundström, Johan ; Swenson, Brenton R. ; Tellez-Plaza, Maria ; van Meurs, Joyce B. J. ; van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V. ; Venema, Andrea ; Verweij, Niek ; Walker, Rosie M. ; Wielscher, Matthias ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H. R. ; Zhao, Wei ; Zheng, Yinan ; Milani, Lili ; Loh, Marie ; Snieder, Harold ; Levy, Daniel ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Susztak, Katalin ; Köttgen, Anna ; Teumer, Alexander; Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage
Laudenbach, Beatrice T. ; Krey, Karsten ; Emslander, Quirin ; Andersen, Line Lykke ; Reim, Alexander ; Scaturro, Pietro ; Mundigl, Sarah ; Dächert, Christopher ; Manske, Katrin ; Moser, Markus ; Ludwig, Janos ; Wohlleber, Dirk ; Kröger, Andrea ; Binder, Marco ; Pichlmair, Andreas; NUDT2 initiates viral RNA degradation by removal of 5 -phosphates
Thaler, Stephan ; Zavadlav, Julija; Learning neural network potentials from experimental data via Differentiable Trajectory Reweighting
Bertosin, Eva ; Maffeo, Christopher M. ; Drexler, Thomas ; Honemann, Maximilian N. ; Aksimentiev, Aleksei ; Dietz, Hendrik; A nanoscale reciprocating rotary mechanism with coordinated mobility control
Tin, Adrienne ; Schlosser, Pascal ; Matias-Garcia, Pamela R. ; Thio, Chris H. L. ; Joehanes, Roby ; Liu, Hongbo ; Yu, Zhi ; Weihs, Antoine ; Hoppmann, Anselm ; Grundner-Culemann, Franziska ; Min, Josine L. ; Kuhns, Victoria L. Halperin ; Adeyemo, Adebowale A. ; Agyemang, Charles ; Ärnlöv, Johan ; Aziz, Nasir A. ; Baccarelli, Andrea ; Bochud, Murielle ; Brenner, Hermann ; Bressler, Jan ; Breteler, Monique M. B. ; Carmeli, Cristian ; Chaker, Layal ; Coresh, Josef ; Corre, Tanguy ; Correa, Adolfo ; Cox, Simon R. ; Delgado, Graciela E. ; Eckardt, Kai-Uwe ; Ekici, Arif B. ; Endlich, Karlhans ; Floyd, James S. ; Fraszczyk, Eliza ; Gao, Xu ; Gào, X n ; Gelber, Allan C. ; Ghanbari, Mohsen ; Ghasemi, Sahar ; Gieger, Christian ; Greenland, Philip ; Grove, Megan L. ; Harris, Sarah E. ; Hemani, Gibran ; Henneman, Peter ; Herder, Christian ; Horvath, Steve ; Hou, Lifang ; Hurme, Mikko A. ; Hwang, Shih-Jen ; Kardia, Sharon L. R. ; Kasela, Silva ; Kleber, Marcus E. ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Kooner, Jaspal S. ; Kronenberg, Florian ; Kühnel, Brigitte ; Ladd-Acosta, Christine ; Lehtimäki, Terho ; Lind, Lars ; Liu, Dan ; Lloyd-Jones, Donald M. ; Lorkowski, Stefan ; Lu, Ake T. ; Marioni, Riccardo E. ; März, Winfried ; McCartney, Daniel L. ; Meeks, Karlijn A. C. ; Milani, Lili ; Mishra, Pashupati P. ; Nauck, Matthias ; Nowak, Christoph ; Peters, Annette ; Prokisch, Holger ; Psaty, Bruce M. ; Raitakari, Olli T. ; Ratliff, Scott M. ; Reiner, Alex P. ; Schöttker, Ben ; Schwartz, Joel ; Sedaghat, Sanaz ; Smith, Jennifer A. ; Sotoodehnia, Nona ; Stocker, Hannah R. ; Stringhini, Silvia ; Sundström, Johan ; Swenson, Brenton R. ; van Meurs, Joyce B. J. ; van Vliet-Ostaptchouk, Jana V. ; Venema, Andrea ; Völker, Uwe ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Wolffenbuttel, Bruce H. R. ; Zhao, Wei ; Zheng, Yinan ; Loh, Marie ; Snieder, Harold ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Levy, Daniel ; Akilesh, Shreeram ; Woodward, Owen M. ; Susztak, Katalin ; Teumer, Alexander ; Köttgen, Anna; Epigenome-wide association study of serum urate reveals insights into urate co-regulation and the SLC2A9 locus
Pennemann, Friederike L. ; Mussabekova, Assel ; Urban, Christian ; Stukalov, Alexey ; Andersen, Line Lykke ; Grass, Vincent ; Lavacca, Teresa Maria ; Holze, Cathleen ; Oubraham, Lila ; Benamrouche, Yasmine ; Girardi, Enrico ; Boulos, Rasha E. ; Hartmann, Rune ; Superti-Furga, Giulio ; Habjan, Matthias ; Imler, Jean-Luc ; Meignin, Carine ; Pichlmair, Andreas; Cross-species analysis of viral nucleic acid interacting proteins identifies TAOKs as innate immune regulators
Heil, Joschka ; Olsavszky, Victor ; Busch, Katrin ; Klapproth, Kay ; de la Torre, Carolina ; Sticht, Carsten ; Sandorski, Kajetan ; Hoffmann, Johannes ; Schönhaber, Hiltrud ; Zierow, Johanna ; Winkler, Manuel ; Schmid, Christian David ; Staniczek, Theresa ; Daniels, Deborah E. ; Frayne, Jan ; Metzgeroth, Georgia ; Nowak, Daniel ; Schneider, Sven ; Neumaier, Michael ; Weyer, Vanessa ; Groden, Christoph ; Gröne, Hermann-Josef ; Richter, Karsten ; Mogler, Carolin ; Taketo, Makoto Mark ; Schledzewski, Kai ; Géraud, Cyrill ; Goerdt, Sergij ; Koch, Philipp-Sebastian; Bone marrow sinusoidal endothelium controls terminal erythroid differentiation and reticulocyte maturation
Büttner, M. ; Ostner, J. ; Müller, C. L. ; Theis, F. J. ; Schubert, B.; scCODA is a Bayesian model for compositional single-cell data analysis
Sadegh, Sepideh ; Skelton, James ; Anastasi, Elisa ; Bernett, Judith ; Blumenthal, David B. ; Galindez, Gihanna ; Salgado-Albarrán, Marisol ; Lazareva, Olga ; Flanagan, Keith ; Cockell, Simon ; Nogales, Cristian ; Casas, Ana I. ; Schmidt, Harald H. H. W. ; Baumbach, Jan ; Wipat, Anil ; Kacprowski, Tim; Network medicine for disease module identification and drug repurposing with the NeDRex platform
Svilenov, Hristo L. ; Sacherl, Julia ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Zacharias, Martin ; Buchner, Johannes; Mechanistic principles of an ultra-long bovine CDR reveal strategies for antibody design
Dehne, H. ; Reitenbach, A. ; Bausch, A. R.; Reversible and spatiotemporal control of colloidal structure formation
Mühlhofer, Moritz ; Peters, Carsten ; Kriehuber, Thomas ; Kreuzeder, Marina ; Kazman, Pamina ; Rodina, Natalia ; Reif, Bernd ; Haslbeck, Martin ; Weinkauf, Sevil ; Buchner, Johannes; Phosphorylation activates the yeast small heat shock protein Hsp26 by weakening domain contacts in the oligomer ensemble
Markov, Daniil A. ; Petrucco, Luigi ; Kist, Andreas M. ; Portugues, Ruben; A cerebellar internal model calibrates a feedback controller involved in sensorimotor control
Pudasaini, Shiva P. ; Krautblatter, Michael; The mechanics of landslide mobility with erosion
Motti, Silvia G. ; Patel, Jay B. ; Oliver, Robert D. J. ; Snaith, Henry J. ; Johnston, Michael B. ; Herz, Laura M.; Phase segregation in mixed-halide perovskites affects charge-carrier dynamics while preserving mobility
Kazman, Pamina ; Absmeier, Ramona M. ; Engelhardt, Harald ; Buchner, Johannes; Dissection of the amyloid formation pathway in AL amyloidosis
Schmid, Katharina T. ; Höllbacher, Barbara ; Cruceanu, Cristiana ; Böttcher, Anika ; Lickert, Heiko ; Binder, Elisabeth B. ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Heinig, Matthias; scPower accelerates and optimizes the design of multi-sample single cell transcriptomic studies
Kyrousi, Christina ; O'Neill, Adam C. ; Brazovskaja, Agnieska ; He, Zhisong ; Kielkowski, Pavel ; Coquand, Laure ; Di Giaimo, Rossella ; D' Andrea, Pierpaolo ; Belka, Alexander ; Forero Echeverry, Andrea ; Mei, Davide ; Lenge, Matteo ; Cruceanu, Cristiana ; Buchsbaum, Isabel Y. ; Khattak, Shahryar ; Fabien, Guimiot ; Binder, Elisabeth ; Elmslie, Frances ; Guerrini, Renzo ; Baffet, Alexandre D. ; Sieber, Stephan A. ; Treutlein, Barbara ; Robertson, Stephen P. ; Cappello, Silvia; Extracellular LGALS3BP regulates neural progenitor position and relates to human cortical complexity
Klaaßen, Lena ; Stoll, Christian; Harmonizing corporate carbon footprints
Feng, Chao ; Wang, Faze ; Liu, Zhi ; Nakabayashi, Mamiko ; Xiao, Yequan ; Zeng, Qiugui ; Fu, Jie ; Wu, Qianbao ; Cui, Chunhua ; Han, Yifan ; Shibata, Naoya ; Domen, Kazunari ; Sharp, Ian D. ; Li, Yanbo; A self-healing catalyst for electrocatalytic and photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution in highly alkaline conditions
Uhler, Johannes ; Redlich, Sarah ; Zhang, Jie ; Hothorn, Torsten ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Ewald, Jörg ; Thorn, Simon ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Mitesser, Oliver ; Morinière, Jérôme ; Bozicevic, Vedran ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Fricke, Ute ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Rummler, Thomas ; Uphus, Lars ; Schmidt, Stefan ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf ; Müller, Jörg; Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient
Witzgall, Kristina ; Vidal, Alix ; Schubert, David I. ; Höschen, Carmen ; Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Buegger, Franz ; Pouteau, Valérie ; Chenu, Claire ; Mueller, Carsten W.; Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component for persistent soil organic carbon
Passaro, Marcello ; Hemer, Mark A. ; Quartly, Graham D. ; Schwatke, Christian ; Dettmering, Denise ; Seitz, Florian; Global coastal attenuation of wind-waves observed with radar altimetry
Ecker, Veronika ; Stumpf, Martina ; Brandmeier, Lisa ; Neumayer, Tanja ; Pfeuffer, Lisa ; Engleitner, Thomas ; Ringshausen, Ingo ; Nelson, Nina ; Jücker, Manfred ; Wanninger, Stefan ; Zenz, Thorsten ; Wendtner, Clemens ; Manske, Katrin ; Steiger, Katja ; Rad, Roland ; Müschen, Markus ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Buchner, Maike; Targeted PI3K/AKT-hyperactivation induces cell death in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Wilhelm, Mathias ; Zolg, Daniel P. ; Graber, Michael ; Gessulat, Siegfried ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Schnatbaum, Karsten ; Schwencke-Westphal, Celina ; Seifert, Philipp ; de Andrade Krätzig, Niklas ; Zerweck, Johannes ; Knaute, Tobias ; Bräunlein, Eva ; Samaras, Patroklos ; Lautenbacher, Ludwig ; Klaeger, Susan ; Wenschuh, Holger ; Rad, Roland ; Delanghe, Bernard ; Huhmer, Andreas ; Carr, Steven A. ; Clauser, Karl R. ; Krackhardt, Angela M. ; Reimer, Ulf ; Kuster, Bernhard; Deep learning boosts sensitivity of mass spectrometry-based immunopeptidomics
Liu, Jifeng ; Long, Hongyan ; Zeuschner, Dagmar ; Räder, Andreas F. B. ; Polacheck, William J. ; Kessler, Horst ; Sorokin, Lydia ; Trappmann, Britta; Synthetic extracellular matrices with tailored adhesiveness and degradability support lumen formation during angiogenic sprouting
Sun, Xinhua ; Lapin, Dmitry ; Feehan, Joanna M. ; Stolze, Sara C. ; Kramer, Katharina ; Dongus, Joram A. ; Rzemieniewski, Jakub ; Blanvillain-Baufumé, Servane ; Harzen, Anne ; Bautor, Jaqueline ; Derbyshire, Paul ; Menke, Frank L. H. ; Finkemeier, Iris ; Nakagami, Hirofumi ; Jones, Jonathan D. G. ; Parker, Jane E.; Pathogen effector recognition-dependent association of NRG1 with EDS1 and SAG101 in TNL receptor immunity
Nikitin, S. E. ; Nishimoto, S. ; Fan, Y. ; Wu, J. ; Wu, L. S. ; Sukhanov, A. S. ; Brando, M. ; Pavlovskii, N. S. ; Xu, J. ; Vasylechko, L. ; Yu, R. ; Podlesnyak, A.; Multiple fermion scattering in the weakly coupled spin-chain compound YbAlO3
Neumann, Timo ; Feldmann, Sascha ; Moser, Philipp ; Delhomme, Alex ; Zerhoch, Jonathan ; van de Goor, Tim ; Wang, Shuli ; Dyksik, Mateusz ; Winkler, Thomas ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Plochocka, Paulina ; Brandt, Martin S. ; Faugeras, Clément ; Stier, Andreas V. ; Deschler, Felix; Manganese doping for enhanced magnetic brightening and circular polarization control of dark excitons in paramagnetic layered hybrid metal-halide perovskites
Kirchner, Jan H. ; Gjorgjieva, Julijana; Emergence of local and global synaptic organization on cortical dendrites
Buchmann, B. ; Engelbrecht, L. K. ; Fernandez, P. ; Hutterer, F. P. ; Raich, M. K. ; Scheel, C. H. ; Bausch, A. R.; Mechanical plasticity of collagen directs branch elongation in human mammary gland organoids
Klinger, Emmanuel ; Motta, Alessandro ; Marr, Carsten ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Helmstaedter, Moritz; Cellular connectomes as arbiters of local circuit models in the cerebral cortex
Kunkel, Christian ; Margraf, Johannes T. ; Chen, Ke ; Oberhofer, Harald ; Reuter, Karsten; Active discovery of organic semiconductors
Fauser, Joel ; Gulen, Burak ; Pogenberg, Vivian ; Pett, Christian ; Pourjafar-Dehkordi, Danial ; Krisp, Christoph ; Höpfner, Dorothea ; König, Gesa ; Schlüter, Hartmut ; Feige, Matthias J. ; Zacharias, Martin ; Hedberg, Christian ; Itzen, Aymelt; Specificity of AMPylation of the human chaperone BiP is mediated by TPR motifs of FICD
Inak, Gizem ; Rybak-Wolf, Agnieszka ; Lisowski, Pawel ; Pentimalli, Tancredi M. ; Jüttner, René ; Gla ar, Petar ; Uppal, Karan ; Bottani, Emanuela ; Brunetti, Dario ; Secker, Christopher ; Zink, Annika ; Meierhofer, David ; Henke, Marie-Thérèse ; Dey, Monishita ; Ciptasari, Ummi ; Mlody, Barbara ; Hahn, Tobias ; Berruezo-Llacuna, Maria ; Karaiskos, Nikos ; Di Virgilio, Michela ; Mayr, Johannes A. ; Wortmann, Saskia B. ; Priller, Josef ; Gotthardt, Michael ; Jones, Dean P. ; Mayatepek, Ertan ; Stenzel, Werner ; Diecke, Sebastian ; Kühn, Ralf ; Wanker, Erich E. ; Rajewsky, Nikolaus ; Schuelke, Markus ; Prigione, Alessandro; Defective metabolic programming impairs early neuronal morphogenesis in neural cultures and an organoid model of Leigh syndrome
Suwandhi, Lisa ; Altun, Irem ; Karlina, Ruth ; Miok, Viktorian ; Wiedemann, Tobias ; Fischer, David ; Walzthoeni, Thomas ; Lindner, Christina ; Böttcher, Anika ; Heinzmann, Silke S. ; Israel, Andreas ; Khalil, Ahmed Elagamy Mohamed Mahmoud ; Braun, Alexander ; Pramme-Steinwachs, Ines ; Burtscher, Ingo ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Heinig, Matthias ; Elsner, Martin ; Lickert, Heiko ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Ussar, Siegfried; Asc-1 regulates white versus beige adipocyte fate in a subcutaneous stromal cell population
Steinberg, Julia ; Southam, Lorraine ; Roumeliotis, Theodoros I. ; Clark, Matthew J. ; Jayasuriya, Raveen L. ; Swift, Diane ; Shah, Karan M. ; Butterfield, Natalie C. ; Brooks, Roger A. ; McCaskie, Andrew W. ; Bassett, J. H. Duncan ; Williams, Graham R. ; Choudhary, Jyoti S. ; Wilkinson, J. Mark ; Zeggini, Eleftheria; A molecular quantitative trait locus map for osteoarthritis
Colombo, Alessio ; Dinkel, Lina ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Sebastian Monasor, Laura ; Schifferer, Martina ; Cantuti-Castelvetri, Ludovico ; König, Jasmin ; Vidatic, Lea ; Bremova-Ertl, Tatiana ; Lieberman, Andrew P. ; Hecimovic, Silva ; Simons, Mikael ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Strupp, Michael ; Schneider, Susanne A. ; Tahirovic, Sabina; Loss of NPC1 enhances phagocytic uptake and impairs lipid trafficking in microglia
Lechner, Markus ; Engleitner, Thomas ; Babushku, Tea ; Schmidt-Supprian, Marc ; Rad, Roland ; Strobl, Lothar J. ; Zimber-Strobl, Ursula; Notch2-mediated plasticity between marginal zone and follicular B cells
Wagner, Elias ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Fernando, Piyumi ; Falkai, Peter ; Honer, William G. ; Röh, Astrid ; Siskind, Dan ; Leucht, Stefan ; Hasan, Alkomiet; Efficacy and safety of clozapine in psychotic disorders_a systematic quantitative meta-review
Wendel, Bernadette ; Papiol, Sergi ; Andlauer, Till F. M. ; Zimmermann, Jörg ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Spitzer, Carsten ; Senner, Fanny ; Schulte, Eva C. ; Schmauß, Max ; Schaupp, Sabrina K. ; Repple, Jonathan ; Reininghaus, Eva ; Reimer, Jens ; Reich-Erkelenz, Daniela ; Opel, Nils ; Nenadić, Igor ; Meinert, Susanne ; Konrad, Carsten ; Klöhn-Saghatolislam, Farahnaz ; Kircher, Tilo ; Kalman, Janos L. ; Juckel, Georg ; Jansen, Andreas ; Jäger, Markus ; Heilbronner, Maria ; von Hagen, Martin ; Gade, Katrin ; Figge, Christian ; Fallgatter, Andreas J. ; Dietrich, Detlef E. ; Dannlowski, Udo ; Comes, Ashley L. ; Budde, Monika ; Baune, Bernhard T. ; Arolt, Volker ; Anghelescu, Ion-George ; Anderson-Schmidt, Heike ; Adorjan, Kristina ; Falkai, Peter ; Schulze, Thomas G. ; Bickeböller, Heike ; Heilbronner, Urs; A genome-wide association study of the longitudinal course of executive functions
Andlauer, Till F. M. ; Mühleisen, Thomas W. ; Hoffstaedter, Felix ; Teumer, Alexander ; Wittfeld, Katharina ; Teuber, Anja ; Reinbold, Céline S. ; Grotegerd, Dominik ; Bülow, Robin ; Caspers, Svenja ; Dannlowski, Udo ; Herms, Stefan ; Hoffmann, Per ; Kircher, Tilo ; Minnerup, Heike ; Moebus, Susanne ; Nenadić, Igor ; Teismann, Henning ; Völker, Uwe ; Etkin, Amit ; Berger, Klaus ; Grabe, Hans J. ; Nöthen, Markus M. ; Amunts, Katrin ; Eickhoff, Simon B. ; Sämann, Philipp G. ; Müller-Myhsok, Bertram ; Cichon, Sven; Genetic factors influencing a neurobiological substrate for psychiatric disorders
Guzman-Parra, Jose ; Streit, Fabian ; Forstner, Andreas J. ; Strohmaier, Jana ; González, Maria José ; Gil Flores, Susana ; Cabaleiro Fabeiro, Francisco J. ; del Río Noriega, Francisco ; Perez Perez, Fermin ; Haro González, Jesus ; Orozco Diaz, Guillermo ; de Diego-Otero, Yolanda ; Moreno-Kustner, Berta ; Auburger, Georg ; Degenhardt, Franziska ; Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie ; Herms, Stefan ; Hoffmann, Per ; Frank, Josef ; Foo, Jerome C. ; Sirignano, Lea ; Witt, Stephanie H. ; Cichon, Sven ; Rivas, Fabio ; Mayoral, Fermín ; Nöthen, Markus M. ; Andlauer, Till F. M. ; Rietschel, Marcella; Clinical and genetic differences between bipolar disorder type 1 and 2 in multiplex families
Görgülü, Kivanç ; Kabacaoğlu, Derya ; Algül, Hana; An anti-tumor coup: TIM3 ablation activates the immune arsenal
Conlon, Thomas M. ; Knolle, Percy A. ; Yildirim, Ali Önder; Local tissue development of type 1 innate lymphoid cells: guided by interferon-gamma
Multhoff, Gabriele ; Vaupel, Peter; Lactate-avid regulatory T cells: metabolic plasticity controls immunosuppression in tumour microenvironment
Unterer, Magdalena ; Khan Mirzaei, Mohammadali ; Deng, Li; Gut Phage Database: phage mining in the cave of wonders
Riepl, J. ; Raab, J. ; Abajyan, P. ; Nong, H. ; Freeman, J. R. ; Li, L. H. ; Linfield, E. H. ; Davies, A. G. ; Wacker, A. ; Albes, T. ; Jirauschek, C. ; Lange, C. ; Dhillon, S. S. ; Huber, R.; Field-resolved high-order sub-cycle nonlinearities in a terahertz semiconductor laser
Günther, Julia ; Hoffmann, Julia ; Stecher, Lynne ; Spies, Monika ; Geyer, Kristina ; Raab, Roxana ; Meyer, Dorothy ; Rauh, Kathrin ; Hauner, Hans; How does antenatal lifestyle affect the risk for gestational diabetes mellitus? A secondary cohort analysis from the GeliS trial
Wang, Xin ; Ros, Uris ; Agrawal, Deepti ; Keller, Eva C. ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia ; Dill, Veronika ; Shen, Bo ; Shi, Run ; Herold, Tobias ; Belka, Claus ; Mishra, Ritu ; Bassermann, Florian ; Garcia-Saez, Ana J. ; Jost, Philipp J.; MLKL promotes cellular differentiation in myeloid leukemia by facilitating the release of G-CSF
Kohlruss, Meike ; Krenauer, Marie ; Grosser, Bianca ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia ; Novotny, Alexander ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Steiger, Katja ; Gaida, Matthias M. ; Reiche, Magdalena ; Bauer, Lukas ; Ott, Katja ; Weichert, Wilko ; Keller, Gisela; Diverse 'just-right' levels of chromosomal instability and their clinical implications in neoadjuvant treated gastric cancer
Konukiewitz, Björn ; Schmitt, Maxime ; Silva, Miguel ; Pohl, Junika ; Lang, Corinna ; Steiger, Katja ; Halfter, Kathrin ; Engel, Jutta ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Boxberg, Melanie ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Wilhelm, Dirk ; Foersch, Sebastian ; Tschurtschenthaler, Markus ; Weichert, Wilko ; Jesinghaus, Moritz; Loss of CDX2 in colorectal cancer is associated with histopathologic subtypes and microsatellite instability but is prognostically inferior to hematoxylin-eosin-based morphologic parameters from the WHO classification
Thiel, U. ; Schober, S. J. ; Ranft, A. ; Gassmann, H. ; Jabar, S. ; Gall, K. ; von Lüttichau, I. ; Wawer, A. ; Koscielniak, E. ; Diaz, M. A. ; Ussowicz, M. ; Kazantsev, I. ; Afanasyev, B. ; Merker, M. ; Klingebiel, T. ; Prete, A. ; Gruhn, B. ; Bader, P. ; Jürgens, H. ; Dirksen, U. ; Handgretinger, R. ; Burdach, S. ; Lang, P.; No difference in survival after HLA mismatched versus HLA matched allogeneic stem cell transplantation in Ewing sarcoma patients with advanced disease
Weiss, Anna S. ; Burrichter, Anna G. ; Durai Raj, Abilash Chakravarthy ; von Strempel, Alexandra ; Meng, Chen ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Münch, Philipp C. ; Rössler, Luis ; Huber, Claudia ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Jochum, Lara M. ; Göing, Stephanie ; Jung, Kirsten ; Lincetto, Chiara ; Hübner, Johannes ; Marinos, Georgios ; Zimmermann, Johannes ; Kaleta, Christoph ; Sanchez, Alvaro ; Stecher, Bärbel; In vitro interaction network of a synthetic gut bacterial community
Coskun, Ömer K. ; Vuillemin, Aurèle ; Schubotz, Florence ; Klein, Frieder ; Sichel, Susanna E. ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Orsi, William D.; Quantifying the effects of hydrogen on carbon assimilation in a seafloor microbial community associated with ultramafic rocks
Prax, Nicoletta ; Wagner, Stefanie ; Schardt, Jakob ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Clavel, Thomas ; Fuchs, Thilo M.; A diet-specific microbiota drives Salmonella Typhimurium to adapt its in vivo response to plant-derived substrates
Zolotareva, Olga ; Nasirigerdeh, Reza ; Matschinske, Julian ; Torkzadehmahani, Reihaneh ; Bakhtiari, Mohammad ; Frisch, Tobias ; Späth, Julian ; Blumenthal, David B. ; Abbasinejad, Amir ; Tieri, Paolo ; Kaissis, Georgios ; Rückert, Daniel ; Wenke, Nina K. ; List, Markus ; Baumbach, Jan; Flimma: a federated and privacy-aware tool for differential gene expression analysis
Louadi, Zakaria ; Elkjaer, Maria L. ; Klug, Melissa ; Lio, Chit Tong ; Fenn, Amit ; Illes, Zsolt ; Bongiovanni, Dario ; Baumbach, Jan ; Kacprowski, Tim ; List, Markus ; Tsoy, Olga; Functional enrichment of alternative splicing events with NEASE reveals insights into tissue identity and diseases
Shaigani, Pariya ; Awad, Dania ; Redai, Veronika ; Fuchs, Monika ; Haack, Martina ; Mehlmer, Norbert ; Brueck, Thomas; Oleaginous yeasts- substrate preference and lipid productivity: a view on the performance of microbial lipid producers
Atmann, Oxana ; Torge, Marion ; Schneider, Antonius; The “General practitioner learning stations”—development, implementation and optimization of an innovative format for sustainable teaching in general practice
Dienemann, Thomas ; Brennfleck, Frank ; Dejaco, Alexander ; Grützmann, Robert ; Binder, Johannes ; Krautz, Christian ; Stöß, Christian ; Jäger, Carsten ; Friess, Helmut ; Schlitt, Hans Jürgen ; Brunner, Stefan M.; Collateral effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on oncologic surgery in Bavaria
Aktürk, Zekeriya ; Linde, Klaus ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Kunisch, Raphael ; Schneider, Antonius; COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in people with migratory backgrounds: a cross-sectional study among Turkish- and German-speaking citizens in Munich
Yang, Chuhua ; Starnecker, Fabian ; Pang, Shichao ; Chen, Zhifen ; Güldener, Ulrich ; Li, Ling ; Heinig, Matthias ; Schunkert, Heribert; Polygenic risk for coronary artery disease in the Scottish and English population
Abellan-Schneyder, Isabel ; Schusser, Andrea Janina ; Neuhaus, Klaus; ddPCR allows 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing of very small DNA amounts from low-biomass samples
Wichmann, Stefan ; Scherer, Siegfried ; Ardern, Zachary; Biological factors in the synthetic construction of overlapping genes
Ramalho, Tiago ; Kremser, Stephan ; Wu, Hao ; Gerland, Ulrich; Programmable pattern formation in cellular systems with local signaling
Krivega, Maria ; Stiefel, Clara M. ; Karbassi, Sahar ; Andersen, Line L. ; Chunduri, Narendra K. ; Donnelly, Neysan ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Storchová, Zuzana; Genotoxic stress in constitutive trisomies induces autophagy and the innate immune response via the cGAS-STING pathway
Krafczyk, Ralph ; Qi, Fei ; Sieber, Alina ; Mehler, Judith ; Jung, Kirsten ; Frishman, Dmitrij ; Lassak, Jürgen; Proline codon pair selection determines ribosome pausing strength and translation efficiency in bacteria
Anetsberger, Aida ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Ringel, Florian ; Bernlochner, Isabell ; Heim, Markus ; Bogdanski, Ralph ; Wostrack, Maria ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Graeßner, Martin ; Baumgart, Lea ; Gempt, Jens; Association of Troponin T levels and functional outcome 3 months after subarachnoid hemorrhage
Geist, Juergen ; Bayerl, Helmut ; Stoeckle, Bernhard C. ; Kuehn, Ralph; Securing genetic integrity in freshwater pearl mussel propagation and captive breeding
Kuhn, K. Friedrich ; Grunow, Julius J. ; Leimer, Pascal ; Lorenz, Marco ; Berger, David ; Schefold, Joerg C. ; Weber-Carstens, Steffen ; Schaller, Stefan J.; Assessment of magnetic flux density properties of electromagnetic noninvasive phrenic nerve stimulations for environmental safety in an ICU environment
Schultheiss, Manuel ; Schmette, Philipp ; Bodden, Jannis ; Aichele, Juliane ; Müller-Leisse, Christina ; Gassert, Felix G. ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Gawlitza, Joshua F. ; Hofmann, Felix C. ; Sasse, Daniel ; von Schacky, Claudio E. ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; De Marco, Fabio ; Renger, Bernhard ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Pfeiffer, Daniela; Lung nodule detection in chest X-rays using synthetic ground-truth data comparing CNN-based diagnosis to human performance
Sauter, Andreas P. ; Andrejewski, Jana ; Frank, Manuela ; Willer, Konstantin ; Herzen, Julia ; Meurer, Felix ; Fingerle, Alexander A. ; Makowski, Markus R. ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Pfeiffer, Daniela; Correlation of image quality parameters with tube voltage in X-ray dark-field chest radiography: a phantom study
Papp, Ádám ; Kiechle, Martina ; Mendisch, Simon ; Ahrens, Valentin ; Sahin, Levent ; Seitner, Lukas ; Porod, Wolfgang ; Csaba, Gyorgy ; Becherer, Markus; Experimental demonstration of a concave grating for spin waves in the Rowland arrangement
Werfel, Stanislas ; Lorenz, Georg ; Haller, Bernhard ; Günthner, Roman ; Matschkal, Julia ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Schaller, Carolin ; Gundel, Peter ; Kemmner, Stephan ; Hayek, Salim S. ; Nusshag, Christian ; Reiser, Jochen ; Moog, Philipp ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmaderer, Christoph; Application of regularized regression to identify novel predictors of mortality in a cohort of hemodialysis patients
Fritz, Eva Maria ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Altunkaya, Alp ; Singewald, Nicolas ; Fenzl, Thomas; Altered sleep behavior in a genetic mouse model of impaired fear extinction
Ritschl, Lucas M. ; Hofmann, Marie-Kristin ; Wolff, Constantin T. ; Schmidt, Leonard H. ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Fichter, Andreas M. ; Mücke, Thomas; Effects of endothelial defects and venous interposition grafts on the acute incidence of thrombus formation within microvascular procedures
Lendzian, Klaus J. ; Beck, Andreas; Barrier properties of fungal fruit body skins, pileipelles, contribute to protection against water loss
Bette, Stefanie ; Ruhland, Julia M. ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Barz, Melanie ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Zimmer, Claus ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Ringel, Florian ; Gempt, Jens; Postoperative cognitive functions in patients with benign intracranial lesions
Einhellig, Heike C. ; Siebert, Eberhard ; Bauknecht, Hans-C. ; Tietze, Anna ; Graef, Josefine ; Furth, Christian ; Schulze, Daniel ; Miszczuk, Milena ; Bohner, Georg ; Schatka, Imke ; Makowski, Marcus R.; Comparison of diagnostic value of 68 Ga-DOTATOC PET/MRI and standalone MRI for the detection of intracranial meningiomas
Notohamiprodjo, S. ; Roeper, K. M. ; Treitl, K. M. ; Hoberg, B. ; Wanninger, F. ; Verstreepen, L. ; Mueck, F. G. ; Maxien, D. ; Fischer, F. ; Peschel, O. ; Wirth, S.; Image quality is resilient against tube voltage variations in post-mortem skeletal radiography with a digital flat-panel detector
Wagner, Arthur ; Haag, Elena ; Joerger, Ann-Kathrin ; Jost, Philipp ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Wostrack, Maria ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard; Comprehensive surgical treatment strategy for spinal metastases
Seibold, Matthias ; Maurer, Steven ; Hoch, Armando ; Zingg, Patrick ; Farshad, Mazda ; Navab, Nassir ; Fürnstahl, Philipp; Real-time acoustic sensing and artificial intelligence for error prevention in orthopedic surgery
Diez, Michael ; Galler, Andreas ; Schulz, Sebastian ; Boemer, Christina ; Coffee, Ryan N. ; Hartmann, Nick ; Heider, Rupert ; Wagner, Martin S. ; Helml, Wolfram ; Katayama, Tetsuo ; Sato, Tokushi ; Sato, Takahiro ; Yabashi, Makina ; Bressler, Christian; A self-referenced in-situ arrival time monitor for X-ray free-electron lasers
Hoppe, Kerstin ; Jurkat-Rott, Karin ; Kranepuhl, Stefanie ; Wearing, Scott ; Heiderich, Sebastian ; Merlak, Sonja ; Klingler, Werner; Relevance of pathogenicity prediction tools in human RYR1 variants of unknown significance
Joerger, Ann-Kathrin ; Shiban, Ehab ; Krieg, Sandro M. ; Meyer, Bernhard; Carbon-fiber reinforced PEEK instrumentation for spondylodiscitis: a single center experience on safety and efficacy
Grosu, Sergio ; Rospleszcz, Susanne ; Hartmann, Felix ; Habes, Mohamad ; Bamberg, Fabian ; Schlett, Christopher L. ; Galie, Franziska ; Lorbeer, Roberto ; Auweter, Sigrid ; Selder, Sonja ; Buelow, Robin ; Heier, Margit ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Mueller-Peltzer, Katharina ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Grabe, Hans J. ; Peters, Annette ; Ertl-Wagner, Birgit B. ; Stoecklein, Sophia; Associated factors of white matter hyperintensity volume: a machine-learning approach
Schmauder, Lukas ; Absmeier, Eva ; Bepperling, Alexander ; Barkovits, Katalin ; Marcus, Katrin ; Richter, Klaus; Nematode CDC-37 and DNJ-13 form complexes and can interact with HSP-90
Hilker, Charlotte ; Tizek, Linda ; Rüth, Melvin ; Schielein, Maximilian ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zink, Alexander; Leveraging internet search data to assess prevalence, interest, and unmet needs of sarcoidosis in Germany
Bliemsrieder, Elisabeth ; Kaissis, Georgios ; Grashei, Martin ; Topping, Geoffrey ; Altomonte, Jennifer ; Hundshammer, Christian ; Lohöfer, Fabian ; Heid, Irina ; Keim, Dominik ; Gebrekidan, Selamawit ; Trajkovic-Arsic, Marija ; Winkelkotte, AM ; Steiger, Katja ; Nawroth, Roman ; Siveke, Jens ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Makowski, Marcus ; Schilling, Franz ; Braren, Rickmer; Hyperpolarized 13C pyruvate magnetic resonance spectroscopy for in vivo metabolic phenotyping of rat HCC
Littmann, Maria ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Dallago, Christian ; Olenyi, Tobias ; Rost, Burkhard; Embeddings from deep learning transfer GO annotations beyond homology
Liebl, Hans ; Schinz, David ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; Malagutti, Luca ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Bayat, Amirhossein ; El Husseini, Malek ; Tetteh, Giles ; Grau, Katharina ; Niederreiter, Eva ; Baum, Thomas ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Menze, Bjoern ; Braren, Rickmer ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S.; A computed tomography vertebral segmentation dataset with anatomical variations and multi-vendor scanner data
Phillips, Helen R. P. ; Bach, Elizabeth M. ; Bartz, Marie L. C. ; Bennett, Joanne M. ; Beugnon, Rémy ; Briones, Maria J. I. ; Brown, George G. ; Ferlian, Olga ; Gongalsky, Konstantin B. ; Guerra, Carlos A. ; König-Ries, Birgitta ; Krebs, Julia J. ; Orgiazzi, Alberto ; Ramirez, Kelly S. ; Russell, David J. ; Schwarz, Benjamin ; Wall, Diana H. ; Brose, Ulrich ; Decaëns, Thibaud ; Lavelle, Patrick ; Loreau, Michel ; Mathieu, Jérôme ; Mulder, Christian ; van der Putten, Wim H. ; Rillig, Matthias C. ; Thakur, Madhav P. ; de Vries, Franciska T. ; Wardle, David A. ; Ammer, Christian ; Ammer, Sabine ; Arai, Miwa ; Ayuke, Fredrick O. ; Baker, Geoff H. ; Baretta, Dilmar ; Barkusky, Dietmar ; Beauséjour, Robin ; Bedano, Jose C. ; Birkhofer, Klaus ; Blanchart, Eric ; Blossey, Bernd ; Bolger, Thomas ; Bradley, Robert L. ; Brossard, Michel ; Burtis, James C. ; Capowiez, Yvan ; Cavagnaro, Timothy R. ; Choi, Amy ; Clause, Julia ; Cluzeau, Daniel ; Coors, Anja ; Crotty, Felicity V. ; Crumsey, Jasmine M. ; Dávalos, Andrea ; Cosín, Darío J. Díaz ; Dobson, Annise M. ; Domínguez, Anahí ; Duhour, Andrés Esteban ; van Eekeren, Nick ; Emmerling, Christoph ; Falco, Liliana B. ; Fernández, Rosa ; Fonte, Steven J. ; Fragoso, Carlos ; Franco, André L. C. ; Fusilero, Abegail ; Geraskina, Anna P. ; Gholami, Shaieste ; González, Grizelle ; Gundale, Michael J. ; López, Mónica Gutiérrez ; Hackenberger, Branimir K. ; Hackenberger, Davorka K. ; Hernández, Luis M. ; Hirth, Jeff R. ; Hishi, Takuo ; Holdsworth, Andrew R. ; Holmstrup, Martin ; Hopfensperger, Kristine N. ; Lwanga, Esperanza Huerta ; Huhta, Veikko ; Hurisso, Tunsisa T. ; Iannone, Basil V. ; Iordache, Madalina ; Irmler, Ulrich ; Ivask, Mari ; Jesús, Juan B. ; Johnson-Maynard, Jodi L. ; Joschko, Monika ; Kaneko, Nobuhiro ; Kanianska, Radoslava ; Keith, Aidan M. ; Kernecker, Maria L. ; Koné, Armand W. ; Kooch, Yahya ; Kukkonen, Sanna T. ; Lalthanzara, H. ; Lammel, Daniel R. ; Lebedev, Iurii M. ; Le Cadre, Edith ; Lincoln, Noa K. ; López-Hernández, Danilo ; Loss, Scott R. ; Marichal, Raphael ; Matula, Radim ; Minamiya, Yukio ; Moos, Jan Hendrik ; Moreno, Gerardo ; Morón-Ríos, Alejandro ; Motohiro, Hasegawa ; Muys, Bart ; Neirynck, Johan ; Norgrove, Lindsey ; Novo, Marta ; Nuutinen, Visa ; Nuzzo, Victoria ; Mujeeb Rahman, P. ; Pansu, Johan ; Paudel, Shishir ; Pérès, Guénola ; Pérez-Camacho, Lorenzo ; Ponge, Jean-François ; Prietzel, Jörg ; Rapoport, Irina B. ; Rashid, Muhammad Imtiaz ; Rebollo, Salvador ; Rodríguez, Miguel Á. ; Roth, Alexander M. ; Rousseau, Guillaume X. ; Rozen, Anna ; Sayad, Ehsan ; van Schaik, Loes ; Scharenbroch, Bryant ; Schirrmann, Michael ; Schmidt, Olaf ; Schröder, Boris ; Seeber, Julia ; Shashkov, Maxim P. ; Singh, Jaswinder ; Smith, Sandy M. ; Steinwandter, Michael ; Szlavecz, Katalin ; Talavera, José Antonio ; Trigo, Dolores ; Tsukamoto, Jiro ; Uribe-López, Sheila ; de Valença, Anne W. ; Virto, Iñigo ; Wackett, Adrian A. ; Warren, Matthew W. ; Webster, Emily R. ; Wehr, Nathaniel H. ; Whalen, Joann K. ; Wironen, Michael B. ; Wolters, Volkmar ; Wu, Pengfei ; Zenkova, Irina V. ; Zhang, Weixin ; Cameron, Erin K. ; Eisenhauer, Nico; Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties
Karg, Cornelia A. ; Neubig, Christina M. ; Roosen, Jutta ; Moser, Simone; Rising levels of antioxidative phyllobilins in stored agricultural produce and their impact on consumer acceptance
Carlet, Michela ; Völse, Kerstin ; Vergalli, Jenny ; Becker, Martin ; Herold, Tobias ; Arner, Anja ; Senft, Daniela ; Jurinovic, Vindi ; Liu, Wen-Hsin ; Gao, Yuqiao ; Dill, Veronika ; Fehse, Boris ; Baldus, Claudia D. ; Bastian, Lorenz ; Lenk, Lennart ; Schewe, Denis M. ; Bagnoli, Johannes W. ; Vick, Binje ; Schmid, Jan Philipp ; Wilhelm, Alexander ; Marschalek, Rolf ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Miething, Cornelius ; Riecken, Kristoffer ; Schmidt-Supprian, Marc ; Binder, Vera ; Jeremias, Irmela; In vivo inducible reverse genetics in patients' tumors to identify individual therapeutic targets
Haugland, Sindre W. ; Tosolini, Anton ; Krischer, Katharina; Between synchrony and turbulence: intricate hierarchies of coexistence patterns
Liu, Shu ; Hossinger, André ; Heumüller, Stefanie-Elisabeth ; Hornberger, Annika ; Buravlova, Oleksandra ; Konstantoulea, Katerina ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Paulsen, Lydia ; Rousseau, Frederic ; Schymkowitz, Joost ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Neumann, Manuela ; Denner, Philip ; Vorberg, Ina M.; Highly efficient intercellular spreading of protein misfolding mediated by viral ligand-receptor interactions
Hoefig, Kai P. ; Reim, Alexander ; Gallus, Christian ; Wong, Elaine H. ; Behrens, Gesine ; Conrad, Christine ; Xu, Meng ; Kifinger, Lisa ; Ito-Kureha, Taku ; Defourny, Kyra A. Y. ; Geerlof, Arie ; Mautner, Josef ; Hauck, Stefanie M. ; Baumjohann, Dirk ; Feederle, Regina ; Mann, Matthias ; Wierer, Michael ; Glasmacher, Elke ; Heissmeyer, Vigo; Defining the RBPome of primary T helper cells to elucidate higher-order Roquin-mediated mRNA regulation
Danese, Anna ; Richter, Maria L. ; Chaichoompu, Kridsadakorn ; Fischer, David S. ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Colomé-Tatché, Maria; EpiScanpy: integrated single-cell epigenomic analysis
Fischer, David S. ; Ansari, Meshal ; Wagner, Karolin I. ; Jarosch, Sebastian ; Huang, Yiqi ; Mayr, Christoph H. ; Strunz, Maximilian ; Lang, Niklas J. ; D'Ippolito, Elvira ; Hammel, Monika ; Mateyka, Laura ; Weber, Simone ; Wolff, Lisa S. ; Witter, Klaus ; Fernandez, Isis E. ; Leuschner, Gabriela ; Milger, Katrin ; Frankenberger, Marion ; Nowak, Lorenz ; Heinig-Menhard, Katharina ; Koch, Ina ; Stoleriu, Mircea G. ; Hilgendorff, Anne ; Behr, Jürgen ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Schubert, Benjamin ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Busch, Dirk H. ; Schiller, Herbert B. ; Schober, Kilian; Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals ex vivo signatures of SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells through 'reverse phenotyping'
Scherg, Sebastian ; Kohlert, Thomas ; Sala, Pablo ; Pollmann, Frank ; Hebbe Madhusudhana, Bharath ; Bloch, Immanuel ; Aidelsburger, Monika; Observing non-ergodicity due to kinetic constraints in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains
Stömmer, Pierre ; Kiefer, Henrik ; Kopperger, Enzo ; Honemann, Maximilian N. ; Kube, Massimo ; Simmel, Friedrich C. ; Netz, Roland R. ; Dietz, Hendrik; A synthetic tubular molecular transport system
Richter, M. L. ; Deligiannis, I. K. ; Yin, K. ; Danese, A. ; Lleshi, E. ; Coupland, P. ; Vallejos, C. A. ; Matchett, K. P. ; Henderson, N. C. ; Colome-Tatche, M. ; Martinez-Jimenez, C. P.; Single-nucleus RNA-seq2 reveals functional crosstalk between liver zonation and ploidy
Meier, Florian ; Köhler, Niklas D. ; Brunner, Andreas-David ; Wanka, Jean-Marc H. ; Voytik, Eugenia ; Strauss, Maximilian T. ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Mann, Matthias; Deep learning the collisional cross sections of the peptide universe from a million experimental values
Biebl, Maximilian M. ; Lopez, Abraham ; Rehn, Alexandra ; Freiburger, Lee ; Lawatscheck, Jannis ; Blank, Birgit ; Sattler, Michael ; Buchner, Johannes; Structural elements in the flexible tail of the co-chaperone p23 coordinate client binding and progression of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle
Kanev, Kristiyan ; Roelli, Patrick ; Wu, Ming ; Wurmser, Christine ; Delorenzi, Mauro ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Zehn, Dietmar; Tailoring the resolution of single-cell RNA sequencing for primary cytotoxic T cells
Ehbrecht, Martin ; Seidel, Dominik ; Annighöfer, Peter ; Kreft, Holger ; Köhler, Michael ; Zemp, Delphine Clara ; Puettmann, Klaus ; Nilus, Reuben ; Babweteera, Fred ; Willim, Katharina ; Stiers, Melissa ; Soto, Daniel ; Boehmer, Hans Juergen ; Fisichelli, Nicholas ; Burnett, Michael ; Juday, Glenn ; Stephens, Scott L. ; Ammer, Christian; Global patterns and climatic controls of forest structural complexity
Du, Jiqing ; Wrisberg, Marie-Kristin von ; Gulen, Burak ; Stahl, Matthias ; Pett, Christian ; Hedberg, Christian ; Lang, Kathrin ; Schneider, Sabine ; Itzen, Aymelt; Rab1-AMPylation by Legionella DrrA is allosterically activated by Rab1
Papaioannou, Nikos E. ; Salei, Natallia ; Rambichler, Stephan ; Ravi, Kaushikk ; Popovic, Jelena ; Küntzel, Vanessa ; Lehmann, Christian H. K. ; Fiancette, Remi ; Salvermoser, Johanna ; Gajdasik, Dominika W. ; Mettler, Ramona ; Messerer, Denise ; Carrelha, Joana ; Ohnmacht, Caspar ; Haller, Dirk ; Stumm, Ralf ; Straub, Tobias ; Jacobsen, Sten Eirik W. ; Schulz, Christian ; Withers, David R. ; Schotta, Gunnar ; Dudziak, Diana ; Schraml, Barbara U.; Environmental signals rather than layered ontogeny imprint the function of type 2 conventional dendritic cells in young and adult mice
Mertes, Christian ; Scheller, Ines F. ; Yépez, Vicente A. ; Çelik, Muhammed H. ; Liang, Yingjiqiong ; Kremer, Laura S. ; Gusic, Mirjana ; Prokisch, Holger ; Gagneur, Julien; Detection of aberrant splicing events in RNA-seq data using FRASER
Margraf, Johannes T. ; Reuter, Karsten; Pure non-local machine-learned density functional theory for electron correlation
Tang, Qilin ; Gao, Pan ; Arzberger, Thomas ; Höllerhage, Matthias ; Herms, Jochen ; Höglinger, Günter ; Koeglsperger, Thomas; Alpha-Synuclein defects autophagy by impairing SNAP29-mediated autophagosome-lysosome fusion
Ribas, Vinicius Toledo ; Vahsen, Björn Friedhelm ; Tatenhorst, Lars ; Estrada, Veronica ; Dambeck, Vivian ; Almeida, Raquel Alves ; Bähr, Mathias ; Michel, Uwe ; Koch, Jan Christoph ; Müller, Hans Werner ; Lingor, Paul; AAV-mediated inhibition of ULK1 promotes axonal regeneration in the central nervous system in vitro and in vivo
Bongiovanni, Dario ; Klug, Melissa ; Lazareva, Olga ; Weidlich, Simon ; Biasi, Marina ; Ursu, Simona ; Warth, Sarah ; Buske, Christian ; Lukas, Marina ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Scheidt, Moritz von ; Condorelli, Gianluigi ; Baumbach, Jan ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; List, Markus ; Bernlochner, Isabell; SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with a pro-thrombotic platelet phenotype
Rautenberg, Christina ; Stölzel, Friedrich ; Röllig, Christoph ; Stelljes, Matthias ; Gaidzik, Verena ; Lauseker, Michael ; Kriege, Oliver ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Unglaub, Julia Marie ; Thol, Felicitas ; Krause, Stefan W. ; Hänel, Mathias ; Neuerburg, Charlotte ; Vucinic, Vladan ; Jehn, Christian-Friedrich ; Severmann, Julia ; Wass, Maxi ; Fransecky, Lars ; Chemnitz, Jens ; Holtick, Udo ; Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin ; Schröder, Josephine ; Kraus, Sabrina ; Krüger, William ; Kaiser, Ulrich ; Scholl, Sebastian ; Koch, Kathrin ; Henning, Lea ; Kobbe, Guido ; Haas, Rainer ; Alakel, Nael ; Röhnert, Maximilian-Alexander ; Sockel, Katja ; Hanoun, Maher ; Platzbecker, Uwe ; Holderried, Tobias A. W. ; Morgner, Anke ; Heuser, Michael ; Sauer, Tim ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Wagner-Drouet, Eva ; Döhner, Konstanze ; Döhner, Hartmut ; Schliemann, Christoph ; Schetelig, Johannes ; Bornhäuser, Martin ; Germing, Ulrich ; Schroeder, Thomas ; Middeke, Jan Moritz; Real-world experience of CPX-351 as first-line treatment for patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Csehi, Robert ; Heldt, Eugenia C.; Populism as a 'corrective' to trade agreements? 'America First' and the readjustment of NAFTA
Heldt, Eugenia C.; A new delegation design for EU governance: how preference cohesiveness of multiple principals shapes the European Commission's discretion in trade negotiations
Azevedo, Vitor ; Kaserer, Christoph ; Campos, Lucila M. S.; Investor sentiment and the time-varying sustainability premium
Blitz, David ; Hanauer, Matthias X. ; van Vliet, Pim; The Volatility Effect in China
Söntgerath, Regine ; Däggelmann, Julia ; Kesting, Sabine V. ; Rueegg, Corina S. ; Wittke, Torge-Christian ; Reich, Simon ; Eckert, Katharina G. ; Stoessel, Sandra ; Chamorro-Viña, Carolina ; Wiskemann, Joachim ; Wright, Peter ; Senn-Malashonak, Anna ; Oschwald, Vanessa ; Till, Anne-Marie ; Götte, Miriam; Physical and functional performance assessment in pediatric oncology: a systematic review
Bauer, Julia ; Cuvelier, Nicole ; Ragab, Nada ; Simon-Keller, Katja ; Nitzki, Frauke ; Geyer, Natalie ; Botermann, Dominik S. ; Elmer, Dominik P. ; Rosenberger, Albert ; Rando, Thomas A. ; Biressi, Stefano ; Fagin, James A. ; Saur, Dieter ; Dullin, Christian ; Schildhaus, Hans-Ulrich ; Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter ; Aberger, Fritz ; Uhmann, Anja ; Hahn, Heidi; Context-dependent modulation of aggressiveness of pediatric tumors by individual oncogenic RAS isoforms
Niu, Guanglin ; Hellmuth, Isabel ; Flisikowska, Tatiana ; Pausch, Hubert ; Rieblinger, Beate ; Carrapeiro, Alexander ; Schade, Benjamin ; Böhm, Brigitte ; Kappe, Eva ; Fischer, Konrad ; Klinger, Bernhard ; Steiger, Katja ; Burgkart, Reiner ; Bourdon, Jean-Christophe ; Saur, Dieter ; Kind, Alexander ; Schnieke, Angelika ; Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Porcine model elucidates function of p53 isoform in carcinogenesis and reveals novel circTP53 RNA
Wagner, Matias ; Lorenz, Georg ; Volk, Alexander E. ; Brunet, Theresa ; Edbauer, Dieter ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Zhao, Chen ; Anderl-Straub, Sarah ; Bertram, Lars ; Danek, Adrian ; Deschauer, Marcus ; Dill, Veronika ; Fassbender, Klaus ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Jahn, Holger ; Kornhuber, Johannes ; Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard ; Lauer, Martin ; Obrig, Hellmuth ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Schneider, Anja ; Schroeter, Matthias L. ; Uttner, Ingo ; Vukovich, Ruth ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Zhou, Qihui ; Ludolph, Albert C. ; Oexle, Konrad ; Otto, Markus ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Winkelmann, Juliane; Clinico-genetic findings in 509 frontotemporal dementia patients
Zacharias, Helena U. ; Hertel, Johannes ; Johar, Hamimatunnisa ; Pietzner, Maik ; Lukaschek, Karoline ; Atasoy, Seryan ; Kunze, Sonja ; Völzke, Henry ; Nauck, Matthias ; Friedrich, Nele ; Kastenmüller, Gabi ; Grabe, Hans J. ; Gieger, Christian ; Krumsiek, Jan ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; A metabolome-wide association study in the general population reveals decreased levels of serum laurylcarnitine in people with depression
Lewis, Richard ; Maurer, H. Carlo ; Singh, Nikita ; Gonzalez-Menendez, Irene ; Wirth, Matthias ; Schick, Markus ; Zhang, Le ; Isaakidis, Konstandina ; Scherger, Anna Katharina ; Schulze, Veronika ; Lu, Junyan ; Zenz, Thorsten ; Steiger, Katja ; Rad, Roland ; Quintanilla-Martinez, Leticia ; Espeli, Marion ; Balabanian, Karl ; Keller, Ulrich ; Habringer, Stefan; CXCR4 hyperactivation cooperates with TCL1 in CLL development and aggressiveness
Honecker, Julius ; Weidlich, Dominik ; Heisz, Simone ; Lindgren, Cecilia M. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Claussnitzer, Melina ; Hauner, Hans; A distribution-centered approach for analyzing human adipocyte size estimates and their association with obesity-related traits and mitochondrial function
Hammer, Barbara ; Kadalayil, Latha ; Boateng, Eistine ; Buschmann, Dominik ; Rezwan, Faisal I. ; Wolff, Martin ; Reuter, Sebastian ; Bartel, Sabine ; Knudsen, Toril Mørkve ; Svanes, Cecilie ; Holloway, John W. ; Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne; Preconceptional smoking alters spermatozoal miRNAs of murine fathers and affects offspring's body weight
Göttl, Quirin ; Grimm, Dominik G. ; Burger, Jakob; Automated synthesis of steady-state continuous processes using reinforcement learning
Giel, Katrin Elisabeth ; Martus, Peter ; Schag, Kathrin ; Herpertz, Stephan ; Hofmann, Tobias ; Schneider, Antonius ; Teufel, Martin ; Voderholzer, Ulrich ; von Wietersheim, Jörn ; Wild, Beate ; Zeeck, Almut ; Bethge, Wolfgang ; Schmidt, Ulrike ; Zipfel, Stephan ; Junne, Florian; Specialized post-inpatient psychotherapy for sustained recovery in anorexia nervosa via videoconference - study protocol of the randomized controlled SUSTAIN trial
Amar, Yacine ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias ; Silva, Rafaela L. ; Ishola, Oluwaseun Ayodeji ; Foesel, Bärbel U. ; Kublik, Susanne ; Schöler, Anne ; Niedermeier, Sebastian ; Bleuel, Rachela ; Zink, Alexander ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Schloter, Michael ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Köberle, Martin; Pre-digest of unprotected DNA by Benzonase improves the representation of living skin bacteria and efficiently depletes host DNA
Breuninger, Taylor A. ; Wawro, Nina ; Breuninger, Jakob ; Reitmeier, Sandra ; Clavel, Thomas ; Six-Merker, Julia ; Pestoni, Giulia ; Rohrmann, Sabine ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Peters, Annette ; Grallert, Harald ; Meisinger, Christa ; Haller, Dirk ; Linseisen, Jakob; Associations between habitual diet, metabolic disease, and the gut microbiota using latent Dirichlet allocation
Fischer, H. ; Maleitzke, T. ; Eder, C. ; Ahmad, S. ; Stöckle, U. ; Braun, K. F.; Management of proximal femur fractures in the elderly: current concepts and treatment options
Haupt, Julian ; Krysiak, Niels ; Unger, Marina ; Bogner-Flatz, Viktoria ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc ; van Griensven, Martijn ; Haug, Alexander T.; The potential of adipokines in identifying multiple trauma patients at risk of developing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
Wurm, M. ; Zyskowski, M. ; Greve, F. ; Gersing, A. ; Biberthaler, P. ; Kirchhoff, C.; Comparable results using 2.0-mm vs. 3.5-mm screw augmentation in midshaft clavicle fractures: a 10-year experience
Engels, Eliane S. ; Mutz, Michael ; Demetriou, Yolanda ; Reimers, Anne K.; Levels of physical activity in four domains and affective wellbeing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
Schneider-Thoma, Johannes ; Kapfhammer, Angelika ; Wang, Dongfang ; Bighelli, Irene ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Wu, Hui ; Hansen, Wulf-Peter ; Davis, John M. ; Salanti, Georgia ; Leucht, Stefan; Metabolic side effects of antipsychotic drugs in individuals with schizophrenia during medium- to long-term treatment: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Sasse, Daniel ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Rothe, Kathrin ; Schneider, Jochen ; Gaa, Jochen ; Würstle, Silvia; Treatment of intestinal tuberculosis with small bowel perforation: a case report
Dyrba, Martin ; Hanzig, Moritz ; Altenstein, Slawek ; Bader, Sebastian ; Ballarini, Tommaso ; Brosseron, Frederic ; Buerger, Katharina ; Cantré, Daniel ; Dechent, Peter ; Dobisch, Laura ; Düzel, Emrah ; Ewers, Michael ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Haynes, John-Dylan ; Heneka, Michael T. ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Keles, Deniz B. ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Laske, Christoph ; Maier, Franziska ; Metzger, Coraline D. ; Munk, Matthias H. ; Perneczky, Robert ; Peters, Oliver ; Preis, Lukas ; Priller, Josef ; Rauchmann, Boris ; Roy, Nina ; Scheffler, Klaus ; Schneider, Anja ; Schott, Björn H. ; Spottke, Annika ; Spruth, Eike J. ; Weber, Marc-André ; Ertl-Wagner, Birgit ; Wagner, Michael ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Jessen, Frank ; Teipel, Stefan J.; Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer's disease
Witte, Franziska ; Ruiz-Orera, Jorge ; Mattioli, Camilla Ciolli ; Blachut, Susanne ; Adami, Eleonora ; Schulz, Jana Felicitas ; Schneider-Lunitz, Valentin ; Hummel, Oliver ; Patone, Giannino ; Mücke, Michael Benedikt ; Šilhavý, Jan ; Heinig, Matthias ; Bottolo, Leonardo ; Sanchis, Daniel ; Vingron, Martin ; Chekulaeva, Marina ; Pravenec, Michal ; Hubner, Norbert ; van Heesch, Sebastiaan; A trans locus causes a ribosomopathy in hypertrophic hearts that affects mRNA translation in a protein length-dependent fashion
Buchka, Stefan ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Gardner, Paul P. ; Wilson, Rory ; Boulesteix, Anne-Laure; On the optimistic performance evaluation of newly introduced bioinformatic methods
Cheng, Jun ; Çelik, Muhammed Hasan ; Kundaje, Anshul ; Gagneur, Julien; MTSplice predicts effects of genetic variants on tissue-specific splicing
Magunia, Harry ; Lederer, Simone ; Verbuecheln, Raphael ; Gilot, Bryant Joseph ; Koeppen, Michael ; Haeberle, Helene A. ; Mirakaj, Valbona ; Hofmann, Pascal ; Marx, Gernot ; Bickenbach, Johannes ; Nohe, Boris ; Lay, Michael ; Spies, Claudia ; Edel, Andreas ; Schiefenhövel, Fridtjof ; Rahmel, Tim ; Putensen, Christian ; Sellmann, Timur ; Koch, Thea ; Brandenburger, Timo ; Kindgen-Milles, Detlef ; Brenner, Thorsten ; Berger, Marc ; Zacharowski, Kai ; Adam, Elisabeth ; Posch, Matthias ; Moerer, Onnen ; Scheer, Christian S. ; Sedding, Daniel ; Weigand, Markus A. ; Fichtner, Falk ; Nau, Carla ; Prätsch, Florian ; Wiesmann, Thomas ; Koch, Christian ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Straub, Andreas ; Meiser, Andreas ; Weiss, Manfred ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Wappler, Frank ; Meybohm, Patrick ; Herrmann, Johannes ; Malek, Nisar ; Kohlbacher, Oliver ; Biergans, Stephanie ; Rosenberger, Peter; Machine learning identifies ICU outcome predictors in a multicenter COVID-19 cohort
Thies, Nina ; Zech, Alexandra ; Kohlmann, Thorsten ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Bayeff-Filloff, Michael ; Kanz, Karl-Georg ; Prückner, Stephan; Preparation of hospitals for mass casualty incidents in Bavaria, Germany: care capacities for penetrating injuries and explosions in TerrorMASCALs
Schmidt, Oxana ; Nehls, Nadja ; Prexler, Carolin ; von Heyking, Kristina ; Groll, Tanja ; Pardon, Katharina ; Garcia, Heathcliff D. ; Hensel, Tim ; Gürgen, Dennis ; Henssen, Anton G. ; Eggert, Angelika ; Steiger, Katja ; Burdach, Stefan ; Richter, Günther H. S.; Class I histone deacetylases (HDAC) critically contribute to Ewing sarcoma pathogenesis
Zöllner, Johann Philipp ; Grau, Janina ; Rosenow, Felix ; Sauter, Matthias ; Knuf, Markus ; Kurlemann, Gerhard ; Mayer, Thomas ; Hertzberg, Christoph ; Bertsche, Astrid ; Immisch, Ilka ; Klein, Karl Martin ; Knake, Susanne ; Marquard, Klaus ; Meyer, Sascha ; Noda, Anna H. ; von Podewils, Felix ; Schäfer, Hannah ; Thiels, Charlotte ; Willems, Laurent M. ; Zukunft, Bianca ; Schubert-Bast, Susanne ; Strzelczyk, Adam; Direct and indirect costs and cost-driving factors in adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: a multicenter cohort study and a review of the literature
Lotz-Havla, Amelie S. ; Weiß, Katharina J. ; Schiergens, Katharina A. ; Brunet, Theresa ; Kohlhase, Jürgen ; Regenauer-Vandewiele, Stephanie ; Maier, Esther M.; Subcutaneous vitamin B12 administration using a portable infusion pump in cobalamin-related remethylation disorders: a gentle and easy to use alternative to intramuscular injections
Niu, Minli ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Linge, Annett ; Krause, Mechthild ; Baumann, Michael ; Lohaus, Fabian ; Ebert, Nadja ; Tinhofer, Ingeborg ; Budach, Volker ; von der Grün, Jens ; Rödel, Franz ; Grosu, Anca-Ligia ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Comparison of the composition of lymphocyte subpopulations in non-relapse and relapse patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck before, during radiochemotherapy and in the follow-up period: a multicenter prospective study of the German Cancer Consortium Radiation Oncology Group (DKTK-ROG)
Vogel, Marco M. E. ; Dewes, Sabrina ; Sage, Eva K. ; Devecka, Michal ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Eiber, Matthias ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Schiller, Kilian; A survey among German-speaking radiation oncologists on PET-based radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Meixner, Marco ; Foerst, Petra ; Windt, Carel W.; Reduced spatial resolution MRI suffices to image and quantify drought induced embolism formation in trees
Fuchs, Tobias ; Melcher, Felix ; Rerop, Zora Selina ; Lorenzen, Jan ; Shaigani, Pariya ; Awad, Dania ; Haack, Martina ; Prem, Sophia Alice ; Masri, Mahmoud ; Mehlmer, Norbert ; Brueck, Thomas B.; Identifying carbohydrate-active enzymes of Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus using systems biology
Kellerer, Christina ; Jörres, Rudolf A. ; Schneider, Antonius ; Alter, Peter ; Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich ; Jobst, Bertram ; Biederer, Jürgen ; Bals, Robert ; Watz, Henrik ; Behr, Jürgen ; Kauffmann-Guerrero, Diego ; Lutter, Johanna ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Magnussen, Helgo ; Trudzinski, Franziska C. ; Welte, Tobias ; Vogelmeier, Claus F. ; Kahnert, Kathrin; Prediction of lung emphysema in COPD by spirometry and clinical symptoms: results from COSYCONET
Schneider, Jochen ; Mijo ević, Hrvoje ; Ulm, Kurt ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Weidlich, Simon ; Würstle, Silvia ; Rothe, Kathrin ; Treiber, Matthias ; Iakoubov, Roman ; Mayr, Ulrich ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Herner, Alexander ; Burian, Egon ; Lohöfer, Fabian ; Braren, Rickmer ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Spinner, Christoph ; Geisler, Fabian; SARS-CoV-2 serology increases diagnostic accuracy in CT-suspected, PCR-negative COVID-19 patients during pandemic
Gloeckl, Rainer ; Schneeberger, Tessa ; Leitl, Daniela ; Reinold, Tobias ; Nell, Christoph ; Jarosch, Inga ; Kenn, Klaus ; Koczulla, Andreas R.; Whole-body vibration training versus conventional balance training in patients with severe COPD_a randomized, controlled trial
Heydt, Carina ; Wölwer, Christina B. ; Velazquez Camacho, Oscar ; Wagener-Ryczek, Svenja ; Pappesch, Roberto ; Siemanowski, Janna ; Rehker, Jan ; Haller, Florian ; Agaimy, Abbas ; Worm, Karl ; Herold, Thomas ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Weichert, Wilko ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Jung, Andreas ; Kumbrink, Jörg ; Goering, Wolfgang ; Esposito, Irene ; Buettner, Reinhard ; Hillmer, Axel M. ; Merkelbach-Bruse, Sabine; Detection of gene fusions using targeted next-generation sequencing: a comparative evaluation
Baca Cabrera, Juan C. ; Hirl, Regina T. ; Schäufele, Rudi ; Macdonald, Andy ; Schnyder, Hans; Stomatal conductance limited the CO2 response of grassland in the last century
Soellner, Michaela ; Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Compliance with medical recommendations depending on the use of artificial intelligence as a diagnostic method
Reetz, Jana ; Richter, Gesine ; Borzikowsky, Christoph ; Glinicke, Christine ; Darabaneanu, Stephanie ; Buyx, Alena; Consent to research participation: understanding and motivation among German pupils
Wehkamp, Kai ; Kuhn, Eva ; Petzina, Rainer ; Buyx, Alena ; Rogge, Annette; Enhancing patient safety by integrating ethical dimensions to Critical Incident Reporting Systems
Seppel, Gernot ; Voss, Andreas ; Henderson, Daniel J. H. ; Waldt, Simone ; Haller, Bernhard ; Forkel, Philipp ; Reuter, Sven ; Holzapfel, Boris M. ; Plath, Johannes E. ; Imhoff, Andreas B.; Atrophy patterns in isolated subscapularis lesions
Völk, Dominik ; Neumaier, Markus ; Einhellig, Heike ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc; Outcome after polyaxial locking plate osteosynthesis in proximal tibia fractures: a prospective clinical trial
Hamel, Johannes ; Hörterer, Hubert ; Harrasser, Norbert; Radiological tarsal bone morphology in adolescent age of congenital clubfeet treated with the Ponseti method
Zyskowski, Michael ; Wurm, Markus ; Greve, Frederik ; Pesch, Sebastian ; von Matthey, Francesca ; Pflüger, Patrick ; Crönlein, Moritz ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Is early full weight bearing safe following locking plate ORIF of distal fibula fractures?
Zimmermann, Bettina Maria ; Eichinger, Johanna ; Schönweitz, Franziska ; Buyx, Alena; Face mask uptake in the absence of mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study with Swiss residents
Boß, Leif ; Angerer, Peter ; Dragano, Nico ; Ebert, David ; Engels, Miriam ; Heber, Elena ; Kuhlmann, Rebekka ; Ruhle, Sascha ; Schwens, Christian ; Wulf, Ines Catharina ; Lehr, Dirk; Comparative effectiveness of guided internet-based stress management training versus established in-person group training in employees - study protocol for a pragmatic, randomized, non-inferiority trial
Nixon, Patricia ; Boß, Leif ; Heber, Elena ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Lehr, Dirk; A three-armed randomised controlled trial investigating the comparative impact of guidance on the efficacy of a web-based stress management intervention and health impairing and promoting mechanisms of prevention
Kuhn, Eva ; Müller, Sebastian ; Teusch, Christoph ; Tanner, Grit ; Schümann, Marlies ; Baur, Carolin ; Bamberg, Eva ; Heidbrink, Ludger ; McLennan, Stuart ; Buyx, Alena; Interfaces of occupational health management and corporate social responsibility: a multi-centre qualitative study from Germany
Wolf, Sebastian ; Seiffer, Britta ; Zeibig, Johanna-Marie ; Welkerling, Jana ; Bauer, Leonie Louisa ; Frei, Anna Katharina ; Studnitz, Thomas ; Rosenstiel, Stephanie ; Fiedler, David Victor ; Helmhold, Florian ; Ray, Andreas ; Herzog, Eva ; Takano, Keisuke ; Nakagawa, Tristan ; Kropp, Saskia ; Franke, Sebastian ; Peters, Stefan ; El-Kurd, Nadja ; Zwanzleitner, Lena ; Sundmacher, Leonie ; Ramos-Murguialday, Ander ; Hautzinger, Martin ; Sudeck, Gorden ; Ehring, Thomas; Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a Transdiagnostic group-based exercise intervention: study protocol for a pragmatic multi-site randomized controlled trial
Tibubos, Ana N. ; Otten, Daniëlle ; Zöller, Daniela ; Binder, Harald ; Wild, Philipp S. ; Fleischer, Toni ; Johar, Hamimatunnisa ; Atasoy, Seryan ; Schulze, Lara ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Schomerus, Georg ; Linkohr, Birgit ; Grabe, Hans J. ; Kruse, Johannes ; Schmidt, Carsten-Oliver ; Münzel, Thomas ; König, Jochem ; Brähler, Elmar ; Beutel, Manfred E.; Bidimensional structure and measurement equivalence of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: sex-sensitive assessment of depressive symptoms in three representative German cohort studies
Hahnefeld, Andrea ; Sukale, Thorsten ; Weigand, Elena ; Münch, Katharina ; Aberl, Sigrid ; Eckler, Lea V. ; Schmidt, Davin ; Friedmann, Anna ; Plener, Paul L. ; Fegert, Jörg M. ; Mall, Volker; Survival states as indicators of learning performance and biological stress in refugee children: a cross-sectional study with a comparison group
Kemmerer, Constanze L. ; Schittenhelm, Jens ; Dubois, Evelyn ; Neumann, Laura ; Häsler, Lisa M. ; Lambert, Marius ; Renovanz, Mirjam ; Kaeser, Stephan A. ; Tabatabai, Ghazaleh ; Ziemann, Ulf ; Naumann, Ulrike ; Kowarik, Markus C.; Cerebrospinal fluid cytokine levels are associated with macrophage infiltration into tumor tissues of glioma patients
Jahnen, Matthias ; Mynzak, Eike ; Meissner, Valentin H. ; Schiele, Stefan ; Schulwitz, Helga ; Ankerst, Donna P. ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Herkommer, Kathleen ; Dinkel, Andreas; Diversity of cancer-related identities in long-term prostate cancer survivors after radical prostatectomy
Voglhuber, Theresa ; Eitz, Kerstin A. ; Oechsner, Markus ; Vogel, Marco M. E. ; Combs, Stephanie E.; Analysis of using high-precision radiotherapy in the treatment of liver metastases regarding toxicity and survival
Gassert, Felix G. ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Specht, Katja ; Knebel, Carolin ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Gersing, Alexandra S. ; Woertler, Klaus; Soft tissue masses: distribution of entities and rate of malignancy in small lesions
Ankert, Juliane ; Groten, Tanja ; Pletz, Mathias W. ; Mishra, Sasmita ; Seliger, Gregor ; Lobmaier, Silvia M. ; da Costa, Clarissa Prazeres ; Seidel, Vera ; von Weizsäcker, Katharina ; Jablonka, Alexandra ; Dopfer, Christian ; Schleenvoigt, Benjamin T.; Fetal growth restriction in a cohort of migrants in Germany
Barz, Melanie ; Gerhardt, Julia ; Bette, Stefanie ; Aftahy, A. Kaywan ; Huber, Thomas ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Skardelly, Marco ; Gepfner-Tuma, Irina ; Behling, Felix ; Schmidt-Graf, Friederike ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Prognostic value of tumour volume in patients with a poor Karnofsky performance status scale - a bicentric retrospective study
Mönch, Sebastian ; Andrisan, Tiberiu ; Bernkopf, Kathleen ; Ikenberg, Benno ; Friedrich, Benjamin ; Zimmer, Claus ; Hedderich, Dennis M.; Structured reporting of brain MRI following mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke patients
Radon, Katja ; Bakuli, Abhishek ; Pütz, Peter ; Le Gleut, Ronan ; Guggenbuehl Noller, Jessica Michelle ; Olbrich, Laura ; Saathoff, Elmar ; Garí, Mercè ; Schälte, Yannik ; Frahnow, Turid ; Wölfel, Roman ; Pritsch, Michael ; Rothe, Camilla ; Pletschette, Michel ; Rubio-Acero, Raquel ; Beyerl, Jessica ; Metaxa, Dafni ; Forster, Felix ; Thiel, Verena ; Castelletti, Noemi ; Rieß, Friedrich ; Diefenbach, Maximilian N. ; Fröschl, Günter ; Bruger, Jan ; Winter, Simon ; Frese, Jonathan ; Puchinger, Kerstin ; Brand, Isabel ; Kroidl, Inge ; Wieser, Andreas ; Hoelscher, Michael ; Hasenauer, Jan ; Fuchs, Christiane ; Ackermann, Nikolaus ; Alamoudi, Emad ; Anderson, Jared ; Baumann, Maxilmilian ; Becker, Marc ; Bednarzki, Franziska ; Bemirayev, Olimbek ; Bitzer, Patrick ; Böhnlein, Rebecca ; Caroli, Friedrich ; Coleman, Josephine ; Contento, Lorenzo ; Czwienzek, Alina ; Deák, Flora ; Diekmannshemke, Jana ; Dobler, Gerhard ; Durner, Jürgen ; Eberle, Ute ; Eckstein, Judith ; Eser, Tabea ; Falk, Philine ; Feyereisen, Manuela ; Fingerle, Volker ; Geisenberger, Otto ; Geldmacher, Christof ; Gilberg, Leonard ; Gillig, Kristina ; Girl, Philipp ; Golschan, Elias ; Guglielmini, Elena Maria ; Gutierrez, Pablo ; Haderer, Anslem ; Hannes, Marlene ; Hartinger, Lena ; Hernandez, Alejandra ; Hillari, Leah ; Hinske, Christian ; Hofberger, Tim ; Horn, Sacha ; Huber, Kristina ; Janke, Christian ; Kappl, Ursula ; Keßler, Antonia ; Khan, Zohaib ; Kresin, Johanna ; Kroidl, Arne ; Lang, Magdalena ; Lang, Clemens ; Lange, Silvan ; Laxy, Michael ; Leidl, Reiner ; Liedl, Leopold ; Lucaj, Xhovana ; Luppa, Fabian ; Nafziger, Alexandra Sophie ; Mang, Petra ; Markgraf, Alisa ; Mayrhofer, Rebecca ; Müller, Hannah ; Müller, Katharina ; Paunovic, Ivana ; Plank, Michael ; Pleimelding, Claire ; Prückner, Stephan ; Raimúndez, Elba ; Reich, Jakob ; Ruci, Viktoria ; Schäfer, Nicole ; Schluse, Benedikt ; Schneider, Lara ; Schunk, Mirjam ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Sing, Andreas ; Soler, Alba ; Sothmann, Peter ; Strobl, Kathrin ; Tang, Jeni ; Theis, Fabian ; Thiesbrummel, Sophie ; Vollmayr, Vincent ; von Lovenberg, Emilia ; von Lovenberg, Jonathan ; Waibel, Julia ; Wallrauch, Claudia ; Wolff, Julia ; Würfel, Tobias ; Yaqine, Houda ; Zange, Sabine ; Zeggini, Eleftheria ; Zielke, Anna ; Zimmer, Thorbjörn; From first to second wave: follow-up of the prospective COVID-19 cohort (KoCo19) in Munich (Germany)
Wiedemann, Gabriela M. ; Schneider, Jochen ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Einwächter, Henrik ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Rothe, Kathrin; An Eschar-like souvenir from a journey to Colombia: Ecthyma gangrenosum as a differential diagnosis of tropical diseases in immunocompromised patients - a case report
Abarca-Cabrera, Lucía ; Fraga-García, Paula ; Berensmeier, Sonja; Bio-nano interactions: binding proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and nucleic acids onto magnetic nanoparticles
Meyer, Vera ; Cairns, Timothy ; Barthel, Lars ; King, Rudibert ; Kunz, Philipp ; Schmideder, Stefan ; Müller, Henri ; Briesen, Heiko ; Dinius, Anna ; Krull, Rainer; Understanding and controlling filamentous growth of fungal cell factories: novel tools and opportunities for targeted morphology engineering
Linde, Philipp ; Baues, Christian ; Wegen, Simone ; Trommer, Maike ; Quaas, Alexander ; Rosenbrock, Johannes ; Celik, Eren ; Marnitz, Simone ; Bruns, Christiane J. ; Fischer, Thomas ; Schomaecker, Klaus ; Wester, Hans-Juergen ; Drzezga, Alexander ; van Heek, Lutz ; Kobe, Carsten; Pentixafor PET/CT for imaging of chemokine receptor 4 expression in esophageal cancer - a first clinical approach
Bodden, Jannis ; Joseph, Gabby B. ; Schirò, Silvia ; Lynch, John A. ; Lane, Nancy E. ; McCulloch, Charles E. ; Nevitt, Michael C. ; Link, Thomas M.; Opioid users show worse baseline knee osteoarthritis and faster progression of degenerative changes: a retrospective case-control study based on data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)
Bressem, Keno K. ; Vahldiek, Janis L. ; Adams, Lisa ; Niehues, Stefan Markus ; Haibel, Hildrun ; Rodriguez, Valeria Rios ; Torgutalp, Murat ; Protopopov, Mikhail ; Proft, Fabian ; Rademacher, Judith ; Sieper, Joachim ; Rudwaleit, Martin ; Hamm, Bernd ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Hermann, Kay-Geert ; Poddubnyy, Denis; Deep learning for detection of radiographic sacroiliitis: achieving expert-level performance
Dietzel, J. ; Hörder, S. ; Habermann, I. V. ; Meyer-Hamme, G. ; Hahn, K. ; Ortiz, M. ; Roll, S. ; Linde, K. ; Irnich, D. ; Hammes, M. ; Nögel, R. ; Wullinger, M. ; Wortman, V. ; Hummelsberger, J. ; Willich, S. N. ; Schröder, S. ; Brinkhaus, B.; Acupuncture in diabetic peripheral neuropathy_protocol for the randomized, multicenter ACUDPN trial
Zappia, Luke ; Theis, Fabian J.; Over 1000 tools reveal trends in the single-cell RNA-seq analysis landscape
Fischer, David S. ; Dony, Leander ; König, Martin ; Moeed, Abdul ; Zappia, Luke ; Heumos, Lukas ; Tritschler, Sophie ; Holmberg, Olle ; Aliee, Hananeh ; Theis, Fabian J.; Sfaira accelerates data and model reuse in single cell genomics
Höhler, Chiara ; Rasamoel, Nils David ; Rohrbach, Nina ; Hansen, John Paulin ; Jahn, Klaus ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim ; Krewer, Carmen; The impact of visuospatial perception on distance judgment and depth perception in an Augmented Reality environment in patients after stroke: an exploratory study
Wolf, Eva ; Boesecke, Christoph ; Balogh, Annamaria ; Bidner, Helen ; Cordes, Christiane ; Heiken, Hans ; Krznaric, Ivanka ; Kümmerle, Tim ; Stellbrink, Hans-Jürgen ; Schneider, Jochen ; Spinner, Christoph D.; Virologic outcomes of switching to boosted darunavir plus dolutegravir with respect to history of drug resistance
Triebelhorn, Julian ; Haschka, Stefanie ; Hesse, Felix ; Erber, Johanna ; Weidlich, Simon ; Lee, Marcel ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Eberle, Josef ; Spinner, Christoph D.; Acute HIV infection syndrome mimicking COVID-19 vaccination side effects: a case report
Wiercinska, Eliza ; Schlipfenbacher, Vera ; Bug, Gesine ; Bader, Peter ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Seifried, Erhard ; Bonig, Halvard; Allogeneic transplant procurement in the times of COVID-19: Quality report from the central European cryopreservation site
Raab, Roxana ; Michel, Sophie ; Günther, Julia ; Hoffmann, Julia ; Stecher, Lynne ; Hauner, Hans; Associations between lifestyle interventions during pregnancy and childhood weight and growth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Wolbring, Laura ; Reimers, Anne Kerstin ; Niessner, Claudia ; Demetriou, Yolanda ; Schmidt, Steffen Christian Ekkehard ; Woll, Alexander ; Wäsche, Hagen; How to disseminate national recommendations for physical activity: a qualitative analysis of critical change agents in Germany
Heininger, Susanne Katharina ; Baumgartner, Maria ; Zehner, Fabian ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Söllner, Nina ; Berberat, Pascal O. ; Gartmeier, Martin; Measuring hygiene competence: the picture-based situational judgement test HygiKo
Paepke, Daniela ; Wiedeck, Clea ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Kiechle, Marion ; Brambs, Christine; Lifestyle modifications after the diagnosis of gynecological cancer
Wurm, Markus ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Zyskowski, Michael ; Pflüger, Patrick ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Beirer, Marc ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; Excellent clinical and radiological outcome following locking compression plate fixation of displaced medial clavicle fractures
Toepfer, Andreas ; Straßer, Veit ; Ladurner, Andreas ; Calek, Anna-Katharina ; Potocnik, Primoz ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger; Different outcomes after proximal femoral replacement in oncologic and failed revision arthroplasty patients - a retrospective cohort study
Pflüger, Patrick ; Zyskowski, Michael ; Weber, Anne ; Gleisenberg, Katharina ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Crönlein, Moritz; Patient reported outcome of 33 operatively treated talar fractures
Lutz, Patricia M. ; Knörr, Michel ; Geyer, Stephanie ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Feucht, Matthias J.; Delayed proximal hamstring tendon repair after ischial tuberosity apophyseal fracture in a professional volleyball athlete: a case report
Berger, N. ; Bauer, M. ; Hapfelmeier, A. ; Salzmann, M. ; Prodinger, P. M.; Orthotic treatment of idiopathic toe walking with a lower leg orthosis with circular subtalar blocking
Geiger, Isabel ; Kammerlander, Christian ; Höfer, Christine ; Volland, Ruth ; Trinemeier, Jörg ; Henschelchen, Martina ; Friess, Thomas ; Andrae, Ursula ; Stäudel, Christian ; Andress, Hans-Joachim ; Liese, Theresa ; Behnke, Maik ; Stojanovic, Milos ; Brunner, Ulrich ; Schreiber, Sabine ; Gradl, Georg ; Fürst, Benedikt ; Grote, Stefan ; Schmid, Constantin ; Grüninger, Sebastian ; Wicklein, Susanne ; Lewens, Tobias ; Gelse, Kolja ; Löffler, Thomas ; Bendiks, Martin ; Meffert, Rainer H. ; Schmitz, Benedikt ; Neuerburg, Carl ; Odenwald, Martin ; Thoma, Maximilian ; Schmitz, Paul ; Kretschmer, Rainer ; Schupfner, Rupert ; Pfeifer, Eva ; Solovyov, Igor ; Linder, Christian ; Stumpf, Ulla ; Werther, Jutta ; Fenwick, Annabel ; Zeckey, Christian ; Ditto, Joseph ; Böcker, Wolfgang ; Sundmacher, Leonie; Implementation of an integrated care programme to avoid fragility fractures of the hip in older adults in 18 Bavarian hospitals - study protocol for the cluster-randomised controlled fracture liaison service FLS-CARE
Ammer-Herrmenau, C. ; Asendorf, T. ; Beyer, G. ; Buchholz, S. M. ; Cameron, S. ; Damm, M. ; Frost, F. ; Henker, R. ; Jaster, R. ; Phillip, V. ; Placzek, M. ; Ratei, C. ; Sirtl, S. ; van den Berg, T. ; Weingarten, M. J. ; Woitalla, J. ; Mayerle, J. ; Ellenrieder, V. ; Neesse, A.; Study protocol P-MAPS: microbiome as predictor of severity in acute pancreatitis_a prospective multicentre translational study
Jörgens, Maximilian ; Königer, Jürgen ; Kanz, Karl-Georg ; Birkholz, Torsten ; Hübner, Heiko ; Prückner, Stephan ; Zwissler, Bernhard ; Trentzsch, Heiko; Testing mechanical chest compression devices of different design for their suitability for prehospital patient transport - a simulator-based study
Wagner, Soeren ; Sutter, Lorenz ; Wagenblast, Fabian ; Walther, Andreas ; Schiff, Jan-Henrik; Short term cognitive function after sevoflurane anesthesia in patients suspect to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: an observational study
Martin, Jan ; Plank, Eva ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens ; Wostrack, Maria ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Kagerbauer, Simone M.; Concentrations of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage correlate weakly with transcranial Doppler flow velocities
Link, Tobias ; Vogel, Rudi F. ; Ehrmann, Matthias A.; The diversity among the species Tetragenococcus halophilus including new isolates from a lupine seed fermentation
Steidele, C. E. ; Stam, R.; Multi-omics approach highlights differences between RLP classes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Flossmann, Gabriele ; Wurmser, Christine ; Pausch, Hubert ; Tenghe, Amabel ; Dodenhoff, Jörg ; Dahinten, Günther ; Götz, Kay-Uwe ; Russ, Ingolf ; Fries, Ruedi; A nonsense mutation of bone morphogenetic protein-15 (BMP15) causes both infertility and increased litter size in pigs
Wehner, Katja ; Renker, Carsten ; Simons, Nadja K. ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Blüthgen, Nico; Narrow environmental niches predict land-use responses and vulnerability of land snail assemblages
Sedlmeier, Eva-Maria ; Meyer, Dorothy M. ; Stecher, Lynne ; Sailer, Manuela ; Daniel, Hannelore ; Hauner, Hans ; Bader, Bernhard L.; Fetal sex modulates placental microRNA expression, potential microRNA-mRNA interactions, and levels of amino acid transporter expression and substrates: INFAT study subpopulation analysis of n-3 LCPUFA intervention during pregnancy and associations with offspring body composition
Bej, Saptarshi ; Galow, Anne-Marie ; David, Robert ; Wolfien, Markus ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf; Automated annotation of rare-cell types from single-cell RNA-sequencing data through synthetic oversampling
Amrhein, Lisa ; Fuchs, Christiane; stochprofML: stochastic profiling using maximum likelihood estimation in R
Felber, Veronika Barbara ; Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Small peptide-based GLP-1R ligands: an approach to reduce the kidney uptake of radiolabeled GLP-1R-targeting agents?
Wurzer, Alexander ; Di Carlo, Daniel ; Herz, Michael ; Richter, Antonia ; Robu, Stephanie ; Schirrmacher, Ralf ; Mascarin, Alba ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Eiber, Matthias ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Wester, Hans-Juergen; Automated synthesis of [18F]Ga-rhPSMA-7/ -7.3: results, quality control and experience from more than 200 routine productions
Felber, Veronika Barbara ; Valentin, Manuel Amando ; Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Design of PSMA ligands with modifications at the inhibitor part: an approach to reduce the salivary gland uptake of radiolabeled PSMA inhibitors?
Hofmann, Stefan ; Yilmaz, Mustafa ; Maier, Enzo ; Lohner, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Friction and contact temperature in dry rolling-sliding contacts with MoS2-bonded and a-C:H:Zr DLC coatings
Hardiansyah, Deni ; Riana, Ade ; Kletting, Peter ; Zaid, Nouran R. R. ; Eiber, Matthias ; Pawiro, Supriyanto A. ; Beer, Ambros J. ; Glatting, Gerhard; A population-based method to determine the time-integrated activity in molecular radiotherapy
Brandes, Florian ; Borrmann, Melanie ; Buschmann, Dominik ; Meidert, Agnes S. ; Reithmair, Marlene ; Langkamp, Markus ; Pridzun, Lutz ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Billaud, Jean-Noël ; Amin, Nirav M. ; Pearson, Joseph C. ; Klein, Matthias ; Hauer, Daniela ; Gevargez Zoubalan, Clarissa ; Lindemann, Anja ; Choukér, Alexander ; Felbinger, Thomas W. ; Steinlein, Ortrud K. ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Kaufmann, Ines ; Schelling, Gustav; Progranulin signaling in sepsis, community-acquired bacterial pneumonia and COVID-19: a comparative, observational study
Lutz, Patricia M. ; Höher, Louisa S. ; Feucht, Matthias J. ; Neumann, Jan ; Junker, Daniela ; Wörtler, Klaus ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Achtnich, Andrea; Ultrasound-based evaluation revealed reliable postoperative knee stability after combined acute ACL and MCL injuries
Göttl, Franziska ; Groh, Andreas ; Schmidt, Michael ; Schröder, Ludwig ; Seitz, Florian; The influence of Antarctic ice loss on polar motion: an assessment based on GRACE and multi-mission satellite altimetry
Schölderle, Felix ; Lipus, Martin ; Pfrang, Daniela ; Reinsch, Thomas ; Haberer, Sven ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Zosseder, Kai; Monitoring cold water injections for reservoir characterization using a permanent fiber optic installation in a geothermal production well in the Southern German Molasse Basin
Bohnsack, Daniel ; Potten, Martin ; Freitag, Simon ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Zosseder, Kai; Stress sensitivity of porosity and permeability under varying hydrostatic stress conditions for different carbonate rock types of the geothermal Malm reservoir in Southern Germany
Proell, Sebastian D. ; Wall, Wolfgang A. ; Meier, Christoph; A simple yet consistent constitutive law and mortar-based layer coupling schemes for thermomechanical macroscale simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes
Nitzler, Jonas ; Meier, Christoph ; Müller, Kei W. ; Wall, Wolfgang A. ; Hodge, N. E.; A novel physics-based and data-supported microstructure model for part-scale simulation of laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
Schein, Alexander ; Gee, Michael W.; Greedy maximin distance sampling based model order reduction of prestressed and parametrized abdominal aortic aneurysms
Fuchs, Sebastian L. ; Meier, Christoph ; Wall, Wolfgang A. ; Cyron, Christian J.; An SPH framework for fluid-solid and contact interaction problems including thermo-mechanical coupling and reversible phase transitions
Apostolatos, Andreas ; Emiroğlu, Altuğ ; Shayegan, Shahrokh ; Péan, Fabien ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe ; Wüchner, Roland; An isogeometric b-rep mortar-based mapping method for non-matching grids in fluid-structure interaction
Bitar, Rawad ; Xing, Yuxuan ; Keshtkarjahromi, Yasaman ; Dasari, Venkat ; El Rouayheb, Salim ; Seferoglu, Hulya; Private and rateless adaptive coded matrix-vector multiplication
Li, Lujun ; Kang, Yikai ; Shi, Yuchen ; Kürzinger, Ludwig ; Watzel, Tobias ; Rigoll, Gerhard; Adversarial joint training with self-attention mechanism for robust end-to-end speech recognition
Bruno, Raphael Romano ; Wernly, Bernhard ; Flaatten, Hans ; Artigas, Antonio ; Bollen Pinto, Bernardo ; Binnebössel, Stephan ; Baldia, Philipp Heinrich ; Kelm, Malte ; Beil, Michael ; Sigal, Sivri ; van Heerden, Peter Vernon ; Elhadi, Muhammed ; Zafeiridis, Tilemachos ; Arche Banzo, Maria José ; Moreno, Rui ; Boumendil, Ariane ; De Lange, Dylan W. ; Eller, Philipp ; Joannidis, Michael ; Mesotten, Dieter ; Reper, Pascal ; Oeyen, Sandra ; Swinnen, Walter ; Serck, Nicolas ; Dewaele, Elisabeth ; Chapeta, Edwin ; Brix, Helene ; Brushoej, Jens ; Kumar, Pritpal ; Nedergaard, Helene Korvenius ; Johnsen, Tim Koch ; Bundesen, Camilla ; Hansen, Maria Aagaard ; Uhrenholt, Stine ; Bundgaard, Helle ; Fjølner, Jesper ; Innes, Richard ; Gooch, James ; Cagova, Lenka ; Potter, Elizabeth ; Reay, Michael ; Davey, Miriam ; Abusayed, Mohammed Abdelshafy ; Humphreys, Sally ; Collins, Amy ; Aujayeb, Avinash ; Leaver, Susannah ; Khaliq, Waqas ; Habib, Ayman Abdelmawgoad ; Azab, Mohammed A. ; Wassim, Kyrillos ; Elgazzar, Yumna A. ; Salah, Rehab ; Abosheaishaa, Hazem Maarouf ; Hussein Mohamed, Aliae A. R. ; Azzam, Ahmed Y. ; Tharwat, Samar ; Ali, Yasmin Khairy Nasreldin Mohamed ; Elmandouh, Omar ; Galal, Islam ; Abu-Elfatth, Ahmed ; Motawea, Karam ; Elbahnasawy, Mohammad ; Shehata, Mostafa ; Elbahnasawy, Mohamed ; Tayeb, Mostafa ; Osman, Nermin ; Abdel-Elsalam, Wafaa ; Hussein, Aliae Mohamed ; Aldhalia, Amer ; Galbois, Arnaud ; Guidet, Bertrand ; Charron, Cyril ; Berlemont, Caroline Hauw ; Besch, Guillaume ; Rigaud, Jean-Philippe ; Maizel, Julien ; Djibré, Michel ; Burtin, Philippe ; Garcon, Pierre ; Nseir, Saad ; Valette, Xavier ; Alexandru, Nica ; Marin, Nathalie ; Vaissiere, Marie ; Plantefeve, Gaëtan ; Mentec, Hervé ; Vanderlinden, Thierry ; Jurcisin, Igor ; Megarbane, Buno ; Chousterman, Benjamin Glenn ; Dépret, François ; Garnier, Marc ; Besset, Sebastien ; Oziel, Johanna ; Ferre, Alexis ; Dauger, Stéphane ; Dumas, Guillaume ; Goncalves, Bruno ; Vettoretti, Lucie ; Thevenin, Didier ; Schaller, Stefan ; Kurt, Muhammed ; Faltlhauser, Andreas ; Meyer, Christian ; Milovanovic, Milena ; Lutz, Matthias ; Shala, Gonxhe ; Haake, Hendrik ; Randerath, Winfried ; Kunstein, Anselm ; Meybohm, Patrick ; Barth, Eberhard ; Poerner, Tudor ; Simon, Philipp ; Lorenz, Marco ; Dindane, Zouhir ; Kuhn, Karl Friedrich ; Welte, Martin ; Voigt, Ingo ; Kabitz, Hans-Joachim ; Wollborn, Jakob ; Goebel, Ulrich ; Stoll, Sandra Emily ; Kindgen-Milles, Detlef ; Dubler, Simon ; Jung, Christian ; Fuest, Kristina ; Schuster, Michael ; Steiner, Stephan ; Papadogoulas, Antonios ; Mulita, Francesk ; Rovina, Nikoletta ; Aidoni, Zoi ; Chrisanthopoulou, Evangelia ; Kondili, Eumorfia ; Andrianopoulos, Ioannis ; Gurjar, Mohan ; Mahmoodpoor, Ata ; Hussein, Rand ; Al-Juaifari, Maytham Aqeel ; Karantenachy, Abdullah Khudhur Ahmed ; Sviri, Sigal ; Elsaka, Ahmed ; Marsh, Brian ; Comellini, Vittoria ; Al-Ali, Farah ; Almani, Sari ; Khamees, Almu' Atasim ; Al-Shami, Khayry ; El Din, Ibrahim Salah ; Abubaker, Taha ; Ahmed, Hazem ; Rabha, Ahmed ; Emhamed, Marwa ; Abdeewi, Saedah ; Abusalama, Abdurraouf ; Alhadi, Abdulmueti ; Huwaysh, Mohammed ; Alghati, Esraa Abdalqader ; Ghannam, Abdelilah ; Namendys-Sylva, Silvio A. ; Groenendijk, Martijn ; Evers, Mirjam ; Van Lelyveld-Haas, Lenneke ; Meynaar, Iwan ; Cornet, Alexander Daniel ; Zegers, Marieke ; Dieperink, Willem ; De Lange, Dylan ; Dormans, Tom ; Hahn, Michael ; Sjøbøe, Britt ; Strietzel, Hans Frank ; Olasveengen, Theresa ; Romundstad, Luis ; Andersen, Finn H. ; Massoud, John George Grace ; Khan, Aamir Ghafoor ; Al-Qasrawi, Shahd ; Amro, Sarah ; Kluzik, Anna ; Zatorski, Pawel ; Drygalski, Tomasz ; Szczeklik, Wojciech ; Klimkiewicz, Jakub ; Solek-Pastuszka, Joanna ; Onichimowski, Dariusz ; Czuczwar, Miroslaw ; Gawda, Ryszard ; Stefaniak, Jan ; Stefanska-Wronka, Karina ; Zabul, Ewa ; Oliveira, Ana Isabel Pinho ; Assis, Rui ; De Lurdes Campos Santos, Maria ; Santos, Henrique ; Cardoso, Filipe Sousa ; Gordinho, André ; Grintescu, Ioana Marina ; Tomescu, Dana ; Badawy, Mohamed Raafat ; José Arche Banzo, M. ; Zalba-Etayo, Begoña ; Cubero, Patricia Jimeno ; Priego, Jesús ; Gomà, Gemma ; Tomasa-Irriguible, Teresa Maria ; Sancho, Susana ; Ferreira, Aida Fernández ; Vázquez, Eric Mayor ; Mira, Ángela Prado ; Ibarz, Mercedes ; Iglesias, David ; Arias-Rivera, Susana ; Frutos-Vivar, Fernando ; Lopez-Cuenca, Sonia ; Aldecoa, Cesar ; Perez-Torres, David ; Canas-Perez, Isabel ; Tamayo-Lomas, Luis ; Diaz-Rodriguez, Cristina ; De Gopegui, Pablo Ruiz ; Saleh, Mahmoud ; Hilles, Momin Majed Yousuf ; Abualqumboz, Enas M. Y. ; Ben-Hamouda, Nawfel ; Roberti, Andrea ; Fleury, Yvan ; Abidi, Nour ; Schefold, Joerg C. ; Chau, Ivan ; Dullenkopf, Alexander ; Chaaban, Mohammad Karam ; Shebani, Mohammed Mouaz ; Hmaideh, Ahmad ; Shaher, Aymen ; Sahin, Ayca Sultan ; Saracoglu, Kemal Tolga ; Al-Sadawi, Mohammed ; Pugh, Richard ; Smuts, Sara ; Al-Saban, Rafat Ameen Mohammed; Lactate is associated with mortality in very old intensive care patients suffering from COVID-19: results from an international observational study of 2860 patients
Lüsebrink, Enzo ; Krogmann, Alexander ; Tietz, Franziska ; Riebisch, Matthias ; Okrojek, Rainer ; Peltz, Friedhelm ; Skurk, Carsten ; Hullermann, Carsten ; Sackarnd, Jan ; Wassilowsky, Dietmar ; Toischer, Karl ; Scherer, Clemens ; Preusch, Michael ; Testori, Christoph ; Flierl, Ulrike ; Peterss, Sven ; Hoffmann, Sabine ; Kneidinger, Nikolaus ; Hagl, Christian ; Massberg, Steffen ; Zimmer, Sebastian ; Luedike, Peter ; Rassaf, Tienush ; Thiele, Holger ; Schäfer, Andreas ; Orban, Martin ; Kääb, Stefan ; Brunner, Stefan ; Orban, Mathias ; Petzold, Tobias ; Kehar, Saliha ; Würbel, Sara ; Stemmler, Hans-Joachim ; Binzenhöfer, Leonhard ; Kleeberger, Jan ; Kellnar, Antonia; Percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy in high-risk ICU patients
Shevtsov, Maxim ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Posch, Christian ; Multhoff, Gabriele ; Biedermann, Tilo; Magnetic nanoparticles in theranostics of malignant melanoma
Mohr, Hermine ; Foscarini, Alessia ; Steiger, Katja ; Ballke, Simone ; Rischpler, Christoph ; Schilling, Franz ; Pellegata, Natalia S.; Imaging pheochromocytoma in small animals: preclinical models to improve diagnosis and treatment
Steiger, Katja ; Quigley, Neil Gerard ; Groll, Tanja ; Richter, Frauke ; Zierke, Maximilian Alexander ; Beer, Ambros Johannes ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Kossatz, Susanne ; Notni, Johannes; There is a world beyond αvβ3-integrin: Multimeric ligands for imaging of the integrin subtypes αvβ6, αvβ8, αvβ3, and α5β1 by positron emission tomography
Schneider, Günter ; Wirth, Matthias ; Keller, Ulrich ; Saur, Dieter; Rationale for MYC imaging and targeting in pancreatic cancer
Han, Jessie ; Harrison, Luke ; Patzelt, Lisa ; Wu, Mingming ; Junker, Daniela ; Herzig, Stephan ; Berriel Diaz, Mauricio ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Imaging modalities for diagnosis and monitoring of cancer cachexia
Wang, Hui ; Amiel, Thomas ; Würnschimmel, Christoph ; Langbein, Thomas ; Steiger, Katja ; Rauscher, Isabel ; Horn, Thomas ; Maurer, Tobias ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Wester, Hans-Juergen ; Knorr, Karina ; Eiber, Matthias; PSMA-ligand uptake can serve as a novel biomarker in primary prostate cancer to predict outcome after radical prostatectomy
Lewis, Richard ; Habringer, Stefan ; Kircher, Malte ; Hefter, Maike ; Peuker, Caroline Anna ; Werner, Rudolf ; Ademaj-Kospiri, Valëza ; Gäble, Alexander ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Wester, Hans-Jürgen ; Buck, Andreas ; Herhaus, Peter ; Lapa, Constantin ; Keller, Ulrich; Investigation of spleen CXCR4 expression by [68Ga]Pentixafor PET in a cohort of 145 solid cancer patients
Ballke, Simone ; Heid, Irina ; Mogler, Carolin ; Braren, Rickmer ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Weichert, Wilko ; Steiger, Katja; Correlation of in vivo imaging to morphomolecular pathology in translational research: challenge accepted
Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Prokop, Georg ; Yakushev, Igor ; Preibisch, Christine ; Delbridge, Claire ; Meyer, Hanno S. ; Aftahy, Kaywan ; Barz, Melanie ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Zimmer, Claus ; Schlegel, Jürgen ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Gempt, Jens; Visualizing cellularity and angiogenesis in newly-diagnosed glioblastoma with diffusion and perfusion MRI and FET-PET imaging
Harder, Felix N. ; Jungmann, Friederike ; Kaissis, Georgios A. ; Lohöfer, Fabian K. ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; Havel, Daniel ; Quante, Michael ; Reichert, Maximillian ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Friess, Helmut ; Wildgruber, Moritz ; Siveke, Jens ; Muckenhuber, Alexander ; Steiger, Katja ; Weichert, Wilko ; Rauscher, Isabel ; Eiber, Matthias ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Braren, Rickmer F.; [18F]FDG PET/MRI enables early chemotherapy response prediction in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Llorca, Carlos ; Moeckel, Rolf; Assesment of the potential of cargo bikes and electrification for last-mile parcel delivery by means of simulation of urban freight flows
Mahajan, Vishal ; Cantelmo, Guido ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Explaining demand patterns during COVID-19 using opportunistic data: a case study of the city of Munich
Siebers, Nina ; Wang, Liming ; Funk, Theresa ; von Tucher, Sabine ; Merbach, Ines ; Schweitzer, Kathlin ; Kruse, Jens; Subsoils_a sink for excess fertilizer P but a minor contribution to P plant nutrition: evidence from long-term fertilization trials
Pollmann, Tina R. ; Schönert, Stefan ; Müller, Johannes ; Pollmann, Julia ; Resconi, Elisa ; Wiesinger, Christoph ; Haack, Christian ; Shtembari, Lolian ; Turcati, Andrea ; Neumair, Birgit ; Meighen-Berger, Stephan ; Zattera, Giovanni ; Neumair, Matthias ; Apel, Uljana ; Okolie, Augustine; The impact of digital contact tracing on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic_a comprehensive modelling study
Schromm, T. M. ; Grosse, C. U.; Automatic generation of cross sections from computed tomography data of mechanical joining elements for quality analysis
Kolb, Cara G. ; Zier, Katja ; Grager, Jan-Carl ; Bachmann, Andreas ; Neuwirth, Tobias ; Schmid, Simon ; Haag, Maria ; Axtner, Markus ; Bayerlein, Fabian ; Grosse, Christian U. ; Zaeh, Michael F.; An investigation on the suitability of modern nondestructive testing methods for the inspection of specimens manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Link, Daniel ; Raab, Markus; Experts use base rates in real-world sequential decisions
Macchia, Ana ; Zebhauser, Paul Theo ; Salcedo, Stephanie ; Burum, Bethany ; Gold, Edward ; Alonso-Alonso, Miguel ; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro ; Gilbert, Daniel ; Brem, Anna-Katharine; Divergent effects of oxytocin on
Hein, Andreas ; Schreieck, Maximilian ; Krcmar, Helmut; Entstehung nativer, digitaler Plattformen und ihr Einfluss auf etablierte Unternehmen
Liedtke, Christian; S. Kondo:
Beneke, Martin; Pole mass renormalon and its ramifications
D. Ramos, João R. ; Maizel, Alexis ; Alim, Karen; Tissue-wide integration of mechanical cues promotes effective auxin patterning
Lee, Namkyu ; Afanasenkau, Dzmitry ; Rinklin, Philipp ; Wolfrum, Bernhard ; Wiegand, Simone; Temperature profile characterization with fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy in a thermophoretic chip
Tigard, Daniel W.; Workplace automation without achievement gaps: a reply to Danaher and Nyholm
Wich, Maximilian ; Eder, Tobias ; Al Kuwatly, Hala ; Groh, Georg; Bias and comparison framework for abusive language datasets
Sergei, Kamolov ; Alexander, Kriebitz ; Polina, Eliseeva ; Nikita, Aleksandrov; Factoring ethics in management algorithms for municipal information-analytical systems
Häußermann, Johann Jakob ; Lütge, Christoph; Community-in-the-loop: towards pluralistic value creation in AI, or_why AI needs business ethics
Bamberger, Stefan ; Krahmer, Felix; Optimal fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings for large data sets
Sempere, Yeshua ; Morgenstern, Martin ; Bach, Thorsten ; Plaza, Manuel; Reactivity and selectivity modulation within a molecular assembly: recent examples from photochemistry
Hummel, Felix; Sample paths of white noise in spaces with dominating mixed smoothness
Bessone, Veronica ; Schwirtz, Ansgar; Landing in Ski Jumping: A Review About its Biomechanics and the Connected Injuries
Scholz, R. ; Langhansl, M. ; Hemmerich, M. ; Meyer, J. ; Zollfrank, C. ; Walther, F.; Impact of solar radiation on chemical structure and micromechanical properties of cellulose-based humidity-sensing material Cottonid
Langhansl, Matthias ; Dörrstein, Jörg ; Hornberger, Peter ; Zollfrank, Cordt; Fabrication of 3D-printed hygromorphs based on different cellulosic fillers
Sollmann, Nico ; Rüther, Charlotte ; Schön, Simon ; Zimmer, Claus ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Implementation of a sagittal T2-weighted DIXON turbo spin-echo sequence may shorten MRI acquisitions in the emergency setting of suspected spinal bleeding
Andrejewski, Jana ; De Marco, Fabio ; Willer, Konstantin ; Noichl, Wolfgang ; Gustschin, Alex ; Koehler, Thomas ; Meyer, Pascal ; Kriner, Fabian ; Fischer, Florian ; Braun, Christian ; Fingerle, Alexander A. ; Herzen, Julia ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Pfeiffer, Daniela; Whole-body x-ray dark-field radiography of a human cadaver
Rutzen, Matthias ; Schulz, Michael ; Moosburger-Will, Judith ; Lauff, Philipp ; Fischer, Oliver ; Volkmer, Dirk; 3D printing as an automated manufacturing method for a carbon fiber-reinforced cementitious composite with outstanding flexural strength (105 N/mm2)
Machner, Alisa ; Bjørndal, Marie ; Šajna, Aljoša ; Mikanovic, Nikola ; De Weerdt, Klaartje; Impact of leaching on chloride ingress profiles in concrete
Decker, M. ; Siegel, J. ; Hilbig, H. ; Heinz, D.; LA-ICP-MS on hardened cement paste: laser-material interaction, signal formation and optimization of laser fluence
Graswald, Benedikt R. ; Friesecke, Gero; Electronic wavefunction with maximally entangled MPS representation
Brandes, Len ; Kaiser, Norbert ; Weise, Wolfram; Fluctuations and phases in baryonic matter
Mihovilovi , M. ; Achenbach, P. ; Beranek, T. ; Beri i , J. ; Bernauer, J. C. ; Böhm, R. ; Bosnar, D. ; Cardinali, M. ; Correa, L. ; Debenjak, L. ; Denig, A. ; Distler, M. O. ; Esser, A. ; Ferretti Bondy, M. I. ; Fonvieille, H. ; Friedrich, J. M. ; Friš ić, I. ; Hoek, M. ; Kegel, S. ; Merkel, H. ; Middleton, D. G. ; Müller, U. ; Pochodzalla, J. ; Schlimme, B. S. ; Schoth, M. ; Schulz, F. ; Sfienti, C. ; Širca, S. ; Štajner, S. ; Stöttinger, Y. ; Thiel, M. ; Tyukin, A. ; Vanderhaeghen, M. ; Weber, A. B.; The proton charge radius extracted from the initial-state radiation experiment at MAMI
Adamczewski-Musch, J. ; Belyaev, A. ; Blanco, A. ; Blume, C. ; Borisenko, D. S. ; Charlotte, C. ; Chlad, L. ; Chudoba, P. ; Ciepal, I. ; Derichs, A. ; Dittert, D. ; Dreyer, J. ; Esmail, W. ; Fateev, O. ; Fonte, P. ; Friese, J. ; Fröhlich, I. ; Förtsch, J. ; Galatyuk, T. ; Georgadze, I. ; Golosov, O. ; Golubeva, M. ; Greifenhagen, R. ; Grunwald, M. ; Grzonka, D. ; Guber, F. ; Gumberidze, M. ; Harabasz, S. ; Heinz, T. ; Heybeck, B. ; Höhne, C. ; Holona, M. ; Holzmann, R. ; Huck, H. ; Ierusalimov, A. ; Imre, M. ; Ivashkin, A. ; Kämpfer, B. ; Kampert, K-H. ; Kardan, B. ; Kedych, V. ; Khomyakov, V. ; Koenig, I. ; Koenig, W. ; Kohls, M. ; Kornakov, G. ; Kornas, F. ; Kotte, R. ; Kozela, A. ; Kozlov, V. ; Kres, I. ; Kubo , J. ; Kugler, A. ; Kulessa, P. ; Ladygin, V. ; Lalik, R. ; Le Galliard, C. ; Lebedev, A. ; Lebedev, S. ; Linev, S. ; Lopes, L. ; Lorenz, M. ; Lykasov, G. ; Malige, A. ; Markert, J. ; Matulewicz, T. ; Michel, J. ; Morozov, S. ; Müntz, C. ; Naumann, L. ; Nowakowski, K. ; Orfanitsky, S. ; Otto, J. -H. ; Patel, V. ; Pauly, C. ; Pechenov, V. ; Pechenova, O. ; Perez Andrade, G. ; Petukhov, O. ; Pfeifer, D. ; Piasecki, K. ; Pietraszko, J. ; Prozorov, A. ; Przygoda, W. ; Pysz, K. ; Ramstein, B. ; Rathod, N. ; Regina, J. ; Reshetin, A. ; Reznikov, S. ; Rieger, J. T. ; Ritman, J. ; Rodriguez-Ramos, P. ; Rost, A. ; Rustamov, A. ; Salabura, P. ; Saraiva, J. ; Schild, N. ; Schwab, E. ; Schönning, K. ; Scozzi, F. ; Seck, F. ; Selyuzhenkov, I. ; Serdyuk, V. ; Shabanov, A. ; Singh, U. ; Smyrski, J. ; Sobiella, M. ; Spies, S. ; Strikhanov, M. ; Ströbele, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sumara, K. ; Svoboda, O. ; Szala, M. ; Szewczyk, J. ; Taranenko, A. ; Tlusty, P. ; Traxler, M. ; Wagner, V. ; Wasiluk, M. ; Weber, A. A. ; Wendisch, C. ; Wintz, P. ; Wloch, B. ; Zbroszczyk, H. P. ; Zherebzova, E. ; Zhilin, A. ; Zinchenko, A. ; Zumbruch, P.; Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a phase-0 experiment at FAIR
Avram, Mihai ; Grothe, Michel J. ; Meinhold, Lena ; Leucht, Claudia ; Leucht, Stefan ; Borgwardt, Stefan ; Brandl, Felix ; Sorg, Christian; Lower cholinergic basal forebrain volumes link with cognitive difficulties in schizophrenia
Hansen, Rieke ; van Lierop, Martina ; Rolf, Werner ; Gantar, Damjana ; Šuklje Erjavec , Ina ; Rall, Emily Lorance ; Pauleit, Stephan; Using green infrastructure to stimulate discourse with and for planning practice: experiences with fuzzy concepts from a pan-European, a national and a local perspective
Bührer, Werner; Westemeier, Jens (Hrsg.): So war der deutsche Landser
Bührer, Werner; Eckel, Jan/Schild, Georg (Hrsg.): 1968. Verdichtung des Wandels und globaler Moment (Tübinger Vorlesungen), 220 S., Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2019. Kraushaar, Wolfgang: Die 68er-Bewegung International. Eine illustrierte Chronik 1960-1969, 4 Bde., 2004 S., Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2018.
Hubregtsen, Thomas ; Pichlmeier, Josef ; Stecher, Patrick ; Bertels, Koen; Evaluation of parameterized quantum circuits: on the relation between classification accuracy, expressibility, and entangling capability
Bauer, Ulrich; Ripser: efficient computation of Vietoris-Rips persistence barcodes
Rücker, Lisa ; Brombach, Johannes ; Bengler, Klaus; Experimental study of standing and walking at work _ What is compatible with physiological characteristics and human needs?
Adam, Caroline ; Bengler, Klaus ; Brandl, Christopher ; Nitsch, Verena ; Ott, Gritt ; Pütz, Sebastian ; Schmauder, Martin; Maßnahmen und Lösungen zur Arbeitsgestaltung für den Umgang mit der COVID-19 Pandemie: Eine systematische Analyse der Arbeit im Primär , Sekundär- und Tertiärsektor in Deutschland
Wimmer, Andreas ; Hofstaetter, Fabian ; Jugert, Constantin ; Wudy, Katrin ; Zaeh, Michael F.; In situ alloying: investigation of the melt pool stability during powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam in a novel experimental set-up
Schmid, Simon ; Krabusch, Johannes ; Schromm, Thomas ; Jieqing, Shi ; Ziegelmeier, Stefan ; Grosse, Christian Ulrich ; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich; A new approach for automated measuring of the melt pool geometry in laser-powder bed fusion
Insam, Christina ; Peiris, L. D. Hashan ; Rixen, Daniel J.; Normalized passivity control for hardware-in-the-loop with contact
Teschemacher, Rudolf ; Müller-Stoy, Tilman; From Bielefeld to the Unified Patent Court - A Never-Ending Story?
Rhode, Michael ; Richter, Tim ; Mente, Tobias ; Mayr, Peter ; Nitsche, Alexander; Thickness and microstructure effect on hydrogen diffusion in creep-resistant 9% Cr P92 steel and P91 weld metal
Perchermeier, Sophie ; Tassani-Prell, Peter; The Use of Corticosteroids for Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Adults
Rothe, Kathrin ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Panning, Marcus ; Pletz, Mathias W. ; Rohde, Gernot ; Rupp, Jan ; Witzenrath, Martin ; Erber, Johanna ; Eberhardt, Frank ; Essig, Andreas ; Schneider, Jochen ; Dreher, M. ; Cornelissen, C ; Knüppel, W. ; Stolz, D. ; Suttorp, N. ; Creutz, P. ; Mikolajewska, A. ; le Claire, A. ; Benzke, M. ; Bauer, T. ; Krieger, D. ; Prediger, M. ; Schmager, S. ; Kolditz, M. ; Schulte-Hubbert, B. ; Langner, S. ; Degen, O. ; Hüfner, A. ; Hoffmann, C. ; Welte, T. ; Freise, J. ; Barten-Neiner, G. ; Nawrocki, M. ; Fuge, I. ; Naim, J. ; Kröner, W. ; Illig, T. ; Klopp, N. ; Kroegel, C. ; Moeser, A. ; Schleenvoigt, B. ; Forstner, C. ; Drömann, D. ; Parschke, P. ; Franzen, K. ; Rupp, J. ; Käding, N. ; Wouters, E. ; Walraven, K. ; Braeken, D. ; Spinner, C. ; Buschmann, H. ; Zaruchas, A. ; Schaberg, T. ; Hering, I. ; Albrich, W. ; Waldeck, F. ; Rassouli, F. ; Baldesberger, S ; Panning, M. ; Wallner, M.; Evaluation of a multiplex PCR screening approach to identify community-acquired bacterial co-infections in COVID-19: a multicenter prospective cohort study of the German competence network of community-acquired pneumonia (CAPNETZ)
Schons, Maximilian J. ; Caliebe, Amke ; Classen, Annika Y. ; Ruethrich, Maria M. ; Nunes de Miranda, Susana M. ; Römmele, Christoph ; Vehreschild, Janne ; Haselberger, Martina ; Friedrichs, Anette K. ; Lanznaster, Julia ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Ruethrich, Maria Madeleine ; Jensen, Bjoern-Erik ; Hower, Martin ; Rupp, Jan ; Roemmele, Christoph ; Vehreschild, Maria ; Degenhardt, Christian ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Hanses, Frank ; Hellwig, Kerstin ; Dahl, Jürgen vom ; Dolff, Sebastian ; Piepel, Christiane ; Kielstein, Jan ; Nadalin, Silvio ; Neufang, Marc ; Milovanovic, Milena ; Wille, Kai ; Rothfuss, Katja ; Eberwein, Lukas ; Rimili, Wolfgang ; Westhoff, Timm ; Worm, Maximilian ; Beutel, Gernot ; Jung, Norma ; Schubert, Joerg ; Markart, Philipp ; Rueddel, Jessica ; Voigt, Ingo ; Bals, Robert ; Raichle, Claudia ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; Jakob, Carolin E. M. ; Pilgram, Lisa ; Stecher, Melanie ; Schons, Maximilian ; de Miranda, Susana M. Nunes ; Schulze, Nick ; Fuhrmann, Sandra ; Brünn, Clara ; Claßen, Annika ; Franke, Bernd ; Praßer, Fabian ; Lablans, Martin; All-cause mortality and disease progression in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with or without antibiotic therapy: an analysis of the LEOSS cohort
Mahajan, Ujjwal Mukund ; Oswald, Marcus ; Mayerle, Julia ; Pletz, Mathias ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Scherer, Clemens ; Rüthrich, Maria ; Massberg, Steffen ; Er, Ahmet Görkem ; Stubbe, Hans ; König, Rainer ; Tometten, Lukas ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Merle, Uta ; Wille, Kai ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Spinner, Christoph ; Dolff, Sebastian ; Rüthrich, Maria Madeleine ; Hanses, Frank ; Hower, Martin ; Strauß, Richard ; Akova, Murat ; Jung, Norma ; von Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael ; Vehreschild, Maria ; Grüner, Beate ; Haselberger, Martina ; Isberner, Nora ; Piepel, Christiane ; Hellwig, Kerstin ; Rauschning, Dominic ; Eberwein, Lukas ; Jensen, Björn ; Raichle, Claudia ; Müller-Jörger, Gabriele ; Stieglitz, Sven ; Kratz, Thomas ; Degenhardt, Christian ; Friedrichs, Anette ; Bals, Robert ; Rüger, Susanne ; With, Katja ; Rothfuss, Katja ; Goepel, Siri ; Nattermann, Jacob ; Jordan, Sabine ; Rüddel, Jessica ; Trauth, Janina ; Beutel, Gernot ; Aydin, Ozlem Altuntas ; Milovanovic, Milena ; Doll, Michael ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; Pilgram, Lisa ; Stecher, Melanie ; Jakob, Carolin E. M. ; Schons, Maximilian ; Claßen, Annika ; Fuhrmann, Sandra ; de Miranda, Susana Nunes ; Franke, Bernd ; Schulze, Nick ; Prasser, Fabian ; Lablans, Martin; Prediction of COVID-19 deterioration in high-risk patients at diagnosis: an early warning score for advanced COVID-19 developed by machine learning
Koehler, Johanna ; Ritzer, Barbara ; Weidlich, Simon ; Gebhardt, Friedemann ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig ; Gempt, Jens ; Querbach, Christiane ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Haller, Bernhard ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Schneider, Jochen ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Iakoubov, Roman; Use of monoclonal antibody therapy for nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients at high risk for severe COVID-19: experience from a tertiary-care hospital in Germany
Malin, Jakob J. ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Janssens, Uwe ; Welte, Tobias ; Weber-Carstens, Steffen ; Schälte, Gereon ; Gastmeier, Petra ; Langer, Florian ; Wepler, Martin ; Westhoff, Michael ; Pfeifer, Michael ; Rabe, Klaus F. ; Hoffmann, Florian ; Böttiger, Bernd W. ; Weinmann-Menke, Julia ; Kersten, Alexander ; Berlit, Peter ; Krawczyk, Marcin ; Nehls, Wiebke ; Fichtner, Falk ; Laudi, Sven ; Stegemann, Miriam ; Skoetz, Nicole ; Nothacker, Monika ; Marx, Gernot ; Karagiannidis, Christian ; Kluge, Stefan; Key summary of German national treatment guidance for hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Gross, Mathieu ; Jacob, Nisha ; Zankl, Andreas ; Sigl, Georg; Breaking TrustZone memory isolation and secure boot through malicious hardware on a modern FPGA-SoC
Lichtenstern, Andreas ; Zagst, Rudi; Optimal investment strategies for pension funds with regulation-conform dynamic pension payment management in the absence of guarantees
Zeller, Gabriela ; Scherer, Matthias; A comprehensive model for cyber risk based on marked point processes and its application to insurance
Ahmed, Mostafa ; Harbi, Ibrahim ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Dual-Mode Power Operation for Grid-Connected PV Systems with Adaptive DC-link Controller
Geisslinger, Maximilian ; Poszler, Franziska ; Betz, Johannes ; Lütge, Christoph ; Lienkamp, Markus; Autonomous Driving Ethics: from Trolley Problem to Ethics of Risk
Gogoll, Jan ; Zuber, Niina ; Kacianka, Severin ; Greger, Timo ; Pretschner, Alexander ; Nida-Rümelin, Julian; Ethics in the Software Development Process: from Codes of Conduct to Ethical Deliberation
Grahl, S. ; Bussas, M. ; Wiestler, B. ; Eichinger, P. ; Gaser, C. ; Kirschke, J. ; Zimmer, C. ; Berthele, A. ; Hemmer, B. ; Mühlau, M.; Differential Effects of Fingolimod and Natalizumab on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Boergens, Eva ; Schmidt, Michael ; Seitz, Florian; The use of B-splines to represent the topography of river networks
Breithecker, Jennifer ; Jaitner, David ; Lohmann, Julia ; Linke, Daniel ; Siegle, Malte ; Lames, Martin ; Brandl-Bredenbeck, Hans Peter; Bewegungszeit, Belastungsintensität und Bewegungsumfang im Sportunterricht
Volk, Carmen ; Rosenstiel, Stephanie ; Demetriou, Yolanda ; Sudeck, Gorden ; Thiel, Ansgar ; Wagner, Wolfgang ; Höner, Oliver; Health-related fitness knowledge in adolescence: evaluation of a new test considering different psychometric approaches (CTT and IRT)
Schlund, Annegret ; Reimers, Anne K. ; Bucksch, Jens ; Linder, Stephanie ; Demetriou, Yolanda; Sex/gender considerations in school-based interventions to promote children's and adolescents' physical activity
Renninger, Denise ; Sturm, David J. ; Krieger, Claus ; Demetriou, Yolanda; Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität von Mädchen im Sportunterricht
Hansen, Lynn J. ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Comparison of Fuels and Effluents Originating from Washing and Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Residual Biomass
Weber, Michael ; Beutter, Moritz ; Weking, Jörg ; Böhm, Markus ; Krcmar, Helmut; AI Startup Business Models
Eggers, Julia ; Hein, Andreas ; Böhm, Markus ; Krcmar, Helmut; No Longer Out of Sight, No Longer Out of Mind? How Organizations Engage with Process Mining-Induced Transparency to Achieve Increased Process Awareness
Bodmer, Daniel ; Krenmayr, Michael ; Holzapfel, Florian; Asymptotic tracking position control with active oscillation damping of a multibody Mars vehicle using two artificial augmentation approaches
Pluschke, Muriel Cathérine ; Keller, Maria ; Buchholz, Lea; Challenges for comparative politics. Virtual conference of the DVPW-Section
Pilak, Patrick ; Skerra, Arne; Schiffe Versenken
Pirzer, Tobias; Dynamische Peptidvesikel als Vorstufe synthetischer Zellen?
Löwe, Hannes ; Kremling, Andreas ; Pflüger-Grau, Katharina; Friss oder stirb! Erweiterung des Substratspektrums von P. putida
Petry, Andreas ; Görlach, Agnes; NADPH-Oxidasen und HIF: zentrale Elemente der Redoxhomöostase
Zhu, Bing ; Woltering, René-Ojas; Is fund performance driven by flows into connected funds? spillover effects in the mutual fund industry
Bock, Matthias ; Bergmann, Christian B. ; Jung, Sonja ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Heimann, Laura ; Hanschen, Marc; Platelets differentially modulate CD4+ Treg activation via GPIIa/IIIb-, fibrinogen-, and PAR4-dependent pathways
Tigard, Daniel W.; Technological Answerability and the Severance Problem: Staying Connected by Demanding Answers
Castrigiano, Domenico P. L.; Unbounded Wiener-Hopf Operators and Isomorphic Singular Integral Operators
Benker, Maximilian ; Junker, Sebastian ; Ellinger, Johannes ; Semm, Thomas ; Zaeh, Michael F.; Experimental derivation of a condition monitoring test cycle for machine tool feed drives
Erhard, P. ; Seidel, A. ; Vogt, J. ; Volk, W. ; Günther, D.; Evaluation and optimisation of a slurry-based layer casting process in additive manufacturing using multiphase simulations and spatial reconstruction
Buechler, Tobias ; Schumacher, Felix ; Reimann, Patrick ; Zaeh, Michael F.; Methodology for an automatic and early manufacturing technology selection on a component level
Zhai, Simon ; Kandemir, Meltem Göksu ; Reinhart, Gunther; Predictive maintenance integrated production scheduling by applying deep generative prognostics models: approach, formulation and solution
Kindsmüller, Alexander ; Schrepfer, Agnes ; Stahl, Jens ; Pätzold, Isabella ; Nürnberger, Anian ; Golle, Roland ; Volk, Wolfram; Influence of cutting parameters on mechanisms causing slug pulling
Kirchebner, Benedikt ; Rehekampff, Christoph ; Tröndle, Martin ; Lechner, Philipp ; Volk, Wolfram; Analysis of salts for use as support structure in metal material jetting
Oppelt, Martin; Landemore, Hélène (2020): Open Democracy. Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century
Weihrauch, Lisa ; Wolff, Hans-Georg ; Stöger, Lea Katharina ; von Nitzsch, Jannis ; Konari, Nima; Wie baue ich ein erfolgreiches Netzwerk auf? Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Networking-Trainings
Hentschke, Christian ; Halle, Martin ; Geilhof, Barbara ; Landendoerfer, Peter ; Blank, Wolfgang ; Sieber, Cornel Christian ; Siegrist, Monika ; Freiberger, Ellen; 24-Months Cluster-Randomized Intervention Trial of a Targeted Fall Prevention Program in a Primary Care Setting
Krumpholz, Roman ; Fuchtmann, Jonas ; Berlet, Maximilian ; Hangleiter, Annika ; Ostler, Daniel ; Feussner, Hubertus ; Wilhelm, Dirk; Telemedical percussion: objectifying a fundamental clinical examination technique for telemedicine
Zhang, Jinglu ; Nie, Yinyu ; Lyu, Yao ; Yang, Xiaosong ; Chang, Jian ; Zhang, Jian Jun; SD-Net: joint surgical gesture recognition and skill assessment
Zhang, Dingzhi ; Sun, Yilun ; Lueth, Tim C.; Design of a novel tendon-driven manipulator structure based on monolithic compliant rolling-contact joint for minimally invasive surgery
Gonzalez Herrero, Maria Elena ; Kuehn, Christian ; Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira; Reduced Models of Cardiomyocytes Excitability: Comparing Karma and FitzHugh-Nagumo
Buschka, Michael ; Bischof, Julian ; Meier-Dotzler, Christina ; Lang, Werner; Developing non-residential building stock archetypes for LCI_a German case study of office and administration buildings
Hommel, Björn E. ; Wollang, Franz-Josef M. ; Kotova, Veronika ; Zacher, Hannes ; Schmukle, Stefan C.; Transformer-Based Deep Neural Language Modeling for Construct-Specific Automatic Item Generation
Mueller, C. Emika ; Li, Hansen ; Begasse, Sophia M. ; Sommer, J. Ulrich ; Stuck, Boris A. ; Birk, Richard; Sleep position, patient comfort, and technical performance with two established procedures for home sleep testing
Schulz, Martin ; Sato, Kento; Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Computing Frontiers
Heyard, Rachel ; Philipp, Tobias ; Hottenrott, Hanna; Imaginary carrot or effective fertiliser? A rejoinder on funding and productivity
Downar, Benedikt ; Ernstberger, Jürgen ; Reichelstein, Stefan ; Schwenen, Sebastian ; Zaklan, Aleksandar; The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance
Hajek, André ; Brettschneider, Christian ; Mallon, Tina ; Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna ; Oey, Anke ; Wiese, Birgitt ; Weyerer, Siegfried ; Werle, Jochen ; Pentzek, Michael ; Fuchs, Angela ; Conrad, Ines ; Luppa, Melanie ; Weeg, Dagmar ; Mösch, Edelgard ; Kleineidam, Luca ; Wagner, Michael ; Scherer, Martin ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. ; König, Hans-Helmut; Social support and health-related quality of life among the oldest old _ longitudinal evidence from the multicenter prospective AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe study
Schuster, Barbara ; Peifer, Corinna ; Ziehfreund, Stefanie ; Tizek, Linda ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zink, Alexander ; Schielein, Maximilian C.; Happiness and depression in psoriasis: a cross-sectional study in Germany
Buschle, Christina ; Reiter, Herwig ; Bethmann, Arne; The qualitative pretest interview for questionnaire development: outline of programme and practice
Hummel, Felix ; Lindemulder, Nick; Elliptic and Parabolic Boundary Value Problems in Weighted Function Spaces
Mauerhofer, Eric ; Ilic, Zeljko ; Stieghorst, Christian ; Révay, Zsolt ; Rossbach, Matthias ; Li, Jingjing ; Randriamalala, Tsitohaina H. ; Brückel, Thomas; Prompt and delayed gamma rays induced by epithermal and fast neutrons with indium
Li, Xiaosong ; van Sluijs, Robbert ; Kennedy, Gregory; Measurement of k0 values for europium, lutetium and iridium at FRM II with a very well thermalized neutron spectrum
Manai, Chokri ; Warzel, Simone; The de Almeida-Thouless Line in Hierarchical Quantum Spin Glasses
Conache, Diana ; Heydenreich, Markus ; Merkl, Franz ; Rolles, Silke W. W.; Variance of Voltages in a Lattice Coulomb Gas
Engel, Maximilian ; Gkogkas, Marios Antonios ; Kuehn, Christian; Homogenization of Coupled Fast-Slow Systems via Intermediate Stochastic Regularization
Mendl, Christian B. ; Bornemann, Folkmar; Efficient Numerical Evaluation of Thermodynamic Quantities on Infinite (Semi-)classical Chains
Pastrana, Tania ; Frick, Eckhard ; Krikorian, Alicia ; Ascencio, Leticia ; Galeazzi, Florencia ; Büssing, Arndt; Translation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Spiritual Care Competence Questionnaire (SCCQ)
Hofmann, Andrea M. ; Kuefner, Wolfgang ; Mayr, Christoph ; Dubois, Nathalie ; Geist, Juergen ; Raeder, Uta; Unravelling climate change impacts from other anthropogenic influences in a subalpine lake: a multi-proxy sediment study from Oberer Soiernsee (Northern Alps, Germany)
Flechtner, Frank ; Reigber, Christoph ; Rummel, Reiner ; Balmino, Georges; Satellite Gravimetry: A Review of Its Realization
Vrachioli, Maria ; Stefanou, Spiro E. ; Tzouvelekas, Vangelis; Impact Evaluation of Alternative Irrigation Technology in Crete: Correcting for Selectivity Bias
Mrowca, Artur ; Gyrock, Florian ; Günnemann, Stephan; Temporal state change Bayesian networks for modeling of evolving multivariate state sequences: model, structure discovery and parameter estimation
Metzger, Christoph ; Drexel, Roland ; Meier, Florian ; Briesen, Heiko; Effect of ultrasonication on the size distribution and stability of cellulose nanocrystals in suspension: an asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation study
Engel, Leif-Christopher ; Landmesser, Ulf ; Abdelwahed, Youssef S. ; Gigengack, Kevin ; Wurster, Thomas ; Manes, Costantia ; Skurk, Carsten ; Lauten, Alexander ; Schuster, Andreas ; Noutsias, Michel ; Hamm, Bernd ; Botnar, Rene M. ; Bigalke, Boris ; Makowski, Marcus R.; In vivo assessment of endothelial permeability of coronary lesions with variable degree of stenosis using an albumin-binding MR probe
Faber, M. ; Sonne, C. ; Rosner, S. ; Persch, H. ; Reinhard, W. ; Hendrich, E. ; Will, A. ; Martinoff, S. ; Hadamitzky, M.; Predicting the need of aortic valve surgery in patients with chronic aortic regurgitation: a comparison between cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and transthoracic echocardiography
Neirich, Leonie ; Yahiaoui-Doktor, Maryam ; Lammert, Jacqueline ; Basrai, Maryam ; Seethaler, Benjamin ; Berling-Ernst, Anika ; Ramser, Juliane ; Quante, Anne S. ; Schmidt, Thorsten ; Niederberger, Uwe ; Rhiem, Kerstin ; Schmutzler, Rita ; Engel, Christoph ; Bischoff, Stephan C. ; Halle, Martin ; Kiechle, Marion ; Grill, Sabine; Physical activity and Mediterranean diet as potential modulators of osteoprotegerin and soluble RANKL in gBRCA1/2 mutation carriers: results of the lifestyle intervention pilot study LIBRE-1
Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Höschen, Carmen ; Ivanov, Pavel ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; The role of clay content and mineral surface area for soil organic carbon storage in an arable toposequence
Seidel, Tina ; Renkl, Alexander ; Rieß, Werner; Basisdimensionen für Unterrichtsqualität im Fachkontext konkretisieren: Die Rolle von Unterrichtsartefakten und Bestimmung von Standardsituationen
Insam, C. ; Rixen, D. J.; Fidelity Assessment of Real-Time Hybrid Substructure Testing: a Review and the Application of Artificial Neural Networks
Knoke, Thomas ; Kindu, Mengistie ; Schneider, Thomas ; Gobakken, Terje; Inventory of Forest Attributes to Support the Integration of Non-provisioning Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Forest Planning_from Collecting Data to Providing Information
Lange, Lars ; Klimek, Ludger ; Beyer, Kirsten ; Blümchen, Katharina ; Novak, Natalija ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Bauer, Andrea ; Merk, Hans ; Rabe, Uta ; Jung, Kirsten ; Schlenter, Wolfgang ; Ring, Johannes ; Chaker, Adam ; Wehrmann, Wolfgang ; Becker, Sven ; Mülleneisen, Norbert ; Nemat, Katja ; Czech, Wolfgang ; Wrede, Holger ; Brehler, Randolf ; Fuchs, Thomas ; Jakob, Thilo ; Ankermann, Tobias ; Schmidt, Sebastian M. ; Gerstlauer, Michael ; Zuberbier, Torsten ; Spindler, Thomas ; Vogelberg, Christian; White paper on peanut allergy - part 1: Epidemiology, burden of disease, health economic aspects
Ring, Johannes ; Beyer, Kirsten ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Bircher, Andreas ; Fischer, Matthias ; Fuchs, Thomas ; Heller, Axel ; Hoffmann, Florian ; Huttegger, Isidor ; Jakob, Thilo ; Klimek, Ludger ; Kopp, Matthias V. ; Kugler, Claudia ; Lange, Lars ; Pfaar, Oliver ; Rietschel, Ernst ; Rueff, Franziska ; Schnadt, Sabine ; Seifert, Roland ; Stöcker, Britta ; Treudler, Regina ; Vogelberg, Christian ; Werfel, Thomas ; Worm, Margitta ; Sitter, Helmut ; Brockow, Knut; Messages for patients and relatives from the 2021 update of the guideline on acute therapy and management of anaphylaxis
Klimek, Ludger ; Novak, Natalija ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Werfel, Thomas ; Wagenmann, Martin ; Taube, Christian ; Bauer, Andrea ; Merk, Hans ; Rabe, Uta ; Jung, Kirsten ; Schlenter, Wolfgang ; Ring, Johannes ; Chaker, Adam ; Wehrmann, Wolfgang ; Becker, Sven ; Mülleneisen, Norbert ; Nemat, Katja ; Czech, Wolfgang ; Wrede, Holger ; Brehler, Randolf ; Fuchs, Thomas ; Jakob, Thilo ; Ankermann, Tobias ; Schmidt, Sebastian M. ; Gerstlauer, Michael ; Vogelberg, Christian ; Zuberbier, Thomas ; Hartmann, Karin ; Worm, Margitta; Severe allergic reactions after COVID-19 vaccination with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in Great Britain and USA
Klimek, Ludger ; Bergmann, Karl-Christian ; Brehler, Randolf ; Pfützner, Wolfgang ; Zuberbier, Torsten ; Hartmann, Karin ; Jakob, Thilo ; Novak, Natalija ; Ring, Johannes ; Merk, Hans ; Hamelmann, Eckard ; Ankermann, Tobias ; Schmidt, Sebastian ; Untersmayr, Eva ; Hötzenecker, Wolfram ; Jensen-Jarolim, Erika ; Brockow, Knut ; Mahler, Vera ; Worm, Margitta; Practical handling of allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
Ring, Johannes ; Farschtschi, Anna Maria ; Grosber, Martine ; Brockow, Knut; Anaphylaxis: subjective symptom reports of patients with a special focus on
Ring, Johannes ; Beyer, Kirsten ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Bircher, Andreas ; Fischer, Matthias ; Fuchs, Thomas ; Heller, Axel ; Hoffmann, Florian ; Huttegger, Isidor ; Jakob, Thilo ; Klimek, Ludger ; Kopp, Matthias V. ; Kugler, Claudia ; Lange, Lars ; Pfaar, Oliver ; Rietschel, Ernst ; Rueff, Franziska ; Schnadt, Sabine ; Seifert, Roland ; Stöcker, Britta ; Treudler, Regina ; Vogelberg, Christian ; Werfel, Thomas ; Worm, Margitta ; Sitter, Helmut ; Brockow, Knut; Guideline (S2k) on acute therapy and management of anaphylaxis: 2021 update
Brockow, Knut; Diagnosing and Managing Patients with Reactions to Radiocontrast Media
Ghawi, Raji ; Müller, Siegfried ; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Improving team performance prediction in MMOGs with temporal communication networks
Ghawi, Raji ; Petz, Cindarella ; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Diffusion dynamics of influence in a social network of intellectuals
Sedlacek, D. ; Biechele, S. ; Breitsamter, C.; Numerical investigations of vortex formation on a generic multiple-swept-wing configuration
Reinbold, Christopher ; Sørensen, Kaare ; Breitsamter, Christian; Aeroelastic simulations of a delta wing with a Chimera approach for deflected control surfaces
Scholz, Anna Elena ; Trifonov, Dimitar ; Hornung, Mirko; Environmental life cycle assessment and operating cost analysis of a conceptual battery hybrid-electric transport aircraft
Schmähl, Michael ; Rieger, Christian ; Speck, Sebastian ; Hornung, Mirko; Semi-empiric noise modeling of a Cargo eVTOL UAV by means of system identification from flight noise measurement data
Zahn, R. ; Breitsamter, C.; Airfoil buffet aerodynamics at plunge and pitch excitation based on long short-term memory neural network prediction
Ruhland, Johannes ; Breitsamter, Christian; Numerical analysis of high-lift configurations with oscillating flaps
Keune, Anna; Fabric-Based Computing: (Re)examining the Materiality of Computer Science Learning Through Fiber Crafts
Aşirim, Özüm Emre; Far-IR to deep-UV adaptive supercontinuum generation using semiconductor nano-antennas via carrier injection rate modulation
Gawlitta, Nadine ; Zimmermann, Elias J. ; Orasche, Jürgen ; Huber, Anja ; Buters, Jeroen ; Di Bucchianico, Sebastiano ; Oeder, Sebastian ; Gröger, Thomas ; Zimmermann, Ralf; Impact of Volatile and Semi-volatile Organic Compounds from Farming Environments on Allergy-Related Cellular Processes
Bakaç, Cafer ; Zyberaj, Jetmir ; Barela, James C.; Predicting employee telecommuting preferences and job outcomes amid COVID-19 pandemic: a latent profile analysis
Ong-Pålsson, Emma ; Njavro, Jasenka Rudan ; Wilson, Yvette ; Pigoni, Martina ; Schmidt, Andree ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Meyer, Michael ; Hartmann, Jana ; Busche, Marc Aurel ; Gunnersen, Jenny M. ; Munro, Kathryn M. ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; The β-Secretase Substrate Seizure 6-Like Protein (SEZ6L) Controls Motor Functions in Mice
Oehlmann, Paul ; Osswald, Paul ; Blanco, Juan Camilo ; Friedrich, Martin ; Rietzel, Dominik ; Witt, Gerd; Modeling Fused Filament Fabrication using Artificial Neural Networks
Mueller-Sarnowski, Felix ; Sollmann, Nico ; Schröder, Axel ; Houri, Leen ; Ille, Sebastian ; Grimmer, Timo ; Krieg, Sandro M. ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as novel mapping technique provides insights into language function in primary progressive aphasia
Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Scheiderer, Bastian ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Pogorzelski, Jonas; Indication and technique for arthroscopic stabilization of anterior shoulder instability with multidirectional laxity
Frey, Philipp ; Schaupp, Simon ; Wenten, Klara-Aylin; Towards Emancipatory Technology Studies
Coban, Alev ; Wenten, Klara-Aylin; Who Cares for Agile Work? In/Visibilized Work Practices and Their Emancipatory Potential
Haider, Michael ; Riesch, Michael ; Jirauschek, Christian; Realization of best practices in software engineering and scientific writing through ready-to-use project skeletons
Popp, Johannes ; Haider, Michael ; Franckié, Martin ; Faist, Jérôme ; Jirauschek, Christian; Bayesian optimization of quantum cascade detectors
Ulbrich, Michael ; Vexler, Boris; OPTE special issue on PDE-constrained optimization
Kämmerer, Lutz ; Krahmer, Felix ; Volkmer, Toni; A sample efficient sparse FFT for arbitrary frequency candidate sets in high dimensions
Auge, Daniel ; Hille, Julian ; Mueller, Etienne ; Knoll, Alois; A Survey of Encoding Techniques for Signal Processing in Spiking Neural Networks
Odysseos, Georgios ; Mayr, Ulrich ; Bozsaki, Gabor ; Seidensticker, Christian ; Ehmer, Ursula ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Dill, Veronika; Isavuconazole and Liposomal Amphotericin B as Successful Combination Therapy of Refractory Invasive Candidiasis in a Liver Transplant Recipient: A Case Report and Literature Review
Otto, Antje ; Göpfert, Christian ; Thieken, Annegret H.; Are cities prepared for climate change? An analysis of adaptation readiness in 104 German cities
Jelbart, S. ; Kristiansen, K. U. ; Szmolyan, P. ; Wechselberger, M.; Singularly Perturbed Oscillators with Exponential Nonlinearities
Folger, Nicholas ; Brosi, Prisca ; Stumpf-Wollersheim, Jutta ; Welpe, Isabell M.; Applicant Reactions to Digital Selection Methods: A Signaling Perspective on Innovativeness and Procedural Justice
Leiber, Daria ; Eickholt, David ; Vuong, Anh-Tu ; Reinhart, Gunther; Simulation-based layout optimization for multi-station assembly lines
Chacón, Edgar ; Cruz Salazar, Luis Alberto ; Cardillo, Juan ; Paredes Astudillo, Yenny Alexandra; A control architecture for continuous production processes based on industry 4.0: water supply systems application
Engel, Thomas ; Werther, Norman; Structural Means for Fire-Safe Wooden Façade Design
Krügel, Sebastian ; Uhl, Matthias ; Balcombe, Bryn; Automated vehicles and the morality of post-collision behavior
Strohmaier, Anselm R. ; Reinhold, Frank ; Hofer, Sarah ; Berkowitz, Michal ; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit ; Reiss, Kristina; Different complex word problems require different combinations of cognitive skills
Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Teixeira, Leonardo H.; Competitive trait hierarchies of native communities and invasive propagule pressure consistently predict invasion success during grassland establishment
Seidel, Dominik ; Stiers, Melissa ; Ehbrecht, Martin ; Werning, Maik ; Annighöfer, Peter; On the structural complexity of central European agroforestry systems: a quantitative assessment using terrestrial laser scanning in single-scan mode
Wang, Yanwei ; Seidel, Michael; Strategy for fast manufacturing of 3D hydrodynamic focusing multilayer microfluidic chips and its application for flow-based synthesis of gold nanoparticles
Schulze, Carolin ; Bucksch, Jens ; Demetriou, Yolanda ; Emmerling, Sandra ; Linder, Stephanie ; Reimers, Anne K; Considering sex/gender in interventions to promote children's and adolescents' leisure-time physical activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Müller, Alexander ; Haneke, Hannah ; Kirchberger, Valerie ; Mastella, Giulio ; Dommasch, Michael ; Merle, Uta ; Heinze, Oliver ; Siegmann, Adonia ; Spinner, Christoph ; Buiatti, Alessandra ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Schmidt, Georg ; Martens, Eimo; Integration of mobile sensors in a telemedicine hospital system: remote-monitoring in COVID-19 patients
Mastella, Giulio ; Darstein, Lars ; Raufhake, Carsten ; Schneider, Vera ; Corletto, Anna ; Buiatti, Alessandra ; Müller, Alexander ; Schuessler-Hahn, Franziska ; Gondert, Markus ; Gerdes, Heiko ; Martens, Eimo; Offshore telemedicine emergency service: a 1-year experience
Duan, Bingbing ; Hugentobler, Urs; Comparisons of CODE and CNES/CLS GPS satellite bias products and applications in Sentinel-3 satellite precise orbit determination
Eichinger, Jonas F. ; Grill, Maximilian J. ; Kermani, Iman Davoodi ; Aydin, Roland C. ; Wall, Wolfgang A. ; Humphrey, Jay D. ; Cyron, Christian J.; A computational framework for modeling cell-matrix interactions in soft biological tissues
Brückner, Florian ; Bahls, Rebecca ; Alqadi, Mohammad ; Lindenmaier, Falk ; Hamdan, Ibraheem ; Alhiyari, Mohammad ; Atieh, Ala'a; Causes and consequences of long-term groundwater overabstraction in Jordan
Hein, Michael ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Verkürzte Lebensdauertests von Zahnradgetrieben unter Lastkollektivbeanspruchung
Schneider, Thomas ; Völkel, Katharina ; Pflaum, Hermann ; Stahl, Karsten; Einfluss von Vorschädigung auf das Reibungsverhalten nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen im Dauerschaltbetrieb
Paschold, Constantin ; Sedlmair, Martin ; Lohner, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Calculating component temperatures in gearboxes for transient operation conditions
Völkel, Katharina ; Pflaum, Hermann ; Stahl, Karsten; Einlaufverhalten nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen im Schlupfbetrieb
Groetsch, D. ; Voelkel, K. ; Pflaum, H. ; Stahl, K.; Real-time temperature calculation and temperature prediction of wet multi-plate clutches
Schäffer, Julian ; Wachtmeister, Georg; Analyse der Kolbengruppenreibung und -schmierung von Ottomotoren - Die Bedeutung des Ölabstreifrings
Hildebrand, Lucas ; Dangl, Florian ; Sedlmair, Martin ; Lohner, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; CFD analysis on the oil flow of a gear stage with guide plate
Winkler, Karl Jakob ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Influence of grinding zones on the tooth root bending strength of case carburized gears
Müller, Daniel ; Stahl, Jens ; Nürnberger, Anian ; Golle, Roland ; Tobie, Thomas ; Volk, Wolfram ; Stahl, Karsten; Einfluss von prozessinduzierten Eigenspannungen auf die Zahnfußtragfähigkeit schergeschnittener Zahnräder
Fürst, Marius ; Götz, Joshua ; Otto, Michael ; Stahl, Karsten; Automation of gearbox design
Illenberger, C. M. ; Tobie, T. ; Stahl, K.; Operating behavior and performance of oil-lubricated plastic gears
Götz, J. ; Siglmüller, F. ; Fürst, M. ; Otto, M. ; Stahl, K.; Experimental investigation of the dynamic load sharing of planetary gearboxes
Sagraloff, Nadine ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Suitability of the test results of micropitting tests acc. to FVA 54/7 for modern practical gear applications
Sitzmann, André ; Hoja, Stefanie ; Schurer, Stefan ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Deep nitriding_contact and bending strength of gears with increased nitriding hardening depth
Roth, Philipp ; Hein, Michael ; Stahl, Karsten; Scuffing load capacity calculation of worm gears
Fuchs, D. ; Schurer, S. ; Tobie, T. ; Stahl, K.; On the determination of the bending fatigue strength in and above the very high cycle fatigue regime of shot-peened gears
Volk, Wolfram ; Gilch, Ines ; Nürnberger, Anian ; Prauser, Stefanie ; Stahl, Jens; Gezielte Nutzung umformtechnisch induzierter Eigenspannungen in metallischen Bauteilen
Mayer, Christian S. ; Baur, Isabella D. ; Storr, Julia ; Khoramnia, Ramin; Traumatischer Irisverlust: Implantation einer künstlichen Iris zur Wiederherstellung von Funktion und Ästhetik
Bach, Annika ; Cicalese, Marco ; Kreutz, Leonard ; Orlando, Gianluca; The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: chirality transitions at the surface scaling
Schoppel, Kristin ; Trachtmann, Natalia ; Mittermeier, Fabian ; Sprenger, Georg A. ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Metabolic control analysis of L-tryptophan producing Escherichia coli applying targeted perturbation with shikimate
Deshpande, Sachin S. ; Malik, Subash C. ; Conforti, Pasquale ; Lin, Jia-di ; Chu, Yu-Hsuan ; Nath, Suvra ; Greulich, Franziska ; Dumbach, Meike-Ast ; Uhlenhaut, N. Henriette ; Schachtrup, Christian; P75 neurotrophin receptor controls subventricular zone neural stem cell migration after stroke
Siju, K. P. ; De Backer, Jean-Francois ; Grunwald Kadow, Ilona C.; Dopamine modulation of sensory processing and adaptive behavior in flies
Marquet, Céline ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Olenyi, Tobias ; Dallago, Christian ; Erckert, Kyra ; Bernhofer, Michael ; Nechaev, Dmitrii ; Rost, Burkhard; Embeddings from protein language models predict conservation and variant effects
Kreienkamp, Hans-Jürgen ; Wagner, Matias ; Weigand, Heike ; McConkie-Rossell, Allyn ; McDonald, Marie ; Keren, Boris ; Mignot, Cyril ; Gauthier, Julie ; Soucy, Jean-François ; Michaud, Jacques L. ; Dumas, Meghan ; Smith, Rosemarie ; Löbel, Ulrike ; Hempel, Maja ; Kubisch, Christian ; Denecke, Jonas ; Campeau, Philippe M. ; Bain, Jennifer M. ; Lessel, Davor; Variant-specific effects define the phenotypic spectrum of HNRNPH2-associated neurodevelopmental disorders in males
Odinius, Timo O. ; Buschhorn, Lars ; Wagner, Celina ; Hauch, Richard T. ; Dill, Veronika ; Dechant, Marta ; Buck, Michele C. ; Shoumariyeh, Khalid ; Moog, Philipp ; Schwaab, Juliana ; Reiter, Andreas ; Brockow, Knut ; Götze, Katharina ; Bassermann, Florian ; Höckendorf, Ulrike ; Branca, Caterina ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Jilg, Stefanie; Comprehensive characterization of central BCL-2 family members in aberrant eosinophils and their impact on therapeutic strategies
Reischl, Stefan ; Roehl, Kai Dominik ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; Friess, Helmut ; Makowski, Marcus Richard ; Wilhelm, Dirk ; Novotny, Alexander Rudolf ; Gaa, Jochen ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander; Radiologic predictors for failure of non-operative management of complicated diverticulitis: a single-centre cohort study
van Hemmen, J. Leo; Mathematization of nature: how it is done
Kästner, Markus ; Volk, Wolfram; Forming-induced residual stresses: experiment, modeling, simulation
Schuster, Martina ; Tewary, Gargi ; Bao, Xuanwen ; Subedi, Prabal ; Hauck, Stefanie M. ; Olsen, Ann Karin ; Eide, Dag Markus ; Trott, Klaus Rüdiger ; Götz, Sebastian ; Atkinson, Michael J. ; Rosemann, Michael; In vitro cellular and proteome assays identify Wnt pathway and CDKN2A-regulated senescence affected in mesenchymal stem cells from mice after a chronic LD gamma irradiation in utero
Falkai, Peter ; Schmitt, Andrea ; Rosenbeiger, Christian P. ; Maurus, Isabel ; Hattenkofer, Lisa ; Hasan, Alkomiet ; Malchow, Berend ; Heim-Ohmayer, Pascale ; Halle, Martin ; Heitkamp, Melanie; Aerobic exercise in severe mental illness: requirements from the perspective of sports medicine
Leucht, Stefan ; Huhn, Maximilian ; Davis, John M.; Should 'typical', first-generation antipsychotics no longer be generally used in the treatment of schizophrenia?
Rupprecht, Christian ; Rupprecht, Rainer ; Rammes, Gerhard; C1q, a small molecule with high impact on brain development: putative role for aging processes and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease
Muench, Lukas N. ; Wolf, Megan ; Kia, Cameron ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Cote, Mark P. ; Fischler, Adam ; Arciero, Robert A. ; Edgar, Cory; A reduced concentration femoral nerve block is effective for perioperative pain control following ACL reconstruction: a retrospective review
Hinz, Maximilian ; Geyer, Stephanie ; Winden, Felix ; Braunsperger, Alexander ; Kreuzpointner, Florian ; Kleim, Benjamin D. ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Mehl, Julian; Midterm outcome and strength assessment after proximal rectus femoris refixation in athletes
Müller, M. ; Greve, F. ; Crönlein, M. ; Zyskowski, M. ; Pesch, S. ; Biberthaler, P. ; Kirchhoff, C. ; Beirer, M.; Reconstruction or replacement? A challenging question in surgical treatment of complex humeral head fractures in the elderly
Mühlenfeld, Nils ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Münch, Lukas N. ; Störmann, Philipp ; Hörauf, Jason-Alexander ; Leiblein, Max ; Sander, Anna Lena ; Frank, Johannes ; Marzi, Ingo ; Wagner, Nils; Epidemiology of complete knee dislocations: an updated classification system
Muench, Lukas N. ; Kia, Cameron ; Murphey, Matthew ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Cote, Mark P. ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Berthold, Daniel P.; Elliptical heads result in increased glenohumeral translation along with micro-motion of the glenoid component during axial rotation in total shoulder arthroplasty
Koch, Tobias ; Lenz, Tobias ; Joner, Michael ; Xhepa, Erion ; Koppara, Tobias ; Wiebe, Jens ; Coughlan, J. J. ; Aytekin, Alp ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Cassese, Salvatore ; Mehilli, Julinda ; Hausleiter, Jörg ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Byrne, Robert A. ; Ibrahim, Tareq ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Kufner, Sebastian; Ten-year clinical outcomes of polymer-free versus durable polymer new-generation drug-eluting stent in patients with coronary artery disease with and without diabetes mellitus
Heckmeier, Florian M. ; Hayböck, Stefan ; Breitsamter, Christian; Spatial and temporal resolution of a fast-response aerodynamic pressure probe in grid-generated turbulence
Reifeltshammer, E. ; Feucht, N. ; Lohmann, C. P. ; Maier, M.; Effekt der low-dose PDT
Grünewald, M. ; Maier, M.; 32-jährige Patientin mit subakuter einseitiger Visusminderung
Ostermeier, Manuel ; Holzapfel, Andreas ; Kuhn, Heinrich ; Schubert, Daniel; Integrated zone picking and vehicle routing operations with restricted intermediate storage
Pretschner, Alexander ; Zuber, Niina ; Gogoll, Jan ; Kacianka, Severin ; Nida-Rümelin, Julian; Ethik in der agilen Software-Entwicklung
Kuebler-Wachendorff, Sophie ; Luzsa, Robert ; Kranz, Johann ; Mager, Stefan ; Syrmoudis, Emmanuel ; Mayr, Susanne ; Grossklags, Jens; The Right to Data Portability: conception, status quo, and future directions
Rott, Julian ; Floerecke, Sebastian ; Ertl, Christoph ; Herzfeldt, Alexander ; Böhm, Markus ; Krcmar, Helmut; Ökonomische Analyse dreier technischer Anlagen hinsichtlich deren Eignung für Predictive Maintenance
Pretschner, Alexander ; Hauer, Florian ; Schmidt, Tabea; Tests für automatisierte und autonome Fahrsysteme
Giesler, Paula ; Baumann, Frederic A. ; Weidlich, Dominik ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Jung, Matthias ; Holwein, Christian ; Schneider, Julia ; Gersing, Alexandra S. ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Bamberg, Fabian ; Jungmann, Pia M.; Patellar instability MRI measurements are associated with knee joint degeneration after reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament
Wagner, J. ; Schäfer, D. ; von den Eichen, N. ; Haimerl, C. ; Harth, S. ; Oreb, M. ; Benz, J. P. ; Weuster-Botz, D.; D-Galacturonic acid reduction by S. cerevisiae for L-galactonate production from extracted sugar beet press pulp hydrolysate
Hofer, Michael ; Diener, Julia ; Begander, Benjamin ; Kourist, Robert ; Sieber, Volker; Engineering of a borneol dehydrogenase from P. putida for the enzymatic resolution of camphor
Marot-Lassauzaie, Valérie ; Goldberg, Tatyana ; Armenteros, Jose Juan Almagro ; Nielsen, Henrik ; Rost, Burkhard; Spectrum of Protein Location in Proteomes Captures Evolutionary Relationship Between Species
Schymanski, Darena ; Oßmann, Barbara E. ; Benismail, Nizar ; Boukerma, Kada ; Dallmann, Gerald ; von der Esch, Elisabeth ; Fischer, Dieter ; Fischer, Franziska ; Gilliland, Douglas ; Glas, Karl ; Hofmann, Thomas ; Käppler, Andrea ; Lacorte, Sílvia ; Marco, Julie ; Rakwe, Maria EL ; Weisser, Jana ; Witzig, Cordula ; Zumbülte, Nicole ; Ivleva, Natalia P.; Analysis of microplastics in drinking water and other clean water samples with micro-Raman and micro-infrared spectroscopy: minimum requirements and best practice guidelines
Rinck, Philipp M. ; Gueray, Alpcan ; Zaeh, Michael F.; Modeling of cutting forces in 1-D and 2-D ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling of Ti-6Al-4V
Mehl, Julian ; Feucht, Matthias ; Achtnich, Andrea ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Niemeyer, Philipp ; Angele, Peter ; Zinser, Wolfgang ; Spahn, Gunter ; Loer, Ingo ; Kniffler, Heino ; Schauf, Gunnar ; Schmitt, Andreas; Autologous chondrocyte implantation combined with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: similar short-term results in comparison with isolated cartilage repair in ligament intact joints
Ehmann, Yannick J. ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Reuter, Sven ; Beitzel, Knut ; Köhler, Robin ; Stöcker, Fabian ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Pogorzelski, Jonas ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Braun, Sepp ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Buchmann, Stefan; Center of pressure (COP) measurement in patients with confirmed successful outcomes following shoulder surgery show significant sensorimotor deficits
Themessl, Alexander ; Mayr, Felix ; Hatter, Kate ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Pogorzelski, Jonas ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Buchmann, Stefan; Patients return to sports and to work after successful treatment of septic arthritis following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Lutz, Patricia M. ; Achtnich, Andrea ; Schütte, Vincent ; Woertler, Klaus ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Willinger, Lukas; Anterior cruciate ligament autograft maturation on sequential postoperative MRI is not correlated with clinical outcome and anterior knee stability
Burger, Daniel ; Feucht, Matthias ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Forkel, Philipp ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Mehl, Julian; Good clinical outcomes after patellar cartilage repair with no evidence for inferior results in complex cases with the need for additional patellofemoral realignment procedures: a systematic review
Muench, Lukas N. ; Imhoff, Andreas B.; The unstable shoulder: what soft tissue, bony anatomy and biomechanics can teach us
Willinger, Lukas ; Balendra, Ganesh ; Pai, Vishal ; Lee, Justin ; Mitchell, Adam ; Jones, Mary ; Williams, Andy; Medial meniscal ramp lesions in ACL-injured elite athletes are strongly associated with medial collateral ligament injuries and medial tibial bone bruising on MRI
Pohlig, Florian ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Lenze, Florian Walter ; Lazic, Igor ; Haug, Alexander ; Hinterwimmer, Stefan ; Graichen, Heiko ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Ruediger; Arthroscopic lateral retinacular release improves patello-femoral and femoro-tibial kinematics in patients with isolated lateral retinacular tightness
Winkler, Philipp W. ; Hughes, Jonathan D. ; Irrgang, James J. ; Karlsson, Jón ; Musahl, Volker; Posterior cruciate ligament injuries: what do we really know?
Duan, Chuyi ; Reiberg, Marius ; Kutlesa, Peter ; Li, Xiaohu ; Pippan, Reinhard ; Werner, Ewald; Strain-hardening properties of the high-entropy alloy MoNbTaTiVZr processed by high-pressure torsion
Wölfle, Christoph Hubertus ; Krempaszky, Christian ; Werner, Ewald; An implicit integration scheme with consistent tangent modulus for Leblond's model of transformation-induced plasticity in steels
Ritter, Martin ; Audebert, Heinrich ; von Büdingen, Hans Joachim ; Claßen, Joseph ; Dreßing, Andreas ; Elstner, Matthias ; Grau, Armin ; Hotter, Benjamin ; Ikenberg, Benno ; Kaendler, Stephen ; Knispel, Petra ; Meisel, Andreas ; Michalski, Dominik ; Sander, Dirk ; Schwarzbach, Christopher ; Wagner, Markus ; Winkler, Tobias; Positionspapier Schlaganfallnachsorge der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft - Teil 2: Konzept für eine umfassende Schlaganfallnachsorge
Pflüger, Patrick ; Wurm, Markus ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Crönlein, Moritz; Analyse von 6581 Fuß- und Sprunggelenkverletzungen einer Notaufnahme im Zeitraum von 2010-2017
Hoffeld, Kai ; Pflüger, Patrick ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Hofmeister, Martin ; Stuby, Fabian ; Biberthaler, Peter; Rückgang der Arbeits- und Wegeunfälle während des 1. Lockdowns 2020 im Rahmen der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie
Pflüger, Patrick ; Bolierakis, Eftychios ; Wurm, Markus ; Horst, Klemens ; Hildebrand, Frank ; Biberthaler, Peter; Revision rate is higher in patients with periprosthetic femur fractures following revision arthroplasty in comparison with ORIF following our algorithm: a two-center 1 analysis of 129 patients
Keppler, Lena ; Keppler, Alexander Martin ; Ihle, Christoph ; MInzlaff, Philipp ; Fürmetz, Julian ; Beck, Markus ; Saier, Tim; Answer to letter: dissociating advances in orthopaedic trauma management from the climbing patient expectations.
Schiller, Kilian ; Combs, Stephanie E.; Effektivität einer sequenziellen versus einer simultanen Radiochemotherapie oder alleinigen Radiotherapie bei der adjuvanten Behandlung des Zervixkarzinoms nach Hysterektomie
Ostheimer, C. ; Mäurer, M. ; Ebert, N. ; Schmitt, D. ; Krug, D. ; Baumann, R. ; Henkenberens, C. ; Giordano, F. A. ; Sautter, L. ; López, Guerra ; Fleischmann, D. F. ; Niyazi, M. ; Käsmann, L. ; Kaul, D. ; Thieme, A. H. ; Billiet, C. ; Dobiasch, S. ; Arnold, C. R. ; Oertel, M. ; Haussmann, J. ; Gauer, T. ; Goy, Y. ; Suess, C. ; Ziegler, S. ; Panje, C. M. ; Baues, C. ; Trommer, M. ; Skripcak, T. ; Medenwald, D.; Prognostic impact of gross tumor volume during radical radiochemotherapy of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer_results from the NCT03055715 multicenter cohort study of the Young DEGRO Trial Group
Trostel, Constanze ; Laichinger, Kornelia ; Hauser, Till-Karsten ; Saur, Sebastian ; Krumbholz, Markus ; Henes, Jörg ; Ziemann, Ulf ; Kowarik, Markus C.; Tumefactive demyelinating CNS lesion in a 60-year-old woman with familial Mediterranean fever
Fischer, Luisa ; Möller Palau-Ribes, Franca ; Kipper, Silke ; Weiss, Michael ; Landgraf, Conny ; Lierz, Michael; Absence of Mycoplasma spp. in nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) and blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tits (Parus major) in Germany and its potential implication for evolutionary studies in birds
Pretzsch, Hans; The emergent past: past natural and human disturbances of trees can reduce their present resistance to drought stress
Biber, Peter ; Schwaiger, Fabian ; Poschenrieder, Werner ; Pretzsch, Hans; A fuzzy logic-based approach for evaluating forest ecosystem service provision and biodiversity applied to a case study landscape in Southern Germany
Pretzsch, Hans ; Poschenrieder, Werner ; Uhl, Enno ; Brazaitis, Gediminas ; Makrickiene, Ekaterina ; Calama, Rafael; Silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species forest stands. A European review and perspective
Friedrich, Stefan ; Hilmers, Torben ; Chreptun, Claudia ; Gosling, Elizabeth ; Jarisch, Isabelle ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Knoke, Thomas; The cost of risk management and multifunctionality in forestry: a simulation approach for a case study area in Southeast Germany
Höwler, Kirsten ; Vor, Torsten ; Schall, Peter ; Annighöfer, Peter ; Seidel, Dominik ; Ammer, Christian; Distribution of the timber quality attribute 'knot surface' in logs of Fagus sylvatica L. from pure and mixed forest stands
Zeller, Laura ; Caicoya, Astor Toraño ; Pretzsch, Hans; Analyzing the effect of silvicultural management on the trade-off between stand structural heterogeneity and productivity over time
Pretzsch, Hans; The social drift of trees. Consequence for growth trend detection, stand dynamics, and silviculture
Becker, Soraya ; Becker, Sylvia ; Chebib, Soraya ; Schwab, Wilfried ; Dierend, Werner ; Zuberbier, Torsten ; Bergmann, Karl-Christian; Die Testung von Äpfeln auf ihre Allergenität
McTavish, Sean ; Van, Anh T. ; Peeters, Johannes M. ; Weiss, Kilian ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Braren, Rickmer F. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Gradient nonlinearity correction in liver DWI using motion-compensated diffusion encoding waveforms
Butenschoen, Vicki M. ; von Werder, Alexander ; Bette, Stefanie ; Schmette, Veronika ; Schwendinger, Nina ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma resection: do early post-operative cortisol levels predict permanent long-term hypocortisolism?
Albarrán-Ordás, Alberto ; Zosseder, Kai; The Di models method: geological 3-D modeling of detrital systems consisting of varying grain fractions to predict the relative lithological variability for a multipurpose usability
Schwendner, Maximilian ; Motov, Stefan ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Krieg, Sandro M.; Dorsal instrumentation with and without vertebral body replacement in patients with thoracolumbar osteoporotic fractures shows comparable outcome measures
Ille, Sebastian ; Baumgart, Lea ; Obermueller, Thomas ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Krieg, Sandro M.; Clinical efficiency of operating room-based sliding gantry CT as compared to mobile cone-beam CT-based navigated pedicle screw placement in 853 patients and 6733 screws
Just, Johannes ; Petzke, F. ; Scherbaum, N. ; Radbruch, L. ; Weckbecker, K. ; Häuser, W.; Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit neuen Daten zur Prävalenz von Opioidgebrauchsstörungen bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen in Deutschland
Dorji, Yonten ; Schuldt, Bernhard ; Neudam, Liane ; Dorji, Rinzin ; Middleby, Kali ; Isasa, Emilie ; Körber, Klaus ; Ammer, Christian ; Annighöfer, Peter ; Seidel, Dominik; Three-dimensional quantification of tree architecture from mobile laser scanning and geometry analysis
Pretzsch, H. ; Moser-Reischl, A. ; Rahman, M. A. ; Pauleit, S. ; Rötzer, T.; Towards sustainable management of the stock and ecosystem services of urban trees. From theory to model and application
Pretzsch, Hans; Tree growth as affected by stem and crown structure
Steinbrecher, Ivo ; Popp, Alexander ; Meier, Christoph; Consistent coupling of positions and rotations for embedding 1D Cosserat beams into 3D solid volumes
Thiery, Fabian ; Fritz, Fabian ; Adams, Nikolaus A. ; Adami, Stefan; Comment on
Bernhard, Lukas ; Krumpholz, Roman ; Krieger, Yannick ; Czempiel, Tobias ; Meining, Alexander ; Navab, Nassir ; Lüth, Tim ; Wilhelm, Dirk; PLAFOKON: a new concept for a patient-individual and intervention-specific flexible surgical platform
Koch, Amelie ; Kullmann, Aljoscha ; Stefan, Philipp ; Weinmann, Tobias ; Baumbach, Sebastian F. ; Lazarovici, Marc ; Weigl, Matthias; Intraoperative dynamics of workflow disruptions and surgeons' technical performance failures: insights from a simulated operating room
Hahnefeld, Andrea ; Sukale, Thorsten ; Weigand, Elena ; Dudek, Verena ; Münch, Katharina ; Aberl, Sigrid ; Eckler, Lea V. ; Nehring, Ina ; Friedmann, Anna ; Plener, Paul L. ; Fegert, Jörg M. ; Mall, Volker; Non-verbal cognitive development, learning, and symptoms of PTSD in 3- to 6-year-old refugee children
Osterman, Andreas ; Iglhaut, Maximilian ; Lehner, Andreas ; Späth, Patricia ; Stern, Marcel ; Autenrieth, Hanna ; Muenchhoff, Maximilian ; Graf, Alexander ; Krebs, Stefan ; Blum, Helmut ; Baiker, Armin ; Grzimek-Koschewa, Natascha ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Kaderali, Lars ; Baldauf, Hanna-Mari ; Keppler, Oliver T.; Comparison of four commercial, automated antigen tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
Jäger, Anna-Thekla P. ; Huntenburg, Julia M. ; Tremblay, Stefanie A. ; Schneider, Uta ; Grahl, Sophia ; Huck, Julia ; Tardif, Christine L. ; Villringer, Arno ; Gauthier, Claudine J. ; Bazin, Pierre-Louis ; Steele, Christopher J.; Motor sequences; separating the sequence from the motor. A longitudinal rsfMRI study
Kasajima, Atsuko ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Weichert, Wilko ; Klöppel, Günter; An analysis of 130 neuroendocrine tumors G3 regarding prevalence, origin, metastasis, and diagnostic features
Konukiewitz, Björn ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Kasajima, Atsuko ; Klöppel, Günter; Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the pancreas: diagnosis and pitfalls
Agaimy, Abbas ; Stoehr, Robert ; Otto, Mike ; Bräsen, Jan Hinrich ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Kasajima, Atsuko ; Hartmann, Arndt ; Klöppel, Günter; Intra-abdominal EWSR1/FUS-CREM-rearranged malignant epithelioid neoplasms: two cases of an emerging aggressive entity with emphasis on misleading immunophenotype
Kasajima, Atsuko ; Konukiewitz, Björn ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Weichert, Wilko ; Bräsen, Jan Hinrich ; Agaimy, Abbas ; Klöppel, Günter; Mesenchymal/non-epithelial mimickers of neuroendocrine neoplasms with a focus on fusion gene-associated and SWI/SNF-deficient tumors
Penkava, Josef ; Muenchhoff, Maximilian ; Badell, Irina ; Osterman, Andreas ; Delbridge, Claire ; Niederbuchner, Florian ; Soliman, Sarah ; Rudelius, Martina ; Graf, Alexander ; Krebs, Stefan ; Blum, Helmut ; Ulbig, Michael ; Baumann, Carmen ; Zapp, Daniel ; Maier, Mathias ; Keppler, Oliver T. ; Lohmann, Chris P. ; Ledderose, Stephan; Detection of SARS-CoV-2-RNA in post-mortem samples of human eyes
Ruzicka, Evzen ; Hinterhuber, Hartmann ; Förstl, Hans; Eduard Gamper (1887-1938): cases and accidents
Lanzl, Felicitas ; Duddeck, Fabian ; Willuweit, Saskia ; Peldschus, Steffen; Experimental characterisation of porcine subcutaneous adipose tissue under blunt impact up to irreversible deformation
Leucht, Stefan ; Cipriani, Andrea ; Furukawa, Toshi A. ; Peter, Natalie ; Tonia, Thomy ; Papakonstantinou, Theodoros ; Holloway, Alexander ; Salanti, Georgia; A living meta-ecological study of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health
Hadas, Stefan ; Huhn, Maximilian ; Rentrop, Michael ; Wollenberg, Barbara ; Combs, Stephanie ; Pigorsch, Steffi ; Pickhard, Anja ; Buchberger, Anna Maria Stefanie; The role of psycho-oncologic screenings in the detection and evaluation of depression in head and neck cancer aftercare patients
van Bonn, Sara M. ; Grajek, Jan S. ; Schneider, Armin ; Oberhoffner, Tobias ; Mlynski, Robert ; Weiss, Nora M.; Interactive live-stream surgery contributes to surgical education in the context of contact restrictions
Riedel, Maximilian ; Eisenkolb, Gabriel ; Amann, Niklas ; Karge, Anne ; Meyer, Bastian ; Tensil, Maria ; Recker, Florian ; Dobberkau, Anna Maria ; Riedel, Fabian ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Klein, Evelyn; Experiences with alternative online lectures in medical education in obstetrics and gynecology during the COVID-19 pandemic_possible efficient and student-orientated models for the future?
Riedel, Maximilian ; Hennigs, André ; Dobberkau, Anna Maria ; Riedel, Caroline ; Bugaj, Till Johannes ; Nikendei, Christoph ; Amann, Niklas ; Karge, Anne ; Eisenkolb, Gabriel ; Tensil, Maria ; Recker, Florian ; Riedel, Fabian; The role of gender-specific factors in the choice of specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology: results from a survey among medical students in Germany
Ndrepepa, Gjin ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Bernlochner, Isabell ; Kastrati, Adnan; Influence of body size on platelet response to ticagrelor and prasugrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes
Popa, Miruna A. ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Risse, Elena ; Telishevska, Marta ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Wimbauer, Katharina ; Brkic, Amir ; Kantenwein, Verena ; Ulrich, Stephanie ; Kornmayer, Marielouise ; Krafft, Hannah ; Hofmann, Monika ; Kathan, Susanne ; Reents, Tilko ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Bourier, Felix; Early arrhythmia recurrence after catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation: is it predictive for late recurrence?
Rieder, Marina ; Gauchel, Nadine ; Kaier, Klaus ; Jakob, Carolin ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Classen, Annika Y. ; Schneider, Jochen ; Eberwein, Lukas ; Lablans, Martin ; Rüthrich, Maria ; Dolff, Sebastian ; Wille, Kai ; Haselberger, Martina ; Heuzeroth, Hanno ; Bode, Christoph ; von zur Mühlen, Constantin ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Duerschmied, Daniel; Pre-medication with oral anticoagulants is associated with better outcomes in a large multinational COVID-19 cohort with cardiovascular comorbidities
Lechner, Katharina ; Scherr, Johannes ; Lorenz, Elke ; Lechner, Benjamin ; Haller, Bernhard ; Krannich, Alexander ; Halle, Martin ; Wachter, Rolf ; Duvinage, André ; Edelmann, Frank; Omega-3 fatty acid blood levels are inversely associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in HFpEF patients: the Aldo-DHF randomized controlled trial
Trudzinski, Franziska C. ; Kellerer, Christina ; Jörres, Rudolf A. ; Alter, Peter ; Lutter, Johanna I. ; Trinkmann, Frederik ; Herth, Felix J. F. ; Frankenberger, Marion ; Watz, Henrik ; Vogelmeier, Claus F. ; Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich ; Welte, Tobias ; Behr, Jürgen ; Bals, Robert ; Kahnert, Kathrin; Gender-specific differences in COPD symptoms and their impact for the diagnosis of cardiac comorbidities
Miltschitzky, J. R. E. ; Clees, Z. ; Weber, M.-C. ; Vieregge, V. ; Walter, R. L. ; Friess, H. ; Reischl, S. ; Neumann, P.-A.; Intestinal anastomotic healing models during experimental colitis
Kahler, Stefan; Nonnegative and Strictly Positive Linearization of Jacobi and Generalized Chebyshev Polynomials
Fornasier, Massimo ; Klock, Timo ; Rauchensteiner, Michael; Robust and Resource-Efficient Identification of Two Hidden Layer Neural Networks
Cicalese, Marco ; Focardi, Matteo ; Zeppieri, Caterina Ida; Phase-Field Approximation of Functionals Defined on Piecewise-Rigid Maps
Gassert, Felix G. ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; Luitjens, Johanna ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Tollens, Fabian ; Rink, Johann ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Rübenthaler, Johannes ; Froelich, Matthias F.; Additional MRI for initial M-staging in pancreatic cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis
Rühling, Sebastian ; Navarro, Fernando ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; El Husseini, Malek ; Baum, Thomas ; Menze, Bjoern ; Braren, Rickmer ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Automated detection of the contrast phase in MDCT by an artificial neural network improves the accuracy of opportunistic bone mineral density measurements
Sollmann, Nico; Structured reporting in neuro-oncological imaging: achieving reliable prediction of molecular subtypes in glioma based on pre-treatment multi-sequence MRI
Gosling, Elizabeth ; Knoke, Thomas ; Reith, Esther ; Reyes Cáceres, Alyna ; Paul, Carola; Which Socio-economic Conditions Drive the Selection of Agroforestry at the Forest Frontier?
Yakushev, Igor ; Ripp, Isabelle ; Wang, Min ; Savio, Alex ; Schutte, Michael ; Lizarraga, Aldana ; Bogdanovic, Borjana ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Hedderich, Dennis M. ; Grimmer, Timo ; Shi, Kuangyu; Mapping covariance in brain FDG uptake to structural connectivity
Fang, Hsin-Yu ; Stangl, Stefan ; Marcazzan, Sabrina ; Carvalho , Marcos J. Braz ; Baumeister, Theresa ; Anand, Akanksha ; Strangmann, Julia ; Huspenina, Julia Slotta ; Wang, Timothy C. ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Feith, Marcus ; Friess, Helmut ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Multhoff, Gabriele ; Gorpas, Dimitris ; Quante, Michael; Targeted Hsp70 fluorescence molecular endoscopy detects dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus
Quigley, Neil Gerard ; Steiger, Katja ; Hoberück, Sebastian ; Czech, Norbert ; Zierke, Maximilian Alexander ; Kossatz, Susanne ; Pretze, Marc ; Richter, Frauke ; Weichert, Wilko ; Pox, Christian ; Kotzerke, Jörg ; Notni, Johannes; PET/CT imaging of head-and-neck and pancreatic cancer in humans by targeting the
Capobianco, Nicolò ; Sibille, Ludovic ; Chantadisai, Maythinee ; Gafita, Andrei ; Langbein, Thomas ; Platsch, Guenther ; Solari, Esteban Lucas ; Shah, Vijay ; Spottiswoode, Bruce ; Eiber, Matthias ; Weber, Wolfgang A. ; Navab, Nassir ; Nekolla, Stephan G.; Whole-body uptake classification and prostate cancer staging in 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT using dual-tracer learning
Wendler, Thomas ; van Leeuwen, Fijs W. B. ; Navab, Nassir ; van Oosterom, Matthias N.; How molecular imaging will enable robotic precision surgery
Paprottka, K. J. ; Kleiner, S. ; Preibisch, C. ; Kofler, F. ; Schmidt-Graf, F. ; Delbridge, C. ; Bernhardt, D. ; Combs, S. E. ; Gempt, J. ; Meyer, B. ; Zimmer, C. ; Menze, B. H. ; Yakushev, I. ; Kirschke, J. S. ; Wiestler, B.; Fully automated analysis combining [18F]-FET-PET and multiparametric MRI including DSC perfusion and APTw imaging: a promising tool for objective evaluation of glioma progression
Solari, Esteban Lucas ; Gafita, Andrei ; Schachoff, Sylvia ; Bogdanović, Borjana ; Villagrán Asiares, Alberto ; Amiel, Thomas ; Hui, Wang ; Rauscher, Isabel ; Visvikis, Dimitris ; Maurer, Tobias ; Schwamborn, Kristina ; Mustafa, Mona ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Navab, Nassir ; Eiber, Matthias ; Hatt, Mathieu ; Nekolla, Stephan G.; The added value of PSMA PET/MR radiomics for prostate cancer staging
Quigley, Neil Gerard ; Czech, Norbert ; Sendt, Wolfgang ; Notni, Johannes; PET/CT imaging of pancreatic carcinoma targeting the
Herrmann, Ken ; Kratochwil, Clemens ; Fendler, Wolfgang P. ; Eiber, Matthias ; Hustinx, Roland; 2021: the year [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 RLT PSMA is ready for incorporation into clinical guidelines?
Feuerecker, B. ; Mogler, C. ; Wörtler, K. ; Knebel, C. ; Eiber, M. ; Krönke, M.; Pitfalls in PSMA imaging: [18F]rhPSMA-7-PET/CT reveals presence of chrondrosarcoma
Bazgan, Cristina ; Ruzika, Stefan ; Thielen, Clemens ; Vanderpooten, Daniel; The Power of the Weighted Sum Scalarization for Approximating Multiobjective Optimization Problems
Fermanian-Kammerer, Clotilde ; Lasser, Caroline ; Robert, Didier; Propagation of Wave Packets for Systems Presenting Codimension One Crossings
Füllemann, Daniela ; Neiens, Silva D. ; Steinhaus, Martin; Impact of processing on important cocoa off-flavour compounds
Kalb, Valerian ; Seewald, Torsten ; Hofmann, Thomas ; Granvogl, Michael; The malting parameters: steeping, germination, withering, and kilning temperature and aeration rate as possibilities for styrene mitigation in wheat beer
Rögner, Nadine S. ; Mall, Veronika ; Steinhaus, Martin; Odour-active compounds in liquid malt extracts for the baking industry
Stoffel, Rainer ; Quilliam, Michael A. ; Hardt, Normand ; Fridstrom, Anders ; Witting, Michael; N-Alkylpyridinium sulfonates for retention time indexing in reversed-phase-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
Stigler, Lisa ; Köhler, Anja ; Koller, Marianne ; Job, Laura ; Escher, Benjamin ; Potschka, Heidrun ; Thiermann, Horst ; Skerra, Arne ; Worek, Franz ; Wille, Timo; Post-VX exposure treatment of rats with engineered phosphotriesterases
Barile, Frank A. ; Berry, Sir Colin ; Blaauboer, Bas ; Boobis, Alan ; Bolt, Herrmann M. ; Borgert, Christopher ; Dekant, Wolfgang ; Dietrich, Daniel ; Domingo, Jose L. ; Galli, Corrado L. ; Gori, Gio Batta ; Greim, Helmut ; Hengstler, Jan G. ; Heslop-Harrison, Pat ; Kacew, Sam ; Marquardt, Hans ; Mally, Angela ; Pelkonen, Olavi ; Savolainen, Kai ; Testai, Emanuela ; Tsatsakis, Aristides ; Vermeulen, Nico P.; The EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: in support of the BfR position
Köhler, Anja ; Escher, Benjamin ; Job, Laura ; Koller, Marianne ; Thiermann, Horst ; Skerra, Arne ; Worek, Franz; Catalytic activity and stereoselectivity of engineered phosphotriesterases towards structurally different nerve agents in vitro
Guth, Sabine ; Hüser, Stephanie ; Roth, Angelika ; Degen, Gisela ; Diel, Patrick ; Edlund, Karolina ; Eisenbrand, Gerhard ; Engel, Karl-Heinz ; Epe, Bernd ; Grune, Tilman ; Heinz, Volker ; Henle, Thomas ; Humpf, Hans-Ulrich ; Jäger, Henry ; Joost, Hans-Georg ; Kulling, Sabine E. ; Lampen, Alfonso ; Mally, Angela ; Marchan, Rosemarie ; Marko, Doris ; Mühle, Eva ; Nitsche, Michael A. ; Röhrdanz, Elke ; Stadler, Richard ; van Thriel, Christoph ; Vieths, Stefan ; Vogel, Rudi F. ; Wascher, Edmund ; Watzl, Carsten ; Nöthlings, Ute ; Hengstler, Jan G.; Contribution to the ongoing discussion on fluoride toxicity
Alidjanov, Jakhongir F. ; Khudaybergenov, Ulugbek A. ; Ayubov, Bekhzod A. ; Pilatz, Adrian ; Mohr, Stefan ; Münst, Julia C. ; Ziviello Yuen, Olivia N. ; Pilatz, Sabine ; Christmann, Corina ; Dittmar, Florian ; Mirsaidov, Nodir M. ; Buch-Heberling, Mareike ; Naber, Kurt G. ; Bjerklund Johansen, Truls E. ; Wagenlehner, Florian M. E.; Linguistic and clinical validation of the acute cystitis symptom score in German-speaking Swiss women with acute cystitis
Marz, Stefan ; Schlicht, Anja ; Hugentobler, Urs; Galileo precise orbit determination with optical two-way links (OTWL): a continuous wave laser ranging and time transfer concept
Zingerle, P. ; Pail, R. ; Willberg, M. ; Scheinert, M.; A partition-enhanced least-squares collocation approach (PE-LSC)
Sánchez, Laura ; Ågren, Jonas ; Huang, Jianliang ; Wang, Yan Ming ; Mäkinen, Jaakko ; Pail, Roland ; Barzaghi, Riccardo ; Vergos, Georgios S. ; Ahlgren, Kevin ; Liu, Qing; Strategy for the realisation of the International Height Reference System (IHRS)
Brandenberg, René ; Stursberg, Paul; Refined cut selection for benders decomposition: applied to network capacity expansion problems
Obermayer, Thomas ; Krempaszky, Christian ; Werner, Ewald; Determination of the anisotropic elasticity tensor by mechanical spectroscopy
Rieser, Jasper ; Zimmermann, Markus; Topology optimization of periodically arranged components using shared design domains
Wang, Wenjia ; Clausen, Peter M. ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Load step reduction for adjoint sensitivity analysis of finite strain elastoplasticity
Krischer, Lukas ; Zimmermann, Markus; Decomposition and optimization of linear structures using meta models
Maibaum, Arne ; Bischof, Andreas ; Hergesell, Jannis ; Lipp, Benjamin; A critique of robotics in health care
J. Ehmann, Yannick ; Burger, Daniel ; Hinz, Maximilian ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian; Traumatische posteriore Luxation als seltene Ursache einer multidirektionalen Schulterinstabilität im Profisport
Franz, Alexander ; Hinz, Maximilian ; Beitzel, Knut ; Imhoff, Andreas; Indirekte Zuggurtungsosteosynthese bei isolierter Tuberculum-majus-Fraktur
Würschum, Tobias ; Weiß, Thea M. ; Renner, Juliane ; Friedrich Utz, H. ; Gierl, Alfons ; Jonczyk, Rafal ; Römisch-Margl, Lilla ; Schipprack, Wolfgang ; Schön, Chris-Carolin ; Schrag, Tobias A. ; Leiser, Willmar L. ; Melchinger, Albrecht E.; High-resolution association mapping with libraries of immortalized lines from ancestral landraces
Brieger, Peter ; Menzel, Susanne ; Hamann, Johannes; Wird die Rolle von psychischen Erkrankungen beim Suizid überbewertet?
Roßmann, Katalyn ; Großmann, Gerd ; Frangoulidis, Dimitrios ; Clasen, Rüttger ; Münch, Manuel ; Hasenknopf, Manfred ; Wurzbacher, Christian ; Tiehm, Andreas ; Stange, Claudia ; Ho, Johannes ; Woermann, Marion ; Drewes, Jörg E.; Innovatives SARS-CoV-2-Krisenmanagement im öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen: Corona-Dashboard und Abwasserfrühwarnsystem am Beispiel Berchtesgadener Land
Krafft, Hannah ; Staudt, Martin; Clinical Speech fMRI in Children and Adolescents
Finck, Tom ; Schinz, David ; Grundl, Lioba ; Eisawy, Rami ; Yiğitsoy, Mehmet ; Moosbauer, Julia ; Zimmer, Claus ; Pfister, Franz ; Wiestler, Benedikt; Automated Detection of Ischemic Stroke and Subsequent Patient Triage in Routinely Acquired Head CT
Filbir, Frank ; Krahmer, Felix ; Melnyk, Oleh; On Recovery Guarantees for Angular Synchronization
Hamacher, Paul ; Kim, Wansu; On G-isoshtukas over function fields
Nachtergaele, Bruno ; Sims, Robert ; Young, Amanda; Quasi-Locality Bounds for Quantum Lattice Systems. Part II. Perturbations of Frustration-Free Spin Models with Gapped Ground States
Windisch, Wilhelm; Can we do without livestock?
Lerf, A. ; Wagner, F. E. ; Dreher, M. ; Espejo, T. ; Pérez-Rodríguez, J.-L.; Mössbauer study of iron gall inks on historical documents
Quiroz Dahik, Carlos ; Crespo, Patricio ; Stimm, Bernd ; Mosandl, Reinhard ; Cueva, Jorge ; Hildebrandt, Patrick ; Weber, Michael; Impacts of pine plantations on carbon stocks of páramo sites in southern Ecuador
Petzke, Frank ; Tölle, Thomas ; Fitzcharles, Mary-Ann ; Häuser, Winfried; Cannabis-Based Medicines and Medical Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Willems, Laurent M. ; Rosenow, Felix ; Schubert-Bast, Susanne ; Kurlemann, Gerhard ; Zöllner, Johann Philipp ; Bast, Thomas ; Bertsche, Astrid ; Bettendorf, Ulrich ; Ebrahimi-Fakhari, Daniel ; Grau, Janina ; Hahn, Andreas ; Hartmann, Hans ; Hertzberg, Christoph ; Hornemann, Frauke ; Immisch, Ilka ; Jacobs, Julia ; Klein, Karl Martin ; Klotz, Kerstin A. ; Kluger, Gerhard ; Knake, Susanne ; Knuf, Markus ; Marquard, Klaus ; Mayer, Thomas ; Meyer, Sascha ; Muhle, Hiltrud ; Müller-Schlüter, Karen ; von Podewils, Felix ; Ruf, Susanne ; Sauter, Matthias ; Schäfer, Hannah ; Schlump, Jan-Ulrich ; Syrbe, Steffen ; Thiels, Charlotte ; Trollmann, Regina ; Wiemer-Kruel, Adelheid ; Wilken, Bernd ; Zukunft, Bianca ; Strzelczyk, Adam; Efficacy, Retention and Tolerability of Everolimus in Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: A Survey-Based Study on Patients' Perspectives
Gassert, F. T. ; Kufner, A. ; Gassert, F. G. ; Leonhardt, Y. ; Kronthaler, S. ; Schwaiger, B. J. ; Boehm, C. ; Makowski, M. R. ; Kirschke, J. S. ; Baum, T. ; Karampinos, D. C. ; Gersing, A. S.; MR-based proton density fat fraction (PDFF) of the vertebral bone marrow differentiates between patients with and without osteoporotic vertebral fractures
Löffler, M. T. ; Kallweit, M. ; Niederreiter, E. ; Baum, T. ; Makowski, M. R. ; Zimmer, C. ; Kirschke, J. S.; Epidemiology and reporting of osteoporotic vertebral fractures in patients with long-term hospital records based on routine clinical CT imaging
Fuest, K. E. ; Lorenz, Marco ; Grunow, Julius J. ; Weiss, Björn ; Mörgeli, Rudolf ; Finkenzeller, Sebastian ; Bogdanski, Ralph ; Heim, Markus ; Kapfer, Barbara ; Kriescher, Silja ; Lingg, Charlotte ; Martin, Jan ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Schaller, Stefan J.; The Functional Trajectory in Frail Compared With Non-frail Critically Ill Patients During the Hospital Stay
Laible, Andreas Reiner ; Dinius, Anna ; Schrader, Marcel ; Krull, Rainer ; Kwade, Arno ; Briesen, Heiko ; Schmideder, Stefan; Effects and interactions of metal oxides in microparticle-enhanced cultivation of filamentous microorganisms
Seibold, Andreas S.;Rixen, Daniel J.;Fresno Zarza, Javier Del; On Total Reuse of Krylov Subspaces for an iterative FETI-solver in multirate integration
Yamauchi, Junya;Omainska, Marco;Beckers, Thomas;Hatanaka, Takeshi;Hirche, Sandra;Fujita, Masayuki; Cooperative Visual Pursuit Control with Learning of Position Dependent Target Motion via Gaussian Process
Waller, Laurie ; Gugganig, Mascha; Re-visioning public engagement with emerging technology: A digital methods experiment on 'vertical farming'
Eder, Antje; Riedl, Alfred; Nachwuchssicherung im beruflichen Lehramt - Dem Lehrermangel am eigenen Schulstandort begegnen
Steinrücken, B.; Herrmann, S.; Hauck, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Flexible and Modular Fully Metallic Housing Concept for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Leuter, P.; Utilization of Biogenic Residues in a Biorefinery Concept via Entrained Flow Gasification with Coupled Gas Fermentation for the Production of Basic Chemicals
Suda, Michael; Gaggermeier, Anika; Ramisch, Kilian; Koller, Nancy; Was Waldbesucher im Wald finden
Henke, Klaudius; Talke, Daniel; Buschmann, Birger; Einsatz von Holz bei der additiven Fertigung im Bauwesen / Use of Wood in Additive Manufacturing in Construction
Hofmann, Julian;Gadjalova, Iana;Mishra, Ritu;Ruland, Jürgen;Keppler, Selina J.; Efficient Tissue Clearing and Multi-Organ Volumetric Imaging Enable Quantitative Visualization of Sparse Immune Cell Populations During Inflammation
Kellerer, Teresa;Kleigrewe, Karin;Brandl, Beate;Hofmann, Thomas;Hauner, Hans;Skurk, Thomas; Fatty Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acids (FAHFAs) Are Associated With Diet, BMI, and Age
Rückel, Anton;Hannemann, Jens;Maierhofer, Carolin;Fuchs, Alexander;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Studies on Syngas Fermentation With Clostridium carboxidivorans in Stirred-Tank Reactors With Defined Gas Impurities
Rehbock, Stephanie K.;Knipfer, Kristin;Peus, Claudia; What Got You Here, Won’t Help You There: Changing Requirements in the Pre- Versus the Post-tenure Career Stage in Academia
Pflüger, Patrick;Zyskowski, Michael;Greve, Frederik;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Patient-Reported Outcome Following Operative and Conservative Treatment of Calcaneal Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis of 79 Patients at Short- to Midterm Follow-Up
Holohan, Michael;Fiske, Amelia; “Like I’m Talking to a Real Person”: Exploring the Meaning of Transference for the Use and Design of AI-Based Applications in Psychotherapy
Popovic, Marko;Minceva, Mirjana; Standard Thermodynamic Properties, Biosynthesis Rates, and the Driving Force of Growth of Five Agricultural Plants
Saeedi, Ali;Englert, Ludwig;Hemmert, Werner; eABR THR Estimation Using High-Rate Multi-Pulse Stimulation in Cochlear Implant Users
Baumgartner, Lisa;Weberruß, Heidi;Engl, Tobias;Schulz, Thorsten;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Exercise Training Duration and Intensity Are Associated With Thicker Carotid Intima-Media Thickness but Improved Arterial Elasticity in Active Children and Adolescents
Wang, Mengle;Asam, Stefan;Chen, Jianqi;Ehrmann, Matthias;Rychlik, Michael; Production of Four 15N-Labelled Cobalamins via Biosynthesis Using Propionibacterium freudenreichii
López-Randulfe, Javier;Duswald, Tobias;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois; Spiking Neural Network for Fourier Transform and Object Detection for Automotive Radar
Schiepe-Tiska, Anja;Dzhaparkulova, Aiymbubu;Ziernwald, Lisa; A Mixed-Methods Approach to Investigating Social and Emotional Learning at Schools: Teachers’ Familiarity, Beliefs, Training, and Perceived School Culture
Barmeier, Gero;Hu, Yuncai;Schmidhalter, Urs; Partitioning and Translocation of Dry Matter and Nitrogen During Grain Filling in Spring Barley Varieties and Their Roles in Determining Malting Quality
Schwerin, Stefan;Kopp, Claudia;Pircher, Elisabeth;Schneider, Gerhard;Kreuzer, Matthias;Haseneder, Rainer;Kratzer, Stephan; Attenuation of Native Hyperpolarization-Activated, Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Function by the Volatile Anesthetic Sevoflurane in Mouse Thalamocortical Relay Neurons
Keppler, Selina J.;Goess, Marie Christine;Heinze, Julia M.; The Wanderings of Gut-Derived IgA Plasma Cells: Impact on Systemic Immune Responses
Kirch, Alina;Schnitzius, Melina;Spengler, Sarah;Blaschke, Simon;Mess, Filip; Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching
Brunner, Vincent;Siegl, Manuel;Geier, Dominik;Becker, Thomas; Challenges in the Development of Soft Sensors for Bioprocesses: A Critical Review
Leandro, Jorge;Cunneff, Shane;Viernstein, Lorenz; Resilience Modeling of Flood Induced Electrical Distribution Network Failures: Munich, Germany
Leung, David;Bonacorsi, Samuel;Smith, Ralph Adam;Weber, Wolfgang;Hayes, Wendy; Molecular Imaging and the PD-L1 Pathway: From Bench to Clinic
Fuchs, Tobias;Arnold, Nathanael D.;Garbe, Daniel;Deimel, Simon;Lorenzen, Jan;Masri, Mahmoud;Mehlmer, Norbert;Weuster-Botz, Dirk;Brück, Thomas B.; A Newly Designed Automatically Controlled, Sterilizable Flat Panel Photobioreactor for Axenic Algae Culture
Schmid, Ellen A.;Knipfer, Kristin;Peus, Claudia V.; Narcissistic Leaders–Promise or Peril? The Patterns of Narcissistic Leaders’ Behaviors and Their Relation to Team Performance
Buras, Allan;Rammig, Anja;Zang, Christian S.; The European Forest Condition Monitor: Using Remotely Sensed Forest Greenness to Identify Hot Spots of Forest Decline
Eichenberg, Christiane;Schott, Markus;Schroiff, Athina; Problematic Smartphone Use—Comparison of Students With and Without Problematic Smartphone Use in Light of Personality
Kolbeck, Sandra;Abele, Miriam;Hilgarth, Maik;Vogel, Rudi F.; Comparative Proteomics Reveals the Anaerobic Lifestyle of Meat-Spoiling Pseudomonas Species
Holzhüter, Fabian;Schuster, Florian;Heres, Stephan;Hamann, Johannes; Clinical Decision-Making During Psychiatric Ward Rounds
Berthon, Katherine;Meyer, Sebastian T.;Thomas, Freya;Frank, Andrea;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Bekessy, Sarah; Small-Scale Habitat Conditions Are More Important Than Site Context for Influencing Pollinator Visitation
Spahn, Claudia;Krampe, Franziska;Nusseck, Manfred; Classifying Different Types of Music Performance Anxiety
Hubner, Sarah;Boron, Julie Blaskewicz;Koehler, Karsten; The Effects of Exercise on Appetite in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Üçpunar, Habibe K.;Grunwald Kadow, Ilona C.; Flies Avoid Current Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Siebert, Daniel;Altenbuchner, Josef;Blombach, Bastian; A Timed Off-Switch for Dynamic Control of Gene Expression in Corynebacterium Glutamicum
Silva, Miguel;Brunner, Valentina;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus; Microbiota and Colorectal Cancer: From Gut to Bedside
Spahn, Claudia;Krampe, Franziska;Nusseck, Manfred; Live Music Performance: The Relationship Between Flow and Music Performance Anxiety
Ishikawa-Ankerhold, Hellen C.;Kurzbach, Sophie;Kinali, Arzu S.;Müller-Taubenberger, Annette; Formation of Cytoplasmic Actin-Cofilin Rods is Triggered by Metabolic Stress and Changes in Cellular pH
Ruedenauer, Fabian A.;Biewer, Niklas W.;Nebauer, Carmen A.;Scheiner, Maximilian;Spaethe, Johannes;Leonhardt, Sara D.; Honey Bees Can Taste Amino and Fatty Acids in Pollen, but Not Sterols
Pircher, Tamara;Wackerhage, Henning;Aszodi, Attila;Kammerlander, Christian;Böcker, Wolfgang;Saller, Maximilian Michael; Hypoxic Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Maintenance and Regeneration: A Systematic Review
Kettler, Lutz;Sid, Hicham;Schaub, Carina;Lischka, Katharina;Klinger, Romina;Moser, Markus;Schusser, Benjamin;Luksch, Harald; AP-2δ Expression Kinetics in Multimodal Networks in the Developing Chicken Midbrain
Liu, Wenjun;Liu, Chang;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Gaussian Process Based Model Predictive Control for Overtaking in Autonomous Driving
Stadler, Waltraud;Kraft, Veit S.;Be’er, Roee;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Ishihara, Masami; Shared Representations in Athletes: Segmenting Action Sequences From Taekwondo Reveals Implicit Agreement
Ritschl, Lucas M.;Kilbertus, Paul;Grill, Florian D.;Schwarz, Matthias;Weitz, Jochen;Nieberler, Markus;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Fichter, Andreas M.; In-House, Open-Source 3D-Software-Based, CAD/CAM-Planned Mandibular Reconstructions in 20 Consecutive Free Fibula Flap Cases: An Explorative Cross-Sectional Study With Three-Dimensional Performance Analysis
Zahnreich, Sebastian;Gebrekidan, Senayit;Multhoff, Gabriele;Vaupel, Peter;Schmidberger, Heinz;Mayer, Arnulf; Oxygen Deprivation Modulates EGFR and PD-L1 in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck
Jaganathan, Ganesh K.;Biddick, Matthew; Experimental Warming Hastens Physical Dormancy Break and Germination in Tropical Fabaceae
Lam, Hilary;Kolbinger, Otto;Lames, Martin;Russomanno, Tiago Guedes; State Transition Modeling in Ultimate Frisbee: Adaptation of a Promising Method for Performance Analysis in Invasion Sports
Lames, Martin;Hermann, Sebastian;Prüßner, René;Meth, Hendrik; Football Match Dynamics Explored by Recurrence Analysis
Bergmann, Michael;Wagner, Melanie; The Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe During the First Phase of the Pandemic
Garzorz-Stark, Natalie;Beicht, Sarah;Baghin, Veronika;Stark, Sebastian P.;Biedermann, Tilo;Lauffer, Felix; IMPROVE 1.0: Individual Monitoring of Psoriasis Activity by Regular Online App Questionnaires and Outpatient Visits
Vivar, Gerome;Strobl, Ralf;Grill, Eva;Navab, Nassir;Zwergal, Andreas;Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad; Using Base-ml to Learn Classification of Common Vestibular Disorders on DizzyReg Registry Data
Förster, Nadja;Antoniadou, Kyriaki;Zander, Matthias;Baur, Sebastian;Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena Karolin;Dawid, Corinna;Ulrichs, Christian;Mewis, Inga; Chemoprofiling as Breeding Tool for Pharmaceutical Use of Salix
Dinkel, Andreas;Marten-Mittag, Birgitt;Kremsreiter, Katrin; Association Between Daily Worry, Pathological Worry, and Fear of Progression in Patients With Cancer
Schlieben, Lea D.;Prokisch, Holger;Yépez, Vicente A.; How Machine Learning and Statistical Models Advance Molecular Diagnostics of Rare Disorders Via Analysis of RNA Sequencing Data
Reiner, Rudolf;Zedrosser, Andreas;Zeiler, Hubert;Hackländer, Klaus;Corlatti, Luca; Forests buffer the climate‐induced decline of body mass in a mountain herbivore
Sillner, Nina;Walker, Alesia;Lucio, Marianna;Maier, Tanja V.;Bazanella, Monika;Rychlik, Michael;Haller, Dirk;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Longitudinal Profiles of Dietary and Microbial Metabolites in Formula- and Breastfed Infants
Duffner, Clara;Wunderlich, Anja;Schloter, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie;Einsiedl, Florian; Strategies to Overcome Intermediate Accumulation During in situ Nitrate Remediation in Groundwater by Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification
Pieczonka, Stefan A.;Paravicini, Sophia;Rychlik, Michael;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; On the Trail of the German Purity Law: Distinguishing the Metabolic Signatures of Wheat, Corn and Rice in Beer
Alves-Pinto, Ana;Emch, Mónica;Lampe, Renée; Effects of Piano Training in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy Using Probabilistic and Deterministic Tractography: A Case Report
Daimer, Sarah;Mihatsch, Lorenz;Ronan, Lisa;Murray, Graham K.;Knolle, Franziska; Subjective Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Schizotypy and General Mental Health in Germany and the United Kingdom, for Independent Samples in May and in October 2020
Blume, Bastian;Witting, Michael;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Michalke, Bernhard; Novel Extraction Method for Combined Lipid and Metal Speciation From Caenorhabditis elegans With Focus on Iron Redox Status and Lipid Profiling
Jung, Nikolai H.;Gleich, Bernhard;Gattinger, Norbert;Kalb, Anke;Fritsch, Julia;Asenbauer, Elisabeth;Siebner, Hartwig R.;Mall, Volker; Double-Sine-Wave Quadri-Pulse Theta Burst Stimulation of Precentral Motor Hand Representation Induces Bidirectional Changes in Corticomotor Excitability
Meidert, Agnes S.;Hermann, Stefanie;Brandes, Florian;Kirchner, Benedikt;Buschmann, Dominik;Billaud, Jean-Noël;Klein, Matthias;Lindemann, Anja;Aue, Elisa;Schelling, Gustav;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Reithmair, Marlene; Extracellular Vesicle Associated miRNAs Regulate Signaling Pathways Involved in COVID-19 Pneumonia and the Progression to Severe Acute Respiratory Corona Virus-2 Syndrome
Pöhlchen, Dorothee;Priouret, Marthe;Kraft, Miriam S.;Binder, Florian P.;Gürsel, Deniz A.;Berberich, Götz;Koch, Kathrin;Spoormaker, Victor I.;; Examining Differences in Fear Learning in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder With Pupillometry, Startle Electromyography and Skin Conductance Responses
Weil, Anna-Sophie;Günther, Vivien;Schmidt, Frank Martin;Kersting, Anette;Quirin, Markus;Suslow, Thomas; Criterion Validity of the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test: Prediction of Facial Affect Perception
Holzgreve, Adrien;Biczok, Annamaria;Ruf, Viktoria C.;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Steiger, Katja;Kirchner, Maximilian A.;Unterrainer, Marcus;Mittlmeier, Lena;Herms, Jochen;Schlegel, Jürgen;Bartenstein, Peter;Tonn, Jörg-Christian;Albert, Nathalie L.;Suchorska, Bogdana; PSMA Expression in Glioblastoma as a Basis for Theranostic Approaches: A Retrospective, Correlational Panel Study Including Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Parameters and PET Imaging
Ovchinnikov, Kirill V.;Kranjec, Christian;Telke, Amar;Kjos, Morten;Thorstensen, Tage;Scherer, Siegfried;Carlsen, Harald;Diep, Dzung B.; A Strong Synergy Between the Thiopeptide Bacteriocin Micrococcin P1 and Rifampicin Against MRSA in a Murine Skin Infection Model
Schmidt, Annika;Feldotto, Benedikt;Gumpert, Thomas;Seidel, Daniel;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Stratmann, Philipp; Adapting Highly-Dynamic Compliant Movements to Changing Environments: A Benchmark Comparison of Reflex- vs. CPG-Based Control Strategies
Li, Zhoulei;He, Peng;Long, Yali;Yuan, Gang;Shen, Wanqing;Chen, Zhifeng;Zhang, Bing;Wang, Yue;Yue, Dianchao;Seidl, Christof;Zhang, Xiangsong; Drug Repurposing of Pantoprazole and Vitamin C Targeting Tumor Microenvironment Conditions Improves Anticancer Effect in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Caballero-Villalobos, Lina;Fajardo-Gutiérrez, Francisco;Calbi, Mariasole;Silva-Arias, Gustavo A.; Climate Change Can Drive a Significant Loss of Suitable Habitat for Polylepis quadrijuga, a Treeline Species in the Sky Islands of the Northern Andes
Li, Wei;Zhou, Xiaonan;Yu, Kang;Zhang, Zhen;Liu, Yang;Hu, Naiyue;Liu, Ying;Yao, Chunsheng;Yang, Xiaoguang;Wang, Zhimin;Zhang, Yinghua; Spectroscopic Estimation of N Concentration in Wheat Organs for Assessing N Remobilization Under Different Irrigation Regimes
van Gils, A.;Tak, L. M.;Sattel, H.;Rosmalen, J. G. M.; Development and User Experiences of a Biopsychosocial Interprofessional Online Course on Persistent Somatic Symptoms
Quirin, Markus;Malekzad, Farhood;Kazén, Miguel;Luckey, Udo;Kehr, Hugo; Existential Threat: Uncovering Implicit Affect in Response to Terror Reminders in Soldiers
Ling, Sunkai;He, Yanru;Li, Xiaoxue;Ma, Yu;Li, Yuan;Kong, Bo;Huang, Peilin; Significant Gene Biomarker Tyrosine Kinase Non-receptor 2 Mediated Cell Proliferation and Invasion in Colon Cancer
Rongala, Udaya B.;Enander, Jonas M. D.;Kohler, Matthias;Loeb, Gerald E.;Jörntell, Henrik; A Non-spiking Neuron Model With Dynamic Leak to Avoid Instability in Recurrent Networks
Pflüger, Patrick;Zyskowski, Michael;Greve, Frederik;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Biberthaler, Peter;Crönlein, Moritz; Patient-Reported Outcome Following Operative and Conservative Treatment of Calcaneal Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis of 79 Patients at Short- to Midterm Follow-Up
Holohan, Michael;Fiske, Amelia; “Like I’m Talking to a Real Person”: Exploring the Meaning of Transference for the Use and Design of AI-Based Applications in Psychotherapy
Wege, Anja Kathrin ; Rom-Jurek, Eva-Maria ; Jank, Paul ; Denkert, Carsten ; Ugocsai, Peter ; Solbach, Christine ; Blohmer, Jens-Uwe ; Sinn, Bruno ; van Mackelenbergh, Marion ; Möbus, Volker ; Trumpp, Andreas ; Marangoni, Elisabetta ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Irlbeck, Christoph ; Warfsmann, Jens ; Polzer, Bernhard ; Weber, Florian ; Ortmann, Olaf ; Loibl, Sibylle ; Vladimirova, Valentina ; Brockhoff, Gero; mdm2 gene amplification is associated with luminal breast cancer progression in humanized PDX mice and a worse outcome of estrogen receptor positive disease
Pal, Jagriti ; Becker, Andrea C. ; Dhamija, Sonam ; Seiler, Jeanette ; Abdelkarim, Mahmoud ; Sharma, Yogita ; Behr, Jürgen ; Meng, Chen ; Ludwig, Christina ; Kuster, Bernhard ; Diederichs, Sven; Systematic analysis of migration factors by MigExpress identifies essential cell migration control genes in non-small cell lung cancer
Senf, Cornelius ; Seidl, Rupert; Storm and fire disturbances in Europe: Distribution and trends
Shnaiderman, Rami ; Mustafa, Qutaiba ; Ülgen, Okan ; Wissmeyer, Georg ; Estrada, Héctor ; Razansky, Daniel ; Chmyrov, Andriy ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Silicon-Photonics Point Sensor for High-Resolution Optoacoustic Imaging
Dafe, Florence ; Engebretsen, Rebecca Elisabeth Husebye; Tussle for space: The politics of mock-compliance with global financial standards in developing countries
Pilz, A.C. ; Schielein, M.C. ; Schuster, B. ; Heinrich, L. ; Haufe, E. ; Abraham, S. ; Heratizadeh, A. ; Harder, I. ; Kleinheinz, A. ; Wollenberg, A. ; Wiemers, F. ; Weisshaar, E. ; Augustin, M. ; von Kiedrowski, R. ; Pawlak, M. ; Schäkel, K. ; Wildberger, J. ; Hilgers, M. ; Werfel, T. ; Weidinger, S. ; Schmitt, J. ; Biedermann, T. ; Zink, A.; Atopic dermatitis: disease characteristics and comorbidities in smoking and non-smoking patients from the TREATgermany registry
Esslinger, Eva-Maria H. J. ; Schlagintweit, Jonas F. ; Zámbó, Greta G. ; Imhof, Alexander M. ; Reich, Robert M. ; Kühn, Fritz E.; The Effect of trans Axial Isocyanide Ligands on Iron(II) Tetra-NHC Complexes and their Reactivity in Olefin Epoxidation
Oesinghaus, Lukas ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Controlling Gene Expression in Mammalian Cells Using Multiplexed Conditional Guide RNAs for Cas12a**
Fuerst, Madeleine J. ; Luetge, Christoph; The conception of organizational integrity: A derivation from the individual level using a virtue-based approach
Huang, Shan ; Blutke, Andreas ; Feuchtinger, Annette ; Klemm, Uwe ; Zachariah Tom, Robby ; Hofmann, Susanna M ; Stiel, Andre C ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Functional multispectral optoacoustic tomography imaging of hepatic steatosis development in mice
Hikino, Kyohsuke ; Danzberger, Jasmin ; Riedel, Vincent P. ; Rehschuh, Romy ; Ruehr, Nadine K. ; Hesse, Benjamin D. ; Lehmann, Marco M. ; Buegger, Franz ; Weikl, Fabian ; Pritsch, Karin ; Grams, Thorsten E. E.; High resilience of carbon transport in long-term drought-stressed mature Norway spruce trees within 2 weeks after drought release
Buntrock, Claudia ; Freund, Johanna ; Smit, Filip ; Riper, Heleen ; Lehr, Dirk ; Boß, Leif ; Berking, Matthias ; Ebert, David Daniel; Reducing problematic alcohol use in employees: economic evaluation of guided and unguided web-based interventions alongside a three-arm randomized controlled trial
Popovic, Marko;Minceva, Mirjana; Standard Thermodynamic Properties, Biosynthesis Rates, and the Driving Force of Growth of Five Agricultural Plants
Saeedi, Ali;Englert, Ludwig;Hemmert, Werner; eABR THR Estimation Using High-Rate Multi-Pulse Stimulation in Cochlear Implant Users
Baumgartner, Lisa;Weberruß, Heidi;Engl, Tobias;Schulz, Thorsten;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Exercise Training Duration and Intensity Are Associated With Thicker Carotid Intima-Media Thickness but Improved Arterial Elasticity in Active Children and Adolescents
Wang, Mengle;Asam, Stefan;Chen, Jianqi;Ehrmann, Matthias;Rychlik, Michael; Production of Four 15N-Labelled Cobalamins via Biosynthesis Using Propionibacterium freudenreichii
López-Randulfe, Javier;Duswald, Tobias;Bing, Zhenshan;Knoll, Alois; Spiking Neural Network for Fourier Transform and Object Detection for Automotive Radar
Schiepe-Tiska, Anja;Dzhaparkulova, Aiymbubu;Ziernwald, Lisa; A Mixed-Methods Approach to Investigating Social and Emotional Learning at Schools: Teachers’ Familiarity, Beliefs, Training, and Perceived School Culture
Barmeier, Gero;Hu, Yuncai;Schmidhalter, Urs; Partitioning and Translocation of Dry Matter and Nitrogen During Grain Filling in Spring Barley Varieties and Their Roles in Determining Malting Quality
Schwerin, Stefan;Kopp, Claudia;Pircher, Elisabeth;Schneider, Gerhard;Kreuzer, Matthias;Haseneder, Rainer;Kratzer, Stephan; Attenuation of Native Hyperpolarization-Activated, Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel Function by the Volatile Anesthetic Sevoflurane in Mouse Thalamocortical Relay Neurons
Keppler, Selina J.;Goess, Marie Christine;Heinze, Julia M.; The Wanderings of Gut-Derived IgA Plasma Cells: Impact on Systemic Immune Responses
Kirch, Alina;Schnitzius, Melina;Spengler, Sarah;Blaschke, Simon;Mess, Filip; Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching
Brunner, Vincent;Siegl, Manuel;Geier, Dominik;Becker, Thomas; Challenges in the Development of Soft Sensors for Bioprocesses: A Critical Review
Leandro, Jorge;Cunneff, Shane;Viernstein, Lorenz; Resilience Modeling of Flood Induced Electrical Distribution Network Failures: Munich, Germany
Leung, David;Bonacorsi, Samuel;Smith, Ralph Adam;Weber, Wolfgang;Hayes, Wendy; Molecular Imaging and the PD-L1 Pathway: From Bench to Clinic
Fuchs, Tobias;Arnold, Nathanael D.;Garbe, Daniel;Deimel, Simon;Lorenzen, Jan;Masri, Mahmoud;Mehlmer, Norbert;Weuster-Botz, Dirk;Brück, Thomas B.; A Newly Designed Automatically Controlled, Sterilizable Flat Panel Photobioreactor for Axenic Algae Culture
Schmid, Ellen A.;Knipfer, Kristin;Peus, Claudia V.; Narcissistic Leaders–Promise or Peril? The Patterns of Narcissistic Leaders’ Behaviors and Their Relation to Team Performance
Buras, Allan;Rammig, Anja;Zang, Christian S.; The European Forest Condition Monitor: Using Remotely Sensed Forest Greenness to Identify Hot Spots of Forest Decline
Eichenberg, Christiane;Schott, Markus;Schroiff, Athina; Problematic Smartphone Use—Comparison of Students With and Without Problematic Smartphone Use in Light of Personality
Kolbeck, Sandra;Abele, Miriam;Hilgarth, Maik;Vogel, Rudi F.; Comparative Proteomics Reveals the Anaerobic Lifestyle of Meat-Spoiling Pseudomonas Species
Holzhüter, Fabian;Schuster, Florian;Heres, Stephan;Hamann, Johannes; Clinical Decision-Making During Psychiatric Ward Rounds
Berthon, Katherine;Meyer, Sebastian T.;Thomas, Freya;Frank, Andrea;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Bekessy, Sarah; Small-Scale Habitat Conditions Are More Important Than Site Context for Influencing Pollinator Visitation
Spahn, Claudia;Krampe, Franziska;Nusseck, Manfred; Classifying Different Types of Music Performance Anxiety
Hubner, Sarah;Boron, Julie Blaskewicz;Koehler, Karsten; The Effects of Exercise on Appetite in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Üçpunar, Habibe K.;Grunwald Kadow, Ilona C.; Flies Avoid Current Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Siebert, Daniel;Altenbuchner, Josef;Blombach, Bastian; A Timed Off-Switch for Dynamic Control of Gene Expression in Corynebacterium Glutamicum
Silva, Miguel;Brunner, Valentina;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus; Microbiota and Colorectal Cancer: From Gut to Bedside
Spahn, Claudia;Krampe, Franziska;Nusseck, Manfred; Live Music Performance: The Relationship Between Flow and Music Performance Anxiety
Ishikawa-Ankerhold, Hellen C.;Kurzbach, Sophie;Kinali, Arzu S.;Müller-Taubenberger, Annette; Formation of Cytoplasmic Actin-Cofilin Rods is Triggered by Metabolic Stress and Changes in Cellular pH
Ruedenauer, Fabian A.;Biewer, Niklas W.;Nebauer, Carmen A.;Scheiner, Maximilian;Spaethe, Johannes;Leonhardt, Sara D.; Honey Bees Can Taste Amino and Fatty Acids in Pollen, but Not Sterols
Pircher, Tamara;Wackerhage, Henning;Aszodi, Attila;Kammerlander, Christian;Böcker, Wolfgang;Saller, Maximilian Michael; Hypoxic Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Maintenance and Regeneration: A Systematic Review
Kettler, Lutz;Sid, Hicham;Schaub, Carina;Lischka, Katharina;Klinger, Romina;Moser, Markus;Schusser, Benjamin;Luksch, Harald; AP-2δ Expression Kinetics in Multimodal Networks in the Developing Chicken Midbrain
Liu, Wenjun;Liu, Chang;Chen, Guang;Knoll, Alois; Gaussian Process Based Model Predictive Control for Overtaking in Autonomous Driving
Stadler, Waltraud;Kraft, Veit S.;Be’er, Roee;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Ishihara, Masami; Shared Representations in Athletes: Segmenting Action Sequences From Taekwondo Reveals Implicit Agreement
Ritschl, Lucas M.;Kilbertus, Paul;Grill, Florian D.;Schwarz, Matthias;Weitz, Jochen;Nieberler, Markus;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Fichter, Andreas M.; In-House, Open-Source 3D-Software-Based, CAD/CAM-Planned Mandibular Reconstructions in 20 Consecutive Free Fibula Flap Cases: An Explorative Cross-Sectional Study With Three-Dimensional Performance Analysis
Zahnreich, Sebastian;Gebrekidan, Senayit;Multhoff, Gabriele;Vaupel, Peter;Schmidberger, Heinz;Mayer, Arnulf; Oxygen Deprivation Modulates EGFR and PD-L1 in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck
Jaganathan, Ganesh K.;Biddick, Matthew; Experimental Warming Hastens Physical Dormancy Break and Germination in Tropical Fabaceae
Lam, Hilary;Kolbinger, Otto;Lames, Martin;Russomanno, Tiago Guedes; State Transition Modeling in Ultimate Frisbee: Adaptation of a Promising Method for Performance Analysis in Invasion Sports
Lames, Martin;Hermann, Sebastian;Prüßner, René;Meth, Hendrik; Football Match Dynamics Explored by Recurrence Analysis
Bergmann, Michael;Wagner, Melanie; The Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe During the First Phase of the Pandemic
Garzorz-Stark, Natalie;Beicht, Sarah;Baghin, Veronika;Stark, Sebastian P.;Biedermann, Tilo;Lauffer, Felix; IMPROVE 1.0: Individual Monitoring of Psoriasis Activity by Regular Online App Questionnaires and Outpatient Visits
Vivar, Gerome;Strobl, Ralf;Grill, Eva;Navab, Nassir;Zwergal, Andreas;Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad; Using Base-ml to Learn Classification of Common Vestibular Disorders on DizzyReg Registry Data
Förster, Nadja;Antoniadou, Kyriaki;Zander, Matthias;Baur, Sebastian;Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena Karolin;Dawid, Corinna;Ulrichs, Christian;Mewis, Inga; Chemoprofiling as Breeding Tool for Pharmaceutical Use of Salix
Dinkel, Andreas;Marten-Mittag, Birgitt;Kremsreiter, Katrin; Association Between Daily Worry, Pathological Worry, and Fear of Progression in Patients With Cancer
Schlieben, Lea D.;Prokisch, Holger;Yépez, Vicente A.; How Machine Learning and Statistical Models Advance Molecular Diagnostics of Rare Disorders Via Analysis of RNA Sequencing Data
Sillner, Nina;Walker, Alesia;Lucio, Marianna;Maier, Tanja V.;Bazanella, Monika;Rychlik, Michael;Haller, Dirk;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Longitudinal Profiles of Dietary and Microbial Metabolites in Formula- and Breastfed Infants
Duffner, Clara;Wunderlich, Anja;Schloter, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie;Einsiedl, Florian; Strategies to Overcome Intermediate Accumulation During in situ Nitrate Remediation in Groundwater by Hydrogenotrophic Denitrification
Pieczonka, Stefan A.;Paravicini, Sophia;Rychlik, Michael;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; On the Trail of the German Purity Law: Distinguishing the Metabolic Signatures of Wheat, Corn and Rice in Beer
Alves-Pinto, Ana;Emch, Mónica;Lampe, Renée; Effects of Piano Training in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy Using Probabilistic and Deterministic Tractography: A Case Report
Daimer, Sarah;Mihatsch, Lorenz;Ronan, Lisa;Murray, Graham K.;Knolle, Franziska; Subjective Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Schizotypy and General Mental Health in Germany and the United Kingdom, for Independent Samples in May and in October 2020
Blume, Bastian;Witting, Michael;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Michalke, Bernhard; Novel Extraction Method for Combined Lipid and Metal Speciation From Caenorhabditis elegans With Focus on Iron Redox Status and Lipid Profiling
Jung, Nikolai H.;Gleich, Bernhard;Gattinger, Norbert;Kalb, Anke;Fritsch, Julia;Asenbauer, Elisabeth;Siebner, Hartwig R.;Mall, Volker; Double-Sine-Wave Quadri-Pulse Theta Burst Stimulation of Precentral Motor Hand Representation Induces Bidirectional Changes in Corticomotor Excitability
Meidert, Agnes S.;Hermann, Stefanie;Brandes, Florian;Kirchner, Benedikt;Buschmann, Dominik;Billaud, Jean-Noël;Klein, Matthias;Lindemann, Anja;Aue, Elisa;Schelling, Gustav;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Reithmair, Marlene; Extracellular Vesicle Associated miRNAs Regulate Signaling Pathways Involved in COVID-19 Pneumonia and the Progression to Severe Acute Respiratory Corona Virus-2 Syndrome
Pöhlchen, Dorothee;Priouret, Marthe;Kraft, Miriam S.;Binder, Florian P.;Gürsel, Deniz A.;Berberich, Götz;Koch, Kathrin;Spoormaker, Victor I.;; Examining Differences in Fear Learning in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder With Pupillometry, Startle Electromyography and Skin Conductance Responses
Weil, Anna-Sophie;Günther, Vivien;Schmidt, Frank Martin;Kersting, Anette;Quirin, Markus;Suslow, Thomas; Criterion Validity of the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test: Prediction of Facial Affect Perception
Holzgreve, Adrien;Biczok, Annamaria;Ruf, Viktoria C.;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Steiger, Katja;Kirchner, Maximilian A.;Unterrainer, Marcus;Mittlmeier, Lena;Herms, Jochen;Schlegel, Jürgen;Bartenstein, Peter;Tonn, Jörg-Christian;Albert, Nathalie L.;Suchorska, Bogdana; PSMA Expression in Glioblastoma as a Basis for Theranostic Approaches: A Retrospective, Correlational Panel Study Including Immunohistochemistry, Clinical Parameters and PET Imaging
Ovchinnikov, Kirill V.;Kranjec, Christian;Telke, Amar;Kjos, Morten;Thorstensen, Tage;Scherer, Siegfried;Carlsen, Harald;Diep, Dzung B.; A Strong Synergy Between the Thiopeptide Bacteriocin Micrococcin P1 and Rifampicin Against MRSA in a Murine Skin Infection Model
Schmidt, Annika;Feldotto, Benedikt;Gumpert, Thomas;Seidel, Daniel;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Stratmann, Philipp; Adapting Highly-Dynamic Compliant Movements to Changing Environments: A Benchmark Comparison of Reflex- vs. CPG-Based Control Strategies
Li, Zhoulei;He, Peng;Long, Yali;Yuan, Gang;Shen, Wanqing;Chen, Zhifeng;Zhang, Bing;Wang, Yue;Yue, Dianchao;Seidl, Christof;Zhang, Xiangsong; Drug Repurposing of Pantoprazole and Vitamin C Targeting Tumor Microenvironment Conditions Improves Anticancer Effect in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Caballero-Villalobos, Lina;Fajardo-Gutiérrez, Francisco;Calbi, Mariasole;Silva-Arias, Gustavo A.; Climate Change Can Drive a Significant Loss of Suitable Habitat for Polylepis quadrijuga, a Treeline Species in the Sky Islands of the Northern Andes
Li, Wei;Zhou, Xiaonan;Yu, Kang;Zhang, Zhen;Liu, Yang;Hu, Naiyue;Liu, Ying;Yao, Chunsheng;Yang, Xiaoguang;Wang, Zhimin;Zhang, Yinghua; Spectroscopic Estimation of N Concentration in Wheat Organs for Assessing N Remobilization Under Different Irrigation Regimes
van Gils, A.;Tak, L. M.;Sattel, H.;Rosmalen, J. G. M.; Development and User Experiences of a Biopsychosocial Interprofessional Online Course on Persistent Somatic Symptoms
Quirin, Markus;Malekzad, Farhood;Kazén, Miguel;Luckey, Udo;Kehr, Hugo; Existential Threat: Uncovering Implicit Affect in Response to Terror Reminders in Soldiers
Ling, Sunkai;He, Yanru;Li, Xiaoxue;Ma, Yu;Li, Yuan;Kong, Bo;Huang, Peilin; Significant Gene Biomarker Tyrosine Kinase Non-receptor 2 Mediated Cell Proliferation and Invasion in Colon Cancer
Rongala, Udaya B.;Enander, Jonas M. D.;Kohler, Matthias;Loeb, Gerald E.;Jörntell, Henrik; A Non-spiking Neuron Model With Dynamic Leak to Avoid Instability in Recurrent Networks
Schröder, Lena;von Werder, Dina;Ramaioli, Cecilia;Wachtler, Thomas;Henningsen, Peter;Glasauer, Stefan;Lehnen, Nadine; Unstable Gaze in Functional Dizziness: A Contribution to Understanding the Pathophysiology of Functional Disorders
Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Rudel, Thomas;Heesemann, Jürgen;Goebel, Werner; Persistence of Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens—With a Focus on the Metabolic Perspective
Schönbach, Dorothea M. I.;Chillón, Palma;Marques, Adilson;Peralta, Miguel;Demetriou, Yolanda; Study Protocol of a School-Based Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote Cycling to School Among Students in Germany Using Intervention Mapping: The ACTS Project
Anisuzzaman;Frahm, Sören;Prodjinotho, Ulrich Fabien;Bhattacharjee, Sonakshi;Verschoor, Admar;Prazeres da Costa, Clarissa; Host-Specific Serum Factors Control the Development and Survival of Schistosoma mansoni
Bergmann, Christian B.;Beckmann, Nadine;Salyer, Christen E.;Hanschen, Marc;Crisologo, Peter A.;Caldwell, Charles C.; Potential Targets to Mitigate Trauma- or Sepsis-Induced Immune Suppression
Sun, Zhuolun;Jing, Changying;Guo, Xudong;Zhang, Mingxiao;Kong, Feng;Wang, Zhenqing;Jiang, Shaobo;Wang, Hanbo; Comprehensive Analysis of the Immune Infiltrates of Pyroptosis in Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma
Azimzadeh, Omid;von Toerne, Christine;Subramanian, Vikram;Sievert, Wolfgang;Multhoff, Gabriele;Atkinson, Michael J.;Tapio, Soile; Data-Independent Acquisition Proteomics Reveals Long-Term Biomarkers in the Serum of C57BL/6J Mice Following Local High-Dose Heart Irradiation
Qi, Fei;Gao, Fan;Cai, Ye;Han, Xueer;Qi, Yao;Ni, Jiawen;Sun, Jianfeng;Huang, Shengquan;Chen, Shaohua;Wu, Chunlin;Kapranov, Philipp; Complex Age- and Cancer-Related Changes in Human Blood Transcriptome—Implications for Pan-Cancer Diagnostics
Rosendahl, Sophie;Sattel, Heribert;Lahmann, Claas; Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Ruge, Hendrik;Erlebach, Magdalena;Lange, Ruediger; Frequency of Bioprosthetic Valve Fracturing Utilization in an All-Comers Valve-in-Valve TAVR Cohort
Zhang, Yue;Wu, Qiong;Niu, Guanglin;Liu, Jidan;Cao, Fangjun;An, Xiaopeng;Cao, Binyun; EGF-Induced miR-223 Modulates Goat Mammary Epithelial Cell Apoptosis and Inflammation via ISG15
Culshaw, Victoria;Mairal, Mario;Sanmartín, Isabel; Biogeography Meets Niche Modeling: Inferring the Role of Deep Time Climate Change When Data Is Limited
Bodea, Silviu-Vasile;Westmeyer, Gil Gregor; Photoacoustic Neuroimaging - Perspectives on a Maturing Imaging Technique and its Applications in Neuroscience
Vanvanhossou, Sèyi Fridaïus Ulrich;Yin, Tong;Scheper, Carsten;Fries, Ruedi;Dossa, Luc Hippolyte;König, Sven; Unraveling Admixture, Inbreeding, and Recent Selection Signatures in West African Indigenous Cattle Populations in Benin
Chen, Bangtao;Yu, Fubing;Chen, WenChieh;Wang, Yong;Hao, Fei; Acute Urticaria in Inpatients Undergoing Non-emergent Coronary Angiography With Corticosteroid Prophylaxis: A Retrospective Study
Hartmann, Andrea S.;Schmidt, Michaela;Staufenbiel, Thomas;Ebert, David D.;Martin, Alexandra;Schoenenberg, Katrin; ImaginYouth—A Therapist-Guided Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Program for Adolescents and Young Adults With Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Study Protocol for a Two-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial
Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Thielman, Anton;Seifert, Quentin Edward;Thauer, Jan-Henrik;Glatthorn, Jonas;Ehbrecht, Martin;Kneib, Thomas;Ammer, Christian; Predicting Tree Species From 3D Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using Deep Learning
Kabiri, Yaschar;Fuhrmann, Anna;Becker, Anna;Jedermann, Luisa;Eberhagen, Carola;König, Ann-Christine;Silva, Tiago Barros;Borges, Fernanda;Hauck, Stefanie M.;Michalke, Bernhard;Knolle, Percy;Zischka, Hans; Mitochondrial Impairment by MitoBloCK-6 Inhibits Liver Cancer Cell Proliferation
Lobinger, Dominik;Gempt, Jens;Sievert, Wolfgang;Barz, Melanie;Schmitt, Sven;Nguyen, Huyen Thie;Stangl, Stefan;Werner, Caroline;Wang, Fei;Wu, Zhiyuan;Fan, Hengyi;Zanth, Hannah;Shevtsov, Maxim;Pilz, Mathias;Riederer, Isabelle;Schwab, Melissa;Schlegel, Jürgen;Multhoff, Gabriele; Potential Role of Hsp70 and Activated NK Cells for Prediction of Prognosis in Glioblastoma Patients
Jeevanandam, Jaison;Danquah, Michael K.;Pan, Sharadwata; Plant-Derived Nanobiomaterials as a Potential Next Generation Dental Implant Surface Modifier
Rohrbach, Nina;Krewer, Carmen;Löhnert, Lisa;Thierfelder, Annika;Randerath, Jennifer;Jahn, Klaus;Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Improvement of Apraxia With Augmented Reality: Influencing Pantomime of Tool Use via Holographic Cues
Golkowski, Daniel;Willnecker, Rebecca;Rösler, Jennifer;Ranft, Andreas;Schneider, Gerhard;Jordan, Denis;Ilg, Rüdiger; Dynamic Patterns of Global Brain Communication Differentiate Conscious From Unconscious Patients After Severe Brain Injury
Matthaei, Johannes;Brockmöller, Jürgen;Steimer, Werner;Pischa, Konstanze;Leucht, Stefan;Kullmann, Maria;Jensen, Ole;Ouethy, Typhaine;Tzvetkov, Mladen Vassilev;Rafehi, Muhammad; Effects of Genetic Polymorphism in CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and the Organic Cation Transporter OCT1 on Amitriptyline Pharmacokinetics in Healthy Volunteers and Depressive Disorder Patients
Hildebrandt, Alex;Kirchner, Benedikt;Meidert, Agnes S.;Brandes, Florian;Lindemann, Anja;Doose, Gero;Doege, Alexander;Weidenhagen, Rolf;Reithmair, Marlene;Schelling, Gustav;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Detection of Atherosclerosis by Small RNA-Sequencing Analysis of Extracellular Vesicle Enriched Serum Samples
Ahmed, Mustapha Carab;Skaanning, Line K.;Jussupow, Alexander;Newcombe, Estella A.;Kragelund, Birthe B.;Camilloni, Carlo;Langkilde, Annette E.;Lindorff-Larsen, Kresten; Refinement of α-Synuclein Ensembles Against SAXS Data: Comparison of Force Fields and Methods
Saccomanno, Antonietta;Potocký, Martin;Pejchar, Přemysl;Hála, Michal;Shikata, Hiromasa;Schwechheimer, Claus;Žárský, Viktor; Regulation of Exocyst Function in Pollen Tube Growth by Phosphorylation of Exocyst Subunit EXO70C2
Kirchner, Maximilian A.;Holzgreve, Adrien;Brendel, Matthias;Orth, Michael;Ruf, Viktoria C.;Steiger, Katja;Pötter, Dennis;Gold, Lukas;Unterrainer, Marcus;Mittlmeier, Lena M.;Barci, Enio;Kälin, Roland E.;Glass, Rainer;Lindner, Simon;Kaiser, Lena;Maas, Jessica;von Baumgarten, Louisa;Ilhan, Harun;Belka, Claus;Notni, Johannes;Bartenstein, Peter;Lauber, Kirsten;Albert, Nathalie L.; PSMA PET Imaging in Glioblastoma: A Preclinical Evaluation and Theranostic Outlook
Garcia-Perez, Carlos;Ito, Keiichi;Geijo, Javier;Feldbauer, Roman;Schreiber, Nico;zu Castell, Wolfgang; Efficient Detection of Longitudinal Bacteria Fission Using Transfer Learning in Deep Neural Networks
Bretzel, Joachim Benedikt;Geist, Juergen;Gugele, Sarah Maria;Baer, Jan;Brinker, Alexander; Feeding Ecology of Invasive Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in Relation to Native Juvenile Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis) in the Pelagic Zone of Upper Lake Constance
Vogel, Marco M. E.;Dewes, Sabrina;Sage, Eva K.;Devecka, Michal;Eitz, Kerstin A.;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Eiber, Matthias;Combs, Stephanie E.;Schiller, Kilian; Feasibility and Outcome of PSMA-PET-Based Dose-Escalated Salvage Radiotherapy Versus Conventional Salvage Radiotherapy for Patients With Recurrent Prostate Cancer
Lupp, Gerd;Huang, Joshua J.;Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Oen, Amy;Del Sepia, Nicola;Martinelli, Alberto;Lucchesi, Massimo;Wulff Knutsen, Turid;Olsen, Mari;Fjøsne, Trine Frisli;Balaguer, Eva-Maria;Arauzo, Idoia;Solheim, Anders;Kalsnes, Bjørn;Pauleit, Stephan; Stakeholder Perceptions of Nature-Based Solutions and Their Collaborative Co-Design and Implementation Processes in Rural Mountain Areas—A Case Study From PHUSICOS
Kalla, Daniela;Flisikowski, Krzysztof;Yang, Kaiyuan;Sangüesa, Laura Beltran;Kurome, Mayuko;Kessler, Barbara;Zakhartchenko, Valeri;Wolf, Eckhard;Lickert, Heiko;Saur, Dieter;Schnieke, Angelika;Flisikowska, Tatiana; The Missing Link: Cre Pigs for Cancer Research
Respondek, Gesine;Höglinger, Günter U.; DescribePSP and ProPSP: German Multicenter Networks for Standardized Prospective Collection of Clinical Data, Imaging Data, and Biomaterials of Patients With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Heitzmann, Nicole;Opitz, Ansgar;Stadler, Matthias;Sommerhoff, Daniel;Fink, Maximilian C.;Obersteiner, Andreas;Schmidmaier, Ralf;Neuhaus, Birgit J.;Ufer, Stefan;Seidel, Tina;Fischer, Martin R.;Fischer, Frank; Cross-Disciplinary Research on Learning and Instruction – Coming to Terms
Lim, Lyn;Bannert, Maria;van der Graaf, Joep;Molenaar, Inge;Fan, Yizhou;Kilgour, Jonathan;Moore, Johanna;Gašević, Dragan; Temporal Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning by Mining Students’ Think-Aloud Protocols
Hutzler, Mathias;Michel, Maximilian;Kunz, Oliver;Kuusisto, Tiina;Magalhães, Frederico;Krogerus, Kristoffer;Gibson, Brian; Unique Brewing-Relevant Properties of a Strain of Saccharomyces jurei Isolated From Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)
Pinheiro, Guilherme de Sousa;Nascimento, Vitor Bertoli;Dicks, Matt;Costa, Varley Teoldo;Lames, Martin; Design and Validation of an Observational System for Penalty Kick Analysis in Football (OSPAF)
Jaksch, Sebastian;Holderer, Olaf;Frielinghaus, Henrich;Koutsioubas, Alexandros;Zolnierczuk, Piotr;Hayward, Dominic William;Förster, Stephan;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Influence of NaCl on the Structure and Dynamics of Phospholipid Layers
Gaussmann, Stefan;Gopalswamy, Mohanraj;Eberhardt, Maike;Reuter, Maren;Zou, Peijian;Schliebs, Wolfgang;Erdmann, Ralf;Sattler, Michael; Membrane Interactions of the Peroxisomal Proteins PEX5 and PEX14
Godfrey, Sasha B.;Piazza, Cristina;Felici, Federica;Grioli, Giorgio;Bicchi, Antonio;Catalano, Manuel G.; Usability Assessment of Body Controlled Electric Hand Prostheses: A Pilot Study
Ortner, Marion;Riedl, Lina;Jox, Ralf J.;Hartmann, Julia;Roßmeier, Carola;Dorn, Bianca;Kehl, Victoria;Egert-Schwender, Silvia;Fischer, Julia;Diehl-Schmid, Janine; Suicidal Ideations and Behavior in Patients With Young and Late Onset Dementia
Šustić, Marko;Cokarić Brdovčak, Maja;Lisnić, Berislav;Materljan, Jelena;Juranić Lisnić, Vanda;Rožmanić, Carmen;Indenbirken, Daniela;Hiršl, Lea;Busch, Dirk H.;Brizić, Ilija;Krmpotić, Astrid;Jonjić, Stipan; Memory CD8 T Cells Generated by Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Vector Expressing NKG2D Ligand Have Effector-Like Phenotype and Distinct Functional Features
Musculus, Lisa;Ruggeri, Azzurra;Raab, Markus; Movement Matters! Understanding the Developmental Trajectory of Embodied Planning
Ohlerth, Ann-Katrin;Bastiaanse, Roelien;Negwer, Chiara;Sollmann, Nico;Schramm, Severin;Schröder, Axel;Krieg, Sandro M.; Benefit of Action Naming Over Object Naming for Visualization of Subcortical Language Pathways in Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Based Diffusion Tensor Imaging-Fiber Tracking
Surey, Ronny;Kaiser, Klaus;Schimpf, Corinna M.;Mueller, Carsten W.;Böttcher, Jürgen;Mikutta, Robert; Contribution of Particulate and Mineral-Associated Organic Matter to Potential Denitrification of Agricultural Soils
Diez-Hermano, Sergio;Ganfornina, Maria D.;Skerra, Arne;Gutiérrez, Gabriel;Sanchez, Diego; An Evolutionary Perspective of the Lipocalin Protein Family
Grote, Ulrike;Fasse, Anja;Nguyen, Trung Thanh;Erenstein, Olaf; Food Security and the Dynamics of Wheat and Maize Value Chains in Africa and Asia
Flenkenthaler, Florian;Ländström, Erik;Shashikadze, Bachuki;Backman, Mattias;Blutke, Andreas;Philippou-Massier, Julia;Renner, Simone;Hrabe de Angelis, Martin;Wanke, Rüdiger;Blum, Helmut;Arnold, Georg J.;Wolf, Eckhard;Fröhlich, Thomas; Differential Effects of Insulin-Deficient Diabetes Mellitus on Visceral vs. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue—Multi-omics Insights From the Munich MIDY Pig Model
Baumeister, Harald;Bauereiss, Natalie;Zarski, Anna-Carlotta;Braun, Lina;Buntrock, Claudia;Hoherz, Christian;Idrees, Abdul Rahman;Kraft, Robin;Meyer, Pauline;Nguyen, Tran Bao Dat;Pryss, Rüdiger;Reichert, Manfred;Sextl, Theresa;Steinhoff, Maria;Stenzel, Lena;Steubl, Lena;Terhorst, Yannik;Titzler, Ingrid;Ebert, David Daniel; Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of PSYCHOnlineTHERAPY: Study Protocol of a Multicenter Blended Outpatient Psychotherapy Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients With Depressive and Anxiety Disorders
Ejaz, Irsa;He, Siyang;Li, Wei;Hu, Naiyue;Tang, Chaochen;Li, Songbo;Li, Meng;Diallo, Boubacar;Xie, Guanghui;Yu, Kang; Sorghum Grains Grading for Food, Feed, and Fuel Using NIR Spectroscopy
Kappelmann, Jannick;Klein, Bianca;Papenfuß, Mathias;Lange, Julian;Blombach, Bastian;Takors, Ralf;Wiechert, Wolfgang;Polen, Tino;Noack, Stephan; Comprehensive Analysis of C. glutamicum Anaplerotic Deletion Mutants Under Defined d-Glucose Conditions
Ribbat-Idel, Julika;Perner, Sven;Kuppler, Patrick;Klapper, Luise;Krupar, Rosemarie;Watermann, Christian;Paulsen, Finn-Ole;Offermann, Anne;Bruchhage, Karl-Ludwig;Wollenberg, Barbara;Idel, Christian; Immunologic “Cold” Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck Are Associated With an Unfavorable Prognosis
Grosshagauer, Silke;Pirkwieser, Philip;Kraemer, Klaus;Somoza, Veronika; The Future of Moringa Foods: A Food Chemistry Perspective
Braun, Benedikt J.;Orth, Marcel;Diebels, Stefan;Wickert, Kerstin;Andres, Annchristin;Gawlitza, Joshua;Bücker, Arno;Pohlemann, Tim;Roland, Michael; Individualized Determination of the Mechanical Fracture Environment After Tibial Exchange Nailing—A Simulation-Based Feasibility Study
Bromberger, Thomas;Klapproth, Sarah;Rohwedder, Ina;Weber, Jasmin;Pick, Robert;Mittmann, Laura;Min-Weißenhorn, Soo Jin;Reichel, Christoph A.;Scheiermann, Christoph;Sperandio, Markus;Moser, Markus; Binding of Rap1 and Riam to Talin1 Fine-Tune β2 Integrin Activity During Leukocyte Trafficking
Xu, Manting;Kopajtich, Robert;Elstner, Matthias;Wang, Zhaoxia;Liu, Zhimei;Wang, Junling;Prokisch, Holger;Fang, Fang; Identification of a Novel Variant in MT-CO3 Causing MELAS
Mara, Martina;Stein, Jan-Philipp;Latoschik, Marc Erich;Lugrin, Birgit;Schreiner, Constanze;Hostettler, Rafael;Appel, Markus; User Responses to a Humanoid Robot Observed in Real Life, Virtual Reality, 3D and 2D
Serr, Isabelle;Drost, Felix;Schubert, Benjamin;Daniel, Carolin; Antigen-Specific Treg Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes – Challenges and Opportunities
Bouti, Panagiota;Webbers, Steven D. S.;Fagerholm, Susanna C.;Alon, Ronen;Moser, Markus;Matlung, Hanke L.;Kuijpers, Taco W.; β2 Integrin Signaling Cascade in Neutrophils: More Than a Single Function
Marques, Adilson;Henriques-Neto, Duarte;Peralta, Miguel;Martins, João;Gomes, Fernando;Popovic, Stevo;Masanovic, Bojan;Demetriou, Yolanda;Schlund, Annegret;Ihle, Andreas; Field-Based Health-Related Physical Fitness Tests in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Holmberg, Olle;Lenz, Tobias;Koch, Valentin;Alyagoob, Aseel;Utsch, Léa;Rank, Andreas;Sabic, Emina;Seguchi, Masaru;Xhepa, Erion;Kufner, Sebastian;Cassese, Salvatore;Kastrati, Adnan;Marr, Carsten;Joner, Michael;Nicol, Philipp; Histopathology-Based Deep-Learning Predicts Atherosclerotic Lesions in Intravascular Imaging
Singh, Akanksha;Mayer, Veronika E.;Zytynska, Sharon E.;Hesse, Benjamin;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; The Efficiency of Plant Defense: Aphid Pest Pressure Does Not Alter Production of Food Rewards by Okra Plants in Ant Presence
Ban, Rui;Liu, Zhimei;Shimura, Masaru;Tong, Xiao;Wang, Junling;Yang, Lei;Xu, Manting;Xiao, Jing;Murayama, Kei;Elstner, Matthias;Prokisch, Holger;Fang, Fang; Biallelic COA7-Variants Leading to Developmental Regression With Progressive Spasticity and Brain Atrophy in a Chinese Patient
Wiedmann, Isabella;Grassi, Marcello;Duran, Ibrahim;Lavrador, Ricardo;Alberg, Evelyn;Daumer, Martin;Schoenau, Eckhard;Rittweger, Jörn; Accelerometric Gait Analysis Devices in Children—Will They Accept Them? Results From the AVAPed Study
Tran, Hoai T. T.;Stetter, Rebecca;Herz, Corinna;Spöttel, Jenny;Krell, Mareike;Hanschen, Franziska S.;Schreiner, Monika;Rohn, Sascha;Behrens, Maik;Lamy, Evelyn; Allyl Isothiocyanate: A TAS2R38 Receptor-Dependent Immune Modulator at the Interface Between Personalized Medicine and Nutrition
Fuest, K. E.;Lorenz, Marco;Grunow, Julius J.;Weiss, Björn;Mörgeli, Rudolf;Finkenzeller, Sebastian;Bogdanski, Ralph;Heim, Markus;Kapfer, Barbara;Kriescher, Silja;Lingg, Charlotte;Martin, Jan;Ulm, Bernhard;Jungwirth, Bettina;Blobner, Manfred;Schaller, Stefan J.; The Functional Trajectory in Frail Compared With Non-frail Critically Ill Patients During the Hospital Stay
Straube, Florian;Pongratz, Janis;Kosmalla, Alexander;Brueck, Benedikt;Riess, Lukas;Hartl, Stefan;Tesche, Christian;Ebersberger, Ullrich;Wankerl, Michael;Dorwarth, Uwe;Hoffmann, Ellen; Cryoballoon Ablation Strategy in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
Zhou, Yanan;Ma, Yuejiao;Wu, Qiuxia;Wang, Qianjin;Yang, Winson Fu Zun;Wang, Yunfei;Yang, Dong;Luo, Yinli;Tang, Kewei;Liu, Tieqiao;Wang, Dongfang; Comparison of Thyroid Hormone Levels Between Patients With Major Depressive Disorder and Healthy Individuals in China
Parise, Mariana Teixeira Dornelles;Parise, Doglas;Aburjaile, Flavia Figueira;Pinto Gomide, Anne Cybelle;Kato, Rodrigo Bentes;Raden, Martin;Backofen, Rolf;Azevedo, Vasco Ariston de Carvalho;Baumbach, Jan; An Integrated Database of Small RNAs and Their Interplay With Transcriptional Gene Regulatory Networks in Corynebacteria
Apolinário-Hagen, Jennifer;Fritsche, Lara;Wopperer, Jeannette;Wals, Frank;Harrer, Mathias;Lehr, Dirk;Ebert, David D.;Salewski, Christel; Investigating the Persuasive Effects of Testimonials on the Acceptance of Digital Stress Management Trainings Among University Students and Underlying Mechanisms: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Chen, Xin;Qiu, Nan;Chen, Chao;Zhai, Liang; Personality Traits, Loneliness, and Affect Among Boxers
Abel, Maria;Pfister, Robert;Hussein, Iman;Alsalloum, Fahd;Onyinzo, Christina;Kappl, Simon;Zech, Michael;Demmel, Walter;Staudt, Martin;Kudernatsch, Manfred;Berweck, Steffen; Deep Brain Stimulation in KMT2B-Related Dystonia: Case Report and Review of the Literature With Special Emphasis on Dysarthria and Speech
Staude, Ingmar R.;Overbeck, Gerhard E.;Fontana, Carla Suertegaray;Bencke, Glayson A.;Silva, Thaiane Weinert da;Mimet, Anne;Pereira, Henrique M.; Specialist Birds Replace Generalists in Grassland Remnants as Land Use Change Intensifies
Cerritelli, Francesco;Frasch, Martin G.;Antonelli, Marta C.;Viglione, Chiara;Vecchi, Stefano;Chiera, Marco;Manzotti, Andrea; A Review on the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System During Fetal Development: Searching for Critical Windows
Klopp, Alexandre;Schreiber, Sophia;Kosinska, Anna D.;Pulé, Martin;Protzer, Ulrike;Wisskirchen, Karin; Depletion of T cells via Inducible Caspase 9 Increases Safety of Adoptive T-Cell Therapy Against Chronic Hepatitis B
Chen, Xin;Qiu, Nan;Zhai, Liang;Ren, Gui; Anxiety, Loneliness, Drug Craving, and Depression Among Substance Abusers in Sichuan Province, China
Hedderich, Dennis M.;Menegaux, Aurore;Schmitz-Koep, Benita;Nuttall, Rachel;Zimmermann, Juliana;Schneider, Sebastian C.;Bäuml, Josef G.;Daamen, Marcel;Boecker, Henning;Wilke, Marko;Zimmer, Claus;Wolke, Dieter;Bartmann, Peter;Sorg, Christian;Gaser, Christian; Increased Brain Age Gap Estimate (BrainAGE) in Young Adults After Premature Birth
Veltman, Mieke;De Sanctis, Juan B.;Stolarczyk, Marta;Klymiuk, Nikolai;Bähr, Andrea;Brouwer, Rutger W.;Oole, Edwin;Shah, Juhi;Ozdian, Tomas;Liao, Jie;Martini, Carolina;Radzioch, Danuta;Hanrahan, John W.;Scholte, Bob J.; CFTR Correctors and Antioxidants Partially Normalize Lipid Imbalance but not Abnormal Basal Inflammatory Cytokine Profile in CF Bronchial Epithelial Cells
Lehenberger, Maximilian;Foh, Nina;Göttlein, Axel;Six, Diana;Biedermann, Peter H. W.; Nutrient-Poor Breeding Substrates of Ambrosia Beetles Are Enriched With Biologically Important Elements
Bello, Corina;Heinisch, Paul Philipp;Mihalj, Maks;Carrel, Thierry;Luedi, Markus M.; Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase as a Perioperative Marker of the Immune System
Schramm, Sebastian;Rozhon, Wilfried;Adedeji-Badmus, Adebimpe N.;Liang, Yuanyuan;Nayem, Shahran;Winkelmann, Traud;Poppenberger, Brigitte; The Orphan Crop Crassocephalum crepidioides Accumulates the Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Jacobine in Response to Nitrogen Starvation
Quirin, Markus;Jais, Marius;Di Domenico, Stefano I.;Kuhl, Julius;Ryan, Richard M.; Effortless Willpower? The Integrative Self and Self-Determined Goal Pursuit
Ruggeri, Azzurra;Walker, Caren M.;Lombrozo, Tania;Gopnik, Alison; How to Help Young Children Ask Better Questions?
Schifferer, Martina;Snaidero, Nicolas;Djannatian, Minou;Kerschensteiner, Martin;Misgeld, Thomas; Niwaki Instead of Random Forests: Targeted Serial Sectioning Scanning Electron Microscopy With Reimaging Capabilities for Exploring Central Nervous System Cell Biology and Pathology
Verdun, Claudio M.;Fuchs, Tim;Harar, Pavol;Elbrächter, Dennis;Fischer, David S.;Berner, Julius;Grohs, Philipp;Theis, Fabian J.;Krahmer, Felix; Group Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Allows for Up to 10-Fold Efficiency Increase Across Realistic Scenarios and Testing Strategies
Zhou, Yanan;Chen, Shubao;Liao, Yanhui;Wu, Qiuxia;Ma, Yuejiao;Wang, Dongfang;Wang, Xuyi;Li, Manyun;Wang, Yunfei;Wang, Yingying;Liu, Yueheng;Liu, Tieqiao;Yang, Winson Fu Zun; General Perception of Doctor–Patient Relationship From Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China: A Cross-Sectional Study
Christakis, Christos A.;Daskalogiannis, Georgia;Chatzaki, Anastasia;Markakis, Emmanouil A.;Mermigka, Glykeria;Sagia, Angeliki;Rizzo, Giulio Flavio;Catara, Vittoria;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Studholme, David J.;Sarris, Panagiotis F.; Endophytic Bacterial Isolates From Halophytes Demonstrate Phytopathogen Biocontrol and Plant Growth Promotion Under High Salinity
Jain, Anubhav;Abedinpour, Kian;Polat, Ozgur;Çalışkan, Mine Melodi;Asaei, Afsaneh;Pfister, Franz M. J.;Fietzek, Urban M.;Cernak, Milos; Voice Analysis to Differentiate the Dopaminergic Response in People With Parkinson's Disease
Eira, Jessica;Magalhães, Joana;Macedo, Nídia;Pero, Maria Elena;Misgeld, Thomas;Sousa, Mónica M.;Bartolini, Francesca;Liz, Márcia A.; Transthyretin Promotes Axon Growth via Regulation of Microtubule Dynamics and Tubulin Acetylation
Viscidi, Emma;Litvan, Irene;Dam, Tien;Juneja, Maneesh;Li, Li;Krzywy, Henry;Eaton, Susan;Hall, Susan;Kupferman, Joseph;Höglinger, Günter U.; Clinical Features of Patients With Progressive Supranuclear Palsy in an US Insurance Claims Database
Muley, Carolin;Kotschi, Stefan;Bartelt, Alexander; Role of Ubiquilins for Brown Adipocyte Proteostasis and Thermogenesis
Chu, Chang-Feng;Sabath, Florian;Fibi-Smetana, Silvia;Sun, Shan;Öllinger, Rupert;Noeßner, Elfriede;Chao, Ying-Yin;Rinke, Linus;Winheim, Elena;Rad, Roland;Krug, Anne B.;Taher, Leila;Zielinski, Christina E.; Convalescent COVID-19 Patients Without Comorbidities Display Similar Immunophenotypes Over Time Despite Divergent Disease Severities
Roeh, Astrid;Holdenrieder, Stefan;Schoenfeld, Julia;Haeckert, Jan;Halle, Martin;Falkai, Peter;Scherr, Johannes;Hasan, Alkomiet; Decreased Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Concentrations 72 Hours Following Marathon Running
Ntemou, Effrosyni;Ohlerth, Ann-Katrin;Ille, Sebastian;Krieg, Sandro M.;Bastiaanse, Roelien;Rofes, Adrià; Mapping Verb Retrieval With nTMS: The Role of Transitivity
Szumilas, Nadine;Corneth, Odilia B. J.;Lehmann, Christian H. K.;Schmitt, Heike;Cunz, Svenia;Cullen, Jolie G.;Chu, Talyn;Marosan, Anita;Mócsai, Attila;Benes, Vladimir;Zehn, Dietmar;Dudziak, Diana;Hendriks, Rudi W.;Nitschke, Lars; Siglec-H-Deficient Mice Show Enhanced Type I IFN Responses, but Do Not Develop Autoimmunity After Influenza or LCMV Infections
Li, Hansen;Zhang, Xing;You, Chengming;Chen, Xin;Cao, Yang;Zhang, Guodong; Can Viewing Nature Through Windows Improve Isolated Living? A Pathway Analysis on Chinese Male Prisoners During the COVID-19 Epidemic
Passaro, Marcello;Müller, Felix L.;Oelsmann, Julius;Rautiainen, Laura;Dettmering, Denise;Hart-Davis, Michael G.;Abulaitijiang, Adili;Andersen, Ole B.;Høyer, Jacob L.;Madsen, Kristine S.;Ringgaard, Ida Margrethe;Särkkä, Jani;Scarrott, Rory;Schwatke, Christian;Seitz, Florian;Tuomi, Laura;Restano, Marco;Benveniste, Jérôme; Absolute Baltic Sea Level Trends in the Satellite Altimetry Era: A Revisit
Pan, Sharadwata;Goudoulas, Thomas B.;Jeevanandam, Jaison;Tan, Kei Xian;Chowdhury, Shamik;Danquah, Michael K.; Therapeutic Applications of Metal and Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles: Dermato-Cosmetic Perspectives
Brand, Isabel;Gilberg, Leonard;Bruger, Jan;Garí, Mercè;Wieser, Andreas;Eser, Tabea M.;Frese, Jonathan;Ahmed, Mohamed I. M.;Rubio-Acero, Raquel;Guggenbuehl Noller, Jessica M.;Castelletti, Noemi;Diekmannshemke, Jana;Thiesbrummel, Sophie;Huynh, Duc;Winter, Simon;Kroidl, Inge;Fuchs, Christiane;Hoelscher, Michael;Roider, Julia;Kobold, Sebastian;Pritsch, Michael;Geldmacher, Christof; Broad T Cell Targeting of Structural Proteins After SARS-CoV-2 Infection: High Throughput Assessment of T Cell Reactivity Using an Automated Interferon Gamma Release Assay
Otten, Daniëlle;Tibubos, Ana N.;Schomerus, Georg;Brähler, Elmar;Binder, Harald;Kruse, Johannes;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Wild, Philipp S.;Grabe, Hans J.;Beutel, Manfred E.; Similarities and Differences of Mental Health in Women and Men: A Systematic Review of Findings in Three Large German Cohorts
Cirac, Ana;Poirey, Remy;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Witter, Klaus;Delecluse, Henri-Jacques;Behrends, Uta;Mautner, Josef; Immunoinformatic Analysis Reveals Antigenic Heterogeneity of Epstein-Barr Virus Is Immune-Driven
Mastrototaro, Giuseppina;Zaghi, Mattia;Massimino, Luca;Moneta, Matteo;Mohammadi, Neda;Banfi, Federica;Bellini, Edoardo;Indrigo, Marzia;Fagnocchi, Giulia;Bagliani, Anna;Taverna, Stefano;Rohm, Maria;Herzig, Stephan;Sessa, Alessandro; TBL1XR1 Ensures Balanced Neural Development Through NCOR Complex-Mediated Regulation of the MAPK Pathway
Meyer, Maria Ines;de la Rosa, Ezequiel;Pedrosa de Barros, Nuno;Paolella, Roberto;Van Leemput, Koen;Sima, Diana M.; A Contrast Augmentation Approach to Improve Multi-Scanner Generalization in MRI
Willroider, Marie;Roeber, Sigrun;Horn, Anja K. E.;Arzberger, Thomas;Scheifele, Maximilian;Respondek, Gesine;Sabri, Osama;Barthel, Henryk;Patt, Marianne;Mishchenko, Olena;Schildan, Andreas;Mueller, André;Koglin, Norman;Stephens, Andrew;Levin, Johannes;Höglinger, Günter U.;Bartenstein, Peter;Herms, Jochen;Brendel, Matthias;Beyer, Leonie; Superiority of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Brain Tissue for in vitro Assessment of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Tau Pathology With [18F]PI-2620
Kirolinko, Cristina;Hobecker, Karen;Wen, Jiangqi;Mysore, Kirankumar S.;Niebel, Andreas;Blanco, Flavio Antonio;Zanetti, María Eugenia; Auxin Response Factor 2 (ARF2), ARF3, and ARF4 Mediate Both Lateral Root and Nitrogen Fixing Nodule Development in Medicago truncatula
Stippel, Michaela;Riedhammer, Korbinian M.;Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel;Geßner, Michaela;Braunisch, Matthias C.;Günthner, Roman;Bald, Martin;Schmidts, Miriam;Strotmann, Peter;Tasic, Velibor;Schmaderer, Christoph;Renders, Lutz;Heemann, Uwe;Hoefele, Julia; Renal and Skeletal Anomalies in a Cohort of Individuals With Clinically Presumed Hereditary Nephropathy Analyzed by Molecular Genetic Testing
Strauß, Tabea;Marvian-Tayaranian, Amir;Sadikoglou, Eldem;Dhingra, Ashutosh;Wegner, Florian;Trümbach, Dietrich;Wurst, Wolfgang;Heutink, Peter;Schwarz, Sigrid C.;Höglinger, Günter U.; iPS Cell-Based Model for MAPT Haplotype as a Risk Factor for Human Tauopathies Identifies No Major Differences in TAU Expression
Schmitt, Julia;Palleis, Carla;Sauerbeck, Julia;Unterrainer, Marcus;Harris, Stefanie;Prix, Catharina;Weidinger, Endy;Katzdobler, Sabrina;Wagemann, Olivia;Danek, Adrian;Beyer, Leonie;Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan;Rominger, Axel;Simons, Mikael;Bartenstein, Peter;Perneczky, Robert;Haass, Christian;Levin, Johannes;Höglinger, Günter U.;Brendel, Matthias;; Dual-Phase β-Amyloid PET Captures Neuronal Injury and Amyloidosis in Corticobasal Syndrome
van Cromvoirt, Ankie M.;Fenk, Simone;Sadafi, Ario;Melnikova, Elizaveta V.;Lagutkin, Denis A.;Dey, Kuntal;Petrushanko, Irina Yu.;Hegemann, Inga;Goede, Jeroen S.;Bogdanova, Anna; Donor Age and Red Cell Age Contribute to the Variance in Lorrca Indices in Healthy Donors for Next Generation Ektacytometry: A Pilot Study
Vaughan, James;Mallett, Clifford J.;Potrac, Paul;López-Felip, Maurici A.;Davids, Keith; Football, Culture, Skill Development and Sport Coaching: Extending Ecological Approaches in Athlete Development Using the Skilled Intentionality Framework
Purahong, Witoon;Hossen, Shakhawat;Nawaz, Ali;Sadubsarn, Dolaya;Tanunchai, Benjawan;Dommert, Sven;Noll, Matthias;Ampornpan, La-aw;Werukamkul, Petcharat;Wubet, Tesfaye; Life on the Rocks: First Insights Into the Microbiota of the Threatened Aquatic Rheophyte Hanseniella heterophylla
Cavalier, Etienne;Guiot, Julien;Lechner, Katharina;Dutsch, Alexander;Eccleston, Mark;Herzog, Marielle;Bygott, Thomas;Schomburg, Adrian;Kelly, Theresa;Holdenrieder, Stefan; Circulating Nucleosomes as Potential Markers to Monitor COVID-19 Disease Progression
Aniko Wirp, Sara;Gabriel, Alice-Agnes;Schmeller, Maximilian;H. Madden, Elizabeth;van Zelst, Iris;Krenz, Lukas;van Dinther, Ylona;Rannabauer, Leonhard; 3D Linked Subduction, Dynamic Rupture, Tsunami, and Inundation Modeling: Dynamic Effects of Supershear and Tsunami Earthquakes, Hypocenter Location, and Shallow Fault Slip
Fröbel, Julia;Landspersky, Theresa;Percin, Gülce;Schreck, Christina;Rahmig, Susann;Ori, Alessandro;Nowak, Daniel;Essers, Marieke;Waskow, Claudia;Oostendorp, Robert A. J.; The Hematopoietic Bone Marrow Niche Ecosystem
Canaslan, Sezgi;Schmitz, Matthias;Villar-Piqué, Anna;Maass, Fabian;Gmitterová, Karin;Varges, Daniela;Lingor, Paul;Llorens, Franc;Hermann, Peter;Zerr, Inga; Detection of Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurofilament Light Chain as a Marker for Alpha-Synucleinopathies
Alkhodari, Mohanad;Jelinek, Herbert F.;Karlas, Angelos;Soulaidopoulos, Stergios;Arsenos, Petros;Doundoulakis, Ioannis;Gatzoulis, Konstantinos A.;Tsioufis, Konstantinos;Hadjileontiadis, Leontios J.;Khandoker, Ahsan H.; Deep Learning Predicts Heart Failure With Preserved, Mid-Range, and Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction From Patient Clinical Profiles
Hostettler, Isabel C.;Jayashankar, Narayan;Bikis, Christos;Wanderer, Stefan;Nevzati, Edin;Karuppiah, Ravindran;Waran, Vicknes;Kalbermatten, Daniel;Mariani, Luigi;Marbacher, Serge;Guzman, Raphael;Madduri, Srinivas;Roethlisberger, Michel; Clinical Studies and Pre-clinical Animal Models on Facial Nerve Preservation, Reconstruction, and Regeneration Following Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Surgery–A Systematic Review and Future Perspectives
Schäfer, Frank-Mattias;Meyer, Johannes;Kellnar, Stephan;Warmbrunn, Jakob;Schuster, Tobias;Simon, Stefanie;Meyer, Thomas;Platzer, Julia;Hubertus, Jochen;Seitz, Sigurd T.;Knorr, Christian;Stehr, Maximilian; Increased Incidence of Perforated Appendicitis in Children During COVID-19 Pandemic in a Bavarian Multi-Center Study
Zhylka, Andrey;Sollmann, Nico;Kofler, Florian;Radwan, Ahmed;De Luca, Alberto;Gempt, Jens;Wiestler, Benedikt;Menze, Bjoern;Krieg, Sandro M.;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Sunaert, Stefan;Leemans, Alexander;Pluim, Josien P. W.; Tracking the Corticospinal Tract in Patients With High-Grade Glioma: Clinical Evaluation of Multi-Level Fiber Tracking and Comparison to Conventional Deterministic Approaches
Prado Acosta, Mariano;Goyette-Desjardins, Guillaume;Scheffel, Jörg;Dudeck, Anne;Ruland, Jürgen;Lepenies, Bernd; S-Layer From Lactobacillus brevis Modulates Antigen-Presenting Cell Functions via the Mincle-Syk-Card9 Axis
Lux, Vanessa;Non, Amy L.;Pexman, Penny M.;Stadler, Waltraud;Weber, Lilian A. E.;Krüger, Melanie; A Developmental Framework for Embodiment Research: The Next Step Toward Integrating Concepts and Methods
Findeiss, Elisabeth;Schwarz, Sigrid C.;Evsyukov, Valentin;Rösler, Thomas W.;Höllerhage, Matthias;Chakroun, Tasnim;Nykänen, Niko-Petteri;Shen, Yimin;Wurst, Wolfgang;Kohl, Michael;Tost, Jörg;Höglinger, Günter U.; Comprehensive miRNome-Wide Profiling in a Neuronal Cell Model of Synucleinopathy Implies Involvement of Cell Cycle Genes
Hartmann, Oliver;Reissland, Michaela;Maier, Carina R.;Fischer, Thomas;Prieto-Garcia, Cristian;Baluapuri, Apoorva;Schwarz, Jessica;Schmitz, Werner;Garrido-Rodriguez, Martin;Pahor, Nikolett;Davies, Clare C.;Bassermann, Florian;Orian, Amir;Wolf, Elmar;Schulze, Almut;Calzado, Marco A.;Rosenfeldt, Mathias T.;Diefenbacher, Markus E.; Implementation of CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing to Generate Murine Lung Cancer Models That Depict the Mutational Landscape of Human Disease
Kirste, Simon;Kroeze, Stephanie G. C.;Henkenberens, Christoph;Schmidt-Hegemann, Nina-Sophie;Vogel, Marco M. E.;Becker, Jessica;Zamboglou, Constantinos;Burger, Irene;Derlin, Thorsten;Bartenstein, Peter;Ruf, Juri;la Fougère, Christian;Eiber, Matthias;Christiansen, Hans;Combs, Stephanie E.;Müller, Arndt-Christian;Belka, Claus;Guckenberger, Matthias;Grosu, Anca-Ligia; Combining 68Ga-PSMA-PET/CT-Directed and Elective Radiation Therapy Improves Outcome in Oligorecurrent Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
Schindler, Franziska;Praedel, Nicole;Neuendorf, Nancy;Kunz, Severine;Schnoegl, Sigrid;Mason, Michael A.;Taxy, Bridget A.;Bates, Gillian P.;Khoshnan, Ali;Priller, Josef;Grimm, Jan;Maier, Marcel;Boeddrich, Annett;Wanker, Erich E.; Small, Seeding-Competent Huntingtin Fibrils Are Prominent Aggregate Species in Brains of zQ175 Huntington’s Disease Knock-in Mice
Yudintceva, Natalia;Mikhailova, Natalia;Bobkov, Danila;Yakovleva, Liudmila;Nikolaev, Boris;Krasavina, Darya;Muraviov, Alexandr;Vinogradova, Tatiana;Yablonskiy, Petr;Samusenko, Igor;Ryzhov, Vyacheslav;Deriglazov, Vladimir;Marchenko, Yaroslav;Multhoff, Gabriele;Klapproth, Alexander P.;Li, Wei Bo;Nayak, Barsa;Sonawane, Avinash;Shevtsov, Maxim; Evaluation of the Biodistribution of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Pre-clinical Renal Tuberculosis Model by Non-linear Magnetic Response Measurements
Kronberg, E. A.;Gorman, J.;Nykyri, K.;Smirnov, A. G.;Gjerloev, J. W.;Grigorenko, E. E.;Kozak, L. V.;Ma, X.;Trattner, K. J.;Friel, M.; Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Associated With Reconnection and Ultra Low Frequency Waves at the Ground: A Case Study
Bassaganya-Riera, Josep;Berry, Elliot M.;Blaak, Ellen E.;Burlingame, Barbara;le Coutre, Johannes;van Eden, Willem;El-Sohemy, Ahmed;German, J. Bruce;Knorr, Dietrich;Lacroix, Christophe;Muscaritoli, Maurizio;Nieman, David C.;Rychlik, Michael;Scholey, Andrew;Serafini, Mauro; Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025
Andrén Aronsson, Carin;Liu, Xiang;Norris, Jill M.;Uusitalo, Ulla;Butterworth, Martha D.;Koletzko, Sibylle;Virtanen, Suvi M.;Erlund, Iris;Kurppa, Kalle;Hagopian, William A.;Rewers, Marian J.;She, Jin-Xiong;Toppari, Jorma;Ziegler, Anette-G.;Akolkar, Beena;Krischer, Jeffrey P.;Agardh, Daniel; 25(OH)D Levels in Infancy Is Associated With Celiac Disease Autoimmunity in At-Risk Children: A Case–Control Study
Florencio, Margarita;Patiño, Jairo;Nogué, Sandra;Traveset, Anna;Borges, Paulo A. V.;Schaefer, Hanno;Amorim, Isabel R.;Arnedo, Miquel;Ávila, Sérgio P.;Cardoso, Pedro;de Nascimento, Lea;Fernández-Palacios, José María;Gabriel, Sofia I.;Gil, Artur;Gonçalves, Vítor;Haroun, Ricardo;Illera, Juan Carlos;López-Darias, Marta;Martínez, Alejandro;Martins, Gustavo M.;Neto, Ana I.;Nogales, Manuel;Oromí, Pedro;Rando, Juan Carlos;Raposeiro, Pedro M.;Rigal, François;Romeiras, Maria M.;Silva, Luís;Valido, Alfredo;Vanderpoorten, Alain;Vasconcelos, Raquel;Santos, Ana M. C.; Macaronesia as a Fruitful Arena for Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
Schockenhoff, Ferdinand;Zähringer, Maximilian;Brönner, Matthias;Lienkamp, Markus; Combining a Genetic Algorithm and a Fuzzy System to Optimize User Centricity in Autonomous Vehicle Concept Development
Wang, Yanwei;Seidel, Michael; Integration of 3D Hydrodynamic Focused Microreactor with Microfluidic Chemiluminescence Sensing for Online Synthesis and Catalytical Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles
Berdysheva, Sofia;Ikonnikova, Svetlana; The Energy Transition and Shifts in Fossil Fuel Use: The Study of International Energy Trade and Energy Security Dynamics
Buchberger, Anna Maria Stefanie;Strzelczyk, Elmar Anton;Wollenberg, Barbara;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth;Pickhard, Anja;Pigorsch, Steffi Ulrike; Report on Late Toxicity in Head-and-Neck Tumor Patients with Long Term Survival after Radiochemotherapy
You, Zhengjie;Zade, Michel;Kumaran Nalini, Babu;Tzscheutschler, Peter; Flexibility Estimation of Residential Heat Pumps under Heat Demand Uncertainty
Han, Jong-Seob;Breitsamter, Christian; Leading-Edge Vortex Characteristics of Low-Aspect-Ratio Sweptback Plates at Low Reynolds Number
Kaths, Heather;Keler, Andreas;Bogenberger, Klaus; Calibrating the Wiedemann 99 Car-Following Model for Bicycle Traffic
Kammerloher, Simon;Hoyer, Julika;Lechner, Philipp;Mittler, Tim;Volk, Wolfram; A Method for Characterising the Influence of Casting Parameters on the Metallurgical Bonding of Copper and Steel Bimetals
Ille, Sebastian;Schwendner, Maximilian;Zhang, Wei;Schroeder, Axel;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Tractography for Subcortical Resection of Gliomas Is Highly Accurate for Motor and Language Function: ioMRI-Based Elastic Fusion Disproves the Severity of Brain Shift
Ntihinyurwa, Pierre Damien;de Vries, Walter Timo; Farmland Fragmentation, Farmland Consolidation and Food Security: Relationships, Research Lapses and Future Perspectives
Schädler, Torben;Thurn, Anna-Lena;Brück, Thomas;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Continuous Production of Lipids with Microchloropsis salina in Open Thin-Layer Cascade Photobioreactors on a Pilot Scale
Haller, Nicole;Maier, Isabel;Kulozik, Ulrich; Molecular Analytical Assessment of Thermally Precipitated α-Lactalbumin after Resolubilization
Lehnhardt, Florian;Nobis, Arndt;Skornia, Andreas;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; A Comprehensive Evaluation of Flavor Instability of Beer (Part 1): Influence of Release of Bound State Aldehydes
Haindl, Regina;Schick, Simon;Kulozik, Ulrich; Influence of Cultivation pH on Composition, Diversity, and Metabolic Production in an In Vitro Human Intestinal Microbiota
Kefer, Simone;Miesbauer, Oliver;Langowski, Horst-Christian; Environmental Microplastic Particles vs. Engineered Plastic Microparticles—A Comparative Review
Heine, Florian;Zosseder, Kai;Einsiedl, Florian; Hydrochemical Zoning and Chemical Evolution of the Deep Upper Jurassic Thermal Groundwater Reservoir Using Water Chemical and Environmental Isotope Data
Hartl, Roman;Bachmann, Andreas;Habedank, Jan Bernd;Semm, Thomas;Zaeh, Michael F.; Process Monitoring in Friction Stir Welding Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Kamiński, Mikołaj;Tizek, Linda;Zink, Alexander; ‘Dr. Google, What Is That on My Skin?’—Internet Searches Related to Skin Problems: Google Trends Data from 2004 to 2019
Spieker, Veronika;Ganguly, Amartya;Haddadin, Sami;Piazza, Cristina; An Adaptive Multi-Modal Control Strategy to Attenuate the Limb Position Effect in Myoelectric Pattern Recognition
Ille, Sebastian;Schroeder, Axel;Albers, Lucia;Kelm, Anna;Droese, Doris;Meyer, Bernhard;Krieg, Sandro M.; Non-Invasive Mapping for Effective Preoperative Guidance to Approach Highly Language-Eloquent Gliomas—A Large Scale Comparative Cohort Study Using a New Classification for Language Eloquence
Bauer, Andreas;Minceva, Mirjana; Examination of Photo-, Mixo-, and Heterotrophic Cultivation Conditions on Haematococcus pluvialis Cyst Cell Germination
Wittmann, Leonie;Turrina, Chiara;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; The Effect of pH and Viscosity on Magnetophoretic Separation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Vijayasarathi, Lakshmi Narasiman;Spies, Bernhard;Nasato, Daniel Schiochet;Briesen, Heiko;Foerst, Petra; Independent Variation of Reynolds Number, Wall Shear Stress and Flow Velocity for Cleaning Experiments: A Geometrically Flexible Parallel Plate Flow Cell
Breuninger, Tamara;Menschik, Bettina;Demharter, Agnes;Gamperl, Moritz;Thuro, Kurosch; Investigation of Critical Geotechnical, Petrological and Mineralogical Parameters for Landslides in Deeply Weathered Dunite Rock (Medellín, Colombia)
Köhler, Nikolai;Rose, Tim Daniel;Falk, Lisa;Pauling, Josch Konstantin; Investigating Global Lipidome Alterations with the Lipid Network Explorer
Heidebrecht, Hans-Jürgen;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Reitmeier, Sandra;Hengst, Claudia;Kulozik, Ulrich;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Alteration of Intestinal Microbiome of Clostridioides difficile-Infected Hamsters during the Treatment with Specific Cow Antibodies
Hölzel, Marco;de Vries, Walter Timo; Digitization as a Driver fur Rural Development—An Indicative Description of German Coworking Space Users
Persiani, Sandra G. L.;Kobas, Bilge;Koth, Sebastian Clark;Auer, Thomas; Biometric Data as Real-Time Measure of Physiological Reactions to Environmental Stimuli in the Built Environment
Wurm, Markus;Zyskowski, Michael;Pesch, Sebastian;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig;Beirer, Marc; Good to Excellent Functional Outcome and High Return to Sports Rate after Operative Treatment of Unstable Lateral Clavicle Fractures: Comparison of Two Coracoclavicular Button Fixation Techniques
Krapf, Sebastian;Kemmerzell, Nils;Khawaja Haseeb Uddin, Syed;Hack Vázquez, Manuel;Netzler, Fabian;Lienkamp, Markus; Towards Scalable Economic Photovoltaic Potential Analysis Using Aerial Images and Deep Learning
Andlinger, David J.;Röscheisen, Pauline;Hengst, Claudia;Kulozik, Ulrich; Influence of pH, Temperature and Protease Inhibitors on Kinetics and Mechanism of Thermally Induced Aggregation of Potato Proteins
Schmoeller, Maximilian;Stadter, Christian;Kick, Michael Karl;Geiger, Christian;Zaeh, Michael Friedrich; A Novel Approach to the Holistic 3D Characterization of Weld Seams—Paving the Way for Deep Learning-Based Process Monitoring
Samfaß, Julia;Stark, Timo D.;Hofmann, Thomas F.; Sensory-Directed Identification of Creaminess-Enhancing Semi-Volatile Lactones in Crumb Chocolate
Warncke, Malou;Keienburg, Sonja;Kulozik, Ulrich; Cold-Renneted Milk Powders for Cheese Production: Impact of Casein/Whey Protein Ratio and Heat on the Gelling Behavior of Reconstituted Rennet Gels and on the Survival Rate of Integrated Lactic Acid Bacteria
Bernauer, Christian;Grohmann, Sandra;Angermann, Philipp;Dickes, Daniel;Holzberger, Florian;Amend, Pierre;Zaeh, Michael F.; Investigation of the Cause-Effect Relationships between the Exothermic Reaction and the Microstructures of Reactive Ni-Al Particles Produced by High Energy Planetary Ball Milling
Warncke, Malou;Kulozik, Ulrich; Functionality of MC88- and MPC85-Enriched Skim Milk: Impact of Shear Conditions in Rotor/Stator Systems and High-Pressure Homogenizers on Powder Solubility and Rennet Gelation Behavior
Morales, Florentino;de Vries, Walter; Establishment of Land Use Suitability Mapping Criteria Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Practitioners and Beneficiaries
Smialek, Nicole;Pander, Joachim;Heinrich, Arne;Geist, Juergen; Sneaker, Dweller and Commuter: Evaluating Fish Behavior in Net-Based Monitoring at Hydropower Plants—A Case Study on Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
Song, Zhiqing;Tuo, Ye; Automated Flood Depth Estimates from Online Traffic Sign Images: Explorations of a Convolutional Neural Network-Based Method
Hu, Yuncai;Barmeier, Gero;Schmidhalter, Urs; Genetic Variation in Grain Yield and Quality Traits of Spring Malting Barley
Schiffer, Simon;Adekunle, Bello Teslim;Matyssek, Andreas;Hartinger, Martin;Kulozik, Ulrich; Effect of Pre-Heating Prior to Low Temperature 0.1 µm-Microfiltration of Milk on Casein–Whey Protein Fractionation
Merkle, Lukas;Pöthig, Michael;Schmid, Florian; Estimate e-Golf Battery State Using Diagnostic Data and a Digital Twin
Meyer, Stefan P.;Fuderer, Sebastian;Zaeh, Michael F.; A Holistic, Model-Predictive Process Control for Friction Stir Welding Processes Including a 1D FDM Multi-Layer Temperature Distribution Model
Ruan, Yin;Hajek, Manfred; Numerical Investigation of a Dynamic Stall on a Single Rotating Blade
Schlattl, Maria;Buffler, Marzell;Windisch, Wilhelm; Clay Minerals Affect the Solubility of Zn and Other Bivalent Cations in the Digestive Tract of Ruminants In Vitro
Páez-Curtidor, Natalie;Keilmann-Gondhalekar, Daphne;Drewes, Jörg E.; Application of the Water–Energy–Food Nexus Approach to the Climate-Resilient Water Safety Plan of Leh Town, India
Schiffer, Simon;Scheidler, Eva;Kiefer, Tim;Kulozik, Ulrich; Effect of Temperature, Added Calcium and pH on the Equilibrium of Caseins between Micellar State and Milk Serum
Wang, Kun;Dong, Xingchen;Kienle, Patrick;Fink, Maximilian;Kurz, Wolfgang;Köhler, Michael H.;Jakobi, Martin;Koch, Alexander W.; Optical Fiber Sensor for Temperature and Strain Measurement Based on Multimode Interference and Square-Core Fiber
Aftahy, Amir Kaywan;Groll, Maximilian;Barz, Melanie;Wagner, Arthur;Lange, Nicole;Butenschön, Vicki Marie;Delbridge, Claire;Bernhardt, Denise;Meyer, Bernhard;Negwer, Chiara;Gempt, Jens; Surgical Outcome of Trigeminal Schwannomas
Kolb, Cara G.;Lehmann, Maja;Lindemann, Jana-Lorena;Bachmann, Andreas;Zaeh, Michael F.; Improving the Dispersion Behavior of Organic Components in Water-Based Electrode Dispersions for Inkjet Printing Processes
Markus Ferber, Henning Kaul; Wald: mehr als Bäume
Huber, Eva M.;Groll, Michael; A Nut for Every Bolt: Subunit-Selective Inhibitors of the Immunoproteasome and Their Therapeutic Potential
Schulz, Julia;Leinmüller, Daniel;Misik, Adam;Zaeh, Michael F.; Renewable On-Site Power Generation for Manufacturing Companies—Technologies, Modeling, and Dimensioning
Pribec, Ivan;Becker, Thomas;Fattahi, Ehsan; A Strong-Form Off-Lattice Boltzmann Method for Irregular Point Clouds
Sachs, Gottfried;Grüter, Benedikt;Hong, Haichao; Performance Enhancement by Wing Sweep for High-Speed Dynamic Soaring
Schopf, Roland;Schmidt, Florian;Linner, Johanna;Kulozik, Ulrich; Comparative Assessment of Tubular Ceramic, Spiral Wound, and Hollow Fiber Membrane Microfiltration Module Systems for Milk Protein Fractionation
Zhang, Jiannan;Söpper, Max;Holzapfel, Florian; Attainable Moment Set Optimization to Support Configuration Design: A Required Moment Set Based Approach
Danquah, Benedikt;Riedmaier, Stefan;Meral, Yasin;Lienkamp, Markus; Statistical Validation Framework for Automotive Vehicle Simulations Using Uncertainty Learning
Hegele, Patrick;von Kobylinski, Jonas;Hitzler, Leonhard;Krempaszky, Christian;Werner, Ewald; In-Situ XRD Study of Phase Transformation Kinetics in a Co-Cr-W-Alloy Manufactured by Laser Powder-Bed Fusion
Schirren, Rebekka;Novotny, Alexander;Oesterlin, Christian;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel; Significance of Lauren Classification in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant/Perioperative Chemotherapy for Locally Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancers—Analysis from a Large Single Center Cohort in Germany
Pajares, Elias;Muñoz Nieto, Rafael;Meng, Liqiu;Wulfhorst, Gebhard; Population Disaggregation on the Building Level Based on Outdated Census Data
Turrina, Chiara;Berensmeier, Sonja;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Bare Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Carrier for the Short Cationic Peptide Lasioglossin
Byambaa, Bayarmaa;de Vries, Walter T.; The Production of Pastoral Space: Modeling Spatial Occupation of Grazing Land for Environmental Impact Assessment Using Structural Equation Modeling
Nentwich, Corbinian;Reinhart, Gunther; A Combined Anomaly and Trend Detection System for Industrial Robot Gear Condition Monitoring
Müller, Magdalena;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; Transfer of Ethanol and Aroma Compounds by Varying Specific Process Parameters in the Thermal Dealcoholisation of Beer
Lee, Cheonjae;de Vries, Walter Timo de; Testing and Validating the Suitability of Geospatially Informed Proxies on Land Tenure in North Korea for Korean (Re-)Unification
Chebib, Soraya;Schwab, Wilfried; Microscale Thermophoresis Reveals Oxidized Glutathione as High-Affinity Ligand of Mal d 1
Li, Lujun;Wudamu;Kürzinger, Ludwig;Watzel, Tobias;Rigoll, Gerhard; Lightweight End-to-End Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network Using Sinc Convolutions
Najdi, Farah;Krüger, Peter;Djabali, Karima; Impact of Progerin Expression on Adipogenesis in Hutchinson—Gilford Progeria Skin-Derived Precursor Cells
Meyer, Stefan P.;Herold, Maren T.;Habedank, Jan B.;Zaeh, Michael F.; A Study on the Bond Strength of Plastic–Metal Direct Bonds Using Friction Press Joining
Weger, Daniel;Gehlen, Christoph; Particle-Bed Binding by Selective Paste Intrusion—Strength and Durability of Printed Fine-Grain Concrete Members
Nobis, Arndt;Lehnhardt, Florian;Gebauer, Marcel;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; The Influence of Proteolytic Malt Modification on the Aging Potential of Final Wort
Reisenbüchler, Markus;Bui, Minh Duc;Rutschmann, Peter; Reservoir Sediment Management Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of the Lower Section of the Alpine Saalach River
Desai, Kshitija;Al Haddad, Christelle;Antoniou, Constantinos; Roadmap to Early Implementation of Passenger Air Mobility: Findings from a Delphi Study
Levin, Karin S.;Auerswald, Karl;Reents, Hans Jürgen;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Effects of Organic Energy Crop Rotations and Fertilisation with the Liquid Digestate Phase on Organic Carbon in the Topsoil
Lu, Ying;de Vries, Walter Timo; A Bibliometric and Visual Analysis of Rural Development Research
Geisberger, Thomas;Sobotta, Jessica;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Huber, Claudia; Formation of Thiophene under Simulated Volcanic Hydrothermal Conditions on Earth—Implications for Early Life on Extraterrestrial Planets?
Schmid-Querg, Jonas;Keler, Andreas;Grigoropoulos, Georgios; The Munich Bikeability Index: A Practical Approach for Measuring Urban Bikeability
Hannus, Veronika;Sauer, Johannes; Understanding Farmers’ Intention to Use a Sustainability Standard: The Role of Economic Rewards, Knowledge, and Ease of Use
Osterroth, Isabel Anna;Voigt, Tobias; Energy Consumption of Beverage-Bottling Machines
Guan, Shengyang;Mayer, David C.;Jandl, Christian;Weishäupl, Sebastian J.;Casini, Angela;Pöthig, Alexander; Investigation of Solvatomorphism and Its Photophysical Implications for Archetypal Trinuclear Au3(1-Methylimidazolate)3
Rittenauer, Michael;Gladis, Stefan;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas; Gelatinization or Pasting? The Impact of Different Temperature Levels on the Saccharification Efficiency of Barley Malt Starch
Li, Lujun;Lu, Zhenxing;Watzel, Tobias;Kürzinger, Ludwig;Rigoll, Gerhard; Light-Weight Self-Attention Augmented Generative Adversarial Networks for Speech Enhancement
Pander, Joachim;Nagel, Christoffer;Geist, Juergen; Integration of Constructed Floodplain Ponds into Nature-Like Fish Passes Supports Fish Diversity in a Heavily Modified Water Body
Söpper, Max;Zhang, Jiannan;Bähr, Niclas;Holzapfel, Florian; Required Moment Sets: Enhanced Controllability Analysis for Nonlinear Aircraft Models
Moeini, Hassan;Afridi, Suliman Qadir;Donakonda, Sainitin;Knolle, Percy A.;Protzer, Ulrike;Hoffmann, Dieter; Linear B-Cell Epitopes in Human Norovirus GII.4 Capsid Protein Elicit Blockade Antibodies
Dachaga, Walter;de Vries, Walter Timo; Land Tenure Security and Health Nexus: A Conceptual Framework for Navigating the Connections between Land Tenure Security and Health
Röhrl, Jennifer M.;Arnold, Rouven;Djabali, Karima; Nuclear Pore Complexes Cluster in Dysmorphic Nuclei of Normal and Progeria Cells during Replicative Senescence
Kirchebner, Benedikt;Ploetz, Maximilian;Rehekampff, Christoph;Lechner, Philipp;Volk, Wolfram; Influence of Salt Support Structures on Material Jetted Aluminum Parts
Nehring, Ina;Sattel, Heribert;Al-Hallak, Maesa;Sack, Martin;Henningsen, Peter;Mall, Volker;Aberl, Sigrid; The Child Behavior Checklist as a Screening Instrument for PTSD in Refugee Children
Haindl, Regina;Engel, Julia;Kulozik, Ulrich; Establishment of an In Vitro System of the Human Intestinal Microbiota: Effect of Cultivation Conditions and Influence of Three Donor Stool Samples
Gondhalekar, Daphne;Drewes, Jörg E.; Infrastructure Shaming and Consequences for Management of Urban WEF Security Nexus in China and India
Röcker, Dennis;Trunzer, Tatjana;Heilingbrunner, Jasmin;Rassloff, Janine;Fraga-García, Paula;Berensmeier, Sonja; Design of 3D Carbon Nanotube Monoliths for Potential-Controlled Adsorption
Weiß, Iris;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; A Metric and Visualization of Completeness in Multi-Dimensional Data Sets of Sensor and Actuator Data Applied to a Condition Monitoring Use Case
Heil, Kurt;Schmidhalter, Urs; An Evaluation of Different NIR-Spectral Pre-Treatments to Derive the Soil Parameters C and N of a Humus-Clay-Rich Soil
Trunzer, Emanuel;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit;Chen, Jan-Kristof;Kohnle, Moritz; Model-Driven Approach for Realization of Data Collection Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems to Lower Manual Implementation Efforts
Friese, Philipp A.;Michalk, Wibke;Fischer, Markus;Hardt, Cornelius;Bogenberger, Klaus; Charging Point Usage in Germany—Automated Retrieval, Analysis, and Usage Types Explained
Sun, Xiaodong;Sepahvand, Kian K.;Marburg, Steffen; Stability Analysis of Rotor-Bearing Systems under the Influence of Misalignment and Parameter Uncertainty
Well, Friederike;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Development of an Integrated Design Strategy for Blue-Green Architecture
Insam, Christina;Ballat, Lisa-Marie;Lorenz, Felix;Rixen, Daniel Jean; Hardware-in-the-Loop Test of a Prosthetic Foot
Taghian Dinani, Somayeh;Jenn, Alina;Kulozik, Ulrich; Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Sample Orientations on Uniformity of Microwave Heating Produced by Magnetron and Solid-State Generators
Trübswetter, Maximilian;Götz, Joshua;Kohn, Bernhard;Otto, Michael;Stahl, Karsten; Effects of Different Hard Finishing Processes on Gear Excitation
Wurster, Stefan;Schlosser, Steffen; Sovereign Wealth Funds as Sustainability Instruments? Disclosure of Sustainability Criteria in Worldwide Comparison
Pilz, Anna Caroline;Tizek, Linda;Rüth, Melvin;Seiringer, Peter;Biedermann, Tilo;Zink, Alexander; Interest in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Analysis of Web Search Data Terms in Eleven Large German Cities from 2015 to 2019
Erber, Johanna;Wießner, Johannes R.;Zimmermann, Gregor S.;Barthel, Petra;Burian, Egon;Lohöfer, Fabian;Martens, Eimo;Mijočević, Hrvoje;Rasch, Sebastian;Schmid, Roland M.;Spinner, Christoph D.;Braren, Rickmer;Schneider, Jochen;Lahmer, Tobias; Longitudinal Assessment of Health and Quality of Life of COVID-19 Patients Requiring Intensive Care—An Observational Study
Wimmer, Andreas;Yalvac, Baturay;Zoeller, Christopher;Hofstaetter, Fabian;Adami, Stefan;Adams, Nikolaus A.;Zaeh, Michael F.; Experimental and Numerical Investigations of In Situ Alloying during Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam
Popovic, Marko;Minceva, Mirjana; Coinfection and Interference Phenomena Are the Results of Multiple Thermodynamic Competitive Interactions
Seitz, Christian;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Huber, Claudia; The Abiotic Formation of Pyrrole under Volcanic, Hydrothermal Conditions—An Initial Step towards Life’s First Breath?
Kubbutat, Peter;Leitão, Luísa;Kulozik, Ulrich; Stability of Foams in Vacuum Drying Processes. Effects of Interactions between Sugars, Proteins, and Surfactants on Foam Stability and Dried Foam Properties
Ameyaw, Prince;de Vries, Walter; Toward Smart Land Management: Land Acquisition and the Associated Challenges in Ghana. A Look into a Blockchain Digital Land Registry for Prospects
Bockwoldt, Julia A.;Fellermeier, Johanna;Steffens, Emma;Vogel, Rudi F.;Ehrmann, Matthias A.; β-Glucan Production by Levilactobacillus brevis and Pediococcus claussenii for In Situ Enriched Rye and Wheat Sourdough Breads
Trauer, Jakob;Pfingstl, Simon;Finsterer, Markus;Zimmermann, Markus; Improving Production Efficiency with a Digital Twin Based on Anomaly Detection
Wildfeuer, Leo;Gieler, Philipp;Karger, Alexander; Combining the Distribution of Relaxation Times from EIS and Time-Domain Data for Parameterizing Equivalent Circuit Models of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Geyer, Kristina;Spies, Monika;Günther, Julia;Hoffmann, Julia;Raab, Roxana;Meyer, Dorothy;Rauh, Kathrin;Hauner, Hans; Effects of a Prenatal Lifestyle Intervention in Routine Care on Maternal Health Behaviour in the First Year Postpartum—Secondary Findings of the Cluster-Randomised GeliS Trial
Willinger, Laura;Brudy, Leon;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Müller, Jan; Association between Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Arterial Stiffness in Children with Congenital Heart Disease
Pfeiffer, Johanna;Spykman, Olivia;Gandorfer, Markus; Sensor and Video: Two Complementary Approaches for Evaluation of Dairy Cow Behavior after Calving Sensor Attachment
Ludwig, Beatrice S.;Kessler, Horst;Kossatz, Susanne;Reuning, Ute; RGD-Binding Integrins Revisited: How Recently Discovered Functions and Novel Synthetic Ligands (Re-)Shape an Ever-Evolving Field
Steininger, Peter;Gaderer, Matthias;Steffens, Oliver;Dawoud, Belal; Experimental and Numerical Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Newly-Developed Solar Active Thermal Insulation System
Bär, Raik Martin;Zeilmann, Michael;Nophut, Christoph;Kleinert, Joachim;Beyer, Karsten;Voigt, Tobias; Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Beverage Bottling Plants by Automatic Model Generation
Brandl, Andreas;Egner, Christoph;Schleip, Robert; Immediate Effects of Myofascial Release on the Thoracolumbar Fascia and Osteopathic Treatment for Acute Low Back Pain on Spine Shape Parameters: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Grashei, Martin;Hundshammer, Christian;van Heijster, Frits H. A.;Topping, Geoffrey J.;Schilling, Franz; pH Dependence of T2 for Hyperpolarizable 13C-Labelled Small Molecules Enables Spatially Resolved pH Measurement by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Reichel, Julia;Graßmann, Johanna;Knoop, Oliver;Drewes, Jörg E.;Letzel, Thomas; Organic Contaminants and Interactions with Micro- and Nano-Plastics in the Aqueous Environment: Review of Analytical Methods
Meyer, Hanno S.;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Mustafa, Mona;Yakushev, Igor;Wiestler, Benedikt;Meyer, Bernhard;Gempt, Jens; [18F]FET PET Uptake Indicates High Tumor and Low Necrosis Content in Brain Metastasis
Lechner, Philipp;Heinle, Philipp;Hartmann, Christoph;Bauer, Constantin;Kirchebner, Benedikt;Dobmeier, Fabian;Volk, Wolfram; Feasibility of Acoustic Print Head Monitoring for Binder Jetting Processes with Artificial Neural Networks
Melian, Eloy;Klein, Harald;Thißen, Nikolaus; Economic Optimization of Rotary Heat Exchangers Using CO2 Pricing Scenarios Based on Validated Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic-Based Simulation
Durasiewicz, Claudia Patricia;Güntner, Sophia Thekla;Maier, Philipp Klaus;Hölzl, Wolfgang;Schrag, Gabriele; Piezoelectric Normally Open Microvalve with Multiple Valve Seat Trenches for Medical Applications
Hoch, David;Haas, Kevin-Jeremy;Moller, Leopold;Sommer, Timo;Soubelet, Pedro;Finley, Jonathan J.;Poot, Menno; Efficient Optomechanical Mode-Shape Mapping of Micromechanical Devices
Hauenstein, Juergen;Mertens, Jan Cedric;Diermeyer, Frank;Zimmermann, Andreas; Cooperative- and Eco-Driving: Impact on Fuel Consumption for Heavy Trucks on Hills
Wege, Anja Kathrin;Dreyer, Tobias F.;Teoman, Attila;Ortmann, Olaf;Brockhoff, Gero;Bronger, Holger; CX3CL1 Overexpression Prevents the Formation of Lung Metastases in Trastuzumab-Treated MDA-MB-453-Based Humanized Tumor Mice (HTM)
Nudelis, Natan;Mayr, Peter; A Novel Classification Method for Pores in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Bernhardt, Heinz;Höhendinger, Martin;Stumpenhausen, Jörn; Development of the Technical Structure of the “Cow Energy” Concept
Tröster, Michael Friedrich;Sauer, Johannes; IoFarm in Field Test: Does a Cost-Optimal Choice of Fertilization Influence Yield, Protein Content, and Market Performance in Crop Production?
Gamperl, Moritz;Singer, John;Thuro, Kurosch; Internet of Things Geosensor Network for Cost-Effective Landslide Early Warning Systems
Traber, Thure;Hegner, Franziska Simone;Fell, Hans-Josef; An Economically Viable 100% Renewable Energy System for All Energy Sectors of Germany in 2030
Liu, Yang;Liu, Jigou;Kennel, Ralph; Frequency Measurement Method of Signals with Low Signal-to-Noise-Ratio Using Cross-Correlation
Perosa, Francesca;Gelhaus, Marion;Zwirglmaier, Veronika;Arias-Rodriguez, Leonardo F.;Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Cyffka, Bernd;Disse, Markus; Integrated Valuation of Nature-Based Solutions Using TESSA: Three Floodplain Restoration Studies in the Danube Catchment
Vollmer, Tanja C.;Koppen, Gemma; The Parent–Child Patient Unit (PCPU): Evidence-Based Patient Room Design and Parental Distress in Pediatric Cancer Centers
Sagraloff, Nadine;Winkler, Karl Jakob;Tobie, Thomas;Stahl, Karsten;Folland, Christopher;Asam, Tobias; Investigations on the Scuffing and Wear Characteristic Performance of an Oil Free Water-Based Lubricant for Gear Applications
Nieto Muro, Pablo;Heckmeier, Florian M.;Jenkins, Sean;Breitsamter, Christian; Development of an Analytic Convection Model for a Heated Multi-Hole Probe for Aircraft Applications
Grigoropoulos, Georgios;Hosseini, Seyed Abdollah;Keler, Andreas;Kaths, Heather;Spangler, Matthias;Busch, Fritz;Bogenberger, Klaus; Traffic Simulation Analysis of Bicycle Highways in Urban Areas
Pfeffer, Christian;Liang, Yue;Grothe, Helmut;Wolf, Bernhard;Brederlow, Ralf; Towards Easy-to-Use Bacteria Sensing: Modeling and Simulation of a New Environmental Impedimetric Biosensor in Fluids
Steininger, Peter;Gaderer, Matthias;Dawoud, Belal; Assessment of the Annual Transmission Heat Loss Reduction of a Refurbished Existing Building with an Advanced Solar Selective Thermal Insulation System
Uhl, Enno;Hilmers, Torben;Pretzsch, Hans; From Acid Rain to Low Precipitation: The Role Reversal of Norway Spruce, Silver Fir, and European Beech in a Selection Mountain Forest and Its Implications for Forest Management
Gamisch, Bernd;Gaderer, Matthias;Dawoud, Belal; On the Development of Thermochemical Hydrogen Storage: An Experimental Study of the Kinetics of the Redox Reactions under Different Operating Conditions
Lechner, Philipp;Hartmann, Christoph;Ettemeyer, Florian;Volk, Wolfram; A Plane Stress Failure Criterion for Inorganically-Bound Core Materials
Grünewald, Jonas;Clarkson, Pirmin;Salveson, Ryan;Fey, Georg;Wudy, Katrin; Influence of Pulsed Exposure Strategies on Overhang Structures in Powder Bed Fusion of Ti6Al4V Using Laser Beam
Zeiselmair, Andreas;Köppl, Simon; Constrained Optimization as the Allocation Method in Local Flexibility Markets
Gulde, Philipp;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Rieckmann, Peter; Inpatient Rehabilitation: Prediction of Changes in Sensorimotor Performance in Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study
Kuhn, Johannes;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Assessing Stream Thermal Heterogeneity and Cold-Water Patches from UAV-Based Imagery: A Matter of Classification Methods and Metrics
Paprottka, Karolin J.;Galiè, Franziska;Ingrisch, Michael;Geith, Tobias;Ilhan, Harun;Todica, Andrei;Michl, Marlies;Nadjiri, Jonathan;Paprottka, Philipp M.; Outcome and Safety after 103 Radioembolizations with Yttrium-90 Resin Microspheres in 73 Patients with Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma—An Evaluation of Predictors
Fischer, Tim;Hitzler, Leonhard;Werner, Ewald; Morphological and Crystallographic Effects in the Laser Powder-Bed Fused Stainless Steel Microstructure
Parshin, Sergey G.;Mayr, Peter; Thermophysical Properties of Electric Arc Plasma and the Wire Melting Effect with Lanthanum and Sulfur Fluorides Addition in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Ramsauer, Sebastian;Leandro, Jorge;Lin, Qing; Inclusion of Narrow Flow Paths between Buildings in Coarser Grids for Urban Flood Modeling: Virtual Surface Links
Löffler, Jessica;Hamp, Carmen;Scheidhauer, Ellen;Di Carlo, Daniel;Solbach, Christoph;Abaei, Alireza;Hao, Li;Glatting, Gerhard;Beer, Ambros J.;Rasche, Volker;Winter, Gordon; Comparison of Quantification of Target-Specific Accumulation of [18F]F-siPSMA-14 in the HET-CAM Model and in Mice Using PET/MRI
Machado, Júlio C., Jr.;Lehnhardt, Florian;Martins, Zita E.;Faria, Miguel A.;Kollmannsberger, Hubert;Gastl, Martina;Becker, Thomas;Ferreira, Isabel M. P. L. V. O.; Sensory and Olfactometry Chemometrics as Valuable Tools for Assessing Hops’ Aroma Impact on Dry-Hopped Beers: A Study with Wild Portuguese Genotypes
Späck-Leigsnering, Yvonne;Ruppert, Greta;Gjonaj, Erion;De Gersem, Herbert;Koch, Myriam; Towards Electrothermal Optimization of a HVDC Cable Joint Based on Field Simulation
Lauff, Philipp;Pugacheva, Polina;Rutzen, Matthias;Weiß, Ursula;Fischer, Oliver;Volkmer, Dirk;Peter, Malte A.;Grosse, Christian U.; Evaluation of the Behavior of Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete (CSFRC) Based on a Multi-Sensory Experimental Investigation and a Numerical Multiscale Approach
Blauberger, Patrick;Marzilger, Robert;Lames, Martin; Validation of Player and Ball Tracking with a Local Positioning System
Luo, Run;Liu, Chunyu;Macián-Juan, Rafael; Investigation of Control Characteristics for a Molten Salt Reactor Plant under Normal and Accident Conditions
Bascopé, Martín;Reiss, Kristina; Place-Based STEM Education for Sustainability: A Path towards Socioecological Resilience
Zimmermann, Gregor S.;Palm, Jana;Lahmann, Anna Lena;Peltz, Friedhelm;Okrojek, Rainer;Weis, Florian;Müller, Arne;Ziegler, Tilman;Steger, Alexander;Haller, Bernhard;Hoppmann, Petra;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Hautmann, Hubert; Early Bronchoscopy Improves Extubation Rates after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis
de Souza, Romina;Buchhart, Claudia;Heil, Kurt;Plass, Jürgen;Padilla, Francisco M.;Schmidhalter, Urs; Effect of Time of Day and Sky Conditions on Different Vegetation Indices Calculated from Active and Passive Sensors and Images Taken from UAV
Biegert, Konni;Stöckeler, Daniel;McCormick, Roy J.;Braun, Peter; Modelling Soluble Solids Content Accumulation in ‘Braeburn’ Apples
Kilani, Omar;Gouda, Maged;Weiß, Jonas;El-Basyouny, Karim; Safety Assessment of Urban Intersection Sight Distance Using Mobile LiDAR Data
Zimmermann, Julia;Tilga, Henri;Bachner, Joachim;Demetriou, Yolanda; The Effect of Teacher Autonomy Support on Leisure-Time Physical Activity via Cognitive Appraisals and Achievement Emotions: A Mediation Analysis Based on the Control-Value Theory
Grabke, Stefan;Clauß, Felix;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe;Ahrens, Mark Alexander;Mark, Peter;Wüchner, Roland; Damage Detection at a Reinforced Concrete Specimen with Coda Wave Interferometry
Zietek, Tamara;Boomgaarden, Wolfgang A. D.;Rath, Eva; Drug Screening, Oral Bioavailability and Regulatory Aspects: A Need for Human Organoids
Gassert, Florian T.;Hammel, Johannes;Hofmann, Felix C.;Neumann, Jan;von Schacky, Claudio E.;Gassert, Felix G.;Pfeiffer, Daniela;Pfeiffer, Franz;Makowski, Marcus R.;Woertler, Klaus;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.; Detection of Bone Marrow Edema in Patients with Osteoid Osteoma Using Three-Material Decomposition with Dual-Layer Spectral CT
Bebre, Ieva;Riebl, Hannes;Annighöfer, Peter; Seedling Growth and Biomass Production under Different Light Availability Levels and Competition Types
Chen, Chuan;Zhao, Huilin;Cui, Wei;He, Xin; Dual Crisscross Attention Module for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
Höhendinger, Martin;Krieg, Hans-Jürgen;Dietrich, Reinhard;Rauscher, Stefan;Stumpenhausen, Jörn;Bernhardt, Heinz; Impacts of Divergent Moving Drives on Energy Efficiency and Performance of Various AMS in Operative Conditions
Schmitt, Matthias;Gottwalt, Albin;Winkler, Jakob;Tobie, Thomas;Schlick, Georg;Stahl, Karsten;Tetzlaff, Ulrich;Schilp, Johannes;Reinhart, Gunther; Carbon Particle In-Situ Alloying of the Case-Hardening Steel 16MnCr5 in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Ksoll, Korbinian Sebastian Hermann;Mühlberger, Alexander;Stöcker, Fabian; Central and Peripheral Oxygen Distribution in Two Different Modes of Interval Training
Rauch, Lilian;Hein, Rüdiger;Biedermann, Tilo;Eyerich, Kilian;Lauffer, Felix; Bisphosphonates for the Treatment of Calcinosis Cutis—A Retrospective Single-Center Study
Stebner, Sophie Charlotte;Maier, Daniel;Ismail, Ahmed;Balyan, Shubham;Dölz, Michael;Lohmann, Boris;Volk, Wolfram;Münstermann, Sebastian; A System Identification and Implementation of a Soft Sensor for Freeform Bending
Knollmüller, Jakob;Enßlin, Torsten A.; Bayesian Reasoning with Trained Neural Networks
Schmid, Christian;Sharma, Sapna;Stark, Timo D.;Günzkofer, Daniela;Hofmann, Thomas F.;Ulrich, Detlef;Dunemann, Frank;Nothnagel, Thomas;Dawid, Corinna; Influence of the Abiotic Stress Conditions, Waterlogging and Drought, on the Bitter Sensometabolome as Well as Agronomical Traits of Six Genotypes of Daucus carota
Elliott, Rory;Ryan, Aoife A.;Aggarwal, Aviral;Zhu, Nianyong;Steuber, Friedrich W.;Senge, Mathias O.;Schmitt, Wolfgang; 2D Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks Featuring Rod-Shaped Secondary Building Units
Mohajerani, Hadis;Teschemacher, Sonja;Casper, Markus C.; A Comparative Investigation of Various Pedotransfer Functions and Their Impact on Hydrological Simulations
Kißling, Patrick A.;Lübkemann, Franziska;von Bronk, Tabea;Cotardo, Dario;Lei, Lei;Feldhoff, Armin;Lohaus, Ludger;Haist, Michael;Bigall, Nadja C.; Influence of Low-Pressure Treatment on the Morphological and Compositional Stability of Microscopic Ettringite
Fang, Chan-En;Tsai, Yi-Chen;Scheurer, Christoph;Chiu, Chi-Cheng; Revised Atomic Charges for OPLS Force Field Model of Poly(Ethylene Oxide): Benchmarks and Applications in Polymer Electrolyte
Beck, Stefan F.;Abualdenien, Jimmy;Hijazi, Ihab H.;Borrmann, André;Kolbe, Thomas H.; Analyzing Contextual Linking of Heterogeneous Information Models from the Domains BIM and UIM
Martin, Benedikt;Gonçalves, Juliana P. L.;Bollwein, Christine;Sommer, Florian;Schenkirsch, Gerhard;Jacob, Anne;Seibert, Armin;Weichert, Wilko;Märkl, Bruno;Schwamborn, Kristina; A Mass Spectrometry Imaging Based Approach for Prognosis Prediction in UICC Stage I/II Colon Cancer
Buschmann, Birger;Henke, Klaudius;Talke, Daniel;Saile, Bettina;Asshoff, Carsten;Bunzel, Frauke; Additive Manufacturing of Wood Composite Panels for Individual Layer Fabrication (ILF)
Zhu, Hongfei;Leandro, Jorge;Lin, Qing; Optimization of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Maximum Flood Inundation Forecasts
Vu, Giao;Diewald, Fabian;Timothy, Jithender J.;Gehlen, Christoph;Meschke, Günther; Reduced Order Multiscale Simulation of Diffuse Damage in Concrete
Kubbutat, Peter;Kulozik, Ulrich;Dombrowski, Jannika; Foam Structure Preservation during Microwave-Assisted Vacuum Drying: Significance of Interfacial and Dielectric Properties of the Bulk Phase of Foams from Polysorbate 80–Maltodextrin Dispersions
Brotzer, Andreas;Bernauer, Felix;Schreiber, Karl Ulrich;Wassermann, Joachim;Igel, Heiner; Automated Quality Assessment of Interferometric Ring Laser Data
Nobis, Felix;Fent, Felix;Betz, Johannes;Lienkamp, Markus; Kernel Point Convolution LSTM Networks for Radar Point Cloud Segmentation
Rahn, Simon;Gödel, Marion;Fischer, Rainer;Köster, Gerta; Dynamics of a Simulated Demonstration March: An Efficient Sensitivity Analysis
Simon, Robert Oliver;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen; Energy Balance and Energy Use Efficiency of Annual Bioenergy Crops in Field Experiments in Southern Germany
Kuříková, Marta;Sekal, David;Wald, František;Maier, Nadine; Advanced Design of Block Shear Failure
Lupp, Gerd;Kantelberg, Valerie;Förster, Bernhard;Honert, Carolina;Naumann, Johannes;Markmann, Tim;Pauleit, Stephan; Visitor Counting and Monitoring in Forests Using Camera Traps: A Case Study from Bavaria (Southern Germany)
Reinisch, Joseph;Wehrle, Erich;Achleitner, Johannes; Multiresolution Topology Optimization of Large-Deformation Path-Generation Compliant Mechanisms with Stress Constraints
Tran, Hoai Thi Thu;Gigl, Michael;Le, Nguyen Phan Khoi;Dawid, Corinna;Lamy, Evelyn; In Vitro Effect of Taraxacum officinale Leaf Aqueous Extract on the Interaction between ACE2 Cell Surface Receptor and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein D614 and Four Mutants
Tu, Xinyi;Autiosalo, Juuso;Jadid, Adnane;Tammi, Kari;Klinker, Gudrun; A Mixed Reality Interface for a Digital Twin Based Crane
Pöller, Franziska;Salazar Bloise, Félix;Jakobi, Martin;Dong, Jie;Koch, Alexander W.; Extension and Limits of Depolarization-Fringe Contrast Roughness Method in Sub-Micron Domain
Kurz, Franziska;Reitberger, Vera;Hengst, Claudia;Bilke-Krause, Christine;Kulozik, Ulrich;Dombrowski, Jannika; Correlation between Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Particulated β-Lactoglobulin and Its Behavior at Air/Water and Oil/Water Interfaces
Stolze, Hannes;Schuh, Mathias;Kegel, Sebastian;Fürkötter-Ziegenbein, Connor;Brischke, Christian;Militz, Holger; Monitoring of Beech Glued Laminated Timber and Delamination Resistance of Beech Finger-Joints in Varying Ambient Climates
Nobis, Felix;Shafiei, Ehsan;Karle, Phillip;Betz, Johannes;Lienkamp, Markus; Radar Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection
Walser, Veronika;Kranzler, Markus;Dawid, Corinna;Ehling-Schulz, Monika;Stark, Timo D.;Hofmann, Thomas F.; Distribution of the Emetic Toxin Cereulide in Cow Milk
Baumann, Carmen;Almarzooqi, Ahmed;Blobner, Katharina;Zapp, Daniel;Kirchmair, Katharina;Schwer, Lydia S.;Lohmann, Chris P.;Kaye, Stephen B.; Repeatability and Reproducibility of Macular Hole Size Measurements Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Parshin, Sergey G.;Karkhin, Victor A.;Mayr, Peter;Maystro, Alexey S.; The Effect of Electrochemical Composite Coatings with LaF3-LaB6 Particles in Nickel–Copper Matrix on the Metallurgical Processes in Arc Welding of Low Alloy Ferrite-Pearlite Steels
Walser, Veronika;Kranzler, Markus;Ehling-Schulz, Monika;Stark, Timo D.;Hofmann, Thomas F.; Structure Revision of Isocereulide A, an Isoform of the Food Poisoning Emetic Bacillus cereus Toxin Cereulide
Burian, Egon;Grundl, Lioba;Greve, Tobias;Junker, Daniela;Sollmann, Nico;Löffler, Maximilian;Makowski, Marcus R.;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas; Local Bone Mineral Density, Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue Measurements in Routine Multi Detector Computed Tomography—Which Parameter Predicts Incident Vertebral Fractures Best?
Alhadid, Ahmad;Mokrushina, Liudmila;Minceva, Mirjana; Influence of the Molecular Structure of Constituents and Liquid Phase Non-Ideality on the Viscosity of Deep Eutectic Solvents
Kloos, Simon;Yuan, Ye;Castelli, Mariapina;Menzel, Annette; Agricultural Drought Detection with MODIS Based Vegetation Health Indices in Southeast Germany
Xiang, Shao;Wang, Mi;Jiang, Xiaofan;Xie, Guangqi;Zhang, Zhiqi;Tang, Peng; Dual-Task Semantic Change Detection for Remote Sensing Images Using the Generative Change Field Module
Höpfl, Lisa;Sunguroğlu Hensel, Defne;Hensel, Michael;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Initiating Research into Adapting Rural Hedging Techniques, Hedge Types, and Hedgerow Networks as Novel Urban Green Systems
Yang, Wanting;Zhang, Xianfeng;Luo, Peng; Transferability of Convolutional Neural Network Models for Identifying Damaged Buildings Due to Earthquake
Katouzian, Mostafa;Vlase, Sorin;Scutaru, Maria Luminița; A Mixed Iteration Method to Determine the Linear Material Parameters in the Study of Creep Behavior of the Composites
Claus Schwechheimer, Shaul Yalovsky, Viktor Žárský; Auxin does not inhibit endocytosis of PIN1 and PIN2 auxin efflux carriers.
Liu, Chunyu;Luo, Run;Macián-Juan, Rafael; A New Uncertainty-Based Control Scheme of the Small Modular Dual Fluid Reactor and Its Optimization
Lyu, Xiuxiu;Zhu, Yujie;Zhang, Chi;Hu, Xiangyu;Adams, Nikolaus A.; Modeling of Cavitation Bubble Cloud with Discrete Lagrangian Tracking
Uphus, Lars;Lüpke, Marvin;Yuan, Ye;Benjamin, Caryl;Englmeier, Jana;Fricke, Ute;Ganuza, Cristina;Schwindl, Michael;Uhler, Johannes;Menzel, Annette; Climate Effects on Vertical Forest Phenology of Fagus sylvatica L., Sensed by Sentinel-2, Time Lapse Camera, and Visual Ground Observations
Holla, Vijaya;Vu, Giao;Timothy, Jithender J.;Diewald, Fabian;Gehlen, Christoph;Meschke, Günther; Computational Generation of Virtual Concrete Mesostructures
Rosnitschek, Tobias;Erber, Maximilian;Hartmann, Christoph;Volk, Wolfram;Rieg, Frank;Tremmel, Stephan; Combining Structural Optimization and Process Assurance in Implicit Modelling for Casting Parts
Huang, Yijia;Xiao, Tianxiao;Xie, Zhengwei;Zheng, Jie;Su, Yarong;Chen, Weidong;Liu, Ke;Tang, Mingjun;Li, Ling; Reconfigurable Continuous Meta-Grating for Broadband Polarization Conversion and Perfect Absorption
Blauberger, Patrick;Horsch, Alexander;Lames, Martin; Detection of Ground Contact Times with Inertial Sensors in Elite 100-m Sprints under Competitive Field Conditions
Fathima, Samreen;Sinha, Swati;Donakonda, Sainitin; Network Analysis Identifies Drug Targets and Small Molecules to Modulate Apoptosis Resistant Cancers
Marchesi, Giulia;Eichhorn, Christian;Plecher, David A.;Itoh, Yuta;Klinker, Gudrun; EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to Improve the Environment Fusion in AR Applications
Babayomi, Oluleke;Zhang, Zhenbin;Li, Yu;Kennel, Ralph; Adaptive Predictive Control with Neuro-Fuzzy Parameter Estimation for Microgrid Grid-Forming Converters
Wang, Fei;Multhoff, Gabriele; Repurposing Cannabidiol as a Potential Drug Candidate for Anti-Tumor Therapies
Abellan-Schneyder, Isabel;Siebert, Annemarie;Hofmann, Katharina;Wenning, Mareike;Neuhaus, Klaus; Full-Length SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing Allows Species-Level Detection of Bacteria, Archaea, and Yeasts Present in Milk
Chekole, Solomon Dargie;de Vries, Walter Timo;Durán-Díaz, Pamela;Shibeshi, Gebeyehu Belay; Analyzing the Effects of Institutional Merger: Case of Cadastral Information Registration and Landholding Right Providing Institutions in Ethiopia
Nicoletti, Lorenzo;Romano, Andrea;König, Adrian;Köhler, Peter;Heinrich, Maximilian;Lienkamp, Markus; An Estimation of the Lightweight Potential of Battery Electric Vehicles
Basirat, Mina;Geiger, Bernhard C.;Roth, Peter M.; A Geometric Perspective on Information Plane Analysis
Salzer, Liesa;Witting, Michael; Quo Vadis Caenorhabditis elegans Metabolomics—A Review of Current Methods and Applications to Explore Metabolism in the Nematode
Zacher, Christoph;Born, Marieke;Wurster, Stefan;Michel, Alexandra; What Explains Change-Supporting Behavior within Local Agenda 21 Civil Society Groups to Promote Sustainable Development?
Liu, Yajing;Vanderhaeghen, Sonja;Feiler, Werner;Angelov, Angel;Baudrexl, Melanie;Zverlov, Vladimir;Liebl, Wolfgang; Characterization of Two α-l-Arabinofuranosidases from Acetivibrio mesophilus and Their Synergistic Effect in Degradation of Arabinose-Containing Substrates
Pra, Franck;Al Koussa, Jad;Ludwig, Sebastian;De Servi, Carlo M.; Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Hybrid Battery Thermal Management System for an Electric Van
Srivastava, Prashant;Bej, Saptarshi;Yordanova, Kristina;Wolkenhauer, Olaf; Self-Attention-Based Models for the Extraction of Molecular Interactions from Biological Texts
Stamatiou, Konstantinos;Samara, Evangelia;Alidjanov, Jakhongir F.;Pilatz, Adrian M. E.;Naber, Kurt G.;Wagenlehner, Florian M. E.; Clinical Validation of the Greek Version of the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS)—Part II
Arias-Rodriguez, Leonardo F.;Duan, Zheng;Díaz-Torres, José de Jesús;Basilio Hazas, Mónica;Huang, Jingshui;Kumar, Bapitha Udhaya;Tuo, Ye;Disse, Markus; Integration of Remote Sensing and Mexican Water Quality Monitoring System Using an Extreme Learning Machine
Vater, Johannes Maximilian;Gruber, Florian;Grählert, Wulf;Schneider, Sebastian;Knoll, Alois Christian; Prediction of Coating Adhesion on Laser-Cleaned Metal Surfaces of Battery Cells Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
Weisser, Jana;Beer, Irina;Hufnagl, Benedikt;Hofmann, Thomas;Lohninger, Hans;Ivleva, Natalia P.;Glas, Karl; From the Well to the Bottle: Identifying Sources of Microplastics in Mineral Water
Höller, Martina;Steindl, Hubert;Abramov-Sommariva, Dimitri;Wagenlehner, Florian;Naber, Kurt G.;Kostev, Karel; Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections with Canephron® in Germany: A Retrospective Database Analysis
Rana, Adeem Ghaffar;Tasbihi, Minoo;Schwarze, Michael;Minceva, Mirjana; Efficient Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) for Photocatalytic Contaminant Degradation Using Exfoliated Metal-Free Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Visible Light-Emitting Diodes
Ruschil, Christoph;Kemmerer, Constanze Louisa;Beller, Lena;Gabernet, Gisela;Kowarik, Markus Christian; Next Generation Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid B Cell Repertoires in Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neuro-Inflammatory Diseases—A Comprehensive Review
Fotteler, Marina L.;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Brielmaier, Maria C.;Schobel, Johannes;Gempt, Jens;Schlegel, Jürgen;Swoboda, Walter; Socio-Organizational Impact of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in Neurosurgery and Neuropathology: Results from a Process Analysis and Expert Survey
Grob, Leroy;Rinklin, Philipp;Zips, Sabine;Mayer, Dirk;Weidlich, Sabrina;Terkan, Korkut;Weiß, Lennart J. K.;Adly, Nouran;Offenhäusser, Andreas;Wolfrum, Bernhard; Inkjet-Printed and Electroplated 3D Electrodes for Recording Extracellular Signals in Cell Culture
Flis, Ewelina;Barber, Gillian;Nulty, Ciara;Keogh, Brian;McGuirk, Peter;Anand, Akanksha;O’Sullivan, Jacintha;Quante, Michael;Creagh, Emma M.; Identification of TLR2 Signalling Mechanisms Which Contribute to Barrett’s and Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma Disease Progression
Azimi, Seyed Majid;Kraus, Maximilian;Bahmanyar, Reza;Reinartz, Peter; Multiple Pedestrians and Vehicles Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Klymenko, Olena;Buchberger, Anna Maria Stefanie;Wollenberg, Barbara;Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich;Kehl, Victoria;Combs, Stephanie E.;Pickhard, Anja;Pigorsch, Steffi U.; Radiooncological View on Therapy Outcome after Multidisciplinary Treatment of Sinonasal Tumors
Magerl, Walter;Thalacker, Emanuela;Vogel, Simon;Schleip, Robert;Klein, Thomas;Treede, Rolf-Detlef;Schilder, Andreas; Tenderness of the Skin after Chemical Stimulation of Underlying Temporal and Thoracolumbar Fasciae Reveals Somatosensory Crosstalk between Superficial and Deep Tissues
Kranzler, Markus;Frenzel, Elrike;Walser, Veronika;Hofmann, Thomas F.;Stark, Timo D.;Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Impact of Phytochemicals on Viability and Cereulide Toxin Synthesis in Bacillus cereus Revealed by a Novel High-Throughput Method, Coupling an AlamarBlue-Based Assay with UPLC-MS/MS
Lahmer, Tobias;Batres Baires, Gonzalo;Schmid, Roland M.;Wiessner, Johannes R.;Ulrich, Jörg;Reichert, Maximilian;Huber, Wolfgang;Sörgel, Fritz;Kinzig, Martina;Rasch, Sebastian;Mayr, Ulrich; Penetration of Isavuconazole in Ascites Fluid of Critically Ill Patients
Binder, Anna Ronja Dorothea;Spiess, Andrej-Nikolai;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Modelling and Differential Quantification of Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing Growth Curves
Torasso Kasem, Enzo Joaquin;Angelov, Angel;Werner, Elisa;Lichev, Antoni;Vanderhaeghen, Sonja;Liebl, Wolfgang; Identification of New Chromosomal Loci Involved in com Genes Expression and Natural Transformation in the Actinobacterial Model Organism Micrococcus luteus
Pölzlbauer, Patrick;Kümmel, Andreas;Desvigne, Damien;Breitsamter, Christian; Numerical Investigation of an Optimized Rotor Head Fairing for the RACER Compound Helicopter in Cruise Flight
Conze, Theresa Maria;Bagó, Zoltán;Revilla-Fernández, Sandra;Schlegel, Jürgen;Goehring, Lutz S.;Matiasek, Kaspar; Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV) Infection in Two Horses
Qiang, Mingyue;Khalid, Fatima;Phan, Tamara;Ludwig, Christina;Scharffetter-Kochanek, Karin;Iben, Sebastian; Cockayne Syndrome-Associated CSA and CSB Mutations Impair Ribosome Biogenesis, Ribosomal Protein Stability, and Global Protein Folding
Nübel, Konrad;Bühler, Michael Max;Jelinek, Thorsten; Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery
Vargas Rivero, Jose Roberto;Gerbich, Thiemo;Buschardt, Boris;Chen, Jia; Data Augmentation of Automotive LIDAR Point Clouds under Adverse Weather Situations
Birindelli, Gabriele;Drobnjakovic, Milos;Morath, Volker;Steiger, Katja;D’Alessandria, Calogero;Gourni, Eleni;Afshar-Oromieh, Ali;Weber, Wolfgang;Rominger, Axel;Eiber, Matthias;Shi, Kuangyu; Is Hypoxia a Factor Influencing PSMA-Directed Radioligand Therapy?—An In Silico Study on the Role of Chronic Hypoxia in Prostate Cancer
Meidert, Agnes S.;Buschmann, Dominik;Brandes, Florian;Kanev, Kristiyan;Billaud, Jean-Noël;Borrmann, Melanie;Witte, Matthias;Kirchner, Benedikt;Reithmair, Marlene;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Schelling, Gustav; Molecular RNA Correlates of the SOFA Score in Patients with Sepsis
Mokhtari, Ali;Ahmadi, Arman;Daccache, Andre;Drechsler, Kelley; Actual Evapotranspiration from UAV Images: A Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Approach
Russelli, Lisa;De Rose, Francesco;Leone, Loredana;Reder, Sybille;Schwaiger, Markus;D’Alessandria, Calogero;Tei, Lorenzo; A Semi Rigid Novel Hydroxamate AMPED-Based Ligand for 89Zr PET Imaging
Keler, Andreas;Malcolm, Patrick;Grigoropoulos, Georgios;Hosseini, Seyed Abdollah;Kaths, Heather;Busch, Fritz;Bogenberger, Klaus; Data-Driven Scenario Specification for AV–VRU Interactions at Urban Roundabouts
Lee, André;Al-Sarea, Jabreel;Altenmüller, Eckart; Nonlinear Changes in Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Task-Specific Dystonia during Long-Term Treatment
Ramachandran, Srikkanth;Siala, Kais;de La Rúa, Cristina;Massier, Tobias;Ahmed, Arif;Hamacher, Thomas; Life Cycle Climate Change Impact of a Cost-Optimal HVDC Connection to Import Solar Energy from Australia to Singapore
Erhard, Patricia;Angenoorth, Jan;Vogt, Joachim;Spiegel, Johannes;Ettemeyer, Florian;Volk, Wolfram;Günther, Daniel; Characterization of Slurry-Cast Layer Compounds for 3D Printing of High Strength Casting Cores
Kovtanyuk, Andrey;Chebotarev, Alexander;Turova, Varvara;Sidorenko, Irina;Lampe, Renée; Non-Stationary Model of Cerebral Oxygen Transport with Unknown Sources
Landinger, Thomas F.;Schwarzberger, Guenter;Hofer, Guenter;Rose, Matthias;Jossen, Andreas; Power Line Communications for Automotive High Voltage Battery Systems: Channel Modeling and Coexistence Study with Battery Monitoring
Wang, Qun;Vattai, Aurelia;Vilsmaier, Theresa;Kaltofen, Till;Steger, Alexander;Mayr, Doris;Mahner, Sven;Jeschke, Udo;Heidegger, Helene Hildegard; Immunogenomic Identification for Predicting the Prognosis of Cervical Cancer Patients
Kurze, Elisabeth;Ruß, Victoria;Syam, Nadia;Effenberger, Isabelle;Jonczyk, Rafal;Liao, Jieren;Song, Chuankui;Hoffmann, Thomas;Schwab, Wilfried; Glucosylation of (±)-Menthol by Uridine-Diphosphate-Sugar Dependent Glucosyltransferases from Plants
Lee, Sang Hun;Kang, Yi Hyun;Dai, Rong; Toward a More Expansive Discourse in a Changing World: An Analysis of Political Leaders’ Speeches on Biodiversity
Baumgartner, Miriam;Kuhnke, Sandra;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen;Erhard, Michael H.;Zeitler-Feicht, Margit H.; Improving Horse Welfare and Environmental Sustainability in Horse Husbandry: Linkage between Turnout and Nitrogen Surplus
Koehler, Karsten;Beckford, Safiya E.;Thayer, Elise;Martin, Alexandra R.;Boron, Julie B.;Stevens, Jeffrey R.; Exercise Shifts Hypothetical Food Choices toward Greater Amounts and More Immediate Consumption
Hager, Roland;Pitsch, Johannes;Kerbl-Knapp, Jakob;Neuhauser, Cathrina;Ollinger, Nicole;Iken, Marcus;Ranner, Josef;Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena;Dawid, Corinna;Lanzerstorfer, Peter;Weghuber, Julian; A High-Content Screen for the Identification of Plant Extracts with Insulin Secretion-Modulating Activity
Yang, Haibo;Li, Fei;Wang, Wei;Yu, Kang; Estimating Above-Ground Biomass of Potato Using Random Forest and Optimized Hyperspectral Indices
Niu, Guanglin;Bak, Agnieszka;Nusselt, Melanie;Zhang, Yue;Pausch, Hubert;Flisikowska, Tatiana;Schnieke, Angelika E.;Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Allelic Expression Imbalance Analysis Identified YAP1 Amplification in p53- Dependent Osteosarcoma
Sturm, Ulrike;Straka, Tanja M.;Moormann, Alexandra;Egerer, Monika; Fascination and Joy: Emotions Predict Urban Gardeners’ Pro-Pollinator Behaviour
Katouzian, Mostafa;Vlase, Sorin; Creep Response of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composite Using Homogenization Method
Keppler, Alexander Martin;Kraus, Moritz;Blaschke, Matthias;Thomasser, Nicole;Kammerlander, Christian;Böcker, Wolfgang;Neuerburg, Carl;Stumpf, Ulla Cordula; Reduced Awareness for Osteoporosis in Distal Radius Fracture Patients Compared to Patients with Proximal Femur Fractures
Ćeranić, Asja;Svoboda, Thomas;Berthiller, Franz;Sulyok, Michael;Samson, Jonathan Matthew;Güldener, Ulrich;Schuhmacher, Rainer;Adam, Gerhard; Identification and Functional Characterization of the Gene Cluster Responsible for Fusaproliferin Biosynthesis in Fusarium proliferatum
Katouzian, Mostafa;Vlase, Sorin;Scutaru, Maria Luminita; Finite Element Method-Based Simulation Creep Behavior of Viscoelastic Carbon-Fiber Composite
Komsiyska, Lidiya;Buchberger, Tobias;Diehl, Simon;Ehrensberger, Moritz;Hanzl, Christian;Hartmann, Christoph;Hölzle, Markus;Kleiner, Jan;Lewerenz, Meinert;Liebhart, Bernhard;Schmid, Michael;Schneider, Dominik;Speer, Sascha;Stöttner, Julia;Terbrack, Christoph;Hinterberger, Michael;Endisch, Christian; Critical Review of Intelligent Battery Systems: Challenges, Implementation, and Potential for Electric Vehicles
Bußmann, Agnes;Thalhofer, Thomas;Hoffmann, Sophie;Daum, Leopold;Surendran, Nivedha;Hayden, Oliver;Hubbuch, Jürgen;Richter, Martin; Microfluidic Cell Transport with Piezoelectric Micro Diaphragm Pumps
Handke, Nikolaus;Rupp, Alexander;Trimpop, Nicolai;von Pawel, Joachim;Holdenrieder, Stefan; Soluble High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Is a Promising Biomarker for Prediction of Therapy Response and Prognosis in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients
Samuel W. H. Koh, Petra Marhava, Surbhi Rana, Alina Graf, Bernard Moret, Alkistis E. L. Bassukas, Melina Zourelidou, Martina Kolb, Ulrich Z. Hammes , Claus Schwechheimer and Christian S. Hardtke; Mapping and engineering of auxin-induced plasma membrane dissociation in BRX family proteins.
Vanessa Aphaia Fiona Fuchs, Philipp Denninger, Milan Župunski, Yvon Jaillais, Ulrike Engel and Guido Grossmann; Nanodomain-mediated lateral sorting drives polarization of the small GTPase ROP2 in the plasma membrane of root hair cells.
Pawel Roszak, Jung-ok Heo, Bernhard Blob, Koichi Toyokura, Yuki Sugiyama, Maria Angels de Luis Balaguer, Winnie W. Y. Lau, Fiona Hamey, Jacopo Cirrone, Ewelina Madej, Alida M. Bouatta, Xin Wang, Marjorie Guichard, Robertas Ursache, Hugo Tavares, Kevin Verstaen, Jos Wendrich, Charles W. Melnyk, Yoshihisa Oda, Dennis Shasha, Sebastian E. Ahnert, Yvan Saeys, Bert De Rybel, Renze Heidstra, Ben Scheres, Guido Grossmann, Ari Pekka Mähönen, Philipp Denninger, Berthold Göttgens, Rosangela Sozzani, Kenneth D. Birnbaum and Yrjö Helariutta; Cell-by-cell dissection of phloem development linksa maturation gradient to cell specialization
Leuning, Nora;Jaeger, Markus;Schauerte, Benedikt;Stöcker, Anett;Kawalla, Rudolf;Wei, Xuefei;Hirt, Gerhard;Heller, Martin;Korte-Kerzel, Sandra;Böhm, Lucas;Volk, Wolfram;Hameyer, Kay; Material Design for Low-Loss Non-Oriented Electrical Steel for Energy Efficient Drives
Cui, Xufeng;Huang, Sisi;Liu, Cuicui;Zhou, Tingting;Shan, Ling;Zhang, Fengyuan;Chen, Min;Li, Fei;de Vries, Walter T.; Applying SBM-GPA Model to Explore Urban Land Use Efficiency Considering Ecological Development in China
Schopf, Marina;Scherf, Katharina Anne; Water Absorption Capacity Determines the Functionality of Vital Gluten Related to Specific Bread Volume
Kossatz, Susanne;Beer, Ambros Johannes;Notni, Johannes; It’s Time to Shift the Paradigm: Translation and Clinical Application of Non-αvβ3 Integrin Targeting Radiopharmaceuticals
Krüger, Friederike;Thierer, Rebecca;Tahouni, Yasaman;Sachse, Renate;Wood, Dylan;Menges, Achim;Bischoff, Manfred;Rühe, Jürgen; Development of a Material Design Space for 4D-Printed Bio-Inspired Hygroscopically Actuated Bilayer Structures with Unequal Effective Layer Widths
Wenderlein, Jasmin;Böswald, Linda F.;Ulrich, Sebastian;Kienzle, Ellen;Neuhaus, Klaus;Lagkouvardos, Ilias;Zenner, Christian;Straubinger, Reinhard K.; Processing Matters in Nutrient-Matched Laboratory Diets for Mice—Microbiome
Knolle, Percy A.;Huang, Li-Rung;Kosinska, Anna;Wohlleber, Dirk;Protzer, Ulrike; Improving Therapeutic Vaccination against Hepatitis B—Insights from Preclinical Models of Immune Therapy against Persistent Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Pollmann, Kathrin;Kaltenecker, Emanuel;Schleihauf, Julia;Ewert, Peter;Görlach, Agnes;Wolf, Cordula M.; Compound Mutation in Cardiac Sarcomere Proteins Is Associated with Increased Risk for Major Arrhythmic Events in Pediatric Onset Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Yeoh, Xenia Hao-Yi;Durodola, Blessing;Blumenstein, Kathrin;Terhonen, Eeva; Drought Stress Described by Transcriptional Responses of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. under Pathogen Heterobasidion parviporum Attack
Bosbach, Wolfram A.;Heinrich, Martin;Kolisch, Rainer;Heiss, Christian; Maximization of Open Hospital Capacity under Shortage of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines—An Open Access, Stochastic Simulation Tool
Blaurock, Julia;Kaiser, Birgit;Stelzl, Tamara;Weech, Michelle;Fallaize, Rosalind;Franco, Rodrigo Zenun;Hwang, Faustina;Lovegrove, Julie;Finglas, Paul M.;Gedrich, Kurt; Dietary Quality in Vegetarian and Omnivorous Female Students in Germany: A Retrospective Study
Hedderich, Dennis M.;Keicher, Matthias;Wiestler, Benedikt;Gruber, Martin J.;Burwinkel, Hendrik;Hinterwimmer, Florian;Czempiel, Tobias;Spiro, Judith E.;Pinto dos Santos, Daniel;Heim, Dominik;Zimmer, Claus;Rückert, Daniel;Kirschke, Jan S.;Navab, Nassir; AI for Doctors—A Course to Educate Medical Professionals in Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging
Fabritius, Matthias Philipp;Seidensticker, Max;Rueckel, Johannes;Heinze, Constanze;Pech, Maciej;Paprottka, Karolin Johanna;Paprottka, Philipp Marius;Topalis, Johanna;Bender, Andreas;Ricke, Jens;Mittermeier, Andreas;Ingrisch, Michael; Bi-Centric Independent Validation of Outcome Prediction after Radioembolization of Primary and Secondary Liver Cancer
Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene;Bendzko, Tobias;Mabakeng, Menare Royal;Kuusaana, Elias Danyi;Tutu, Derek Osei; Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration from Theory to Practice: Three Demonstrative Case Studies of Local Land Administration Initiatives in Africa
Nobis, Arndt;Kwasnicki, Melanie;Lehnhardt, Florian;Hellwig, Michael;Henle, Thomas;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; A Comprehensive Evaluation of Flavor Instability of Beer (Part 2): The Influence of De Novo Formation of Aging Aldehydes
Auer, Josef;Pujol, Claudia;Maurer, Susanne J.;Nagdyman, Nicole;Ewert, Peter;Tutarel, Oktay; Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries in Adults—A Contemporary Single Center Experience
Martinho, Tiago;Stoffel, Karl; Treatment of Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures with Hip Arthroplasty in Older Patients: A Narrative Review of Indications and Outcomes
Wais, Judith;Geidl, Wolfgang;Rohrbach, Nina;Sudeck, Gorden;Pfeifer, Klaus; Exercise Therapy Teamwork in German Rehabilitation Settings: Results of a National Survey Using Mixed Methods Design
Dobiasch, Sophie;Kampfer, Severin;Steiger, Katja;Schilling, Daniela;Fischer, Julius;Schmid, Thomas;Weichert, Wilko;Wilkens, Jan;Combs, Stephanie; Histopathological Tumor and Normal Tissue Responses after 3D-Planned Arc Radiotherapy in an Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Model of Human Pancreatic Cancer
Rüger, Nancy;Sid, Hicham;Meens, Jochen;Szostak, Michael P.;Baumgärtner, Wolfgang;Bexter, Frederik;Rautenschlein, Silke; New Insights into the Host–Pathogen Interaction of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Avian Metapneumovirus in Tracheal Organ Cultures of Chicken
Bußmann, Agnes;Leistner, Henry;Zhou, Doris;Wackerle, Martin;Congar, Yücel;Richter, Martin;Hubbuch, Jürgen; Piezoelectric Silicon Micropump for Drug Delivery Applications
Tatschner, Stefan;Jarisch, Ferdinand;Giehl, Alexander;Plaga, Sven;Newe, Thomas; The Stream Exchange Protocol: A Secure and Lightweight Tool for Decentralized Connection Establishment
Blaschke, Simon;Carl, Johannes;Ellinger, Jan;Birner, Ulrich;Mess, Filip; The Role of Physical Activity-Related Health Competence and Leisure-Time Physical Activity for Physical Health and Metabolic Syndrome: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach for German Office Workers
Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Ammer, Christian;Ehbrecht, Martin;Willim, Katharina;Bannister, Jan;Soto, Daniel P.; Quantifying Understory Complexity in Unmanaged Forests Using TLS and Identifying Some of Its Major Drivers
Kazungu, Moses;Zhunusova, Eliza;Kabwe, Gillian;Günter, Sven; Household-Level Determinants of Participation in Forest Support Programmes in the Miombo Landscapes, Zambia
Murphy, Chaise;Bilek, Laura D.;Koehler, Karsten; Low Energy Availability with and without a High-Protein Diet Suppresses Bone Formation and Increases Bone Resorption in Men: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
Liebrich, Anna;Langowski, Horst-Christian;Pinzer, Bernd R.; Thickness-Dependent Permeation Properties of Quenched and Standard Laser-Sintered Polyamide 12 Sheets
Zhang, Qi;Zhou, Baohua;Dong, Fang;Liu, Zhanhong;Ostovari, Yaser; Spatial Variability of Groundwater Quality for Freshwater Production in a Semi-Arid Area
Haslauer, Kristina E.;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Heinzmann, Silke S.; Data Processing Optimization in Untargeted Metabolomics of Urine Using Voigt Lineshape Model Non-Linear Regression Analysis
Boehm, Lucas;Hartmann, Christoph;Gilch, Ines;Stoecker, Anett;Kawalla, Rudolf;Wei, Xuefei;Hirt, Gerhard;Heller, Martin;Korte-Kerzel, Sandra;Leuning, Nora;Hameyer, Kay;Volk, Wolfram; Grain Size Influence on the Magnetic Property Deterioration of Blanked Non-Oriented Electrical Steels
Wei, Xuefei;Krämer, Alexander;Hirt, Gerhard;Stöcker, Anett;Kawalla, Rudolf;Heller, Martin;Korte-Kerzel, Sandra;Böhm, Lucas;Volk, Wolfram;Leuning, Nora;Hameyer, Kay;Lohmar, Johannes; Influence of Process Parameters on Grain Size and Texture Evolution of Fe-3.2 wt.-% Si Non-Oriented Electrical Steels
Borm, Kai J.;Hofmann, Christopher;Düsberg, Mathias;Oechsner, Markus;Dapper, Hendrik;Devecka, Michal;Combs, Stephanie E.; Excluding Lung Tissue from the PTV during Internal Mammary Irradiation. A Safe Technique for OAR-Sparing?
Borůvková, Veronika;Howell, W. Mike;Matoulek, Dominik;Symonová, Radka; Quantitative Approach to Fish Cytogenetics in the Context of Vertebrate Genome Evolution
Proaño-Vasco, Andrea;Baumeister, Theresa;Metwaly, Amira;Reitmeier, Sandra;Kleigrewe, Karin;Meng, Chen;Gigl, Michael;Engleitner, Thomas;Öllinger, Rupert;Rad, Roland;Steiger, Katja;Anand, Akanksha;Strangmann, Julia;Thimme, Robert;Schmid, Roland M.;Wang, Timothy C.;Quante, Michael; High-Fructose Diet Alters Intestinal Microbial Profile and Correlates with Early Tumorigenesis in a Mouse Model of Barrett’s Esophagus
Manske, Katrin;Schneider, Annika;Ko, Chunkyu;Knolle, Percy A.;Steiger, Katja;Protzer, Ulrike;Wohlleber, Dirk; In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging of HBV Replicating Hepatocytes Allows for the Monitoring of Anti-Viral Immunity
Tyc, Jakub;Sunguroğlu Hensel, Defne;Parisi, Erica Isabella;Tucci, Grazia;Hensel, Michael Ulrich; Integration of Remote Sensing Data into a Composite Voxel Model for Environmental Performance Analysis of Terraced Vineyards in Tuscany, Italy
Lauria, Antonino;La Monica, Gabriele;Terenzi, Alessio;Mannino, Giuseppe;Bonsignore, Riccardo;Bono, Alessia;Almerico, Anna Maria;Barone, Giampaolo;Gentile, Carla;Martorana, Annamaria; Antiproliferative Properties and G-Quadruplex-Binding of Symmetrical Naphtho[1,2-b:8,7-b’]dithiophene Derivatives
Fiedler, Gregor;Herbstmann, Anna-Delia;Doll, Etienne;Wenning, Mareike;Brinks, Erik;Kabisch, Jan;Breitenwieser, Franziska;Lappann, Martin;Böhnlein, Christina;Franz, Charles M. A. P.; Taxonomic Evaluation of the Heyndrickxia (Basonym Bacillus) sporothermodurans Group (H. sporothermodurans, H. vini, H. oleronia) Based on Whole Genome Sequences
Ismail, Mohamed A. A.;Wiedemann, Simon;Bosch, Colin;Stuckmann, Christoph; Design and Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Electro-Mechanical Actuators for Flight Controls of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Platzer, Melanie;Kiese, Sandra;Herfellner, Thomas;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute;Miesbauer, Oliver;Eisner, Peter; Common Trends and Differences in Antioxidant Activity Analysis of Phenolic Substances Using Single Electron Transfer Based Assays
Kalbhenn, Eva Maria;Bauer, Tobias;Stark, Timo D.;Knüpfer, Mandy;Grass, Gregor;Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Detection and Isolation of Emetic Bacillus cereus Toxin Cereulide by Reversed Phase Chromatography
Kian Far, Ehsan;Gorakifard, Mohsen;Fattahi, Ehsan; Multiphase Phase-Field Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulation of Soluble Surfactants
Lamparelli, David Hermann;Kleybolte, Magdalena Maria;Winnacker, Malte;Capacchione, Carmine; Sustainable Myrcene-Based Elastomers via a Convenient Anionic Polymerization
Dehnen, Gert;Kehl, Marcel S.;Darcher, Alana;Müller, Tamara T.;Macke, Jakob H.;Borger, Valeri;Surges, Rainer;Mormann, Florian; Duplicate Detection of Spike Events: A Relevant Problem in Human Single-Unit Recordings
Schlaeger, Sarah;Sollmann, Nico;Zoffl, Agnes;Becherucci, Edoardo Aitala;Weidlich, Dominik;Kottmaier, Elisabeth;Riederer, Isabelle;Greve, Tobias;Montagnese, Federica;Deschauer, Marcus;Schoser, Benedikt;Zimmer, Claus;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas; Quantitative Muscle MRI in Patients with Neuromuscular Diseases—Association of Muscle Proton Density Fat Fraction with Semi-Quantitative Grading of Fatty Infiltration and Muscle Strength at the Thigh Region
Mauersberger, Carina;Schunkert, Heribert;Sager, Hendrik B.; Inflammation-Related Risk Loci in Genome-Wide Association Studies of Coronary Artery Disease
Aftahy, Amir Kaywan;Groll, Maximilian;Barz, Melanie;Bernhardt, Denise;Combs, Stephanie E.;Meyer, Bernhard;Negwer, Chiara;Gempt, Jens; Surgical Management of Jugular Foramen Schwannomas
Rothfeld, Raoul;Fu, Mengying;Balać, Miloš;Antoniou, Constantinos; Potential Urban Air Mobility Travel Time Savings: An Exploratory Analysis of Munich, Paris, and San Francisco
Loghin, Florin C.;Salmerón, José F.;Lugli, Paolo;Becherer, Markus;Falco, Aniello;Rivadeneyra, Almudena; Optimization of a Handwriting Method by an Automated Ink Pen for Cost-Effective and Sustainable Sensors
Martin, Layla;Wittmann, Michael;Li, Xinyu; The Influence of Public Transport Delays on Mobility on Demand Services
Willinger, Laura;Brudy, Leon;Meyer, Michael;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Müller, Jan; Overweight and Obesity in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease: A Systematic Review
Biele, Emilie;Schober, Sebastian J.;Prexler, Carolin;Thiede, Melanie;Heyking, Kristina von;Gassmann, Hendrik;Eck, Jennifer;Xue, Busheng;Burdach, Stefan;Thiel, Uwe; Monocyte Maturation Mediators Upregulate CD83, ICAM-1 and MHC Class 1 Expression on Ewing’s Sarcoma, Enhancing T Cell Cytotoxicity
Stöcker, Anett;Weiner, Max;Korpała, Grzegorz;Prahl, Ulrich;Wei, Xuefei;Lohmar, Johannes;Hirt, Gerhard;Heller, Martin;Korte-Kerzel, Sandra;Böhm, Lucas;Volk, Wolfram;Leuning, Nora;Hameyer, Kay;Kawalla, Rudolf; Integrated Process Simulation of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel
Duchateau, Emmanuel;Schneider, Robert;Tremblay, Stéphane;Dupont-Leduc, Laurie;Pretzsch, Hans; Modelling the Spatial Structure of White Spruce Plantations and Their Changes after Various Thinning Treatments
Langer, Patrick;Jelich, Christopher;Guist, Christian;Peplow, Andrew;Marburg, Steffen; Simplification of Complex Structural Dynamic Models: A Case Study Related to a Cantilever Beam and a Large Mass Attachment
Trujillo, Ricardo Matias;Barraza, Daniela Estefanía;Zamora, Martin Lucas;Cattani-Scholz, Anna;Madrid, Rossana Elena; Nanostructures in Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing
Kosinska, Anna D.;Festag, Julia;Mück-Häusl, Martin;Festag, Marvin M.;Asen, Theresa;Protzer, Ulrike; Immunogenicity and Antiviral Response of Therapeutic Hepatitis B Vaccination in a Mouse Model of HBeAg-Negative, Persistent HBV Infection
Lu, Xiang;Pickert, Volker;Al-Greer, Maher;Chen, Cuili;Wang, Xiang;Tsimenidis, Charalampos; Temperature Estimation of SiC Power Devices Using High Frequency Chirp Signals
Maurer, Susanne J.;Moosholzer, Lorena;Pujol, Claudia;Nagdyman, Nicole;Ewert, Peter;Tutarel, Oktay; Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects after the Age of 40 Years
Beraldo-Hoischen, Paola;Hoefle, Caroline;López-Sesé, Ana I.; Fungal Development and Callose Deposition in Compatible and Incompatible Interactions in Melon Infected with Powdery Mildew
Schambeck, Sophia E.;Crowell, Claudia S.;Wagner, Karolin I.;D’Ippolito, Elvira;Burrell, Teresa;Mijočević, Hrvoje;Protzer, Ulrike;Busch, Dirk H.;Gerhard, Markus;Poppert, Holger;Beyer, Henriette; Phantosmia, Parosmia, and Dysgeusia Are Prolonged and Late-Onset Symptoms of COVID-19
Gordillo, Fernando;Eguiguren, Paul;Köthke, Margret;Ferrer Velasco, Rubén;Elsasser, Peter; Additionality and Leakage Resulting from PES Implementation? Evidence from the Ecuadorian Amazonia
Krabbe, Teresa;Marek, Janina;Groll, Tanja;Steiger, Katja;Schmid, Roland M.;Krackhardt, Angela M.;Altomonte, Jennifer; Adoptive T Cell Therapy Is Complemented by Oncolytic Virotherapy with Fusogenic VSV-NDV in Combination Treatment of Murine Melanoma
Martins, Luís C.;Palma, Margarida;Angelov, Angel;Nevoigt, Elke;Liebl, Wolfgang;Sá-Correia, Isabel; Complete Utilization of the Major Carbon Sources Present in Sugar Beet Pulp Hydrolysates by the Oleaginous Red Yeasts Rhodotorula toruloides and R. mucilaginosa
Tomasi, Marika;Favargiotti, Sara;van Lierop, Martina;Giovannini, Lorenzo;Zonato, Andrea; Verona Adapt. Modelling as a Planning Instrument: Applying a Climate-Responsive Approach in Verona, Italy
Kümmel, Frank;Kirchmayer, Andreas;Solís, Cecilia;Hofmann, Michael;Neumeier, Steffen;Gilles, Ralph; Deformation Mechanisms in Ni-Based Superalloys at Room and Elevated Temperatures Studied by In Situ Neutron Diffraction and Electron Microscopy
Fajnorová, Soňa;Sprenger, Christoph;Hermes, Nina;Ternes, Thomas A.;Sala, Lluís;Miehe, Ulf;Drewes, Jörg E.;Hübner, Uwe; Assessment of Full-Scale Indirect Potable Water Reuse in El Port de la Selva, Spain
Hart-Davis, Michael G.;Dettmering, Denise;Sulzbach, Roman;Thomas, Maik;Schwatke, Christian;Seitz, Florian; Regional Evaluation of Minor Tidal Constituents for Improved Estimation of Ocean Tides
Klein, Florian G.;Granier, Charlène;Zhao, Yuling;Pan, Qi;Tong, Zhichao;Gschwend, Jürgen E.;Holm, Per Sonne;Nawroth, Roman; Combination of Talazoparib and Palbociclib as a Potent Treatment Strategy in Bladder Cancer
Platzer, Melanie;Kiese, Sandra;Herfellner, Thomas;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute;Eisner, Peter; How Does the Phenol Structure Influence the Results of the Folin-Ciocalteu Assay?
García Arteaga, Verónica;Kraus, Sonja;Schott, Michael;Muranyi, Isabel;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute;Eisner, Peter; Screening of Twelve Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Cultivars and Their Isolates Focusing on the Protein Characterization, Functionality, and Sensory Profiles
Esmaeili, Nazila;Boese, Axel;Davaris, Nikolaos;Arens, Christoph;Navab, Nassir;Friebe, Michael;Illanes, Alfredo; Cyclist Effort Features: A Novel Technique for Image Texture Characterization Applied to Larynx Cancer Classification in Contact Endoscopy—Narrow Band Imaging
Sellner, Johann;Rommer, Paulus S.; Multiple Sclerosis and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Considerations for Immune-Depleting Therapies
Suppan, Christoph;Posch, Florian;Mueller, Hannah Deborah;Mischitz, Nina;Steiner, Daniel;Klocker, Eva Valentina;Setaffy, Lisa;Bargfrieder, Ute;Hammer, Robert;Hauser, Hubert;Jost, Philipp J.;Dandachi, Nadia;Lax, Sigurd;Balic, Marija; Patterns of Recurrence after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Early Breast Cancer, according to the Residual Cancer Burden Index and Reductions in Neoadjuvant Treatment Intensity
Hermann, Johannes;Bischoff, Daniel;Grob, Phillip;Janowski, Robert;Hekmat, Dariusch;Niessing, Dierk;Zacharias, Martin;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Controlling Protein Crystallization by Free Energy Guided Design of Interactions at Crystal Contacts
Kelso, Anne;Reimers, Anne K;Abu-Omar, Karim;Wunsch, Kathrin;Niessner, Claudia;Wäsche, Hagen;Demetriou, Yolanda; Locations of Physical Activity: Where Are Children, Adolescents, and Adults Physically Active? A Systematic Review
Stylogiannis, Antonios;Kousias, Nikolaos;Kontses, Anastasios;Ntziachristos, Leonidas;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; A Low-Cost Optoacoustic Sensor for Environmental Monitoring
Galli, Federico;Lai, Jun-Jie;De Tommaso, Jacopo;Pauletto, Gianluca;Patience, Gregory S.; Gas to Liquids Techno-Economics of Associated Natural Gas, Bio Gas, and Landfill Gas
Hogrefe, Katharina;Goldenberg, Georg;Glindemann, Ralf;Klonowski, Madleen;Ziegler, Wolfram; Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST)—A Novel Diagnostic Tool to Assess Semantic Processing Deficits: Application to Persons with Aphasia after Cerebrovascular Accident
Tritschler, Hanna;Fischer, Konrad;Seissler, Jochen;Fiedler, Jörg;Halbgebauer, Rebecca;Huber-Lang, Markus;Schnieke, Angelika;Brenner, Rolf E.; New Insights into Xenotransplantation for Cartilage Repair: Porcine Multi-Genetically Modified Chondrocytes as a Promising Cell Source
Hessfeld, Vincent ; Schulleri, Katrin H.; Lee, Dongheui; Assessment of Balance Instability by Wearable Sensor Systems During Postural Transitions
Pohl, Philip Manuel;Kümmel, Frank;Schunk, Christopher;Serrano-Munoz, Itziar;Markötter, Henning;Göken, Mathias;Höppel, Heinz Werner; About the Role of Interfaces on the Fatigue Crack Propagation in Laminated Metallic Composites
Walla, Brigitte;Bischoff, Daniel;Janowski, Robert;von den Eichen, Nikolas;Niessing, Dierk;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Transfer of a Rational Crystal Contact Engineering Strategy between Diverse Alcohol Dehydrogenases
Taxauer, Karin;Hamway, Youssef;Ralser, Anna;Dietl, Alisa;Mink, Karin;Vieth, Michael;Singer, Bernhard B.;Gerhard, Markus;Mejías-Luque, Raquel; Engagement of CEACAM1 by Helicobacter pylori HopQ Is Important for the Activation of Non-Canonical NF-κB in Gastric Epithelial Cells
Jungmann, Friederike;Kaissis, Georgios A.;Ziegelmayer, Sebastian;Harder, Felix;Schilling, Clara;Yen, Hsi-Yu;Steiger, Katja;Weichert, Wilko;Schirren, Rebekka;Demir, Ishan Ekin;Friess, Helmut;Makowski, Markus R.;Braren, Rickmer F.;Lohöfer, Fabian K.; Prediction of Tumor Cellularity in Resectable PDAC from Preoperative Computed Tomography Imaging
Hartsch, Florian;Kemmerer, Julia;Labelle, Eric R.;Jaeger, Dirk;Wagner, Thilo; Integration of Harvester Production Data in German Wood Supply Chains: Legal, Social and Economic Requirements
Anniés, Simon;Panosetti, Chiara;Voronenko, Maria;Mauth, Dario;Rahe, Christiane;Scheurer, Christoph; Accessing Structural, Electronic, Transport and Mesoscale Properties of Li-GICs via a Complete DFTB Model with Machine-Learned Repulsion Potential
Lang, Daniel M.;Peeken, Jan C.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Wilkens, Jan J.;Bartzsch, Stefan; Deep Learning Based HPV Status Prediction for Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients
Strokach, Evgeny;Zhukov, Victor;Borovik, Igor;Sternin, Andrej;Haidn, Oscar J.; Simulation of a GOx-GCH4 Rocket Combustor and the Effect of the GEKO Turbulence Model Coefficients
Lindner, Markus;Stadler, Andrea;Hamann, Georg;Fischer, Bennet;Jakobi, Martin;Heilmeier, Florian;Bauer, Constantin;Volk, Wolfram;Koch, Alexander W.;Roths, Johannes; Fiber Bragg Sensors Embedded in Cast Aluminum Parts: Axial Strain and Temperature Response
Kao, Shao-Yen;Nikonova, Elena;Chaabane, Sabrina;Sabani, Albiona;Martitz, Alexandra;Wittner, Anja;Heemken, Jakob;Straub, Tobias;Spletter, Maria L.; A Candidate RNAi Screen Reveals Diverse RNA-Binding Protein Phenotypes in Drosophila Flight Muscle
Linassi, Federico;Obert, David Peter;Maran, Eleonora;Tellaroli, Paola;Kreuzer, Matthias;Sanders, Robert David;Carron, Michele; Implicit Memory and Anesthesia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Dieckmeyer, Michael;Inhuber, Stephanie;Schlaeger, Sarah;Weidlich, Dominik;Mookiah, Muthu Rama Krishnan;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Burian, Egon;Sollmann, Nico;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Baum, Thomas; Texture Features of Proton Density Fat Fraction Maps from Chemical Shift Encoding-Based MRI Predict Paraspinal Muscle Strength
Wurm, Michael;Droin, Ariane;Stark, Thomas;Geiß, Christian;Sulzer, Wolfgang;Taubenböck, Hannes; Deep Learning-Based Generation of Building Stock Data from Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Demand Modeling
Burger, Ruben;Frisch, Julia;Hübner, Matthias;Goldammer, Matthias;Peters, Ole;Rönneberg, Enno;Wu, Datong; THz-TDS Reflection Measurement of Coating Thicknesses at Non-Perpendicular Incidence: Experiment and Simulation
Haidari, Selgai;Tröltzsch, Matthias;Knösel, Thomas;Liokatis, Paris;Kasintsova, Anastasia;Eberl, Marian;Ortner, Florian;Otto, Sven;Fegg, Florian;Boskov, Marko;Probst, Florian A.; Fatty Acid Receptor CD36 Functions as a Surrogate Parameter for Lymph Node Metastasis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Xin, Rui;Ai, Tinghua;Zhu, Ruoxin;Ai, Bo;Yang, Min;Meng, Liqiu; A Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data
Sturm, Noemi;Stolz, Regina;Schalhorn, Friederike;Valentini, Jan;Krisam, Johannes;Frick, Eckhard;Mächler, Ruth;Szecsenyi, Joachim;Straßner, Cornelia; Self-Efficacy, Social Activity, and Spirituality in the Care of Elderly Patients with Polypharmacy in Germany—A Multicentric Cross-Sectional Study within the HoPES3 Trial
Zehentner, Sofie;Reiner, Agnes T.;Grimm, Christoph;Somoza, Veronika; The Role of Bitter Taste Receptors in Cancer: A Systematic Review
Feuerecker, Benedikt;Biechl, Philipp;Veltkamp, Christian;Saur, Dieter;Eisenreich, Wolfgang; Metabolic Response of Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells under Treatment with Dichloroacetate
Groll, Tanja;Schopf, Franziska;Denk, Daniela;Mogler, Carolin;Schwittlick, Ulrike;Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike;Sarker, Sabrina Rim Jahan;Pfarr, Nicole;Weichert, Wilko;Matiasek, Kaspar;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Steiger, Katja; Bridging the Species Gap: Morphological and Molecular Comparison of Feline and Human Intestinal Carcinomas
Abdelrahem, Mohamed;Hackl, Christoph;Kennel, Ralph; Robust Predictive Control Scheme for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generators Based Modern Wind Turbines
Moser, Tobias;Hoepner, Lena;Schwenker, Kerstin;Seiberl, Michael;Feige, Julia;Akgün, Katja;Haschke-Becher, Elisabeth;Ziemssen, Tjalf;Sellner, Johann; Cladribine Alters Immune Cell Surface Molecules for Adhesion and Costimulation: Further Insights to the Mode of Action in Multiple Sclerosis
Kii, Masanobu;Vichiensan, Varameth;Llorca, Carlos;Moreno, Ana;Moeckel, Rolf;Hayashi, Yoshitsugu; Impact of Decentralization and Rail Network Extension on Future Traffic in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region
Pipich, Vitaliy;Starc, Thomas;Buitenhuis, Johan;Kasher, Roni;Petry, Winfried;Oren, Yoram;Schwahn, Dietmar; Silica Fouling in Reverse Osmosis Systems–Operando Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Studies
Rao, Lanlan;Xu, Jian;Efremenko, Dmitry S.;Loyola, Diego G.;Doicu, Adrian; Optimization of Aerosol Model Selection for TROPOMI/S5P
Pertiwi, Avi Putri;Roth, Achim;Schaffhauser, Timo;Bhola, Punit Kumar;Reuß, Felix;Stettner, Samuel;Kuenzer, Claudia;Disse, Markus; Monitoring the Spring Flood in Lena Delta with Hydrodynamic Modeling Based on SAR Satellite Products
Tayebi, Mahboobeh;Fim Rosas, Jorge Tadeu;Mendes, Wanderson de Sousa;Poppiel, Raul Roberto;Ostovari, Yaser;Ruiz, Luis Fernando Chimelo;dos Santos, Natasha Valadares;Cerri, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino;Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho;Curi, Nilton;Silvero, Nélida Elizabet Quiñonez;Demattê, José A. M.; Drivers of Organic Carbon Stocks in Different LULC History and along Soil Depth for a 30 Years Image Time Series
Vitow, Nora;Zicker, Theresa;Chiba, Akane;Zacher, Anika;Eichler-Löbermann, Bettina;Schulz, Stefanie;Schloter, Michael;Baum, Christel;Leinweber, Peter; Impact of the Legume Catch Crop Serradella on Subsequent Growth and P Mobilization under Barley in Different Fertilization Treatments
Werner, Caroline;Stangl, Stefan;Salvermoser, Lukas;Schwab, Melissa;Shevtsov, Maxim;Xanthopoulos, Alexia;Wang, Fei;Dezfouli, Ali Bashiri;Thölke, Dennis;Ostheimer, Christian;Medenwald, Daniel;Windberg, Martin;Bache, Matthias;Schlapschy, Martin;Skerra, Arne;Multhoff, Gabriele; Hsp70 in Liquid Biopsies—A Tumor-Specific Biomarker for Detection and Response Monitoring in Cancer
Dölken, Lars;Stich, August;Spinner, Christoph D.; Remdesivir for Early COVID-19 Treatment of High-Risk Individuals Prior to or at Early Disease Onset—Lessons Learned
Soto, Mauricio;Estevez-Braun, Ana;Amesty, Ángel;Kluepfel, Julia;Restrepo, Susana;Diaz, Katy;Espinoza, Luis;Olea, Andrés F.;Taborga, Lautaro; Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Hydrated Geranylated Phenols against Botrytis cinerea
Pulvermacher, Samuel;Bücker, Tobias;Šaroun, Jan;Rebelo-Kornmeier, Joana;Hofmann, Michael;Gibmeier, Jens; Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Macro and Phase-Specific Micro Residual Stresses in Deep Rolled Duplex Stainless Steels
Kutafina, Ekaterina;Heiligers, Anne;Popovic, Radomir;Brenner, Alexander;Hankammer, Bernd;Jonas, Stephan M.;Mathiak, Klaus;Zweerings, Jana; Tracking of Mental Workload with a Mobile EEG Sensor
Bouguenna, Ibrahim Farouk;Tahour, Ahmed;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Multiple-Vector Model Predictive Control with Fuzzy Logic for PMSM Electric Drive Systems
Siemer, Svenja;Fauth, Torsten;Scholz, Paul;Al-Zamel, Yara;Khamis, Aya;Gül, Désirée;Freudelsperger, Laura;Wollenberg, Barbara;Becker, Sven;Stauber, Roland H.;Hagemann, Jan; Profiling Cisplatin Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer: A Critical Role of the VRAC Ion Channel for Chemoresistance
Möhrle, Kathrin;Reyes-Aldana, Hugo E.;Kollmann, Johannes;Teixeira, Leonardo H.; Suppression of an Invasive Native Plant Species by Designed Grassland Communities
Patzelt, Lisa;Junker, Daniela;Syväri, Jan;Burian, Egon;Wu, Mingming;Prokopchuk, Olga;Nitsche, Ulrich;Makowski, Marcus R.;Braren, Rickmer F.;Herzig, Stephan;Diaz, Mauricio Berriel;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; MRI-Determined Psoas Muscle Fat Infiltration Correlates with Severity of Weight Loss during Cancer Cachexia
Fahlenkamp, Ute Lina;Kunkel, Jan;Ziegeler, Katharina;Neumann, Konrad;Adams, Lisa Christine;Engel, Günther;Böker, Sarah Maria;Makowski, Marcus Richard; Correlation of Native Liver Parenchyma T1 and T2 Relaxation Times and Liver Synthetic Function Tests: A Pilot Study
Burian, Egon;Becherucci, Edoardo A.;Junker, Daniela;Sollmann, Nico;Greve, Tobias;Hauner, Hans;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Baum, Thomas;Dieckmeyer, Michael; Association of Cervical and Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Composition Using Texture Analysis of MR-Based Proton Density Fat Fraction Maps
Godoy, Janeth Carolina;Villamar, Daniel;Soria, Rafael;Vaca, César;Hamacher, Thomas;Ordóñez, Freddy; Preparing the Ecuador’s Power Sector to Enable a Large-Scale Electric Land Transport
Churkin, Alexander;Totzeck, Franziska;Zakh, Rami;Parr, Marina;Tuller, Tamir;Frishman, Dmitrij;Barash, Danny; A Mathematical Analysis of RNA Structural Motifs in Viruses
Rayudu, Nithin Manohar;Baum, Thomas;Kirschke, Jan S.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy; MDCT-Based Finite Element Analysis for the Prediction of Functional Spine Unit Strength—An In Vitro Study
Power Guerra, Nicole;Parveen, Alisha;Bühler, Daniel;Brauer, David Leon;Müller, Luisa;Pilz, Kristin;Witt, Martin;Glass, Änne;Bajorat, Rika;Janowitz, Deborah;Wolkenhauer, Olaf;Vollmar, Brigitte;Kuhla, Angela; Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 as a Potential Biomarker for Improved Locomotion and Olfaction Detection Ability after Weight Reduction in Obese Mice
Overturf, Emily;Pezzutto, Simon;Boschiero, Martina;Ravasio, Nicoletta;Monegato, Achille; The CirCo (Circular Coffee) Project: A Case Study on Valorization of Coffee Silverskin in the Context of Circular Economy in Italy
Rombach, Meike;Dean, David L.;Widmar, Nicole J. Olynk;Bitsch, Vera; The Ethically Conscious Flower Consumer: Understanding Fair Trade Cut Flower Purchase Behavior in Germany
Sánchez-Pastor, Jesús;Miriya Thanthrige, Udaya S. K. P.;Ilgac, Furkan;Jiménez-Sáez, Alejandro;Jung, Peter;Sezgin, Aydin;Jakoby, Rolf; Clutter Suppression for Indoor Self-Localization Systems by Iteratively Reweighted Low-Rank Plus Sparse Recovery
Wasserfurth, Paulina;Nebl, Josefine;Rühling, Miriam Rebekka;Shammas, Hadeel;Bednarczyk, Jolanthe;Koehler, Karsten;Boßlau, Tim Konstantin;Krüger, Karsten;Hahn, Andreas;Das, Anibh Martin; Impact of Dietary Modifications on Plasma Sirtuins 1, 3 and 5 in Older Overweight Individuals Undergoing 12-Weeks of Circuit Training
Iwanow, Melanie;Seidler, Johannes;Vieira, Luciana;Kaiser, Manuela;Van Opdenbosch, Daniel;Zollfrank, Cordt;Gärtner, Tobias;Richter, Michael;König, Burkhard;Sieber, Volker; Enhanced C2 and C3 Product Selectivity in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Carbon-Doped Copper Oxide Catalysts Prepared by Deep Eutectic Solvent Calcination
Müller, Günter A.;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Müller, Timo D.; Chip-Based Sensing of the Intercellular Transfer of Cell Surface Proteins: Regulation by the Metabolic State
Miehle, Elisabeth;Bader-Mittermaier, Stephanie;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute;Hauner, Hans;Eisner, Peter; Effect of Physicochemical Properties of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on Diffusion of Glucose
Filippov, Sergey K.;Khusnutdinov, Ramil R.;Inham, Wali;Liu, Chang;Nikitin, Dmitry O.;Semina, Irina I.;Garvey, Christopher J.;Nasibullin, Shamil F.;Khutoryanskiy, Vitaliy V.;Zhang, Hongbo;Moustafine, Rouslan I.; Hybrid Nanoparticles for Haloperidol Encapsulation: Quid Est Optimum?
Nguyen, Alexandra;Dzulko, Melanie;Murr, Janine;Yen, Yun;Schneider, Günter;Krämer, Oliver H.; Class 1 Histone Deacetylases and Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase Control the Survival of Murine Pancreatic Cancer Cells upon dNTP Depletion
Froelich, Matthias Frank;Schnitzer, Moritz Ludwig;Holzgreve, Adrien;Gassert, Felix Gerhard;Gresser, Eva;Overhoff, Daniel;Schwarze, Vincent;Fabritius, Matthias Philipp;Nörenberg, Dominik;von Münchhausen, Niklas;Hokamp, Nils Große;Auernhammer, Christoph J.;Ilhan, Harun;Todica, Andrei;Rübenthaler, Johannes; Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of 68Ga DOTA-TATE PET/CT, 111In-Pentetreotide SPECT/CT and CT for Diagnostic Workup of Neuroendocrine Tumors
Janssen, Insa;Sollmann, Nico;Barz, Melanie;Baum, Thomas;Schaller, Karl;Zimmer, Claus;Ryang, Yu-Mi;Kirschke, Jan S.;Meyer, Bernhard; Occult Disco-Ligamentous Lesions of the Subaxial c-Spine—A Comparison of Preoperative Imaging Findings and Intraoperative Site Inspection
Wettengel, Jochen M.;Linden, Bianca;Esser, Knud;Laue, Michael;Burwitz, Benjamin J.;Protzer, Ulrike; Rapid and Robust Continuous Purification of High-Titer Hepatitis B Virus for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications
Xiong, Yufei;Ta, Zhijie;Gan, Miao;Yang, MeiLin;Chen, Xi;Yu, Ruide;Disse, Markus;Yu, Yang; Evaluation of CMIP5 Climate Models Using Historical Surface Air Temperatures in Central Asia
Dieckmeyer, Michael;Inhuber, Stephanie;Schläger, Sarah;Weidlich, Dominik;Mookiah, Muthu R. K.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Burian, Egon;Sollmann, Nico;Kirschke, Jan S.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Baum, Thomas; Association of Thigh Muscle Strength with Texture Features Based on Proton Density Fat Fraction Maps Derived from Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water–Fat MRI
Dzilic, Elda;Guenther, Thomas;Bouziani, Amel;Voss, Bernhard;Voss, Stephanie;Vitanova, Keti;Krane, Markus;Lange, Ruediger; Results after Repair of Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation with a Three-Dimensional Annuloplasty Ring
Bashir, Bashar;Alsalman, Abdullah;Othman, Arsalan Ahmed;Obaid, Ahmed K.;Bashir, Hussein; New Approach to Selecting Civil Defense Centers in Al-Riyadh City (KSA) Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and GIS
Kii, Masanobu;Goda, Yuki;Vichiensan, Varameth;Miyazaki, Hiroyuki;Moeckel, Rolf; Assessment of Spatiotemporal Peak Shift of Intra-Urban Transportation Taking a Case in Bangkok, Thailand
Bao, Hongjie;Shan, Ling;Wang, Yufei;Jiang, Yuehua;Lee, Cheonjae;Cui, Xufeng; How Does Local Real Estate Investment Influence Neighborhood PM2.5 Concentrations? A Spatial Econometric Analysis
Strout, James M.;Oen, Amy M. P.;Kalsnes, Bjørn G.;Solheim, Anders;Lupp, Gerd;Pugliese, Francesco;Bernardie, Séverine; Innovation in NBS Co-Design and Implementation
Vitanova, Keti;Wirth, Felix;Boehm, Johannes;Burri, Melchior;Lange, Rüdiger;Krane, Markus; Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement—Age-Dependent Choice of Prosthesis Type
Rombach, Meike;Dean, David L.;Olynk Widmar, Nicole J.;Bitsch, Vera; “Oh, You Shouldn’t Have!” Understanding Key Factors Impacting Cut Flowers Gifting Preferences in Germany
Leboutet, Quentin;Roux, Julien;Janot, Alexandre;Guadarrama-Olvera, Julio Rogelio;Cheng, Gordon; Inertial Parameter Identification in Robotics: A Survey
Seiringer, Peter;Eyerich, Stefanie;Eyerich, Kilian;Dittlein, Daniela;Pilz, Anna Caroline;Scala, Emanuele;Ring, Johannes;Behrendt, Heidrun;Cavani, Andrea;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia; Keratinocytes Regulate the Threshold of Inflammation by Inhibiting T Cell Effector Functions
Mladenović, Minja;Morgan, Ibrahim;Ilić, Nebojša;Saoud, Mohamad;Pergal, Marija V.;Kaluđerović, Goran N.;Knežević, Nikola Ž.; pH-Responsive Release of Ruthenium Metallotherapeutics from Mesoporous Silica-Based Nanocarriers
Chiba, Akane;Uchida, Yoshitaka;Kublik, Susanne;Vestergaard, Gisle;Buegger, Franz;Schloter, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie; Soil Bacterial Diversity Is Positively Correlated with Decomposition Rates during Early Phases of Maize Litter Decomposition
Zimmermann, Gregor S.;Ruether, Tobias;von Ziegler, Franz;Greif, Martin;Tittus, Janine;Schenzle, Jan;Becker, Christoph;Becker, Alexander; Increased Pericardial Adipose Tissue in Smokers
Gonçalves, Juliana Pereira Lopes;Bollwein, Christine;Schlitter, Anna Melissa;Martin, Benedikt;Märkl, Bruno;Utpatel, Kirsten;Weichert, Wilko;Schwamborn, Kristina; The Impact of Histological Annotations for Accurate Tissue Classification Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Weber, Melanie;Padmanabhan Nair, Vidya;Bauer, Tanja;Sprinzl, Martin F.;Protzer, Ulrike;Vincendeau, Michelle; Increased HERV-K(HML-2) Transcript Levels Correlate with Clinical Parameters of Liver Damage in Hepatitis C Patients
Abdelrahem, Mohamed;Hackl, Christoph;Kennel, Ralph;Rodriguez, Jose; Low Sensitivity Predictive Control for Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Based Wind Turbine Applications
Holzmann-Littig, Christopher;Braunisch, Matthias;Kranke, Peter;Popp, Maria;Seeber, Christian;Fichtner, Falk;Littig, Bianca;Carbajo-Lozoya, Javier;Allwang, Christine;Frank, Tamara;Meerpohl, Joerg;Haller, Bernhard;Schmaderer, Christoph; COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance and Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers in Germany
Klopčič, Marija;Erjavec, Karmen;Waldrop, Megan;Roosen, Jutta;Engel, Petra;Galama, Paul;Kuipers, Abele; Consumers’ and Farmers’ Perceptions in Europe Regarding the Use of Composted Bedding Material from Cattle
Aghaee, Bahareh Lashtoo;Khan Mirzaei, Mohammadali;Alikhani, Mohammad Yousef;Mojtahedi, Ali;Maurice, Corinne F.; Improving the Inhibitory Effect of Phages against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from a Burn Patient Using a Combination of Phages and Antibiotics
Graef, Josefine;Furth, Christian;Kluge, Anne Kathrin;Acker, Gueliz;Kord, Melina;Zimmermann, Zoe;Amthauer, Holger;Makowski, Marcus;Loebel, Franziska;Vajkoczy, Peter;Budach, Volker;Senger, Carolin; 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/MRI—A Secure One-Stop Shop Imaging Tool for Robotic Radiosurgery Treatment Planning in Patients with Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
Bödeker, Kai;Ammer, Christian;Knoke, Thomas;Heurich, Marco; Determining Statistically Robust Changes in Ungulate Browsing Pressure as a Basis for Adaptive Wildlife Management
Alqadi, Mohammad;Al Dwairi, Ala;Dehnavi, Sudeh;Margane, Armin;Al Raggad, Marwan;Al Wreikat, Mohammad;Chiogna, Gabriele; A Novel Method to Assess the Impact of a Government’s Water Strategy on Research: A Case Study of Azraq Basin, Jordan
Topping, Geoffrey J.;Heid, Irina;Trajkovic-Arsic, Marija;Kritzner, Lukas;Grashei, Martin;Hundshammer, Christian;Aigner, Maximilian;Skinner, Jason G.;Braren, Rickmer;Schilling, Franz; Hyperpolarized 13C Spectroscopy with Simple Slice-and-Frequency-Selective Excitation
Gaafar, Mahmoud A.;Orabi, Mohamed;Ibrahim, Ahmed;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Common-Ground Photovoltaic Inverters for Leakage Current Mitigation: Comparative Review
Ding, Lisha;Ma, Lei;Li, Longguo;Liu, Chao;Li, Naiwen;Yang, Zhengli;Yao, Yuanzhi;Lu, Heng; A Survey of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Applications for Flash Floods
Weinrich, Luise;Paraskevaidis, Melissa;Schleip, Robert;Agres, Alison N.;Tsitsilonis, Serafeim; Does the Calcaneus Serve as Hypomochlion within the Lower Limb by a Myofascial Connection?—A Systematic Review
Nitze, Ingmar;Heidler, Konrad;Barth, Sophia;Grosse, Guido; Developing and Testing a Deep Learning Approach for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps
Renninger, Denise;Sturm, David Joseph;Marques, Adilson;Peralta, Miguel;Popovic, Stevo;Gardasevic, Jovan;Masanovic, Bojan;Demetriou, Yolanda; Physical Activity and Body-Mass-Index: Do Family, Friends and Teachers Restrain the Risk for Physical Inactivity in Adolescents?
Limburg, Karina;Radziej, Katharina;Sattel, Heribert;Henningsen, Peter;Dieterich, Marianne;Probst, Thomas;Dale, Rachel;Lahmann, Claas; A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating Integrative Psychotherapeutic Group Treatment Compared to Self-Help Groups in Functional Vertigo/Dizziness
Frimpong, Felix;Anokye, Michael;Windt, Carel W.;Naz, Ali A.;Frei, Michael;Dusschoten, Dagmar van;Fiorani, Fabio; Proline-Mediated Drought Tolerance in the Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Isogenic Line Is Associated with Lateral Root Growth at the Early Seedling Stage
Palaniyappan, Saravanan;Trautmann, Maik;Mao, Yiran;Riesch, Johann;Gowda, Parikshith;Rudolph, Nick;Coenen, Jan Willem;Neu, Rudolf;Wagner, Guntram; Yttria-Coated Tungsten Fibers for Use in Tungsten Fiber-Reinforced Composites: A Comparative Study on PVD vs. CVD Routes
Kraus, Kim Melanie;Simonetto, Cristoforo;Kundrát, Pavel;Waitz, Vanessa;Borm, Kai Joachim;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth; Potential Morbidity Reduction for Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Using Respiratory Gating
Pechmann, Stefan;Mai, Timo;Potschka, Julian;Reiser, Daniel;Reichel, Peter;Breiling, Marco;Reichenbach, Marc;Hagelauer, Amelie; A Low-Power RRAM Memory Block for Embedded, Multi-Level Weight and Bias Storage in Artificial Neural Networks
Widmann, Tobias;Kreuzer, Lucas P.;Kühnhammer, Matthias;Schmid, Andreas J.;Wiehemeier, Lars;Jaksch, Sebastian;Frielinghaus, Henrich;Löhmann, Oliver;Schneider, Harald;Hiess, Arno;Klitzing, Regine von;Hellweg, Thomas;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Flexible Sample Environment for the Investigation of Soft Matter at the European Spallation Source: Part II—The GISANS Setup
Schlegel, Katharina;Lidzba, Norbert;Ueberham, Elke;Eisner, Peter;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute; Fermentation of Lupin Protein Hydrolysates—Effects on Their Functional Properties, Sensory Profile and the Allergenic Potential of the Major Lupin Allergen Lup an 1
Rathkolb, Birgit;Howaldt, Maike;Krebs, Stefan;Prückl, Petra;Sauer, Susanne;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Aigner, Bernhard; Distinct Morphological and Behavioural Alterations in ENU-Induced Heterozygous Trpc7K810Stop Mutant Mice
Nazarov, Denis;Zemtsova, Elena;Smirnov, Vladimir;Mitrofanov, Ilya;Maximov, Maxim;Yudintceva, Natalia;Shevtsov, Maxim; The Effects of Chemical Etching and Ultra-Fine Grain Structure of Titanium on MG-63 Cells Response
Jaksch, Sebastian;Chennevière, Alexis;Désert, Sylvain;Kozielewski, Tadeusz;Feilbach, Herbert;Lavie, Pascal;Hanslik, Romuald;Gussen, Achim;Butterweck, Stephan;Engels, Ralf;Frielinghaus, Henrich;Förster, Stephan;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Technical Specification of the Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument SKADI at the European Spallation Source
Ma, Tianli;Ru, Jinlong;Xue, Jinling;Schulz, Sarah;Mirzaei, Mohammadali Khan;Janssen, Klaus-Peter;Quante, Michael;Deng, Li; Differences in Gut Virome Related to Barrett Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Mohr, Hermine;Ballke, Simone;Bechmann, Nicole;Gulde, Sebastian;Malekzadeh-Najafabadi, Jaber;Peitzsch, Mirko;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Steiger, Katja;Wiedemann, Tobias;Pellegata, Natalia S.; Mutation of the Cell Cycle Regulator p27kip1 Drives Pseudohypoxic Pheochromocytoma Development
Lacheta, Lucca;Rupp, Marco-Christopher;Achtnich, Andrea;Braun, Sepp;Tauber, Mark;Imhoff, Andreas B.;Habermeyer, Peter;Martetschläger, Frank; Biceps Brachii Alterations Following the Latarjet Procedure: A Prospective Multicenter Study
Park, Sohyun;Hartl, Anna;Sheptyakov, Denis;Hoelzel, Markus;Arauzo, Ana; Structural Investigation into Magnetic Spin Orders of a Manganese Phosphatic Oxyhydroxide, Mn5[(PO4)2(PO3(OH))2](HOH)4
Zhao, Jing;Kader, Avan;Mangarova, Dilyana B.;Brangsch, Julia;Brenner, Winfried;Hamm, Bernd;Makowski, Marcus R.; Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Prostate Lesions of Simultaneous [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI: Comparison between Intraprostatic Lesions and Correlation between Perfusion Parameters
Schmid, Andreas Josef;Wiehemeier, Lars;Jaksch, Sebastian;Schneider, Harald;Hiess, Arno;Bögershausen, Torsten;Widmann, Tobias;Reitenbach, Julija;Kreuzer, Lucas P.;Kühnhammer, Matthias;Löhmann, Oliver;Brandl, Georg;Frielinghaus, Henrich;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;von Klitzing, Regine;Hellweg, Thomas; Flexible Sample Environments for the Investigation of Soft Matter at the European Spallation Source: Part I—The In Situ SANS/DLS Setup
Tsesmelis, Miltiadis;Tiwary, Kanishka;Steiger, Katja;Sperb, Nadine;Gerstenlauer, Melanie;Manfras, Uta;Maier, Harald;Hermann, Patrick;Chan, Lap;Wirth, Thomas; Deletion of NEMO Inhibits EMT and Reduces Metastasis in KPC Mice
Esposito, Carla L.;Van Roosbroeck, Katrien;Santamaria, Gianluca;Rotoli, Deborah;Sandomenico, Annamaria;Wierda, William G.;Ferrajoli, Alessandra;Ruvo, Menotti;Calin, George A.;de Franciscis, Vittorio;Catuogno, Silvia; Selection of a Nuclease-Resistant RNA Aptamer Targeting CD19
Kühnhammer, Matthias;Widmann, Tobias;Kreuzer, Lucas P.;Schmid, Andreas J.;Wiehemeier, Lars;Frielinghaus, Henrich;Jaksch, Sebastian;Bögershausen, Torsten;Barron, Paul;Schneider, Harald;Hiess, Arno;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Hellweg, Thomas;von Klitzing, Regine;Löhmann, Oliver; Flexible Sample Environments for the Investigation of Soft Matter at the European Spallation Source: Part III—The Macroscopic Foam Cell
Ma, Lei;Zhu, Xiaoxiang;Qiu, Chunping;Blaschke, Thomas;Li, Manchun; Advances of Local Climate Zone Mapping and Its Practice Using Object-Based Image Analysis
Yeung, Long Yu;Rayudu, Nithin Manohar;Löffler, Maximilian;Sekuboyina, Anjany;Burian, Egon;Sollmann, Nico;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Greve, Tobias;Kirschke, Jan S.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Baum, Thomas; Prediction of Incidental Osteoporotic Fractures at Vertebral-Specific Level Using 3D Non-Linear Finite Element Parameters Derived from Routine Abdominal MDCT
Hanžič, Lucija;Robič, Sebastijan;Machner, Alisa;Bjørndal, Marie Helene;De Weerdt, Klaartje;Gu, Yushan;Bary, Benoît;Lample Carreras, Rosa Maria;Šajna, Aljoša; Experimental Carbonation Study for a Durability Assessment of Novel Cementitious Materials
Altstetter, Sebastian Maximilian;Quitt, Oliver;Pinci, Francesca;Hornung, Veit;Lucko, Aaron Michael;Wisskirchen, Karin;Jung, Stephanie;Protzer, Ulrike; Hepatitis-D Virus Infection Is Not Impaired by Innate Immunity but Increases Cytotoxic T-Cell Activity
Dötzer, Katharina;Schlüter, Friederike;Koch, Franz Edler von;Brambs, Christine E.;Anthuber, Sabine;Frangini, Sergio;Czogalla, Bastian;Burges, Alexander;Werner, Jens;Mahner, Sven;Mayer, Barbara; Integrin α2β1 Represents a Prognostic and Predictive Biomarker in Primary Ovarian Cancer
De Linares, Concepción;Plaza, Maria Pilar;Valle, Ana M.;Alcázar, Purificación;Díaz de la Guardia, Consuelo;Galán, Carmen; Airborne Cupressaceae Pollen and Its Major Allergen, Cup a 1, in Urban Green Areas of Southern Iberian Peninsula
Borm, Kai J.;Kleine Vennekate, Johanne;Vagedes, Jan;Islam, Mohammad O. A.;Duma, Marciana N.;Loos, Maximilian;Combs, Stephanie E.;Schiller, Kilian;Klusen, Sophie;Paepke, Stefan;Kiechle, Marion B.;Paepke, Daniela; A Comprehensive Prospective Comparison of Acute Skin Toxicity after Hypofractionated and Normofractionated Radiation Therapy in Breast Cancer
Elsayed, Salah;El-Hendawy, Salah;Dewir, Yaser Hassan;Schmidhalter, Urs;Ibrahim, Hazem H.;Ibrahim, Mohamed M.;Elsherbiny, Osama;Farouk, Mohamed; Estimating the Leaf Water Status and Grain Yield of Wheat under Different Irrigation Regimes Using Optimized Two- and Three-Band Hyperspectral Indices and Multivariate Regression Models
Knoflach, Bettina;Ramskogler, Katharina;Talluto, Matthew;Hofmeister, Florentin;Haas, Florian;Heckmann, Tobias;Pfeiffer, Madlene;Piermattei, Livia;Ressl, Camillo;Wimmer, Michael H.;Geitner, Clemens;Erschbamer, Brigitta;Stötter, Johann; Modelling of Vegetation Dynamics from Satellite Time Series to Determine Proglacial Primary Succession in the Course of Global Warming—A Case Study in the Upper Martell Valley (Eastern Italian Alps)
Bernhardt, Heinz;Bozkurt, Mehmet;Brunsch, Reiner;Colangelo, Eduardo;Herrmann, Andreas;Horstmann, Jan;Kraft, Martin;Marquering, Johannes;Steckel, Thilo;Tapken, Heiko;Weltzien, Cornelia;Westerkamp, Clemens; Challenges for Agriculture through Industry 4.0
Gross, Claudia;Engleitner, Thomas;Lange, Sebastian;Weber, Julia;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Konukiewitz, Björn;Muckenhuber, Alexander;Steiger, Katja;Pfarr, Nicole;Goeppert, Benjamin;Keller, Gisela;Weichert, Wilko;Adsay, Nazmi Volkan;Klöppel, Günter;Rad, Roland;Esposito, Irene;Schlitter, Anna Melissa; Whole Exome Sequencing of Biliary Tubulopapillary Neoplasms Reveals Common Mutations in Chromatin Remodeling Genes
Durso-Cain, Karina;Kumberger, Peter;Schälte, Yannik;Fink, Theresa;Dahari, Harel;Hasenauer, Jan;Uprichard, Susan L.;Graw, Frederik; HCV Spread Kinetics Reveal Varying Contributions of Transmission Modes to Infection Dynamics
Kovacevic, Alexander;Bär, Stefan;Starystach, Sebastian;Elsässer, Michael;van der Locht, Thomas;Mohammadi Motlagh, Aida;Ostermayer, Eva;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Gorenflo, Matthias;Wacker-Gussmann, Annette; Fetal Cardiac Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Does It Affect Parental Counseling?
Zakh, Rami;Churkin, Alexander;Totzeck, Franziska;Parr, Marina;Tuller, Tamir;Etzion, Ohad;Dahari, Harel;Roggendorf, Michael;Frishman, Dmitrij;Barash, Danny; A Mathematical Analysis of HDV Genotypes: From Molecules to Cells
Sellah, Mourad;Kouzou, Abdellah;Mohamed-Seghir, Mostefa;Rezaoui, Mohamed Mounir;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Improved DTC-SVM Based on Input-Output Feedback Linearization Technique Applied on DOEWIM Powered by Two Dual Indirect Matrix Converters
Efremova, Maria;Bodea, Silviu-Vasile;Sigmund, Felix;Semkina, Alevtina;Westmeyer, Gil;Abakumov, Maxim; Genetically Encoded Self-Assembling Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as a Possible Platform for Cancer-Cell Tracking
Mohan, Vishnu;Gaffney, Jean P.;Solomonov, Inna;Levin, Maxim;Klepfish, Mordehay;Akbareian, Sophia;Grünwald, Barbara;Dym, Orly;Eisenstein, Miriam;Yu, Kenneth H.;Kelsen, David P.;Krüger, Achim;Edwards, Dylan R.;Sagi, Irit; Conformation-Specific Inhibitory Anti-MMP-7 Monoclonal Antibody Sensitizes Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells to Chemotherapeutic Cell Kill
Deschler, Sebastian;Kager, Juliane;Erber, Johanna;Fricke, Lisa;Koyumdzhieva, Plamena;Georgieva, Alexandra;Lahmer, Tobias;Wiessner, Johannes R.;Voit, Florian;Schneider, Jochen;Horstmann, Julia;Iakoubov, Roman;Treiber, Matthias;Winter, Christof;Ruland, Jürgen;Busch, Dirk H.;Knolle, Percy A.;Protzer, Ulrike;Spinner, Christoph D.;Schmid, Roland M.;Quante, Michael;Böttcher, Katrin; Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) Cells Are Highly Activated and Functionally Impaired in COVID-19 Patients
Kohlruss, Meike;Ott, Katja;Grosser, Bianca;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Novotny, Alexander;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Schmidt, Thomas;Gaida, Matthias M.;Weichert, Wilko;Keller, Gisela; Sexual Difference Matters: Females with High Microsatellite Instability Show Increased Survival after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer
Weich, Alexander;Werner, Rudolf A.;Buck, Andreas K.;Hartrampf, Philipp E.;Serfling, Sebastian E.;Scheurlen, Michael;Wester, Hans-Jürgen;Meining, Alexander;Kircher, Stefan;Higuchi, Takahiro;Pomper, Martin G.;Rowe, Steven P.;Lapa, Constantin;Kircher, Malte; CXCR4-Directed PET/CT in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Neuroendocrine Carcinomas
Smolle, Elisabeth;Taucher, Valentin;Lindenmann, Joerg;Jost, Philipp J.;Pichler, Martin; Current Knowledge about Mechanisms of Drug Resistance against ALK Inhibitors in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Karlas, Angelos;Nunes, Antonio;Driessen, Wouter;Liapis, Evangelos;Reber, Josefine; Multi-Aspect Optoacoustic Imaging of Breast Tumors under Chemotherapy with Exogenous and Endogenous Contrasts: Focus on Apoptosis and Hypoxia
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;Blinov, Andrey Vladimirovich;Serov, Alexander Vladimirovich;Gvozdenko, Alexey Alekseevich;Kravtsov, Alexander Aleksandrovich;Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich;Raffa, Vladislav Viktorovich;Maglakelidze, David Guramievich;Blinova, Anastasiya Alexandrovna;Kobina, Anna Vitalievna;Golik, Alexey Borisovich;Ibrahim, Salam A.; Effect of Selenium Nanoparticles on Germination of Hordéum Vulgáre Barley Seeds
Sollmann, Nico;Krieg, Sandro M.;Säisänen, Laura;Julkunen, Petro; Mapping of Motor Function with Neuronavigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Review on Clinical Application in Brain Tumors and Methods for Ensuring Feasible Accuracy
Martikyan, Vardan;Beluffi, Camille;Glaser, Steffen J.;Delsuc, Marc-André;Sugny, Dominique; Application of Optimal Control Theory to Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance
Scala, Emanuele;Cacciapuoti, Sara;Garzorz-Stark, Natalie;Megna, Matteo;Marasca, Claudio;Seiringer, Peter;Volz, Thomas;Eyerich, Kilian;Fabbrocini, Gabriella; Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Where We Are and Where We Are Going
Trifan, Adriana;Zengin, Gokhan;Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime;Esslinger, Nils;Grubelnik, Andreas;Wolfram, Evelyn;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna;Minceva, Mirjana;Luca, Simon Vlad; Influence of the Post-Harvest Storage Time on the Multi-Biological Potential, Phenolic and Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Content of Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) Roots Collected from Different European Regions
Robin, Arif Hasan Khan;Irving, Louis John;Crush, Jim;Schnyder, Hans;Lattanzi, Fernando Alfredo;Matthew, Cory; Time Course of Root Axis Elongation and Lateral Root Formation in Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Bühler, Michael Max;Sebald, Christoph;Rechid, Diana;Baier, Eberhard;Michalski, Alexander;Rothstein, Benno;Nübel, Konrad;Metzner, Martin;Schwieger, Volker;Harrs, Jan-Albrecht;Jacob, Daniela;Köhler, Lothar;in het Panhuis, Gunnar;Tejeda, Raymundo C. Rodríguez;Herrmann, Michael;Buziek, Gerd; Application of Copernicus Data for Climate-Relevant Urban Planning Using the Example of Water, Heat, and Vegetation
Kemmner, Stephan;Holzmann-Littig, Christopher;Sandberger, Helene;Bachmann, Quirin;Haberfellner, Flora;Torrez, Carlos;Schmaderer, Christoph;Heemann, Uwe;Renders, Lutz;Assfalg, Volker;El-Achkar, Tarek M.;Garimella, Pranav S.;Scherberich, Jürgen;Steubl, Dominik; Pretransplant Serum Uromodulin and Its Association with Delayed Graft Function Following Kidney Transplantation—A Prospective Cohort Study
Candido, Juliana B.;Maiques, Oscar;Boxberg, Melanie;Kast, Verena;Peerani, Eleonora;Tomás-Bort, Elena;Weichert, Wilko;Sananes, Amiram;Papo, Niv;Magdolen, Viktor;Sanz-Moreno, Victoria;Loessner, Daniela; Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 6 Is Associated with the Tumour Microenvironment of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Rezende, Flávia;Malacarne, Pedro Felipe;Müller, Niklas;Rathkolb, Birgit;Hrabě de Angelis, Martin;Schröder, Katrin;P Brandes, Ralf; Nox4 Maintains Blood Pressure during Low Sodium Diet
Ohlerth, Ann-Katrin;Bastiaanse, Roelien;Negwer, Chiara;Sollmann, Nico;Schramm, Severin;Schröder, Axel;Krieg, Sandro M.; Bihemispheric Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Mapping for Action Naming Compared to Object Naming in Sentence Context
Dai, Xiaoai;Johnson, Brian Alan;Luo, Penglan;Yang, Kai;Dong, Linxin;Wang, Qiang;Liu, Chao;Li, Naiwen;Lu, Heng;Ma, Lei;Yang, Zhengli;Yao, Yuanzhi; Estimation of Urban Ecosystem Services Value: A Case Study of Chengdu, Southwestern China
Blume, Miriam;Rattay, Petra;Hoffmann, Stephanie;Spallek, Jacob;Sander, Lydia;Herr, Raphael;Richter, Matthias;Moor, Irene;Dragano, Nico;Pischke, Claudia;Iashchenko, Iryna;Hövener, Claudia;Wachtler, Benjamin; Health Inequalities in Children and Adolescents: A Scoping Review of the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Family Characteristics
Müller, Günter A.;Lechner, Andreas;Tschöp, Matthias H.;Müller, Timo D.; Interaction of Full-Length Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchored Proteins with Serum Proteins and Their Translocation to Cells In Vitro Depend on the (Pre-)Diabetic State in Rats and Humans
Sollmann, Nico;Rayudu, Nithin Manohar;Yeung, Long Yu;Sekuboyina, Anjany;Burian, Egon;Dieckmeyer, Michael;Löffler, Maximilian T.;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Kirschke, Jan S.;Baum, Thomas;Subburaj, Karupppasamy; MDCT-Based Finite Element Analyses: Are Measurements at the Lumbar Spine Associated with the Biomechanical Strength of Functional Spinal Units of Incidental Osteoporotic Fractures along the Thoracolumbar Spine?
Kardung, Maximilian;Cingiz, Kutay;Costenoble, Ortwin;Delahaye, Roel;Heijman, Wim;Lovrić, Marko;van Leeuwen, Myrna;M’Barek, Robert;van Meijl, Hans;Piotrowski, Stephan;Ronzon, Tévécia;Sauer, Johannes;Verhoog, David;Verkerk, Pieter Johannes;Vrachioli, Maria;Wesseler, Justus H. H.;Zhu, Benz Xinqi; Development of the Circular Bioeconomy: Drivers and Indicators
Luca, Simon Vlad;Gaweł-Bęben, Katarzyna;Strzępek-Gomółka, Marcelina;Czech, Karolina;Trifan, Adriana;Zengin, Gokhan;Korona-Glowniak, Izabela;Minceva, Mirjana;Gertsch, Jürg;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna; Insights into the Phytochemical and Multifunctional Biological Profile of Spices from the Genus Piper
De Luca, Ilenia;Pedram, Parisa;Moeini, Arash;Cerruti, Pierfrancesco;Peluso, Gianfranco;Di Salle, Anna;Germann, Natalie; Nanotechnology Development for Formulating Essential Oils in Wound Dressing Materials to Promote the Wound-Healing Process: A Review
Kabra, Uma D.;Affourtit, Charles;Jastroch, Martin; Respiratory Parameters for the Classification of Dysfunctional Insulin Secretion by Pancreatic Islets
Konukiewitz, Björn;Kasajima, Atsuko;Schmitt, Maxime;Schwamborn, Kristina;Groll, Tanja;Schicktanz, Felix;Delbridge, Claire;Schütze, Lisa Marie;Wilhelm, Dirk;Lang, Corinna;Lange, Sebastian;Foersch, Sebastian;Jank, Paul;Steiger, Katja;Werder, Alexander von;Denkert, Carsten;Weichert, Wilko;Klöppel, Günter;Jesinghaus, Moritz; Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Conventional Colorectal Adenocarcinomas: Incidental Finding or Prognostic Biomarker?
Schmitz-Koep, Benita;Haller, Bernhard;Coupé, Pierrick;Menegaux, Aurore;Gaser, Christian;Zimmer, Claus;Wolke, Dieter;Bartmann, Peter;Sorg, Christian;Hedderich, Dennis M.; Grey and White Matter Volume Changes after Preterm Birth: A Meta-Analytic Approach
Lainšček, Duško;Fink, Tina;Forstnerič, Vida;Hafner-Bratkovič, Iva;Orehek, Sara;Strmšek, Žiga;Manček-Keber, Mateja;Pečan, Peter;Esih, Hana;Malenšek, Špela;Aupič, Jana;Dekleva, Petra;Plaper, Tjaša;Vidmar, Sara;Kadunc, Lucija;Benčina, Mojca;Omersa, Neža;Anderluh, Gregor;Pojer, Florence;Lau, Kelvin;Hacker, David;Correia, Bruno E.;Peterhoff, David;Wagner, Ralf;Bergant, Valter;Herrmann, Alexander;Pichlmair, Andreas;Jerala, Roman; A Nanoscaffolded Spike-RBD Vaccine Provides Protection against SARS-CoV-2 with Minimal Anti-Scaffold Response
Seime, Till;Akbulut, Asim Cengiz;Liljeqvist, Moritz Lindquist;Siika, Antti;Jin, Hong;Winski, Greg;van Gorp, Rick H.;Karlöf, Eva;Lengquist, Mariette;Buckler, Andrew J.;Kronqvist, Malin;Waring, Olivia J.;Lindeman, Jan H. N.;Biessen, Erik A. L.;Maegdefessel, Lars;Razuvaev, Anton;Schurgers, Leon J.;Hedin, Ulf;Matic, Ljubica; Proteoglycan 4 Modulates Osteogenic Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation during Vascular Remodeling and Intimal Calcification
Wennmann, Markus;Hielscher, Thomas;Kintzelé, Laurent;Menze, Bjoern H.;Langs, Georg;Merz, Maximilian;Sauer, Sandra;Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich;Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter;Delorme, Stefan;Goldschmidt, Hartmut;Weinhold, Niels;Hillengass, Jens;Weber, Marc-André; Analyzing Longitudinal wb-MRI Data and Clinical Course in a Cohort of Former Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Patients: Connections between MRI Findings and Clinical Progression Patterns
Segarra, Amelie;Mauduit, Florian;Amer, Nermeen;Biefel, Felix;Hladik, Michelle;Connon, Richard;Brander, Susanne; Salinity Changes the Dynamics of Pyrethroid Toxicity in Terms of Behavioral Effects on Newly Hatched Delta Smelt Larvae
Koch, Christine;Göller, Markus;Schott, Eckart;Waidmann, Oliver;op den Winkel, Mark;Paprottka, Philipp;Zangos, Stephan;Vogl, Thomas;Bechstein, Wolf Otto;Zeuzem, Stefan;Kolligs, Frank T.;Trojan, Jörg; Combination of Sorafenib and Transarterial Chemoembolization in Selected Patients with Advanced-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study at Three German Liver Centers
Heinisch, Paul Philipp;Mihalj, Maks;Huber, Markus;Schefold, Joerg C.;Hartmann, Alexander;Walter, Michael;Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth;Schmidli, Juerg;Stüber, Frank;Räber, Lorenz;Luedi, Markus M; Impact of Lipoprotein(a) Levels on Perioperative Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery
Marschallinger, Robert;Tur, Carmen;Marschallinger, Hannes;Sellner, Johann; A R-Script for Generating Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Pattern Discrimination Plots
Herr, Raphael M.;Diehl, Katharina;Schneider, Sven;Osenbruegge, Nina;Memmer, Nicole;Sachse, Steffi;Hoffmann, Stephanie;Wachtler, Benjamin;Herke, Max;Pischke, Claudia;Novelli, Anna;Hilger-Kolb, Jennifer; Which Meso-Level Characteristics of Early Childhood Education and Care Centers Are Associated with Health, Health Behavior, and Well-Being of Young Children? Findings of a Scoping Review
Holzapfel, Christina;Sag, Sabine;Graf-Schindler, Johanna;Fischer, Marcus;Drabsch, Theresa;Illig, Thomas;Grallert, Harald;Stecher, Lynne;Strack, Christina;Caterson, Ian D.;Jebb, Susan A.;Hauner, Hans;Baessler, Andrea; Association between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Weight Reduction in Behavioural Interventions—A Pooled Analysis
Lalaouna, David;Fochesato, Sylvain;Harir, Mourad;Ortet, Philippe;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Heulin, Thierry;Achouak, Wafa; Amplifying and Fine-Tuning Rsm sRNAs Expression and Stability to Optimize the Survival of Pseudomonas brassicacerum in Nutrient-Poor Environments
Mihalj, Maks;Heinisch, Paul Philipp;Huber, Markus;Schefold, Joerg C.;Hartmann, Alexander;Walter, Michael;Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth;Schmidli, Juerg;Stüber, Frank;Räber, Lorenz;Luedi, Markus M.; Effect of Perioperative Lipid Status on Clinical Outcomes after Cardiac Surgery
Saafan, Hisham;Alahdab, Ahmad;Michelet, Robin;Gohlke, Linus;Ziemann, Janine;Holdenrieder, Stefan;McLaughlin, Katie-May;Wass, Mark N.;Cinatl, Jindrich, Jr.;Michaelis, Martin;Kloft, Charlotte;Ritter, Christoph A; Constitutive Cell Proliferation Regulating Inhibitor of Protein Phosphatase 2A (CIP2A) Mediates Drug Resistance to Erlotinib in an EGFR Activating Mutated NSCLC Cell Line
Kheimar, Ahmed;Klinger, Romina;Bertzbach, Luca D.;Sid, Hicham;Yu, You;Conradie, Andelé M.;Schade, Benjamin;Böhm, Brigitte;Preisinger, Rudolf;Nair, Venugopal;Kaufer, Benedikt B.;Schusser, Benjamin; A Genetically Engineered Commercial Chicken Line Is Resistant to Highly Pathogenic Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J
Rudolf, Eva Esther;Hüther, Patrick;Forné, Ignasi;Georgii, Elisabeth;Han, Yongtao;Hell, Rüdiger;Wirtz, Markus;Imhof, Axel;Becker, Claude;Durner, Jörg;Lindermayr, Christian; GSNOR Contributes to Demethylation and Expression of Transposable Elements and Stress-Responsive Genes
Trifan, Adriana;Bostănaru, Andra-Cristina;Luca, Simon Vlad;Temml, Veronika;Akram, Muhammad;Herdlinger, Sonja;Kulinowski, Łukasz;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna;Granica, Sebastian;Czerwińska, Monika E.;Kruk, Aleksandra;Greige-Gerges, Hélène;Mareș, Mihai;Schuster, Daniela; Honokiol and Magnolol: Insights into Their Antidermatophytic Effects
Peeken, Jan C.;Neumann, Jan;Asadpour, Rebecca;Leonhardt, Yannik;Moreira, Joao R.;Hippe, Daniel S.;Klymenko, Olena;Foreman, Sarah C.;von Schacky, Claudio E.;Spraker, Matthew B.;Schaub, Stephanie K.;Dapper, Hendrik;Knebel, Carolin;Mayr, Nina A.;Woodruff, Henry C.;Lambin, Philippe;Nyflot, Matthew J.;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Combs, Stephanie E.; Prognostic Assessment in High-Grade Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Patients: A Comparison of Semantic Image Analysis and Radiomics
Fekkak, Bouazza;Merzouk, Mustapha;Kouzou, Abdallah;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed;Zakane, Ahmed;Mohamed-Seghir, Mostefa; Comparative Study of Experimentally Measured and Calculated Solar Radiations for Two Sites in Algeria
Van Damme, Inge;Trevisan, Chiara;Mwape, Kabemba;Schmidt, Veronika;Magnussen, Pascal;Zulu, Gideon;Mubanga, Chishimba;Stelzle, Dominik;Bottieau, Emmanuel;Abatih, Emmanuel;Phiri, Isaac;Johansen, Maria;Chabala, Chishala;Winkler, Andrea;Dorny, Pierre;Gabriël, Sarah;; Trial Design for a Diagnostic Accuracy Study of a Point-of-Care Test for the Detection of Taenia solium Taeniosis and (Neuro)Cysticercosis in Community Settings of Highly Endemic, Resource-Poor Areas in Zambia: Challenges and Rationale
Born, Jannis;Wiedemann, Nina;Cossio, Manuel;Buhre, Charlotte;Brändle, Gabriel;Leidermann, Konstantin;Goulet, Julie;Aujayeb, Avinash;Moor, Michael;Rieck, Bastian;Borgwardt, Karsten; Accelerating Detection of Lung Pathologies with Explainable Ultrasound Image Analysis
Parise, Doglas;Teixeira Dornelles Parise, Mariana;Pinto Gomide, Anne Cybelle;Figueira Aburjaile, Flávia;Bentes Kato, Rodrigo;Salgado-Albarrán, Marisol;Tauch, Andreas;Ariston de Carvalho Azevedo, Vasco;Baumbach, Jan; The Transcriptional Regulatory Network of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
Feng, Bohai;Wang, Kai;Herpel, Esther;Plath, Michaela;Weichert, Wilko;Freier, Kolja;Zaoui, Karim;Hess, Jochen; Prognostic Gene Signature for Squamous Cell Carcinoma with a Higher Risk for Treatment Failure and Accelerated MEK-ERK Pathway Activity
Ruf, Wolfgang P.;Freischmidt, Axel;Grozdanov, Veselin;Roth, Valerie;Brockmann, Sarah J.;Mollenhauer, Brit;Martin, Dorothea;Haslinger, Bernhard;Fundel-Clemens, Katrin;Otto, Markus;Arnim, Christine von;Holzmann, Karlheinz;Ludolph, Albert C.;Weishaupt, Jochen H.;Danzer, Karin M.; Protein Binding Partners of Dysregulated miRNAs in Parkinson’s Disease Serum
Corso, Martina;Menchón, Rodrigo E.;Piquero-Zulaica, Ignacio;Vilas-Varela, Manuel;Ortega, J. Enrique;Peña, Diego;Garcia-Lekue, Aran;de Oteyza, Dimas G.; Band Structure and Energy Level Alignment of Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons on Silver Surfaces
Jaensch, Andrea;Schöttker, Ben;Schmucker, Roman;Koenig, Wolfgang;Brenner, Hermann;Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Prevalence and Prognostic Value of Psychological Stress Events in Patients with First Myocardial Infarction—Long-Term Follow-Up Study
Feindor, Martin;Heath, Matthew D.;Hewings, Simon J.;Carreno Velazquez, Thalia L.;Blank, Simon;Grosch, Johannes;Jakob, Thilo;Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter;Klimek, Ludger;Golden, David B. K.;Skinner, Murray A.;Kramer, Matthias F.; Venom Immunotherapy: From Proteins to Product to Patient Protection
Heiser, Clemens;Steffen, Armin;Hofauer, Benedikt;Mehra, Reena;Strollo, Patrick J., Jr.;Vanderveken, Olivier M.;Maurer, Joachim T.; Effect of Upper Airway Stimulation in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (EFFECT): A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial
Siafis, Spyridon;Rodolico, Alessandro;Çıray, Oğulcan;Murphy, Declan G.;Parellada, Mara;Arango, Celso;Leucht, Stefan; Imputing the Number of Responders from the Mean and Standard Deviation of CGI-Improvement in Clinical Trials Investigating Medications for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Freiwald, Jürgen;Magni, Alberto;Fanlo-Mazas, Pablo;Paulino, Ema;Sequeira de Medeiros, Luís;Moretti, Biagio;Schleip, Robert;Solarino, Giuseppe; A Role for Superficial Heat Therapy in the Management of Non-Specific, Mild-to-Moderate Low Back Pain in Current Clinical Practice: A Narrative Review
Maurer, Susanne J.;Bauer, Ulrike M. M.;Baumgartner, Helmut;Uebing, Anselm;Walther, Claudia;Tutarel, Oktay; Acquired Comorbidities in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: An Analysis of the German National Register for Congenital Heart Defects
Harsányi, Endre;Bashir, Bashar;Almhamad, Gafar;Hijazi, Omar;Maze, Mona;Elbeltagi, Ahmed;Alsalman, Abdullah;Enaruvbe, Glory O.;Mohammed, Safwan;Szabó, Szilárd; GHGs Emission from the Agricultural Sector within EU-28: A Multivariate Analysis Approach
Ravil Dorozhinskii; POP and ChEESE - The Audit of SeisSol for Computational Earthquake Simulations with GPU-Aware MPI Communication for Local Time Stepping
Steel, Harriet;Brüningk, Sarah C.;Box, Carol;Oelfke, Uwe;Bartzsch, Stefan H.; Quantification of Differential Response of Tumour and Normal Cells to Microbeam Radiation in the Absence of FLASH Effects
Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Bonnefond, Mathieu;Bonthoux, Sebastien;Legay, Nicolas;Greulich, Sabine;Robert, Amélie;Rotgé, Vincent;Serrano, José;Cao, Yixin;Bala, Raita;Vazha, Alvin;Tharme, Rebecca E.;Wantzen, Karl M.; Human–River Encounter Sites: Looking for Harmony between Humans and Nature in Cities
Mubanga, Chishimba;Trevisan, Chiara;Van Damme, Inge;Schmidt, Veronika;Phiri, Isaac K.;Zulu, Gideon;Noh, John;Handali, Sukwan;Mambo, Richard;Chembensofu, Mwelwa;Masuku, Maxwell;Reynders, Dries;Jansen, Famke;Bottieau, Emmanuel;Magnussen, Pascal;Winkler, Andrea S.;Dorny, Pierre;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Gabriel, Sarah; Challenges Encountered When Evaluating an Antibody-Detecting Point-of-Care Test for Taeniosis in an Endemic Community in Zambia: A Prospective Diagnostic Accuracy Study
Mubanga, Chishimba;Van Damme, Inge;Trevisan, Chiara;Schmidt, Veronika;Phiri, Isaac K.;Zulu, Gideon;Noh, John;Handali, Sukwan;Mambo, Richard;Chembensofu, Mwelwa;Masuku, Maxwell;Reynders, Dries;Jansen, Famke;Bottieau, Emmanuel;Magnussen, Pascal;Winkler, Andrea S.;Dorny, Pierre;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Gabriël, Sarah; Evaluation of an Antibody Detecting Point of Care Test for Diagnosis of Taenia solium Cysticercosis in a Zambian Rural Community: A Prospective Diagnostic Accuracy Study
Rehm, Martin;Büchele, Gisela;Brenner, Rolf Erwin;Günther, Klaus-Peter;Brenner, Hermann;Koenig, Wolfgang;Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Repeated Measurements of Cardiac Troponin T and N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide to Assess Long-Term Mortality Risk in Subjects with Osteoarthritis
Schuren, A.B.C.;Boer, I.G.J.;Bouma, E.M.;Van de Weijer, M.L.;Costa, A.I.;Hubel, P.;Pichlmair, A.;Lebbink, R.J.;Wiertz, E.J.H.J.; The UFM1 Pathway Impacts HCMV US2-Mediated Degradation of HLA Class I
Gómez-Morales, María;Pezzotti, Patrizio;Ludovisi, Alessandra;Boufana, Belgees;Dorny, Pierre;Kortbeek, Titia;Blocher, Joachim;Schmidt, Veronika;Amati, Marco;Gabriël, Sarah;Pozio, Edoardo;Winkler, Andrea;Participants, The; Collaborative Studies for the Detection of Taenia spp. Infections in Humans within CYSTINET, the European Network on Taeniosis/Cysticercosis
Gencer, Selin;Döring, Yvonne;Jansen, Yvonne;Bayasgalan, Soyolmaa;Schengel, Olga;Müller, Madeleine;Peters, Linsey J. F.;Weber, Christian;van der Vorst, Emiel P. C.; Adipocyte-Specific ACKR3 Regulates Lipid Levels in Adipose Tissue
Zamboglou, Constantinos;Spohn, Simon K. B.;Adebahr, Sonja;Huber, Maria;Kirste, Simon;Sprave, Tanja;Gratzke, Christian;Chen, Ronald C.;Carl, Ernst Günther;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Mix, Michael;Benndorf, Matthias;Wiegel, Thomas;Baltas, Dimos;Jenkner, Carolin;Grosu, Anca L.; PSMA-PET/MRI-Based Focal Dose Escalation in Patients with Primary Prostate Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (HypoFocal-SBRT): Study Protocol of a Randomized, Multicentric Phase III Trial
Carreca, Anna Paola;Pravatà, Veronica Maria;D’Apolito, Danilo;Bonelli, Simone;Calligaris, Matteo;Monaca, Elisa;Müller, Stephan A.;Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.;Scilabra, Simone Dario; Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Changes Induced by TIMP-3 on Cell Membrane Composition and Novel Metalloprotease Substrates
Madhavan, Bindhu K.;Han, Zhe;Singh, Bishal;Bordt, Nico;Kaymak, Serap;Bandapalli, Obul Reddy;Kihm, Lars;Shahzad, Khurrum;Isermann, Berend;Herzig, Stephan;Nawroth, Peter;Kumar, Varun; Elevated Expression of the RAGE Variant-V in SCLC Mitigates the Effect of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
Pritsch, Michael;Radon, Katja;Bakuli, Abhishek;Le Gleut, Ronan;Olbrich, Laura;Guggenbüehl Noller, Jessica;Saathoff, Elmar;Castelletti, Noemi;Garí, Mercè;Pütz, Peter;Schälte, Yannik;Frahnow, Turid;Wölfel, Roman;Rothe, Camilla;Pletschette, Michel;Metaxa, Dafni;Forster, Felix;Thiel, Verena;Rieß, Friedrich;Diefenbach, Maximilian;Fröschl, Günter;Bruger, Jan;Winter, Simon;Frese, Jonathan;Puchinger, Kerstin;Brand, Isabel;Kroidl, Inge;Hasenauer, Jan;Fuchs, Christiane;Wieser, Andreas;Hoelscher, Michael;; Prevalence and Risk Factors of Infection in the Representative COVID-19 Cohort Munich
Bo, Antonio P. L.;Casas, Leslie;Cucho-Padin, Gonzalo;Hayashibe, Mitsuhiro;Elias, Dante; Control Strategies for Gait Tele-Rehabilitation System Based on Parallel Robotics
Berthold, Daniel P.;Morikawa, Daichi;Muench, Lukas N.;Baldino, Joshua B.;Cote, Mark P.;Creighton, R. Alexander;Denard, Patrick J.;Gobezie, Reuben;Lederman, Evan;Romeo, Anthony A.;Beitzel, Knut;Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Negligible Correlation between Radiographic Measurements and Clinical Outcomes in Patients Following Primary Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Grueters, Uwe;Ibrahim, Mohd Rodila;Schmidt, Hartmut;Tiebel, Katharina;Horn, Hendrik;Pranchai, Aor;Vovides, Alejandra G.;Vogt, Juliane;Otero, Viviana;Satyanarayana, Behara;Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid; Stable Coexistence in a Field-Calibrated Individual-Based Model of Mangrove Forest Dynamics Caused by Inter-Specific Crown Plasticity
Just, Katja S.;Scholl, Catharina;Boehme, Miriam;Kastenmüller, Kathrin;Just, Johannes M.;Bleckwenn, Markus;Holdenrieder, Stefan;Meier, Florian;Weckbecker, Klaus;Stingl, Julia C.; Individualized versus Standardized Risk Assessment in Patients at High Risk for Adverse Drug Reactions (The IDrug Randomized Controlled Trial)–Never Change a Running System?
Kalimeri, Maria;Totman, John J.;Baum, Thomas;Diefenbach, Maximilian N.;Hauner, Hans;Makowski, Marcus R.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Cameron-Smith, David;Henry, Christiani Jeyakumar;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Junker, Daniela; Postmenopausal Chinese-Singaporean Women Have a Higher Ratio of Visceral to Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Volume than Caucasian Women of the Same Age and BMI
Trifan, Adriana;Luca, Simon Vlad;Bostănaru, Andra-Cristina;Brebu, Mihai;Jităreanu, Alexandra;Cristina, Romeo-Teodor;Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna;Granica, Sebastian;Czerwińska, Monika E.;Kruk, Aleksandra;Greige-Gerges, Hélène;Sieniawska, Elwira;Mareș, Mihai; Apiaceae Essential Oils: Boosters of Terbinafine Activity against Dermatophytes and Potent Anti-Inflammatory Effectors
Sinhorim, Larissa;Amorim, Mayane dos Santos;Ortiz, Maria Eugênia;Bittencourt, Edsel Balduino;Bianco, Gianluca;da Silva, Fabiana Cristina;Horewicz, Verônica Vargas;Schleip, Robert;Reed, William R.;Mazzardo-Martins, Leidiane;Martins, Daniel F.; Potential Nociceptive Role of the Thoracolumbar Fascia: A Scope Review Involving In Vivo and Ex Vivo Studies
Abboud, Tammam;Asendorf, Thomas;Heinrich, Jutta;Faust, Katharina;Krieg, Sandro M.;Seidel, Kathleen;Mielke, Dorothee;Matthies, Cordola;Ringel, Florian;Rohde, Veit;Szelényi, Andrea; Transcranial versus Direct Cortical Stimulation for Motor-Evoked Potentials during Resection of Supratentorial Tumors under General Anesthesia (The TRANSEKT-Trial): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Gomez-Zapata, Juan;Parrado, Cristhian;Frimberger, Theresa;Barragán-Ochoa, Fernando;Brill, Fabio;Büche, Kerstin;Krautblatter, Michael;Langbein, Michael;Pittore, Massimiliano;Rosero-Velásquez, Hugo;Schoepfer, Elisabeth;Spahn, Harald;Zapata-Tapia, Camilo; Community Perception and Communication of Volcanic Risk from the Cotopaxi Volcano in Latacunga, Ecuador
Bartsch, Katja Martina;Baumgart, Christian;Freiwald, Jürgen;Wilke, Jan;Slomka, Gunda;Turnhöfer, Sascha;Egner, Christoph;Hoppe, Matthias W.;Klingler, Werner;Schleip, Robert; Expert Consensus on the Contraindications and Cautions of Foam Rolling—An International Delphi Study
Mukha, Iuliia;Chepurna, Oksana;Vityuk, Nadiia;Khodko, Alina;Storozhuk, Liudmyla;Dzhagan, Volodymyr;Zahn, Dietrich R.T.;Ntziachristos, Vasilis;Chmyrov, Andriy;Ohulchanskyy, Tymish Y.; Multifunctional Magneto-Plasmonic Fe3O4/Au Nanocomposites: Approaching Magnetophoretically-Enhanced Photothermal Therapy
Kader, Avan;Brangsch, Julia;Reimann, Carolin;Kaufmann, Jan O.;Mangarova, Dilyana B.;Moeckel, Jana;Adams, Lisa C.;Zhao, Jing;Saatz, Jessica;Traub, Heike;Buchholz, Rebecca;Karst, Uwe;Hamm, Bernd;Makowski, Marcus R.; Visualization and Quantification of the Extracellular Matrix in Prostate Cancer Using an Elastin Specific Molecular Probe
Yudintceva, Natalia;Lomert, Ekaterina;Mikhailova, Natalia;Tolkunova, Elena;Agadzhanian, Nikol;Samochernych, Konstantin;Multhoff, Gabriele;Timin, Grigoriy;Ryzhov, Vyacheslav;Deriglazov, Vladimir;Mazur, Anton;Shevtsov, Maxim; Targeting Brain Tumors with Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Experimental Model of the Orthotopic Glioblastoma in Rats
Betzler, Alexander M.;Nanduri, Lahiri K.;Hissa, Barbara;Blickensdörfer, Linda;Muders, Michael H.;Roy, Janine;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Steiger, Katja;Weichert, Wilko;Kloor, Matthias;Klink, Barbara;Schroeder, Michael;Mazzone, Massimiliano;Weitz, Jürgen;Reissfelder, Christoph;Rahbari, Nuh N.;Schölch, Sebastian; Differential Effects of Trp53 Alterations in Murine Colorectal Cancer
Navarro, Fernando;Dapper, Hendrik;Asadpour, Rebecca;Knebel, Carolin;Spraker, Matthew B.;Schwarze, Vincent;Schaub, Stephanie K.;Mayr, Nina A.;Specht, Katja;Woodruff, Henry C.;Lambin, Philippe;Gersing, Alexandra S.;Nyflot, Matthew J.;Menze, Bjoern H.;Combs, Stephanie E.;Peeken, Jan C.; Development and External Validation of Deep-Learning-Based Tumor Grading Models in Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Patients Using MR Imaging
Poelaert, Brittany J.;Knoche, Shelby M.;Larson, Alaina C.;Pandey, Poomy;Seshacharyulu, Parthasarathy;Khan, Nuzhat;Maurer, H. Carlo;Olive, Kenneth P.;Sheinin, Yuri;Ahmad, Rizwan;Singh, Amar B.;Batra, Surinder K.;Rachagani, Satyanarayana;Solheim, Joyce C.; Amyloid Precursor-like Protein 2 Expression Increases during Pancreatic Cancer Development and Shortens the Survival of a Spontaneous Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer
Weusthof, Katharina;Lüttich, Peggy;Regnery, Sebastian;König, Laila;Bernhardt, Denise;Witt, Olaf;Herfarth, Klaus;Unterberg, Andreas;Jungk, Christine;Farnia, Benjamin;Combs, Stephanie E.;Debus, Jürgen;Rieken, Stefan;Harrabi, Semi;Adeberg, Sebastian; Neurocognitive Outcomes in Pediatric Patients Following Brain Irradiation
Johar, Hamimatunnisa;Spieler, Derek;Bidlingmaier, Martin;Herder, Christian;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Koenig, Wolfgang;Peters, Annette;Kruse, Johannes;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Chronic Inflammation Mediates the Association between Cortisol and Hyperglycemia: Findings from the Cross-Sectional Population-Based KORA Age Study
Heeger, Felix;Bourne, Elizabeth C.;Wurzbacher, Christian;Funke, Elisabeth;Lipzen, Anna;He, Guifen;Ng, Vivian;Grigoriev, Igor V.;Schlosser, Dietmar;Monaghan, Michael T.; Evidence for Lignocellulose-Decomposing Enzymes in the Genome and Transcriptome of the Aquatic Hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica
Grosch, Johannes;Eberlein, Bernadette;Waldherr, Sebastian;Pascal, Mariona;San Bartolomé, Clara;De La Roca Pinzón, Federico;Dittmar, Michael;Hilger, Christiane;Ollert, Markus;Biedermann, Tilo;Darsow, Ulf;Bilò, Maria Beatrice;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Blank, Simon; Characterization of New Allergens from the Venom of the European Paper Wasp Polistes dominula
Gassmann, Hendrik;Schneider, Kira;Evdokimova, Valentina;Ruzanov, Peter;Schober, Sebastian J.;Xue, Busheng;von Heyking, Kristina;Thiede, Melanie;Richter, Guenther H. S.;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Noessner, Elfriede;Stein, Lincoln D.;Sorensen, Poul H.;Burdach, Stefan E. G.;Thiel, Uwe; Ewing Sarcoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Impair Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function
Gareev, Kamil G.;Grouzdev, Denis S.;Kharitonskii, Peter V.;Kirilenko, Demid A.;Kosterov, Andrei;Koziaeva, Veronika V.;Levitskii, Vladimir S.;Multhoff, Gabriele;Nepomnyashchaya, Elina K.;Nikitin, Andrey V.;Nikitina, Anastasia;Sergienko, Elena S.;Sukharzhevskii, Stanislav M.;Terukov, Evgeniy I.;Trushlyakova, Valentina V.;Shevtsov, Maxim; Magnetic Properties of Bacterial Magnetosomes Produced by Magnetospirillum caucaseum SO-1
Alushi, Brunilda;Jost-Brinkmann, Fabian;Kastrati, Adnan;Cassese, Salvatore;Fusaro, Massimiliano;Stangl, Karl;Landmesser, Ulf;Thiele, Holger;Lauten, Alexander; High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T in Patients with Severe Chronic Kidney Disease and Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome
Trevisan, Chiara;Damme, Inge;Ngowi, Bernard;Schmidt, Veronika;Stelzle, Dominik;Møller, Karen;Kabululu, Mwemezi;Makasi, Charles;Magnussen, Pascal;Bottieau, Emmanuel;Abatih, Emmanuel;Johansen, Maria;Ngowi, Helena;Ndawi, Benedict;Mwape, Kabemba;Zulu, Gideon;Dorny, Pierre;Winkler, Andrea;Gabriël, Sarah;; Trial Design of a Prospective Multicenter Diagnostic Accuracy Study of a Point-of-Care Test for the Detection of Taenia solium Taeniosis and Neurocysticercosis in Hospital-Based Settings in Tanzania
Neiburga, Katrīna;Vilne, Baiba;Bauer, Sabine;Bongiovanni, Dario;Ziegler, Tilman;Lachmann, Mark;Wengert, Simon;Hawe, Johann;Güldener, Ulrich;Westerlund, Annie;Li, Ling;Pang, Shichao;Yang, Chuhua;Saar, Kathrin;Huebner, Norbert;Maegdefessel, Lars;DigiMed Bayern Consortium;Lange, Rüdiger;Krane, Markus;Schunkert, Heribert;von Scheidt, Moritz; Vascular Tissue Specific miRNA Profiles Reveal Novel Correlations with Risk Factors in Coronary Artery Disease
Romano, Mariele;Bravin, Alberto;Mittone, Alberto;Eckhardt, Alicia;Barbone, Giacomo E.;Sancey, Lucie;Dinkel, Julien;Bartzsch, Stefan;Ricke, Jens;Alunni-Fabbroni, Marianna;Hirner-Eppeneder, Heidrun;Karpov, Dmitry;Giannini, Cinzia;Bunk, Oliver;Bouchet, Audrey;Ruf, Viktoria;Giese, Armin;Coan, Paola; A Multi-Scale and Multi-Technique Approach for the Characterization of the Effects of Spatially Fractionated X-ray Radiation Therapies in a Preclinical Model
Möckel, Jana;Brangsch, Julia;Reimann, Carolin;Kaufmann, Jan O.;Sack, Ingolf;Mangarova, Dilyana B.;Kader, Avan;Taupitz, Matthias;Adams, Lisa C.;Keller, Sarah;Ludwig, Antje;Hamm, Bernd;Botnar, Rene M.;Makowski, Marcus R.; Assessment of Albumin ECM Accumulation and Inflammation as Novel In Vivo Diagnostic Targets for Multi-Target MR Imaging
Key, Jana;Torres-Odio, Sylvia;Bach, Nina C.;Gispert, Suzana;Koepf, Gabriele;Reichlmeir, Marina;West, A. Phillip;Prokisch, Holger;Freisinger, Peter;Newman, William G.;Shalev, Stavit;Sieber, Stephan A.;Wittig, Ilka;Auburger, Georg; Inactivity of Peptidase ClpP Causes Primary Accumulation of Mitochondrial Disaggregase ClpX with Its Interacting Nucleoid Proteins, and of mtDNA
Gulde, Sebastian;Wiedemann, Tobias;Schillmaier, Mathias;Valença, Isabel;Lupp, Amelie;Steiger, Katja;Yen, Hsi-Yu;Bäuerle, Stephen;Notni, Johannes;Luque, Raul;Schmid, Herbert;Schulz, Stefan;Ankerst, Donna P.;Schilling, Franz;Pellegata, Natalia S.; Gender-Specific Efficacy Revealed by Head-to-Head Comparison of Pasireotide and Octreotide in a Representative In Vivo Model of Nonfunctioning Pituitary Tumors
Vermehren-Schmaedick, Anke;Huang, Jeffrey Y.;Levinson, Madison;Pomaville, Matthew B.;Reed, Sarah;Bellus, Gary A.;Gilbert, Fred;Keren, Boris;Heron, Delphine;Haye, Damien;Janello, Christine;Makowski, Christine;Danhauser, Katharina;Fedorov, Lev M.;Haack, Tobias B.;Wright, Kevin M.;Cohen, Michael S.; Characterization of PARP6 Function in Knockout Mice and Patients with Developmental Delay
Röhling, Martin;Stensitzky, Andrea;Oliveira, Camila;Beck, Andrea;Braumann, Klaus;Halle, Martin;Führer-Sakel, Dagmar;Kempf, Kerstin;McCarthy, David;Predel, Hans;Schenkenberger, Isabelle;Toplak, Hermann;Berg, Aloys; Effects of a Protein-Rich, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement on Changes in Dietary Intake and Body Weight Following a Weight-Management Intervention—The ACOORH Trial
Nawaz, Asad;Li, Enpeng;Khalifa, Ibrahim;Walayat, Noman;Liu, Jianhua;Nilofar;Muhammad Ahsan, Hafiz;Irshad, Sana;Barakat, Hassan;Lorenzo, José M.;Pateiro, Mirian;Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;Inam-Ur-Raheem, Muhammad; Effect of Structurally Different Pectin on Dough Rheology, Structure, Pasting and Water Distribution Properties of Partially Meat-Based Sugar Snap Cookies
Ho, Cheng-Hsuan;Chiang, Liao-Chun;Mao, Yan-Chiao;Lan, Kuo-Cheng;Tsai, Shih-Hung;Shih, Yu-Jen;Tzeng, Yuan-Sheng;Lin, Chin-Sheng;Lin, Wen-Loung;Fang, Wei-Hsuan;Chen, Kuang-Ting;Lee, Chi-Hsin;Chiang, Dapi Meng-Lin;Liu, Shing-Hwa; Analysis of the Necrosis-Inducing Components of the Venom of Naja atra and Assessment of the Neutralization Ability of Freeze-Dried Antivenom
Förster, Franziska;Luppa, Melanie;Pabst, Alexander;Heser, Kathrin;Kleineidam, Luca;Fuchs, Angela;Pentzek, Michael;Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna;van der Leeden, Carolin;Hajek, André;König, Hans-Helmut;Oey, Anke;Wiese, Birgitt;Mösch, Edelgard;Weeg, Dagmar;Weyerer, Siegfried;Werle, Jochen;Maier, Wolfgang;Scherer, Martin;Wagner, Michael;Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; The Role of Social Isolation and the Development of Depression. A Comparison of the Widowed and Married Oldest Old in Germany
Kempf, Kerstin;Röhling, Martin;Banzer, Winfried;Braumann, Klaus Michael;Halle, Martin;McCarthy, David;Predel, Hans Georg;Schenkenberger, Isabelle;Tan, Susanne;Toplak, Hermann;Berg, Aloys;Martin, Stephan;; High-Protein, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement Decreases Fasting Insulin and Inflammation Markers—A 12-Month Subanalysis of the ACOORH Trial
Kakoulidou, Ioanna;Avramidou, Evangelia V.;Baránek, Miroslav;Brunel-Muguet, Sophie;Farrona, Sara;Johannes, Frank;Kaiserli, Eirini;Lieberman-Lazarovich, Michal;Martinelli, Federico;Mladenov, Velimir;Testillano, Pilar S.;Vassileva, Valya;Maury, Stéphane; Epigenetics for Crop Improvement in Times of Global Change
Laban, Hebatullah;Siegmund, Sophia;Zappe, Maren;Trogisch, Felix A.;Heineke, Jörg;Torre, Carolina De La;Fisslthaler, Beate;Arnold, Caroline;Lauryn, Jonathan;Büttner, Michael;Mogler, Carolin;Kato, Katsuhiro;Adams, Ralf H.;Kuk, Hanna;Fischer, Andreas;Hecker, Markus;Kuebler, Wolfgang M.;Korff, Thomas; NFAT5/TonEBP Limits Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in the Hypoxic Lung by Controlling Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Generation in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells
Meintrup, David;Borgmann, Stefan;Seidl, Karlheinz;Stecher, Melanie;Jakob, Carolin E. M.;Pilgram, Lisa;Spinner, Christoph D.;Rieg, Siegbert;Isberner, Nora;Hower, Martin;Vehreschild, Maria;Göpel, Siri;Hanses, Frank;Nowak-Machen, Martina; Specific Risk Factors for Fatal Outcome in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: Results from a European Multicenter Study
Li, Wei Bo;Stangl, Stefan;Klapproth, Alexander;Shevtsov, Maxim;Hernandez, Alicia;Kimm, Melanie A.;Schuemann, Jan;Qiu, Rui;Michalke, Bernhard;Bernal, Mario A.;Li, Junli;Hürkamp, Kerstin;Zhang, Yibao;Multhoff, Gabriele; Application of High-Z Gold Nanoparticles in Targeted Cancer Radiotherapy—Pharmacokinetic Modeling, Monte Carlo Simulation and Radiobiological Effect Modeling
Hartung, Suzanne L.;Mandonnet, Emmanuel;de Witt Hamer, Philip;Klein, Martin;Wager, Michel;Rech, Fabien;Pallud, Johan;Pessanha Viegas, Catarina;Ille, Sebastian;Krieg, Sandro M.;Robe, Pierre A.;van Zandvoort, Martine J. E.; Impaired Set-Shifting from Dorsal Stream Disconnection: Insights from a European Series of Right Parietal Lower-Grade Glioma Resection
Schwab, Melissa;Thunborg, Katharina;Azimzadeh, Omid;von Toerne, Christine;Werner, Caroline;Shevtsov, Maxim;Di Genio, Tommaso;Zdralevic, Masa;Pouyssegur, Jacques;Renner, Kathrin;Kreutz, Marina;Multhoff, Gabriele; Targeting Cancer Metabolism Breaks Radioresistance by Impairing the Stress Response
Wagner-Drouet, Eva;Teschner, Daniel;Wolschke, Christine;Schäfer-Eckart, Kerstin;Gärtner, Johannes;Mielke, Stephan;Schreder, Martin;Kobbe, Guido;Hilgendorf, Inken;Klein, Stefan;Verbeek, Mareike;Ditschkowski, Markus;Koch, Martina;Lindemann, Monika;Schmidt, Traudel;Rascle, Anne;Barabas, Sascha;Deml, Ludwig;Wagner, Ralf;Wolff, Daniel; Comparison of Cytomegalovirus-Specific Immune Cell Response to Proteins versus Peptides Using an IFN-γ ELISpot Assay after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Ocskay, Klementina;Tomescu, Dana;Faltlhauser, Andreas;Jacob, David;Friesecke, Sigrun;Malbrain, Manu;Kogelmann, Klaus;Bogdanski, Ralph;Bach, Friedhelm;Fritz, Harald;Hartjes, Andreas;Kortgen, Andreas;Soukup, Jens;Utzolino, Stefan;van Tellingen, Martijn;Träger, Karl;Schumacher, Ulrike;Brunkhorst, Frank M.;Molnar, Zsolt; Hemoadsorption in ‘Liver Indication’—Analysis of 109 Patients’ Data from the CytoSorb International Registry
Trastulli, Stefano;Desiderio, Jacopo;Lin, Jian-Xian;Reim, Daniel;Zheng, Chao-Hui;Borghi, Felice;Cianchi, Fabio;Norero, Enrique;Nguyen, Ninh T.;Qi, Feng;Coratti, Andrea;Cesari, Maurizio;Bazzocchi, Francesca;Alimoglu, Orhan;Brower, Steven T.;Pernazza, Graziano;D’Imporzano, Simone;Azagra, Juan-Santiago;Zhou, Yan-Bing;Cao, Shou-Gen;Garofoli, Eleonora;Mosillo, Claudia;Guerra, Francesco;Liu, Tong;Arcuri, Giacomo;González, Paulina;Staderini, Fabio;Marano, Alessandra;Terrenato, Irene;D’Andrea, Vito;Bracarda, Sergio;Huang, Chang-Ming;Parisi, Amilcare; Laparoscopic Compared with Open D2 Gastrectomy on Perioperative and Long-Term, Stage-Stratified Oncological Outcomes for Gastric Cancer: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of the IMIGASTRIC Database
Nettelbeck, Dirk M.;Leber, Mathias F.;Altomonte, Jennifer;Angelova, Assia;Beil, Julia;Berchtold, Susanne;Delic, Maike;Eberle, Jürgen;Ehrhardt, Anja;Engeland, Christine E.;Fechner, Henry;Geletneky, Karsten;Goepfert, Katrin;Holm, Per Sonne;Kochanek, Stefan;Kreppel, Florian;Krutzke, Lea;Kühnel, Florian;Lang, Karl Sebastian;Marchini, Antonio;Moehler, Markus;Mühlebach, Michael D.;Naumann, Ulrike;Nawroth, Roman;Nüesch, Jürg;Rommelaere, Jean;Lauer, Ulrich M.;Ungerechts, Guy; Virotherapy in Germany—Recent Activities in Virus Engineering, Preclinical Development, and Clinical Studies
Schischlevskij, Pavel;Cordts, Isabell;Günther, René;Stolte, Benjamin;Zeller, Daniel;Schröter, Carsten;Weyen, Ute;Regensburger, Martin;Wolf, Joachim;Schneider, Ilka;Hermann, Andreas;Metelmann, Moritz;Kohl, Zacharias;Linker, Ralf A.;Koch, Jan Christoph;Stendel, Claudia;Müschen, Lars H.;Osmanovic, Alma;Binz, Camilla;Klopstock, Thomas;Dorst, Johannes;Ludolph, Albert C.;Boentert, Matthias;Hagenacker, Tim;Deschauer, Marcus;Lingor, Paul;Petri, Susanne;Schreiber-Katz, Olivia; Informal Caregiving in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): A High Caregiver Burden and Drastic Consequences on Caregivers’ Lives
Peseschkian, Tara;Cordts, Isabell;Günther, René;Stolte, Benjamin;Zeller, Daniel;Schröter, Carsten;Weyen, Ute;Regensburger, Martin;Wolf, Joachim;Schneider, Ilka;Hermann, Andreas;Metelmann, Moritz;Kohl, Zacharias;Linker, Ralf A.;Koch, Jan Christoph;Büchner, Boriana;Weiland, Ulrike;Schönfelder, Erik;Heinrich, Felix;Osmanovic, Alma;Klopstock, Thomas;Dorst, Johannes;Ludolph, Albert C.;Boentert, Matthias;Hagenacker, Tim;Deschauer, Marcus;Lingor, Paul;Petri, Susanne;Schreiber-Katz, Olivia; A Nation-Wide, Multi-Center Study on the Quality of Life of ALS Patients in Germany
Goettsch, Winfried;Beerenwinkel, Niko;Deng, Li;Dölken, Lars;Dutilh, Bas E.;Erhard, Florian;Kaderali, Lars;von Kleist, Max;Marquet, Roland;Matthijnssens, Jelle;McCallin, Shawna;McMahon, Dino;Rattei, Thomas;Van Rij, Ronald P.;Robertson, David L.;Schwemmle, Martin;Stern-Ginossar, Noam;Marz, Manja; ITN—VIROINF: Understanding (Harmful) Virus-Host Interactions by Linking Virology and Bioinformatics
Kroeze, Stephanie G. C.;Fritz, Corinna;Schaule, Jana;Blanck, Oliver;Kahl, Klaus Henning;Kaul, David;Siva, Shankar;Gerum, Sabine;Claes, An;Sundahl, Nora;Adebahr, Sonja;Stera, Susanne;Schymalla, Markus M.;Abbasi-Senger, Nasrin;Buergy, Daniel;Geier, Michael;Szuecs, Marcella;Lohaus, Fabian;Henke, Guido;Combs, Stephanie E.;Guckenberger, Matthias; Continued versus Interrupted Targeted Therapy during Metastasis-Directed Stereotactic Radiotherapy: A Retrospective Multi-Center Safety and Efficacy Analysis
Rauch, Bernhard;Salzwedel, Annett;Bjarnason-Wehrens, Birna;Albus, Christian;Meng, Karin;Schmid, Jean-Paul;Benzer, Werner;Hackbusch, Matthes;Jensen, Katrin;Schwaab, Bernhard;Altenberger, Johann;Benjamin, Nicola;Bestehorn, Kurt;Bongarth, Christa;Dörr, Gesine;Eichler, Sarah;Einwang, Hans-Peter;Falk, Johannes;Glatz, Johannes;Gielen, Stephan;Grilli, Maurizio;Grünig, Ekkehard;Guha, Manju;Hermann, Matthias;Hoberg, Eike;Höfer, Stefan;Kaemmerer, Harald;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Mayer-Berger, Wolfgang;Metzendorf, Maria-Inti;Nebel, Roland;Neidenbach, Rhoia;Niebauer, Josef;Nixdorff, Uwe;Oberhoffer, Renate;Reibis, Rona;Reiss, Nils;Saure, Daniel;Schlitt, Axel;Völler, Heinz;von Känel, Roland;Weinbrenner, Susanne;Westphal, Ronja;; Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1
Hau, Peter;Frappaz, Didier;Hovey, Elizabeth;McCabe, Martin G.;Pajtler, Kristian W.;Wiestler, Benedikt;Seidel, Clemens;Combs, Stephanie E.;Dirven, Linda;Klein, Martin;Anazodo, Antoinette;Hattingen, Elke;Hofer, Silvia;Pfister, Stefan M.;Zimmer, Claus;Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter;Sunyach, Marie-Pierre;Tanguy, Ronan;Effeney, Rachel;von Deimling, Andreas;Sahm, Felix;Rutkowski, Stefan;Berghoff, Anna S.;Franceschi, Enrico;Pineda, Estela;Beier, Dagmar;Peeters, Ellen;Gorlia, Thierry;Vanlancker, Maureen;Bromberg, Jacoline E. C.;Gautier, Julien;Ziegler, David S.;Preusser, Matthias;Wick, Wolfgang;Weller, Michael; Development of Randomized Trials in Adults with Medulloblastoma—The Example of EORTC 1634-BTG/NOA-23
Ghada, Wael;Estrella, Nicole;Ankerst, Donna P.;Menzel, Annette; Universal thermal climate index associations with mortality, hospital admissions, and road accidents in Bavaria
Pourjafar-Dehkordi, Danial;Zacharias, Martin; Binding-induced functional-domain motions in the Argonaute characterized by adaptive advanced sampling
Lahmer, Tobias;Kriescher, Silja;Herner, Alexander;Rothe, Kathrin;Spinner, Christoph D.;Schneider, Jochen;Mayer, Ulrich;Neuenhahn, Michael;Hoffmann, Dieter;Geisler, Fabian;Heim, Markus;Schneider, Gerhard;Schmid, Roland M.;Huber, Wolfgang;Rasch, Sebastian; Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in critically ill patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia: Results from the prospective AspCOVID-19 study
Reinhardt, Jakob;Bengler, Klaus; Design of a hesitant movement gesture for mobile robots
Hartmann, Julian;Zacharias, Martin; Mechanism of collagen folding propagation studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations
Grünwald, Alexander T. D.;Roy, Susmita;Alves-Pinto, Ana;Lampe, Renée; Assessment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis from body scanner image by finite element simulations
Karapetyan, Siranush;Schneider, Antonius;Linde, Klaus;Donnachie, Ewan;Hapfelmeier, Alexander; SARS-CoV-2 infection and cardiovascular or pulmonary complications in ambulatory care: A risk assessment based on routine data
Englbrecht, Fabian;Ruider, Iris E.;Bausch, Andreas R.; Automatic image annotation for fluorescent cell nuclei segmentation
Jung, Stephan;Estrella, Nicole;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Hartmann, Stephan;Ewald, Franziska;Menzel, Annette; Impact of elevated air temperature and drought on pollen characteristics of major agricultural grass species
Nadjiri, Jonathan;Geith, Tobias;Waggershauser, Tobias;Forster, Stephan;Paprottka, Philipp; Risk factors assessment for radiographically guided port implantations with forearm access
Zhang, Xiaoxiao;Kschischo, Maik; MFmap: A semi-supervised generative model matching cell lines to tumours and cancer subtypes
Candeias, Joana;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Buters, Jeroen; Dosing intact birch pollen grains at the air-liquid interface (ALI) to the immortalized human bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B
Kronschnabl, Judith M.;Kneip, Thorsten;Weiss, Luzia M.;Bergmann, Michael; Bodyweight change and cognitive performance in the older population
Beckmann, Jürgen;Fimpel, Lukas;Wergin, V. Vanessa; Preventing a loss of accuracy of the tennis serve under pressure
Wilhelm, Christina J.;Englbrecht, Marc A.;Burgkart, Rainer;Micheler, Carina;Lang, Jan;Hagen, Christine S.;Giunta, Riccardo E.;Wachtel, Nikolaus; Fine tuning of the side-to-side tenorrhaphy: A biomechanical study assessing different side-to-side suture techniques in a porcine tendon model
Martini, Linda;Brameyer, Sophie;Hoyer, Elisabeth;Jung, Kirsten;Gerland, Ulrich; Dynamics of chromosomal target search by a membrane-integrated one-component receptor
Karollus, Alexander;Avsec, Žiga;Gagneur, Julien; Predicting mean ribosome load for 5’UTR of any length using deep learning
Sidorenko, Irina;Turova, Varvara;Rieger-Fackeldey, Esther;Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula;Kovtanyuk, Andrey;Brodkorb, Silke;Lampe, Renée; Mathematical modeling of the hematocrit influence on cerebral blood flow in preterm infants
Macauley, Chandra;Heller, Martina;Rausch, Alexander;Kümmel, Frank;Felfer, Peter; A versatile cryo-transfer system, connecting cryogenic focused ion beam sample preparation to atom probe microscopy
Knolle, Moritz;Kaissis, Georgios;Jungmann, Friederike;Ziegelmayer, Sebastian;Sasse, Daniel;Makowski, Marcus;Rueckert, Daniel;Braren, Rickmer; Efficient, high-performance semantic segmentation using multi-scale feature extraction
Pook, Torsten;Nemri, Adnane;Gonzalez Segovia, Eric Gerardo;Valle Torres, Daniel;Simianer, Henner;Schoen, Chris-Carolin; Increasing calling accuracy, coverage, and read-depth in sequence data by the use of haplotype blocks
Tanaka, Luana F.;Schriefer, Dirk;Radde, Kathrin;Schauberger, Gunther;Klug, Stefanie J.; Impact of opportunistic screening on squamous cell and adenocarcinoma of the cervix in Germany: A population-based case-control study
Priebe, Janosch A.;Horn-Hofmann, Claudia;Wolf, Daniel;Wolff, Stefanie;Heesen, Michael;Knippenberg-Bigge, Katrin;Lang, Philip;Lautenbacher, Stefan; Attentional processing of pain faces and other emotional faces in chronic pain–an eye-tracking study
Pawlow, Xenia;Ott, Raffael;Winkler, Christiane;Ziegler, Anette-G.;Hummel, Sandra; A new mathematical approach to improve the original dietary inflammatory index (DII) calculation
Lang, Jan J.;Bastian, Mirjam;Foehr, Peter;Seebach, Michael;Weitz, Jochen;von Deimling, Constantin;Schwaiger, Benedikt J.;Micheler, Carina M.;Wilhelm, Nikolas J.;Grosse, Christian U.;Kesting, Marco;Burgkart, Rainer; Improving mandibular reconstruction by using topology optimization, patient specific design and additive manufacturing?—A biomechanical comparison against miniplates on human specimen
Lucas, Jorrit;Ros, Albert;Gugele, Sarah;Dunst, Julian;Geist, Juergen;Brinker, Alexander; The hunter and the hunted—A 3D analysis of predator-prey interactions between three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and larvae of different prey fishes
Angelova, Denitsa;Göser, Maya;Wimmer, Stefan;Sauer, Johannes; How efficient are German life sciences? Econometric evidence from a latent class stochastic output distance model
Lukacs, Andrea;Thomae, Andreas W.;Krueger, Peter;Schauer, Tamas;Venkatasubramani, Anuroop V.;Kochanova, Natalia Y.;Aftab, Wasim;Choudhury, Rupam;Forne, Ignasi;Imhof, Axel; The Integrity of the HMR complex is necessary for centromeric binding and reproductive isolation in Drosophila
Wurzer, David;Spielhagen, Paul;Siegmann, Adonia;Gercekcioglu, Ayca;Gorgass, Judith;Henze, Simone;Kolar, Yuron;Koneberg, Felix;Kukkonen, Sari;McGowan, Hannah;Schmid-Eisinger, Stefanie;Steger, Alexander;Dommasch, Michael;Haase, Hans Ulrich;Müller, Alexander;Martens, Eimo;Haller, Bernhard;Huster, Katharina M.;Schmidt, Georg; Remote monitoring of COVID-19 positive high-risk patients in domestic isolation: A feasibility study
Flores-Valle, Andres;Gonçalves, Pedro J.;Seelig, Johannes D.; Integration of sleep homeostasis and navigation in Drosophila
Tostevin, Filipe;Wigbers, Manon;Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte;Gerland, Ulrich; Four different mechanisms for switching cell polarity
Röth, Kai;Shao, Shuai;Gjorgjieva, Julijana; Efficient population coding depends on stimulus convergence and source of noise
Hirschbühl, Klaus;Dintner, Sebastian;Beer, Martin;Wylezich, Claudia;Schlegel, Jürgen;Delbridge, Claire;Borcherding, Lukas;Lippert, Jirina;Schiele, Stefan;Müller, Gernot;Moiraki, Dimitra;Spring, Oliver;Wittmann, Michael;Kling, Elisabeth;Braun, Georg;Kröncke, Thomas;Claus, Rainer;Märkl, Bruno;Schaller, Tina; Viral mapping in COVID-19 deceased in the Augsburg autopsy series of the first wave: A multiorgan and multimethodological approach
Chitradurga Achutha, Adarsh;Peremans, Herbert;Firzlaff, Uwe;Vanderelst, Dieter; Efficient encoding of spectrotemporal information for bat echolocation
Olm, Michaela;Donnachie, Ewan;Tauscher, Martin;Gerlach, Roman;Linde, Klaus;Maier, Werner;Schwettmann, Lars;Schneider, Antonius; Ambulatory specialist costs and morbidity of coordinated and uncoordinated patients before and after abolition of copayment: A cohort analysis
Bae, Wan D.;Kim, Sungroul;Park, Choon-Sik;Alkobaisi, Shayma;Lee, Jongwon;Seo, Wonseok;Park, Jong Sook;Park, Sujung;Lee, Sangwoon;Lee, Jong Wook; Performance improvement of machine learning techniques predicting the association of exacerbation of peak expiratory flow ratio with short term exposure level to indoor air quality using adult asthmatics clustered data
Anand, Nithishwer Mouroug;Liya, Devang Haresh;Pradhan, Arpit Kumar;Tayal, Nitish;Bansal, Abhinav;Donakonda, Sainitin;Jainarayanan, Ashwin Kumar; A comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 genomic analysis identifies potential targets for drug repurposing
Zimmermann, Bettina Maria;Shaw, David Martin;Elger, Bernice;Koné, Insa; The use of heuristics in genetic testing decision-making: A qualitative interview study
Vejzagić, Nermina;Prodjinotho, Ulrich Fabien;El-Khafif, Nagwa;Huang, Ruili;Simeonov, Anton;Spangenberg, Thomas;Prazeres da Costa, Clarissa; Identification of hit compounds with anti-schistosomal activity on in vitro generated juvenile worms in cell-free medium
Craven, Holly M.;Bonsignore, Riccardo;Lenis, Vasilis;Santi, Nicolo;Berrar, Daniel;Swain, Martin;Whiteland, Helen;Casini, Angela;Hoffmann, Karl F.; Identifying and validating the presence of Guanine-Quadruplexes (G4) within the blood fluke parasite Schistosoma mansoni
Stelzle, Dominik;Godfrey-Faussett, Peter;Jia, Chuan;Amiesimaka, Obreniokibo;Mahy, Mary;Castor, Delivette;Hodges-Mameletzis, Ioannis;Chitembo, Lastone;Baggaley, Rachel;Dalal, Shona; Estimating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis need and impact in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia: A geospatial and risk-based analysis
Revilla, Lluís;Mayorgas, Aida;Corraliza, Ana M.;Masamunt, Maria C.;Metwaly, Amira;Haller, Dirk;Tristán, Eva;Carrasco, Anna;Esteve, Maria;Panés, Julian;Ricart, Elena;Lozano, Juan J.;Salas, Azucena; Multi-omic modelling of inflammatory bowel disease with regularized canonical correlation analysis
Little, Madison T.;Roelen, Keetie;Lange, Brittany C. L.;Steinert, Janina I.;Yakubovich, Alexa R.;Cluver, Lucie;Humphreys, David K.; Effectiveness of cash-plus programmes on early childhood outcomes compared to cash transfers alone: A systematic review and meta-analysis in low- and middle-income countries
Bancilhon, Melanie;Constantinides, Marios;Bogucka, Edyta Paulina;Aiello, Luca Maria;Quercia, Daniele; Streetonomics: Quantifying culture using street names
Sadlowski, Henrik;Schmidt, Veronika;Hiss, Jonathan;Kuehn, Johannes A.;Schneider, Christian G.;Zulu, Gideon;Hachangu, Alex;Sikasunge, Chummy S.;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Winkler, Andrea S.;Schuelke, Markus; Diagnosis of Taenia solium infections based on “mail order” RNA-sequencing of single tapeworm egg isolates from stool samples
Metanmo, Salvatore;Boumédiène, Farid;Preux, Pierre-Marie;Colebunders, Robert;Siewe Fodjo, Joseph N.;de Smet, Eric;Yangatimbi, Emmanuel;Winkler, Andrea S.;Mbelesso, Pascal;Ajzenberg, Daniel; First description of Nodding Syndrome in the Central African Republic
Albanese, Manuel;Chen, Yen-Fu Adam;Hüls, Corinna;Gärtner, Kathrin;Tagawa, Takanobu;Mejias-Perez, Ernesto;Keppler, Oliver T.;Göbel, Christine;Zeidler, Reinhard;Shein, Mikhail;Schütz, Anne K.;Hammerschmidt, Wolfgang; MicroRNAs are minor constituents of extracellular vesicles that are rarely delivered to target cells
Barenboim, Maxim;Kovac, Michal;Ameline, Baptiste;Jones, David T. W.;Witt, Olaf;Bielack, Stefan;Burdach, Stefan;Baumhoer, Daniel;Nathrath, Michaela; DNA methylation-based classifier and gene expression signatures detect BRCAness in osteosarcoma
Winheim, Elena;Rinke, Linus;Lutz, Konstantin;Reischer, Anna;Leutbecher, Alexandra;Wolfram, Lina;Rausch, Lisa;Kranich, Jan;Wratil, Paul R.;Huber, Johanna E.;Baumjohann, Dirk;Rothenfusser, Simon;Schubert, Benjamin;Hilgendorff, Anne;Hellmuth, Johannes C.;Scherer, Clemens;Muenchhoff, Maximilian;von Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael;Stark, Konstantin;Straub, Tobias;Brocker, Thomas;Keppler, Oliver T.;Subklewe, Marion;Krug, Anne B.; Impaired function and delayed regeneration of dendritic cells in COVID-19
Leverkus, Alexandro B.;Levy, Laura;Andivia, Enrique;Annighöfer, Peter;De Cuyper, Bart;Ivetic, Vladan;Lazdina, Dagnija;Löf, Magnus;Villar-Salvador, Pedro; Restoring oak forests through direct seeding or planting: Protocol for a continental-scale experiment
Wallentin, Lars;Eriksson, Niclas;Olszowka, Maciej;Grammer, Tanja B.;Hagström, Emil;Held, Claes;Kleber, Marcus E.;Koenig, Wolfgang;März, Winfried;Stewart, Ralph A. H.;White, Harvey D.;Åberg, Mikael;Siegbahn, Agneta; Plasma proteins associated with cardiovascular death in patients with chronic coronary heart disease: A retrospective study
Schmiester, Leonard;Schälte, Yannik;Bergmann, Frank T.;Camba, Tacio;Dudkin, Erika;Egert, Janine;Fröhlich, Fabian;Fuhrmann, Lara;Hauber, Adrian L.;Kemmer, Svenja;Lakrisenko, Polina;Loos, Carolin;Merkt, Simon;Müller, Wolfgang;Pathirana, Dilan;Raimúndez, Elba;Refisch, Lukas;Rosenblatt, Marcus;Stapor, Paul L.;Städter, Philipp;Wang, Dantong;Wieland, Franz-Georg;Banga, Julio R.;Timmer, Jens;Villaverde, Alejandro F.;Sahle, Sven;Kreutz, Clemens;Hasenauer, Jan;Weindl, Daniel; PEtab—Interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology
Cremer, Sebastian;Pilgram, Lisa;Berkowitsch, Alexander;Stecher, Melanie;Rieg, Siegbert;Shumliakivska, Mariana;Bojkova, Denisa;Wagner, Julian Uwe Gabriel;Aslan, Galip Servet;Spinner, Christoph;Luxán, Guillermo;Hanses, Frank;Dolff, Sebastian;Piepel, Christiane;Ruppert, Clemens;Guenther, Andreas;Rüthrich, Maria Madeleine;Vehreschild, Jörg Janne;Wille, Kai;Haselberger, Martina;Heuzeroth, Hanno;Hansen, Arne;Eschenhagen, Thomas;Cinatl, Jindrich;Ciesek, Sandra;Dimmeler, Stefanie;Borgmann, Stefan;Zeiher, Andreas;; Angiotensin II receptor blocker intake associates with reduced markers of inflammatory activation and decreased mortality in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities and COVID-19 disease
Way, Gregory P.;Greene, Casey S.;Carninci, Piero;Carvalho, Benilton S.;de Hoon, Michiel;Finley, Stacey D.;Gosline, Sara J. C.;Lȇ Cao, Kim-Anh;Lee, Jerry S. H.;Marchionni, Luigi;Robine, Nicolas;Sindi, Suzanne S.;Theis, Fabian J.;Yang, Jean Y. H.;Carpenter, Anne E.;Fertig, Elana J.; A field guide to cultivating computational biology
Abraham, Annette;Bustos, Javier A.;Carabin, Hélène;de Meijere, Robert;Sahu, Priyadarshi S.;Rajshekhar, Vedantam;Singh, Gagandeep;White, A. Clinton;Chiodini, Peter L.;Gabriël, Sarah;Homeida, Mamoun;Nash, Theodore;Ngowi, Bernard;Zhou, Xiao Nong;Coyle, Christina;Garcia, Hector H.;Winkler, Andrea S.; The effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and anti-seizure medication for individuals with single enhancing lesion neurocysticercosis: A meta-analysis and expert group-based consensus recommendations
Guida, Florence;Tan, Vanessa Y.;Corbin, Laura J.;Smith-Byrne, Karl;Alcala, Karine;Langenberg, Claudia;Stewart, Isobel D.;Butterworth, Adam S.;Surendran, Praveen;Achaintre, David;Adamski, Jerzy;Amiano, Pilar;Bergmann, Manuela M.;Bull, Caroline J.;Dahm, Christina C.;Gicquiau, Audrey;Giles, Graham G.;Gunter, Marc J.;Haller, Toomas;Langhammer, Arnulf;Larose, Tricia L.;Ljungberg, Börje;Metspalu, Andres;Milne, Roger L.;Muller, David C.;Nøst, Therese H.;Pettersen Sørgjerd, Elin;Prehn, Cornelia;Riboli, Elio;Rinaldi, Sabina;Rothwell, Joseph A.;Scalbert, Augustin;Schmidt, Julie A.;Severi, Gianluca;Sieri, Sabina;Vermeulen, Roel;Vincent, Emma E.;Waldenberger, Melanie;Timpson, Nicholas J.;Johansson, Mattias; The blood metabolome of incident kidney cancer: A case–control study nested within the MetKid consortium
Kreuzer, Matthias;Kiel, Tobias;Ernst, Leonie;Lipp, Marlene;Schneider, Gerhard;Pilge, Stefanie; Evaluation of Anesthetic Specific EEG Dynamics during State Transitions between Loss and Return of Responsiveness
Kempf, Florian;Mühlbauer, Maximilian Sebastian;Dasbach, Thomas;Leutert, Florian;Hulin, Thomas;Radhakrishna Balachandran, Ribin;Wende, Martin;Anderl, Reiner;Schilling, Klaus;Albu-Schäffer, Alin Olimpiu; AI-In-Orbit-Factory - AI approaches for adaptive robotic in-orbit manufacturing of modular satellites
Ziegon, Laura;Schlegel, Martin; Netrin-1: A Modulator of Macrophage Driven Acute and Chronic Inflammation
Wiechert, Meike;Holzapfel, Christina; Nutrition Concepts for the Treatment of Obesity in Adults
Pinheiro, Guilherme De Sousa;Mello, Marco Túlio de;Santos, Felipe Gustavo dos;Fiorese, Lenamar;Costa, Varley Teoldo da; Analysis of stress level and recovery of formative football coaches. Case studies (Análisis del nivel de estrés y recuperación de los entrenadores de fútbol formativo. Estudios de caso)
Poechhacker, Nikolaus;Kacianka, Severin; Algorithmic Accountability in Context. Socio-Technical Perspectives on Structural Causal Models
Adenaw, Lennart;Lienkamp, Markus; Multi-Criteria, Co-Evolutionary Charging Behavior: An Agent-Based Simulation of Urban Electromobility
Waldrop, Megan E;Roosen, Jutta; Consumer acceptance and willingness to pay for cow housing systems in eight European countries
König, Adrian;Nicoletti, Lorenzo;Schröder, Daniel;Wolff, Sebastian;Waclaw, Adam;Lienkamp, Markus; An Overview of Parameter and Cost for Battery Electric Vehicles
Coleman, Olivia I.;Haller, Dirk; Microbe–Mucus Interface in the Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer
Zhou, Mingchuan;Jiang, Huanyu;Bing, Zhenshan;Su, Hang;Knoll, Alois; Design and evaluation of the target spray platform
Mora-Ruano, Julio Gregorio;Schurig, Michael;Wittmann, Eveline; Instructional Leadership as a Vehicle for Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement. What the German PISA 2015 Sample Tells Us
Hackbarth, Tom X.;de Vries, Walter T.; An Evaluation of Massive Land Interventions for the Relocation of Capital Cities
Hölzl, Roman;Steckhan, Lorenz;Lehsing, Christian;Savage, Steven W.;Bowers, Alex R.; Driving with Hemianopia VIII: Effects of a Vibro-Tactile Assistance System on Safety and Gaze Behavior in Pedestrian Crossing Situations
Kinigadner, Julia;Vale, David;Büttner, Benjamin;Wulfhorst, Gebhard; Shifting perspectives: A comparison of travel-time-based and carbon-based accessibility landscapes
Kuehnel, Nico;Ziemke, Dominik;Moeckel, Rolf; Traffic noise feedback in agent-based Integrated Land-Use/Transport Models
Schirren, Rebekka;Novotny, Alexander;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel; Novel Histologic Categorization Based on Lauren Histotypes Conveys Prognostic Information for Gastroesophageal Junction Cancers—Analysis from a Large Single Center Cohort in Germany
Danner, Simon;Feierle, Alexander;Manger, Carina;Bengler, Klaus; Context-Adaptive Availability Notifications for an SAE Level 3 Automation
Thieme, Nils;Rettenmaier, Regina;Liebl, Wolfgang;Zverlov, Vladimir V.; Draft Genome Sequence of Mobilitalea sibirica Strain P3M-3 T , the Sole Representative of the Genus Mobilitalea
Höhl, Wolfgang; COVID-19 and digital transformation: developing an open experimental testbed for sustainable and innovative environments using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Thieme, Nils;Liebl, Wolfgang;Zverlov, Vladimir V.; Draft Genome Sequence of Clostridium beijerinckii Strain mbf-VZ-132, Isolated from an Environmental Soil Sample
Stahl, Tim;Diermeyer, Frank; Online Verification Enabling Approval of Driving Functions—Implementation for a Planner of an Autonomous Race Vehicle
Döge, Stefan;Liu, Chen-Yu;Young, Albert;Morkel, Christoph; Incoherent approximation for neutron up-scattering cross sections and its corrections for slow neutrons and low crystal temperatures
Bäumler, Magdalena;Schwaminger, Sebastian P.;von der Haar-Leistl, Daniela;Schaper, Simon J.;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Wagner, Friedrich E.;Berensmeier, Sonja; Characterization of an active ingredient made of nanoscale iron(oxyhydr)oxide for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia
Bernhofer, Michael;Dallago, Christian;Karl, Tim;Satagopam, Venkata;Heinzinger, Michael;Littmann, Maria;Olenyi, Tobias;Qiu, Jiajun;Schütze, Konstantin;Yachdav, Guy;Ashkenazy, Haim;Ben-Tal, Nir;Bromberg, Yana;Goldberg, Tatyana;Kajan, Laszlo;O’Donoghue, Sean;Sander, Chris;Schafferhans, Andrea;Schlessinger, Avner;Vriend, Gerrit;Mirdita, Milot;Gawron, Piotr;Gu, Wei;Jarosz, Yohan;Trefois, Christophe;Steinegger, Martin;Schneider, Reinhard;Rost, Burkhard; PredictProtein - Predicting Protein Structure and Function for 29 Years
Bertelè, Marta;Bottasso, Carlo L.;Schreiber, Johannes; Wind inflow observation from load harmonics: initial steps towards a field validation
Nentwich, Corbinian;Reinhart, Gunther; A Method for Health Indicator Evaluation for Condition Monitoring of Industrial Robot Gears
Sautter, Klaus Bernd;Hofmann, Helene;Wendeler, Corinna;Wilson, Peter;Bucher, Philipp;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe;Wüchner, Roland; Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Rockfall Attenuator Barriers Via Partitioned DEM-FEM Coupling
Wang, Chengyu;Campagnolo, Filippo;Canet, Helena;Barreiro, Daniel J.;Bottasso, Carlo L.; How realistic are the wakes of scaled wind turbine models?
Heil, Kurt;Gerl, Sebastian;Schmidhalter, Urs; Sensitivity of Winter Barley Yield to Climate Variability in a Pleistocene Loess Area
Zanger, Benjamin;Mendl, Christian B.;Schulz, Martin;Schreiber, Martin; Quantum Algorithms for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations via Classical Integration Methods
Wicklein, Rebecca;Heidegger, Simon;Verbeek, Mareike;Eiz-Vesper, Britta;Maecker-Kolhoff, Britta;Kirschke, Jan Stefan;Page, Agata;Korn, Thomas;Hemmer, Bernhard;Deschauer, Marcus; Combined Treatment With Pembrolizumab and Allogenic BK Virus-Specific T Cells in Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
Vollmer, Mario;Zaremba, Swen;Mertiny, Pierre;Drechsler, Klaus; Edge Race-Tracking during Film-Sealed Compression Resin Transfer Molding
Bücher, Axel;Jaser, Miriam;Min, Aleksey; Detecting departures from meta-ellipticity for multivariate stationary time series
Belle, Christina;Stoeckle, Bernhard;Cerwenka, Alexander;Kuehn, Ralph;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Taxonomic requirements for better documenting and understanding biological invasions – the example of genetic weatherfish Misgurnus/Paramisgurnus sp. identification
Barnkob, Rune;Rossi, Massimiliano; <i>DefocusTracker</i>: A Modular Toolbox for Defocusing-based, Single-Camera, 3D Particle Tracking
Consul, Patrick;Beuerlein, Kai-Uwe;Luzha, Genc;Drechsler, Klaus; Effect of Extrusion Parameters on Short Fiber Alignment in Fused Filament Fabrication
Rana, Adeem Ghaffar;Minceva, Mirjana; Analysis of Photocatalytic Degradation of Phenol with Exfoliated Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Light-Emitting Diodes Using Response Surface Methodology
Pukhova, A.;Llorca, C.;Moreno, A.;Staves, C.;Zhang, Q.;Moeckel, R.; Flying taxis revived: Can Urban air mobility reduce road congestion?
Steinstraeter, Matthias;Heinrich, Tobias;Lienkamp, Markus; Effect of Low Temperature on Electric Vehicle Range
Spiegler, Simone V.;Heinecke, Christoph;Wagner, Stefan; An empirical study on changing leadership in agile teams
Engel, Maximilian;Hummel, Felix;Kuehn, Christian; Connecting a direct and a Galerkin approach to slow manifolds in infinite dimensions
Rettenmaier, Michael;Bengler, Klaus; The Matter of How and When: Comparing Explicit and Implicit Communication Strategies of Automated Vehicles in Bottleneck Scenarios
Pinheiro, Guilherme De Sousa;Bernardino, Herbert Soares;Costa, Israel Teoldo;Costa, Varley Teoldo; Differences in discriminative reaction time between elite youth football players:  a comparison between age-categories (Diferencias en el tiempo de reacción discriminativo entre jugadores de fútbol juvenil de élite: una comparación entre categorías de ed
Lampmann, Lyn;Emberger-Klein, Agnes;Menrad, Klaus; Determining the Distinguishing Features of Different Eating Action Types in Germany Using a Mixed-Method Approach
Chaturvedi, Vineet;de Vries, Walter T.; Machine Learning Algorithms for Urban Land Use Planning: A Review
Dickmann, Thomas;Wilhelm, Nikolas J.;Glowalla, Claudio;Haddadin, Sami;van der Smagt, Patrick;Burgkart, Rainer; An Adaptive Mechatronic Exoskeleton for Force-Controlled Finger Rehabilitation
Mirza, M.;Yilmaz, M.;Thieme, E.;Lohner, T.;Venner, C. H.; Drop-On-Demand Lubrication of Gears: A Feasibility Study
Pinzek, Simon;Gustschin, Alex;Neuwirth, Tobias;Backs, Alexander;Schulz, Michael;Herzen, Julia;Pfeiffer, Franz; Signal Retrieval from Non-Sinusoidal Intensity Modulations in X-ray and Neutron Interferometry Using Piecewise-Defined Polynomial Function
Schröder, Daniel;Gotzler, Felix; Comprehensive spatial and cost assessment of urban transport options in Munich
Gabriel, Anna;Konrad, Andreas;Roidl, Anna;Queisser, Jennifer;Schleip, Robert;Horstmann, Thomas;Pohl, Torsten; Myofascial Treatment Techniques on the Plantar Surface Influence Functional Performance in the Dorsal Kinetic Chain
Stärk, Hannes;Dallago, Christian;Heinzinger, Michael;Rost, Burkhard; Light attention predicts protein location from the language of life
Braunisch, Matthias C.;Mayer, Christopher C.;Werfel, Stanislas;Bauer, Axel;Haller, Bernhard;Lorenz, Georg;Günthner, Roman;Matschkal, Julia;Bachmann, Quirin;Thunich, Stephan;Schlegl, Michaela;Ludwig, Maximilian;Holzmann-Littig, Christopher;Assali, Tarek;Pachmann, Martin;Küchle, Claudius;Renders, Lutz;Wassertheurer, Siegfried;Müller, Alexander;Schmidt, Georg;Heemann, Uwe;Malik, Marek;Schmaderer, Christoph; U-Shaped Association of the Heart Rate Variability Triangular Index and Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
Gallersdörfer, Ulrich;Strugala, Jan-Niklas;Matthes, Florian; Efficient Onboarding and Management of Members in Permissioned Blockchain Networks Utilizing TLS Certificates
Halbe, Omkar;Hajek, Manfred; A Continuous Multivariable Finite-Time Super-Twisting Attitude and Rate Controller for Improved Rotorcraft Handling
Grabbe, Niklas;Gales, Alain;Höcher, Michael;Bengler, Klaus; Functional Resonance Analysis in an Overtaking Situation in Road Traffic: Comparing the Performance Variability Mechanisms between Human and Automation
König, Nils;Schockenhoff, Ferdinand;König, Adrian;Diermeyer, Frank; Method for Segmentation and Hybrid Joining of Additive Manufactured Segments in Prototyping Using the Example of Trim Parts
Arisawa, Kanta; Yamashita, Shigeru; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; MRR Usage Optimization for WRONoC Topology Generation and Communication Parallelism Depending on Bandwidth Requirements
Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Persistent impacts of the 2018 drought on forest disturbance regimes in Europe
Nottensteiner, Korbinian;Sachtler, Arne;Albu-Schäffer, Alin; Towards Autonomous Robotic Assembly: Using Combined Visual and Tactile Sensing for Adaptive Task Execution
Rempe, Felix; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Application of physics-informed neural networks to data fusion for motorway traffic estimation
Senf, Cornelius;Seidl, Rupert; Post‐disturbance canopy recovery and the resilience of Europe’s forests