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Feldstein, Ilja Tobias; Design and Validation Techniques for Highly Immersive Simulator Systems
Ernst, Maximilian Sebastian; Klinische 10-Jahres-Langzeituntersuchung von medikamentenfreisetzenden Koronarstents der neuen Generation mit polymerfreier oder permanenter Polymerbeschichtung
Schäfer, Lukas; Gruber, Felix; Althoff, Matthias; Scalable Computation of Robust Control Invariant Sets of Nonlinear Systems
Lang, Harald; Query Processing on Modern Hardware
Muhammad, Marwan; Studying The Effects of Acoustic Heterogeneities on Optoacoustic Tomography
Kellermann, Hagen; Design of Thermal Management Systems for Future Aircraft
Buchmann, Louis Bernard; Biomechanische Evaluation einer neuartigen Versorgungstechnik der knöchernen Avulsionsverletzung des hinteren Kreuzbandes im Schweinemodel
Merdha, Lennard Nabil; Einfluss von Ernährungs- und Lifestyle-Faktoren auf das atopische Ekzem im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter im Rahmen der Munich Atopy Prediction Study (MAPS)
Ruzok, Tobias; Die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Frühgeburtlichkeit auf die Struktur des Hypothalamus und deren Rolle für die Entwicklung des Körpergewichtes
Bermeitinger, Julia Sylvia; Bifrontaler Operationszugang zu onkologischen Läsionen der vorderen Schädelbasis - neurochirurgische Aspekte und Langzeitergebnisse
Tentscher, Loretta; Validierung eines deutschsprachigen Fragebogens (SCCQ-s) zur Erhebung der Spiritual Care-Kompetenz von Studierenden und Auszubildenden in Gesundheitsberufen
Weber, Ruben; Using geographic information science and remote sensing to analyze drivers of tropical forest dynamics across spatial levels and deforestation contexts
Völk, Felix Markus; Der Einfluss von Deep Inspiration Breath Hold auf die anatomische Lage thorakaler Strukturen bei Mammakarzinom-Patientinnen: Eine geometrische Analyse
Schlögl, Monika Valeria; Identification of novel genetic variation causing epilepsy using linkage analysis and next generation sequencing techniques
Fröhlich, Carolin Heike; Einfluss von Vorhofflimmern auf das linksventrikuläre Remodeling nach TAVI
Kohl , Markus; Kompetenzmanagement für Logistikmitarbeitende in der Industrie 4.0
Lautizi, Manuela; Challenges and Opportunities of Computational Biomarker Discovery in Cancer
Zeller, G. and Scherer. M.; Is accumulation risk in cyber methodically underestimated?
Heidekrüger, Stefan; Learning Continuous and Pure Bayes-Nash Equilibria in Sealed-Bid Auctions
Slawik, Till Leonard; Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener Demenz am Lebensende, die in der häuslichen Pflege betreut werden
Schreyer, Korbinian Felix; Antipsychotic Induced Weight Gain and Genetic Variation
Jung, Heinrich Stephan; Impact of climate change and management on allergenic pollen of wind-pollinated species
Munilla Garrido, Gonzalo; Improving the Applicability of Differential Privacy in Data Sharing and Analytics Applications
Hecht, Tobias; User-Centered Development of Interaction Concepts for a Comfortable and Safe Use of Travel Time in the Context of Fragmented Automated Drives
Lanz, Hugo; Skeletal Muscle Ultrasound and Functional Independence in Critically Ill Patients
Klischat, Moritz Sebastian; Generating Safety-Critical Test Scenarios for Motion Planning Algorithms of Autonomous Vehicles
Charpentier, Bertrand P. A. H.; Uncertainty Estimation for Independent and Non-Independent Data
Prebeck, Sebastian Siegfried; HW-Acceleration for Edge-AI
Biloš, Marin; Machine Learning for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series
Stritzke, Florian Jonas Max; Tumor cell-intrinsic RIG-I signaling regulates anti-tumor T-cell immunity through programmed cell death and extracellular vesicle biogenesis
Gallersdörfer, Ulrich Simon Stefan; Public Key Infrastructures and Blockchain Systems
Kienitz, Sascha Ulrich; Investigations on a Fiber-Optic Pressure Measurement System for Aerodynamic Applications
Teichert, Olaf; Battery Design for Battery-Electric Long-Haul Trucks
Nowak, Markus Heinrich; Co-Adaptation in Upper-Limb Prosthetics: Interactive Machine Learning applied to Myocontrol
Heilbronn, Daniel; Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in H2-CO-Air Mixtures
Schreiner, Johannes B.; Model-based Generation of Highly Configurable RTL Designs
Yu, Kevin; Advanced 3D UI for Immersive AR/VR Medical Teleconsultation
Bieringer, Sebastian Johannes; Synthese membranaktiver Lipopeptid- und Indolalkaloid-Varianten zur Entwicklung neuer Antibiotika und Zytostatika
Matchado, Monica Steffi; Tailoring bioinformatics methods for studying the challenges in 16S rRNA gene sequencing data analysis
My, Ilaria; Cell-cycle/ciliogenesis/UPR-autophagy hub defects impair cardiac progenitor specification in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Henke, Ferdinand Konstantin; Einfluss von Meniskusnähten auf die Knorpelbeschaffenheit von Kniegelenken am Schweinemodell
Sebastian D. Proell, Peter Munch, Martin Kronbichler, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier; A highly efficient computational framework for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts
Sommer, Carina Andrea; Anwendung und Erweiterung der Amber-Stop Codon-Technologie mit Potential zur Generierung biomedizinischer Therapeutika
Berberich, Cornelius Benedikt Johannes; Der Einfluss von Metastasierungsmustern und Tumorlast auf die therapeutische Effektivität und das Therapieansprechen der Immuntherapie bei Patienten mit metastasiertem malignen Melanom, untersucht mithilfe quantitativer PET-Parameter
Winter, Hanna Lydia; The involvement of non-coding RNAs in smooth muscle cell dynamics in atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm
Rommel, Kim Madeleine; Evaluation der prognostischen Faktoren des primär und sekundär metastasierten Mammakarzinoms
Jordan, Katherina; Durchführung der Panendoskopie in der Primärdiagnostik bei Patienten mit einem Mundhöhlenkarzinom am Klinikum Rechts der Isar: eine Bestandsaufnahme mit Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse
Chen, Zhenyu; Grounding Natural Language to 3D Scenes
Fuhr, Maximilian; Deformation mechanisms of drawn tungsten wires
Bayer, Patrick Josef; Benefit Finding (BF) bei Prostatakarzinompatienten nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie
Schneider, Dominik; Optimierte Schätzverfahren für intelligente Batteriesysteme
Karmann, Stephan Bernhard; Entwicklung eines kompakten volloptischen Zugangs für Großmotoren und Anwendung für die Verbrennungsdiagnostik erneuerbarer Kraftstoffe
Kürzinger, Larissa; Klinische Bedeutung von Kallikrein-ähnlichen Peptidasen beim fortgeschrittenen serösen Ovarialkarzinom (KLK13, KLK14) und triple-negativen Mammakarzinom (KLK14)
Hillebrand, Sandra Daniela; Komplikationen und Evaluierung der chirurgischen Technik nach Eingriffen im Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel und der hinteren Schädelbasis über den retrosigmoidalen Zugang - eine Übersichtsarbeit
Singh, Nikita; Constitutive CXCR4 activation and B-cell targeted Myd88L252P collaborate in lymphoproliferation
Kottmann, Philip Ernst; Systemic-to-pulmonary shunt malfunction due to neointimal hyperplasia in children with complex cyanotic congenital heart disease - Exploration of clinical, genetic and histopathological risk factors
Eiseler, Katharina Maria Elisabeth; Identification and functional analysis of genetic risk factors in idiopathic and hereditary chronic pancreatitis
Lehmann, Gabriel Matthias; Evaluation and Optimisation of Small-Diameter Tunnel Boring Machines in Hard Rock
Sigl, Alexander; Auswirkungen verschiedener Intensitäten des körperlichen Trainings auf das ventrikuläre Remodeling direkt nach akutem Myokardinfarkt
Engelhardt, Eva Katharina; Long-term occupancy trends across three insect taxa and their potential drivers in Central Europe
Banerjee, Anubhab; Coordination, Trust and Orchestration of Cognitive, Open, Multi-vendor Network Automation Functions
Lattka, Annkatrin; Vorzeitige Behandlungsbeendigungen in der stationären psychosomatischen Therapie an einem Universitätsklinikum
Schimpe, Andreas Julius; Uncoupled Shared Control Designs for Teleoperation of Highly-Automated Vehicles
Kukačka, Jan; Advancing Clinical Optoacoustic Tomography
Freiberger, Robert Rudolf Daniel; Der Zusammenhang von Antikörpern gegen das Herpes-Simplex-Virus mit den Biomarkern der Alzheimer-Krankheit
Plaschke, Mirjam; Die Rolle von Th9 und regulatorischen T-Zellen in allergischer Rhinitis und Asthma und deren Bedeutung in der allergenspezifischen Immuntherapie
Studen, Fabian Dominik; Machine-Learning basiertes Score-Modell zur Differenzierung zwischen spontan bakterieller Peritonitis und sekundärer Peritonitis bei Patienten mit hydropisch dekompensierter Leberzirrhose
Rechberger, Paul; Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Kaltschlingenpolypektomie von mittelgroßen kolorektalen Polypen
Winkler, Thomas; Messung und Modellierung der Flüssigkeitsmaldistribution und deren Auswirkungen auf den Stoffübergang in Packungskolonnen
Hartung, Christina Monika; Suitability of fen plant biomass as biogas substrate
Woll, Mira Magdalena; Eine retrospektive Analyse an Prostatakarzinom-Langzeitüberlebenden nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie unterschiedlicher Risikogruppen - Sind Prostatakarzinom-Patienten der intermediate-risk Gruppe auch für Active Surveillance geeignet?
Sperlich, Andreas Rudolf; Das Strukturprotein SASH1 in der Tumorsuppression und der Pigmentierung – eine Näherung von der Maus zum Menschen
Gärtner, Sebastian; Simulation und Optimierung von Power-to-Gas Systemen in der Glasindustrie
Zimmer, Walter; Creß, Christian; Nguyen, Huu Tung; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf Intersection Dataset: All You Need for Urban 3D Camera-LiDAR Roadside Perception [Best Student Paper Award]
Irani Liu, Edmond; Specification-Compliant Reachability Analysis for Motion Planning of Automated Vehicles
Brambilla, Alessandro; Plant-to-plant defence signalling in barley
Miranda, Lucas; Deep clustering of animal motion tracking data
Kivelitz, Sophia Elisa; 3-D Analyse der Resorptionsrate von transplantiertem Eigenfett zur Korrektur von Form- und Volumenasymmetrien nach rekonstruktiven Brusteingriffen
de la Rosa, Ezequiel; Machine Learning Characterization of Vascular Functions in Stroke Perfusion Imaging
Just, Christopher Michael; New Pathways in the Isolation, Investigation, and Evaluation of Functional Slow- and Fast-Cycling Soil Organic Matter Fractions
Lingg, Jakob Gerhard Peter; Shortwave-infrared Line-Scanning Confocal Microscope for Deep Tissue Imaging
Reichl, Nicolas Harald Ernst; Ambulante Sedierung für MRT und CT bei pädiatrischen Patientinnen und Patienten mit komplexen Herzfehlern
Schilling, Clara Theresa; Bildgebung des Pankreaskarzinoms mittels Dual-Layer Spektral-CT
Sichert, Moritz-Felipe; Efficient and Safe Integration of User-Defined Operators into Modern Database Systems
Tnani, Mohamed Ali; Efficient Deep Feature Learning for Noisy Industrial Time-Series Data
Nehiba, Annika; Neuropathische Schmerzen nach operativer Versorgung benigner intraduraler Entitäten
Link, Tobias; Characterization and habitat adaptation of Tetragenococcus halophilus and Debaryomyces hansenii from a lupine seasoning sauce fermentation
Franz, Charlott Sophie; 18F-rh-PSMA-7.3 basierte Bildgebung in der Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinomrezidivs nach radikaler Prostatektomie
Hähnke, Daniel Benjamin; Behavioural and Neuronal Signatures of Executive Control in Monkey and Mouse Prefrontal Cortex
Sieber, Sabine Nikola; Der akute abdominale Aortenverschluss – Amputations- und Mortalitätsraten in einem 18-Jahres-Zeitraum
Ayikudi Ramachandrakumar, Balasubramanian; Computational Complexity of Verifying Parameterized Systems
Li, Yue; New high-order low-dissipation schemes for convection-dominated problems with shockwaves
Busch, Theresa Sophie; Investigating early fate decisions of exhausted CD8+ T cells by in vivo single cell fate mapping
Syed, Arslan Ali; Optimization of Autonomous Mobility on Demand Services based on Spatio-Temporal Relations
Richter, Maria Lucia Johanna; Single cell transcriptomics unravels cellular heterogeneity in hepatocytes
Reisinger, Tania Lucia; Postoperative Messung des Drainagevolumens bei Patienten nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen
Scholz, Hannah; Vergleich von Risikoscores für die Re-Bestrahlung maligner Rezidiv-Gliome
Tratt, Benedikt; Three Essays on Small Business Financing
Lippera, Maria Chiara; Advancing knowledge and prediction of physical clogging to enhance the long-term infiltration capacity of Managed Aquifer Recharge sites in response to accelerating water demand and scarcity
Herrmann, Matthias M. X.; Vergleich unterschiedlicher Algorithmen zur Unterkiefersegmentierung CT- und MRT- basierter Datensätze von Schweinekadavern: Semiautomatische versus automatisierte Anwendungen
Zurita, Francisco Luis; Analysis of Neural Devices for Small-Nerve Interfacing
Schmidt, Lea Elisabeth Maria; The possible influence of maternal insecure dismissive attachment on the onset of AD in the child
Makarov, Sergei Olegovich; Development and Implementation of a Generalized Multi-Ion Transport Model in Plasma Edge Fluid Codes
Keßler, Christopher; Characterization of the radioresponse of different pancreatic cancer patient-derived organoids
Rößler, Felix Julian; Entwicklung eines modular-hierarchischen und druckgetriebenen Modells zur stationären und dynamischen Simulation von Wärmeübertragern
Kokott, Anna Maria; Erfolgsrate nach biatrialer Kryo-Maze Prozedur
Huynh, Minh Tri; Acadela: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Executable Clinical Pathways
Glibo, Iva; Strategic Sustainable Development in Sport Organisations
Heger, Julian Eliah; Formation and Deformation of Functional (Bio)hybrid Films Revealed by Advanced Scattering Methods
Nakamura, Toshitaka; Functional analysis of FSP1 and its novel inhibitors
Alnasser, Hassan Habib; Enhancing Flight Safety through Data-Driven Uncertainty Quantification with Vine Copula Models in Aviation
Kainz, Franz; Eine optische Klassifikation von sessilen serratierten Läsionen des Kolons
Schloßmacher, Benjamin Wolfgang; Strahlentherapie bei Weichteilsarkomen der Extremitäten und Brustwand – retrospektiver Vergleich von adjuvanter und neoadjuvanter Radiotherapie hinsichtlich des onkologischen Outcomes und prognostischer Faktoren
Nauck, Alessia Valerie Gabriela; Analyse von Patienten mit Routinediagnostik auf sexuell übertragbare Krankheiten in der Dermatologie
Menhorn, Friedrich M.; Optimization under uncertainty and the multilevel Monte Carlo method
Kollmeier, Veronika; Optimierung der Nachhaltigkeit von elastomeren Werkstoffen durch modifizierte Prüfverfahren
Abouelela, Mohamed Besheer; Developing a Multi-Dimensional Framework for the Deployment of Free-Floating Shared Mobility Services
Fischer, Franziska Gabriele; Durchflusszytometrie-basierte Analyse der T- und NK-Zellantwort während der frühen symptomatischen Primärinfektion mit dem Epstein-Barr-Virus
Kempter, Johanna Maria; Prognostische und prädiktive Relevanz der p53-Mutation bei Glioblastom-Patient/-innen
Prokop, Georg; Multimodale Quantifizierung der Heterogenität in Glioblastomen und ihre klinische Relevanz
Lattermann, Moritz; Die Progression der Pulswellengeschwindigkeit als Marker der Gefäßsteifigkeit in einer Kohorte von chronischen Dialysepatienten
Barton, Michael; Entwicklung und Erprobung einer flexiblen Wärmepumpe mit integriertem Latentwärmespeicher
Rettino, Brando; Gyrokinetic investigation on linear and non-linear energetic-particle driven instabilities in experimental relevant scenarios
Braun, Charis Linda; The learning value chain: An action research perspective on innovation in local agri-food systems
Inhuber, Vivienne Katharina; Experimental Study on the Potential Role of Methionine as First-Limiting Amino Acid for Growing Fleckvieh (German Simmental) Bulls
Gottwald, Martin; Analysing Neuro-Dynamic Programming Through Non-Convex Optimisation
Reiser, Daniel Ludwig; Untersuchungen zur Temperaturabhängigkeit des Widerstandsverhaltens memristiver Bauelemente auf der Basis von TiO2
Dahmen, Victoria;Martinez, Santiago Álvarez-Ossorio;Loder, Allister;Bogenberger, Klaus; Making Large-Scale Semi-Passive GPS Travel Diaries Valuable: a Quality Enhancement Method
Schmitt, Matthias Moritz; Herstellung laser-strahlgeschmolzener Verzahnungen in Leichtbauweise aus Einsatzstahl
Werle, Arthur; Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Lenkung für die Motorradfahrsimulation
Dahmen, Victoria;Weikl, Simone;Bogenberger, Klaus; Interpretable Machine Learning for Mode Choice Modeling on Tracking-Based Revealed Preference Data
Alexander Lehner; Stefano Gasperini; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Michael Schmidt; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Predictions
Kolb, Martina; Biochemical and physiological characterization of PIN auxin efflux carriers from Arabidopsis thaliana
Heinrich, Christine Maria; Regulation of the tetraspanin and metastasis suppressor KAI1 and its splice variant by the estrogen system and their interaction with the epidermal growth factor receptor in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer cells
Schlürmann, Timo; Die Aminosäure-PET in der Diagnostik von intrazerebralen Metastasen: eine Metaanalyse
Vornholz, Larsen; The role of tumor cell-intrinsic STING signaling in antitumor immunity and immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy responsiveness
Zheng, Zhaohua; A Novel Method of Graph-Based Representation Learning for Floorplan CAD Drawings
Czech, Catharina Julia Frederike; A modular multi-fidelity scheme combining data-driven reduced order models for structural analysis under uncertainty
Meyermann, Svenia Ricarda; Investigations on the C-type lectin receptor Clec12a and its role in the activation by the adjuvant alum
Dorier, Anne-Sophie; Prädiktive Relevanz des intraoperativen Neuromonitorings bei der elektiven Resektion von intrakraniellen Metastasen
Wissel, Juliane Birgit; Firm Compliance and Governance of Open Source Software Activities
Werner, Felix Bastian; Production of fatty acids and fatty alcohols with Corynebacterium glutamicum from first- and second-generation feedstock
Ambike, Shubhankar Sunil; Development of RNAi-based antiviral therapeutic strategies
Dillinger, Fabian; Implementierungsstrategie für die Kombination aus Lean-Production-Methoden und Industrie-4.0-Technologien
Krenz, Lukas Daniel Sidney; A Fully Coupled Model for Petascale Earthquake-Tsunami and Earthquake-Sound Simulations
Ben Yacoub, Emna; Error Floors and Efficient Decoding of LDPC Codes
Malagutti, Luca Firouz Franco; Klassifikation von anatomischen Varianten der Wirbelsäule und Darstellung von deren Bedeutung für die Performance Deep Learning basierter Labelling- und Segmentierungsalgorithmen
Lederer, Patrick; Strategic Manipulation in Social Choice Theory
Seiwald, Philipp; Dynamic Multi-Contact Locomotion for Humanoid Robots
Pohl, Lydia Emily; Microscale properties of iron minerals in redoximorphic soils
He, Xingchi; Orbit determination for independent LEO mega-constellations
de Diego Unanue, Alvaro; A dynamic p-Laplacian: theory, computational aspects, and numerical experiments
Hiller, Christian Xaver; Optimization of the removal efficiency of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by micro- and ultrafiltration treating WWTP effluents
Pircher, Sabine H.; Attacking and Optimizing Code-Based Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Bandle, Maximilian; Efficient Data Processing on Modern Hardware
Maier, Daniel Georg; Eigenschaftsflexibles Freiformbiegen mit bewegter Matrize
Arnold, Matthias Friedrich; Mechanical Properties of Diagonal Laminated Timber (DLT) with Respect to Point-Supported Mass Timber Slabs
Welzel-Mohr, Christoph; Inductive Statements for Regular Transition Systems
Schneider, Carolin Desiree; Targeting of the Homeostatic Orchestrator AMPK by Drug Repurposing Exposes a Metabolic Vulnerability of PDAC Cells
Tropschuh, Barbara Christina; Beanspruchungs- und kompetenzorientierte Personaleinsatzplanung in der taktgebundenen manuellen Montage
Gamperl, Moritz Stanislaus; Implementation of a Landslide Early Warning System considering informal settlements in Medellín (Colombia)
Farshad, Azade; Learning to Learn Neural Representations with Limited Data and Supervision
Bauer, Harald Hermann Ulrich; Eine modulare Methodik zur Analyse von Änderungsauswirkungen in der Produktion
Bauer, Markus; Seed–substrate combinations: The establishment of species-rich meadows as Green Infrastructure
Dahl, Sarah-Alica; Ernährungsphysiologische Adaption von Wildwiederkäuern an saisonale und Habitat-spezifische Verhältnisse am Beispiel von Reh und Gams in bayerischen Lebensraumtypen
Qian, Kun; Deep Learning in Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomographic Inversion
Eisenkolb, Viktor Maria; Human acute microelectrode array recordings with broad cortical access, single-unit resolution, and parallel behavioral monitoring
Korfmann, Kevin; Simulation-based Modeling of Biological Traits and Inference from the Ancestral Recombination Graph
Zschäpitz, David Michael; Die Morphologie und Biomechanik während des Wachstums abdomineller Aortenaneurysmen
Wang, Jun; Spatial metabolomics for therapy response prediction in gastric and lung cancer patients
Schmollack, Marc Pascal; Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum for the Production of Itaconic Acid from an Acetate-Containing Aqueous Sidestream of Fast Pyrolysis
Barbara Wirthl, Christina Janko, Stefan Lyer, Bernhard A. Schrefler, Christoph Alexiou, Wolfgang A. Wall; An in silico model of the capturing of magnetic nanoparticles in tumour spheroids in the presence of flow
Held, Cora; Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of human supraclavicular fat in association to cold-induced thermogenesis for the detection of brown adipose tissue
Ulbrich, Lena Charlotte; 18F-rhPSMA7 for biochemichal recurrence in prostate cancer
Schirmer, Tanja Miriam; Influence of baking conditions on the detection and composition of gluten
Bloch, T.;Borrmann, A.;Pauwels, P.; An Alternative Approach to Automated Code Checking -- Application of Graph Neural Networks Trained on Synthetic Data for an Accessibility Check Case Study
Schneider, Sebastian Constantin; Hemodynamic-vascular influences on blood-oxygenation-level-dependent functional connectivity (BOLD-FC) in resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI)
Mörtenkötter, H.; Heilmeier, C.; de Riese, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Temperature resolved release of inorganic compounds from biomass
Wu, Yue; Shaping cortical computations via short- and long-term synaptic plasticity
Wang, Z.;Sacks, R.;Ouyang, B.;Ying, H.;Borrmann, A.; A Framework for Generic Semantic Enrichment of BIM Models
Lutz, Jannik; Comparison of latest-generation balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valves
Miritsch, Benedikt Constantin Josef; Die Antwort des angeborenen Immunsystems im zeitlichen Verlauf nach Myokardinfarkt
Preisinger, David Pius; Modifying the Porcine Genome
Rackl, Jakob; Menapace, Luisa; The Economics of Geographical Indications in International Markets
Moghadas Tabatabaei Zavareh, Seyed Hamidreza; Sensors for Data Bus Protection
Leppin, Leonhard Andrew; Turbulence simulations of the high confinement mode pedestal in tokamak fusion experiments
Ludwig, Norbert Werner; Direct and Inverse Methods to Account for Epistemic and Lack-of-Knowledge Uncertainties in Turbine Development
Pape, Lennart; The Promotion of Plant-Based Diets Among Sport Fans
Stübner, Christine Andrea; Development of the Automated Solvent-Assisted Flavor Evaporation and its Application to the Identification of the Key Odorants in Walnut Kernels
Waclaw, Adam; Modellbasierte Evaluation der Elektrifizierung gewerblicher Fahrzeugflotten
Arnold, Nathanael David; Unlocking a Potent Chitin Saccharification System in a Novel Bacterium Through Omics and Bioinformatics
Norz, Roman; The Loading Direction and its Effects on the Material Behaviour of Sheet Metals
Fent, Philipp; Low Latency Query Planning and Processing in Database Systems
Geyer, Kristina Birgit; Effect of a lifestyle intervention alongside antenatal routine care on maternal health behaviors and development and validation of a screening tool to identify women at risk for excessive gestational weight gain
Göttl, Quirin; Automated Flowsheet Synthesis via Reinforcement Learning and piece-wise linear thermodynamic Models
Eisenmann, Frank; Kuala Lumpur – Kampungs in the Context of a Global City
Lautenschläger, Laura; Utilization potentials for hardwoods as raw material for biorefinery processes
Knoth, Alexandra; Three Essays on ESG and Compensation: Driving Sustainability in European Companies
Fournier, Guillaume Jean Jacques; Clusters of Thermoacoustic Modes in Annular and Can-Annular Combustors
Diesch, Anna Elisabeth; Bogotás ländliches Erbe
Pollak, Clara Teresa; CIAM’s Exhibitions as Method of Work
Durner, Dominik; High-Performance Query Processing in the Cloud
Stich, Julia Margareta; Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit hybrider und virtueller Lernumgebungen zum naturwissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Biotechnologie
Bauer, Maria Gabriela; Controlling the Adhesive Properties of Polymeric Materials by Surface Functionalizations
Lee, Eunji; Information Sharing and Coordination in Supply Chains
Witzke, Stefan Oliver Alexander; Untersuchungen zur Wirksamkeit multimodaler Lernmedien in der Chemie
Fuchs, Christina Theresia; Process Chain Design for Post-Processing of Wire and Arc Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Evolving Technology Education in Primary Schools: A Two-Decade Journey Through a Systematic Review and Teacher Insights
Jarmer, Tilmann; Lebenszyklusbetrachtung von Wohnraumlüftung unter Berücksichtigung des Nutzerverhaltens
Pretschner, Alexander; Gregor, Lena; Understanding Integration Testing
Ambs, Dominik;Schmied, Gerhard;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Kienlein, Sebastian;Pretzsch, Hans;Nikolova, Petia Simeonova; Regeneration dynamics in mixed mountain forests at their natural geographical distribution range in the Western Rhodopes
Hagspihl, Thomas Johannes; Essays on Optimization of Airport Infrastructure
Högel, Philipp Alexander; How substrate helix dynamics affect intramembrane proteolysis by γ-secretase.
Zimmermann, Carl Friedrich Benedikt; Validation of Momentum Transport Theory in the Core Plasma of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak
Engelhart-Straub, Selina Alexandra; Influence of stress and nutrients on the production of high-value oleochemicals in Rhodococcus erythropolis
Khoja, Ahmed; Towards Bridging the Climate Resilience Gap in Building Assessment Systems: An Integrated Framework for the German Built Environment
Bott, Felix Sebastian; Brain connectivity in acute and chronic pain
Walzl, Daniela; Autologe osteochondrale Transplantation am Talus - Klinische und radiologische Evaluation nach mindestens 18 Jahren Follow-up
Benner, Philipp Wilhelm; Miniaturisierte Rührreaktoren mit LED-Beleuchtung zur photoautotrophen Hochdurchsatz-Bioprozessentwicklung
Baer, Jan;Ziegaus, Sabrina;Schumann, Mark;Geist, Juergen;Brinker, Alexander; Escaping malnutrition by shifting habitats: A driver of three‐spined stickleback invasion in Lake Constance
Ehring, Jakob Christoph; Fast Neutrino Flavor Conversions in Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations
Unglehrt, Lukas Maximilian; Oscillatory flow through porous media
Felix Tristram; Stefano Gasperini; Nassir Navab; Federico Tombari; Re-Nerfing: Improving Novel Views Synthesis through Novel Views Synthesis
Chan, Jianpeng; Adaptive Monte Carlo methods for network reliability assessment
Katzmeier, Florian Tobias; From Electrokinetically Driven Colloidal Pattern Formation to Microrobotic Applications
Scholl, Manuel; Impulsartige Störgeräusche aus verschraubten Fügestellen am Beispiel der Radverschraubung
Farrell, Meg Daly; Video analysis professional vision training and multimedia instructional design:
Zhu, Huaiyuan; Studies on the Reactivity of Two Coordinate Acyclic Imino(silyl)silylene
Vollmuth, Yannik; Vergleichende Neuropathologie der Bornavirus-Enzephalitis in Mensch und Tier und Korrelation mit dem klinischen Verlauf
Zhou, Lin; Beyond the Traditional: Voluntary Collective Action Initiatives in China’s Rural Land Development
Creß, Christian; Zimmer, Walter; Purschke, Nils; Doan, Bach Ngoc; Kirchner, Sven; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Strand, Leah; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf Event: Calibration and Fusion Resulting in a Dataset for Roadside Event-Based and RGB Cameras
Noichl, F.;Collins, F. C.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Enhancing point cloud semantic segmentation in the data-scarce domain of industrial plants through synthetic data
Pham, Dai Trong; Decision-Making in Dynamic, Stochastic Environments with Large Decision Spaces: Integrated Planning for Spare Parts and Technician Routing
Hartl, Anna;Starke, Elena;Voggenreiter, Angelina;Holzberger, Doris;Michaeli,Tilman;Pfeffer, Jürgen; Empowering Digital Natives: InstaClone–a Novel Approach to Data Literacy Education in the Age of Social Media
Xu, Hongxiang; On-Surface Synthesis of Novel Macrocyclic Nanostructures via C–C Coupling Assisted by Coordination Pocket Templates
Wietfeld, Alexander; Schmidt, Sebastian; Kellerer, Wolfgang; DBMC-NOMA: Evaluating NOMA for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication Networks
Stephan Sinzig, Christoph P. Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall; A conservative and efficient model for grain boundaries of solid electrolytes in a continuum model for solid-state batteries
Hehl, Laura Anna; Determining the ubiquitylation mechanism of UBR5
Silvayeh, Zahra;Domitner, Josef;Müller, Marius;Auer, Peter;Sommitsch, Christof;Mayr, Peter; Engineering approach for determining the mechanical behavior of thin welds
Maierhofer, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel J.; Computing Forces by ECSW-Hyperreduction in Nonlinear Magnetodynamic FEM Problems
von Nitzsch, Jannis; A Behavioral Perspective of the Entrepreneurial Group: Exploring the Impact of Team Design, Cognitions, and Group Dynamics on Entrepreneurial Outcomes
Koller, Lukas;Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; End-To-End Set-Based Training for Neural Network Verification
Meier, Dennis; Investigations of self-assembly approaches for 3D molecular networks at the solid-vacuum interface
Richard M. Milbradt, Qunsheng Huang, Christian B. Mendl; State Diagrams and Tree Tensor Networks
Kronowetter, Fabian Johannes; A journey into quantum illumination
Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Lin Huang, Peng; Prado, Anna; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Network Planning for the Future Railway Communications
Wang, Weixing; Yang, Haojin; Meinel, Christoph; Özkan, Hasan Yagiz; Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Feature Distribution Shift Mitigation with Contrastive Pretraining for Intrusion Detection
Benciolini, Tommaso; Yuntian Yan; Wollherr, Dirk; Leibold, Marion; Combining Belief Function Theory and Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Multi-Modal Uncertainty in Autonomous Driving
Wissing, Christiane; Von der Pflegepraktikerin zur Pflegelehrerin
Pretzsch, Hans;Hilmers, Torben;del Río, Miren; The effect of structural diversity on the self-thinning line, yield level, and density-growth relationship in even-aged stands of Norway spruce
Boldini, Davide; Improving Gradient Boosting Machine for Modelling High Throughput Screening Data in Drug Discovery
Benjamin Rodenberg; Dirichlet-Neumann waveform iteration with the coupling library preCICE
Benjamin Rodenberg; Waveform iteration in partitioned multiphysics with preCICE
Prommegger, Barbara; Kraußer, Christoph; Straeussl, Alexander; Arpaci, Selin; Trost, Andrea; Krcmar, Helmut; Generation Z Entering IT – Navigating Expectations for Employers and Employees
Benedict, Alia;Kuehn, Ralph;Stoeckle, Bernhard C.;Geist, Juergen; Genetic comparisons of the invasive pond mussel Sinanodonta woodiana from wild and pet shop populations in Germany
Braziunas, Kristin H.;Geres, Lisa;Richter, Tobias;Glasmann, Felix;Senf, Cornelius;Thom, Dominik;Seibold, Sebastian;Seidl, Rupert; Projected climate and canopy change lead to thermophilization and homogenization of forest floor vegetation in a hotspot of plant species richness
Jakob, Benedikt Laurin; Entrepreneurial Envy
Witzenberger, Benedict Ludwig; COVID-19 and Data Journalism. Insights from Computational Social Science
Pander, Joachim;Kuhn, Johannes;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Habersetzer, Luis;Geist, Juergen; Diurnal patterns of spatial stream temperature variations reveal the need for integrating thermal heterogeneity in riverscape habitat restoration
Csörnyei, Géza Attila; Measuring distances in the near-Universe
Eggert, Thorben; Structure and Energetics of Metal-Water Interfaces from Atomistic Simulations
Leemann, Tobias; Pawelczyk, Martin; Eberle, Christian Thomas; Kasneci, Gjergji; I Prefer Not To Say: Protecting User Consent in Models with Optional Personal Data
Bodonhelyi, Anna; Bozkir, Efe; Yang, Shuo; Kasneci, Enkelejda; Kasneci, Gjergji; User Intent Recognition and Satisfaction with Large Language Models: A User Study with ChatGPT
Rehpenn, Andreas Lars; Methyl Ester Modified Flavins and their Ring-Contracted Analogs for Photocatalytic Applications
Olbrich, Felix; Beil, Christof; Nguyen, Son H.; Kolbe, Thomas H.; Multimodale Navigationsanwendungen für CityGML 3.0-konforme 3D-Straßenraummodelle mittels Graphdatenbanken
Wietfeld, Alexander; Schmidt, Sebastian; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Error Probability Optimization for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in DBMC Networks
Hofmann, Pit; Schmidt, Sebastian; Wietfeld, Alexander; Zhou, Pengjie; Fuchtmann, Jonas; Fitzek, Frank H.P.; Kellerer, Wolfgang; A Molecular Communication Perspective on Detecting Arterial Plaque Formation
Merkel, Konrad; Real Space Approach to Electronic and Optical Excitations in Organic and Inorganic Semiconductors
Lindner, Johannes; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Smartphone-based Human-Machine-Interface for Bicycles: A Study on Behavioral Change and Learning Effects
Lindner, Johannes; Pechinger, Mathias; Bogenberger, Klaus; Experimental Digital Twins: Unlocking Insights for Multimodal Transportation Systems through Targeted Data Collection
Keerthi Gaddameedi, Dominik Huber, Martin Schreiber, Jan Fecht, Valentina Schueller, Michael Minion, Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Dynamic HPC resources for PinT: Algorithmic perspective
Zheng, Zhidan; Cheng, Liaoyuan; Arisawa, Kanta; Li, Qingyu; Truppel, Alexandre; Yamashita, Shigeru; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Multi-Resonance Mesh-Based Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks-on-Chip
Liang, Siyuan; Zhang, Yushen; Altay, Rana; Gasvoda, Hudson; Li, Mengchu; Araci, Ismail Emre; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Ho, Tsung-Yi; LaMUX: Optimized Logic-Gate-Enabled High-Performance Microfluidic Multiplexer Design
Knott, Josef;Mueller, Melanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in‐stream structures
Schumm, Benedikt;Bremer, Stephanie;Knödlseder, Katharina;Schönfelder, Martin;Hain, Rainer;Semmler, Luisa;Lorenz, Elke;Wackerhage, Henning;Kähler, Christian J.;Jörres, Rudolf; Indices of airway resistance and reactance from impulse oscillometry correlate with aerosol particle emission in different age groups
Weber, Michael; Schniertshauer, Johannes; Przybilla, Leonard; Hein, Andreas; Weking, Jörg; Krcmar, Helmut; Streamlining the Operation of AI Systems: Examining MLOps Maturity at an Automotive Firm
Ekman, Ellinoora;Triviño, María;Blattert, Clemens;Mazziotta, Adriano;Potterf, Maria;Eyvindson, Kyle; Disentangling the effects of management and climate change on habitat suitability for saproxylic species in boreal forests
Lira Dyson, Bronwyn;Herpel, Rhea;Karasch, Peter;Müller, Jörg;Thom, Dominik;Bässler, Claus; Effects of forest management on the key fungal decomposer Fomes fomentarius in European beech forests – Lessons from a large-scale experiment
Zimmer, Walter; Wardana, Gerhard Arya; Sritharan, Suren; Zhou, Xingcheng; Song, Rui; Knoll, Alois C.; TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset
Eisner, Teresa; Studies on Silylated Low-Oxidation State Group 14 Compounds: Synthesis, Structural Properties and Reactivity
Keune, Anna; Learning within fiber-crafted algorithms: Posthumanist perspectives for capturing human-material collaboration
Keune, A. & Hurtado, S.; Materializing social media youth practices toward algorithmic learning
Hurtado, S. & Keune, A.; Social media as a space for youth’s algorithmic resistance
Keune, A., Hurtado, S. & Simšič, Ž.; Exploring AI Ethics through educational scenarios with AI generative arts apps
Asgari, H.; Munari, A.; Liva, G.; Age of Information for Frame Asynchronous Coded Slotted ALOHA
Engel, Thomas; Winter, Stefan; Grundlagen zur brandschutztechnischen Anwendbarkeit von begrünten Fassaden an mehrgeschossigen Gebäuden
Sauer, Michael Johannes; Influence of Strong Donors on Industrial Platinum Catalysts in the Hydrosilylation Reaction
Ramon Maria Garcia Alarcia, Pietro Russo, Alfredo Renga, Alessandro Golkar; Bringing Systems Engineering Models to Large Language Models: An Integration of OPM with an LLM for Design Assistants
Newcome, Samuel James; Simulation-Tuned Time and Energy Optimisation for Multi-Site and 3-body Molecular Dynamics Simulations with AutoPas
Yuhong Huang, Zhenshan Bing, Zitao Zhang, Genghang Zhuang, Kai Huang, Alois Knoll; Optimizing Dynamic Balance in a Rat Robot Via the Lateral Flexion of a Soft Actuated Spine
Lopes-Lima, M.;Geist, J.;Egg, S.;Beran, L.;Bikashvili, A.;Van Bocxlaer, B.;Bogan, AE.;Bolotov, IN.;Chelpanovskaya, OA.;Douda, K.;Fernandes, V.;Gomes-dos-Santos, A.;Gonçalves, DV.;Gürlek, ME.;Johnson, NA.;Karaouzas, I.;Kebapçı, Ü.;Kondakov, AV.;Kuehn, R.;Lajtner, J.;Mumladze, L.;Nagel, K-O.;Neubert, E.;Österling, M.;Pfeiffer, J.;Prié, V.;Riccardi, N.;Sell, J.;Schneider, LD.;Shumka, S.;Sîrbu, I.;Skujienė, G.;Smith, CH.;Sousa, R.;Stöckl, K.;Taskinen, J.;Teixeira, A.;Todorov, M.;Trichkova, T.;Urbańska, M.;Välilä, S.;Varandas, S.;Veríssimo, J.;Vikhrev, IV.;Woschitz, G.;Zając, K.;Zając, T.;Zanatta, D.;Zieritz, A.;Zogaris, S.;Froufe, E.; Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications
Lin, Yuanfei;Li, Chenran;Ding, Mingyu;Tomizuka, Masayoshi;Zhan, Wei;Althoff, Matthias; DrPlanner: Diagnosis and Repair of Motion Planners Using Large Language Models
Devra, Amit; Wigner Tomography of Quantum States and Processes and its Implementation on Near-Term Quantum Devices
Vogel, Quirin;Deshpande, Yash;Stefanović, Cedomir;Kellerer, Wolfgang; Analysis of d-ary tree algorithms with successive interference cancellation
Shubhangi Bhadauria, Klea Plaku, Yash Deshpande, Wolfgang Kellerer; Evaluation of NR-Sidelink for Cooperative Industrial AGVs
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Pimp My Simulation Further: Combining Strategies for Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Particle Simulations
Heckmann, Dirk; Rachut, Sarah; Rechtssichere Hochschulprüfungen mit und trotz generativer KI
Rothmeyer, Florian and Fottner, Johannes; Simulative Evaluation des koordinativen Steuerungsansatzes für heterogene Flurförderzeugsysteme
Lechner, Miriam;Moser, Stephanie;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen;Lewalter, Doris; Learning scientific observation with worked examples in a digital learning environment
Zagst, Sabine; Hirt, Philipp-Roman; Automatisierte Generierung eines Baumkatasters aus Punktwolken in unterschiedlichen urbanen Umgebungen
Tok, Gülen Ceren; Elucidation of the Redox-Active Mabiq Ligand Effect on Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Gerasimos Chourdakis; A coherent curriculum track of RSE skills for simulation software
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Valentin Seitz; Benjamin Uekermann; System regression tests for the preCICE partitioned simulation ecosystem
Díaz‐Yáñez, Olalla;Käber, Yannek;Anders, Tim;Bohn, Friedrich;Braziunas, Kristin H.;Brůna, Josef;Fischer, Rico;Fischer, Samuel M.;Hetzer, Jessica;Hickler, Thomas;Hochauer, Christian;Lexer, Manfred J.;Lischke, Heike;Mairota, Paola;Merganič, Ján;Merganičová, Katarina;Mette, Tobias;Mina, Marco;Morin, Xavier;Nieberg, Mats;Rammer, Werner;Reyer, Christopher P. O.;Scheiter, Simon;Scherrer, Daniel;Bugmann, Harald; Tree regeneration in models of forest dynamics: A key priority for further research
Lecina‐Diaz, Judit;Senf, Cornelius;Grünig, Marc;Seidl, Rupert; Ecosystem services at risk from disturbance in Europe's forests
Ahmed, Shamim;Hilmers, Torben;Uhl, Enno;Jacobs, Martin;Bohnhorst, Luke;Kolisnyk, Bohdan;del Río, Miren;Pretzsch, Hans; Neighborhood competition modulates the link between crown structure and tree ring variability in monospecific and mixed forest stands
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Angermann D.; Analysis of legacy and VGOS Intensives at IVS AC DGFI-TUM
Mehranfar, M.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; From dense point clouds to semantic digital models: End-to-end AI-based automation procedure for Manhattan-world structures
Gregor, K.; Krause, A.; Reyer, C.; Knoke, T.; Meyer, B.; Suvanto, S.; Rammig, A.; Quantifying the impact of key factors on the carbon mitigation potential of managed temperate forests
Bödeker, K.; Knoke, T.; Ammer, C.; Verjüngungsinventuren
Newcome, Samuel James; Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Muehlhaeusser, Markus; Neumann, Philipp; Bungartz, Hans-Joachim; AutoPas: Dynamic Algorithm Selection in Molecular Dynamics for Optimal Time and Energy
Li, Mengchu; Gu, Hanchen; Zhang, Yushen; Liang, Siyuan; Gasvoda, Hudson; Altay, Rana; Araci, Ismail; Tseng, Tsun-Ming; Ho, Tsung-Yi; Schlichtmann, Ulf; Late Breaking Results: Efficient Built-in Self-Test for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration (mLSI)
Uluç, Nasire;Glasl, Sarah;Gasparin, Francesca;Yuan, Tao;He, Hailong;Jüstel, Dominik;Pleitez, Miguel A;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Non-invasive measurements of blood glucose levels by time-gating mid-infrared optoacoustic signals.
Bretzel, Joachim B.;Pulg, Ulrich;Geist, Juergen; Juvenile salmonid abundance in a diamictic semi‐fluvial stream in Norway—does stream bed shelter beat large woody debris?
Biefel, F.;Geist, J.;Connon, R.E.;Harper, B.;Brander, S.M.; Interactive effects between water temperature, microparticle compositions, and fiber types on the marine keystone species Americamysis bahia
Vollmuth, Pia; Bethäuser, Lasse; Brungs, Felix; Fottner, Johannes; From Traditional to Transformable Production Logistics – Measures for Successful Transformation
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Exponent Relaxation of Polynomial Zonotopes and Its Applications in Formal Neural Network Verification
Willinger, Lukas ; Runer, Armin ; Vieider, Romed ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Winkler, Philipp W.; Noninvasive and Reliable Quantification of Anteromedial Rotatory Knee Laxity: A Pilot Study on Healthy Individuals
Pepić, Amra ; Stark, Maria ; Friede, Tim ; Kopp-Schneider, Annette ; Calderazzo, Silvia ; Reichert, Maria ; Wolf, Michael ; Wirth, Ulrich ; Schopf, Stefan ; Zapf, Antonia; A diagnostic phase III/IV seamless design to investigate the diagnostic accuracy and clinical effectiveness using the example of HEDOS and HEDOS II
Niels, Tanja ; Bogenberger, Klaus ; Papageorgiou, Markos ; Papamichail, Ioannis; Optimization-Based Intersection Control for Connected Automated Vehicles and Pedestrians
Parotte, Céline ; Macq, Hadrien ; Delvenne, Pierre; The Efficacy Paradox Revisited:
Lizarraga, Aldana ; Ripp, Isabelle ; Sala, Arianna ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Düring, Marco ; Koch, Kathrin ; Yakushev, Igor; Similarity between structural and proxy estimates of brain connectivity
Berthold, Daniel P. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Elhassan, Bassem T. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Muench, Lukas N.; Anterior Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for Irreparable Subscapularis Tears Improves Shoulder Kinematics in a Dynamic Biomechanical Cadaveric Shoulder Model
Lechner, Miriam ; Moser, Stephanie ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen ; Lewalter, Doris; Learning scientific observation with worked examples in a digital learning environment
Buechel, Catherine ; Friedmann, Anna ; Eber, Stefan ; Behrends, Uta ; Mall, Volker ; Nehring, Ina; The change of psychosocial stress factors in families with infants and toddlers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A longitudinal perspective on the CoronabaBY study from Germany
Ritschl, Lucas M. ; Singer, Hannes ; Clasen, Franz-Carl ; Haller, Bernhard ; Fichter, Andreas M. ; Deppe, Herbert ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Weitz, Jochen; Oral rehabilitation and associated quality of life following mandibular reconstruction with free fibula flap: a cross-sectional study
Baumgart, Lea ; Anetsberger, Aida ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Hanno S. ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Single brain metastases - prognostic factors and impact of residual tumor burden on overall survival
Schröder, Sebastian ; Westhoff, Martin Schulze ; Pfister, Tabea ; Seifert, Johanna ; Bleich, Stefan ; Koop, Felix ; Proskynitopoulos, Phileas Johannes ; Glahn, Alexander ; Heck, Johannes; Drug safety in older patients with alcohol use disorder: a retrospective cohort study
Rietjens, Judith A. C. ; Griffioen, Ingeborg ; Sierra-Pérez, Jorge ; Sroczynski, Gaby ; Siebert, Uwe ; Buyx, Alena ; Peric, Barbara ; Svane, Inge Marie ; Brands, Jasper B. P. ; Steffensen, Karina D. ; Romero Piqueras, Carlos ; Hedayati, Elham ; Karsten, Maria M. ; Couespel, Norbert ; Akoglu, Canan ; Pazo-Cid, Roberto ; Rayson, Paul ; Lingsma, Hester F. ; Schermer, Maartje H. N. ; Steyerberg, Ewout W. ; Payne, Sheila A. ; Korfage, Ida J. ; Stiggelbout, Anne M.; Improving shared decision-making about cancer treatment through design-based data-driven decision-support tools and redesigning care paths: an overview of the 4D PICTURE project
Muench, Lukas N. ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Dorsey, Caitlin G. ; Hawthorne, Benjamin ; Trudeau, Maxwell T. ; Wolf, John D. ; Wellington, Ian ; Mazzocca, Augustus D.; Long-Term Functional Outcomes and Athletic Ability in Shoulder Sports After Anatomic Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction for Chronic Type 3 and 5 Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
Kosel, Christian ; Bauer, Elisabeth ; Seidel, Tina; Where experience makes a difference: teachers' judgment accuracy and diagnostic reasoning regarding student learning characteristics
Berlet, Maximilian ; Fuchtmann, Jonas ; Krumpholz, Roman ; Naceri, Abdeldjallil ; Macari, Daniela ; Jähne-Schon, Christoph ; Haddadin, Sami ; Friess, Helmut ; Feussner, Hubertus ; Wilhelm, Dirk; Toward telemedical diagnostics_clinical evaluation of a robotic examination system for emergency patients
Shu, Qiguan ; Yazdi, Hadi ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Ludwig, Ferdinand; Predicting resprouting of Platanus × hispanica following branch pruning by means of machine learning
Yu, Mia S. C. ; Chiang, Dapi Menglin ; Reithmair, Marlene ; Meidert, Agnes ; Brandes, Florian ; Schelling, Gustav ; Ludwig, Christina ; Meng, Chen ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Zenner, Christian ; Muller, Laurent ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; The proteome of bacterial membrane vesicles in Escherichia coli_a time course comparison study in two different media
Hasseli, Rebecca ; Hanses, Frank ; Stecher, Melanie ; Specker, Christof ; Weise, Tobias ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Hasselberger, Martina ; Hertenstein, Bernd ; Hower, Martin ; Hoyer, Bimba F. ; Koll, Carolin ; Krause, Andreas ; von Lilienfeld-Toal, Marie ; Lorenz, Hanns-Martin ; Merle, Uta ; Nunes de Miranda, Susana M. ; Pletz, Mathias W. ; Regierer, Anne C. ; Richter, Jutta G. ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Roemmele, Christoph ; Ruethrich, Maria M. ; Schmeiser, Tim ; Schulze-Koops, Hendrik ; Strangfeld, Anja ; Vehreschild, Maria J.G.T. ; Voit, Florian ; Voll, Reinhard E. ; Vehreschild, Jörg Janne ; Müller-Ladner, Ulf ; Pfeil, Alexander; The protective effect of tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases compared to the general population_A comparison of two German registries
Harlacher, Eva ; Schulte, Corinna ; Vondenhoff, Sonja ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Diederich, Philippe ; Hemmers, Christian ; Moellmann, Julia ; Wollenhaupt, Julia ; Veltrop, Rogier ; Biessen, Erik ; Lehrke, Michael ; Peters, Björn ; Schlieper, Georg ; Kuppe, Christoph ; Floege, Jürgen ; Jankowski, Vera ; Marx, Nikolaus ; Jankowski, Joachim ; Noels, Heidi; Increased levels of a mycophenolic acid metabolite in patients with kidney failure negatively affect cardiomyocyte health
Allwang, Christine ; Frank, Tamara ; Bruckmann, Paul ; Dinkel, Andreas ; Binneboese, Marius ; Wallis, Hannah ; Elgner, Melanie ; Giel, Katrin E. ; Schurr, Marisa ; Gündel, Harald ; Wedekind, Lisa ; Kuhn, Julia ; Lahmann, Claas ; Müller, Anne-Maria ; Beckmann, Pauline ; Massag, Janka ; Mikolajczyk, Rafael ; Junne, Florian; Addressing psychosocial needs in patients with Long-COVID (PsyLoCo-Study): study protocol of a pilot-study of a specialized modular intervention
Martens, Eimo ; Haase, Hans-Ulrich ; Mastella, Giulio ; Henkel, Andreas ; Spinner, Christoph ; Hahn, Franziska ; Zou, Congyu ; Fava Sanches, Augusto ; Allescher, Julia ; Heid, Daniel ; Strauss, Elena ; Maier, Melanie-Maria ; Lachmann, Mark ; Schmidt, Georg ; Westphal, Dominik ; Haufe, Tobias ; Federle, David ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Boeker, Martin ; Becker, Matthias ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Steger, Alexander ; Müller, Alexander; Smart hospital: achieving interoperability and raw data collection from medical devices in clinical routine
Scatà, Maria Carmela ; Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Grandoni, Francesco ; Reale, Anna ; Zampieri, Michele ; Hussen, Jamal ; De Matteis, Giovanna; Hyperthermia-induced changes in leukocyte survival and phagocytosis: a comparative study in bovine and buffalo leukocytes
Alhussien, Mohanned Naif ; Hussen, Jamal ; De Matteis, Giovanna; Editorial: Heat stress and immune responses in livestock: current challenges and intervention strategies
Gscheidle, Christian ; Witzel, Thilo ; Smolka, Alexander ; Reiss, Philipp; Permittivity sensor development for lunar and planetary surface exploration
Schorr, Isabel ; Plecher, David A. ; Eichhorn, Christian ; Klinker, Gudrun; Foreign language learning using augmented reality environments: a systematic review
Paulus, Frank W. ; Joas, Jens ; Friedmann, Anna ; Fuschlberger, Tamara ; Möhler, Eva ; Mall, Volker; Familial context influences media usage in 0- to 4-year old children
Toussaint, Anne ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Riedl, Bernhard ; Linde, Klaus ; Dreischulte, Tobias ; Falkai, Peter ; Gensichen, Jochen ; Henningsen, Peter ; Bühner, Markus ; Jung-Sievers, Caroline ; Krcmar, Helmut ; Lukaschek, Karoline ; Pitschel-Walz, Gabriele ; Schneider, Antonius ; Vukas, Jochen ; Younesi, Puya ; Gökce, Feyza ; von Schrottenberg, Victoria ; Schönweger, Petra ; Schillock, Hannah ; Raub, Jonas ; Reindl-Spanner, Philipp ; Hattenkofer, Lisa ; Kaupe, Lukas ; Haas, Carolin ; Eder, Julia ; Brisnik, Vita ; Brand, Constantin ; Ebert, Chris ; Emilia Vogel, Marie ; Teusen, Clara ; Biersack, Katharina; Lessons learned from applying established cut-off values of questionnaires to detect somatic symptom disorders in primary care: a cross-sectional study
Lu, Chenghao ; Nnadozie, Emmanuel ; Camenzind, Moritz Paul ; Hu, Yuncai ; Yu, Kang; Maize plant detection using UAV-based RGB imaging and YOLOv5
Camenzind, Moritz Paul ; Yu, Kang; Multi temporal multispectral UAV remote sensing allows for yield assessment across European wheat varieties already before flowering
Jin, Jessica ; Rothämel, Paula ; Büchel, Johanna ; Kammer, Birgit ; Brunet, Theresa ; Pattathu, Joseph ; Flemmer, Andreas W. ; Nussbaum, Claudia ; Schroepf, Sebastian; Case Report: Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome_a rare cause of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
Goldberg, Maria ; Mondragon-Soto, Michel G. ; Altawalbeh, Ghaith ; Baumgart, Lea ; Gempt, Jens ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan; Enhancing outcomes: neurosurgical resection in brain metastasis patients with poor Karnofsky performance score - a comprehensive survival analysis
von Ofen, Anna Josefine ; Thiel, Uwe ; Eck, Jennifer ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; Thiede, Melanie ; Hauer, Julia ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Schober, Sebastian J.; YB-1-based oncolytic virotherapy in combination with CD47 blockade enhances phagocytosis of pediatric sarcoma cells
Pricoco, Rafael ; Meidel, Paulina ; Hofberger, Tim ; Zietemann, Hannah ; Mueller, Yvonne ; Wiehler, Katharina ; Michel, Kaja ; Paulick, Johannes ; Leone, Ariane ; Haegele, Matthias ; Mayer-Huber, Sandra ; Gerrer, Katrin ; Mittelstrass, Kirstin ; Scheibenbogen, Carmen ; Renz-Polster, Herbert ; Mihatsch, Lorenz ; Behrends, Uta; One-year follow-up of young people with ME/CFS following infectious mononucleosis by Epstein-Barr virus
Brummer, Julian ; Glasbrenner, Christina ; Hechenbichler Figueroa, Sieglinde ; Koehler, Karsten ; Höchsmann, Christoph; Continuous glucose monitoring for automatic real-time assessment of eating events and nutrition: a scoping review
Hellbach, Fabian ; Freuer, Dennis ; Meisinger, Christa ; Peters, Annette ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Costeira, Ricardo ; Hauner, Hans ; Baumeister, Sebastian-Edgar ; Bell, Jordana T. ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Linseisen, Jakob; Usual dietary intake and change in DNA methylation over years: EWAS in KORA FF4 and KORA fit
Wang, Hui ; Li, GuanNan ; Zhao, Jie ; Eiber, Matthias ; Tian, Rong; Current status of PSMA-targeted imaging and therapy
Daniel, Hannelore; Dietary proteins: from evolution to engineering
Ortiz, Stephan ; Pittock, Sean J. ; Berthele, Achim ; Levy, Michael ; Nakashima, Ichiro ; Oreja-Guevara, Celia ; Allen, Kerstin ; Mashhoon, Yasmin ; Parks, Becky ; Kim, Ho Jin; Immediate and sustained terminal complement inhibition with ravulizumab in patients with anti-aquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
Kern, Jan ; Gulde, Philipp ; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; A prospective investigation of the effects of soccer heading on cognitive and sensorimotor performances in semi-professional female players
Roth, Sebastian ; Müller, Franz-Ullrich ; Angermeier, Julian ; Hemmert, Werner ; Zirn, Stefan; Effect of a processing delay between direct and delayed sound in simulated open fit hearing aids on speech intelligibility in noise
Hörner, Michaela ; Popp, Sandy ; Branchu, Julien ; Stevanin, Giovanni ; Darios, Frédéric ; Klebe, Stephan ; Groh, Janos ; Martini, Rudolf; Clinically approved immunomodulators ameliorate behavioral changes in a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia type 11
Vierbaum, Laura ; Weiss, Nathalie ; Kaiser, Patricia ; Kremser, Marcel ; Wenzel, Folker ; Thevis, Mario ; Schellenberg, Ingo ; Luppa, Peter B.; Longitudinal analysis of external quality assessment of immunoassay-based steroid hormone measurement indicates potential for improvement in standardization
Wolff, Andreas W. ; Bidner, Helen ; Remane, Yvonne ; Zimmer, Janine ; Aarsland, Dag ; Rascol, Olivier ; Wyse, Richard K. ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Lingor, Paul; Protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase IIa study of the safety, tolerability, and symptomatic efficacy of the ROCK-inhibitor Fasudil in patients with Parkinson's disease (ROCK-PD)
Jiang, Jiehui ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Hettie, Kenneth S. ; Hsu, Chih-Yu ; Kung, Woon-Man; Editorial: Translational advances in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other dementia: molecular mechanisms, biomarkers, diagnosis, and therapies, volume III
Rodríguez, Victoria ; Bartholomäus, Alexander ; Witzgall, Kristina ; Riveras-Muñoz, Nicolás ; Oses, Romulo ; Liebner, Susanne ; Kallmeyer, Jens ; Rach, Oliver ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Seguel, Oscar ; Scholten, Thomas ; Wagner, Dirk; Microbial impact on initial soil formation in arid and semiarid environments under simulated climate change
Stullich, Ananda ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Stephan, Johannes ; Gehrmann, Jan ; Richter, Matthias; Evaluating a rehabilitative intervention for substance-dependent patients with and without their accompanying children in Germany (KontextSucht): study protocol for a non-randomised trial
Kastorff, Tamara ; Stegmann, Karsten; Teachers' technological (pedagogical) knowledge-predictors for students' ICT literacy?
Seiringer, Peter ; Hillig, Christina ; Schäbitz, Alexander ; Jargosch, Manja ; Pilz, Anna Caroline ; Eyerich, Stefanie ; Szegedi, Andrea ; Sochorová, Michaela ; Gruber, Florian ; Zouboulis, Christos C. ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Menden, Michael P. ; Eyerich, Kilian ; Töröcsik, Daniel; Spatial transcriptomics reveals altered lipid metabolism and inflammation-related gene expression of sebaceous glands in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
Schober, Sebastian J. ; Thiede, Melanie ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; von Ofen, Anna Josefine ; Knoch, Pia ; Eck, Jennifer ; Prexler, Carolin ; Kordass-Wally, Corazon ; Hauer, Julia ; Burdach, Stefan ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Thiel, Uwe; TCR-transgenic T cells and YB-1-based oncolytic virotherapy improve survival in a preclinical Ewing sarcoma xenograft mouse model
Bottero, Alessandra ; Moos, Christine ; Stritih, Ana ; Teich, Michaela; Editorial: Impacts of global change on protective forests in mountain areas
Addo-Danso, Shalom D. ; Defrenne, Camille E. ; Yaffar, Daniela ; Lugli, Laynara F.; Editorial: Insights into forest ecosystem belowground processes and functioning in a changing environment
Svec, Mortimer ; Dötsch, Sarah ; Warmuth, Linda ; Trebo, Manuel ; Fräßle, Simon ; Riddell, Stanley R. ; Jäger, Ulrich ; D'Ippolito, Elvira ; Busch, Dirk H.; A chimeric antigen receptor-based cellular safeguard mechanism for selective in vivo depletion of engineered T cells
Niarakis, Anna ; Ostaszewski, Marek ; Mazein, Alexander ; Kuperstein, Inna ; Kutmon, Martina ; Gillespie, Marc E. ; Funahashi, Akira ; Acencio, Marcio Luis ; Hemedan, Ahmed ; Aichem, Michael ; Klein, Karsten ; Czauderna, Tobias ; Burtscher, Felicia ; Yamada, Takahiro G. ; Hiki, Yusuke ; Hiroi, Noriko F. ; Hu, Finterly ; Pham, Nhung ; Ehrhart, Friederike ; Willighagen, Egon L. ; Valdeolivas, Alberto ; Dugourd, Aurelien ; Messina, Francesco ; Esteban-Medina, Marina ; Peña-Chilet, Maria ; Rian, Kinza ; Soliman, Sylvain ; Aghamiri, Sara Sadat ; Puniya, Bhanwar Lal ; Naldi, Aurélien ; Helikar, Tomáš ; Singh, Vidisha ; Fernández, Marco Fariñas ; Bermudez, Viviam ; Tsirvouli, Eirini ; Montagud, Arnau ; Noël, Vincent ; Ponce-de-Leon, Miguel ; Maier, Dieter ; Bauch, Angela ; Gyori, Benjamin M. ; Bachman, John A. ; Luna, Augustin ; Piñero, Janet ; Furlong, Laura I. ; Balaur, Irina ; Rougny, Adrien ; Jarosz, Yohan ; Overall, Rupert W. ; Phair, Robert ; Perfetto, Livia ; Matthews, Lisa ; Rex, Devasahayam Arokia Balaya ; Orlic-Milacic, Marija ; Gomez, Luis Cristobal Monraz ; De Meulder, Bertrand ; Ravel, Jean Marie ; Jassal, Bijay ; Satagopam, Venkata ; Wu, Guanming ; Golebiewski, Martin ; Gawron, Piotr ; Calzone, Laurence ; Beckmann, Jacques S. ; Evelo, Chris T. ; D'Eustachio, Peter ; Schreiber, Falk ; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio ; Dopazo, Joaquin ; Kuiper, Martin ; Valencia, Alfonso ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Kitano, Hiroaki ; Barillot, Emmanuel ; Auffray, Charles ; Balling, Rudi ; Schneider, Reinhard; Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
Hillmayr, Delia ; Reinhold, Frank ; Holzberger, Doris ; Reiss, Kristina; STEM teachers' beliefs about the relevance and use of evidence-based information in practice: a case study using thematic analysis
Ripsam, Melanie ; Nerdel, Claudia; Teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy toward augmented reality in chemistry education
Bittner, Norbert ; Shi, Chenfu ; Zhao, Danyun ; Ding, James ; Southam, Lorraine ; Swift, Diane ; Kreitmaier, Peter ; Tutino, Mauro ; Stergiou, Odysseas ; Cheung, Jackson T S ; Katsoula, Georgia ; Hankinson, Jenny ; Wilkinson, Jeremy Mark ; Orozco, Gisela ; Zeggini, Eleftheria; Primary osteoarthritis chondrocyte map of chromatin conformation reveals novel candidate effector genes
Kählke, Fanny ; Hasking, Penelope ; Küchler, Ann-Marie ; Baumeister, Harald; Mental health services for German university students: acceptance of intervention targets and preference for delivery modes
Albert, Alba M. ; Balamurali, Deepak ; Beslika, Evangelia ; Fernandez, Ileana D. ; Genedy, Hussein H. ; Babaei Khorzoughi, Reyhaneh ; Lauta, Francesca Cecilia ; Peppas, Panagiotis ; Ragone, Isabella ; Rizzari, Giorgia ; Sansonetti, Marida ; Silva, Joana ; Spanò, Giulia ; Wrona, Kinga M.; Harnessing the power of RNA therapeutics in treating ischemic heart failure: the TRAIN-HEART story
Zhao, Zilong ; Kunar, Aditya ; Birke, Robert ; Van der Scheer, Hiek ; Chen, Lydia Y.; CTAB-GAN+: enhancing tabular data synthesis
Koppara, Tobias ; Dregely, Isabel ; Nekolla, Stephan G. ; Nährig, Jörg ; Langwieser, Nicolas ; Bradaric, Christian ; Ganter, Carl ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Schwaiger, Markus ; Ibrahim, Tareq; Simultaneous 18-FDG PET and MR imaging in lower extremity arterial disease
Bisignani, Giovanni ; Cheung, Jim W. ; Rordorf, Roberto ; Kutyifa, Valentina ; Hofer, Daniel ; Berti, Dana ; Di Biase, Luigi ; Martens, Eimo ; Russo, Vincenzo ; Vitillo, Paolo ; Zoutendijk, Marlies ; Deneke, Thomas ; Köhler, Irina ; Schrader, Jürgen ; Upadhyay, Gaurav; Implantable cardiac monitors: artificial intelligence and signal processing reduce remote ECG review workload and preserve arrhythmia detection sensitivity
Schmitz, Linus Paul ; Gosslar, Joschua ; Dorresteijn, Evelien ; Lowke, Dirk ; Kloft, Harald; Experimental investigations on the compaction energy for a robotic rammed earth process
Brill, Monika S. ; Fassier, Coralie ; Song, Yuyu; Editorial: Cytoskeletal alterations in aging and disease
Wang, Ying ; Hils, Miriam ; Fischer, Andrea ; Wölbing, Florian ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Schnieke, Angelika ; Fischer, Konrad; Gene-edited pigs: a translational model for human food allergy against alpha-Gal and anaphylaxis
Ko, Jeff C. ; Murillo, Carla ; Weil, Ann B. ; Kreuzer, Matthia ; Moore, George E.; Dexmedetomidine Sedation in Dogs: Impact on Electroencephalography, Behavior, Analgesia, and Antagonism with Atipamezole
Wettengel, Jochen M. ; Naka, Hiroaki ; Dissen, Gregory A. ; Torgerson, Jeffrey ; Pounder, Michelle ; Mueller, Simon F. ; Mueller, Elisabeth ; Hagen, Philipp ; Brandt, Micah ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Burwitz, Benjamin J.; High-Throughput Screening for the Prevalence of Neutralizing Antibodies against Human Adenovirus Serotype 5
Zhang, Jingcheng ; Hu, Yuncai ; Li, Fei ; Fue, Kadeghe G. ; Yu, Kang; Meta-Analysis Assessing Potential of Drone Remote Sensing in Estimating Plant Traits Related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Gedrich, Kurt ; Kolossa, Silvia ; Hartwig, Kai; The Effectiveness of Specific Pieces of Advice in Personalized Nutrition_An Example from the German Food4Me Sub-Cohort +
Reik, Anna ; Schauberger, Gunther ; Wiechert, Meike ; Hauner, Hans ; Holzapfel, Christina; Association between the Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Response and Changes in Anthropometric Parameters after an 8-Week Formula Diet_Data from the Lifestyle Intervention Study +
Yildiz, Cennet ; Medina, Isabel; Thermodynamic Analysis to Evaluate the Effect of Diet on Brain Glucose Metabolism: The Case of Fish Oil
Boza Espinoza, Tatiana Erika ; Salinas, Norma ; Cosio, Eric G. ; Tito, Richard ; Nina-Quispe, Alex ; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa María; Assessing Peru's Land Monitoring System Contributions towards Fulfilment of Its International Environmental Commitments
Picard, Philipp K. W. ; Osswald, Tim A. ; Zaremba, Swen ; Drechsler, Klaus; Modeling of a Process Window for Tailored Reinforcements in Overmolding Processes
Mayer, Julius M. ; Spies, Sophie I. ; Mayer, Carla K. ; Zubler, Cédric ; Loucas, Rafael ; Holzbach, Thomas; How to Treat a Cyclist's Nodule?_Introduction of a Novel, ICG-Assisted Approach
Gabriel, Anna ; Konrad, Andreas ; Herold, Nadine ; Horstmann, Thomas ; Schleip, Robert ; Paternoster, Florian K.; Testing the Posterior Chain: Diagnostic Accuracy of the Bunkie Test versus the Isokinetic Hamstrings/Quadriceps Measurement in Patients with Self-Reported Knee Pain and Healthy Controls
Gramer, Gwendolyn ; Wortmann, Saskia B. ; Fang-Hoffmann, Junmin ; Kohlmüller, Dirk ; Okun, Jürgen G. ; Prokisch, Holger ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Hoffmann, Georg F.; New Cases of Maleylacetoacetate Isomerase Deficiency with Detection by Newborn Screening and Natural History over 32 Years: Experience from a German Newborn Screening Center
Schlicke, Marcel ; Wannenmacher, Helmut ; Nübel, Konrad; Advancing TBM Performance: Integrating Shield Friction Analysis and Machine Learning in Geotechnical Engineering
Gabler, Anna Maria ; Ludwig, Annalena ; Biener, Florian ; Waldner, Magdalena ; Dawid, Corinna ; Frank, Oliver; Chemical Characterization of Red Wine Polymers and Their Interaction Affinity with Odorants
Salariseddigh, Mohammad Javad ; Dabbabi, Ons ; Deppe, Christian ; Boche, Holger; Deterministic K-Identification for Future Communication Networks: The Binary Symmetric Channel Results +
Raab, Florian ; Böse, Lennart ; Klein, Harald ; Opferkuch, Frank; Steam Storage Rankine Cycle for Unutilized Applications in Distributed High-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery
Zeng, Guang ; Wu, Zhizhou ; Xu, Lipeng ; Liang, Yunyi; Efficient Vision Transformer YOLOv5 for Accurate and Fast Traffic Sign Detection
Agormedah, Edmond Kwesi ; Ankomah, Francis ; Srem-Sai, Medina ; Nugba, Regina Mawusi ; Quansah, Frank ; Hagan, John Elvis ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Schack, Thomas; Effects of Gender and Age Interaction on Sense of Coherence and Subjective Well-Being of Senior High School Students in Northern Ghana
Gsänger, Matthias ; Hösel, Volker ; Mohamad-Klotzbach, Christoph ; Müller, Johannes; Opinion Models, Election Data, and Political Theory
Pulvermacher, Samuel ; Loebich, Florian ; Prahs, Andreas ; Liu, Hangning ; Cabeza, Sandra ; Pirling, Thilo ; Hofmann, Michael ; Gibmeier, Jens; Analysis of Phase-Specific Strain Pole Figures for Duplex Steels under Elasto-Plastic Uniaxial Tension_Experiment vs. EPSC Modelling
Spitschan, Manuel ; Vidafar, Parisa ; Cain, Sean W. ; Phillips, Andrew J. K. ; Lambert, Ben C.; Power Analysis for Human Melatonin Suppression Experiments
May, Lilly ; Chu, Chang-Feng ; Zielinski, Christina E.; Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals HIF1A as a Severity-Sensitive Immunological Scar in Circulating Monocytes of Convalescent Comorbidity-Free COVID-19 Patients
Kravchuk, Anton P. ; Wolff, Ingmar ; Gilfrich, Christian ; Wirtz, Ralph M. ; Soares, Paula ; Braun, Kay-Patrick ; Brookman-May, Sabine D. ; Kollitsch, Lisa ; Hauner, Katharina ; Burchardt, Martin ; Bründl, Johannes ; Burger, Maximilian ; May, Matthias; Urine-Based Biomarker Test Uromonitor® in the Detection and Disease Monitoring of Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer_A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Test Performance
Steuwe, Andrea ; Kamp, Benedikt ; Afat, Saif ; Akinina, Alena ; Aludin, Schekeb ; Bas, Elif Gülsah ; Berger, Josephine ; Bohrer, Evelyn ; Brose, Alexander ; Büttner, Susanne Martina ; Ehrengut, Constantin ; Gerwing, Mirjam ; Grosu, Sergio ; Gussew, Alexander ; Güttler, Felix ; Heinrich, Andreas ; Jiraskova, Petra ; Kloth, Christopher ; Kottlors, Jonathan ; Kuennemann, Marc-David ; Liska, Christian ; Lubina, Nora ; Manzke, Mathias ; Meinel, Felix G. ; Meyer, Hans-Jonas ; Mittermeier, Andreas ; Persigehl, Thorsten ; Schmill, Lars-Patrick ; Steinhardt, Manuel ; Antoch, Gerald ; Valentin, Birte; Standardization of a CT Protocol for Imaging Patients with Suspected COVID-19_A RACOON Project
Petz, Dominik ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Park, Juyeon ; Schökel, Alexander ; Kriele, Armin ; Rebelo Kornmeier, Joana ; Paulmann, Carsten ; Koch, Max ; Nilges, Tom ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Heterogeneity of Lithium Distribution in the Graphite Anode of 21700-Type Cylindrical Li-Ion Cells during Degradation
Forestano, Roy T. ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Dong, Zhongtian ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia ; Unlu, Eyup B.; A Comparison between Invariant and Equivariant Classical and Quantum Graph Neural Networks
Gidarakou, Marilena ; Papayannis, Alexandros ; Kokkalis, Panagiotis ; Evangeliou, Nikolaos ; Vratolis, Stergios ; Remoundaki, Emmanouella ; Groot Zwaaftink, Christine ; Eckhardt, Sabine ; Veselovskii, Igor ; Mylonaki, Maria ; Argyrouli, Athina ; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos ; Solomos, Stavros ; Gini, Maria I.; Optical and Microphysical Properties of the Aerosols during a Rare Event of Biomass-Burning Mixed with Polluted Dust
Radeck, Domenik ; Hsu, Felix He-Mao ; Janke, Florian ; Semino, Gabriele ; Hofmann, Tim ; Rink, Sebastian ; Jocher, Agnes; Propulsion and Suspension Concept of the Technical University of Munich Hyperloop Full-Scale Demonstrator
Müller, Moritz ; Dupuis, Ambre ; Zeulner, Tobias ; Vazquez, Ignacio ; Hagerer, Johann ; Gloor, Peter A.; Predicting Team Well-Being through Face Video Analysis with AI
Šimenko, Jo ef ; Mahni , Nik ; Kukovica, David ; Sertić, Hrvoje ; Segedi, Ivan ; Milić, Radoje ; Karpljuk, Damir ; Ceylan, Bayram ; Rauter, Samo; Exploring the Relationship between Anaerobic and Morphological Characteristics and Competition Success in Young Male Slovenian Judo Athletes
Kehl, Alexandra ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike ; de Brot, Simone ; van der Weyden, Louise; Review of Molecular Technologies for Investigating Canine Cancer
Lun, Runqi ; Liu, Wei ; Li, Guojing ; Luo, Qiyou; Does Digital Agricultural Technology Extension Service Enhance Sustainable Food Production? Evidence from Maize Farmers in China
He, Ruichen ; Holzapfel, Florian ; Bröcker, Johannes ; Lai, Yi ; Zhang, Shuguang; A Decentralized Voting and Monitoring Flight Control Actuation System for eVTOL Aircraft
Li, Yuhan ; Zhang, Shuguang ; He, Ruichen ; Holzapfel, Florian; Objective Detection of Trust in Automated Urban Air Mobility: A Deep Learning-Based ERP Analysis
Mbikayi, Zoe ; Steinert, Agnes ; Heimsch, Dominik ; Speckmaier, Moritz ; Rudolph, Philippe ; Liu, Hugh ; Holzapfel, Florian; Online Deterministic 3D Trajectory Generation for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft
Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Hochberger, Felix ; Berthold, Daniel P. ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Willinger, Lukas; Tibiofemoral Subluxation on Radiograph as a Predictor of Location and Size of Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee
Stephan, Johannes ; Gehrmann, Jan ; Stullich, Ananda ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias; Development, piloting and evaluation of an app-supported psychosocial prevention intervention to strengthen participation in working life: a study protocol of a mixed-methods approach
Papa, Andrea ; Nussbaumer, Clement ; Goulouti, Eleni ; Schwitz, Fabienne ; Wustmann, Kerstin ; Tobler, Daniel ; Greutmann, Matthias ; Schwerzmann, Markus; Prognostic value of right ventricular dyssynchrony in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot
Jacobs, An ; Warnants, Maarten ; Vollmuth, Veronika ; Winkler, Christiane ; Weiss, Andreas ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele ; Lundgren, Markus ; Elding Larsson, Helena ; Kordonouri, Olga ; von dem Berge, Thekla ; Zielmann, Marie-Luise ; Bonifacio, Ezio ; Hommel, Angela ; Oltarzewski, Mariusz ; Szypowska, Agnieszka ; Besser, Rachel ; Todd, John A. ; Casteels, Kristina; Vitamin D insufficiency in infants with increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes: a secondary analysis of the POInT Study
Edouard, Pascal ; Dandrieux, Pierre-Eddy ; Hollander, Karsten ; Zyskowski, Michael; Injuries and illnesses at the Munich 2022 European Championships: a prospective study of 5419 athletes from 52 countries involved in 9 sports
Heimke, Ferdinand ; Furukawa, Yuki ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Johnston, Bradley C. ; Engel, Rolf R. ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Leucht, Stefan; Understanding effect size: an international online survey among psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians from other medical specialities, dentists and other health professionals
Sahker, Ethan ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Luo, Yan ; Ferreira, Manuela L ; Okazaki, Kaori ; Chevance, Astrid ; Markham, Sarah ; Ede, Roger ; Leucht, Stefan ; Cipriani, Andrea ; Salanti, Georgia; Estimating the smallest worthwhile difference of antidepressants: a cross-sectional survey
Harrer, Mathias ; Nixon, Patricia ; Sprenger, Antonia A ; Heber, Elena ; Boß, Leif ; Heckendorf, Hanna ; Buntrock, Claudia ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Lehr, Dirk; Are web-based stress management interventions effective as an indirect treatment for depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis of six randomised trials
Würtz, Samuel ; Bogenberger, Klaus ; Göhner, Ulrich ; Rupp, Andreas; Towards Efficient Battery Electric Bus Operations: A Novel Energy Forecasting Framework
Fuchs, Yannic ; Scherbaum, Susanne ; Huber, Richard ; Rüther, Nils ; Hartlieb, Arnd; Removing Plastic Waste from Rivers: A Prototype-Scale Experimental Study on a Novel River-Cleaning Concept
Shen, Zixin ; Hu, Rongbo ; Wan, Dong ; Bock, Thomas; Fit Islands: Designing a Multifunctional Virtual Urban Community to Promote Healthy Aging for Chinese Older Adults
Huo, Yinjia ; Wang, Kevin ; Lampe, Lutz ; Leung, Victor C.M.; Validation of Machine Learning-Aided and Power Line Communication-Based Cable Monitoring Using Measurement Data
Yang, Kui ; Al Haddad, Christelle ; Alam, Rakibul ; Brijs, Tom ; Antoniou, Constantinos; Adaptive Intervention Algorithms for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Turkalj, Ivica ; Assadsolimani, Mohammad ; Braun, Markus ; Halffmann, Pascal ; Hegemann, Niklas ; Kerstan, Sven ; Maciejewski, Janik ; Sharma, Shivam ; Zhou, Yuanheng; Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Approach for Incorporating Solvency Capital into Portfolio Optimization
Yin, Hang ; Li, Fei ; Yang, Haibo ; Di, Yunfei ; Hu, Yuncai ; Yu, Kang; Mapping Plant Nitrogen Concentration and Aboveground Biomass of Potato Crops from Sentinel-2 Data Using Ensemble Learning Models
Winter, Theis ; Aeschbach, Werner ; Einsiedl, Florian; Reconstruction of the Pleistocene Paleoclimate From Deep Groundwater in Southern Germany From Noble Gas Temperatures Linked With Organic Radiocarbon Dating
Jaworski, ukasz M. ; Zabrzyński, Jan ; Millett, Peter J. ; Rupp, Marco-Christopher ; Familiari, Filippo ; Huri, Gazi ; Antosik, Paulina ; Blachowski, Michal ; Wiciński, Michal ; Gagat, Maciej; The Association of Tobacco Smoking and Level of Apoptosis in the Long Head of the Biceps Chronic Tendinopathy_An Immunohistochemical Study
Olszewska, Ewa ; De Vito, Andrea ; Baptista, Peter ; Heiser, Clemens ; O'Connor-Reina, Carlos ; Kotecha, Bhik ; Vanderveken, Olivier ; Vicini, Claudio; Consensus Statements among European Sleep Surgery Experts on Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Part 1 Definitions and Diagnosis
Scheele, Christian ; Toepfer, Andreas ; Beischl, Simone ; Dammerer, Dietmar ; Harrasser, Norbert ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Lenze, Florian; Insights into the Distribution Patterns of Foot and Ankle Tumours: Update on the Perspective of a University Tumour Institute
Slomka, Gunda ; Schleip, Robert ; Frei, Peter ; Kurpiers, Nicolas ; Krämer, Michael ; Bauermeister, Katharina ; Bauermeister, Wolfgang; The Influence of Mobility Training on the Myofascial Structures of the Back and Extremities
Puttini, Ilaria ; Kapalla, Marvin ; Braune, Anja ; Michler, Enrico ; Kröger, Joselyn ; Lutz, Brigitta ; Sakhalihasan, Natzi ; Trenner, Matthias ; Biro, Gabor ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Rössel, Thomas ; Reeps, Christian ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Wolk, Steffen ; Knappich, Christoph ; Notohamiprodjo, Susan ; Busch, Albert; Aortic Vascular Graft and Endograft Infection-Patient Outcome Cannot Be Determined Based on Pre-Operative Characteristics
Vogelsang, Tilman L. R. ; Schmoeckel, Elisa ; Topalov, Nicole Elisabeth ; Ganster, Franziska ; Mahner, Sven ; Jeschke, Udo ; Vattai, Aurelia; Prognostic Impact of Heat Shock Protein 90 Expression in Women Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
Jiang, Dongsheng ; Guo, Ruiji ; Dai, Ruoxuan ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Tao, Jin ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Rinkevich, Yuval; The Multifaceted Functions of TRPV4 and Calcium Oscillations in Tissue Repair
Caballero Cerbon, Daniel Alejandro ; Gebhard, Leon ; Dokuyucu, Ruveyda ; Ertl, Theresa ; Härtl, Sophia ; Mazhar, Ayesha ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Challenges and Advances in the Bioproduction of L-Cysteine
Ishola, Oluwaseun A. ; Kublik, Susanne ; Durai Raj, Abilash Chakravarthy ; Ohnmacht, Caspar ; Schulz, Stefanie ; Foesel, Bärbel U. ; Schloter, Michael; Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Bacteriophages and Prophages in Gnotobiotic Mouse Models
Vliegenthart-Jongbloed, Klaske J. ; Vasylyev, Marta ; Jordans, Carlijn C. E. ; Bernardino, Jose I. ; Nozza, Silvia ; Psomas, Christina K. ; Voit, Florian ; Barber, Tristan J. ; Skrzat-Klapaczyńska, Agata ; S ndulescu, Oana ; Rokx, Casper; Systematic Review: Strategies for Improving HIV Testing and Detection Rates in European Hospitals
Takken, Michel ; Wille, Robert; Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Microfluidic Devices by Exploiting Higher Levels of Abstraction
Pidgaiska, Olga ; Niemann, Marcel ; Braun, Karl ; Trampuz, Andrej ; Goumenos, Stavros ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Meller, Sebastian; The Safety and Efficacy of Microporous Polysaccharide Hemospheres in Terms of the Complication Rates in Total Hip Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures: A Control-Matched Retrospective Cohort
Oberleiter, Sandra ; Patzl, Sabine ; Fries, Jonathan ; Diedrich, Jennifer ; Voracek, Martin ; Pietschnig, Jakob; Measurement-Invariant Fluid Anti-Flynn Effects in Population_Representative German Student Samples (2012-2022)
Ma, Ziming ; Hu, Lanjuan ; Jiang, Wenzhu; Understanding AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Responses and Tolerance to Various Abiotic Stresses in Plants: A Comprehensive Review
Panter, Sabrina ; Ayekoi, Audrey ; Tesche, Jannis ; Chen, Jing ; Illarionov, Boris ; Bacher, Adelbert ; Fischer, Markus ; Weber, Stefan; Shining a Spotlight on Methyl Groups: Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Spectroscopy of 5-Deazariboflavin and Its Nor Analogs
Braziunas, Kristin H. ; Geres, Lisa ; Richter, Tobias ; Glasmann, Felix ; Senf, Cornelius ; Thom, Dominik ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Seidl, Rupert; Projected climate and canopy change lead to thermophilization and homogenization of forest floor vegetation in a hotspot of plant species richness
Steegmüller, Tobias ; Kratky, Tim ; Gollwitzer, Lena ; Schwaminger, Sebastian Patrick ; Berensmeier, Sonja; Development of a New Affinity Gold Polymer Membrane with Immobilized Protein A
Pfäffle, Simon P. ; Herz, Corinna ; Brombacher, Eva ; Proietti, Michele ; Gigl, Michael ; Hofstetter, Christoph K. ; Mittermeier-Kleßinger, Verena K. ; Claßen, Sophie ; Tran, Hoai T. T. ; Dawid, Corinna ; Kreutz, Clemens ; Günther, Stefan ; Lamy, Evelyn; A 14-Day Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Crossover Intervention Study with Anti-Bacterial Benzyl Isothiocyanate from Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) on Human Gut Microbiome and Host Defense
Tamersit, Khalil ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Rodriguez, José ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Electrostatically Doped Junctionless Graphene Nanoribbon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor for High-Performance Gas Sensing Applications: Leveraging Doping Gates for Multi-Gas Detection
Wang, Jizhao ; Liang, Yunyi ; Tang, Jinjun ; Wu, Zhizhou; Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Lagrange-Interpolation-Based Framework
Roy, Susmita ; Ehrlich, Stefan K. ; Lampe, Renée; Somatosensory Mismatch Response in Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Rusche, Daniel ; Englert, Nils ; Runz, Marlen ; Hetjens, Svetlana ; Langner, Cord ; Gaiser, Timo ; Weis, Cleo-Aron; Unraveling a Histopathological Needle-in-Haystack Problem: Exploring the Challenges of Detecting Tumor Budding in Colorectal Carcinoma Histology
Prelipcean, Daniel ; Lerner, Giuseppe ; Slipukhin, Ivan ; Lucsanyi, David ; Sandberg, Hampus ; Storey, James ; Martin-Holgado, Pedro ; Romero-Maestre, Amor ; Morilla García, Yolanda ; García Alía, Rubén; Towards a Timepix3 Radiation Monitor for the Accelerator Mixed Radiation Field: Characterisation with Protons and Alphas from 0.6 MeV to 5.6 MeV
Mohammedi, Ridha Djamel ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Mosbah, Mustafa ; Souli, Aissa ; Rodriguez, Jose ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Allocation and Sizing of DSTATCOM with Renewable Energy Systems and Load Uncertainty Using Enhanced Gray Wolf Optimization
Streich, Philipp ; Redwitz, Johannes ; Walser-Reichenbach, Sandra ; Herr, Caroline E. W. ; Elsner, Martin ; Seidel, Michael; Culture-Independent Quantification of Legionella pneumophila in Evaporative Cooling Systems Using Immunomagnetic Separation Coupled with Flow Cytometry
Brockow, Knut ; Bent, Rebekka Karolin ; Schneider, Simon ; Spies, Sophie ; Kranen, Katja ; Hindelang, Benedikt ; Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna ; Broesby-Olsen, Sigurd ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Grattan, Clive E.; Challenges in the Diagnosis of Cutaneous Mastocytosis
Sasani, Faraz ; Moghareh Dehkordi, Mohammad ; Ebrahimi, Zahra ; Dustmohammadloo, Hakimeh ; Bouzari, Parisa ; Ebrahimi, Pejman ; Lencsés, Enikö ; Fekete-Farkas, Mária; Forecasting of Bitcoin Illiquidity Using High-Dimensional and Textual Features
vom Ende, Frederik ; Malvetti, Emanuel; The Thermomajorization Polytope and Its Degeneracies
Bader, Christoph ; Stumpenhausen, Jörn ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Prediction of the Spatial and Temporal Adoption of an Energy Management System in Automated Dairy Cattle Barns in Bavaria_
Boulos, Federico ; Riemschneider, Georg Frederik ; Caizzone, Stefano; 3D Phased Array Enabling Extended Field of View in Mobile Satcom Applications
Lahmer, Tobias ; Weirich, Gregor ; Porubsky, Stefan ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Kammerstetter, Florian A. ; Schustetter, Christian ; Schüffler, Peter ; Erber, Johanna ; Dibos, Miriam ; Delbridge, Claire ; Kuhn, Peer Hendrik ; Jeske, Samuel ; Steinhardt, Manuel ; Chaker, Adam ; Heim, Markus ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Weichert, Wilko ; Stock, Konrad Friedrich ; Slotta-Huspenina, Julia; Postmortem Minimally Invasive Autopsy in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients at the Bedside: A Proof-of-Concept Study at the ICU
Werfel, Thomas ; Heratizadeh, Annice ; Aberer, Werner ; Augustin, Matthias ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Bauer, Andrea ; Fölster-Holst, Regina ; Kahle, Julia ; Kinberger, Maria ; Nemat, Katja ; Neustädter, Irena ; Peters, Eva ; von Kiedrowski, Ralph ; Schmid-Grendelmeier, Peter ; Schmitt, Jochen ; Schwennesen, Thomas ; Simon, Dagmar ; Spindler, Thomas ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Werner, Ricardo Niklas ; Wollenberg, Andreas ; Worm, Margitta ; Ott, Hagen; S3 Guideline Atopic dermatitis: Part 1 - General aspects, topical and non-drug therapies, special patient groups
Ahmed, Mabroor ; Bicher, Sandra ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Lindner, Rainer ; Raulefs, Susanne ; Schmid, Thomas E. ; Spasova, Suzana ; Stolz, Jessica ; Wilkens, Jan Jakob ; Winter, Johanna ; Bartzsch, Stefan; In Vivo Microbeam Radiation Therapy at a Conventional Small Animal Irradiator
Barbosa, Silvia ; Laureano, Natalia Koerich ; Hadiwikarta, Wahyu Wijaya ; Visioli, Fernanda ; Bonrouhi, Mahnaz ; Pajdzik, Kinga ; Conde-Lopez, Cristina ; Herold-Mende, Christel ; Eidt, Gustavo ; Langie, Renan ; Lamers, Marcelo Lazzaron ; Stögbauer, Fabian ; Hess, Jochen ; Kurth, Ina ; Jou, Adriana; The Role of SOX2 and SOX9 in Radioresistance and Tumor Recurrence
Ratter-Rieck, Jacqueline M ; Shi, Mengya ; Suhre, Karsten ; Prehn, Cornelia ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Thorand, Barbara ; Roden, Michael ; Peters, Annette ; Wang-Sattler, Rui ; Herder, Christian; Omentin associates with serum metabolite profiles indicating lower diabetes risk: KORA F4 Study
Kirchberg, Ina ; Lainka, Elke ; Gangfuß, Andrea ; Kuechler, Alma ; Baertling, Fabian ; Schlieben, Lea D. ; Lenz, Dominic ; Tschiedel, Eva; Distinct neonatal hyperammonemia and liver synthesis dysfunction: case report of a severe MEGDHEL syndrome
Goldberg, Maria ; Mondragon-Soto, Michel G. ; Dieringer, Laura ; Altawalbeh, Ghaith ; Pöser, Paul ; Baumgart, Lea ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan; Navigating Post-Operative Outcomes: A Comprehensive Reframing of an Original Graded Prognostic Assessment in Patients with Brain Metastases
Mettmann, Vanessa L. ; Blattmann, Claudia ; Friedel, Godehard ; Harrabi, Semi ; von Kalle, Thekla ; Kager, Leo ; Kevric, Matthias ; Kühne, Thomas ; Nathrath, Michaela ; Sorg, Benjamin ; Werner, Mathias ; Bielack, Stefan S. ; Hecker-Nolting, Stefanie; Primary Multi-Systemic Metastases in Osteosarcoma: Presentation, Treatment, and Survival of 83 Patients of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group
Bissinger, Oliver ; Von den Hoff, Anne ; Maier, Elisabeth ; Obermeier, Katharina Theresa ; Stimmer, Herbert ; Kolk, Andreas ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Götz, Carolin; The Value of Surveillance Imaging of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Iturralde, Kepa ; Gambao, Ernesto ; Bock, Thomas; Semiautomated Primary Layout Definition with a Point Cloud for Building-Envelope Renovation
Hepf, Christian ; Gottkehaskamp, Ben ; Miller, Clayton ; Auer, Thomas; International Comparison of Weather and Emission Predictive Building Control
Saroglou, Soultana Tanya ; Selvan, Surayyn Uthaya ; Windorfer, Laura ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Joschinski, Jens ; Hauck, Thomas E. ; Perini, Katia ; Mosca, Francesca ; Grobman, Yasha J. ; Barath, Shany; Utilizing Design Objectives and Key Performance Indicators as a Means for Multi-Species Building Envelopes
Lambrecht, Sebastian ; Liu, Dapeng ; Dzaye, Omar ; Kamson, David O. ; Reis, Jonas ; Liebig, Thomas ; Holdhoff, Matthias ; Van Zijl, Peter ; Qin, Qin ; Lin, Doris D. M.; Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion in Monitoring High Grade Gliomas Following Therapy: Clinical Feasibility at 1.5T and Comparison with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion
Burkhardt, Franziska Katharina ; Hayer, Jason Jeremia ; Heinemann, Céline ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia; Effect of Climatic Condition, Type of Trough and Water Cleanliness on Drinking Behavior in Dairy Cows
Ngoko Tchamba, Eric-Ivan ; Tybussek, Thorsten ; Muranyi, Peter ; Nguetsop, Victor Francois ; Aghofack-Nguemezi, Jean ; Schwab, Wilfried; The Combined Effect of Lemon Peel Extract and Calcium Chloride on the Physical and Biochemical Quality Parameters of the Dessert Banana (Musa acuminata var. Dwarf Cavendish) Fruit
Yang, Tianle ; Zhu, Shaolong ; Zhang, Weijun ; Zhao, Yuanyuan ; Song, Xiaoxin ; Yang, Guanshuo ; Yao, Zhaosheng ; Wu, Wei ; Liu, Tao ; Sun, Chengming ; Zhang, Zujian; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Scale Weed Segmentation Method Based on Image Analysis Technology for Enhanced Accuracy of Maize Seedling Counting
Farahmandnejad, Mitra ; Mosaddeghi, Pouria ; Dorvash, Mohammadreza ; Sakhteman, Amirhossein ; Negahdaripour, Manica ; Faridi, Pouya; Correlation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell Expansion with Upregulated Transposable Elements in Severe COVID-19 Unveiled in Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reanalysis
Brandl, Beate ; Czech, Coline ; Wudy, Susanne I. ; Beusch, Anja ; Hauner, Hans ; Skurk, Thomas ; Lang, Roman; Validation of N-Methylpyridinium as a Feasible Biomarker for Roasted Coffee Intake
Rühling, Sebastian ; Dittmann, Jonas ; Müller, Tobias ; Husseini, Malek El ; Bodden, Jannis ; Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz R. ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Baum, Thomas ; Seifert-Klauss, Vanadin ; Wostrack, Maria ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Sex differences and age-related changes in vertebral body volume and volumetric bone mineral density at the thoracolumbar spine using opportunistic QCT
Braun, Josef; Development of Pd-labile prodrugs for the prevention of biofilms & Investigation of the anti-proliferative target of Neocarzilin A
Evangelisti, Giulio;Hirche, Sandra; Data-Driven Momentum Observers With Physically Consistent Gaussian Processes
Randriamanantsoa, Samuel J.; Morphogenesis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma-derived organoids
Schopper, S; Müller, G.; Removing Inconsistencies of Reduced Bases in Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix Interpolation
Rowsell, Jennifer;Keune, Anna;Buxton, Alison;Peppler, Kylie; Seeking Languagelessness: Maker Literacies Mindsets to Disrupt Normative Practices
Zeidler, Oliver; Sturm, Julian; Fraunholz, Daniel; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Performance Evaluation of Transport Layer Security in the 5G Core Control Plane
Hayden Liu Weng; Advances in Data-Driven Solver Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices
Würsching, Gerald;Mascetta, Tobias;Lin, Yuanfei;Althoff, Matthias; Simplifying Sim-to-Real Transfer in Autonomous Driving: Coupling Autoware with the CommonRoad Motion Planning Framework
Fuchs, Simon; Schnellbach, Janik; Schmidt, Lukas; Wittges, Holger; Data Annotation for Support Ticket Data: A Literature Review
Martins Pacheco, Nuno Miguel;Geisler, Mara;Bajramovic, Medina;Fu, Gabrielle;Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, Anand;Mörtl, Markus;Zimmermann, Markus; Learning by doing? The relationship between effort, learning effect and product quality during hackathons of novice teams
Bienert, Lucas; Plattentragverhalten von aufgelöstem hybridem Brettsperrholz
Seitz F.; Geodätische Erdbeobachtung aus dem Weltraum - Aktuelle Arbeiten am Deutschen Geodätischen Forschungsinstitut (DGFI-TUM)
Würsching, Gerald; Althoff, Matthias; Robust and Efficient Curvilinear Coordinate Transformation with Guaranteed Map Coverage for Motion Planning
Lercher, Florian;Althoff, Matthias; Specification-Compliant Reachability Analysis for Autonomous Vehicles Using On-the-Fly Model Checking
Prado, Anna; Ciki, Merve; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang;; Enhanced Mobility Management with SD-RAN in 5G Networks
Hempel, Nico;Nitschke-Pagel, Thomas;Klaus, Manuela;Apel, Daniel;Genzel, Christoph;Dilger, Klaus; In Situ Analysis of Stress and Microstructure Evolution during Welding of High-Alloy Steels Using Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction
Engel, Thomas;Werther, Norman; Fire Safety for Green Façades: Part 1: Basics, State-of-the-Art Research and Experimental Investigation of Plant Flammability
Mehmeti, Fidan;Papa, Arled;Kellerer, Wolfgang;La Porta, Thomas F.; Minimizing Rate Variability with Effective Resource Utilization in Cellular Networks
Nalcaci, Atilla Alpay; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Schiegg, Florian; Evaluation and Optimization of Positional Accuracy for Maritime Positioning Systems
Arne Sachtler, Davide Calzolari, Maximilian Raff, Annika Schmidt, Yannik P. Wotte, Cosimo Della Santina, C. David Remy, Alin Albu-Schäffer; Swing-Up of a Weakly Actuated Double Pendulum via Nonlinear Normal Modes
Ladner, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; Fully Automatic Neural Network Reduction for Formal Verification
Lichtenecker, Daniel;Nachbagauer, Karin; A discrete adjoint gradient approach for equality and inequality constraints in dynamics
Ladner, Tobias;Eichelbeck, Michael;Althoff, Matthias; Formal Verification of Graph Convolutional Networks with Uncertain Node Features and Uncertain Graph Structure
Betzwieser, Benedikt; Landler, Philipp; Levkovksyi, Borys; Utesch, Matthias; Krcmar, Helmut; Designing a Business Game to Teach the Relationship Between Business Models and Business Processes
Bernecker-Castro, C.; Timmermann, J.; Witzmann, R.; Lechner, T.; Seifried, S.; Finkel, M.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Herrmann, S.; Replacing Diesel-Driven Generators with Batteries to Power Islanded Grids: Modeling and Performance Comparison
Timmermann, J.; Hötzel, S.; Bernecker-Castro, C.; Witzmann, R.; Lechner, T.; Seifried, S.; Finkel, M.; Menker, D.; Dellmann, C.; Störzer, G.; Simulative Untersuchung des Stationären und Dynamischen Betriebsbereichs eines Synchrongenerators, im Inselbetrieb
Lechner, T.; Bogendörfer, F.; Seifried, S.; Timmermann, J.; Bernecker-Castro, C.; Kerber, G.; Schaarschmidt, K.; Herrmann, S.; Finkel, M., Witzmann, R.; Prognose der Einspeisung aus PV-Anlagen mithilfe von Wettervorhersagen
Engel, Thomas; Fassadenbegrünung an mehrgeschossigen Gebäuden aus brandschutztechnischer Sicht
Mühlbauer, Maximilian;Hulin, Thomas;Weber, Bernhard;Calinon, Sylvain;Stulp, Freek;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Silvério, João; A Probabilistic Approach to Multi-Modal Adaptive Virtual Fixtures
Müller, Jasper;Di Rosa, Gabriele;Jovanovic, Ognjen;Wenning, Mario;Autenrieth, Achim;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Physical-layer-aware multi-band optical network planning framework for rate-adaptive transceivers
Kurotschka, Peter K. ; Borgulya, Gábor ; Bucher, Eva ; Endrich, Isabell ; Figueiras, Adolfo ; Gensichen, Jochen ; Hay, Alastair D ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Kretzschmann, Christian ; Kurzai, Oliver ; Lam, Thien-Tri ; Massidda, Orietta ; Sanftenberg, Linda ; Schmiemann, Guido ; Schneider, Antonius ; Simmenroth, Anne ; Stark, Stefanie ; Warkentin, Lisette ; Ebell, Mark H ; Gàgyor, Ildikò; Dipsticks and point-of-care Microscopy to reduce antibiotic use in women with an uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection (MicUTI): protocol of a randomised controlled pilot trial in primary care
Gabler, Volker ; Wollherr, Dirk; Decentralized multi-agent reinforcement learning based on best-response policies
Gerritsen, Jasper Kees Wim ; Young, Jacob S ; Chang, Susan M ; Krieg, Sandro M ; Jungk, Christine ; van den Bent, Martin J ; Satoer, Djaina D ; Ille, Sebastian ; Schucht, Philippe ; Nahed, Brian V ; Broekman, Marike Lianne Daphne ; Berger, Mitchel ; De Vleeschouwer, Steven ; Vincent, Arnaud J P E; SUPRAMAX-study: supramaximal resection versus maximal resection for glioblastoma patients: study protocol for an international multicentre prospective cohort study (ENCRAM 2201)
Batterham, P. ; Allenhof, Caroline ; Cerga Pashoja, Arlinda ; Etzelmueller, A. ; Fanaj, N. ; Finch, T. ; Freund, J. ; Hanssen, D. ; Mathiasen, K. ; Piera Jiminez, Jordi ; Qirjako, G. ; Rapley, T. ; Sacco, Y. ; Samalin, L. ; Schuurmans, J. ; van Genugten, Claire ; Vis, C.; Psychometric properties of two implementation measures: Normalization MeAsure Development questionnaire (NoMAD) and organizational readiness for implementing change (ORIC)
Benveniste, Jérôme ; Dinardo, Salvatore ; Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana ; Buchhaupt, Christopher ; Scagliola, Michele ; Passaro, Marcello ; Nielsen, Karina ; Restano, Marco ; Ambrózio, Américo ; Sabatino, Giovanni ; Orrù, Carla ; Abis, Beniamino; SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand for Cryosat-2, Sentinel-3 & Sentinel-6 at ESA's Altimetry Virtual Lab
Guarin, Jose Rafael ; Jägermeyr, Jonas ; Ainsworth, Elizabeth A. ; Oliveira, Fabio A. A. ; Asseng, Senthold ; Boote, Kenneth ; Elliott, Joshua ; Emberson, Lisa ; Foster, Ian ; Hoogenboom, Gerrit ; Kelly, David ; Ruane, Alex C. ; Sharps, Katrina; Modeling the effects of tropospheric ozone on the growth and yield of global staple crops with DSSAT v4.8.0
Khanal, Prajwal ; Hoek Van Dijke, Anne J. ; Schaffhauser, Timo ; Li, Wantong ; Paulus, Sinikka J. ; Zhan, Chunhui ; Orth, René; Relevance of near-surface soil moisture vs. terrestrial water storage for global vegetation functioning
Thurner, Melanie A. ; Caldararu, Silvia ; Engel, Jan ; Rammig, Anja ; Zaehle, Sönke; Modelled forest ecosystem carbon-nitrogen dynamics with integrated mycorrhizal processes under elevated CO2
Meyer, Benjamin F. ; Buras, Allan ; Gregor, Konstantin ; Layritz, Lucia S. ; Principe, Adriana ; Kreyling, Jürgen ; Rammig, Anja ; Zang, Christian S.; Frost matters: incorporating late-spring frost into a dynamic vegetation model regulates regional productivity dynamics in European beech forests
Li, Tian ; Heidler, Konrad ; Mou, Lichao ; Ignéczi, Ádám ; Zhu, Xiao Xiang ; Bamber, Jonathan L.; A high-resolution calving front data product for marine-terminating glaciers in Svalbard
Treu, Simon ; Muis, Sanne ; Dangendorf, Sönke ; Wahl, Thomas ; Oelsmann, Julius ; Heinicke, Stefanie ; Frieler, Katja ; Mengel, Matthias; Reconstruction of hourly coastal water levels and counterfactuals without sea level rise for impact attribution
Reiter, Karsten ; Heidbach, Oliver ; Ziegler, Moritz O.; Impact of faults on the remote stress state
Darela-Filho, João Paulo ; Rammig, Anja ; Fleischer, Katrin ; Reichert, Tatiana ; Lugli, Laynara Figueiredo ; Quesada, Carlos Alberto ; Hurtarte, Luis Carlos Colocho ; de Paula, Mateus Dantas ; Lapola, David M.; Reference maps of soil phosphorus for the pan-Amazon region
Barbosa, Natalie ; Leinauer, Johannes ; Jubanski, Juilson ; Dietze, Michael ; Münzer, Ulrich ; Siegert, Florian ; Krautblatter, Michael; Massive sediment pulses triggered by a multi-stage 130 000 m3 alpine cliff fall (Hochvogel, DE-AT)
Wunderling, Nico ; von der Heydt, Anna S. ; Aksenov, Yevgeny ; Barker, Stephen ; Bastiaansen, Robbin ; Brovkin, Victor ; Brunetti, Maura ; Couplet, Victor ; Kleinen, Thomas ; Lear, Caroline H. ; Lohmann, Johannes ; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa Maria ; Sinet, Sacha ; Swingedouw, Didier ; Winkelmann, Ricarda ; Anand, Pallavi ; Barichivich, Jonathan ; Bathiany, Sebastian ; Baudena, Mara ; Bruun, John T. ; Chiessi, Cristiano M. ; Coxall, Helen K. ; Docquier, David ; Donges, Jonathan F. ; Falkena, Swinda K. J. ; Klose, Ann Kristin ; Obura, David ; Rocha, Juan ; Rynders, Stefanie ; Steinert, Norman Julius ; Willeit, Matteo; Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: a review
Abbasi, Rasha ; Ackermann, Markus ; Adams, Jenni ; Aggarwal, Nakul ; Aguilar, Juanan ; Ahlers, Markus ; Ahrens, Maryon ; Alameddine, Jean-Marco ; Alves Junior, Antonio Augusto ; Amin, Najia Moureen Binte ; Andeen, Karen ; Anderson, Tyler ; Anton, Gisela ; Argüelles, Carlos ; Ashida, Yosuke ; Athanasiadou, Sofia ; Axani, Spencer ; Bai, Xinhua ; Balagopal V, Aswathi ; Baricevic, Moreno ; Barwick, Steve ; Basu, Vedant ; Bay, Ryan ; Beatty, James ; Becker, Karl Heinz ; Becker Tjus, Julia ; Beise, Jakob ; Bellenghi, Chiara ; Benda, Samuel ; BenZvi, Segev ; Berley, David ; Bernardini, Elisa ; Besson, Dave ; Binder, Gary ; Bindig, Daniel ; Blaufuss, Erik ; Blot, Summer ; Bontempo, Federico ; Book, Julia ; Borowka, Jürgen ; Boscolo Meneguolo, Caterina ; Böser, Sebastian ; Botner, Olga ; Böttcher, Jakob ; Bourbeau, Etienne ; Braun, Jim ; Brinson, Bennett ; Brostean-Kaiser, Jannes ; Burley, Ryan ; Busse, Raffaela ; Campana, Michael ; Carnie-Bronca, Erin ; Chen, Chujie ; Chen, Zheyang ; Chirkin, Dmitry ; Choi, Koun ; Clark, Brian ; Classen, Lew ; Coleman, Alan ; Collin, Gabriel ; Connolly, Amy ; Conrad, Janet ; Coppin, Paul ; Correa, Pablo ; Countryman, Stefan ; Cowen, Doug ; Cross, Robert ; Dappen, Christian ; Dave, Pranav ; De Clercq, Catherine ; DeLaunay, James ; Delgado López, Diyaselis ; Dembinski, Hans ; Deoskar, Kunal ; Desai, Abhishek ; Desiati, Paolo ; de Vries, Krijn ; de Wasseige, Gwenhael ; DeYoung, Tyce ; Diaz, Alejandro ; Díaz-Vélez, Juan Carlos ; Dittmer, Markus ; Dujmovic, Hrvoje ; DuVernois, Michael ; Ehrhardt, Thomas ; Eller, Philipp ; Engel, Ralph ; Erpenbeck, Hannah ; Evans, John ; Evenson, Paul ; Fan, Kwok Lung ; Fazely, Ali ; Fedynitch, Anatoli ; Feigl, Nora ; Fiedlschuster, Sebastian ; Fienberg, Aaron ; Finley, Chad ; Fischer, Leander ; Fox, Derek ; Franckowiak, Anna ; Friedman, Elizabeth ; Fritz, Alexander ; Fürst, Philipp ; Gaisser, Tom ; Gallagher, Jay ; Ganster, Erik ; Garcia, Alfonso ; Garrappa, Simone ; Gerhardt, Lisa ; Ghadimi, Ava ; Glaser, Christian ; Glüsenkamp, Thorsten ; Glauch, Theo ; Goehlke, Noah ; Gonzalez, Javier ; Goswami, Sreetama ; Grant, Darren ; Gray, Shannon ; Grégoire, Timothée ; Griswold, Spencer ; Günther, Christoph ; Gutjahr, Pascal ; Haack, Christian ; Hallgren, Allan ; Halliday, Robert ; Halve, Lasse ; Halzen, Francis ; Hamdaoui, Hassane ; Ha Minh, Martin ; Hanson, Kael ; Hardin, John ; Harnisch, Alexander ; Hatch, Patrick ; Haungs, Andreas ; Helbing, Klaus ; Hellrung, Jonas ; Henningsen, Felix ; Heuermann, Lars ; Hickford, Stephanie ; Hill, Colton ; Hill, Gary ; Hoffman, Kara ; Hoshina, Kotoyo ; Hou, Wenjie ; Huber, Thomas ; Hultqvist, Klas ; Hünnefeld, Mirco ; Hussain, Raamis ; Hymon, Karolin ; In, Seongjin ; Iovine, Nadege ; Ishihara, Aya ; Jansson, Matti ; Japaridze, George ; Jeong, Minjin ; Jin, Miaochen ; Jones, Ben ; Kang, Donghwa ; Kang, Woosik ; Kang, Xinyue ; Kappes, Alexander ; Kappesser, David ; Kardum, Leonora ; Karg, Timo ; Karl, Martina ; Karle, Albrecht ; Katz, Uli ; Kauer, Matt ; Kelley, John ; Kheirandish, Ali ; Kin, Ken'ichi ; Kiryluk, Joanna ; Klein, Spencer ; Kochocki, Alina ; Koirala, Ramesh ; Kolanoski, Hermann ; Kontrimas, Tomas ; Köpke, Lutz ; Kopper, Claudio ; Koskinen, Jason ; Koundal, Paras ; Kovacevich, Michael ; Kowalski, Marek ; Kozynets, Tetiana ; Krupczak, Emmett ; Kun, Emma ; Kurahashi, Naoko ; Lad, Neha ; Lagunas Gualda, Cristina ; Larson, Michael ; Lauber, Frederik ; Lazar, Jeffrey ; Lee, Jiwoong ; Leonard, Kayla ; Leszczyńska, Agnieszka ; Lincetto, Massimiliano ; Liu, Qinrui ; Liubarska, Maria ; Lohfink, Elisa ; Love, Christina ; Lozano Mariscal, Cristian Jesus ; Lu, Lu ; Lucarelli, Francesco ; Ludwig, Andrew ; Luszczak, William ; Lyu, Yang ; Ma, Wing Yan ; Madsen, Jim ; Mahn, Kendall ; Makino, Yuya ; Mancina, Sarah ; Marie Sainte, Wenceslas ; Mariş, Ioana ; Marka, Szabolcs ; Marka, Zsuzsa ; Marsee, Matthew ; Martinez-Soler, Ivan ; Maruyama, Reina ; McElroy, Thomas ; McNally, Frank ; Mead, James Vincent ; Meagher, Kevin ; Mechbal, Sarah ; Medina, Andres ; Meier, Maximilian ; Meighen-Berger, Stephan ; Merckx, Yarno ; Micallef, Jessie ; Mockler, Daniela ; Montaruli, Teresa ; Moore, Roger ; Morse, Bob ; Moulai, Marjon ; Mukherjee, Tista ; Naab, Richard ; Nagai, Ryo ; Naumann, Uwe ; Nayerhoda, Amid ; Necker, Jannis ; Neumann, Miriam ; Niederhausen, Hans ; Nisa, Mehr ; Nowicki, Sarah ; Obertacke Pollmann, Anna ; Oehler, Marie ; Oeyen, Bob ; Olivas, Alex ; Orsoe, Rasmus ; Osborn, Jesse ; O'Sullivan, Erin ; Pandya, Hershal ; Pankova, Daria ; Park, Nahee ; Parker, Grant ; Paudel, Ek Narayan ; Paul, Larissa ; Pérez de los Heros, Carlos ; Peters, Lilly ; Peterson, Josh ; Philippen, Saskia ; Pieper, Sarah ; Pizzuto, Alex ; Plum, Matthias ; Popovych, Yuiry ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Prado Rodriguez, Maria ; Pries, Brandon ; Procter-Murphy, Rachel ; Przybylski, Gerald ; Raab, Christoph ; Rack-Helleis, John ; Rameez, Mohamed ; Rawlins, Katherine ; Rechav, Zoe ; Rehman, Abdul ; Reichherzer, Patrick ; Renzi, Giovanni ; Resconi, Elisa ; Reusch, Simeon ; Rhode, Wolfgang ; Richman, Mike ; Riedel, Benedikt ; Roberts, Ella ; Robertson, Sally ; Rodan, Steven ; Roellinghoff, Gerrit ; Rongen, Martin ; Rott, Carsten ; Ruhe, Tim ; Ruohan, Li ; Ryckbosch, Dirk ; Rysewyk Cantu, Devyn ; Safa, Ibrahim ; Saffer, Julian ; Salazar-Gallegos, Daniel ; Sampathkumar, Pranav ; Sanchez Herrera, Sebastian ; Sandrock, Alexander ; Santander, Marcos ; Sarkar, Sourav ; Sarkar, Subir ; Schaufel, Merlin ; Schieler, Harald ; Schindler, Sebastian ; Schlüter, Berit ; Schmidt, Torsten ; Schneider, Judith ; Schröder, Frank ; Schumacher, Lisa ; Schwefer, Georg ; Sclafani, Steve ; Seckel, Dave ; Seunarine, Surujhdeo ; Sharma, Ankur ; Shefali, Shefali ; Shimizu, Nobuhiro ; Silva, Manuel ; Skrzypek, Barbara ; Smithers, Ben ; Snihur, Robert ; Soedingrekso, Jan ; Søgaard, Andreas ; Soldin, Dennis ; Spannfellner, Christian ; Spiczak, Glenn ; Spiering, Christian ; Stamatikos, Michael ; Stanev, Todor ; Stein, Robert ; Stezelberger, Thorsten ; Stürwald, Timo ; Stuttard, Thomas ; Sullivan, Greg ; Taboada, Ignacio ; Ter-Antonyan, Samvel ; Thompson, Will ; Thwaites, Jessie ; Tilav, Serap ; Tollefson, Kirsten ; Tönnis, Christoph ; Toscano, Simona ; Tosi, Delia ; Trettin, Alexander ; Tung, Chun Fai ; Turcotte, Roxanne ; Twagirayezu, Jean Pierre ; Ty, Bunheng ; Unland Elorrieta, Martin ; Upshaw, Karriem ; Valtonen-Mattila, Nora ; Vandenbroucke, Justin ; van Eijndhoven, Nick ; Vannerom, David ; van Santen, Jakob ; Vara, Javi ; Veitch-Michaelis, Joshua ; Verpoest, Stef ; Veske, Doga ; Walck, Christian ; Wang, Winnie ; Watson, Timothy Blake ; Weaver, Chris ; Weigel, Philip ; Weindl, Andreas ; Weldert, Jan ; Wendt, Chris ; Werthebach, Johannes ; Weyrauch, Mark ; Whitehorn, Nathan ; Wiebusch, Christopher ; Willey, Nathan ; Williams, Dawn ; Wolf, Martin ; Wrede, Gerrit ; Wulff, Johan ; Xu, Xianwu ; Yanez, Juan Pablo ; Yildizci, Emre ; Yoshida, Shigeru ; Yu, Shiqi ; Yuan, Tianlu ; Zhang, Zelong ; Zhelnin, Pavel; In situ estimation of ice crystal properties at the South Pole using LED calibration data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Khoshouei, Ali ; Kempf, Georg ; Mykhailiuk, Volodymyr ; Griessing, Johanna Mariko ; Honemann, Maximilian Nicolas ; Kater, Lukas ; Cavadini, Simone ; Dietz, Hendrik; Designing RigidDNA Origami Templates for MolecularVisualization Using Cryo-EM
Sanin, Alexey ; Stein, Helge S.; ExploringReproducible Nonaqueous Scanning DropletCell Electrochemistry in Model Battery Chemistries
Grumet, Manuel ; von Scarpatetti, Clara ; Buc ko, Toma s ; Egger, David A.; Delta Machine Learning for Predicting Dielectric Propertiesand Raman Spectra
Huang, Junhao ; Klahn, Marcus ; Tian, Xinxin ; Dai, Xingchao ; Rabeah, Jabor ; Aladin, Victoria ; Corzilius, Bjo rn ; Bartling, Stephan ; Lund, Henrik ; Steinfeldt, Norbert ; Peppel, Tim ; Logsdail, Andrew J. ; Jiao, Haijun ; Strunk, Jennifer; Exfoliated PolymericCarbon Nitride Nanosheets forPhotocatalytic Applications
Kouroudis, Ioannis ; Tanko, Kenedy Tabah ; Karimipour, Masoud ; Ali, Aziz Ben ; Kumar, D. Kishore ; Sudhakar, Vediappan ; Gupta, Ritesh Kant ; Visoly-Fisher, Iris ; Lira-Cantu, Monica ; Gagliardi, Alessio; ArtificialIntelligence-Based, Wavelet-Aided Predictionof Long-Term Outdoor Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
Ho rmann, Nicolas G. ; Beinlich, Simeon D. ; Reuter, Karsten; Converging DivergentPaths: Constant Charge vs ConstantPotential Energetics in Computational Electrochemistry
Song, Kun-Ting ; Zagalskaya, Alexandra ; Schott, Christian M. ; Schneider, Peter M. ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Alexandrov, Vitaly ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Influence of Alkali Metal Cations on the Oxygen ReductionActivity of Pt5Y and Pt5Gd Alloys
Wang, Yong ; Zhao, Wenru ; Chen, Xiaofeng ; Ji, Yinjie ; Zhu, Xilei ; Chen, Xiaomai ; Mei, Donghai ; Shi, Hui ; Lercher, Johannes A.; Methane-H2S Reforming Catalyzedby Carbon and Metal Sulfide Stabilized Sulfur Dimers
Fuchs, Alexander ; Romeis, Dennis ; Hupfeld, Enrico ; Sieber, Volker; Biocatalytic Conversion of Carrageenans for the Productionof 3,6-Anhydro-D-galactose
Macher, Meline ; Obermeier, Amelie ; Fabritz, Sebastian ; Kube, Massimo ; Kempf, Hannah ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Platzman, Ilia ; Spatz, Joachim P.; An Efficient Methodfor the Production of High-PurityBioinspired Large Unilamellar Vesicles
Omorogie, Martins O. ; Helmreich, Brigitte; Exploring the Potentialof Amino-Functionalized ZeoliteSeries/H3PO4 Biochar for EnvironmentalMicroplastic Removal
Mostert, Dietrich ; Bubeneck, Wilhelm Andrei ; Rauh, Theresa ; Kielkowski, Pavel ; Itzen, Aymelt ; Jung, Kirsten ; Sieber, Stephan A.; PronucleotideProbes Reveal a Diverging Specificityfor AMPylation vs UMPylation of Human and Bacterial Nucleotide Transferases
Li, Katja ; Kelly, H. Ray ; Franco, Ana ; Batista, Victor S. ; Bara th, Eszter; Dehydrogenationand Transfer Hydrogenation of Alkenonesto Phenols and Ketones on Carbon-Supported Noble Metals
Halama, Kerstin ; Lin, Molly Tzu-Yu ; Schaffer, Andreas ; Foith, Marvin ; Adams, Friederike ; Rieger, Bernhard; Cytocompatible Triblock Copolymers with ControlledMicrostructure Enabling Orthogonally Functionalized Bio-polymer Conjugates
Antsiburov, Ivan ; Schu tz, Max ; Bu hler, Raphael ; Muhr, Maximilian ; Stephan, Johannes ; Gemel, Christian ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Kahlal, Samia ; Saillard, Jean-Yves ; Fischer, Roland A.; All-Hydrocarbon-Ligated Superatomic Gold/AluminumClusters
Kumar, Anand ; Cholsuk, Chanaprom ; Mishuk, Mohammad N. ; Hazra, Mouli ; Pillot, Clotilde ; Matthes, Tjorben ; Shaik, Tanveer A. ; C akan, Asli ; Deckert, Volker ; Suwanna, Sujin ; Vogl, Tobias; Comparative Study of Quantum Emitter Fabrication inWide Bandgap Materials Using Localized Electron Irradiation
Kumar, Anand ; Samaner, C ag lar ; Cholsuk, Chanaprom ; Matthes, Tjorben ; Pac al, Serkan ; Oyun, Yag iz ; Zand, Ashkan ; Chapman, Robert J. ; Saerens, Gre goire ; Grange, Rachel ; Suwanna, Sujin ; Ates , Serkan ; Vogl, Tobias; PolarizationDynamics of Solid-State Quantum Emitters
Zou, Yuqin ; Eichhorn, Johanna ; Zhang, Jiyun ; Apfelbeck, Fabian A. C. ; Yin, Shanshan ; Wolz, Lukas ; Chen, Chun-Chao ; Sharp, Ian D. ; Mu ller-Buschbaum, Peter; Microstrain and Crystal Orientation Variation withinNaked Triple-Cation Mixed Halide Perovskites under Heat, UV, and VisibleLight Exposure
Hagel, Stefan ; Brillinger, Nicole ; Decker, Sebastian ; Deja, Maria ; Ertmer, Christian ; Fiedler, Sandra ; Franken, Philipp ; Heim, Markus ; Weigand, Markus A ; Zarbock, Alexander ; Pletz, Mathias W; Effect of acyclovir therapy on the outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with lower respiratory tract infection and detection of herpes simplex virus in bronchoalveolar lavage: protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (HerpMV)
Streng, Raphael L. ; Vagin, Sergei ; Guo, Yuejie ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Identifying the charge storage mechanism in polyimide anodes for Na-ion aqueous batteries by impedance spectroscopy+
Kronawitter, Silva M. ; Röβ-Ohlenroth, Richard ; Hallweger, Sebastian A. ; Hirrle, Marcel ; Krug von Nidda, Hans-Albrecht ; Luxenhofer, Tobias ; Myatt, Emily ; Pitcairn, Jem ; Cliffe, Matthew J. ; Daisenberger, Dominik ; Wojciechowski, Jakub ; Volkmer, Dirk ; Kieslich, Gregor; Spin-state dependent pressure responsiveness of Fe(ii)-based triazolate metal-organic frameworks+
Coburger, Peter ; Buzanich, Ana Guilherme ; Emmerling, Franziska ; Abbenseth, Josh; Combining geometric constraint and redox non-innocence within an ambiphilic PBiP pincer ligand+
Büchele, Wolfgang R. E. ; Schlachta, Tim P. ; Gebendorfer, Andreas L. ; Pamperin, Jenny ; Richter, Leon F. ; Sauer, Michael J. ; Prokop, Aram ; Kühn, Fritz E.; Synthesis, characterization, and biomedical evaluation of ethylene-bridged tetra-NHC Pd(ii), Pt(ii) and Au(iii) complexes, with apoptosis-inducing properties in cisplatin-resistant neuroblastoma cells+
Schwiers, Alexander ; Röhrer, Daniel ; Lenser, Christian ; Steinrücken, Benjamin ; Sebold, Doris ; Spliethoff, Hartmut ; Guillon, Olivier ; Menzler, Norbert H.; Phase stability, redox-behavior and carbon-tolerance of Sr1-x(Ti0.3Fe0.7-yNiy)O3- with exsolved nanoparticles+
Grossmann, Lukas ; Hocke, Manuela ; Galeotti, Gianluca ; Contini, Giorgio ; Floreano, Luca ; Cossaro, Albano ; Ghosh, Amit ; Schmittel, Michael ; Rosen, Johanna ; Heckl, Wolfgang M. ; Björk, Jonas ; Lackinger, Markus; Mechanistic insights into on-surface reactions from isothermal temperature-programmed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy+
Schomburg, Felix ; Heidrich, Bastian ; Wennemar, Sarah ; Drees, Robin ; Roth, Thomas ; Kurrat, Michael ; Heimes, Heiner ; Jossen, Andreas ; Winter, Martin ; Cheong, Jun Young ; Röder, Fridolin; Lithium-ion battery cell formation: status and future directions towards a knowledge-based process design
Yan, Yingfei ; Hemmler, Daniel ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Discovery ofGlycation Products: Unraveling the UnknownGlycation Space Using a Mass Spectral Library from In Vitro ModelSystems
Leuter, Philipp ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Requirements on synthesis gas from gasification for material and energy utilization: a mini review
Baumann, Carmen ; Kaye, Stephen B ; Steel, David H; Reversing the paradigm on the urgency of acute retinal detachments defined by their foveal status: when off may be more urgent than on
McLennan, Stuart ; Fiske, Amelia ; Celi, Leo Anthony; Building a house without foundations? A 24-country qualitative interview study on artificial intelligence in intensive care medicine
Trautner, R. ; Barber, S. J. ; Fisackerly, R. ; Heather, D. ; Houdou, B. ; Howe, C. ; Iacobellis, S. ; Leese, M. ; Mariani, A. ; Meogrossi, G. ; Murray, N. ; Panza, C. ; Reiss, P. ; Rusconi, A. ; Abernethy, F. ; Cann, N. ; Chinnery, H. ; Gscheidle, C. ; Landsberg, P. ; Lindner, R. ; Morse, A. D. ; Mortimer, J. ; Nicolae, L. ; Picchi, P. ; Sheridan, S. ; Verchovsky, A.; PROSPECT: A comprehensive sample acquisition and analysis package for lunar science and exploration
Lechner, Katharina ; Kia, Sylvia ; von Korn, Pia ; Dinges, Sophia M. ; Mueller, Stephan ; Tjønna, Arnt-Erik ; Wisløff, Ulrik ; Van Craenenbroeck, Emeline M. ; Pieske, Burkert ; Adams, Volker ; Pressler, Axel ; Landmesser, Ulf ; Halle, Martin ; Kränkel, Nicolle; Cardiometabolic and immune response to exercise training in patients with metabolic syndrome: retrospective analysis of two randomized clinical trials
Rupp, Luise ; Dietsche, Ina ; Kießler, Maximilian ; Sommer, Ulrich ; Muckenhuber, Alexander ; Steiger, Katja ; van Eijck, Casper W. F. ; Richter, Leonard ; Istvanffy, Rouzanna ; Jäger, Carsten ; Friess, Helmut ; van Eijck, Casper H. J. ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Reyes, Carmen Mota ; Schmitz, Marc; Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is associated with suppression of the B cell-centered immune landscape in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
von Rennenberg, Regina ; Nolte, Christian H. ; Liman, Thomas G. ; Hellwig, Simon ; Riegler, Christoph ; Scheitz, Jan F. ; Georgakis, Marios K. ; Fang, Rong ; Bode, Felix J. ; Petzold, Gabor C. ; Hermann, Peter ; Zerr, Inga ; Goertler, Michael ; Bernkopf, Kathleen ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Dichgans, Martin ; Endres, Matthias; High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T and Cognitive Function Over 12 Months After Stroke_Results of the DEMDAS Study
Katzmeier, Florian ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Reversible Self-Assembly of Nucleic Acids in a Diffusiophoretic Trap
Xu, Hongxiang ; Chakraborty, Ritam ; Adak, Abhishek Kumar ; Das, Arpan ; Yang, Biao ; Meier, Dennis ; Riss, Alexander ; Reichert, Joachim ; Narasimhan, Shobhana ; Barth, Johannes V. ; Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; On-Surface Isomerization of Indigo within 1D Coordination Polymers
Meyer, Dorothy ; Gjika, Ejona ; Raab, Roxana ; Michel, Sophie K. F. ; Hauner, Hans; How does gestational weight gain influence short- and long-term postpartum weight retention? An updated systematic review and meta-analysis
Coburger, Peter ; Zuber, David ; Schweinzer, Clara ; Scharnhölz, Moritz; Phosphonium-substituted Diphosphaindenylide (PPI): Exploration of Biradical Character and Ligand Properties
Bahlke, Fabian ; Englert, Florian ; Popa, Miruna ; Bourier, Felix ; Reents, Tilko ; Lennerz, Carsten ; Kraft, Hannah ; Martinez, Alex Tunsch ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Syväri, Jan ; Tydecks, Madeleine ; Telishevska, Marta ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Erhard, Nico; First clinical data on artificial intelligence-guided catheter ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation
Banda-Vázquez, Jesús Agustín ; Mauz, Alexander ; Werner, Juan Pablo Fuenzalida ; Costa, Rubén D.; VARPA: In Silico Additive Screening for Protein-Based Lighting Devices
Aßfalg, Marlene ; Güner, Gökhan ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Breimann, Stephan ; Langosch, Dieter ; Muhle-Goll, Claudia ; Frishman, Dmitrij ; Steiner, Harald ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F.; Cleavage efficiency of the intramembrane protease y-secretase is reduced by the palmitoylation of a substrate's transmembrane domain
Wang, Fang ; Böhnke, Frank ; Böck, Katja ; Wirth, Markus; Population-based study of environmental heavy metal exposure and hearing loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Schwarz, Irina ; Rieck, Arielle ; Mehmood, Asad ; Bublitz, Raphaela ; Bongers, Lukas ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk ; Fellinger, Tim-Patrick; PEM Electrolysis in a Stirred-Tank Bioreactor Enables Autotrophic Growth of Clostridium ragsdalei with CO2 and Electrons
Luca, Simon Vlad ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Kulinowski, ukasz ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Trifan, Adriana; Phytochemical profiling and bioactivity assessment of underutilized Symphytum species in comparison with Symphytum officinale
Yan, Peng ; Stegbauer, Simone ; Wu, Qinqin ; Kolodzeiski, Elena ; Stein, Christopher J. ; Lu, Ping ; Bach, Thorsten; Enantioselective Intramolecular ortho Photocycloaddition Reactions of 2-Acetonaphthones
Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Aehnelt, Michaela ; Bucka, Franziska ; Totsche, Kai Uwe ; Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid; Impact of bare fallow management on soil carbon storage and aggregates across a rock fragment gradient
Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Kluge, Regina M. ; Maljusch, Artjom ; Borowski, Patrick ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Impedance Response Analysis of Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyzers for Determination of the Electrochemically Active Catalyst Surface Area
Potapova, Ekaterina ; Tripodi, Salvatore ; Panetta, Valentina ; Dramburg, Stephanie ; Bernardini, Roberto ; Caffarelli, Carlo ; Casani, Antonella ; Cervone, Rosa ; Chini, Loredana ; Comberiati, Pasquale ; De Castro, Giovanna ; del Giudice, Michele Miraglia ; Dello Iacono, Iride ; Di Rienzo Businco, Andrea ; Gallucci, Marcella ; Giannetti, Arianna ; Moschese, Viviana ; Sfika, Ifigenia ; Varin, Elena ; Asero, Riccardo ; Bianchi, Annamaria ; Calvani, Mauro ; Frediani, Tullio ; Macrì, Francesco ; Maiello, Nunzia ; Paravati, Francesco ; Pelosi, Umberto ; Peroni, Diego ; Pingitore, Giuseppe ; Tosca, Mariangela ; Zicari, Anna Maria ; Ricci, Giampaolo ; Reese, Gerald ; Grabenhenrich, Linus ; Icke, Katja ; Grübl, Armin ; Müller, Christoph ; Zepp, Fred ; Schuster, Antje ; Wahn, Ulrich ; Lau, Susanne ; Keil, Thomas ; Matricardi, Paolo Maria; IgE to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) in childhood: Prevalence, risk factors, putative origins
Hölderle, Tobias ; Monchak, Mykhailo ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Kriele, Armin ; Mühlbauer, Martin J. ; Dyadkin, Vadim ; Rabenbauer, Alfred ; Schökel, Alexander ; Ehrenberg, Helmut ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Thermal Structural Behavior of ElectrochemicallyLithiated Graphite (LixC6) Anodes in Li-ion Batteries
Muñoz Hoyos, Lina ; Anisha, Wan Petra ; Meng, Chen ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Dawid, Corinna ; Hückelhoven, Ralph ; Stam, Remco; Untargeted metabolomics reveals PTI-associated metabolites
Daiber, Vincent ; Zeitz, Sabine ; Hlukhyy, Viktor ; Dankert, Dominik ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Synthesis, Crystal structure, electronic structure, and Raman spectra of Li4Sr2SiP4
Boos, Katarina ; Sbresny, Friedrich ; Kim, Sang Kyu ; Kremser, Malte ; Riedl, Hubert ; Bopp, Frederik W. ; Rauhaus, William ; Scaparra, Bianca ; Jöns, Klaus D. ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Müller, Kai ; Hanschke, Lukas; Coherent Swing-Up Excitation for Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Lecina-Diaz, Judit ; Senf, Cornelius ; Grünig, Marc ; Seidl, Rupert; Ecosystem services at risk from disturbance in Europe's forests
Kloos, Simon ; Klosterhalfen, Anne ; Knohl, Alexander ; Menzel, Annette; Decoding autumn phenology: Unraveling the link between observation methods and detected environmental cues
Bernard, Marie ; Hoffmann, Laura ; Richter, Matthias ; Völlm, Carina ; Fink, Astrid ; Dawal, Britta; Participation of adolescents with and without physical disabilities and chronic diseases: A comprehensive conceptualization
Armleder, Simon ; Dean-Leon, Emmanuel ; Bergner, Florian ; Guadarrama Olvera, Julio Rogelio ; Cheng, Gordon; Tactile-Based Negotiation of Unknown Objects during Navigation in Unstructured Environments with Movable Obstacles
Neuhaus-Harr, Annika ; Ojeda-Prieto, Lina ; Eilers, Elisabeth ; Müller, Caroline ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Heinen, Robin; Chemodiversity affects preference for Tanacetum vulgare chemotypes in two aphid species
Fabel, Yann ; Nouri, Bijan ; Wilbert, Stefan ; Blum, Niklas ; Schnaus, Dominik ; Triebel, Rudolph ; Zarzalejo, Luis F. ; Ugedo, Enrique ; Kowalski, Julia ; Pitz-Paal, Robert; Combining Deep Learning and Physical Models: A Benchmark Study on All-Sky Imager-Based Solar Nowcasting Systems
Restle, Tassilo M. F. ; Zeitz, Sabine ; Stanley, Philip M. ; Karttunen, Antti J. ; Meyer, Jan ; Raudaschl-Sieber, Gabriele ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Direct Band Gap Semiconductors with Two- and Three-Dimensional Triel-Phosphide Frameworks (Triel=Al, Ga, In)
Sanchez-Mahecha, Oriana ; Klink, Sophia ; Rothballer, Michael ; Sturm, Sarah ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Zytynska, Sharon ; Heinen, Robin; Microbe-induced plant resistance against insect pests depends on timing of inoculation but is consistent across climatic conditions
Mühlhofer, Moritz ; Offensperger, Felix ; Reschke, Sarah ; Wallmann, Georg ; Csaba, Gergely ; Berchtold, Evi ; Riedl, Maximilian ; Blum, Helmut ; Haslbeck, Martin ; Zimmer, Ralf ; Buchner, Johannes; Deletion of the transcription factors Hsf1, Msn2 and Msn4 in yeast uncovers transcriptional reprogramming in response to proteotoxic stress
Otto, Mathias ; Papastefanou, Phillip ; Fahse, Lorenz; Pressure from insect-resistant maize on protected butterflies and moths
Schuster, Joachim ; Dreyhaupt, Jens ; Mönkemöller, Karla ; Dupuis, Luc ; Dieterlé, Stéphane ; Weishaupt, Jochen H. ; Kassubek, Jan ; Petri, Susanne ; Meyer, Thomas ; Grosskreutz, Julian ; Schrank, Berthold ; Boentert, Matthias ; Emmer, Alexander ; Hermann, Andreas ; Zeller, Daniel ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Winkler, Andrea S. ; Grehl, Torsten ; Heneka, Michael T. ; Johannesen, Siw ; Göricke, Bettina ; Witzel, Simon ; Dorst, Johannes ; Ludolph, Albert C.; In-depth analysis of data from the RAS-ALS study reveals new insights in rasagiline treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Knott, Josef ; Mueller, Melanie ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen; Habitat quality and biological community responses to innovative hydropower plant installations at transverse in-stream structures
Sternberg, Henrike ; Steinert, Janina Isabel ; Büthe, Tim; Compliance in the public versus the private realm: Economic preferences, institutional trust and COVID-19 health behaviors
Schneider, Peter M. ; Kollmannsberger, Kathrin L. ; Cesari, Cristiana ; Khare, Rachit ; Boniface, Maxime ; Roldán Cuenya, Beatriz ; Lunkenbein, Thomas ; Elsner, Martin ; Zacchini, Stefano ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Warnan, Julien ; Fischer, Roland A.; Engineering ORR Electrocatalysts from Co8Pt4 Carbonyl Clusters via ZIF-8 Templating
Villagómez, Gemma Nydia ; Keller, Alexander ; Rasmussen, Claus ; Lozano, Pablo ; Donoso, David A. ; Blüthgen, Nico ; Leonhardt, Sara Diana; Nutrients or resin? - The relationship between resin and food foraging in stingless bees
Trommer, Johanna ; Lesniowski, Florian ; Buchner, Johannes ; Svilenov, Hristo L.; Specific features of a scaffolding antibody light chain
Steiner, Franziska A. ; Wild, Andreas J. ; Tyborski, Nicolas ; Tung, Shu-Yin ; Koehler, Tina ; Buegger, Franz ; Carminati, Andrea ; Eder, Barbara ; Groth, Jennifer ; Hesse, Benjamin D. ; Pausch, Johanna ; Lüders, Tillmann ; Vahl, Wouter K. ; Wolfrum, Sebastian ; Mueller, Carsten W. ; Vidal, Alix; Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety-specific and a key component of belowground plant adaptation
Dietrich, Peter ; Ebeling, Anne ; Meyer, Sebastian T. ; Asato, Ana Elizabeth Bonato ; Bröcher, Maximilian ; Gleixner, Gerd ; Huang, Yuanyuan ; Roscher, Christiane ; Schmid, Bernhard ; Vogel, Anja ; Eisenhauer, Nico; Plant diversity and community age stabilize ecosystem multifunctionality
Egerer, Monika ; Karlebowski, Susan ; Conitz, Felix ; Neumann, Astrid E. ; Schmack, Julia M. ; Sturm, Ulrike; In defence of urban community gardens
Reus, Manuel A. ; Reb, Lennart K. ; Kosbahn, David P. ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; INSIGHT: in situ heuristic tool for the efficient reduction of grazing-incidence X-ray scattering data
Palanisamy, Krishnaveni ; Daboss, Sven ; Romer, Jan ; Schäfer, David ; Rohnke, Marcus ; Flowers, Jackson K. ; Fuchs, Stefan ; Stein, Helge S. ; Fichtner, Maximilian ; Kranz, Christine; Microscopic and Spectroscopic Analysis of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase at Hard Carbon Composite Anodes in 1 M NaPF6/Diglyme
Rehpenn, Andreas ; Hindelang, Stephan ; Truong, Khai-Nghi ; Pöthig, Alexander ; Storch, Golo; Enhancing Flavins Photochemical Activity in Hydrogen Atom Abstraction and Triplet Sensitization through Ring-Contraction
Phi, Manh Tri ; Singer, Helena ; Zäh, Felix ; Haisch, Christoph ; Schneider, Sabine ; Op den Camp, Huub J. M. ; Daumann, Lena J.; Assessing Lanthanide-Dependent Methanol Dehydrogenase Activity: The Assay Matters
Schmey, Tamara ; Tominello-Ramirez, Christopher S. ; Brune, Carolin ; Stam, Remco; Alternaria diseases on potato and tomato
Schott, Christian M. ; Schneider, Peter M. ; Sadraoui, Kais ; Song, Kun-Ting ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Michali ka, Jan ; Macak, Jan M. ; Viola, Arnaud ; Maillard, Frédéric ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy ; Fischer, Johannes A. ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Gubanova, Elena L.; Top-down Surfactant-Free Synthesis of Supported Palladium-Nanostructured Catalysts
Appel, Stefan ; Villafane, Viviana ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Müller, Kai; Transfer Matrix Model for Emission Profile Optimization of Radial Gratings
Cambra, Josep M. ; Gil, Maria A. ; Cuello, Cristina ; Gonzalez-Plaza, Alejandro ; Rodriguez-Martinez, Heriberto ; Klymiuk, Nikolai ; Martinez, Emilio A. ; Parrilla, Inmaculada; Cytokine profile in peripheral blood mononuclear cells differs between embryo donor and potential recipient sows
Bratke, Sebastian ; Schmid, Sebastian ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Borgstedt, Laura; Genotype- and sex-specific changes in vital parameters during isoflurane anesthesia in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Han, Rui ; Baudrexl, Melanie ; Ludwig, Christina ; Berezina, Oksana V. ; Rykov, Sergey V. ; Liebl, Wolfgang; Identification of a novel xanthan-binding module of a multi-modular Cohnella sp. xanthanase
Kranzler, Markus ; Walser, Veronika ; Stark, Timo D. ; Ehling-Schulz, Monika; A poisonous cocktail: interplay of cereulide toxin and its structural isomers in emetic Bacillus cereus
Ganz, Kirstin ; Kern, Timo ; Hinterstocker, Michael; Systemic Evaluation of PV Self-Consumption Optimization Using Electric Vehicles
Liao, Bo-Hung ; Platen, Louise ; Grommes, Myriam ; Cheng, Cho-Chin ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Christa, Catharina ; Haller, Bernhard ; Kappler, Verena ; Bester, Romina ; Werz, Maia Lucia ; Platen, Eva ; Eggerer, Peter ; Tréguer, Laëtitia ; Küchle, Claudius ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Heemann, Uwe ; Renders, Lutz ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Braunisch, Matthias Christoph; SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization Capacity in Hemodialysis Patients with and without a Fifth Vaccination with the Updated Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.4-5 Vaccine
Hedskog, Charlotte ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Ko, Chunkyu ; Gottlieb, Robert L. ; Askar, Medhat ; Roestenberg, Meta ; de Vries, Jutte J. C. ; Carbo, Ellen C. ; Martin, Ross ; Li, Jiani ; Han, Dong ; Rodriguez, Lauren ; Parvangada, Aiyappa ; Perry, Jason K. ; Ferrer, Ricard ; Antón, Andrés ; Andrés, Cristina ; Casares, Vanessa ; Günthard, Huldrych F. ; Huber, Michael ; McComsey, Grace A. ; Sadri, Navid ; Aberg, Judith A. ; van Bakel, Harm ; Porter, Danielle P.; No Remdesivir Resistance Observed in the Phase 3 Severe and Moderate COVID-19 SIMPLE Trials
Lüddecke, Tim ; Blank, Simon; Animal Toxins: Biodiscovery, Mechanistic Insights and Translational Potential
Mekonen, Sisay S. ; Boyce, Scott E. ; Mohammed, Abdella K. ; Flint, Lorraine ; Flint, Alan ; Disse, Markus; Correction: Mekonen et al. Recharge Estimation Approach in a Data-Scarce Semi-Arid Region, Northern Ethiopian Rift Valley. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15887
Dorn, Anna Rebecca ; Neff, Sara ; Hupp, Sophia ; Engelhardt, Melissa ; Pion, Eric ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Knebel, Carolin ; Duprée, Anna ; Schewe, Simone ; Weber, Markus ; Wulbrand, Christian ; Hillmann, Axel ; Weber, Florian ; Clarke, Phillip ; Kainz, Philipp ; Aung, Thiha ; Haerteis, Silke; Analysis of Osteosarcoma Cell Lines and Patient Tissue Using a 3D In Vivo Tumor Model_Possible Effects of Punicalagin
Widberger, Jonas ; Wittgens, Andreas ; Klaunig, Sebastian ; Krämer, Markus ; Kissmann, Ann-Kathrin ; Höfele, Franziska ; Baur, Tina ; Weil, Tanja ; Henkel, Marius ; Hausmann, Rudolf ; Bengelsdorf, Frank R. ; Eikmanns, Bernhard J. ; Dürre, Peter ; Rosenau, Frank; Recombinant Production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rhamnolipids in P. putida KT2440 on Acetobacterium woodii Cultures Grown Chemo-Autotrophically with Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen
Fabiano, Luca ; Pandey, Shilpi ; Brischwein, Martin ; Hasanzadeh Kafshgari, Morteza ; Hayden, Oliver; Continuous Perfusion Experiments on 3D Cell Proliferation in Acoustic Levitation
Dinar, Yousuf ; Qurashi, Moeid ; Papantoniou, Panagiotis ; Antoniou, Constantinos; How Do Humanlike Behaviors of Connected Autonomous Vehicles Affect Traffic Conditions in Mixed Traffic?
Horlemann, Jonas ; Heidinger, Mathias ; Wenner, Fabian ; Thierstein, Alain; Introducing a Novel Framework for the Analysis and Assessment of Transport Projects in City Regions
Kruse, Jakob Adrian ; Ciechanowski, Leon ; Dupuis, Ambre ; Vazquez, Ignacio ; Gloor, Peter A.; Leveraging the Sensitivity of Plants with Deep Learning to Recognize Human Emotions
Bärligea, Adelina ; Hase, Kazunori ; Yoshida, Makoto; Simulation of Human Movement in Zero Gravity
Gao, Chao ; Li, Shasha ; Sun, Maopeng ; Zhao, Xiyang ; Liu, Dewen; Exploring the Relationship between Urban Vibrancy and Built Environment Using Multi-Source Data: Case Study in Munich
Sukianto, Tobias ; Schober, Sebastian A. ; Carbonelli, Cecilia ; Mittermaier, Simon ; Wille, Robert; Neural Network Approaches for Distributional Shifts in Environmental Sensors +
Korek, Eva-Maria ; Kounoupioti, Evanthia Chrysanthi ; Brederlow, Ralf; Equivalent Circuit Models for Impedimetric Sensors +
Mitteramskogler, Tina ; Fuchsluger, Andreas ; Ecker, Rafael ; Wilfinger, Thomas ; Jakoby, Bernhard ; Wille, Robert; Contact Angle Measurement through Liquid Flow in Curved Open Microchannels +
Silva Ortiz, Pablo ; de Oliveira, Silvio ; Mariano, Adriano Pinto ; Jocher, Agnes ; Posada, John; Exergy-Based Improvements of Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Comparing Biorefinery Pathways
Roggendorf, Hedwig ; Shouval, Daniel ; Roggendorf, Michael ; Gerken, Guido; Longterm Outcome of Therapeutic Vaccination with a Third Generation Pre-S/S HBV Vaccine (PreHevbrioR) of Chronically HBV Infected Patients
Wunsch, Lennard ; Tenorio, Christian Görner ; Anding, Katharina ; Golomoz, Andrei ; Notni, Gunther; Data Fusion of RGB and Depth Data with Image Enhancement
Bischofreiter, Martin ; Sacan, Edanur ; Gattringer, Michael ; Gruber, Michael S. ; Breulmann, Franziska L. ; Kindermann, Harald ; Heuberer, Philipp ; Mattiassich, Georg ; Ortmaier, Reinhold; The Value of Computed Tomography-Based Planning in Shoulder Arthroplasty Compared to Intra-/Interobserver Reliability of X-ray Planning
Faihs, Valentina ; Schmalhofer, Viktoria ; Kugler, Claudia ; Bent, Rebekka K. ; Scherf, Katharina A. ; Lexhaller, Barbara ; Mortz, Charlotte G. ; Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Skov, Per S. ; Eberlein, Bernadette ; Brockow, Knut; Detection of Sensitization Profiles with Cellular In Vitro Tests in Wheat Allergy Dependent on Augmentation Factors (WALDA)
Liu, Lei ; Wang, Wei ; Liu, Weiwei ; Li, Xingzheng ; Yi, Guoqiang ; Adetula, Adeyinka Abiola ; Huang, Haibo ; Tang, Zhonglin; Comprehensive Atlas of Alternative Splicing Reveals NSRP1 Promoting Adipogenesis through CCDC18
Berrezueta-Guzman, Santiago ; Kandil, Mohanad ; Martín-Ruiz, María-Luisa ; Pau de la Cruz, Iván ; Krusche, Stephan; Future of ADHD Care: Evaluating the Efficacy of ChatGPT in Therapy Enhancement
Loew, Alexandra ; Kurpiers, Christina ; Götze, Martin ; Nitsche, Sven ; Bengler, Klaus; How to Counteract Driver Fatigue during Conditional Automated Driving_A Systematic Review
Funk, Paul F. ; Hoch, Cosima C. ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Knoedler, Leonard ; Cotofana, Sebastian ; Sofo, Giuseppe ; Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Wollenberg, Barbara ; Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando ; Alfertshofer, Michael; ChatGPT's Response Consistency: A Study on Repeated Queries of Medical Examination Questions
Bette, Stefanie ; Canalini, Luca ; Feitelson, Laura-Marie ; Woźnicki, Piotr ; Risch, Franka ; Huber, Adrian ; Decker, Josua A. ; Tehlan, Kartikay ; Becker, Judith ; Wollny, Claudia ; Scheurig-Münkler, Christian ; Wendler, Thomas ; Schwarz, Florian ; Kroencke, Thomas; Radiomics-Based Machine Learning Model for Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis Using Computed Tomography
Gezer, Ugur ; Oberhofer, Angela ; Worf, Karolina ; Stoetzer, Oliver ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Bronkhorst, Abel; Targeted Sequencing of Human Satellite 2 Repeat Sequences in Plasma cfDNA Reveals Potential Breast Cancer Biomarkers
Tzeplaeff, Laura ; Jürs, Alexandra V. ; Wohnrade, Camilla ; Demleitner, Antonia F.; Unraveling the Heterogeneity of ALS_A Call to Redefine Patient Stratification for Better Outcomes in Clinical Trials
Scheck, Magdalena K. ; Hofheinz, Ralf D. ; Lorenzen, Sylvie; HER2-Positive Gastric Cancer and Antibody Treatment: State of the Art and Future Developments
Absmaier-Kijak, Magdalena ; Iuliano, Caterina ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Posch, Christian ; Brockow, Knut; T-Cell Subtypes and Immune Signatures in Cutaneous Immune-Related Adverse Events in Melanoma Patients under Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
Otto, Danny ; Matzner, Nils; Let Us Get Regional: Exploring Prospects for Biomass-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal on the Ground
Stoess, Christian ; Choi, Yeon-Kyung ; Onyuru, Janset ; Friess, Helmut ; Hoffman, Hal M. ; Hartmann, Daniel ; Feldstein, Ariel E.; Cell Death in Liver Disease and Liver Surgery
Dong, Zhongtian ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Forestano, Roy T. ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia ; Unlu, Eyup B.; 2 × 2 Equivariant Quantum Neural Networks: Benchmarking against Classical Neural Networks
Unlu, Eyup B. ; Comajoan Cara, Marçal ; Dahale, Gopal Ramesh ; Dong, Zhongtian ; Forestano, Roy T. ; Gleyzer, Sergei ; Justice, Daniel ; Kong, Kyoungchul ; Magorsch, Tom ; Matchev, Konstantin T. ; Matcheva, Katia; Hybrid Quantum Vision Transformers for Event Classification in High Energy Physics
Moreira, Catharina ; Herzog, Nikolai ; Breitsamter, Christian; Wind Tunnel Investigation of Transient Propeller Loads for Non-Axial Inflow Conditions
Tripathi, Veenu ; Caizzone, Stefano; Virtual Validation of In-Flight GNSS Signal Reception during Jamming for Aeronautics Applications
Kesting, Sabine ; Gaser, Dominik ; Queisser, Jennifer ; Götte, Miriam ; von Luettichau, Irene ; Peters, Christiane ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Gauß, Gabriele; Availability and adaption of exercise programs in pediatric oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: a nationwide follow-up survey of providers in Germany
Lin, Yan-Cheng ; Mayer, Manfred ; Valle Torres, Daniel ; Pook, Torsten ; Hölker, Armin C. ; Presterl, Thomas ; Ouzunova, Milena ; Schön, Chris-Carolin; Genomic prediction within and across maize landrace derived populations using haplotypes
Würstle, Silvia ; Spanke, Lisa-Marie ; Mehlhase, Niklas ; Stanley, Gail ; Koff, Jonathan ; Dimitriadis, Stavros ; König, Sarah ; Hann, Alexander; Evaluation of a Virtual Reality-Based Open Educational Resource Software
Luppa, Peter B. ; Zeller, Michael ; Pieper, Marija ; Kaiser, Patricia ; Weiss, Nathalie ; Vierbaum, Laura ; Freckmann, Guido; Quality assessment of glucose measurement with regard to epidemiology and clinical management of diabetes mellitus in Germany
Machado, Helena ; de Freitas, Cláudia ; Fiske, Amelia ; Radhuber, Isabella ; Silva, Susana ; Grimaldo-Rodríguez, Christian O. ; Botrugno, Carlo ; Kinner, Ralph ; Marelli, Luca; Performing publics of science in the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Austria, Bolivia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal
Strobl, Frances ; Theurich, Melissa Ann; Prolonged Jaundice in a Premature Breastfed Infant With Gilbert's Syndrome
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Self Optimizing Particle Simulations: Combining Expert Knowledge with Learning
Maierhofer, Sebastian;Althoff, Matthias; CommonRoad-CARLA Interface: Bridging the Gap between MotionPlanning and 3D Simulation
Pretzsch, Hans;Hilmers, Torben; Structural diversity and carbon stock of forest stands: tradeoff as modified by silvicultural thinning
Kuntz, M.; Seeber, B.U.; Adapting sound reproduction to listener position with dynamic loudspeaker equalization
Bischof, N.F.; Seeber, B.U.; Über den Einfluss von Konstantstrom-Adaptern für vorpolarisierte Messmikrofone auf den Frequenzgang
Hládek, Ľ.; Seeber, B.U.; On speech-hand synchrony during conversations in a virtual underground station
Azaripasand, P.; Seeber, B.U.; Assessment of Head-Related Transfer Function Time-Alignment Preprocessing Through Spatial Principal Component Analysis
Bajool, M.; Galeano Otavaro, J.D.; Seeber, B.U.; The Interplay of Attention and Gaze Direction in EEG and Audio Envelope Analysis
Lambacher, M.; Kirchhof, J.; Seeber, B.U.; Automatisierte Akustische Breitbandkompensation für Echtzeit-Fahrgeräuscherzeugung in Elektrofahrzeugen
Keune, A. & Hurtado, S.; Materializing social media youth practices toward algorithmic learning
Keune, A., Hurtado, S. & Simšič, Ž.; Exploring AI Ethics through educational scenarios with AI generative arts apps
Hurtado, S. & Keune, A.; Social media as a space for youth’s algorithmic resistance
Dumler, Patrick; Blankenhagen, Jakob; Werther, Norman; Mensinger, Martin; Validierungsversuche für brandschutztechnisch sichere Konstruktionen in Stahl-Holz-Mischbauweise
Blankenhagen, Jakob; Dumler, Patrick; Werther, Norman; Mensinger, Martin; Brandverhalten von Stahl-Holz-Hybrid-Konstruktionen
Christian Ziegler; Marcin Praski; Dmitry Fadeev; Thomas Wagner; Hassan Matout; A Network Analysis of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
Mair, Sebastian; Althoff, Matthias; Provably Correct Safety Protocol for Cooperative Platooning
Ogunjinmi, G. J.;Forth, K.;Theißen, S.;Borrmann, A.; Estimating the Circularity of Building Elements using Building Information Modelling
Hillebrand, Veronika;Dobler, Andreas H.;Schwalb, Astrid N.;Geist, Juergen; Physiological effects of interacting native and invasive bivalves under thermal stress
Funk, Nicole;Knott, Josef;Pander, Joachim;Geist, Juergen; Fish behavior at the horizontal screen of a novel shaft hydropower plant
Kuhn, Johannes;Pander, Joachim;Habersetzer, Luis;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Geist, Juergen; Determining Riverine Surface Roughness at Fluvial Mesohabitat Level and Its Influence on UAV-Based Thermal Imaging Accuracy
Hysa, Artan;Löwe, Roland;Geist, Juergen; Ecosystem services potential is declining across European capital metropolitan areas
Natterer, Elena; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Effects of the Plan Vélo I and II on vehicular flow in Paris - An Empirical Analysis
Biefel, Felix;Brander, Susanne M.;Connon, Richard E.;Geist, Juergen; Polystyrene Plastic Particles Result in Adverse Outcomes for Hyalella azteca When Exposed at Elevated Temperatures
Loder, Allister; Goerg, Sebastian; Choosing the Deutschlandticket - Stated and revealed evidence from the year-long panel study "Mobilität.Leben"
Alayasreih, Yamam; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Takayasu, Anna; Influence of Public Transportation in Munich: An Empirical MFD Traffic Analysis
Dahmen, Victoria; Álvarez-Ossorio Martínez, Santiago; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Making Large Scale Semi-Passive GPS Travel Diaries Valuable: a Quality Enhancement Method
Loder, Allister; Fabrienne Cantner; Dahmen, Victoria; Bogenberger, Klaus; Germany's Newest Fare: The Deutschlandticket – First Insights on Funding and Travel Behavior
Natterer, Elena; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Traffic Reduction and Decarbonization through Network Changes – Empirical Evidence from Paris
Schatzmann, Thomas; Álvarez-Ossorio Martínez, Santiago; Loder, Allister; Axhausen, Kay W.; Bogenberger, Klaus; Investigating Mode Choice Preferences in a Tradable Mobility Credit Scheme
Servatius, Phillip; Loder, Allister; Klaus, Bogenberger; MobilityCoins - Navigating the Complexities of Tradable Credit Schemes
Servatius, Phillip; Loder, Allister; Klaus, Bogenberger; MobilityCoins - Dynamics of a Multi-Modal, Multi-Period Tradable Credit Scheme for Munich
Waldorf, Isabella; Loder, Allister; Wurster, Stefan; Bogenberger, Klaus; Germany's 9-Euro-Ticket: Impacts on Disadvantaged Groups Using a Casual Inference Approach
Holzer, D.; Bödeker, K.; Rammer, W.; Knoke, T.; Evaluating dynamic tree-species-shifting and height development caused by ungulate browsing in forest regeneration using a process-based modeling approach
Samonaki, Maria; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Optimal and Reliable Routing for Multicast Sessions in WDM Networks
Tobias Mascetta, Edmond Irani Liu, Matthias Althoff; Rule-Compliant Multi-Agent Driving Corridor Generation using Reachable Sets and Combinatorial Negotiations
Mohan, Nitinder;Ferguson, Andrew E.;Cech, Hendrik;Bose, Rohan;Renatin, Prakita Rayyan;Marina, Mahesh K.;Ott, Jörg; A Multifaceted Look at Starlink Performance
Herzog, Olivia;Mina, Elisa; Collaborative Robots Can Support Young Adults with Disabilities in Vocational Education and Training
Jetzinger, Franz;Baumer, Sven;Michaeli, Tilman; Artificial Intelligence in Compulsory K-12 Computer Science Classrooms: A Scalable Professional Development Offer for Computer Science Teachers
Hartl, Anna;Starke, Elena;Voggenreiter, Angelina;Holzberger, Doris;Michaeli, Tilman;Pfeffer, Jürgen; Empowering Digital Natives: InstaClone - A Novel Approach to Data Literacy Education in the Age of Social Media
Elis, Bengisu;Pearce, Olga;Boehme, David;Burmark, Jason;Schulz, Martin; Non-Blocking GPU-CPU Notifications to Enable More GPU-CPU Parallelism
Poquet, Oleksandra;Joksimovic, Srecko;Brams, Pernille; The Role of Gender in Citation Practices of Learning Analytics Research
Drescher, Florian;Engelke, Alexis; Fast Template-Based Code Generation for MLIR
Da, Liangrun;Kleppmann, Martin; Extending JSON CRDTs with Move Operations
Samonaki, Maria; Bletsas, Aggelos; Simple Approximate Message Passing for Network Synchronization and Localization
Hanna Krasowski; Matthias Althoff; Provable Traffic Rule Compliance in Safe Reinforcement Learning on the Open Sea
Heckmann, Dirk; Paschke, Anne; Kapitel 5 – Digitale Verwaltung
Salariseddigh, Mohammad Javad; Deterministic Identification For Molecular Communications
Dossow, M.;Eyberg, V;Dieterich, V.;Fendt,S.;Spliethoff,H.; CESTEA: The TUM Chair of Energy Systems Techno-Economic Analysis Method
Dietze, A.; Clapp, S.W.; Seeber, B.U.; Static and moving minimum audible angle: Independent contributions of reverberation and position
Lützow, Laura;Althoff, Matthias; Scalable Reachset-Conformant Identification of Linear Systems
Dumler, Patrick; Blankenhagen, Jakob; Werther, Norman; Mensinger, Martin; Validierungsversuche für brandschutztechnisch sichere Konstruktionen in Stahl-Holz-Mischbauweise
Mohr, Johannes;Thom, Dominik;Hasenauer, Hubert;Seidl, Rupert; Are uneven-aged forests in Central Europe less affected by natural disturbances than even-aged forests?
Lecina-Diaz, Judit;Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi;Lloret, Francisco;Seidl, Rupert; Resilience and vulnerability: distinct concepts to address global change in forests
Grünig, Marc;Rammer, Werner;Albrich, Katharina;André, Frédéric;Augustynczik, Andrey L.D.;Bohn, Friedrich;Bouwman, Meike;Bugmann, Harald;Collalti, Alessio;Cristal, Irina;Dalmonech, Daniela;De Caceres, Miquel;De Coligny, Francois;Dobor, Laura;Dollinger, Christina;Forrester, David I.;Garcia-Gonzalo, Jordi;González, José Ramón;Hiltner, Ulrike;Hlásny, Tomáš;Honkaniemi, Juha;Huber, Nica;Jonard, Mathieu;Maria Jönsson, Anna;Lagergren, Fredrik;Nieberg, Mats;Mina, Marco;Mohren, Frits;Moos, Christine;Morin, Xaxier;Muys, Bart;Peltoniemi, Mikko;Reyer, Christopher PO;Storms, Ilié;Thom, Dominik;Toïgo, Maude;Seidl, Rupert; A harmonized database of European forest simulations under climate change
Krüger, Kirsten;Senf, Cornelius;Jucker, Tommaso;Pflugmacher, Dirk;Seidl, Rupert; Gap expansion is the dominant driver of canopy openings in a temperate mountain forest landscape
Mandl, Lisa;Viana-Soto, Alba;Seidl, Rupert;Stritih, Ana;Senf, Cornelius; Unmixing-based forest recovery indicators for predicting long-term recovery success
Bănăduc, Doru;Curtean-Bănăduc, Angela;Barinova, Sophia;Lozano, Verónica L.;Afanasyev, Sergey;Leite, Tamara;Branco, Paulo;Gomez Isaza, Daniel F.;Geist, Juergen;Tegos, Aristoteles;Olosutean, Horea;Cianfaglione, Kevin; Multi-Interacting Natural and Anthropogenic Stressors on Freshwater Ecosystems: Their Current Status and Future Prospects for 21st Century
Kolani, M R.;Nousias, S.; Borrmann, A; Coordinating robotized construction using advanced robotic simulation: The case of collaborative brick wall assembly
Sánchez L., Miyahara B.; The International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) and the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)
Liu Q., Schmidt M., Sánchez L.; Methods for geoid determination in regions with challenging data quality and coverage
Angermann D., Gruber T., Gerstl M., Heinkelmann R., Hugentobler U., Sánchez L., Steigenberger P.; GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards: Recent activities and future plans
Vergos G.S., Sánchez L., Barzaghi R., and the IHRF team; IHRF Coordination Center, a newly established IAG/IGFS component to ensure the sustainability of the IHRS/IHRF
Sánchez L., Pearlman M., Angermann D., Sehnal M., Gruber T., Soja B., Riddell A., Elger K., Gross R., Heki K., Ferrandíz J.M, Schmidt M., Melbourne T., Craddock A., Miyahara B.; GGOS: Ensuring a Coherent Earth Observation System
Pattnaik, Nayanesh;Honold, Martin;Franceschi, Eleonora;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Rötzer, Thomas;Pretzsch, Hans;Pauleit, Stephan;Rahman, Mohammad A.; Growth and cooling potential of urban trees across different levels of imperviousness
Du, C; Nousias, S; Borrmann, A;; Towards a copilot in BIM authoring tool using large language model based agent for intelligent human-machine interaction
Du, C; Deng, Z; Nousias, S; Borrmann, A;; Towards commands recommender system in BIM authoring tool using transformers
Donié, Cedric;Reumann, Marie K.;Hartung, Tony;Braun, Benedikt J.;Histing, Tina;Endo, Satoshi;Hirche, Sandra; Predictive Model Development to Identify Failed Healing in Patients after Non–Union Fracture Surgery
Niklas Vinnitchenko; Benjamin Rodenberg; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Benjamin Uekermann; Higher-Order Time-Stepping in Multiphysics using preCICE
Biber, Peter;Grigolato, Stefano;Schmucker, Julia;Pretzsch, Hans;Uhl, Enno; A generic simulation model for relating forest CO2 intake and CO2 emissions by forest operations – The R-package care4cmodel
Rahman, Mohammad A.;Arndt, Stefan;Bravo, Felipe;Cheung, Pui K.;van Doorn, Natalie;Franceschi, Eleonora;del Río, Miren;Livesley, Stephen J.;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Pattnaik, Nayanesh;Rötzer, Thomas;Paeth, Heiko;Pauleit, Stephan;Preisler, Yakir;Pretzsch, Hans;Tan, Puay Yok;Cohen, Shabtai;Szota, Chris;Torquato, Patricia R.; More than a canopy cover metric: Influence of canopy quality, water-use strategies and site climate on urban forest cooling potential
Buchholtz, Gabriele; Hering, Laura; Datenschutz und Datennutzung im digitalen Gesundheitswesen – regulatorische und praktische Herausforderungen des verhältnismäßigen Ausgleichs am Beispiel der elektronischen Patientenakte
Graf-Vlachy, Lorenz;Wagner, Stefan; Different Debt: An Addition to the Technical Debt Dataset and a Demonstration Using Developer Personality
Steinrücken, B., Herrmann, S., Kerscher, F., Feigl, K., Schwiers, A., Lenser, C., Menzler, N., H., Guillon, O., Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of Naphthalene Induced Degradation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells Operated on Bio-Syngas
Keunecke, A., Dossow, M., Dieterich, V., Spliethoff, H., Fendt, S.; Insights into Fischer–Tropsch catalysis: current perspectives, mechanisms, and emerging trends in energy research
Morgenstern, L., Ohmstedt, S., Talebi, E., Kerscher, F., Spliethoff, H.; Pilot-scale investigation of high-temperature thermochemical energy storage based on the material system CaO/Ca(OH)2 in a bubbling fluidized bed
Roeder, G., Haimerl, J., Chen, Y., Gaderer, M., Fendt, S., Spliethoff, H.; Measurements of NOx emissions from biomass combustion in small to medium-scale power plants
Lambert, J., Spliethoff, H.; A two-phase nonlinear optimization method for routing and sizing district heating systems