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Klanner, Lisa; Entwicklung eines Hochleistungs-Raman-Lidars für die Messung von Wasserdampf- und Temperaturprofilen in der Atmosphäre
Winkler (geborene Linsmeier), Melanie Laila; Digitale ambulante Langzeitmanometrie des Dünndarms
Nitzler, Jonas; Biehler, Jonas; Fehn, Niklas; Koutsourelakis, Phaedon-Stelios; Wall, Wolfgang A.; A Generalized Probabilistic Learning Approach for Multi-Fidelity Uncertainty Propagation in Complex Physical Simulations
Hampf, Raphael; Optical Beam Diagnostics for High Intensity Heavy Ion Beams
Jagau, Martin; Solid-State Transformer based on the AC-AC Dual Active Bridge Converter
Beckenbauer, Daniel; Design and Optimisation of Solar-Assisted Urban District Heating Systems
Kullick, Julian; Modeling and control of deep geothermal electric submersible pump systems
Bopp, Roman; Ischämierisiko nach perkutaner Koronarintervention (PCI) in Abhängigkeit des GUCY1A3-Genotyps: Metaanalyse von Daten der ISAR-ASPI-Studie, der PLATO-Studie und der Utrecht Coronary Biobank (UCORBIO)
Chakroun, Tasnim; Study of alpha-synuclein fragments and their involvement in spreading of pathology: New insights for immunotherapies
Pettinger, Susanne Katrin; Development of Biomagnetic Interfaces for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetogenetic Actuation of Cells
Poch, Christine Maria; 3D Cardiac Tissue Engineering for Studying Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and other Disease Phenotypes
Fehn, Niklas; Kronbichler, Martin; Munch, Peter; Wall, Wolfgang A; Numerical evidence of anomalous energy dissipation in incompressible Euler flows: Towards grid-converged results for the inviscid Taylor-Green problem
Krüßmann, Veronika; Thrombektomie bei Schlaganfallpatienten – Erfolgsanalyse verschiedener endovaskulärer Behandlungstechniken
Bunse, Till; RNAi-mediated suppression of PD-L1 to restore Hepatitis B Virus-specific immunity and enhance the efficacy of therapeutic vaccination
Sanjurjo Garcia, Hanna; Psychoedukation in der Selbstbeurteilung von schizophren erkrankten Patienten
Hirmer, Elisabeth Monika Katharina Maria; Interaktion zwischen miR-221-Überexpression und Bestrahlung in den Brustkrebszelllinien SKBR3 und MDA-MB-231
Töchterle, Christopher; Investigations on Current Filaments Limiting the Safe-Operating Area of High-Voltage Trench-Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistors
Apostolopoulos, Sotirios; Enriching the Capabilities of Legged Robots with Libraries of Motions
Zelgert, Camilla Marie; Der „Fetal Stress Index“ als Marker des fetalen autonomen Nervensystems und Kortisol als klinischer Parameter von fetaler Programmierung durch maternalen Stresseinfluss während der Schwangerschaft
Oyaga Landa, Francisco Javier; Real-time Optoacoustic Monitoring of Thermal Ablation and Laser Surgery
Blossey, Christoph Karl Friedrich; Untersuchung der Effekte von Core Protein Allosteric Modulators auf intrazelluläre Lokalisation und Modulation der Immunogenität des Hepatitis B Virus Core Proteins.
Tayeb, Zied; Validation of Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Algorithms for Neuroprosthetics Control
Fleer, Johannes Wilhelm; Entwicklung eines stochastischen dynamischen Optimierungsmodells für Batteriespeichersysteme zur Bereitstellung von Primärregelleistung
Langenfeld, Stefan; Quantum Communication with a Two-Atoms Network Node
Verhülsdonk, Marcus; Brauchwassergewinnung aus dem Prozessabwasser einer Brauerei
Vespermann, Niklas Peter René Erich; Market Design for Energy Communities
Verbrugge, Sander Antonius Johannes; On the interplay between glucose metabolism and skeletal muscle hypertrophy
Linden, Arne Janosch; Nutzung des Internets durch Prostatakrebs-Langzeitüberlebende, Häufigkeit der prostatakrebsspezifischen Informationssuche und Vertrauen in die erkrankungsrelevanten Informationen
Thaler, Matthias Bernhard; Untersuchung der kognitiven Veränderungen nach Behandlung nicht-rupturierter zerebraler Gefäßaneurysmen
Ramachandran, Srikkanth; Emission reduction potential of energy from biomass residues in Southeast Asia’s road transport
Morley, Raena Jeanne; Trapping multiple dual mode liquid-liquid chromatography for the separation of intermediately-eluting components: A model-based design approach
Pötzl, Christoph; Der Einfluss von Isofluran im Alzheimer-Mausmodell in Abhängigkeit des Geschlechts
Di Fiore, Franziska Simone; Randomisierte Studie (San Remo 2) zur Patientenzufriedenheit unter unterschiedlichen Nachsorgeverfahren nach ICD-Implantation
Padmanabhan Nair, Vidya; Analysing the role of human endogenous retrovirus, HERV-K(HML-2), on cortical neuron differentiation
Wildfeuer, Manuel; Radiation degradation of III-V multijunction space solar cells
Sonnleitner, Clara Elisabeth; Präoperative Erwartung und postoperative Zufriedenheit von Patienten mit stabilisierenden Eingriffen an der Brust- und Lendenwirbelsäule
Ehrenberger, Benjamin; Lebensqualität und Zufriedenheit nach Frau zu Mann geschlechtsangleichenden Operationen
Colleran, Roisin; Coronary artery disease and myocardial revascularisation failure: diagnosis, mechanisms, prevention and management
Gan, Chunquan Thomas; Die Bedeutung des Insulinsignalwegs für eine auf der Intensivstation erworbenen Muskelschwäche (ICUAW)
Tydecks, Madeleine; Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen pathologischem Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index und Ablationserfolg / Rezidiv bei Ablation von paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern
Sander, Annika; General anaesthetics do not deteriorate the ß-amyloid (Aß)-mediated cognitive deficits and Aß plaque burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer`s disease (AD)
Schmideder, Stefan; Following fungal features - micromorphology and diffusivity of filamentous fungal pellets revealed by three-dimensional imaging and simulation
Pipelidis, Georgios; On Indoor Localization and Indoor Mapping
Pracht, Lena; Fortführen vs. Absetzen der oralen Antikoagulation nach Katheterablation von Vorhofflimmern - Analyse der Inzidenzen von thromboembolischen Ereignissen und Blutungskomplikationen in einem großen Patientenkollektiv
Pham, Duy- Dang; Die Immunparalyse bei Hämodialysepatienten
Metzger, Kai Niklas; Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von HBV-spezifischen T-Zell-Rezeptoren für die adoptive T-Zell-Therapie der Hepatitis B
Neugebauer, Anna Elisabeth; Induktion homöostatischer Metaplastizität mittels biphasischer Quadripuls-Thetaburst Stimulation – Einfluss eines inhibierenden Priming
Martin Kronbichler, Dmytro Sashko, Peter Munch; Enhancing data locality of the conjugate gradient method for high-order matrix-free finite-element implementations
Husemann, Cornelius; Propofol-Sedierung während der flexiblen Bronchoskopie unter Intubation mittels Bolusgabe oder Target-Controlled Infusion, Überwachung mit transkutanem CO2- und Entropie-Monitoring
Metzger, Christoph; Tailoring cellulose nanocrystals’ size distribution and suspension stability for efficient isolation and utilization in advanced materials
Seidl, Gotthard Gabriel; Der Effekt des GNB3 C825T-Polymorphismus auf die kälteinduzierte Thermogenese beim Menschen
Stylogiannis, Antonios; Development of Laser Diode Excitation Source for Optoacoustic Imaging and Sensing
Kriebitz, Alexander; Trading with the Enemy
Schulz, Thomas Manuel; Smart Mobility in Germany: A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective
Bangoj, Robert; Klinische und MR-tomographische Ergebnisse nach arthroskopischer Refixation von ossären Bankart-Läsionen mit Fadenankern
Reitsam, Nina Patricia; Potentiale einer solidarischen Eigenstromerzeugung der Industrie zur Bereitstellung von Backup-Leistung auf dem deutschen Strommarkt
Brudy, Leon Felix; Physical Activity in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Peplau, Emanuel; Entwicklung eines rekombinanten Fab-Fragments zur in vivo Immun- PET Bildgebung des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms
Schmidt, Anna Antonia; 15 Jahre Stereotaxie am Klinikum rechts der Isar
Bassilious, Marina Milad Tawfik; A surface matching method in two orthogonal spaces for statistical shape analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Conway, Neal Michael; Comparing pre- and postoperative navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation mappings of cortical motor function in glioma patients
von Krogh, Felix Konrad Georg-Friedrich; Herzschrittmacherimplantation nach Katheterablation von persistierendem Vorhofflimmern
Horn, Eva-Maria; Wasserstrahl unterstützte endoskopische Submukosa Dissektion versus endoskopische Mukosa Resektion in der Behandlung früher Barrett-Neoplasien
Umkehrer, Stephan Markus; Phase-contrast Radiography and Dark-field Computed Tomography for the Detectionof Bronchial and Pulmonary Pathologies
Bezold, Sebastian Valentin Johannes; Auswirkungen von Pollenkonzentration und individuellem Probandenverhalten, auf Symptomstärke und klinische Parameter
Fröhler, Robert Alfred; Nahwärmenetze
Ertilav, Zübeyde; Assoziation zwischen aktueller Medikation und dem prostataspezifischen Antigen (PSA) im Serum in einem deutschlandweiten Prostatakrebs-Screeningkollektiv 45-jähriger Männer
Chiotellis, Ioannis Nektarios; Autonomous Learning for Machine Perception
Zankl, Florence Patricia; CELA2A-, CELA2B-, CELA3A- und CELA3B- Varianten bei chronischer Pankreatitis
Pfurtscheller, Theresa; Lernbegleitung in medizinisch fallbasierten Seminaren: Eine Videoanalyse
Zhang, Junyang; Influence of the lateral superstructure stiffness on the vehicle running behaviour and on the dynamic response of the track
Strahler, Katharina; Indirect and direct measurement of anxiety in sport
Sondergeld, Rebecca Brigitte Wilhelmine; Die Katheterablation von persistierendem Vorhofflimmern – prozedurale Charakteristika und intraprozedurale Prädiktoren für eine Terminierung in eine Atriale Tachykardie
Topka, Charlotte Ricarda; NY-ESO-1 Expression and Clinicopathological Features in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Hartig-Weiß, Alexandra; Current Challenges in Stability Assessment of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts for PEM Water Electrolyzer
Fan, Hengyi; The role of juvenile murine hippocampal synaptic plasticity and microvasculature in brain injury after partial-brain radiation
Heckel, Natascha; Ergebnisse der Therapie der Achskorrektur mittels kniegelenksnaher temporärer Hemiepiphyseodese
Zeh, Antonia Katharina; Beurteilung Regionaler, Myokardialer Perfusionsstörungen und Fibrotischer Umwandlungsprozesse nach tangentialer Ganzbrustradiotherapie (ReMPFi-Studie)
Schmidt-Eberle, Steffen; Ein Photon-Photon Quantengatter basierend auf Rydberg-Rydberg-Wechselwirkung
Oelsmann J., Marcos M., Passaro M., Sanchez L., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; The impact of continuous space and time-resolving vertical land motion on relative sea level change
Rußwurm, Marc; Data-Driven Feature Learning with Discriminative Models for Satellite Time Series
Wiesmeier, Anna Sophia; Einfluss von Wundflüssigkeit unter Okklusivverbänden auf die Wundheilung von Spalthautentnahmestellen bei Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus
Jeske, Tim; Discovery of genetic causes of rare diseases through analysis of clinical sequencing data
Liu, Shufang; Application of image registration in cardiac T1 mapping and strain analysis
Kreppel, Diana Alexandra; Molecular mechanisms of the RIG-I mediated anti-tumor immunity
Adamsen, Iris Ann-Kristin; Vergleich neuer Monitoringtechniken zur Ermittlung hämodynamischer Parameter vor dem Hintergrund einer zunehmend digitalen Medizin
Seppälä, Anna-Kaarina Kustaantytär; Sustainable design and implementation of renewable energy systems in rural areas
Mack, Johannes Martin; Untersuchungen zum Schichtübergang Unterbau-Schotter unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Oberbaukonfigurationen
Hüttl, Martina Julia; Prädiktivität des Passive Leg Raising bezüglich der Volumenreagibilität im Vergleich zum Volume Challenge bei Patienten auf der Intensivstation
Topaltzikis, Dimitrios; Development of an active radiation detector for clinical applications
Cao, Yuanwei; Numerical investigation of the bubble dynamics in consideration of heat and mass transfer
Miksch, Matthias Benedikt; Modeling and designing lightweight acoustic metamaterials with tailored vibroacoustic properties
Lacorcia, Matthew John James; Modulation of Fetomaternal Crosstalk through Chronic Helminth Infection
Serly, Julian; Entwicklung und Validierung des Munich Wrist Questionnaire (MWQ) - ein neuartiges Messinstrument basierend auf dem Selbstevaluations-Prinzip bei Erkrankungen und Verletzungen des Handgelenks
Roth, Kilian Peter Anton; Energy Efficient mmWave Receiver Designs
Uhlig, Benedict Paul; Experimentelle Ermittlung der Auswirkungen am Kolben auftretender Phänomene auf den Ölhaushalt eines Verbrennungsmotors
Bächler, Benedikt Jürgen; Molekulare Charakterisierung der altersbedingten Trübungsbildung in Bieren
Angerer, Michael; Thermochemische Speichersysteme für Anwendungen in der Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
Hofmann, Samuel; Hepatitis B virus core protein SUMOylation represents a novel functional switch for cccDNA generation
Sauter, Johannes Benjamin; Humane immortalisierte Endothelzelllinie EA.hy 926 im perfundierten 3D-Tissue-Engineering Konstrukt
Sakar, Nida; Processing Approaches for Multistatic Large Along-Track Baseline SAR Constellations
Wittmann, Matthias Maximilian; Ausmaß des Dislokationsgrades bei Jochbeinfrakturen durch Sportunfälle, Rohheitsdelikte und Pferdetritte
Berlet, Maximilian Wolfgang; CD25 als prognostischer Marker im Rahmen eines radiobiologischen Profilings von Patient*innen mit Plattenepithelkarzinom der Mundhöhle und des Hypopharynx
Jaeckel, Benjamin; Häufigkeit eines Risikos für Mangelernährung bei Patienten in onkologischen Schwerpunktpraxen - eine Querschnittserhebung
Koch, Christian Daniel; Experimentelle Untersuchung eines hocheffizienten Brennverfahrens für Motorsportanwendungen mit begrenztem Kraftstoffangebot
Probst, Michael Egon; Bedeutung der "single-dose" Rituximab-Therapie in der Remissionsinduktion und Erhaltungstherapie bei ANCA-assozierter Vaskulitis
Huber, Gerold Thomas; Advances for Agile and Reactive Dynamic Manipulation in Human-Robot Collaboration
Keßler, Anna-Lena; Läsionsmapping autonomer kardialer Funktionsstörungen nach akutem Hirninfarkt: eine prospektive Kohortenstudie
Colin, David; Virtual development of non-crimp fabrics: numerical textile description at the scale of the filaments and forming simulation
Steinert, Lukas Frank; Safety Critical, High-Performance Systems based on COTS Multicore Processors for Industrial and Aerospace Applications
Sagel, Alexander; Modeling and Analyzing Dynamics of Visual Processes With Representation Learning
von Loeper, Cordelia Simone; Darstellung der Interaktion zwischen Lipopolysacchariden und Hypoxie in einem in-vitro-Modell chronischer Wundverhältnisse
Eichelberger, Laura; Investigation of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human mammary epithelial cells to identify factors that impact breast cancer progression
Behlert, Regine; Effiziente Erzeugung von Strömungen durch integrierte, bionische Mikrofluidaktoren
Hausamann, Peter; Tracking Human Motion in Real-World Environments
Wald, Johanna; 3D Scene Understanding of Static and Dynamic Indoor Environments
Li, Xinyue; Parameter Identification and Controller Optimization for Electrical Drives
Wiedemann, Sabine; Untersuchungen zur Bauweise Asphaltzwischenschicht unter Betonfahrbahnen
Striegel C., Biehler J., Wall W.A., Kauermann G; A Multifidelity Function-on-Function Model Applied to an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Laubach, Clara Maria; Wertigkeit von Zytokinadsorption bei septisch-akutem Nierenversagen
Bauer, Ulrike Anna; Comparison of histological tumour response in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after transarterial chemoembolization, stereotactic body radiation, or combined therapy
Kruttschnitt, Michael; Ein System zur präoperativen Planung und intraoperativen Umsetzung von Mitralklappenrekonstruktionen durch Resektion
Radlmeier, Martin; Startwertbestimmung von Schallemissionssignalen bei der Schädigungsanalyse von CFK-Testkörpern
Kösters, Jan-Philipp; Langzeitergebnisse nach Implantation eines unzementierten Hüftendoprothesestiels mit Spongiosametalloberfläche bei einem Patientenkollektiv jünger als 65 Jahre
Hein, Christina Marita; Rechnergestützte Schnittmusterkonstruktion von maßangepasster Kleidung
Pergolini, Ilaria; The role of diabetes and weight loss as predictors of malignancy in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms
Sygulla, Felix Simon; Dynamic robot walking on unknown terrain
Lobinger, Dominik; Hsp70 expression and the immune system as potential biomarkers for patients with brain tumours
von Hößlin, Madlaina; Novel fate-mapping system identifies replacement of resident cells during secondary infection
Balazs, Gabor; Machine Learning for Grid-Based Sensor Fusion in Automotive Applications
Steininger, Peter; Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen an einem solarselektiven Wärmedämmsystem
Föste, Maike; Bran as a protein source for gluten-free cereal products – Insights in hydration, gelatinization and processing performance
Meyle, Kristina; Gestationsdiabetes - Der Einfluss von körperlichen Aktivitäten vor und während der Schwangerschaft auf das mütterliche bzw. kindliche Geburtsoutcome
Güntner, Christian Harald Sebastian; Zum Einfluss der Härtbarkeit auf die Zahnfußtragfähigkeit einsatzgehärteter Stirnräder größerer Baugröße
Winzer, Oliver Michael; Entwicklung und Evaluation eines vernetzten HMI-Konzeptes für die urbane Verkehrssicherheit von Fahrradfahrenden
Gerhardt, Antonia Sophie; Auswertung zweier Positionierungssysteme in der Hirntumorbestrahlung mit anschließender Simulation und Effektbewertung von Rotationsfehlern in Zielvolumen und Risikoorganen
Hochgatterer, Jan Markus; Relevanz der Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung bei Schwindelpatient*innen in Bezug auf Diagnose und Prognose
Bussa, Maresa; Ex-ante life cycle assessment of biorefineries
Janssen, Friederike Marie; 177 Lutetium-PSMA-Ligandentherapie beim metastasierten, kastrationsresistenten Prostatakarzinom
Kramer, Bernd; Pulsed light for food surface disinfection - Mode of microbial inactivation and application for fresh produce
Pellegrino, Carmine; Electrical Characterization of the Displacement Damage in III-V Space Solar Cells
Springer, Katharina; Der Einfluss phagenverwandter Lysegene und eines neuen Enterotoxins auf die insektizide Aktivität von Yersinien
Kurtoić, Dunja; Linking multiple sclerosis genetic risk variants to gene expression data
Riedmaier, Stefan; Model Validation and Uncertainty Aggregation for Safety Assessment of Automated Vehicles
Pant, Astrid Frederike; Reaction Kinetics of Gallic-Acid-Based Oxygen Scavengers for Packaging Applications
Pehl, Thomas Markus; Rare-earth metal-mediated synthesis of radical-containing polyvinylphosphonates: Novel materials for battery applications
Voppichler , Julia; Eine F18-FDG/PET-CT basierte Analyse der Lokalisation von Lymphknotenmetastasen beim Mammakarzinom.
Hammerl, Georg; A Multipurpose Euler-Lagrange Framework for the Numerical Simulation of Particle and Dispersed Flow Problems
Wozniczek, Oliver Martin; Valve-in-Valve Transkatheterklappenimplantation in Mitralposition
Brosch, Nikolai Dominic; Corporate Purpose in the 21st Century: Conceptualization and Empirical Evidence on Employee-Level Consequences
Künzel, Lisa-Maria; Hochpräzisionstherapie bei extrakranieller thorakaler Oligometastasierung
Reinhardt, Jakob; Parametrization and Evaluation of Legible Motion for Human-Robot Interaction
Bohrmann, Dominique Kevin; Motion Comfort
Mussack, Veronika; The role of microRNAs and extracellular vesicles in the detection of autologous blood doping
Liebhardt, Michael Edgar Rudolf; Hitzeschockprotein 70 als tumorspezifischer Biomarker in menschlichen Kopf-Hals-Xenografttumoren
Lengyel, Kamila; Generation of androgen receptor knock-out chicken for the investigation of avian sexual development
Venus, Terese Emilia; Valuing trade-offs between renewable energy and ecosystems
Lund, Sarah Michelle; Sicherheit, Durchführbarkeit und Effektivität der Katheterablation von Vorhofflimmern bei Erwachsenen mit angeborenem Herzfehler
Höllthaler, Georg Florian; Methodik zur Integration digitaler Technologien für Ganzheitliche Produktionssysteme
Linder, Oliver; Self-consistent modeling of electron runaway in tokamak disruptions
Höller, Elena Marie; Entwicklung und Validierung von zwei Fragebögen als Screening-Tools zur Früherkennung der Progressiven Supranukleären Blickparese (PSP)
Rheindt, Sven; Near-Memory Acceleration of Inter-Process Communication on Tile-Based Many-Core Architectures
D'Angella, Davide; The multi-level Bézier extraction for hierarchical local refinement of trimmed isogeometric finite cell analyses
Rui Fang, Christoph Paul Schmidt, Wolfgang A. Wall; A coupled finite element approach to spatially resolved lithium plating and stripping in three-dimensional anode microstructures of lithium-ion cells
Chokhachian, Ata; Experimental and simulation-based analysis of outdoor thermal comfort conditions in urban environments
Degenhardt, Hannes; Automatisierte Dezellularisierung muriner Nieren und Etablierung mechanischer Stimulation nach Rezellularisierung mit humanen Osteoblasten
Klinker, Stephanie Dorothea; Relationship between electrophysiological parameters and near infrared spectroscopy during general anesthesia
Masius, Stephan; Kontrastmittelgestützte, zelluläre Magnetresonanztomographie zum in vivo Monitoring markierter mesenchymaler Stammzellen nach Implantation in osteochondrale Defekte im Kaninchenmodell
Wallis, Sofia Margareta; Effects of psychological treatments on functioning in people with schizophrenia
Buschner, Gabriel Sebastian; Die Differenzierung von Zelllinien der akuten myeloischen Leukämie (AML) mit all-trans-Retinoinsäure (ATRA) bewirkt eine Reduktion des 18F-FDG Aufnahme bei gleichzeitiger Zunahme der Sensitivität gegenüber dem Apoptose induzierenden BH3-Mimetikum ABT-737
Schleihauf, Julia Katharina; Klinische Langzeitergebnisse der chirurgischen septalen Myektomie bei hypertropher obstruktiver Kardiomyopathie im Kindes- und Säuglingsalter
Schwaferts, Christian W.; Characterization and Identification of Micro- and Nanoplastic by Raman Microspectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Field-Flow Fractionation and Chemometrics
Lüdemann, Max; Die Regulation der Produktion des Hepatocyte Growth Factor in sinusoidalen Leberendothelzellen
Taxauer, Karin; Role of lymphotoxin/non-canonical NF-κB signaling in gastric carcinogenesis
Bierbaumer, Doris; Der Einfluss von Diabetes auf Effektivität und Toxizität der strahlentherapeutischen Behandlung von Tumoren des Gastrointestinaltrakts am Beispiel der Ösophagus- und Rektumkarzinome
Kreuser, Laura Felicitas; Analyse verschiedener Entlüftungsmethoden für PCI Ballons
Ehre, Maximilian; Uncertainty quantification and separation with high-dimensional engineering models
Botz, Max; Structural Health Monitoring der Tragstruktur von Windenergieanlagen
Gonçalves dos Santos, Iara; Indoor daylight performance and outdoor daylight parameters: characterizing different cities as a basis for urban design.
Wagner, Franziska; Untersuchungen zu Parametern der transpulmonalen Thermodilution und Pulskonturanalyse sowie ihrer Interaktion mit Parametern der mechanischen Beatmung
Stein, Victor P.; Analysis of Wind Turbine Wakes Immersed in Turbulent Boundary Layer Flows Over Rough Surfaces
Seiferth, David Rainer; Flight Control Function Enhancements For Novel Aerial Vehicles
Winkler, Philipp W.; Quantitative Analyse der dynamischen Außenmeniskusextrusion
Land, Clarissa Ines Maria; Entwicklung eines Transitionskonzeptes und Erhebung der Lebensqualität nach onkologischer Erkrankung im Kindesalter
Kirchner, Benedikt; Functional importance of intra- and extracellular microRNAs and their isoforms in blood and milk
Misselwitz, Svea Caren; Zentrumsinterne Evaluation der Transplantationsergebnisse nach Rescue-allozierter Nierentransplantation
Köster, Frances Louisa; Bildgebung von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren mittels Dual-layer Spektral-CT
Bertram, Teresa; Differentielle neuronale Korrelate für die Bedrohung durch Schmerz, Raubtiere und aggressive Artgenossen in der Amygdala und im Hypothalamus des Menschen: eine translationale fMRT Studie
Braun, Sabrina; Developing Antimicrobial PET Beverage Containers by Incorporating a Silver Additive
Pelin, Helena; Subtyping psychiatric disorders using unsupervised learning methods
Metz, Marie-Christin; Enhancing Brain Tumor Imaging: A Novel Deep Learning-Based Approach for Recurrence Prediction of Glioblastoma
Tröster, Michael Friedrich; Cost-efficient fertilization strategies at the farm level
Schlüter, Dominik; Prediction and Investigation of Rotating Stall in Axial Flow Compressors by means of High- and Low-Fidelity Methods
Reichensdörfer, Elias Jeremias Virgil; Traction Control via Input-Output Linearization and Stability Analysis using Parametric Lyapunov Functions
Troitzsch, Sebastian; Multi-Energy System Modeling and Optimization (MESMO)
Appelt, Tamara Kristina; Retrospektive Studie zur Evaluation von radiologischen und serologischen Besonderheiten bei Patienten mit resezierten Autoimmunpankreatitiden
Schuierer, Lukas Raphael; Bedeutung der Aciclovir-Therapie bei Patient*innen mit beatmungs-assoziierter Pneumonie und respiratorischem HSV-1/-2 Nachweis
Helde, Sandra Melanie; Vergleich manueller Kompression mit Verschlusssystemen nach diagnostischer Koronarangiographie via Arteria femoralis
Oppenländer, Lena Sophie; Studying mechanisms of diabetes remission following bariatric surgery
André, Nicolas; Sustainable Design of Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft for Urban Air Mobility
Weikl, Franziska; Der Einfluss von Vorhofflimmern auf die Hämodynamik von Intensivpatienten: Analyse einer prospektiv angelegten Datenbank zur transpulmonalen Thermodilution und Pulskonturanalyse mittels PiCCO-System
Englert, Florian Alexander; Implementation of MRI based methods for the non-invasive characterization of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in mice
Heldner, Alexander Julian; Mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy and new concepts for the therapy of hypersensitivity reactions in the context of house dust mite allergy
Starkmann, Alissa; Wirksamkeit einer Vorbehandlung mit Scoring Ballonkathetern bei der Therapie von DES-Restenosen mittels medikamentenbeschichtetem Ballonkatheter
Antoni, Stefanie Julia; Retrospektive Untersuchung zur prognostischen Beurteilung von älteren Glioblastompatienten
Tschürtz, Nikolai Julian Ludwig; Der Behandlungsverlauf von Patienten mit Osteonekrose des Kiefers bis hin zur Kieferrekonstruktion
Hollerer, Miriam; Assoziation zwischen dem Prostataspezifischen Antigen (PSA-Wert) und Aspekten des Sexuallebens bei 45-jährigen Männern
Gulde, Sebastian; Molecular characteristics and treatment strategies for neuroendocrine tumors
Nham, Huong Ly; Risikofaktoren für präoperative epileptische Anfälle bei Glioblastoma multiforme
Kaller, Thomas; Numerical simulation of asymmetrically heated high aspect ratio duct flows under secondary flow influence
Guminski, Andrej Philip Wolfgang; CO2 Abatement in the European Industry Sector
Völk, Dominik Raphael; Klinisch prospektive Untersuchung des Outcomes nach polyaxial winkelstabiler Plattenosteosynthese der proximalen Tibia (VA-LCP® vs. NCB-PT®)
Netti, Alessio; Holistic and Portable Operational Data Analytics on Production HPC Systems
Kochdumper, Niklas; Extensions of Polynomial Zonotopes and their Application to Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems
Dutz, Franz Josef; Faseroptische Multipunkt-Sensornetzwerke zur Messung von Hochtemperaturverteilungen in Gasturbinen und chemischen Reaktoren
Edelmann, Matthias Andreas; Molecular Characterization and Quantification of Saponins from Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris var. altissima)
Paßler, Stefanie Katharina; Persönliche Schutzausrüstung im Sport und Arbeitsumfeld: Maßnahmen zur Reduktion und Überwachung der thermischen Belastung und Beanspruchung
Pippich, Katharina Ivanka Gabriela; In-vitro-Untersuchung der Biokompatibilität additiv gefertigter Biomaterialien zur knöchernen Rekonstruktion im Gesichtsbereich
Kettern, Maximilian Karsten Tobias; Klinische Merkmale, prognostische Faktoren und Überleben nach präklinischer Reanimation
Schulte, Verena Roswitha; Die trunkierte Spleißvariante der beta-Kette des GM-CSF Rezeptors dient als Biomarker für den Schweregrad der respiratorischen Beeinträchtigung des Neugeborenen bei Geburt
Hartmann, Florian Andreas; Influence of aging on binder systems and chemical admixtures in cementitious building materials
Stadtmüller, Thomas Alois Peppino; Risikofaktoren für Komplikationen bei Operationen an der Wirbelsäule
Hermann, Stefanie Nastasja; The potential of extracellular microRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for acute pulmonary infections
Schikora, Susanne Katharina; Klinische Studie zu dPmax mit Assoziationen und mögliche kontextsensitive Indizierung
Nansikombi, Hellen; Forest governance and its links with deforestation and forest recovery at the local scale in the tropics
Mayer, Kristine Elisabeth; Charakterisierung pan-T-Zell-spezifischer Antikörper in Hinblick auf die Funktion von T-Zellen und deren Eignung für immuno-PET-Anwendungen im Kontext von Immuntherapien
Wang, Mei; Trajectory control of a flexible robot arm based on port-Hamiltonian numerical models
Roth, Christof Martin; Heat Transfer Predictions in Hydrogen/Oxygen and Methane/Oxygen Rocket Engines
Mayr, Sarah; Korrelation zwischen potentiellen Biomarkern im zentralvenösen Blut und endokardialen links atrialen "low voltage"- und Fibrose Arealen
Chung, Han Byul; PWM-based Sensorless Control of an Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine Using Mutual Induction
Behr, Alexandra Viktoria; Intrauterine Wachstumsanalyse des fetalen Oberkiefers mittels Volumenultraschall und Erstellung einer pränatalen Wachstumskurve
Daiß, Severin; Single-Photon Distillation and Nonlocal Quantum-Logic Gate
Kleiner, Thomas; About Computational Fluid Dynamics and the Simulation of Pure Substance Condensation on Horizontal Tubes
Kirstein, Anna; Characterization of the radiation response of Glioblastoma cells with different radiosensitivities
Mertens, Jan Cedric; Kooperative Lkw-Überholmanöver mit V2X
Sandner, Christopher; Charakterisierung von Einzelfehlern im Eisenbahnoberbau aus Messfahrten der Regelinspektion und dem Fahrwegmonitoring mit Regelzügen
Hauch, Richard Tilman; „Die Bedeutung regulierter Zelltodmechanismen für die Entstehung und Therapie der Myelodysplastischen Syndrome und ihren Übergang in sekundäre Akute Myeloische Leukämien“
Lieberoth-Leden, Christian Axel Horst; Steuerungskonzept für die Berücksichtigung von gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten zwischen Transporten in adaptiven automatisierten Materialflusssystemen
Fleischmann, Nico; Robust methods for the computation of compressible flows with high-resolution schemes
Höllthaler, Julia Maria; Hochdynamische Miniaturantriebe mit hoher Positionsgenauigkeit
Hromatke, Stephanie; Detektion zirkulierender Tumorzellen im venösen Vollblut von Patienten mit einem metastasierten Urothelkarzinom während der Chemotherapie mit Paclitaxel und RAD001
Kubbutat, Peter; Microwave-assisted vacuum and freeze drying of sensitive biomolecules incorporated into an aerated matrix
Tan, Yuan; Semi-empirische und simulationsgestützte Optimierung von Dosierschnecken für Biomassebrennstoffe
Toska, Albulena; Single-cell transcriptomics and fate-mapping combined with mathematical modelling reveal mechanisms of CD8+ T cell differentiation and exhaustion
Telishevska, Marta; Erfolgs- und Komplikationsraten der Katheterablation bei asymptomatischer Präexzitation vom WPW-Typ bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Landesberger, Martin Günther; Characterization and Design of Enhanced Ductile Irons
İçer, Esra; Task-driven Composition Synthesis of Modular and Reconfigurable Robot Manipulators
Eckl, Alexander; Online Algorithms for Scheduling with Testing
Leibinger, Harald; Founder collaboration and opportunity development in early-stage venturing
Hiller, Felix; Untersuchungen zur nickelkatalysierten Synthese von Alkylaromaten zum Einsatz in Kraftstoffen
Frasheri, Lorenz; Development of a sunscreen product containing Epigallocatechin Gallate
Warncke, Malou Claire; Milk protein powder solubility and rennet gelling functionality for cheese production
Laas, Tobias Christian; Physically Consistent Modeling of Multi-Antenna Systems
Endstrasser, Lisa Sophia; Die Entwicklung eines Scores zur Vorhersage eines Endoprotheseninfektes bei Knie- und Hüftprothesen
Pabst, Stefan; The Decision-Making Process in Crowdfunding Through the Lens of Signaling Theory
Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh; Consumer response to personalized price promotions for food products
Mann, Verena Anna Maria; Retrospektive Analyse der Behandlungsqualität bei Radiuskopffrakturen an einem Level 1 Traumazentrum (Klinik und Poliklinik für Unfallchirurgie am Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München)
Lindner, Natalie Christina; Auswirkungen von oralen hydrolytischen und proteolytischen Enzymen sowie Flavonoiden auf die Muskulatur nach einem Marathonrennen
Scholz, Dominik; Performance Prediction of Programmable Data Planes through Control Flow Modeling
Tritschler, Daniel; Drehgeberlose Regelung der Synchron Reluktanz Maschine durch modellwinkelunabhängige Erweiterung des Flussmodells
Ott, Melanie; Motilitätsanalyse des oberen Ösophagussphinkters und des oralen Cavums mittels High-Resolution Manometrie
Brunner, Julian M.; Formal Verification of Algorithms for Automata and Model Checking
Estermann, Thomas; Dezentrale Flexibilitäten und Smart Metering im netzdienlichen Einsatz
Jägerhuber, Ludwig Korbinian; Quantifizierung zirkulierender zellfreier Tumor-DNA im peripheren Blut und Therapiemonitoring bei fortgeschrittenen B-Zell-Lymphomen durch ein Kombinationsverfahren aus Next Generation Sequencing und digitaler Polymerasekettenreaktion
Eicher, Laurie Maryse Frédérique; Prädiktoren der Mortalität nach Implantation eines Transjugulären Intrahepatischen Portosystemischen Shunts (TIPS) und die MELD-Score-assoziierte Mortalität bei Leberzirrhose in Abhängigkeit des TIPS: eine retrospektive monozentrische Studie
Du, Yingwei; Hybrid System Identification
Hesse, Benjamin Daniel; Drought response and resilience of water and carbon relations in mature European beech and Norway spruce
Bachmann, Quirin Maximilian; Charakterisierung der Rolle von STAT1 Signalwegen bei renalem Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden
Eder, Peter; Propagating quantum microwave photonics
Fischer, Michael; In situ tunable nonlinearity and competing signal paths in coupled superconducting resonators
Huonker, Annchristin; Einfluss der kardiopulmonalen Leistungsfähigkeit auf die diastolische Herzfunktion im Alter
Häußermann, Johann Jakob; The Politics of Innovation
Münster, Nathalie Kai Henriette; Perioperative Antibiotikaprophylaxe bei malignom-bedingter Mastektomie mit Implantateinlage
Nütten, Andreas Stefan; Landschaftsmetropole
Paolini, Alexander; A mortar finite element formulation including viscoelastic layers for component-based vibration analysis
Soberanis Mukul, Roger David; Hybrid Convolutional and Graph-Convolutional Framework for Segmentation Refinement
Martin Gomez, Alejandro; Perceptual Visualization for Object Alignment in Mixed Reality
Ma, Hao; Physics field prediction using convolutional neural networks
Kühl, Sascha; Parameter Identification and Analysis of Synchronous Machines Incorporating Magnetic Saturation and Iron Effects
Janke, Maximilian M.; Online Algorithms for Scheduling and Data Management
Viehhauser, Johannes; Software robotics and artificial intelligence as an automation lever for management accounting and back-office automation
Michels, Dominik; Development of a high-performance gyrokinetic turbulence code for the edge and scrape-off layer of magnetic confinement fusion devices
Lumpe, Maja Christiane; Epidemiologische Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe von Intoxikationen mit suizidaler oder parasuizidaler Intention im Zeitraum von 2012 bis 2016
Pourjafar-Dehkordi, Danial; Modeling of Protein Assemblies Through Global Docking and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Capobianco, Nicolò; Radiotracer uptake classification using deep learning for evaluation of image-derived cancer biomarkers in PET/CT
Baca Cabrera, Juan Carlos; The key role of stomatal conductance in controlling the grassland vegetation response to a changing environment
Gao, Xiaonan; Model Predictive Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter
Ma, Tianli; The specificity, adaptability, and resilience of microbial community in extreme environments
Le Houcq Corbi, Zarah; Kognitive Belohnungskontrolle und kognitive Emotionsregulation hängen vom mittleren und seitlichen Frontalhirn ab: eine koordinaten-basierte Meta-Analyse von fMRT Studien
Heckmeier, Florian Marco; Multi-Hole Probes for Unsteady Aerodynamics Analysis
Marczynski, Matthias; Structure-function relationships of mucin glycoproteins
Dhamo, Helisa; Scene Understanding and Decomposition for Synthesis and Editing
Baydoun-Hidding, Suhaib Koji; Energy dissipation by acoustic radiation: A multiphysics approach for damping quantification
Frisch, Lisa Maria; Monitoring of filamentous fungi and their proteins involved in gushing of sparkling wine
Ascherl, Katja Andrea; Inhibition of Epigenetic Readers to block adaptive rewiring induced by targeted therapies in pancreatic cancer
Armiento, Valentina; Identification of the human cathelicidin LL-37 as inhibitor of amyloid self-assembly of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) and study of the IAPP/LL-37 cross-interaction
Schreiber, Martin; System zur integrierten Produktions- und Instandhaltungsplanung
Neumayr, Lambert; Essays on Consumer Behavior regarding Grocery Shopping: The Case of Organic Food
Petz, Cindarella Sarah Maria; On Combining Network Research and Computational Methods on Historical Research Questions and its Implications for the Digital Humanities
Kienle, Patrick; Hochauflösende optische Abstandsmessung mittels kompensierter Lasertriangulation
Wagner, Laura Franziska; Klinische und ophthalmologische Charakteristika der okulären Syphilis in einer retrospektiven Kohorte
Schelo, Tom; Techno-Economic Analysis of Different Price Signals in Local Energy Markets Using Open Data
Steinert, Agnes Christine; Test-Based Controller Parameter Retuning Using Non-Parametric Frequency Domain Methods
Wolff, Constantin Tibor; Extrakorporale Perfusion und Vitalerhaltung von freien Muskeltransplantaten mit Blutersatzlösungen - eine experimentelle Studie an der Schweinezunge
Hofmann, Veronika; Analyse der raumabschließenden Funktion von Holztafelelementen mit biogenen Dämmstoffen mittels additiven Verfahrens unter Herleitung temperaturabhängiger Materialkennwerte
Hettler, Franziska; Effects of the loss of Sfrp1 in the stromal compartment on the hematopoietic system
Herkommer, Clemens; Joule-Class Ultrafast Thin Disk Laser System with Kilohertz Repetition Rate for Atmospheric Applications
Jakob, Markus Georg; Strategischer Handlungsleitfaden zur Bewältigung aktueller und zukünftiger Herausforderungen: Ein effektives Werkzeug zur Digitalisierung für kleine und mittlere Kommunen
Sigl, Christian; Programmable DNA origami shell platform for virus neutralization
Schulze, Tom-Raphael; KLK4-Expression in humanen Prostatakarzinomzellen verändert das Expressionsmuster des Zytokins CXCL1
Schälte, Yannik; Efficient accurate and robust statistical inference for deterministic and stochastic models of biochemical systems
Steiner, Thomas Maximilian; Metabolism from the early evolution of life to complex environments - A new pathway for carbon fixation in deeply-branching bacteria and adaptions of human bacterial pathogens
Martínez Alba, Alberto; Optimal Selection and Adaptation of a Flexible Functional Split in 5G Radio Access Networks
Patzauer, Markus Emil Maximilian; On Emergent Behaviour during the Oscillatory Electrodissolution of Silicon
Wendel, Sebastian; Model Predictive Control of Small Mechatronic Drive Systems with PM Synchronous Machines
Paulus, Alexander Helmut; Phaseless Electromagnetic Field Transformations for Magnitude-Only and Partially Coherent Field Data
Dierks , Antonia Helga Ilse; Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen mesenchymalen Stammzellen und plattenepithelialen Tumorzellen des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches
Sciortino, Alfredo; Active Cytoskeletal Systems on Lipid Membranes
Hense, Jonas; Omni-channel Assortment Planning and Store Operations
Schneller, Marie; Ursachenüberzeugungen von Patienten mit schmerzdominanten funktionellen Körperbeschwerden im Verlauf einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie zur Wirksamkeit einer psychodynamischen Kurzzeitpsychotherapie
Zhu, Yujie; Grid and particle based numerical methods for fluid and solid dynamics
Li, Lujun; Hybrid and End-to-End Approaches for Noise Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
Hingerl, Julia Franziska; Untersuchungen zur Integrin avß3-vermittelten Apoptoseregulation in humanen Ovarialkarzinomzellen
Meier, Anna Béatrice; Advanced hiPSC-based platforms for in vitro modeling of cardiac development, disease, and therapy
Martins, Jade Maria; Multi-omics analysis of stress-related diseases
Velkov, Stoyan; Estimation of the global distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes and clinically relevant variants
Dichtl, Lorenz Maximilian; Selbstuntersuchung von Hoden bzw. Brust – eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie an Medizinstudierenden
Kahle, Eva-Maria; Turbidity identification in Beer using Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS)
Zingerle, Philipp; Advanced methodologies for large-scale gravity field modelling
Weissenböck, Eva Maria; Entrepreneurial teams as the drivers of their ventures: Structure, relationships, and behaviors in entrepreneurial teams
Gabler, Angelika Miriam; Investigations on the allergenicity of gluten and hydrolyzed wheat proteins in wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
Ansari, Meshal; Single-cell transcriptomics driven exploration of pathogenesis and impaired regeneration in chronic lung diseases
Avdonin, Alexander; Local modeling and uncertainty quantification of the linear flame response
Lotfollahi, Mohammad; Modeling single-cell perturbations using deep learning
Wonsak, Ida Gertrud Anna; Evaluation der Zukunftsrobustheit von Produktionssystemen durch Stresstests
Yaghoob Nezhad, Fakhreddin; Genetics of Skeletal Muscle Phenotypes with a Focus on Hippo Genes
Ganz , Hilary Marlene; Development and characterization of an in vitro assay that elicits invasive potential from human mammary luminal progenitor cells
Teufel Morales, Laura; Der Einfluss epistemologischer Überzeugungen und intrinsischer Motivation auf das subjektive Lehrkonzept von Lehrenden in der medizinischen Ausbildung
Peres, Tobias; Maligne Arrhythmien und Plötzlicher Herztod beim Marathonlauf
Schürmann, Bastian; Using Reachability Analysis in Controller Synthesis for Safety-Critical Systems
Wenten, Klara-Aylin; Scripting Agile Management
Graswald, Benedikt Richard; Mathematical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models
Hermann, Aljoscha; Knee Injuries in Alpine Skiing - Why and How Mechatronic Ski Bindings Can Help
Knott, Josef Michael Georg; Integrative assessment of the effects of hydropower use and agricultural land use on stream ecosystems
Becker, Moritz; Arlequin-coupling of 2-D peridynamic finite elements with an analytical Jacobian matrix
Setzmüller geb. Geisweid, Christina Elisabeth; Differentialdiagnostik der zervikalen Lymphadenopathie
Landinger, Thomas F.; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Power Line Communications for Automotive Battery Management Systems
Geara, Sandra; SPH simulation of free surface flows Application to a centrifugal atomization process for UMo powder synthesis
Koopmann, Gerd Bendix; Unobserved variables and applications of stochastic processes in life sciences
Zhang, Haike; Improving the diagnostic process of multiple sclerosis by medical image processing and machine learning
Fritzsche, Sina Alica; Regeneration des Pankreas und Rolle der Stresskinase JNK2 nach Caerulein-induzierter Pankreatitis im Mausmodell
Nobis, Felix Otto Geronimo; Deep Learning-based Radar, Camera, and Lidar Fusion for Object Detection
Unger, Lara Sophie; Investigation of the pathogenic mechanism underlying the common SPINK1 p.N34S pancreatitis risk haplotype
Grafe, Martin Alexander; Bacterial phosphorus turnover in agricultural soils and the effect of different fertilizer amendments
Lutz, Matthias; Composable Coordination for Service Robots: A Model-Driven Approach
Chemnitz , Alexander Benedict Steffen; Analysis and Improvement of Rocket Engine Combustion Stability Simulations
Löw, Stefan Herbert; Model Predictive Control of Fatigue
Hennemann, Martin Paul; Influence of fine particles on the compression in multilayered filter cakes
Freilinger, Sebastian; Challenges in the Long-Term Care of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: Gender/Sex-Differences, Aortopathies, and Cardiac Rehabilitation
Brunner, Thomas; Evaluating the Robustness of Image Classifiers With Adaptive Black-Box Adversarial Attacks
Xia, Yuanxin; Deep Learning based Dense Matching Optimization in Remote Sensing
Stefanoiu, Anca-Elena; Fluorescence light field microscopy: wave optics modeling and 3D image reconstruction
Stöckle, Christoph; Robust Design of Sensors and Functions in Vehicular Safety
Müller, Julia; Artificial Differentiation in 3D-Bioprinted Hydrogels
Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, Alexandros; Lotteries, Prophets, and Pandora’s Box: A New Take on Classic Problems in Mechanism Design and Online Selection
Kaiser, Marcus Raphael; Disjoint Paths, Dynamic Equilibria, and the Design of Networks
Ravikumar, Raksha; Role and regulation of the TRAPPII protein complex in protein sorting during cell division
Schlichtenmaier, Jana Kristina; Einsatz des bioresorbierbaren Absorb Stents im akuten Myokardinfarkt-Daten aus dem angiographischen und klinischen Follow-Up einer randomisierten, kontrollierten Studie
Hildebrandt, Carolin; Verletzungs- und Krankheitsmanagement im alpinen Nachwuchsskirennlauf: Implementierung einer Onlinedatenbank zur Belastbarkeitssicherung
Pretzsch, Hans; Mixing degree, stand density, and water supply can increase the overyielding of mixed versus monospecific stands in Central Europe
Möckel, Christine Isabelle; Einfluss einer pulsatilen Vitamin-D3-Supplementation auf den Serum-Vitamin-D-Spiegel bei Menschen mit einer HIV-Erkrankung mit nachgewiesenem Vitamin-D-Mangel - eine retrospektive Auswertung
Chen, Ee Heng; Development of Vision-based Driving Strategies for Traffic Junction Scenarios
Vendt, Vadim Valentinovic; Design and Technology of Discrete Silicon-based Vertical SCR Devices for System-Level ESD Protection
Toribio-Flórez, Daniel; An examination of third-party punishment and its boundaries: Between the lab and real life
Weber, Michael; Limmer, Nicolas; Weking, Jörg; Where to Start with AI?— Identifying and Prioritizing Use Cases for Health Insurance
Bayat, Amirhossein; Image Based Personalized Bone Therapy Planning using Deep Learning
Hafych, Vasyl; Development of Advanced Statistical Algorithms and Application to the AWAKE Experiment at CERN
Rathod, Abhishek; Algorithms in Discrete Morse Theory and Combinatorial Topology
Wallner, Stefan; Exploring the Strange-Meson spectrum with COMPASS in the reaction K⁻ + p → K⁻π⁻π⁺ + p
Schmauder, Lukas Maximilian; Regulation and Mechanistical Interplay of the HSP-90 and HSC-70 Chaperone Systems in Caenorhabditis elegans
Floßmann, Gabriele Bernadette; Genomweite Analysen komplexer Merkmale in bayerischen Schweinezuchtpopulationen
Markus, Elena; Zum (Dirty) Realism: Analoge Architektur 1983–1987
Müssigmann, Mara Sophia; Klinischer Verlauf von Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern unter einer Therapie mit direkten oralen Antikoagulanzien
Mehrl, Eva Maria; Charakterisierung in der Öffentlichkeit aufgefundener akut vergifteter Patienten
Hussain, Kashif; Kinetic Monte Carlo Investigation of Organic Solar Cell Architecture
Gundel, Peter Johannes Klaus; Assoziation elektrokardiographischer Parameter der linksventrikulären Hypertrophie mit der Mortalität bei Hämodialysepatienten
Wei, Kai; Evolution of gene networks involved in adaptation to stressful environments in Solanum chilense
Prasch, Lorenz Kilian; Creativity
Enderle, Felix Julius; Anatomische 3D-Analyse des Foramen mentale, des Canalis mentalis und interforaminärer Besonderheiten der Mandibula anhand der digitalen Volumentomographie
Novoselova, Anna; Disengagement from International Organisations: The Role of Domestic Politics
Ori, Chaido; Identification of Transcriptional Networks Governing Embryonic Lung Development via Directed Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Huck-Fries, Veronika; Spitzer, [Rosa; Why apply agile? - A literature review on work outcomes in agile information systems development
Adra, Aya; Understanding protest: A multi-lens examination of collective action predictors
Cabrera Cisneros, Hugo Omar; Liberation thinning in a tropical mountain forest of Southern Ecuador- Growth response of nine selected timber tree species and functional diversity changes in the forest
Kretschmer, Martin; Material Properties of Bacterial Biofilms and Bioinspired Synthetic Hydrogels
Brugger, Marcus; Precision-cut Liver Slices zur Untersuchung zellautonomer antiviraler Abwehr von Hepatozyten ex vivo bei erhaltenen zellulären dreidimensionalen Interaktionen
Tozman, Josef Danho; Spontane arterielle Blutungen als Komplikation der Pankreatitis
Schober, Sebastian Johannes; Viro-immunotherapy against Ewing sarcoma: synergistic antitumor effects of the oncolytic adenovirus XVir-N-31 with T cell receptor-transgenic T cells and cell cycle inhibition
Hähl , Wiebke Désirée; Prefrontal asymmetry and dealing with failure: Investigating affect regulation and performance
Schopf, Roland Patrick Matthias; Control of deposit layer formation for optimized milk protein fractionation by microfiltration hollow fiber membranes
Dirscherl, Christian Johannes Georg; Modeling and control of wind turbine systems with doubly-fed induction machines
Fuchs, Elisabeth Maria; Retrospektive Studie zur Charakterisierung von Patienten mit Seitengang-IPMN unter Beobachtung mit Fokus auf Qualität und Struktur der Beobachtung
Gödel, Marion; Systematic parameter analysis to reduce uncertainty in crowd simulations
Holzner, Lucia Johanna; Reliabilität von CT und MRT hinsichtlich einer knöchernen Invasion bei Tumoren im Kopf-Hals-Bereich – Vergleich zum Goldstandard der Histologie
Weidlich, Dominik Johannes; Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Techniques for Probing the Microstructure of Fat-Containing Tissues
Englberger, Stefan Paul; Optimized energy management for battery energy storage via multi-use and multi-storage operation
Bernhardt, Ulrike; Macrophage metabolism in N-ERD patients
López Canalejo, Iñigo Pablo; A finite-element transonic potential flow solver with an embedded wake approach for aircraft conceptual design
Tilg, Gabriel; Modeling of urban traffic flow: Approximation of the network macroscopic fundamental diagram using semi-analytical methods
Wenninger, Sebastian Georg; Informatische Methoden im Sport
Gleinser, Moritz D.; A Batch–Evaporation Power Cycle for Low-Temperature Heat Sources: Thermodynamics and Economics
Schürmann, Bastian; Klischat, Moritz; Kochdumper, Niklas; Althoff, Matthias; Formal Safety Net Control Using Backward Reachability Analysis
Schreiber, Sophia; Generation and characterization of MHC class II-restricted T-cell receptors for T-cell therapy of chronic hepatitis B
Schneider-Wirth, Sebastian; Assoziationen des HIV-Status mit soziodemografischen Faktoren, Lifestyle Faktoren, Komorbiditäten und sexuellen Funktionsstörungen bei 45-jährigen homosexuellen Männern in Deutschland
Radhakrishna Balachandran, Ribin; A Stable and Transparent Framework for Adaptive Shared Control of Robots
Haider, Patrick; Ein Modell für die Simulation und Optimierung kryogener Plattenwärmeübertrager
Honig, Aniela Christine; Assessment of body composition and allometric growth of body tissues and nutrients in Fleckvieh bulls fed rations with varying energy concentrations
Cerny, Michael; Aerodynamic Characteristics of Propeller Configurations under Non-Axial Inflow Conditions
Max, Raphael Anton Hubert Hermann; Sober Passion for Practical Reason
Stahl, Tim Nikolaus; Safeguarding complex and learning-based automated driving functions via online verification
Oesinghaus, Lukas; Engineering conditional Cas12a guide RNAs
Zhang, Xiaopeng; Interrogating the Involvement of Non-classical Monocytes in Early Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis
Weiss, Jakob Matthias; Intraoperative Visualization for OCT-Assisted Retinal Microsurgery
Javareshkian, Alireza; Modeling and Characterization of Acoustically Absorbing Liners
Renner, Julian Wilhelm; Post-Quantum Cryptography in the Hamming Metric, the Rank Metric, and the Sum-Rank Metric
Lenz, Andreas Philipp; Channel Codes for Reliable and Efficient Data Storage in Modern Memories
Rosenberger, Joachim Harald; Self-assembly of informational polymers via templated ligation
Abdelhameed, Ahmed Hosny Soliman; Aspects of TES Novel Reproducibility for Cryogenic Detectors Dedicated to Dark Matter Search
Mansfeld, Nico; Safety Awareness for Rigid and Elastic Joint Robots: An Impact Dynamics and Control Framework
Chrustowicz, Jakub; Mechanistic studies of GID/CTLH E3 ubiquitin ligases
Fritz, Marvin; Well-posedness of nonlocal and mixed-dimensional phase-field models applied to tumor growth
Saniye Feyza Ergün; The European Influence on the Ottoman Timber Residences in Istanbul
Rotter, Markus; Influence of shift work on the urine metabolite profile in female nurses
Köpüklü, Okan; Towards Efficient Human Activity Recognition
Coşkun, Mustafa Cemil; Code Analysis and Design for Successive Cancellation List Decoders
Muhr, Markus; Numerical methods and applications in nonlinear acoustics and seismology: Medical ultrasound and earthquake simulations
Waldmann, Clara; Congestion Games: Equilibria, Networks, and Complexity
Bernhard , Julian; Risk-Constrained Interactive Planning for Balancing Safety and Efficiency of Autonomous Vehicles
Saeedi, Ali; Investigation of Temporal Integration in Cochlear Implant Users Using Electrically-Evoked Auditory Brainstem Responses
Ruan, Yin; Numerical Investigation of Dynamic Stall on a Retreating Helicopter Blade
Dürrwang, Jürgen; Steigerung der Betriebssicherheit von Personenkraftwagen durch Bedrohungsanalysen für die Informationssicherheit
Pretzsch, Hans; Facilitation and competition reduction in tree species mixtures in Central Europe: Consequences for growth modeling and forest management
Löbbert, Laura; Microporous Ni catalysts for selective 1-butene dimerization
Gassert, Florian Tilman; Dunkelfeld-Radiographie: Erste Ergebnisse in gesunden Probanden und Patienten mit Lungenemphysem
Reiter, Felix Georg; Eindimensionale Halbleiter und Verbindungen mit kettenförmiger Polyphosphidteilstruktur im System der Tetrel-Phosphor-Halogenide APX mit A = Ge, Sn, Pb und X = Br, I
Hauschild, Philippa Frederieke; Provenance and integration of Photobacterium phosphoreum and Photobacterium carnosum into the spoilage consortium of modified atmosphere packaged meat.
Torrez, Juan Carlos; Retrospektive Untersuchung der initialen Nierentransplantationsbiopsien post reperfusionem am Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München
Eder, Moritz Maximilian Joachim; Photochemistry and Photocatalysis of Alcohols on Bare and Metal Cluster-Loaded TiO2(110)
Olm, Michaela Carola; Hausärztliche Versorgungskoordination in Bayern vor und nach Abschaffung der Praxisgebühr
Kurrumeli, Drilon; Pelvic insufficiency fractures after radiotherapy for cervical cancer: Analysis of risk factors and a new way to determine bone mineral density in planning CTs for radiotherapy
Mösch, Anja Franziska; Computational methods to improve development of T cell based cancer immunotherapies
Conway, Sarah Maria; In-vitro characterization of a novel recombinant oncolytic virus vector for improved therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
Arnold, Rouven Jakob; Novel Therapeutic Strategies to Treat Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)
Fritz, Lukas; Total synthesis of Pulvomycin D
Fischer, David Sebastian; Interpretable models of gene expression in single-cell immunology
Timmermann, Jakob Christian; Iridium Oxide as Catalyst in Water Electrolysis: Identification of Novel Surface Structures via Machine Learning
Dums, Jasmin Vanessa; Between Metals and Salts: Experimental and Computational Studies of Polar Intermetallics, Zintl-Phases and Zintl-Ions
Valle das Neves, Juliana; Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in boreal lakes and sediments
Sedlacek, Tadeas; Minimum-Time Optimal Control for Automotive Vehicles
von Terzi geb. Haslbeck, Korbinian Georg Benjamin; Influences on the concetration of hop flavor components during dry hopping
Röpke, Michael; Computational studies of charged networks in protein regulation and function
Lier, Svenja; Design and characterization of a novel E3 ligase degrader targeting relevant cancer targets in gastrointestinal cancer
Nickl, Anna-Leah; Numerical simulation of CH4 and its stable isotopologues on regional and global scale
Lindner, Miriam Simone; Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und psychische Beschwerden bei älteren HIV-positiven Patienten im Vergleich zu Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus und Kontrollpatienten
Zaschka, Anna-Lena; Vergleich der diagnostischen Leistungsfähigkeit verschiedener moderner Herz-MRT Techniken zur Detektion von myokardialen Schädigungen bei drei Tesla Feldstärke
Schäuffele, Stefanie Franziska; Dehnungsinduzierte nerval und nicht-nerval vermittelte Sekretion im Humancolon
Wieland, Christoph Herbert; Efficient Simulation of Flame Acceleration and Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition in Smooth Geometries
Zenker, Thomas; Einfluss prozessspezifischer Designparameter des Thermoplastischen Automated Fiber Placements auf die Bauteilqualität in Abhängigkeit der Prozesskette
Bertok, Manuela Maria; Palliativ- und Hospizversorgung bei fortgeschrittener Demenz: Erfahrungen der Angehörigen und Nutzen einer Broschüre als Entscheidungshilfe
Zheng, Chen; Application of QM/MM methods to Protein/Ligand binding
Haag, Felix Matthias; Atomic Level Studies of the Surface-Directed Synthesis of Novel Organometallic and Metal-Organic Two-Dimensional Assemblies
Caro, Matthias C.; Quantum Learning Theory
Schwarz, Gregor; Designing Large-Scale Auction Markets
Kalb, Valerian; Impact of Malting of Barley and Wheat on the Formation and Release of the Precursors of Desired and Undesired Vinyl Aromatics during the Production of Wheat Beer
Hopfes, Thomas; Investigation of Bubble Collapse and Metal Droplet Breakup by Shock Tube Experiments
Simson, Walter Arthur; Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Advanced Medical Ultrasound
Morató Altimira, Ngoc Kim; Histologische Untersuchung intrakraniell geborgener Thromben beim akuten Schlaganfall
von Mankowski, Jörg; Vijayaraghavan, Hansini; Martinez Alba, Alberto; Goratti, Leonardo; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Towards the Optimal Pattern of Joint Beamforming, User Scheduling and Power Allocation in a multi-RAT Network
Wich, Maximilian Jürgen; Addressing Weak Points of Abusive Language Detection on Social Media
Koller, Manuel; Electric Field Controlled Collisions of Trapped Polyatomic Molecules
Abel, Inga; Functional Block-Based Synthesis and Sizing of Integrated Operational Amplifiers
Wang, Xiaolong; Enhanced Predictive Analysis for Flight Incident Probability Using Advanced Uncertainty Quantification Methods
Voglhuber, Theresa; Analyse der Anwendung einer Hochpräzisionsradiotherapie bei Patienten mit Leber- und Nebennierenmetastasen hinsichtlich Toxizität und Überleben
Schmidt, Christiane Maria; Falsch positive Befunde in der PET/CT bei Patienten mit malignem Melanom – eine Patientenfallserie
Tao, Lei; Formation of Cu-(Al-)oxo clusters in zeolites for selective oxidation of methane to methanol
Huang, Yuanhui; Contrast and resolution in radiofrequency induced thermoacoustic imaging
Remadevi Vijayan, Athul; A digital quantitative and spatial reference atlas from microscopic 3D images of ovules in Arabidopsis thaliana
Xia, Zhonghua; In silico structure-based approaches to design Mdmx inhibitors
Flommersfeld, Sophie; Mapping the fate decision of single NK cells in vivo
Hinterdobler, Julia Michaela; Linking inflammation and atherosclerosis – novel mechanistic insights into how vascular inflammation fuels progression of atherosclerosis –
Kauschinger, Martin; Letner, Albert; Schreieck, Maximilian; Urbach, Nils, Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Individual Enterprise Social Network Adoption: The Influence of Perceived Network Externalities and Perceived Social Capital Advantage
Tobias Busen, Miriam Knechtel, Clemens Knobling, Elke Nagel, Manfred Schuller, Birte Todt; Measured Building Survey
Schüle, Maximilian E.; Modern SQL for Knowledge Discovery and Dataset Versioning
Liu, Yuanyuan; Theoretical Analysis on Applications of Near-field Acoustic Levitation: Positioning, Bearing, and Transportation Systems
Keskin-Dargin, Aylin Derya; BACE inhibition-dependent repair of Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology
Hertlein, Lukas Alexander; Inexact bundle methods in Hilbert space with applications to optimal control problems governed by variational inequalities
Safaric, Barbara; Single-molecule studies of nucleosome reorganization by FACT during eukaryotic replication
Zeiler, Johannes Robert; Architektur für ein unternehmensübergreifendes Service-System mit intelligenten, modularen Sonderladungsträgern
van den Hoek, Hugo Guus; In Situ structural studies of the ciliary pore
Löhe, Johannes Martin; Methodik zur Identifikation des Wärmeaufteilungskoeffizienten bei der Fräsbearbeitung dünnwandiger Werkstücke
von Sanden, Felix Horst Sebastian; Über die Vorhersage von schweren Herzrhythmusereignissen durch die Spiroergometrie bei Patienten mit komplexen angeborenen Herzfehlern innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei Jahren
Watermann, Kathrin; Der Einfluss von anatomischen Risikofaktoren auf das Behandlungsergebnis nach Rekonstruktion des medialen patellofamoralen Ligaments
P. Bevanda;M. Beier;S. Kerz;A. Lederer;S. Sosnowski;S. Hirche; Diffeomorphically Learning Stable Koopman Operators
Badini, Lorenzo; On the use of the exoskeleton for seismic improvement and integrated efficient technologies in existing buildings
Franck, Franziska Susanne; Zum Einfluss von Ernährung und körperlicher Aktivität auf den 2-Jahres-Verlauf der Knochendichte perimenopausaler Frauen
Kucevic, Daniel; Simulation of stationary lithium-ion battery energy storage systems in urban distribution grids
Luque Jimenez, Jesus Humberto; Risk-based optimal inspection strategy of structural systems using dynamic Bayesian networks
Draut, Sarah; Häufigkeit einer möglichen hereditären fokal-segmentalen Glomerulosklerose in einer selektierten Münchner Patientenkohorte mit Krankheitsbeginn vor dem 18. Lebensjahr.
Stuhlmüller, Franz Xaver; Sicherheitstechnische Nachkühlkette eines Kernkraftwerkes mit schwerwassergekühltem Druckwasserreaktor (Schwerpunkt: Nachwärmeabfuhr-Zwischenkühlsystem)
Klambauer, Konstantin; Strahlenbelastung und Bildqualität der prospektiven high-pitch Spiralakquisition in der CT-Koronarangiografie
Schuldt, Stefan; Machine learning strong lensing
Maas, Laura Maria Luise; Machbarkeit der "individuell optimierten hämodynamischen Therapie": eine systematische Datenbankanalyse
Hill, Simon; Numerische Modellierung und Simulation der Fluiddynamik und des Stoffübergangs in strukturierten Packungen
Pachalieva, Aleksandra A.; Molecular Dynamics Lattice Gas Analysis Tool
Flacke, Luis Antonio; Spin-wave transport and skyrmion formation in CoFe-based thin film heterostructures
Mayer, Karoline Elisabeth; Intratumorale Heterogenität von Glioblastomen -
Seidenspinner, Katharina Sophie; Übereinstimmung zwischen Selbsteinschätzung vor elektiven operativen Eingriffen und postoperativer Fremdeinschätzung durch Angehörige der Lebensqualität und Funktionalität: Einfluss der postoperativen Notwendigkeit einer Intensivtherapie
Novikoff, Aaron; Spatiotemporal GLP-1 and GIP Receptor Signaling and Trafficking/Recycling Dynamics Induced by Selected Receptor Mono- and Dual-agonists
Lehmberg, Daniel; Operator-informed machine learning: Extracting geometry and dynamics from time series data
Häberle, Matthias; Fusion of Remote Sensing Images and Social Media Text Messages for Building Function Classification
Oelsmann J., Marcos M., Passaro M., Sanchez L., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; Vertical land motion reconstruction unveils nonlinear effects on relative sea level
Tanger, Caren Alexandra; Functionalisation of Pea Protein: Extraction, Gelation, and Microparticulation
Haunreiter, Lisa Maria; REASSURE - Auswirkungen von Reiki auf die Lebensqualität von Brustkrebspatientinnen unter (neo-) adjuvanter taxanhaltiger Chemotherapie
Schmidt, Fabian; Design of Supramolecular Nanocatalysts for the Biphasic Epoxidation of Olefins
Rauch, Michael; Beurteilung der raumabschließenden Funktion brandbeanspruchter Holzbauteile mittels einer „Component Additive Method“
Andlinger, David Julian; Hydro-, Alco- and Aerogels from Potato and Whey Proteins
Brandhorst, Henrike; Entlass-Management verbessern und Sektorengrenzen überwinden: warum ein ‚Fraktur-Liaison-Service (FLS)‘ sinnvoll ist
Hémery, Kévin; Efficient tensor network simulations of localized and ergodic quantum many-body systems
Aigner, Martina; Non-oxidative dehyydroalkylation of benzene with methane over Co-ZSM-5
Warnakulasuriya, Suneth; Development of Methods for Finite Element-Based Sensitivity Analysis and Goal-Directed Mesh Refinement Using the Adjoint Approach for Steady and Transient Flows
Peschke, Katja; Identification of treatment-induced vulnerabilities in pancreatic cancer
Barbera, Luisa; Der Einfluss von postoperativen Infektionen auf das Überleben von Patienten mit hochgradigen Gliomen
Sakuma, Mayu; An Application of Multi-Fidelity Uncertainty Quantification for Computational Wind Engineering
Ali, Zakiullah; Hybrid Optical Coherence Tomography/Optoacoustic endoscope for esophageal imaging
Pieczonka, Stefan Alexander; Comprehensive characterization of the beer and brewing metabolome
Sahinovic, Leila; Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen, Depressionen und Angststörungen und deren Einfluss auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität vor und nach neurovaskulären Eingriffen
Brecht, Sandra Vanessa; Ein patientenindividualisierbares System für die Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery mit Augmented-Reality-Anwendung
Schick, Kristina; Doctor-patient communication in undergraduate medical education: Competence and attitudes
Zintl, Isabel Nora; Vertikale Freiräume
Knies, Christian Thomas; Bewertung kooperativer Verhaltensplanung für automatisierte Fahrzeuge auf Autobahnen
Hayta, Elif Nur; Einfluss der Oberflächentopographie auf ausgewählte Materialeigenschaften von B. subtilis Biofilmen
Spingler, Franz Benjamin; Non-Uniform Physical Properties and Operating Conditions in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Hua, Yuansheng; Deep Learning for Aerial Scene Understanding in High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery from the Lab to the Wild
Ni, Lingli; Propane dehydrogenation on highly active and selective Ga/BEA and ethanol conversion to butadiene on zincosilicate BEA
Ostmeier, Anna Sophie Gertrud; Iodine concentration of healthy lymph nodes of the neck, axilla and groin in Dual Energy Computed Tomography
Schäfer, Merle Kirsten; Entwicklung der ambulanten hausärztlichen Versorgung in Bayern seit 1970 - Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Registerdatenbank der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Bayerns
Kraft, Basil; Deep learning and hybrid modeling of global vegetation and hydrology
Stroth, Marlène Elisabeth; Einfluss des thrombozytenspezifischen Knockouts der löslichen Guanylatzyklase auf die Ausbildung atherosklerotischer Plaques
Hahnefeld, Andrea; Entwicklungsspezifische Aspekte von Traumafolgestörungen bei Kindern mit Fluchthintergrund
Leboutet, Quentin; Enhanced Robot Compliance, State Estimation and Identification using Distributed Tactile Feedback: Leveraging Redundancy and Multimodality
Baygün, Seren; A Novel In Vivo Model to Investigate Regulators of GCB Cells and GC Derived Lymphomas
Aufinger, Lukas; Engineering Artificial Cells
Sârbu, Paul-Cristian; Analysis and Performance Engineering for Learning with Sparse Grids
Schlund, Annegret; Do intervention studies to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in children and adolescents take sex/gender into account?
Mair, Olivia Anna; Analyse der urogenitalen Verletzungen bei polytraumatisierten Patienten und Korrelation zu Becken- und Wirbelsäulenfrakturen - gibt es positiv prädiktive Faktoren?
Kühn, Johannes; Human-Inspired Reflexes and Coordination in Soft Robot and Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control
Odinius, Timo Odin; Aktivierung des programmierten Zelltodes als Therapieoption im Hypereosinophilen Syndrom
Hanusch, Franziska; Novel Silicon Complexes of bidentate N-Heterocyclic Imines: Silyliumylidene Ions and Beyond
Kim, Da Bin; Effects of Pridopidine and Abeta Oligomers on Synaptic Plasticity
Ayala Ramirez, Luis Guillermo; Online Approach for Parameter Identification and Temperature Estimation in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Bihoi, Geraldine Anna; Untersuchung der Strahlendosis an der Cochlea bei Patienten mit Vestibularis-Schwannom nach Radiotherapie, sowie die Auswirkung auf die Hörminderung
Trainotti, F.;Bregar, T.;Klaassen, S.W.B.;Rixen, D.J.; Experimental decoupling of substructures by singular vector transformation
Wittmann, Michael; Prädiktive Flottenstrategie für Ridesourcing-Dienste am Beispiel des Münchner Taxiverkehrs
Schwarz, Patrick; Designing Feedback Mechanisms in Chemically Fueled Emulsions
Freitag, Friedemann; Quantitative MRT und automatische Segmentierung zur Evaluierung des Fettgehaltes in verschiedenen Körperregionen
Thannheimer, Anna Ruth Maria; Langzeitverlauf von Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung: Vergleich der klinischen Ergebnisse dreier medikamentenfreisetzender Stents zehn Jahre nach perkutaner Intervention
Hollering, Alexander; Development of neutron optical components for PERC
Heldmaier, Wiebke; Virtuelle dreidimensionale Untersuchung und Simulation von Veränderungen bei chirurgisch unterstützter Gaumennahterweiterung (SARPE)
Ren, Lei; Neuronal glutamate promotes pancreatic cancer cell migration through neuro-cancer synapses that fuel the GRIN2D-EZH2-E2F1-RB pathway
Ribbat, Leon Matthias; Auswirkung der Regressgefahr auf die Tätigkeit von niedergelassenen Ärzt*innen – Bundesweite Befragung von Hausärzt*innen und Orthopäd*innen
Raimúndez Álvarez, Elba; Efficient Bayesian parameter estimation applied to mechanistic models of gastric cancer signaling
Fleischhaker, Mareike; Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener Demenz - die Perspektive der Angehörigen
Perey, Iris; Beware when You Compare: The Role of Social Comparison for Human Health
Noll, Andreas; Hofbauer, Markus; Muschter, Evelyn; Li, Shu-Chen; Steinbach, Eckehard; Automated Quality Assessment for Compressed Vibrotactile Signals Using Multi-Method Assessment Fusion
Korth, Timo Martin; Latentwärmespeicher für den flexiblen Einsatz von Raumkühlsystemen
Kostrhon, Sebastian; Cryo-EM structure of CUL5-ARIH2 E3-E3 ligase complex reveals novel allosteric NEDD8 mechanism
Chen, Fuwang; Investigation of species specificity of Na+ taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide for HBV infection and the evaluation of novel HBV entry inhibitors
van Renen, Alexander; Persistent Memory in Database Systems
Floetgen, Rob Jago; Ziegler, Ulrich; Weking, Jörg; Höfler, Matthias; Böhm, Markus; B2B App Store Governance in Software Platform Ecosystems: Dimensions and Types
Nezhad, Fakhreddin Yaghoob;Riermeier, Annett;Schönfelder, Martin;Becker, Lore;de Angelis, Martin Hrabĕ;Wackerhage, Henning; Skeletal muscle phenotyping of Hippo gene-mutated mice reveals that Lats1 deletion increases the percentage of type I muscle fibers
Engert, Martin;Evers, Julia;Hein, Andreas;Krcmar, Helmut; The Engagement of Complementors and the Role of Platform Boundary Resources in e-Commerce Platform Ecosystems
Seitz, Stefanie; Die Rolle der Chemokine CXCL9 und CX3CL1 bei der Immunantwort im Ovarialkarzinom
Salfelder, Maria-Elena Antonia; Outcome und Toxizität der TomoTherapie bei kindlichen Tumorerkrankungen
Reisch, Raven T.;Hauser, Tobias;Lutz, Benjamin;Tsakpinis, Alexandros;Winter, Dominik;Kamps, Tobias;Knoll, Alois; Context awareness in process monitoring of additive manufacturing using a digital twin
Dietrich, Florian; Towards a Better Climate: Novel Measurement and Modeling Approaches for Quantifying Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants in Cities
Eder, Johannes David; Automatic Exploration of Automotive E/E Architectures
Frerix, Thomas; From Numerical Optimization to Deep Learning and Back
Brüdigam, Tim; Safety and Efficiency in Model Predictive Control for Systems with Uncertainty
Hu, Rongbo; Ambient Rehabilitation Kit: Developing Personalized Intelligent Interior Units to Achieve Demographic Sustainability in Aging Society
Shafaei, Sina; Enabling Context Prediction Architectures in Intelligent Vehicle Platforms
Bandelt Riess, Peter Michael; Using Packed Beds as a Strategy to Enhance Filtration Processes
Kaiser, Katharina Maria Anna; Development of a reversible-crosslinking polyurethane-based Diels-Alder adhesive for multilayer packaging and a corresponding solvent-based recycling process
Ehrenfeld, Maximilian; Analysis of different combinatory regimes on the antitumor efficacy of oncolytic YB-1 based virotherapy in glioblastoma
Becker, Charlotta Margarete; Der Stellenwert der transösophagealen Echokardiographie bei nicht kardiologischen medizinischen Intensivpatientinnen und -patienten ohne vorbestehende Herzerkrankung mit unklarem Sepsisfokus
Neirich, Leonie Elfriede; Körperliche Aktivität und mediterrane Ernährung als potentielle Modulatoren von Osteoprotegerin und sRANKL bei BRCA1/2 Keimbahnmutationsträgerinnen: Ergebnisse der Lebensstilinterventionsstudie LIBRE-1
Bormann, Andrea; Transpulmonale Thermodilution: Einfluss der femoralen Indikatorinjektion auf den Herzindex und den Extravaskulären Lungenindex
Kronberger, Gabriel;Kabliman, Evgeniya;Kronsteiner, Johannes;Kommenda, Michael; Extending a physics-based constitutive model using genetic programming
Krumm, Johannes; Studying in vitro-differentiated hepatocytes by proteomics
Mächel, Christopher; Advancing New Pathways for Shared Leadership in High Performance Teams: A Four-Dimensional Model and Solution-Focused Team Development
Wölfl, Sybille; Der Jäger und seine Wahrnehmung des Luchses
Lee, Insu; Cu-Oxo Cluster in Zeolites for the Selective Oxidation of Methane to Methanol
Bruder, Lukas; Biomechanical assessment of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture risk and growth using clinical data: a probabilistic approach
Zeiselmair, Andreas; Decentralized Smart Market Design
Çelikkaya, Zübeyde Nihan; Model-based Assessment of the Integration of Zero-Emission Vehicles into Dynamic Environmental Traffic Management for Air Pollution Control in Urban Areas
Koehler, Karsten;Drenowatz, Clemens; Editorial: Understanding the Interaction Between Physical Activity and Diet for the Promotion of Health and Fitness
Fernengel, Johanna; From Packing Generation to Single Pellet String Reactor Characteristics: A Numerical Approach to Fixed-Bed Reactors
Srivatsa, Akshay Sateesh; Coherence-on-Demand and Hybrid Eviction Policies for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Architectures
Lazareva, Olga; Disease module discovery in Systems Medicine.
Body, Thomas Alfred John; Development of Turbulence Simulations for the Edge & Divertor and Validation against Experiment
Kirsch, Julian; Malicious Bits and How to Fight Them
Gebauer, Julia; Evaluation eines manometrischen Summenscores zur Diagnose der Stuhlinkontinenz
Rannabauer, Leonhard Andreas; Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation with high-order ADER-DG methods.
Bartasevicius, Julius;Fleig, Pedro A.;Metzner, Annina;Hornung, Mirko; Design and testing of an in-flight thrust measurement system for a pylon-mounted miniature jet engine
Jooß, Lena Kristin; Histologically confirmed diagnostic efficacy of 18F-rhPSMA-7 PET for staging of patients with primary high-risk prostate cancer
Aumann, Quirin Johannes; Efficient and robust interpolation-based model order reduction of vibro-acoustic problems
Wagner, Matthias; Externer Sulfatangriff auf zementbasierte Bindemittel: von ortsaufgelöster Analytik zur makroskopischen Modellierung von Expansionsspannungen
Grimm, Max-Joseph; Validierung und Optimierung der Movement Disorders Society Diagnosekriterien für die Progressive Supranukleäre Blickparese
Küller, Philipp; Geschäftsmodelle und IT-Services für Unternehmen und Organisationen in der dezentralen Energiewirtschaft
Schwarz, Katharina; Modifikation der Strahlensensibilität von humanen Pankreaskarzinomzelllinien durch die phytotherapeutische Begleitbehandlung mit Curcumin
Honecker, Julius; Development of novel adipocyte sizing strategies to decipher the genetic, transcriptomic and metabolic mechanisms of adipocyte hypertrophy.
Liu, Yinlong; Globally Optimal Solutions for Unit-Norm Constrained Computer Vision Problems
Duncanson, Laura;Kellner, James R.;Armston, John;Dubayah, Ralph;Minor, David M.;Hancock, Steven;Healey, Sean P.;Patterson, Paul L.;Saarela, Svetlana;Marselis, Suzanne;Silva, Carlos E.;Bruening, Jamis;Goetz, Scott J.;Tang, Hao;Hofton, Michelle;Blair, Bryan;Luthcke, Scott;Fatoyinbo, Lola;Abernethy, Katharine;Alonso, Alfonso;Andersen, Hans-Erik;Aplin, Paul;Baker, Timothy R.;Barbier, Nicolas;Bastin, Jean Francois;Biber, Peter;Boeckx, Pascal;Bogaert, Jan;Boschetti, Luigi;Boucher, Peter Brehm;Boyd, Doreen S.;Burslem, David F.R.P.;Calvo-Rodriguez, Sofia;Chave, Jérôme;Chazdon, Robin L.;Clark, David B.;Clark, Deborah A.;Cohen, Warren B.;Coomes, David A.;Corona, Piermaria;Cushman, K.C.;Cutler, Mark E.J.;Dalling, James W.;Dalponte, Michele;Dash, Jonathan;de-Miguel, Sergio;Deng, Songqiu;Ellis, Peter Woods;Erasmus, Barend;Fekety, Patrick A.;Fernandez-Landa, Alfredo;Ferraz, Antonio;Fischer, Rico;Fisher, Adrian G.;García-Abril, Antonio;Gobakken, Terje;Hacker, Jorg M.;Heurich, Marco;Hill, Ross A.;Hopkinson, Chris;Huang, Huabing;Hubbell, Stephen P.;Hudak, Andrew T.;Huth, Andreas;Imbach, Benedikt;Jeffery, Kathryn J.;Katoh, Masato;Kearsley, Elizabeth;Kenfack, David;Kljun, Natascha;Knapp, Nikolai;Král, Kamil;Krůček, Martin;Labrière, Nicolas;Lewis, Simon L.;Longo, Marcos;Lucas, Richard M.;Main, Russell;Manzanera, Jose A.;Martínez, Rodolfo Vásquez;Mathieu, Renaud;Memiaghe, Herve;Meyer, Victoria;Mendoza, Abel Monteagudo;Monerris, Alessandra;Montesano, Paul;Morsdorf, Felix;Næsset, Erik;Naidoo, Laven;Nilus, Reuben;O’Brien, Michael;Orwig, David A.;Papathanassiou, Konstantinos;Parker, Geoffrey;Philipson, Christopher;Phillips, Oliver L.;Pisek, Jan;Poulsen, John R.;Pretzsch, Hans;Rüdiger, Christoph;Saatchi, Sassan;Sanchez-Azofeifa, Arturo;Sanchez-Lopez, Nuria;Scholes, Robert;Silva, Carlos A.;Simard, Marc;Skidmore, Andrew;Stereńczak, Krzysztof;Tanase, Mihai;Torresan, Chiara;Valbuena, Ruben;Verbeeck, Hans;Vrska, Tomas;Wessels, Konrad;White, Joanne C.;White, Lee J.T.;Zahabu, Eliakimu;Zgraggen, Carlo; Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
Rahman, Mohammad A.;Franceschi, Eleonora;Pattnaik, Nayanesh;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Hartmann, Christian;Paeth, Heiko;Pretzsch, Hans;Rötzer, Thomas;Pauleit, Stephan; Spatial and temporal changes of outdoor thermal stress: influence of urban land cover types
Dandl, Florian; Operation and Regulation of Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems
Longo, Antonia; Image Quality Improvement in Optoacoustic Tomography
Balmert, Alexander Maxim; Molekulargenetisches Risikoprofil zur Prädiktion im adjuvanten Setting bei Patienten mit lymphogen metastasierten Kolonkarzinom
Quedenfeld, Jens; Algorithms for Energy Conservation in Data Centers
Brunschweiger, Sarah Rita Maria; Benchmark and strategy development for microbial fuel cells in industrial wastewater treatment
Barone, Mirko Dante Oliver; Die VKB-Verletzung im alpinen Skisport:
Galster, Susanne;Helmreich, Brigitte; Copper and Zinc as Roofing Materials—A Review on the Occurrence and Mitigation Measures of Runoff Pollution
Horn-Ghetko, Daniel; Visualization of structural intermediates in an E3-E3 ligase ubiquitylation cascade via cryo-EM
Engels, Daniel; Immunoproteomic analysis of CNS lesions in a multiple sclerosis model
Konrad, Florian Markus; The hydraulic effect of fault zones in relation to deep hydro-geothermal energy exploration in the Upper Jurassic aquifer of Southern Germany
Bjelonic, Filip;Sachtler, Arne;Albu-Schaffer, Alin;Della Santina, Cosimo; Experimental Closed-Loop Excitation of Nonlinear Normal Modes on an Elastic Industrial Robot
Sachtler, Arne;Albu-Schaffer, Alin; Strict Modes Everywhere - Bringing Order into Dynamics of Mechanical Systems by a Potential Compatible with the Geodesic Flow
Pham, Van Vien;Ammer, Christian;Annighöfer, Peter;Heinrichs, Steffi; Tree regeneration characteristics in limestone forests of the Cat Ba National Park, Vietnam
Glöggler, Stephan; Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Neon-Seeded High Radiation Discharges at the JET Tokamak
Schiffer, Carolin Josephina; Biofilm formation by Staphylococcus xylosus
Reifeltshammer, Elisa; Effekt der low-dose PDT auf die choriokapilläre Perfusion bei Patienten mit chronischer Chorioretinopathia centralis serosa (cCRCS) in der OCT-Angiographie
Brodylo, Roxanne Leontine; Mechanisms of Notch signaling in pancreatic development and carcinogenesis
Jacobs, Martin;Hilmers, Torben;Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Lemme, Hannes;Kienlein, Sebastian;Müller, Jörg;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Pretzsch, Hans; Assessment of defoliation and subsequent growth losses caused by Lymantria dispar using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
Kendirli, Arek; In vivo CRISPR screens to dissect regulatory genes controlling T cell transmigration and macrophage polarization in animal models of Multiple Sclerosis
Hamm, L.; Loder, A.; Tilg, G.; Menendez, M.; Bogenberger, K.; Network inefficiency - Empirical findings for six European cities
Blobel, Thomas; Sportinformationssysteme
Fuertes Perez, Sandra; Comparative analysis of meat-spoiling Photobacterium spp. and their response to modified atmospheres
Andonian-Dierks, Caroline Sophie; Quality of Life and Psychosocial Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
de Sousa Pinheiro, Guilherme; Performance analysis in elite football
Schuh, Lea; Mathematical modeling to dissect mechanisms of gene expression regulation
Bettstetter, Roxana Viola; Analyse des Einflusses der „globalen sagittalen Balance“ auf das radiologische und klinische Outcome nach Halswirbelsäulenoperationen
Flöter, Veronika Leopoldine; Effects of an oral low-dose estradiol-17β exposure during pregnancy on uterine physiology, embryos and offspring in pigs
Ertl, Max; Auswirkung pulsierender Jet-Lavage auf die Primärstabilität zementierter tibialer Knieendoprothesenkomponenten
Schramm, Sebastian; Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid Biosynthesis in Crassocephalum Species
Hoeren, Thomas;Pinelli, Stefan; KI, Demokratie und das Recht
Li, Cong; Wang, Yongchao; Liu, Fangzhou; Liu, Qingchen; Buss, Martin; Model-free Incremental Adaptive Dynamic Programming based Approximate Robust Optimal Regulation
Schönhofer, Thomas; Bogenberger, Klaus; A Comprehensive Review on Managed Lanes in Europe
Lutz, Theresa M.;Kimna, Ceren;Casini, Angela;Lieleg, Oliver; Bio-based and bio-inspired adhesives from animals and plants for biomedical applications
Avetisyan, Armen; CAD Model Retrieval and Alignment in 3D Scans
Engelhard, Jana; Das kardiovaskuläre Outcome von small-for-gestational-age Feten
Schmid, Christoph Alfred Oskar; Human impact on bacterial communities of agricultural soils and its implications for sustainable use
Zoffl, Florian Markus; Biomechanische Modellierung des osteoporotischen Frakturrisikos in Niedrigdosis-MDCTs und Muskel-Knochen Interaktion am proximalen Femur und der LWS
Zhang, Feng; Minimal Height of Anastomotic Rings after Stapled Circular Colorectal Anastomosis as a Risk Factor for Anastomotic Leakage
Esfandyari Shahvar, Dena; Characterization of microRNA-365 in cardiac rhythm control
Kostavelis, Ioannis;Kargakos, Andreas;Skartados, Evangelos;Peleka, Georgia;Giakoumis, Dimitrios;Sarantopoulos, Iason;Agriomallos, Ioannis;Doulgeri, Zoe;Endo, Satoshi;Stüber, Heiko;Janjoš, Faris;Hirche, Sandra;Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Robotic Assistance in Medication Intake: A Complete Pipeline
Top, Felix P.; Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Potenziale von nutzerzentrierten Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zur Laststeuerung an Kranen
Flosbach, Markus; Characterization of novel determinants of CD8 T cell differentiation in acute and chronic infections
Ferreira Torres, Christof; From Smart to Secure Contracts: Automated Security Assessment and Improvement of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Wagner, Timon Benjamin; Bedeutung der Ätiologie für die Heilungsrate von arthroskopischen Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktionen in einer jungen Patientenkohorte
Eckert, Janine; Rezidivmuster des Adenokarzinoms des ösophagogastralen Übergangs
Schiele, Simon Alexander; Three-dimensional imaging and modelling of the shape transition of facetted and non-facetted crystals
Altstetter, Sebastian Maximilian; Immunkontrolle der Hepatitis-Delta-Virus-Infektion in vitro und in vivo
Göppel, Tobias Johannes; Prebiotic self-assembly of polynucleotides via templated ligation: sequence selection, replication and emergent phenomena
Mengel, Laura Aline; Effects of BMI and Gender on Cold-induced Thermogenesis in Adult Humans
El-Shabrawi, Katharina Aziza; Biomarker des funktionellen und onkologischen Outcomes bei Patienten mit Zungenkarzinomen
Otten, Vera Marieke; Der Einfluss von A20 in T-Zellen auf die Differenzierung regulatorischer T-Zellen im Thymus und die Entwicklung einer akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung
Bebre, Ieva;Marques, Isa;Annighöfer, Peter; Biomass Allocation and Leaf Morphology of Saplings Grown under Various Conditions of Light Availability and Competition Types
Dang, Tan An; Functional relevance of rare genetic variants in the PDE5A gene for coronary artery disease
Richter, Leonidas Maximilian Alban; Experience-dependent development of functional cortical circuits
Zügner, Daniel; Adversarial Robustness of Graph Neural Networks
Martini, Linda Johanna; Physical analysis of the target search of surface proteins for a binding site on a confined polymer
Esslinger, Eva-Maria Hélène Jeanne; Aktivierung und Anwendung sauerstoffhaltiger Spezies
Piber, Nicole Maria; Mechanismus der Regurgitation bei Trikuspidalinsuffizienz bei Patient*innen mit Hypoplastischem Linksherzsyndrom, operative Techniken und Ergebnisse
Abramov, Aleksej; Transgene Expression der DIBOA Biosynthese in Arabidopsis thaliana und ökophysiologische Untersuchung der Transgenen.
Baumeister, Bruno; Advancements in Monolithic U-Mo Fabrication: Demonstration of Gradient Foil Fabrication and Development of a Pilot Physical Vapor Deposition Process for Full-Size U-Mo Foils
Eßwein, Bianca; MAPT exon 10 alternative splicing modulation in an hiPSC MAPTEXSISERS model
Fritsch, Philipp Maximilian; Auswirkungen des flexiblen Betriebs von Luftzerlegungsanlagen auf den Hauptwärmeübertrager
Henkel, Fiona D. R.; Regulation of macrophage derived eicosanoids in allergy and infection
Berger, Marius Steffen; Entrepreneurship Policy, Venture Capital and Innovation
Tropschuh, Katharina Viktoria; Chronischer Unterbauchschmerz, Stimmung und Prostaglandin E2 in der Douglas-Flüssigkeit bei Patientinnen mit und ohne Endometriose
Thunstedt, Dennis Cem; Retrospektive Analyse möglicher neuer Prognosefaktoren im Rahmen von operierten Hirnmetastasen
Chantzaras, Christos; Architecture and Design of Innovation Processes
Rohm, Florian Peter; Intestinal amino acid absorption and control of transepithelial transport – Filling the gaps
Klepper, Simon Valentin Sebastian; Continuous Research & Development
Kolbeck, L;Vilgertshofer, S.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Graph Rewriting Techniques in Engineering Design
Schmiedmayer, Paul; Designing Evolvable Web Services
Georgii, Marie-Therese; Untersuchungen der intraoperativen EEG-Suppression
Federl, Stefanie Cornelia; Interpersonal challenges of entrepreneurial teams
Zayets, Alexandra Vadymivna; Robust Multipath-based Localization in Dynamic Indoor Environments
Nicoletti, Lorenzo; Parametric Modeling of Battery Electric Vehicles in the Early Development Phase
Jankrift, Neele Lea; Die Kombination von klinischen Symptomen und spirometrischen Parametern zur Verbesserung der Diagnostik bei obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen
Meesmann, Almut Helene; Akuter psychischer Stress und Leukozyten-Rekrutierung in atherosklerotische Plaques - neue mechanistische Erkenntnisse
Hirche, Daniel Jakob; Solver development and application of dense fluid-solid flows using CFD
Torasso Kasem, Enzo Joaquin; Novel components of acquisition of competence for natural transformation in Actinobacteria
Rost, Florentine-Amelie; Die Verführung des Wassers
Liu, Yajing; Identification and analysis of novel bacterial enzymes for pectin degradation
Kessler, Tobias; Cooperative Behavior Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Mixed-Integer Programming
Kaiser, Birgit Maria; mHealth approaches addressing stress-induced eating via mobile smartphone applications
Herzog, Simon; Distributed and Centralized Integration of Fluctuating Renewable power: The Case of Brazil
Oesingmann, Katrin; The impact of economic agreements and environmental instruments on air transport demand
Askaripoor, Hadi;Hashemi Farzaneh, Morteza;Knoll, Alois; E/E Architecture Synthesis: Challenges and Technologies
Knott, Ralf; Compaction Characteristics of Thermoset Automated Fiber Placement
Haßauer, Christine; The determination of food safety as a societal challenge
Heilmeier, Alexander Maximilian; Simulation of Circuit Races for the Objective Evaluation of Race Strategy Decisions
Dechant, Eduard; Aufbau- und Verbindungstechniken auf Basis von Leiterplattentechnologien für WBG-Leistungstransistoren
Aitala Becherucci, Edoardo Guido Maria; Quantitative MRT-Bildgebung zur Abschätzung des osteoporotischen Frakturrisikos an der Wirbelsäule und der paraspinalen Muskelkomposition
Amecke gen. Mönnighoff (geb. Lodde), Marie; Evaluation der diagnostischen Genauigkeit von Machine Learning für die Detektion von Lungenrundherden in der Thoraxradiographie
Staiger, Lena; Nanometallurgy in Solution: Synthesis Strategies for Nano-Sized Materials and Investigation on their Catalytic Performance in the Alkyne Semi-Hydrogenation
Utzig, Lukas Robin Tobias; Störgeräusche im Fahrzeuginnenraum
Sauter, Christina; Patienten mit Analkarzinom und definitiver Radiochemotherapie von 2004-2018 am Klinikum Rechts der Isar: eine retrospektive Analyse
Schmitt, Lars; Essays on B2B Electronic Marketplaces: Linking Theory with Entrepreneurial Practice
Ng, Hoi Lam;Trefz, Johannes;Schönfelder, Martin;Wackerhage, Henning; Effects of a taped filter mask on peak power, perceived breathlessness, heart rate, blood lactate and oxygen saturation during a graded exercise test in young healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial
Olze, Lisa Madeleine; Progredienzangst bei Prostatakrebs-Langzeitüberlebenden nach radikaler Prostatektomie: Prävalenz und Prädiktoren im Längsschnitt
Hoen, Nora; Auditive Agnosie und Alzheimer-Krankheit
Qunsheng Huang, Christian Mendl; Classical simulation of quantum circuits using a multi-qubit Bloch vector representation of density matrices
Unterleitner, Carolin Susanne; Grundimmunisierungsraten bei Kindern mit angeborenem Herzfehler
Ursu, Răzvan-Mihai; Papa, Arled; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Experimental Evaluation of Downlink Scheduling Algorithms using OpenAirInterface
Schneble, David; Diagnostik der Spondylodiszitis. Eine retrospektive Fallserie
Allgeier, Julian Nissen; The Role of Stem Cell Marker Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A3 in Chemoresistance and Ferroptosis in the C6 Glioma Model
Mößmer, Patrick; Single-molecule force spectroscopy study of the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain
Wichmann, Stefan Werner; Influence of the Standard Genetic Code on Overlapping Genes: A Study of Multiple Properties
H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, U.J. Mönich; On the Arithmetic Complexity of the Bandwidth of Bandlimited Signals
Mueller, Etienne; Auge, Daniel; Klimaschka, Simon; Knoll, Alois; Neural Oscillations for Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Sparsely Activated Deep Spiking Neural Networks
Kremer, Maximilian Walter Johannes; Essays on Philanthropic Investors in Private Capital Markets
Leidinger, Paul Maurice; Synthesis of supported and freestanding graphene: fundamental understanding of the reaction thermodynamics and kinetics on Cu
Wang, He; The fate of pathogens during bank filtration with emphasis on hydrological extremes and the application of microbial data in ecological groundwater monitoring
Jerouschek, Daniel; KI-Batteriespeichermodell auf Basis neuronaler Netze - Entwicklung einer neuen Datenvorverarbeitungspipeline und Trainingsmethodologie
Kuppelwieser, Thomas; Essays on the EPEX Spot Continuous Intraday Market
Xiao Wang; Ensuring Safety of Learning-Based Motion Planners Using Control Barrier Functions
Pfanzelt, Martin; Investigation of Pyridoxal Phosphate-Dependent Enzymes and Deciphering Their Role as Novel Antibiotic Targets in Critical Bacterial Pathogens by a Chemical Proteomic Strategy
Byambaa, Bayarmaa; Modelling spatiotemporal dynamics of nomadic-pastoral land use for environmental impact assessment
Buchmann, Alexandra;Kiss, Bernadett;Renjewski, Daniel;Badri-Spröwitz, Alexander; Functional Analysis of the Swing Leg Catapult in Human Walking
Morgenstern, Martin Erich; Synthesis of Furostemokerrin
Oehlschläger, Jan; Analyse der Eignung eines bildgebenden Hyperspektralsensors für die Bonitur von Feldversuchsanlagen
Chebib, Soraya; Molekulare Untersuchung von allergenen Determinanten des Apfelallergens Mal d 1 mittels Proteomics, Immunoassays und Liganden-Bindungsstudien
Custódio Santos, Tânia; Oncogenic drivers, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and E-cadherin function shape the tumor microenvironment of pancreatic cancer
Klug, Melissa; Transcriptomics and Proteomics of Platelet Heterogeneity
Kacianka, Severin; Accountability for Cyber-Physical Systems
Grosch, Johannes Gunter Parzival; Hymenoptera venom allergy: venom proteomes and patient transcriptomes
Matthäus, Carla Irmgard Ingeborg; Performance under pressure: Effect of pumping pressure on additive manufacturing of lightweight aggregate concrete
Machado de Carvalho, João Guilherme; Investigations of Physical Properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks with Functional Ligands
Kirchinger , Eva Maria Ursula; A Novel Perturbation Approach for the Thermodynamic Modeling of Poorly Specified Mixtures
Vega Garcia, Pablo Alberto; Development of a model to assess the environmental properties of common outdoor plasters and mortars
Liu, Haotian;Chen, Guang;Liu, Yinlong;Liang, Zichen;Zhang, Ruiqi;Knoll, Alois; Globally-Optimal Inlier Maximization for Relative Pose Estimation Under Planar Motion
Schranner, Daniela; Metabolite and protein signatures of exercise, physical fitness, and athletic phenotypes in healthy humans
Verra, Livio; Electron Bunch Seeding of the Self-Modulation Instability in Plasma
Jelich, Christopher; Fast Multipole Boundary Element Techniques for Acoustic and Vibroacoustic Problems
Wittmann, Jonas;Rixen, Daniel J.; Time-Optimization of Trajectories Using Zero-Clamped Cubic Splines and Their Analytical Gradients
Fritzmann, Tim; Towards Secure Coprocessors and Instruction Set Extensions for Acceleration of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Zimmermann, Peter; Geschlechtsspezifische Veränderungen des fetalen autonomen Nervensystems sowie der Eisenhomöostase von Neugeborenen, welche während der Schwangerschaft maternalem Stress ausgesetzt waren
Röhrl, Jennifer Marie; Nuclear pore complex clustering in HGPS and replicative senescence
Fuchs, Yannick Takeshi; Bedeutung von Interleukin-6, C-reaktivem Protein und Laktat für die Prädiktion von zerebralen Vasospasmen und Outcome nach aneurysmatischen Subarachnoidalblutungen
Stühmeier, Björn Marcel; Advanced Characterization for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells – Elucidating the Correlation between Catalyst Activity, Selectivity, and Durability
Khansefid, Ali;Yadollahi, Seyed Mahmoudreza;Müller, Gerhard;Taddei, Francesca;Kumawat, Aditi; Seismic performance assessment of a masonry building under earthquakes induced by geothermal power plants operation
Schäffer, Christian;Speck, Konstantin;Gümmer, Volker; Numerical Calibration and Investigation of the Influence of Reynolds Number on Measurements With Five-Hole Probes in Compressible Flows
Amunts, Katrin;DeFelipe, Javier;Pennartz, Cyriel;Destexhe, Alain;Migliore, Michele;Ryvlin, Philippe;Furber, Steve;Knoll, Alois;Bitsch, Lise;Bjaalie, Jan G.;Ioannidis, Yannis;Lippert, Thomas;Sanchez-Vives, Maria V.;Goebel, Rainer;Jirsa, Viktor; Linking brain structure, activity and cognitive function through computation
Grosu, Cristina; Capturing Ion Dynamics in Lithium intercalated Graphite
Schwaiger, Sebastian Markus Emmo; Treatment with a 177Lutetium-radiolabeled ligand targeting prostate-specific membrane antigen in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: toxicity, efficacy and survival.
Bascopé Julio, Martin; STEM education for sustainability
Insam, Christina Olga; Fundamental Methods for Real-Time Hybrid Substructuring with Contact
Mühlbauer, Max Emanuel; Multi-scale modeling and computational design of biological proton/ion-transport modules
Sautter, Klaus Bernd; Modeling and Simulation of Flexible Protective Structures by Coupling Particle and Finite Element Methods
Meyer, Laura Chantal Anna; Catalytic and electrocatalytic routes for hydrogenation of carbonyl compounds in aqueous phase
Götz, Alexander; The Dynamic Personality of the Amyloid Precursor Protein’s Transmembrane Domain
Illenberger, Christopher Martin; Zahnflankentragfähigkeit ölgeschmierter Kunststoffverzahnungen
Zade, Michel; Coordinating Decentralized Energy Systems with Local Energy and Flexibility Markets - From Consumer and Prosumer to Flexumer
Claßen, Carolina Anna Sophia; Vergleich der Präzision und Genauigkeit der dreidimensionalen Erfassung der Nase mit drei unterschiedlichen 3D-Photographiesystemen
Liu, Siyuan; Secure-by-Construction Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems
Dai, Kun; Design rules for the chemically fueled self-assembly and disassembly of peptides
Steinhardt, Marco; Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity through the Layers of the Electrode-Separator Stack in Lithium-Ion Cells
Then, Cornelia;Ritzel, Katrin;Herder, Christian;Then, Holger;Sujana, Chaterina;Heier, Margit;Meisinger, Christa;Peters, Annette;Koenig, Wolfgang;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Roden, Michael;Maalmi, Haifa;Stumvoll, Michael;Meitinger, Thomas;Bidlingmaier, Martin;Seissler, Jochen;Thorand, Barbara;Reincke, Martin; Association of renin and aldosterone with glucose metabolism in a Western European population: the KORA F4/FF4 study
Rao, Lanlan;Xu, Jian;Efremenko, Dmitry S.;Loyola, Diego G.;Doicu, Adrian; Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensing of Aerosol Parameters: Sensitivity Analysis and Application to TROPOMI/S5P
Fyfe, Selina;Smyth, Heather E.;Schirra, Horst Joachim;Rychlik, Michael;Sultanbawa, Yasmina; The Framework for Responsible Research With Australian Native Plant Foods: A Food Chemist's Perspective
Koehler, Karsten;Drenowatz, Clemens; Editorial: Understanding the Interaction Between Physical Activity and Diet for the Promotion of Health and Fitness
Krämer, Lena Violetta;Mueller-Weinitschke, Claudia;Zeiss, Tina;Baumeister, Harald;Ebert, David Daniel;Bengel, Jürgen; Effectiveness of a web-based behavioural activation intervention for individuals with depression based on the Health Action Process Approach: protocol for a randomised controlled trial with a 6-month follow-up
Mauersberger, Carina;Hinterdobler, Julia;Schunkert, Heribert;Kessler, Thorsten;Sager, Hendrik B.; Where the Action Is—Leukocyte Recruitment in Atherosclerosis
Steel, Laura C. E.;Tir, Selma;Tam, Shu K. E.;Bussell, James N.;Spitschan, Manuel;Foster, Russell G.;Peirson, Stuart N.; Effects of Cage Position and Light Transmission on Home Cage Activity and Circadian Entrainment in Mice
Pereira, Marta F;Buchanan, Tim;Höglinger, Günter U;Bogdanovic, Marko;Tofaris, George;Prangnell, Simon;Sarangmat, Nagaraja;FitzGerald, James J;Antoniades, Chrystalina A; Longitudinal changes of early motor and cognitive symptoms in progressive supranuclear palsy: the OxQUIP study
Brems, Xaver S;Mühlbauer, Sebastian;Córdoba-Camacho, Wilmer Y;Shanenko, Arkady A;Vagov, Alexei;Albino Aguiar, José;Cubitt, Robert; Current-induced self-organisation of mixed superconducting states
Silvagni, D.;Terry, J.L.;McCarthy, W.;Hubbard, A.E.;Eich, T.;Faitsch, M.;Gil, L.;Golfinopoulos, T.;Grenfell, G.;Griener, M.;Happel, T.;Hughes, J.W.;Stroth, U.;Viezzer, E.;the ASDEX Upgrade Team;the EUROfusion MST1 Team; I-mode pedestal relaxation events in the Alcator C-Mod and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks
Rupfle, J;Emiroglu, A;Grosse, C U; Investigation of the Measurability of Selected Damage to Supporting Structures of Wind Turbines
Moyassari, Erfan;Roth, Thomas;Kücher, Simon;Chang, Chia-Chin;Hou, Shang-Chieh;Spingler, Franz B.;Jossen, Andreas; The Role of Silicon in Silicon-Graphite Composite Electrodes Regarding Specific Capacity, Cycle Stability, and Expansion
Bastianello, Alvise;Bertini, Bruno;Doyon, Benjamin;Vasseur, Romain; Introduction to the Special Issue on Emergent Hydrodynamics in Integrable Many-Body Systems
Ramm, Elisabeth;Liu, Chunyan;Ambus, Per;Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus;Hu, Bin;Martikainen, Pertti J;Marushchak, Maija E;Mueller, Carsten W;Rennenberg, Heinz;Schloter, Michael;Siljanen, Henri M P;Voigt, Carolina;Werner, Christian;Biasi, Christina;Dannenmann, Michael; A review of the importance of mineral nitrogen cycling in the plant-soil-microbe system of permafrost-affected soils—changing the paradigm
Dorfner, Maximilian F X;Hutsch, Sebastian;Borrelli, Raffaele;Gelin, Maxim F;Ortmann, Frank; Ultrafast carrier dynamics at organic donor–acceptor interfaces—a quantum-based assessment of the hopping model
Jensen, Grady W.;van der Smagt, Patrick;Luksch, Harald;Straka, Hans;Kohl, Tobias; Chronic Multi-Electrode Electromyography in Snakes
Musiol, Stephanie;Alessandrini, Francesca;Jakwerth, Constanze A.;Chaker, Adam M.;Schneider, Evelyn;Guerth, Ferdinand;Schnautz, Benjamin;Grosch, Johanna;Ghiordanescu, Ileana;Ullmann, Julia T.;Kau, Josephine;Plaschke, Mirjam;Haak, Stefan;Buch, Thorsten;Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B.;Zissler, Ulrich M.; TGF-β1 Drives Inflammatory Th Cell But Not Treg Cell Compartment Upon Allergen Exposure
Sollmann, Nico;Becherucci, Edoardo A.;Boehm, Christof;Husseini, Malek El;Ruschke, Stefan;Burian, Egon;Kirschke, Jan S.;Link, Thomas M.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Krug, Roland;Baum, Thomas;Dieckmeyer, Michael; Texture Analysis Using CT and Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat MRI Can Improve Differentiation Between Patients With and Without Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures
Fox, Keith A A;Virdone, Saverio;Bassand, Jean-Pierre;Camm, A John;Goto, Shinya;Goldhaber, Samuel Z;Haas, Sylvia;Kayani, Gloria;Koretsune, Yukihiro;Misselwitz, Frank;Oh, Seil;Piccini, Jonathan P;Parkhomenko, Alex;Sawhney, Jitendra Pal Singh;Stepinska, Janina;Turpie, Alexander G G;Verheugt, Freek W A;Kakkar, Ajay K; Do baseline characteristics and treatments account for geographical disparities in the outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation? The prospective GARFIELD-AF registry
Hofbauer, Markus; Adaptive Live Video Streaming for Teleoperated Driving
El Kateb, Hany A. M.; Silvicultural Experiments on Afforestation
Bogucka, Edyta Paulina; Data-driven design and analysis of map-based storytelling
Friedrich, Franziska; Investigation of Materials Degradation and Hysteresis Phenomena in High-Energy Cathodes used for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Georg, Rali Nikolaeva; Fluoreszenzangiographische Planung der Weichgewebe bei der Entnahme mikrovas-kulärer Transplantate am lateralen Unterschenkel
Kesting, Sabine;Weeber, Peter;Schönfelder, Martin;Pfluger, Anja;Wackerhage, Henning;von Luettichau, Irene; A Bout of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in Children and Adolescents during Acute Cancer Treatment—A Pilot Feasibility Study
Bauer, Fabian; Trajectory Optimization for Sparsely Sampled Computed Tomography
Gu, Shangding; Zhou, Chunhui; Wen, Yuanqiao; Xiao, Changshi; Knoll, Alois; Motion Planning for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Wind and Current Effects
Jiang, Zhongliang; Intelligent Robotic Sonography: Adaptive, Dynamic and Learning-Powered Image Acquisition
Tagscherer, Nevine; Interdisciplinary Mechatronic Consideration of Large-Scale Carbon Fiber Reinforced Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Krönauer, Johannes Georg Benedikt; Untersuchungen zur Umformung und Steifigkeit unterschiedlicher Sicken in gekrümmten vorverformten Blechteilen
Rao, Lanlan; Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from TROPOMI Measurements
Duggal, R.; Rayudu, R.; Hinkley, J.; Burnell, J.; Wieland, C.; Keim, M.; A comprehensive review of energy extraction from low-temperature geothermal resources in hydrocarbon fields
Willim, Katharina;Ammer, Christian;Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Schmucker, Julia;Schall, Peter;Ehbrecht, Martin; Short - term dynamics of structural complexity in differently managed and unmanaged European beech forests
Huang, Yarong; Formal kinetic description of chemical reactions of important process markers at boiling processes in brewing technology for controlling and optimizing of boiling systems
Spallek, Ria Andrea; Aberrant cell cycle regulatory ubiquitin networks in B-cell malignancies
Esser, Joseph Maximilian; Vergleich verschiedener, unterschiedlich invasiver Verfahren zum Monitoring der Hämodynamik kritisch kranker Patienten
Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra; Soziale Medien und Kuratierung von Inhalten: Regulative Antworten auf eine demokratische Schlüsselfrage
Azimi, Seyedmajid; Infrastructure and Traffic Monitoring in Aerial Imagery Using Deep Learning Methods
Kuhn, Christopher B.; Failure Prediction for Autonomous Systems
Schmidt, Fabian Christopher; Mapping differences in C99 cleavage efficiency and specificity exhibited by presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 to structural subdomains
Beulich, Nikolas Viktor; Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Auslegung und Absicherung des Freiformbiegens mit bewegter Matrize für dreidimensionale Biegegeometrien
Balk, Stefanie; Ergebnisse operativ versorgter Patienten mit chronisch kritischer Ischämie der unteren Extremitäten
Meyer, Stefan Peter; A holistic, model-predictive process control for plastic-metal direct joining
Vivar, Gerome; Towards Automated Clinical Diagnostic Decision Support using Machine Learning
Rohrbach, Nina Sophia Hanna; „Mixed Reality“ as a new rehabilitative approach to assist activities of daily living in patients with chronic neurological disease.
Andrulat, Anne; Rekombinante Produktion verschiedener HER2/neu - Rezeptor - Formen
Schmidt, Sebastian; Ermittlung mechanischer Kenngrößen für die Verbundfestigkeit von Spritzbeton
Walke, Patrick; Electrospinning of Lithium and Magnesium Ion Conductors
Allescher , Julia Carolina; Behandlung des Multiorganversagens mit dem extrakorporalen Organ-Ersatzverfahrens ADVOS (Advanced Organ Support) mit speziellem Fokus auf die Machbarkeit der CO2- Elimination bei Patienten mit ARDS und COVID-19
Thom, Dominik;Rammer, Werner;Laux, Patrick;Smiatek, Gerhard;Kunstmann, Harald;Seibold, Sebastian;Seidl, Rupert; Will forest dynamics continue to accelerate throughout the 21st century in the Northern Alps?
Pfingstl, Simon; Zimmermann, Markus; On integrating prior knowledge into Gaussian processes for prognostic health monitoring
Regnath, Emanuel G.; Secure Decentralization of Cyber-Physical Systems for an Internet of Things without Clouds
Schneebauer-Meißner, Ina; Textilien und andere organische Materialien ausgewählter Männergräber des baiuvarischen Reihengräberfelds von Petting (Lkr. Traunstein)
Straub D., Ehre M., Papaioannou I.; Decision-theoretic reliability sensitivity
Kamariotis A., Chatzi E., Straub D.; Value of information from vibration-based structural health monitoring extracted via Bayesian model updating
Amend, Anna-Lena; In-depth characterization of mouse models for monogenic diabetes and gene therapy of Hnf4a-KI mice
Ferrer Velasco, Rubén;Lippe, Melvin;Tamayo, Fabián;Mfuni, Tiza;Sales-Come, Renezita;Mangabat, Cecilia;Schneider, Thomas;Günter, Sven; Towards accurate mapping of forest in tropical landscapes: A comparison of datasets on how forest transition matters
Przybilla, Leonard Emanuel Alexander; Work in Contemporary IT Teams
Gürth Candeias, Joana Rita; Effect of whole birch pollen grains on human bronchial epithelial at the air-liquid interface, with or without pre-exposure to fresh combustion aerosol
Duffner, Clara Maria; Characterising prevailing hydrogenotrophic denitrifiers performing in situ nitrate remediation
Xiao, Jiajian; A Framework to Generate High-Performance Time-stepped Agent-based Simulations on Heterogeneous Hardware
Janardhanan, Shakthivelu; Mas Machuca, Carmen; Modeling and Evaluation of a Data Center Sovereignty
Zhou, Zhehua; Safe Reinforcement Learning Methods for Complex Dynamical Systems Based on Model Order Reduction Techniques
Li, Cong; Towards Safe Learning Control under Uncertainty with Guaranteed Performance
Bojer, Mareike Elena; Cellular Automata, from Theory to Applications in Biological Pattern Formation
Sagraloff, Nadine Larissa; Zuverlässige Beurteilung der Zahnrad-Graufleckentragfähigkeit von Getriebeölen
Rieser, Jasper;Zimmermann, Markus; Topology optimization of periodically arranged components using shared design domains
Matzka, Marco; Profiling of organic matter in olivine mineral and meteorites with high resolution mass spectrometry and the role of metalorganic compounds
Hofmann, Carolin; Inhalational anesthetics do not deteriorate Amyloid-β-derived pathophysiology in Alzheimer’s disease: investigations on the molecular and neuronal level
Al Sadat , Loubna Mohammad Ayman; COBLL1 genotype driven Metabotyping for early T2D Biomarker Discovery
Wang, Yongchao; Incremental Optimal Control for Robot Manipulators: A Robust and Optimal Control Framework
Kohler, Matthias;Bengtsson, Fredrik;Stratmann, Philipp;Röhrbein, Florian;Knoll, Alois;Albu-Schäffer, Alin;Jörntell, Henrik; Diversified physiological sensory input connectivity questions the existence of distinct classes of spinal interneurons
Proskurin, Sergej; Virtualization-assisted Dynamic Binary Analysis and Operating System Security
Fraundorfer, Andreas Manfred; Veränderung der Eigenkorrosion von Stahl in chloridhaltigem Beton in Abhängigkeit des Feuchtegehalts
Katzenmeier, Leon Markus; Nature of Space Charge Layers in Li+ Conducting Glass Ceramics
Rapp, J;Braun, P;Hemmert, W;Gleich, B; Optimal pulse configuration for peripheral inductive nerve stimulation
Toledo-Garrido, J.J.;Galdon-Quiroga, J.;Viezzer, E.;Birkenmeier, G.;Olevskaia, V.;Balden, M.;Garcia-Lopez, J.;Jimenez-Ramos, M.C.;Rodriguez-Ramos, M.;Anda, G.;Videla-Trevin, M.;Garcia-Munoz, M.; Characterization of scintillator screens under irradiation of low energy 133Cs ions
Riewald, Felix;Kurzhals, Philipp;Bianchini, Matteo;Sommer, Heino;Janek, Jürgen;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; The LiNiO2 Cathode Active Material: A Comprehensive Study of Calcination Conditions and their Correlation with Physicochemical Properties Part II. Morphology
Penke, C;Özal, G;Bellot, F;Moser, L;Batteiger, V; Performance evaluation of jet fuel production by hydrothermal liquefaction in Europe
Fuentes, Bárbara;Choque, Alessandra;Gómez, Francisco;Alarcón, Jaime;Castro-Nallar, Eduardo;Arenas, Franko;Contreras, Daniel;Mörchen, Ramona;Amelung, Wulf;Knief, Claudia;Moradi, Ghazal;Klumpp, Erwin;Saavedra, Claudia P.;Prietzel, Jörg;Klysubun, Wantana;Remonsellez, Francisco;Bol, Roland; Influence of Physical-Chemical Soil Parameters on Microbiota Composition and Diversity in a Deep Hyperarid Core of the Atacama Desert
Ulas, Sevtap Tugce;Ziegeler, Katharina;Richter, Sophia-Theresa;Ohrndorf, Sarah;Poddubnyy, Denis;Makowski, Marcus R;Diekhoff, Torsten; CT-like images in MRI improve specificity of erosion detection in patients with hand arthritis: a diagnostic accuracy study with CT as standard of reference
Herrero Martin, Clara;Oved, Alon;Chowdhury, Rasheda A.;Ullmann, Elisabeth;Peters, Nicholas S.;Bharath, Anil A.;Varela, Marta; EP-PINNs: Cardiac Electrophysiology Characterisation Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Pimpão, Catarina;Wragg, Darren;da Silva, Inês V.;Casini, Angela;Soveral, Graça; Aquaglyceroporin Modulators as Emergent Pharmacological Molecules for Human Diseases
Ancau, Mihai;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Niederschweiberer, Johanna;Krieg, Sandro M.;Zimmer, Claus;Lingg, Charlotte;Kumpfmüller, Daniela;Ikenberg, Benno;Ploner, Markus;Hemmer, Bernhard;Wunderlich, Silke;Mühlau, Mark;Knier, Benjamin; Case Series: Acute Hemorrhagic Encephalomyelitis After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination
Natterson-Horowitz, B.;Desmarchelier, Marion;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Carabin, Hélène; Beyond Zoonoses in One Health: Non-communicable Diseases Across the Animal Kingdom
Graf, Maximilian;Berg, Clara;Bernhard, Rebecca;Haufe, Stefan;Pfeiffer, Jürgen;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Effect and Progress of the Amorphization Process for Microscale Silicon Particles under Partial Lithiation as Active Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Kulla, D;Lazerson, S;Günter, S;Hirsch, M;Hartmann, D;McNeely, P;Rust, N;Wolf, R C; Placement of a fast ion loss detector array for neutral beam injected particles in Wendelstein 7-X
Wendler, D;Dux, R;Fischer, R;Griener, M;Wolfrum, E;Birkenmeier, G;Stroth, U; Collisional radiative model for the evaluation of the thermal helium beam diagnostic at ASDEX upgrade
Kiessling, Aleksandr;Fornaciari, Julie C.;Anderson, Grace;Peng, Xiong;Gerstmayr, Andreas;Gerhardt, Michael;McKinney, Samuel;Serov, Alexey;Weber, Adam Z.;Kim, Yu Seung;Zulevi, Barr;Danilovic, Nemanja; Influence of Supporting Electrolyte on Hydroxide Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis Performance: Catholyte
Scaini, Anna;Stritih, Ana;Brouillet, Constance;Scaini, Chiara; What locals want: citizen preferences and priorities for the Tagliamento River
Ahdida, C.;Bozzato, D.;Calzolari, D.;Cerutti, F.;Charitonidis, N.;Cimmino, A.;Coronetti, A.;D’Alessandro, G. L.;Donadon Servelle, A.;Esposito, L. S.;Froeschl, R.;García Alía, R.;Gerbershagen, A.;Gilardoni, S.;Horváth, D.;Hugo, G.;Infantino, A.;Kouskoura, V.;Lechner, A.;Lefebvre, B.;Lerner, G.;Magistris, M.;Manousos, A.;Moryc, G.;Ogallar Ruiz, F.;Pozzi, F.;Prelipcean, D.;Roesler, S.;Rossi, R.;Sabaté Gilarte, M.;Salvat Pujol, F.;Schoofs, P.;Stránský, V.;Theis, C.;Tsinganis, A.;Versaci, R.;Vlachoudis, V.;Waets, A.;Widorski, M.; New Capabilities of the FLUKA Multi-Purpose Code
Daniel, Hannelore; Diet and Gut Microbiome and the “Chicken or Egg” Problem
Kolbeck, Lothar;Vilgertshofer, Simon;Abualdenien, Jimmy;Borrmann, André; Graph Rewriting Techniques in Engineering Design
Mechteridis, Konstantinos;Lauber, Michael;Baumbach, Jan;List, Markus; KeyPathwayMineR: De Novo Pathway Enrichment in the R Ecosystem
Fischer, Sarah;Hamed, Mohamed;Emmert, Steffen;Wolkenhauer, Olaf;Fuellen, Georg;Thiem, Alexander; The Prognostic and Predictive Role of Xeroderma Pigmentosum Gene Expression in Melanoma
Fang, Hanyi;Shi, Kuangyu;Wang, Xiuying;Zuo, Chuantao;Lan, Xiaoli; Editorial: Artificial Intelligence in Positron Emission Tomography
Kaiser, Rainer;Escaig, Raphael;Erber, Johanna;Nicolai, Leo; Neutrophil-Platelet Interactions as Novel Treatment Targets in Cardiovascular Disease
Pongratz, Janis;Dorwarth, Uwe;Riess, Lukas;Schwartz, Yitzhack;Wankerl, Michael;Hoffmann, Ellen;Straube, Florian; Catheter Ablation in Complex Atrial Arrhythmias: Pilot Study Evaluating a 3D Wide-Band Dielectric Imaging System
Sala, Luca;Leonov, Vladislav;Mura, Manuela;Giannetti, Federica;Khudiakov, Aleksandr;Moretti, Alessandra;Crotti, Lia;Gnecchi, Massimiliano;Schwartz, Peter J.; Use of hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes to Rule Out Proarrhythmic Effects of Drugs: The Case of Hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19
Dieckmeyer, Michael;Sollmann, Nico;El Husseini, Malek;Sekuboyina, Anjany;Löffler, Maximilian T.;Zimmer, Claus;Kirschke, Jan S.;Subburaj, Karupppasamy;Baum, Thomas; Gender-, Age- and Region-Specific Characterization of Vertebral Bone Microstructure Through Automated Segmentation and 3D Texture Analysis of Routine Abdominal CT
Eber, Wolfgang; System-theoretical Approach to Fundamental Limits of Controllability in Complex Organization Networks
Hoffeller, M; Cost of supply and ventilation concepts in shield-driven tunnelling in due consideration of the engine type and drive technology
Conrad, David;Kehl, Alexandra;Beitzinger, Christoph;Metzler, Thomas;Steiger, Katja;Pfarr, Nicole;Fischer, Konrad;Klopfleisch, Robert;Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike; Molecular Genetic Investigation of Digital Melanoma in Dogs
Mueller, Joerg;Langbein, Thomas;Mishra, Aditi;Baum, Richard P.; Safety of High-Dose Botulinum Toxin Injections for Parotid and Submandibular Gland Radioprotection
Cellura, Maurizio;Cusenza, Maria Anna;Longo, Sonia;Luu, Le Quyen;Skurk, Thomas; Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Health Effects of Protein-Rich Food as Meat Alternatives: A Review
Lugauer, Florian Julian;Kainz, Josef;Gehlich, Elena;Gaderer, Matthias; Roadmap to Profitability for a Speed-Controlled Micro-Hydro Storage System Using Pumps as Turbines
Chifu, Viorica Rozina;Pop, Cristina Bianca;Demjen, David;Socaci, Radu;Todea, Daniel;Antal, Marcel;Cioara, Tudor;Anghel, Ionut;Antal, Claudia; Identifying and Monitoring the Daily Routine of Seniors Living at Home
Gassner, Simon;Schaller, Rainer;Eberl, Matthias;von Koblinski, Carsten;Essing, Simon;Ghaderi, Mohammadamir;Schmitt, Katrin;Wöllenstein, Jürgen; Anodically Bonded Photoacoustic Transducer: An Approach towards Wafer-Level Optical Gas Sensors
Hermle, Doris;Gaeta, Michele;Krautblatter, Michael;Mazzanti, Paolo;Keuschnig, Markus; Performance Testing of Optical Flow Time Series Analyses Based on a Fast, High-Alpine Landslide
Höcht, Stephan;Min, Aleksey;Wieczorek, Jakub;Zagst, Rudi; Explaining Aggregated Recovery Rates
Bebre, Ieva;Marques, Isa;Annighöfer, Peter; Biomass Allocation and Leaf Morphology of Saplings Grown under Various Conditions of Light Availability and Competition Types
Zöllkau, Janine;Ankert, Juliane;Pletz, Mathias W.;Mishra, Sasmita;Seliger, Gregor;Lobmaier, Silvia M.;Prazeres Da Costa, Clarissa U.;Seidel, Vera;Weizsäcker, Katharina von;Jablonka, Alexandra;Dopfer, Christian;Baier, Michael;Horvatits, Thomas;Reiter-Owona, Ingrid;Groten, Tanja;Schleenvoigt, Benjamin T.; Hepatitis E, Schistosomiasis and Echinococcosis–Prevalence in a Cohort of Pregnant Migrants in Germany and Their Influence on Fetal Growth Restriction
Tamersit, Khalil;Kouzou, Abdellah;Bourouba, Hocine;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Synergy of Electrostatic and Chemical Doping to Improve the Performance of Junctionless Carbon Nanotube Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors: Ultrascaling, Energy-Efficiency, and High Switching Performance
Walser, Veronika;Kranzler, Markus;Dawid, Corinna;Ehling-Schulz, Monika;Stark, Timo D.;Hofmann, Thomas F.; Bacillus cereus Toxin Repertoire: Diversity of (Iso)cereulide(s)
Jantke, Laura-Alice;Karttunen, Antti J.;Fässler, Thomas F.; Chemi-Inspired Silicon Allotropes—Experimentally Accessible Si9 Cages as Proposed Building Block for 1D Polymers, 2D Sheets, Single-Walled Nanotubes, and Nanoparticles
Asimakis, Elias;Shehata, Awad A.;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Acheuk, Fatma;Lasram, Salma;Basiouni, Shereen;Emekci, Mevlüt;Ntougias, Spyridon;Taner, Gökçe;May-Simera, Helen;Yilmaz, Mete;Tsiamis, George; Algae and Their Metabolites as Potential Bio-Pesticides
Thalhammer, Stefan;Hörner, Andreas;Küß, Matthias;Eberle, Stephan;Pantle, Florian;Wixforth, Achim;Nagel, Wolfgang; GaN Heterostructures as Innovative X-ray Imaging Sensors—Change of Paradigm
Sivaprakasam Padmanaban, Prasath Balaji;Rosenkranz, Maaria;Zhu, Peiyuan;Kaling, Moritz;Schmidt, Anna;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Polle, Andrea;Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter; Mycorrhiza-Tree-Herbivore Interactions: Alterations in Poplar Metabolome and Volatilome
Zaurito, Antonio Enrico;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus; Microenvironmental Metabolites in the Intestine: Messengers between Health and Disease
Fonseca, Juliano Roldan;Lucio, Marianna;Harir, Mourad;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Mining for Active Molecules in Probiotic Supernatant by Combining Non-Targeted Metabolomics and Immunoregulation Testing
Cuijpers, Pim;Ciharova, Marketa;Quero, Soledad;Miguel, Clara;Driessen, Ellen;Harrer, Mathias;Purgato, Marianna;Ebert, David;Karyotaki, Eirini; The Contribution of “Individual Participant Data” Meta-Analyses of Psychotherapies for Depression to the Development of Personalized Treatments: A Systematic Review
Sitzberger, Christina;Hansl, Juliane;Felberbaum, Ricardo;Brössner, Anke;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Wacker-Gussmann, Annette; Physical Activity in High-Risk Pregnancies
Reiner, Barbara;Schmid, Irene;Schulz, Thorsten;Müller, Jan;Hager, Alfred;Hock, Julia;Ewert, Peter;Wolf, Cordula;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Weil, Jochen; Cardiovascular Function and Exercise Capacity in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Schmidbauer, Moritz L.;Ferse, Caroline;Salih, Farid;Klingner, Carsten;Musleh, Rita;Kunst, Stefan;Wittstock, Matthias;Neumann, Bernhard;Schebesch, Karl-Michael;Bösel, Julian;Godau, Jana;Lochner, Piergiorgio;Adam, Elisabeth H.;Jahnke, Kolja;Knier, Benjamin;Schirotzek, Ingo;Müllges, Wolfgang;Notz, Quirin;Dengl, Markus;Güldner, Andreas;Onur, Oezguer A.;Garcia Borrega, Jorge;Dimitriadis, Konstantinos;Günther, Albrecht;; COVID-19 and Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Multicenter Case Series, Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis
Bukkieva, Tatyana;Pospelova, Maria;Efimtsev, Aleksandr;Fionik, Olga;Alekseeva, Tatyana;Samochernych, Konstantin;Gorbunova, Elena;Krasnikova, Varvara;Makhanova, Albina;Levchuk, Anatoliy;Trufanov, Gennadiy;Combs, Stephanie;Shevtsov, Maxim; Functional Network Connectivity Reveals the Brain Functional Alterations in Breast Cancer Survivors
Goeder, Daniel;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Brudy, Leon;Willinger, Laura;Meyer, Michael;Ewert, Peter;Müller, Jan; Diminished Endothelial Function but Normal Vascular Structure in Adults with Tetralogy of Fallot
Weber, Cora;Fangauf, Stella V.;Michal, Matthias;Ronel, Joram;Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Beutel, Manfred;Albus, Christian;Söllner, Wolfgang;Perschel, Frank Holger;de Zwaan, Martina;Fritzsche, Kurt;Deter, Hans-Christian; Cortisol Awakening Reaction and Anxiety in Depressed Coronary Artery Disease Patients
Kovacevic, Alexander;Wacker-Gussmann, Annette;Bär, Stefan;Elsässer, Michael;Mohammadi Motlagh, Aida;Ostermayer, Eva;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Ewert, Peter;Gorenflo, Matthias;Starystach, Sebastian; Parents’ Perspectives on Counseling for Fetal Heart Disease: What Matters Most?
Westphal, Dominik Sebastian;Pollmann, Kathrin;Marschall, Christoph;Wacker-Gussmann, Annette;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig;Ewert, Peter;Wolf, Cordula Maria; It Is Not Carved in Stone—The Need for a Genetic Reevaluation of Variants in Pediatric Cardiomyopathies
Xia, Zhonghua;Karpov, Pavel;Popowicz, Grzegorz;Sattler, Michael;Tetko, Igor V.; What Features of Ligands Are Relevant to the Opening of Cryptic Pockets in Drug Targets?
Schulenkorf, Tessa;Sørensen, Kristine;Okan, Orkan; International Understandings of Health Literacy in Childhood and Adolescence—A Qualitative-Explorative Analysis of Global Expert Interviews
Jochner-Oette, Susanne;Jetschni, Johanna;Liedl, Petra;Menzel, Annette; Indoor Pollen Concentrations of Mountain Cedar (Juniperus ashei) during Rainy Episodes in Austin, Texas
Ferschl, Susanne;Gelius, Peter;Abu-Omar, Karim;Till, Maike;Benkert, Richard;Abel, Thomas; Exploring Well-Being and Its Correlates among Young Men Using Sen’s Capability Approach: Results from the Young Adults Survey, Switzerland (YASS)
Mächler, Ruth;Sturm, Noemi;Frick, Eckhard;Schalhorn, Friederike;Stolz, Regina;Valentini, Jan;Krisam, Johannes;Straßner, Cornelia; Evaluation of a Spiritual History with Elderly Multi-Morbid Patients in General Practice—A Mixed-Methods Study within the Project HoPES3
Agius, Carlos;von Tucher, Sabine;Rozhon, Wilfried; The Effect of Salinity on Fruit Quality and Yield of Cherry Tomatoes
García Arteaga, Verónica;Demand, Victoria;Kern, Karolin;Strube, Andrea;Szardenings, Michael;Muranyi, Isabel;Eisner, Peter;Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute; Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Pea Protein Isolate and Its Effects on Antigenic Proteins, Functional Properties, and Sensory Profile
Ancau, Dorina-Marcela;Ancau, Mircea;Ancau, Mihai; Deep-learning online EEG decoding brain-computer interface using error-related potentials recorded with a consumer-grade headset
Knoll, Maximilian;Waltenberger, Maria;Furkel, Jennifer;Wirkner, Ute;Gahlawat, Aoife Ward;Dokic, Ivana;Schwager, Christian;Adeberg, Sebastian;Rieken, Stefan;Kessler, Tobias;Sahm, Felix;König, Laila;Herold-Mende, Christel;Combs, Stephanie E.;Debus, Jürgen;Abdollahi, Amir; Whole Blood Transcriptional Fingerprints of High-Grade Glioma and Longitudinal Tumor Evolution under Carbon Ion Radiotherapy
Harder, Felix N.;Jung, Eva;McTavish, Sean;Van, Anh Tu;Weiss, Kilian;Ziegelmayer, Sebastian;Gawlitza, Joshua;Gouder, Philip;Kamal, Omar;Makowski, Marcus R.;Lohöfer, Fabian K.;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Braren, Rickmer F.; High-Resolution, High b-Value Computed Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Improves Detection of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Wang, Jianye;Wang, Ying;Steffani, Marcella;Stöß, Christian;Ankerst, Donna;Friess, Helmut;Hüser, Norbert;Hartmann, Daniel; Novel Risk Classification Based on Pyroptosis-Related Genes Defines Immune Microenvironment and Pharmaceutical Landscape for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Woelber, Linn;Hampl, Monika;Eulenburg, Christine zu;Prieske, Katharina;Hambrecht, Johanna;Fuerst, Sophie;Klapdor, Ruediger;Heublein, Sabine;Gass, Paul;Rohner, Annika;Canzler, Ulrich;Becker, Sven;Bommert, Mareike;Bauerschlag, Dirk;Denecke, Agnieszka;Hanker, Lars;Runnebaumn, Ingo;Forner, Dirk M.;Schochter, Fabienne;Klar, Maximilian;Schwab, Roxana;Koepke, Melitta;Kalder, Matthias;Hantschmann, Peer;Ratiu, Dominik;Denschlag, Dominik;Schroeder, Willibald;Tuschy, Benjamin;Baumann, Klaus;Mustea, Alexander;Soergel, Philipp;Bronger, Holger;Bauerschmitz, Gerd;Kosse, Jens;Koch, Martin C.;Ignatov, Atanas;Sehouli, Jalid;Dannecker, Christian;Mahner, Sven;Jaeger, Anna; Risk for Pelvic Metastasis and Role of Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in Node-Positive Vulvar Cancer-Results from the AGO-VOP.2 QS Vulva Study
Sani, Saidu;Pallaoro, Nikita;Messe, Mélissa;Bernhard, Chloé;Etienne-Selloum, Nelly;Kessler, Horst;Marinelli, Luciana;Entz-Werle, Natacha;Foppolo, Sophie;Martin, Sophie;Reita, Damien;Dontenwill, Monique; Temozolomide-Acquired Resistance Is Associated with Modulation of the Integrin Repertoire in Glioblastoma, Impact of α5β1 Integrin
Jiang, Jun;Kraneburg, Ursula;Dornseifer, Ulf;Schilling, Arndt F.;Hadjipanayi, Ektoras;Machens, Hans-Günther;Moog, Philipp; Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS)-Hydrogel Can Accelerate Dermal Wound Healing in Mice—An In Vivo Pilot Study
König, Adrian;Mayer, Sebastian;Nicoletti, Lorenzo;Tumphart, Stephan;Lienkamp, Markus; The Impact of HVAC on the Development of Autonomous and Electric Vehicle Concepts
Krell, Moritz;Vorholzer, Andreas;Nehring, Andreas; Scientific Reasoning in Science Education: From Global Measures to Fine-Grained Descriptions of Students’ Competencies
Starrach, Teresa;Santl, Anita;Seifert-Klauss, Vanadin Regina; Perimenopausal Bone Loss Is Associated with Ovulatory Activity—Results of the PeKnO Study (Perimenopausal Bone Density and Ovulation)
Harder, Ina;Münchhalfen, Matthias;Andrieux, Geoffroy;Boerries, Melanie;Grimbacher, Bodo;Eibel, Hermann;Maccari, Maria Elena;Ehl, Stephan;Wienands, Jürgen;Jellusova, Julia;Warnatz, Klaus;Keller, Baerbel; Dysregulated PI3K Signaling in B Cells of CVID Patients
Füchsl, Franziska;Krackhardt, Angela M.; Adoptive Cellular Therapy for Multiple Myeloma Using CAR- and TCR-Transgenic T Cells: Response and Resistance
Ribeiro, Andrea;Dobosz, Ewelina;Krill, Moritz;Köhler, Paulina;Wadowska, Marta;Steiger, Stefanie;Schmaderer, Christoph;Koziel, Joanna;Lech, Maciej; Macrophage-Specific MCPIP1/Regnase-1 Attenuates Kidney Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Shaping the Local Inflammatory Response and Tissue Regeneration
Ohlerth, Ann-Katrin;Bastiaanse, Roelien;Nickels, Lyndsey;Neu, Beate;Zhang, Wei;Ille, Sebastian;Sollmann, Nico;Krieg, Sandro M.; Dual-Task nTMS Mapping to Visualize the Cortico-Subcortical Language Network and Capture Postoperative Outcome—A Patient Series in Neurosurgery
Schneider, Fritz I.;Krieg, Sandro M.;Lindauer, Ute;Stoffel, Michael;Ryang, Yu-Mi; Neuroprotective Effects of the Inert Gas Argon on Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury In Vivo with the Controlled Cortical Impact Model in Mice
Kostavelis, Ioannis;Kargakos, Andreas;Skartados, Evangelos;Peleka, Georgia;Giakoumis, Dimitrios;Sarantopoulos, Iason;Agriomallos, Ioannis;Doulgeri, Zoe;Endo, Satoshi;Stüber, Heiko;Janjoš, Faris;Hirche, Sandra;Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Robotic Assistance in Medication Intake: A Complete Pipeline
Kim, Youngju;Valsecchi, Jacopo;Oh, Ohsung;Kim, Jongyul;Lee, Seung Wook;Boue, Francois;Lutton, Evelyne;Busi, Matteo;Garvey, Christopher;Strobl, Markus; Quantitative Neutron Dark-Field Imaging of Milk: A Feasibility Study
Hartley, Adam;Pradeep, Magapu;Van den Berg, Victor;Khan, Ameer Hamid Ahmed;Shah, Hasan Ali;Allaf, Mohammed;Chow, Anna;Caga-Anan, Mikhail;Shalhoub, Joseph;Koenig, Wolfgang;Fisher, Michael;Haskard, Dorian O.;Khamis, Ramzi Y.; Depletion of Homeostatic Antibodies against Malondialdehyde-Modified Low-Density Lipoprotein Correlates with Adverse Events in Major Vascular Surgery
Benjamin, Caryl S.;Uphus, Lars;Lüpke, Marvin;Rojas-Botero, Sandra;Dhillon, Maninder Singh;Englmeier, Jana;Fricke, Ute;Ganuza, Cristina;Haensel, Maria;Redlich, Sarah;Riebl, Rebekka;Tobisch, Cynthia;Uhler, Johannes;Zhang, Jie;Menzel, Annette;Peters, Wibke; Modelling the Relative Abundance of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) along a Climate and Land-Use Gradient
Reimers, Anne Kerstin;Marzi, Isabel;Beck, Franziska;Engels, Eliane;Renninger, Denise;Buttazzoni, Adrian;Krieger, Claus;Demetriou, Yolanda; Active travel behaviour in the family environment: protocol for the mixed-methods cross-sectional ARRIVE study
Herke, Max;Moor, Irene;Winter, Kristina;Hack, Miriam;Hoffmann, Stephanie;Spallek, Jacob;Hilger-Kolb, Jennifer;Herr, Raphael;Pischke, Claudia;Dragano, Nico;Novelli, Anna;Richter, Matthias; Role of contextual and compositional characteristics of schools for health inequalities in childhood and adolescence: a scoping review
Kirchner, Sophie-Kathrin;Lauseker, Michael;Adorjan, Kristina;Anderson-Schmidt, Heike;Anghelescu, Ion-George;Baune, Bernhardt T.;Budde, Monika;Dannlowski, Udo;Dietrich, Detlef E.;Fallgatter, Andreas J.;Falkai, Peter;Figge, Christian;Gade, Katrin;Heilbronner, Urs;Hiendl, Lena;Juckel, Georg;Kalman, Janos L.;Klöhn-Saghatolislam, Farahnaz;Konrad, Carsten;Lang, Fabian U.;Oraki Kohshour, Mojtaba;Papiol, Sergi;Reich-Erkelenz, Daniela;Reimer, Jens;Reininghaus, Eva Z.;Schaupp, Sabrina K.;Schmauß, Max;Schmitt, Andrea;Schulte, Eva Christina;Senner, Simon;Spitzer, Carsten;Vogl, Thomas;Zimmermann, Jörg;Hasan, Alkomiet;Schulze, Thomas G.;Senner, Fanny; Medication Adherence in a Cross-Diagnostic Sample of Patients From the Affective-to-Psychotic Spectrum: Results From the PsyCourse Study
Lange, Rüdiger;Alalawi, Zahra;Voss, Stephanie;Boehm, Johannes;Krane, Markus;Vitanova, Keti; Different Rates of Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Failure With Perimount™ and Trifecta™ Bioprostheses
Reimers, Anne Kerstin;Marzi, Isabel;Beck, Franziska;Engels, Eliane;Renninger, Denise;Buttazzoni, Adrian;Krieger, Claus;Demetriou, Yolanda; Active travel behaviour in the family environment: protocol for the mixed-methods cross-sectional ARRIVE study
Herke, Max;Moor, Irene;Winter, Kristina;Hack, Miriam;Hoffmann, Stephanie;Spallek, Jacob;Hilger-Kolb, Jennifer;Herr, Raphael;Pischke, Claudia;Dragano, Nico;Novelli, Anna;Richter, Matthias; Role of contextual and compositional characteristics of schools for health inequalities in childhood and adolescence: a scoping review
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;An, R.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Ashida, Y.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;V., A. Balagopal;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K. -H.;Tjus, J. Becker;Bellenghi, C.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Boddenberg, M.;Bontempo, F.;Borowka, J.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Browne, S.;Burgman, A.;Burley, R. T.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Carnie-Bronca, E. G.;Chen, C.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, K.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dappen, C.;Dave, P.;Clercq, C. De;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;Ridder, S. De;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Dharani, S.;Diaz, A.;D\´iaz-V\´elez, J. C.;Dittmer, M.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Erpenbeck, H.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fan, K. L.;Fazely, A. R.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garcia, A.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glaser, C.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Goldschmidt, A.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Gr\´egoire, T.;Griswold, S.;Gündüz, M.;Günther, C.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Minh, M. Ha;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Harnisch, A. A.;Haungs, A.;Hauser, S.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hettinger, E. C.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hoinka, T.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Kontrimas, T.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Kozynets, T.;Kun, E.;Kurahashi, N.;Lad, N.;Gualda, C. Lagunas;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Lee, J. W.;Leonard, K.;Leszczyńska, A.;Li, Y.;Lincetto, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Liubarska, M.;Lohfink, E.;Mariscal, C. J. Lozano;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mancina, S.;Mariş, I. C.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;McElroy, T.;McNally, F.;Mead, J. V.;Meagher, K.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Nguyễn, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Nygren, D. R.;Pollmann, A. Obertacke;Oehler, M.;Olivas, A.;O'Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Paul, L.;los Heros, C. P\´erez de;Peters, L.;Peterson, J.;Philippen, S.;Pieloth, D.;Pieper, S.;Pittermann, M.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Rodriguez, M. Prado;Price, P. B.;Pries, B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rehman, A.;Reichherzer, P.;Reimann, R.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Roberts, E. J.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Cantu, D. Rysewyk;Safa, I.;Saffer, J.;Herrera, S. E. Sanchez;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Scharf, M.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schindler, S.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Schwefer, G.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Sharma, A.;Shefali, S.;Silva, M.;Skrzypek, B.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spannfellner, C.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stürwald, T.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tomankova, L.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Elorrieta, M. A. Unland;Valtonen-Mattila, N.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Verpoest, S.;Vraeghe, M.;Walck, C.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weigel, P.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Xu, Y.;Yanez, J. P.;Yoshida, S.;Yu, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.; Search for High-energy Neutrinos from Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies with IceCube
Andršová, Irena;Hnatkova, Katerina;Šišáková, Martina;Toman, Ondřej;Smetana, Peter;Huster, Katharina M.;Barthel, Petra;Novotný, Tomáš;Schmidt, Georg;Malik, Marek; Sex and Rate Change Differences in QT/RR Hysteresis in Healthy Subjects
Uludag, Ömer; Empirical Analysis of the Adoption of Large-Scale Agile Development Methods
Kessler, Tobias;Esterle, Klemens;Knoll, Alois; Mixed-Integer Motion Planning on German Roads within the Apollo Driving Stack
Shivaraman, Nitin; Clustering-based Solutions for Energy Efficiency, Adaptability and Resilience in IoT Networks
Li, Qingyu; Deep Learning for Building Footprint Generation from Optical Imagery
Katab, Eslam; Exploring the pathogenic roles of enhanced c-REL function in cancer
Labadie, Marc;Vallin, Guillaume;Potier, Aline;Petit, Aurélie;Ring, Ludwig;Hoffmann, Thomas;Gaston, Amèlia;Munoz-Blanco, Juan;Caballero, José L.;Schwab, Wilfried;Rothan, Christophe;Denoyes, Béatrice; High Resolution Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping and Whole Genome Sequencing Enable the Design of an Anthocyanidin Reductase-Specific Homoeo-Allelic Marker for Fruit Colour Improvement in Octoploid Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
Zhang, Han;Shi, Kuangyu;Fei, Mengyu;Fan, Xin;Liu, Lu;Xu, Chong;Qin, Shanshan;Zhang, Jiajia;Wang, Junpeng;Zhang, Yu;Lv, Zhongwei;Che, Wenliang;Yu, Fei; A Left Ventricular Mechanical Dyssynchrony-Based Nomogram for Predicting Major Adverse Cardiac Events Risk in Patients With Ischemia and No Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease
Russomanno, TG; Blauberger, P.; Kolbinger, O; Lam, H; Schmid, M; Lames, M; Drone-Based Position Detection in Sports—Validation and Applications
Jiang, Jiehui;Shi, Kuangyu;Peng, Fangyu;Hsu, Chih-Yu;Kung, Woon-Man; Editorial: Translational Advances in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Other Neurodegenerative Dementias
van Genugten, Claire R.;Schuurmans, Josien;Hoogendoorn, Adriaan W.;Araya, Ricardo;Andersson, Gerhard;Baños, Rosa M.;Berger, Thomas;Botella, Cristina;Cerga Pashoja, Arlinda;Cieslak, Roman;Ebert, David D.;García-Palacios, Azucena;Hazo, Jean-Baptiste;Herrero, Rocío;Holtzmann, Jérôme;Kemmeren, Lise;Kleiboer, Annet;Krieger, Tobias;Rogala, Anna;Titzler, Ingrid;Topooco, Naira;Smit, Johannes H.;Riper, Heleen; A Data-Driven Clustering Method for Discovering Profiles in the Dynamics of Major Depressive Disorder Using a Smartphone-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment of Mood
Meng, Zhongji;Liu, Jia;Kosinska, Anna D.;Lu, Mengji; Editorial: Targeting the Immune System to Treat Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Ikenberg, Benno;Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias;Maegerlein, Christian;Härtl, Johanna;Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz;Zimmer, Claus;Wunderlich, Silke;Berndt, Maria; Ischemic Stroke of Suspected Cardioembolic Origin Despite Anticoagulation: Does Thrombus Analysis Help to Clarify Etiology?
Fugmann, Dominik;Boeker, Martin;Holsteg, Steffen;Steiner, Nancy;Prins, Judith;Karger, André; A Systematic Review: The Effect of Cancer on the Divorce Rate
Doan, Dieu Thi;Hoang, Manh Dat;Heins, Anna-Lena;Kremling, Andreas; Applications of Coarse-Grained Models in Metabolic Engineering
Amara, Adam;Frainay, Clément;Jourdan, Fabien;Naake, Thomas;Neumann, Steffen;Novoa-del-Toro, Elva María;Salek, Reza M;Salzer, Liesa;Scharfenberg, Sarah;Witting, Michael; Networks and Graphs Discovery in Metabolomics Data Analysis and Interpretation
Schiessl, Stefan;Kucukpinar, Esra;Cros, Stéphane;Miesbauer, Oliver;Langowski, Horst-Christian;Eisner, Peter; Nanocomposite Coatings Based on Polyvinyl Alcohol and Montmorillonite for High-Barrier Food Packaging
Stühmeier, Björn M.;Schuster, Robin J.;Hartmann, Louis;Selve, Sören;El-Sayed, Hany A.;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Modification of the Electrochemical Surface Oxide Formation and the Hydrogen Oxidation Activity of Ruthenium by Strong Metal Support Interactions
Stroth, U.;Aguiam, D.;Alessi, E.;Angioni, C.;Arden, N.;Parra, R. Arredondo;Artigues, V.;Asunta, O.;Balden, M.;Bandaru, V.;Banon-Navarro, A.;Behler, K.;Bergmann, A.;Bergmann, M.;Bernardo, J.;Bernert, M.;Biancalani, A.;Bielajew, R.;Bilato, R.;Birkenmeier, G.;Blanken, T.;Bobkov, V.;Bock, A.;Body, T.;Bolzonella, T.;Bonanomi, N.;Bortolon, A.;Böswirth, B.;Bottereau, C.;Bottino, A.;van den Brand, H.;Brenzke, M.;Brezinsek, S.;Brida, D.;Brochard, F.;Bruhn, C.;Buchanan, J.;Buhler, A.;Burckhart, A.;Camenen, Y.;Cannas, B.;Megias, P. Cano;Carlton, D.;Carr, M.;Carvalho, P.;Castaldo, C.;Cavedon, M.;Cazzaniga, C.;Challis, C.;Chankin, A.;Cianfarani, C.;Clairet, F.;Coda, S.;Coelho, R.;Coenen, J.W.;Colas, L.;Conway, G.;Costea, S.;Coster, D.;Cote, T.;Creely, A.J.;Croci, G.;Zabala, D.J. Cruz;Cseh, G.;Czarnecka, A.;Cziegler, I.;D’Arcangelo, O.;Molin, A. Dal;David, P.;Day, C.;de Baar, M.;de Marné, P.;Delogu, R.;Denk, S.;Denner, P.;Di Siena, A.;Palacios Durán, J.J. Dominguez;Dunai, D.;Drenik, A.;Dreval, M.;Drube, R.;Dunne, M.;Duval, B.P.;Dux, R.;Eich, T.;Elgeti, S.;Encheva, A.;Engelhardt, K.;Erdös, B.;Erofeev, I.;Esposito, B.;Fable, E.;Faitsch, M.;Fantz, U.;Farnik, M.;Faugel, H.;Felici, F.;Ficker, O.;Fietz, S.;Figueredo, A.;Fischer, R.;Ford, O.;Frassinetti, L.;Fröschle, M.;Fuchert, G.;Fuchs, J.C.;Fünfgelder, H.;Futatani, S.;Galazka, K.;Galdon-Quiroga, J.;Escolà, D. Gallart;Gallo, A.;Gao, Y.;Garavaglia, S.;Muñoz, M. Garcia;Geiger, B.;Giannone, L.;Gibson, S.;Gil, L.;Giovannozzi, E.;Glöggler, S.;Gobbin, M.;Martin, J. Gonzalez;Goodman, T.;Gorini, G.;Görler, T.;Gradic, D.;Granucci, G.;Gräter, A.;Greuner, H.;Griener, M.;Groth, M.;Gude, A.;Guimarais, L.;Günter, S.;Haas, G.;Hakola, A.H.;Ham, C.;Happel, T.;den Harder, N.;Harrer, G.;Harrison, J.;Hauer, V.;Hayward-Schneider, T.;Heinemann, B.;Hellsten, T.;Henderson, S.;Hennequin, P.;Herrmann, A.;Heyn, E.;Hitzler, F.;Hobirk, J.;Höfler, K.;Holm, J.H.;Hölzl, M.;Hopf, C.;Horvath, L.;Höschen, T.;Houben, A.;Hubbard, A.;Huber, A.;Hunger, K.;Igochine, V.;Iliasova, M.;Ilkei, T.;Björk, K. Insulander;Ionita-Schrittwieser, C.;Ivanova-Stanik, I.;Jacob, W.;Jaksic, N.;Janky, F.;Jansen van Vuuren, A.;Jardin, A.;Jaulmes, F.;Jenko, F.;Jensen, T.;Joffrin, E.;Kallenbach, A.;Kálvin, S.;Kantor, M.;Kappatou, A.;Kardaun, O.;Karhunen, J.;Käsemann, C.-P.;Kasilov, S.;Kendl, A.;Kernbichler, W.;Khilkevitch, E.;Kirk, A.;Hansen, S. Kjer;Klevarova, V.;Kocsis, G.;Koleva, M.;Komm, M.;Kong, M.;Krämer-Flecken, A.;Krieger, K.;Krivska, A.;Kudlacek, O.;Kurki-Suonio, T.;Kurzan, B.;Labit, B.;Lackner, K.;Laggner, F.;Lahtinen, A.;Lang, P.T.;Lauber, P.;Leuthold, N.;Li, L.;Likonen, J.;Linder, O.;Lipschultz, B.;Liu, Y.;Lohs, A.;Lu, Z.;Luda di Cortemiglia, T.;Luhmann, N.C.;Lunt, T.;Lyssoivan, A.;Maceina, T.;Madsen, J.;Magnanimo, A.;Maier, H.;Mailloux, J.;Maingi, R.;Maj, O.;Maljaars, E.;Manas, P.;Mancini, A.;Manhard, A.;Mantica, P.;Mantsinen, M.;Manz, P.;Maraschek, M.;Marchetto, C.;Marrelli, L.;Martin, P.;Martitsch, A.;Matos, F.;Mayer, M.;Mayoral, M.-L.;Mazon, D.;McCarthy, P.J.;McDermott, R.;Merkel, R.;Merle, A.;Meshcheriakov, D.;Meyer, H.;Milanesio, D.;Cabrera, P. Molina;Monaco, F.;Muraca, M.;Nabais, F.;Naulin, V.;Nazikian, R.;Nem, R.D.;Nemes-Czopf, A.;Neu, G.;Neu, R.;Nielsen, A.H.;Nielsen, S.K.;Nishizawa, T.;Nocente, M.;Noterdaeme, J.-M.;Novikau, I.;Nowak, S.;Oberkofler, M.;Ochoukov, R.;Olsen, J.;Orain, F.;Palermo, F.;Pan, O.;Papp, G.;Perez, I. Paradela;Pau, A.;Pautasso, G.;Paz-Soldan, C.;Petersson, P.;Piovesan, P.;Piron, C.;Plank, U.;Plaum, B.;Plöck, B.;Plyusnin, V.;Pokol, G.;Poli, E.;Porte, L.;Pütterich, T.;Ramisch, M.;Rasmussen, J.;Ratta, G.;Ratynskaia, S.;Raupp, G.;Réfy, D.;Reich, M.;Reimold, F.;Reiser, D.;Reisner, M.;Reiter, D.;Ribeiro, T.;Riedl, R.;Riesch, J.;Rittich, D.;Rodriguez, J.F. Rivero;Rocchi, G.;Rodriguez-Fernandez, P.;Rodriguez-Ramos, M.;Rohde, V.;Ronchi, G.;Ross, A.;Rott, M.;Rubel, M.;Ryan, D.A.;Ryter, F.;Saarelma, S.;Salewski, M.;Salmi, A.;Samoylov, O.;Sanchez, L. Sanchis;Santos, J.;Sauter, O.;Schall, G.;Schlüter, K.;Schmid, K.;Schmitz, O.;Schneider, P.A.;Schrittwieser, R.;Schubert, M.;Schuster, C.;Schwarz-Selinger, T.;Schweinzer, J.;Seliunin, E.;Shabbir, A.;Shalpegin, A.;Sharapov, S.;Sheikh, U.;Shevelev, A.;Sias, G.;Siccinio, M.;Sieglin, B.;Sigalov, A.;Silva, A.;Silva, C.;Silvagni, D.;Simpson, J.;Sipilä, S.;Smigelskis, E.;Snicker, A.;Solano, E.;Sommariva, C.;Sozzi, C.;Spizzo, G.;Spolaore, M.;Stegmeir, A.;Stejner, M.;Stober, J.;Strumberge, E.;Lopez, G. Suarez;Sun, H.-J.;Suttrop, W.;Sytova, E.;Szepesi, T.;Tál, B.;Tala, T.;Tardini, G.;Tardocchi, M.;Terranova, D.;Teschke, M.;Thorén, E.;Tierens, W.;Told, D.;Treutterer, W.;Trevisan, G.;Trier, E.;Tripský, M.;Usoltceva, M.;Valisa, M.;Valovic, M.;van Zeeland, M.;Vannini, F.;Vanovac, B.;Varela, P.;Varoutis, S.;Vianello, N.;Vicente, J.;Verdoolaege, G.;Vierle, T.;Viezzer, E.;Voitsekhovitch, I.;von Toussaint, U.;Wagner, D.;Wang, X.;Weiland, M.;White, A.E.;Willensdorfer, M.;Wiringer, B.;Wischmeier, M.;Wolf, R.;Wolfrum, E.;Yang, Q.;Yu, Q.;Zagórski, R.;Zammuto, I.;Zehetbauer, T.;Zhang, W.;Zholobenko, W.;Zilker, M.;Zito, A.;Zohm, H.;Zoletnik, S.;EUROfusion MST1 Team, the; Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development
Müller, M;Luschmann, T;Faltermeier, A;Weichselbaumer, S;Koch, L;Huber, G B P;Schumacher, H W;Ubbelohde, N;Reifert, D;Scheller, T;Deppe, F;Marx, A;Filipp, S;Althammer, M;Gross, R;Huebl, H; Magnetic field robust high quality factor NbTiN superconducting microwave resonators
Günter, F. J.;Wassiliadis, N.; State of the Art of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells in Automotive Applications: Cell Teardown and Characterization
Strehle, Benjamin;Zünd, Tanja;Sicolo, Sabrina;Kiessling, Aleksandr;Baran, Volodymyr;Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Correlating the Voltage Hysteresis in Li- and Mn-Rich Layered Oxides to Reversible Structural Changes by Using X-ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction
Sturm, J.;Friedrich, S.;Genies, S.;Buzon, D.;G., Rahn-Koltermann;Rheinfeld, A.;A., Jossen; Experimental Analysis of Short-Circuit Scenarios Applied to Silicon-Graphite/Nickel-Rich Lithium-Ion Batteries
Seum, Teresa;Meyrose, Ann-Katrin;Rabel, Matthias;Schienkiewitz, Anja;Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike; Pathways of Parental Education on Children's and Adolescent's Body Mass Index: The Mediating Roles of Behavioral and Psychological Factors
Mikhaeil, Makram;Gaderer, Matthias;Dawoud, Belal; Experimental Investigation of the Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics on an Open-Structured Asymmetric Plate Heat Exchanger; Matching Between Small-Scale and Full-Scale Results
Georgii, Marie-Therese;Kreuzer, Matthias;Fleischmann, Antonia;Schuessler, Jule;Schneider, Gerhard;Pilge, Stefanie; Targeted Interventions to Increase Blood Pressure and Decrease Anaesthetic Concentrations Reduce Intraoperative Burst Suppression: A Randomised, Interventional Clinical Trial
Falkai, Peter;Koutsouleris, Nikolaos;Bertsch, Katja;Bialas, Mirko;Binder, Elisabeth;Bühner, Markus;Buyx, Alena;Cai, Na;Cappello, Silvia;Ehring, Thomas;Gensichen, Jochen;Hamann, Johannes;Hasan, Alkomiet;Henningsen, Peter;Leucht, Stefan;Möhrmann, Karl Heinz;Nagelstutz, Elisabeth;Padberg, Frank;Peters, Annette;Pfäffel, Lea;Reich-Erkelenz, Daniela;Riedl, Valentin;Rueckert, Daniel;Schmitt, Andrea;Schulte-Körne, Gerd;Scheuring, Elfriede;Schulze, Thomas G.;Starzengruber, Rudolf;Stier, Susanne;Theis, Fabian J.;Winkelmann, Juliane;Wurst, Wolfgang;Priller, Josef; Concept of the Munich/Augsburg Consortium Precision in Mental Health for the German Center of Mental Health
Bauer, Lena G.;Hirsch, Fabian;Jones, Corey;Hollander, Matthew;Grohs, Philipp;Anand, Amit;Plant, Claudia;Wohlschläger, Afra; Quantification of Kuramoto Coupling Between Intrinsic Brain Networks Applied to fMRI Data in Major Depressive Disorder
Cerda, Constanza;Guenat, Solène;Egerer, Monika;Fischer, Leonie K.; Home Food Gardening: Benefits and Barriers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Santiago, Chile
Ismail, Tevfik F.;Strugnell, Wendy;Coletti, Chiara;Božić-Iven, Maša;Weingärtner, Sebastian;Hammernik, Kerstin;Correia, Teresa;Küstner, Thomas; Cardiac MR: From Theory to Practice
Liu, Haotian;Chen, Guang;Liu, Yinlong;Liang, Zichen;Zhang, Ruiqi;Knoll, Alois; Globally-Optimal Inlier Maximization for Relative Pose Estimation Under Planar Motion
Lii, Neal Y.;Pereira, Aaron;Dietl, Julian;Stillfried, Georg;Schmidt, Annika;Beik-Mohammadi, Hadi;Baker, Thomas;Maier, Annika;Pleintinger, Benedikt;Chen, Zhaopeng;Elawad, Amal;Mentzer, Lauren;Pineault, Austin;Reisich, Philipp;Albu-Schäffer, Alin; Exodex Adam—A Reconfigurable Dexterous Haptic User Interface for the Whole Hand
Woiczinski, Matthias;Lehner, Carolin;Esser, Thekla;Kistler, Manuel;Azqueta, Monica;Leukert, Johannes;Bauer, Leandra;Kraft, Eduard; Influence of Treadmill Design on Gait: Does Treadmill Size Affect Muscle Activation Amplitude? A Musculoskeletal Calculation With Individualized Input Parameters of Gait Analysis
Schneider, Michael;Winkler, Klaudia;Kell, Rosemarie;Pfaffl, Michael W.;Atkinson, Michael J.;Moertl, Simone; The Chaperone Protein GRP78 Promotes Survival and Migration of Head and Neck Cancer After Direct Radiation Exposure and Extracellular Vesicle-Transfer
Drabsch, Theresa;Junker, Daniela;Bayer, Sandra;Wu, Mingming;Held, Cora;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Hauner, Hans;Holzapfel, Christina; Association Between Adipose Tissue Proton Density Fat Fraction, Resting Metabolic Rate and FTO Genotype in Humans
Barceló, Joan;Kubinec, Robert;Cheng, Cindy;Rahn, Tiril Høye;Messerschmidt, Luca; Windows of repression: Using COVID-19 policies against political dissidents?
Michelakos, Theodoros;Kontos, Filippos;Kurokawa, Tomohiro;Cai, Lei;Sadagopan, Ananthan;Krijgsman, Danielle;Weichert, Wilko;Durrant, Lindy G;Kuppen, Peter J K;R Ferrone, Cristina;Ferrone, Soldano; Differential role of HLA-A and HLA-B, C expression levels as prognostic markers in colon and rectal cancer
Bonmatí, Luis Martí;Miguel, Ana;Suárez, Amelia;Aznar, Mario;Beregi, Jean Paul;Fournier, Laure;Neri, Emanuele;Laghi, Andrea;França, Manuela;Sardanelli, Francesco;Penzkofer, Tobias;Lambin, Phillipe;Blanquer, Ignacio;Menzel, Marion I.;Seymour, Karine;Figueiras, Sergio;Krischak, Katharina;Martínez, Ricard;Mirsky, Yisroel;Yang, Guang;Alberich-Bayarri, Ángel; CHAIMELEON Project: Creation of a Pan-European Repository of Health Imaging Data for the Development of AI-Powered Cancer Management Tools
Li, Yongguo;Li, Zhen;Ngandiri, Devi Anggraini;Llerins Perez, Mireia;Wolf, Alexander;Wang, Yuanyuan; The Molecular Brakes of Adipose Tissue Lipolysis
Zhao, Zhicong;Zhao, Zhenjun;Wang, Jianye;Zhang, He;Xi, Zhifeng;Xia, Qiang; ABCC6 Knockdown Fuels Cell Proliferation by Regulating PPARα in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Cecchi, Stefano;Lopez Garcia, Iñaki;Mio, Antonio M.;Zallo, Eugenio;Abou El Kheir, Omar;Calarco, Raffaella;Bernasconi, Marco;Nicotra, Giuseppe;Privitera, Stefania M. S.; Crystallization and Electrical Properties of Ge-Rich GeSbTe Alloys
Steep, Alec;Hildebrandt, Evin;Xu, Hongen;Hearn, Cari;Frishman, Dmitrij;Niikura, Masahiro;Dunn, John R.;Kim, Taejoong;Conrad, Steven J.;Muir, William M.;Cheng, Hans H.; Identification and Validation of Ikaros (IKZF1) as a Cancer Driver Gene for Marek’s Disease Virus-Induced Lymphomas
Shehata, Awad A.;Yalçın, Sakine;Latorre, Juan D.;Basiouni, Shereen;Attia, Youssef A.;Abd El-Wahab, Amr;Visscher, Christian;El-Seedi, Hesham R.;Huber, Claudia;Hafez, Hafez M.;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Tellez-Isaias, Guillermo; Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Phytogenic Substances for Optimizing Gut Health in Poultry
Vidal, Leonhard Maria;Braun, Andre;Jekle, Mario;Becker, Thomas; Micro-Scale Shear Kneading—Gluten Network Development under Multiple Stress–Relaxation Steps and Evaluation via Multiwave Rheology
El-Hendawy, Salah;Dewir, Yaser Hassan;Elsayed, Salah;Schmidhalter, Urs;Al-Gaadi, Khalid;Tola, ElKamil;Refay, Yahya;Tahir, Muhammad Usman;Hassan, Wael M.; Combining Hyperspectral Reflectance Indices and Multivariate Analysis to Estimate Different Units of Chlorophyll Content of Spring Wheat under Salinity Conditions
Jung, Stephan;Yuan, Ye;Stange Del Carpio, Maria;Pawlik, Thomas;Hartmann, Stephan;Estrella, Nicole;Oteros, Jose;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Damialis, Athanasios;Buters, Jeroen;Menzel, Annette; Impact of Local Grasslands on Wild Grass Pollen Emission in Bavaria, Germany
Pospelova, Maria;Krasnikova, Varvara;Fionik, Olga;Alekseeva, Tatyana;Samochernykh, Konstantin;Ivanova, Nataliya;Trofimov, Nikita;Vavilova, Tatyana;Vasilieva, Elena;Topuzova, Maria;Chaykovskaya, Alexandra;Makhanova, Albina;Mikhalicheva, Anna;Bukkieva, Tatyana;Restor, Kenneth;Combs, Stephanie;Shevtsov, Maxim; Potential Molecular Biomarkers of Central Nervous System Damage in Breast Cancer Survivors
Wacker-Gussmann, Annette;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Childhood and Adolescence
Sadlonova, Monika;Senges, Jochen;Nagel, Jonas;Celano, Christopher;Klasen-Max, Caroline;Borggrefe, Martin;Akin, Ibrahim;Thomas, Dierk;Schwarzbach, Christopher Jan;Kleeman, Thomas;Schneider, Steffen;Hochadel, Matthias;Süselbeck, Tim;Schwacke, Harald;Alonso, Angelika;Haass, Markus;Ladwig, Karl-Heinz;Herrmann-Lingen, Christoph; Symptom Severity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Findings from the Observational ARENA Study
Hofauer, Benedikt;Kirschstein, Lara;Graf, Simone;Strassen, Ulrich;Johnson, Felix;Zhu, Zhaojun;Knopf, Andreas; Inhalative Treatment of Laryngitis Sicca in Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome—A Pilot Study
Kuba, Kenneth;Krenn, Harald W.; Filtration of Nutritional Fluids in the German Wasp Vespula germanica (Vespidae, Hymenoptera)
Plaza, Maria Pilar;Kolek, Franziska;Leier-Wirtz, Vivien;Brunner, Jens Otto;Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia;Damialis, Athanasios; Detecting Airborne Pollen Using an Automatic, Real-Time Monitoring System: Evidence from Two Sites
Dold, Jasmin;Kehr, Caroline;Hollmann, Clarissa;Langowski, Horst-Christian; Non-Destructive Measuring Systems for the Evaluation of High Oxygen Stored Poultry: Development of Headspace Gas Composition, Sensory and Microbiological Spoilage
Tsimidou, Maria Z.;Ordoudi, Stella A.;Mantzouridou, Fani Th.;Nenadis, Nikolaos;Stelzl, Tamara;Rychlik, Michael;Belc, Nastasia;Zoani, Claudia; Strategic Priorities of the Scientific Plan of the European Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition
Schmied, Gerhard;Hilmers, Torben;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; The Past Matters: Previous Management Strategies Modulate Current Growth and Drought Responses of Norway Spruce (Picea abies H. Karst.)
Sellali, Mehdi;Ravey, Alexandre;Betka, Achour;Kouzou, Abdellah;Benbouzid, Mohamed;Djerdir, Abdesslem;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Health-Conscious Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Bogensperger, Alexander J.;Fabel, Yann;Ferstl, Joachim; Accelerating Energy-Economic Simulation Models via Machine Learning-Based Emulation and Time Series Aggregation
Askaripoor, Hadi;Hashemi Farzaneh, Morteza;Knoll, Alois; E/E Architecture Synthesis: Challenges and Technologies
Reuss, Joana;Pascual, Guillem;Wenzek, Hagen;Seguí, Santi; Sequential Models for Endoluminal Image Classification
Finck, Tom;Moosbauer, Julia;Probst, Monika;Schlaeger, Sarah;Schuberth, Madeleine;Schinz, David;Yiğitsoy, Mehmet;Byas, Sebastian;Zimmer, Claus;Pfister, Franz;Wiestler, Benedikt; Faster and Better: How Anomaly Detection Can Accelerate and Improve Reporting of Head Computed Tomography
Mayer, Christian S.;Blobner, Katharina;Storr, Julia;Baur, Isabella D.;Khoramnia, Ramin; Acute Retinal Necrosis: Signs, Treatment, Complications and Outcome
Bublitz, Sarah K.;Mie, Eva;Wasner, Maria;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;Geiseler, Jens;Lorenzl, Stefan;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia; Thick Mucus in ALS: A Mixed-Method Study on Associated Factors and Its Impact on Quality of Life of Patients and Caregivers
Acheuk, Fatma;Basiouni, Shereen;Shehata, Awad A.;Dick, Katie;Hajri, Haifa;Lasram, Salma;Yilmaz, Mete;Emekci, Mevlüt;Tsiamis, George;Spona-Friedl, Marina;May-Simera, Helen;Eisenreich, Wolfgang;Ntougias, Spyridon; Status and Prospects of Botanical Biopesticides in Europe and Mediterranean Countries
Hoheneder, Felix;Biehl, Eva Maria;Hofer, Katharina;Petermeier, Johannes;Groth, Jennifer;Herz, Markus;Rychlik, Michael;Heß, Michael;Hückelhoven, Ralph; Host Genotype and Weather Effects on Fusarium Head Blight Severity and Mycotoxin Load in Spring Barley
Ksoll, Korbinian Sebastian Hermann;Cotic, Matthias;Schmalzl, Kathrin;Beitzel, Knut;Achtnich, Andrea;Imhoff, Andreas;Schwirtz, Ansgar;Kreuzpointner, Florian;Seiberl, Wolfgang; Movement Coordination during Functional Single-Leg Squat Tests in Healthy, Recreational Athletes
Fezzani, Amor;Hadj-Mahammed, Idriss;Kouzou, Abdellah;Zaghba, Layachi;Drid, Said;Khennane, Messaouda;Kennel, Ralph;Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Energy Efficiency of Multi-Technology PV Modules under Real Outdoor Conditions—An Experimental Assessment in Ghardaïa, Algeria
García-García, Amalia;Toral, Víctor;Quílez del Moral, José F.;Galisteo Pretel, Alberto;Morales, Diego P.;Salinas-Castillo, Alfonso;Cepeda, Javier;Choquesillo-Lazarte, Duane;Bobinger, Marco;Salmerón, José F.;Rivadeneyra, Almudena;Rodríguez-Diéguez, Antonio; Selectivity of Relative Humidity Using a CP Based on S-Block Metal Ions
Hernangómez, Rodrigo;Visentin, Tristan;Servadei, Lorenzo;Khodabakhshandeh, Hamid;Stańczak, Sławomir; Improving Radar Human Activity Classification Using Synthetic Data with Image Transformation
Thalhofer, Thomas;Keck, Mauro;Kibler, Sebastian;Hayden, Oliver; Capacitive Sensor and Alternating Drive Mixing for Microfluidic Applications Using Micro Diaphragm Pumps
Bosch, Christian M.;Baumann, Carmen;Dehghani, Shervin;Sommersperger, Michael;Johannigmann-Malek, Navid;Kirchmair, Katharina;Maier, Mathias;Nasseri, Mohammad Ali; A Tool for High-Resolution Volumetric Optical Coherence Tomography by Compounding Radial-and Linear Acquired B-Scans Using Registration
Kyrkou, Stavroula G.;Vrettos, Eirinaios I.;Gorpas, Dimitris;Crook, Timothy;Syed, Nelofer;Tzakos, Andreas G.; Design Principles Governing the Development of Theranostic Anticancer Agents and Their Nanoformulations with Photoacoustic Properties
Würstle, Silvia;Stender, Jana;Hammerl, Jens André;Vogele, Kilian;Rothe, Kathrin;Willy, Christian;Bugert, Joachim Jakob; Practical Assessment of an Interdisciplinary Bacteriophage Delivery Pipeline for Personalized Therapy of Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections
Rainer, Johannes;Vicini, Andrea;Salzer, Liesa;Stanstrup, Jan;Badia, Josep M.;Neumann, Steffen;Stravs, Michael A.;Verri Hernandes, Vinicius;Gatto, Laurent;Gibb, Sebastian;Witting, Michael; A Modular and Expandable Ecosystem for Metabolomics Data Annotation in R
Tran, Thierry;Romanet, Rémy;Roullier-Gall, Chloé;Verdier, François;Martin, Antoine;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Alexandre, Hervé;Grandvalet, Cosette;Tourdot-Maréchal, Raphaëlle; Non-Targeted Metabolomic Analysis of the Kombucha Production Process
Robl, Tobias;Wölfle, Christoph Hubertus;Shahul Hameed, Muhammed Zubair;Rappl, Stefan;Krempaszky, Christian;Werner, Ewald; An Approach to Predict Geometrically and Thermo-Mechanically Induced Stress Concentrations in Ribbed Reinforcing Bars
Nanha Djanan, Armand Anthelme;Marburg, Steffen;Nana Nbendjo, Blaise Roméo; On Appearance of Fast or Late Self-Synchronization between Non-Ideal Sources Mounted on a Rectangular Plate Due to Time Delay
Stadtler, Scarlet;Betancourt, Clara;Roscher, Ribana; Explainable Machine Learning Reveals Capabilities, Redundancy, and Limitations of a Geospatial Air Quality Benchmark Dataset
Rebelo Kornmeier, Joana;Marques, Maria José;Gan, Weimin;Batista, António Castanhola;Paddea, Sanjooram;Loureiro, Altino; Quantification of Residual Stress Relief by Heat Treatments in Austenitic Cladded Layers
Harbig, Jana;Wenzler, David L.;Baehr, Siegfried;Kick, Michael K.;Merschroth, Holger;Wimmer, Andreas;Weigold, Matthias;Zaeh, Michael F.; Methodology to Determine Melt Pool Anomalies in Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam by Means of Process Monitoring and Sensor Data Fusion
Gefeller, Olaf;Mathes, Sonja;Uter, Wolfgang;Pfahlberg, Annette B.; The Role of the Global Solar UV Index for Sun Protection of Children in German Kindergartens
Marques, Adilson;Santos, Thiago;Demetriou, Yolanda;Schönbach, Dorothea M. I.;Peralta, Miguel;Lagestad, Pål;Martins, João;Kleszczewska, Dorota;Dzielska, Anna;Gouveia, Élvio R.; Adaptation of the Behavioural Regulation in Active Commuting to School (BR-ACS) Questionnaire in Portuguese Youth
Essien, Eno I.;Hofer, Thomas P.;Atkinson, Michael J.;Anastasov, Nataša; Combining HDAC and MEK Inhibitors with Radiation against Glioblastoma-Derived Spheres
Sanchez-Gonzalez, Rosario;Koupourtidou, Christina;Lepko, Tjasa;Zambusi, Alessandro;Novoselc, Klara Tereza;Durovic, Tamara;Aschenbroich, Sven;Schwarz, Veronika;Breunig, Christopher T.;Straka, Hans;Huttner, Hagen B.;Irmler, Martin;Beckers, Johannes;Wurst, Wolfgang;Zwergal, Andreas;Schauer, Tamas;Straub, Tobias;Czopka, Tim;Trümbach, Dietrich;Götz, Magdalena;Stricker, Stefan H.;Ninkovic, Jovica; Innate Immune Pathways Promote Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell Recruitment to the Injury Site in Adult Zebrafish Brain
Seyfried, Nick;Yurttas, Can;Burkard, Markus;Oswald, Benedikt;Tolios, Alexander;Herster, Franziska;Kauer, Joseph;Jäger, Tarkan;Königsrainer, Ingmar;Thiel, Karolin;Quante, Markus;Rammensee, Hans-Georg;Venturelli, Sascha;Schwab, Matthias;Königsrainer, Alfred;Beckert, Stefan;Löffler, Markus W.; Prolonged Exposure to Oxaliplatin during HIPEC Improves Effectiveness in a Preclinical Micrometastasis Model
Nguyen, Nghia T.;Pacelli, Anna;Nader, Michael;Kossatz, Susanne; DNA Repair Enzyme Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase 1/2 (PARP1/2)-Targeted Nuclear Imaging and Radiotherapy
Schmidl, Benedikt;Siegl, Michael;Boxberg, Melanie;Stögbauer, Fabian;Jira, Daniel;Winter, Christof;Stark, Leonhard;Pickhard, Anja;Wollenberg, Barbara;Wirth, Markus; NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain and the Tumor Microenvironment as Prognostic Markers in HNSCC
Paternoster, Florian Kurt;Seiberl, Wolfgang; Comparison of Different Approaches Estimating Skeletal Muscle Oxygen Consumption Using Continuous-Wave Near-Infrared Spectroscopy at a Submaximal Contraction Level—A Comparative Study
Hassoun, Abdo;Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;Smaoui, Slim;Ucak, İlknur;Arshad, Rai Naveed;Garcia-Oliveira, Paula;Prieto, Miguel A.;Aït-Kaddour, Abderrahmane;Perestrelo, Rosa;Câmara, José S.;Bono, Gioacchino; Seafood Processing, Preservation, and Analytical Techniques in the Age of Industry 4.0
Konrad, Andreas;Paternoster, Florian Kurt; No Association between Jump Parameters and Tissue Stiffness in the Quadriceps and Triceps Surae Muscles in Recreationally Active Young Adult Males
Weckesser, Fabian;Beck, Michael;Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen;Peisl, Sebastian; A Digital Advisor Twin for Crop Nitrogen Management
Mühlau, Mark; T1/T2-weighted ratio is a surrogate marker of demyelination in multiple sclerosis: No
Farrell, Meg;Martin, Monika;Renkl, Alexander;Rieß, Werner;Könings, Karen D.;van Merriënboer, Jeroen J. G.;Seidel, Tina; An Epistemic Network Approach to Teacher Students’ Professional Vision in Tutoring Video Analysis
Melin, Kristian;Nieminen, Harri;Klüh, Daniel;Laari, Arto;Koiranen, Tuomas;Gaderer, Matthias; Techno-Economic Evaluation of Novel Hybrid Biomass and Electricity-Based Ethanol Fuel Production
Bruder, Johanna;Fromme, Tobias; Global Adipose Tissue Remodeling During the First Month of Postnatal Life in Mice
Böhm, Birgit;Kirchhuebel, Hannah;Elmenhorst, Julia;Müller, Jan;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Sedentary Behavior in Childhood, Lower Arterial Compliance and Decreased Endothelial Function-Cross Sectional Data From a German School Cohort
Schulz, Anna M;Zehn, Dietmar; Mastering an exhausting marathon: how CD8 + T cells fine‐tune metabolic fitness
Ding, Xing;Scieszka, Daniel;Watzele, Sebastian;Xue, Song;Garlyyev, Batyr;Haid, Richard W.;Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; A Systematic Study of the Influence of Electrolyte Ions on the Electrode Activity
Albertos, Pablo;Dündar, Gönül;Schenk, Philipp;Carrera, Sergio;Cavelius, Philipp;Sieberer, Tobias;Poppenberger, Brigitte; Transcription factor BES1 interacts with HSFA1 to promote heat stress resistance of plants
Zech, Michael;Kopajtich, Robert;Steinbrücker, Katja;Bris, Céline;Gueguen, Naig;Feichtinger, René G.;Achleitner, Melanie T.;Duzkale, Neslihan;Périvier, Maximilien;Koch, Johannes;Engelhardt, Harald;Freisinger, Peter;Wagner, Matias;Brunet, Theresa;Berutti, Riccardo;Smirnov, Dmitrii;Navaratnarajah, Tharsini;Rodenburg, Richard J.T.;Pais, Lynn S;Austin‐Tse, Christina;O'Leary, Melanie;Boesch, Sylvia;Jech, Robert;Bakhtiari, Somayeh;Jin, Sheng Chih;Wilbert, Friederike;Kruer, Michael C;Wortmann, Saskia B.;Eckenweiler, Matthias;Mayr, Johannes A.;Distelmaier, Felix;Steinfeld, Robert;Winkelmann, Juliane;Prokisch, Holger; Variants in Mitochondrial ATP Synthase Cause Variable Neurologic Phenotypes
Brandl, Beate;Rennekamp, Rachel;Reitmeier, Sandra;Pietrynik, Katarzyna;Dirndorfer, Sebastian;Haller, Dirk;Hofmann, Thomas;Skurk, Thomas;Hauner, Hans; Offering Fiber-Enriched Foods Increases Fiber Intake in Adults With or Without Cardiometabolic Risk: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Behling, Felix;Rang, Julia;Dangel, Elena;Noell, Susan;Renovanz, Mirjam;Mäurer, Irina;Schittenhelm, Jens;Bender, Benjamin;Paulsen, Frank;Brendel, Bettina;Martus, Peter;Gempt, Jens;Barz, Melanie;Meyer, Bernhard;Tatagiba, Marcos;Skardelly, Marco; Complete and Incomplete Resection for Progressive Glioblastoma Prolongs Post-Progression Survival
Pichlmaier, Simon; Ecological Assessment of Scenarios for the Energy Supply of the German Transport Sector
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Angermann D.; Comparison of simultaneous VGOS and legacy VLBI sessions
Assum, Ines Marion; Multi-omics integration for Atrial Fibrillation
Eller, Mario Antonio; Einflussfaktoren für das Überleben von operativ behandelten Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen
Hu, Yingbai; Hierarchical Optimization Control and Robust Imitation Learning for Manipulation
Helmut, Dennis; Transiente Charakterisierung aktiver leistungselektronischer Bauelemente im Pikosekunden-Bereich mittels neuer Transmission Line Pulsing (TLP) - Methoden
Auinger, Hans-Jürgen; Genomic prediction in advanced cycle breeding programs
Karl, Martina Stefanie; Unraveling the origin of high-energy neutrino sources: follow-up searches of IceCube alert events
Langmann, Anna Felicitas; Bestimmung von Infliximab und Anti-Infliximab-Antikörpern im Rahmen des Therapeutischen Drug- und Immunogenitäts-Monitoring bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E.; Reith, E.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Valle Carrión, L.; Ochoa Moreno, W.S.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Hildebrandt, P.; Döllerer, M.; Bastit, F.; Paul, C.; Confronting sustainable intensification with uncertainty and extreme values on smallholder tropical farms
Schreieck, Maximilian;Wiesche, Manuel;Krcmar, Helmut; Governing innovation platforms in multi-business organisations
Clemons, Eric K.;Schreieck, Maximilian;Hermes, Sebastian;Rowe, Frantz;Krcmar, Helmut; The Cooperation Paradox
Clemons, Eric K.;Schreieck, Maximilian;Krcmar, Helmut;Bui, Tung; Social Welfare Computing and the management and regulation of new online business models
Clemons, Eric K.;Waran, Ravi V.;Hermes, Sebastian;Schreieck, Maximilian;Krcmar, Helmut; Computing and Social Welfare
Merchán-Rivera, Pablo Alejandro; Uncertainties due to river boundary conditions during extreme events
Fehn, Fabian; Hamm, Lisa, Engelhardt, Roman, Bogenberger, Klaus; Ride-Parcel-Pooling: Insights to Integrated Passenger and Freight Transportation through a Customer Survey
Ezzati Amini, Roja; An Interaction Game for Prediction of Road Users' Conflict Resolution Strategies in Uncontrolled Traffic Environments
Angermeier, Julian Maximilian; Effects of static interaural time offsets on binaural hearing
Mendisch, Simon; Perpendicular Nanomagnets: The Building Blocks of Field-Coupled Logic Devices
Füllemann, Daniela; Molecular Background of Smoky Off-Flavors in Cocoa
Spathelf, Peter; Ammer, Christian; Annighöfer, Peter; Seifert, Thomas; Weimar, Holger; Fakten zum Thema: Wälder und Holznutzung
Bolte, Andreas; Ammer, Christian; Annighöfer, Peter; Bauhus, Jürgen; Eisenhauer, Dirk-Roger; Geissler, Corinna; Leder, Bertram; Petercord, Ralf; Rock, Joachim; Seifert, T; Spathelf, Peter; Optionen und Ergebnisoffenheit sind in der Forstwirtschaft gefragt
Condés, Sonia;del Río, Miren;Forrester, David I.;Avdagić, Admir;Bielak, Kamil;Bončina, Andrej;Bosela, Michal;Hilmers, Torben;Ibrahimspahić, Aida;Drozdowski, Stanisław;Jaworski, Andrzej;Nagel, Thomas A.;Sitková, Zuzana;Skrzyszewski, Jerzy;Tognetti, Roberto;Tonon, Giustino;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Pretzsch, Hans; Temperature effect on size distributions in spruce-fir-beech mixed stands across Europe
Haid, Richard William; Methodology and Applications of Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for the Evaluation of Electrocatalysts under Reaction Conditions
Liu, Binbin; Electrochemical Fluorination of Alkenes by Hypervalent λ3-Iodane Mediator
Gomari, Syrus Borja; Developing a Methodology for Quality Assessment of Mobility-Related Information Systems for Connected Vehicles: The Case of On-Street Parking
Schöller, Christoph; Robust and Probabilistic Motion Prediction for Intelligent Infrastructure Systems
Guaita, Tommaso; Quantum Variational Methods for Gaussian States and Beyond
Jacobs, Martin; Monitoring tree vitality by terrestrial laser scanning (TLS): reaction pattern of stem, crown and defoliation
Clemons, Eric; Schreieck, Maximilian; Teilmann-Lock, Stina; The Need to Revise Copyright Law to Reflect the Changing Costs and Benefits of Modern Digital Reuse of Artistic Creations
Hermes, Sebastian; Schreieck, Maximilian; Thatcher, Jason Bennet; Essential Platform Infrastructure and the Need for Regulation
Schreieck, Maximilian; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut; From Product Platform Ecosystem to Innovation Platform Ecosystem: An Institutional Perspective on the Governance of Ecosystem Transformations
Alwan, Louhai; Re-operation of the tricuspid valve surgery: When? How? Why?
Doberenz, Magnus; Keler, Andreas; Visualization of Overlapping Origin Destination Links of the Munich MVG Rad Bicycle Sharing System
Fischer, Felix Johann; The Search for 0νββ Decay with LEGEND: Signal the Background and Back the Signal
Adam, Caroline Andrea; Effects of COVID-19 on the World of Work
Pretzsch, Hans;Ahmed, Shamim;Jacobs, Martin;Schmied, Gerhard;Hilmers, Torben; Linking crown structure with tree ring pattern: methodological considerations and proof of concept
Schuster, Sandra; Integration flexibler Arbeitszeitmodelle in Architekturbüros - Chancen und Hindernisse
Ralser, Anna; Exploring the binding mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori to colon epithelial cells and induced downstream signaling
Rauwolf, Stefan; Biomolecule interactions at the interface of the aqueous silica surface
Hoffmann, Eike Jens; Predicting Building Functions by Fusing Social Media and Remote Sensing Data
Mehling, Tim Oliver; Augmented Reality Pilot Assistance System for Helicopter Shipboard Operations
Mathes, Sofia; Evaluation der Anwendung integrativer Therapiekonzepte durch Patientinnen, die sich in der integrativen Sprechstunde der Frauenklinik vorstellen
Zhao, Xinxu; Understanding urban GHG emissions: a high-resolution mesoscale GHG modeling infrastructure for cities based on WRF
Canet Tarrés, Helena; Value-based design of wind turbines
Reinbold, Christian; Efficient Measures for Processing and Exploring Large-Scale Data Domains
L. De Pascali;S. Erhart;L. Zaccarian;B. Francesco;S. Hirche; A Decoupling Scheme for Force Control in Cooperative Multi-Robot Manipulation Tasks
Geisberger, Thomas Daniel; Chemical evolution of biomolecules under abiotic hydrothermal conditions
Haffke, Lars; Essays on Anti-Money Laundering
Heshmatpour, Constantin; Fifth-Order Ultrafast Spectroscopy for Probing Non-Linear Exciton Dynamics and Spectral Fluctuations
Landler, Josef; Zum Durchstanztragverhalten stahlfaserverstärkter Flachdecken
Margreiter, M.; Stüger, P.; Ilic, M.; Bogenberger, K.; Mohr,W.; The Munich Test Bed for Connected and Automated Mobility
Brunner, Vincent; Soft sensors for Pichia pastoris bioprocesses: filling the gaps between uncertain process data and knowledge
Wang, Mingsong; Next-generation in vivo models for improved pancreatic cancer therapies
Saeedinaeeni, Sajad; Universal Codes for Broadcast Systems with Physical Layer Security and Their Algorithmic Computability in Quantum Information Theory
Elsner, Daniel; Wuersching, Roland; Schnappinger, Markus; Pretschner, Alexander; Graber, Maria; Dammer, René; Reimer, Silke; Build System Aware Multi-language Regression Test Selection in Continuous Integration
Lipp, Stephan; Elsner, Daniel; Hutzelmann, Thomas; Banescu, Sebastian; Pretschner, Alexander; Böhme, Marcel; FuzzTastic: A Fine-grained, Fuzzer-agnostic Coverage Analyzer
Jordan, Claudius; Foth, Philipp; Pretschner, Alexander; Fruth, Matthias; Unreliable Test Infrastructures in Automotive Testing Setups
Filser, Jakob; Modelling solvation in the liquid phase and at liquid surfaces
Strehle, Benjamin; Degradation Mechanisms of Layered Oxides Used as Cathode Active Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Müller, Bettina-Maria; TYPUS + ADAPTION
Adedeji-Badmus, Adebimpe Nafisat; Natural variation in early developmental processes and abiotic stress tolerance between Crassocephalum species and establishment of tools for the genetic improvement of these orphan crops
Schnitter, Fabian Simon; Creating molecular memory through a carbodiimide-driven reaction cycle
Kappo, Katharina Antonia; Metabolome characterization of the FTO genotype (rs1421085) in primary human preadipocytes of male donors across differentiation
Timo Phillip Böttcher, Valentin Bootz, Norman Schaffer, Jörg Weking, Andreas Hein; Business Model Configurations for Digital Platform Success - Towards a Typology of Digital Platform Business Models
Hindupur Vasantamadhava, Sruthi; The oncolytic adenovirus XVir-N-31 and CDK4/6 inhibitors: Elucidating the mechanisms driving the therapeutic synergy
Lange, Marius; Modeling dynamical biological processes through the lens of single-cell genomics
Osei, Richard;del Río, Miren;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Titeux, Hugues;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Collet, Catherine;Cools, Corentin;Cornelis, Jean-Thomas;Drössler, Lars;Heym, Michael;Korboulewsky, Nathalie;Löf, Magnus;Muys, Bart;Najib, Yasmina;Nothdurft, Arne;Pretzsch, Hans;Skrzyszewski, Jerzy;Ponette, Quentin; The distribution of carbon stocks between tree woody biomass and soil differs between Scots pine and broadleaved species (beech, oak) in European forests
Puig Bosch, Xènia; Modulation of GABAA receptor subunits by neurosteroids and anaesthetics: Identification of molecular binding sites critical to neuroprotection in the mouse hippocampus
Holderied, Florian Erich; STRUPHY: a structure-preserving hybrid MHD-kinetic code for the interaction of energetic particles with Alfvén waves in magnetized plasmas
Pflumm, Tobias; Numerical and Experimental Structural Beam Analysis for the Development of Helicopter Rotor Blades
Predikaka, Mitja; Characterization of a novel DePFET based sensor for an ultra-fast Transmission Electron Microscopy application
Lupoli, Gaia; In vitro and in vivo characterization of T-cell receptors specifically recognizing human melanoma neoantigens identified by immunopeptidomics and in-silico predictions
Elhaddad, Mohamed Hassan Abdelaziz; The finite cell method for the biomechanical simulation of vertebral bone
Don Mallawaratchy, Alan Sebastian; Untersuchung strahleninduzierter Genexpressionsänderungen in Subpopulationen des peripheren Blutes unter Verwendung zuvor identifizierter Gene mit Korrelation zum Schweregrad der akuten Strahlenkrankheit
Ohm, Frenz Henning; In-vitro Untersuchungen zur Rolle von IRAK-4 Inhibitoren als neuer therapeutischer Ansatz bei chronisch-entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen
Akhgar, Joachim; Prädiktion des Ansprechens einer palliativen Strahlentherapie von schmerzhaften Wirbelsäulenmetastasen
Merkle, Lukas; Der digitale Batteriezwilling
Neudam, Liane;Annighöfer, Peter;Seidel, Dominik; Exploring the Potential of Mobile Laser Scanning to Quantify Forest Structural Complexity
Pfeffer, Christian; Additively Manufactured, Cost-Efficient Sensors for Ions and Bacteria in Fluids
Dervishi, Vjosa;Poschenrieder, Werner;Rötzer, Thomas;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Pretzsch, Hans; Effects of Climate and Drought on Stem Diameter Growth of Urban Tree Species
Hoerburger, Lena Maria; Identification of transcription factors and cofactors binding to the disease risk variant rs7903146 that modulate gene expression and type 2 diabetes phenotypes
Schlicke, Pirmin; Mathematical modeling and lung cancer: quantifiable prognostic models improve clinical routine care
Shajari, Fatemeh; Characterizing water flow in vegetated lysimeters using lumped-parameter approaches and numerical modeling linked with stable water isotopes
Xu, Xian; Categorization and Category Avoidance: General Importance, Field Strategies, and Socio-Cognitive Mechanisms
Al-Fasfous, Nael Y. A.; Hardware-Software Co-Design of Deep Neural Networks: From Handcrafted to Automated Design and Deployment
Ivana Jovanovic Buha; Michael Obersteiner; Tobias Neckel; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Global Time-Varying Sensitivity Analysis Using the Spatially Adaptive Combination Technique
Gailer, Barbara; Pulse-chase imaging of neuronal mitochondria
Moioli, Matteo; Enhancement and Optimization of a Turbulence Model for Vortex Dominated Flows Based on Experimental Data
Stöckle, Patrick;Pruteanu, Ionuț;Grobauer, Bernd;Pretschner, Alexander; Hardening with Scapolite: A DevOps-Based Approach for Improved Authoring and Testing of Security-Configuration Guides in Large-Scale Organizations
Eyerer, S.; Dawo, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Niederdränk, A.; Spliethoff, H.; Wieland, C.; Experimental evaluation of an ORC-CHP architecture based on regenerative preheating for geothermal applications
Stöckle, Patrick;Grobauer, Bernd;Pretschner, Alexander; Sicherheitskonfigurationsrichtlinien effizient verwalten und umsetzen: Der Scapolite-Ansatz
Rawat, Hilansi; Pleiotropic role of the myocytic cell cycle in congenital heart disease
Pili, R.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Haglind, F.; Numerical analysis of feedforward concepts for advanced control of organic Rankine cycle systems on heavy-duty vehicles
Prommegger, Barbara; Arpaci, Selin; Krcmar, Helmut; The Things That Drive Us – How the Next Generation of IT Professionals Defines Contemporary Career Success
Prommegger, Barbara; Arpaci, Selin; Krcmar, Helmut; Leaks in the IT Workforce Pipeline: Investigating IT Students and Their Plans to Leave or Stay in the IT Profession
Xue, Busheng; Comparison of T Cells Engineered With CRISPR/Cas9 or Retroviral Gene Transfer In Immunotherapy of Ewing Sarcoma
Feldmeier, Carolin Lena; Switching off or always on: A theoretical and empirical investigation of entrepreneurs' psychological detachment from work
Jaud, Š.;Hecht, H.;Schlenger, J.;Amann, J.; TUM Open Infra Platform: an open source package for simultaneous viewing and analysis of digital models in the civil engineering domain
Ferrer Velasco, R.; Lippe, M.; Tamayo, F.; Mfuni, T.; Sales-Come, R.; Mangabat, C.; Thomas Schneider, T.; Günter, S.; Towards accurate mapping of forest in tropical landscapes: A comparison of datasets on how forest transition matters
Giberti, Giulia;Wellstein, Camilla;Giovannelli, Alessio;Bielak, Kamil;Uhl, Enno;Aguirre-Ráquira, William;Giammarchi, Francesco;Tonon, Giustino; Annual Carbon Sequestration Patterns in Trees: A Case Study from Scots Pine Monospecific Stands and Mixed Stands with Sessile Oak in Central Poland
Herrmann, Thomas; Optimization-based Energy Strategy for Autonomous Electric Race Cars
Twerski, Alina; Ecosystem functions of rare arable plants
Ringel, Marion Aloisia; Mechanistic studies on the active site interactions in terpene synthases
Stracke, Selina; Teams in the (New) World of Work: How Teams (In)effectively Handle Adversity in the Dynamic World of Work
Olleck, Michelangelo; Tangelhumus in den Bayerischen Alpen – Vorkommen, Verbreitung, Schutz
Gehrmann, Christian; Theory of Structural Dynamics in Energy Materials and Implications for Functional Properties
Schrettl, Verena Justine; Detection of DNA-Alterations Caused by Sulfur Mustard and its Derivatives via Immunoslotblot
Smart, Richard Danvers; Analyzing Regulatory-induced Economic Challenges on the Adoption of Transgenic Crops: Selected Cases
Varasteh,Amir;Akhoondian Amiri, Saeed;Mas-Machuca,Carmen; HOMA: Online In-Flight Service Provisioning With Dynamic Bipartite Matching
Kellerer, Wolfgang; Boche, Holger; Frank, Fitzek; Fettweis, Gerhard; BMBF 6G Research Hub 6G-life: Digitale Transformation und Souveränität zukünftiger Kommunikationsnetze
Bergold, Paul Ferdinand; The Gaussian Wave Packet Transform and its Application in Quantum Dynamics
Engel, Thomas; Kurzer, Christoph; Werther, Norman; Brunkhorst, Sven; Winter, Stefan; TIMpuls: Brandschutztechnische Grundlagenuntersuchung zur Fortschreibung bauaufsichtlicher Regelungen in Hinblick auf eine erweiterte Anwendung des Holzbaus
Riener, Kirstin;Pfalz, Tino;Funcke, Florian;Leichtfried, Gerhard; Processability of high-strength aluminum 6182 series alloy via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
Sulzbach R., Wziontek H., Hart-Davis M.G., Dobslaw H., Scherneck H.-G., Van Camp M., Omang O.C.D., Antokoletz E. D., Voigt C., Dettmering D., Thomas M.; Modeling gravimetric signatures of third-degree ocean tides and their detection in superconducting gravimeter records
Yin, Hongli; Cooperation of A20 and ABIN-1 in counteracting CBM complex signaling in activated T cells
Elsner, Daniel; Bertagnolli, Daniel; Pretschner, Alexander; Klaus, Rudi; Challenges in Regression Test Selection for End-to-End Testing of Microservice-based Software Systems
Elsner, Daniel; Wuersching, Roland; Schnappinger, Markus; Pretschner, Alexander; Probe-based Syscall Tracing for Efficient and Practical File-level Test Traces
Dodenhöft, Matthias Ralph; Instrumentation of the Positron Diffractometer at NEPOMUC and Measurements on Epitaxial Graphene Grown on 6H-SiC(0001)
Müller F. L., Paul S., Dettmering D., Hendricks S.; A comparison between Cryosat-2 radar altimetry and MODIS imagery for monitoring thin ice in the Laptev Sea
Oliva, Marco; Banik, Soubarna; Josifovski, Josip; Knoll, Alois; Graph Neural Networks for Relational Inductive Bias in Vision-based Deep Reinforcement Learning of Robot Control
Lin, Yuanfei; Althoff, Matthias; Rule-Compliant Trajectory Repairing using Satisfiability Modulo Theories
Bär, Raik Martin; Hybrid modeling and forecasting of the energy and media demand in the beverage industry
Schremmer, Felix Julius Konstantin; Understanding affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties using the quantum Bruhat graph
Bockwoldt, Julia Alexandra; Bacterial β-glucan - Applicability for in situ enriched sourdoughs and molecular background of the biosynthesis and degradation
Harabacz, Laura Natalia; Der prädiktive Wert spinaler Läsionen im frühen Stadium der multiplen Sklerose
Bing, Zhenshan;Zhou, Hongkuan;Li, Rui;Su, Xiaojie;Morin, Fabrice O.;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Solving Robotic Manipulation with Sparse Reward Reinforcement Learning via Graph-Based Diversity and Proximity
Boniolo, Fabio; Towards precision medicine: computational approaches for patient stratification and biomarker identification in oncology
Timo Phillip Böttcher, Michael Weber, Jörg Weking, Andreas Hein, Helmut Krcmar; Value Drivers of Artificial Intelligence
Rauch, Michael; Werther, Norman; Rechnerische Brandbemessung von Holzbauteilen. Berechnungsmethoden bis 90 Minuten Feuerwiderstand: Projekt «FREI 90»
Emonts, Patrick; Algorithms for Hamiltonian Quantum Field Theories
Hubbes, Stephen Sven; Rheologische und kinetische Charakterisierung disperser Nougatcreme Modell-Fette
Brandner, Silvia; Particle-polymer interfaces in foods – using artificial systems to analyze the impact of starch surface functionality
Frangi, Andrea; Schmid, Joachim; Werther, Norman; Die neue Generation der Eurocodes – Entwicklungen bei EN 1995-1-2
Gratl, Fabio Alexander; Pimp my Simulation: Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Particle Simulations
Patwari, Mayank ; Chatzistergos, Panagiotis ; Sundar, Lakshmi ; Chockalingam, Nachiappan ; Ramachandran, Ambadi ; Naemi, Roozbeh; A quantitative comparison of plantar soft tissue strainability distribution and homogeneity between ulcerated and non-ulcerated patients using ultrasound strain elastography
Bilali, Aledia ; Fastenrath, Ulrich ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Analytical Model to Estimate Ride Pooling Traffic Impacts by Using the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram
Gelner, Alexander D ; Beck, Harald A ; Pastoetter, Christian ; Härtl, Martin ; Wachtmeister, Georg; Ultra-low emissions of a heavy-duty engine powered with oxymethylene ethers (OME) under stationary and transient driving conditions
Johannsen, Leif ; Potwar, Karna ; Saveriano, Matteo ; Endo, Satoshi ; Lee, Dongheui; Robotic Light Touch Assists Human Balance Control During Maximum Forward Reaching
Seiferth, Nick L. ; Faber, Svea O. ; Angele, Peter ; Kniffler, Heino ; Loer, Ingo ; Schauf, Gunnar ; Spahn, Gunter ; Zinser, Wolfgang ; Niemeyer, Philipp; Effect of Previous Knee Surgery on Clinical Outcome After ACI for Knee Cartilage Defects: A Propensity Score-Matched Study Based on the German Cartilage Registry (KnorpelRegister DGOU)
Coca, Kimberly K. ; Heiser, Clemens ; Huntley, Colin ; Boon, Maurits ; de Vries, Nico ; Mamidala, Madhu ; Gillespie, M. Boyd; Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Usage by Therapy Nonresponders
Van de Perck, Eli ; Heiser, Clemens ; Vanderveken, Olivier M; Concentric vs Anteroposterior-Laterolateral Collapse of the Soft Palate in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Tian, Lirong ; Gu, Shenglong ; Wu, Yushuai ; Wu, Haitao ; Zhang, Chi; Numerical Investigation of Pollutant Transport in a Realistic Terrain with the SPH-SWE Method
Foughali, Mohammed ; Zuepke, Alexander; Formal Verification of Real-Time Autonomous Robots: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Pander, Joachim ; Habersetzer, Luis ; Casas-Mulet, Roser ; Geist, Juergen; Effects of Stream Thermal Variability on Macroinvertebrate Community: Emphasis on Native Versus Non-Native Gammarid Species
McNamara, Hayley A. ; Lahoud, Mireille H. ; Cai, Yeping ; Durrant-Whyte, Jessica ; O'Connor, James H. ; Caminschi, Irina ; Cockburn, Ian A.; Splenic Dendritic Cells and Macrophages Drive B Cells to Adopt a Plasmablast Cell Fate
Balma, Michele ; Liberini, Virginia ; Racca, Manuela ; Laudicella, Riccardo ; Bauckneht, Matteo ; Buschiazzo, Ambra ; Nicolotti, Daniele Giovanni ; Peano, Simona ; Bianchi, Andrea ; Albano, Giovanni ; Quartuccio, Natale ; Abgral, Ronan ; Morbelli, Silvia Daniela ; D'Alessandria, Calogero ; Terreno, Enzo ; Huellner, Martin William ; Papaleo, Alberto ; Deandreis, Désirée; Non-conventional and Investigational PET Radiotracers for Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review
del Moral-Morales, Aylin ; Salgado-Albarrán, Marisol ; Ortiz-Gutiérrez, Elizabeth ; Pérez-Hernández, Gerardo ; Soto-Reyes, Ernesto; Transcriptomic and Drug Discovery Analyses Reveal Natural Compounds Targeting the KDM4 Subfamily as Promising Adjuvant Treatments in Cancer
Schuster, C.U. ; Wolfrum, E. ; Fable, E. ; Fischer, R. ; Griener, M. ; Tal, B. ; Angioni, C. ; Eich, T. ; Manz, P. ; Stroth, U. ; the ASDEX Upgrade Team,; Edge transport and fuelling studies via gas puff modulation in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode plasmas
Cavedon, M. ; Kurzan, B. ; Bernert, M. ; Brida, D. ; Dux, R. ; Griener, M. ; Henderson, S. ; Huett, E. ; Nishizawa, T. ; Lunt, T. ; Pan, O. ; Stroth, U. ; Wischmeier, M. ; Wolfrum, E. ; the ASDEX Upgrade Team,; Experimental investigation of L- and H-mode detachment via the divertor Thomson scattering at ASDEX Upgrade
Zimmermann, C F B ; McDermott, R M ; Fable, E ; Angioni, C ; Duval, B P ; Dux, R ; Salmi, A ; Stroth, U ; Tala, T ; Tardini, G ; Pütterich, T; Analysis and modelling of momentum transport based on NBI modulation experiments at ASDEX Upgrade
Lochner, Michelle ; Scolnic, Dan ; Almoubayyed, Husni ; Anguita, Timo ; Awan, Humna ; Gawiser, Eric ; A Gontcho, Satya Gontcho ; Graham, Melissa L. ; Gris, Philippe ; Huber, Simon ; Jha, Saurabh W. ; Lynne Jones, R. ; Kim, Alex G. ; Mandelbaum, Rachel ; Marshall, Phil ; Petrushevska, Tanja ; Regnault, Nicolas ; Setzer, Christian N. ; Suyu, Sherry H. ; Yoachim, Peter ; Biswas, Rahul ; Blaineau, Tristan ; Hook, Isobel ; Moniez, Marc ; Neilsen, Eric ; Peiris, Hiranya ; Rothchild, Daniel ; Stubbs, Christopher; The Impact of Observing Strategy on Cosmological Constraints with LSST
Schwab, Melissa ; Multhoff, Gabriele; A Low Membrane Hsp70 Expression in Tumor Cells With Impaired Lactate Metabolism Mediates Radiosensitization by NVP-AUY922
Dietz, Linus W. ; Sertkan, Mete ; Myftija, Saadi ; Thimbiri Palage, Sameera ; Neidhardt, Julia ; Wörndl, Wolfgang; A Comparative Study of Data-Driven Models for Travel Destination Characterization
Atasoy, Seryan ; Johar, Hamimatunnisa ; Fleischer, Toni ; Beutel, Manfred ; Binder, Harald ; Braehler, Elmar ; Schomerus, Georg ; Zöller, Daniela ; Kruse, Johannes ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz; Depression Mediates the Association Between Childhood Emotional Abuse and the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From German Multi-Cohort Prospective Studies
Negrea, Giorgiana ; Rauca, Valentin-Florian ; Meszaros, Marta Szilvia ; Patras, Laura ; Luput, Lavinia ; Licarete, Emilia ; Toma, Vlad-Alexandru ; Porfire, Alina ; Muntean, Dana ; Sesarman, Alina ; Banciu, Manuela; Active Tumor-Targeting Nano-formulations Containing Simvastatin and Doxorubicin Inhibit Melanoma Growth and Angiogenesis
Behrens, Maik ; Lang, Tatjana; Extra-Oral Taste Receptors_Function, Disease, and Perspectives
Platzer, Melanie ; Kiese, Sandra ; Tybussek, Thorsten ; Herfellner, Thomas ; Schneider, Franziska ; Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute ; Eisner, Peter; Radical Scavenging Mechanisms of Phenolic Compounds: A Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) Study
Alonso-Nocelo, Marta ; Ruiz-Cañas, Laura ; Sancho, Patricia ; Görgülü, Kivanç ; Alcalá, Sonia ; Pedrero, Coral ; Vallespinos, Mireia ; López-Gil, Juan Carlos ; Ochando, Marina ; García-García, Elena ; David Trabulo, Sara Maria ; Martinelli, Paola ; Sánchez-Tomero, Patricia ; Sánchez-Palomo, Carmen ; Gonzalez-Santamaría, Patricia ; Yuste, Lourdes ; Wörmann, Sonja Maria ; Kabacaoğlu, Derya ; Earl, Julie ; Martin, Alberto ; Salvador, Fernando ; Valle, Sandra ; Martin-Hijano, Laura ; Carrato, Alfredo ; Erkan, Mert ; García-Bermejo, Laura ; Hermann, Patrick C ; Algül, Hana ; Moreno-Bueno, Gema ; Heeschen, Christopher ; Portillo, Francisco ; Cano, Amparo ; Sainz, Jr, Bruno; Macrophages direct cancer cells through a LOXL2-mediated metastatic cascade in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Mylrea-Foley, Bronacha ; Thornton, Jim G ; Mullins, Edward ; Marlow, Neil ; Hecher, Kurt ; Ammari, Christina ; Arabin, Birgit ; Berger, Astrid ; Bergman, Eva ; Bhide, Amarnath ; Bilardo, Caterina ; Binder, Julia ; Breeze, Andrew ; Brodszki, Jana ; Calda, Pavel ; Cannings-John, Rebecca ; Černý, Andrej ; Cesari, Elena ; Cetin, Irene ; Dall'Asta, Andrea ; Diemert, Anke ; Ebbing, Cathrine ; Eggebø, Torbjørn ; Fantasia, Ilaria ; Ferrazzi, Enrico ; Frusca, Tiziana ; Ghi, Tullio ; Goodier, Jenny ; Greimel, Patrick ; Gyselaers, Wilfried ; Hassan, Wassim ; Von Kaisenberg, Constantin ; Kholin, Alexey ; Klaritsch, Philipp ; Krofta, Ladislav ; Lindgren, Peter ; Lobmaier, Silvia ; Marsal, Karel ; Maruotti, Giuseppe M ; Mecacci, Federico ; Myklestad, Kirsti ; Napolitano, Raffaele ; Ostermayer, Eva ; Papageorghiou, Aris ; Potter, Claire ; Prefumo, Federico ; Raio, Luigi ; Richter, Jute ; Sande, Ragnar Kvie ; Schlembach, Dietmar ; Schleußner, Ekkehard ; Stampalija, Tamara ; Thilaganathan, Basky ; Townson, Julia ; Valensise, Herbert ; Visser, Gerard HA ; Wee, Ling ; Wolf, Hans ; Lees, Christoph C; Perinatal and 2-year neurodevelopmental outcome in late preterm fetal compromise: the TRUFFLE 2 randomised trial protocol
Vogginger, Bernhard ; Kreutz, Felix ; López-Randulfe, Javier ; Liu, Chen ; Dietrich, Robin ; Gonzalez, Hector A. ; Scholz, Daniel ; Reeb, Nico ; Auge, Daniel ; Hille, Julian ; Arsalan, Muhammad ; Mirus, Florian ; Grassmann, Cyprian ; Knoll, Alois ; Mayr, Christian; Automotive Radar Processing With Spiking Neural Networks: Concepts and Challenges
Toman, Ondřej ; Hnatkova, Katerina ; Šišáková, Martina ; Smetana, Peter ; Huster, Katharina M. ; Barthel, Petra ; Novotný, Tomáš ; Andršová, Irena ; Schmidt, Georg ; Malik, Marek; Short-Term Beat-to-Beat QT Variability Appears Influenced More Strongly by Recording Quality Than by Beat-to-Beat RR Variability
Rammensee, Johannes ; von Matthey, Francesca ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Abel, Helen; Results of a Retrospective Fracture Register of Distal Radius Fractures Built Up Using PROM
Blume, Tanja ; Deussing, Maximilian ; Biechele, Gloria ; Peters, Finn ; Zott, Benedikt ; Schmidt, Claudio ; Franzmeier, Nicolai ; Wind, Karin ; Eckenweber, Florian ; Sacher, Christian ; Shi, Yuan ; Ochs, Katharina ; Kleinberger, Gernot ; Xiang, Xianyuan ; Focke, Carola ; Lindner, Simon ; Gildehaus, Franz-Josef ; Beyer, Leonie ; von Ungern-Sternberg, Barbara ; Bartenstein, Peter ; Baumann, Karlheinz ; Adelsberger, Helmuth ; Rominger, Axel ; Cumming, Paul ; Willem, Michael ; Dorostkar, Mario M. ; Herms, Jochen ; Brendel, Matthias; Chronic PPARy Stimulation Shifts Amyloidosis to Higher Fibrillarity but Improves Cognition
Hobmeier, Karina ; Cantone, Martina ; Nguyen, Quynh Anh ; Pflüger-Grau, Katharina ; Kremling, Andreas ; Kunte, Hans Jörg ; Pfeiffer, Friedhelm ; Marin-Sanguino, Alberto; Adaptation to Varying Salinity in Halomonas elongata: Much More Than Ectoine Accumulation
Altun, Irem ; Yan, Xiaocheng ; Ussar, Siegfried; Immune Cell Regulation of White Adipose Progenitor Cell Fate
Mijit, Mahmut ; Wireman, Randall ; Armstrong, Lee ; Gampala, Silpa ; Hassan, Zonera ; Schneeweis, Christian ; Schneider, Guenter ; Zhang, Chi ; Fishel, Melissa L. ; Kelley, Mark R.; RelA Is an Essential Target for Enhancing Cellular Responses to the DNA Repair/Ref-1 Redox Signaling Protein and Restoring Perturbated Cellular Redox Homeostasis in Mouse PDAC Cells
Izadi, Mohammad ; Franklin, Sae ; Bellafiore, Marianna ; Franklin, David W.; Motor Learning in Response to Different Experimental Pain Models Among Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review
Alles, Marvin ; Aljalbout, Elie; Learning to Centralize Dual-Arm Assembly
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alispach, C. ; Alves Jr., A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; Balagopal V., A. ; Barbano, A. ; Barwick, S. W. ; Bastian, B. ; Basu, V. ; Baur, S. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Bellenghi, C. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Boddenberg, M. ; Bontempo, F. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Browne, S. ; Burgman, A. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G. H. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; De Clercq, C. ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; de Vries, K. D. ; de Wasseige, G. ; de With, M. ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; Dunkman, M. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Dvorak, E. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Filimonov, K. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Hebecker, D. ; Helbing, K. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoffmann, R. ; Hokanson-Fasig, B. ; Hoshina, K. ; Huang, F. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kellermann, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kintscher, T. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Lanfranchi, J. L. ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Li, Y. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Mariş, I. C. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; Mase, K. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguyễn, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pittermann, M. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Price, P. B. ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Sandroos, J. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stachurska, J. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Steuer, A. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Tilav, S. ; Tischbein, F. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Turley, C. F. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; van Eijndhoven, N. ; Vannerom, D. ; van Santen, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weiss, M. J. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Woschnagg, K. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P.; Improved Characterization of the Astrophysical Muon-neutrino Flux with 9.5 Years of IceCube Data
Schneider, Cyril ; Zangrandi, Andrea ; Sollmann, Nico ; Bonfert, Michaela Veronika ; Beaulieu, Louis-David; Checklist on the Quality of the Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (rPMS) Methods in Research: An International Delphi Study
Alhadid, Ahmad ; Safarov, Javid ; Mokrushina, Liudmila ; Müller, Karsten ; Minceva, Mirjana; Carbon Dioxide Solubility in Nonionic Deep Eutectic Solvents Containing Phenolic Alcohols
Heinz, Sebastian ; Otto, Ilona M. ; Tan, Rong ; Jin, Yingyi ; Glebe, Thilo W.; Cooperation Enhances Adaptation to Environmental Uncertainty: Evidence from Irrigation Behavioral Experiments in South China
Beltrán, Leopoldo Raul ; Sterneder, Sonja ; Hasural, Ayse ; Paetz, Susanne ; Hans, Joachim ; Ley, Jakob Peter ; Somoza, Veronika; Reducing the Bitter Taste of Pharmaceuticals Using Cell-Based Identification of Bitter-Masking Compounds
Röhling, Martin ; Kempf, Kerstin ; Banzer, Winfried ; Braumann, Klaus Michael ; Führer-Sakel, Dagmar ; Halle, Martin ; McCarthy, David ; Martin, Stephan ; Scholze, Jürgen ; Toplak, Hermann ; Berg, Aloys ; Predel, Hans-Georg; A High-Protein and Low-Glycemic Formula Diet Improves Blood Pressure and Other Hemodynamic Parameters in High-Risk Individuals
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Ali Redha, Ali ; Snoeck, Edgar Remmet ; Singh, Shubhra ; Simal-Gandara, Jesus ; Ibrahim, Salam A. ; Jafari, Seid Mahdi; Anti-Depressant Properties of Crocin Molecules in Saffron
Wang, Falv ; Yang, Mao ; Ma, Longfei ; Zhang, Tong ; Qin, Weilong ; Li, Wei ; Zhang, Yinghua ; Sun, Zhencai ; Wang, Zhimin ; Li, Fei ; Yu, Kang; Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on Consumer-Grade Multi-Spectral UAV
Rivadeneyra, Almudena ; Romero, Francisco J. ; Haider, Michael ; Bhatt, Vijay D. ; Salmeron, Jose F. ; Rodriguez, Noel ; Morales, Diego P. ; Becherer, Markus; Reconfigurable Electronic Platforms: A Top-Down Approach to Learn about Design and Integration of Electronic Systems
Tran, Thierry ; Roullier-Gall, Chloé ; Verdier, François ; Martin, Antoine ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Alexandre, Hervé ; Grandvalet, Cosette ; Tourdot-Maréchal, Raphaëlle; Microbial Interactions in Kombucha through the Lens of Metabolomics
Tagscherer, Nevine ; Schromm, Thomas ; Drechsler, Klaus; Foundational Investigation on the Characterization of Porosity and Fiber Orientation Using XCT in Large-Scale Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Grätz, Christian ; Bui, Maria L. U. ; Thaqi, Granit ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Loewe, Robert P. ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Obtaining Reliable RT-qPCR Results in Molecular Diagnostics_MIQE Goals and Pitfalls for Transcriptional Biomarker Discovery
Niederdöckl, Jan Daniel ; Simon, Alexander ; Buchtele, Nina ; Schütz, Nikola ; Cacioppo, Filippo ; Oppenauer, Julia ; Gupta, Sophie ; Lutnik, Martin ; Schnaubelt, Sebastian ; Spiel, Alexander ; Roth, Dominik ; Wimbauer, Fritz ; Fegers-Wustrow, Isabel ; Esefeld, Katrin ; Halle, Martin ; Scharhag, Jürgen ; Laschitz, Thomas ; Herkner, Harald ; Domanovits, Hans ; Schwameis, Michael; Prediction of Successful Pharmacological Cardioversion in Acute Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation: The Successful Intravenous Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation (SIC-AF) Score
Saravi, Babak ; Hassel, Frank ; Ülkümen, Sara ; Zink, Alisia ; Shavlokhova, Veronika ; Couillard-Despres, Sebastien ; Boeker, Martin ; Obid, Peter ; Lang, Gernot Michael; Artificial Intelligence-Driven Prediction Modeling and Decision Making in Spine Surgery Using Hybrid Machine Learning Models
Ulrich, Sebastian ; Lang, Katharina ; Niessen, Ludwig ; Baschien, Christiane ; Kosicki, Robert ; Twarużek, Magdalena ; Straubinger, Reinhard K. ; Ebel, Frank; The Evolution of the Satratoxin and Atranone Gene Clusters of Stachybotrys chartarum
Gu, Shangding ; Zhou, Chunhui ; Wen, Yuanqiao ; Xiao, Changshi ; Knoll, Alois; Motion Planning for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle with Wind and Current Effects
Tagscherer, Nevine ; Bär, André Marcel ; Zaremba, Swen ; Drechsler, Klaus; Mechanical Analysis of Parameter Variations in Large-Scale Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of Thermoplastic Composites
Liu, Ye ; Wagner, Sophia J. ; Peng, Tingying; Multi-Modality Microscopy Image Style Augmentation for Nuclei Segmentation
Balint, Elisabeth Maria ; Angerer, Peter ; Guendel, Harald ; Marten-Mittag, Birgitt ; Jarczok, Marc N.; Stress Management Intervention for Leaders Increases Nighttime SDANN: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Bak, Carsten K. ; Krammer, Jeanne Ø. ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Orkan, Okan ; von Seelen, Jesper ; Prinds, Christina ; Søbjerg, Lene M. ; Klakk, Heidi; Digital Health Literacy and Information-Seeking Behavior among University College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study from Denmark
Chun, Heeran ; Park, Eun-Ja ; Choi, Seul Ki ; Yoon, Hyeran ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin; Validating the Digital Health Literacy Instrument in Relation to COVID-19 Information (COVID-DHL-K) among South Korean Undergraduates
Moolayadukkam, Sreejesh ; Bopaiah, Kaveramma Appachettolanda ; Parakkandy, Priyanka Karathan ; Thomas, Siby; Antimony (Sb)-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Recent Advances
Pircher, Tamara ; Wackerhage, Henning ; Akova, Elif ; Böcker, Wolfgang ; Aszodi, Attila ; Saller, Maximilian M.; Fusion of Normoxic- and Hypoxic-Preconditioned Myoblasts Leads to Increased Hypertrophy
Iuliano, Caterina ; Absmaier-Kijak, Magdalena ; Sinnberg, Tobias ; Hoffard, Nils ; Hils, Miriam ; Köberle, Martin ; Wölbing, Florian ; Shumilina, Ekaterina ; Heise, Nicole ; Fehrenbacher, Birgit ; Schaller, Martin ; Lang, Florian ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Biedermann, Tilo; Fetal Tissue-Derived Mast Cells (MC) as Experimental Surrogate for In Vivo Connective Tissue MC
Erlmeier, Franziska ; Sun, Na ; Shen, Jian ; Feuchtinger, Annette ; Buck, Achim ; Prade, Verena M. ; Kunzke, Thomas ; Schraml, Peter ; Moch, Holger ; Autenrieth, Michael ; Weichert, Wilko ; Hartmann, Arndt ; Walch, Axel; MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging_Prognostic Pathways and Metabolites for Renal Cell Carcinomas
Pinello, Katia ; Baldassarre, Valeria ; Steiger, Katja ; Paciello, Orlando ; Pires, Isabel ; Laufer-Amorim, Renée ; Oevermann, Anna ; Niza-Ribeiro, João ; Aresu, Luca ; Rous, Brian ; Znaor, Ariana ; Cree, Ian A. ; Guscetti, Franco ; Palmieri, Chiara ; Dagli, Maria Lucia Zaidan; Vet-ICD-O-Canine-1, a System for Coding Canine Neoplasms Based on the Human ICD-O-3.2
Kesting, Sabine ; Weeber, Peter ; Schönfelder, Martin ; Pfluger, Anja ; Wackerhage, Henning ; von Luettichau, Irene; A Bout of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in Children and Adolescents during Acute Cancer Treatment_A Pilot Feasibility Study
Zhang, Xiaoxiao ; Kschischo, Maik; Distinct and Common Features of Numerical and Structural Chromosomal Instability across Different Cancer Types
Kerle, Irina A. ; Jägerhuber, Ludwig ; Secci, Ramona ; Pfarr, Nicole ; Blüm, Philipp ; Roesch, Romina ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Weichert, Wilko ; Bassermann, Florian ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Winter, Christof; Circulating Tumor DNA Profiling of a Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Patient with Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Wolff, Andreas Wolfgang ; Haller, Bernhard ; Demleitner, Antonia Franziska ; Westenberg, Erica ; Lingor, Paul; Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients with Parkinson's Disease from the Perspective of Treating Physicians_A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study
Holzgreve, Adrien ; Pötter, Dennis ; Brendel, Matthias ; Orth, Michael ; Weidner, Lorraine ; Gold, Lukas ; Kirchner, Maximilian A. ; Bartos, Laura M. ; Unterrainer, Lena M. ; Unterrainer, Marcus ; Steiger, Katja ; von Baumgarten, Louisa ; Niyazi, Maximilian ; Belka, Claus ; Bartenstein, Peter ; Riemenschneider, Markus J. ; Lauber, Kirsten ; Albert, Nathalie L.; Longitudinal [18F]GE-180 PET Imaging Facilitates In Vivo Monitoring of TSPO Expression in the GL261 Glioblastoma Mouse Model
Franko, Andras ; Irmler, Martin ; Prehn, Cornelia ; Heinzmann, Silke S. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Beckers, Johannes ; von Kleist-Retzow, Jürgen-Christoph ; Wiesner, Rudolf ; Häring, Hans-Ulrich ; Heni, Martin ; Birkenfeld, Andreas L. ; de Angelis, Martin Hrabě; Bezafibrate Reduces Elevated Hepatic Fumarate in Insulin-Deficient Mice
Arendt, Kristina A. M. ; Ntaliarda, Giannoula ; Armenis, Vasileios ; Kati, Danai ; Henning, Christin ; Giotopoulou, Georgia A. ; Pepe, Mario A. A. ; Klotz, Laura V. ; Lamort, Anne-Sophie ; Hatz, Rudolf A. ; Kobold, Sebastian ; Schamberger, Andrea C. ; Stathopoulos, Georgios T.; An In Vivo Inflammatory Loop Potentiates KRAS Blockade
Bunse, Till ; Kosinska, Anna D. ; Michler, Thomas ; Protzer, Ulrike; PD-L1 Silencing in Liver Using siRNAs Enhances Efficacy of Therapeutic Vaccination for Chronic Hepatitis B
Yu, Fanrong ; Li, Bihui ; Sun, Jianfeng ; Qi, Jing ; De Wilde, Rudy Leon ; Torres-de la Roche, Luz Angela ; Li, Cheng ; Ahmad, Sajjad ; Shi, Wenjie ; Li, Xiqing ; Chen, Zihao; PSRR: A Web Server for Predicting the Regulation of miRNAs Expression by Small Molecules
Arcangeli, Chiara ; Torricelli, Martina ; Sebastiani, Carla ; Lucarelli, Daniele ; Ciullo, Marcella ; Passamonti, Fabrizio ; Giammarioli, Monica ; Biagetti, Massimo; Genetic Characterization of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) Circulating in Naturally Infected Sheep in Central Italy
Petrov, Alexey A. ; Conlin, Renae ; Grant, Cody; Studying ΔL = 2 Lepton Flavor Violation with Muons
Xie, Haotian ; Du, Jianming ; Ke, Dongliang ; He, Yingjie ; Wang, Fengxiang ; Hackl, Christoph ; Rodríguez, José ; Kennel, Ralph; Multistep Model Predictive Control for Electrical Drives_A Fast Quadratic Programming Solution
Vespa, Mariangela ; Kortsch, Timo ; Hildebrand, Jan ; Schweizer-Ries, Petra ; Volkmer, Sara Alida; Not All Places Are Equal: Using Instagram to Understand Cognitions and Affect towards Renewable Energy Infrastructures
Webler, Forrest Simon ; Spitschan, Manuel ; Andersen, Marilyne; Towards 'Fourth Paradigm' Spectral Sensing
Di Maida, Fabrizio ; Campi, Riccardo ; Lane, Brian R. ; De Cobelli, Ottavio ; Sanguedolce, Francesco ; Hatzichristodoulou, Georgios ; Antonelli, Alessandro ; Grosso, Antonio Andrea ; Noyes, Sabrina ; Rodriguez-Faba, Oscar ; Keeley, Frank X. ; Langenhuijsen, Johan ; Musi, Gennaro ; Klatte, Tobias ; Roscigno, Marco ; Akdogan, Bulent ; Furlan, Maria ; Simeone, Claudio ; Karakoyunlu, Nihat ; Marszalek, Martin ; Capitanio, Umberto ; Volpe, Alessandro ; Brookman-May, Sabine ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Smaldone, Marc C. ; Uzzo, Robert G. ; Kutikov, Alexander ; Minervini, Andrea; Predictors of Positive Surgical Margins after Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy for Localized Renal Tumors: Insights from a Large Multicenter International Prospective Observational Project (The Surface-Intermediate-Base Margin Score Consortium)
Sideris, Konstantinos ; Burri, Melchior ; Bordne, Joanna ; Vitanova, Keti ; Voss, Bernhard ; Krane, Markus ; Lange, Rüdiger; Repair of Mitral Valves with Severe Annular Dilatation and Abundant Leaflet Tissue Using a Prosthetic Ring with a Large Anterior-Posterior Diameter
Spies, Monika ; Geyer, Kristina ; Raab, Roxana ; Brandt, Stephanie ; Meyer, Dorothy ; Günther, Julia ; Hoffmann, Julia ; Hauner, Hans; Child Anthropometrics and Neurodevelopment at 2 and 3 Years of Age Following an Antenatal Lifestyle Intervention in Routine Care_A Secondary Analysis from the Cluster-Randomised GeliS Trial
Serong, Sebastian ; Fickert, Stefan ; Niemeyer, Philipp ; Banke, Ingo J. ; Goronzy, Jens ; Sobau, Christian ; Zinser, Wolfgang ; Landgraeber, Stefan; Outcome-Affecting Parameters of Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement with Concomitant Cartilage Damage_Data Analysis from the German Cartilage Registry
Greve, Frederik ; Mair, Olivia ; Aulbach, Ina ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc; Correlation between Platelet Count and Lung Dysfunction in Multiple Trauma Patients_A Retrospective Cohort Analysis
Bechtner, Julia ; Hassler, Verena ; Wefers, Daniel ; Ehrmann, Matthias ; Jakob, Frank; The C-Terminal Domain of Liquorilactobacillus nagelii Dextransucrase Mediates the Production of Larger Dextrans Compared to Liquorilactobacillus hordei
Wu, Wenkai ; Geist, Juergen ; Beggel, Sebastian ; Schmitz, Christoph ; Milz, Stefan ; Sternecker, Katharina; Immunohistochemical Detection of Various Proteoglycans in the Extracellular Matrix of Zebra Mussels
Xiang, Yusheng ; Li, Ruoyu ; Brach, Christine ; Liu, Xiaole ; Geimer, Marcus; A Novel Algorithm for Hydrostatic-Mechanical Mobile Machines with a Dual-Clutch Transmission
Preis, Lukas ; Hornung, Mirko; Vertiport Operations Modeling, Agent-Based Simulation and Parameter Value Specification
Tagscherer, Nevine ; Osswald, Tim A. ; Drechsler, Klaus; Targeted Temperature Manipulation and Analysis of the Influence on Mechanical Properties in Large-Scale Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Maaz, Denny ; Gremse, Carl ; Stollberg, Kaya C. ; Jäckel, Claudia ; Sutrave, Smita ; Kästner, Carolyn ; Korkmaz, Birsen ; Richter, Martin H. ; Bandick, Niels ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia ; Lahrssen-Wiederholt, Monika ; Mader, Anneluise; Standardised Sampling Approach for Investigating Pathogens or Environmental Chemicals in Wild Game at Community Hunts
Buczak-Stec, Elżbieta W. ; Hajek, André ; van den Bussche, Hendrik ; Eisele, Marion ; Oey, Anke ; Wiese, Birgitt ; Weyerer, Siegfried ; Werle, Jochen ; Fuchs, Angela ; Pentzek, Michael ; Luppa, Melanie ; Löbner, Margit ; Weeg, Dagmar ; Mösch, Edelgard ; Heser, Kathrin ; Wagner, Michael ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Scherer, Martin ; König, Hans-Helmut; Factors Contributing to Persistent Frequent Attendance in Primary Care Among the Oldest Old: Longitudinal Evidence From the AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe Study
Li, Qing; The Four Patterns of Experimentalist Environmental Governance
Hou, Shujin; Understanding Structural Transformations in Metal-Organic Frameworks to Design Active Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts
López Armbruster, Nicolás; Phänotypische Veränderungen von Blut-Monozyten während eines ST-Hebungs-Myokardinfarkts
Katthage, Jutta; Nachhaltigkeit von bestehenden Sportfreianlagen
Bauer, Andreas; Development of new downstream processes for the extraction of astaxanthin from the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis
Rosner, Martin; Drift-stable Magnetometry for Fundamental Physics Experiments
Chen, Qiming; Quantum statistical properties of a superconducting Duffing oscillator
Zepnik, Philipp Karl; Risikofaktorenanalyse für Knieverletzungen in einer Gruppe von weiblichen professionellen Fußballspielerinnen
Emmerich, Paul M.; Fast and Flexible Software-based Packet Processing Systems
Greese, Tobias; Enhancement and Degradation of the Graphite Electrode Kinetics in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Kornprobst, Jonas; Surface Source Representations for the Accurate and Stable Solution of Electromagnetic Integral Equations
Abel, Benedikt Ruben; Klinisch-experimentelle Studie zum pulmonalvaskulären Permeabilitätsindex bei femoraler ZVK-Lage: Korrektur des femoralen PVPI und Korrelation mit dem Oxygenationsindex und dem Horovitzquotienten
Pretzsch, Hans;del Río, Miren;Grote, Rüdiger;Klemmt, Hans-Joachim;Ordóñez, Cristóbal;Oviedo, Felipe Bravo; Tracing drought effects from the tree to the stand growth in temperate and Mediterranean forests: insights and consequences for forest ecology and management
Leube, Justin Christopher; The influence of TCR avidity on the fate decisions of single T cells
Alexander Lehner; Stefano Gasperini; Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro; Michael Schmidt; Mohammad-Ali Nikouei Mahani; Nassir Navab; Benjamin Busam; Federico Tombari; 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for Domain Generalization in 3D Object Detection
Nowak Delgado, R.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of Additive Sintering on Fine Formation during Biomass Pulverised D-Fuel Combustion.
Zweck, Ulrike; Anti-Ferromagnetic Coupling of Anti-Phase Domains
Insam, Christina;Rixen, Daniel J.; Fidelity assessment of Real-Time Hybrid Substructuring based on convergence and extrapolation
Weindl, Roland; Zeolite encapsulated transition metal sulfide clusters for catalytic hydrogenation
Stömmer, Pierre Marcel; A Synthetic Molecular Transport System With Controllable Mobility Over Micrometer Distances
Geppert, Julia; Cancer-induced metabolic reprogramming dampens T cell function and contributes to wasting in cachexia
Ismail, Muhammad Fraz; Snow and glacier melt runoff forecasting under current and climate change scenarios and improved degree-day factor estimation
Huber, Nina; Organ-on-a-chip: Engineering of microfluidic large-scale integration chip technologies for 3D human stem cell cultures
Fischer, Juliane;Neumann, Eva-Maria;Wilch, Jan;Obermeier, Martin;Kellhammer, Thomas;Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Preliminary Evaluation Results of Static Code Analysis of Control Software in an Industrial Context
Seigner, Benedikt David Christian; More Than Words: Three Essays on How Language Shapes Entrepreneurial Outcomes and the Academic Discourse on Entrepreneurs
Shuai, Haiwei; Functional analysis of the bHLH transcription factor CESTA and interacting partners of the TCP family
Franceschi, Eleonora;Moser-Reischl, Astrid;Rahman, Mohammad A.;Pauleit, Stephan;Pretzsch, Hans;Rötzer, Thomas; Crown Shapes of Urban Trees-Their Dependences on Tree Species, Tree Age and Local Environment, and Effects on Ecosystem Services
Erçelik, Emeç; Temporal Data Processing for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
Naghshineh, Ali; Seismic performance assessment of an innovative type of buckling restrained brace containing tire-derived lightweight aggregate concrete
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Testing the multi-component preCICE ecosystem
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Frédéric Simonis; What is new in preCICE?
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Testing the multi-component preCICE ecosystem
Dang, Ni; Brüdigam, Tim; Leibold, Marion; Buss, Martin; Combining Event-Based Maneuver Selection and MPC Based Trajectory Generation in Autonomous Driving
Weiß, Sebastian Klaus; Deep Learning for Volume Visualization
Cazenave A., Gouzenes Y., Birol, F., Leger F., Passaro M., Calafat F.M., Shaw A., Nino F., Legeais J.F., Oelsmann J., Restano M., Benveniste J.; Sea level along the world’s coastlines can be measured by a network of virtual altimetry stations
de Groot, Caroline I.; Topological Phases, Symmetries and Open Systems
Porcelli, Caterina; Characterization of the odor-active compounds responsible for atypical aroma notes in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)
Chen, Yiyao; Individual participant data modeling approaches for clinical risk model validation and bias adjustment
Schmied, Gerhard;Hilmers, Torben;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; The Past Matters: Previous Management Strategies Modulate Current Growth and Drought Responses of Norway Spruce (Picea abies H. Karst.)
Fahlbusch, Tim;Luu, Andreas Minh;Höhn, Philipp;Klinger, Carsten;Werner, Jens;Keck, Tobias;Friess, Helmut;Köninger, Jörg;Kraus, Thomas;Alsfasser, Guido;Padberg, Winfried;Ritz, Jörg Peter;Uhl, Waldemar;Belyaev, Orlin; Impact of pylorus preservation on delayed gastric emptying after pancreaticoduodenectomy—analysis of 5,000 patients based on the German StuDoQ|Pancreas-Registry
Kwak Y., Glomsda M., Angermann D., Gerstl M.; Comparison and integration of CONT17 networks
Karl, Christian Robert; First Sub-Electronvolt Direct Neutrino Mass Measurement with the KATRIN Experiment
Papa, Arled; Kutsevol, Polina; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Effects of SD-RAN Control Plane Design on User Quality of Service
Müller F. L., Paul S., Dettmering D., Hendricks S.; Monitoring Arctic thin ice: A comparison between Cryosat-2 SAR altimetry data and MODIS thermal-infrared imagery
Hildenbrand, Karen; Molecular principles of interleukin 12 family cytokine biogenesis and their exceptions for interleukin 35
Willim, Katharina;Ammer, Christian;Seidel, Dominik;Annighöfer, Peter;Schmucker, Julia;Schall, Peter;Ehbrecht, Martin; Short - term dynamics of structural complexity in differently managed and unmanaged European beech forests
Baek, Kheewoong; NEDD8 orchestrates active ubiquitylation assembly of cullin-RING E3 ligase
Hartl, Anna; Longitudinal development of well-being and motivation in teacher education
Feldotto, Benedikt;Eppler, Jochen Martin;Jimenez-Romero, Cristian;Bignamini, Christopher;Gutierrez, Carlos Enrique;Albanese, Ugo;Retamino, Eloy;Vorobev, Viktor;Zolfaghari, Vahid;Upton, Alex;Sun, Zhe;Yamaura, Hiroshi;Heidarinejad, Morteza;Klijn, Wouter;Morrison, Abigail;Cruz, Felipe;McMurtrie, Colin;Knoll, Alois C.;Igarashi, Jun;Yamazaki, Tadashi;Doya, Kenji;Morin, Fabrice O.; Deploying and Optimizing Embodied Simulations of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks on HPC Infrastructure
Feldotto, Benedikt;Morin, Fabrice O.;Knoll, Alois; The Neurorobotics Platform Robot Designer: Modeling Morphologies for Embodied Learning Experiments
Koller, Michael; Asymptotically Optimal Channel Estimation and Learning Suitable Compressive Sensing Matrices
T. Beckers; L. J. Colombo;S. Hirche; G. J. Pappas; Online learning-based trajectory tracking for underactuated vehicles with uncertain dynamics
Lehnhardt, Florian; Formation and Release of aging-relevant aldehydes in lager beer – Prediction of flavor instability via bound state aldehydes
Gehrung, Joachim Alexander; Change detection in point clouds of urban street spaces using fuzzy spatial reasoning
Wuennenberg, Maximilian; Wegerich, Benjamin; Fottner, Johannes; Optimization of Internal Logistics using a combined BPMN and Simulation Approach
Papa, Arled; Design and Analysis of QoS and Network Slicing in Software-Defined Radio Access Networks
Wolf, Sebastian; Time Reversal of Elastic Waves
Krenz, Lukas; Coupled elastic-acoustic simulations
Schumacher, R.;Theißen, S.;Höper, J.;Drzymalla, J.;Lambertz, M.;Hollberg, A.;Forth, K.;Schneider-Marin, P.;Wimmer, R.;Bahlau, S.;Meins-Becker, A.; Analysis of current practice and future potentials of LCA in a BIM-based design process in Germany
Falcomatà, Chiara; Pharmaco-genetic screening identifies novel targets and multimodal therapeutic strategies for pancreatic cancer subtypes
Erlwein, Sabrina; Green infrastructure for climate resilient densification in cities: from evidence to action
Heller, Klaus; Influence of Material Property Changes on Thermoset Automated Fiber Placement Processing
Schulte Steinberg (ehemals Hunkenschroer), Anna Lena; Ethical Perspectives on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Hiring
Zhou, Liguo; Chen, Guang; Knoll, Alois; Fast and Accurate Face Detection using Feature Pyramid with Grid Anchors
Ertelt, Marvin Johannes; Wasserabweisende Eigenschaften und Dauerhaftigkeit von mit bakteriellen Zusätzen angereichertem Mörtel
Martin Pabst; Seit 100 Jahren Freunde
Heck, Lisa; Towards Clinical Spectral and Phase-Contrast Breast Computed Tomography
Rolle, Andreas Dirk; Objektive Bewertung des thermischen Komforts im Pkw
Pöschl, Thomas; Modeling of the Galactic Cosmic-Ray Antiproton Flux and Development of a Multi-Purpose Active-Target Particle Telescope for Cosmic Rays
Hládek, Ľ.; Seeber, B.U.; Audiovisual models for virtual reality: Underground station
Gruber, Th.; Ågren, J.; Angermann, D.; Ellmann, A.; Gisinger, C.; Nastula, J.; Poutanen, M.; Schlaak, M.; Nilfouroushan, F.; Varbla, S.; Zdunek, R.; Marila, S.; Engfeldt, A.; Świątek, A.; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research - Observation Concept and Results in the Baltic Sea
Kolotzek, N.;Seeber, B.U.; Onset importance in a binaural detection task during an arc-shaped movement trajectory
Kuntz, M.;Seeber, B.U.; Investigating the Smoothness of Moving Sources Reproduced with Panning Methods
Wang, T.;Seeber, B.U.; Extension of the real-time Simulated Open Field Environment for fast binaural rendering
Gimpl, Verena;Fantetti, Alfredo;Klaassen, Steven W.B.;Schwingshackl, Christoph W.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Contact stiffness of jointed interfaces: A comparison of dynamic substructuring techniques with frictional hysteresis measurements
Berki-Kiss, Daniel; Verbrauchereinschätzungen zu sozial nachhaltigem Konsum
Jarisch, I.; Bödeker, K.; Bingham, L.R.; Friedrich, S.; Kindu, M.; Knoke, T.; The influence of discounting ecosystem services in robust multi-objective optimization – An application to a forestry-avocado land-use portfolio
Lipp, Stephan; Banescu, Sebastian; Pretschner, Alexander; An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Static C Code Analyzers for Vulnerability Detection
Ivo Steinbrecher, Alexander Popp, Christoph Meier; Consistent coupling of positions and rotations for embedding 1D Cosserat beams into 3D solid volumes
Rui Fang, Christoph P. Schmidt and Wolfgang A. Wall; A coupled finite element approach to spatially resolved lithium plating and stripping in three-dimensional anode microstructures of lithium-ion cells
G. M. Durak, R. Thierer, R. Sachse, M. Bischoff, T. Speck, S. Poppinga; Smooth or with a Snap! Biomechanics of Trap Reopening in the Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
C. J. Eger, M. Horstmann, S. Poppinga, R. Sachse, R. Thierer, N. Nestle, B. Bruchmann, T. Speck, M. Bischoff, J. Rühe; The Structural and Mechanical Basis for Passive-Hydraulic Pine Cone Actuation
Trauer, Jakob; Schweigert-Recksiek, Sebastian; Schenk, Tim; Baudisch, Thomas; Mörtl, Markus; Zimmermann, Markus; A Digital Twin Trust Framework for Industrial Application
Schilz, Jonas; Charakterisierung und Anwendung von Antikörpern mit Spezifität für Pro/Ala-reiche Sequenzen
Arnout, Hiba; Generative Adversarial Networks for Time Series Generation and Translation
Hart-Davis M., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Passaro M., Seitz F.; EOT20: Improvements made to ocean tide estimations from coastal altimetry
Hart-Davis M., Sulzbach R., Dettmering D., Thomas M., Schwatke C., Seitz F.; The assessment of minor tidal constituents in ocean models for optimising the ocean tidal correction
Wziontek H., Sulzbach R., Hart-Davis M., Dobslaw H., Scherneck H.-G., Van Camp M., Omang O. C. D., Antokoletz E. D., Voigt C., Dettmering D., Thomas M.; Data-Unconstrained Modeling and Detection of 9 Individual Partial Ocean Tides of Third-Degree by Terrestrial Gravimetry
Marcos M., Haigh I.D., Talke S.A., Hart-Davis M., Dettmering D., Woodworth P.L., Hunter J.R.; The new GESLA-3 tide gauge data set and its quality control for tidal studies
Enders, Erik Stephan; Ride Comfort and Active Suspension Systems towards Automated Driving
Durasiewicz, Claudia Patricia; Development of a Metal-Based Microfluidic MEMS Platform for Medical Applications
Thalhofer, Thomas Alexander; Mikropumpenbasiertes Dosiersystem mit kapazitiver Flusssensorik für nuklearmedizinische Anwendungen
Wolf, Sebastian; Galis, Martin; Uphoff, Carsten; Gabriel, Alice-Agnes; Moczo, Peter; Gregor, Dávid; Bader, Michael; An Efficient ADER-DG Scheme for Simulation of Seismic Waves in Poroelastic Media
Grünerbel, Lorenz M.; Experimental and Theoretical Methodologies for High-Flow Optimization of Micropumps in Medical Applications
Heinzinger, Michael; How to Speak Protein? - Representation Learning for Protein Prediction
Adams, Tom-Eric;Mayr, Peter; The Path from Arc Welding to Additive Manufacturing of Multi-material Parts Using Directed Energy Deposition
Hermann, Chris Dirk; TIMP-1 fördert den Katabolismus von Speicherlipiden und induziert die Bildung einer männerspezifischen metastasierungsfördernden Nische in der Leber
Schmucker, Julia;Uhl, Enno;Steckel, Mathias;Pretzsch, Hans; Crown allometry and growing space requirements of four rare domestic tree species compared to oak and beech: implications for adaptive forest management
Tonetto, L.;Carrara, A.;Ding, A.;Ott, J.; Where Is My Tag? Unveiling Alternative Uses of the Apple FindMy Service
Alhadid, Ahmad; Understanding deep eutectic systems from solid–liquid equilibria perspective: Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling
Mafipour, MS.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Creating digital twins of existing bridges through AI-based methods
Li, Ran; On the Effects of PCE Superplasticizers in Low-carbon Cements Based on Calcined Clay and Slag
Weiß, Lorenz Karl Wilhelm; Erbium dopants in silicon nanophotonic waveguides
Tran, Thierry;Romanet, Rémy;Roullier-Gall, Chloé;Verdier, François;Martin, Antoine;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Alexandre, Hervé;Grandvalet, Cosette;Tourdot-Maréchal, Raphaëlle; Non-Targeted Metabolomic Analysis of the Kombucha Production Process
Tran, Thierry;Roullier-Gall, Chloé;Verdier, François;Martin, Antoine;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Alexandre, Hervé;Grandvalet, Cosette;Tourdot-Maréchal, Raphaëlle; Microbial Interactions in Kombucha through the Lens of Metabolomics
Nikolantonaki, Maria;Romanet, Rémy;Lucio, Marianna;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Gougeon, Régis; Sulfonation Reactions behind the Fate of White Wine’s Shelf-Life
Wang, Zhuoru; A new aerosol profile retrieval algorithm for high-altitude MAX-DOAS measurements and the application to the long-term observation on Zugspitze, Germany
Nobis, Arndt; Influence of the precursor potential of 3-deoxyglucosone from the Maillard reaction on the flavor instability of pale lager beers
Mennig, Philipp Benedikt; On the Empirics of Agri-Environmental Policies and Agricultural Support – A Microeconomic Perspective
Moin, Armin; Enabling Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Model-Driven Software Engineering of Smart IoT Services
Frank, Anna; Finite Blocklength Codes for Secure Communication
Blattert, Clemens;Eyvindson, Kyle;Hartikainen, Markus;Burgas, Daniel;Potterf, Maria;Lukkarinen, Jani;Snäll, Tord;Toraño-Caicoya, Astor;Mönkkönen, Mikko; Sectoral policies cause incoherence in forest management and ecosystem service provisioning
Leitão, Pedro J.;Toraño Caicoya, Astor;Dahlkamp, Andreas;Guderjan, Laura;Griesser, Michael;Haverkamp, Paul J.;Nordén, Jenni;Snäll, Tord;Schröder, Boris; Impacts of Forest Management on Forest Bird Occurrence Patterns—A Case Study in Central Europe
Winiger, Nathalie;Seibold, Sebastian;Lucek, Kay;Müller, Jörg;Segelbacher, Gernot; Lost in dead wood? Environmental DNA sequencing from dead wood shows little signs of saproxylic beetles
Scherreiks, Pascal;Gossner, Martin M.;Ambarlı, Didem;Ayasse, Manfred;Blüthgen, Nico;Fischer, Markus;Klaus, Valentin H.;Kleinebecker, Till;Neff, Felix;Prati, Daniel;Seibold, Sebastian;Simons, Nadja K.;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Wells, Konstans;Westphal, Catrin;Thiele, Jan; Present and historical landscape structure shapes current species richness in Central European grasslands
Müller, Jörg;Brandl, Roland;Cadotte, Marc W.;Heibl, Christoph;Bässler, Claus;Weiß, Ingmar;Birkhofer, Klaus;Thorn, Simon;Seibold, Sebastian; A replicated study on the response of spider assemblages to regional and local processes
Leroy, Benjamin M. L.;Seibold, Sebastian;Morinière, Jérôme;Bozicevic, Vedran;Jaworek, Jessica;Roth, Nicolas;Vogel, Sebastian;Zytynska, Sharon;Petercord, Ralf;Eichel, Peter;Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Metabarcoding of canopy arthropods reveals negative impacts of forestry insecticides on community structure across multiple taxa
Bregar, Tomaž;Mahmoudi, Ahmed;Kodrič, Miha;Ocepek, Domen;Trainotti, Francesco;Pogačar, Miha;Göldeli, Mert;Čepon, Gregor;Boltežar, Miha;Rixen, Daniel; pyFBS: A Python package for Frequency Based Substructuring
Pan, Y.; Braun, A.; Brilakis, I.; Borrmann, A.; Enriching geometric digital twins of buildings with small objects by fusing laser scanning and AI-based image recognition
Stocker, Julia Cosima Isabell; Automatisierte Generierung von Ordnungsschikanen für Vibrationswendelförderer mithilfe von Reinforcement Learning
Shi, Dalong; Reliability Analysis and Design of Flight Control Systems Using Surrogate Models
Weeber, Peter; Exercise as an adjunct treatment in children with cancer
Vollmer, Mario Albert; Edge Race-Tracking Effect on Preform Impregnation during Compression Resin Transfer Molding
Klapproth, Alexander Patrick; Approaching preclinical in vivo experiments involving nanoparticles as radiosensitizers through mathematical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations
Dubey, R. H.; Sohn, S. S.; Thrash, T.; Hölscher, C.; Borrmann, A.; Kapadia, M.; Cognitive Path Planning with Spatial Memory Distortion
Glomsda M., Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D., Seitz F.; Comparison of non-tidal loading data for application in a secular terrestrial reference frame
Feldotto, Benedikt ; Eppler, Jochen Martin ; Jimenez-Romero, Cristian ; Bignamini, Christopher ; Gutierrez, Carlos Enrique ; Albanese, Ugo ; Retamino, Eloy ; Vorobev, Viktor ; Zolfaghari, Vahid ; Upton, Alex ; Sun, Zhe ; Yamaura, Hiroshi ; Heidarinejad, Morteza ; Klijn, Wouter ; Morrison, Abigail ; Cruz, Felipe ; McMurtrie, Colin ; Knoll, Alois C. ; Igarashi, Jun ; Yamazaki, Tadashi ; Doya, Kenji ; Morin, Fabrice O.; Deploying and Optimizing Embodied Simulations of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks on HPC Infrastructure
Heller, Klaus ; Colin, David ; Drechsler, Klaus; Quantifying the Influence of Out-Time on Prepreg Material Properties and Out-Of-Plane Steering Defects During Automated Fiber Placement
Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe ; Efthimiou, Orestis ; Naci, Huseyin ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Leucht, Stefan ; Salanti, Georgia ; Wainwright, Laurence ; Zangani, Caroline ; De Crescenzo, Franco ; Smith, Katharine ; Stevens, Katherine ; Liu, Qiang ; Cipriani, Andrea; Vitruvian plot: a visualisation tool for multiple outcomes in network meta-analysis
Albers, Julian J. ; Pelka, Karin; Listening in on Multicellular Communication in Human Tissue Immunology
Stefan, Norbert ; Sippel, Katrin ; Heni, Martin ; Fritsche, Andreas ; Wagner, Robert ; Jakob, Carolin E. M. ; Preißl, Hubert ; von Werder, Alexander ; Khodamoradi, Yascha ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Rüthrich, Maria Madeleine ; Hanses, Frank ; Haselberger, Martina ; Piepel, Christiane ; Hower, Martin ; vom Dahl, Jürgen ; Wille, Kai ; Römmele, Christoph ; Vehreschild, Janne ; Stecher, Melanie ; Solimena, Michele ; Roden, Michael ; Schürmann, Annette ; Gallwitz, Baptist ; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin ; Ludwig, David S. ; Schulze, Matthias B. ; Jensen, Bjoern Erik Ole ; Birkenfeld, Andreas L.; Obesity and Impaired Metabolic Health Increase Risk of COVID-19-Related Mortality in Young and Middle-Aged Adults to the Level Observed in Older People: The LEOSS Registry
Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad ; Frei, Johann ; Vivar, Gerome ; Dieterich, Marianne ; Kirsch, Valerie; IE-Vnet: Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of the Inner Ear's Total Fluid Space
Schober, Sebastian Johannes ; Hallmen, Erika ; Reßle, Florian ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; Prexler, Carolin ; Wawer, Angela ; von Luettichau, Irene ; Ladenstein, Ruth ; Kazanowska, Bernarda ; Ljungman, Gustaf ; Niggli, Felix ; Lohi, Olli ; Hauer, Julia ; Gruhn, Bernd ; Klingebiel, Thomas ; Bader, Peter ; Burdach, Stefan ; Lang, Peter ; Sparber-Sauer, Monika ; Koscielniak, Ewa ; Thiel, Uwe; No Improvement of Survival for Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma Patients After HLA-Matched Versus -Mismatched Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Compared to Standard-of-Care Therapy
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alves, A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Barwick, S. W. ; Bastian, B. ; Basu, V. ; Baur, S. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Beise, J. ; Bellenghi, C. ; Benda, S. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Boddenberg, M. ; Bontempo, F. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Browne, S. ; Burgman, A. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G. H. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; De Clercq, C. ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; de Vries, K. D. ; de Wasseige, G. ; de With, M. ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; Dunkman, M. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Hebecker, D. ; Helbing, K. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoffmann, R. ; Hoshina, K. ; Huang, F. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kellermann, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kintscher, T. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Kochocki, A. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Krupczak, E. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Lanfranchi, J. L. ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Li, Y. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Mariş, I. C. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; McCarthy, S. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguyê0̆303n, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pittermann, M. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rechav, Z. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Shimizu, N. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stachurska, J. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Thwaites, J. ; Tilav, S. ; Tischbein, F. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Turley, C. F. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; Eijndhoven, N. van ; Vannerom, D. ; Santen, J. van ; Veitch-Michaelis, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Wang, W. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weiss, M. J. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Willey, N. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yildizci, E. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P.; Search for High-energy Neutrino Emission from Galactic X-Ray Binaries with IceCube
Kurzhals, Philipp ; Riewald, Felix ; Bianchini, Matteo ; Ahmed, Shamail ; Kern, Andreas Michael ; Walther, Felix ; Sommer, Heino ; Volz, Kerstin ; Janek, Jürgen; Deeper Understanding of the Lithiation Reaction during the Synthesis of LiNiO2 Towards an Increased Production Throughput
Luo, Meng ; Zhu, Pingping ; Rana, Usman ; Ma, Hu ; Yu, Zhendong ; Haidn, Oskar J.; Modeling Investigation of Liquid Oxygen Flashing Spray with CFD
Oswald, Stefan ; Riewald, Felix ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Novel Method for Monitoring the Electrochemical Capacitance by In Situ Impedance Spectroscopy as Indicator for Particle Cracking of Nickel-Rich NCMs: Part III. Development of a Simplified Measurement Setup
Günter, F. J. ; Keilhofer, J. ; Böhm, V. ; Daub, R. ; Reinhart, G.; Wetting and Inductivity in the Impedance Behavior of Large Lithium-Ion Cells
Gödel, Marion ; Lehmberg, Daniel ; Brydon, Rebecca ; Bosina, Ernst ; Köster, Gerta; Toward learning dynamic origin-destination matrices from crowd density heatmaps
Cerillo, Alfredo Giuseppe ; Voetsch, Andreas ; Michel, Jonathan ; Ruge, Hendrik; Editorial: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: All Transfemoral? Update on Vascular Acccess and Closure
Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Barz, Melanie ; Lange, Nicole ; Baumgart, Lea ; Thunstedt, Cem ; Eller, Mario Antonio ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Delbridge, Claire ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; The Impact of Postoperative Tumor Burden on Patients With Brain Metastases
Trobisch, Andreas ; Schweintzger, Nina A. ; Kohlfürst, Daniela S. ; Sagmeister, Manfred G. ; Sperl, Matthias ; Grisold, Andrea J. ; Feierl, Gebhard ; Herberg, Jethro A. ; Carrol, Enitan D. ; Paulus, Stephane C. ; Emonts, Marieke ; van der Flier, Michiel ; de Groot, Ronald ; Cebey-López, Miriam ; Rivero-Calle, Irene ; Boeddha, Navin P. ; Agapow, Paul-Michael ; Secka, Fatou ; Anderson, Suzanne T. ; Behrends, Uta ; Wintergerst, Uwe ; Reiter, Karl ; Martinon-Torres, Federico ; Levin, Michael ; Zenz, Werner; Osteoarticular Infections in Pediatric Hospitals in Europe: A Prospective Cohort Study From the EUCLIDS Consortium
Quirin, Markus ; Kerber, André ; Küstermann, Ekkehard ; Radtke, Elise L. ; Kazén, Miguel ; Konrad, Carsten ; Baumann, Nicola ; Ryan, Richard M. ; Ennis, Michael ; Kuhl, Julius; Not the Master of Your Volitional Mind? The Roles of the Right Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Personality Traits in Unconscious Introjections Versus Self-Chosen Goals
Ghai, Devina ; Kaur, Arshpreet ; Kahlon, Parvinderdeep S. ; Pawar, Sandip V. ; Sembi, Jaspreet K.; A Walk Through the Maze of Secondary Metabolism in Orchids: A Transcriptomic Approach
Bachmann, Quirin ; Haberfellner, Flora ; Büttner-Herold, Maike ; Torrez, Carlos ; Haller, Bernhard ; Assfalg, Volker ; Renders, Lutz ; Amann, Kerstin ; Heemann, Uwe ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Kemmner, Stephan; The Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) Correlates With Histopathologic Findings in Post-reperfusion Baseline Biopsies and Predicts Kidney Transplant Outcome
Uzuegbunam, Bright C. ; Li, Junhao ; Paslawski, Wojciech ; Weber, Wolfgang ; Svenningsson, Per ; Ågren, Hans ; Yousefi, Behrooz Hooshyar; Toward Novel [18F]Fluorine-Labeled Radiotracers for the Imaging of 0̆3b1-Synuclein Fibrils
Nolte, Alejandro Castillo ; Buchholz, Sascha ; Pernat, Nadja ; Egerer, Monika; Temporal Temperature Variation in Urban Gardens Is Mediated by Local and Landscape Land Cover and Is Linked to Environmental Justice
Nishizawa, T. ; Dux, R. ; McDermott, R.M. ; Sciortino, F. ; Cavedon, M. ; Schuster, C. ; Wolfrum, E. ; von Toussaint, U. ; Van Vuuren, A.Jansen ; Cruz-Zabala, D.J. ; Cano-Megias, P. ; Moon, C. ; the ASDEX Upgrade Team,; Non-parametric inference of impurity transport coefficients in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
Nève, Gilles ; Bur, Laura ; Lampert, Ladina ; Höchsmann, Christoph ; Brombach, Christine ; Steinemann, Nina ; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno; Validation of a Visually Aided Dietary Assessment Tool to Estimate Dietary Intake in an Adult Swiss Population
Paper, Michael ; Glemser, Matthias ; Haack, Martina ; Lorenzen, Jan ; Mehlmer, Norbert ; Fuchs, Tobias ; Schenk, Gerhard ; Garbe, Daniel ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Lakatos, Michael ; Brück, Thomas B.; Efficient Green Light Acclimation of the Green Algae Picochlorum sp. Triggering Geranylgeranylated Chlorophylls
Finck, Tom ; Li, Hongwei ; Schlaeger, Sarah ; Grundl, Lioba ; Sollmann, Nico ; Bender, Benjamin ; Bürkle, Eva ; Zimmer, Claus ; Kirschke, Jan ; Menze, Björn ; Mühlau, Mark ; Wiestler, Benedikt; Uncertainty-Aware and Lesion-Specific Image Synthesis in Multiple Sclerosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Multicentric Validation Study
Becker, Lukas ; Gondhalekar, Daphne; Estimating the Water and Carbon Footprints of Growing Avocados in the Munich Metropolitan Region Using Waste Heat as a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Potential
Feldotto, Benedikt ; Morin, Fabrice O. ; Knoll, Alois; The Neurorobotics Platform Robot Designer: Modeling Morphologies for Embodied Learning Experiments
Czobor, Pál ; Sebe, Barbara ; Acsai, Károly ; Barabássy, Ágota ; Laszlovszky, István ; Németh, György ; Furukawa, Toshi A. ; Leucht, Stefan; What Is the Minimum Clinically Important Change in Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia? PANSS Based Post-hoc Analyses of a Phase III Clinical Trial
Knogler, Maximilian ; Hetmanek, Andreas ; Seidel, Tina; Determining an Evidence Base for Particular Fields of Educational Practice: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses on Effective Mathematics and Science Teaching
Chen, Wei ; Ma, Jingyun ; Jiang, Yiming ; Deng, Li ; Lv, Ning ; Gao, Jinming ; Cheng, Jian ; Liang, Juan Boo ; Wang, Yan ; Lan, Tian ; Liao, Xindi ; Mi, Jiandui; Selective Maternal Seeding and Rearing Environment From Birth to Weaning Shape the Developing Piglet Gut Microbiome
Gemesi, Kathrin ; Holzmann, Sophie Laura ; Hochrein, Regine ; Döllinger, Nina ; Wienrich, Carolin ; Weinberger, Natascha-Alexandra ; Luck-Sikorski, Claudia ; Holzapfel, Christina; Attitude of Nutrition Experts Toward Psychotherapy and Virtual Reality as Part of Obesity Treatment_An Online Survey
Varasteh, Zohreh ; Braeuer, Miriam ; Mohanta, Sarajo ; Steinsiek, Anna-Lena ; Habenicht, Andreas ; Omidvari, Negar ; Topping, Geoffrey J. ; Rischpler, Christoph ; Weber, Wolfgang A. ; Sager, Hendrik B. ; Raes, Geert ; Hernot, Sophie ; Schwaiger, Markus; In vivo Visualization of M2 Macrophages in the Myocardium After Myocardial Infarction (MI) Using 68Ga-NOTA-Anti-MMR Nb: Targeting Mannose Receptor (MR, CD206) on M2 Macrophages
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Friedrich Alexander ; Esser, Grit ; Schulte, Kevin ; Kolbrink, Benedikt ; Krautter, Markus ; Schwenger, Vedat ; Weinmann-Menke, Julia ; Matschkal, Julia ; Schraml, Florian ; Pahl, Anne ; Braunisch, Matthias ; Amann, Kerstin ; Feldkamp, Thorsten ; Kunzendorf, Ulrich ; Renders, Lutz ; Heemann, Uwe; Study protocol: the TRAnsplant BIOpsies (TRABIO) study - a prospective, observational, multicentre cohort study to assess the treatment of kidney graft rejections
Cira, Kamacay ; Stocker, Felix ; Reischl, Stefan ; Obermeier, Andreas ; Friess, Helmut ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander; Coating of Intestinal Anastomoses for Prevention of Postoperative Leakage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Kram, Helena ; Prokop, Georg ; Haller, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens ; Wu, Yang ; Schmidt-Graf, Friederike ; Schlegel, Jürgen ; Conrad, Marcus ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike; Glioblastoma Relapses Show Increased Markers of Vulnerability to Ferroptosis
Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Frank, Tamara ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Renders, Lutz ; Kranke, Peter ; Popp, Maria ; Seeber, Christian ; Fichtner, Falk ; Littig, Bianca ; Carbajo-Lozoya, Javier ; Meerpohl, Joerg J. ; Haller, Bernhard ; Allwang, Christine; COVID-19 Vaccines: Fear of Side Effects among German Health Care Workers
Schlörmann, Wiebke ; Bockwoldt, Julia A. ; Hübner, Sabine M. ; Wittwer, Elisa ; Reiners, Sarah ; Lorkowski, Stefan ; Dawczynski, Christine ; Ehrmann, Matthias A. ; Glei, Michael; Use of the β-Glucan-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Levilactobacillus brevis and Pediococcus claussenii for Sourdough Fermentation_Chemical Characterization and Chemopreventive Potential of In Situ-Enriched Wheat and Rye Sourdoughs and Breads
Denisov, Artem ; Bubis, Anton ; Piatrusha, Stanislau ; Titova, Nadezhda ; Nasibulin, Albert ; Becker, Jonathan ; Treu, Julian ; Ruhstorfer, Daniel ; Koblmüller, Gregor ; Tikhonov, Evgeny ; Khrapai, Vadim; Heat-Mode Excitation in a Proximity Superconductor
Buckett, Lance ; Schönberger, Sabrina ; Spindler, Veronika ; Sus, Nadine ; Schoergenhofer, Christian ; Frank, Jan ; Frank, Oliver ; Rychlik, Michael; Synthesis of Human Phase I and Phase II Metabolites of Hop (Humulus lupulus) Prenylated Flavonoids
Hofele, Markus ; Roth, André ; Hegele, Patrick ; Schubert, Tim ; Schanz, Jochen ; Harrison, David K. ; De Silva, Anjali K. M. ; Riegel, Harald; Influence of Laser Polishing on the Material Properties of Aluminium L-PBF Components
Nikolantonaki, Maria ; Romanet, Rémy ; Lucio, Marianna ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Gougeon, Régis; Sulfonation Reactions behind the Fate of White Wine's Shelf-Life
Hofauer, Benedikt ; Wiesner, Miriam ; Stock, Konrad ; Peltz, Friedhelm ; Johnson, Felix ; Zhu, Zhaojun ; Chaker, Adam ; Knopf, Andreas; Multimodal Evaluation of Long-Term Salivary Gland Alterations in Sarcoidosis
Ritschl, Lucas M. ; Wittmann, Matthias ; von Bomhard, Achim ; Koerdt, Steffen ; Unterhuber, Tobias ; Kehl, Victoria ; Deppe, Herbert ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Mücke, Thomas ; Fichter, Andreas M.; Results of a Clinical Scoring System Regarding Symptoms and Surgical Treatment of Isolated Unilateral Zygomatico-Orbital Fractures: A Single-Centre Retrospective Analysis of 461 Cases
Lazic, Igor ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Langer, Severin ; Pohlig, Florian ; Suren, Christian ; Seidl, Fritz ; Rückert, Daniel ; Burgkart, Rainer ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger; Prediction of Complications and Surgery Duration in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Machine Learning: The Necessity of Modified Algorithms and Specific Data
Trenner, Matthias ; Knappich, Christoph ; Bohmann, Bianca ; Heuberger, Simon ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Kuehnl, Andreas; Utilization and Regional Differences of In-Patient Services for Peripheral Arterial Disease and Acute Limb Ischemia in Germany: Secondary Analysis of Nationwide DRG Data
Sandrock, Christoph ; Leupi, Simon ; Wohlfahrt, Jens ; Kaya, Cengiz ; Heuel, Maike ; Terranova, Melissa ; Blanckenhorn, Wolf U. ; Windisch, Wilhelm ; Kreuzer, Michael ; Leiber, Florian; Genotype-by-Diet Interactions for Larval Performance and Body Composition Traits in the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens
Grosch, Johannes ; Lesur, Antoine ; Kler, Stéphanie ; Bernardin, François ; Dittmar, Gunnar ; Francescato, Elisabetta ; Hewings, Simon J. ; Jakwerth, Constanze A. ; Zissler, Ulrich M. ; Heath, Matthew D. ; Ollert, Markus ; Kramer, Matthias F. ; Hilger, Christiane ; Bilò, Maria Beatrice ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Blank, Simon; Allergen Content of Therapeutic Preparations for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy of European Paper Wasp Venom Allergy
Napolitano, Fabrizio ; Bartalucci, Sergio ; Bertolucci, Sergio ; Bazzi, Massimiliano ; Bragadireanu, Mario ; Capoccia, Cesidio ; Cargnelli, Michael ; Clozza, Alberto ; De Paolis, Luca ; Del Grande, Raffaele ; Fiorini, Carlo ; Guaraldo, Carlo ; Iliescu, Mihail ; Laubenstein, Matthias ; Marton, Johann ; Miliucci, Marco ; Milotti, Edoardo ; Nola, Federico ; Piscicchia, Kristian ; Porcelli, Alessio ; Scordo, Alessandro ; Sgaramella, Francesco ; Shi, Hexi ; Sirghi, Diana Laura ; Sirghi, Florin ; Doce, Oton Vazquez ; Zmeskal, Johann ; Curceanu, Catalina; Testing the Pauli Exclusion Principle with the VIP-2 Experiment
Schneider-Marin, Patricia ; Winkelkotte, Anne ; Lang, Werner; Integrating Environmental and Economic Perspectives in Building Design
Guo, Jiawen ; Yuan, Quan ; Yu, Jingrui ; Chen, Xizheng ; Yu, Wenlin ; Cheng, Qian ; Wang, Wuhong ; Luo, Wenhui ; Jiang, Xiaobei; External Human-Machine Interfaces for Autonomous Vehicles from Pedestrians' Perspective: A Survey Study
Ahmed, Mostafa ; Harbi, Ibrahim ; Kennel, Ralph ; Rodríguez, José ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Maximum Power Point Tracking-Based Model Predictive Control for Photovoltaic Systems: Investigation and New Perspective
Miriya Thanthrige, Udaya S. K. P. ; Jung, Peter ; Sezgin, Aydin; Deep Unfolding of Iteratively Reweighted ADMM for Wireless RF Sensing
Li, Qingyu ; Zorzi, Stefano ; Shi, Yilei ; Fraundorfer, Friedrich ; Zhu, Xiao Xiang; RegGAN: An End-to-End Network for Building Footprint Generation with Boundary Regularization
Sohail, Malik Muhammad ; Frick, Eckhard ; Büssing, Arndt; Spiritual Care Competences among Health Care Professionals in Pakistan: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Survey
Chuirazzi, William ; Craft, Aaron ; Schillinger, Burkhard ; Mendoza, Jesus ; Cool, Steven ; Losko, Adrian; Fast Neutron Scintillator Screens for Neutron Imaging Using a Layered Polymer-Phosphor Architecture
Campora, Lorenzo Donato ; Metzger, Christoph ; Dähnhardt-Pfeiffer, Stephan ; Drexel, Roland ; Meier, Florian ; Fürtauer, Siegfried; Fluorescence Labeling of Cellulose Nanocrystals_A Facile and Green Synthesis Route
Nedelcu, Andrei Stefan ; Steiner, Fabian ; Kramer, Gerhard; Low-Resolution Precoding for Multi-Antenna Downlink Channels and OFDM 2̆020
Baessato, Francesca ; Romeo, Cristina ; Rabbat, Mark G. ; Pontone, Gianluca ; Meierhofer, Christian; A Comprehensive Assessment of Cardiomyopathies through Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: Focus on the Pediatric Population
Rospleszcz, Susanne ; Starnecker, Fabian ; Linkohr, Birgit ; von Scheidt, Moritz ; Gieger, Christian ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Peters, Annette; Validation of the 30-Year Framingham Risk Score in a German Population-Based Cohort
Schober, Sebastian A. ; Bahri, Yosra ; Carbonelli, Cecilia ; Wille, Robert; Neural Network Robustness Analysis Using Sensor Simulations for a Graphene-Based Semiconductor Gas Sensor 2̆020
Di Felice, Valentina ; Barone, Rosario ; Trovato, Eleonora ; D'Amico, Daniela ; Macaluso, Filippo ; Campanella, Claudia ; Marino Gammazza, Antonella ; Muccilli, Vera ; Cunsolo, Vincenzo ; Cancemi, Patrizia ; Multhoff, Gabriele ; Coletti, Dario ; Adamo, Sergio ; Farina, Felicia ; Cappello, Francesco; Physiactisome: A New Nanovesicle Drug Containing Heat Shock Protein 60 for Treating Muscle Wasting and Cachexia
Jakwerth, Constanze A. ; Ordovas-Montanes, Jose ; Blank, Simon ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Zissler, Ulrich M.; Role of Respiratory Epithelial Cells in Allergic Diseases
Mandalka, Andrea ; Cavalcanti, Maria Irisvalda Leal Gondim ; Harb, Talissa Barroco ; Toyota Fujii, Mutue ; Eisner, Peter ; Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute ; Chow, Fungyi; Nutritional Composition of Beach-Cast Marine Algae from the Brazilian Coast: Added Value for Algal Biomass Considered as Waste
Methner, Yvonne ; Dancker, Philipp ; Maier, Robin ; Latorre, Mailen ; Hutzler, Mathias ; Zarnkow, Martin ; Steinhaus, Martin ; Libkind, Diego ; Frank, Stephanie ; Jacob, Fritz; Influence of Varying Fermentation Parameters of the Yeast Strain Cyberlindnera saturnus on the Concentrations of Selected Flavor Components in Non-Alcoholic Beer Focusing on (E)-β-Damascenone
Dervishi, Vjosa ; Poschenrieder, Werner ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Moser-Reischl, Astrid ; Pretzsch, Hans; Effects of Climate and Drought on Stem Diameter Growth of Urban Tree Species
Schofield, David ; Mohapatra, Debashish ; Chamorro, Harold R. ; Roldan-Fernandez, Juan Manuel ; Abdellah, Kouzou ; Gonzalez-Longatt, Francisco; Design and Implementation of Low-Cost Phasor Measurement Unit: PhasorsCatcher
Giberti, Giulia Silvia ; Wellstein, Camilla ; Giovannelli, Alessio ; Bielak, Kamil ; Uhl, Enno ; Aguirre-Ráquira, William ; Giammarchi, Francesco ; Tonon, Giustino; Annual Carbon Sequestration Patterns in Trees: A Case Study from Scots Pine Monospecific Stands and Mixed Stands with Sessile Oak in Central Poland
Groll, Tanja ; Silva, Miguel ; Sarker, Rim Sabrina Jahan ; Tschurtschenthaler, Markus ; Schnalzger, Theresa ; Mogler, Carolin ; Denk, Daniela ; Schölch, Sebastian ; Schraml, Barbara U. ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Rad, Roland ; Saur, Dieter ; Weichert, Wilko ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Matiasek, Kaspar ; Steiger, Katja; Comparative Study of the Role of Interepithelial Mucosal Mast Cells in the Context of Intestinal Adenoma-Carcinoma Progression
Runtemund, Jasmin ; Rübenthaler, Johannes ; von Münchhausen, Niklas ; Ingenerf, Maria ; Grawe, Freba ; Biechele, Gloria ; Gassert, Felix Gerhard ; Tollens, Fabian ; Rink, Johann ; Cecatka, Sasa ; Schmid-Tannwald, Christine ; Froelich, Matthias F. ; Clevert, Dirk-André ; Schnitzer, Moritz L.; Diagnostic Workup for Patients with Solid Renal Masses: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Leyh, Catherine ; Ehmer, Ursula ; Roessler, Daniel ; Philipp, Alexander B. ; Reiter, Florian P. ; Jeliazkova, Petia ; Jochheim, Leonie S. ; Jeschke, Matthias ; Hammig, Janina ; Ludwig, Johannes M. ; Theysohn, Jens M. ; Geier, Andreas ; Lange, Christian M.; Sorafenib Versus Lenvatinib-Based Sequential Systemic Therapy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Real-World Analysis
Küchler, Maike ; El Shafie, Rami A. ; Adeberg, Sebastian ; Herfarth, Klaus ; König, Laila ; Lang, Kristin ; Hörner-Rieber, Juliane ; Plinkert, Peter Karl ; Wick, Wolfgang ; Sahm, Felix ; Sprengel, Simon David ; Debus, Jürgen ; Bernhardt, Denise; Outcome after Radiotherapy for Vestibular Schwannomas (VS)_Differences in Tumor Control, Symptoms and Quality of Life after Radiotherapy with Photon versus Proton Therapy
Moustafa, Mohamed ; Dähling, Katarzyna-Krystyna ; Günther, Armin ; Riebandt, Leonie ; Smit, Daniel J. ; Riecken, Kristoffer ; Schröder, Carina ; Zhuang, Ruimeng ; Krech, Till ; Kriegs, Malte ; Fehse, Boris ; Izbicki, Jakob R. ; Fischer, Lutz ; Nashan, Björn ; Li, Jun ; Jücker, Manfred; Combined Targeting of AKT and mTOR Inhibits Tumor Formation of EpCAM+ and CD90+ Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
Grashei, Martin ; Biechl, Philipp ; Schilling, Franz ; Otto, Angela M.; Conversion of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate in Breast Cancer Cells Depends on Their Malignancy, Metabolic Program and Nutrient Microenvironment
Born, Jannis ; Wiedemann, Nina ; Cossio, Manuel ; Buhre, Charlotte ; Brändle, Gabriel ; Leidermann, Konstantin ; Goulet, Julie ; Aujayeb, Avinash ; Moor, Michael ; Rieck, Bastian ; Borgwardt, Karsten; Erratum: Born et al. Accelerating Detection of Lung Pathologies with Explainable Ultrasound Image Analysis. Appl. Sci.0̆0a02021, 11, 672
Werner, Julia ; Saller, Anna M. ; Reiser, Judith ; Senf, Steffanie ; Deffner, Pauline ; Abendschön, Nora ; Fischer, Johannes ; Grott, Andrea ; Miller, Regina ; Zablotski, Yury ; Steiger, Katja ; Bergmann, Shana ; Erhard, Michael H. ; Ritzmann, Mathias ; Zöls, Susanne ; Baumgartner, Christine; Evaluation of Two Injection Techniques in Combination with the Local Anesthetics Lidocaine and Mepivacaine for Piglets Undergoing Surgical Castration
Stein, Sophie ; Hartung, Jens ; Möller, Kurt ; Zikeli, Sabine; The Effects of Leguminous Living Mulch Intercropping and Its Growth Management on Organic Cabbage Yield and Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Bauerdick, Josef J. ; Spiekers, Hubert ; Bernhardt, Heinz; System Design and Validation of a Wireless Sensor Monitoring System in Silage
Wislicenus, Jan ; Daidzic, Nihad E.; Estimation of Transport-Category Jet Airplane Maximum Range and Airspeed in the Presence of Transonic Wave Drag
Wiggenhauser, Matthias ; Moore, Rebekah E. T. ; Wang, Peng ; Bienert, Gerd Patrick ; Laursen, Kristian Holst ; Blotevogel, Simon; Stable Isotope Fractionation of Metals and Metalloids in Plants: A Review
Winkert, Kay ; Steinacker, Juergen M. ; Koehler, Karsten ; Treff, Gunnar; High Energetic Demand of Elite Rowing - Implications for Training and Nutrition
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Masuzaki, S. ; Maurer, D. ; Mayer, M. ; McCarthy, K.J. ; Mccormack, O. ; McNeely, P. ; Meister, H. ; Mendelevitch, B. ; Mendes, S. ; Merlo, A. ; Messian, A. ; Mielczarek, A. ; Mishchenko, O. ; Missal, B. ; Mitteau, R. ; Moiseenko, V.E. ; Mollen, A. ; Moncada, V. ; Mönnich, T. ; Morisaki, T. ; Moseev, D. ; Motojima, G. ; Mulas, S. ; Mulsow, M. ; Nagel, M. ; Naujoks, D. ; Naulin, V. ; Neelis, T. ; Neilson, H. ; Neu, R. ; Neubauer, O. ; Neuner, U. ; Nicolai, D. ; Nielsen, S.K. ; Niemann, H. ; Nishiza, T. ; Nishizawa, T. ; Nishizawa, T. ; Nührenberg, C. ; Ochoukov, R. ; Oelmann, J. ; Offermanns, G. ; Ogawa, K. ; Okamura, S. ; Ölmanns, J. ; Ongena, J. ; Oosterbeek, J. ; Otte, M. ; Pablant, N. ; Panadero Alvarez, N. ; Pandey, A. ; Pasch, E. ; Pavlichenko, R. ; Pavone, A. ; Pawelec, E. ; Pechstein, G. ; Pelka, G. ; Perseo, V. ; Peterson, B. ; Pilopp, D. ; Pingel, S. ; Pisano, F. ; Plöckl, B. ; Plunk, G. ; Pölöskei, P. ; Pompe, B. ; Popov, A. ; Porkolab, M. ; Proll, J. ; Pueschel, M.J. ; Puiatti, M.-E. ; Puig Sitjes, A. ; Purps, F. ; Rahbarnia, K. ; Rasiński, M. ; Rasmussen, J. ; Reiman, A. ; Reimold, F. ; Reisner, M. ; Reiter, D. ; Richou, M. ; Riedl, R. ; Riemann, J. ; Riße, K. ; Roberg-Clark, G. ; Rohde, V. ; Romazanov, J. ; Rondeshagen, D. ; Rong, P. ; Rudischhauser, L. ; Rummel, T. ; Rummel, K. ; Runov, A. ; Rust, N. ; Ryc, L. ; Salembier, P. ; Salewski, M. ; Sanchez, E. ; Satake, S. ; Satheeswaran, G. ; Schacht, J. ; Scharff, E. ; Schauer, F. ; Schilling, J. ; Schlisio, G. ; Schmid, K. ; Schmitt, J. ; Schmitz, O. ; Schneider, W. ; Schneider, M. ; Schneider, P. ; Schrittwieser, R. ; Schröder, T. ; Schröder, M. ; Schroeder, R. ; Schweer, B. ; Schwörer, D. ; Scott, E. ; Scott, E. ; Shanahan, B. ; Sias, G. ; Sichta, P. ; Singer, M. ; Sinha, P. ; Sipliä, S. ; Slaby, C. ; Sleczka, M. ; Smith, H. ; Smoniewski, J. ; Sonnendrücker, E. ; Spolaore, M. ; Spring, A. ; Stadler, R. ; Stańczak, D. ; Stange, T. ; Stepanov, I. ; Stephey, L. ; Stober, J. ; Stroth, U. ; Strumberger, E. ; Suzuki, C. ; Suzuki, Y. ; Svensson, J. ; Szabolics, T. ; Szepesi, T. ; Szücs, M. ; Tabarés, F.L. ; Tamura, N. ; Tancetti, A. ; Tantos, C. ; Terry, J. ; Thienpondt, H. ; Thomsen, H. ; Thumm, M. ; Travere, J.M. ; Traverso, P. ; Tretter, J. ; Trier, E. ; Trimino Mora, H. ; Tsujimura, T. ; Turkin, Y. ; Tykhyi, A. ; Unterberg, B. ; van Eeten, P. ; van Milligen, B.Ph. ; van Schoor, M. ; Vano, L. ; Varoutis, S. ; Vecsei, M. ; Vela, L. ; Velasco, J.L. ; Vervier, M. ; Vianello, N. ; Viebke, H. ; Vilbrandt, R. ; Vogel, G. ; Vogt, N. ; Volkhausen, C. ; von Stechow, A. ; Wagner, F. ; Wang, E. ; Wang, H. ; Warmer, F. ; Wauters, T. ; Wegener, L. ; Wegner, T. ; Weir, G. ; Wenzel, U. ; White, A. ; Wilde, F. ; Wilms, F. ; Windisch, T. ; Winkler, M. ; Winter, A. ; Winters, V. ; Wolf, R. ; Wright, A.M. ; Wurden, G.A. ; Xanthopoulos, P. ; Xu, S. ; Yamada, H. ; Yamaguchi, H. ; Yokoyama, M. ; Yoshinuma, M. ; Yu, Q. ; Zamanov, M. ; Zanini, M. ; Zarnstorff, M. ; Zhang, D. ; Zhou, S. ; Zhu, J. ; Zhu, C. ; Zilker, M. ; Zocco, A. ; Zohm, H. ; Zoletnik, S. ; Zsuga, L.; Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X
Della Bella, Roberta K. F. ; Stühmeier, Björn M. ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Universal Correlation between Cathode Roughness Factor and H2/Air Performance Losses in Voltage Cycling-Based Accelerated Stress Tests
Stroth, U. ; Bernert, M. ; Brida, D. ; Cavedon, M. ; Dux, R. ; Huett, E. ; Lunt, T. ; Pan, O. ; Wischmeier, M. ; ASDEX Upgrade Team, the; Model for access and stability of the X-point radiator and the threshold for marfes in tokamak plasmas
Dal Toso, Laura ; Chalampalakis, Zacharias ; Buvat, Irène ; Comtat, Claude ; Cook, Gary ; Goh, Vicky ; Schnabel, Julia A ; Marsden, Paul K; Improved 3D tumour definition and quantification of uptake in simulated lung tumours using deep learning
Friedrich, Franziska ; Zünd, Tanja ; Hoefling, Alexander ; Tübke, Jens ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Classification of Heat Evolution Terms in Li-Ion Batteries Regarding the OCV Hysteresis in a Li- and Mn-Rich NCM Cathode Material in Comparison to NCA
Heitmann, Henrik ; Andlauer, Till F M ; Korn, Thomas ; Mühlau, Mark ; Henningsen, Peter ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Ploner, Markus; Fatigue, depression, and pain in multiple sclerosis: How neuroinflammation translates into dysfunctional reward processing and anhedonic symptoms
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M., Dominique M., Türkmen A.; Machine Learning Approach for Forecasting Space Weather Effects in the Ionosphere with Uncertainty Quantification
Le N., Männel B., Natras R., Sakic P., Deng Z., Schuh H.; Apply noise filters for better forecast performance in Machine Learning
Barta V., Natras R., Sreckovic V., Koronczay D., Schmidt M., Sulic D.; Multi-instrumental investigation of the solar flares impact on the ionosphere occurring in December 2006
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M.; Machine Learning Ensemble Approach for Ionosphere and Space Weather Forecasting with Uncertainty Quantification
von Frankenberg und Ludwigsdorff, Nadine Katharina Victoria; Rationale Management for Event-Based Arbitration of Thermal Quality in Shared Spaces
Reimer, Lara Marie; Physical Activity Recognition Using Mobile Devices
Mikkelsen, L. P.;Legarth, B. N.;Herrmann, L.;Christensen, M. M.;Niordson, C. F.; A special finite element method applied to off-axis tunnel cracking in laminates
Wagner, Karolin Isabel; Identification, isolation and characterization of T cell receptors for adoptive T cell therapy in tumor and viral infections
Bernius, Jan Philip; Automatic Assessment of Textual Exercises
Fyfe, Selina;Smyth, Heather E.;Schirra, Horst Joachim;Rychlik, Michael;Sultanbawa, Yasmina; The Framework for Responsible Research With Australian Native Plant Foods: A Food Chemist's Perspective
Tsimidou, Maria Z.;Ordoudi, Stella A.;Mantzouridou, Fani Th.;Nenadis, Nikolaos;Stelzl, Tamara;Rychlik, Michael;Belc, Nastasia;Zoani, Claudia; Strategic Priorities of the Scientific Plan of the European Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI for Promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition
Hoheneder, Felix;Biehl, Eva Maria;Hofer, Katharina;Petermeier, Johannes;Groth, Jennifer;Herz, Markus;Rychlik, Michael;Heß, Michael;Hückelhoven, Ralph; Host Genotype and Weather Effects on Fusarium Head Blight Severity and Mycotoxin Load in Spring Barley
Berger, Michelle T.;Hemmler, Daniel;Diederich, Philippe;Rychlik, Michael;Marshall, James W.;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Open Search of Peptide Glycation Products from Tandem Mass Spectra
Groestlinger, Julia;Spindler, Veronika;Pahlke, Gudrun;Rychlik, Michael;Del Favero, Giorgia;Marko, Doris; Alternaria alternata Mycotoxins Activate the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Nrf2-ARE Pathway to Alter the Structure and Immune Response of Colon Epithelial Cells
Shamshafshejani, Taban; Production of autoclaved aerated concrete with silica raw materials of a higher solubility than quartz
Li, H.;Chen, K.;Seeber, B.U.; Gestalt Principles Emerge When Learning Universal Sound Source Separation
Klaß, Yannick Sebastian; High Q nanomechanical resonators fabricated from crystalline silicon carbide
Hart-Davis M.; The importance of ocean tides in sea level research using satellite altimetry
Schäfer, Dominik Sebastian; Herstellung von D-Galacturonsäure aus Agrarreststoffen mit Aspergillus niger im Rührkesselreaktor
Schoppel, Kristin; Metabolische Kontrollanalysen von Escherichia coli Mutanten zur Herstellung von L-Tryptophan im Zulaufverfahren
Schweyer, Victoria; Wunderlich, Jana; Gute Orte
Minkus, Susanne Kathryn; Development and validation of an orthogonal polarity-extended HRMS screening to detect highly polar trace organic compounds in the aquatic environment
Kreutz, Michael;Maierhofer, Johannes;Thümmel, Thomas;Rixen, Daniel J.; Simultaneous Identification of Free and Supported Frequency Response Functions of a Rotor in Active Magnetic Bearings
Karimi, Mojtaba; Multi-sensor Fusion and Low-delay Ego-motion Estimation for 6D SLAM
Schlüter, Lisa; Neutrino-Mass Analysis with sub-eV Sensitivity and Search for Light Sterile Neutrinos with the KATRIN Experiment
Zuo, Chenyu; Map-based Dashboard for Social Environment Understanding
Strand, Leah; Honer, Jens; Knoll, Alois; Systematic Error Source Analysis of a Real-World Multi-Camera Traffic Surveillance System
Creß, Christian; Zimmer, Walter; Strand, Leah; Fortkord, Maximilian; Dai, Siyi; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Knoll, Alois; A9-Dataset: Multi-Sensor Infrastructure-Based Dataset for Mobility Research
Harkous, Hasanin; Performance Modeling, Optimization, and Applications for the Deployment of Programmable Packet Processors in Cloud Environments
Huang, Yaren; Simulation and Modeling of SiC High Power Diodes
Theobald, Matthias; Untersuchungen zu C-S-H-Polykondensat Seeding Materials als Beschleuniger für die Entwicklung von Frühfestigkeit in zementären Systemen
Weininger, Maximilian Ph.; Solving Stochastic Games Reliably
Teepe, Torben;Gilg, Johannes;Herzog, Fabian;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Towards a Deeper Understanding of Skeleton-Based Gait Recognition
Chen, Kangle; Evaluation of the short-term and long-term behaviour of vehicle-track-system at track transitions based on numerical simulations
Bayzidi, Yasin; Smajic, Alen; Hüger, Fabian; Moritz, Ruby; Varghese, Serin; Schlicht, Peter; Knoll, Alois; Traffic Sign Classifiers Under Physical World Realistic Sticker Occlusions: A Cross Analysis Study
Pongratz, G.; Subotic, V.; von Berg, L.; Schroettner, H.; Hochenauer, C.; Martini, S.; Hauck, M.; Steinruecken, B.; Skrzypkiewicz, M.; Kupecki, J.; Scharler, R.; Anca-Couce, A.; Real coupling of solid oxide fuel cells with a biomass steam gasifier: Operating boundaries considering performance, tar and carbon deposition analyses
Rücker, Andreas Martin; Bewertung und Klassifizierung der Energieeffizienz von Regalbediengeräten in automatischen Hochregallagern
Gutmann, Sebastian Alexander Benedikt; Development of a Multi-Criteria Optimization Model Based on Floating Truck Data for Individual Truck Parking Recommendations
Sodini, Giacomo Enrico; Optimal Transport: unbalanced positive measures, dissipative evolutions and Sobolev spaces
Ralser, Anna; Helicobacter pylori and colon cancer: interplay between intestinal immune signaling and microbiota
Babaians, Edwin; Towards Assistive Teleoperation and Its Application to Pouring Liquids
Bollin, Martina; Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Bauweise der durchgehend bewehrten Betonfahrbahn
Liu, Qing; Regional gravity field refinement for geoid height modeling based on the combination of data from various observation techniques
Sala de Torres-Solanot, Pablo; The role of unconventional symmetries on the dynamics of quantum many-body systems
Zhang, Wei; The evaluation of intraoperative MRI-based elastic fusion for brain shift compensation of preoperative DTI tractography
Kremer, Kristof Jonny; Influence of thin surface oxide films on deuterium uptake, retention and release from tungsten
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J.; Recent activities on orbit determination for altimetry satellites at DGFI-TUM
Frahm, Nina María; Soft Constitutions
Okebunor Okolie, Augustine; Contact tracing on stochastic graphs
Zhang, Haosu; Application of preoperative function-based structural connectome analysis combined with supervised machine learning to predict surgery-related language deficits after glioma resection
Jiao, Junjie;Trentelman, Harry L.;Camlibel, M. Kanat; H2 and H-infinity Suboptimal Distributed Filter Design for Linear Systems
Jiao, Junjie;Capone, Alexandre;Hirche, Sandra; Backstepping tracking control using Gaussian processes with event-triggered online learning
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M.; Interpretable Machine Learning for Ionosphere Forecasting with Uncertainty Quantification
Heinzelmann, Jan; Ayadi, Sami; Prinz von Bayern, Leopold et al.; Rechtliche Herausforderungen digitaler Kunst und ihre urheber- und verfassungsrechtlichen Implikationen
Mora Alvarez , María Guadalupe; Effects of a web-based mindfulness training on brain structure and function
Brosda, Julian Frederic; Numerical Investigation of Secondary Currents in Partially Filled Pipe Flow
Fischer, Juliane Barbara; Quality Assessment Procedure for IEC 61131-3-based Control Software for Machine and Plant Manufacturers
Schneider-Marin, Eva Patricia; An Economic-Ecological Life Cycle Perspective for the Building Design Process
Melse, Okke; Improving the Description of Protein-Ligand Flexibility and Ion Interactions in Computer-Aided Enzyme Engineering and Drug Discovery
Stetter, Christian Wendelin; Agricultural Production and Environmental Change: An Economic Investigation
Al Haddad, Christelle; Developing an Enriched Multi-source Data Collection Framework for Driving Behavior Modeling
Kehm, Alexander Marian Frederik Nicholas; Strategies for the Realisation of Geocentric Regional Epoch Reference Frames
de Streel, Géraud;Lebourgeois, François;Ammer, Christian;Barbeito, Ignacio;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo-Oviedo, Andres;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Coll, Lluís;Collet, Catherine;del Río, Miren;Den Ouden, Jan;Drössler, Lars;Heym, Michael;Hurt, Václav;Kurylyak, Viktor;Löf, Magnus;Lombardi, Fabio;Matovic, Bratislav;Motta, Renzo;Osadchuk, Leonid;Pach, Maciej;Pereira, M.G.;Pretzsch, Hans;Sitko, Roman;Skrzyszewski, Jerzy;Sramek, Vit;Verheyen, Kris;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Ponette, Quentin; Regional climate moderately influences species-mixing effect on tree growth-climate relationships and drought resistance for beech and pine across Europe
Reisch, Raven T.; Janisch, Lucas; Tresselt, Joaquin; Kamps, Tobias; Knoll, Alois; Prescriptive Analytics - A Smart Manufacturing System for First-Time-Right Printing in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing using a Digital Twin
Reisch, Raven T.; Pantano, Matteo; Janisch, Lucas; Knoll, Alois; Lee, Dongheui; Spatial Annotation of Time Series for Data Driven Quality Assurance in Additive Manufacturing
Schmidt M., Zeitler L., Zeitlhöfler J., Corbin A., Vielberg K., Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Löcher A., Kusche J.; A comparison of scale factors for the thermospheric density from satellite laser ranging and accelerometer measurements
Bergmann, Paul; Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization for Visual Quality Inspection
Ilic, Mario; Sautter, Natalie; Margreiter, Martin; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Changing Strategic Alignments in European Urban Traffic Control – Requirements for Future Developments
Ecker, Anna-Maria; Optimisation-based design of industrial chemical processes
Adla, Soham; Low-cost soil moisture measurement and parsimonious crop modeling to assist agricultural water management
Niels, Tanja; Integrated Intersection Control for Connected Automated Vehicles, Pedestrians, and Bicyclists
Liu, Bing; Spatial Learning with Mixed Reality-based Navigation
Harald Willmann, Wolfgang A. Wall; Inverse analysis of material parameters in coupled multi-physics biofilm models
Behler, Karl Lorenz Ludwig; Phagen-freie Herstellung von Einzelstrang-DNA mit nutzerdefinierter Sequenz mit Escherichia coli
Starnella, Giuseppe; Increasing energy efficiency of neutral beam injection for DEMO: A conceptual design study
Pawar, Priya; Zonal Ventilation Strategy
Bismut, Elizabeth Yolande Lidia; Optimal heuristic strategies for risk- and reliability-based inspection and maintenance planning
Jiao, Junjie;Maity, Dipankar;Baras, John S.;Hirche, Sandra; Actuator scheduling for linear systems: a convex relaxation approach
Ertl, Christoph Matthias; A Decentral Framework with Dynamic Partitioning for Numerical Computations on Massively Parallel Systems
Hart-Davis M.; Studies in Cross-Disciplinary Research using Parcels in the Greater Agulhas System
Molina Garcia, Victor; Retrieval of cloud properties from EPIC/DSCOVR
Lin, Qing; Multistep Flood Inundation Forecast with Artificial Neural Network
Lehner, Hannah; Task-Oriented Exploration: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach for Robotic Exploration
Bing, Zhenshan;Lerch, David;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments
Schäfer, Stefan Rainer; Modeling transport processes in run-of-river reservoirs
Natras R., Halilovic Dz., Mulic M., Schmidt M.; Mid-latitude Ionosphere Variability and Modeling including Space Weather Impact on VTEC and PPP
Stegmaier, Sina; Working Interfaces in Solid-State Electrolytes
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Coupling 1D thermohydraulics with 3D CFD via preCICE
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Growing preCICE from an as-is coupling library to a widely-used, batteries-included ecosystem
Akl, Mahmoud; Sandamirskaya, Yulia; Ergene, Deniz; Walter, Florian; Knoll, Alois; Fine-tuning Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies with r-STDP for Domain Adaptation
Bärthel, Stefanie; Characterization of the tumor microenvironment and cell-cell communication networks in pancreatic cancer subtypes
Eggels, Stella; The relationship between carbon isotopic composition of plant dry matter and gas exchange in near isogenic lines of maize (Zea mays L.)
Comellato, Tommaso; Inverted Coaxial Detectors for Legend
Leipold, Nadja; Lurz, Martin; Wintergerst, Monika; Groh, Georg; Goal-Setting Characteristics of Nutrition-Related mHealth Systems: A Morphological Analysis
Leipold, Nadja; Wintergerst, Monika; Steuer, Anton; Groh, Georg; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; A Conversational & Reflective Approach for Dietary Logging with the Food Pyramid: Chatbot RAINA
Stocker, Sina; Transferability in Chemical Machine Learning
Rostami-shahrbabaki, M.; Weikl, S.; Akbarzadeh, M.; Bogenberger, K.; A two-layer approach for vehicular flocking in lane-free environment
Wittmann, Jonas;Pachler, Florian;Ruhkamp, Patrick;Jung, Hyunjun;Sygulla, Felix;Rixen, Daniel; Robotic Framework for Autonomous Assembly: a Report from the Robothon 2021 Grand Challenge
Maierhofer, Johannes;Dietz, Christoph;Zobel, Oliver M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Multiphysical Simulation, Model Order Reduction (ECSW) and Experimental Validation of an Active Magnetic Bearing
Wengert, Simon Peter; Kernel-Based Machine Learning for Molecular Crystal Structure Prediction
Buker, T.; Endress, F.; Miehling, J.; Wartzack, S.; The Interplay of Subjective Quality Evaluation, Prototyping Technologies and the User's Technology Acceptance
Endress, Felix; Kipouros, Timoleon; Buker, Tina; Wartzack, Sandro; Clarkson, P. John; The Value of Information in Clustering Dense Matrices: When and How to Make Use of Information
Lindner, Johannes; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Keler, Andreas; Malcolm, Patrick; Denk, Florian; Brunner, Pascal; Bogenberger, Klaus; A mobile application for resolving bicyclist and automated vehicle interactions at intersections
J. Brüdigam; M. Schuck; A. Capone; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche; Structure-Preserving Learning Using Gaussian Processes and Variational Integrators
Feldmeier, Johannes; Nonequilibrium dynamics in constrained quantum many-body systems
Dyck, Michael;Sachtler, Arne;Klodmann, Julian;Albu-Schaffer, Alin; Impedance Control on Arbitrary Surfaces for Ultrasound Scanning Using Discrete Differential Geometry
Wolf, Sebastian; Towards Extreme-Scale Multiphysics Simulations for Induced Earthquakes
Shchur, Oleksandr; Modeling Continuous-time Event Data with Neural Temporal Point Processes
Müller, Nicolas; Integrity and Correctness of Machine Learning Data
Schmidl, Benedikt Johannes Helmut; NOTCH1 und das Tumor Microenvironment des Plattenepithelkarzinoms des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches (HNSCC)
Esser, S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Graph-based version control for asynchronous BIM collaboration
Esser, S.;Abualdenien, J.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Requirements for event-driven architectures in open BIM collaboration
Olivar, Jorge;Rais, Andreas;Pretzsch, Hans;Bravo, Felipe; The Impact of Climate and Adaptative Forest Management on the Intra-Annual Growth of Pinus halepensis Based on Long-Term Dendrometer Recordings
Klauß, Sarah Vivian Carolin; Der Effekt von Mastzellstabilisatoren auf die Schmerzentstehung und –wahrnehmung bei akuter und chronischer Pankreatitis
Moser, Johannes;Wenner, Fabian;Thierstein, Alain; Working From Home and Covid-19: Where Could Residents Move to?
Hao Xing, Darius Burschka; Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network
Tan, Yaoyao;Su, Xiaojie;Bing, Zhenshan;Yang, Xiaokui;Knoll, Alois; Reduced-Model Based Fault Detector and Controller Design for Discrete-Time Switching Fuzzy Systems
Duda, Manuela Anna ; Grad, Andreas ; Kampfer, Severin ; Dobiasch, Sophie ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Wilkens, Jan Jakob; Dual energy CT for a small animal radiation research platform using an empirical dual energy calibration
Bing, Zhenshan ; Chen, Fei ; Li, Rui ; Zhong, Junpei ; Li, Qiang; Editorial: Biological-Inspired Autonomous Mobile Manipulation: Challenges in Design, Control, and Real-World Applications
Ehlich, Jiří ; Migliaccio, Ludovico ; Sahalianov, Ihor ; Niki0̆107, Marta ; Brodský, Jan ; Gablech, Imrich ; Vu, Xuan Thang ; Ingebrandt, Sven ; G\1̆42owacki, Eric Daniel; Direct measurement of oxygen reduction reactions at neurostimulation electrodes
Segev, Gideon ; Kibsgaard, Jakob ; Hahn, Christopher ; Xu, Zhichuan J ; Cheng, Wen-Hui (Sophia) ; Deutsch, Todd G ; Xiang, Chengxiang ; Zhang, Jenny Z ; Hammarström, Leif ; Nocera, Daniel G ; Weber, Adam Z ; Agbo, Peter ; Hisatomi, Takashi ; Osterloh, Frank E ; Domen, Kazunari ; Abdi, Fatwa F ; Haussener, Sophia ; Miller, Daniel J ; Ardo, Shane ; McIntyre, Paul C ; Hannappel, Thomas ; Hu, Shu ; Atwater, Harry ; Gregoire, John M ; Ertem, Mehmed Z ; Sharp, Ian D ; Choi, Kyoung-Shin ; Lee, Jae Sung ; Ishitani, Osamu ; Ager, Joel W ; Prabhakar, Rajiv Ramanujam ; Bell, Alexis T ; Boettcher, Shannon W ; Vincent, Kylie ; Takanabe, Kazuhiro ; Artero, Vincent ; Napier, Ryan ; Cuenya, Beatriz Roldan ; Koper, Marc T M ; Van De Krol, Roel ; Houle, Frances; The 2022 solar fuels roadmap
Ruge, Hendrik ; Alvarez-Covarrubias, Hector A. ; Deutsch, Oliver ; Alalawi, Zahra ; Vitanova, Keti ; Lange, Rüdiger; Bioprosthetic Valve Fracturing: In vitro Testing of Edwards PERIMOUNT Model P 2900
Tan, Yi-Roe ; Agrawal, Anurag ; Matsoso, Malebona Precious ; Katz, Rebecca ; Davis, Sara L M ; Winkler, Andrea Sylvia ; Huber, Annalena ; Joshi, Ashish ; El-Mohandes, Ayman ; Mellado, Bruce ; Mubaira, Caroline Antonia ; Canlas, Felipe C ; Asiki, Gershim ; Khosa, Harjyot ; Lazarus, Jeffrey Victor ; Choisy, Marc ; Recamonde-Mendoza, Mariana ; Keiser, Olivia ; Okwen, Patrick ; English, Rene ; Stinckwich, Serge ; Kiwuwa-Muyingo, Sylvia ; Kutadza, Tariro ; Sethi, Tavpritesh ; Mathaha, Thuso ; Nguyen, Vinh Kim ; Gill, Amandeep ; Yap, Peiling; A call for citizen science in pandemic preparedness and response: beyond data collection
Niemann, Jana ; Schenk, Liane ; Stadler, Gertraud ; Richter, Matthias; What happens when you stop using the combined contraceptive pill? A qualitative study protocol on consequences and supply needs for women who discontinued the combined contraceptive pill in Germany
Fiamoncini, Jarlei ; Donado-Pestana, Carlos M. ; Duarte, Graziela Biude Silva ; Rundle, Milena ; Thomas, Elizabeth Louise ; Kiselova-Kaneva, Yoana ; Gundersen, Thomas E. ; Bunzel, Diana ; Trezzi, Jean-Pierre ; Kulling, Sabine E. ; Hiller, Karsten ; Sonntag, Denise ; Ivanova, Diana ; Brennan, Lorraine ; Wopereis, Suzan ; van Ommen, Ben ; Frost, Gary ; Bell, Jimmy ; Drevon, Christian A. ; Daniel, Hannelore; Plasma Metabolic Signatures of Healthy Overweight Subjects Challenged With an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Hanel, Andreas ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Operation of Conventional Power Plants During the German Energy Transition: A Mini Review
Gong, Dongliang ; Yi, Ming ; Wang, Meng ; Xie, Tao ; Zhang, Wenliang ; Danilkin, Sergey ; Deng, Guochu ; Liu, Xinzhi ; Park, Jitae T. ; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko ; Kamazawa, Kazuya ; Mo, Sung-Kwan ; Hashimoto, Makoto ; Lu, Donghui ; Zhang, Rui ; Dai, Pengcheng ; Birgeneau, Robert J. ; Li, Shiliang ; Luo, Huiqian; Nematic Fluctuations in the Non-Superconducting Iron Pnictide BaFe1.92̆212x\nNi0.1Cr\nx\nAs2\n
Bak, Marieke ; Madai, Vince Istvan ; Fritzsche, Marie-Christine ; Mayrhofer, Michaela Th. ; McLennan, Stuart; You Can't Have AI Both Ways: Balancing Health Data Privacy and Access Fairly
Tóth, Barbara ; Jávorházy, András ; Nyirády, Péter ; Csupor-Löffler, Boglárka ; Birinyi, Péter ; Zhanel, George ; Naber, Kurt ; Länger, Reinhard ; Vörhendi, Nóra ; Gede, Noémi ; Váncsa, Szilárd ; Hegyi, Péter ; Csupor, Dezs0̆151; Bearberry in the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis (BRUMI): protocol of a multicentre, randomised double-blind clinical trial
Holas, Alexander ; Koch, Catherine Y ; Leibold, Joachim ; Prendi, Alesia ; Schlachta, Tim P ; Sophia Schmid, Anna ; Schmitt, Leonard; On the energy consumption of online and on-site lectures
Brenner, Anja ; Herrera, Gonzalo ; Ibarra, Alejandro ; Kang, Sunghyun ; Scopel, Stefano ; Tomar, Gaurav; Complementarity of experiments in probing the non-relativistic effective theory of dark matter-nucleon interactions
Grothe, Jessica ; Röhr, Susanne ; Luppa, Melanie ; Pabst, Alexander ; Kleineidam, Luca ; Heser, Kathrin ; Fuchs, Angela ; Pentzek, Michael ; Oey, Anke ; Wiese, Birgitt ; Lühmann, Dagmar ; van den Bussche, Hendrik ; Weyerer, Siegfried ; Werle, Jochen ; Weeg, Dagmar ; Bickel, Horst ; Scherer, Martin ; König, Hans-Helmut ; Hajek, André ; Wagner, Michael ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G.; Social Isolation and Incident Dementia in the Oldest-Old_A Competing Risk Analysis
Segev, Gideon ; Kibsgaard, Jakob ; Hahn, Christopher ; Xu, Zhichuan J ; Cheng, Wen-Hui (Sophia) ; Deutsch, Todd G ; Xiang, Chengxiang ; Zhang, Jenny Z ; Hammarström, Leif ; Nocera, Daniel G ; Weber, Adam Z ; Agbo, Peter ; Hisatomi, Takashi ; Osterloh, Frank E ; Domen, Kazunari ; Abdi, Fatwa F ; Haussener, Sophia ; Miller, Daniel J ; Ardo, Shane ; McIntyre, Paul C ; Hannappel, Thomas ; Hu, Shu ; Atwater, Harry ; Gregoire, John M ; Ertem, Mehmed Z ; Sharp, Ian D ; Choi, Kyoung-Shin ; Lee, Jae Sung ; Ishitani, Osamu ; Ager, Joel W ; Prabhakar, Rajiv Ramanujam ; Bell, Alexis T ; Boettcher, Shannon W ; Vincent, Kylie ; Takanabe, Kazuhiro ; Artero, Vincent ; Napier, Ryan ; Cuenya, Beatriz Roldan ; Koper, Marc T M ; Van De Krol, Roel ; Houle, Frances; The 2022 solar fuels roadmap
Köhn-Seemann, A ; Birkenmeier, G ; Diez, P ; Holzhauer, E ; Merli, S ; Ramisch, M ; Sichardt, G ; Stroth, U; Plasma electron acceleration in a non-resonant microwave heating scheme below the electron cyclotron frequency
Wang, Kun ; Mizuno, Yosuke ; Dong, Xingchen ; Kurz, Wolfgang ; Fink, Maximilian ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Strain-insensitive high-sensitivity temperature sensing based on multimode interference in a square-core fiber
Rechberger, Simon ; Li, Yong ; Kopetzky, Sebastian J. ; Butz-Ostendorf, Markus; Automated High-Definition MRI Processing Routine Robustly Detects Longitudinal Morphometry Changes in Alzheimer's Disease Patients
Wang, Xin ; Liu, Shuting ; Zhu, Mingxing ; He, Yuchao ; Wei, Zhilong ; Wang, Yingying ; Xu, Yangjie ; Pan, Hongguang ; Huang, Weimin ; Chen, Shixiong ; Li, Guanglin; Flexible Non-contact Electrodes for Wearable Biosensors System on Electrocardiogram Monitoring in Motion
Alessandrini, Francesca ; de Jong, Renske ; Wimmer, Maria ; Maier, Ann-Marie ; Fernandez, Isis ; Hils, Miriam ; Buters, Jeroen T. ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Zissler, Ulrich M. ; Hoffmann, Christian ; Esser-von-Bieren, Julia ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Ohnmacht, Caspar; Lung Epithelial CYP1 Activity Regulates Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Dependent Allergic Airway Inflammation
Lux, Kerstin ; Ashwin, Peter ; Wood, Richard ; Kuehn, Christian; Assessing the impact of parametric uncertainty on tipping points of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
Campagnolo, Filippo ; Castellani, Francesco ; Natili, Francesco ; Astolfi, Davide ; Mühle, Franz; Wind Tunnel Testing of Yaw by Individual Pitch Control Applied to Wake Steering
Strehle, Benjamin ; Yoon, Jiyoung ; Friedrich, Franziska ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Specific Surface Area and Bulk Strain: Important Material Metrics Determining the Electrochemical Performance of Li- and Mn-Rich Layered Oxides
Al Boustani, George ; Weiß, Lennart Jakob Konstantin ; Li, Hongwei ; Meyer, Svea Marie ; Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Rinklin, Philipp ; Menze, Bjoern ; Hemmert, Werner ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Influence of Auditory Cues on the Neuronal Response to Naturalistic Visual Stimuli in a Virtual Reality Setting
Fuertes-Perez, Sandra ; Abele, Miriam ; Ludwig, Christina ; Vogel, Rudi F. ; Hilgarth, Maik; Impact of Modified Atmospheres on Growth and Metabolism of Meat-Spoilage Relevant Photobacterium spp. as Predicted by Comparative Proteomics
Miranda, Miro ; Zabawa, Laura ; Kicherer, Anna ; Strothmann, Laurenz ; Rascher, Uwe ; Roscher, Ribana; Detection of Anomalous Grapevine Berries Using Variational Autoencoders
Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Yazdi, Mina ; Benmebarek, Mohamed-Reda ; Schwab, Melissa ; Michaelides, Stefanos ; Miccichè, Arianna ; Geerts, Dirk ; Stangl, Stefan ; Klapproth, Sarah ; Wagner, Ernst ; Kobold, Sebastian ; Multhoff, Gabriele; CAR T Cells Targeting Membrane-Bound Hsp70 on Tumor Cells Mimic Hsp70-Primed NK Cells
Hille, Lucas ; Toepper, Hans-Christoph ; Schriever, Charlotte ; Kriegler, Johannes ; Keilhofer, Josef ; Noecker, Marc P. ; Zaeh, Michael F.; Influence of Laser Structuring and Calendering of Graphite Anodes on Electrode Properties and Cell Performance
Angermann, Susanne ; Günthner, Roman ; Hanssen, Henner ; Lorenz, Georg ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Steubl, Dominik ; Matschkal, Julia ; Kemmner, Stephan ; Hausinger, Renate ; Block, Zenonas ; Haller, Bernhard ; Heemann, Uwe ; Kotliar, Konstantin ; Grimmer, Timo ; Schmaderer, Christoph; Cognitive impairment and microvascular function in end-stage renal disease
Gramer, Irina ; Karakus, Emre ; Hartmann, Michaela F. ; Wudy, Stefan A. ; Bauer, Natali ; Moritz, Andreas ; Aktürk, Zekeriya ; Geyer, Joachim; Urinary cortisol metabolites are reduced in MDR1 mutant dogs in a pilot targeted GC2̆010MS urinary steroid hormone metabolome analysis
Kaeuferle, Theresa ; Stief, Tanja A ; Canzar, Stefan ; Kutlu, Nayad N ; Willier, Semjon ; Stenger, Dana ; Ferrada2̆010Ernst, Paulina ; Habjan, Nicola ; Peters, Annika E ; Busch, Dirk H ; Feuchtinger, Tobias; Genome2̆010wide off\0̆10target analyses of CRISPR/Cas9\u1̆0mediated T\u20̆cell receptor engineering in primary human T cells
Muhammad, Marwan ; Prakash, Jaya ; Liapis, Evangelos ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Jüstel, Dominik; Weighted model2̆010based optoacoustic reconstruction for partial\0̆10view geometries
Özparpucu, Merve ; Sánchez2̆010Ferrer, Antoni ; Schuh, Mathias ; Wilhelm, Bianca ; Sarkar, Riddhiman ; Reif, Bernd ; Windeisen\0̆10Holzhauser, Elisabeth ; Richter, Klaus; Acidic wood extractives accelerate the curing process of emulsion polymer isocyanate adhesives
Arsov, Christian ; Albers, Peter ; Herkommer, Kathleen ; Gschwend, Jürgen ; Imkamp, Florian ; Peters, Inga ; Kuczyk, Markus ; Hadaschik, Boris ; Kristiansen, Glen ; Schimmöller, Lars ; Antoch, Gerald ; Rummeny, Ernst ; Wacker, Frank ; Schlemmer, Heinz ; Benner, Axel ; Siener, Roswitha ; Kaaks, Rudolf ; Becker, Nikolaus; A randomized trial of risk2̆010adapted screening for prostate cancer in young men_Results of the first screening round of the PROBASE trial
Jiang, Xinyu ; Chotard, Pauline ; Luo, Kexun ; Eckmann, Felix ; Tu, Suo ; Reus, Manuel A. ; Yin, Shanshan ; Reitenbach, Julija ; Weindl, Christian L. ; Schwartzkopf, Matthias ; Roth, Stephan V. ; Müller2̆010Buschbaum, Peter; Revealing Donor-Acceptor Interaction on the Printed Active Layer Morphology and the Formation Kinetics for Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells at Ambient Conditions
Li, Cong ; Wang, Yongchao ; Liu, Fangzhou ; Liu, Qingchen ; Buss, Martin; Model2̆010free incremental adaptive dynamic programming based approximate robust optimal regulation
Gierlich, Piotr ; Mucha, Sebastian G. ; Robbins, Emma ; Gomes2̆010da\0̆10Silva, Lígia C. ; Matczyszyn, Katarzyna ; Senge, Mathias O.; One2̆010Photon and Two\0̆10Photon Photophysical Properties of Tetrafunctionalized 5,10,15,20\u1̆0tetrakis(m\u20̆hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (Temoporfin) Derivatives as Potential Two\u20P̆hoton\u201n̆duced Photodynamic Therapy Agents
Woellner, Romy ; Wagner, Thomas C. ; Crabot, Julie ; Kollmann, Johannes; Spatio2̆010temporal patterns in degradation and restoration of gravel bars along Alpine rivers
Siegl, Manuel ; Brunner, Vincent ; Geier, Dominik ; Becker, Thomas; Ensemble2̆010based adaptive soft sensor for fault\0̆10tolerant biomass monitoring
Keuter, Sabine ; Koch, Hanna ; Sass, Katharina ; Wegen, Simone ; Lee, Natuschka ; Lücker, Sebastian ; Spieck, Eva; Some like it cold: the cellular organization and physiological limits of cold2̆010tolerant nitrite\0̆10oxidizing Nitrotoga
Mukherjee, Soumya ; Hou, Shujin ; Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Li, Weijin ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Fischer, Roland A.; Avoiding Pyrolysis and Calcination: Advances in the Benign Routes Leading to MOF2̆010Derived Electrocatalysts
Kantenwein, Verena ; Telishevska, Marta ; Bourier, Felix ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Brkic, Amir ; Risse, Elena ; Popa, Miruna ; Lengauer, Sarah ; Kolb, Christof ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Reents, Tilko; Feasibility and safety of left atrial access for ablation of atrial fibrillation in patients with persistent left superior vena cava
Bauer, Amelie ; Puglisi, Matteo ; Nagl, Dennis ; Schick, Joel A ; Werner, Thomas ; Klingl, Andreas ; El Andari, Jihad ; Hornung, Veit ; Kessler, Horst ; Götz, Magdalena ; Grimm, Dirk ; Brack2̆010Werner, Ruth; Molecular Signature of Astrocytes for Gene Delivery by the Synthetic Adeno2̆010Associated Viral Vector rAAV9P1
Schweizer, Steffen A. ; Graf2̆010Rosenfellner, Markus ; Bhat, Nisar A. ; Kayser, Gilles ; Sisodia, Bhupendra S. ; Kirchhof, Gunnar ; Zikeli, Sabine ; Cadisch, Georg ; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Responses of soil organic carbon, aggregate diameters, and hydraulic properties to long2̆010term organic and conventional farming on a Vertisol in India
Ruf, Alexander ; Kanawati, Basem ; Schmitt2̆010Kopplin, Philippe; Dihydrogen phosphate anion boosts the detection of sugars in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: A combined experimental and computational investigation
Herz, Anna2̆010Lina ; Wisser, Sarah ; Kohlruss, Meike ; Slotta\0̆10Huspenina, Julia ; Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Grosser, Bianca ; Steiger, Katja ; Novotny, Alexander ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Gaida, Matthias M ; Weichert, Wilko ; Keller, Gisela; Elevated microsatellite instability at selected tetranucleotide (EMAST) repeats in gastric cancer: a distinct microsatellite instability type with potential clinical impact?
Zanger, Vera ; Meißner, Martin ; Rauschnabel, Philipp A.; Beyond the gimmick: How affective responses drive brand attitudes and intentions in augmented reality marketing
Ruge, Hendrik ; Burri, Melchior ; Erlebach, Magdalena ; Lange, Ruediger; Propensity matched analysis of vascular complications using integrated or expandable sheaths for TAVR
Engel, Christoph ; Goerg, Sebastian J. ; Traxler, Christian; Intensified support for juvenile offenders on probation: Evidence from Germany
Song, Jianbo ; Pallach, Roman ; Frentzel2̆010Beyme, Louis ; Kolodzeiski, Pascal ; Kieslich, Gregor ; Vervoorts, Pia ; Hobday, Claire L. ; Henke, Sebastian; Abstimmung des Hochdruckphasenverhaltens hochkomprimierbarer zeolithischer Imidazolatgerüstverbindungen: Vom diskontinuierlichen zum kontinuierlichen Porenverschluss durch Linkersubstitution
Ran, Wei ; Walz, Andreas ; Stoiber, Karolina ; Knecht, Peter ; Xu, Hongxiang ; Papageorgiou, Anthoula C. ; Huettig, Annette ; Cortizo2̆010Lacalle, Diego ; Mora\0̆10Fuentes, Juan P. ; Mateo\u1̆0Alonso, Aurelio ; Schlichting, Hartmut ; Reichert, Joachim ; Barth, Johannes V.; Depositing Molecular Graphene Nanoribbons on Ag(111) by Electrospray Controlled Ion Beam Deposition: Self2̆010Assembly and On\0̆10Surface Transformations
Reichert, Tatiana ; Rammig, Anja ; Fuchslueger, Lucia ; Lugli, Laynara F. ; Quesada, Carlos A. ; Fleischer, Katrin; Plant phosphorus2̆010use and \0̆10acquisition strategies in Amazonia
Zanker, Alexander A. ; Stargardt, Patrick ; Kurzbach, Sophie C. ; Turrina, Chiara ; Mairhofer, Juergen ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P. ; Berensmeier, Sonja; Direct capture and selective elution of a secreted polyglutamate2̆010tagged nanobody using bare magnetic nanoparticles
Winter, Johanna ; Dimroth, Anton ; Roetzer, Sebastian ; Zhang, Yunzhe ; Krämer, Karl2̆010Ludwig ; Petrich, Christian ; Matejcek, Christoph ; Aulenbacher, Kurt ; Zimmermann, Markus ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Galek, Marek ; Natour, Ghaleb ; Butzek, Michael ; Wilkens, Jan J. ; Bartzsch, Stefan; Heat management of a compact x2̆010ray source for microbeam radiotherapy and FLASH treatments
Brunner, Andreas2̆010David ; Thielert, Marvin ; Vasilopoulou, Catherine ; Ammar, Constantin ; Coscia, Fabian ; Mund, Andreas ; Hoerning, Ole B ; Bache, Nicolai ; Apalategui, Amalia ; Lubeck, Markus ; Richter, Sabrina ; Fischer, David S ; Raether, Oliver ; Park, Melvin A ; Meier, Florian ; Theis, Fabian J ; Mann, Matthias; Ultra2̆010high sensitivity mass spectrometry quantifies single\0̆10cell proteome changes upon perturbation
Berghöfer, Uta ; Rode, Julian ; Jax, Kurt ; Förster, Johannes ; Berghöfer, Augustin ; Wittmer, Heidi; 'Societal Relationships with Nature': A framework for understanding nature2̆010related conflicts and multiple values
Liu, Tong ; Buss, Martin; Model reference adaptive control of piecewise affine systems with state tracking performance guarantees
Walte, Nicolas P. ; Golabek, Gregor J.; Olivine aggregates reveal a complex collisional history of the main group pallasite parent body
Haider, Sylvia ; Palm, Sebastian ; Bruelheide, Helge ; de Villemereuil, Pierre ; Menzel, Annette ; Lachmuth, Susanne; Disturbance and indirect effects of climate warming support a plant invader in mountains
Haindl, Regina ; Totzauer, Lisa ; Kulozik, Ulrich; Preservation by lyophilization of a human intestinal microbiota: influence of the cultivation pH on the drying outcome and re2̆010establishment ability
Schiffer, Carolin J. ; Schaudinn, Christoph ; Ehrmann, Matthias A. ; Vogel, Rudi F.; SxsA, a novel surface protein mediating cell aggregation and adhesive biofilm formation of Staphylococcus xylosus
Liokatis, Paris ; Malenova, Yoana ; Fegg, Florian2̆010Nepomuk ; Haidari, Selgai ; Probst, Monika ; Boskov, Marko ; Cornelius, Carl\0̆10Peter ; Troeltzsch, Matthias ; Probst, Florian\u1̆0Andreas; Digital planning and individual implants for secondary reconstruction of midfacial deformities: A pilot study
Wild, Mirjam G. ; Kreidel, Felix ; Hell, Michaela M. ; Praz, Fabien ; Mach, Markus ; Adam, Matti ; Reineke, David ; Ruge, Hendrik ; Ludwig, Sebastian ; Conradi, Lenard ; Rudolph, Tanja K. ; Bleiziffer, Sabine ; Kellermair, Jörg ; Zierer, Andreas ; Nickenig, Georg ; Weber, Marcel ; Petronio, Anna Sonia ; Giannini, Cristina ; Dahle, Gry ; Rein, Kjell A. ; Coisne, Augustin ; Vincentelli, André ; Dubois, Christophe ; Duncan, Alison ; Quarto, Cesare ; Unbehaun, Axel ; Amat2̆010Santos, Ignacio ; Cobiella, Javier ; Dumonteil, Nicolas ; Estevez\0̆10Loureiro, Rodrigo ; Fumero, Andrea ; Geisler, Tobias ; Lurz, Philipp ; Mangieri, Antonio ; Monivas, Vanessa ; Noack, Thilo ; Franco, Luis Nombela ; Pinon, Miguel A. ; Stolz, Lukas ; Tchétché, Didier ; Walter, Thomas ; Unsöld, Bernhard ; Baldus, Stephan ; Andreas, Martin ; Hausleiter, Jörg ; von Bardeleben, Ralph S.; Transapical mitral valve implantation for treatment of symptomatic mitral valve disease: a real2̆010world multicentre experience
Giehrl2̆010Schwab, Jessica ; Giesert, Florian ; Rauser, Benedict ; Lao, Chu Lan ; Hembach, Sina ; Lefort, Sandrine ; Ibarra, Ignacio L ; Koupourtidou, Christina ; Luecken, Malte Daniel ; Truong, Dong\0̆10Jiunn Jeffery ; Fischer\u1̆0Sternjak, Judith ; Masserdotti, Giacomo ; Prakash, Nilima ; Ninkovic, Jovica ; Hölter, Sabine M ; Vogt Weisenhorn, Daniela M ; Theis, Fabian J ; Götz, Magdalena ; Wurst, Wolfgang; Parkinson's disease motor symptoms rescue by CRISPRa2̆010reprogramming astrocytes into GABAergic neurons
Keppler, Manuel ; Ott, Christian ; Albu2̆010Schäffer, Alin; From underactuation to quasi2̆010full actuation: Aiming at a unifying control framework for articulated soft robots
Crosbie, Duncan B. ; Mahmoudi, Maryam ; Radl, Viviane ; Brachmann, Andreas ; Schloter, Michael ; Kemen, Eric ; Marín, Macarena; Microbiome profiling reveals that Pseudomonas antagonises parasitic nodule colonisation of cheater rhizobia in Lotus
Singh, Tanu ; Gupta, Shubhangi ; Chiogna, Gabriele ; Krause, Stefan ; Wohlmuth, Barbara; Impacts of Peak2̆010Flow Events on Hyporheic Denitrification Potential
Heiland, Lukas ; Kunstler, Georges ; Ruiz2̆010Benito, Paloma ; Buras, Allan ; Dahlgren, Jonas ; Hülsmann, Lisa; Divergent occurrences of juvenile and adult trees are explained by both environmental change and ontogenetic effects
Schicker, Doris ; Blankenagel, Sonja ; Zimmer, Claus ; Hauner, Hans ; Freiherr, Jessica; Less is more: Removing a modality of an expected olfactory2̆010visual stimulation enhances brain activation
Meng, Yongjie ; Varshney, Kartikye ; Incze, Norbert ; Badics, Eszter ; Kamran, Muhammad ; Davies, Sabrina F. ; Oppermann, Larissa M. F. ; Magne, Kévin ; Dalmais, Marion ; Bendahmane, Abdel ; Sibout, Richard ; Vogel, John ; Laudencia2̆010Chingcuanco, Debbie ; Bond, Charles S. ; Soós, Vilmos ; Gutjahr, Caroline ; Waters, Mark T.; KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 regulates leaf development, root system architecture and arbuscular2̆010mycorrhizal symbiosis in Brachypodium distachyon
Stegmann, Martin ; Zecua2̆010Ramirez, Patricia ; Ludwig, Christina ; Lee, Ho\0̆10Seok ; Peterson, Brenda ; Nimchuk, Zachary L ; Belkhadir, Youssef ; Hückelhoven, Ralph; RGI2̆010GOLVEN signaling promotes cell surface immune receptor abundance to regulate plant immunity
Kortmann, Mareike ; Roth, Nicolas ; Buse, Jörn ; Hilszczański, Jacek ; Jaworski, Tomasz ; Morinière, Jérôme ; Seidl, Rupert ; Thorn, Simon ; Müller, Jörg C.; Arthropod dark taxa provide new insights into diversity responses to bark beetle infestations
Lückemeier, Philipp ; Molter, Katherine L. ; Jarosch, Sebastian ; Huppertz, Patrick ; Purcarea, Anna ; Effenberger, Manuel J. P. ; Nauerth, Magdalena ; D'Ippolito, Elvira ; Schober, Kilian ; Busch, Dirk H.; Global koff2̆010rates of polyclonal T\0̆10cell populations merge subclonal avidities and predict functionality
Boehm, Christof ; Goeger2̆010Neff, Marianne ; Mulder, Hendrik T. ; Zilles, Benjamin ; Lindner, Lars H. ; van Rhoon, Gerard C. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Wu, Mingming; Susceptibility artifact correction in MR thermometry for0̆0a0monitoring of mild radiofrequency hyperthermia using\0̆a0total field inversion
Leroy, Benjamin M. L. ; Seibold, Sebastian ; Morinière, Jérôme ; Bozicevic, Vedran ; Jaworek, Jessica ; Roth, Nicolas ; Vogel, Sebastian ; Zytynska, Sharon ; Petercord, Ralf ; Eichel, Peter ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Metabarcoding of canopy arthropods reveals negative impacts of forestry insecticides on community structure across multiple taxa
Zausinger, Christoph ; Osterminski, Kai ; Gehlen, Christoph; Transient and gradient analyses of depolarization criteria. Valuable tools in chloride2̆010induced rebar corrosion monitoring
Cavinato, Luca M. ; Wölfl, Sarah ; Pöthig, Alexander ; Fresta, Elisa ; Garino, Claudio ; Fernandez2̆010Cestau, Julio ; Barolo, Claudia ; Costa, Rubén D.; Multivariate Analysis Identifying [Cu(N^N)(P^P)]+ Design and Device Architecture Enables First2̆010Class Blue and White Light\0̆10Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Dettmering, Denise ; Schwatke, Christian; Ionospheric Corrections for Satellite Altimetry 2̆010 Impact on Global Mean Sea Level Trends
Grub, Ann-Sophie ; Biermann, Antje ; Lewalter, Doris ; Brünken, Roland; Professional Vision and the Compensatory Effect of a Minimal Instructional Intervention: A Quasi-Experimental Eye-Tracking Study With Novice and Expert Teachers
Mato, Kevin ; Mengoni, Riccardo ; Ottaviani, Daniele ; Palermo, Gianluca; Quantum molecular unfolding
Asaduzzaman, Muhammad ; Rodland, Ernst Kristian ; Mekonnen, Zeleke ; Gradmann, Christoph ; Winkler, Andrea Sylvia; Understanding transmission pathways and integrated digital surveillance potential of antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia in a One Health approach: a mixed-method study protocol
Möckl, Maximilian ; Ernst, Matthias F. ; Kornherr, Matthias ; Allebrod, Frank ; Bernt, Maximilian ; Byrknes, Jan ; Eickes, Christian ; Gebauer, Christian ; Moskovtseva, Antonina ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Durability Testing of Low-Iridium PEM Water Electrolysis Membrane Electrode Assemblies
Murtaza, Mian Anjum ; Irfan, Shafeeqa ; Hafiz, Iram ; Ranjha, Muhammad Modassar A. N. ; Rahaman, Abdul ; Murtaza, Mian Shamas ; Ibrahim, Salam A. ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha; Conventional and Novel Technologies in the Production of Dairy Bioactive Peptides
Bäuerle, Alexander ; Martus, Peter ; Erim, Yesim ; Schug, Caterina ; Heinen, Jana ; Krakowczyk, Julia Barbara ; Steinbach, Jasmin ; Damerau, Mirjam ; Bethge, Wolfgang ; Dinkel, Andreas ; Dries, Sebastian ; Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Anja ; Neumann, Anja ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Tewes, Mitra ; Wiltink, Jörg ; Wünsch, Alexander ; Zipfel, Stephan ; Graf, Johanna ; Teufel, Martin; Web-based mindfulness and skills-based distress reduction for patients with cancer: study protocol of the multicentre, randomised, controlled confirmatory intervention trial Reduct
Wang, Qiwei ; Wang, Fang ; Zhao, Yinan ; Tan, Guolin; Necroptosis is Related to Anti-PD-1 Treatment Response and Influences the Tumor Microenvironment in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Karl, Corinna M. ; Vidakovic, Ana ; Pjevac, Petra ; Hausmann, Bela ; Schleining, Gerhard ; Ley, Jakob P. ; Berry, David ; Hans, Joachim ; Wendelin, Martin ; König, Jürgen ; Somoza, Veronika ; Lieder, Barbara; Individual Sweet Taste Perception Influences Salivary Characteristics After Orosensory Stimulation With Sucrose and Noncaloric Sweeteners
Kabirian, Fatemeh ; Mela, Petra ; Heying, Ruth; 4D Printing Applications in the Development of Smart Cardiovascular Implants
Fleckenstein, Julia ; Molter, Philipp Lionel ; Chokhachian, Ata ; Dörfler, Kathrin; Climate-Resilient Robotic Facades: Architectural Strategies to Improve Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Environments using Robotic Assembly
Boos, Annika ; Herzog, Olivia ; Reinhardt, Jakob ; Bengler, Klaus ; Zimmermann, Markus; A Compliance-Reactance Framework for Evaluating Human-Robot Interaction
He, Yating ; Xie, Zhenzhen ; Zhang, Huan ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Toyama, Hirohide ; Chen, Fusheng; Oxidative Fermentation of Acetic Acid Bacteria and Its Products
Zeeck, Almut ; Taubner, Svenja ; Gablonski, Thorsten C. ; Lau, Inga ; Zipfel, Stephan ; Herzog, Wolfgang ; Wild, Beate ; Friederich, Hans-Christoph ; Resmark, Gaby ; Giel, Katrin ; Teufel, Martin ; Burgmer, Markus ; Dinkel, Andreas ; Herpertz, Stephan ; Löwe, Bernd ; Tagay, Sefik ; von Wietersheim, Jörn ; De Zwaan, Martina ; Zettl, Max ; Meier, Alexander F. ; Hartmann, Armin; In-Session-Reflective-Functioning in Anorexia Nervosa: An Analysis of Psychotherapeutic Sessions of the ANTOP Study
Edwards, A. David ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Smith, Stephen M. ; Abo Seada, Samy ; Alansary, Amir ; Almalbis, Jennifer ; Allsop, Joanna ; Andersson, Jesper ; Arichi, Tomoki ; Arulkumaran, Sophie ; Bastiani, Matteo ; Batalle, Dafnis ; Baxter, Luke ; Bozek, Jelena ; Braithwaite, Eleanor ; Brandon, Jacqueline ; Carney, Olivia ; Chew, Andrew ; Christiaens, Daan ; Chung, Raymond ; Colford, Kathleen ; Cordero-Grande, Lucilio ; Counsell, Serena J. ; Cullen, Harriet ; Cupitt, John ; Curtis, Charles ; Davidson, Alice ; Deprez, Maria ; Dillon, Louise ; Dimitrakopoulou, Konstantina ; Dimitrova, Ralica ; Duff, Eugene ; Falconer, Shona ; Farahibozorg, Seyedeh-Rezvan ; Fitzgibbon, Sean P. ; Gao, Jianliang ; Gaspar, Andreia ; Harper, Nicholas ; Harrison, Sam J. ; Hughes, Emer J. ; Hutter, Jana ; Jenkinson, Mark ; Jbabdi, Saad ; Jones, Emily ; Karolis, Vyacheslav ; Kyriakopoulou, Vanessa ; Lenz, Gregor ; Makropoulos, Antonios ; Malik, Shaihan ; Mason, Luke ; Mortari, Filippo ; Nosarti, Chiara ; Nunes, Rita G. ; O'Keeffe, Camilla ; O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan ; Patel, Hamel ; Passerat-Palmbach, Jonathan ; Pietsch, Maximillian ; Price, Anthony N. ; Robinson, Emma C. ; Rutherford, Mary A. ; Schuh, Andreas ; Sotiropoulos, Stamatios ; Steinweg, Johannes ; Teixeira, Rui Pedro Azeredo Gomes ; Tenev, Tencho ; Tournier, Jacques-Donald ; Tusor, Nora ; Uus, Alena ; Vecchiato, Katy ; Williams, Logan Z. J. ; Wright, Robert ; Wurie, Julia ; Hajnal, Joseph V.; The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release
Guo, Jianhua ; Xu, Qingsong ; Zeng, Yue ; Liu, Zhiheng ; Zhu, Xiaoxiang; Semi-Supervised Cloud Detection in Satellite Images by Considering the Domain Shift Problem
Zhao, Haoran ; Sun, Xin ; Gao, Feng ; Dong, Junyu; Pair-Wise Similarity Knowledge Distillation for RSI Scene Classification
Lee, Sang Heon ; Bhavya, Panthalil S. ; Kim, Bo Kyung; Marine Nitrogen Fixation and Phytoplankton Ecology
León, Bernal ; González, Gabriel ; Nicoli, Alessandro ; Rojas, Alicia ; Pizio, Antonella Di ; Ramirez-Carvajal, Lisbeth ; Jimenez, Carlos; Phylogenetic and Mutation Analysis of the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus Sequence Isolated in Costa Rica from a Mare with Encephalitis
Bauer, Franziska ; Stix, Michael ; Bartha-Dima, Bernadett ; Geist, Juergen ; Raeder, Uta; Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Benthic Anatoxin-a-Producing Tychonema sp. in the River Lech, Germany
López-Gonzales, Elena ; Lehmann, Lisa ; Ruiz-Ojeda, Francisco Javier ; Hernández-Bautista, René ; Altun, Irem ; Onogi, Yasuhiro ; Khalil, Ahmed Elagamy ; Liu, Xue ; Israel, Andreas ; Ussar, Siegfried; L-Serine Supplementation Blunts Fasting-Induced Weight Regain by Increasing Brown Fat Thermogenesis
Gabashvili, Anna N. ; Efremova, Maria V. ; Vodopyanov, Stepan S. ; Chmelyuk, Nelly S. ; Oda, Vera V. ; Sarkisova, Viktoria A. ; Leonova, Maria K. ; Semkina, Alevtina S. ; Ivanova, Anna V. ; Abakumov, Maxim A.; New Approach to Non-Invasive Tumor Model Monitoring via Self-Assemble Iron Containing Protein Nanocompartments
Tamersit, Khalil ; Madan, Jaya ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Pandey, Rahul ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Role of Junctionless Mode in Improving the Photosensitivity of Sub-10 nm Carbon Nanotube/Nanoribbon Field-Effect Phototransistors: Quantum Simulation, Performance Assessment, and Comparison
Kumar, Harsh ; Bhardwaj, Kanchan ; Cruz-Martins, Natália ; Sharma, Ruchi ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Dhanjal, Daljeet Singh ; Singh, Reena ; Chopra, Chirag ; Dantas, Adriana ; Verma, Rachna ; Dosoky, Noura S. ; Kumar, Dinesh; Phyto-Enrichment of Yogurt to Control Hypercholesterolemia: A Functional Approach
Bollwein, Christine ; Gon0̆4abalves, Juliana Pereira Lopes ; Utpatel, Kirsten ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwamborn, Kristina; MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging for the Distinction of Adenocarcinomas of the Pancreas and Biliary Tree
Härer, Luca ; Hilgarth, Maik ; Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Comparative Genomics of Acetic Acid Bacteria within the Genus Bombella in Light of Beehive Habitat Adaptation
Gehlert, Sebastian ; Weinisch, Patrick ; Römisch-Margl, Werner ; Jaspers, Richard T. ; Artati, Anna ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Dyar, Kenneth A. ; Aussieker, Thorben ; Jacko, Daniel ; Bloch, Wilhelm ; Wackerhage, Henning ; Kastenmüller, Gabi; Effects of Acute and Chronic Resistance Exercise on the Skeletal Muscle Metabolome
Schneider-Marin, Patricia ; Lang, Werner; A Temporal Perspective in Eco2 Building Design
Yang, Chun-Yao ; Bonelli, Simone ; Calligaris, Matteo ; Carreca, Anna Paola ; Müller, Stephan A. ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F. ; Troeberg, Linda ; Scilabra, Simone D.; Quantitative Proteomics Reveals That ADAM15 Can Have Proteolytic-Independent Functions in the Steady State
Wagner, Matthias ; Heisig, Anne ; Machner, Alisa ; Beddoe, Robin ; Heinz, Detlef; External Sulfate Attack on Cementitious Binders: Limitations and Effects of Sample Geometry on the Quantification of Expansion Stress
Toši0̆107, Marko ; Larsson, Roland ; Lohner, Thomas; Thermal Effects in Slender EHL Contacts
Hoja, Stefanie ; Geitner, Michael ; Zornek, Bernd ; Hoffmann, Franz ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten ; Fechte-Heinen, Rainer; Influence of the Nitrided Layer Structure on the Micro-Pitting and Wear Behavior of Slow-Running Nitrided External Gears
Feng, Xiang ; Peng, Qian ; Chen, Yunnan ; Li, Weiyue; A Case Study of the Snow Leopard in Sanjiangyuan National Park Boundaries regarding Park Boundary Divergence
Delgadillo, Octavio ; Blieninger, Bernhard ; Kuhn, Juri ; Baumgarten, Uwe; A Generalistic Approach to Machine-Learning-Supported Task Migration on Real-Time Systems 2̆020
Nazarov, Denis ; Ezhov, Ilya ; Yudintceva, Natalia ; Shevtsov, Maxim ; Rudakova, Aida ; Kalganov, Vladimir ; Tolmachev, Vladimir ; Zharova, Yuliya ; Lutakov, Oleksiy ; Kraeva, Ludmila ; Rogacheva, Elizaveta ; Maximov, Maxim; Antibacterial and Osteogenic Properties of Ag Nanoparticles and Ag/TiO2 Nanostructures Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition
Ackermann, Annika C. ; Fischer, Michael ; Wick, Alexander ; Carosella, Stefan ; Fox, Bronwyn L. ; Middendorf, Peter; Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites with Amine-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide via Plasma Treatment
Karge, Anne ; Desing, Linus ; Haller, Bernhard ; Ortiz, Javier U. ; Lobmaier, Silvia M. ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Graupner, Oliver; Performance of sFlt-1/PIGF Ratio for the Prediction of Perinatal Outcome in Obese Pre-Eclamptic Women
Wellington, Ian J. ; Muench, Lukas N. ; Hawthorne, Benjamin C. ; Uyeki, Colin L. ; Antonacci, Christopher L. ; McCarthy, Mary Beth ; Connors, John P. ; Kia, Cameron ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Berthold, Daniel P.; Clinical Outcomes following Biologically Enhanced Demineralized Bone Matrix Augmentation of Complex Rotator Cuff Repair
Niemann, Marcel ; Otto, Ellen ; Braun, Karl F. ; Graef, Frank ; Ahmad, Sufian S. ; Hardt, Sebastian ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Trampuz, Andrej ; Meller, Sebastian; Microbiological Advantages of Open Incisional Biopsies for the Diagnosis of Suspected Periprosthetic Joint Infections
Wachtel, Nikolaus ; Heidekrueger, Paul I. ; Brenner, Carolin ; Endres, Maximilian ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Micheler, Carina ; Thon, Niklas ; Ehrl, Denis; Finding the Optimal Surgical Incision Pattern_A Biomechanical Study
Lorini, Chiara ; Velasco, Veronica ; Bonaccorsi, Guglielmo ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan ; Zanobini, Patrizio ; Vecchio, Luca P.; Validation of the COVID-19 Digital Health Literacy Instrument in the Italian Language: A Cross-Sectional Study of Italian University Students
Haier, Jörg ; Beller, Johannes ; Adorjan, Kristina ; Bleich, Stefan ; De Greck, Moritz ; Griesinger, Frank ; Hein, Alexander ; Hurlemann, René ; Mees, Sören Torge ; Philipsen, Alexandra ; Rohde, Gernot ; Schilling, Georgia ; Trautmann, Karolin ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Geyer, Siegfried ; Schäfers, Jürgen; Decision Conflicts in Clinical Care during COVID-19: A Patient Perspective
Franceschi, Eleonora ; Moser-Reischl, Astrid ; Rahman, Mohammad A. ; Pauleit, Stephan ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Rötzer, Thomas; Crown Shapes of Urban Trees-Their Dependences on Tree Species, Tree Age and Local Environment, and Effects on Ecosystem Services
Stimm, Kilian ; Heym, Michael ; Nagel, Ralf-Volker ; Uhl, Enno ; Pretzsch, Hans; Long-Term Productivity of Monospecific and Mixed Oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl. and Quercus robur L.) Stands in Germany: Growth Dynamics and the Effect of Stand Structure
Belboul, Zakaria ; Toual, Belgacem ; Kouzou, Abdellah ; Mokrani, Lakhdar ; Bensalem, Abderrahman ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Multiobjective Optimization of a Hybrid PV/Wind/Battery/Diesel Generator System Integrated in Microgrid: A Case Study in Djelfa, Algeria
Okwuibe, Godwin C. ; Gazafroudi, Amin Shokri ; Hambridge, Sarah ; Dietrich, Christopher ; Trbovich, Ana ; Shafie-khah, Miadreza ; Tzscheutschler, Peter ; Hamacher, Thomas; Evaluation of Hierarchical, Multi-Agent, Community-Based, Local Energy Markets Based on Key Performance Indicators 2̆020
Mulhall, Douglas ; Ayed, Anne-Christine ; Schroeder, Jeannot ; Hansen, Katja ; Wautelet, Thibaut; The Product Circularity Data Sheet_A Standardized Digital Fingerprint for Circular Economy Data about Products
Ostermann, Adrian ; Fabel, Yann ; Ouan, Kim ; Koo, Hyein; Forecasting Charging Point Occupancy Using Supervised Learning Algorithms
Ziller, Alexander ; Mueller, Tamara T. ; Braren, Rickmer ; Rueckert, Daniel ; Kaissis, Georgios; Privacy: An Axiomatic Approach
Emdina, Anna ; Hermann, Peter ; Varges, Daniela ; Nuhn, Sabine ; Goebel, Stefan ; Bunck, Timothy ; Maass, Fabian ; Schmitz, Matthias ; Llorens, Franc ; Kruse, Niels ; Lingor, Paul ; Mollenhauer, Brit ; Zerr, Inga; Baseline Cerebrospinal Fluid 0̆3b1-Synuclein in Parkinson's Disease Is Associated with Disease Progression and Cognitive Decline
Niemann, Marcel ; Graef, Frank ; Ahmad, Sufian S. ; Braun, Karl F. ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Trampuz, Andrej ; Meller, Sebastian; Outcome Analysis of the Use of Cerament® in Patients with Chronic Osteomyelitis and Corticomedullary Defects
Nazarov, Denis ; Ezhov, Ilya ; Yudintceva, Natalia ; Mitrofanov, Ilya ; Shevtsov, Maxim ; Rudakova, Aida ; Maximov, Maxim; MG-63 and FetMSC Cell Response on Atomic Layer Deposited TiO2 Nanolayers Prepared Using Titanium Tetrachloride and Tetraisopropoxide
Diehl, Katharina ; Lindwedel, Karla S. ; Mathes, Sonja ; Görig, Tatiana ; Gefeller, Olaf; Tanning Bed Legislation for Minors: A Comprehensive International Comparison
Nanda, Indrajit ; Steinlein, Claus ; Haaf, Thomas ; Buhl, Eva M. ; Grimm, Domink G. ; Friedman, Scott L. ; Meurer, Steffen K. ; Schröder, Sarah K. ; Weiskirchen, Ralf; Genetic Characterization of Rat Hepatic Stellate Cell Line HSC-T6 for In Vitro Cell Line Authentication
Heinisch, Paul Philipp ; Bello, Corina ; Emmert, Maximilian Y. ; Carrel, Thierry ; Dreßen, Martina ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Winkler, Bernhard ; Luedi, Markus M.; Endothelial Progenitor Cells as Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Pathologies: A Narrative Review
Bromberger, Thomas ; Klapproth, Sarah ; Sperandio, Markus ; Moser, Markus; Humanized β2 Integrin-Expressing Hoxb8 Cells Serve as Model to Study Integrin Activation
Zhao, Xiaojuan ; Gabriëls, Ruben Y. ; Hooghiemstra, Wouter T. R. ; Koller, Marjory ; Meersma, Gert Jan ; Buist-Homan, Manon ; Visser, Lydia ; Robinson, Dominic J. ; Tenditnaya, Anna ; Gorpas, Dimitris ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Karrenbeld, Arend ; Kats-Ugurlu, Gursah ; Fehrmann, Rudolf S. N. ; Nagengast, Wouter B.; Validation of Novel Molecular Imaging Targets Identified by Functional Genomic mRNA Profiling to Detect Dysplasia in Barrett's Esophagus
Hoffmann, Oliver Ingo ; Regenauer, Manuel ; Czogalla, Bastian ; Brambs, Christine ; Burges, Alexander ; Mayer, Barbara; Interpatient Heterogeneity in Drug Response and Protein Biomarker Expression of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Sollmann, Nico ; Julkunen, Petro; Modern Developments in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: The Editorial
Reimer, Lara Marie ; Kapsecker, Maximilian ; Fukushima, Takashi ; Jonas, Stephan M.; Evaluating 3D Human Motion Capture on Mobile Devices
Trifan, Adriana ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Sieniawska, Elwira ; Sawicki, Rafal ; Maciejewska-Turska, Magdalena ; Skalikca-Wo0̆17aniak, Krystyna ; Luca, Simon Vlad; Unveiling the Phytochemical Profile and Biological Potential of Five Artemisia Species
Li, Yue ; Hoogenboom, Gerrit ; Asseng, Senthold ; Niu, Jun-Yi ; Wu, Ling ; Kang, Liang-He; Adaptation of the SIMPLE Model to Oilseed Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) for Arid and Semi-Arid Environments
Wei, Xianggeng ; Feng, Yiming ; Ye, Jinying ; Li, Na ; Haidn, Oskar J.; Influence of Mass Flow Rate on the Atomization Characteristics of Screw Conveyor Swirl Injectors
Kreutz, Michael ; Maierhofer, Johannes ; Thümmel, Thomas ; Rixen, Daniel J.; Simultaneous Identification of Free and Supported Frequency Response Functions of a Rotor in Active Magnetic Bearings
Guilloré, A ; Canet, H ; Bottasso, CL; Life Cycle Environmental Impact of Wind Turbines: What are the Possible Improvement Pathways?
Anand, Abhinav ; Loew, Stefan ; Bottasso, Carlo L.; Economic nonlinear model predictive control of fatigue for a hybrid wind-battery generation system
Bertelè, M. ; Bottasso, C.L.; Automatic detection and correction of aerodynamic and inertial rotor imbalances in wind turbine rotors
Hulsman, Paul ; Sucameli, Carlo ; Petrovi0̆107, Vlaho ; Rott, Andreas ; Gerds, Alexander ; Kühn, Martin; Turbine power loss during yaw-misaligned free field tests at different atmospheric conditions
Kamel, O ; Hauptmann, S ; Bottasso, C L; Estimation of Damage Equivalent Loads of Drivetrain of Wind Turbines using Machine Learning
Mühle, Franz V. ; Campagnolo, Filippo ; Llobell Buigues, Juan ; Bottasso, Carlo L.; Design and testing of a model-scale yaw mechanism for an experimental wind turbine model
Draper, M ; López, B ; Maiuri, D ; Decaro, C ; Campagnolo, F; Large eddy simulation of an onshore wind farm under different operating regimes including topographic effects
Braunbehrens, R. ; Schreiber, J. ; Bottasso, C. L.; Application of an open-loop dynamic wake model with high-frequency SCADA data
Campagnolo, Filippo ; Imširovi0̆107, Lejla ; Braunbehrens, Robert ; Bottasso, Carlo L.; Further calibration and validation of FLORIS with wind tunnel data
Kohl, B ; Krüger, M ; Dietl, T ; Lechner, M ; Trunzer, E ; Merklein, M ; Sedlmaier, A ; Vogel-Heuser, B; Analysis of Distributed-Ledger-Technology for the Exchange of Design, Production and Simulation Data in Roll Forming
Budnick, D ; Ghannoum, A ; Steinlehner, F ; Weinschenk, A ; Volk, W ; Huhn, S ; Melek, W ; Worswick, M; Predicting Dynamic Process Limits in Progressive Die Sheet Metal Forming
Schrepfer, A ; Schott, A ; Tröber, P ; Keunecke, M ; Welm, M ; Steinlehner, F ; Golle, R ; Volk, W; Reduction of adhesive wear with use of tool coating reducing thermoelectric currents
Pätzold, I ; Tröber, P ; Welm, M ; Volk, W; Blanking of Stainless Steel
Norz, R. ; Valencia, F.R. ; Gerke, S. ; Brünig, M. ; Volk, W.; Experiments on forming behaviour of the aluminium alloy AA6016
Wagner, V. ; Rogly, R. ; Erhart, A. ; Savu, V. ; Goupy, C. ; Lhuillier, D. ; Vivier, M. ; Klinkenberg, L. ; Angloher, G. ; Bento, A. ; Canonica, L. ; Cappella, F. ; Cardani, L. ; Casali, N. ; Cerulli, R. ; Colantoni, I. ; Cruciani, A. ; del0̆0a0Castello, G. ; Friedl, M. ; Garai, A. ; Ghete, V.M. ; Guidi, V. ; Hauff, D. ; Kaznacheeva, M. ; Kinast, A. ; Kluck, H. ; Langenkämper, A. ; Lasserre, T. ; Mancuso, M. ; Mauri, B. ; Mazzolari, A. ; Mazzucato, E. ; Neyrial, H. ; Nones, C. ; Oberauer, L. ; Onillon, A. ; Ortmann, T. ; Pattavina, L. ; Petricca, F. ; Potzel, W. ; Pröbst, F. ; Pucci, F. ; Reindl, F. ; Rothe, J. ; Schermer, N. ; Schieck, J. ; Schönert, S. ; Schwertner, C. ; Scola, L. ; Stodolsky, L. ; Strauss, R. ; Tomei, C. ; Mirbach, K.v. ; Vignati, M. ; Wex, A.; Development of a compact muon veto for the Nucleus experiment
Kuehn, Christian ; Longo, Iacopo P; Estimating rate-induced tipping via asymptotic series and a Melnikov-like method*\n *CK was partly supported by a Lichtenberg Professorship of the VolkswagenStiftung. CK also acknowledges partial support of the EU within the TiPES project funded the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 820970. IPL was partly supported by MICIIN/FEDER project RTI2018-096523-B-100 and by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk0̆142odowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754462. CK and IPL also want to thank Hildeberto Jardon-Kojakhmetov for interesting discussions regarding asymptotic analysis in the early phase of this project.\n
Oswald, Stefan ; Bock, Moritz ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Elucidating the Implications of Morphology on Fundamental Characteristics of Nickel-Rich NCMs: Cracking, Gassing, Rate Capability, and Thermal Stability of Poly- and Single-Crystalline NCM622
Kuehn, Christian ; Longo, Iacopo P; Estimating rate-induced tipping via asymptotic series and a Melnikov-like method*\n *CK was partly supported by a Lichtenberg Professorship of the VolkswagenStiftung. CK also acknowledges partial support of the EU within the TiPES project funded the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 820970. IPL was partly supported by MICIIN/FEDER project RTI2018-096523-B-100 and by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk0̆142odowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754462. CK and IPL also want to thank Hildeberto Jardon-Kojakhmetov for interesting discussions regarding asymptotic analysis in the early phase of this project.\n
Birkenmeier, G. ; Solano, E.R. ; Lerche, E. ; Taylor, D. ; Gallart, D. ; Mantsinen, M.J. ; Delabie, E. ; Carvalho, I.S. ; Carvalho, P. ; Pawelec, E. ; Hillesheim, J.C. ; Parra Diaz, F. ; Silva, C. ; Aleiferis, S. ; Bernardo, J. ; Boboc, A. ; Douai, D. ; Litherland-Smith, E. ; Henriques, R. ; Kirov, K.K. ; Maggi, C.F. ; Mailloux, J. ; Maslov, M. ; Rimini, F.G. ; Silburn, S.A. ; Sirén, P. ; Weisen, H.; The power threshold of H-mode access in mixed hydrogen-tritium and pure tritium plasmas at JET with ITER-like wall
Dieckmeyer, Michael ; Löffler, Maximilian Thomas ; El Husseini, Malek ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; Menze, Bjoern ; Sollmann, Nico ; Wostrack, Maria ; Zimmer, Claus ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan Stefan; Level-Specific Volumetric BMD Threshold Values for the Prediction of Incident Vertebral Fractures Using Opportunistic QCT: A Case-Control Study
Seidel, Sabine Julia ; Gaiser, Thomas ; Srivastava, Amit Kumar ; Leitner, Daniel ; Schmittmann, Oliver ; Athmann, Miriam ; Kautz, Timo ; Guigue, Julien ; Ewert, Frank ; Schnepf, Andrea; Simulating Root Growth as a Function of Soil Strength and Yield With a Field-Scale Crop Model Coupled With a 3D Architectural Root Model
Bestard, Oriol ; Thaunat, Olivier ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Böhmig, Georg A. ; Budde, Klemens ; Claas, Frans ; Couzi, Lionel ; Furian, Lucrezia ; Heemann, Uwe ; Mamode, Nizam ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Pengel, Liset ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Naesens, Maarten; Alloimmune Risk Stratification for Kidney Transplant Rejection
Naesens, Maarten ; Budde, Klemens ; Hilbrands, Luuk ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Glotz, Denis ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Jochmans, Ina ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Loupy, Alexandre; Surrogate Endpoints for Late Kidney Transplantation Failure
Hilbrands, Luuk ; Budde, Klemens ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Diekmann, Fritz ; Furian, Lucrezia ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Hesselink, Dennis A. ; Loupy, Alexandre ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Naesens, Maarten; Allograft Function as Endpoint for Clinical Trials in Kidney Transplantation
Naesens, Maarten ; Loupy, Alexandre ; Hilbrands, Luuk ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Glotz, Denis ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Jochmans, Ina ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Budde, Klemens; Rationale for Surrogate Endpoints and Conditional Marketing Authorization of New Therapies for Kidney Transplantation
Eggers del Campo, Isabel ; Steinert, Janina Isabel; The Effect of Female Economic Empowerment Interventions on the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Bonfert, Michaela V ; Sollmann, Nico ; Renner, Tabea ; Börner, Corinna ; Urban, Giada ; Schandelmaier, Paul ; Hannibal, Iris ; Huß, Kristina ; Parisi, Carmen ; Gerstl, Lucia ; Vill, Katharina ; Blaschek, Astrid ; Koenig, Helene ; Klose, Birgit ; Heinen, Florian ; Landgraf, Mirjam N ; Albers, Lucia; Burden of disease and lifestyle habits in adolescents and young adults prone to frequent episodic migraine: A secondary comparative analysis
Otto, Alexander ; Friedman, Jamie L. ; Szolomayer, Lauren K. ; Baldino, Joshua B. ; Obopilwe, Elifho ; Cote, Mark P. ; Mazzocca, Augustus D. ; Arciero, Robert A.; Semitendinosus vs Gracilis Grafts With 1- vs 2-Tunnel Techniques for Coracoclavicular Ligament Reconstruction: A Biomechanical Study
Arias Rodriguez, Leonardo Francisco; Monitoring Water Quality of Inland Waters by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: From Local to Global Applications
Gerasimos Chourdakis; preCICE: a coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations
Voggenreiter, Johannes; Model-based Scale-up of the Continuous Production of Poly(oxymethylene) Dialkyl Ethers
Engel, Thomas; Brandschutz im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau – Hintergründe und die neue Holzbaurichtlinie
Engel, Thomas; Werther, Norman; Konstruktionsprinzipien für brandschutztechnisch sichere Holzfassaden
Schmidt M., Zeitlhöfler J., Zeitler L., Corbin A., Kusche J., Stolle C., Xiong C., Hugentobler U., Bamann C., Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Vielberg K., Löcher A.; Development of High-Precision Thermosphere Models for Improving Precise Orbit Determination of Low-Earth-Orbiting Satellites (TIPOD) – Status Report
Al-Azzawi, Mohammed Salih Mahdi; Microplastics in the Aquatic Environment
Felsen, Frederic Cassian Victor; Optimal Experimental Designs for the Exploration of Reaction Kinetic Phase Diagrams
Baur, Sebastian Georg Benedikt; Molekulare Charakterisierung des Einflusses biotischer und abiotischer Stressfaktoren auf das Metabolom von Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Pretzsch, Hans;Bravo-Oviedo, Andrés;Hilmers, Torben;Ruiz-Peinado, Ricardo;Coll, Lluís;Löf, Magnus;Ahmed, Shamim;Aldea, Jorge;Ammer, Christian;Avdagić, Admir;Barbeito, Ignacio;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Cerný, Jakub;Collet, Catherine;Drössler, Lars;Fabrika, Marek;Heym, Michael;Holm, Stig-Olof;Hylen, Gro;Jansons, Aris;Kurylyak, Viktor;Lombardi, Fabio;Matović, Bratislav;Metslaid, Marek;Motta, Renzo;Nord-Larsen, Thomas;Nothdurft, Arne;Ordóñez, Cristóbal;den Ouden, Jan;Pach, Maciej;Pardos, Marta;Ponette, Quentin;Pérot, Tomas;Reventlow, Ditlev Otto Juel;Sitko, Roman;Sramek, Vit;Steckel, Mathias;Svoboda, Miroslav;Uhl, Enno;Verheyen, Kris;Vospernik, Sonja;Wolff, Barbara;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;del Río, Miren; With increasing site quality asymmetric competition and mortality reduces Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand structuring across Europe
Mutschke, Alexander Georg; Synthesis, Structures and Properties of New Heteroanionic Hydrides with Perovskite and Perovskite-like Structures
Anne Fischer, Jorge Rodriguez Llorens, Zhen Cai, Michael Wilke, Stephan Kessler, Johannes Fottner; Implementation of a digital twin framework in the modular housing industry
Blaschke, Maximilian Josef; Strategies and Policy Design: Three Essays on Renewable Energy Integration
Sicklinger, Johannes; Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Investigation of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Active Materials
Troshyn, Alexei; Industrielle Herstellungsverfahren für Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter basierte Bandleiter der 2. Generation
Hille, Julian;Auge, Daniel;Grassmann, Cyprian;Knoll, Alois; FMCW radar2radar Interference Detection with a Recurrent Neural Network
Zhuang, Genghang; Bing, Zhenshan; Huang, Yuhong; Huang, Kai; Knoll, Alois; A Biologically Inspired Simultaneous Localization and Mapping System Based on LiDAR Sensor
Yin, Yuhan; A mouse model of partial hepatectomy for studying the effect of the gut microbiota on liver regeneration
Josifovski, Josip;Malmir, Mohammadhossein;Klarmann, Noah;Žagar, Bare Luka;Navarro-Guerrero, Nicolás;Knoll, Alois; Analysis of Randomization Effects on Sim2Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation Tasks
Erçelik, Emeç; Yurtsever, Ekim; Liu, Mingyu; Yang, Zhijie; Zhang, Hanzhen; Topçam, Pınar; Listl, Maximilian; Kaan Çaylı, Yılmaz; Knoll, Alois; 3D Object Detection with a Self-supervised Lidar Scene Flow Backbone
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Growing preCICE from an as-is coupling library to a sustainable, batteries-included ecosystem
Adeyanju, Samuel Oluwanisola;Bulkan, Janette;Onyekwelu, Jonathan C.;Peterson St-Laurent, Guillaume;Kozak, Robert;Sunderland, Terry;Stimm, Bernd; Drivers of Biodiversity Conservation in Sacred Groves: A Comparative Study of Three Sacred Groves in Southwest Nigeria
Albrich, Katharina;Seidl, Rupert;Rammer, Werner;Thom, Dominik; From sink to source: changing climate and disturbance regimes could tip the 21st century carbon balance of an unmanaged mountain forest landscape
Seidl R, Turner MG; Post-disturbance reorganization of forest ecosystems in a changing world
Song, Rui; Zhou, Liguo; Lakshminarasimhan, Venkatnarayanan; Festag, Andreas; Knoll, Alois; Federated Learning Framework Coping with Hierarchical Heterogeneity in Cooperative ITS
Hamm, L.; Bogenberger, K.; MobilityCoins – First results on social acceptance, system boundaries and individual budgets in a tradeable credit system in Germany
Guo, Renjun; Degradation mechanisms of perovskite solar cells
Rotich, B.; Kindu, M.; Kipkulei, H.; Kibet, S.; Ojwang, D.; Impact of land use/land cover changes on ecosystem service values in the cherangany hills water tower, Kenya
Gaussmann, Stefan Ferdinand Rudolf; Structural biology of the human peroxisomal translocation machinery
Weishäupl, Sebastian Josef; Chromophore-based Coordination Polymers (CPs) as Materials for Optical Applications
Bette, Ann-Christin and Brus, Patrick and Balazs, Gabor and Ludwig, Matthias and Knoll, Alois; Automated Defect Inspection in Reverse Engineering of Integrated Circuits
Irene Lopez Gutierrez; Quantum Process Tomography from Time-Delayed Measurements
Lurz, Martin; Angelova, Denitsa; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Simpler, Better, Faster? Evaluation of an Index-Based Nutrition AppApp
Michelmann, Johannes; Gruber, Benedict; Stroh, Florian; Hornung, Mirko; Evolutionary Fleet Development Considering Airport Capacity Limitations and their Mitigation
Feldotto, Benedikt;Lengenfelder, Heiko;Röhrbein, Florian;Knoll, Alois C.; Network Layer Analysis for a RL-Based Robotic Reaching Task
Feldotto, Benedikt;Soare, Cristian;Knoll, Alois;Sriya, Piyanee;Astill, Sarah;de Kamps, Marc;Chakrabarty, Samit; Evaluating Muscle Synergies with EMG Data and Physics Simulation in the Neurorobotics Platform
Huang, Xiang; Ab Initio On-the-Fly Trajectory Surface-Hopping Dynamics: Photocatalytic Water-Splitting Reaction and Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
Rais, Andreas;Kovryga, Andriy;Pretzsch, Hans;van de Kuilen, Jan-Willem G.; Timber tensile strength in mixed stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Springer, Bernhard Christian; Electrospun polymeric electrolytes and their use in All-Solid state batteries
Hilmers, T., Schmied, G., Pretzsch, H.; Legacy effects of past thinnings modulate drought stress reactions at present
Chan J.P., Papaioannou I., Straub D.; An adaptive subset simulation algorithm for system reliability analysis with discontinuous limit states
Zhang, Rui; Li, Guangyun; Wiedemann, Wolfgang; Holst, Christoph; KdO-Net: Towards Improving the Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Applied in the 3D Pairwise Point Feature Matching
Gruber T., Ågren J., Angermann D., Ellmann A., Engfeldt A., Gisinger C., Jaworski L., Kur T., Marila S., Nastula J., Nilfouroushan F., Nordman M., Poutanen M., Saari T., Schlaak M., Świątek A., Varbla S., Zdunek R.; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research—Results in the Baltic Sea Test Network
Zhou, Liguo; Chen, Guang; Zhang, Chao; Knoll, Alois; Image Grid Recognition and Regression for Fast and Accurate Face Detection
Châteauvieux-Hellwig, C.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Analysis of early-design timber models for sound insulation
Werninghaus, Max; Experimental Optimal Control of Superconducting Qubits
Žagar, Bare Luka; Preintner, Tobias;Knoll, Alois C.; Yurtsever, Ekim; Real-Time Instance Segmentation of Pedestrians using Transfer Learning*
Wybo, Elisabeth A. A.; Tensor product state algorithms for characterizing entanglement and excitations of correlated quantum matter
Lombardi, Daniele; NNLO QCD calculations matched to parton shower for diboson processes with MiNNLOPS
Lennart Bott, Song Chen, Christian Stemmer; DSMC study of hypersonic ablation using SPARTA
Mona Karimi, Christian Stemmer; Direct Numerical Simulation of the chemically reacting boundary layer of hypersonic flows subject to ablation Machine
Friedrich Ulrich, Christian Stemmer; Machine-learn-driven prediction of streamwise vorticity induced by a random distributed roughness path in hypersonic flow
Zagar, Bare Luka;Yurtsever, Ekim;Peters, Arne;Knoll., Alois C.; Point Cloud Registration with Object-Centric Alignment
Dutz, Regina Anna; Recruiting Diverse Talents: Empirical Findings on Gender Bias and Practical Advice for Increasing Diversity in Leadership and the STEM Fields
Mayer*, Vincent;Feng*, Qian;Deng, Jun;Shi, Yunlei;Chen, Zhaopeng;Knoll, Alois; FFHNet: Generating Multi-Fingered Robotic Grasps for Unknown Objects in Real-time
Krischer, L.;Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, A.;Zimmermann, M.; Active-Learning Combined with Topology Optimization for Top-Down Design of Multi-Component Systems
A. Vazhapilli Sureshbabu , N. M. Martins Pacheco, L. I. Duran Noy and M. Zimmermann; Design of an Autonomous Trash-Picking Service Robot Focussed on Human-Robot Interaction
Vogel, Anna; Komplexe Telluride mit schaltbaren Eigenschaften
Martins Pacheco, N. M.; Vazhapilli Sureshbabu, A.; Dieckmann, E.; Apud Bell, M.; Green, S.; Childs, P.; Zimmermann, M.; Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Prototyping: A Case-Study during COVID-19
Schwaller, Christoph Johann; Agricultural irrigation demand modelling and assessment of membrane ultrafiltration alone or hybridized with inline dosed powdered activated carbon for non-potable water reuse applications
Liu, Wenjun; Zhai, Yulin; Chen, Guang; Knoll, Alois; Gaussian Process based Model Predictive Control for Overtaking Scenarios at Highway Curves
Maierhofer, Sebastian;Moosbrugger, Paul;Althoff, Matthias; Formalization of Intersection Traffic Rules in Temporal Logic
Klepper, Aaron Maximilian; Charakterisierung der Arabidopsis thaliana Glutathion Tranferase Protein Familie
Stelzl, Stefan; How New Particles Change Stars and how Stars Change Particles
Ossyssek, Stefan Joachim; Determinants of diatom diversity in mountain lakes of the northern European Alps
Slepicka, M.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Fabrication information modeling: interfacing building information modeling with digital fabrication
Domitner, Josef;Buzolin, Ricardo H.;Patil, Samiksha;Auer, Peter;Papenberg, Nikolaus;Kabliman, Evgeniya;Silvayeh, Zahra;Drexler, Andreas;Grabner, Florian; Viscoplastic Self-Consistent (VPSC) Modeling for Predicting the Deformation Behavior of Commercial EN AW-7075-T651 Aluminum Alloy
Irene Lopez Gutierrez; Constrained QAOA with autoencoders
Burak Mete; Irene Lopez Gutierrez; Christian B. Mendl; Constrained QAOA using autoencoders
Maierhofer, Johannes;Rixen, Daniel J.; Model order reduction using hyperreduction methods (DEIM, ECSW) for magnetodynamic FEM problems
Forth, K.;Höper, J.;Theißen, S.;Veselka, J.;Borrmann, A.; Towards life cycle assessment of technical building services in early design phases using Building Information Modeling
Beqiraj, Julinda;Bisoyi, Akanksha;Djeffal, Christian;Findlay, Mark;Loo, Jane;Min, Ong Li; White Paper - Rule of Law, Legitimacy and Effective COVID-19 Control Technologies
Backofen, G.; Kerscher, F.; Gleis, S.; Spliethoff, H.; The Influence of Thermochemical Energy Storages with CaO/Ca(OH)2 on Future Industrial Energy Systems with High Temperature Steam Demand
Schifflechner, C.; Irrgang, L.; Kaufmann, F.; Martin Apolinario, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimal integration of different absorption chillers in geothermal trigeneration systems with Organic Rankine Cycles
Hanel, A.; Dossow, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimized Use of Polygeneration Plants in a Highly Coupled Energy System Model
Hanel, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Operation of Conventional Power Plants During the German Energy Transition: A Mini Review
Molar-Cruz, A.; Keim, M.F.; Schifflechner, C.; Loewer, M.; Zosseder, K.; Drews, M.; Wieland, C.; Hamacher, T.; Techno-economic optimization of large-scale deep geothermal district heating systems with long-distance heat transport
Tomczak, A.;van Berlo, L.;Krijnen, T.;Borrmann, A.;Bolpagni, M.; A review of methods to specify information requirements in digital construction projects
Fridell, Karl Kåre; Phenomenology of Baryogenesis and Neutrino Physics: From Effective Field Theory to Simplified Models
Song, Rui; Hegde, Anupama; Senel, Numan; Knoll, Alois; Festag, Andreas; Edge-Aided Sensor Data Sharing in Vehicular Communication Networks
Emberger, Lorenz Konrad; Precision Timing in Highly Granular Calorimeters and Applications in Long Baseline Neutrino and Lepton Collider Experiments
Zahedi, A.;Abualdenien, J.;Petzold, F.;Borrmann, A.; BIM-based design decisions documentation using design episodes, explanation tags, and constraints
Cao, Nan; On-Surface Synthesis of Covalent-Bonded Molecular Nanostructures: Reaction Strategies and Refined Control
Neumair, Matthias Josef Philipp; Maximizing risk prediction by synthesizing multiple data sets accommodating systematic missing data and heterogeneous scales
Müller, Christiane; Thierstein, Alain; Wissensproduktion, Unternehmensstandorte und Stadtentwicklung in München. Zeitenwende und der STEP2040
Krätzschmar, Thomas Michel Gerd; Search fo an Invisible Boson in Tau Decays with Early Belle II Data and Development of New Analysis Methods for Tau Physics
Fischer, Philipp Jürgen; Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of oxygenated compounds in aqueous phase – Investigation of fundamental steps at the electrode/electrolyte interface
Cao, Hu;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Hu, Yingbai;Knoll, Alois; NeuroGrasp: Multimodal Neural Network With Euler Region Regression for Neuromorphic Vision-Based Grasp Pose Estimation
Xiao Wang; Christoph Pillmayer; Matthias Althoff; Learning to Obey Traffic Rules using Constrained Policy Optimization
Gottwald, Martin;Shen, Hao; On the Compatibility of Multistep Lookahead and Hessian Approximation for Neural Residual Gradient
Schöttl, Claus Peter Dominik; Distributed Decision-Making in Organizations – Evidence from Idea Evaluation Systems
Vander Griend, Peter; Theory and Phenomenology of the out of Equilibrium Evolution of Heavy Probes in a Quark Gluon Plasma
Irani Liu, Edmond; Würsching, Gerald; Klischat Moritz; Althoff, Matthias; CommonRoad-Reach: A Toolbox for Reachability Analysis of Automated Vehicles
Christian Eichhorn; David A. Plecher; Gudrun Klinker; VR enabling knowledge gain for the user (VENUS)
Sommer, Lucas Benedikt; Development and Validation of a 3D Neutron Therapy Treatment Planning Software for FRM II
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M.; Ensemble Machine Learning of Random Forest, AdaBoost and XGBoost for Vertical Total Electron Content Forecasting
Holwein, C. ; Jungmann, P.M. ; Suchowierski, J. ; Gersing, A.S. ; Wörtler, K. ; Brucker, P.U. ; Angele, P. ; Imhoff, A.B. ; Vogt, S.; Sandwich Technique for Large Osteochondral Lesions of the Knee
Toral, Victor ; Albrecht, Andreas ; Castillo, Encarnación ; García, Antonio ; Becherer, Markus ; Rivadeneyra, Almudena; Properties of silver chloride and carbon screen printed patterns on different textiles
Gasperi, Christiane ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Schneider, Antonius ; Kuhn, Klaus A ; Donnachie, Ewan ; Hemmer, Bernhard; Association of pregnancies with risk of multiple sclerosis
Gastinger, Markus ; Heldt, Eugénia C; Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research
Roos, Jacqueline ; Koppen, Gemma ; Vollmer, Tanja C. ; Van Schijndel-Speet, Marieke ; Dijkxhoorn, Yvette; Unlimited Surrounding: A Scoping Review on the Impact of the Built Environment on Health, Behavior, and Quality of Life of Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities in Long-Term Care
Tur, Carmen ; Dubessy, Anne-Laure ; Otero-Romero, Susana ; Amato, Maria Pia ; Derfuss, Tobias ; Di Pauli, Franziska ; Iacobaeus, Ellen ; Mycko, Marcin ; Abboud, Hesham ; Achiron, Anat ; Bellinvia, Angelo ; Boyko, Alexey ; Casanova, Jean-Laurent ; Clifford, David ; Dobson, Ruth ; Farez, Mauricio F ; Filippi, Massimo ; Fitzgerald, Kathryn C ; Fonderico, Mattia ; Gouider, Riadh ; Hacohen, Yael ; Hellwig, Kerstin ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Kappos, Ludwig ; Ladeira, Filipa ; Lebrun-Frénay, Christine ; Louapre, Céline ; Magyari, Melinda ; Mehling, Matthias ; Oreja-Guevara, Celia ; Pandit, Lekha ; Papeix, Caroline ; Piehl, Fredrik ; Portaccio, Emilio ; Ruiz-Camps, Isabel ; Selmaj, Krzysztof ; Simpson-Yap, Steve ; Siva, Aksel ; Sorensen, Per Soelberg ; Sormani, Maria Pia ; Trojano, Maria ; Vaknin-Dembinsky, Adi ; Vukusic, Sandra ; Weinshenker, Brian ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Winkelmann, Alexander ; Zuluaga Rodas, María Isabel ; Tintoré, Mar ; Stankoff, Bruno; The risk of infections for multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder disease-modifying treatments: Eighth European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Focused Workshop Review. April 2021
Kent, David T. ; Chio, Eugene G. ; Weiner, Jordan S. ; Heiser, Clemens ; Suurna, Maria V. ; Weidenbecher, Mark; A Noninferiority Analysis of 3- vs 2-Incision Techniques for Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator Implantation
Zanella, Augusto ; Ponge, Jean-François ; Jabiol, Bernard ; Van Delft, Bas ; De Waal, Rein ; Katzensteiner, Klaus ; Kolb, Eckart ; Bernier, Nicolas ; Mei, Giacomo ; Blouin, Manuel ; Juilleret, Jérôme ; Pousse, Noémie ; Stanchi, Silvia ; Cesario, Fernando ; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire ; Tatti, Dylan ; Chersich, Silvia ; Carollo, Luca ; Englisch, Michael ; Schrötter, Anna ; Schaufler, Judith ; Bonifacio, Eleonora ; Fritz, Ines ; Sofo, Adriano ; Bazot, Stéphane ; Lata, Jean-Christophe ; Iffly, Jean-Francois ; Wetzel, Carlos E. ; Hissler, Christophe ; Fabiani, Ginevra ; Aubert, Michael ; Vacca, Andrea ; Serra, Gianluca ; Menta, Cristina ; Visentin, Francesca ; Cools, Nathalie ; Bolzonella, Cristian ; Frizzera, Lorenzo ; Zampedri, Roberto ; Tomasi, Mauro ; Galvan, Paola ; Charzynski, Przemyslaw ; Zakharchenko, Elina ; Waez-Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad ; Brun, Jean-Jacques ; Menardi, Roberto ; Fontanella, Fausto ; Zaminato, Nicola ; Carollo, Silvio ; Brandolese, Alessio ; Bertelle, Michele ; Zanella, Gaétan ; Bronner, Thomas ; Graefe, Ulfert ; Hager, Herbert; A Standardized Morpho-Functional Classification of the Planet's Humipedons
Takken, Michel ; Wille, Robert; Simulation of Pressure-Driven and Channel-Based Microfluidics on Different Abstract Levels: A Case Study
Zahzam, Nassim ; Christophe, Bruno ; Lebat, Vincent ; Hardy, Emilie ; Huynh, Phuong-Anh ; Marquet, Noémie ; Blanchard, Cédric ; Bidel, Yannick ; Bresson, Alexandre ; Abrykosov, Petro ; Gruber, Thomas ; Pail, Roland ; Daras, Ilias ; Carraz, Olivier; Hybrid Electrostatic-Atomic Accelerometer for Future Space Gravity Missions
Gruber, Thomas ; Ågren, Jonas ; Angermann, Detlef ; Ellmann, Artu ; Engfeldt, Andreas ; Gisinger, Christoph ; Jaworski, Leszek ; Kur, Tomasz ; Marila, Simo ; Nastula, Jolanta ; Nilfouroushan, Faramarz ; Nordman, Maaria ; Poutanen, Markku ; Saari, Timo ; Schlaak, Marius ; wi tek, Anna ; Varbla, Sander ; Zdunek, Ryszard; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research_Results in the Baltic Sea Test Network
Dittrich, Jirathana ; Hölbling, Daniel ; Tiede, Dirk ; Sæmundsson, Þorsteinn; Inferring 2D Local Surface-Deformation Velocities Based on PSI Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study of Öræfajökull, Iceland
Hoang-Dinh, Khoi ; Leibold, Marion ; Wollherr, Dirk; A Fast and Close-to-Optimal Receding Horizon Control for Trajectory Generation in Dynamic Environments
Liu, Hengyuan ; Bergant, Valter ; Frishman, Goar ; Ruepp, Andreas ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Vincendeau, Michelle ; Frishman, Dmitrij; Influenza A Virus Infection Reactivates Human Endogenous Retroviruses Associated with Modulation of Antiviral Immunity
Hufsky, Franziska ; Abecasis, Ana ; Agudelo-Romero, Patricia ; Bletsa, Magda ; Brown, Katherine ; Claus, Claudia ; Deinhardt-Emmer, Stefanie ; Deng, Li ; Friedel, Caroline C. ; Gismondi, María Inés ; Kostaki, Evangelia Georgia ; Kühnert, Denise ; Kulkarni-Kale, Urmila ; Metzner, Karin J. ; Meyer, Irmtraud M. ; Miozzi, Laura ; Nishimura, Luca ; Paraskevopoulou, Sofia ; Pérez-Cataluña, Alba ; Rahlff, Janina ; Thomson, Emma ; Tumescheit, Charlotte ; van der Hoek, Lia ; Van Espen, Lore ; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke ; Zaheri, Maryam ; Zuckerman, Neta ; Marz, Manja; Women in the European Virus Bioinformatics Center
Kager, Juliane ; Schneider, Jochen ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Herhaus, Peter ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Mogler, Carolin ; Heim, Albert ; Frösner, Gert ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Lahmer, Tobias; Fulminant Adenoviral-Induced Hepatitis in Immunosuppressed Patients
Gareev, Kamil G. ; Grouzdev, Denis S. ; Koziaeva, Veronika V. ; Sitkov, Nikita O. ; Gao, Huile ; Zimina, Tatiana M. ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Biomimetic Nanomaterials: Diversity, Technology, and Biomedical Applications
He, Lichao ; Cui, Zhiliang ; Sun, Xiangchun ; Zhao, Jin ; Wen, Dongsheng; Sensitivity Analysis of the Catalysis Recombination Mechanism on Nanoscale Silica Surfaces
Gonçalves, Juliana Pereira Lopes ; Bollwein, Christine ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Kriegsmann, Mark ; Jacob, Anne ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwamborn, Kristina; MALDI-MSI: A Powerful Approach to Understand Primary Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Metastases
Bassitta, Rupert ; Kronfeld, Hanna ; Bauer, Johann ; Schwaiger, Karin ; Hölzel, Christina; Tracking Antimicrobial Resistant E. coli from Pigs on Farm to Pork at Slaughter
Hellbach, Fabian ; Baumeister, Sebastian-Edgar ; Wilson, Rory ; Wawro, Nina ; Dahal, Chetana ; Freuer, Dennis ; Hauner, Hans ; Peters, Annette ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Kronenberg, Florian ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Meisinger, Christa ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Linseisen, Jakob; Association between Usual Dietary Intake of Food Groups and DNA Methylation and Effect Modification by Metabotype in the KORA FF4 Cohort
Gonçalves, Juliana P. L. ; Bollwein, Christine ; Schwamborn, Kristina; Mass Spectrometry Imaging Spatial Tissue Analysis toward Personalized Medicine
Pala, Daniele ; Parimbelli, Enea ; Larizza, Cristiana ; Cheng, Cindy ; Ottaviano, Manuel ; Pogliaghi, Andrea ; ukić, Goran ; Jovanović, Aleksandar ; Milićević, Ognjen ; Urošević, Vladimir ; Cerchiello, Paola ; Giudici, Paolo ; Bellazzi, Riccardo; A New Interactive Tool to Visualize and Analyze COVID-19 Data: The PERISCOPE Atlas
Kirchhoff, Sandra ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Pelikan, Jürgen M. ; Zelinka-Roitner, Inge ; Dietscher, Christina ; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. ; Okan, Orkan; Organizational Health Literacy in Schools: Concept Development for Health-Literate Schools
Ranpal, Surendra ; Sieverts, Miriam ; Wörl, Verena ; Kahlenberg, Georgia ; Gilles, Stefanie ; Landgraf, Maria ; Köpke, Kira ; Kolek, Franziska ; Luschkova, Daria ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Büttner, Carmen ; Damialis, Athanasios ; Jochner-Oette, Susanne; Is Pollen Production of Birch Controlled by Genetics and Local Conditions?
Werner, Anne ; Popp, Maria ; Fichtner, Falk ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Kranke, Peter ; Steckelberg, Anke ; Lühnen, Julia ; Redlich, Lisa Marie ; Dickel, Steffen ; Grimm, Clemens ; Moerer, Onnen ; Nothacker, Monika ; Seeber, Christian; COVID-19 Intensive Care_Evaluation of Public Information Sources and Current Standards of Care in German Intensive Care Units: A Cross Sectional Online Survey on Intensive Care Staff in Germany
Mahmoodpour, Saeed ; Singh, Mrityunjay ; Obaje, Christian ; Tangirala, Sri Kalyan ; Reinecker, John ; Bär, Kristian ; Sass, Ingo; Hydrothermal Numerical Simulation of Injection Operations at United Downs, Cornwall, UK
Greve, Frederik ; Müller, Michael ; Wurm, Markus ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Singer, Georg ; Till, Holger ; Wegmann, Helmut; Standalone Axial Malrotation after Pediatric Supracondylar Fracture Does Not Seem to Be an Indication for Immediate Postoperative Revision Surgery
Tulessin, Margaret ; Sarker, Rim Sabrina Jahan ; Griger, Joscha ; Leibing, Thomas ; Geraud, Cyrill ; Weichert, Wilko ; Steiger, Katja ; Mogler, Carolin; Vascular Remodeling Is a Crucial Event in the Early Phase of Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rodent Models for Liver Tumorigenesis
Ahrens, Markus ; Fischer, Theresa ; Zuber, Nina ; Yatsenko, Serhiy ; Hochrein, Thomas ; Bastian, Martin ; Eblenkamp, Markus ; Mela, Petra; Antimicrobial Activity of a Titanium Dioxide Additivated Thermoset
Dumont, Martine ; Weber-Lassalle, Nana ; Joly-Beauparlant, Charles ; Ernst, Corinna ; Droit, Arnaud ; Feng, Bing-Jian ; Dubois, Stéphane ; Collin-Deschesnes, Annie-Claude ; Soucy, Penny ; Vallée, Maxime ; Fournier, Frédéric ; Lemaçon, Audrey ; Adank, Muriel A. ; Allen, Jamie ; Altmüller, Janine ; Arnold, Norbert ; Ausems, Margreet G. E. M. ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Bolla, Manjeet K. ; Bull, Shelley ; Carvalho, Sara ; Cornelissen, Sten ; Dufault, Michael R. ; Dunning, Alison M. ; Engel, Christoph ; Gehrig, Andrea ; Geurts-Giele, Willemina R. R. ; Gieger, Christian ; Green, Jessica ; Hackmann, Karl ; Helmy, Mohamed ; Hentschel, Julia ; Hogervorst, Frans B. L. ; Hollestelle, Antoinette ; Hooning, Maartje J. ; Horváth, Judit ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Kaulfuß, Silke ; Keeman, Renske ; Kuang, Da ; Luccarini, Craig ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Martens, John W. M. ; Niederacher, Dieter ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Ott, Claus-Eric ; Peters, Annette ; Pharoah, Paul D. P. ; Ramirez, Alfredo ; Ramser, Juliane ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi ; Schmidt, Gunnar ; Shah, Mitul ; Scherer, Martin ; Stäbler, Antje ; Strom, Tim M. ; Sutter, Christian ; Thiele, Holger ; van Asperen, Christi J. ; van der Kolk, Lizet ; van der Luijt, Rob B. ; Volk, Alexander E. ; Wagner, Michael ; Waisfisz, Quinten ; Wang, Qin ; Wang-Gohrke, Shan ; Weber, Bernhard H. F. ; Devilee, Peter ; Tavtigian, Sean ; Bader, Gary D. ; Meindl, Alfons ; Goldgar, David E. ; Andrulis, Irene L. ; Schmutzler, Rita K. ; Easton, Douglas F. ; Schmidt, Marjanka K. ; Hahnen, Eric ; Simard, Jacques; Uncovering the Contribution of Moderate-Penetrance Susceptibility Genes to Breast Cancer by Whole-Exome Sequencing and Targeted Enrichment Sequencing of Candidate Genes in Women of European Ancestry
Rolfes, Muriel ; Borde, Julika ; Möllenhoff, Kathrin ; Kayali, Mohamad ; Ernst, Corinna ; Gehrig, Andrea ; Sutter, Christian ; Ramser, Juliane ; Niederacher, Dieter ; Horváth, Judit ; Arnold, Norbert ; Meindl, Alfons ; Auber, Bernd ; Rump, Andreas ; Wang-Gohrke, Shan ; Ritter, Julia ; Hentschel, Julia ; Thiele, Holger ; Altmüller, Janine ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Rhiem, Kerstin ; Engel, Christoph ; Wappenschmidt, Barbara ; Schmutzler, Rita K. ; Hahnen, Eric ; Hauke, Jan; Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Briels, David ; Kollmannsberger, Stefan ; Leithner, Felicitas ; Matthäus, Carla ; Nouman, Ahmad Saleem ; Oztoprak, Oguz ; Rank, Ernst; Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements
Börner, Corinna ; Staisch, Jacob ; Lang, Magdalena ; Hauser, Ari ; Hannibal, Iris ; Huß, Kristina ; Klose, Birgit ; Lechner, Matthias F. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Heinen, Florian ; Landgraf, Mirjam N. ; Bonfert, Michaela V.; Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation for Pediatric Headache Disorders: Muscular Effects and Factors Affecting Level of Response
Rodolico, Alessandro ; Concerto, Carmen ; Ciancio, Alessia ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Fusar-Poli, Laura ; Romano, Carla Benedicta ; Scavo, Elisa Vita ; Petralia, Antonino ; Salomone, Salvatore ; Signorelli, Maria Salvina ; Leucht, Stefan ; Aguglia, Eugenio; Validation of the Glasgow Antipsychotic Side-Effect Scale (GASS) in an Italian Sample of Patients with Stable Schizophrenia and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
Eder, Markus ; Perosa, Francesca ; Hohensinner, Severin ; Tritthart, Michael ; Scheuer, Sabrina ; Gelhaus, Marion ; Cyffka, Bernd ; Kiss, Tímea ; Van Leeuwen, Boudewijn ; Tobak, Zalán ; Sipos, György ; Csikós, Nándor ; Smetanová, Anna ; Bokal, Sabina ; Samu, Andrea ; Gruber, Tamas ; G lie, Andreea-Cristina ; Moldoveanu, Marinela ; Mazilu, Petrişor ; Habersack, Helmut; How Can We Identify Active, Former, and Potential Floodplains? Methods and Lessons Learned from the Danube River
Thomik, Maximilian ; Gruber, Sebastian ; Kaestner, Anders ; Foerst, Petra ; Tsotsas, Evangelos ; Vorhauer-Huget, Nicole; Experimental Study of the Impact of Pore Structure on Drying Kinetics and Sublimation Front Patterns
Heine, Sonja ; Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio ; Russkamp, Dennis ; Alessandrini, Francesca ; Gailus-Durner, Valerie ; Fuchs, Helmut ; Ollert, Markus ; Bredehorst, Reinhard ; Ohnmacht, Caspar ; Zissler, Ulrich M. ; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Blank, Simon; Thermosensitive PLGA-PEG-PLGA Hydrogel as Depot Matrix for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy
Gregor, András ; Huber, Laura ; Auernigg-Haselmaier, Sandra ; Sternberg, Felix ; Billerhart, Magdalena ; Dunkel, Andreas ; Somoza, Veronika ; Ogris, Manfred ; Kofler, Barbara ; Longo, Valter D. ; König, Jürgen ; Duszka, Kalina; A Comparison of the Impact of Restrictive Diets on the Gastrointestinal Tract of Mice
Dawczynski, Christine ; Plagge, Johannes ; Jahreis, Gerhard ; Liebisch, Gerhard ; Höring, Marcus ; Seeliger, Claudine ; Ecker, Josef; Dietary PUFA Preferably Modify Ethanolamine-Containing Glycerophospholipids of the Human Plasma Lipidome
Gutiérrez Juárez, Eduardo ; Kurjenoja, Anne Kristiina ; Schumacher, Melissa ; Guizar Villalvazo, María ; Gonzalez Meza, Edwin ; Durán-Díaz, Pamela; Neoliberal Urban Development vs. Rural Communities: Land Management Challenges in San Andrés Cholula, Mexico
Bäcker, Henrik C. ; Thiele, Kathi ; Wu, Chia H. ; Moroder, Philipp ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Braun, Karl F.; Distal Radius Fracture with Ipsilateral Elbow Dislocation: A Rare but Challenging Injury
Nessbach, Philipp ; Schwarz, Sascha ; Becke, Tanja D. ; Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke ; Machens, Hans-Guenther ; Sudhop, Stefanie; Angiogenic Potential of Co-Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells and Adipose Stromal Cells in Customizable 3D Engineered Collagen Sheets
Schierling, Wilma ; Matzner, Julia ; Apfelbeck, Hanna ; Grothues, Dirk ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Pfister, Karin; Pulse Wave Velocity for Risk Stratification of Patients with Aortic Aneurysm
Karge, Anne ; Lobmaier, Silvia M. ; Haller, Bernhard ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Ortiz, Javier U.; Value of Cerebroplacental Ratio and Uterine Artery Doppler as Predictors of Adverse Perinatal Outcome in Very Small for Gestational Age at Term Fetuses
von Sanden, Felix ; Ptushkina, Svetlana ; Hock, Julia ; Fritz, Celina ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Ewert, Peter ; Hager, Alfred ; Wolf, Cordula M.; Peak Oxygen Uptake on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Is a Predictor for Severe Arrhythmic Events during Three-Year Follow-Up in Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Zhi, Yanyan ; Feng, Ziwei ; Mehreen, Tanisha ; Liu, Xiaoyuan ; Gardner, Kirsty ; Li, Xiangping ; Guan, Bai-Ou ; Zhang, Lijuan ; Vagin, Sergey I. ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Meldrum, Alkiviathes; Two-Photon Fluorescence in Red and Violet Conjugated Polymer Microspheres
Sanches, Augusto Fava ; Shit, Suprosanna ; Özpeynirci, Yigit ; Liebig, Thomas; CFD to Quantify Idealized Intra-Aneurysmal Blood Flow in Response to Regular and Flow Diverter Stent Treatment
Huffmann, Jonathan E. W. ; Mittelbach, Martin; On the Distribution of the Information Density of Gaussian Random Vectors: Explicit Formulas and Tight Approximations
Mueck, Fabian ; Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Linsenmaier, Ulrich ; Scaglione, Mariano ; Zimmer, Claus ; Ikenberg, Benno ; Berndt, Maria; CT Marker in Emergency Imaging of Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion: Thrombosis vs. Embolism
Kehrer, Andreas ; Ruewe, Marc ; Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha ; Lonic, Daniel ; Heidekrueger, Paul Immanuel ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Jung, Ernst Michael ; Prantl, Lukas ; Knoedler, Leonard; Using High-Resolution Ultrasound to Assess Post-Facial Paralysis Synkinesis_Machine Settings and Technical Aspects for Facial Surgeons
Jiang, Jun ; Röper, Lynn ; Alageel, Sarah ; Dornseifer, Ulf ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Hadjipanayi, Ektoras ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Moog, Philipp; Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) Promotes Osteoblast Proliferation, Migration and Matrix Deposition
Reichel, Julia ; Graßmann, Johanna ; Knoop, Oliver ; Letzel, Thomas ; Drewes, Jörg E.; A Novel Analytical Approach to Assessing Sorption of Trace Organic Compounds into Micro- and Nanoplastic Particles
Preis, Lukas ; Hornung, Mirko; A Vertiport Design Heuristic to Ensure Efficient Ground Operations for Urban Air Mobility
Péntek, Máté ; Riedl, Andreas ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe ; Weber, Felix; Investigating the Vibration Mitigation Efficiency of Tuned Sloshing Dampers Using a Two-Fluid CFD Approach
Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Rudel, Thomas ; Heesemann, Jürgen ; Goebel, Werner; Link Between Antibiotic Persistence and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens
Shuai, Haiwei ; Chen, Tingting ; Wlk, Tanja ; Rozhon, Wilfried ; Pimenta Lange, Maria J. ; Sieberer, Tobias ; Lange, Theo ; Poppenberger, Brigitte; SlCESTA Is a Brassinosteroid-Regulated bHLH Transcription Factor of Tomato That Promotes Chilling Tolerance and Fruit Growth When Over-Expressed
Nkurunziza, Theoneste ; Williams, Wendy ; Kateera, Fredrick ; Riviello, Robert ; Niyigena, Anne ; Miranda, Elizabeth ; Bikorimana, Laban ; Nkurunziza, Jonathan ; Velin, Lotta ; Goodman, Andrea S ; Matousek, Alex ; Klug, Stefanie J ; Gaju, Erick ; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany L; mHealth-community health worker telemedicine intervention for surgical site infection diagnosis: a prospective study among women delivering via caesarean section in rural Rwanda
Vollmers, Sarah ; Lobermeyer, Annabelle ; Niehrs, Annika ; Fittje, Pia ; Indenbirken, Daniela ; Nakel, Jacqueline ; Virdi, Sanamjeet ; Brias, Sebastien ; Trenkner, Timo ; Sauer, Gabriel ; Peine, Sven ; Behrens, Georg M.N. ; Lehmann, Clara ; Meurer, Anja ; Pauli, Ramona ; Postel, Nils ; Roider, Julia ; Scholten, Stefan ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Stephan, Christoph ; Wolf, Eva ; Wyen, Christoph ; Richert, Laura ; Norman, Paul J. ; Sauter, Jürgen ; Schmidt, Alexander H. ; Hoelzemer, Angelique ; Altfeld, Marcus ; Körner, Christian; Host KIR/HLA-C Genotypes Determine HIV-Mediated Changes of the NK Cell Repertoire and Are Associated With Vpu Sequence Variations Impacting Downmodulation of HLA-C
Pander, Joachim ; Nagel, Christoffer ; Geist, Juergen; Effects of a Hydropower-Related Temporary Stream Dewatering on Fish Community Composition and Development: From Ecology to Policy
Lausmann, Hanna ; Zacharias, Martin ; Neuhann, Teresa M. ; Locher, Melanie K. ; Schettler, Karl F.; Case Report: DPM1-CDG: Novel Variant with Severe Phenotype and Literature Review
Adedeji-Badmus, Adebimpe N. ; Schramm, Sebastian ; Gigl, Michael ; Iwebema, Williams ; Albertos, Pablo ; Dawid, Corinna ; Sieberer, Tobias ; Poppenberger, Brigitte; Species-Specific Variation in Abscisic Acid Homeostasis and Responses Impacts Important Traits in Crassocephalum Orphan Crops
Flemming, Ronja; Patterns of pregabalin prescribing in four German federal states: analysis of routine data to investigate potential misuse of pregabalin
Hu, Yue ; Rehawi, Ghalia ; Moyon, Lambert ; Gerstner, Nathalie ; Ogris, Christoph ; Knauer-Arloth, Janine ; Bittner, Florian ; Marsico, Annalisa ; Mueller, Nikola S.; Network Embedding Across Multiple Tissues and Data Modalities Elucidates the Context of Host Factors Important for COVID-19 Infection
Feldotto, Benedikt ; Soare, Cristian ; Knoll, Alois ; Sriya, Piyanee ; Astill, Sarah ; de Kamps, Marc ; Chakrabarty, Samit; Evaluating Muscle Synergies With EMG Data and Physics Simulation in the Neurorobotics Platform
Kabirian, Fatemeh ; Haghighipour, Nooshin ; Mela, Petra ; Heying, Ruth; Editorial: Additive Manufacturing Applications in Cardiovascular Research
Lerchl, Tanja ; El Husseini, Malek ; Bayat, Amirhossein ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; Hermann, Luis ; Nispel, Kati ; Baum, Thomas ; Löffler, Maximilian T. ; Senner, Veit ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Validation of a Patient-Specific Musculoskeletal Model for Lumbar Load Estimation Generated by an Automated Pipeline From Whole Body CT
Greve, Tobias ; Rayudu, Nithin Manohar ; Dieckmeyer, Michael ; Boehm, Christof ; Ruschke, Stefan ; Burian, Egon ; Kloth, Christopher ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Baum, Thomas ; Subburaj, Karupppasamy ; Sollmann, Nico; Finite Element Analysis of Osteoporotic and Osteoblastic Vertebrae and Its Association With the Proton Density Fat Fraction From Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat MRI - A Preliminary Study
Hassanibesheli, Forough ; Kurths, Jürgen ; Boers, Niklas; Long-term ENSO prediction with echo-state networks
Trainotti, Christian ; Giorgi, Gabriele ; Günther, Christoph; Detection and identification of faults in clock ensembles with the generalized likelihood ratio test
Elishaev, Maria ; Hodonsky, Chani J. ; Ghosh, Saikat Kumar B. ; Finn, Aloke V. ; von Scheidt, Moritz ; Wang, Ying; Opportunities and Challenges in Understanding Atherosclerosis by Human Biospecimen Studies
Ritschl, Lucas M. ; Niu, Minli ; Pippich, Katharina ; Schuh, Philia ; Rommel, Niklas ; Fichter, Andreas M. ; Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich ; Weitz, Jochen; Superficial Temporal Artery and Vein as Alternative Recipient Vessels for Intraoral Reconstruction With Free Flaps to Avoid the Cervical Approach With the Resulting Need for Double Flap Transfer in Previously Treated Necks
Fraija, N. ; Kamenetskaia, B. Betancourt ; Galvan-Gamez, A. ; Dainotti, M. G. ; Becerra, R. L. ; Dichiara, S. ; Veres, P. ; do E. S. Pedreira, A. C. Caligula; GRB Afterglow of the Sub-relativistic Materials with Energy Injection
Croner, Albert M. ; Heshmat, Amirreza ; Schrott-Fischer, Anneliese ; Glueckert, Rudolf ; Hemmert, Werner ; Bai, Siwei; Effects of Degrees of Degeneration on the Electrical Excitation of Human Spiral Ganglion Neurons Based on a High-Resolution Computer Model
Kern, Anna ; Kuhlmann, Pia H. ; Matl, Stefan ; Ege, Markus ; Maison, Nicole ; Eckert, Jana ; von Both, Ulrich ; Behrends, Uta ; Anger, Melanie ; Frühwald, Michael C. ; Gerstlauer, Michael ; Woelfle, Joachim ; Neubert, Antje ; Melter, Michael ; Liese, Johannes ; Goettler, David ; Sing, Andreas ; Liebl, Bernhard ; Hübner, Johannes ; Klein, Christoph; Surveillance of Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Elementary Schools and Daycare Facilities in Bavaria, Germany (09/2020-03/2021)
Cuijpers, Pim ; Miguel, Clara ; Papola, Davide ; Harrer, Mathias ; Karyotaki, Eirini; From living systematic reviews to meta-analytical research domains
Maltseva, I N ; Kaganovich, N N ; Tkachuk, K A; Office spaces in conditions environmental problems of cities
Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Jörger, Ann-Kathrin ; Hillebrand, Sandra ; Harder, Felix N. ; Wiestler, Benedikt ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Negwer, Chiara ; Gempt, Jens; The Bigger the Better? Analysis of Surgical Complications and Outcome of the Retrosigmoid Approach in 449 Oncological Cases
Hinman, Nancy W. ; Mave, Megan A. ; Powers, Leanne C. ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Cabrol, Nathalie A. ; Gonsior, Michael; Controls on Reactive Oxygen Species Cycles in Yellowstone Hot Springs: Implications for Biosignature Preservation on Mars
Meyer-Lindemann, Ulrike ; Mauersberger, Carina ; Schmidt, Anna-Christina ; Moggio, Aldo ; Hinterdobler, Julia ; Li, Xinghai ; Khangholi, David ; Hettwer, Jan ; Gräßer, Christian ; Dutsch, Alexander ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Kessler, Thorsten ; Sager, Hendrik B.; Colchicine Impacts Leukocyte Trafficking in Atherosclerosis and Reduces Vascular Inflammation
Hartmann, Louis ; Ching, Cheuck Hin ; Kipfer, Tim ; Koch, Max ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; Surface-stabilization of LMR-NCM by Washing with Aqueous Buffers to Reduce Gassing and Improve Cycle-Life
Sedlmeier, Christian ; Kutsch, Tobias ; Schuster, Robin ; Hartmann, Louis ; Bublitz, Raphaela ; Tominac, Mia ; Bohn, Moritz ; Gasteiger, Hubert A.; From Powder to Sheets: A Comparative Electrolyte Study for Slurry-Based Processed Solid Electrolyte/Binder-Sheets as Separators in All-Solid-State Batteries
Hafner, Verena ; Hommel, Bernhard ; Kayhan, Ezgi ; Lee, Dongheui ; Paulus, Markus ; Verschoor, Stephan; Editorial: The Mechanisms Underlying the Human Minimal Self
Günter, Christina Irene ; Ilg, Felicitas Paula ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Egert-Schwender, Silvia ; Jelkmann, Wolfgang ; Giri, Shibashish ; Bader, Augustinus ; Machens, Hans-Günter; Relation Between Gender and Concomitant Medications With Erythropoietin-Treatment on Wound Healing in Burn Patients. Post Hoc Subgroup-Analysis of the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Quirin, Markus ; Loktyushin, Alexander ; Küstermann, Ekkehard ; Kuhl, Julius; The Achievement Motive in the Brain: BOLD Responses to Pictures of Challenging Activities Predicted by Implicit Versus Explicit Achievement Motives
Du, Shixiong ; Wu, Ruiying ; Sun, Huaiwei ; Yan, Dong ; Xue, Jie ; Liao, Weihong ; Tuo, Ye ; Zhang, Wenxin; Projection of Precipitation Extremes and Flood Risk in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Baudrexl, Melanie ; Fida, Tarik ; Berk, Berkay ; Schwarz, Wolfgang H. ; Zverlov, Vladimir V. ; Groll, Michael ; Liebl, Wolfgang; Biochemical and Structural Characterization of Thermostable GH159 Glycoside Hydrolases Exhibiting α-L-Arabinofuranosidase Activity
Locquet, Médéa ; Spoor, Daan ; Crijns, Anne ; van der Harst, Pim ; Eraso, Arantxa ; Guedea, Ferran ; Fiuza, Manuela ; Santos, Susana Constantino Rosa ; Combs, Stephanie ; Borm, Kai ; Mousseaux, Elie ; Gencer, Umit ; Frija, Guy ; Cardis, Elisabeth ; Langendijk, Hans ; Jacob, Sophie; Subclinical Left Ventricular Dysfunction Detected by Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Radiation Therapy: A Six-Month Follow-Up Analysis (MEDIRAD EARLY-HEART study)
Lacorcia, Matthew ; Kugyelka, Réka ; Spechtenhauser, Lorenz ; Prodjinotho, Ulrich Fabien ; Hamway, Youssef ; Spangenberg, Thomas ; da Costa, Clarissa Prazeres; Praziquantel Reduces Maternal Mortality and Offspring Morbidity by Enhancing Anti-Helminthic Immune Responses
Arntz, F. ; Mkaouer, B. ; Markov, A. ; Schoenfeld, B. J. ; Moran, J. ; Ramirez-Campillo, R. ; Behrens, M. ; Baumert, P. ; Erskine, R. M. ; Hauser, L. ; Chaabene, H.; Effect of Plyometric Jump Training on Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review With Multilevel Meta-Analysis
Wagner, V. ; Rogly, R. ; Erhart, A. ; Savu, V. ; Goupy, C. ; Lhuillier, D. ; Vivier, M. ; Klinkenberg, L. ; Angloher, G. ; Bento, A. ; Canonica, L. ; Cappella, F. ; Cardani, L. ; Casali, N. ; Cerulli, R. ; Colantoni, I. ; Cruciani, A. ; del Castello, G. ; Friedl, M. ; Garai, A. ; Ghete, V.M. ; Guidi, V. ; Hauff, D. ; Kaznacheeva, M. ; Kinast, A. ; Kluck, H. ; Langenkämper, A. ; Lasserre, T. ; Mancuso, M. ; Mauri, B. ; Mazzolari, A. ; Mazzucato, E. ; Neyrial, H. ; Nones, C. ; Oberauer, L. ; Onillon, A. ; Ortmann, T. ; Pattavina, L. ; Petricca, F. ; Potzel, W. ; Pröbst, F. ; Pucci, F. ; Reindl, F. ; Rothe, J. ; Schermer, N. ; Schieck, J. ; Schönert, S. ; Schwertner, C. ; Scola, L. ; Stodolsky, L. ; Strauss, R. ; Tomei, C. ; Mirbach, K.v. ; Vignati, M. ; Wex, A.; Development of a compact muon veto for the Nucleus experiment
Salanova, Josep Maria ; Ayfantopoulou, Georgia ; Magkos, Evripidis ; Mallidis, Ioannis ; Maleas, Zisis ; Narayanan, Santhanakrishnan ; Antoniou, Constantinos ; Tympakianaki, Athina ; Martin, Ignacio ; Fajardo-Calderin, Jenny; Developing a Multilevel Decision Support Tool for Urban Mobility
Tnani, Mohamed-Ali ; Subarnaduti, Paul ; Diepold, Klaus; Efficient Feature Learning Approach for Raw Industrial Vibration Data Using Two-Stage Learning Framework
Kempf, Kerstin ; Röhling, Martin ; Banzer, Winfried ; Braumann, Klaus Michael ; Halle, Martin ; Schaller, Nina ; McCarthy, David ; Predel, Hans Georg ; Schenkenberger, Isabelle ; Tan, Susanne ; Toplak, Hermann ; Martin, Stephan ; Berg, Aloys; Early and Strong Leptin Reduction Is Predictive for Long-Term Weight Loss during High-Protein, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement_A Subanalysis of the Randomised-Controlled ACOORH Trial
Wilhelm, Nikolas Jakob ; Haddadin, Sami ; Lang, Jan Josef ; Micheler, Carina ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Reiners, Anselm ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Glowalla, Claudio; Development of an Exoskeleton Platform of the Finger for Objective Patient Monitoring in Rehabilitation
Zhang, Rui ; Li, Guangyun ; Wiedemann, Wolfgang ; Holst, Christoph; KdO-Net: Towards Improving the Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Applied in the 3D Pairwise Point Feature Matching
Platzer, Melanie ; Kiese, Sandra ; Asam, Tobias ; Schneider, Franziska ; Tybussek, Thorsten ; Herfellner, Thomas ; Schweiggert-Weisz, Ute ; Eisner, Peter; Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) of Plant Phenolic Compounds in Rapeseed Oil and Comparison of Antioxidant Measurement Methods
Moeini, Arash ; Pedram, Parisa ; Fattahi, Ehsan ; Cerruti, Pierfrancesco ; Santagata, Gabriella; Edible Polymers and Secondary Bioactive Compounds for Food Packaging Applications: Antimicrobial, Mechanical, and Gas Barrier Properties
Hadj-Kali, Mohamed K. ; Salleh, M. Zulhaziman M. ; Wazeer, Irfan ; Alhadid, Ahmad ; Mulyono, Sarwono; Separation of Benzene and Cyclohexane Using Eutectic Solvents with Aromatic Structure
Haange, Sven-Bastiaan ; Till, Andreas ; Bergh, Per-Olof ; Fauler, Günter ; Gigl, Michael ; Löfgren-Sandblom, Anita ; Schaap, Frank G. ; Clavel, Thomas ; Trautwein, Christian ; Fenske, Wiebke ; Kleigrewe, Karin ; Marschall, Hanns-Ulrich ; Olde Damink, Steven W. M. ; Moustafa, Tarek ; von Bergen, Martin ; Rolle-Kampczyk, Ulrike; Ring Trial on Quantitative Assessment of Bile Acids Reveals a Method- and Analyte-Specific Accuracy and Reproducibility
Kümmel, Frank ; Fritton, Massimo ; Solís, Cecilia ; Kriele, Armin ; Stark, Andreas ; Gilles, Ralph; Near-Surface and Bulk Dissolution Behavior of y Precipitates in Nickel-Based VDM® Alloy 780 Studied with In-Situ Lab-Source and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Sanusi, Usman ; John, Sona ; Mueller, Johannes ; Tellier, Aurélien; Quiescence Generates Moving Average in a Stochastic Epidemiological Model with One Host and Two Parasites
Golubev, Alexey ; Kovtanyuk, Andrey ; Lampe, Renée; Modeling of Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation Using Mathematical Control Theory
Brandl, Andreas ; Egner, Christoph ; Schleip, Robert; Reply to Kudus, A.L. Comment on
Wergin, V. Vanessa ; Mallett, Clifford J. ; Beckmann, Jürgen; Individual vs. Team Sport Failure_Similarities, Differences, and Current Developments
Lämmle, Lena ; von Lindern, Eike ; Rummel, Dorothee ; Michaeli, Mark ; Ziegler, Matthias; Shedding Light onto the City Blues Myth_The Potential of Stimulating and Activating Effects of Urban Public Spaces and the Role of City Relatedness
Bachner, Joachim ; García-Massó, Xavier ; Castillo, Isabel ; Mess, Filip ; Molina-García, Javier; Do Active Commuters Feel More Competent and Vital? A Self-Organizing Maps Analysis in University Students
Zhang, Yue ; Zhou, Jie ; Liu, Shuang ; Ji, Zhibin; MAPK1 Is Regulated by LOC102188416/miR-143-3p Axis in Dairy Goat Mammary Epithelial Cells
Olivar, Jorge ; Rais, Andreas ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Bravo, Felipe; The Impact of Climate and Adaptative Forest Management on the Intra-Annual Growth of Pinus halepensis Based on Long-Term Dendrometer Recordings
Weiß, Andreas ; Biedenbach, Florian ; Müller, Mathias; Probabilistic Load Profile Model for Public Charging Infrastructure to Evaluate the Grid Load
Schütz, Uwe ; Martensen, Thomas ; Kleiner, Sebastian ; Dreyhaupt, Jens ; Wegener, Martin ; Wilke, Hans-Joachim ; Beer, Meinrad; T2*-Mapping of Knee Cartilage in Response to Mechanical Loading in Alpine Skiing: A Feasibility Study
Sollmann, Nico ; Baum, Thomas; Editorial on Special Issue
Gezer, Ugur ; Bronkhorst, Abel J. ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; The Utility of Repetitive Cell-Free DNA in Cancer Liquid Biopsies
Patil, Shivaprasad ; Linge, Annett ; Hiepe, Hannah ; Grosser, Marianne ; Lohaus, Fabian ; Gudziol, Volker ; Kemper, Max ; Nowak, Alexander ; Haim, Dominik ; Tinhofer, Inge ; Budach, Volker ; Guberina, Maja ; Stuschke, Martin ; Balermpas, Panagiotis ; Grün, Jens von der ; Schäfer, Henning ; Grosu, Anca-Ligia ; Abdollahi, Amir ; Debus, Jürgen ; Ganswindt, Ute ; Belka, Claus ; Pigorsch, Steffi ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Boeke, Simon ; Zips, Daniel ; Jöhrens, Korinna ; Baretton, Gustavo B. ; Baumann, Michael ; Krause, Mechthild ; Löck, Steffen; A Novel 2-Metagene Signature to Identify High-Risk HNSCC Patients amongst Those Who Are Clinically at Intermediate Risk and Are Treated with PORT
Kaiser, Isabelle ; Mathes, Sonja ; Pfahlberg, Annette B. ; Uter, Wolfgang ; Berking, Carola ; Heppt, Markus V. ; Steeb, Theresa ; Diehl, Katharina ; Gefeller, Olaf; Using the Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool (PROBAST) to Evaluate Melanoma Prediction Studies
Kraus, Kim Melanie ; Bauer, Caroline ; Feuerecker, Benedikt ; Fischer, Julius Clemens ; Borm, Kai Joachim ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth; Pneumonitis after Stereotactic Thoracic Radioimmunotherapy with Checkpoint Inhibitors: Exploration of the Dose-Volume-Effect Correlation
Kader, Avan ; Kaufmann, Jan O. ; Mangarova, Dilyana B. ; Moeckel, Jana ; Brangsch, Julia ; Adams, Lisa C. ; Zhao, Jing ; Reimann, Carolin ; Saatz, Jessica ; Traub, Heike ; Buchholz, Rebecca ; Karst, Uwe ; Hamm, Bernd ; Makowski, Marcus R.; Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Visualization of Prostate Cancer in MRI
Rayudu, Nithin Manohar ; Subburaj, Karupppasamy ; Mohan, Rajesh Elara ; Sollmann, Nico ; Dieckmeyer, Michael ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Baum, Thomas; Patient-Specific Finite Element Modeling of the Whole Lumbar Spine Using Clinical Routine Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) Data_A Pilot Study
Khalifa, Abdelrahman ; Bashir, Bashar ; Alsalman, Abdullah ; Bachir, Hussein; Morphometric-hydro Characterization of the Coastal Line between El-Qussier and Marsa-Alam, Egypt: Preliminary Flood Risk Signatures
Pantano, Matteo ; Pavlovskyi, Yurii ; Schulenburg, Erik ; Traganos, Konstantinos ; Ahmadi, Seyedamir ; Regulin, Daniel ; Lee, Dongheui ; Saenz, José; Novel Approach Using Risk Analysis Component to Continuously Update Collaborative Robotics Applications in the Smart, Connected Factory Model
Stettmer, Matthias ; Maidl, Franz-Xaver ; Schwarzensteiner, Jürgen ; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Analysis of Nitrogen Uptake in Winter Wheat Using Sensor and Satellite Data for Site-Specific Fertilization
Reger, Matthias ; Stumpenhausen, Jörn ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Evaluation of LiDAR for the Free Navigation in Agriculture
Liebhardt, Peter ; Maxa, Jan ; Bernhardt, Heinz ; Aulrich, Karen ; Thurner, Stefan; Comparison of a Conventional Harvesting Technique in Alfalfa and Red Clover with a Leaf Stripping Technique Regarding Dry Matter Yield, Total Leaf Mass, Leaf Portion, Crude Protein and Amino Acid Contents
Wei, Xianggeng ; Yang, Zhongxu ; Zhu, Shaohua ; Zhao, Zhixin ; Ye, Jinying ; Haidn, Oskar J.; The Confirmation of Thermal Boundary Parameters in an Oxygen Kerosene Fuel-Rich Rocket Engine
Feldotto, Benedikt ; Lengenfelder, Heiko ; Röhrbein, Florian ; Knoll, Alois C.; Network Layer Analysis for a RL-Based Robotic Reaching Task
Dünnwald, Tobias ; Paglia, Giuseppe ; Weiss, Günter ; Denti, Vanna ; Faulhaber, Martin ; Schobersberger, Wolfgang ; Wackerhage, Henning; High Intensity Concentric-Eccentric Exercise Under Hypoxia Changes the Blood Metabolome of Trained Athletes
Duda, Manuela Anna ; Grad, Andreas ; Kampfer, Severin ; Dobiasch, Sophie ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Wilkens, Jan Jakob; Dual energy CT for a small animal radiation research platform using an empirical dual energy calibration
Behrens, Andrew; Development of mim-tRNAseq for global and quantitative profiling of cellular tRNA pools by high-throughput sequencing
Hu, Yingbai;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Knoll, Alois; Robot Policy Improvement With Natural Evolution Strategies for Stable Nonlinear Dynamical System
Taule, Petter; Neutrinos in cosmology
Zhuang, Genghang;Cagnetta, Carlo;Bing, Zhenshan;Cao, Hu;Li, Xinyi;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; A Biologically-Inspired Global Localization System for Mobile Robots Using LiDAR Sensor
Stöckle, Patrick; Wasserer, Theresa; Grobauer, Bernd; Pretschner, Alexander; Automated Identification of Security-Relevant Configuration Settings Using NLP
Dreisbach, Christian; Preparations for the Proton-Radius Measurement at AMBER and Operation of Silicon-Microstrip Detectors at COMPASS
Fahnauer, Markus Frederik; Highly Selective Inhibitors of Fibroblast-Activation-Protein for Imaging and Therapy of Oncological Diseases
Gabold, Henrik Johannes; Implementation of MIEZETOP at MIRA and Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets
Shangding Gu, Guang Chen, Lijun Zhang, Jing Hou, Yingbai Hu, Alois Knoll; Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Vehicle Motion Planning with Topological Reachability Analysis
Benjamin Rodenberg; Design and evaluation of a waveform iteration–based approach for coupling heterogeneous time stepping methods via preCICE
Zhao, Xuan-Xuan; Synthesis and Reactivity of Low-Coordinate Germanium and Tin Compounds Stabilized by N-Heterocyclic Imines
Lu, Fan;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Zhang, Lijun;Liu, Yinlong;Qu, Sanqing;Knoll, Alois; MoNet: Motion-Based Point Cloud Prediction Network
Wagner, Matthias;Heisig, Anne;Machner, Alisa;Beddoe, Robin;Heinz, Detlef; External Sulfate Attack on Cementitious Binders: Limitations and Effects of Sample Geometry on the Quantification of Expansion Stress
Frédéric Simonis; An introduction to the preCICE coupling library
Türk, Hanna Christine; Active Site Generation and Deactivation of the Air Electrode in High Temperature Solid Oxide Cells
Sherpa, Dawafuti; Structural and functional characterization of GID/CTLH E3 ubiquitin ligases
Guillet, Marianne Marie-Pierre; Balanced Electric Vehicle Charging under Uncertainty: From User-Centric to System-Centric Approaches
Guth Jarkovský, Jiří; Quantum Information Methods in Many-Body Physics
Brandl, Matthias Johannes Gerhard; Improvements of MAS solid-state NMR experiments by Optimal Control
Ludwig, Karl Moritz; Development of a cellular model system to differentiate HDAC1 from HDAC2 activity
Jordan, Claudius; Foth, Philipp; Fruth, Matthias; Pretschner, Alexander; Why Did the Test Execution Fail? Failure Classification for SystemLevel Testing Using Only Test Step Results
Ramasamy, Rohan; Equilibrium and initial value problem simulation studies of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics in stellarators
Wünnenberg, Maximilian; Vollmuth, Pia; Xu, Josef; Fottner, Johannes; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Transformability in Material Flow Systems: Towards an Improved Product Development Process
Orben, Felix; Characterization of a MYC network dependent PRMT5 inhibitor sensitive pancreatic cancer subtype
Wenisch, Sandra Elisabeth; Smart Polymers – Synthese, Charakterisierung und potenzielle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten
Bossio, Elisabetta; Beyond the Standard Model physics searches with double-beta decays
Rottenaicher, Georg Josef; Molecular mechanisms of antibody light chain amyloidogenicity
Aldea, Jorge;Ruiz‐Peinado, Ricardo;del Río, Miren;Pretzsch, Hans;Heym, Michael;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Jansons, Aris;Metslaid, Marek;Barbeito, Ignacio;Bielak, Kamil;Hylen, Gro;Holm, Stig‐Olof;Nothdurft, Arne;Sitko, Roman;Löf, Magnus; Timing and duration of drought modulate tree growth response in pure and mixed stands of Scots pine and Norway spruce
Zhuang, Qinyu; Non-intrusive Model Order Reduction based on Joint Space Sampling and Active Learning
Saleh, Mahdi;Wu, Shun-Cheng;Cosmo, Luca;Navab, Nassir;Busam, Benjamin;Tombari, Federico; Bending Graphs: Hierarchical Shape Matching using Gated Optimal Transport
Shugurov, Ivan;Li, Fu;Busam, Benjamin;Ilic, Slobodan; OSOP: A Multi-Stage One Shot Object Pose Estimation Framework
Su, Yongzhi;Saleh, Mahdi;Fetzer, Torben;Rambach, Jason;Navab, Nassir;Busam, Benjamin;Stricker, Didier;Tombari, Federico; ZebraPose: Coarse to Fine Surface Encoding for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
Verdié, Yannick;Song, Jifei;Mas, Barnabé;Busam, Benjamin;Leonardis, Aleš;McDonagh, Steven; CroMo: Cross-Modal Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation
Wang, Pengyuan;Jung, HyunJun;Li, Yitong;Shen, Siyuan;Srikanth, Rahul Parthasarathy;Garattoni, Lorenzo;Meier, Sven;Navab, Nassir;Busam, Benjamin; PhoCaL: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation with Photometrically Challenging Objects
Dehghani, Shervin;Sommersperger, Michael;Yang, Junjie;Salehi, Mehrdad;Busam, Benjamin;Huang, Kai;Gehlbach, Peter;Iordachita, Iulian;Navab, Nassir;Nasseri, M Ali; ColibriDoc: An Eye-in-Hand Autonomous Trocar Docking System
Saleh, Mahdi;Wang, Yige;Navab, Nassir;Busam, Benjamin;Tombari, Federico; CloudAttention: Efficient Multi-Scale Attention Scheme For 3D Point Cloud Learning
Zhai, Guangyao;Zheng, Yu;Xu, Ziwei;Kong, Xin;Liu, Yong;Busam, Benjamin;Ren, Yi;Navab, Nassir;Zhang, Zhengyou; DA^2 Dataset: Toward Dexterity-Aware Dual-Arm Grasping
Gao, Daoyi;Li, Yitong;Ruhkamp, Patrick;Skobleva, Iuliia;Wysock, Magdalena;Jung, HyunJun;Wang, Pengyuan;Guridi, Arturo;Busam, Benjamin; Polarimetric Pose Prediction
Dehghani, Shervin;Busam, Benjamin;Navab, Nassir;Nasseri, Ali; BFS-Net: Weakly Supervised Cell Instance Segmentation from Bright-Field Microscopy Z-Stacks
Weishäupl, Patricia; Additive-Controlled Synthesis of Hume-Rothery Inspired Intermetallic Clusters for Catalytic Application
Koole, Gabriël Abraham; Aspects of Higgs phenomenology in and beyond the standard model
Hanel, Alexander; Geometric calibration of front cameras in vehicles for road scene acquisition
Liu, Kristina S.; Nanoscale NMR spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces using quantum sensors in diamond
Rodschinka, Geraldine Y. V.; Identification of context-specific mRNA translation regulators in human cells by functional genomics
Lee, Yonghyuk; Discoveries in Ruthenium Oxide-Based Catalysts: From Morphology Control for Water Electrolysis to Surface Structure Determination via Machine-Learning
Rana, Adeem Ghaffar; Modification of Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4) for photocatalytic redox reactions
Zangaro, Francesco; Innovative Optimization Models for the Part Feeding Problem in the Automotive Industry
Staacke, Carsten Gerald; The Electrostatic Gap: Combining Electrostatic Models with Machine Learning Potentials
Thurn, Andreas Jakob; Ultrafast non-equilibrium lasing dynamics of GaAs-based nanowire lasers
Weiser, Anna; Mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU), mitochondrial redox biology and polyphenols: a metabolic triad for skeletal muscle health
Schmidt, Tabea; Pretschner, Alexander; StellaUAV: A Tool for Testing the Safe Behavior of UAVs with Scenario-Based Testing
Hager, Patrick; Soft-collinear Gravity and Soft Theorems
De Candido, Oliver;Li, Xinyang; Utschick, Wolfgang; An Analysis of Distributional Shifts in Automated Driving Functions in Highway Scenarios
Féchir, Michael; Molecular Insights into the Contribution of Specialty Malts to the Beer Aroma
Vijayaraghavan, Hansini; von Mankowski, Jörg; Pellegrino, Stephan; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Optimized 3D Placement of LiFi Access Points towards maximizing Wireless Network Performance
Ehre M., Papaioannou I., B. Sudret, Straub D.; Sequential active learning of low-dimensional model representations for reliability analysis
Bismut E., Straub D., Pandey M.; Reliability-based inspection and maintenance planning of a nuclear feeder piping system
Teichgräber M., Köhler J., Straub D.; Hidden safety in structural design codes
Bismut E., Straub D.; A unifying review of NDE models towards optimal decision support
Kamariotis A., Chatzi E., Straub D.; Quantifying the value of vibration-based structural health monitoring considering environmental variability
Höfler, Klara; Turbulence measurements at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak for a comprehensive validation of the gyrokinetic turbulence code GENE
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Sim-to-Real: Learning Energy-Efficient Slithering Gaits for a Snake-like Robot
Bing, Zhenshan;Cheng, Long;Huang, Kai;Knoll, Alois; Sim-to-Real: Learning Energy-Efficient Slithering Gaits for a Snake-like Robot
Papara, Cristian ; Karsten, Christian M. ; Ujiie, Hideyuki ; Schmidt, Enno ; Schmidt-Jiménez, Leon F. ; Baican, Adrian ; Freire, Patricia C. ; Izumi, Kentaro ; Bieber, Katja ; Peipp, Matthias ; Verschoor, Admar ; Ludwig, Ralf J. ; Köhl, Jörg ; Zillikens, Detlef ; Hammers, Christoph M.; The relevance of complement in pemphigoid diseases: A critical appraisal
Hansen, Winslow D ; Schwartz, Naomi B ; Williams, A Park ; Albrich, Katharina ; Kueppers, Lara M ; Rammig, Anja ; Reyer, Christopher P O ; Staver, A Carla ; Seidl, Rupert; Global forests are influenced by the legacies of past inter-annual temperature variability
Aşirim, Özüm Emre ; Kuzuoglu, Mustafa; Nanoscale active tuning of the second harmonic generation efficiency in semiconductors from super-low to gigantic values
Kallenbach, A. ; Lang, P.T. ; Bernert, M. ; Dux, R. ; Eberl, T. ; Gleiter, T. ; McDermott, R.M. ; Piccinni, C. ; Ploeckl, B. ; Rohde, V. ; Zito, A.; Argon doped pellets for fast and efficient radiative power removal in ASDEX Upgrade
Posch, Florian ; Niedrist, Tobias ; Glantschnig, Theresa ; Firla, Saskia ; Moik, Florian ; Kolesnik, Ewald ; Wallner, Markus ; Verheyen, Nicolas ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Zirlik, Andreas ; Pichler, Martin ; Balic, Marija ; Rainer, Peter P.; Left ventricular ejection fraction and cardiac biomarkers for dynamic prediction of cardiotoxicity in early breast cancer
Gasper, Paul ; Collath, Nils ; Hesse, Holger C. ; Jossen, Andreas ; Smith, Kandler; Machine-Learning Assisted Identification of Accurate Battery Lifetime Models with Uncertainty
Shit, Suprosanna ; Zimmermann, Judith ; Ezhov, Ivan ; Paetzold, Johannes C. ; Sanches, Augusto F. ; Pirkl, Carolin ; Menze, Bjoern H.; SRflow: Deep learning based super-resolution of 4D-flow MRI data
Mazzolai, Barbara ; Mondini, Alessio ; Del Dottore, Emanuela ; Margheri, Laura ; Carpi, Federico ; Suzumori, Koichi ; Cianchetti, Matteo ; Speck, Thomas ; Smoukov, Stoyan K ; Burgert, Ingo ; Keplinger, Tobias ; Siqueira, Gilberto De Freitas ; Vanneste, Felix ; Goury, Olivier ; Duriez, Christian ; Nanayakkara, Thrishantha ; Vanderborght, Bram ; Brancart, Joost ; Terryn, Seppe ; Rich, Steven I ; Liu, Ruiyuan ; Fukuda, Kenjiro ; Someya, Takao ; Calisti, Marcello ; Laschi, Cecilia ; Sun, Wenguang ; Wang, Gang ; Wen, Li ; Baines, Robert ; Patiballa, Sree Kalyan ; Kramer-Bottiglio, Rebecca ; Rus, Daniela ; Fischer, Peer ; Simmel, Friedrich C ; Lendlein, Andreas; Roadmap on soft robotics: multifunctionality, adaptability and growth without borders
Zhou, Zixiang ; Chen, Chao ; Chen, Xin ; Yi, Wenjuan ; Cui, Weijia ; Wu, Rui ; Wang, Dexin; Lower extremity isokinetic strength characteristics of amateur boxers
Mayr, Patrick ; Lutz, Mathias ; Schmutz, Maximilian ; Hoeppner, Jens ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Schlegel, Jürgen ; Gaedcke, Jochen ; Claus, Rainer; Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy associated with chemotherapy induced lymphocytopenia in solid tumors - case report of an underestimated complication
Lu, Can ; Zhang, Xiaopeng ; Luo, Yang ; Huang, Jingang ; Yu, Minhao; Identification of CXCL10 and CXCL11 as the candidate genes involving the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer
Kreft, Luisa ; Schepers, Aloys ; Hils, Miriam ; Swiontek, Kyra ; Flatley, Andrew ; Janowski, Robert ; Mirzaei, Mohammadali Khan ; Dittmar, Michael ; Chakrapani, Neera ; Desai, Mahesh S. ; Eyerich, Stefanie ; Deng, Li ; Niessing, Dierk ; Fischer, Konrad ; Feederle, Regina ; Blank, Simon ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Hilger, Christiane ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Ohnmacht, Caspar; A novel monoclonal IgG1 antibody specific for Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose questions alpha-Gal epitope expression by bacteria
Seidensaal, Katharina ; Sailer, Jonas ; Harrabi, Semi Ben ; von Gehlen, Johannes ; Seidensaal, Irina ; Weykamp, Fabian ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Debus, Jürgen ; Herfarth, Klaus; The Patient's Perspective on Proton Radiotherapy of Skull Base Meningioma: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey
Natras, Randa ; Soja, Benedikt ; Schmidt, Michael; Ensemble Machine Learning of Random Forest, AdaBoost and XGBoost for Vertical Total Electron Content Forecasting
Kempf, Kerstin ; Röhling, Martin ; Banzer, Winfried ; Braumann, Klaus Michael ; Halle, Martin ; Schaller, Nina ; McCarthy, David ; Predel, Hans Georg ; Schenkenberger, Isabelle ; Tan, Susanne ; Toplak, Hermann ; Martin, Stephan ; Berg, Aloys; High-Protein, Low-Glycaemic Meal Replacement Improves Physical Health-Related Quality of Life in High-Risk Persons for Metabolic Syndrome_A Subanalysis of the Randomised-Controlled ACOORH Trial
Bliziotis, Nikolaos G. ; Kluijtmans, Leo A. J. ; Tinnevelt, Gerjen H. ; Reel, Parminder ; Reel, Smarti ; Langton, Katharina ; Robledo, Mercedes ; Pamporaki, Christina ; Pecori, Alessio ; Van Kralingen, Josie ; Tetti, Martina ; Engelke, Udo F. H. ; Erlic, Zoran ; Engel, Jasper ; Deutschbein, Timo ; Nölting, Svenja ; Prejbisz, Aleksander ; Richter, Susan ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Januszewicz, Andrzej ; Ceccato, Filippo ; Scaroni, Carla ; Dennedy, Michael C. ; Williams, Tracy A. ; Lenzini, Livia ; Gimenez-Roqueplo, Anne-Paule ; Davies, Eleanor ; Fassnacht, Martin ; Remde, Hanna ; Eisenhofer, Graeme ; Beuschlein, Felix ; Kroiss, Matthias ; Jefferson, Emily ; Zennaro, Maria-Christina ; Wevers, Ron A. ; Jansen, Jeroen J. ; Deinum, Jaap ; Timmers, Henri J. L. M.; Preanalytical Pitfalls in Untargeted Plasma Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Metabolomics of Endocrine Hypertension
Kumbrink, Jörg ; Bohlmann, Lisa ; Mamlouk, Soulafa ; Redmer, Torben ; Peilstöcker, Daniela ; Li, Pan ; Lorenzen, Sylvie ; Algül, Hana ; Kasper, Stefan ; Hempel, Dirk ; Kaiser, Florian ; Michl, Marlies ; Bartsch, Harald ; Neumann, Jens ; Klauschen, Frederick ; von Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael ; Modest, Dominik Paul ; Stahler, Arndt ; Stintzing, Sebastian ; Jung, Andreas ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Schäfer, Reinhold ; Heinemann, Volker ; Holch, Julian W.; Serial Analysis of Gene Mutations and Gene Expression during First-Line Chemotherapy against Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Identification of Potentially Actionable Targets within the Multicenter Prospective Biomarker Study REVEAL
Hess, Julia ; Unger, Kristian ; Maihoefer, Cornelius ; Schüttrumpf, Lars ; Weber, Peter ; Marschner, Sebastian ; Wintergerst, Ludmila ; Pflugradt, Ulrike ; Baumeister, Philipp ; Walch, Axel ; Woischke, Christine ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Werner, Martin ; Sörensen, Kristin ; Baumann, Michael ; Tinhofer, Ingeborg ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Debus, Jürgen ; Schäfer, Henning ; Krause, Mechthild ; Linge, Annett ; von der Grün, Jens ; Stuschke, Martin ; Zips, Daniel ; Canis, Martin ; Lauber, Kirsten ; Ganswindt, Ute ; Henke, Michael ; Zitzelsberger, Horst ; Belka, Claus; Integration of p16/HPV DNA Status with a 24-miRNA-Defined Molecular Phenotype Improves Clinically Relevant Stratification of Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Stettmer, Matthias ; Mittermayer, Martin ; Maidl, Franz-Xaver ; Schwarzensteiner, Jürgen ; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen ; Bernhardt, Heinz; Three Methods of Site-Specific Yield Mapping as a Data Source for the Delineation of Management Zones in Winter Wheat
Fizazi, Karim ; Retz, Margitta ; Petrylak, Daniel P ; Goh, Jeffrey C ; Perez-Gracia, Jose ; Lacombe, Louis ; Zschäbitz, Stefanie ; Burotto, Mauricio ; Mahammedi, Hakim ; Gravis, Gwenaelle ; Bastos, Diogo Assed ; McCune, Steven L ; Vázquez Limón, Juan Carlos ; Kwan, Edmond M ; Castellano, Daniel ; Fléchon, Aude ; Saad, Fred ; Grimm, Marc-Oliver ; Shaffer, David R ; Armstrong, Andrew J ; Bhagavatheeswaran, Prabhu ; Amin, Neha P ; Ünsal-Kaçmaz, Keziban ; Wang, Xuya ; Li, Jun ; Loehr, Andrea ; Pachynski, Russell K; Nivolumab plus rucaparib for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: results from the phase 2 CheckMate 9KD trial
Kunz, Alexander ; Berg, Clara ; Friedrich, Franziska ; Gasteiger, Hubert A. ; Jossen, Andreas; Time-Resolved Electrochemical Heat Flow Calorimetry for the Analysis of Highly Dynamic Processes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Börner, Corinna ; Renner, Tabea ; Trepte-Freisleder, Florian ; Urban, Giada ; Schandelmaier, Paul ; Lang, Magdalena ; Lechner, Matthias F. ; Koenig, Helene ; Klose, Birgit ; Albers, Lucia ; Krieg, Sandro M. ; Baum, Thomas ; Heinen, Florian ; Landgraf, Mirjam N. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Bonfert, Michaela V.; Response Predictors of Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation in the Preventive Treatment of Episodic Migraine
Mujanovic, Adnan ; Kurmann, Christoph C. ; Dobrocky, Tomas ; Olivé-Gadea, Marta ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Pierot, Laurent ; Mendes Pereira, Vitor ; Costalat, Vincent ; Psychogios, Marios ; Michel, Patrik ; Beyeler, Morin ; Piechowiak, Eike I. ; Seiffge, David J. ; Mordasini, Pasquale ; Arnold, Marcel ; Gralla, Jan ; Fischer, Urs ; Kaesmacher, Johannes ; Meinel, Thomas R.; Bridging intravenous thrombolysis in patients with atrial fibrillation
Baßler, Kevin ; Fujii, Wataru ; Kapellos, Theodore S. ; Dudkin, Erika ; Reusch, Nico ; Horne, Ari ; Reiz, Benedikt ; Luecken, Malte D. ; Osei-Sarpong, Collins ; Warnat-Herresthal, Stefanie ; Bonaguro, Lorenzo ; Schulte-Schrepping, Jonas ; Wagner, Allon ; Günther, Patrick ; Pizarro, Carmen ; Schreiber, Tina ; Knoll, Rainer ; Holsten, Lisa ; Kröger, Charlotte ; De Domenico, Elena ; Becker, Matthias ; Händler, Kristian ; Wohnhaas, Christian T. ; Baumgartner, Florian ; Köhler, Meike ; Theis, Heidi ; Kraut, Michael ; Wadsworth, Marc H. ; Hughes, Travis K. ; Ferreira, Humberto J. ; Hinkley, Emily ; Kaltheuner, Ines H. ; Geyer, Matthias ; Thiele, Christoph ; Shalek, Alex K. ; Feißt, Andreas ; Thomas, Daniel ; Dickten, Henning ; Beyer, Marc ; Baum, Patrick ; Yosef, Nir ; Aschenbrenner, Anna C. ; Ulas, Thomas ; Hasenauer, Jan ; Theis, Fabian J. ; Skowasch, Dirk ; Schultze, Joachim L.; Alveolar macrophages in early stage COPD show functional deviations with properties of impaired immune activation
Caha, Libor ; Kliesch, Alexander ; Koenig, Robert; Twisted hybrid algorithms for combinatorial optimization
Gu, A. ; Huang, X. ; Sheu, W. ; Aldering, G. ; Bolton, A. S. ; Boone, K. ; Dey, A. ; Filipp, A. ; Jullo, E. ; Perlmutter, S. ; Rubin, D. ; Schlafly, E. F. ; Schlegel, D. J. ; Shu, Y. ; Suyu, S. H.; GIGA-Lens: Fast Bayesian Inference for Strong Gravitational Lens Modeling
Mittermair, Michael ; Martin, Felix ; Wörle, Martin ; Bloß, Dana ; Duensing, Andreas ; Kienberger, Reinhard ; Hans, Andreas ; Iglev, Hristo ; Knie, André ; Helml, Wolfram; Water jet space charge spectroscopy: route to direct measurement of electron dynamics for organic systems in their natural environment
Fiamoncini, Jarlei ; Rist, Manuela J. ; Frommherz, Lara ; Giesbertz, Pieter ; Pfrang, Birgit ; Kremer, Werner ; Huber, Fritz ; Kastenmüller, Gabi ; Skurk, Thomas ; Hauner, Hans ; Suhre, Karsten ; Daniel, Hannelore ; Kulling, Sabine E.; Dynamics and determinants of human plasma bile acid profiles during dietary challenges
Szalkiewicz, Philipp ; Emmert, Maximilian Y. ; Heinisch, Paul P. ; Arnold, Zsuzsanna ; Crailsheim, Ingo ; Mach, Markus ; Aschacher, Thomas ; Grabenwöger, Martin ; Winkler, Bernhard; Graft preservation confers myocardial protection during coronary artery bypass grafting
Albert, A. ; Alves, S. ; André, M. ; Anghinolfi, M. ; Ardid, S. ; Aubert, J.-J. ; Aublin, J. ; Baret, B. ; Basa, S. ; Belhorma, B. ; Bendahman, M. ; Bertin, V. ; Biagi, S. ; Bissinger, M. ; Boumaaza, J. ; Bouta, M. ; Bouwhuis, M. C. ; Brânzaş, H. ; Bruijn, R. ; Brunner, J. ; Busto, J. ; Caiffi, B. ; Calvo, D. ; Capone, A. ; Caramete, L. ; Carr, J. ; Carretero, V. ; Celli, S. ; Chabab, M. ; Chau, T. N. ; El Moursli, R. Cherkaoui ; Chiarusi, T. ; Circella, M. ; Coleiro, A. ; Coniglione, R. ; Coyle, P. ; Creusot, A. ; Díaz, A. F. ; Distefano, C. ; Palma, I. Di ; Domi, A. ; Donzaud, C. ; Dornic, D. ; Drouhin, D. ; Eberl, T. ; Eeden, T. van ; Eijk, D. van ; Khayati, N. El ; Enzenhöfer, A. ; Fermani, P. ; Ferrara, G. ; Filippini, F. ; Fusco, L. ; Gatelet, Y. ; Gay, P. ; Glotin, H. ; Gozzini, R. ; Ruiz, R. Gracia ; Graf, K. ; Guidi, C. ; Hallmann, S. ; Haren, H. van ; Heijboer, A. J. ; Hello, Y. ; Hernández-Rey, J. J. ; Hössl, J. ; Hofestädt, J. ; Huang, F. ; Illuminati, G. ; James, C. W. ; Jisse-Jung, B. ; De Jong, M. ; Jong, P. de ; Kadler, M. ; Kalekin, O. ; Katz, U. ; Khan-Chowdhury, N. R. ; Kouchner, A. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kulikovskiy, V. ; Lahmann, R. ; Breton, R. Le ; LeStum, S. ; Lefèvre, D. ; Leonora, E. ; Levi, G. ; Lopez-Coto, D. ; Loucatos, S. ; Maderer, L. ; Manczak, J. ; Marcelin, M. ; Margiotta, A. ; Marinelli, A. ; Martínez-Mora, J. A. ; Martino, B. ; Melis, K. ; Migliozzi, P. ; Moussa, A. ; Muller, R. ; Nauta, L. ; Navas, S. ; Nezri, E. ; Fearraigh, B. Ó. ; P un, A. ; P v laş, G. E. ; Pellegrino, C. ; Perrin-Terrin, M. ; Pestel, V. ; Piattelli, P. ; Pieterse, C. ; Poirè, C. ; Popa, V. ; Pradier, T. ; Randazzo, N. ; Real, D. ; Reck, S. ; Riccobene, G. ; Romanov, A. ; Sánchez-Losa, A. ; Greus, F. Salesa ; Samtleben, D. F. E. ; Sanguineti, M. ; Sapienza, P. ; Schnabel, J. ; Schumann, J. ; Schüssler, F. ; Seneca, J. ; Spurio, M. ; Stolarczyk, Th. ; Taiuti, M. ; Tayalati, Y. ; Tingay, S. J. ; Vallage, B. ; Elewyck, V. Van ; Versari, F. ; Viola, S. ; Vivolo, D. ; Wilms, J. ; Zavatarelli, S. ; Zegarelli, A. ; Zornoza, J. D. ; Zúñiga, J. ; Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alispach, C. ; Alves Jr., A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Barbano, A. ; Barwick, S. W. ; Bastian, B. ; Basu, V. ; Baur, S. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Bellenghi, C. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Boddenberg, M. ; Bontempo, F. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Browne, S. ; Burgman, A. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Collin, G. H. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; Clercq, C. De ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; Vries, K. D. de ; Wasseige, G. de ; With, M. de ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; Dunkman, M. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Dvorak, E. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Filimonov, K. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Hebecker, D. ; Helbing, K. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoffmann, R. ; Hokanson-Fasig, B. ; Hoshina, K. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Kauer, M. ; Kellermann, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kintscher, T. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Lanfranchi, J. L. ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Li, Y. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; Mase, K. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguy n, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pittermann, M. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Price, P. B. ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stachurska, J. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Steuer, A. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Tilav, S. ; Tischbein, F. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Turley, C. F. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; Eijndhoven, N. van ; Vannerom, D. ; Santen, J. van ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weiss, M. J. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Woschnagg, K. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P. ; Abreu, P. ; Aglietta, M. ; Albury, J. M. ; Allekotte, I. ; Cheminant, K. Almeida ; Almela, A. ; Alvarez-Muñiz, J. ; Batista, R. Alves ; Anastasi, G. A. ; Anchordoqui, L. ; Andrada, B. ; Andringa, S. ; Aramo, C. ; Ferreira, P. R. Araújo ; Arnone, E. ; Velázquez, J. C. Arteaga ; Asorey, H. ; Assis, P. ; Avila, G. ; Badescu, A. M. ; Bakalova, A. ; Balaceanu, A. ; Barbato, F. ; Bellido, J. A. ; Berat, C. ; Bertaina, M. E. ; Bertou, X. ; Bhatta, G. ; Biermann, P. L. ; Binet, V. ; Bismark, K. ; Bister, T. ; Biteau, J. ; Blazek, J. ; Bleve, C. ; Blümer, J. ; Bohá ová, M. ; Boncioli, D. ; Bonifazi, C. ; Arbeletche, L. Bonneau ; Borodai, N. ; Botti, A. M. ; Brack, J. ; Bretz, T. ; Orchera, P. G. Brichetto ; Briechle, F. L. ; Buchholz, P. ; Bueno, A. ; Buitink, S. ; Buscemi, M. ; Büsken, M. ; Caballero-Mora, K. S. ; Caccianiga, L. ; Canfora, F. ; Caracas, I. ; Caruso, R. ; Castellina, A. ; Catalani, F. ; Cataldi, G. ; Cazon, L. ; Cerda, M. ; Chinellato, J. A. ; Chudoba, J. ; Chytka, L. ; Clay, R. W. ; Cerutti, A. C. Cobos ; Colalillo, R. ; Coleman, A. ; Coluccia, M. R. ; Conceição, R. ; Condorelli, A. ; Consolati, G. ; Contreras, F. ; Convenga, F. ; dos Santos, D. Correia ; Covault, C. E. ; Dasso, S. ; Daumiller, K. ; Dawson, B. R. ; Day, J. A. ; Almeida, R. M. de ; Jesús, J. de ; Jong, S. J. de ; Neto, J. R. T. de Mello ; Mitri, I. De ; Oliveira, J. de ; Franco, D. de Oliveira ; Palma, F. de ; Souza, V. de ; Vito, E. De ; Popolo, A. Del ; Río, M. del ; Deligny, O. ; Deval, L. ; Matteo, A. di ; Dobre, M. ; Dobrigkeit, C. ; D'Olivo, J. C. ; Mendes, L. M. Domingues ; Anjos, R. C. dos ; Dova, M. T. ; Ebr, J. ; Engel, R. ; Epicoco, I. ; Erdmann, M. ; Escobar, C. O. ; Etchegoyen, A. ; Falcke, H. ; Farmer, J. ; Farrar, G. ; Fauth, A. C. ; Fazzini, N. ; Feldbusch, F. ; Fenu, F. ; Fick, B. ; Figueira, J. M. ; Filip i , A. ; Fitoussi, T. ; Fodran, T. ; Fujii, T. ; Fuster, A. ; Galea, C. ; Galelli, C. ; García, B. ; Vegas, A. L. Garcia ; Gemmeke, H. ; Gesualdi, F. ; Gherghel-Lascu, A. ; Ghia, P. L. ; Giaccari, U. ; Giammarchi, M. ; Glombitza, J. ; Gobbi, F. ; Gollan, F. ; Golup, G. ; Berisso, M. Gómez ; Vitale, P. F. Gómez ; Gongora, J. P. ; González, J. M. ; González, N. ; Goos, I. ; Góra, D. ; Gorgi, A. ; Gottowik, M. ; Grubb, T. D. ; Guarino, F. ; Guedes, G. P. ; Guido, E. ; Hahn, S. ; Hamal, P. ; Hampel, M. R. ; Hansen, P. ; Harari, D. ; Harvey, V. M. ; Hebbeker, T. ; Heck, D. ; Hojvat, C. ; Hörandel, J. R. ; Horvath, P. ; Hrabovský, M. ; Huege, T. ; Insolia, A. ; Isar, P. G. ; Janecek, P. ; Johnsen, J. A. ; Jurysek, J. ; Kääpä, A. ; Kampert, K. H. ; Karastathis, N. ; Keilhauer, B. ; Khakurdikar, A. ; Covilakam, V. V. Kizakke ; Klages, H. O. ; Kleifges, M. ; Kleinfeller, J. ; Knapp, F. ; Kunka, N. ; Lago, B. L. ; Lang, R. G. ; Langner, N. ; de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui ; Lenok, V. ; Letessier-Selvon, A. ; Lhenry-Yvon, I. ; Presti, D. Lo ; Lopes, L. ; López, R. ; Lu, L. ; Luce, Q. ; Lundquist, J. P. ; Payeras, A. Machado ; Mancarella, G. ; Mandat, D. ; Manning, B. C. ; Manshanden, J. ; Mantsch, P. ; Marafico, S. ; Mariani, F. M. ; Mariazzi, A. G. ; Mariş, I. C. ; Marsella, G. ; Martello, D. ; Martinelli, S. ; Martínez Bravo, O. ; Mastrodicasa, M. ; Mathes, H. J. ; Matthews, J. ; Matthiae, G. ; Mayotte, E. ; Mayotte, S. ; Mazur, P. O. ; Medina-Tanco, G. ; Melo, D. ; Menshikov, A. ; Michal, S. ; Micheletti, M. I. ; Miramonti, L. ; Mollerach, S. ; Montanet, F. ; Morejon, L. ; Morello, C. ; Mostafá, M. ; Müller, A. L. ; Muller, M. A. ; Mulrey, K. ; Mussa, R. ; Muzio, M. ; Namasaka, W. M. ; Nasr-Esfahani, A. ; Nellen, L. ; Nicora, G. ; Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M. ; Niechciol, M. ; Nitz, D. ; Nosek, D. ; Novotny, V. ; No ka, L. ; Nucita, A. ; Núñez, L. A. ; Oliveira, C. ; Palatka, M. ; Pallotta, J. ; Papenbreer, P. ; Parente, G. ; Parra, A. ; Pawlowsky, J. ; Pech, M. ; P kala, J. ; Pelayo, R. ; Peña-Rodriguez, J. ; Martins, E. E. Pereira ; Armand, J. Perez ; Bertolli, C. Pérez ; Perlin, M. ; Perrone, L. ; Petrera, S. ; Petrucci, C. ; Pierog, T. ; Pimenta, M. ; Pirronello, V. ; Platino, M. ; Pont, B. ; Pothast, M. ; Privitera, P. ; Prouza, M. ; Puyleart, A. ; Querchfeld, S. ; Rautenberg, J. ; Ravignani, D. ; Reininghaus, M. ; Ridky, J. ; Riehn, F. ; Risse, M. ; Rizi, V. ; de Carvalho, W. Rodrigues ; Rojo, J. Rodriguez ; Roncoroni, M. J. ; Rossoni, S. ; Roth, M. ; Roulet, E. ; Rovero, A. C. ; Ruehl, P. ; Saftoiu, A. ; Saharan, M. ; Salamida, F. ; Salazar, H. ; Salina, G. ; Gomez, J. D. Sanabria ; Sánchez, F. ; Santos, E. M. ; Santos, E. ; Sarazin, F. ; Sarmento, R. ; Sarmiento-Cano, C. ; Sato, R. ; Savina, P. ; Schäfer, C. M. ; Scherini, V. ; Schieler, H. ; Schimassek, M. ; Schimp, M. ; Schlüter, F. ; Schmidt, D. ; Scholten, O. ; Schoorlemmer, H. ; Schovánek, P. ; Schulte, J. ; Schulz, T. ; Sciutto, S. J. ; Scornavacche, M. ; Segreto, A. ; Sehgal, S. ; Shellard, R. C. ; Sigl, G. ; Silli, G. ; Sima, O. ; Smau, R. ; Šmída, R. ; Sommers, P. ; Soriano, J. F. ; Squartini, R. ; Stadelmaier, M. ; Stanca, D. ; Stani , S. ; Stasielak, J. ; Stassi, P. ; Streich, A. ; Suárez-Durán, M. ; Sudholz, T. ; Suomijärvi, T. ; Supanitsky, A. D. ; Szadkowski, Z. ; Tapia, A. ; Taricco, C. ; Timmermans, C. ; Tkachenko, O. ; Tobiska, P. ; Peixoto, C. J. Todero ; Tomé, B. ; Torrès, Z. ; Travaini, A. ; Travnicek, P. ; Trimarelli, C. ; Tueros, M. ; Ulrich, R. ; Unger, M. ; Vaclavek, L. ; Vacula, M. ; Galicia, J. F. Valdés ; Valore, L. ; Varela, E. ; Vásquez-Ramírez, A. ; Veberi , D. ; Ventura, C. ; Quispe, I. D. Vergara ; Verzi, V. ; Vicha, J. ; Vink, J. ; Vorobiov, S. ; Wahlberg, H. ; Watanabe, C. ; Watson, A. A. ; Wiencke, L. ; Wilczyński, H. ; Wittkowski, D. ; Wundheiler, B. ; Yushkov, A. ; Zapparrata, O. ; Zas, E. ; Zavrtanik, D. ; Zavrtanik, M. ; Zehrer, L. ; Abu-Zayyad, T. ; Allen, M. ; Arai, Y. ; Arimura, R. ; Barcikowski, E. ; Belz, J. W. ; Bergman, D. R. ; Blake, S. A. ; Buckland, I. ; Cady, R. ; Cheon, B. G. ; Chiba, J. ; Chikawa, M. ; Fujisue, K. ; Fujita, K. ; Fujiwara, R. ; Fukushima, M. ; Fukushima, R. ; Furlich, G. ; Globus, N. ; Gonzalez, R. ; Hanlon, W. ; Hayashi, M. ; Hayashida, N. ; He, H. ; Hibino, K. ; Higuchi, R. ; Honda, K. ; Ikeda, D. ; Inadomi, T. ; Inoue, N. ; Ishii, T. ; Ito, H. ; Ivanov, D. ; Iwakura, H. ; Iwasaki, A. ; Jeong, H. M. ; Jeong, S. ; Jui, C. C. H. ; Kadota, K. ; Kakimoto, F. ; Kalashev, O. ; Kasahara, K. ; Kasami, S. ; Kawakami, S. ; Kawana, S. ; Kawata, K. ; Kharuk, I. ; Kido, E. ; Kim, H. B. ; Kim, J. H. ; Kim, S. W. ; Kimura, Y. ; Kishigami, S. ; Kubota, Y. ; Kurisu, S. ; Kuzmin, V. ; Kuznetsov, M. ; Kwon, Y. J. ; Lee, K. H. ; Lubsandorzhiev, B. ; Machida, K. ; Matsumiya, H. ; Matsuyama, T. ; Matthews, J. N. ; Mayta, R. ; Minamino, M. ; Mukai, K. ; Myers, I. ; Nagataki, S. ; Nakai, K. ; Nakamura, R. ; Nakamura, T. ; Nakamura, T. ; Nakamura, Y. ; Nakazawa, A. ; Nishio, E. ; Nonaka, T. ; Oda, H. ; Ogio, S. ; Ohnishi, M. ; Ohoka, H. ; Oku, Y. ; Okuda, T. ; Omura, Y. ; Ono, M. ; Onogi, R. ; Oshima, A. ; Ozawa, S. ; Park, I. H. ; Potts, M. ; Pshirkov, M. S. ; Remington, J. ; Rodriguez, D. C. ; Rubtsov, G. I. ; Ryu, D. ; Sagawa, H. ; Sahara, R. ; Saito, Y. ; Sakaki, N. ; Sako, T. ; Sakurai, N. ; Sano, K. ; Sato, K. ; Seki, T. ; Sekino, K. ; Shah, P. D. ; Shibasaki, Y. ; Shibata, F. ; Shibata, N. ; Shibata, T. ; Shimodaira, H. ; Shin, B. K. ; Shin, H. S. ; Shinto, D. ; Smith, J. D. ; Sokolsky, P. ; Sone, N. ; Stokes, B. T. ; Stroman, T. A. ; Takagi, Y. ; Takahashi, Y. ; Takamura, M. ; Takeda, M. ; Takeishi, R. ; Taketa, A. ; Takita, M. ; Tameda, Y. ; Tanaka, H. ; Tanaka, K. ; Tanaka, M. ; Tanoue, Y. ; Thomas, S. B. ; Thomson, G. B. ; Tinyakov, P. ; Tkachev, I. ; Tokuno, H. ; Tomida, T. ; Troitsky, S. ; Tsuda, R. ; Tsunesada, Y. ; Uchihori, Y. ; Udo, S. ; Uehama, T. ; Urban, F. ; Warren, D. ; Wong, T. ; Yamamoto, M. ; Yamazaki, K. ; Yashiro, K. ; Yoshida, F. ; Yoshioka, Y. ; Zhezher, Y. ; Zundel, Z.; Search for Spatial Correlations of Neutrinos with Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays
Liffers, Sven-Thorsten ; Godfrey, Laura ; Frohn, Lisa ; Haeberle, Lena ; Yavas, Aslihan ; Vesce, Rita ; Goering, Wolfgang ; Opitz, Friederike V ; Stoecklein, Nickolas ; Knoefel, Wolfram Trudo ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Klöppel, Guenter ; Espinet, Elisa ; Trumpp, Andreas ; Siveke, Jens T ; Esposito, Irene; Molecular heterogeneity and commonalities in pancreatic cancer precursors with gastric and intestinal phenotype
Pekel, Erdal ; Schaff, Florian ; Dierolf, Martin ; Pfeiffer, Franz ; Lasser, Tobias; X-ray computed tomography with seven degree of freedom robotic sample holder
Camm, Christian Fielder ; Virdone, Saverio ; Goto, Shinya ; Bassand, Jean-Pierre ; van Eickels, Martin ; Haas, Sylvia ; Gersh, Bernard J ; Pieper, Karen ; Fox, Keith A A ; Misselwitz, Frank ; Turpie, Alexander G G ; Goldhaber, Samuel Z ; Verheugt, Freek ; Camm, John ; Kayani, Gloria ; Panchenko, Elizaveta ; Oh, Seil ; Luciardi, Hector Lucas ; Sawhney, Jitendra Pal Singh ; Connolly, Stuart J ; Angchaisuksiri, Pantep ; ten Cate, Hugo ; Eikelboom, John W ; Kakkar, Ajay K; Association of body mass index with outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation: GARFIELD-AF
Fuest, Kristina E. ; Servatius, Ariane ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Schaller, Stefan J. ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Blobner, Manfred ; Schmid, Sebastian; Perioperative Hemodynamic Optimization in Patients at Risk for Delirium - A Randomized-Controlled Trial
Wackerhage, Henning ; Gehlert, Sebastian ; Schulz, Henry ; Weber, Sebastian ; Ring-Dimitriou, Susanne ; Heine, Oliver; Lactate Thresholds and the Simulation of Human Energy Metabolism: Contributions by the Cologne Sports Medicine Group in the 1970s and 1980s
Spiegelhalder, Kai ; Baumeister, Harald ; Al-Kamaly, Abdulwahab ; Bader, Martina ; Bauereiss, Natalie ; Benz, Fee ; Braun, Lina ; Buntrock, Claudia ; Burkhardt, Maike ; Cuijpers, Pim ; Domschke, Katharina ; Dülsen, Patrick ; Franke, Marvin ; Frase, Lukas ; Heber, Elena ; Helm, Kathrin ; Jentsch, Terry ; Johann, Anna ; Küchler, Ann-Marie ; Kuhn, Michael ; Lehr, Dirk ; Maun, Andy ; Morin, Charles M ; Moshagen, Morten ; Richter, Kneginja ; Schiel, Julian ; Simon, Laura ; Spille, Lukas ; Weeß, Hans-Günter ; Riemann, Dieter ; Ebert, David Daniel; Comparative effectiveness of three versions of a stepped care model for insomnia differing in the amount of therapist support in internet-delivered treatment: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial (GET Sleep)
Zanella, Augusto ; Ponge, Jean-François ; Jabiol, Bernard ; Van Delft, Bas ; De Waal, Rein ; Katzensteiner, Klaus ; Kolb, Eckart ; Bernier, Nicolas ; Mei, Giacomo ; Blouin, Manuel ; Juilleret, Jérôme ; Pousse, Noémie ; Stanchi, Silvia ; Cesario, Fernando ; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire ; Tatti, Dylan ; Chersich, Silvia ; Carollo, Luca ; Englisch, Michael ; Schrötter, Anna ; Schaufler, Judith ; Bonifacio, Eleonora ; Fritz, Ines ; Sofo, Adriano ; Bazot, Stéphane ; Lata, Jean-Christophe ; Iffly, Jean-Francois ; Wetzel, Carlos E. ; Hissler, Christophe ; Fabiani, Ginevra ; Aubert, Michael ; Vacca, Andrea ; Serra, Gianluca ; Menta, Cristina ; Visentin, Francesca ; Cools, Nathalie ; Bolzonella, Cristian ; Frizzera, Lorenzo ; Zampedri, Roberto ; Tomasi, Mauro ; Galvan, Paola ; Charzynski, Przemyslaw ; Zakharchenko, Elina ; Waez-Mousavi, Seyed Mohammad ; Brun, Jean-Jacques ; Menardi, Roberto ; Fontanella, Fausto ; Zaminato, Nicola ; Carollo, Silvio ; Brandolese, Alessio ; Bertelle, Michele ; Zanella, Gaétan ; Bronner, Thomas ; Graefe, Ulfert ; Hager, Herbert; A Standardized Morpho-Functional Classification of the Planet's Humipedons
Takken, Michel ; Wille, Robert; Simulation of Pressure-Driven and Channel-Based Microfluidics on Different Abstract Levels: A Case Study
Zahzam, Nassim ; Christophe, Bruno ; Lebat, Vincent ; Hardy, Emilie ; Huynh, Phuong-Anh ; Marquet, Noémie ; Blanchard, Cédric ; Bidel, Yannick ; Bresson, Alexandre ; Abrykosov, Petro ; Gruber, Thomas ; Pail, Roland ; Daras, Ilias ; Carraz, Olivier; Hybrid Electrostatic-Atomic Accelerometer for Future Space Gravity Missions
Gruber, Thomas ; Ågren, Jonas ; Angermann, Detlef ; Ellmann, Artu ; Engfeldt, Andreas ; Gisinger, Christoph ; Jaworski, Leszek ; Kur, Tomasz ; Marila, Simo ; Nastula, Jolanta ; Nilfouroushan, Faramarz ; Nordman, Maaria ; Poutanen, Markku ; Saari, Timo ; Schlaak, Marius ; wi tek, Anna ; Varbla, Sander ; Zdunek, Ryszard; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research_Results in the Baltic Sea Test Network
Dittrich, Jirathana ; Hölbling, Daniel ; Tiede, Dirk ; Sæmundsson, Þorsteinn; Inferring 2D Local Surface-Deformation Velocities Based on PSI Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data: A Case Study of Öræfajökull, Iceland
Hoang-Dinh, Khoi ; Leibold, Marion ; Wollherr, Dirk; A Fast and Close-to-Optimal Receding Horizon Control for Trajectory Generation in Dynamic Environments
Liu, Hengyuan ; Bergant, Valter ; Frishman, Goar ; Ruepp, Andreas ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Vincendeau, Michelle ; Frishman, Dmitrij; Influenza A Virus Infection Reactivates Human Endogenous Retroviruses Associated with Modulation of Antiviral Immunity
Hufsky, Franziska ; Abecasis, Ana ; Agudelo-Romero, Patricia ; Bletsa, Magda ; Brown, Katherine ; Claus, Claudia ; Deinhardt-Emmer, Stefanie ; Deng, Li ; Friedel, Caroline C. ; Gismondi, María Inés ; Kostaki, Evangelia Georgia ; Kühnert, Denise ; Kulkarni-Kale, Urmila ; Metzner, Karin J. ; Meyer, Irmtraud M. ; Miozzi, Laura ; Nishimura, Luca ; Paraskevopoulou, Sofia ; Pérez-Cataluña, Alba ; Rahlff, Janina ; Thomson, Emma ; Tumescheit, Charlotte ; van der Hoek, Lia ; Van Espen, Lore ; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke ; Zaheri, Maryam ; Zuckerman, Neta ; Marz, Manja; Women in the European Virus Bioinformatics Center
Kager, Juliane ; Schneider, Jochen ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Herhaus, Peter ; Verbeek, Mareike ; Mogler, Carolin ; Heim, Albert ; Frösner, Gert ; Hoffmann, Dieter ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Lahmer, Tobias; Fulminant Adenoviral-Induced Hepatitis in Immunosuppressed Patients
Gareev, Kamil G. ; Grouzdev, Denis S. ; Koziaeva, Veronika V. ; Sitkov, Nikita O. ; Gao, Huile ; Zimina, Tatiana M. ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Biomimetic Nanomaterials: Diversity, Technology, and Biomedical Applications
He, Lichao ; Cui, Zhiliang ; Sun, Xiangchun ; Zhao, Jin ; Wen, Dongsheng; Sensitivity Analysis of the Catalysis Recombination Mechanism on Nanoscale Silica Surfaces
Gonçalves, Juliana Pereira Lopes ; Bollwein, Christine ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Kriegsmann, Mark ; Jacob, Anne ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwamborn, Kristina; MALDI-MSI: A Powerful Approach to Understand Primary Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Metastases
Bassitta, Rupert ; Kronfeld, Hanna ; Bauer, Johann ; Schwaiger, Karin ; Hölzel, Christina; Tracking Antimicrobial Resistant E. coli from Pigs on Farm to Pork at Slaughter
Hellbach, Fabian ; Baumeister, Sebastian-Edgar ; Wilson, Rory ; Wawro, Nina ; Dahal, Chetana ; Freuer, Dennis ; Hauner, Hans ; Peters, Annette ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Kronenberg, Florian ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Meisinger, Christa ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Linseisen, Jakob; Association between Usual Dietary Intake of Food Groups and DNA Methylation and Effect Modification by Metabotype in the KORA FF4 Cohort
Gonçalves, Juliana P. L. ; Bollwein, Christine ; Schwamborn, Kristina; Mass Spectrometry Imaging Spatial Tissue Analysis toward Personalized Medicine
Pala, Daniele ; Parimbelli, Enea ; Larizza, Cristiana ; Cheng, Cindy ; Ottaviano, Manuel ; Pogliaghi, Andrea ; ukić, Goran ; Jovanović, Aleksandar ; Milićević, Ognjen ; Urošević, Vladimir ; Cerchiello, Paola ; Giudici, Paolo ; Bellazzi, Riccardo; A New Interactive Tool to Visualize and Analyze COVID-19 Data: The PERISCOPE Atlas
Kirchhoff, Sandra ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Pelikan, Jürgen M. ; Zelinka-Roitner, Inge ; Dietscher, Christina ; Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. ; Okan, Orkan; Organizational Health Literacy in Schools: Concept Development for Health-Literate Schools
Ranpal, Surendra ; Sieverts, Miriam ; Wörl, Verena ; Kahlenberg, Georgia ; Gilles, Stefanie ; Landgraf, Maria ; Köpke, Kira ; Kolek, Franziska ; Luschkova, Daria ; Heckmann, Tobias ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Büttner, Carmen ; Damialis, Athanasios ; Jochner-Oette, Susanne; Is Pollen Production of Birch Controlled by Genetics and Local Conditions?
Werner, Anne ; Popp, Maria ; Fichtner, Falk ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Kranke, Peter ; Steckelberg, Anke ; Lühnen, Julia ; Redlich, Lisa Marie ; Dickel, Steffen ; Grimm, Clemens ; Moerer, Onnen ; Nothacker, Monika ; Seeber, Christian; COVID-19 Intensive Care_Evaluation of Public Information Sources and Current Standards of Care in German Intensive Care Units: A Cross Sectional Online Survey on Intensive Care Staff in Germany
Mahmoodpour, Saeed ; Singh, Mrityunjay ; Obaje, Christian ; Tangirala, Sri Kalyan ; Reinecker, John ; Bär, Kristian ; Sass, Ingo; Hydrothermal Numerical Simulation of Injection Operations at United Downs, Cornwall, UK
Greve, Frederik ; Müller, Michael ; Wurm, Markus ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Singer, Georg ; Till, Holger ; Wegmann, Helmut; Standalone Axial Malrotation after Pediatric Supracondylar Fracture Does Not Seem to Be an Indication for Immediate Postoperative Revision Surgery
Tulessin, Margaret ; Sarker, Rim Sabrina Jahan ; Griger, Joscha ; Leibing, Thomas ; Geraud, Cyrill ; Weichert, Wilko ; Steiger, Katja ; Mogler, Carolin; Vascular Remodeling Is a Crucial Event in the Early Phase of Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rodent Models for Liver Tumorigenesis
Ahrens, Markus ; Fischer, Theresa ; Zuber, Nina ; Yatsenko, Serhiy ; Hochrein, Thomas ; Bastian, Martin ; Eblenkamp, Markus ; Mela, Petra; Antimicrobial Activity of a Titanium Dioxide Additivated Thermoset
Dumont, Martine ; Weber-Lassalle, Nana ; Joly-Beauparlant, Charles ; Ernst, Corinna ; Droit, Arnaud ; Feng, Bing-Jian ; Dubois, Stéphane ; Collin-Deschesnes, Annie-Claude ; Soucy, Penny ; Vallée, Maxime ; Fournier, Frédéric ; Lemaçon, Audrey ; Adank, Muriel A. ; Allen, Jamie ; Altmüller, Janine ; Arnold, Norbert ; Ausems, Margreet G. E. M. ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Bolla, Manjeet K. ; Bull, Shelley ; Carvalho, Sara ; Cornelissen, Sten ; Dufault, Michael R. ; Dunning, Alison M. ; Engel, Christoph ; Gehrig, Andrea ; Geurts-Giele, Willemina R. R. ; Gieger, Christian ; Green, Jessica ; Hackmann, Karl ; Helmy, Mohamed ; Hentschel, Julia ; Hogervorst, Frans B. L. ; Hollestelle, Antoinette ; Hooning, Maartje J. ; Horváth, Judit ; Ikram, M. Arfan ; Kaulfuß, Silke ; Keeman, Renske ; Kuang, Da ; Luccarini, Craig ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Martens, John W. M. ; Niederacher, Dieter ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Ott, Claus-Eric ; Peters, Annette ; Pharoah, Paul D. P. ; Ramirez, Alfredo ; Ramser, Juliane ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi ; Schmidt, Gunnar ; Shah, Mitul ; Scherer, Martin ; Stäbler, Antje ; Strom, Tim M. ; Sutter, Christian ; Thiele, Holger ; van Asperen, Christi J. ; van der Kolk, Lizet ; van der Luijt, Rob B. ; Volk, Alexander E. ; Wagner, Michael ; Waisfisz, Quinten ; Wang, Qin ; Wang-Gohrke, Shan ; Weber, Bernhard H. F. ; Devilee, Peter ; Tavtigian, Sean ; Bader, Gary D. ; Meindl, Alfons ; Goldgar, David E. ; Andrulis, Irene L. ; Schmutzler, Rita K. ; Easton, Douglas F. ; Schmidt, Marjanka K. ; Hahnen, Eric ; Simard, Jacques; Uncovering the Contribution of Moderate-Penetrance Susceptibility Genes to Breast Cancer by Whole-Exome Sequencing and Targeted Enrichment Sequencing of Candidate Genes in Women of European Ancestry
Rolfes, Muriel ; Borde, Julika ; Möllenhoff, Kathrin ; Kayali, Mohamad ; Ernst, Corinna ; Gehrig, Andrea ; Sutter, Christian ; Ramser, Juliane ; Niederacher, Dieter ; Horváth, Judit ; Arnold, Norbert ; Meindl, Alfons ; Auber, Bernd ; Rump, Andreas ; Wang-Gohrke, Shan ; Ritter, Julia ; Hentschel, Julia ; Thiele, Holger ; Altmüller, Janine ; Nürnberg, Peter ; Rhiem, Kerstin ; Engel, Christoph ; Wappenschmidt, Barbara ; Schmutzler, Rita K. ; Hahnen, Eric ; Hauke, Jan; Prevalence of Cancer Predisposition Germline Variants in Male Breast Cancer Patients: Results of the German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Briels, David ; Kollmannsberger, Stefan ; Leithner, Felicitas ; Matthäus, Carla ; Nouman, Ahmad Saleem ; Oztoprak, Oguz ; Rank, Ernst; Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements
Börner, Corinna ; Staisch, Jacob ; Lang, Magdalena ; Hauser, Ari ; Hannibal, Iris ; Huß, Kristina ; Klose, Birgit ; Lechner, Matthias F. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Heinen, Florian ; Landgraf, Mirjam N. ; Bonfert, Michaela V.; Repetitive Neuromuscular Magnetic Stimulation for Pediatric Headache Disorders: Muscular Effects and Factors Affecting Level of Response
Rodolico, Alessandro ; Concerto, Carmen ; Ciancio, Alessia ; Siafis, Spyridon ; Fusar-Poli, Laura ; Romano, Carla Benedicta ; Scavo, Elisa Vita ; Petralia, Antonino ; Salomone, Salvatore ; Signorelli, Maria Salvina ; Leucht, Stefan ; Aguglia, Eugenio; Validation of the Glasgow Antipsychotic Side-Effect Scale (GASS) in an Italian Sample of Patients with Stable Schizophrenia and Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
Eder, Markus ; Perosa, Francesca ; Hohensinner, Severin ; Tritthart, Michael ; Scheuer, Sabrina ; Gelhaus, Marion ; Cyffka, Bernd ; Kiss, Tímea ; Van Leeuwen, Boudewijn ; Tobak, Zalán ; Sipos, György ; Csikós, Nándor ; Smetanová, Anna ; Bokal, Sabina ; Samu, Andrea ; Gruber, Tamas ; G lie, Andreea-Cristina ; Moldoveanu, Marinela ; Mazilu, Petrişor ; Habersack, Helmut; How Can We Identify Active, Former, and Potential Floodplains? Methods and Lessons Learned from the Danube River
Thomik, Maximilian ; Gruber, Sebastian ; Kaestner, Anders ; Foerst, Petra ; Tsotsas, Evangelos ; Vorhauer-Huget, Nicole; Experimental Study of the Impact of Pore Structure on Drying Kinetics and Sublimation Front Patterns
Heine, Sonja ; Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio ; Russkamp, Dennis ; Alessandrini, Francesca ; Gailus-Durner, Valerie ; Fuchs, Helmut ; Ollert, Markus ; Bredehorst, Reinhard ; Ohnmacht, Caspar ; Zissler, Ulrich M. ; Hrabě de Angelis, Martin ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Blank, Simon; Thermosensitive PLGA-PEG-PLGA Hydrogel as Depot Matrix for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy
Gregor, András ; Huber, Laura ; Auernigg-Haselmaier, Sandra ; Sternberg, Felix ; Billerhart, Magdalena ; Dunkel, Andreas ; Somoza, Veronika ; Ogris, Manfred ; Kofler, Barbara ; Longo, Valter D. ; König, Jürgen ; Duszka, Kalina; A Comparison of the Impact of Restrictive Diets on the Gastrointestinal Tract of Mice
Dawczynski, Christine ; Plagge, Johannes ; Jahreis, Gerhard ; Liebisch, Gerhard ; Höring, Marcus ; Seeliger, Claudine ; Ecker, Josef; Dietary PUFA Preferably Modify Ethanolamine-Containing Glycerophospholipids of the Human Plasma Lipidome
Gutiérrez Juárez, Eduardo ; Kurjenoja, Anne Kristiina ; Schumacher, Melissa ; Guizar Villalvazo, María ; Gonzalez Meza, Edwin ; Durán-Díaz, Pamela; Neoliberal Urban Development vs. Rural Communities: Land Management Challenges in San Andrés Cholula, Mexico
Bäcker, Henrik C. ; Thiele, Kathi ; Wu, Chia H. ; Moroder, Philipp ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Braun, Karl F.; Distal Radius Fracture with Ipsilateral Elbow Dislocation: A Rare but Challenging Injury
Nessbach, Philipp ; Schwarz, Sascha ; Becke, Tanja D. ; Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke ; Machens, Hans-Guenther ; Sudhop, Stefanie; Angiogenic Potential of Co-Cultured Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells and Adipose Stromal Cells in Customizable 3D Engineered Collagen Sheets
Schierling, Wilma ; Matzner, Julia ; Apfelbeck, Hanna ; Grothues, Dirk ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Pfister, Karin; Pulse Wave Velocity for Risk Stratification of Patients with Aortic Aneurysm
Karge, Anne ; Lobmaier, Silvia M. ; Haller, Bernhard ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Ortiz, Javier U.; Value of Cerebroplacental Ratio and Uterine Artery Doppler as Predictors of Adverse Perinatal Outcome in Very Small for Gestational Age at Term Fetuses
von Sanden, Felix ; Ptushkina, Svetlana ; Hock, Julia ; Fritz, Celina ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Ewert, Peter ; Hager, Alfred ; Wolf, Cordula M.; Peak Oxygen Uptake on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Is a Predictor for Severe Arrhythmic Events during Three-Year Follow-Up in Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Zhi, Yanyan ; Feng, Ziwei ; Mehreen, Tanisha ; Liu, Xiaoyuan ; Gardner, Kirsty ; Li, Xiangping ; Guan, Bai-Ou ; Zhang, Lijuan ; Vagin, Sergey I. ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Meldrum, Alkiviathes; Two-Photon Fluorescence in Red and Violet Conjugated Polymer Microspheres
Sanches, Augusto Fava ; Shit, Suprosanna ; Özpeynirci, Yigit ; Liebig, Thomas; CFD to Quantify Idealized Intra-Aneurysmal Blood Flow in Response to Regular and Flow Diverter Stent Treatment
Huffmann, Jonathan E. W. ; Mittelbach, Martin; On the Distribution of the Information Density of Gaussian Random Vectors: Explicit Formulas and Tight Approximations
Mueck, Fabian ; Hernandez Petzsche, Moritz ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Maegerlein, Christian ; Linsenmaier, Ulrich ; Scaglione, Mariano ; Zimmer, Claus ; Ikenberg, Benno ; Berndt, Maria; CT Marker in Emergency Imaging of Acute Basilar Artery Occlusion: Thrombosis vs. Embolism
Kehrer, Andreas ; Ruewe, Marc ; Platz Batista da Silva, Natascha ; Lonic, Daniel ; Heidekrueger, Paul Immanuel ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Jung, Ernst Michael ; Prantl, Lukas ; Knoedler, Leonard; Using High-Resolution Ultrasound to Assess Post-Facial Paralysis Synkinesis_Machine Settings and Technical Aspects for Facial Surgeons
Jiang, Jun ; Röper, Lynn ; Alageel, Sarah ; Dornseifer, Ulf ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Hadjipanayi, Ektoras ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Moog, Philipp; Hypoxia Preconditioned Serum (HPS) Promotes Osteoblast Proliferation, Migration and Matrix Deposition
Reichel, Julia ; Graßmann, Johanna ; Knoop, Oliver ; Letzel, Thomas ; Drewes, Jörg E.; A Novel Analytical Approach to Assessing Sorption of Trace Organic Compounds into Micro- and Nanoplastic Particles
Preis, Lukas ; Hornung, Mirko; A Vertiport Design Heuristic to Ensure Efficient Ground Operations for Urban Air Mobility
Péntek, Máté ; Riedl, Andreas ; Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe ; Weber, Felix; Investigating the Vibration Mitigation Efficiency of Tuned Sloshing Dampers Using a Two-Fluid CFD Approach
Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Rudel, Thomas ; Heesemann, Jürgen ; Goebel, Werner; Link Between Antibiotic Persistence and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens
Paakkari, Leena ; Okan, Orkan; The Children of Risk Communication
Jung, Matthias ; Ruschke, Stefan ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Holwein, Christian ; Baum, Thomas ; Gersing, Alexandra S. ; Bamberg, Fabian ; Jungmann, Pia M.; The Predictive Value of Early Postoperative MRI-Based Bone Marrow Parameters for Mid-Term Outcome after MACI with Autologous Bone Grafting at the Knee
Hamm, Lisa S. ; Loder, Allister ; Tilg, Gabriel ; Menendez, Monica ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Network Inefficiency: Empirical Findings for Six European Cities
Clormann, Michael ; Klimburg-Witjes, Nina; Troubled Orbits and Earthly Concerns: Space Debris as a Boundary Infrastructure
López-Randulfe, Javier;Reeb, Nico;Knoll, Alois; Conversion of ConvNets to Spiking Neural Networks With Less Than One Spike per Neuron
López-Randulfe, Javier;Reeb, Nico;Karimi,Negin;Liu, Chen;Gonzalez, Hector A.;Dietrich, Robin;Vogginger, Bernhard; Mayr, Christian;Knoll, Alois; Time-Coded Spiking Fourier Transform in Neuromorphic Hardware
Vogginger, Bernhard;Kreutz, Felix;López-Randulfe, Javier;Liu, Chen;Dietrich, Robin;Gonzalez, Hector A;Scholz, Daniel;Reeb, Nico;Auge, Daniel;Hille, Julian;Arsalan, Muhammad;Mirus, Florian;Grassmann, Cyprian;Knoll, Alois;Mayr, Christian; Automotive Radar Processing With Spiking Neural Networks: Concepts and Challenges
Braun, Thomas; Polar Intermetallic Fe/Co/Ni-rich Germanides and Silicides: Synthesis and Characterization
Djeffal, Christian; Wurster, Stefan; Siewert, Markus B.; Role of the state and responsibility in governing artificial intelligence: a comparative analysis of AI strategies
Keune, Anna; Material syntonicity: Examining computational performance and its materiality through weaving and sewing crafts
Letourneau, Susan M;Bennett, Dorothy T;Liu, ChangChia;Argudo, Yessenia;Peppler, Kylie;Keune, Anna;Dahn, Maggie;McMillan Culp, Katherine; Observing Empathy in Informal Engineering Activities with Girls Ages 7–14
Fleckenstein, Christoph;Dervishi, Vjosa;Rahman, Mohammad A.;Rötzer, Thomas;Pauleit, Stephan;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Trees in Planters—A Case Study of Time-Related Aspects
Lammers, B.;Forth, K.; IFC-based variant analysis considering multi-criterial sustainability analysis of buildings
Keune, A., Ruiz-Cabello, P., Hurtado, S.; Exploring the Use of Fiber Crafts With Soft Robotics for Connected Engineering Learning
Keune, A.; Advancing the materiality of gender equitable STEM learning
Keune, A. & Ruiz-Cabello, P.; Inquiry of (Re)configurings: Toward a Review of Posthumanist Methods for the Study of Learning
Keune, A., Ruiz-Cabello, P., Peppler, K., Chappell, K., & Rowsell, J.; Mapping Posthuman Methodological Innovation in the Study of Learning
Keune, A., Cain, R., Dahn, M., Kargin, T., & Thompson, N.; Local-global Maker-places: Toward an Instrument for International Maker Education
Han, A., Keune, A., Huang, J., & Peppler, K.; Visualizing Family Engagement in Museum Settings
Vilgertshofer, Simon Felix Franziskus; Kopplung von Graphersetzung und parametrischer Modellierung zur Unterstützung des modellbasierten Entwerfens und der Erstellung mehrskaliger Modelle
Falgenhauer, Elisabeth; Evaluation of an E. coli Cell Extract Prepared by Lysozyme-Assisted Sonication and Transcriptional Interference in Toehold Switch-Based Circuits
Flexeder, Nina; Schenk, Martin; Aondio, Patrik; Moisture Monitoring Techniques for the Protection of Timber Structures
Kröger, Nicolai; Harkous, Hasanin; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Looking Beyond the First Moment: Analysis of Packet-related Distributions in P4 Systems with Controller Feedback
del Río, Miren;Pretzsch, Hans;Ruiz‐Peinado, Ricardo;Jactel, Hervé;Coll, Lluís;Löf, Magnus;Aldea, Jorge;Ammer, Christian;Avdagić, Admir;Barbeito, Ignacio;Bielak, Kamil;Bravo, Felipe;Brazaitis, Gediminas;Cerný, Jakub;Collet, Catherine;Condés, Sonia;Drössler, Lars;Fabrika, Marek;Heym, Michael;Holm, Stig‐Olof;Hylen, Gro;Jansons, Aris;Kurylyak, Viktor;Lombardi, Fabio;Matović, Bratislav;Metslaid, Marek;Motta, Renzo;Nord‐Larsen, Thomas;Nothdurft, Arne;den Ouden, Jan;Pach, Maciej;Pardos, Marta;Poeydebat, Charlotte;Ponette, Quentin;Pérot, Tomas;Reventlow, Ditlev Otto Juel;Sitko, Roman;Sramek, Vit;Steckel, Mathias;Svoboda, Miroslav;Verheyen, Kris;Vospernik, Sonja;Wolff, Barbara;Zlatanov, Tzvetan;Bravo‐Oviedo, Andrés; Emerging stability of forest productivity by mixing two species buffers temperature destabilizing effect
Kröger, Nicolai; Mehmeti, Fidan; Harkous, Hasanin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Performance Analysis of General P4 Forwarding Devices with Controller Feedback
Hikino, Kyohsuke;Danzberger, Jasmin;Riedel, Vincent P.;Hesse, Benjamin D.;Hafner, Benjamin D.;Gebhardt, Timo;Rehschuh, Romy;Ruehr, Nadine K.;Brunn, Melanie;Bauerle, Taryn L.;Landhäusser, Simon M.;Lehmann, Marco M.;Rötzer, Thomas;Pretzsch, Hans;Buegger, Franz;Weikl, Fabian;Pritsch, Karin;Grams, Thorsten E. E.; Dynamics of initial carbon allocation after drought release in mature Norway spruce—Increased belowground allocation of current photoassimilates covers only half of the carbon used for fine‐root growth
Bernhard, Lukas;Amalanesan, Antony Francis;Baumann, Oskar;Rothmeyer, Florian;Hafner, Yannic;Berlet, Maximilian;Wilhelm, Dirk;Knoll, Alois; Mobile service robots for the operating room wing: balancing cost and performance by optimizing robotic fleet size and composition
Pham, Van Viem; Ammer, Christian; Annighöfer, Peter; Heinrichs, Steffi; Plant species diversity and composition in limestone forests of the Vietnamese Cat Ba National Park
Sleiman, Katia; Multi-directional genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screens to uncover resistance mechanisms and co-dependencies in the context of PI3K pathway inhibition in PDAC
Janardhanan, Shakthivelu; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Modeling and Evaluation of a Data Center Sovereignty with Software Failures
Hille, Julian;Auge, Daniel;Grassmann, Cyprian;Knoll, Alois; Resonate-and-Fire Neurons for Radar Interference Detection
Knoke, T., Paul, C.; Gosling, E.; Jarisch, I.; Mohr, J.; Seidl, R.; Assessing the Economic Resilience of Different Management Systems to Severe Forest Disturbance
Gruber, Th.; Ågren, I.; Angermann, D.; Ellmann, A.; Engfeldt, A.; Gisinger, C.; Jaworski, L.; Kur, T.; Marila, S.; Nastula, J.; Nilfouroushan, F.; Nordman, M.; Poutanen, M.; Saari, T.; Schlaak, M.; Świątek, A.; Varbla, S.; Zdunek, R.; Geodetic SAR for Height System Unification and Sea Level Research—Results in the Baltic Sea Test Network
Well, Friederike Elisabeth; Blau-grüne Architektur
Hanna Krasowski; Matthias Althoff; CommonOcean: Composable Benchmarks for Motion Planning on Oceans
Hanna Krasowski; Yinqiang Zhang; Matthias Althoff; Safe Reinforcement Learning for Urban Driving using Invariably Safe Braking Sets
Zhang, Ruiqi;Hou, Jing;Chen, Guang;Li, Zhijun;Chen, Jianxiao;Knoll, Alois; Residual Policy Learning Facilitates Efficient Model-Free Autonomous Racing
Egger, Karl David; Dielectrics at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces
Mayer, Anica Jasmin; Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung der Klima- und Kulturperformanz von Gebäuden unter Berücksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeit
Schifflechner, C.; Wieland C.; Spliethoff, H.; CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) Systems for Combined Heat and Power Production: an Evaluation of Various Plant Configurations
Biber, A.; Tunçinan, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Negative price spiral caused by renewables? Electricity price prediction on the German market for 2030
Kurzer, Christoph; Engel, Thomas; Werther, Norman; Winter, Stefan; Konstruktionsgrundsätze für das mehrgeschossige Bauen mit Holz - abgeleitet aus dem Forschungsprojekt TIMpuls - ein Auszug
Prado Anna; Gölitz, Dennis; Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation Considering Geometric Blockage Modeling for Improved Mobility Management in 5G
Mafipour, M. S.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Borrmann, A.; Digital twinning of bridges from point cloud data by deep learning and parametric models
Forth, K.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; NLP-based semantic model healing for calculating embodied carbon in early building design stages
Pfitzner F., Braun A., Borrmann A.; Towards data mining on construction sites: Heterogeneous data acquisition and fusion
Noichl, F.;Borrmann, A.; Automated Deterministic Model-based Indoor Scan Planning
Wu, J.;Dubey, R. K.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; Model Healing: Toward a framework for building designs to achieve code compliance
Forth, K.;Schneider-Marin, P.;Theißen, S.;Höper, J.;Svane, N.;Borrmann, A.; Connected design decision networks: multidisciplinary decision support for early building design LCA
Kleine-Wächter, Lukas; Rumpler, Romain; Mao, Huina; Göransson, Peter; Müller, Gerhard; Numerical study of Kelvin cells for the design of periodic lattice metamaterials
Gregor, K.; Knoke, T.; Krause, A.; Reyer, C.; Lindskog, M.; Papastefanou, P.; Smith, B.; Lanso, A.S.; Rammig, A.; Trade-Offs for Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe Under Uncertain Future Climate
Reith, E.; Gosling, E.; Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Exploring trade-offs in agro-ecological landscapes: Using a multi-objective land-use allocation model to support agroforestry research
Fuchs, Simon; Wiehl, Nathalie; Wittges, Holger; Krcmar, Helmut; Towards an Automated SAP Service Desk – Design and Implementation of a Prototype Machine Learning Classifier for Support Tickets on a Small Data Set
Drieschner, Clemens; Fuchs, Simon; Kulikov, Alex; Vilser, Michael; Chatbot Development on the Example of SAP & IBM Conversational AI
Maurer, Christian; Charakterisierung und Modellierung von Lithium-Schwefel-Zellen
Vilgertshofer, S.;Mafipour, M. S.;Borrmann, A.;Martens, J.;Blut, T.;Becker, R.;Blankenbach, J.;Glöbels, A.;Beetz, J.;Celik, F.;Faltin, B.;König, M.; TwinGen: Advanced technologies to automatically generate digital twins for operation and maintenance of existing bridges
Hládek, Ľ.;Seeber, B.U.; Effects of noise presence and noise position on interpersonal distance in a triadic conversation
Takanen, M.; Seeber, B.U.; A Phenomenological Model Reproducing Temporal Response Characteristics of an Electrically Stimulated Auditory Nerve Fiber
Pan, Yuandong;Noichl, Florian;Braun, Alexander;Borrmann, André;Brilakis, Ioannis; Automatic Creation and Enrichment of 3D Models for Pipe Systems by Co-registration of Laser-scanned Point Clouds and Photos
Omland, Patrik;Peng, Yang;Paulitsch, Michael;Parra, Jorge;Espinosa, Gustavo;Daniel, Abishai;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; API-based Hardware Fault Simulation for DNN-Accelerators
Gantert, Nina;Klenke, Achim; The Tail of the Length of an Excursion in a Trap of Random Size
Ahmed, Shamim;Sarker, Swapan Kumar;Friess, Daniel A.;Kamruzzaman, Md.;Jacobs, Martin;Islam, Md. Akramul;Alam, Md. Azharul;Suvo, Mohammad Jamil;Sani, Md. Nasir Hossain;Dey, Tanmoy;Naabeh, Clement Sullibie Saagulo;Pretzsch, Hans; Salinity reduces site quality and mangrove forest functions. From monitoring to understanding
Kindu, M.; Le Ngoc Mai, T.; Bingham, L.; Borges, J.; Abildtrum, J.; Knoke, T.; Auctioning approaches for ecosystem services – Evidence and applications
Pan, Fengjunjie; Lin, Jianjie; Rickert, Markus; Knoll, Alois; Resource Allocation in Software-Defined Vehicles: ILP Model Formulation and Solver Evaluation
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Coupling OpenFOAM with 1D thermohydraulics via preCICE
Gerasimos Chourdakis; Continuous integration and documentation automation in preCICE
Gerasimos Chourdakis; The OpenFOAM community needs its own online home
Vega-Torres, M. A.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; Occupancy Grid Map to Pose Graph-based Map: Robust BIM-based 2D- LiDAR Localization for Lifelong Indoor Navigation in Changing and Dynamic Environments
Dugstad, A.;Dubey, R.K.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; BIM-based disaster response: Facilitating indoor path planning for various agents
Clever, J.;Abualdenien, J.;Dubey, R. K.;Borrmann, A.; Predicting occupant evacuation times to improve building design
Pajares, Elias; Development, application, and testing of an accessibility instrument for planning active mobility
Zhang, Chi;Steinhauser, Florian;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; Traffic Mirror-Aware POMDP Behavior Planning for Autonomous Urban Driving
Zhang, Chi;Ma, Shirui;Wang, Muzhi;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; Efficient POMDP Behavior Planning for Autonomous Driving in Dense Urban Environments using Multi-Step Occupancy Grid Maps
Zhang, Chi; Kacem, Kais; Hinz, Gereon; Knoll, Alois; Safe and Rule-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving at Intersections
Lalgudi Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Ionosphere electron density modelling using a constrained optimization approach
Sachs, Florian Elias; Integrated planning of unreliable flow lines with limited buffer capacities and spare parts provisioning
Flexeder, Nina; Nouman, Ahmad S.; Hepf, Christian; Measurement of Sorption Heat in Laboratory and Field Tests in Comparison with Hygrothermal Simulations
Junck, Alex;Richter, Veronika;Fichter, Eric;Frisch, Jérôme;van Treeck, Christoph; Geometrische Transformation von IFC-Raumbegrenzungsflächen für die normkonforme thermische Gebäudesimulation
Péntek, Máté;Goldbach, Ann-Kathrin;Sautter, Klaus Bernd;Bletzinger, Kai-Uwe; Numerical modeling and simulation of lightweight structures - using the example of the Olympic Stadium in Munich on its 50th anniversary
Schuster, S.;Arnold, J.;Behm, J.; BIM und vorgefertigter Holzbau - Der BIMwood Referenzprozess
Mellenthin Filardo, M.;Nürnberger, C.;Bargstädt, H.-J.; XML-basierte Übernahme von Inhalten der Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen in eine BIM-Autorensoftware
Richter, Constantin;Brötzmann, Jascha; Merkmalsbasierte Kategorisierung im Building Information Model mithilfe von Machine Learning
Schroedter, Friedrich;Wills, Nadine; AIR-Klassifizierungssystem: Konzept eines prüfbaren Ansatzes für Bau und Betrieb
Kremer, Noemi; Tracking model checks in information delivery controlling processes
Koleva, Betina;Dugstad, Ann-Kristin;Noichl, Florian; UAV path planning for photogrammetric capture of buildings towards disaster scenarios
Bayer, H.;Aziz, A.; Object Detection of Fire Safety Equipment in Images and Videos using Yolov5 Neural Network
Collins, F.; Pfitzner, F.; Schlenger, J.; Scalable construction monitoring for an as-performed progress documentation across time
Makiello, Louis; Multi-Sensor Fusion for a UAV/USV Tandem System for Spatial Data Collection of Waterways
Elshani, Diellza;Lombardi, Alessio;Staab, Steffen;Hernández, Daniel;Wortmann, Thomas; Inferential Reasoning in Co-Design Using Semantic Web Standards alongside BHoM
Huang, Jiuru; Aufbau und Erweiterung eines Wissensbasisgestützten Datenmodells mit Semantic Web Technologie und Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache im Kontext vom Multiprojektmanagement im Verkehrswasserbau
Kandt, Kilian;Zentgraf, Sven; Conversion of XML Property Schema according to ISO 23386 into RDF Graphs
Dierssen, Silke;Cichonczyk, Mario;Weitkemper, Uwe;Becking, Dominic; Linking ontology metrics with BIM modeling stages
Crampen, David; Automatisierte Schadstellenermittlung aus Bildaufnahmen von Bauwerken mithilfe von Deep Learning
Dragos, Kosmas; Coupling physics-based models with wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring
Jutz, Lea;Özcan, Baris; Automated Detection of Cracks based on Statistical Analysis of Image Histograms
Göbels, Anne; Enabling object-based documentation of existing bridge inspection data using Linked Data
Shah, Syed Ashfaq Hussain; Research data management of large scale projects and a reference model of data life cycle for dynamic DMPs
Heinbach, Jan Hendrik;Hülsmann, Bennet;Kosse, Simon; Integration of BIM and Industry 4.0 - approach for rapid deployment of digital twins for modular construction
Raphael, Hippe;Marco, Binninger;Olli, Seppanen; Experiment proposal for data quality assessment in construction management
Huyeng, Tim-Jonathan; Verwendung und Einbindung von Open-Data-Schnittstellen am Beispiel der Bundes-APIs
Lampe, Sofia;Böck, Julian; BIM and AR in Factory Planning: a Combination of Techniques from Architecture, Computer Science and Factory Planning
Gehring, Maximilian;Mosler, Pascal; Indoor Navigation with Augmented Reality and BIM: A Marker-Based Approach for Locating Logistics Areas on Construction Sites
Städtler, Amelia;Sternal, Maximilian; Topological queries in a space partitioning model: Definition, visualization and exports of results
Kraus, Michael A.;Rust, Romana; Immersive Teaching of AEC Construction Details using Virtual Reality
Niemeier, Torsten;Cichonczyk, Mario;Dierssen, Silke;Weitkemper, Uwe;Becking, Dominic; BIMGaze - Eine Versuchsumgebung zur datenanalytischen Beobachtung von BIM-Modellierungsprozessen
Dantas, R. ;Peter, S.; Wang, X. ;Vega Torres, M. A.;Dugstad, A.; Towards Real-time Image Localization with BIM models
Huang, Qirui;Syndicus, Marc; Development of a microcontroller-based interactive monitoring system for indoor environmental quality
Geck, Carlos Federico Chillón; Automatisiertes Behaglichkeitsmonitoring mit Hilfe von IoT-Technologien
Deghim, Fatma;Banihashemi, Farzan;Koth, Sebastian;Lang, Werner; A data-driven approach for predicting occupant thermal comfort in offices
Lammers, B.; Forth, K.; IFC-based variant analysis considering multi-criterial sustainability analysis of buildings
Maibaum, Jonas;Block, Marlena; BIM-basierte Ressourceneffizienzberechnung mittels LCA-Integration anhand parametrischer Infrastrukturmodelle
Hoffmann, Andre;Skakuj, Marek; KI-basierte Aufnahme sicherheitstechnischer Indikatoren auf freien Strecken von Landstraßen und abschnittsbasierte Integration zur Ableitung von Defiziten
Sherkat, Shermin;Wortmann, Thomas;Wortmann, Andreas; Potentials of Symbolic AI Planning for Construction
Bischof, Rafael;Kraus, Michael A.; Mixture-of-Experts-Ensemble Meta-Learning for Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Pauen, Nicolas;Frisch, Jérôme;van Treeck, Christoph; IFC2TSO - Algorithmic processing, complexity reduction, and transfer of information regarding technical systems from IFC to TSO
Kaiser, Christoph;Jaud, Štefan;Schlenger, Jonas; B-Spline Surfaces in IFC: Implementing an Open-Source Viewer
Lourenzi, F.;Geiger, A.; BCFViewer - BIM collaboration format tool development
Chen, Ziyuan; From Point Cloud to as-built BIM: automated Detection of Openings in existing Buildings
Juraboev, Abduaziz; Implementierung des Internet of Things auf Basis von Radio-Frequency Identification in das Building Information Modeling
Pan, Y.; Mafipour, S.;Mehranfar, M.; Enriching Point Features to Improve Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
Mafipour, MS. ;Alici, C.; Shakeel, S.;Kalkavan, A.; Semantic Segmentation of Real and Synthetic Point Cloud Data for Digital Twinning of Bridges
Mohan, Nijanthan;Ulbrich, Michelle;Bongard, Stefanie;Gross, Rolf; An investigation into the impact of the Scan-to-BIM method on the design and construction of technical building services
Hakert, Alexander;Schönfelder, Phillip; Informed Machine Learning Methods for Instance Segmentation of Architectural Floor Plans
Eisenstadt, V.;Bielski, J.;Langenhan, C.;Mete, B.;Althoff, K.-D.;Dengel, A.; Methoden zur KI-basierten Autovervollständigung von frühen Grundrissentwürfen: Methodologie und Integration in ein bestehendes Framework
Li, Chao;Petzold, Frank; Formal knowledge as a basis for BIM-based design decision support in additive manufacturing
Carrara, Andrea; Multi-view fusion of technical drawings for a conceptual 3D reconstruction using deep-learning
Bielski, Jessica;Eisenstadt, Viktor;Langenhan, Christoph;Mete, Burak; The Morphological Echo of Architects Concept for a Conversational Artificial Intelligence to Support Architects during the Early Design Stages
Kuhn, Sophia V.;Bischof, Rafael;Klonaris, Georgios;Kaufmann, Walter;Kraus, Michael A.; NTAB0: Design Priors for AI-Augmented Generative Design of Network Tied-Arch-Bridges
Vogt, Johanna; Kessler, Lisa; Bogenberger, Klaus; On the Level of Traffic Stress for Pedestrians
Böth, Alexander David; Modification of bis-Abnormal N-Heterocyclic Carbene Phosphino Ruthenium Complexes and Influences on Transfer Hydrogenation and Oppenauer-type Oxidation Reactions
Tanadini, Davide; Ohlbrock, Patrick Ole; Kladeftira, Marirena; Leschok, Matthias; Skevaki, Eleni; Dillenburger, Benjamin; D'Acunto, Pierluigi; Exploring the potential of equilibrium-based methods in additive manufacturing: the Digital Bamboo pavilion
Heiß, Marcel; Machine-Learning Methoden zur frühzeitigen Prognose von Bewehrungsstahlmengen im Stahlbetonhochbau
Lindner, Johannes; Kessler, Lisa; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; A Virtual Reality Electric Cargo Bicycle Simulator for Experiencing Realistic Traffic Scenarios
Ludwig, Sylvia; Keler, Andreas; Zuo, Chenyu; Method Development for the Visualisation of Bicycle Trajectories and Traffic Related Parameters by a Space-Time Cube
Hechemer, Timo; Keler, Andreas; Krisp, Jukka Matthias; An analysis of potential spaces for implementing geofences in a dynamic bike-sharing system
Jano, Alba; Ganesan, Rakash SivaSiva; Mehmeti, Fidan; Ayvasik, Serkut; Kellerer,Wolfgang; Energy-Efficient and Radio Resource Control State Aware Resource Allocation with Fairness Guarantees
Huck-Fries, Veronika; Talalaieva, Oleksandra; Krcmar, Helmut; Highly engaged, less likely to quit? – A theoretical perspective on work engagement and turnover in agile information systems development projects
Huck-Fries, Veronika; Maier, Stefan; Decision-making in Agile Information Systems Development: The Role of Empowerment and Authority
Chateauvieux-Hellwig, C.;Abualdenien, J.;Borrmann, A.; A proposed IFC extension for timber construction buildings to enable acoustics simulation
Mehranfar, M.;Braun, A.;Borrmann, A.; A hybrid top-down, bottom-up approach for 3D space parsing using dense RGB point clouds
Auernhammer, H.; Mit Bits und Bytes von der Dampfmaschine zum Feldroboter
Natras R., Soja B., Schmidt M.; Uncertainty Quantification for Ionosphere Forecasting with Machine Learning
Feigl, Elija; Computational Analysis of DNA Origami Nanostructures using Atomic Model Building
Zerwas, Johannes; Krämer, Patrick; Ursu, Razvan-Mihai; Asadi, Navidreza; Rodgers, Philip; Wong, Leon; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Kapetánios: Automated Kubernetes Adaptation through a Digital Twin
Michelmann, Johannes; Paul, Annika; Habersetzer, Antoine; Martin, Uwe; Hornung, Mirko; Scenarios for the Introduction of Hydrogen as Energy Carrier in Aviation
Kauschinger, Martin; Investigating the Role of Knowledge Sharing for Ecosystem Generativity – The Case of Enterprise Software
Kauschinger, Martin; Schreieck, Maximilian; Krcmar, Helmut;; The Role of Actors in Platform Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review and Comparison Across Platform Types
Borla, Umberto; Quantum phases of low-dimensional Z2 lattice gauge theories
Speck, Konstantin; Schäffer, Christian; Gümmer, Volker; Design of a Small Pressure Chamber to Evaluate Probe Calibrations at Varying Reynolds Numbers
Schlenger, J.;Yeung, T.;Vilgertshofer, S.;Martinez, J.;Sacks, R.;Borrmann, A.; A Comprehensive Data Schema for Digital Twin Construction
Xu, Wenbin; Tailoring Complexity for Catalyst Discovery Using Physically Motivated Machine Learning
Valentina Schüller, Benjamin Rodenberg, Benjamin Uekermann, Hans-Joachim Bungartz; A Simple Test Case for Error Reduction of Black-Box Coupling Schemes
Corral Rascon, Eduardo Enrique; On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of Porphyrin Square Tetramers, Gulf Edged Graphene Nanoribbons and Nanoporous Graphene
Paraskevas, Kosmas I. ; Mikhailidis, Dimitri P. ; Antignani, Pier Luigi ; Ascher, Enrico ; Baradaran, Hediyeh ; Bokkers, Reinoud P.H. ; Cambria, Richard P. ; Comerota, Anthony J. ; Dardik, Alan ; Davies, Alun H. ; Eckstein, Hans-Henning ; Faggioli, Gianluca ; Fernandes e Fernandes, Jose ; Fraedrich, Gustav ; Geroulakos, George ; Gloviczki, Peter ; Golledge, Jonathan ; Gupta, Ajay ; Jezovnik, Mateja K. ; Kakkos, Stavros K. ; Katsiki, Niki ; Knoflach, Michael ; Eline Kooi, M. ; Lanza, Gaetano ; Lavenson, George S. ; Liapis, Christos D. ; Loftus, Ian M. ; Mansilha, Armando ; Millon, Antoine ; Nicolaides, Andrew N. ; Pini, Rodolfo ; Poredos, Pavel ; Proczka, Robert M. ; Ricco, Jean-Baptiste ; Riles, Thomas S. ; Ringleb, Peter Arthur ; Rundek, Tatjana ; Saba, Luca ; Schlachetzki, Felix ; Silvestrini, Mauro ; Spinelli, Francesco ; Stilo, Francesco ; Sultan, Sherif ; Suri, Jasjit S. ; Svetlikov, Alexei V. ; Zeebregts, Clark J. ; Chaturvedi, Seemant; Comparison of Recent Practice Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
König, Pascal D. ; Siewert, Markus B. ; Ackermann, Kathrin; Conceptualizing and Measuring Citizens' Preferences for Democracy: Taking Stock of Three Decades of Research in a Fragmented Field
Ziernwald, Lisa ; Hillmayr, Delia ; Holzberger, Doris; Promoting High-Achieving Students Through Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms_A Systematic Review
Schauberger, Gunther ; Tutz, Gerhard; Multivariate ordinal random effects models including subject and group specific response style effects
Waltenberger, Maria ; Furkel, Jennifer ; Röhrich, Manuel ; Salome, Patrick ; Debus, Charlotte ; Tawk, Bouchra ; Gahlawat, Aoife Ward ; Kudak, Andreas ; Dostal, Matthias ; Wirkner, Ute ; Schwager, Christian ; Herold-Mende, Christel ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; König, Laila ; Debus, Jürgen ; Haberkorn, Uwe ; Abdollahi, Amir ; Knoll, Maximilian; The impact of tumor metabolic activity assessed by 18F-FET amino acid PET imaging in particle radiotherapy of high-grade glioma patients
Schulz, Julia ; Zimmermann, Juliana ; Sorg, Christian ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Brandl, Felix; Magnetic resonance imaging of the dopamine system in schizophrenia - A scoping review
Bendor-Samuel, Owen Martyn ; Wishlade, Tabitha ; Willis, Louise ; Aley, Parvinder ; Choi, Edward ; Craik, Rachel ; Mujadidi, Yama ; Mounce, Ginny ; Roseman, Fenella ; De La Horra Gozalo, Arancha ; Bland, James ; Taj, Nazia ; Smith, Ian ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele ; Bonifacio, Ezio ; Winkler, Christiane ; Haupt, Florian ; Todd, John A ; Servais, Laurent ; Snape, Matthew D ; Vatish, Manu; Successful integration of newborn genetic testing into UK routine screening using prospective consent to determine eligibility for clinical trials
Coors, Marie ; Flemming, Ronja ; Schüttig, Wiebke ; Hubert, Gordian Jan ; Hubert, Nikolai Dominik ; Sundmacher, Leonie; Health economic evaluation of the 'Flying Intervention Team' as a novel stroke care concept for rural areas: study protocol of the TEMPiS-GÖA study
Zhang, Han ; Che, Wenliang ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Huang, Yan ; Xu, Chong ; Fei, Mengyu ; Fan, Xin ; Zhang, Jiajia ; Hu, Xueping ; Hu, Fan ; Qin, Shanshan ; Zhang, Xiaoying ; Huang, Qingqing ; Yu, Fei; FT4/FT3 ratio: A novel biomarker predicts coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) in euthyroid INOCA patients
Han, Yaguang ; Zhou, Yiqin ; Li, Haobo ; Gong, Zhenyu ; Liu, Ziye ; Wang, Huan ; Wang, Bo ; Ye, Xiaojian ; Liu, Yi; Identification of diagnostic mRNA biomarkers in whole blood for ankylosing spondylitis using WGCNA and machine learning feature selection
Jakwerth, Constanze A. ; Kitzberger, Hannah ; Pogorelov, Dimitrii ; Müller, Annika ; Blank, Simon ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Zissler, Ulrich M.; Role of microRNAs in type 2 diseases and allergen-specific immunotherapy
Albert, A. ; Alves, S. ; André, M. ; Anghinolfi, M. ; Ardid, S. ; Aubert, J.-J. ; Aublin, J. ; Baret, B. ; Basa, S. ; Belhorma, B. ; Bendahman, M. ; Bertin, V. ; Biagi, S. ; Bissinger, M. ; Boumaaza, J. ; Bouta, M. ; Bouwhuis, M. C. ; Brânzaş, H. ; Bruijn, R. ; Brunner, J. ; Busto, J. ; Caiffi, B. ; Calvo, D. ; Capone, A. ; Caramete, L. ; Carr, J. ; Carretero, V. ; Celli, S. ; Chabab, M. ; Chau, T. N. ; El Moursli, R. Cherkaoui ; Chiarusi, T. ; Circella, M. ; Coleiro, A. ; Coniglione, R. ; Coyle, P. ; Creusot, A. ; Díaz, A. F. ; Distefano, C. ; Palma, I. Di ; Domi, A. ; Donzaud, C. ; Dornic, D. ; Drouhin, D. ; Eberl, T. ; Eeden, T. van ; Eijk, D. van ; Khayati, N. El ; Enzenhöfer, A. ; Fermani, P. ; Ferrara, G. ; Filippini, F. ; Fusco, L. ; Gatelet, Y. ; Gay, P. ; Glotin, H. ; Gozzini, R. ; Ruiz, R. Gracia ; Graf, K. ; Guidi, C. ; Hallmann, S. ; Haren, H. van ; Heijboer, A. J. ; Hello, Y. ; Hernández-Rey, J. J. ; Hössl, J. ; Hofestädt, J. ; Huang, F. ; Illuminati, G. ; James, C. W. ; Jisse-Jung, B. ; De Jong, M. ; Jong, P. de ; Kadler, M. ; Kalekin, O. ; Katz, U. ; Khan-Chowdhury, N. R. ; Kouchner, A. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kulikovskiy, V. ; Lahmann, R. ; Breton, R. Le ; LeStum, S. ; Lefèvre, D. ; Leonora, E. ; Levi, G. ; Lopez-Coto, D. ; Loucatos, S. ; Maderer, L. ; Manczak, J. ; Marcelin, M. ; Margiotta, A. ; Marinelli, A. ; Martínez-Mora, J. A. ; Martino, B. ; Melis, K. ; Migliozzi, P. ; Moussa, A. ; Muller, R. ; Nauta, L. ; Navas, S. ; Nezri, E. ; Fearraigh, B. Ó. ; P un, A. ; P v laş, G. E. ; Pellegrino, C. ; Perrin-Terrin, M. ; Pestel, V. ; Piattelli, P. ; Pieterse, C. ; Poirè, C. ; Popa, V. ; Pradier, T. ; Randazzo, N. ; Real, D. ; Reck, S. ; Riccobene, G. ; Romanov, A. ; Sánchez-Losa, A. ; Greus, F. Salesa ; Samtleben, D. F. E. ; Sanguineti, M. ; Sapienza, P. ; Schnabel, J. ; Schumann, J. ; Schüssler, F. ; Seneca, J. ; Spurio, M. ; Stolarczyk, Th. ; Taiuti, M. ; Tayalati, Y. ; Tingay, S. J. ; Vallage, B. ; Elewyck, V. Van ; Versari, F. ; Viola, S. ; Vivolo, D. ; Wilms, J. ; Zavatarelli, S. ; Zegarelli, A. ; Zornoza, J. D. ; Zúñiga, J. ; Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alispach, C. ; Alves Jr., A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Barbano, A. ; Barwick, S. W. ; Bastian, B. ; Basu, V. ; Baur, S. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Bellenghi, C. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Boddenberg, M. ; Bontempo, F. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Browne, S. ; Burgman, A. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Collin, G. H. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; Clercq, C. De ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; Vries, K. D. de ; Wasseige, G. de ; With, M. de ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; Dunkman, M. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Dvorak, E. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Filimonov, K. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Hebecker, D. ; Helbing, K. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoffmann, R. ; Hokanson-Fasig, B. ; Hoshina, K. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Kauer, M. ; Kellermann, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kintscher, T. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Lanfranchi, J. L. ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Li, Y. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; Mase, K. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguy n, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pittermann, M. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Price, P. B. ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stachurska, J. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Steuer, A. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Tilav, S. ; Tischbein, F. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Turley, C. F. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; Eijndhoven, N. van ; Vannerom, D. ; Santen, J. van ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weiss, M. J. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Woschnagg, K. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P. ; Abreu, P. ; Aglietta, M. ; Albury, J. M. ; Allekotte, I. ; Cheminant, K. Almeida ; Almela, A. ; Alvarez-Muñiz, J. ; Batista, R. Alves ; Anastasi, G. A. ; Anchordoqui, L. ; Andrada, B. ; Andringa, S. ; Aramo, C. ; Ferreira, P. R. Araújo ; Arnone, E. ; Velázquez, J. C. Arteaga ; Asorey, H. ; Assis, P. ; Avila, G. ; Badescu, A. M. ; Bakalova, A. ; Balaceanu, A. ; Barbato, F. ; Bellido, J. A. ; Berat, C. ; Bertaina, M. E. ; Bertou, X. ; Bhatta, G. ; Biermann, P. L. ; Binet, V. ; Bismark, K. ; Bister, T. ; Biteau, J. ; Blazek, J. ; Bleve, C. ; Blümer, J. ; Bohá ová, M. ; Boncioli, D. ; Bonifazi, C. ; Arbeletche, L. Bonneau ; Borodai, N. ; Botti, A. M. ; Brack, J. ; Bretz, T. ; Orchera, P. G. Brichetto ; Briechle, F. L. ; Buchholz, P. ; Bueno, A. ; Buitink, S. ; Buscemi, M. ; Büsken, M. ; Caballero-Mora, K. S. ; Caccianiga, L. ; Canfora, F. ; Caracas, I. ; Caruso, R. ; Castellina, A. ; Catalani, F. ; Cataldi, G. ; Cazon, L. ; Cerda, M. ; Chinellato, J. A. ; Chudoba, J. ; Chytka, L. ; Clay, R. W. ; Cerutti, A. C. Cobos ; Colalillo, R. ; Coleman, A. ; Coluccia, M. R. ; Conceição, R. ; Condorelli, A. ; Consolati, G. ; Contreras, F. ; Convenga, F. ; dos Santos, D. Correia ; Covault, C. E. ; Dasso, S. ; Daumiller, K. ; Dawson, B. R. ; Day, J. A. ; Almeida, R. M. de ; Jesús, J. de ; Jong, S. J. de ; Neto, J. R. T. de Mello ; Mitri, I. De ; Oliveira, J. de ; Franco, D. de Oliveira ; Palma, F. de ; Souza, V. de ; Vito, E. De ; Popolo, A. Del ; Río, M. del ; Deligny, O. ; Deval, L. ; Matteo, A. di ; Dobre, M. ; Dobrigkeit, C. ; D'Olivo, J. C. ; Mendes, L. M. Domingues ; Anjos, R. C. dos ; Dova, M. T. ; Ebr, J. ; Engel, R. ; Epicoco, I. ; Erdmann, M. ; Escobar, C. O. ; Etchegoyen, A. ; Falcke, H. ; Farmer, J. ; Farrar, G. ; Fauth, A. C. ; Fazzini, N. ; Feldbusch, F. ; Fenu, F. ; Fick, B. ; Figueira, J. M. ; Filip i , A. ; Fitoussi, T. ; Fodran, T. ; Fujii, T. ; Fuster, A. ; Galea, C. ; Galelli, C. ; García, B. ; Vegas, A. L. Garcia ; Gemmeke, H. ; Gesualdi, F. ; Gherghel-Lascu, A. ; Ghia, P. L. ; Giaccari, U. ; Giammarchi, M. ; Glombitza, J. ; Gobbi, F. ; Gollan, F. ; Golup, G. ; Berisso, M. Gómez ; Vitale, P. F. Gómez ; Gongora, J. P. ; González, J. M. ; González, N. ; Goos, I. ; Góra, D. ; Gorgi, A. ; Gottowik, M. ; Grubb, T. D. ; Guarino, F. ; Guedes, G. P. ; Guido, E. ; Hahn, S. ; Hamal, P. ; Hampel, M. R. ; Hansen, P. ; Harari, D. ; Harvey, V. M. ; Hebbeker, T. ; Heck, D. ; Hojvat, C. ; Hörandel, J. R. ; Horvath, P. ; Hrabovský, M. ; Huege, T. ; Insolia, A. ; Isar, P. G. ; Janecek, P. ; Johnsen, J. A. ; Jurysek, J. ; Kääpä, A. ; Kampert, K. H. ; Karastathis, N. ; Keilhauer, B. ; Khakurdikar, A. ; Covilakam, V. V. Kizakke ; Klages, H. O. ; Kleifges, M. ; Kleinfeller, J. ; Knapp, F. ; Kunka, N. ; Lago, B. L. ; Lang, R. G. ; Langner, N. ; de Oliveira, M. A. Leigui ; Lenok, V. ; Letessier-Selvon, A. ; Lhenry-Yvon, I. ; Presti, D. Lo ; Lopes, L. ; López, R. ; Lu, L. ; Luce, Q. ; Lundquist, J. P. ; Payeras, A. Machado ; Mancarella, G. ; Mandat, D. ; Manning, B. C. ; Manshanden, J. ; Mantsch, P. ; Marafico, S. ; Mariani, F. M. ; Mariazzi, A. G. ; Mariş, I. C. ; Marsella, G. ; Martello, D. ; Martinelli, S. ; Martínez Bravo, O. ; Mastrodicasa, M. ; Mathes, H. J. ; Matthews, J. ; Matthiae, G. ; Mayotte, E. ; Mayotte, S. ; Mazur, P. O. ; Medina-Tanco, G. ; Melo, D. ; Menshikov, A. ; Michal, S. ; Micheletti, M. I. ; Miramonti, L. ; Mollerach, S. ; Montanet, F. ; Morejon, L. ; Morello, C. ; Mostafá, M. ; Müller, A. L. ; Muller, M. A. ; Mulrey, K. ; Mussa, R. ; Muzio, M. ; Namasaka, W. M. ; Nasr-Esfahani, A. ; Nellen, L. ; Nicora, G. ; Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M. ; Niechciol, M. ; Nitz, D. ; Nosek, D. ; Novotny, V. ; No ka, L. ; Nucita, A. ; Núñez, L. A. ; Oliveira, C. ; Palatka, M. ; Pallotta, J. ; Papenbreer, P. ; Parente, G. ; Parra, A. ; Pawlowsky, J. ; Pech, M. ; P kala, J. ; Pelayo, R. ; Peña-Rodriguez, J. ; Martins, E. E. Pereira ; Armand, J. Perez ; Bertolli, C. Pérez ; Perlin, M. ; Perrone, L. ; Petrera, S. ; Petrucci, C. ; Pierog, T. ; Pimenta, M. ; Pirronello, V. ; Platino, M. ; Pont, B. ; Pothast, M. ; Privitera, P. ; Prouza, M. ; Puyleart, A. ; Querchfeld, S. ; Rautenberg, J. ; Ravignani, D. ; Reininghaus, M. ; Ridky, J. ; Riehn, F. ; Risse, M. ; Rizi, V. ; de Carvalho, W. Rodrigues ; Rojo, J. Rodriguez ; Roncoroni, M. J. ; Rossoni, S. ; Roth, M. ; Roulet, E. ; Rovero, A. C. ; Ruehl, P. ; Saftoiu, A. ; Saharan, M. ; Salamida, F. ; Salazar, H. ; Salina, G. ; Gomez, J. D. Sanabria ; Sánchez, F. ; Santos, E. M. ; Santos, E. ; Sarazin, F. ; Sarmento, R. ; Sarmiento-Cano, C. ; Sato, R. ; Savina, P. ; Schäfer, C. M. ; Scherini, V. ; Schieler, H. ; Schimassek, M. ; Schimp, M. ; Schlüter, F. ; Schmidt, D. ; Scholten, O. ; Schoorlemmer, H. ; Schovánek, P. ; Schulte, J. ; Schulz, T. ; Sciutto, S. J. ; Scornavacche, M. ; Segreto, A. ; Sehgal, S. ; Shellard, R. C. ; Sigl, G. ; Silli, G. ; Sima, O. ; Smau, R. ; Šmída, R. ; Sommers, P. ; Soriano, J. F. ; Squartini, R. ; Stadelmaier, M. ; Stanca, D. ; Stani , S. ; Stasielak, J. ; Stassi, P. ; Streich, A. ; Suárez-Durán, M. ; Sudholz, T. ; Suomijärvi, T. ; Supanitsky, A. D. ; Szadkowski, Z. ; Tapia, A. ; Taricco, C. ; Timmermans, C. ; Tkachenko, O. ; Tobiska, P. ; Peixoto, C. J. Todero ; Tomé, B. ; Torrès, Z. ; Travaini, A. ; Travnicek, P. ; Trimarelli, C. ; Tueros, M. ; Ulrich, R. ; Unger, M. ; Vaclavek, L. ; Vacula, M. ; Galicia, J. F. Valdés ; Valore, L. ; Varela, E. ; Vásquez-Ramírez, A. ; Veberi , D. ; Ventura, C. ; Quispe, I. D. Vergara ; Verzi, V. ; Vicha, J. ; Vink, J. ; Vorobiov, S. ; Wahlberg, H. ; Watanabe, C. ; Watson, A. A. ; Wiencke, L. ; Wilczyński, H. ; Wittkowski, D. ; Wundheiler, B. ; Yushkov, A. ; Zapparrata, O. ; Zas, E. ; Zavrtanik, D. ; Zavrtanik, M. ; Zehrer, L. ; Abu-Zayyad, T. ; Allen, M. ; Arai, Y. ; Arimura, R. ; Barcikowski, E. ; Belz, J. W. ; Bergman, D. R. ; Blake, S. A. ; Buckland, I. ; Cady, R. ; Cheon, B. G. ; Chiba, J. ; Chikawa, M. ; Fujisue, K. ; Fujita, K. ; Fujiwara, R. ; Fukushima, M. ; Fukushima, R. ; Furlich, G. ; Globus, N. ; Gonzalez, R. ; Hanlon, W. ; Hayashi, M. ; Hayashida, N. ; He, H. ; Hibino, K. ; Higuchi, R. ; Honda, K. ; Ikeda, D. ; Inadomi, T. ; Inoue, N. ; Ishii, T. ; Ito, H. ; Ivanov, D. ; Iwakura, H. ; Iwasaki, A. ; Jeong, H. M. ; Jeong, S. ; Jui, C. C. H. ; Kadota, K. ; Kakimoto, F. ; Kalashev, O. ; Kasahara, K. ; Kasami, S. ; Kawakami, S. ; Kawana, S. ; Kawata, K. ; Kharuk, I. ; Kido, E. ; Kim, H. B. ; Kim, J. H. ; Kim, S. W. ; Kimura, Y. ; Kishigami, S. ; Kubota, Y. ; Kurisu, S. ; Kuzmin, V. ; Kuznetsov, M. ; Kwon, Y. J. ; Lee, K. H. ; Lubsandorzhiev, B. ; Machida, K. ; Matsumiya, H. ; Matsuyama, T. ; Matthews, J. N. ; Mayta, R. ; Minamino, M. ; Mukai, K. ; Myers, I. ; Nagataki, S. ; Nakai, K. ; Nakamura, R. ; Nakamura, T. ; Nakamura, T. ; Nakamura, Y. ; Nakazawa, A. ; Nishio, E. ; Nonaka, T. ; Oda, H. ; Ogio, S. ; Ohnishi, M. ; Ohoka, H. ; Oku, Y. ; Okuda, T. ; Omura, Y. ; Ono, M. ; Onogi, R. ; Oshima, A. ; Ozawa, S. ; Park, I. H. ; Potts, M. ; Pshirkov, M. S. ; Remington, J. ; Rodriguez, D. C. ; Rubtsov, G. I. ; Ryu, D. ; Sagawa, H. ; Sahara, R. ; Saito, Y. ; Sakaki, N. ; Sako, T. ; Sakurai, N. ; Sano, K. ; Sato, K. ; Seki, T. ; Sekino, K. ; Shah, P. D. ; Shibasaki, Y. ; Shibata, F. ; Shibata, N. ; Shibata, T. ; Shimodaira, H. ; Shin, B. K. ; Shin, H. S. ; Shinto, D. ; Smith, J. D. ; Sokolsky, P. ; Sone, N. ; Stokes, B. T. ; Stroman, T. A. ; Takagi, Y. ; Takahashi, Y. ; Takamura, M. ; Takeda, M. ; Takeishi, R. ; Taketa, A. ; Takita, M. ; Tameda, Y. ; Tanaka, H. ; Tanaka, K. ; Tanaka, M. ; Tanoue, Y. ; Thomas, S. B. ; Thomson, G. B. ; Tinyakov, P. ; Tkachev, I. ; Tokuno, H. ; Tomida, T. ; Troitsky, S. ; Tsuda, R. ; Tsunesada, Y. ; Uchihori, Y. ; Udo, S. ; Uehama, T. ; Urban, F. ; Warren, D. ; Wong, T. ; Yamamoto, M. ; Yamazaki, K. ; Yashiro, K. ; Yoshida, F. ; Yoshioka, Y. ; Zhezher, Y. ; Zundel, Z.; Search for Spatial Correlations of Neutrinos with Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays
Garny, Mathias ; Taule, Petter; Two-loop power spectrum with full time- and scale-dependence and EFT corrections: impact of massive neutrinos and going beyond EdS
Weber, Nadine ; Kouřimská, Lenka ; Kulma, Martin ; Petří ková, Dora ; Seufert, Franziska ; Rychlik, Michael; Folate contents in insects as promising food components quantified by stable isotope dilution
Bains, Amanpreet Kaur ; Behrens Wu, Lena ; Rivière, Jennifer ; Rother, Sandra ; Magno, Valentina ; Friedrichs, Jens ; Werner, Carsten ; Bornhäuser, Martin ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Cross, Michael ; Platzbecker, Uwe ; Wobus, Manja; Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular matrix displays altered glycosaminoglycan structure and impaired functionality in Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Urban, K. ; Carminati, M. ; Descher, M. ; Edzards, F. ; Fink, D. ; Fiorini, C. ; Gugiatti, M. ; Hinz, D. ; Houdy, T. ; King, P. ; Lechner, P. ; Mertens, S. ; Siegmann, D. ; Steidl, M. ; Wolf, J.; Characterization measurements of the TRISTAN multi-pixel silicon drift detector
Seigner, Benedikt David Christian ; Milanov, Hana ; McKenny, Aaron F.; Who can claim innovation and benefit from it? Gender and expectancy violations in reward-based crowdfunding
Holzapfel, Christina ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Lorkowski, Stefan ; Daniel, Hannelore; Genetics and Epigenetics in Personalized Nutrition: Evidence, Expectations, and Experiences
Haidari, Selgai ; Tröltzsch, Matthias ; Fliefel, Riham ; Jungbluth, Achim A. ; Otto, Sven ; Fegg, Florian ; Liokatis, Paris ; Ahmadi, Nima ; Eberl, Marian ; Probst, Florian Andreas ; Knösel, Thomas; Cancer testis antigen (PRAME) as an independent marker for survival in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)
Reitmaier, Michael ; Kulozik, Ulrich; Compositional analysis of dairy side streams and assessment of their applicability as diafiltration media
Bergant, Valter ; Yamada, Shintaro ; Grass, Vincent ; Tsukamoto, Yuta ; Lavacca, Teresa ; Krey, Karsten ; Mühlhofer, Maria-Teresa ; Wittmann, Sabine ; Ensser, Armin ; Herrmann, Alexandra ; vom Hemdt, Anja ; Tomita, Yuriko ; Matsuyama, Shutoku ; Hirokawa, Takatsugu ; Huang, Yiqi ; Piras, Antonio ; Jakwerth, Constanze A ; Oelsner, Madlen ; Thieme, Susanne ; Graf, Alexander ; Krebs, Stefan ; Blum, Helmut ; Kümmerer, Beate M ; Stukalov, Alexey ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B ; Igarashi, Manabu ; Gramberg, Thomas ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Kato, Hiroki; Attenuation of SARS-CoV-2 replication and associated inflammation by concomitant targeting of viral and host cap 2'-O-ribose methyltransferases
Yang, Saiqi ; de Haan, Marjolein ; Mayer, Julius ; Janacek, Dorina P. ; Hammes, Ulrich Z. ; Poppenberger, Brigitte ; Sieberer, Tobias; A novel chemical inhibitor of polar auxin transport promotes shoot regeneration by local enhancement of HD-ZIP III transcription
Werner, Roman Alejandro ; Schappals, Lukas ; Geier, Dominik Ulrich ; Becker, Thomas; Pulsed forward flushes as a novel method for cleaning spent grains-loaded filter cloth
Kender, Robert ; Rößler, Felix ; Wunderlich, Bernd ; Pottmann, Martin ; Thomas, Ingo ; Ecker, Anna-Maria ; Rehfeldt, Sebastian ; Klein, Harald; Improving the load flexibility of industrial air separation units using a pressure-driven digital twin
Karabid, Ninelia Minaskan ; Wiedemann, Tobias ; Gulde, Sebastian ; Mohr, Hermine ; Segaran, Renu Chandra ; Geppert, Julia ; Rohm, Maria ; Vitale, Giovanni ; Gaudenzi, Germano ; Dicitore, Alessandra ; Ankerst, Donna Pauler ; Chen, Yiyao ; Braren, Rickmer ; Kaissis, Georg ; Schilling, Franz ; Schillmaier, Mathias ; Eisenhofer, Graeme ; Herzig, Stephan ; Roncaroli, Federico ; Honegger, Jürgen B ; Pellegata, Natalia S; Angpt2/Tie2 autostimulatory loop controls tumorigenesis
Maimaitiming, Mairehaba ; Zhang, Chenxiao ; Xie, Jingui ; Zheng, Zhichao ; Luo, Haidong ; Ooi, Oon Cheong; Impact of restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategy on thrombosis-related events: A meta-analysis and systematic review
Schittko, Conrad ; Onandia, Gabriela ; Bernard-Verdier, Maud ; Heger, Tina ; Jeschke, Jonathan M. ; Kowarik, Ingo ; Maaß, Stefanie ; Joshi, Jasmin; Biodiversity maintains soil multifunctionality and soil organic carbon in novel urban ecosystems
Wang, Qi ; Macián-Juan, Rafael; Design and analysis of an iodine-sulfur thermochemical cycle-based hydrogen production system with an internal heat exchange network
Reik, Anna ; Brandl, Beate ; Schauberger, Gunther ; Wawro, Nina ; Linseisen, Jakob ; Skurk, Thomas ; Volkert, Dorothee ; Hauner, Hans ; Holzapfel, Christina; Association between Habitual Diet and the Postprandial Glucose Response_An Enable Study
Pfeiffer, Stefan ; Jatzlauk, Gregor ; Lund, Joni V. ; Boateng, Eistine ; Kovacevic, Draginja ; N. Hylkema, Machteld ; Bartel, Sabine ; Schloter, Michael ; Krauss-Etschmann, Susanne; Oral application of vancomycin alters murine lung microbiome and pulmonary immune responses
Kimna, Ceren ; Bauer, Maria G. ; Lutz, Theresa M. ; Mansi, Salma ; Akyuz, Enes ; Doganyigit, Zuleyha ; Karakol, Percin ; Mela, Petra ; Lieleg, Oliver; Multifunctional
Oesingmann, Katrin; The determinants of air cargo flows and the role of multinational agreements: An empirical comparison with trade and air passenger flows
Pürner, Dominik ; Schirkonyer, Volker ; Janssen, Thomas; Changes in the peripheral and central auditory performance in the elderly_A cross-sectional study
Schreier, Barbara ; Zipprich, Alexander ; Uhlenhaut, Henriette ; Gekle, Michael; Mineralocorticoid receptors in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Eger, Carmen J. ; Horstmann, Martin ; Poppinga, Simon ; Sachse, Renate ; Thierer, Rebecca ; Nestle, Nikolaus ; Bruchmann, Bernd ; Speck, Thomas ; Bischoff, Manfred ; Rühe, Jürgen; The Structural and Mechanical Basis for Passive-Hydraulic Pine Cone Actuation
Schmidt, Thorsten O. ; Ngoipala, Apinya ; Arevalo, Ryan L. ; Watzele, Sebastian A. ; Lipin, Raju ; Kluge, Regina M. ; Hou, Shujin ; Haid, Richard W. ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy ; Gubanova, Elena L. ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S. ; Vandichel, Matthias; Elucidation of Structure-Activity Relations in Proton Electroreduction at Pd Surfaces: Theoretical and Experimental Study
Ziehfreund, S. ; Tizek, L. ; Hangel, N. ; Fritzsche, M.-C. ; Weidinger, S. ; Smith, C. ; Bryce, P.J. ; Greco, D. ; van den Bogaard, E.H. ; Flohr, C. ; Rastrick (UCB), J. ; Eyerich, S. ; Buyx, A. ; Conrad, C. ; Eyerich, K. ; Zink, A.; Requirements and expectations of high-quality biomarkers for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis in 2021_a two-round Delphi survey among international experts
Jocher, Georg ; Grass, Vincent ; Tschirner, Sarah K ; Riepler, Lydia ; Breimann, Stephan ; Kaya, Tuğberk ; Oelsner, Madlen ; Hamad, M Sabri ; Hofmann, Laura I ; Blobel, Carl P ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B ; Gokce, Ozgun ; Jakwerth, Constanze A ; Trimpert, Jakob ; Kimpel, Janine ; Pichlmair, Andreas ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F; ADAM10 and ADAM17 promote SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and spike protein-mediated lung cell fusion
Illenberger, Christopher Martin ; Tobie, Thomas ; Stahl, Karsten; Damage mechanisms and tooth flank load capacity of oil-lubricated peek gears
Oertel, Frederike Cosima ; Sotirchos, Elias S. ; Zimmermann, Hanna G. ; Motamedi, Seyedamirhosein ; Specovius, Svenja ; Asseyer, Eva Susanna ; Chien, Claudia ; Cook, Lawrence ; Vasileiou, Eleni ; Filippatou, Angeliki ; Calabresi, Peter A. ; Saidha, Shiv ; Pandit, Lekha ; D'Cunha, Anitha ; Outteryck, Olivier ; Zéphir, Hélène ; Pittock, Sean ; Flanagan, Eoin P. ; Bhatti, M. Tariq ; Rommer, Paulus S. ; Bsteh, Gabriel ; Zrzavy, Tobias ; Kuempfel, Tania ; Aktas, Orhan ; Ringelstein, Marius ; Albrecht, Philipp ; Ayzenberg, Ilya ; Pakeerathan, Thivya ; Knier, Benjamin ; Aly, Lilian ; Asgari, Nasrin ; Soelberg, Kerstin ; Marignier, Romain ; Tilikete, Caroline Froment ; Cobo Calvo, Alvaro ; Villoslada, Pablo ; Sanchez-Dalmau, Bernardo ; Martinez-Lapiscina, Elena H. ; Llufriu, Sara ; Green, Ari J. ; Yeaman, Michael R. ; Smith, Terry J. ; Brandt, Alexander U. ; Chen, John ; Paul, Friedemann ; Havla, Joachim; Longitudinal Retinal Changes in MOGAD
Deppe, Jonas ; Deininger, Natalie ; Lingor, Paul ; Haack, Tobias B. ; Haslinger, Bernhard ; Deschauer, Marcus; A Novel NPTX1 de novo Variant in a Late-Onset Ataxia Patient
Trutzenberg, Adriana ; Engelhardt, Stefan ; Weiß, Lukas ; Hückelhoven, Ralph; Barley guanine nucleotide exchange factor HvGEF14 is an activator of the susceptibility factor HvRACB and supports host cell entry by Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei
Geier, S. ; Kratky, T. ; Günther, S. ; Fässler, T. F.; Inverse Opal-Structured Sn and Sn/Ge Films from Soluble Zintl Clusters as Precursors
Behler, Karl L. ; Honemann, Maximilian N. ; Silva-Santos, Ana R. ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Phage-free production of artificial ssDNA with Escherichia coli
Durak, Grażyna M. ; Thierer, Rebecca ; Sachse, Renate ; Bischoff, Manfred ; Speck, Thomas ; Poppinga, Simon; Smooth or with a Snap! Biomechanics of Trap Reopening in the Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
Kolmangadi, Mohamed A. ; Szymoniak, Paulina ; Zorn, Reiner ; Böhning, Martin ; Wolf, Marcell ; Zamponi, Michaela ; Schönhals, Andreas; Molecular mobility in high-performance polynorbornenes: A combined broadband dielectric, advanced calorimetry, and neutron scattering investigation*
Fritz, Marvin ; Köppl, Tobias ; Oden, John Tinsley ; Wagner, Andreas ; Wohlmuth, Barbara ; Wu, Chengyue; A 1D-0D-3D coupled model for simulating blood flow and transport processes in breast tissue
Müller, Kerstin ; Fürtauer, Siegfried ; Schmid, Markus ; Zollfrank, Cordt; Cellulose blends from gel extrusion and compounding with polylactic acid
Forchert, Leandra ; Potapova, Ekaterina ; Panetta, Valentina ; Dramburg, Stephanie ; Perna, Serena ; Posa, Daniela ; Resch-Marat, Yvonne ; Lupinek, Christian ; Rohrbach, Alexander ; Grabenhenrich, Linus ; Icke, Katja ; Bauer, Carl-Peter ; Hoffman, Ute ; Forster, Johannes ; Zepp, Fred ; Schuster, Antje ; Wahn, Ulrich ; Keil, Thomas ; Lau, Susanne ; Vrtala, Susanne ; Valenta, Rudolf ; Matricardi, Paolo Maria; Der p 23-specific IgE response throughout childhood and its association with allergic disease: A birth cohort study
Tisch, Nathalie ; Mogler, Carolin ; Stojanovic, Ana ; Luck, Robert ; Korhonen, Emilia A ; Ellerkmann, Alexander ; Adler, Heike ; Singhal, Mahak ; Schermann, Géza ; Erkert, Lena ; Patankar, Jay V ; Karakatsani, Andromachi ; Scherr, Anna-Lena ; Fuchs, Yaron ; Cerwenka, Adelheid ; Wirtz, Stefan ; Köhler, Bruno Christian ; Augustin, Hellmut G ; Becker, Christoph ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Ruiz de Almodóvar, Carmen; Caspase-8 in endothelial cells maintains gut homeostasis and prevents small bowel inflammation in mice
Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Herz, Anna-Lina ; Kohlruss, Meike ; Silva, Miguel ; Grass, Albert ; Lange, Sebastian ; Novotny, Alexander ; Ott, Katja ; Schmidt, Thomas ; Gaida, Matthias ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Denkert, Carsten ; Weichert, Wilko ; Keller, Gisela; Post-neoadjuvant assessment of tumour budding according to ITBCC subgroups delivers stage- and regression-grade independent prognostic information in intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma
Bialas, Patric ; Fitzcharles, Mary-Ann ; Klose, Petra ; Häuser, Winfried; Long-term observational studies with cannabis-based medicines for chronic non-cancer pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness and safety
Yang, Hongyuan ; Hausmann, J. Niklas ; Hlukhyy, Viktor ; Braun, Thomas ; Laun, Konstantin ; Zebger, Ingo ; Driess, Matthias ; Menezes, Prashanth W.; An Intermetallic CaFe6Ge6 Approach to Unprecedented Ca-Fe-O Electrocatalyst for Efficient Alkaline Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Cordts, Isabell ; Önder, Demet ; Traschütz, Andreas ; Kobeleva, Xenia ; Karin, Ivan ; Minnerop, Martina ; Koertvelyessy, Peter ; Biskup, Saskia ; Forchhammer, Stephan ; Binder, Johannes ; Tzschach, Andreas ; Meiss, Frank ; Schmidt, Axel ; Kreiß, Martina ; Cremer, Kirsten ; Mensah, Martin A. ; Park, Joohyun ; Rautenberg, Maren ; Deininger, Natalie ; Sturm, Marc ; Lingor, Paul ; Klopstock, Thomas ; Weiler, Markus ; Marxreiter, Franz ; Synofzik, Matthis ; Posch, Christian ; Sirokay, Judith ; Klockgether, Thomas ; Haack, Tobias B. ; Deschauer, Marcus; Adult-Onset Neurodegeneration in Nucleotide Excision Repair Disorders (NERDND): Time to Move Beyond the Skin
Liang, Suzhe ; Wang, Xiaoyan ; Qi, Ruoxuan ; Cheng, Ya-Jun ; Xia, Yonggao ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Hu, Xile; Bronze-Phase TiO2 as Anode Materials in Lithium and Sodium-Ion Batteries
Krieger, Marie-Therese ; Ditton, Julia ; Albrecht, Harald ; Baaij, Barteline Martina ; Kollmann, Johannes ; Teixeira, Leonardo Henrique; Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslands
Kleybolte, Magdalena M. ; Zainer, Laura ; Liu, Jin Y. ; Stockmann, Paul N. ; Winnacker, Malte; (+)-Limonene-Lactam: Synthesis of a Sustainable Monomer for Ring-Opening Polymerization to Novel, Biobased Polyamides
Ilchen, Markus ; Helml, Wolfram ; Meyer, Michael ; Kienberger, Reinhard; Freie-Elektronen-Laser bringen Licht in den Auger-Prozess
Haile, Anja ; Watts, Mallissa ; Aichner, Simone ; Stahlberg, Franziska ; Hoffmann, Verena ; Tschoep, Matthias H. ; Meissner, Karin; Central correlates of placebo effects in nausea differ between men and women
Nisi, Katharina ; Kiemle, Jonas ; Powalla, Lukas ; Scavuzzo, Alessio ; Nguyen, Tuan Dung ; Taniguchi, Takashi ; Watanabe, Kenji ; Duong, Dinh Loc ; Burghard, Marko ; Holleitner, Alexander W. ; Kastl, Christoph; Defect-Engineered Magnetic Field Dependent Optoelectronics of Vanadium Doped Tungsten Diselenide Monolayers
Baumert, Philipp ; Cocks, Matthew ; Strauss, Juliette A. ; Shepherd, Sam O. ; Drust, Barry ; Lake, Mark J. ; Stewart, Claire E. ; Erskine, Robert M.; Polygenic mechanisms underpinning the response to exercise-induced muscle damage in humans: In vivo and in vitro evidence
Cavinato, Luca M. ; Millán, Gonzalo ; Fernández-Cestau, Julio ; Fresta, Elisa ; Lalinde, Elena ; Berenguer, Jesús R. ; Costa, Rubén D.; Versatile Biogenic Electrolytes for Highly Performing and Self-Stable Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Wang, Qi ; Macián-Juan, Rafael ; Li, Dantong; Analysis and assessment of a novel organic flash Rankine cycle (OFRC) system for low-temperature heat recovery
Smirnov, Dmitrii ; Schlieben, Lea D. ; Peymani, Fatemeh ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Prokisch, Holger; Guidelines for clinical interpretation of variant pathogenicity using RNA phenotypes
Nückel, Julius ; Planatscher, Elisa ; Mohr, Anne Wiebe ; Deichl, Karolin ; Mijo ević, Hrvoje ; Feuerherd, Martin ; Wolff, Lisa ; Erber, Johanna ; Schneider, Jochen ; Quante, Michael ; Winter, Christoph ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Hammerschmidt, Wolfgang ; Moosmann, Andreas ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Behrends, Uta ; Mautner, Josef; Association between IgG responses against the nucleocapsid proteins of alphacoronaviruses and COVID-19 severity
Zilker, Veronika ; Pachur, Thorsten; Toward an attentional turn in research on risky choice
Wu, Ran ; Lan, Haifeng ; Cao, Yuxin ; Li, Pingyi; Optimization of low-carbon land use in Chengdu based on multi-objective linear programming and the future land use simulation model
Liu, Ronghua ; Wei, Jiahua ; Wang, Zhongjing ; Zhang, Bingyu ; Zhang, Chi; Model integration methods for hydro-model platform under cloud computing environments
Pirkwieser, Philip ; Grosshagauer, Silke ; Dunkel, Andreas ; Pignitter, Marc ; Schneppe, Bernard ; Kraemer, Klaus ; Somoza, Veronika; Evaluation of spray-dried eggs as a micronutrient-rich nutritional supplement
Theiler, Michael ; Schneider, Dominik ; Endisch, Christian; Kalman Filter Tuning Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for State and Parameter Estimation of Lithium-Ion Cells
Buczak-Stec, Elżbieta W. ; Hajek, André ; Pabst, Alexander ; Brettschneider, Christian ; van den Bussche, Hendrik ; Wiese, Birgitt ; Weyerer, Siegfried ; Werle, Jochen ; Hoell, Andreas ; Pentzek, Michael ; Fuchs, Angela ; Luppa, Melanie ; Löbner, Margit ; Stein, Janine ; Förster, Franziska ; Weeg, Dagmar ; Mösch, Edelgard ; Heser, Kathrin ; Scherer, Martin ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Angermeyer, Matthias C. ; Wagner, Michael ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. ; König, Hans-Helmut; Frequency and gender differences in the use of professional home care in late life. Findings from three German old-age cohorts
Nemeth, I ; Schneider-Marin, P ; Figl, H ; Fellner, M ; Asam, C; Circularity evaluation as guidance for building design
Trummer, J ; Schneider, M ; Lechner, M ; Jarmer, T ; Demoulin, T ; Landrou, G ; Nagler, F ; Winter, S ; Dörfler, K; Digital Design and Fabrication Strategy of a Hybrid Timber-Earth Floor Slab
Koth, S C ; Kobas, B ; Bausch, K ; Auer, T; Mitigating climate change through healthy discomfort
Schuster, S ; Geier, S; CircularWOOD - Towards Circularity in Timber Construction in the German Context
Patel, Pradeep Kumar ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Ku a, Kamil ; Sabhapondit, Santanu ; Sarma, Rupak ; Gogoi, Boby ; Singh, Shobhit Kumar ; Bordoloi, Ranjeet Kumar ; Saikia, Jayanta Kumar ; Gogoi, Romen Chandra ; Bhardwaj, Kanchan ; Yang, Jie ; Tao, Yang ; Manickam, Sivakumar ; Das, Buddhadeb; Physiological and biochemical evaluation of high anthocyanin pigmented tea (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze) germplasm for purple tea production
Hofauer, Benedikt ; Wiesner, Miriam ; Zhu, Zhaojun ; Stock, Konrad ; Peltz, Friedhelm ; Thuermel, Klaus ; Strassen, Ulrich ; Johnson, Felix ; Knopf, Andreas; Persisting sicca complaints in sarcoidosis
omić, Jasmina ; Riedhammer, Korbinian M. ; Günthner, Roman ; Schaaf, Christian W. ; Richthammer, Patrick ; Simmendinger, Hannes ; Kieffer, Donald ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Tasic, Velibor ; Abazi-Emini, Nora ; Nushi-Stavileci, Valbona ; Putnik, Jovana ; Stajic, Nataša ; Lungu, Adrian ; Gross, Oliver ; Renders, Lutz ; Heemann, Uwe ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Hoefele, Julia; The multifaceted phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of type-IV-collagen-related nephropathy_A human genetics department experience
Wang, Jie ; Liu, Dongwei ; Xu, Xijie ; Ma, Jiali ; Han, Lijing; Analysis of the temporal and spatial pattern of air pollution and the heterogeneity of its influencing factors in central Inner Mongolia from 2016 to 2018
Andršová, Irena ; Hnatkova, Katerina ; Toman, Ondřej ; Šišáková, Martina ; Smetana, Peter ; Huster, Katharina M. ; Barthel, Petra ; Novotný, Tomáš ; Schmidt, Georg ; Malik, Marek; Intra-subject stability of different expressions of spatial QRS-T angle and their relationship to heart rate
Kuhn, Laura B. ; Valentin, Stefanie ; Stojanovic, Kristina ; Strobl, Daniel C. ; Babushku, Tea ; Wang, Yan ; Rambold, Ursula ; Scheffler, Laura ; Grath, Sonja ; John-Robbert, Dorothy ; Blum, Helmut ; Feuchtinger, Annette ; Blutke, Andreas ; Weih, Falk ; Kitamura, Daisuke ; Rad, Roland ; Strobl, Lothar J. ; Zimber-Strobl, Ursula; RelB contributes to the survival, migration and lymphomagenesis of B cells with constitutively active CD40 signaling
Degenhart, Julia ; Helmreich, Brigitte; Review on inorganic pollutants in stormwater runoff of non-metal roofs
Geisslitz, Sabrina ; Islam, Shahidul ; Buck, Lukas ; Grunwald-Gruber, Clemens ; Sestili, Francesco ; Camerlengo, Francesco ; Masci, Stefania ; D'Amico, Stefano; Absolute and relative quantitation of amylase/trypsin-inhibitors by LC-MS/MS from wheat lines obtained by CRISPR-Cas9 and RNAi
Fede, Caterina ; Petrelli, Lucia ; Pirri, Carmelo ; Neuhuber, Winfried ; Tiengo, Cesare ; Biz, Carlo ; De Caro, Raffaele ; Schleip, Robert ; Stecco, Carla; Innervation of human superficial fascia
Boers, Niklas ; Ghil, Michael ; Stocker, Thomas F; Theoretical and paleoclimatic evidence for abrupt transitions in the Earth system
Aker, M ; Balzer, M ; Batzler, D ; Beglarian, A ; Behrens, J ; Berlev, A ; Besserer, U ; Biassoni, M ; Bieringer, B ; Block, F ; Bobien, S ; Bombelli, L ; Bormann, D ; Bornschein, B ; Bornschein, L ; Böttcher, M ; Brofferio, C ; Bruch, C ; Brunst, T ; Caldwell, T S ; Carminati, M ; Carney, R M D ; Chilingaryan, S ; Choi, W ; Cremonesi, O ; Debowski, K ; Descher, M ; Díaz Barrero, D ; Doe, P J ; Dragoun, O ; Drexlin, G ; Edzards, F ; Eitel, K ; Ellinger, E ; Engel, R ; Enomoto, S ; Felden, A ; Fink, D ; Fiorini, C ; Formaggio, J A ; Forstner, C ; Fränkle, F M ; Franklin, G B ; Friedel, F ; Fulst, A ; Gauda, K ; Gavin, A S ; Gil, W ; Glück, F ; Grande, A ; Grössle, R ; Gugiatti, M ; Gumbsheimer, R ; Hannen, V ; Hartmann, J ; Haußmann, N ; Helbing, K ; Hickford, S ; Hiller, R ; Hillesheimer, D ; Hinz, D ; Höhn, T ; Houdy, T ; Huber, A ; Jansen, A ; Karl, C ; Kellerer, J ; King, P ; Kleifges, M ; Klein, M ; Köhler, C ; Köllenberger, L ; Kopmann, A ; Korzeczek, M ; Kovalík, A ; Krasch, B ; Krause, H ; Lasserre, T ; La Cascio, L ; Lebeda, O ; Lechner, P ; Lehnert, B ; Le, T L ; Lokhov, A ; Machatschek, M ; Malcherek, E ; Manfrin, D ; Mark, M ; Marsteller, A ; Martin, E L ; Mazzola, E ; Melzer, C ; Mertens, S ; Mostafa, J ; Müller, K ; Nava, A ; Neumann, H ; Niemes, S ; Oelpmann, P ; Onillon, A ; Parno, D S ; Pavan, M ; Pigliafreddo, A ; Poon, A W P ; Poyato, J M L ; Pozzi, S ; Priester, F ; Puritscher, M ; Radford, D C ; Ráliš, J ; Ramachandran, S ; Robertson, R G H ; Rodejohann, W ; Rodenbeck, C ; Röllig, M ; Röttele, C ; Ryšavý, M ; Sack, R ; Saenz, A ; Salomon, R W J ; Schäfer, P ; Schimpf, L ; Schlösser, K ; Schlösser, M ; Schlüter, L ; Schneidewind, S ; Schrank, M ; Schütz, A-K ; Schwemmer, A ; Sedlak, A ; Šef ík, M ; Sibille, V ; Siegmann, D ; Slezák, M ; Spanier, F ; Spreng, D ; Steidl, M ; Sturm, M ; Telle, H H ; Thorne, L A ; Thümmler, T ; Titov, N ; Tkachev, I ; Trigilio, P ; Urban, K ; Valerius, K ; Vénos, D ; Vizcaya Hernández, A P ; Voigt, P ; Weinheimer, C ; Welte, S ; Wendel, J ; Wiesinger, C ; Wilkerson, J F ; Wolf, J ; Wunderl, L ; Wüstling, S ; Wydra, J ; Xu, W ; Zadoroghny, S ; Zeller, G; KATRIN: status and prospects for the neutrino mass and beyond
Preis, Sarah ; Schmidt, Lea ; Tizek, Linda ; Schielein, Maximilian ; Lang, Viktoria ; Bleuel, Rachela ; Duswald, Anna ; Sitaru, Sebastian ; Blasini, Annette ; Gasteiger, Christine ; Merdha, Lennard ; Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Hauenstein, Evelyn ; Sander, Maximilian ; Niedermeier, Sebastian ; Argiriu, Desiree ; Engel, Sabrina ; Skabytska, Yuliya ; Silva, Rafaela L ; Hils, Miriam ; Evers, Beatrix ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Hufnagel, Hanna ; Köberle, Martin ; Amar, Yacine ; Zink, Alexander ; Biedermann, Tilo; Munich atopy prediction study (MAPS): protocol for a prospective birth cohort addressing clinical and molecular risk factors for atopic dermatitis in early childhood
Marchant, Emily ; Lowthian, Emily ; Crick, Tom ; Griffiths, Lucy J ; Fry, Richard ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan ; James, Michaela ; Cowley, Laura ; Torabi, Fatemeh ; Kennedy, Jonathan ; Akbari, Ashley ; Lyons, Ronan ; Brophy, Sinead; Pre-COVID-19 pandemic health-related behaviours in children (2018-2020) and association with being tested for SARS-CoV-2 and testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 (2020-2021): a retrospective cohort study using survey data linked with routine health data in Wales, UK
Preis, Sarah ; Schmidt, Lea ; Tizek, Linda ; Schielein, Maximilian ; Lang, Viktoria ; Bleuel, Rachela ; Duswald, Anna ; Sitaru, Sebastian ; Blasini, Annette ; Gasteiger, Christine ; Merdha, Lennard ; Kurgyis, Zsuzsanna ; Kuschel, Bettina ; Hauenstein, Evelyn ; Sander, Maximilian ; Niedermeier, Sebastian ; Argiriu, Desiree ; Engel, Sabrina ; Skabytska, Yuliya ; Silva, Rafaela L ; Hils, Miriam ; Evers, Beatrix ; Kaesler, Susanne ; Hufnagel, Hanna ; Köberle, Martin ; Amar, Yacine ; Zink, Alexander ; Biedermann, Tilo; Munich atopy prediction study (MAPS): protocol for a prospective birth cohort addressing clinical and molecular risk factors for atopic dermatitis in early childhood
Barta, Veronika ; Natras, Randa ; Srećković, Vladimir ; Koronczay, David ; Schmidt, Michael ; Šulic, Desanka; Multi-instrumental investigation of the solar flares impact on the ionosphere on 05-06 December 2006
Berghold, Veronika M. ; Koko, Mahmoud ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Plecko, Barbara; Case report: Novel SCN4A variant associated with a severe congenital myasthenic syndrome/myopathy phenotype
Kublik, Susanne ; Gschwendtner, Silvia ; Magritsch, Tobias ; Radl, Viviane ; Rillig, Matthias C. ; Schloter, Michael; Microplastics in soil induce a new microbial habitat, with consequences for bulk soil microbiomes
Marchant, Emily ; Lowthian, Emily ; Crick, Tom ; Griffiths, Lucy J ; Fry, Richard ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan ; James, Michaela ; Cowley, Laura ; Torabi, Fatemeh ; Kennedy, Jonathan ; Akbari, Ashley ; Lyons, Ronan ; Brophy, Sinead; Pre-COVID-19 pandemic health-related behaviours in children (2018-2020) and association with being tested for SARS-CoV-2 and testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 (2020-2021): a retrospective cohort study using survey data linked with routine health data in Wales, UK
Böttcher, Adriana ; Zarucha, Alexis ; Köbe, Theresa ; Gaubert, Malo ; Höppner, Angela ; Altenstein, Slawek ; Bartels, Claudia ; Buerger, Katharina ; Dechent, Peter ; Dobisch, Laura ; Ewers, Michael ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Freiesleben, Silka Dawn ; Frommann, Ingo ; Haynes, John Dylan ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Kleineidam, Luca ; Laske, Christoph ; Maier, Franziska ; Metzger, Coraline ; Munk, Matthias H. J. ; Perneczky, Robert ; Peters, Oliver ; Priller, Josef ; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan ; Roy, Nina ; Scheffler, Klaus ; Schneider, Anja ; Spottke, Annika ; Teipel, Stefan J. ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Wolfsgruber, Steffen ; Yakupov, Renat ; Düzel, Emrah ; Jessen, Frank ; Röske, Sandra ; Wagner, Michael ; Kempermann, Gerd ; Wirth, Miranka; Musical Activity During Life Is Associated With Multi-Domain Cognitive and Brain Benefits in Older Adults
Hobmeier, Karina ; Oppermann, Martin ; Stasinski, Natalie ; Kremling, Andreas ; Pflüger-Grau, Katharina ; Kunte, Hans Jörg ; Marin-Sanguino, Alberto; Metabolic engineering of Halomonas elongata: Ectoine secretion is increased by demand and supply driven approaches
Küchle, Johannes T ; Baklanov, Aleksandr ; Seitsonen, Ari P ; Ryan, Paul T P ; Feulner, Peter ; Pendem, Prashanth ; Lee, Tien-Lin ; Muntwiler, Matthias ; Schwarz, Martin ; Haag, Felix ; Barth, Johannes V ; Auwärter, Willi ; Duncan, David A ; Allegretti, Francesco; Silicene's pervasive surface alloy on Ag(111): a scaffold for two-dimensional growth
Fleckenstein, Christoph ; Dervishi, Vjosa ; Rahman, Mohammad A. ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Pauleit, Stephan ; Ludwig, Ferdinand; Trees in Planters_A Case Study of Time-Related Aspects
Bäcker, Henrik Constantin ; Wu, Chia H. ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Petersen, Wolf ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Braun, Karl F.; A Review of Functional Outcomes after the App-Based Rehabilitation of Patients with TKA and THA
Bölsterli, Bigna K. ; Boltshauser, Eugen ; Palmieri, Luigi ; Spenger, Johannes ; Brunner-Krainz, Michaela ; Distelmaier, Felix ; Freisinger, Peter ; Geis, Tobias ; Gropman, Andrea L. ; Häberle, Johannes ; Hentschel, Julia ; Jeandidier, Bruno ; Karall, Daniela ; Keren, Boris ; Klabunde-Cherwon, Annick ; Konstantopoulou, Vassiliki ; Kottke, Raimund ; Lasorsa, Francesco M. ; Makowski, Christine ; Mignot, Cyril ; O'Gorman Tuura, Ruth ; Porcelli, Vito ; Santer, René ; Sen, Kuntal ; Steinbrücker, Katja ; Syrbe, Steffen ; Wagner, Matias ; Ziegler, Andreas ; Zöggeler, Thomas ; Mayr, Johannes A. ; Prokisch, Holger ; Wortmann, Saskia B.; Ketogenic Diet Treatment of Defects in the Mitochondrial Malate Aspartate Shuttle and Pyruvate Carrier
Ramirez Zegarra, Ruben ; Dall'Asta, Andrea ; Revelli, Alberto ; Ghi, Tullio; COVID-19 and Gestational Diabetes: The Role of Nutrition and Pharmacological Intervention in Preventing Adverse Outcomes
Stegmaier, Sina ; Reuter, Karsten ; Scheurer, Christoph; Exploiting Nanoscale Complexion in LATP Solid-State Electrolyte via Interfacial Mg2+ Doping
Passaro, Marcello ; Rautiainen, Laura ; Dettmering, Denise ; Restano, Marco ; Hart-Davis, Michael G. ; Schlembach, Florian ; Särkkä, Jani ; Müller, Felix L. ; Schwatke, Christian ; Benveniste, Jérôme; Validation of an Empirical Subwaveform Retracking Strategy for SAR Altimetry
Hernández-Pajares, Manuel ; Olivares-Pulido, Germán ; Graffigna, Victoria ; García-Rigo, Alberto ; Lyu, Haixia ; Roma-Dollase, David ; de Lacy, M. Clara ; Fernández-Prades, Carles ; Arribas, Javier ; Majoral, Marc ; Tisropoulos, Zizis ; Stamatelopoulos, Panagiotis ; Symeonidou, Machi ; Schmidt, Michael ; Goss, Andreas ; Erdogan, Eren ; van Evert, Frits K. ; Blok, Pieter M. ; Grosso, Juan ; Spaltro, Emiliano ; Domínguez, Jacobo ; López, Esther ; Hriscu, Alina; Wide-Area GNSS Corrections for Precise Positioning and Navigation in Agriculture
Gu, Shangding ; Chen, Guang ; Zhang, Lijun ; Hou, Jing ; Hu, Yingbai ; Knoll, Alois; Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Vehicle Motion Planning with Topological Reachability Analysis
Jochum, Johanna K. ; Cooper, Jos F. K. ; Vogl, Lukas M. ; Link, Peter ; Soltwedel, Olaf ; Böni, Peter ; Pfleiderer, Christian ; Franz, Christian; Transmission Bender as an Analyzer Device for MIEZE
Fischer, Markus ; Hardt, Cornelius ; Elias, Jörg ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Simulation-Based Evaluation of Charging Infrastructure Concepts: The Park and Ride Case
Selvaraj, Thirumalini ; Devadas, Prathiba ; Perumal, Jayashree Lakshmi ; Zabaniotou, Anastasia ; Ganesapillai, Mahesh; A Comprehensive Review of the Potential of Stepwells as Sustainable Water Management Structures
Hoess, Rebecca ; Generali, Konstantina A. ; Kuhn, Johannes ; Geist, Juergen; Impact of Fish Ponds on Stream Hydrology and Temperature Regime in the Context of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Conservation
Tellez-Isaias, Guillermo ; Eisenreich, Wolfgang ; Shehata, Awad A.; Nutraceuticals to Mitigate the Secret Killers in Animals
Cheng, Cho-Chin ; Platen, Louise ; Christa, Catharina ; Tellenbach, Myriam ; Kappler, Verena ; Bester, Romina ; Liao, Bo-Hung ; Holzmann-Littig, Christopher ; Werz, Maia ; Schönhals, Emely ; Platen, Eva ; Eggerer, Peter ; Tréguer, Laëtitia ; Küchle, Claudius ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Heemann, Uwe ; Renders, Lutz ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Braunisch, Matthias Christoph; Improved SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization of Delta and Omicron BA.1 Variants of Concern after Fourth Vaccination in Hemodialysis Patients
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Zannou, Oscar ; Karim, Ikawati ; Kasmiati, ; Awad, Nour M. H. ; Golaszewski, Janusz ; Heinz, Volker ; Smetana, Sergiy; Avoiding Food Neophobia and Increasing Consumer Acceptance of New Food Trends_A Decade of Research
Glibo, Iva ; Misener, Laura ; Koenigstorfer, Joerg; Strategic Sustainable Development in International Sport Organisations: A Delphi Study
Minkus, Susanne ; Bieber, Stefan ; Letzel, Thomas; Characterizing Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment of Surface Water Samples Using Polarity-Extended Non-Target Screening Analysis
Baas, Jennifer ; Bieringer, Sebastian ; Frias, Corazon ; Frias, Jerico ; Soehnchen, Carolina ; Urmann, Corinna ; Ritter, Steffi ; Riepl, Herbert ; Prokop, Aram; Dihydroxyquingdainone Induces Apoptosis in Leukaemia and Lymphoma Cells via the Mitochondrial Pathway in a Bcl-2- and Caspase-3-Dependent Manner and Overcomes Resistance to Cytostatic Drugs In Vitro
Young, Diana ; Joshi, Akshay ; Huang, Liren ; Munk, Bernhard ; Wurzbacher, Christian ; Youssef, Noha H. ; Elshahed, Mostafa S. ; Moon, Christina D. ; Ochsenreither, Katrin ; Griffith, Gareth W. ; Callaghan, Tony M. ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Lebuhn, Michael ; Flad, Veronika; Simultaneous Metabarcoding and Quantification of Neocallimastigomycetes from Environmental Samples: Insights into Community Composition and Novel Lineages
Walter, Nike ; Orbenes, Nicolás ; Rupp, Markus ; Alt, Volker; The State of Research in Fracture-Related Infection_A Bibliometric Analysis
Klawitter, Felix ; Oppitz, Marie-Christine ; Goettel, Nicolai ; Berger, Mette M. ; Hodgson, Carol ; Weber-Carstens, Steffen ; Schaller, Stefan J. ; Ehler, Johannes; A Global Survey on Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Preventive Strategies in Intensive Care Unit_Acquired Weakness
Hoffeld, Kai ; Mair, Olivia ; Wurm, Markus ; Zehnder, Philipp ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig ; Zyskowski, Michael; Is the Use of Segways or E-Scooters in Urban Areas a Potential Health Risk? A Comparison of Trauma Consequences
Musundi, Beryl ; Müller, Johannes ; Feng, Zhilan; A Multi-Scale Model for Cholera Outbreaks
Hahn, Waldemar ; Schütte, Katharina ; Schultz, Kristian ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Sedlmayr, Martin ; Schuler, Ulrich ; Eichler, Martin ; Bej, Saptarshi ; Wolfien, Markus; Contribution of Synthetic Data Generation towards an Improved Patient Stratification in Palliative Care
Feltgen, Nicolas ; Ach, Thomas ; Ziemssen, Focke ; Quante, Carolin Sophie ; Gross, Oliver ; Abdin, Alaa Din ; Aisenbrey, Sabine ; Bartram, Martin C. ; Blum, Marcus ; Brockmann, Claudia ; Dithmar, Stefan ; Friedrichs, Wilko ; Guthoff, Rainer ; Hattenbach, Lars-Olof ; Herrlinger, Klaus R. ; Kaskel-Paul, Susanne ; Khoramnia, Ramin ; Klaas, Julian E. ; Krohne, Tim U. ; Lommatzsch, Albrecht ; Lueken, Sabine ; Maier, Mathias ; Nassri, Lina ; Nguyen-Dang, Thien A. ; Radeck, Viola ; Rau, Saskia ; Roider, Johann ; Sandner, Dirk ; Schmalenberger, Laura ; Schmidtmann, Irene ; Schubert, Florian ; Siegel, Helena ; Spitzer, Martin S. ; Stahl, Andreas ; Stingl, Julia V. ; Treumer, Felix ; Viestenz, Arne ; Wachtlin, Joachim ; Wolf, Armin ; Zimmermann, Julian ; Schargus, Marc ; Schuster, Alexander K.; Retinal Vascular Occlusion after COVID-19 Vaccination: More Coincidence than Causal Relationship? Data from a Retrospective Multicentre Study
Knoedler, Leonard ; Baecher, Helena ; Kauke-Navarro, Martin ; Prantl, Lukas ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Scheuermann, Philipp ; Palm, Christoph ; Baumann, Raphael ; Kehrer, Andreas ; Panayi, Adriana C. ; Knoedler, Samuel; Towards a Reliable and Rapid Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients: Facial Palsy Surgery Meets Computer Science
Diewald, Fabian ; Epple, Niklas ; Kraenkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph ; Niederleithinger, Ernst; Impact of External Mechanical Loads on Coda Waves in Concrete
Salgado, Afonso Shiguemi Inoue ; Takemoto, Miriam Hatsue ; de Souza, Carla Fernanda Tallarico Carvalho ; Salm, Daiana Cristina ; da Rosa, Danielli ; Cardoso, Gabriela Correa ; Ludtke, Daniela Dero ; Soares, Silvia Fiorillo Cabrera ; Ferreira, Júlia Koerich ; Dutra, Aline Raulino ; Szeremeta, Yuri Cordeiro ; Mazzardo, Gustavo ; Mayra, Joice ; Sheffer, Débora da Luz ; Caumo, Wolnei ; Bittencourt, Edsel B. ; Schleip, Robert ; Latini, Alexandra ; Bobinski, Franciane ; Martins, Daniel Fernandes; Gentle Touch Therapy, Pain Relief and Neuroplasticity at Baseline in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Randomized, Multicenter Trial with Six-Month Follow-Up
Härtl, Johanna ; Berndt, Maria ; Poppert, Holger ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Steiger, Katja ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Ikenberg, Benno; Histology of Cerebral Clots in Cryptogenic Stroke Varies According to the Presence of a Patent Foramen Ovale
Theel, Eike K. ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Microfluidic Approaches for Affinity-Based Exosome Separation
Afghani, Jamie ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Reiger, Matthias ; Mueller, Constanze; An Overview of the Latest Metabolomics Studies on Atopic Eczema with New Directions for Study
Barteit, Sandra ; Hachaturyan, Violetta ; Beleites, Ferdinand ; Kühn, Tilman ; Favaretti, Caterina ; Adam, Maya ; Bärnighausen, Till; The effect of a short, animated story-based video on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: A study protocol for an online randomized controlled trial
Füchsl, Franziska ; Krackhardt, Angela M.; Paving the Way to Solid Tumors: Challenges and Strategies for Adoptively Transferred Transgenic T Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment
Junker, Yannis ; Düsberg, Mathias ; Asadpour, Rebecca ; Klusen, Sophie ; Münch, Stefan ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth ; Borm, Kai Joachim; As Easy as 1, 2, 3? How to Determine CBCT Frequency in Adjuvant Breast Radiotherapy
Leonhardt, Yannik ; Dieckmeyer, Michael ; Zoffl, Florian ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Sollmann, Nico ; Junker, Daniela ; Greve, Tobias ; Holzapfel, Christina ; Hauner, Hans ; Subburaj, Karupppasamy ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Zimmer, Claus ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Baum, Thomas ; Burian, Egon; Associations of Texture Features of Proton Density Fat Fraction Maps between Lumbar Vertebral Bone Marrow and Paraspinal Musculature
Schölderle, Felix ; Götzl, Gregor ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Zosseder, Kai; Uncertainty Assessment of Corrected Bottom-Hole Temperatures Based on Monte Carlo Techniques
Ahmed, Mostafa ; Harbi, Ibrahim ; Kennel, Ralph ; Heldwein, Marcelo Lobo ; Rodríguez, José ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Performance Evaluation of PV Model-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques
Petermann, Verena ; Vorholzer, Andreas; Relationship between Beliefs of Teachers about and Their Use of Explicit Instruction When Fostering Students' Scientific Inquiry Competencies
Langbein, Thomas ; Kulkarni, Harshad R. ; Schuchardt, Christiane ; Mueller, Dirk ; Volk, Gerd Fabian ; Baum, Richard P.; Salivary Gland Toxicity of PSMA-Targeted Radioligand Therapy with 177Lu-PSMA and Combined 225Ac- and 177Lu-Labeled PSMA Ligands (TANDEM-PRLT) in Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Single-Center Systematic Investigation
Randeu, Hannah ; Bronkhorst, Abel J. ; Mayer, Zsuzsanna ; Oberhofer, Angela ; Polatoglou, Eleni ; Heinemann, Volker ; Haas, Michael ; Boeck, Stefan ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Preanalytical Variables in the Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Whole Blood and Plasma from Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Baumgart, Lea ; Barz, Melanie ; Delbridge, Claire ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Janssen, Insa Katrin ; Jost, Philipp J. ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Spinal Lesions as Clinical Manifestations of Plasma Cell Neoplasia
Lv, You ; Zheng, Shan ; Goldenzweig, Adi ; Liu, Fengjiang ; Gao, Yan ; Yang, Xiuna ; Kandale, Ajit ; McGeary, Ross P. ; Williams, Simon ; Kobe, Bostjan ; Schembri, Mark A. ; Landsberg, Michael J. ; Wu, Bin ; Brück, Thomas B. ; Sieber, Volker ; Boden, Mikael ; Rao, Zihe ; Fleishman, Sarel J. ; Schenk, Gerhard ; Guddat, Luke W.; Enhancing the Thermal and Kinetic Stability of Ketol-Acid Reductoisomerase, a Central Catalyst of a Cell-Free Enzyme Cascade for the Manufacture of Platform Chemicals
Jayatilaka, Gihan ; Hassan, Jameel ; Sritharan, Suren ; Senanayaka, Janith Bandara ; Weligampola, Harshana ; Godaliyadda, Roshan ; Ekanayake, Parakrama ; Herath, Vijitha ; Ekanayake, Janaka ; Dharmaratne, Samath; Holistic Interpretation of Public Scenes Using Computer Vision and Temporal Graphs to Identify Social Distancing Violations
Ponniah, Jonathan ; Dantsker, Or D.; Strategies for Scaleable Communication and Coordination in Multi-Agent (UAV) Systems
Martinez-Sanchis, Daniel ; Sternin, Andrej ; Shvab, Jaroslaw ; Haidn, Oskar ; Hu, Xiangyu; An Eddy Dissipation Concept Performance Study for Space Propulsion Applications
Karimi, Armin Agha ; Ghobadi-Far, Khosro ; Passaro, Marcello; Barystatic and steric sea level variations in the Baltic Sea and implications of water exchange with the North Sea in the satellite era
Trende, Alexander ; Unni, Anirudh ; Jablonski, Mischa ; Biebl, Bianca ; Lüdtke, Andreas ; Fränzle, Martin ; Rieger, Jochem W.; Driver's turning intent recognition model based on brain activation and contextual information
Vishwakarma, Bramha Dutt ; Ramsankaran, RAAJ ; Azam, Mohd. Farooq ; Bolch, Tobias ; Mandal, Arindan ; Srivastava, Smriti ; Kumar, Pankaj ; Sahu, Rakesh ; Navinkumar, Perumal Jayaraman ; Tanniru, Srinivasa Rao ; Javed, Aaquib ; Soheb, Mohd ; Dimri, A. P. ; Yadav, Mohit ; Devaraju, Balaji ; Chinnasamy, Pennan ; Reddy, Manne Janga ; Murugesan, Geetha Priya ; Arora, Manohar ; Jain, Sharad K. ; Ojha, C. S. P. ; Harrison, Stephan ; Bamber, Jonathan; Challenges in Understanding the Variability of the Cryosphere in the Himalaya and Its Impact on Regional Water Resources
Gütter, Jonas ; Kruspe, Anna ; Zhu, Xiao Xiang ; Niebling, Julia; Impact of Training Set Size on the Ability of Deep Neural Networks to Deal with Omission Noise
Parkinson, Rachel H. ; Fecher, Caroline ; Gray, John R.; Chronic exposure to insecticides impairs honeybee optomotor behaviour
Adams, Tim ; Wagner, Sophie ; Baldinger, Melanie ; Zellhuber, Incinur ; Weber, Michael ; Nass, Daniel ; Surges, Rainer; Accurate detection of heart rate using in-ear photoplethysmography in a clinical setting
Tran, Yen Binh ; Arias-Rodriguez, Leonardo F. ; Huang, Jingshui; Predicting high-frequency nutrient dynamics in the Danube River with surrogate models using sensors and Random Forest
Zingraff-Hamed, Aude ; Serra-Llobet, Anna ; Kondolf, G. Mathias; The Social, Economic, and Ecological Drivers of Planning and Management of Urban River Parks
Servou, Eriketti ; Mögele, Michael ; Torrens, Jonas; Experimenting with automated driving for technology or for the city? A matter of governance cultures
Blum, Philipp ; Hamm, Lisa ; Loder, Allister ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Conceptualizing an individual full-trip tradable credit scheme for multi-modal demand and supply management: The MobilityCoin System
Hammes, Fabian ; Hagg, Alexander ; Asteroth, Alexander ; Link, Daniel; Artificial Intelligence in Elite Sports_A Narrative Review of Success Stories and Challenges
Litos, Aristeidis ; Intze, Evangelia ; Pavlidis, Pavlos ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias; Cronos: A Machine Learning Pipeline for Description and Predictive Modeling of Microbial Communities Over Time
Elsner, Jean ; Reinerth, Gerhard ; Figueredo, Luis ; Naceri, Abdeldjallil ; Walter, Ulrich ; Haddadin, Sami; PARTI-A Haptic Virtual Reality Control Station for Model-Mediated Robotic Applications
Elsner, Jean ; Reinerth, Gerhard ; Figueredo, Luis ; Naceri, Abdeldjallil ; Walter, Ulrich ; Haddadin, Sami; PARTI-A Haptic Virtual Reality Control Station for Model-Mediated Robotic Applications
Bestard, Oriol ; Thaunat, Olivier ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Böhmig, Georg A. ; Budde, Klemens ; Claas, Frans ; Couzi, Lionel ; Furian, Lucrezia ; Heemann, Uwe ; Mamode, Nizam ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Pengel, Liset ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Naesens, Maarten; Alloimmune Risk Stratification for Kidney Transplant Rejection
Fahrenholtz, Ida Lysdahl ; Melin, Anna Katarina ; Wasserfurth, Paulina ; Stenling, Andreas ; Logue, Danielle ; Garthe, Ina ; Koehler, Karsten ; Gräfnings, Maria ; Lichtenstein, Mia Beck ; Madigan, Sharon ; Torstveit, Monica Klungland; Risk of Low Energy Availability, Disordered Eating, Exercise Addiction, and Food Intolerances in Female Endurance Athletes
Leitão, Pedro J. ; Toraño Caicoya, Astor ; Dahlkamp, Andreas ; Guderjan, Laura ; Griesser, Michael ; Haverkamp, Paul J. ; Nordén, Jenni ; Snäll, Tord ; Schröder, Boris; Impacts of Forest Management on Forest Bird Occurrence Patterns_A Case Study in Central Europe
Pinheiro, Guilherme de Sousa ; Jin, Xing ; Costa, Varley Teoldo Da ; Lames, Martin; Body Pose Estimation Integrated With Notational Analysis: A New Approach to Analyze Penalty Kicks Strategy in Elite Football
Falco, Aniello ; Marín-Sánchez, Antonio ; Loghin, Florin C. ; Castillo, Encarnación ; Salinas-Castillo, Alfonso ; Salmerón, José F. ; Rivadeneyra, Almudena; Paper and Salt: Biodegradable NaCl-Based Humidity Sensors for Sustainable Electronics
Molar-Cruz, Anahi ; Huezo Rodríguez, Sergio A. ; Hamacher, Thomas; Characterizing the Energy Burden of Urban Households in Mexico: The Impact of Socioeconomic and Temperature Conditions Across Metropolitan Areas
Davis, Irene S. ; Chen, Tony Lin-Wei ; Wearing, Scott C.; Reversing the Mismatch With Forefoot Striking to Reduce Running Injuries
Intze , Evangelia ; Lagkouvardos , Ilias; DivCom: A Tool for Systematic Partition of Groups of Microbial Profiles Into Intrinsic Subclusters and Distance-Based Subgroup Comparisons
Neudam, Liane ; Annighöfer, Peter ; Seidel, Dominik; Exploring the Potential of Mobile Laser Scanning to Quantify Forest Structural Complexity
Gabler, Angelika Miriam ; Gebhard, Julia ; Norwig, Marie-Christin ; Eberlein, Bernadette ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Brockow, Knut ; Scherf, Katharina Anne; Basophil Activation to Gluten and Non-Gluten Proteins in Wheat-Dependent Exercise-Induced Anaphylaxis
de Vries, Walter Timo ; Schrey, Marc; Geospatial Approaches to Model Renewable Energy Requirements of the New Capital City of Indonesia
Hilbrands, Luuk ; Budde, Klemens ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Diekmann, Fritz ; Furian, Lucrezia ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Hesselink, Dennis A. ; Loupy, Alexandre ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Naesens, Maarten; Allograft Function as Endpoint for Clinical Trials in Kidney Transplantation
Thungon, Phurpa Dema ; Wang, Hui ; Vagin, Sergei I. ; Dyck, Colin Van ; Goswami, Pranab ; Rieger, B. ; Meldrum, Alkiviathes; A Fluorescent Alcohol Biosensor Using a Simple microPAD Based Detection Scheme
Weber, Sandro ; Rudolph, Linda ; Liedtke, Sven ; Eichhorn, Christian ; Dyrda, Daniel ; Plecher, David A. ; Klinker, Gudrun; Frameworks Enabling Ubiquitous Mixed Reality Applications Across Dynamically Adaptable Device Configurations
Loew, Alexandra ; Graefe, Julia ; Heil, Lukas ; Guthardt, Anne ; Boos, Annika ; Dietrich, André ; Bengler, Klaus; Go Ahead, Please!_Evaluation of External Human_Machine Interfaces in a Real-World Crossing Scenario
Biebl, Bianca ; Arcidiacono, Elena ; Kacianka, Severin ; Rieger, Jochem W. ; Bengler, Klaus; Opportunities and Limitations of a Gaze-Contingent Display to Simulate Visual Field Loss in Driving Simulator Studies
Naesens, Maarten ; Budde, Klemens ; Hilbrands, Luuk ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Glotz, Denis ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Jochmans, Ina ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Loupy, Alexandre; Surrogate Endpoints for Late Kidney Transplantation Failure
Onishi, Seita ; Stockert, Ulrike ; Khim, Seunghyun ; Banda, Jacintha ; Brando, Manuel ; Hassinger, Elena; Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of the Two-Phase Superconductor CeRh2As2
Kioukis, Antonios ; Pourjam, Mohsen ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Lagkouvardos, Ilias; Taxonomy Informed Clustering, an Optimized Method for Purer and More Informative Clusters in Diversity Analysis and Microbiome Profiling
Cao, Lijia ; Wolff, David ; Liguori, Renato ; Wurzbacher, Christian ; Wick, Arne; Microbial Biomass, Composition, and Functions Are Responsible for the Differential Removal of Trace Organic Chemicals in Biofiltration Systems: A Batch Study
Adla, Soham ; Gupta, Surya ; Karumanchi, Sri Harsha ; Tripathi, Shivam ; Disse, Markus ; Pande, Saket; Agricultural Advisory Diagnostics Using a Data-Based Approach: Test Case in an Intensively Managed Rural Landscape in the Ganga River Basin, India
Schuberth, Erwin ; Wirth, Steffen ; Steglich, Frank; Nuclear-Order-Induced Quantum Criticality and Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity at Ultra-low Temperatures in YbRh2Si2
Müller, Ruth ; Feiler, Julia ; Clare, Amy; A Doomed Technology? On Gene Editing in Bavarian Livestock Agriculture, Policy Field Conflicts and Responsible Research and Innovation
Jaekel, Felix ; Bräuer-Krisch, Elke ; Bartzsch, Stefan ; Laissue, Jean ; Blattmann, Hans ; Scholz, Marten ; Soloviova, Julia ; Hildebrandt, Guido ; Schültke, Elisabeth; Microbeam Irradiation as a Simultaneously Integrated Boost in a Conventional Whole-Brain Radiotherapy Protocol
Schenk, Martin ; Hübner, Clara ; Cabrero, José Manuel; Cross-Laminated Timber: A Survey on Design Methods and Concepts in Practice
Liu, Yang ; Liu, Jigou ; Kennel, Ralph; Optimization of the Processing Time of Cross-Correlation Spectra for Frequency Measurements of Noisy Signals
Albrecht, Christian Rudolf ; Behre, Jenny ; Herrmann, Eva ; Jürgens, Stefan ; Stilla, Uwe; Investigation on Robustness of Vehicle Localization Using Cameras and LiDAR
Schedel, Anne ; Friedrich, Ulrike Anne ; Morcos, Mina N. F. ; Wagener, Rabea ; Mehtonen, Juha ; Watrin, Titus ; Saitta, Claudia ; Brozou, Triantafyllia ; Michler, Pia ; Walter, Carolin ; Försti, Asta ; Baksi, Arka ; Menzel, Maria ; Horak, Peter ; Paramasivam, Nagarajan ; Fazio, Grazia ; Autry, Robert J ; Fröhling, Stefan ; Suttorp, Meinolf ; Gertzen, Christoph ; Gohlke, Holger ; Bhatia, Sanil ; Wadt, Karin ; Schmiegelow, Kjeld ; Dugas, Martin ; Richter, Daniela ; Glimm, Hanno ; Heinäniemi, Merja ; Jessberger, Rolf ; Cazzaniga, Gianni ; Borkhardt, Arndt ; Hauer, Julia ; Auer, Franziska; Recurrent Germline Variant in RAD21 Predisposes Children to Lymphoblastic Leukemia or Lymphoma
Liebich, Christoph ; Bartsch, Jana Nadine ; Schubert, Irene ; von Bruehl, Marie-Luise ; Sander, Christian; Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Improves Skin Cancer Detection and Reduces the Number of Biopsies
Unni, Anirudh ; Trende, Alexander ; Pauley, Claire ; Weber, Lars ; Biebl, Bianca ; Kacianka, Severin ; Lüdtke, Andreas ; Bengler, Klaus ; Pretschner, Alexander ; Fränzle, Martin ; Rieger, Jochem W.; Investigating Differences in Behavior and Brain in Human-Human and Human-Autonomous Vehicle Interactions in Time-Critical Situations
Russ, Hermann ; Mazzanti, Michele ; Parsons, Chris ; Riemann, Katrin ; Gebauer, Alexander ; Rammes, Gerhard; The Small Molecule GAL-201 Efficiently Detoxifies Soluble Amyloid β Oligomers: New Approach towards Oral Disease-Modifying Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Bockwoldt, Julia A. ; Meng, Chen ; Ludwig, Christina ; Kupetz, Michael ; Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Proteomic Analysis Reveals Enzymes for β-D-Glucan Formation and Degradation in Levilactobacillus brevis TMW 1.2112
Bayat, Amirhossein ; Pace, Danielle F. ; Sekuboyina, Anjany ; Payer, Christian ; Stern, Darko ; Urschler, Martin ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Menze, Bjoern H.; Anatomy-Aware Inference of the 3D Standing Spine Posture from 2D Radiographs +
Niu, Ya-Lei ; Mayr, Nicola Patrick ; Chen, Yin-Hwa ; Chang, Hsiao-Hwang ; Wang, Shi-Pu ; Lin, Hung-Yu ; Pai, Ching-Chou; Successful Urgent TAVI for Critical Aortic Valve Stenosis after ECMO Implantation
Majda, Mateusz ; Trozzi, Nicola ; Mosca, Gabriella ; Smith, Richard S.; How Cell Geometry and Cellular Patterning Influence Tissue Stiffness
Li, Xue ; Pan, Kaifeng ; Vieth, Michael ; Gerhard, Markus ; Li, Wenqing ; Mejiías-Luque, Raquel; JAK-STAT1 Signaling Pathway Is an Early Response to Helicobacter pylori Infection and Contributes to Immune Escape and Gastric Carcinogenesis
Naesens, Maarten ; Loupy, Alexandre ; Hilbrands, Luuk ; Oberbauer, Rainer ; Bellini, Maria Irene ; Glotz, Denis ; Grinyó, Josep ; Heemann, Uwe ; Jochmans, Ina ; Pengel, Liset ; Reinders, Marlies ; Schneeberger, Stefan ; Budde, Klemens; Rationale for Surrogate Endpoints and Conditional Marketing Authorization of New Therapies for Kidney Transplantation
Greve, Frederik ; Aulbach, Ina ; Mair, Olivia ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc; The Clinical Impact of Platelets on Post-Injury Serum Creatinine Concentration in Multiple Trauma Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Visconti-Lopez, Fabriccio J. ; Hernández-Vásquez, Akram ; Azañedo, Diego ; Sanchez Carbonel, Jose Fernando; Global Research Trends in the Latarjet Procedure: A Bibliometric and Visualized Study
Xing, Hu ; Zhang, Yiting ; Krämer, Markus ; Kissmann, Ann-Kathrin ; Amann, Valerie ; Raber, Heinz Fabian ; Weil, Tanja ; Stieger, Kai R. ; Knippschild, Uwe ; Henkel, Marius ; Andersson, Jakob ; Rosenau, Frank; A Polyclonal Aptamer Library for the Specific Binding of the Gut Bacterium Roseburia intestinalis in Mixtures with Other Gut Microbiome Bacteria and Human Stool Samples
Tan, Ömer ; Jerouschek, Daniel ; Kennel, Ralph ; Taskiran, Ahmet; Energy Management Strategy in 12-Volt Electrical System Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ma, Yu ; Ling, Sunkai ; Li, Yuan ; Hu, Mingyue ; Kong, Bo ; Huang, Peilin ; Liu, Hui; Loss of Heterozygosity for KrasG12D Promotes Malignant Phenotype of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma by Activating HIF-2α-c-Myc-Regulated Glutamine Metabolism
Dorynek, Martin ; Aumüller, Analena ; Ma, Jessica ; Rathsack, Björn ; Weidmann, Julian ; Bengler, Klaus; Mobility on Demand for Everybody_Investigation of the Current Challenges in Establishing Ride-Pooling Services for Persons with Mobility Impairments in Germany
Carrasco, Karina Haro ; Höfgen, Egon Götz ; Brunner, Dominik ; Borchert, Konstantin B. L. ; Reis, Berthold ; Steinbach, Christine ; Mayer, Martin ; Schwarz, Simona ; Glas, Karl ; Schwarz, Dana; Removal of Iron, Manganese, Cadmium, and Nickel Ions Using Brewers' Spent Grain
Hafiz, Fatema Binte ; von Tucher, Sabine ; Rozhon, Wilfried; Plant Nutrition: Physiological and Metabolic Responses, Molecular Mechanisms and Chromatin Modifications
Kaskous, Shehadeh ; Pfaffl, Michael W.; Milk Properties and Morphological Characteristics of the Donkey Mammary Gland for Development of an Adopted Milking Machine_A Review
le Noble, Ferdinand ; Kupatt, Christian; Interdependence of Angiogenesis and Arteriogenesis in Development and Disease
Niemann, Marcel ; Braun, Karl F. ; Ahmad, Sufian S. ; Stöckle, Ulrich ; Märdian, Sven ; Graef, Frank; Comparing Perioperative Outcome Measures of the Dynamic Hip Screw and the Femoral Neck System
Burkard, Tobias ; Westphal, Dominik Sebastian ; Markel, Franziska ; Gebauer, Roman Antonin ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Wolf, Cordula Maria; Genetic Diagnostics Contribute to the Risk Stratification for Major Arrhythmic Events in Pediatric Patients with Long QT Syndrome Type 1-3
Patera, Laerte L. ; Amler, Josef ; Repp, Jascha; On-Surface Synthesis of Polypyridine: Strain Enforces Extended Linear Chains
Chareh, Neshat ; Kiesswetter, Eva ; Kob, Robert ; Hannink, Anne ; Brandl, Beate ; Skurk, Thomas ; Hauner, Hans ; Sieber, Cornel C. ; Volkert, Dorothee; Association Between Inflammation and Appetite in Healthy Community-Dwelling Older Adults_An enable Study
Weisser, Jana ; Pohl, Teresa ; Ivleva, Natalia P. ; Hofmann, Thomas F. ; Glas, Karl; Know What You Don't Know: Assessment of Overlooked Microplastic Particles in FTIR Images
Pryshchepa, Oleksandra ; Pomastowski, Pawel ; Rafińska, Katarzyna ; Gol biowski, Adrian ; Rogowska, Agnieszka ; Monedeiro-Milanowski, Maciej ; Sagandykova, Gulyaim ; Michalke, Bernhard ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Gloc, Michal ; Dobrucka, Renata ; Kurzydlowski, Krzysztof ; Buszewski, Boguslaw; Synthesis, Physicochemical Characterization, and Antibacterial Performance of Silver_Lactoferrin Complexes
Niess, Andreas Michael ; Widmann, Manuel ; Gaidai, Roman ; Gölz, Christian ; Schubert, Isabel ; Castillo, Katty ; Sachs, Jan Philipp ; Bizjak, Daniel ; Vollrath, Shirin ; Wimbauer, Fritz ; Vogel, Azin ; Keller, Karsten ; Burgstahler, Christof ; Quermann, Anne ; Kerling, Arno ; Schneider, Gerald ; Zacher, Jonas ; Diebold, Katharina ; Grummt, Maximilian ; Beckendorf, Claudia ; Buitenhuis, Johannes ; Egger, Florian ; Venhorst, Andreas ; Morath, Oliver ; Barsch, Friedrich ; Mellwig, Klaus-Peter ; Oesterschlink, Julian ; Wüstenfeld, Jan ; Predel, Hans-Georg ; Deibert, Peter ; Friedmann-Bette, Birgit ; Mayer, Frank ; Hirschmüller, Anja ; Halle, Martin ; Steinacker, Jürgen Michael ; Wolfarth, Bernd ; Meyer, Tim ; Böttinger, Erwin ; Flechtner-Mors, Marion ; Bloch, Wilhelm ; Haller, Bernhard ; Roecker, Kai ; Reinsberger, Claus; COVID-19 in German Competitive Sports: Protocol for a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study (CoSmo-S)
Paakkari, Leena ; Okan, Orkan ; Torppa, Minna; “Missed” Information: A Moral Failing that Erodes Efforts to Tackle the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pochert, Nicole ; Schneider, Mariella ; Ansorge, Nadine ; Strieder, Annamarie ; Sagasser, Jacqueline ; Reiger, Matthias ; Traidl-Hoffmann, Claudia ; Neumann, Avidan ; Jeschke, Udo ; Dannecker, Christian ; Kühn, Thorsten ; Ditsch, Nina; Seroma after Simple Mastectomy in Breast Cancer_The Role of CD4+ T Helper Cells and the Evidence as a Possible Specific Immune Process
Gerster, Tim ; Wröbel, Michelle ; Hofstaedter, Casey E. ; Schwudke, Dominik ; Ernst, Robert K. ; Ranf, Stefanie ; Gisch, Nicolas; Remodeling of Lipid A in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola In Vitro
Pospelova, Maria ; Krasnikova, Varvara ; Fionik, Olga ; Alekseeva, Tatyana ; Samochernykh, Konstantin ; Ivanova, Nataliya ; Trofimov, Nikita ; Vavilova, Tatyana ; Vasilieva, Elena ; Topuzova, Mariya ; Chaykovskaya, Alexandra ; Makhanova, Albina ; Bukkieva, Tatyana ; Kayumova, Evgeniya ; Combs, Stephanie ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Adhesion Molecules ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 as Potential Biomarkers of Central Nervous System Damage in Women Breast Cancer Survivors
Kränkel, Thomas ; Weger, Daniel ; Beckhaus, Karsten ; Geppert, Fabian ; Gehlen, Christoph ; Timothy, Jithender J.; Computational Analysis of Concrete Flow in a Reinforced Bored Pile Using the Porous Medium Approach
Dorynek, Martin ; Derle, Lisa-Theres ; Fleischer, Martin ; Thanos, Alex ; Weinmann, Paul ; Schreiber, Michael ; Schumann, Sebastian ; Tunc, Tolga ; Bengler, Klaus; Potential Analysis for a New Vehicle Class in the Use Case of Ride-Pooling: How New Model Developments Could Satisfy Customers and Mobility Makers
Galeotti, Gianluca ; Fritton, Massimo ; Lischka, Matthias ; Obermann, Sebastian ; Ma, Ji ; Heckl, Wolfgang M. ; Feng, Xinliang ; Lackinger, Markus; Initial Coupling and Reaction Progression of Directly Deposited Biradical Graphene Nanoribbon Monomers on Iodine-Passivated Versus Pristine Ag(111)
Papara, Cristian ; Karsten, Christian M. ; Ujiie, Hideyuki ; Schmidt, Enno ; Schmidt-Jiménez, Leon F. ; Baican, Adrian ; Freire, Patricia C. ; Izumi, Kentaro ; Bieber, Katja ; Peipp, Matthias ; Verschoor, Admar ; Ludwig, Ralf J. ; Köhl, Jörg ; Zillikens, Detlef ; Hammers, Christoph M.; The relevance of complement in pemphigoid diseases: A critical appraisal
Hansen, Winslow D ; Schwartz, Naomi B ; Williams, A Park ; Albrich, Katharina ; Kueppers, Lara M ; Rammig, Anja ; Reyer, Christopher P O ; Staver, A Carla ; Seidl, Rupert; Global forests are influenced by the legacies of past inter-annual temperature variability
Aşirim, Özüm Emre ; Kuzuoglu, Mustafa; Nanoscale active tuning of the second harmonic generation efficiency in semiconductors from super-low to gigantic values
Kallenbach, A. ; Lang, P.T. ; Bernert, M. ; Dux, R. ; Eberl, T. ; Gleiter, T. ; McDermott, R.M. ; Piccinni, C. ; Ploeckl, B. ; Rohde, V. ; Zito, A.; Argon doped pellets for fast and efficient radiative power removal in ASDEX Upgrade
Hohn, Vanessa Desirée; Form Correlation towards Causality – Using non-invasive Neuromodulation to Understand and Modulate Pain
Martínez-Rodrigo, Raquel;Gómez, Cristina;Toraño-Caicoya, Astor;Bohnhorst, Luke;Uhl, Enno;Águeda, Beatriz; Stand Structural Characteristics Derived from Combined TLS and Landsat Data Support Predictions of Mushroom Yields in Mediterranean Forest
Donau, Carsten Adam; The Chemistry and Physics of Chemically Fueled Complex Coacervate Droplets
Aykurt, Kaan; Zerwas, Johannes; Blenk, Andreas; Kellerer, Wolfgang; On the Performance of TCP in Reconfigurable Data Center Networks
Pios, Sebastian; Computational Investigations of the Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2
Tilg, Gabriel; Stüger, Philipp; Listl, Gerhard; Spangler, Matthias; Bogenberger, Klaus; Leistungssteigerung städtischer Straßennetze durch automatisierte und vernetzte Fahrzeuge: Eine szenariobasierte Simulationsstudie
Dahmen, Victoria; Loder, Allister; Tilg, Gabriel; Kutsch, Alexander; Bogenberger, Klaus; Traffic State Estimation with Loss Constraint
Halder, Patrick; Althoff, Matthias; Minimum-Violation Velocity Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints
A. J. Ordóñez-Conejo; A. Lederer; S. Hirche; Adaptive Low-Pass Filtering using Sliding Window Gaussian Processes
Newcome, Samuel James; AutoPas: Optimising Multi-site Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Auto-tuning and Kokkos
A. Lederer; Z. Yang; J. Jiao; S. Hirche; Cooperative Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems via Distributed Gaussian Processes
S. Curi; A. Lederer; S. Hirche; A. Krause; Safe Reinforcement Learning via Confidence-Based Filters
A. Lederer; M. Zhang; S. Tesfazgi; S. Hirche; Networked Online Learning for Control of Safety-Critical Resource-Constrained Systems based on Gaussian Processes
Viermetz, Manuel Peter; Development of the first Human-scale Dark-field Computed Tomography System
Huber, Simon; Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernovae: Time Delays from Machine Learning
Zeitlhöfler J., Schmidt M., Liu S.; Development of an empirical thermospheric density model to improve the precise orbit determination of low-Earth-orbiting satellites
Zeitlhöfler J., Bloßfeld M., Rudenko S., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; Station-dependent satellite laser ranging measurement corrections for TOPEX/Poseidon
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J., Kehm A., Dettmering D., Glomsda M., Angermann D., Seitz M.; Application of the ITRS2020 realizations for precise orbit determination of SLR and altimetry satellites
Yin, Shanshan; Synthesis of patterned metal oxide thin films via amphiphilic block copolymer templates and their applications in perovskite solar cells
Ilic, Mario; Margreiter, Martin; Bogenberger, Klaus; Experimental Integration of Especially Vulnerable Road Users (eVRU) in Vehicle-to-Human (V2H) Communications Research
Bewersdorff, Arne; Untersuchung der Effektivität zweier Fortbildungsformate zum Experimentieren mit dem Fokus auf das Unterrichtshandeln
Kränzlein, Moritz; Functional (Co)Polymers from Group-Transfer and Ring-Opening Polymerization - Monomers, Catalysis, Applications
Sebastian L. Fuchs, Patrick M. Praegla, Christian J. Cyron, Wolfgang A. Wall, Christoph Meier; A versatile SPH modeling framework for coupled microfluid‑powder dynamics in additive manufacturing: binder jetting, material jetting, directed energy deposition and powder bed fusion
Zieglmeier, Valentin;Gierlich-Joas, Maren;Pretschner, Alexander; Increasing Employees’ Willingness to Share: Introducing Appeal Strategies for People Analytics
Potterf, Mária;Eyvindson, Kyle;Blattert, Clemens;Burgas, Daniel;Burner, Ryan;Stephan, Jörg G.;Mönkkönen, Mikko; Interpreting wind damage risk–how multifunctional forest management impacts standing timber at risk of wind felling
Scaini, Anna;Stritih, Ana;Brouillet, Constance;Scaini, Chiara; What locals want: citizen preferences and priorities for the Tagliamento River
Bugmann, Harald;Seidl, Rupert; The evolution, complexity and diversity of models of long‐term forest dynamics
Hansen, Winslow D;Schwartz, Naomi B;Williams, A Park;Albrich, Katharina;Kueppers, Lara M;Rammig, Anja;Reyer, Christopher P O;Staver, A Carla;Seidl, Rupert; Global forests are influenced by the legacies of past inter-annual temperature variability
Anderegg, William R. L.;Wu, Chao;Acil, Nezha;Carvalhais, Nuno;Pugh, Thomas A. M.;Sadler, Jon P.;Seidl, Rupert; A climate risk analysis of Earth’s forests in the 21st century
Knoke, Thomas;Paul, Carola;Gosling, Elizabeth;Jarisch, Isabelle;Mohr, Johannes;Seidl, Rupert; Assessing the Economic Resilience of Different Management Systems to Severe Forest Disturbance
Senf, Cornelius; Seeing the System from Above: The Use and Potential of Remote Sensing for Studying Ecosystem Dynamics
Seibold, Sebastian;Müller, Jörg;Allner, Sebastian;Willner, Marian;Baldrian, Petr;Ulyshen, Michael D.;Brandl, Roland;Bässler, Claus;Hagge, Jonas;Mitesser, Oliver; Quantifying wood decomposition by insects and fungi using computed tomography scanning and machine learning
Perry, George L. W.;Seidl, Rupert;Bellvé, André M.;Rammer, Werner; An Outlook for Deep Learning in Ecosystem Science
Ilic, Mario; Vogt, Johanna; Bogenberger, Klaus; A Mobile Mapping Solution for VRU Infrastructure Monitoring via Low-Cost LiDAR-Sensors
Pielmeier, Markus Rudolf Peter; DFT Studies on the SnIP gas phase Mechanism and SnIP Hybrids
Judith Igelsböck; The President
Briels, David;Kollmannsberger, Stefan;Leithner, Felicitas;Matthäus, Carla;Nouman, Ahmad Saleem;Oztoprak, Oguz;Rank, Ernst; Thermal Optimization of Additively Manufactured Lightweight Concrete Wall Elements with Internal Cellular Structure through Simulations and Measurements
Ivana Jovanovic Buha; Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Global Time-Varying Sensitivity Analysis of the Larsim model
Cai, Zhen; Haung, Yun; Kessler, Stephan; Fottner, Johannes; A Case Study: Digitalization of Business Processes of SMEs with Low-Code Method
Schillert, Lena ; Wirtz, Daniela ; Weber, Nadine ; Schaller, Franziska ; Striegel, Lisa ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Rychlik, Michael; Metabolic folate profiling as a function of time during cultivation suggests potential C2-metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Backman, F. ; Barrow, J. ; Beßler, Y. ; Bianchi, A. ; Bohm, C. ; Brooijmans, G. ; Calen, H. ; Cederkäll, J. ; Damian, J.I.M. ; Dian, E. ; Di Julio, D.D. ; Dunne, K. ; Eklund, L. ; Ferreira, M.J. ; Fierlinger, P. ; Friman-Gayer, U. ; Happe, C. ; Holl, M. ; Johansson, T. ; Kamyshkov, Y. ; Klinkby, E. ; Kolevatov, R. ; Kupsc, A. ; Meirose, B. ; Milstead, D. ; Nepomuceno, A. ; Nilsson, T. ; Oskarsson, A. ; Perrey, H. ; Ramic, K. ; Rataj, B. ; Rizzi, N. ; Santoro, V. ; Silverstein, S. ; Snow, W.M. ; Takibayev, A. ; Wagner, R. ; Wolke, M. ; Yiu, S.C. ; Young, A.R. ; Zanini, L. ; Zimmer, O.; The development of the NNBAR experiment
Schmelzle, Moritz ; Benzing, Christian ; Fischer, Lutz ; Herden, Uta ; Sterneck, Martina ; Settmacher, Utz ; Bauschke, Astrid ; Neumann, Ulf ; Pelzer, Uwe ; Müller, Tobias ; Strassburg, Christian ; Lang, Hauke ; Becker, Thomas ; Königsrainer, Alfred ; Nadalin, Silvio ; Quante, Markus ; Paul, Andreas ; Friess, Helmut ; Klempnauer, Jürgen ; Richter, Nicolas ; Vondran, Florian ; Pascher, Andreas ; Rösch, Thomas ; Schöning, Wenzel ; Krenzien, Felix ; Öllinger, Robert ; Seehofer, Daniel ; Neuhaus, Peter ; Pratschke, Johann; Feasibility and Efficacy of Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Gemcitabine After Liver Transplantation for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma - A Multi-Center, Randomized, Controlled Trial (pro-duct001)
Melzer, Marcus ; Elbe, Anne-Marie ; Strahler, Katharina; Athletes' use of analgesics is related to doping attitudes, competitive anxiety, and situational opportunity
Borgstedt, Laura ; Bratke, Sebastian ; Blobner, Manfred ; Pötzl, Christoph ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Schmid, Sebastian; Isoflurane has no effect on cognitive or behavioral performance in a mouse model of early-stage Alzheimer's disease
Oikonomidou, Xanthi ; Karagiannis, Eleftherios ; Still, Dominik ; Strasser, Florian ; Firmbach, Felix S. ; Hettwer, Jonathan ; Schweinfurth, Allan G. ; Pucknus, Paul ; Menekay, Deniz ; You, Tianyi ; Vovk, Maximilian ; Weber, Selina ; Zhu, Zeyu; MOVE-III: A CubeSat for the detection of sub-millimetre space debris and meteoroids in Low Earth Orbit
Gabler, Volker ; Wollherr, Dirk; Bayesian optimization with unknown constraints in graphical skill models for compliant manipulation tasks using an industrial robot
Fyfe, Selina ; Hong, Hung ; Schirra, Horst Joachim ; Smyth, Heather E. ; Sultanbawa, Yasmina ; Rychlik, Michael; Folate vitamers in the Australian green plum: Through growth and ripening and across locations
Roehm, Hendrik ; Rausch, Alexander ; Althoff, Matthias; Reachset Conformance and Automatic Model Adaptation for Hybrid Systems
Moreno, Claudia Shantal ; Roman-Cuesta, Rosa Maria ; Canty, Steven W. J. ; Herrera, Jorge ; Teutli, Claudia ; Muñiz-Castillo, Aarón Israel ; McField, Melanie ; Soto, Melina ; do Amaral, Cibele ; Paton, Steven ; González-Trujillo, Juan David ; Poulter, Benjamin ; Schumacher, Melissa ; Durán-Díaz, Pamela; Stakeholders' Perceptions of Nature-Based Solutions for Hurricane Risk Reduction Policies in the Mexican Caribbean
Haier, Joerg ; Beller, Johannes ; Adorjan, Kristina ; Bleich, Stefan ; de Greck, Moritz ; Griesinger, Frank ; Heppt, Markus ; Hurlemann, René ; Mees, Soeren Torge ; Philipsen, Alexandra ; Rohde, Gernot ; Schilling, Georgia ; Trautmann, Karolin ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Geyer, Siegfried ; Schaefers, Juergen; Decision Conflicts in Clinical Care during COVID-19: A Multi-Perspective Inquiry
Korbmacher-Böttcher, Dorina ; Bamberg, Fabian ; Peters, Annette ; Linkohr, Birgit ; Ladwig, Karl-Heinz ; Schwettmann, Lars ; Weckbach, Sabine ; Schlett, Christopher L. ; Rospleszcz, Susanne; Long-Term Psychosocial Consequences of Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Reporting of Incidental Findings in a Population-Based Cohort Study
Richter, Caroline ; Mezger, Eva ; Schüffler, Peter J. ; Sommer, Wieland ; Fusco, Federico ; Hauner, Katharina ; Schmid, Sebastian C. ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Weichert, Wilko ; Schwamborn, Kristina ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa; Pathological Reporting of Radical Prostatectomy Specimens Following ICCR Recommendation: Impact of Electronic Reporting Tool Implementation on Quality and Interdisciplinary Communication in a Large University Hospital
Berke, Nastacia Adler ; Di Pizio, Antonella ; Vaden, Timothy D. ; Shoval, Irit ; Gover, Ofer ; Waiger, Daniel ; Solomon, Gili ; Sep ić, Kristina ; Schwartz, Betty; Critical Sites on Ostreolysin Are Responsible for Interaction with Cytoskeletal Proteins
Chia, Kelda ; Klingseisen, Anna ; Sieger, Dirk ; Priller, Josef; Zebrafish as a model organism for neurodegenerative disease
Pflüger, J. ; Von Langsdorff, M. ; Breitsamter , C.; Efficacy of an elasto-flexible morphing wing at high lift using fluid-structure-interaction simulations
Hedderich, Dennis M. ; Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Schuberth, Madeleine ; Schultz, Vivian ; Schlaeger, Sarah J. ; Schinz, David ; Rubbert, Christian ; Caspers, Julian ; Zimmer, Claus ; Grimmer, Timo ; Yakushev, Igor; Impact of normative brain volume reports on the diagnosis of neurodegenerative dementia disorders in neuroradiology: A real-world, clinical practice study
Lee, Kar Xin ; Shameli, Kamyar ; Nagao, Yuki ; Yew, Yen Pin ; Teow, Sin-Yeang ; Moeini, Hassan; Potential use of gold-silver core-shell nanoparticles derived from Garcinia mangostana peel for anticancer compound, protocatechuic acid delivery
Habenicht, Livia K. L. ; Wang, Zhihua ; Zhang, Xi ; Li, Yuanfang ; Mogler, Carolin ; Huspenina, Julia Slotta ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Weber, Christian ; Mohanta, Sarajo K. ; Ma, Zhe ; Yin, Changjun; The C1q-ApoE complex: A new hallmark pathology of viral hepatitis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Ilzhöfer, Dagmar ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Rost, Burkhard; SETH predicts nuances of residue disorder from protein embeddings
Jiang, Jiehui ; Shi, Kuangyu ; Huang, Yiyun Henry ; Hsu, Chih-Yu ; Hettie, Kenneth Scott ; Kung, Woon-Man; Editorial: Translational advances in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other dementia: Molecular mechanisms, biomarkers, diagnosis, and therapies, volume II
Freiesleben, Sherry ; Unverricht-Yeboah, Marcus ; Gütebier, Lea ; Waltemath, Dagmar ; Kriehuber, Ralf ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf; A workflow for the creation of regulatory networks integrating miRNAs and lncRNAs associated with exposure to ionizing radiation using open source data and tools
Vogg, Johannes ; Maier-Stocker, Constantin ; Munker, Stefan ; Mehrl, Alexander ; Schlosser, Sophie ; Tews, Hauke Christian ; Gülow, Karsten ; Müller, Martina ; Schmid, Stephan; Hepatic perfusion as a new predictor of prognosis and mortality in critical care patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
Zhang, Fangfang ; Meier, Anna B. ; Poch, Christine M. ; Tian, Qinghai ; Engelhardt, Stefan ; Sinnecker, Daniel ; Lipp, Peter ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Moretti, Alessandra ; Dorn, Tatjana; High-throughput optical action potential recordings in hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes with a genetically encoded voltage indicator in the AAVS1 locus
Lachmann, Mark ; Rippen, Elena ; Schuster, Tibor ; Xhepa, Erion ; von Scheidt, Moritz ; Trenkwalder, Teresa ; Pellegrini, Costanza ; Rheude, Tobias ; Hesse, Amelie ; Stundl, Anja ; Harmsen, Gerhard ; Yuasa, Shinsuke ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Laugwitz, Karl-Ludwig ; Joner, Michael ; Kupatt, Christian; Artificial intelligence-enabled phenotyping of patients with severe aortic stenosis: on the recovery of extra-aortic valve cardiac damage after transcatheter aortic valve replacement
Infante, Maria Stefania ; Salmanton-García, Jon ; Fernández-Cruz, Ana ; Marchesi, Francesco ; Jaksic, Ozren ; Weinbergerová, Barbora ; Besson, Caroline ; Duarte, Rafael F. ; Itri, Federico ; Valković, Toni ; Szotkovski, Tomáš ; Busca, Alessandro ; Guidetti, Anna ; Glenthøj, Andreas ; Collins, Graham P. ; Bonuomo, Valentina ; Sili, Uluhan ; Seval, Guldane Cengiz ; Machado, Marina ; Cordoba, Raul ; Blennow, Ola ; Abu-Zeinah, Ghaith ; Lamure, Sylvain ; Kulasekararaj, Austin ; Falces-Romero, Iker ; Cattaneo, Chiara ; Van Doesum, Jaap ; Piukovics, Klára ; Omrani, Ali S. ; Magliano, Gabriele ; Ledoux, Marie-Pierre ; de Ramon, Cristina ; Cabirta, Alba ; Verga, Luisa ; López-García, Alberto ; Da Silva, Maria Gomes ; Stojanoski, Zlate ; Meers, Stef ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Martín-Pérez, Sonia ; Dávila-Vals, Julio ; Van Praet, Jens ; Samarkos, Michail ; Bilgin, Yavuz M. ; Karlsson, Linda Katharina ; Batinić, Josip ; Nordlander, Anna ; Schönlein, Martin ; Hoenigl, Martin ; Rá il, Zdeněk ; Mladenović, Miloš ; Hanakova, Michaela ; Zambrotta, Giovanni Paolo Maria ; De Jonge, Nick ; Ad ić-Vuki ević, Tatjana ; Nunes-Rodrigues, Raquel ; Prezioso, Lucia ; Navrátil, Milan ; Marchetti, Monia ; Cuccaro, Annarosa ; Calbacho, Maria ; Giordano, Antonio ; Cornely, Oliver A. ; Hernández-Rivas, José-Ángel ; Pagano, Livio; B-cell malignancies treated with targeted drugs and SARS-CoV-2 infection: A European Hematology Association Survey (EPICOVIDEHA)
Methner, Yvonne ; Magalhães, Frederico ; Raihofer, Luis ; Zarnkow, Martin ; Jacob, Fritz ; Hutzler, Mathias; Beer fermentation performance and sugar uptake of Saccharomycopsis fibuligera-A novel option for low-alcohol beer
Weberruß, Heidi ; Baumgartner, Lisa ; Mühlbauer, Frauke ; Shehu, Nerejda ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate; Training intensity influences left ventricular dimensions in young competitive athletes
Paprckova, Darina ; Niederlova, Veronika ; Moudra, Alena ; Drobek, Ales ; Pribikova, Michaela ; Janusova, Sarka ; Schober, Kilian ; Neuwirth, Ales ; Michalik, Juraj ; Huranova, Martina ; Horkova, Veronika ; Cesnekova, Michaela ; Simova, Michaela ; Prochazka, Jan ; Balounova, Jana ; Busch, Dirk H. ; Sedlacek, Radislav ; Schwarzer, Martin ; Stepanek, Ondrej; Self-reactivity of CD8 T-cell clones determines their differentiation status rather than their responsiveness in infections
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alves, A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Athanasiadou, S. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Baricevic, M. ; Barwick, S. W. ; Basu, V. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Beise, J. ; Bellenghi, C. ; Benda, S. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Bontempo, F. ; Book, J. Y. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G. H. ; Connolly, A. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; Clercq, C. De ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; Vries, K. D. de ; Wasseige, G. de ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Goehlke, N. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Hamdaoui, H. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Helbing, K. ; Hellrung, J. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Heuermann, L. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoshina, K. ; Hou, W. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Kochocki, A. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Krupczak, E. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Sainte, W. Marie ; Mariş, I. C. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; McCarthy, S. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Merckx, Y. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Mukherjee, T. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguyễn, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; Osborn, J. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rechav, Z. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Salazar-Gallegos, D. ; Sampathkumar, P. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Shimizu, N. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Sogaard, A. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Thompson, W. G. ; Thwaites, J. ; Tilav, S. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Elorrieta, M. Unland ; Upshaw, K. ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; van Eijndhoven, N. ; Vannerom, D. ; van Santen, J. ; Veitch-Michaelis, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Wang, W. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Willey, N. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yildizci, E. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P.; Searching for High-energy Neutrino Emission from Galaxy Clusters with IceCube
Wang, Kun ; Mizuno, Yosuke ; Kishizawa, Kazuya ; Toyoda, Yuma ; Lee, Heeyoung ; Ichige, Koichi ; Kurz, Wolfgang ; Dong, Xingchen ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Temperature sensing based on multimode interference in polymer optical fibers: sensitivity enhancement by PC-APC connections
Engel, Maximilian ; Kuehn, Christian ; de Rijk, Björn; A traveling wave bifurcation analysis of turbulent pipe flow
Zeng, Miaolin ; Chen, Siyu ; Zhou, Xiangyi ; Zhang, Jincheng ; Chen, Xin ; Sun, Jingquan; The relationship between physical exercise and mobile phone addiction among Chinese college students: Testing mediation and moderation effects
Lang, Jonas B. ; Buck, Michèle C. ; Rivière, Jennifer ; Stambouli, Oumaima ; Sachenbacher, Ken ; Choudhary, Purva ; Dietz, Hendrik ; Giebel, Bernd ; Bassermann, Florian ; Oostendorp, Robert A. J. ; Götze, Katharina S. ; Hecker, Judith S.; Comparative analysis of extracellular vesicle isolation methods from human AML bone marrow cells and AML cell lines
Wright, Michael J. ; Anastassiou, Luke ; Mishra, Chinmaya ; Davies, James M. ; Phillips, Alexander M. ; Maskell, Simon ; Ralph, Jason F.; Cold atom inertial sensors for navigation applications
Domhardt, Matthias ; Grund, Simon ; Mayer, Axel ; Büscher, Rebekka ; Ebert, David D. ; Sander, Lasse B. ; Karyotaki, Eirini ; Cuijpers, Pim ; Baumeister, Harald; Unveiling mechanisms of change in digital interventions for depression: Study protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Ismail, Nur Afini ; Shameli, Kamyar ; Mohamad Sukri, Siti Nur Amalina ; Hara, Hirofumi ; Teow, Sin-Yeang ; Moeini, Hassan; Sonochemical synthesis of a copper reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite using honey and evaluation of its antibacterial and cytotoxic activities
Mengel, Annerose ; Nenova, Lilyana ; Müller, Karin A. L. ; Poli, Sven ; Kowarik, Markus C. ; Feil, Katharina ; Mizera, Lars ; Geisler, Tobias ; Kübler, Jens ; Mahrholdt, Heiko ; Ernemann, Ulrike ; Hennersdorf, Florian ; Ziemann, Ulf ; Nikolaou, Konstantin ; Gawaz, Meinrad ; Krumm, Patrick ; Greulich, Simon; TRoponin of Unknown origin in STroke evaluated by multi-component cardiac Magnetic resonance Imaging - The TRUST-MI study
Losekamm, Martin J. ; Biswas, Janos ; Chupin, Thibaud ; Deiml, Michael ; Deremetz, Matthieu ; Evagora, Anthony M. ; Fau, Guillaume ; Flahaut, Jessica ; Gancet, Jeremi ; Glier, Markus ; Gscheidle, Christian ; Joulaud, Marine ; Madakashira, Hemanth K. ; Murray, Neil J. ; Neumann, Jörg ; Pöschl, Thomas ; Richter, Lutz ; Sargeant, Hannah M. ; Schröder, Susanne ; Schwanethal, Jae ; Sheridan, Simon ; Urbina, Diego ; Vogt, David S. ; Wessels, Peter; Assessing the Distribution of Water Ice and Other Volatiles at the Lunar South Pole with LUVMI-X: A Mission Concept
Luther, Robert ; Raducan, Sabina D. ; Burger, Christoph ; Wünnemann, Kai ; Jutzi, Martin ; Schäfer, Christoph M. ; Koschny, Detlef ; Davison, Thomas M. ; Collins, Gareth S. ; Zhang, Yun ; Michel, Patrick; Momentum Enhancement during Kinetic Impacts in the Low-intermediate-strength Regime: Benchmarking and Validation of Impact Shock Physics Codes
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alves, A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Athanasiadou, S. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Baricevic, M. ; Barwick, S. W. ; Basu, V. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Beise, J. ; Bellenghi, C. ; Benda, S. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Bontempo, F. ; Book, J. Y. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G. H. ; Connolly, A. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; Clercq, C. De ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; Vries, K. D. de ; Wasseige, G. de ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Goehlke, N. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Hamdaoui, H. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Hatch, P. ; Haungs, A. ; Helbing, K. ; Hellrung, J. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Heuermann, L. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoshina, K. ; Hou, W. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Kochocki, A. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Krupczak, E. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Sainte, W. Marie ; Mariş, I. C. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; McCarthy, S. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Merckx, Y. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Mukherjee, T. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguyễn, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; Osborn, J. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rechav, Z. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Rodan, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Salazar-Gallegos, D. ; Sampathkumar, P. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Shimizu, N. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Sogaard, A. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Thompson, W. G. ; Thwaites, J. ; Tilav, S. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Elorrieta, M. Unland ; Upshaw, K. ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; van Eijndhoven, N. ; Vannerom, D. ; van Santen, J. ; Veitch-Michaelis, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Wang, W. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Willey, N. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yildizci, E. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P.; Search for Astrophysical Neutrinos from 1FLE Blazars with IceCube
Yang, Haoran ; He, Yating ; Liao, Jing ; Li, Xin ; Zhang, Junhong ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Chen, Fusheng; RNA-Seq transcriptomic analysis reveals gene expression profiles of acetic acid bacteria under high-acidity submerged industrial fermentation process
Konrad, A. ; Tilp, M. ; Stöcker, F. ; Mehmeti, L. ; Mahni , N. ; Seiberl, W. ; Behm, D. G. ; Paternoster, F. K.; Quadriceps or triceps surae proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching with post-stretching dynamic activities does not induce acute changes in running economy
Najafi, Maryam ; Riedhammer, Korbinian M. ; Rad, Aboulfazl ; Torbati, Paria Najarzadeh ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Schüle, Isabel ; Schroda, Sophie ; Meitinger, Thomas ; omić, Jasmina ; Bojd, Simin Sadeghi ; Baranzehi, Tayebeh ; Shojaei, Azadeh ; Azarfar, Anoush ; Khazaei, Mahmood Reza ; Köttgen, Anna ; Backofen, Rolf ; Karimiani, Ehsan Ghayoor ; Hoefele, Julia ; Schmidts, Miriam; High detection rate for disease-causing variants in a cohort of 30 Iranian pediatric steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome cases
Elbehery, Ali H. A. ; Deng, Li; Insights into the global freshwater virome
Peereman, Jonathan ; Bae, Soyeon ; Lin, Teng-Chiu; A comparison of radar and optical remote sensing to detect cyclone-induced canopy disturbance in two subtropical forest landscapes
Birle, E ; Melsbach, M ; Heyer, D; Evaluation of the performance of a drainage geocomposite in a simple cover system based on 10 year measurements
Eller, P. ; Ferreiro Iachellini, N. ; Pattavina, L. ; Shtembari, L.; Online triggers for supernova and pre-supernova neutrino detection with cryogenic detectors
Pantano, Matteo ; Yang, Qiaoyue ; Blumberg, Adrian ; Reisch, Raven ; Hauser, Tobias ; Lutz, Benjamin ; Regulin, Daniel ; Kamps, Tobias ; Traganos, Konstantinos ; Lee, Dongheui; Influence of task decision autonomy on physical ergonomics and robot performances in an industrial human-robot collaboration scenario
Wu, Haitao ; Gu, Shenglong ; Tian, Lirong ; Li, Jiaye ; Chen, Chen ; Zhang, Chi; Modeling structural deformation and failure in fluid-structure interaction with WC-TLSPH
Sgaramella, F ; Miliucci, M ; Bazzi, M ; Bosnar, D ; Bragadireanu, M ; Carminati, M ; Cargnelli, M ; Clozza, A ; Deda, G ; De Paolis, L ; Del Grande, R ; Fiorini, C ; Guaraldo, C ; Iliescu, M ; Iwasaki, M ; King, P ; Levi Sandri, P ; Marton, J ; Moskal, P ; Napolitano, F ; Niedźwiecki, S ; Piscicchia, K ; Scordo, A ; Shi, H ; Silarski, M ; Sirghi, D ; Sirghi, F ; Skurzok, M ; Spallone, A ; Tüchler, M ; Zmeskal, J ; Curceanu, C; The SIDDHARTA-2 calibration method for high precision kaonic atoms x-ray spectroscopy measurements
Weinisch, Patrick ; Fiamoncini, Jarlei ; Schranner, Daniela ; Raffler, Johannes ; Skurk, Thomas ; Rist, Manuela J. ; Römisch-Margl, Werner ; Prehn, Cornelia ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Hauner, Hans ; Daniel, Hannelore ; Suhre, Karsten ; Kastenmüller, Gabi; Dynamic patterns of postprandial metabolic responses to three dietary challenges
Ditsch, Alexander ; Hunold, Lea ; Hefele, Friederike ; Greve, Frederik ; Mair, Olivia ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Heimann, Laura ; Hanschen, Marc; Traumatic Brain Injury Induces a Differential Immune Response in Polytrauma Patients; Prospective Analysis of CD69 Expression on T Cells and Platelet Expansion
Kalbhenn, Eva Maria ; Kranzler, Markus ; Gacek-Matthews, Agnieszka ; Grass, Gregor ; Stark, Timo D. ; Frenzel, Elrike ; Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Impact of a Novel PagR-like Transcriptional Regulator on Cereulide Toxin Synthesis in Emetic Bacillus cereus
Buchhart, Claudia ; Schmidhalter, Urs; Daytime and seasonal reflectance of maize grown in varying compass directions
Bendor-Samuel, Owen Martyn ; Wishlade, Tabitha ; Willis, Louise ; Aley, Parvinder ; Choi, Edward ; Craik, Rachel ; Mujadidi, Yama ; Mounce, Ginny ; Roseman, Fenella ; De La Horra Gozalo, Arancha ; Bland, James ; Taj, Nazia ; Smith, Ian ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele ; Bonifacio, Ezio ; Winkler, Christiane ; Haupt, Florian ; Todd, John A ; Servais, Laurent ; Snape, Matthew D ; Vatish, Manu; Successful integration of newborn genetic testing into UK routine screening using prospective consent to determine eligibility for clinical trials
Donnachie, Ewan ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Linde, Klaus ; Tauscher, Martin ; Gerlach, Roman ; Greissel, Anna ; Schneider, Antonius; Incidence of post-COVID syndrome and associated symptoms in outpatient care in Bavaria, Germany: a retrospective cohort study using routinely collected claims data
Ghada, Wael ; Casellas, Enric ; Herbinger, Julia ; Garcia-Benadí, Albert ; Bothmann, Ludwig ; Estrella, Nicole ; Bech, Joan ; Menzel, Annette; Stratiform and Convective Rain Classification Using Machine Learning Models and Micro Rain Radar
Bustos Seibert, Maximilian ; Mazzei Capote, Gerardo Andres ; Gruber, Maximilian ; Volk, Wolfram ; Osswald, Tim A.; Manufacturing of a PET Filament from Recycled Material for Material Extrusion (MEX)
Kehl, Alexandra ; Törner, Katrin ; Jordan, Annemarie ; Lorenz, Mareike ; Schwittlick, Ulrike ; Conrad, David ; Steiger, Katja ; Schusser, Benjamin ; Aupperle-Lellbach, Heike; Pathological Findings in Gastrointestinal Neoplasms and Polyps in 860 Cats and a Pilot Study on miRNA Analyses
Mateyka, Laura M. ; Strobl, Philipp M. ; Jarosch, Sebastian ; Scheu, Sebastian J. C. ; Busch, Dirk H. ; D'Ippolito, Elvira; Gene Signatures of T-Cell Activation Can Serve as Predictors of Functionality for SARS-CoV-2-Specific T-Cell Receptors
Al Haddad, Christelle ; Abouelela, Mohamed ; Hancox, Graham ; Pilkington-Cheney, Fran ; Brijs, Tom ; Antoniou, Constantinos; A Multi-Modal Warning-Monitoring System Acceptance Study: What Findings Are Transferable?
Ahmed, Mostafa ; Harbi, Ibrahim ; Kennel, Ralph ; Rodríguez, José ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Evaluation of the Main Control Strategies for Grid-Connected PV Systems
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Singh, Prachi ; Khan, Sipper ; Fernando, Ito ; Baklanov, Igor Spartakovich ; Ambartsumov, Tigran Garrievich ; Ibrahim, Salam A.; Cultural, Social and Psychological Factors of the Conservative Consumer towards Legal Cannabis Use_A Review since 2013
Krasnikova, Varvara ; Pospelova, Maria ; Fionik, Olga ; Alekseeva, Tatyana ; Samochernykh, Konstantin ; Ivanova, Nataliya ; Trofimov, Nikita ; Vavilova, Tatyana ; Vasilieva, Elena ; Makhanova, Albina ; Tonyan, Samwel ; Nikolaeva, Alexandra ; Kayumova, Evgeniya ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Breast Cancer Treatment Decreases Serum Levels of TGF-β1, VEGFR2, and TIMP-2 Compared to Healthy Volunteers: Significance for Therapeutic Outcomes?
Nève, Gilles ; Wagner, Jonathan ; Knaier, Raphael ; Infanger, Denis ; Klenk, Christopher ; Carrard, Justin ; Hinrichs, Timo ; Hanssen, Henner ; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno ; Königstein, Karsten; Ideal Life's Simple 7 Score Relates to Macrovascular Structure and Function in the Healthy Population
Alhadid, Ahmad ; Nasrallah, Sahar ; Mokrushina, Liudmila ; Minceva, Mirjana; Design of Deep Eutectic Systems: Plastic Crystalline Materials as Constituents
Xing, Hu ; Zhang, Yiting ; Krämer, Markus ; Kissmann, Ann-Kathrin ; Henkel, Marius ; Weil, Tanja ; Knippschild, Uwe ; Rosenau, Frank; A Polyclonal Selex Aptamer Library Directly Allows Specific Labelling of the Human Gut Bacterium Blautia producta without Isolating Individual Aptamers
Bauer, Sabine ; Eigenmann, Jana ; Zhao, Yuqi ; Fleig, Julia ; Hawe, Johann S. ; Pan, Calvin ; Bongiovanni, Dario ; Wengert, Simon ; Ma, Angela ; Lusis, Aldons J. ; Kovacic, Jason C. ; Björkegren, Johan L. M. ; Maegdefessel, Lars ; Schunkert, Heribert ; von Scheidt, Moritz; Identification of the Transcription Factor ATF3 as a Direct and Indirect Regulator of the LDLR
Breuninger, Taylor A. ; Wawro, Nina ; Freuer, Dennis ; Reitmeier, Sandra ; Artati, Anna ; Grallert, Harald ; Adamski, Jerzy ; Meisinger, Christa ; Peters, Annette ; Haller, Dirk ; Linseisen, Jakob; Fecal Bile Acids and Neutral Sterols Are Associated with Latent Microbial Subgroups in the Human Gut
Hausmann, Daniel ; Freund, Lisa Patricia ; Solís, Cecilia ; Giese, Sven ; Göken, Mathias ; Gilles, Ralph ; Neumeier, Steffen; Cracking during High-Temperature Deformation of a High-Strength Polycrystalline CoNi-Base Superalloy
Reiter, Niclas ; Auchter, Jan ; Weber, Marius ; Berensmeier, Sonja ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Magnetophoretic Cell Sorting: Comparison of Different 3D-Printed Millifluidic Devices
Pöllmann, Alexander ; Reinelt, Matthias ; Briesen, Heiko; Investigation of the Kinetics of Hysteresis Effects in Silica Gel
Liu, Yueyang ; Gong, Weiwei ; Preis, Sarah ; Dorn, Julia ; Kiechle, Marion ; Reuning, Ute ; Magdolen, Viktor ; Dreyer, Tobias F.; A Pair of Prognostic Biomarkers in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: KLK10 and KLK11 mRNA Expression
Dahal, Chetana ; Wawro, Nina ; Meisinger, Christa ; Breuninger, Taylor A. ; Thorand, Barbara ; Rathmann, Wolfgang ; Koenig, Wolfgang ; Hauner, Hans ; Peters, Annette ; Linseisen, Jakob; Optimized Metabotype Definition Based on a Limited Number of Standard Clinical Parameters in the Population-Based KORA Study
Sansupa, Chakriya ; Purahong, Witoon ; Nawaz, Ali ; Wubet, Tesfaye ; Suwannarach, Nakarin ; Chantawannakul, Panuwan ; Chairuangsri, Sutthathorn ; Disayathanoowat, Terd; Living Fungi in an Opencast Limestone Mine: Who Are They and What Can They Do?
Fahlbusch, Tim ; Höhn, Philipp ; Klinger, Carsten ; Werner, Jens ; Keck, Tobias ; Friess, Helmut ; Köninger, Jörg ; Kraus, Thomas W. ; Alsfasser, Guido ; Padberg, Winfried ; Ritz, Jörg-Peter ; Uhl, Waldemar ; Belyaev, Orlin; Risk Factor Identification for Delayed Gastric Emptying after Distal Pancreatectomy_An Evaluation of 1688 Patients Based on the German StuDoQ|Pancreas Registry
Sales, Arthur H. A. ; Beck, Jürgen ; Schnell, Oliver ; Fung, Christian ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Gempt, Jens; Surgical Treatment of Glioblastoma: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends
de Hesselle, Marie Louise ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Vehreshild, Jörg Janne ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Koll, Carolin E. M. ; Hower, Martin ; Stecher, Melanie ; Ebert, Daniel ; Hanses, Frank ; Schumann, Julia; Invasiveness of Ventilation Therapy Is Associated to Prevalence of Secondary Bacterial and Fungal Infections in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
Benz, Sebastian ; Chen, Da ; Möller, Andreas ; Hofmann, Michael ; Schnieders, David ; Dronskowski, Richard; The Crystal Structure of Carbonic Acid +
Čater, Maša ; Hölter, Sabine M.; A Pathophysiological Intersection of Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease
Torres, Guillermo G. ; Dose, Janina ; Hasenbein, Tim P. ; Nygaard, Marianne ; Krause-Kyora, Ben ; Mengel-From, Jonas ; Christensen, Kaare ; Andersen-Ranberg, Karen ; Kolbe, Daniel ; Lieb, Wolfgang ; Laudes, Matthias ; Görg, Siegfried ; Schreiber, Stefan ; Franke, Andre ; Caliebe, Amke ; Kuhlenbäumer, Gregor ; Nebel, Almut; Long-Lived Individuals Show a Lower Burden of Variants Predisposing to Age-Related Diseases and a Higher Polygenic Longevity Score
Kleigrewe, Karin ; Haack, Martina ; Baudin, Martine ; Ménabréaz, Thomas ; Crovadore, Julien ; Masri, Mahmoud ; Beyrer, Michael ; Andlauer, Wilfried ; Lefort, François ; Dawid, Corinna ; Brück, Thomas B. ; Brück, Wolfram M.; Dietary Modulation of the Human Gut Microbiota and Metabolome with Flaxseed Preparations
Klawitter, Moritz ; El-Ayoubi, Ali ; Buch, Jasmin ; Rüttinger, Jakob ; Ehrenfeld, Maximilian ; Lichtenegger, Eva ; Krüger, Marcel A. ; Mantwill, Klaus ; Koll, Florestan J. ; Kowarik, Markus C. ; Holm, Per Sonne ; Naumann, Ulrike; The Oncolytic Adenovirus XVir-N-31, in Combination with the Blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis, Conveys Abscopal Effects in a Humanized Glioblastoma Mouse Model
Cheng, Junyi ; Zhang, Xianfeng ; Chen, Xiao ; Ren, Miao ; Huang, Jie ; Luo, Peng; Early Detection of Suspicious Behaviors for Safe Residence from Movement Trajectory Data
Rosário, Rafaela ; Fronteira, Inês ; Martins, Maria R. O. ; Augusto, Cláudia ; Silva, Maria José ; Messer, Melanie ; Martins, Silvana ; Duarte, Ana ; Ramos, Neida ; Rathmann, Katharina ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin; Infodemic Preparedness and COVID-19: Searching about Public Health and Social Measures Is Associated with Digital Health Literacy in University Students
Obed, Doha ; Salim, Mustafa ; Dastagir, Nadjib ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Dastagir, Khaled ; Panayi, Adriana C. ; Vogt, Peter M.; Comparative Analysis of Composite Mortality Prediction Scores in Intensive Care Burn Patients
Schubert-Olesen, Oliver ; Kröger, Jens ; Siegmund, Thorsten ; Thurm, Ulrike ; Halle, Martin; Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Physical Activity
Weimann, Léa ; Weimann, Edda; On the Road to Net Zero Health Care Systems: Governance for Sustainable Health Care in the United Kingdom and Germany
Büchner, Kai ; Haagen, Jana ; Sastrosubroto, Ashtri ; Kerpes, Roland ; Freiherr, Jessica ; Becker, Thomas; Trigeminal Stimulus Menthol Masks Bitter Off-Flavor of Artificial Sweetener Acesulfame-K
Rückel, Anton ; Oppelt, Anne ; Leuter, Philipp ; Johne, Philipp ; Fendt, Sebastian ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Conversion of Syngas from Entrained Flow Gasification of Biogenic Residues with Clostridium carboxidivorans and Clostridium autoethanogenum
Lupp, Gerd ; Kantelberg, Valerie ; Fäth, Julia ; Hirschbeck, Theresia ; Käsbauer, Corinna ; Ritter, Anna ; Schisslbauer, Julia ; Pauleit, Stephan; Through the Eyes of Forest Visitors_Perception and Scenic Preferences of Munich's Urban Proximate Woodlands
Valpreda, Emanuele ; Morì, Pierpaolo ; Fasfous, Nael ; Vemparala, Manoj Rohit ; Frickenstein, Alexander ; Frickenstein, Lukas ; Stechele, Walter ; Passerone, Claudio ; Masera, Guido ; Martina, Maurizio; HW-Flow-Fusion: Inter-Layer Scheduling for Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators with Dataflow Architectures
Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Lenhart, Nicolas S. ; Leonhardt, Yannik ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Siebenlist, Sebastian ; Kirchhoff, Chlodwig ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Woertler, Klaus ; Gersing, Alexandra S. ; Neumann, Jan ; Wurm, Markus; Assessment of Acute Lesions of the Biceps Pulley in Patients with Traumatic Shoulder Dislocation Using MR Imaging
Pyka, Thomas ; Krzyzanowska, Iwona ; Rominger, Axel ; Delbridge, Claire ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Boeckh-Behrens, Tobias ; Zimmer, Claus ; Gempt, Jens; Multiparametric Characterization of Intracranial Gliomas Using Dynamic [18F]FET-PET and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Lange, Nicole ; Jörger, Ann-Kathrin ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard; Primary Bone Tumors of the Spine_Proposal for Treatment Based on a Single Centre Experience
Gassert, Felix G. ; Breden, Sebastian ; Neumann, Jan ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Bollwein, Christine ; Knebel, Carolin ; Lenze, Ulrich ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Mogler, Carolin ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Peeken, Jan C. ; Wörtler, Klaus ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Differentiating Enchondromas and Atypical Cartilaginous Tumors in Long Bones with Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pulvermacher, Samuel ; Pirling, Thilo ; Cabeza, Sandra ; Zuern, Michael Georg ; Hofmann, Michael ; Gibmeier, Jens; Neutronographic Analysis of Load Partitioning and Micro Residual Stress Development in Duplex Stainless Steels
Nanda, Indrajit ; Schröder, Sarah K. ; Steinlein, Claus ; Haaf, Thomas ; Buhl, Eva M. ; Grimm, Domink G. ; Weiskirchen, Ralf; Rat Hepatic Stellate Cell Line CFSC-2G: Genetic Markers and Short Tandem Repeat Profile Useful for Cell Line Authentication
Mota Reyes, Carmen ; Demir, Elke ; Çifcibaşi, Kaan ; Istvanffy, Rouzanna ; Friess, Helmut ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Regulatory T Cells in Pancreatic Cancer: Of Mice and Men
Wagner, Arthur ; Alraun, Marie ; Kahlig, Victoria ; Dorier, Anne-Sophie ; Aftahy, Amir Kaywan ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Gempt, Jens ; Shiban, Ehab ; Meyer, Bernhard ; Negwer, Chiara; Surgical and Functional Outcome after Resection of 64 Petroclival Meningiomas
Haier, Joerg ; Beller, Johannes ; Adorjan, Kristina ; Bleich, Stefan ; de Greck, Moritz ; Griesinger, Frank ; Heppt, Markus V. ; Hurlemann, René ; Mees, Soeren Torge ; Philipsen, Alexandra ; Rohde, Gernot ; Schilling, Georgia ; Trautmann, Karolin ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Geyer, Siegfried ; Schaefers, Juergen; Differences in Stakeholders' Perception of the Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Care and Decision-Making
Zimina, Tatiana M. ; Sitkov, Nikita O. ; Gareev, Kamil G. ; Fedorov, Viacheslav ; Grouzdev, Denis ; Koziaeva, Veronika ; Gao, Huile ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Biosensors and Drug Delivery in Oncotheranostics Using Inorganic Synthetic and Biogenic Magnetic Nanoparticles
Krueger, Kimberly ; Mayer, Zsuzsanna ; Gerckens, Miriam ; Boeck, Stefan ; Luppa, Peter ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; High Quality Performance of Novel Immunoassays for the Sensitive Quantification of Soluble PD-1, PD-L1 and PD-L2 in Blood
Lechner, Katharina ; von Schacky, Clemens ; Scherr, Johannes ; Lorenz, Elke ; Bock, Matthias ; Lechner, Benjamin ; Haller, Bernhard ; Krannich, Alexander ; Halle, Martin ; Wachter, Rolf ; Duvinage, André ; Edelmann, Frank; Saturated Fatty Acid Blood Levels and Cardiometabolic Phenotype in Patients with HFpEF: A Secondary Analysis of the Aldo-DHF Trial
Turova, Varvara ; Kovtanyuk, Andrey ; Pykhteev, Oleg ; Sidorenko, Irina ; Lampe, Renée; Glycocalyx Sensing with a Mathematical Model of Acoustic Shear Wave Biosensor
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Khan, Sipper ; Murid, Misbah ; Asif, Zarnab ; Oboturova, Natalya Pavlovna ; Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich ; Blinov, Andrey Vladimirovich ; Ibrahim, Salam A. ; Jafari, Seid Mahdi; Marketing Strategies for Cultured Meat: A Review
Reiser, Judith ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Werner, Julia ; Saller, Anna M. ; Fischer, Johannes ; Senf, Steffanie ; Deffner, Pauline ; Abendschön, Nora ; Groll, Tanja ; Grott, Andrea ; Miller, Regina ; Bergmann, Shana ; Erhard, Michael H. ; Ritzmann, Mathias ; Zöls, Susanne ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Steiger, Katja ; Baumgartner, Christine; Nociception-Induced Changes in Electroencephalographic Activity and FOS Protein Expression in Piglets Undergoing Castration under Isoflurane Anaesthesia
Colovic, Milica ; Yu, Kang ; Todorovic, Mladen ; Cantore, Vito ; Hamze, Mohamad ; Albrizio, Rossella ; Stellacci, Anna Maria; Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices to Assess Water and Nitrogen Status of Sweet Maize Crop
Lou, Yanxia ; Bu, Xueqin ; Shen, Xiaobin ; Lin, Guiping ; Zhang, Ruchen ; Zeng, Feixiong ; Jin, Haichuan ; Ma, Kuiyuan ; Wen, Dongsheng; Simulation of and Experimental Research on Rivulet Model on Airfoil Surface
Sternin, Andrej ; Martinez, Daniel ; Sternin, Daniel ; Haidn, Oskar ; Tajmar, Martin; Characterisation and Design of Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Statistically Planar Flames
Zhao, Chuang ; Stockle, Claudio O ; Karimi, Tina ; Nelson, Roger Leroy ; van Evert, Frits K ; Pronk, Annette A ; Riddle, Anne A ; Marshall, Elizabeth ; Raymundo, Rubí ; Li, Yan ; Guan, Kaiyu ; Gustafson, Dave ; Hoogenboom, Gerrit ; Wang, Xi ; Cong, Jiahui ; Asseng, Senthold; Potential benefits of climate change for potatoes in the United States
Voigtländer, Sven ; Hakimhashemi, Amir ; Grundmann, Nina ; Rees, Franziska ; Meyer, Martin ; Algül, Hana ; Müller-Nordhorn, Jacqueline; Trends of colorectal cancer incidence according to age, anatomic site, and histological subgroup in Bavaria: A registry-based study
Kuttler, Christina ; Maslovskaya, Anna; Computer-assisted modeling of Quorum sensing in bacterial population exposed to antibiotics
Waltenberger, Maria ; Furkel, Jennifer ; Röhrich, Manuel ; Salome, Patrick ; Debus, Charlotte ; Tawk, Bouchra ; Gahlawat, Aoife Ward ; Kudak, Andreas ; Dostal, Matthias ; Wirkner, Ute ; Schwager, Christian ; Herold-Mende, Christel ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; König, Laila ; Debus, Jürgen ; Haberkorn, Uwe ; Abdollahi, Amir ; Knoll, Maximilian; The impact of tumor metabolic activity assessed by 18F-FET amino acid PET imaging in particle radiotherapy of high-grade glioma patients
Schulz, Julia ; Zimmermann, Juliana ; Sorg, Christian ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Brandl, Felix; Magnetic resonance imaging of the dopamine system in schizophrenia - A scoping review
Schneider, Sonja ; Maruhn, Philipp ; Dang, Nguyen-Thong ; Pala, Prashant ; Cavallo, Viola ; Bengler, Klaus; Pedestrian Crossing Decisions in Virtual Environments: Behavioral Validity in CAVEs and Head-Mounted Displays
Brandt, Felix ; Matthäus, Marie ; Saile, Christian; Minimal voting paradoxes
Garcia-Azorin, David ; Baykan, Betül ; Beghi, Ettore ; Doheim, Mohamed F ; Fernandez-de-las-Penas, Cesar ; Gezegen, Hasim ; Guekht, Alla ; Hoo, Fan Kee ; Santacatterina, Michele ; Sejvar, James ; Tamborska, Arina A ; Thakur, Kiran T ; Westenberg, Erica ; Winkler, Andrea S ; Frontera, Jennifer A; Timing of headache after COVID-19 vaccines and its association with cerebrovascular events: An analysis of 41,700 VAERS reports
Zhu, Rui ; Fei, Qingguo ; Jiang, Dong; Removing adverse effect of measurement process in flotation method
Kaiser, Kevin and Daugalas, Jonas and Lopez-Randulfe, Javier and Knoll, Alois and Weigel, Robert and Lurz, Fabian; Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Millimeter Wave FMCW-Radar Angle Estimations
Husmann, K.; von Groß, V.; Bödeker, K.; Fuchs, J. M.; Paul, C.; Knoke, T.; optimLanduse: A package for multiobjective land-cover composition optimization under uncertainty
Knoke, T.; Jarisch, I.; Kienlein, S.; Gang, B.; Praxis des Diskontierens in der Forstwirtschaft
Jarisch, I.; Knoke, T.; Diskontierung von Ökosystemleistungen: Pflicht oder Kür?
Bingham, L.; Gang, B.; Kienlein, S.; Ökosystemleistungen und finanzielle Diskontierung
Thom, D.; Knoke, T.; Aszalos, R.; Keeton, W.S.; Ähneln sich Forstwirtschaft und natürliche Störungsregimes?
Menga, Davide; Active-site Imprinted M-N-C Electrocatalysts: Tailor-made Synthesis and Tuned Activity
Chen, X.;Abualdenien, J.;Singh, M.M.;Borrmann, A.;Geyer, P.; Introducing causal inference in the energy-efficient building design process
Rampalli, Shyam Sundar; Keler, Andreas; Grigoropoulos, Georgios; Insights on exploring a small-scale electric bicycle sharing data set
Auernhammer, H.; Repository AgTecCollection - An Attempt to Rescue Analog Agricultural Engineering Knowledge -
Floetgen, Rob Jago; Novotny, Marcus; Hein, Andreas; Weking, Jörg; Urmetzer, Florian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut; Digital Platform Ecosystem Performance: Antecedents and Interrelations
Zong, C.; Margesin, M.; Staudt, J.; Deghim, F.; Lang, W.; Decision-making under uncertainty in the early phase of building façade design based on multi-objective stochastic optimization
Yuan, Chengjie;Shi, Yunlei;Feng, Qian;Chang, Chunyang;Chen, Zhaopeng;Knoll, Alois C.;Zhang, Jianwei; Sim-to-Real Transfer of Robotic Assembly with Visual Inputs Using CycleGAN and Force Control
Hart-Davis M.G., Dettmering D., Schwatke C., Passaro M., Seitz F.; Insights from the global EOT20 ocean tide model
Glomsda M., Seitz M., Bloßfeld M., Angermann D.; Effects of non-tidal loading applied in VLBI reference frames
Cazenave A., Gouzenes Y., Birol, F., Passaro M., Calafat F.M., Leger F., Shaw A., Nino F., Legeais J.F., Benveniste J.; A new network of altimetry-based virtual stations for measuring sea level along the world coastlines
Dodet G., Quilfen Y., Quartly G., Passaro M., Schlembach F., Timmermans B., Accensi M., Ardhuin F.; Improved inter-calibration of multi-mission altimeter significant wave heights for climate data record
Gille S., Soares S., Chereskin T., Passaro M.; Coastal-to-open ocean exchange in the California Current System from new altimetry
Le Henaff M., Kersale M., Meinen C., Perez R., Birol F., Passaro M., Schwatke C., Chidichimo C., Valla D., Piola A., Lamont T., Ansorge A., Speich S.; Using coastal altimetry to improve Meridional Overturning Circulation estimates in the South Atlantic
Du, C.;Vega Torres, M.A.;Pan, Y.;Borrmann, A.; MV-KPConv: Multi-view KPConv For Enhanced 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Using Multi-Modal Fusion With 2D Image
Thumm, Jakob;Althoff, Matthias; Provably Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation in Human Environments
Busse, Annika;Bässler, Claus;Brandl, Roland;Friess, Nicolas;Hacker, Hermann;Heidrich, Lea;Hilmers, Torben;Merkel‐Wallner, Gisela;Schmid‐Egger, Christian;Seifert, Linda;Müller, Jörg; Light and Malaise traps tell different stories about the spatial variations in arthropod biomass and method‐specific insect abundance
Hochrein, Sophia;Mitesser, Oliver;Liebhold, Andrew M.;Weisser, Wolfgang W;M. L. Leroy, Benjamin;Pretzsch, Hans;Hilmers, Torben;Rabl, Dominik;Müller, Jörg; Response of cavity nesting birds to Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera) and aerial spraying – An experimental approach
Rudenko S., Dettmering D., Bloßfeld M., Zeitlhöfler J., Alkahal R.; On the accuracy of contemporary orbits of altimetry satellites in the radial direction
Rudenko S., Bloßfeld M., Kehm A., Dettmering D., Zeitlhöfler J., Glomsda M., Angermann D., Seitz M.; Precise orbit determination of SLR and altimetry satellites using ITRS2020 realizations
Lindner, Johannes;Keler, Andreas;Grigoropoulos, Georgios;Malcolm, Patrick;Denk, Florian;Brunner, Pascal;Bogenberger, Klaus; A coupled driving simulator to investigate the interaction between bicycles and automated vehicles
Ukaj, Dardan; Interactions of Small Functional Molecules with Metal-Organic Frameworks
Zeitlhöfler J., Bloßfeld M., Rudenko S., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; Station-dependent satellite laser ranging measurement corrections for TOPEX/Poseidon
Bermudez Serna, Cristian;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Preventing Control Plane Overload in SDN Networks with Programmable Data Planes
Kaufmann, F.; Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Techno-Economic Evaluation of reversible Organic Rankine Cycles in geothermal combined Heat and Power PlantsTechno-Economic Evaluation of reversible Organic Rankine Cycles in geothermal combined Heat and Power Plants
Wieland, C.; Faza’a, N.; Schuster, A.; Springer, J.-P.; Nowak, E.; Medina, E. R.; Katsikas, S.; Sakalis, G.; Spliethoff, H.; Energy Efficiency for Marine Application: Waste Heat Recovery Solutions and Photovoltaics in Long-Distance Shipping
de Riese, T.; Eckert, D.; Hakim, L.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Modelling the Capture of Potassium by Solid Al-Si Particles at Pulverised Fuel Conditions
Dimobe, Kangbéni;Ouédraogo, Korotimi;Annighöfer, Peter;Kollmann, Johannes;Bayala, Jules;Hof, Christian;Schmidt, Marco;Goetze, Dethardt;Porembski, Stefan;Thiombiano, Adjima; Climate change aggravates anthropogenic threats of the endangered savanna tree Pterocarpus erinaceus (Fabaceae) in Burkina Faso
de Riese, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Utilising Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculations to Model Potassium Capture by Additives in Biomass Combustion Plants
Nowak Delgado, R.; de Riese, T.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H; Comparison of Coal Fly Ash Injection Techniques on Combustion Aerosols in a Full-Scale Boiler Firing Wood
Potterf, Mária;Svitok, Marek;Mezei, Pavel;Jarčuška, Benjamín;Jakuš, Rastislav;Blaženec, Miroslav;Hlásny, Tomáš; Contrasting Norway spruce disturbance dynamics in managed forests and strict forest reserves in Slovakia
Biber, A.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Economic analysis of energy storages integrated into combined-cycle power plants
Nowak Delgado, R.; de Riese, T.; Johne, P.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of Coal Fly Ash Addition on Combustion Aerosols (PM2.5) in Pilot- and Full-Scale Pulverized Wood Combustion: A Comparative Study
Keim, M.; Loewer, M.; Molar-Cruz, A.; Schifflechner, C.; The Value of Heat Interconnection Pipelines in the Use of Deep Geothermal Energy
Nudelis, Natan;Mayr, Peter; Defect-based analysis of the laser powder bed fusion process using X-ray data
Müller, Jasper; Jovanovic, Ognjen; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Griesser, Helmut; Fehenberger, Tobias; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Comparison of Single-Wavelength and Multi-Wavelength Transponders in a Physical-layer-aware Network Planning Study
Raffl, Lukas; Schnider, René; Holst, Christoph; Genauigkeitsuntersuchung eines GNSS-Monitoringsystems für das Geomonitoring am Hochvogel
Wünnenberg, Maximilian; Hujo, Dominik; Ji, Fan; Schypula, Rafael; Fottner, Johannes; Goedicke, Michael; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Konsistenzmanagement zum optimierten Data Management als Basis zur Anwendung von Data Science im Produktlebenszyklus von Materialflusssystemen
Raffl, Lukas; Holst, Christoph; Including virtual target points from laser scanning into the point-wise rigorous deformation analysis at geo-monitoring applications
Shariati, B.;Velasco, L.;Pedreno-Manresa, J.-J.;Dochhan, A.;Casellas, R.;Muqaddas, A.;González de Dios, O.;Luque Canto, L.;Lent, B.;López de Vergara, J. E.;López-Buedo, S.;Moreno, F.;Pavón, P.;Ruiz, M.;Patri, S. K.;Giorgetti, A.;Cugini, F.;Sgambelluri, A.;Nejabati, R.;Simeonidou, D.;Braun, R.-P.;Autenrieth, A.;Elbers, J.-P.;Fischer, J. K.;Freund, R.; Demonstration of latency-aware 5G network slicing on optical metro networks
Cho, Joo Yeon;Pedreno-Manresa, Jose-Juan;Patri, Sai Kireet;Abdelli, Khouloud;Tropschug, Carsten;Zou, Jim;Rydlichowski, Piotr; DeepALM: Holistic Optical Network Monitoring based on Machine Learning
Patri, Sai Kireet;Autenrieth, Achim;Elbers, Jörg-Peter;Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Multi-band transparent optical network planning strategies for 6G-ready European networks
Patri, Sai Kireet; Sultana, Shabnam; Dürre, Michael; Amjad, Saquib; Schumann, Aijana; Autenrieth, Achim; Elbers, Jörg-Peter; Bauschert, Thomas; Mas-Machuca, Carmen; Open-Source Service Management for a Fully Disaggregated Optical Network Simulation
Stanciu, Iuliana Madalina; Search for Supernova R-process Actinides in Fossilized Reservoirs
Drieschner, Clemens; Heim, Sophie; Lankes, Birgit; Process Mining mit SAP Signavio - Einblicke ins Pilotprogramm
Hanel, A.; Dieterich, V.; Bastek, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Fendt, S.; Entrained flow gasification-based biomass-to-X processes: An energetic and technical evaluation
Torres-Linke, Michelle; Neumann, Michelle; Zielbauer, Marco; Drieschner, Clemens; Utesch, Matthias Christoph; Krcmar, Helmut; Promoting movement and strengthening arithmetic performance through gamification - The development of an IT-based learning app
Dieterich, V.; Wein, N.; Spliethoff, H.; Fendt, S.; Performance Requirements of Membrane Reactors for the Application in Renewable Methanol Synthesis: A Techno-Economic Assessment
Talebi, E.; Morgenstern, L.; Würth, M.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Effect of Multiple Storage Cycles on Heat Transfer in Bubbling Fluidized Beds for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Morgenstern, L.; Talebi, E.; Gleis, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for Thermochemical Energy Storage – Commissioning of a 0.5 kWh Experimental Set-Up
Schifflechner, C.; Irrgang, L.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Efficient and flexible plant configurations for geothermal trigeneration systems with an Organic Rankine Cycle
Kube, Massimo; Development of a Novel Approach to Reconstruct Biological Samples under Load
Böttcher, Timo Phillip;Weking, Jörg;Hein, Andreas;Böhm, Markus;Krcmar, Helmut; Pathways to digital business models: The connection of sensing and seizing in business model innovation
A. Sena; H. Kavianirad; S. Endo; E. Burdet; S. Hirche; The Gap in Functional Electrical Stimulation Simulation
Kuntz, M.;Seeber, B.U.; Spatial sound reproduction for interactive hearing research
H. Kavianirad; S. Endo; T. Keller; S. Hirche; EMG-Based Volitional Torque Estimation in Functional Electrical Stimulation Control
Zeitlhöfler J., Bloßfeld M.; A comparison of different ocean tides models
Shu, Qiguan;Rötzer, Thomas;Detter, Andreas;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Tree Information Modeling: A Data Exchange Platform for Tree Design and Management
Maurer, Julian Walter; Das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsrichtlinie (DiRUG) – Bedeutung für das Gesellschaftsrecht
Molls, Michael;Herbst-Gaebel, Birgit;Eberspächer, Jörg;Auernhammer, Hermann;Färber, Georg;Mainzer, Klaus;Petry, Winfried;Reichwald, Ralf;Reiss, Kristina;Wilderer, Peter;Hofmann, Thomas F.; The TUM Senior Excellence Faculty of the Technical University of Munich – A 15-Year Success Story
Kindu M., Bingham L. R., Borges J. G., Marques S., Nahorna O., Eggers J., Knoke T.; Opportunity Costs of In Situ Carbon Storage Derived by Multiple-Objective Stand-Level Optimization—Results from Case Studies in Portugal and Germany
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E;, Reith, E.; Understanding and modelling the ambiguous impact of off-farm income on tropical deforestation
Engel, Thomas; Werther, Norman; Kurzer, Christoph; Winter, Stefan; Brandschutz im mehrgeschossigen Holzbau – Neues aus der Forschung, Details für die Praxis
Kurth, Katharina; Keler, Andreas; Bogenberger, Klaus; Bewertung der Pop-Up Infrastruktur im Radverkehr als erfolgsversprechendes Instrument der urbanen Verkehrsplanung
Djeffal, Christian; Children’s Rights by Design and Internet Governance: Revisiting General Comment No. 25 (2021) on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment
Bayzidi, Yasin;Smajic, Alen;Schneider, Jan David;Hüger, Fabian;Moritz, Ruby;Knoll, Alois C.; Performance Limiting Factors of Deep Neural Networks for Pedestrian Detection
Mörtenkötter, H.; Padovan, V.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of Mineral Sorbents for Alkali Removal during the Combustion of Solid Biomass
Ferrand, T.; Oettig, J.; Schäfer, L.; Gschnaidtner, T.; Omar Naja, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; A limitation to determine heat transfer of water at supercritical pressure: The repeatability issue
Weber,J.; Born,H.; Pester, S.; Schifflechner, C.; Moeck, I.; Geothermal Energy Use in Germany, Country Update 2019-2021
Schifflechner, C.; Irl, M.; Molar-Cruz, A.; Keim, M.; Loewer, M.; Ferrand, T.; Spliethoff, H.; Optimized pipe diameter and insulation thickness of long-distance heat interconnection pipelines
T. Beckers;S. Hirche; Prediction with Approximated Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
Messier, C., Potvin, C., Muys, B., Brancalion, P., Chazdon, R., Seidl, R., Bauhus, J.; Warning: Natural and Managed Forests are Losing their Capacity to Mitigate Climate Change
Schneider, F.;Papaioannou, I.;Müller, G.; Sparse Bayesian Learning for Complex‐Valued Rational Approximations
Schmähl, Michael; Gnoth, Marcus; Hornung, Mirko; Numerical Investigation of Noise Emissions from a Cargo eVTOL UAV
Schaffer, Norman; Hermes, Sebastian; Weking, Jörg; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Continuous Business Model Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities: The Case of Cewe
Neubig, Stefan; Baecker, Julius; Gehring, Nicolas; Hein, Andreas; Weking, Jörg; Krcmar, Helmut; Data-driven Initiatives of Destinations Supporting Sustainable Tourism
Loder, Allister ; Otte, Thomas ; Bogenberger, Klaus; Using Large-Scale Drone Data to Monitor and Assess the Behavior of Freight Vehicles on Urban Level
Dafe, Florence ; Rethel, Lena; Domestic Bank Reform and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets*
Dafe, Florence ; Hager, Sandy Brian ; Naqvi, Natalya ; Wansleben, Leon; Introduction: The Structural Power of Finance Meets Financialization*
Borque, Kyle A. ; Jones, Mary ; Laughlin, Mitzi S. ; Balendra, Ganesh ; Willinger, Lukas ; Pinheiro, Vítor Hugo ; Williams, Andy; Effect of Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis on the Rate of Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Elite Athletes
Kathan, Alexander ; Harrer, Mathias ; Küster, Ludwig ; Triantafyllopoulos, Andreas ; He, Xiangheng ; Milling, Manuel ; Gerczuk, Maurice ; Yan, Tianhao ; Rajamani, Srividya Tirunellai ; Heber, Elena ; Grossmann, Inga ; Ebert, David D. ; Schuller, Björn W.; Personalised depression forecasting using mobile sensor data and ecological momentary assessment
Glutsch, Valerie ; Schummer, Patrick ; Kneitz, Hermann ; Gesierich, Anja ; Goebeler, Matthias ; Klein, Detlef ; Posch, Christian ; Gebhardt, Christoffer ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Zimmer, Lisa ; Becker, Jürgen C ; Leiter, Ulrike ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Ugurel, Selma ; Schilling, Bastian; Ipilimumab plus nivolumab in avelumab-refractory Merkel cell carcinoma: a multicenter study of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG
Schütze, Konstantin ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Steinegger, Martin ; Rost, Burkhard; Nearest neighbor search on embeddings rapidly identifies distant protein relations
Leonhardt, Yannik ; Ketschau, Jannik ; Ruschke, Stefan ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Glanz, Leander ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Gassert, Felix G. ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Braren, Rickmer F. ; Schwaiger, Benedikt J. ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Associations of incidental vertebral fractures and longitudinal changes of MR-based proton density fat fraction and T2* measurements of vertebral bone marrow
Abusleme, Angel ; Adam, Thomas ; Ahmad, Shakeel ; Ahmed, Rizwan ; Aiello, Sebastiano ; Akram, Muhammad ; Aleem, Abid ; An, Fengpeng ; An, Qi ; Andronico, Giuseppe ; Anfimov, Nikolay ; Antonelli, Vito ; Antoshkina, Tatiana ; Asavapibhop, Burin ; de André, João Pedro Athayde Marcondes ; Auguste, Didier ; Bai, Weidong ; Balashov, Nikita ; Baldini, Wander ; Barresi, Andrea ; Basilico, Davide ; Baussan, Eric ; Bellato, Marco ; Bergnoli, Antonio ; Birkenfeld, Thilo ; Blin, Sylvie ; Blum, David ; Blyth, Simon ; Bolshakova, Anastasia ; Bongrand, Mathieu ; Bordereau, Clément ; Breton, Dominique ; Brigatti, Augusto ; Brugnera, Riccardo ; Bruno, Riccardo ; Budano, Antonio ; Busto, Jose ; Butorov, Ilya ; Cabrera, Anatael ; Caccianiga, Barbara ; Cai, Hao ; Cai, Xiao ; Cai, Yanke ; Cai, Zhiyan ; Callegari, Riccardo ; Cammi, Antonio ; Campeny, Agustin ; Cao, Chuanya ; Cao, Guofu ; Cao, Jun ; Caruso, Rossella ; Cerna, Cédric ; Chan, Chi ; Chang, Jinfan ; Chang, Yun ; Chen, Guoming ; Chen, Pingping ; Chen, Po-An ; Chen, Shaomin ; Chen, Xurong ; Chen, Yixue ; Chen, Yu ; Chen, Zhiyuan ; Chen, Zikang ; Cheng, Jie ; Cheng, Yaping ; Chin Cheng, Yu ; Chetverikov, Alexey ; Chiesa, Davide ; Chimenti, Pietro ; Chukanov, Artem ; Claverie, Gérard ; Clementi, Catia ; Clerbaux, Barbara ; Conforti Di Lorenzo, Selma ; Corti, Daniele ; Dal Corso, Flavio ; Dalager, Olivia ; De La Taille, Christophe ; Deng, Zhi ; Deng, Ziyan ; Depnering, Wilfried ; Diaz, Marco ; Ding, Xuefeng ; Ding, Yayun ; Dirgantara, Bayu ; Dmitrievsky, Sergey ; Dohnal, Tadeas ; Dolzhikov, Dmitry ; Donchenko, Georgy ; Dong, Jianmeng ; Doroshkevich, Evgeny ; Dracos, Marcos ; Druillole, Frédéric ; Du, Ran ; Du, Shuxian ; Dusini, Stefano ; Dvorak, Martin ; Enqvist, Timo ; Enzmann, Heike ; Fabbri, Andrea ; Fan, Donghua ; Fan, Lei ; Fang, Jian ; Fang, Wenxing ; Fargetta, Marco ; Fedoseev, Dmitry ; Fei, Zhengyong ; Feng, Li-Cheng ; Feng, Qichun ; Ford, Richard ; Fournier, Amélie ; Gan, Haonan ; Gao, Feng ; Garfagnini, Alberto ; Gavrikov, Arsenii ; Giammarchi, Marco ; Giudice, Nunzio ; Gonchar, Maxim ; Gong, Guanghua ; Gong, Hui ; Gornushkin, Yuri ; Göttel, Alexandre ; Grassi, Marco ; Gromov, Vasily ; Gu, Minghao ; Gu, Xiaofei ; Gu, Yu ; Guan, Mengyun ; Guan, Yuduo ; Guardone, Nunzio ; Guo, Cong ; Guo, Jingyuan ; Guo, Wanlei ; Guo, Xinheng ; Guo, Yuhang ; Hackspacher, Paul ; Hagner, Caren ; Han, Ran ; Han, Yang ; He, Miao ; He, Wei ; Heinz, Tobias ; Hellmuth, Patrick ; Heng, Yuekun ; Herrera, Rafael ; Hor, YuenKeung ; Hou, Shaojing ; Hsiung, Yee ; Hu, Bei-Zhen ; Hu, Hang ; Hu, Jianrun ; Hu, Jun ; Hu, Shouyang ; Hu, Tao ; Hu, Yuxiang ; Hu, Zhuojun ; Huang, Guihong ; Huang, Hanxiong ; Huang, Kaixuan ; Huang, Wenhao ; Huang, Xin ; Huang, Xingtao ; Huang, Yongbo ; Hui, Jiaqi ; Huo, Lei ; Huo, Wenju ; Huss, Cédric ; Hussain, Safeer ; Ioannisian, Ara ; Isocrate, Roberto ; Jelmini, Beatrice ; Jeria, Ignacio ; Ji, Xiaolu ; Jia, Huihui ; Jia, Junji ; Jian, Siyu ; Jiang, Di ; Jiang, Wei ; Jiang, Xiaoshan ; Jing, Xiaoping ; Jollet, Cécile ; Joutsenvaara, Jari ; Kalousis, Leonidas ; Kampmann, Philipp ; Kang, Li ; Karaparambil, Rebin ; Kazarian, Narine ; Khatun, Amina ; Khosonthongkee, Khanchai ; Korablev, Denis ; Kouzakov, Konstantin ; Krasnoperov, Alexey ; Kutovskiy, Nikolay ; Kuusiniemi, Pasi ; Lachenmaier, Tobias ; Landini, Cecilia ; Leblanc, Sébastien ; Lebrin, Victor ; Lefevre, Frederic ; Lei, Ruiting ; Leitner, Rupert ; Leung, Jason ; Li, Daozheng ; Li, Demin ; Li, Fei ; Li, Fule ; Li, Gaosong ; Li, Huiling ; Li, Mengzhao ; Li, Min ; Li, Nan ; Li, Nan ; Li, Qingjiang ; Li, Ruhui ; Li, Rui ; Li, Shanfeng ; Li, Tao ; Li, Teng ; Li, Weidong ; Li, Weiguo ; Li, Xiaomei ; Li, Xiaonan ; Li, Xinglong ; Li, Yi ; Li, Yichen ; Li, Yufeng ; Li, Zepeng ; Li, Zhaohan ; Li, Zhibing ; Li, Ziyuan ; Li, Zonghai ; Liang, Hao ; Liang, Hao ; Liao, Jiajun ; Limphirat, Ayut ; Lin, Guey-Lin ; Lin, Shengxin ; Lin, Tao ; Ling, Jiajie ; Lippi, Ivano ; Liu, Fang ; Liu, Haidong ; Liu, Haotian ; Liu, Hongbang ; Liu, Hongjuan ; Liu, Hongtao ; Liu, Hui ; Liu, Jianglai ; Liu, Jinchang ; Liu, Min ; Liu, Qian ; Liu, Qin ; Liu, Runxuan ; Liu, Shubin ; Liu, Shulin ; Liu, Xiaowei ; Liu, Xiwen ; Liu, Yan ; Liu, Yunzhe ; Lokhov, Alexey ; Lombardi, Paolo ; Lombardo, Claudio ; Loo, Kai ; Lu, Chuan ; Lu, Haoqi ; Lu, Jingbin ; Lu, Junguang ; Lu, Shuxiang ; Lubsandorzhiev, Bayarto ; Lubsandorzhiev, Sultim ; Ludhova, Livia ; Lukanov, Arslan ; Luo, Daibin ; Luo, Fengjiao ; Luo, Guang ; Luo, Shu ; Luo, Wuming ; Luo, Xiaojie ; Lyashuk, Vladimir ; Ma, Bangzheng ; Ma, Bing ; Ma, Qiumei ; Ma, Si ; Ma, Xiaoyan ; Ma, Xubo ; Maalmi, Jihane ; Mai, Jingyu ; Malyshkin, Yury ; Carlos Mandujano, Roberto ; Mantovani, Fabio ; Manzali, Francesco ; Mao, Xin ; Mao, Yajun ; Mari, Stefano M. ; Marini, Filippo ; Martellini, Cristina ; Martin-Chassard, Gisele ; Martini, Agnese ; Mayer, Matthias ; Mayilyan, Davit ; Mednieks, Ints ; Meinusch, Artur ; Meng, Yue ; Meregaglia, Anselmo ; Meroni, Emanuela ; Meyhö, David ; Mezzetto, Mauro ; Miller, Jonathan ; Miramonti, Lino ; Colomer Molla, Marta ; Montini, Paolo ; Montuschi, Michele ; Müller, Axel ; Nastasi, Massimiliano ; Naumov, Dmitry V. ; Naumova, Elena ; Navas-Nicolas, Diana ; Nemchenok, Igor ; Thuan Nguyen Thi, Minh ; Ning, Feipeng ; Ning, Zhe ; Nunokawa, Hiroshi ; Oberauer, Lothar ; Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, Juan ; Olshevskiy, Alexander ; Orestano, Domizia ; Ortica, Fausto ; Othegraven, Rainer ; Paoloni, Alessandro ; Parmeggiano, Sergio ; Pei, Yatian ; Pelicci, Luca ; Pelliccia, Nicomede ; Peng, Anguo ; Peng, Haiping ; Peng, Yu ; Peng, Zhaoyuan ; Perrot, Frédéric ; Petitjean, Pierre-Alexandre ; Petrucci, Fabrizio ; Pilarczyk, Oliver ; Felipe Piñeres, Luis ; Popov, Artyom ; Poussot, Pascal ; Previtali, Ezio ; Qi, Fazhi ; Qi, Ming ; Qian, Sen ; Qian, Xiaohui ; Qian, Zhen ; Qiao, Hao ; Qin, Zhonghua ; Qiu, Shoukang ; Ranucci, Gioacchino ; Raper, Neill ; Rasheed, Reem ; Re, Alessandra ; Rebber, Henning ; Rebii, Abdel ; Redchuk, Mariia ; Ren, Bin ; Ren, Jie ; Ricci, Barbara ; Rifai, Mariam ; Roche, Mathieu ; Rodphai, Narongkiat ; Romani, Aldo ; Roskovec, Bedřich ; Ruan, Xichao ; Rybnikov, Arseniy ; Sadovsky, Andrey ; Saggese, Paolo ; Sanfilippo, Simone ; Sangka, Anut ; Sawangwit, Utane ; Sawatzki, Julia ; Schever, Michaela ; Schwab, Cédric ; Schweizer, Konstantin ; Selyunin, Alexandr ; Serafini, Andrea ; Settanta, Giulio ; Settimo, Mariangela ; Shao, Zhuang ; Sharov, Vladislav ; Shaydurova, Arina ; Shi, Jingyan ; Shi, Yanan ; Shutov, Vitaly ; Sidorenkov, Andrey ; Šimkovic, Fedor ; Sirignano, Chiara ; Siripak, Jaruchit ; Sisti, Monica ; Slupecki, Maciej ; Smirnov, Mikhail ; Smirnov, Oleg ; Sogo-Bezerra, Thiago ; Sokolov, Sergey ; Songwadhana, Julanan ; Soonthornthum, Boonrucksar ; Sotnikov, Albert ; Šrámek, Ondřej ; Sreethawong, Warintorn ; Stahl, Achim ; Stanco, Luca ; Stankevich, Konstantin ; Štefánik, Dušan ; Steiger, Hans ; Steinmann, Jochen ; Sterr, Tobias ; Raphael Stock, Matthias ; Strati, Virginia ; Studenikin, Alexander ; Su, Jun ; Sun, Shifeng ; Sun, Xilei ; Sun, Yongjie ; Sun, Yongzhao ; Sun, Zhengyang ; Suwonjandee, Narumon ; Szelezniak, Michal ; Tang, Jian ; Tang, Qiang ; Tang, Quan ; Tang, Xiao ; Thara Hariharan, Vidhya ; Theisen, Eric ; Tietzsch, Alexander ; Tkachev, Igor ; Tmej, Tomas ; Danilo Claudio Torri, Marco ; Treskov, Konstantin ; Triossi, Andrea ; Troni, Giancarlo ; Trzaska, Wladyslaw ; Tsagkarakis, Alexandros ; Tuve, Cristina ; Ushakov, Nikita ; Vedin, Vadim ; Verde, Giuseppe ; Vialkov, Maxim ; Viaud, Benoit ; Moritz Vollbrecht, Cornelius ; Volpe, Cristina ; Von Sturm, Katharina ; Vorobel, Vit ; Voronin, Dmitriy ; Votano, Lucia ; Walker, Pablo ; Wang, Caishen ; Wang, Chung-Hsiang ; Wang, En ; Wang, Guoli ; Wang, Jian ; Wang, Jun ; Wang, Lu ; Wang, Meifen ; Wang, Meng ; Wang, Meng ; Wang, Ruiguang ; Wang, Siguang ; Wang, Wei ; Wang, Wei ; Wang, Wenshuai ; Wang, Xi ; Wang, Xiangyue ; Wang, Yangfu ; Wang, Yaoguang ; Wang, Yi ; Wang, Yi ; Wang, Yifang ; Wang, Yuanqing ; Wang, Yuman ; Wang, Zhe ; Wang, Zheng ; Wang, Zhimin ; Wang, Zongyi ; Watcharangkool, Apimook ; Wei, Wei ; Wei, Wei ; Wei, Wenlu ; Wei, Yadong ; Wen, Kaile ; Wen, Liangjian ; Wiebusch, Christopher ; Chan-Fai Wong, Steven ; Wonsak, Bjoern ; Wu, Diru ; Wu, Qun ; Wu, Zhi ; Wurm, Michael ; Wurtz, Jacques ; Wysotzki, Christian ; Xi, Yufei ; Xia, Dongmei ; Xiao, Xiang ; Xie, Xiaochuan ; Xie, Yuguang ; Xie, Zhangquan ; Xin, Zhao ; Xing, Zhizhong ; Xu, Benda ; Xu, Cheng ; Xu, Donglian ; Xu, Fanrong ; Xu, Hangkun ; Xu, Jilei ; Xu, Jing ; Xu, Meihang ; Xu, Yin ; Yan, Baojun ; Yan, Taylor ; Yan, Wenqi ; Yan, Xiongbo ; Yan, Yupeng ; Yang, Changgen ; Yang, Chengfeng ; Yang, Huan ; Yang, Jie ; Yang, Lei ; Yang, Xiaoyu ; Yang, Yifan ; Yang, Yifan ; Yao, Haifeng ; Ye, Jiaxuan ; Ye, Mei ; Ye, Ziping ; Yermia, Frédéric ; Yin, Na ; You, Zhengyun ; Yu, Boxiang ; Yu, Chiye ; Yu, Chunxu ; Yu, Hongzhao ; Yu, Miao ; Yu, Xianghui ; Yu, Zeyuan ; Yu, Zezhong ; Yuan, Cenxi ; Yuan, Chengzhuo ; Yuan, Ying ; Yuan, Zhenxiong ; Yue, Baobiao ; Zafar, Noman ; Zavadskyi, Vitalii ; Zeng, Shan ; Zeng, Tingxuan ; Zeng, Yuda ; Zhan, Liang ; Zhang, Aiqiang ; Zhang, Bin ; Zhang, Binting ; Zhang, Feiyang ; Zhang, Guoqing ; Zhang, Honghao ; Zhang, Jialiang ; Zhang, Jiawen ; Zhang, Jie ; Zhang, Jin ; Zhang, Jingbo ; Zhang, Jinnan ; Zhang, Mohan ; Zhang, Peng ; Zhang, Qingmin ; Zhang, Shiqi ; Zhang, Shu ; Zhang, Tao ; Zhang, Xiaomei ; Zhang, Xin ; Zhang, Xuantong ; Zhang, Xueyao ; Zhang, Yinhong ; Zhang, Yiyu ; Zhang, Yongpeng ; Zhang, Yu ; Zhang, Yuanyuan ; Zhang, Yumei ; Zhang, Zhenyu ; Zhang, Zhijian ; Zhao, Fengyi ; Zhao, Jie ; Zhao, Rong ; Zhao, Runze ; Zhao, Shujun ; Zheng, Dongqin ; Zheng, Hua ; Zheng, Yangheng ; Zhong, Weirong ; Zhou, Jing ; Zhou, Li ; Zhou, Nan ; Zhou, Shun ; Zhou, Tong ; Zhou, Xiang ; Zhu, Jiang ; Zhu, Jingsen ; Zhu, Kangfu ; Zhu, Kejun ; Zhu, Zhihang ; Zhuang, Bo ; Zhuang, Honglin ; Zong, Liang ; Zou, Jiaheng ; (JUNO Collaboration),; Sub-percent precision measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters with JUNO*\t\t\t\t *Supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Key R&D Program of China, the CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics, Wuyi University, and the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, the Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique de Particules (IN2P3) in France, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in Italy, the Italian-Chinese collaborative research program MAECI-NSFC, the Fond de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S-FNRS) and FWO under the
Andršová, Irena ; Hnatkova, Katerina ; Toman, Ondřej ; Šišáková, Martina ; Smetana, Peter ; Huster, Katharina M. ; Barthel, Petra ; Novotný, Tomáš ; Schmidt, Georg ; Malik, Marek; Intra-subject stability of different expressions of spatial QRS-T angle and their relationship to heart rate
Schoenfeld, Brad J. ; Wackerhage, Henning ; De Souza, Eduardo; Inter-set stretch: A potential time-efficient strategy for enhancing skeletal muscle adaptations
Plecher, David A. ; Keil, Leonard ; Kost, Guy ; Fiederling, Max ; Eichhorn, Christian ; Klinker, Gudrun; Exploring underwater archaeology findings with a diving simulator in virtual reality
Ma, Maoli ; Calvés, Guifré Molera ; Cimò, Giuseppe ; Xiong, Ming ; Li, Peijia ; Kong, Jing ; Zhang, Peijin ; He, Jiansen ; Liu, Lijia ; Kummamuru, Pradyumna ; Hou, Chuanpeng ; Edwards, Jasper ; Liu, Qinghui ; Chen, Zhong ; Chu, Zhanghu ; Wu, De ; Zhao, Xu ; Wang, Zhichao ; Han, Songtao ; Zhi, Quanquan ; Liu, Yingkai ; Quick, Jonathan ; González, Javier ; Miró, Cristina García ; Kharinov, Mikhail ; Mikhailov, Andrey ; Neidhardt, Alexander ; Venturi, Tiziana ; Morsiani, Marco ; Maccaferri, Giuseppe ; Xia, Bo ; Zhang, Hua ; Hao, Longfei; Detecting the Oscillation and Propagation of the Nascent Dynamic Solar Wind Structure at 2.6 Solar Radii Using Very Long Baseline Interferometry Radio Telescopes
Pan, O. ; Bernert, M. ; Lunt, T. ; Cavedon, M. ; Kurzan, B. ; Wiesen, S. ; Wischmeier, M. ; Stroth, U. ; Upgrade Team, the ASDEX; SOLPS-ITER simulations of an X-point radiator in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
Noll, Christina ; Hiltensperger, Michael ; Aly, Lilian ; Wicklein, Rebecca ; Afzali, Ali Maisam ; Mardin, Christian ; Gasperi, Christiane ; Berthele, Achim ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Korn, Thomas ; Knier, Benjamin; Association of the retinal vasculature, intrathecal immunity, and disability in multiple sclerosis
Wang, Qiwei ; Zhao, Yinan ; Wang, Fang ; Tan, Guolin; A novel immune signature predicts immunotherapy responsiveness and reveals the landscape of the tumor immune microenvironment in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Walker, Andreas ; Schwarz, Tatjana ; Brinkmann-Paulukat, Janine ; Wisskirchen, Karin ; Menne, Christopher ; Alizei, Elahe Salimi ; Kefalakes, Helenie ; Theissen, Martin ; Hoffmann, Daniel ; Schulze zur Wiesch, Julian ; Maini, Mala K. ; Cornberg, Markus ; Kraft, Anke RM ; Keitel, Verena ; Bock, Hans H. ; Horn, Peter A. ; Thimme, Robert ; Wedemeyer, Heiner ; Heinemann, Falko M. ; Luedde, Tom ; Neumann-Haefelin, Christoph ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Timm, Jörg; Immune escape pathways from the HBV core18-27 CD8 T cell response are driven by individual HLA class I alleles
Zyberaj, Jetmir ; Bakaç, Cafer ; Seibel, Sebastian; Latent transition analysis in organizational psychology: A simplified
Schröder, Lena ; Regnath, Franziska ; Glasauer, Stefan ; Hackenberg, Anna ; Hente, Juliane ; Weilenmann, Sonja ; Pohl, Daniel ; von Känel, Roland ; Lehnen, Nadine; Altered sensorimotor processing in irritable bowel syndrome: Evidence for a transdiagnostic pathomechanism in functional somatic disorders
Bergmann, Michael ; Hecher, Magdalena Viktoria ; Sommer, Elena; The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of instrumental help by older people across Europe
Gaser, Dominik ; Peters, Christiane ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Götte, Miriam ; Feuchtinger, Tobias ; Schmid, Irene ; Haller, Bernhard ; von Luettichau, Irene ; Kesting, Sabine; Effects of strength exercise interventions on activities of daily living, motor performance, and physical activity in children and adolescents with leukemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Results from the randomized controlled ActiveADL Study
Heinisch, Paul Philipp ; Metz, Paul ; Staehler, Helena ; Mayr, Benedikt ; Vodiskar, Janez ; Strbad, Martina ; Ruf, Bettina ; Ewert, Peter ; Hager, Alfred ; Hörer, Jürgen ; Ono, Masamichi; Pleural and mediastinal effusions after the extracardiac total cavopulmonary connection: Risk factors and impact on outcome
Cuijpers, Pim ; Miguel, Clara ; Papola, Davide ; Harrer, Mathias ; Karyotaki, Eirini; From living systematic reviews to meta-analytical research domains
John, Maura ; Haselbeck, Florian ; Dass, Rupashree ; Malisi, Christoph ; Ricca, Patrizia ; Dreischer, Christian ; Schultheiss, Sebastian J. ; Grimm, Dominik G.; A comparison of classical and machine learning-based phenotype prediction methods on simulated data and three plant species
Hoch, Matti ; Ehlers, Luise ; Bannert, Karen ; Stanke, Christina ; Brauer, David ; Caton, Vanessa ; Lamprecht, Georg ; Wolkenhauer, Olaf ; Jaster, Robert ; Wolfien, Markus; In silico investigation of molecular networks linking gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition, and sarcopenia
Ritter, Stefan W. ; Gastl, Martina I. ; Becker, Thomas M.; The modification of volatile and nonvolatile compounds in lupines and faba beans by substrate modulation and lactic acid fermentation to facilitate their use for legume-based beverages_A review
Worm, Margitta ; Alexiou, Aikaterina ; Bauer, Andrea ; Treudler, Regina ; Wurpts, Gerda ; Dickel, Heinrich ; Buhl, Timo ; Müller, Sabine ; Jung, Andreas ; Brehler, Randolf ; Fluhr, Joachim ; Klimek, Ludger ; Mülleneisen, Norbert ; Pfützner, Wolfgang ; Raap, Ulrike ; Roeseler, Stefani ; Schuh, Sandra ; Timmermann, Hartmut ; Heine, Guido ; Wedi, Bettina ; Brockow, Knut; Management of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine hypersensitivity
Keil, Philip M. ; Hadlington, Terrance J.; Protonation of Hydrido-Tetrylenes: H2 Elimination vs. Tetrylium Cation Formation
Kasajima, Atsuko ; Klöppel, Günter; Neuroendocrine tumor G3 of bronchopulmonary origin and its classification
Eberlein, Bernadette ; Mathes, Sonja ; Fischer, Jörg ; Darsow, Ulf ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Brockow, Knut; Do basophil activation tests help elucidate allergic reactions to the ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines?
Muhr, Maximilian ; Bühler, Raphael ; Liang, Hao ; Gilch, Jonas ; Jandl, Christian ; Kahlal, Samia ; Saillard, Jean-Yves ; Gemel, Christian ; Fischer, Roland A.; C-H and Si-H Activation Reactions at Ru/Ga Complexes: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Case Study on the Ru-Ga Bond
Cordts, Isabell ; Semmler, Luisa ; Prasuhn, Jannik ; Seibt, Annette ; Herebian, Diran ; Navaratnarajah, Tharsini ; Park, Joohyun ; Deininger, Natalie ; Laugwitz, Lucia ; Göricke, Sophia L. ; Lingor, Paul ; Brüggemann, Norbert ; Münchau, Alexander ; Synofzik, Matthis ; Timmann, Dagmar ; Mayr, Johannes A. ; Haack, Tobias B. ; Distelmaier, Felix ; Deschauer, Marcus; Bi-Allelic COQ4 Variants Cause Adult-Onset Ataxia-Spasticity Spectrum Disease
Groh, Rebecca ; Weiss, Luzia M. ; Börsch-Supan, Martina ; Börsch-Supan, Axel; Effects of spot size on biomarker levels of field-collected dried blood spots: A new algorithm for exact dried blood spot size measurement
Achury, Rafael ; Clement, Lars ; Ebeling, Anne ; Meyer, Sebastian ; Voigt, Winfried ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Plant diversity and functional identity alter ant occurrence and activity in experimental grasslands
Bolgi, Oguz ; Silva-Garcia, Maria ; Ross, Breyan ; Pilla, Esther ; Kari, Vijayalakshmi ; Killisch, Markus ; Spitzner, Melanie ; Stark, Nadine ; Lenz, Christof ; Weiss, Konstantin ; Donzelli, Laura ; Gorrell, Mark D ; Grade, Marian ; Riemer, Jan ; Urlaub, Henning ; Dobbelstein, Matthias ; Huber, Robert ; Geiss-Friedlander, Ruth; Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 triggers BRCA2 degradation and promotes DNA damage repair
Rosero-Velásquez, Hugo ; Straub, Daniel; Selection of representative natural hazard scenarios for engineering systems
Pommerrenig, Benjamin ; Faber, Maximilian ; Hajirezaei, Mohammad-Reza ; von Wirén, Nicolaus ; Bienert, Gerd Patrick; Cytokinins as boron deficiency signals to sustain shoot development in boron-efficient oilseed rape
Einspanier, Severin ; Susanto, Tamara ; Metz, Nicole ; Wolters, Pieter J. ; Vleeshouwers, Vivianne G.A.A. ; Lankinen, Åsa ; Liljeroth, Erland ; Landschoot, Sofie ; Ivanović, arko ; Hückelhoven, Ralph ; Hausladen, Hans ; Stam, Remco; Whole-genome sequencing elucidates the species-wide diversity and evolution of fungicide resistance in the early blight pathogen Alternaria solani
Opdensteinen, Patrick ; Sperl, Laura E. ; Mohamadi, Mariam ; Kündgen-Redding, Nicole ; Hagn, Franz ; Buyel, Johannes Felix; The transient expression of recombinant proteins in plant cell packs facilitates stable isotope labelling for NMR spectroscopy
Sarkar, Debotra ; Groll, Lisa ; Munz, Dominik ; Hanusch, Franziska ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Ligand Assisted CO2 Activation and Catalytic Valorization by an NHI-Stabilized Stannylene
Stoeckle, Bernhard C. ; Mueller, Melanie ; Nagel, Christoffer ; Kuehn, Ralph ; Geist, Juergen; A conservation genetics perspective on supportive breeding: A case study of the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus)
Hulm, Felix ; Kreutz, Johannes ; Maier, Nadine ; Mensinger, Martin ; Ndogmo, Joseph; Dimensioning Aids for Stiffened and Unstiffened Plates According to Eurocode 3 Part 1-5
Wallach, Christoph ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Nonagermanide Zintl Clusters with Mg2+ Counter Ions
Jo, Sungwoo ; Centeio, Raquel ; Park, Jinhong ; Ousingsawat, Jiraporn ; Jeon, Dong-kyu ; Talbi, Khaoula ; Schreiber, Rainer ; Ryu, Kunhi ; Kahlenberg, Kristin ; Somoza, Veronika ; Delpiano, Livia ; Gray, Michael A. ; Amaral, Margarida D. ; Railean, Violeta ; Beekman, Jeffrey M. ; Rodenburg, Lisa W. ; Namkung, Wan ; Kunzelmann, Karl; The SLC26A9 inhibitor S9-A13 provides no evidence for a role of SLC26A9 in airway chloride secretion but suggests a contribution to regulation of ASL pH and gastric proton secretion
Potapova, Ekaterina ; Panetta, Valentina ; Grabenhenrich, Linus ; Icke, Katja ; Grübl, Armin ; Müller, Christoph ; Zepp, Fred ; Schuster, Antje ; Wahn, Ulrich ; Lau, Susanne ; Keil, Thomas ; Matricardi, Paolo Maria; A singleplex IgE test to a mixture of molecules from multiple airborne allergen sources: Innovating in vitro screening of respiratory allergies
Hiendlmeier, Lukas ; Teshima, Tetsuhiko F. ; Zurita, Francisco ; Url, Heike ; Rinklin, Philipp ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; A Superabsorbent Sodium Polyacrylate Printing Resin as Actuator Material in 4D Printing
Proessdorf, Johanna ; Jandl, Christian ; Pickl, Thomas ; Bach, Thorsten; Arene Activation through Iminium Ions: Product Diversity from Intramolecular Photocycloaddition Reactions
Kehm, A. ; Sánchez, L. ; Bloßfeld, M. ; Seitz, M. ; Drewes, H. ; Angermann, D. ; Seitz, F.; Combination Strategy for the Geocentric Realization of Regional Epoch Reference Frames
Schlaeger, Sarah ; Weidlich, Dominik ; Zoffl, Agnes ; Becherucci, Edoardo Aitala ; Kottmaier, Elisabeth ; Montagnese, Federica ; Deschauer, Marcus ; Schoser, Benedikt ; Zimmer, Claus ; Baum, Thomas ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Kirschke, Jan S.; Beyond mean value analysis - a voxel-based analysis of the quantitative MR biomarker water T2 in the presence of fatty infiltration in skeletal muscle tissue of patients with neuromuscular diseases
Warncke, Katharina ; Eckert, Alexander ; Kapellen, Thomas ; Kummer, Sebastian ; Raile, Klemens ; Dunstheimer, Desiree ; Grulich-Henn, Jürgen ; Woelfle, Joachim ; Wenzel, Sandra ; Hofer, Sabine E. ; Dost, Axel ; Holl, Reinhard W.; Clinical presentation and long-term outcome of patients with KCNJ11/ABCC8 variants: Neonatal diabetes or MODY in the DPV registry from Germany and Austria
Reb, Lennart K. ; Böhmer, Michael ; Predeschly, Benjamin ; Spanier, Lukas V. ; Dreißigacker, Christoph ; Meyer, Andreas ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Attitude Determination in Space with Ambient Light Sensors using Machine Learning for Solar Cell Characterization
Werner, R.N. ; Pennitz, A. ; Eisert, L. ; Schmidle, P. ; Zink, A. ; Abraham, S. ; Schäkel, K. ; Wolff, I. ; Goebeler, M. ; Plange, J. ; Sollfrank, L. ; Zielbauer, S. ; Koll, P. ; Amschler, K. ; Müller, V. ; Nast, A.; Impact of off-label use regulations on patient care in dermatology - a prospective study of cost-coverage applications filed by tertiary dermatology clinics throughout Germany
Abrahão, Anna ; Marhan, Sven ; Boeddinghaus, Runa S. ; Nawaz, Ali ; Wubet, Tesfaye ; Hölzel, Norbert ; Klaus, Valentin H. ; Kleinebecker, Till ; Freitag, Martin ; Hamer, Ute ; Oliveira, Rafael S. ; Lambers, Hans ; Kandeler, Ellen; Microbial drivers of plant richness and productivity in a grassland restoration experiment along a gradient of land-use intensity
Paulmann, Carmen ; Spallek, Ria ; Karpiuk, Oleksandra ; Heider, Michael ; Schäffer, Isabell ; Zecha, Jana ; Klaeger, Susan ; Walzik, Michaela ; Öllinger, Rupert ; Engleitner, Thomas ; Wirth, Matthias ; Keller, Ulrich ; Krönke, Jan ; Rudelius, Martina ; Kossatz, Susanne ; Rad, Roland ; Kuster, Bernhard ; Bassermann, Florian; The OTUD6B-LIN28B-MYC axis determines the proliferative state in multiple myeloma
Güner, Gökhan ; Aßfalg, Marlene ; Zhao, Kai ; Dreyer, Tobias ; Lahiri, Shibojyoti ; Lo, Yun ; Slivinschi, Bianca Ionela ; Imhof, Axel ; Jocher, Georg ; Strohm, Laura ; Behrends, Christian ; Langosch, Dieter ; Bronger, Holger ; Nimsky, Christopher ; Bartsch, Jörg W ; Riddell, Stanley R ; Steiner, Harald ; Lichtenthaler, Stefan F; Proteolytically generated soluble Tweak Receptor Fn14 is a blood biomarker for y-secretase activity
Staab, Michael ; Achury, Rafael ; Ammer, Christian ; Ehbrecht, Martin ; Irmscher, Veronika ; Mohr, Hendrik ; Schall, Peter ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Blüthgen, Nico; Negative effects of forest gaps on dung removal in a full-factorial experiment
Ghaffar Rana, Adeem ; Zahid Hussain, Mian ; Hammond, Nikki ; Vlad Luca, Simon ; Fischer, Roland A. ; Minceva, Mirjana; Synthesis of Highly Active Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride using Acid-Functionalized Precursors for Efficient Adsorption and Photodegradation of Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds
Lansink Rotgerink, Laura ; Felchle, Hannah ; Feuchtinger, Annette ; Nefzger, Sophie M ; Walther, Caroline N ; Gissibl, Julia ; Steiger, Katja ; Schmid, Thomas E ; Heidegger, Simon ; Combs, Stephanie E ; Fischer, Julius C; Experimental investigation of skin toxicity after immune checkpoint inhibition in combination with radiation therapy
Hartmann, Julian ; Zacharias, Martin; Analysis of amyloidogenic transthyretin mutations using continuum solvent free energy calculations
van Zelst, I. ; Rannabauer, L. ; Gabriel, A.-A. ; van Dinther, Y.; Earthquake Rupture on Multiple Splay Faults and Its Effect on Tsunamis
Gabriel, Wassim ; Giurcoiu, Victor ; Lautenbacher, Ludwig ; Wilhelm, Mathias; Predicting fragment intensities and retention time of iTRAQ- and TMTPro-labeled peptides with Prosit-TMT
Hikino, Kyohsuke ; Danzberger, Jasmin ; Riedel, Vincent P. ; Hesse, Benjamin D. ; Hafner, Benjamin D. ; Gebhardt, Timo ; Rehschuh, Romy ; Ruehr, Nadine K. ; Brunn, Melanie ; Bauerle, Taryn L. ; Landhäusser, Simon M. ; Lehmann, Marco M. ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Pretzsch, Hans ; Buegger, Franz ; Weikl, Fabian ; Pritsch, Karin ; Grams, Thorsten E. E.; Dynamics of initial carbon allocation after drought release in mature Norway spruce_Increased belowground allocation of current photoassimilates covers only half of the carbon used for fine-root growth
Donau, Carsten ; Späth, Fabian ; Stasi, Michele ; Bergmann, Alexander M. ; Boekhoven, Job; Phase Transitions in Chemically Fueled, Multiphase Complex Coacervate Droplets
Bopp, Frederik ; Rojas, Jonathan ; Revenga, Natalia ; Riedl, Hubert ; Sbresny, Friedrich ; Boos, Katarina ; Simmet, Tobias ; Ahmadi, Arash ; Gershoni, David ; Kasprzak, Jacek ; Ludwig, Arne ; Reitzenstein, Stephan ; Wieck, Andreas ; Reuter, Dirk ; Müller, Kai ; Finley, Jonathan J.; Quantum Dot Molecule Devices with Optical Control of Charge Status and Electronic Control of Coupling
Bassitta, Rupert ; Nottensteiner, Annika ; Bauer, Johann ; Straubinger, Reinhard K. ; Hölzel, Christina S.; Spread of antimicrobial resistance genes via pig manure from organic and conventional farms in the presence or absence of antibiotic use
Salem, Mojtaba ; Van Quaquebeke, Niels ; Besiou, Maria; Aid worker adaptability in humanitarian operations: Interplay of prosocial motivation and authoritarian leadership
Stieglitz, Lucas ; Lenz, Tim M. ; Saurwein, Andreas ; Rieger, Bernhard; Perfectly Isotactic Polypropylene upon In Situ Activation of Ultrarigid meso Hafnocenes
Lutomska, Luiza Maria ; Miok, Viktorian ; Krahmer, Natalie ; González García, Ismael ; Gruber, Tim ; Le Thuc, Ophélia ; Murat, Cahuê DB ; Legutko, Beata ; Sterr, Michael ; Saher, Gesine ; Lickert, Heiko ; Müller, Timo D. ; Ussar, Siegfried ; Tschöp, Matthias H. ; Lutter, Dominik ; García-Cáceres, Cristina; Diet triggers specific responses of hypothalamic astrocytes in time and region dependent manner
Pazdera, Jakub ; Issayeva, Dilara ; Titus, Juliane ; Gläser., Roger ; Deutschmann, Olaf ; Jentys, Andreas; Impact of the Local Environment of Amines on the Activity for CO2 Hydrogenation over Bifunctional Basic - Metallic Catalysts
Meier, M. ; Schlindwein, V. ; Schmid, F.; Magmatic Activity and Dynamics of Melt Supply of Volcanic Centers of Ultraslow Spreading Ridges: Hints From Local Earthquake Tomography at the Knipovich Ridge
McTavish, Sean ; Van, Anh T. ; Peeters, Johannes M. ; Weiss, Kilian ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Braren, Rickmer F. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Motion compensated renal diffusion weighted imaging
Zellmer, Stefan ; Schlüter, Bert ; Blau, Jeannette ; Lewalter, Doris ; Sommer, Katrin; From the laboratory to the living room - KEMIE® in times of Corona
Fleischmann, Nico ; Winter, Josef M. ; Adami, Stefan ; Adams, Nikolaus A.; High-order modeling of interface interactions using level sets
Stieglitz, Lucas ; Lenz, Tim M. ; Saurwein, Andreas ; Rieger, Bernhard; Perfekt Isotaktisches Polypropylen nach In Situ Aktivierung von Ultrarigiden meso Hafnocenen
Ernst, Matthias F. ; Maletzko, Annabelle ; Baumann, Sascha ; Baumann, Nils ; Hübner, Christof ; Höhne, Carl-Christoph; FFF 3D Printing of Small Porous Structures from Polymer Compounds Using the Ultimaker 3
Hersbach, Bob A ; Fischer, David S ; Masserdotti, Giacomo ; Deeksha, ; Moj išová, Karolina ; Waltzhöni, Thomas ; Rodriguez-Terrones, Diego ; Heinig, Matthias ; Theis, Fabian J ; Götz, Magdalena ; Stricker, Stefan H; Probing cell identity hierarchies by fate titration and collision during direct reprogramming
Burger, Stefan ; Hemmer, Karina ; Mayer, David C. ; Vervoorts, Pia ; Daisenberger, Dominik ; Zar ba, Jan K. ; Kieslich, Gregor; Designing Geometric Degrees of Freedom in ReO3-Type Coordination Polymers
Lukic, Milica Jecmenica ; Respondek, Gesine ; Kurz, Carolin ; Compta, Yaroslau ; Gelpi, Ellen ; Ferguson, Leslie W. ; Rajput, Alex ; Troakes, Claire ; van Swieten, John C. ; Giese, Armin ; Roeber, Sigrun ; Herms, Jochen ; Arzberger, Thomas ; Höglinger, Günter; Long-Duration Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Clinical Course and Pathological Underpinnings
Fattahi, Ehsan ; Taheri, Shahed ; Schilling, Arndt F. ; Becker, Thomas ; Pörtner, Ralf; Generation and evaluation of input values for computational analysis of transport processes within tissue cultures
Duan, Yanyan ; Chordiya, Kalyani ; Kahaly, Mousumi Upadhyay ; Oropeza, Freddy E. ; de la Peña O'Shea, Víctor A. ; Wang, De-Yi ; Costa, Rubén D.; Rational Amphiphilic Ligand Engineering Enables Enhanced Stability and Efficiency of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Based Light Emitting Diodes
Röß, Rudolf ; Schäfers, Michael ; Mensinger, Martin ; Ameri, Shaghayegh ; Zehfuß, Jochen; Large Scale Buckling Tests of Bar Bundle Columns
Paul, Birgit ; Hofmann, Anja ; Weinert, Sönke ; Frank, Frieda ; Wolff, Ulrike ; Krautz, Maria ; Edelmann, Jan ; Gee, Michael W. ; Reeps, Christian ; Hufenbach, Julia; Effect of Blasting Treatments on the Surface Topography and Cell Adhesion on Biodegradable FeMn-Based Stents Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Weiss, S. ; Hermüller, P. ; Westermann, R.; Fast Neural Representations for Direct Volume Rendering
Zhao, Xuan-Xuan ; Szilvási, Tibor ; Hanusch, Franziska ; Kelly, John A. ; Fujimori, Shiori ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Isolation and Reactivity of Tetrylene-Tetrylone-Iron Complexes Supported by Bis(N-Heterocyclic Imine) Ligands
Strickland, Benjamin A. ; Ansari, Suhail A. ; Dantoft, Widad ; Uhlenhaut, N. Henriette; How to tame your genes: mechanisms of inflammatory gene repression by glucocorticoids
Greindl, Stephanie ; Weiss, Björn ; Magnolini, Raphael ; Lingg, Charlotte ; Mayer, Hanna ; Schaller, Stefan J.; Detection of delirium by family members in the intensive care unit: Translation, Cross-Cultural adaptation and validation of the Family Confusion Assessment Method for the German-Speaking area
Schiwek, Christian H. ; Stegbauer, Simone ; Pickl, Thomas ; Bach, Thorsten; Rhodium(CAAC)-Catalyzed Arene Hydrogenation of Benzo-Fused N-Heterocycles to Saturated Building Blocks with an all-cis Configuration
Zhan, Chunhui ; Orth, René ; Migliavacca, Mirco ; Zaehle, Sönke ; Reichstein, Markus ; Engel, Jan ; Rammig, Anja ; Winkler, Alexander J.; Emergence of the physiological effects of elevated CO2 on land-atmosphere exchange of carbon and water
Kurz, Christoph F. ; König, Adriana N. ; Emmert-Fees, Karl M. F. ; Allen, Lindsay D.; The effect of differential privacy on Medicaid participation among racial and ethnic minority groups
Sollmann, Nico ; Bonnheim, Noah B. ; Joseph, Gabby B. ; Chachad, Ravi ; Zhou, Jiamin ; Akkaya, Zehra ; Pirmoazen, Amir M. ; Bailey, Jeannie F. ; Guo, Xiaojie ; Lazar, Ann A. ; Link, Thomas M. ; Fields, Aaron J. ; Krug, Roland; Paraspinal Muscle in Chronic Low Back Pain: Comparison Between Standard Parameters and Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat MRI
Gude, Finn ; Molloy, Evelyn M. ; Horch, Therese ; Dell, Maria ; Dunbar, Kyle L. ; Krabbe, Jana ; Groll, Michael ; Hertweck, Christian; A Specialized Polythioamide-Binding Protein Confers Antibiotic Self-Resistance in Anaerobic Bacteria
Herzog, Marc ; von Reppert, Alexander ; Pudell, Jan-Etienne ; Henkel, Carsten ; Kronseder, Matthias ; Back, Christian H. ; Maznev, Alexei A. ; Bargheer, Matias; Phonon-Dominated Energy Transport in Purely Metallic Heterostructures
Haghi, Sajedeh ; Summer, Armin ; Bauerschmidt, Philipp ; Daub, Rüdiger; Tailored Digitalization in Electrode Manufacturing: The Backbone of Smart Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Production
Basilio Hazas, M. ; Marcolini, G. ; Castagna, M. ; Galli, M. ; Singh, T. ; Wohlmuth, B. ; Chiogna, G.; Drought Conditions Enhance Groundwater Table Fluctuations Caused by Hydropower Plant Management
Kiefer, Dirk ; Tadele, Lea Rahel ; Lilge, Lars ; Henkel, Marius ; Hausmann, Rudolf; High-level recombinant protein production with Corynebacterium glutamicum using acetate as carbon source
Zhao, Xuan-Xuan ; Kelly, John A. ; Kostenko, Arseni ; Fujimori, Shiori ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; N-Heterocyclic Imine-Stabilized Binuclear Tin(II) Cations: Synthesis, Reactivity, and Catalytic Application
Imig, Anne ; Szabó, Zsóka ; Halytsia, Olha ; Vrachioli, Maria ; Kleinert, Verena ; Rein, Arno; A review on risk assessment in managed aquifer recharge
Thomas, Sophie R. ; Yang, Wenjie ; Morgan, David J. ; Davies, Thomas E. ; Li, Jiao Jiao ; Fischer, Roland A. ; Huang, Jun ; Dimitratos, Nikolaos ; Casini, Angela; Bottom-up Synthesis of Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Stabilized by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: From Structural Characterization to Applications
Gregor, Konstantin ; Knoke, Thomas ; Krause, Andreas ; Reyer, Christopher P. O. ; Lindeskog, Mats ; Papastefanou, Phillip ; Smith, Benjamin ; Lansø, Anne-Sofie ; Rammig, Anja; Trade-Offs for Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe Under Uncertain Future Climate
Restle, Tassilo M. F. ; Strangmüller, Stefan ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy ; Kirchhain, Holger ; Klein, Wilhelm ; Merk, Samuel ; Müller, David ; Kutsch, Tobias ; van Wüllen, Leo ; Fässler, Thomas F.; Super-Ionic Conductivity in -Li9TrP4 (Tr = Al, Ga, In) and Lithium Diffusion Pathways in Li9AlP4 Polymorphs
Rios Garcia, Marcos ; Meissburger, Bettina ; Chan, Jessica ; de Guia, Roldan M. ; Mattijssen, Frits ; Roessler, Stephanie ; Birkenfeld, Andreas L. ; Raschzok, Nathanael ; Riols, Fabien ; Tokarz, Janina ; Giroud, Maude ; Gil Lozano, Manuel ; Hartleben, Goetz ; Nawroth, Peter ; Haid, Mark ; López, Miguel ; Herzig, Stephan ; Berriel Diaz, Mauricio; Trip13 Depletion in Liver Cancer Induces a Lipogenic Response Contributing to Plin2-Dependent Mitotic Cell Death
Heyer, Sarah ; Seiringer, Peter ; Eyerich, Stefanie ; Pilz, Anna Caroline ; Steimle-Grauer, Susanne Annette ; Eyerich, Kilian ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Böhner, Alexander; Acute generalized pustular psoriasis successfully treated with the IL-23p19 antibody risankizumab
Yurteri, Ümmügülsüm ; Çifcibaşi, Kaan ; Friess, Helmut ; Ceyhan, Güralp O. ; Istvanffy, Rouzanna ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Schwann Cells in Peripheral Cancers: Bystanders or Promoters?
Krokenberger, Michael ; Schwamborn, Kristina ; Strassen, Ulrich; Prevalence of Castleman's disease in patients suffering from cervical lymphadenopathy
Schwarze, Michael ; Thiel, Tabea A. ; Rana, Adeem G. ; Yang, Jin ; Acharjya, Amitava ; Nguyen, Anh Dung ; Tameu Djoko, Simon ; Kutorglo, Edith M. ; Tasbihi, Minoo ; Minceva, Mirjana ; Huseyinova, Shahana ; Menezes, Prashanth ; Walter, Carsten ; Driess, Matthias ; Schomäcker, Reinhard ; Thomas, Arne; Screening of Heterogeneous Photocatalysts for Water Splitting
Reglitz, Klaas ; Féchir, Michael ; Mall, Veronika ; Voigt, Jens ; Steinhaus, Martin; The impact of caramel and roasted wheat malts on aroma compounds in top-fermented wheat beer
Baur, Katja ; Abdullah, Yomn ; Mandl, Claudia ; Hölzl-Wenig, Gabriele ; Shi, Yan ; Edelkraut, Udo ; Khatri, Priti ; Hagenston, Anna M ; Irmler, Martin ; Beckers, Johannes ; Ciccolini, Francesca; A novel stem cell type at the basal side of the subventricular zone maintains adult neurogenesis
Türk, Hanna ; Götsch, Thomas ; Schmidt, Franz-Philipp ; Hammud, Adnan ; Ivanov, Danail ; de Haart, L. G. J. (Bert) ; Vinke, Izaak C. ; Eichel, Rüdiger-A. ; Schlögl, Robert ; Reuter, Karsten ; Knop-Gericke, Axel ; Lunkenbein, Thomas ; Scheurer, Christoph; Sr Surface Enrichment in Solid Oxide Cells - Approaching the Limits of EDX Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Simulations
Castillo, Xiomara ; Materna, Juliane ; Jannoura, Ramia ; Joergensen, Rainer Georg; Peanut monoculture-induced decline in fertility of Andosols in Nicaragua
Annaházi, Anita ; Berger, Thomas Erwin ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Zeller, Florian ; Müller, Michael ; Anneser, Markus ; Skerra, Arne ; Michel, Klaus ; Schemann, Michael; Metabotropic 5-HT receptor-mediated effects in the human submucous plexus
Sanchez-Mahecha, Oriana ; Klink, Sophia ; Heinen, Robin ; Rothballer, Michael ; Zytynska, Sharon; Impaired microbial N-acyl homoserine lactone signalling increases plant resistance to aphids across variable abiotic and biotic environments
Hiller, Max ; Köhler, Klaus; Copper-Zinc Oxide Catalysts for Aldehyde Hydrogenation by Direct Reductive Activation of Precursors
Debelec-Butuner, Bilge ; Quitt, Oliver ; Schreiber, Sophia ; Momburg, Frank ; Wisskirchen, Karin ; Protzer, Ulrike; Activation of distinct antiviral T-cell immunity: A comparison of bi- and trispecific T-cell engager antibodies with a chimeric antigen receptor targeting HBV envelope proteins
Schauer, Jannis ; Wieser, Hans-Peter ; Huang, Yuanhui ; Ruser, Heinrich ; Lascaud, Julie ; Würl, Matthias ; Chmyrov, Andriy ; Vidal, Marie ; Herault, Joel ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Assmann, Walter ; Parodi, Katia ; Dollinger, Günther; Proton beam range verification by means of ionoacoustic measurements at clinically relevant doses using a correlation-based evaluation
Silva, C. ; Solano, E.R. ; Hillesheim, J.C. ; Delabie, E. ; Birkenmeier, G. ; Gil, L. ; Giroud, C. ; Morales, R.B. ; Nina, D.; Effect of the divertor configuration on the JET edge radial electric field
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aguilar, J. A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J. M. ; Alves, A. A. ; Amin, N. M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Athanasiadou, S. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; V., A. Balagopal ; Barwick, S. W. ; Basu, V. ; Baur, S. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J. J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Tjus, J. Becker ; Beise, J. ; Bellenghi, C. ; Benda, S. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D. Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Boddenberg, M. ; Bontempo, F. ; Book, J. Y. ; Borowka, J. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Bradascio, F. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Bron, S. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Burley, R. T. ; Busse, R. S. ; Campana, M. A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E. G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B. A. ; Clark, K. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G. H. ; Connolly, A. ; Conrad, J. M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Cowen, D. F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; Clercq, C. De ; DeLaunay, J. J. ; López, D. Delgado ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; Vries, K. D. de ; Wasseige, G. de ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J. C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; DuVernois, M. A. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P. A. ; Fan, K. L. ; Fazely, A. R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A. T. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T. K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Goehlke, N. ; Gonzalez, J. G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Minh, M. Ha ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A. A. ; Haungs, A. ; Helbing, K. ; Henningsen, F. ; Hettinger, E. C. ; Hickford, S. ; Hignight, J. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G. C. ; Hoffman, K. D. ; Hoshina, K. ; Hou, W. ; Huber, M. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G. S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B. J. P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kellermann, M. ; Kelley, J. L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S. R. ; Kochocki, A. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Kopper, S. ; Koskinen, D. J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Krupczak, E. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Gualda, C. Lagunas ; Larson, M. J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J. P. ; Lee, J. W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Li, Y. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q. R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Mariscal, C. J. Lozano ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W. Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K. B. M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Mariş, I. C. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; McCarthy, S. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J. V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Merckx, Y. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R. W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Mukherjee, T. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Necker, J. ; Nguyễn, L. V. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M. U. ; Nowicki, S. C. ; Pollmann, A. Obertacke ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D. V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G. K. ; Paudel, E. N. ; Paul, L. ; de los Heros, C. Pérez ; Peters, L. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Rodriguez, M. Prado ; Pries, B. ; Przybylski, G. T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Raissi, A. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rea, I. C. ; Rechav, Z. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Reimann, R. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E. J. ; Robertson, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Cantu, D. Rysewyk ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Salazar-Gallegos, D. ; Sampathkumar, P. ; Herrera, S. E. Sanchez ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Satalecka, K. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, A. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F. G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Shimizu, N. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Sogaard, A. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G. M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stettner, J. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G. W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Thwaites, J. ; Tilav, S. ; Tischbein, F. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tselengidou, M. ; Tung, C. F. ; Turcati, A. ; Turcotte, R. ; Twagirayezu, J. P. ; Ty, B. ; Elorrieta, M. A. Unland ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; Eijndhoven, N. van ; Vannerom, D. ; Santen, J. van ; Veitch-Michaelis, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Walck, C. ; Wang, W. ; Watson, T. B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C. H. ; Willey, N. ; Williams, D. R. ; Wolf, M. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X. W. ; Yanez, J. P. ; Yildizci, E. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P. ; Goldstein, Adam ; Wood, Joshua; Searches for Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts Using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Metzner, Klara ; Darawsha, Omar ; Wang, Mengzhe ; Gaur, Nayana ; Cheng, Yiming ; Rödiger, Annekathrin ; Frahm, Christiane ; Witte, Otto W. ; Perocchi, Fabiana ; Axer, Hubertus ; Grosskreutz, Julian ; Brill, Monika S.; Age-dependent increase of cytoskeletal components in sensory axons in human skin
Reinhold, Sarah ; Holzberger, Doris ; Kosel, Christian ; Seidel, Tina; Exploring choices in higher education: Female and male first-generation students' trajectories from study aspiration to study satisfaction in Germany
Heinen, Jana ; Bäuerle, Alexander ; Schug, Caterina ; Krakowczyk, Julia Barbara ; Strunk, Sven Erik ; Wieser, Alexandra ; Beckord, Jil ; Jansen, Christoph ; Dries, Sebastian ; Pantförder, Michael ; Erim, Yesim ; Zipfel, Stephan ; Mehnert-Theuerkauf, Anja ; Wiltink, Jörg ; Wünsch, Alexander ; Dinkel, Andreas ; Stengel, Andreas ; Kruse, Johannes ; Teufel, Martin ; Graf, Johanna; Mindfulness and skills-based eHealth intervention to reduce distress in cancer-affected patients in the Reduct trial: Intervention protocol of the make it training optimized
Brandl, Andreas ; Egner, Christoph ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Schmidt, Tobias ; Schleip, Robert; Associations between Deformation of the Thoracolumbar Fascia and Activation of the Erector Spinae and Multifidus Muscle in Patients with Acute Low Back Pain and Healthy Controls: A Matched Pair Case-Control Study
Riedl, Moritz ; Banke, Ingo J. ; Goronzy, Jens ; Sobau, Christian ; Steimer, Oliver ; Thier, Steffen ; Zinser, Wolfgang ; Henssler, Leopold ; Alt, Volker ; Fickert, Stefan; Patients with Small Acetabular Cartilage Defects Caused by Femoroacetabular Impingement Do Not Benefit from Microfracture
Schmauss, Daniel ; Pöhlmann, Sebastian ; Weinzierl, Andrea ; Schmauss, Verena ; Moog, Philipp ; Germann, Günter ; Bickert, Berthold ; Megerle, Kai; Relevance of the Scaphoid Shift Test for the Investigation of Scapholunate Ligament Injuries
Bayat, Mahmoud ; Knoke, Thomas ; Heidari, Sahar ; Hamidi, Seyedeh Kosar ; Burkhart, Harold ; Jaafari, Abolfazl; Modeling Tree Growth Responses to Climate Change: A Case Study in Natural Deciduous Mountain Forests
Ben Khaled, Najib ; Hammer, Katharina ; Ye, Liangtao ; Alnatsha, Ahmed ; Widholz, Sebastian A. ; Piseddu, Ignazio ; Sirtl, Simon ; Schneider, Julia ; Munker, Stefan ; Mahajan, Ujjwal Mukund ; Montero, Juan José ; Griger, Joscha ; Mayerle, Julia ; Reiter, Florian P. ; De Toni, Enrico N.; TRAIL Receptor Targeting Agents Potentiate PARP Inhibitor Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer Independently of BRCA2 Mutation Status
Erb, Anna ; Zissler, Ulrich M. ; Oelsner, Madlen ; Chaker, Adam M. ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Jakwerth, Constanze A.; Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis Reveals Unique Genes Signatures of Epithelial Reorganization in Primary Airway Epithelium Induced by Type-I, -II and -III Interferons
Chifu, Viorica Rozina ; Cioara, Tudor ; Pop, Cristina Bianca ; Anghel, Ionut ; Demjen, David ; Salomie, Ioan; Identification of Daily Living Recurrent Behavioral Patterns Using Genetic Algorithms for Elderly Care
Sun, Yang ; Elhanashi, Abdussalam ; Ma, Hao ; Chiarelli, Mario Rosario; Heat Conduction Plate Layout Optimization Using Physics-Driven Convolutional Neural Networks
Alley, Olivia J. ; Wyatt, Keenan ; Steiner, Myles A. ; Liu, Guiji ; Kistler, Tobias ; Zeng, Guosong ; Larson, David M. ; Cooper, Jason K. ; Young, James L. ; Deutsch, Todd G. ; Toma, Francesca M.; Best Practices in PEC Water Splitting: How to Reliably Measure Solar-to-Hydrogen Efficiency of Photoelectrodes
Cassim, Tuan Z. ; McGregor, Keith M. ; Nocera, Joe R. ; García, Violet V. ; Sinon, Christopher G. ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; García, Paul S.; Effects of exercise on the sleep microarchitecture in the aging brain: A study on a sedentary sample
Bucht, Charlotta ; Mess, Filip ; Bachner, Joachim ; Spengler, Sarah; Education for sustainable development in physical education: Program development by use of intervention mapping
Schwaiger, Karin ; Storch, Julia ; Bauer, Christoph ; Bauer, Johann; Abundance of selected bacterial groups in healthy calves and calves developing diarrhea during the first week of life: Are there differences before the manifestation of clinical symptoms?
Mu, Jin ; Bayrak, Aslihan ; Ufer, Stefan; Conceptualizing and measuring instructional quality in mathematics education: A systematic literature review
Abbasi, R. ; Ackermann, M. ; Adams, J. ; Aggarwal, N. ; Aguilar, J.A. ; Ahlers, M. ; Ahrens, M. ; Alameddine, J.M. ; Alves , A.A. ; Amin, N.M. ; Andeen, K. ; Anderson, T. ; Anton, G. ; Argüelles, C. ; Ashida, Y. ; Athanasiadou, S. ; Axani, S. ; Bai, X. ; Balagopal V., A. ; Baricevic, M. ; Barwick, S.W. ; Basu, V. ; Bay, R. ; Beatty, J.J. ; Becker, K.-H. ; Becker Tjus, J. ; Beise, J. ; Bellenghi, C. ; Benda, S. ; BenZvi, S. ; Berley, D. ; Bernardini, E. ; Besson, D.Z. ; Binder, G. ; Bindig, D. ; Blaufuss, E. ; Blot, S. ; Bontempo, F. ; Book, J.Y. ; Borowka, J. ; Boscolo Meneguolo, C. ; Böser, S. ; Botner, O. ; Böttcher, J. ; Bourbeau, E. ; Braun, J. ; Brinson, B. ; Brostean-Kaiser, J. ; Burley, R.T. ; Busse, R.S. ; Campana, M.A. ; Carnie-Bronca, E.G. ; Chen, C. ; Chen, Z. ; Chirkin, D. ; Choi, K. ; Clark, B.A. ; Classen, L. ; Coleman, A. ; Collin, G.H. ; Connolly, A. ; Conrad, J.M. ; Coppin, P. ; Correa, P. ; Countryman, S. ; Cowen, D.F. ; Cross, R. ; Dappen, C. ; Dave, P. ; De Clercq, C. ; DeLaunay, J.J. ; Delgado López, D. ; Dembinski, H. ; Deoskar, K. ; Desai, A. ; Desiati, P. ; de Vries, K.D. ; de Wasseige, G. ; DeYoung, T. ; Diaz, A. ; Díaz-Vélez, J.C. ; Dittmer, M. ; Dujmovic, H. ; DuVernois, M.A. ; Ehrhardt, T. ; Eller, P. ; Engel, R. ; Erpenbeck, H. ; Evans, J. ; Evenson, P.A. ; Fan, K.L. ; Fazely, A.R. ; Fedynitch, A. ; Feigl, N. ; Fiedlschuster, S. ; Fienberg, A.T. ; Finley, C. ; Fischer, L. ; Fox, D. ; Franckowiak, A. ; Friedman, E. ; Fritz, A. ; Fürst, P. ; Gaisser, T.K. ; Gallagher, J. ; Ganster, E. ; Garcia, A. ; Garrappa, S. ; Gerhardt, L. ; Ghadimi, A. ; Glaser, C. ; Glauch, T. ; Glüsenkamp, T. ; Goehlke, N. ; Gonzalez, J.G. ; Goswami, S. ; Grant, D. ; Gray, S.J. ; Grégoire, T. ; Griswold, S. ; Günther, C. ; Gutjahr, P. ; Haack, C. ; Hallgren, A. ; Halliday, R. ; Halve, L. ; Halzen, F. ; Hamdaoui, H. ; Ha Minh, M. ; Hanson, K. ; Hardin, J. ; Harnisch, A.A. ; Hatch, P. ; Haungs, A. ; Helbing, K. ; Hellrung, J. ; Henningsen, F. ; Heuermann, L. ; Hickford, S. ; Hill, C. ; Hill, G.C. ; Hoffman, K.D. ; Hoshina, K. ; Hou, W. ; Huber, T. ; Hultqvist, K. ; Hünnefeld, M. ; Hussain, R. ; Hymon, K. ; In, S. ; Iovine, N. ; Ishihara, A. ; Jansson, M. ; Japaridze, G.S. ; Jeong, M. ; Jin, M. ; Jones, B.J.P. ; Kang, D. ; Kang, W. ; Kang, X. ; Kappes, A. ; Kappesser, D. ; Kardum, L. ; Karg, T. ; Karl, M. ; Karle, A. ; Katz, U. ; Kauer, M. ; Kelley, J.L. ; Kheirandish, A. ; Kin, K. ; Kiryluk, J. ; Klein, S.R. ; Kochocki, A. ; Koirala, R. ; Kolanoski, H. ; Kontrimas, T. ; Köpke, L. ; Kopper, C. ; Koskinen, D.J. ; Koundal, P. ; Kovacevich, M. ; Kowalski, M. ; Kozynets, T. ; Krupczak, E. ; Kun, E. ; Kurahashi, N. ; Lad, N. ; Lagunas Gualda, C. ; Larson, M.J. ; Lauber, F. ; Lazar, J.P. ; Lee, J.W. ; Leonard, K. ; Leszczyńska, A. ; Lincetto, M. ; Liu, Q.R. ; Liubarska, M. ; Lohfink, E. ; Love, C. ; Lozano Mariscal, C.J. ; Lu, L. ; Lucarelli, F. ; Ludwig, A. ; Luszczak, W. ; Lyu, Y. ; Ma, W.Y. ; Madsen, J. ; Mahn, K.B.M. ; Makino, Y. ; Mancina, S. ; Marie Sainte, W. ; Mariş, I.C. ; Marka, S. ; Marka, Z. ; Marsee, M. ; Martinez-Soler, I. ; Maruyama, R. ; McElroy, T. ; McNally, F. ; Mead, J.V. ; Meagher, K. ; Mechbal, S. ; Medina, A. ; Meier, M. ; Meighen-Berger, S. ; Merckx, Y. ; Micallef, J. ; Mockler, D. ; Montaruli, T. ; Moore, R.W. ; Morse, R. ; Moulai, M. ; Mukherjee, T. ; Naab, R. ; Nagai, R. ; Naumann, U. ; Nayerhoda, A. ; Necker, J. ; Neumann, M. ; Niederhausen, H. ; Nisa, M.U. ; Nowicki, S.C. ; Obertacke Pollmann, A. ; Oehler, M. ; Oeyen, B. ; Olivas, A. ; Orsoe, R. ; Osborn, J. ; O'Sullivan, E. ; Pandya, H. ; Pankova, D.V. ; Park, N. ; Parker, G.K. ; Paudel, E.N. ; Paul, L. ; Pérez de los Heros, C. ; Peters, L. ; Petersen, T.C. ; Peterson, J. ; Philippen, S. ; Pieper, S. ; Pizzuto, A. ; Plum, M. ; Popovych, Y. ; Porcelli, A. ; Prado Rodriguez, M. ; Pries, B. ; Procter-Murphy, R. ; Przybylski, G.T. ; Raab, C. ; Rack-Helleis, J. ; Rameez, M. ; Rawlins, K. ; Rechav, Z. ; Rehman, A. ; Reichherzer, P. ; Renzi, G. ; Resconi, E. ; Reusch, S. ; Rhode, W. ; Richman, M. ; Riedel, B. ; Roberts, E.J. ; Robertson, S. ; Rodan, S. ; Roellinghoff, G. ; Rongen, M. ; Rott, C. ; Ruhe, T. ; Ruohan, L. ; Ryckbosch, D. ; Rysewyk Cantu, D. ; Safa, I. ; Saffer, J. ; Salazar-Gallegos, D. ; Sampathkumar, P. ; Sanchez Herrera, S.E. ; Sandrock, A. ; Santander, M. ; Sarkar, S. ; Sarkar, S. ; Schaufel, M. ; Schieler, H. ; Schindler, S. ; Schlueter, B. ; Schmidt, T. ; Schneider, J. ; Schröder, F.G. ; Schumacher, L. ; Schwefer, G. ; Sclafani, S. ; Seckel, D. ; Seunarine, S. ; Sharma, A. ; Shefali, S. ; Shimizu, N. ; Silva, M. ; Skrzypek, B. ; Smithers, B. ; Snihur, R. ; Soedingrekso, J. ; Søgaard, A. ; Soldin, D. ; Spannfellner, C. ; Spiczak, G.M. ; Spiering, C. ; Stamatikos, M. ; Stanev, T. ; Stein, R. ; Stezelberger, T. ; Stürwald, T. ; Stuttard, T. ; Sullivan, G.W. ; Taboada, I. ; Ter-Antonyan, S. ; Thompson, W.G. ; Thwaites, J. ; Tilav, S. ; Tollefson, K. ; Tönnis, C. ; Toscano, S. ; Tosi, D. ; Trettin, A. ; Tung, C.F. ; Turcotte, R. ; Twagirayezu, J.P. ; Ty, B. ; Unland Elorrieta, M.A. ; Upshaw, K. ; Valtonen-Mattila, N. ; Vandenbroucke, J. ; van Eijndhoven, N. ; Vannerom, D. ; van Santen, J. ; Vara, J. ; Veitch-Michaelis, J. ; Verpoest, S. ; Veske, D. ; Walck, C. ; Wang, W. ; Watson, T.B. ; Weaver, C. ; Weigel, P. ; Weindl, A. ; Weldert, J. ; Wendt, C. ; Werthebach, J. ; Weyrauch, M. ; Whitehorn, N. ; Wiebusch, C.H. ; Willey, N. ; Williams, D.R. ; Wolf, M. ; Wrede, G. ; Wulff, J. ; Xu, X.W. ; Yanez, J.P. ; Yildizci, E. ; Yoshida, S. ; Yu, S. ; Yuan, T. ; Zhang, Z. ; Zhelnin, P.; Graph Neural Networks for low-energy event classification & reconstruction in IceCube
Pakbin, Babak ; Allahyari, Samaneh ; Dibazar, Shaghayegh Pishkhan ; Brück, Wolfram Manuel ; Vahidi, Roghayeh ; Mahmoudi, Razzagh ; Khanjari, Ali; Production of Bovine Collagen Hydrolysate with Antioxidant Activity; Optimized by Response Surface Methodology
Haider, Arsalan ; Pigniczki, Marcell ; Köhler, Michael H. ; Fink, Maximilian ; Schardt, Michael ; Cichy, Yannik ; Zeh, Thomas ; Haas, Lukas ; Poguntke, Tim ; Jakobi, Martin ; Koch, Alexander W.; Development of High-Fidelity Automotive LiDAR Sensor Model with Standardized Interfaces
Zhang, Qi ; Hensley, Scott ; Zhang, Ruiheng ; Liu, Chang ; Ge, Linlin; Improved Model-Based Forest Height Inversion Using Airborne L-Band Repeat-Pass Dual-Baseline Pol-InSAR Data
Liu, Zhiheng ; Zhou, Suiping ; Yu, Hang ; Zhang, Wenjie ; Guo, Fengcheng ; Chen, Xuemei ; Guo, Jianhua; Quantitative Analysis of Tectonic Geomorphology Research Based on Web of Science from 1981 to 2021
Martínez-Rodrigo, Raquel ; Gómez, Cristina ; Toraño-Caicoya, Astor ; Bohnhorst, Luke ; Uhl, Enno ; Águeda, Beatriz; Stand Structural Characteristics Derived from Combined TLS and Landsat Data Support Predictions of Mushroom Yields in Mediterranean Forest
Krüner, Simon ; Hackl, Christoph M.; Nonlinear Modelling and Control of a Power Smoothing System for a Novel Wave Energy Converter Prototype
Ganther, Minh ; Lippold, Eva ; Bienert, Manuela Désirée ; Bouffaud, Marie-Lara ; Bauer, Mario ; Baumann, Louis ; Bienert, Gerd Patrick ; Vetterlein, Doris ; Heintz-Buschart, Anna ; Tarkka, Mika Tapio; Plant Age and Soil Texture Rather Than the Presence of Root Hairs Cause Differences in Maize Resource Allocation and Root Gene Expression in the Field
Trifan, Adriana ; Czerwińska, Monika E. ; Mardari, Constantin ; Zengin, Gokhan ; Sinan, Kouadio Ibrahime ; Korona-Glowniak, Izabela ; Skalicka-Woźniak, Krystyna ; Luca, Simon Vlad; Exploring the Artemisia Genus: An Insight into the Phytochemical and Multi-Biological Potential of A. campestris subsp. lednicensis (Spreng.) Greuter & Raab-Straube
Gruber, Sebastian ; Thomik, Maximilian ; Vorhauer-Huget, Nicole ; Hans, Lukas ; Tsotsas, Evangelos ; Foerst, Petra; The Influence of Local Microstructure Inhomogeneities on Local Drying Kinetics during Freeze-Drying
Wu, Mengfan ; Matar, Dany Y. ; Yu, Zhen ; Chen, Ziyu ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Ng, Brian ; Darwish, Oliver A. ; Sohrabi, Sadaf ; Friedman, Leigh ; Haug, Valentin ; Murphy, George F. ; Rinkevich, Yuval ; Orgill, Dennis P. ; Panayi, Adriana C.; Continuous NPWT Regulates Fibrosis in Murine Diabetic Wound Healing
Bukkieva, Tatyana ; Pospelova, Maria ; Efimtsev, Aleksandr ; Fionik, Olga ; Alekseeva, Tatyana ; Samochernykh, Konstantin ; Gorbunova, Elena ; Krasnikova, Varvara ; Makhanova, Albina ; Nikolaeva, Aleksandra ; Tonyan, Samvel ; Lepekhina, Anna ; Levchuk, Anatoliy ; Trufanov, Gennadiy ; Akshulakov, Serik ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Microstructural Properties of Brain White Matter Tracts in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Dieterich, Walburga ; Schuster, Charlotte ; Gundel, Paulina ; Scherf, Katharina A. ; Pronin, Darina ; Geisslitz, Sabrina ; Börner, Andreas ; Neurath, Markus F. ; Zopf, Yurdagül; Proteins from Modern and Ancient Wheat Cultivars: Impact on Immune Cells of Healthy Individuals and Patients with NCGS
Evans, Angela C. ; Martin, Kelly A. ; Saxena, Manoj ; Bicher, Sandra ; Wheeler, Elizabeth ; Cordova, Emilio J. ; Porada, Christopher D. ; Almeida-Porada, Graça ; Kato, Takamitsu A. ; Wilson, Paul F. ; Coleman, Matthew A.; Curcumin Nanodiscs Improve Solubility and Serve as Radiological Protectants against Ionizing Radiation Exposures in a Cell-Cycle Dependent Manner
Jivkova, Desislava ; Sathiyanarayanan, Ganesan ; Harir, Mourad ; Hertkorn, Norbert ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Sanhaji, Ghislain ; Fochesato, Sylvain ; Berthomieu, Catherine ; Heyraud, Alain ; Achouak, Wafa ; Santaella, Catherine ; Heulin, Thierry; Production and Characterization of a Novel Exopolysaccharide from Ramlibacter tataouinensis
Tsymbal, Sergey ; Li, Ge ; Agadzhanian, Nikol ; Sun, Yuhao ; Zhang, Jiazhennan ; Dukhinova, Marina ; Fedorov, Viacheslav ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Recent Advances in Copper-Based Organic Complexes and Nanoparticles for Tumor Theranostics
Kingsbury, Christopher J. ; Kielmann, Marc ; Twamley, Brendan ; Senge, Mathias O.; Self-Organization of Porphyrin-POM Dyads: Nonplanar Diacids and Oxoanions in Low-Dimensional H-Bonding Networks
Teeuwen, Paula C. P. ; Melissari, Zoi ; Senge, Mathias O. ; Williams, René M.; Metal Coordination Effects on the Photophysics of Dipyrrinato Photosensitizers
Murr, Larissa ; Huber, Ingrid ; Pavlovic, Melanie ; Guertler, Patrick ; Messelhaeusser, Ute ; Weiss, Manuela ; Ehrmann, Matthias ; Tuschak, Christian ; Bauer, Hans ; Wenning, Mareike ; Busch, Ulrich ; Bretschneider, Nancy; Whole-Genome Sequence Comparisons of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Meat and Fish Reveal High Inter- and Intra-Sample Diversity
Joshi, Akshay ; Young, Diana ; Huang, Liren ; Mosberger, Lona ; Munk, Bernhard ; Vinzelj, Julia ; Flad, Veronika ; Sczyrba, Alexander ; Griffith, Gareth W. ; Podmirseg, Sabine Marie ; Warthmann, Rolf ; Lebuhn, Michael ; Insam, Heribert; Effect of Growth Media on the Diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from Non-Rumen Habitats
Heinzmann, Silke S. ; Waldenberger, Melanie ; Peters, Annette ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Cluster Analysis Statistical Spectroscopy for the Identification of Metabolites in 1H NMR Metabolomics
Rautiainen, Samu ; Pantano, Matteo ; Traganos, Konstantinos ; Ahmadi, Seyedamir ; Saenz, José ; Mohammed, Wael M. ; Martinez Lastra, Jose L.; Multimodal Interface for Human-Robot Collaboration
Bonaiti, Luca ; Knoll, Erich ; Otto, Michael ; Gorla, Carlo ; Stahl, Karsten; The Effect of Sensor Integration on the Load Carrying Capacity of Gears
Franzen, Klaas F. ; Mortensen, Kai ; Ott, Christian ; Herber, Katrin ; Busse, Marlene ; Söling, Charlotte ; Schneppe, Daniel ; Lässig, Saskia ; Dörr, Marcus ; Tilz, Roland ; Drömann, Daniel ; Schunkert, Heribert ; Reppel, Michael; Negative Impact of the UEFA European Soccer Championship on Central Hemodynamics and Arterial Stiffness: A Multicenter Study
Schambeck, Sophia E. ; Mateyka, Laura M. ; Burrell, Teresa ; Graf, Natalia ; Brill, Ioana ; Stark, Thomas ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Busch, Dirk H. ; Gerhard, Markus ; Riehl, Henriette ; Poppert, Holger; Two-Year Follow-Up on Chemosensory Dysfunction and Adaptive Immune Response after Infection with SARS-CoV-2 in a Cohort of 44 Healthcare Workers
Linke, Simone ; Erlwein, Sabrina ; van Lierop, Martina ; Fakirova, Elizaveta ; Pauleit, Stephan ; Lang, Werner; Climate Change Adaption between Governance and Government_Collaborative Arrangements in the City of Munich
Lindemann, Chris ; Zippelius, Timo ; Hochberger, Felix ; Hölzl, Alexander ; Böhle, Sabrina ; Strube, Patrick; Local Infiltrations in Patients with Radiculopathy or Chronic Low Back Pain Due to Segment Degeneration_Only A Diagnostic Value?
Knoedler, Leonard ; Miragall, Maximilian ; Kauke-Navarro, Martin ; Obed, Doha ; Bauer, Maximilian ; Tißler, Patrick ; Prantl, Lukas ; Machens, Hans-Guenther ; Broer, Peter Niclas ; Baecher, Helena ; Panayi, Adriana C. ; Knoedler, Samuel ; Kehrer, Andreas; A Ready-to-Use Grading Tool for Facial Palsy Examiners_Automated Grading System in Facial Palsy Patients Made Easy
Hofauer, Benedikt ; Roth, Andreas ; Heiser, Clemens ; Schukraft, Johannes ; Johnson, Felix ; Zhu, Zhaojun ; Knopf, Andreas; Point Shear Wave Elastography in Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Salivary Gland Affection after Head and Neck Cancer Treatment
Langes, Nora ; Meierhofer, Christian ; Nagdyman, Nicole ; Maurer, Susanne J. ; Bourier, Felix ; Halle, Martin ; Holdenrieder, Stefan ; Ewert, Peter ; Tutarel, Oktay; COVID-19 Infections in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease_A Prospective Single-Center Study in an Outpatient Setting
Zimmermann, Gregor S.; Computed Tomography Imaging in ILD: New Trends for the Clinician
Brandl, Andreas ; Bartsch, Katja ; James, Helen ; Miller, Marilyn E. ; Schleip, Robert; Influence of Rolfing Structural Integration on Active Range of Motion: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Liu, Yuan-Cheng ; Figalová, Nikol ; Bengler, Klaus; Transparency Assessment on Level 2 Automated Vehicle HMIs
Kuhnen, Gabryela ; Guedes Russomanno, Tiago ; Murgia, Marta ; Pillon, Nicolas J. ; Schönfelder, Martin ; Wackerhage, Henning; Genes Whose Gain or Loss of Function Changes Type 1, 2A, 2X, or 2B Muscle Fibre Proportions in Mice_A Systematic Review
Braun, Lina ; Terhorst, Yannik ; Titzler, Ingrid ; Freund, Johanna ; Thielecke, Janika ; Ebert, David Daniel ; Baumeister, Harald; Lessons Learned from an Attempted Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial for Improvement of Chronic Pain-Associated Disability in Green Professions: Long-Term Effectiveness of a Guided Online-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (PACT-A)
Muñoz-Pujol, Gerard ; Alforja-Castiella, Socorro ; Casaroli-Marano, Ricardo ; Morales-Romero, Blai ; García-Villoria, Judit ; Yépez, Vicente A. ; Gagneur, Julien ; Gusic, Mirjana ; Prokisch, Holger ; Tort, Frederic ; Ribes, Antonia; Diagnostic Odyssey in an Adult Patient with Ophthalmologic Abnormalities and Hearing Loss: Contribution of RNA-Seq to the Diagnosis of a PEX1 Deficiency
Kabra, Uma D. ; Moruzzi, Noah ; Berggren, Per-Olof ; Jastroch, Martin; Drp1 Overexpression Decreases Insulin Content in Pancreatic MIN6 Cells
Lau, Sam S. S. ; Shum, Eric N. Y. ; Man, Jackie O. T. ; Cheung, Ethan T. H. ; Amoah, Padmore Adusei ; Leung, Angela Y. M. ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan; COVID-19-Related Health Literacy of School Leaders in Hong Kong: A Cross-Sectional Study
Yazdi, Hadi ; Sad Berenji, Shina ; Ludwig, Ferdinand ; Moazen, Sajad; Deep Learning in Historical Architecture Remote Sensing: Automated Historical Courtyard House Recognition in Yazd, Iran
Bessadok, Boutheina ; Jaouadi, Bassem ; Brück, Thomas ; Santulli, Andrea ; Messina, Concetta Maria ; Sadok, Saloua; Molecular Identification and Biochemical Characterization of Novel Marine Yeast Strains with Potential Application in Industrial Biotechnology
Ahmed, Mostafa ; Harbi, Ibrahim ; Kennel, Ralph ; Abdelrahem, Mohamed; Maximum Power Point Tracking Implementation under Partial Shading Conditions Using Low-Cost Photovoltaic Emulator
Altouma, Ahmed ; Krepl, Vladimir ; Bashir, Bashar ; Bachir, Hussein; Impact of Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Primary Energy Consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Czech Republic
Gassner, Niklas ; Greferath, Marcus ; Rosenthal, Joachim ; Weger, Violetta; Bounds for Coding Theory over Rings
Gassert, Florian Tilman ; Glanz, Leander ; Boehm, Christof ; Stelter, Jonathan ; Gassert, Felix Gerhard ; Leonhardt, Yannik ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Graf, Markus ; Wurm, Markus ; Baum, Thomas ; Braren, Rickmer F. ; Schwaiger, Benedikt J. ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Associations between Bone Mineral Density and Longitudinal Changes of Vertebral Bone Marrow and Paraspinal Muscle Composition Assessed Using MR-Based Proton Density Fat Fraction and T2* Maps in Patients with and without Osteoporosis
Brech, Dorothee ; Herbstritt, Anna S. ; Diederich, Sarah ; Straub, Tobias ; Kokolakis, Evangelos ; Irmler, Martin ; Beckers, Johannes ; Büttner, Florian A. ; Schaeffeler, Elke ; Winter, Stefan ; Schwab, Matthias ; Nelson, Peter J. ; Noessner, Elfriede; Dendritic Cells or Macrophages? The Microenvironment of Human Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Imprints a Mosaic Myeloid Subtype Associated with Patient Survival
Ren, Sen ; Chen, Jing ; Guo, Jiahe ; Liu, Yutian ; Xiong, Hewei ; Jing, Boping ; Yang, Xiaofan ; Li, Gongchi ; Kang, Yu ; Wang, Cheng ; Xu, Xiang ; Liu, Zhenyu ; Zhang, Maojie ; Xiang, Kaituo ; Li, Chengcheng ; Li, Qianyun ; Machens, Hans-Günther ; Chen, Zhenbing; Exosomes from Adipose Stem Cells Promote Diabetic Wound Healing through the eHSP90/LRP1/AKT Axis
Joerger, Ann-Kathrin ; Seitz, Sebastian ; Lange, Nicole ; Aftahy, Amir K. ; Wagner, Arthur ; Ryang, Yu-Mi ; Bernhardt, Denise ; Combs, Stephanie E. ; Wostrack, Maria ; Gempt, Jens ; Meyer, Bernhard; CFR-PEEK Pedicle Screw Instrumentation for Spinal Neoplasms: A Single Center Experience on Safety and Efficacy
Dimaridis, Ioannis ; Sridharan, Patmaa ; Ntziachristos, Vasilis ; Karlas, Angelos ; Hadjileontiadis, Leontios; Image Quality Improvement Techniques and Assessment Adequacy in Clinical Optoacoustic Imaging: A Systematic Review
Czogalla, Bastian ; Dötzer, Katharina ; Sigrüner, Nicole ; von Koch, Franz Edler ; Brambs, Christine E. ; Anthuber, Sabine ; Frangini, Sergio ; Burges, Alexander ; Werner, Jens ; Mahner, Sven ; Mayer, Barbara; Combined Expression of HGFR with Her2/neu, EGFR, IGF1R, Mucin-1 and Integrin α2β1 Is Associated with Aggressive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Heissig, Beate ; Salama, Yousef ; Iakoubov, Roman ; Vehreschild, Joerg Janne ; Rios, Ricardo ; Nogueira, Tatiane ; Vehreschild, Maria J. G. T. ; Stecher, Melanie ; Mori, Hirotake ; Lanznaster, Julia ; Adachi, Eisuke ; Jakob, Carolin ; Tabe, Yoko ; Ruethrich, Maria ; Borgmann, Stefan ; Naito, Toshio ; Wille, Kai ; Valenti, Simon ; Hower, Martin ; Hattori, Nobutaka ; Rieg, Siegbert ; Nagaoka, Tetsutaro ; Jensen, Bjoern-Erik ; Yotsuyanagi, Hiroshi ; Hertenstein, Bernd ; Ogawa, Hideoki ; Wyen, Christoph ; Kominami, Eiki ; Roemmele, Christoph ; Takahashi, Satoshi ; Rupp, Jan ; Takahashi, Kazuhisa ; Hanses, Frank ; Hattori, Koichi; COVID-19 Severity and Thrombo-Inflammatory Response Linked to Ethnicity
Krueger, Kimberly ; Mayer, Zsuzsanna ; Kottmaier, Marc ; Gerckens, Miriam ; Boeck, Stefan ; Luppa, Peter ; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Robust Preanalytical Performance of Soluble PD-1, PD-L1 and PD-L2 Assessed by Sensitive ELISAs in Blood
Hees, Jara Tabitha ; Harbauer, Angelika Bettina; Metabolic Regulation of Mitochondrial Protein Biogenesis from a Neuronal Perspective
Ullah, Subhan ; Ahmad, Tahir ; Buriro, Attaullah ; Zara, Nudrat ; Saha, Sudipan; TrojanDetector: A Multi-Layer Hybrid Approach for Trojan Detection in Android Applications
Murillo, Carla ; Weng, Hsin-Yi ; Weil, Ann B. ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Ko, Jeff C.; Perioperative Brain Function Monitoring with Electroencephalography in Horses Anesthetized with Multimodal Balanced Anesthetic Protocol Subjected to Surgeries
Hauck, Daniel ; Lohr, Dieter ; Meinken, Elke ; Schmidhalter, Urs; Phosphorus Availability from German Sewage Sludge Ashes to Plants Cultivated in Soilless Growing Media of Contrasting pH
Piskov, Sergey ; Timchenko, Lyudmila ; Avanesyan, Svetlana ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Sizonenko, Marina ; Kurchenko, Vladimir ; Rzhepakovsky, Igor ; Blinov, Andrey ; Nagdalian, Andrey ; Shariati, Mohammad Ali ; Ibrahim, Salam A.; A Comparative Study on the Structural Properties and Lipid Profile of Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Powder Obtained by Different Drying Methods
Huang, Tao ; Zheng, Kefeng ; Li, Shiyuan ; Yang, Yanxiang ; Kong, Lingxuan ; Zhao, Ying; Screen-based sedentary behaviors but not total sedentary time are associated with anxiety among college students
Steele, J. Douglas ; Farnan, Tom ; Semple, David M. ; Bai, Siwei; Fronto-medial electrode placement for electroconvulsive treatment of depression
Günthner, Roman ; Knipping, Lea ; Jeruschke, Stefanie ; Satanoskij, Robin ; Lorenz-Depiereux, Bettina ; Hemmer, Clara ; Braunisch, Matthias C. ; Riedhammer, Korbinian M. ; omić, Jasmina ; Tönshoff, Burkhard ; Tasic, Velibor ; Abazi-Emini, Nora ; Nushi-Stavileci, Valbona ; Buiting, Karin ; Gjorgjievski, Nikola ; Momirovska, Ana ; Patzer, Ludwig ; Kirschstein, Martin ; Gross, Oliver ; Lungu, Adrian ; Weber, Stefanie ; Renders, Lutz ; Heemann, Uwe ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Büscher, Anja K. ; Hoefele, Julia; Renal X-inactivation in female individuals with X-linked Alport syndrome primarily determined by age
Lutfullin, Isabel ; Eveslage, Maria ; Bittner, Stefan ; Antony, Gisela ; Flaskamp, Martina ; Luessi, Felix ; Salmen, Anke ; Gisevius, Barbara ; Klotz, Luisa ; Korsukewitz, Catharina ; Berthele, Achim ; Groppa, Sergiu ; Then Bergh, Florian ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Bayas, Antonios ; Tumani, Hayrettin ; Meuth, Sven G ; Trebst, Corinna ; Zettl, Uwe K ; Paul, Friedemann ; Heesen, Christoph ; Kuempfel, Tania ; Gold, Ralf ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Zipp, Frauke ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Lünemann, Jan D; Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis
Wendl, Johannes ; Simon, Andreas ; Kistler, Martin ; Hapfelmeier, Jana ; Schneider, Antonius ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander; Identification of target groups and individuals for adherence interventions using tree-based prediction models
Mair, Olivia ; Greve, Frederik ; Lefering, Rolf ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc; The outcome of severely injured patients following traumatic brain injury is affected by gender_A retrospective, multicenter, matched-pair analysis utilizing data of the TraumaRegister DGU®
Beugholt, Alexander ; Büchner, Kai ; Geier, Dominik Ulrich ; Becker, Thomas; Quantification of oxidative stress in Saccharomyces pastorianus propagation: Gene expression analysis using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and flow cytometry
Schillert, Lena ; Wirtz, Daniela ; Weber, Nadine ; Schaller, Franziska ; Striegel, Lisa ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe ; Rychlik, Michael; Metabolic folate profiling as a function of time during cultivation suggests potential C2-metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Backman, F. ; Barrow, J. ; Beßler, Y. ; Bianchi, A. ; Bohm, C. ; Brooijmans, G. ; Calen, H. ; Cederkäll, J. ; Damian, J.I.M. ; Dian, E. ; Di Julio, D.D. ; Dunne, K. ; Eklund, L. ; Ferreira, M.J. ; Fierlinger, P. ; Friman-Gayer, U. ; Happe, C. ; Holl, M. ; Johansson, T. ; Kamyshkov, Y. ; Klinkby, E. ; Kolevatov, R. ; Kupsc, A. ; Meirose, B. ; Milstead, D. ; Nepomuceno, A. ; Nilsson, T. ; Oskarsson, A. ; Perrey, H. ; Ramic, K. ; Rataj, B. ; Rizzi, N. ; Santoro, V. ; Silverstein, S. ; Snow, W.M. ; Takibayev, A. ; Wagner, R. ; Wolke, M. ; Yiu, S.C. ; Young, A.R. ; Zanini, L. ; Zimmer, O.; The development of the NNBAR experiment
Schmelzle, Moritz ; Benzing, Christian ; Fischer, Lutz ; Herden, Uta ; Sterneck, Martina ; Settmacher, Utz ; Bauschke, Astrid ; Neumann, Ulf ; Pelzer, Uwe ; Müller, Tobias ; Strassburg, Christian ; Lang, Hauke ; Becker, Thomas ; Königsrainer, Alfred ; Nadalin, Silvio ; Quante, Markus ; Paul, Andreas ; Friess, Helmut ; Klempnauer, Jürgen ; Richter, Nicolas ; Vondran, Florian ; Pascher, Andreas ; Rösch, Thomas ; Schöning, Wenzel ; Krenzien, Felix ; Öllinger, Robert ; Seehofer, Daniel ; Neuhaus, Peter ; Pratschke, Johann; Feasibility and Efficacy of Adjuvant Chemotherapy With Gemcitabine After Liver Transplantation for Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma - A Multi-Center, Randomized, Controlled Trial (pro-duct001)
Melzer, Marcus ; Elbe, Anne-Marie ; Strahler, Katharina; Athletes' use of analgesics is related to doping attitudes, competitive anxiety, and situational opportunity
Borgstedt, Laura ; Bratke, Sebastian ; Blobner, Manfred ; Pötzl, Christoph ; Ulm, Bernhard ; Jungwirth, Bettina ; Schmid, Sebastian; Isoflurane has no effect on cognitive or behavioral performance in a mouse model of early-stage Alzheimer's disease
Schwarz, R., Gräbner, M., Spliethoff, H.; Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the Fixed Bed Gasification of Char with Focus on Pore Diffusion
Scharl, V.; Fischer, F., Herrmann, S.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H; Applying ReactiKinetics to Pseudohomogeneous Methanation Modeling in Fixed-Bed Reactors
Schimpe, Andreas; Feiler, Johannes; Hoffmann, Simon; Majstorovic, Domagoj; Diermeyer, Frank; Presentation on Open Source Software for Teleoperated Driving
Landler, Philipp; Wittges, Holger; Adding a Dashboard to ERPsim
Meng, Liqiu; Proliferation of Cartographic Education in the Age of Big Data
Hart-Davis M.G., Dettmering D., Seitz F.; TICON-3: Tidal Constants based on GESLA-3 sea-level records from globally distributed tide gauges including gauge type information (data)
Selimovic, E.;Noichl, F.;Forth, K.;Borrmann, A.; Retrofitting Potential of Building envelopes Based on Semantic Surface Models Derived From Point Clouds
Döge, Stefan;Hingerl, Jürgen;Petry, Winfried;Morkel, Christoph; Direct measurement of the scattering cross sections of liquid ortho-deuterium for ultracold neutrons and comparison with model calculations
Rank, Johannes; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; The Role of Performance in Streaming Analytics Projects: Expert Interviews on Current Challenges and Future Research Directions
Rank, Johannes; Barnert, Maximilian; Hein, Andreas; Krcmar, Helmut; Predicting Scaling Efficiency of Distributed Stream Processing Systems via Task Level Performance Simulation
Djeffal, Christian; 我們應如何在法律上規範人工智慧? (Wie sollen wir künstliche Intelligenz regeln?): 歐洲的觀點
Pieczonka, Stefan A.;Zarnkow, Martin;Diederich, Philippe;Hutzler, Mathias;Weber, Nadine;Jacob, Fritz;Rychlik, Michael;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Author Correction: Archeochemistry reveals the first steps into modern industrial brewing
Engel, Thomas;Werther, Norman; Impact of Mass Timber Compartment Fires on Façade Fire Exposure
Mostafa Faraji, Alexander Seitz, Christoph Meier, Wolfgang A. Wall; A Mortar Finite Element Formulation for Large Deformation Lubricated Contact Problems with Smooth Transition Between Mixed, Elasto‑Hydrodynamic and Full Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Stimm, Kilian;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; Chances and Limitations of Mixed Oak Regeneration under Continuous Canopy Cover—Evidence from Long-Term Observations
Djeffal, Christian; Intelligenza artificiale e pubblica amministrazione in Germania. Riflessioni sui principi orientativi di carattere normativo a partire dall'esperienza tedesca
Seeber, B.U.; Localisation Under Reverberant Conditions
Mehmeti, Fidan; Kellerer, Wolfgang; Max-min Fair Resource Allocation in SD-RAN
van de Par, S.;Ewert, S.D.;Hládek, L.;Kirsch, C.;Schütze, J.;Llorca-Bofí, J.;Grimm, G.;Hendrikse, M.M.E.;Kollmeier, B.;Seeber, B.U.; Auditory-visual scenes for hearing research
Renjewski, Daniel;Lipfert, Susanne;Günther, Michael; The Foot in Walking - Towards Developing a Constrained Model of Stance Phase Dynamics
Renjewski, Daniel;Lipfert, Susanne;Günther, Michael; Foot function enabled by human walking dynamics
Gufler, Veit;Zwölfer, Andreas;Wehrle, Erich; Analytical derivatives of flexible multibody dynamics with the floating frame of reference formulation
Plecher, David A.;Keil, Leonard;Kost, Guy;Fiederling, Max;Eichhorn, Christian;Klinker, Gudrun; Exploring underwater archaeology findings with a diving simulator in virtual reality
Jörg Schröder, Peter Wriggers; Frontiers in Mortar Methods for Isogeometric Analysis
Diller, Johannes; Siebert, Dorina; Radlbeck, Christina; Mensinger, Martin; PBF-LB/M/316L vs. hot-rolled 316L – comparison of cyclic plastic material behavior
Aldridge, David C.;Ollard, Isobel S.;Bespalaya, Yulia V.;Bolotov, Ivan N.;Douda, Karel;Geist, Juergen;Haag, Wendell R.;Klunzinger, Michael W.;Lopes‐Lima, Manuel;Mlambo, Musa C.;Riccardi, Nicoletta;Sousa, Ronaldo;Strayer, David L.;Torres, Santiago H.;Vaughn, Caryn C.;Zając, Tadeusz;Zieritz, Alexandra; Freshwater mussel conservation: A global horizon scan of emerging threats and opportunities
Bendor-Samuel, Owen Martyn ; Wishlade, Tabitha ; Willis, Louise ; Aley, Parvinder ; Choi, Edward ; Craik, Rachel ; Mujadidi, Yama ; Mounce, Ginny ; Roseman, Fenella ; De La Horra Gozalo, Arancha ; Bland, James ; Taj, Nazia ; Smith, Ian ; Ziegler, Anette-Gabriele ; Bonifacio, Ezio ; Winkler, Christiane ; Haupt, Florian ; Todd, John A ; Servais, Laurent ; Snape, Matthew D ; Vatish, Manu; Successful integration of newborn genetic testing into UK routine screening using prospective consent to determine eligibility for clinical trials
van der Kooi, Casper J. ; Spaethe, Johannes ; Leonhardt, Sara Diana; Editorial: Sensory ecology of plant-pollinator interactions
Lutfullin, Isabel ; Eveslage, Maria ; Bittner, Stefan ; Antony, Gisela ; Flaskamp, Martina ; Luessi, Felix ; Salmen, Anke ; Gisevius, Barbara ; Klotz, Luisa ; Korsukewitz, Catharina ; Berthele, Achim ; Groppa, Sergiu ; Then Bergh, Florian ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Bayas, Antonios ; Tumani, Hayrettin ; Meuth, Sven G ; Trebst, Corinna ; Zettl, Uwe K ; Paul, Friedemann ; Heesen, Christoph ; Kuempfel, Tania ; Gold, Ralf ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Zipp, Frauke ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Lünemann, Jan D; Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis
Pellegrini, Costanza ; Duesmann, Charlotte ; Rheude, Tobias ; Berg, Amelie ; Alvarez-Covarrubias, Hector A. ; Trenkwalder, Teresa ; Mayr, N. Patrick ; Schürmann, Friederike ; Nicol, Philipp ; Xhepa, Erion ; Joner, Michael; The impact of extra-valvular cardiac damage on mid-term clinical outcome following transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis
Guarin, Jose Rafael ; Martre, Pierre ; Ewert, Frank ; Webber, Heidi ; Dueri, Sibylle ; Calderini, Daniel ; Reynolds, Matthew ; Molero, Gemma ; Miralles, Daniel ; Garcia, Guillermo ; Slafer, Gustavo ; Giunta, Francesco ; Pequeno, Diego N L ; Stella, Tommaso ; Ahmed, Mukhtar ; Alderman, Phillip D ; Basso, Bruno ; Berger, Andres G ; Bindi, Marco ; Bracho-Mujica, Gennady ; Cammarano, Davide ; Chen, Yi ; Dumont, Benjamin ; Rezaei, Ehsan Eyshi ; Fereres, Elias ; Ferrise, Roberto ; Gaiser, Thomas ; Gao, Yujing ; Garcia-Vila, Margarita ; Gayler, Sebastian ; Hochman, Zvi ; Hoogenboom, Gerrit ; Hunt, Leslie A ; Kersebaum, Kurt C ; Nendel, Claas ; Olesen, Jørgen E ; Palosuo, Taru ; Priesack, Eckart ; Pullens, Johannes W M ; Rodríguez, Alfredo ; Rötter, Reimund P ; Ramos, Margarita Ruiz ; Semenov, Mikhail A ; Senapati, Nimai ; Siebert, Stefan ; Srivastava, Amit Kumar ; Stöckle, Claudio ; Supit, Iwan ; Tao, Fulu ; Thorburn, Peter ; Wang, Enli ; Weber, Tobias Karl David ; Xiao, Liujun ; Zhang, Zhao ; Zhao, Chuang ; Zhao, Jin ; Zhao, Zhigan ; Zhu, Yan ; Asseng, Senthold; Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential
Agostini, M. ; Alexander, A. ; Araujo, G. ; Bakalyarov, A.M. ; Balata, M. ; Barabanov, I. ; Baudis, L. ; Bauer, C. ; Belogurov, S. ; Bettini, A. ; Bezrukov, L. ; Biancacci, V. ; Bossio, E. ; Bothe, V. ; Brugnera, R. ; Caldwell, A. ; Calgaro, S. ; Cattadori, C. ; Chernogorov, A. ; Comellato, T. ; D'Andrea, V. ; Demidova, E.V. ; Di Giacinto, A. ; Di Marco, N. ; Doroshkevich, E. ; Fischer, F. ; Fomina, M. ; Gangapshev, A. ; Garfagnini, A. ; Gooch, C. ; Grabmayr, P. ; Gurentsov, V. ; Gusev, K. ; Hakenmüller, J. ; Hemmer, S. ; Hofmann, W. ; Huang, J. ; Hult, M. ; Inzhechik, L.V. ; Janicskó Csáthy, J. ; Jochum, J. ; Junker, M. ; Kazalov, V. ; Kermaïdic, Y. ; Khushbakht, H. ; Kihm, T. ; Kilgus, K. ; Kirpichnikov, I.V. ; Klimenko, A. ; Knöpfle, K.T. ; Kochetov, O. ; Kornoukhov, V.N. ; Krause, P. ; Kuzminov, V.V. ; Laubenstein, M. ; Lindner, M. ; Lippi, I. ; Lubashevskiy, A. ; Lubsandorzhiev, B. ; Lutter, G. ; Macolino, C. ; Majorovits, B. ; Maneschg, W. ; Manzanillas, L. ; Marshall, G. ; Miloradovic, M. ; Mingazheva, R. ; Misiaszek, M. ; Morella, M. ; Müller, Y. ; Nemchenok, I. ; Pandola, L. ; Pelczar, K. ; Pertoldi, L. ; Piseri, P. ; Pullia, A. ; Ransom, C. ; Rauscher, L. ; Redchuk, M. ; Riboldi, S. ; Rumyantseva, N. ; Sada, C. ; Sailer, S. ; Salamida, F. ; Schönert, S. ; Schreiner, J. ; Schütt, M. ; Schütz, A-K. ; Schulz, O. ; Schwarz, M. ; Schwingenheuer, B. ; Selivanenko, O. ; Shevchik, E. ; Shirchenko, M. ; Shtembari, L. ; Simgen, H. ; Smolnikov, A. ; Stukov, D. ; Vasenko, A.A. ; Veresnikova, A. ; Vignoli, C. ; von Sturm, K. ; Wester, T. ; Wiesinger, C. ; Wojcik, M. ; Yanovich, E. ; Zatschler, B. ; Zhitnikov, I. ; Zhukov, S.V. ; Zinatulina, D. ; Zschocke, A. ; Zsigmond, A.J. ; Zuber, K. ; Zuzel, G.; Search for exotic physics in double-β decays with GERDA Phase II
Schwarzenberg, Florian L. ; Schütz, Paul ; Hammel, Jörg U. ; Riedel, Mirko ; Bartl, Jasmin ; Bordbari, Sharareh ; Frank, Svea-Celina ; Walkenfort, Bernd ; Busse, Madleen ; Herzen, Julia ; Lohr, Christian ; Wülfing, Clemens ; Henne, Stephan; Three-dimensional analyses of vascular network morphology in a murine lymph node by X-ray phase-contrast tomography with a 2D Talbot array
Summer, B. ; Lill, D. ; Remmel, K. ; Schraml, A. ; Schopf, C. ; Banke, I. J. ; Kuechenhoff, H. ; Maierhofer, T. ; Endres, S. ; Thomas, P.; An interleukin-1 polymorphism additionally intensified by atopy as prognostic factor for aseptic non-mechanical complications in metal knee and hip arthroplasty
Tomczak, A ; Berlo, L v ; Krijnen, T ; Borrmann, A ; Bolpagni, M; A review of methods to specify information requirements in digital construction projects
Marcelli, L ; Battisti, M ; Belov, A ; Bertaina, M ; Cambiè, G ; Capel, F ; Casolino, M ; Ebisuzaki, T ; Fuglesang, C ; Klimov, P ; Parizot, E ; Picozza, P ; Piotrowski, L W ; Prévôt, G ; Reali, E ; Ricci, M ; Sakaki, N ; Szabelski, J ; Takizawa, Y; The Mini-EUSO telescope on board the ISS: in-flight operations and performances
Peppler, Kylie ; Keune, Anna ; Thompson, Naomi ; Saxena, Pooja; Craftland is Mathland: Mathematical insight and the generative role of fiber crafts in maker education
Fraija, N. ; Galvan-Gamez, A. ; Betancourt Kamenetskaia, B. ; Dainotti, M. G. ; Dichiara, S. ; Veres, P. ; Becerra, R. L. ; do E. S. Pedreira, A. C. Caligula; Modeling Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Observations with an Off-axis Jet Emission
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Alvi, Tayyaba ; Sameen, Aysha ; Khan, Sipper ; Blinov, Andrey Vladimirovich ; Nagdalian, Andrey Ashotovich ; Mehdizadeh, Mohammad ; Adli, Danung Nur ; Onwezen, Marleen; Consumer Acceptance of Alternative Proteins: A Systematic Review of Current Alternative Protein Sources and Interventions Adapted to Increase Their Acceptability
Geiser, Florian ; Wessel, Daniel ; Hummert, Matthias ; Weber, Andreas ; Wübben, Dirk ; Dekorsy, Armin ; Viseras, Alberto; DRLLA: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Link Adaptation
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Asif, Zarnab ; Murid, Misbah ; Fernando, Ito ; Adli, Danung Nur ; Blinov, Andrey Vladimirovich ; Golik, Alexey Borisovich ; Nugraha, Widya Satya ; Ibrahim, Salam A. ; Jafari, Seid Mahdi; Consumer Social and Psychological Factors Influencing the Use of Genetically Modified Foods_A Review
Holzleitner, Nadine ; Günther, Thomas ; Beck, Roswitha ; Lapa, Constantin ; Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Introduction of a SiFA Moiety into the D-Glutamate Chain of DOTA-PP-F11N Results in Radiohybrid-Based CCK-2R-Targeted Compounds with Improved Pharmacokinetics In Vivo
Feng, Mingzhe ; Sun, Xin ; Dong, Junyu ; Zhao, Haoran; Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
Qin, Weilong ; Wang, Jian ; Ma, Longfei ; Wang, Falv ; Hu, Naiyue ; Yang, Xianyue ; Xiao, Yiyang ; Zhang, Yinghua ; Sun, Zhencai ; Wang, Zhimin ; Yu, Kang; UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat Drought Resistance in Different Deficit Irrigation Regimes
Liu, Zhiheng ; Chen, Xuemei ; Zhou, Suiping ; Yu, Hang ; Guo, Jianhua ; Liu, Yanming; DUPnet: Water Body Segmentation with Dense Block and Multi-Scale Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Remote Sensing Images
Rana, Adeem Ghaffar ; Schwarze, Michael ; Tasbihi, Minoo ; Sala, Xavier ; García-Antón, Jordi ; Minceva, Mirjana; Influence of Cocatalysts (Ni, Co, and Cu) and Synthesis Method on the Photocatalytic Activity of Exfoliated Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Hydrogen Production
Berg, Angela ; Gräber, Martin ; Schmutzler, Sebastian ; Hoffmann, Ralf ; Berg, Thorsten; A High-Throughput Fluorescence Polarization-Based Assay for the SH2 Domain of STAT4
Zuo, Xiuxia ; Yang, Qinghua ; He, Yaolong ; Cheng, Ya-Jun ; Yin, Shanshan ; Zhu, Jin ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Xia, Yonggao; High-Temperature Magnesiothermic Reduction Enables HF-Free Synthesis of Porous Silicon with Enhanced Performance as Lithium-Ion Battery Anode
Vahidinasab, Maliheh ; Adiek, Isabel ; Hosseini, Behnoush ; Akintayo, Stephen Olusanmi ; Abrishamchi, Bahar ; Pfannstiel, Jens ; Henkel, Marius ; Lilge, Lars ; Voegele, Ralf T. ; Hausmann, Rudolf; Characterization of Bacillus velezensis UTB96, Demonstrating Improved Lipopeptide Production Compared to the Strain B. velezensis FZB42
Cubukcu, M. ; Pöllath, S. ; Tacchi, S. ; Stacey, A. ; Darwin, E. ; Freeman, C. W. F. ; Barton, C. ; Hickey, B. J. ; Marrows, C. H. ; Carlotti, G. ; Back, C. H. ; Kazakova, O.; Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmion Density in Continuous Ir/Co/Pt Multilayers
Yan, Yingfei ; Hemmler, Daniel ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; HILIC-MS for Untargeted Profiling of the Free Glycation Product Diversity
Mair, Olivia Anna ; Himmler, Maren ; Brunnemer, Suna ; Faymonville, Christoph ; Honeck, Patrick ; Horn, Thomas ; Biberthaler, Peter ; Hanschen, Marc; Positive Predictive Factors for Urogenital Injuries in Severely Injured Patients with Pelvic and Spinal Fractures: Introducing the UPPS Scoring System
Reiberg, Marius ; Hitzler, Leonhard ; Apfelbacher, Lukas ; Schanz, Jochen ; Kolb, David ; Riegel, Harald ; Werner, Ewald; Additive Manufacturing of CrFeNiTi Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Tahmoures, Mohammad ; Honarbakhsh, Afshin ; Afzali, Sayed Fakhreddin ; Abotaleb, Mostafa ; Ingram, Ben ; Ostovari, Yaser; Fractal Features of Soil Particles as an Indicator of Land Degradation under Different Types of Land Use at the Watershed Scale in Southern Iran
Kindu, Mengistie ; Bingham, Logan Robert ; Borges, José G. ; Marques, Susete ; Nahorna, Olha ; Eggers, Jeannette ; Knoke, Thomas; Opportunity Costs of In Situ Carbon Storage Derived by Multiple-Objective Stand-Level Optimization_Results from Case Studies in Portugal and Germany
Benjamin, Emmanuel O. ; Ola, Oreoluwa ; Buchenrieder, Gertrud R.; Feasibility Study of a Small-Scale Recirculating Aquaculture System for Sustainable (Peri-)Urban Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Nigerian Perspective
Maurer, H. Carlo ; Schult, David ; Koyumdzhieva, Plamena ; Reitmeier, Sandra ; Middelhoff, Moritz ; Rasch, Sebastian ; List, Markus ; Janssen, Klaus-Peter ; Steiger, Katja ; Protzer, Ulrike ; Schmid, Roland M. ; Neuhaus, Klaus ; Haller, Dirk ; Quante, Michael ; Lahmer, Tobias; Gut Microbial Disruption in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis
Hale, Austin ; Fischer, Marc ; Schütz, Laura ; Fuchs, Henry ; Leuze, Christoph; Remote Training for Medical Staff in Low-Resource Environments Using Augmented Reality
Stephenson, Natasha ; Pushparajah, Kuberan ; Wheeler, Gavin ; Deng, Shujie ; Schnabel, Julia A. ; Simpson, John M.; Evaluation of a Linear Measurement Tool in Virtual Reality for Assessment of Multimodality Imaging Data_A Phantom Study
Shao, Marine Y. ; Vagg, Tamara ; Seibold, Matthias ; Doughty, Mitchell; Towards a Low-Cost Monitor-Based Augmented Reality Training Platform for At-Home Ultrasound Skill Development
Song, Tianyu ; Sommersperger, Michael ; Baran, The Anh ; Seibold, Matthias ; Navab, Nassir; HAPPY: Hip Arthroscopy Portal Placement Using Augmented Reality
Weber, Patrick ; Klingler, Werner ; Schleip, Robert ; Weber, Nadine ; Joisten, Christine; The Influence of a Single Instrument-Assisted Manual Therapy (IAMT) for the Lower Back on the Structural and Functional Properties of the Dorsal Myofascial Chain in Female Soccer Players: A Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Cira, Kamacay ; Weber, Marie-Christin ; Wilhelm, Dirk ; Friess, Helmut ; Reischl, Stefan ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander; The Effect of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Therapy within 12 Weeks Prior to Surgery on Postoperative Complications in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Westphal, Dominik S. ; Hauser, Michael ; Beckmann, Britt-Maria ; Wolf, Cordula M. ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Wacker-Gussmann, Annette; Fetal Bradycardia Caused by Monogenic Disorders_A Review of the Literature
Pujol, Claudia ; Hessling, Gabriele ; Telishevska, Marta ; Schiele, Sandra ; Deisenhofer, Isabel ; Ewert, Peter ; Tutarel, Oktay; Prevalence and Treatment Outcomes of Arrhythmias in Patients with Single Ventricle Physiology over the Age of 40 Years
Turrina, Chiara ; Milani, Davide ; Klassen, Anna ; Rojas-González, Diana M. ; Cookman, Jennifer ; Opel, Matthias ; Sartori, Barbara ; Mela, Petra ; Berensmeier, Sonja ; Schwaminger, Sebastian P.; Carboxymethyl-Dextran-Coated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery: Influence of the Coating Thickness on the Particle Properties
Simoes, Fabio A. ; Joilin, Greig ; Peters, Oliver ; Schneider, Luisa-Sophie ; Priller, Josef ; Spruth, Eike Jakob ; Vogt, Ina ; Kimmich, Okka ; Spottke, Annika ; Hoffmann, Daniel C. ; Falkenburger, Björn ; Brandt, Moritz ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Brockmann, Kathrin ; Fries, Franca Laura ; Rowe, James B. ; Church, Alistair ; Respondek, Gesine ; Newbury, Sarah F. ; Leigh, P. Nigel ; Morris, Huw R. ; Höglinger, Günter U. ; Hafezparast, Majid; Potential of Non-Coding RNA as Biomarkers for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Kühn, Annemarie Luise ; Frenzel, Stefan ; Teumer, Alexander ; Wittfeld, Katharina ; Garvert, Linda ; Weihs, Antoine ; Homuth, Georg ; Prokisch, Holger ; Bülow, Robin ; Nauck, Matthias ; Völker, Uwe ; Völzke, Henry ; Grabe, Hans Jörgen ; Van der Auwera, Sandra; TREML2 Gene Expression and Its Missense Variant rs3747742 Associate with White Matter Hyperintensity Volume and Alzheimer's Disease-Related Brain Atrophy in the General Population
Kessler, Christoph ; Ruschil, Christoph ; Abdelhak, Ahmed ; Wilke, Carlo ; Maleska, Aleksandra ; Kuhle, Jens ; Krumbholz, Markus ; Kowarik, Markus C. ; Schüle, Rebecca; Serum Neurofilament Light Chain and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein as Biomarkers in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Type 4
Lau, Sam S. S. ; Shum, Eric N. Y. ; Man, Jackie O. T. ; Cheung, Ethan T. H. ; Amoah, Padmore Adusei ; Leung, Angela Y. M. ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin; A Cross-Sectional Study of the Perceived Stress, Well-Being and Their Relations with Work-Related Behaviours among Hong Kong School Leaders during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hinzmann, Dominik ; Forster, Andrea ; Koll-Krüsmann, Marion ; Schießl, Andreas ; Schneider, Frederick ; Sigl-Erkel, Tanja ; Igl, Andreas ; Heininger, Susanne Katharina; Calling for Help_Peer-Based Psychosocial Support for Medical Staff by Telephone_A Best Practice Example from Germany
Jessen, Malik ; Schnetzke, Marc ; Studier-Fischer, Stefan ; Grützner, Paul Alfred ; Gühring, Thorsten ; Porschke, Felix; Morphologic Alterations of the Sternoclavicular Joint following Ipsilateral Clavicle Fractures
Scherer, Julian ; Youssef, Yasmin ; Dittrich, Florian ; Albrecht, Urs-Vito ; Tsitsilonis, Serafeim ; Jung, Jochen ; Pförringer, Dominik ; Landgraeber, Stefan ; Beck, Sascha ; Back, David A.; Proposal of a New Rating Concept for Digital Health Applications in Orthopedics and Traumatology
Betschart, Simona ; Sandmeier, Anita ; Skedsmo, Guri ; Hascher, Tina ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin; The Importance of School Leaders' Attitudes and Health Literacy to the Implementation of a Health-Promoting Schools Approach
Lau, Sam S. S. ; Shum, Eric N. Y. ; Man, Jackie O. T. ; Cheung, Ethan T. H. ; Amoah, Padmore Adusei ; Leung, Angela Y. M. ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin; Teachers' Well-Being and Associated Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Hong Kong, China
Kumar, Deependra ; Chand, Arya K. B. ; Massopust, Peter R.; Approximation by Quantum Meyer-König-Zeller Fractal Functions
Korkmaz, Birsen ; Maaz, Denny ; Reich, Felix ; Gremse, Carl ; Haase, Annina ; Mateus-Vargas, Rafael H. ; Mader, Anneluise ; Rottenberger, Ingo ; Schafft, Helmut A. ; Bandick, Niels ; Nöckler, Karsten ; Alter, Thomas ; Lahrssen-Wiederholt, Monika ; Steinhoff-Wagner, Julia; Cause and Effect Analysis between Influencing Factors Related to Environmental Conditions, Hunting and Handling Practices and the Initial Microbial Load of Game Carcasses
Toledo e Silva, Sérgio Henrique ; Silva, Lidiane Bataglia ; Eisner, Peter ; Bader-Mittermaier, Stephanie; Production of Protein Concentrates from Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata and Acrocomia totai) Kernels by Sieve Fractionation
Calvi, Antonio ; Preiti, Giovanni ; Poiana, Marco ; Marconi, Ombretta ; Gastl, Martina ; Zarnkow, Martin; Multi-Response Optimization of the Malting Process of an Italian Landrace of Rye (Secale cereale L.) Using Response Surface Methodology and Desirability Function Coupled with Genetic Algorithm
Shu, Qiguan ; Rötzer, Thomas ; Detter, Andreas ; Ludwig, Ferdinand; Tree Information Modeling: A Data Exchange Platform for Tree Design and Management
Arbugeri, Cesar A. ; Mussa, Samir A. ; Heldwein, Marcelo L.; AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converter_Hexverter
Gamisch, Bernd ; Huber, Lea ; Gaderer, Matthias ; Dawoud, Belal; On the Kinetic Mechanisms of the Reduction and Oxidation Reactions of Iron Oxide/Iron Pellets for a Hydrogen Storage Process
Bühler, Michael Max ; Jelinek, Thorsten ; Nübel, Konrad; Training and Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Günlü, Onur ; Schaefer, Rafael F. ; Boche, Holger ; Poor, Harold Vincent; Private Key and Decoder Side Information for Secure and Private Source Coding +
Ashok Kumar, M. ; Sunny, Albert ; Thakre, Ashish ; Kumar, Ashisha ; Dinesh Manohar, G.; Are Guessing, Source Coding and Tasks Partitioning Birds of A Feather? +
Zhang, Feng ; Qiao, Song ; Yao, Ning ; Li, Chunqiao ; Weber, Marie-Christin ; Jefferies, Benedict ; Friess, Helmut ; Reischl, Stefan ; Neumann, Philipp-Alexander; Anastomotic Rings and Inflammation Values as Biomarkers for Leakage of Stapled Circular Colorectal Anastomoses
Thiel, Charlotte ; Kratzer, Johanna ; Grimm, Benedikt ; Kränkel, Thomas ; Gehlen, Christoph; Effect of Internal Moisture and Outer Relative Humidity on Concrete Carbonation
Khan, Sabir ; Wong, Ademar ; Rychlik, Michael ; Sotomayor, María del Pilar Taboada; A Novel Synthesis of a Magnetic Porous Imprinted Polymer by Polyol Method Coupled with Electrochemical Biomimetic Sensor for the Detection of Folate in Food Samples
Consalvo, Sarah ; Hinterwimmer, Florian ; Harrasser, Norbert ; Lenze, Ulrich ; Matziolis, Georg ; von Eisenhart-Rothe, Rüdiger ; Knebel, Carolin; C-Reactive Protein Pretreatment-Level Evaluation for Ewing's Sarcoma Prognosis Assessment_A 15-Year Retrospective Single-Centre Study
Harder, Felix N. ; Weiss, Kilian ; Amiel, Thomas ; Peeters, Johannes M. ; Tauber, Robert ; Ziegelmayer, Sebastian ; Burian, Egon ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Sauter, Andreas P. ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Braren, Rickmer F.; Prospectively Accelerated T2-Weighted Imaging of the Prostate by Combining Compressed SENSE and Deep Learning in Patients with Histologically Proven Prostate Cancer
Seier, Sophie ; Bashiri Dezfouli, Ali ; Lennartz, Philipp ; Pockley, Alan Graham ; Klein, Henriette ; Multhoff, Gabriele; Elevated Levels of Circulating Hsp70 and an Increased Prevalence of CD94+/CD69+ NK Cells Is Predictive for Advanced Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Mattoni, Susanna ; Farolfi, Andrea ; Formaggio, Fabio ; Bruno, Gabriel ; Caroli, Paola ; Cerci, Juliano Julio ; Eiber, Matthias ; Fendler, Wolfgang Peter ; Golfieri, Rita ; Herrmann, Ken ; Matteucci, Federica ; Mosconi, Cristina ; Paolani, Giulia ; Santoro, Miriam ; Strigari, Lidia ; Nanni, Cristina ; Castellucci, Paolo ; Fanti, Stefano; PSMA PET for the Evaluation of Liver Metastases in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Xue, Busheng ; von Heyking, Kristina ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; Poorebrahim, Mansour ; Thiede, Melanie ; Schober, Kilian ; Mautner, Josef ; Hauer, Julia ; Ruland, Jürgen ; Busch, Dirk H. ; Thiel, Uwe ; Burdach, Stefan E. G.; T Cells Directed against the Metastatic Driver Chondromodulin-1 in Ewing Sarcoma: Comparative Engineering with CRISPR/Cas9 vs. Retroviral Gene Transfer for Adoptive Transfer
Babi, Aisha ; Menlibayeva, Karashash ; Bex, Torekhan ; Doskaliev, Aidos ; Akshulakov, Serik ; Shevtsov, Maxim; Targeting Heat Shock Proteins in Malignant Brain Tumors: From Basic Research to Clinical Trials
Zyberaj, Jetmir ; Bakaç, Cafer; Insecure yet Resourceful: Psychological Capital Mitigates the Negative Effects of Employees' Career Insecurity on Their Career Satisfaction
You, Yuyang ; Guo, Xiaoyu ; Zhong, Xuyang ; Yang, Zhihong; A Few-Shot Learning-Based EEG and Stage Transition Sequence Generator for Improving Sleep Staging Performance
Aslam, Rana Ammar ; Shrestha, Sangam ; Usman, Muhammad Nabeel ; Khan, Shahbaz Nasir ; Ali, Sikandar ; Sharif, Muhammad Shoaib ; Sarwar, Muhammad Waqas ; Saddique, Naeem ; Sarwar, Abid ; Ali, Mohib Ullah ; Arshad, Arfan; Integrated SWAT-MODFLOW Modeling-Based Groundwater Adaptation Policy Guidelines for Lahore, Pakistan under Projected Climate Change, and Human Development Scenarios
Elnobi, Mahmoud ; Bashir, Bashar ; Alsalman, Abdullah ; Bachir, Hussein; Geospatial Analytics for Preliminarily Landscape Active Tectonic Assessment of the Wadi Araba Basin, Western Gulf of Suez, Egypt
R dulescu, Marian ; Mocanu, Adela-Ioana ; Dasc lu, Ionela Teodora ; Schipor, Mihai-Adrian ; Mocanu, Horia; Geometric-Statistical Model for Middle-Ear Anatomy and Ventilation
Würstle, Silvia ; Hapfelmeier, Alexander ; Karapetyan, Siranush ; Studen, Fabian ; Isaakidou, Andriana ; Schneider, Tillman ; Schmid, Roland M. ; von Delius, Stefan ; Gundling, Felix ; Triebelhorn, Julian ; Burgkart, Rainer ; Obermeier, Andreas ; Mayr, Ulrich ; Heller, Stephan ; Rasch, Sebastian ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Geisler, Fabian ; Chan, Benjamin ; Turner, Paul E. ; Rothe, Kathrin ; Spinner, Christoph D. ; Schneider, Jochen; A Novel Machine Learning-Based Point-Score Model as a Non-Invasive Decision-Making Tool for Identifying Infected Ascites in Patients with Hydropic Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis: A Retrospective Multicentre Study
Rowold, Matthias ; Ögretmen, Levent ; Kerbl, Tobias ; Lohmann, Boris; Efficient Spatiotemporal Graph Search for Local Trajectory Planning on Oval Race Tracks
Ripsam, Melanie ; Nerdel, Claudia; Augmented reality for chemistry education to promote the use of chemical terminology in teacher trainings
Stolz-Klingenberg, Constanze ; Bünzen, Claudia ; Coors, Marie ; Flüh, Charlotte ; Margraf, Nils G. ; Wehkamp, Kai ; Clayman, Marla L. ; Scheibler, Fueloep ; Wehking, Felix ; Rüffer, Jens Ulrich ; Schüttig, Wiebke ; Sundmacher, Leonie ; Synowitz, Michael ; Berg, Daniela ; Geiger, Friedemann; Sustainability of large-scale implementation of shared decision making with the SHARE TO CARE program
Chadha-Day, F. ; Garbrecht, B. ; McDonald, J.I.; Superradiance in stars:non-equilibrium approach to damping of fields in stellar media
Biederstädt, Alexander ; Manzar, Gohar Shahwar ; Daher, May; Multiplexed engineering and precision gene editing in cellular immunotherapy
Seidel, Tina ; Farrell, Meg ; Martin, Monika ; Rieß, Werner ; Renkl, Alexander; Developing scripted video cases for teacher education: Creating evidence-based practice representations using mock ups
Carius, Lars ; Eichhorn, Christian ; Rudolph, Linda ; Plecher, David A. ; Klinker, Gudrun; Cloud-based cross-platform collaborative augmented reality in flutter
Kathan, Alexander ; Harrer, Mathias ; Küster, Ludwig ; Triantafyllopoulos, Andreas ; He, Xiangheng ; Milling, Manuel ; Gerczuk, Maurice ; Yan, Tianhao ; Rajamani, Srividya Tirunellai ; Heber, Elena ; Grossmann, Inga ; Ebert, David D. ; Schuller, Björn W.; Personalised depression forecasting using mobile sensor data and ecological momentary assessment
Glutsch, Valerie ; Schummer, Patrick ; Kneitz, Hermann ; Gesierich, Anja ; Goebeler, Matthias ; Klein, Detlef ; Posch, Christian ; Gebhardt, Christoffer ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Zimmer, Lisa ; Becker, Jürgen C ; Leiter, Ulrike ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Ugurel, Selma ; Schilling, Bastian; Ipilimumab plus nivolumab in avelumab-refractory Merkel cell carcinoma: a multicenter study of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG
Schütze, Konstantin ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Steinegger, Martin ; Rost, Burkhard; Nearest neighbor search on embeddings rapidly identifies distant protein relations
Leonhardt, Yannik ; Ketschau, Jannik ; Ruschke, Stefan ; Gassert, Florian T. ; Glanz, Leander ; Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Gassert, Felix G. ; Baum, Thomas ; Kirschke, Jan S. ; Braren, Rickmer F. ; Schwaiger, Benedikt J. ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Gersing, Alexandra S.; Associations of incidental vertebral fractures and longitudinal changes of MR-based proton density fat fraction and T2* measurements of vertebral bone marrow
Rötzer, Sebastian;Schweigert-Recksiek, Sebastian;Thoma, Dominik;Zimmermann, Markus; Attribute dependency graphs: modelling cause and effect in systems design
Tschauner, Sebastian ; Singer, Georg ; Weitzer, Claus-Uwe ; Castellani, Christoph ; Till, Holger ; Sorantin, Erich ; Wegmann, Helmut; Does Calcium Phosphate Cement Kyphoplasty Cause Intervertebral Disk Degeneration in Adolescents?
Goshi, Endri; Stahl, Raffael; Harkous, Hasanin; He, Mu; Pries, Rastin; Kellerer, Wolfgang; PP5GS -An Efficient Procedure-Based and Stateless Architecture for Next Generation Core Networks
Büthe, Tim;Djeffal, Christian;Lütge, Christoph;Maasen, Sabine;Ingersleben-Seip, Nora von; Governing AI – attempting to herd cats? Introduction to the special issue on the Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Viljoen, Altus; Hein, Andreas; Przybilla, Leonard; David, Soto Setzke; Krmcar, Helmut; Striving for Global Optima in Digital Transformation: A Paradox Theory Approach
Carius, Lars;Eichhorn, Christian;Rudolph, Linda;Plecher, David A.;Klinker, Gudrun; Cloud-based cross-platform collaborative augmented reality in flutter
Dyszewski, Piotr;Gantert, Nina;Johnston, Samuel G. G.;Prochno, Joscha;Schmid, Dominik; Sharp concentration for the largest and smallest fragment in a k-regular self-similar fragmentation
Kern, Jan;Lober, Thomas;Hermsdörfer, Joachim;Endo, Satoshi; A neural network for the detection of soccer headers from wearable sensor data
Yakup Budanaz; Mario Wille; Michael Bader; Asynchronous Workload Balancing through Persistent Work-Stealing and Offloading for a Distributed Actor Model Library
Mario Wille; Asynchronous Workload Balancing through Persistent Work-Stealing and Offloading for a Distributed Actor Model Library
Schlembach F., Passaro M., Dettmering D., Bidlot J., Seitz F.; Interference-sensitive Coastal SAR Altimetry Retracker for Measuring Significant Wave Height
Schlembach F., Passaro M.; RAW versus RMC: A Coastal Study
Schlembach F., Ehlers F., Kleinherenbrink M., Passaro M., Slobbe C.; Coastal Case Study for Leveraging the Potential of Sentinel-6 MF FF-SAR Altimetry for Significant Wave Height
Nuber, Matthias;Spanier, Lukas V.;Roth, Sebastian;Vayssilov, Georgi N.;Kienberger, Reinhard;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Iglev, Hristo; Picosecond Charge-Transfer-State Dynamics in Wide Band Gap Polymer–Non-Fullerene Small-Molecule Blend Films Investigated via Transient Infrared Spectroscopy
Selmke, Bodo;Pollanka, Maximilian;Duensing, Andreas;Strieder, Emanuele;Wen, Hayden;Mittermair, Michael;Reinhard;Sigl, Georg; On the application of Two-Photon Absorption for Laser Fault Injection attacks
Pašukonis, Andrius;Serrano-Rojas, Shirley Jennifer;Fischer, Marie-Therese;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio;Shaykevich, Daniel A;Rojas, Bibiana;Ringler, Max;Roland, Alexandre B;Marcillo-Lara, Alejandro;Ringler, Eva;Rodríguez, Camilo;Coloma, Luis A;O'Connell, Lauren A; Contrasting parental roles shape sex differences in poison frog space use but not navigational performance
Jain, Varalika;Bugnyar, Thomas;Cunningham, Susan J.;Gallego-Abenza, Mario;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio;Sumasgutner, Petra; The spatial and temporal exploitation of anthropogenic food sources by common ravens (Corvus corax) in the Alps
Seibold, Sebastian;Weisser, Wolfgang W.;Ambarlı, Didem;Gossner, Martin M.;Mori, Akira S.;Cadotte, Marc W.;Hagge, Jonas;Bässler, Claus;Thorn, Simon; Drivers of community assembly change during succession in wood‐decomposing beetle communities
Lauha, Patrik;Somervuo, Panu;Lehikoinen, Petteri;Geres, Lisa;Richter, Tobias;Seibold, Sebastian;Ovaskainen, Otso; Domain‐specific neural networks improve automated bird sound recognition already with small amount of local data
Argentin, Anne-Laure;Hauthaler, Thomas;Liebl, Moritz;Robl, Jörg;Hergarten, Stefan;Prasicek, Günther;Salcher, Bernhard;Hölbling, Daniel;Pfalzner-Gibbon, Claire;Mandl, Lisa;Maroschek, Michael;Abad, Lorena;Dabiri, Zahra; Influence of rheology on landslide-dammed lake impoundment and sediment trapping: Back-analysis of the Hintersee landslide dam
Grünig, Marc;Seidl, Rupert;Senf, Cornelius; Increasing aridity causes larger and more severe forest fires across Europe
Muñoz Mazón, Miguel;Klanderud, Kari;Sheil, Douglas; Canopy openness modifies tree seedling distributions along a tropical forest elevation gradient
Althoff, Matthias; Benchmarks for the Formal Verification of Power Systems
Althoff, Matthias;Forets, Marcelo;Schilling, Christian;Wetzlinger, Mark; ARCH-COMP22 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Continuous Dynamics
Geretti, Luca;Sandretto, Julien Alexandre Dit;Althoff, Matthias;Benet, Luis;Collins, Pieter;Duggirala, Parasara;Forets, Marcelo;Kim, Edward;Mitsch, Stefan;Schilling, Christian;Wetzlinger, Mark; ARCH-COMP22 Category Report Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics
Giusti, Andrea;Liu, Stefan B.;Althoff, Matthias; Interval-Arithmetic-Based Robust Control of Fully Actuated Mechanical Systems
Gressenbuch, Luis;Esterle, Klemens;Kessler, Tobias;Althoff, Matthias; MONA: The Munich Motion Dataset of Natural Driving
Lopez, Diego Manzanas;Althoff, Matthias;Benet, Luis;Chen, Xin;Fan, Jiameng;Forets, Marcelo;Huang, Chao;Johnson, Taylor T;Ladner, Tobias;Li, Wenchao;Schilling, Christian;Zhu, Qi; ARCH-COMP22 Category Report: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Control Systems (AINNCS) for Continuous and Hybrid Systems Plants
Roehm, Hendrik;Rausch, Alexander;Althoff, Matthias; Reachset Conformance and Automatic Model Adaptation for Hybrid Systems
Schepp, Sven R.;Thumm, Jakob;Liu, Stefan B.;Althoff, Matthias; SaRA: A Tool for Safe Human-Robot Coexistence and Collaboration through Reachability Analysis
Verdier, Cees Ferdinand;Kochdumper, Niklas;Althoff, Matthias;Mazo, Manuel; Formal synthesis of closed-form sampled-data controllers for nonlinear continuous-time systems under STL specifications
Wetzlinger, M.; Kulmburg, A.; Le Penven, A.; Althoff, M.; Adaptive reachability algorithms for nonlinear systems using abstraction error analysis
Xiao, Moyuan;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Crosstalk-Aware Automatic Topology Customization and Optimization for Wavelength-Routed Optical NoCs
Liang, Siyuan;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf;Ho, Tsung-Yi; CoMUX: Combinatorial-Coding-Based High-Performance Microfluidic Control Multiplexer Design
Shen, Duan;Zhang, Yushen;Li, Mengchu;Tseng, Tsun-Ming;Schlichtmann, Ulf; Contamination-Free Switch Design and Synthesis for Microfluidic Large-Scale Integration
A. Hering, L Hansen, ..., B. Jian, F. De Benetti, ..., A. V. Dalca, M. P. Heinrich; Learn2Reg: comprehensive multi-task medical image registration challenge, dataset and evaluation in the era of deep learning
Ilchen, Markus;Helml, Wolfram;Meyer, Michael;Kienberger, Reinhard; Freie‐Elektronen‐Laser bringen Licht in den Auger‐Prozess
Brunner, Christian;Duensing, Andreas;Schröder, Christian;Mittermair, Michael;Golkov, Vladimir;Pollanka, Maximilian;Cremers, Daniel;Kienberger, Reinhard; Deep learning in attosecond metrology
Mittermair, Michael;Martin, Felix;Wörle, Martin;Bloß, Dana;Duensing, Andreas;Kienberger, Reinhard;Hans, Andreas;Iglev, Hristo;Knie, André;Helml, Wolfram; Water jet space charge spectroscopy: route to direct measurement of electron dynamics for organic systems in their natural environment
Ristow, Florian;Liang, Kevin;Pittrich, Johannes;Scheffel, Jakob;Fehn, Natalie;Kienberger, Reinhard;Heiz, Ulrich;Kartouzian, Aras;Iglev, Hristo; Large-area SHG-CD probe intrinsic chirality in polycrystalline films
Hellerstedt, Jack;Castelli, Marina;Tadich, Anton;Grubišić-Čabo, Antonija;Kumar, Dhaneesh;Lowe, Benjamin;Gicev, Spiro;Potamianos, Dionysios;Schnitzenbaumer, Maximilian;Scigalla, Pascal;Ghan, Simiam;Kienberger, Reinhard;Usman, Muhammad;Schiffrin, Agustin; Direct observation of narrow electronic energy band formation in 2D molecular self-assembly
Chen, Lienhung ; Jiang, Zhongliang ; Cheng, Long ; Knoll, Alois C. ; Zhou, Mingchuan; Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Trajectory Planning Under Uncertain Constraints
Kehr, Hugo M. ; Bakaç, Cafer ; Jais, Marius ; Brunner, Dorothee ; Voigt, Julian ; Holzemer, Lea; The Role of Death-Anxiety-Induced Fear of COVID-19 in Compliance With and Acceptance of Government-Issued COVID-19 Regulations
Wawrysiuk, Sara ; Rechberger, Tomasz ; Kubik-Komar, Agnieszka ; Kolodynska, Aleksandra ; Naber, Kurt ; Miotla, Pawel; Postoperative Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections in Patients after Urogynecological Surgeries_Nonantibiotic Herbal (Canephron) versus Antibiotic Prophylaxis (Fosfomycin Trometamol): A Parallel-Group, Randomized, Noninferiority Experimental Trial
Evdokimova, Valentina ; Gassmann, Hendrik ; Radvanyi, Laszlo ; Burdach, Stefan E. G.; Current State of Immunotherapy and Mechanisms of Immune Evasion in Ewing Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma
Infante, Maria Stefania ; Salmanton-García, Jon ; Fernández-Cruz, Ana ; Marchesi, Francesco ; Jaksic, Ozren ; Weinbergerová, Barbora ; Besson, Caroline ; Duarte, Rafael F. ; Itri, Federico ; Valković, Toni ; Szotkovski, Tomáš ; Busca, Alessandro ; Guidetti, Anna ; Glenthøj, Andreas ; Collins, Graham P. ; Bonuomo, Valentina ; Sili, Uluhan ; Seval, Guldane Cengiz ; Machado, Marina ; Cordoba, Raul ; Blennow, Ola ; Abu-Zeinah, Ghaith ; Lamure, Sylvain ; Kulasekararaj, Austin ; Falces-Romero, Iker ; Cattaneo, Chiara ; Van Doesum, Jaap ; Piukovics, Klára ; Omrani, Ali S. ; Magliano, Gabriele ; Ledoux, Marie-Pierre ; de Ramon, Cristina ; Cabirta, Alba ; Verga, Luisa ; López-García, Alberto ; Da Silva, Maria Gomes ; Stojanoski, Zlate ; Meers, Stef ; Lahmer, Tobias ; Martín-Pérez, Sonia ; Dávila-Vals, Julio ; Van Praet, Jens ; Samarkos, Michail ; Bilgin, Yavuz M. ; Karlsson, Linda Katharina ; Batinić, Josip ; Nordlander, Anna ; Schönlein, Martin ; Hoenigl, Martin ; Rá il, Zdeněk ; Mladenović, Miloš ; Hanakova, Michaela ; Zambrotta, Giovanni Paolo Maria ; De Jonge, Nick ; Ad ić-Vuki ević, Tatjana ; Nunes-Rodrigues, Raquel ; Prezioso, Lucia ; Navrátil, Milan ; Marchetti, Monia ; Cuccaro, Annarosa ; Calbacho, Maria ; Giordano, Antonio ; Cornely, Oliver A. ; Hernández-Rivas, José-Ángel ; Pagano, Livio; B-cell malignancies treated with targeted drugs and SARS-CoV-2 infection: A European Hematology Association Survey (EPICOVIDEHA)
Zellner, Tobias ; Rabe, Christian ; Wellen-Pawlowski, Jens von der ; Hansen, Dagmar ; John, Harald ; Worek, Franz ; Eyer, Florian; A case report of severe pirimiphos-methyl intoxication: Clinical findings and cholinesterase status
Tintelnot, Joseph ; Ristow, Inka ; Sauer, Markus ; Simnica, Donjete ; Schultheiß, Christoph ; Scholz, Rebekka ; Goekkurt, Eray ; von Wenserski, Lisa ; Willscher, Edith ; Paschold, Lisa ; Lorenzen, Sylvie ; Riera-Knorrenschild, Jorge ; Depenbusch, Reinhard ; Ettrich, Thomas J. ; Dörfel, Steffen ; Al-Batran, Salah-Eddin ; Karthaus, Meinolf ; Pelzer, Uwe ; Hinke, Axel ; Bauer, Marcus ; Massa, Chiara ; Seliger, Barbara ; Wickenhauser, Claudia ; Bokemeyer, Carsten ; Hegewisch-Becker, Susanna ; Binder, Mascha ; Stein, Alexander; Translational analysis and final efficacy of the AVETUX trial - Avelumab, cetuximab and FOLFOX in metastatic colorectal cancer
Lang, Roman ; Lang, Tatjana ; Dunkel, Andreas ; Ziegler, Florian ; Behrens, Maik; Overlapping activation pattern of bitter taste receptors affect sensory adaptation and food perception
Pflüger, J. ; Von Langsdorff, M. ; Breitsamter , C.; Efficacy of an elasto-flexible morphing wing at high lift using fluid-structure-interaction simulations
Sabbaghian, Amir ; Mussack, Veronika ; Kirchner, Benedikt ; Bui, Maria L. U. ; Kalani, Mohammad Reza ; Pfaffl, Michael W. ; Golalipour, Masoud; A panel of blood-derived miRNAs with a stable expression pattern as a potential pan-cancer detection signature
Ruzok, Tobias ; Schmitz-Koep, Benita ; Menegaux, Aurore ; Eves, Robert ; Daamen, Marcel ; Boecker, Henning ; Rieger-Fackeldey, Esther ; Priller, Josef ; Zimmer, Claus ; Bartmann, Peter ; Wolke, Dieter ; Sorg, Christian ; Hedderich, Dennis M.; Lower hypothalamus subunit volumes link with impaired long-term body weight gain after preterm birth
Kleineidam, Luca ; Wolfsgruber, Steffen ; Weyrauch, Anne-Sophie ; Zulka, Linn E. ; Forstmeier, Simon ; Roeske, Sandra ; van den Bussche, Hendrik ; Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna ; Wiese, Birgitt ; Weyerer, Siegfried ; Werle, Jochen ; Fuchs, Angela ; Pentzek, Michael ; Brettschneider, Christian ; König, Hans-Helmut ; Weeg, Dagmar ; Bickel, Horst ; Luppa, Melanie ; Rodriguez, Francisca S. ; Freiesleben, Silka Dawn ; Erdogan, Selin ; Unterfeld, Chantal ; Peters, Oliver ; Spruth, Eike J. ; Altenstein, Slawek ; Lohse, Andrea ; Priller, Josef ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Kobeleva, Xenia ; Schneider, Anja ; Bartels, Claudia ; Schott, Björn H. ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Maier, Franziska ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Incesoy, Enise I. ; Butryn, Michaela ; Düzel, Emrah ; Buerger, Katharina ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Ewers, Michael ; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan ; Perneczky, Robert ; Kilimann, Ingo ; Görß, Doreen ; Teipel, Stefan ; Laske, Christoph ; Munk, Matthias H. J. ; Spottke, Annika ; Roy, Nina ; Brosseron, Frederic ; Heneka, Michael T. ; Ramirez, Alfredo ; Yakupov, Renat ; Scherer, Martin ; Maier, Wolfgang ; Jessen, Frank ; Riedel-Heller, Steffi G. ; Wagner, Michael; Midlife occupational cognitive requirements protect cognitive function in old age by increasing cognitive reserve
Lau, Sam S. S. ; Shum, Eric N. Y. ; Man, Jackie O. T. ; Cheung, Ethan T. H. ; Amoah, Padmore Adusei ; Leung, Angela Y. M. ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Okan, Orkan; Assessing COVID-19-related health literacy and associated factors among school teachers in Hong Kong, China
Kipping, Lydia ; Maurer, Florian ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Muszynski, Sarah ; Kahl, Tiemo ; Kellner, Harald ; Weiser, Wolfgang W. ; Jehmlich, Nico ; Noll, Matthias; Drivers of deadwood decay of 13 temperate tree species are similar between forest and grassland habitats
Engelmann, Katharina ; Hetmanek, Andreas ; Neuhaus, Birgit J. ; Fischer, Frank; Testing an intervention of different learning activities to support students' critical appraisal of scientific literature
Román-Camacho, Juan J. ; García-García, Isidoro ; Santos-Dueñas, Inés M. ; Ehrenreich, Armin ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; García-Martínez, Teresa ; Mauricio, Juan C.; Combining omics tools for the characterization of the microbiota of diverse vinegars obtained by submerged culture: 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and MALDI-TOF MS
Bashir, Sehrish ; Rehman, Nazia ; Fakhar Zaman, Fabia ; Naeem, Muhammad Kashif ; Jamal, Atif ; Tellier, Aurélien ; Ilyas, Muhammad ; Silva Arias, Gustavo Adolfo ; Khan, Muhammad Ramzan; Genome-wide characterization of the NLR gene family in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and their relatedness to disease resistance
Ganie, Tariq Ahmad ; Wani, Sajad Ahmad ; Rather, Sajad Ahmad ; Masoodi, Farooq Ahmad ; Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha ; Ibrahim, Salam A.; Development of novel functional foods using Himalayan honey having enhanced nutraceutical and nutritional potential
Lutfullin, Isabel ; Eveslage, Maria ; Bittner, Stefan ; Antony, Gisela ; Flaskamp, Martina ; Luessi, Felix ; Salmen, Anke ; Gisevius, Barbara ; Klotz, Luisa ; Korsukewitz, Catharina ; Berthele, Achim ; Groppa, Sergiu ; Then Bergh, Florian ; Wildemann, Brigitte ; Bayas, Antonios ; Tumani, Hayrettin ; Meuth, Sven G ; Trebst, Corinna ; Zettl, Uwe K ; Paul, Friedemann ; Heesen, Christoph ; Kuempfel, Tania ; Gold, Ralf ; Hemmer, Bernhard ; Zipp, Frauke ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Lünemann, Jan D; Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis
Buch, Stephan ; Innes, Hamish ; Lutz, Philipp Ludwig ; Nischalke, Hans Dieter ; Marquardt, Jens U ; Fischer, Janett ; Weiss, Karl Heinz ; Rosendahl, Jonas ; Marot, Astrid ; Krawczyk, Marcin ; Casper, Markus ; Lammert, Frank ; Eyer, Florian ; Vogel, Arndt ; Marhenke, Silke ; von Felden, Johann ; Sharma, Rohini ; Atkinson, Stephen Rahul ; McQuillin, Andrew ; Nattermann, Jacob ; Schafmayer, Clemens ; Franke, Andre ; Strassburg, Christian ; Rietschel, Marcella ; Altmann, Heidi ; Sulk, Stefan ; Thangapandi, Veera Raghavan ; Brosch, Mario ; Lackner, Carolin ; Stauber, Rudolf E ; Canbay, Ali ; Link, Alexander ; Reiberger, Thomas ; Mandorfer, Mattias ; Semmler, Georg ; Scheiner, Bernhard ; Datz, Christian ; Romeo, Stefano ; Ginanni Corradini, Stefano ; Irving, William Lucien ; Morling, Joanne R ; Guha, Indra Neil ; Barnes, Eleanor ; Ansari, M Azim ; Quistrebert, Jocelyn ; Valenti, Luca ; Müller, Sascha A ; Morgan, Marsha Yvonne ; Dufour, Jean-François ; Trebicka, Jonel ; Berg, Thomas ; Deltenre, Pierre ; Mueller, Sebastian ; Hampe, Jochen ; Stickel, Felix; Genetic variation in TERT modifies the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in alcohol-related cirrhosis: results from a genome-wide case-control study
Alonso-Nocelo, Marta ; Ruiz-Cañas, Laura ; Sancho, Patricia ; Görgülü, Kivanç ; Alcalá, Sonia ; Pedrero, Coral ; Vallespinos, Mireia ; López-Gil, Juan Carlos ; Ochando, Marina ; García-García, Elena ; David Trabulo, Sara Maria ; Martinelli, Paola ; Sánchez-Tomero, Patricia ; Sánchez-Palomo, Carmen ; Gonzalez-Santamaría, Patricia ; Yuste, Lourdes ; Wörmann, Sonja Maria ; Kabacaoğlu, Derya ; Earl, Julie ; Martin, Alberto ; Salvador, Fernando ; Valle, Sandra ; Martin-Hijano, Laura ; Carrato, Alfredo ; Erkan, Mert ; García-Bermejo, Laura ; Hermann, Patrick C ; Algül, Hana ; Moreno-Bueno, Gema ; Heeschen, Christopher ; Portillo, Francisco ; Cano, Amparo ; Sainz, Bruno; Macrophages direct cancer cells through a LOXL2-mediated metastatic cascade in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Bieber, Matthias ; Schwerin, Stefan ; Kreuzer, Matthias ; Klug, Claudia ; Henzler, Marie ; Schneider, Gerhard ; Haseneder, Rainer ; Kratzer, Stephan; s-ketamine enhances thalamocortical and corticocortical synaptic transmission in acute murine brain slices via increased AMPA-receptor-mediated pathways
Wagner, A ; Ott, S; Process-specific digital recording of construction site LCA-inventory to identify decarbonisation pathways
Lenz, Jakob ; Statz, Martin ; Watanabe, K ; Taniguchi, T ; Ortmann, Frank ; Weitz, R Thomas; Charge transport in single polymer fiber transistors in the sub-100 nm regime: temperature dependence and Coulomb blockade
Li, Xiaodong ; Große, Veit ; Song, Dongbin ; Yang, Wenjiang ; Macián-Juan, Rafael; Electromechanical behaviour of REBCO coated conductor toroidal field coils for ultra-high-field magnetic-confinement plasma devices
Ostinelli, Edoardo Giuseppe ; Efthimiou, Orestis ; Naci, Huseyin ; Furukawa, Toshi A ; Leucht, Stefan ; Salanti, Georgia ; Wainwright, Laurence ; Zangani, Caroline ; De Crescenzo, Franco ; Smith, Katharine ; Stevens, Katherine ; Liu, Qiang ; Cipriani, Andrea; Vitruvian plot: a visualisation tool for multiple outcomes in network meta-analysis
Meyer, Eva and Welpe, Isabell M. and Sandner, Philipp; Decentralized Finance—A systematic literature review and research directions
Dantas, R.; Peter, S.;Wang, X.; Vega, M.;Dugstad, A.; Towards Real-time Image Localization with BIM models
G. Evangelisti; S. Hirche; Physically Consistent Learning of Conservative Lagrangian Systems with Gaussian Processes
Koleva, B.;Dugstad, A.;Noichl, F.; UAV path planning for photogrammetric capture of buildings towards disaster scenarios
Bodea, Silviu-Vasile; Functional states shape the spatio-temporal features of stimulus processing, effective connectivity, and spontaneous neuronal activity in the mouse cortex
Knoche, Martin;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Susceptibility to Image Resolution in Face Recognition and Training Strategies to Enhance Robustness
Hörmann, Stefan;Kong, Tianlin;Teepe, Torben;Herzog, Fabian;Knoche, Martin;Rigoll, Gerhard; Face Morphing: Fooling a Face Recognition System Is Simple!
Garcia-Gomez, F. J.; Kramer, G.; Rate and power scaling of space-division multiplexing via nonlinear perturbation
Kiss, Bernadett;Gonen, Emre Cemal;Mo, An;Badri-Sprowitz, Alexander;Buchmann, Alexandra;Renjewski, Daniel; Gastrocnemius and Power Amplifier Soleus Spring-Tendons Achieve Fast Human-like Walking in a Bipedal Robot
Stephan, Maximilian;Krämer, Patrick;Kellerer, Wolfgang; AwareNet: Using WSBMs for Network Traffic Analyis
Borrmann, A.;Eickeler, F.; Enhancing Railway Detection by Priming Neural Networks with Project Exaptations
Gaßmann, Victor;Althoff, Matthias; Implementation of Ellipsoidal Operations in CORA 2022
Griessel, Alexander;Stephan, Maximilian;Mieth, Martin;Kellerer, Wolfgang;Kramer, Patrick; RLBrowse: Generating Realistic Packet Traces with Reinforcement Learning
Borrmann, A.;Rives, M.;Muhic, S.;Wikström, L.;Weil, J.; The IFC-Tunnel project – Extending the IFC standard to enable high-quality exchange of tunnel information models
Liffers, Sven-Thorsten ; Godfrey, Laura ; Frohn, Lisa ; Haeberle, Lena ; Yavas, Aslihan ; Vesce, Rita ; Goering, Wolfgang ; Opitz, Friederike V ; Stoecklein, Nickolas ; Knoefel, Wolfram Trudo ; Schlitter, Anna Melissa ; Klöppel, Guenter ; Espinet, Elisa ; Trumpp, Andreas ; Siveke, Jens T ; Esposito, Irene; Molecular heterogeneity and commonalities in pancreatic cancer precursors with gastric and intestinal phenotype
Glutsch, Valerie ; Schummer, Patrick ; Kneitz, Hermann ; Gesierich, Anja ; Goebeler, Matthias ; Klein, Detlef ; Posch, Christian ; Gebhardt, Christoffer ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Zimmer, Lisa ; Becker, Jürgen C ; Leiter, Ulrike ; Weichenthal, Michael ; Schadendorf, Dirk ; Ugurel, Selma ; Schilling, Bastian; Ipilimumab plus nivolumab in avelumab-refractory Merkel cell carcinoma: a multicenter study of the prospective skin cancer registry ADOREG
Slepicka, M.;Mawas, K.;Borrmann, A.;Maboudi, M.;Gerke, M.; Digital Twinning in Additive Manufacturing – Closing the digital-physical-digital loop by automated integration of captured geometric data into fabrication information models
Hanel, A.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Impact of varying boundary conditions on the development of future energy systems
Nowak Delgado, R., Bieli, P., de Riese, T., Fendt, S., Spliethoff, H.; Influence of additive surface area degradation on fine particle formation during biomass pulverised-fuel combustion
Noichl, F.;Borrmann, A.; Towards Multicriterial Scan Planning in Complex 3D Environments
Borrmann, A.;Schlenger, J.;Bus, N.;Sacks, R.; AEC Digital Twin Data -- Why structure matters
Raffl, Lukas; Genauigkeitsuntersuchung eines neuartigen GNSS-Monitoringsystems für das Geomonitoring am Hochvogel
Coelho, Andre;Albu-Schaeffer, Alin;Sachtler, Arne;Mishra, Hrishik;Bicego, Davide;Ott, Christian;Franchi, Antonio; EigenMPC: An Eigenmanifold-Inspired Model-Predictive Control Framework for Exciting Efficient Oscillations in Mechanical Systems
Collins, F.C.; Braun, A.; Borrmann, A.; Finding geometric and topological similarities in building elements for large-scale pose updates in Scan-vs-BIM
A. Capone; A. Lederer;S. Hirche; Gaussian Process Uniform Error Bounds with Unknown Hyperparameters for Safety-Critical Applications
Cadavid Isaza, Andrea; Bazan Santos, Sissi Adeli; Godoy Ortega, Janeth Carolina; Enabling long-term investments in low-carbon energy systems in South America through joint interregional energy system planning
Addanki, Thushara; Techno-Economic Analysis of Intercontinental Electricity Grids in a Fully Renewable Energy System
Tschauner, Sebastian ; Singer, Georg ; Weitzer, Claus-Uwe ; Castellani, Christoph ; Till, Holger ; Sorantin, Erich ; Wegmann, Helmut; Does Calcium Phosphate Cement Kyphoplasty Cause Intervertebral Disk Degeneration in Adolescents?
Carla Matthäus, Katharina Bichler, Anne Heisig, Thomas Kränkel, Christoph Gehlen, Torben Gädt, Alisa Machner; Towards more sustainable 3D printed concrete by the use of LC3 binders
Alper-Sedat Dönmez, Alisa Machner, Torben Gädt; Effect of the Portland Cement Quality on the Rheology of LC3 Binders Containing Superplasticizers
de Riese, Thorben; Fendt, Sebastian; Spliethoff, Hartmut; Utilising Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculations to Model Potassium Capture by Additives in Biomass Combustion Plants
Frandsen, Flemming J.; Jensen, Peter A.; Wang, Guoliang; Nowak Delgado, Richard; de Riese, Thorben; Fendt, Sebastian; Sander, Bo; On the Ash Deposition Behavior and Fine Particle Formation When Utilizing Biomass Together with Coal Fly Ash in Pilot- and Full-Scale
Pander, Joachim ; Casas-Mulet, Roser ; Geist, Juergen; Hydropeaking impairs upstream salmonid spawning habitats in a restored Danube tributary
Vöglein, Jonathan ; Franzmeier, Nicolai ; Morris, John C. ; Dieterich, Marianne ; McDade, Eric ; Simons, Mikael ; Preische, Oliver ; Hofmann, Anna ; Hassenstab, Jason ; Benzinger, Tammie L. ; Fagan, Anne ; Noble, James M. ; Berman, Sarah B. ; Graff-Radford, Neill R. ; Ghetti, Bernardino ; Farlow, Martin R. ; Chhatwal, Jasmeer P. ; Salloway, Stephen ; Xiong, Chengjie ; Karch, Celeste M ; Cairns, Nigel ; Perrin, Richard J. ; Day, Gregory ; Martins, Ralph ; Sanchez-Valle, Raquel ; Mori, Hiroshi ; Shimada, Hiroyuki ; Ikeuchi, Takeshi ; Suzuki, Kazushi ; Schofield, Peter R. ; Masters, Colin L ; Goate, Alison ; Buckles, Virginia ; Fox, Nick C. ; Chrem, Patricio ; Allegri, Ricardo ; Ringman, John M. ; Yakushev, Igor ; Laske, Christoph ; Jucker, Mathias ; Höglinger, Günter ; Bateman, Randall J. ; Danek, Adrian ; Levin, Johannes; Pattern and implications of neurological examination findings in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease
Simon, Marie-Christine ; Sina, Christian ; Ferrario, Paola G. ; Daniel, Hannelore; Gut Microbiome Analysis for Personalized Nutrition: The State of Science
Keller, Alexander ; Ankenbrand, Markus J. ; Bruelheide, Helge ; Dekeyzer, Stefanie ; Enquist, Brian J. ; Erfanian, Mohammad Bagher ; Falster, Daniel S. ; Gallagher, Rachael V. ; Hammock, Jennifer ; Kattge, Jens ; Leonhardt, Sara D. ; Madin, Joshua S. ; Maitner, Brian ; Neyret, Margot ; Onstein, Renske E. ; Pearse, William D. ; Poelen, Jorrit H. ; Salguero-Gomez, Roberto ; Schneider, Florian D. ; Tóth, Anikó B. ; Penone, Caterina; Ten (mostly) simple rules to future-proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences
Mittermeier, Fabian ; Hafner, Nathalie ; XypoliaVasila, Konstantina ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Co-Cultivation of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei Enables Efficient Production of Enzymes for the Hydrolysis of Wheat Bran
Kratzl, Franziska ; Kremling, Andreas ; Pflüger-Grau, Katharina; Streamlining of a synthetic co-culture towards an individually controllable one-pot process for polyhydroxyalkanoate production from light and CO2
Kriebisch, Brigitte A. K. ; Kriebisch, Christine M. E. ; Bergmann, Alexander M. ; Wanzke, Caren ; Tena-Solsona, Marta ; Boekhoven, Job; Tuning the Kinetic Trapping in Chemically Fueled Self-Assembly**
Hoffmann, Andrea V. ; Fässler, Thomas F. ; Hlukhyy, Viktor; Ca14FeAs11 - A structure comprising structural motifs of iron-based superconductors and Ca-As Zintl phases
Laupheimer, S. ; Kurzweil, L. ; Proels, R. ; Unsicker, S. B. ; Stark, T. D. ; Dawid, C. ; Hückelhoven, R.; Volatile-mediated signalling in barley induces metabolic reprogramming and resistance against the biotrophic fungus Blumeria hordei
Absmeier, Ramona M. ; Rottenaicher, Georg J. ; Svilenov, Hristo L. ; Kazman, Pamina ; Buchner, Johannes; Antibodies gone bad - the molecular mechanism of light chain amyloidosis
Hoang, Manh Dat ; Doan, Dieu Thi ; Schmidt, Marlen ; Kranz, Harald ; Kremling, Andreas ; Heins, Anna-Lena; Application of an Escherichia coli triple reporter strain for at-line monitoring of single-cell physiology during L-phenylalanine production
Jaitner, Stefanie ; Pretzsch, Elise ; Neumann, Jens ; Schäffauer, Achim ; Schiemann, Matthias ; Angele, Martin ; Kumbrink, Jörg ; Schwitalla, Sarah ; Greten, Florian R ; Brandl, Lydia ; Klauschen, Frederick ; Horst, David ; Kirchner, Thomas ; Jung, Andreas; Olfactomedin 4 associates with expression of differentiation markers but not with properties of cancer stemness, EMT nor metastatic spread in colorectal cancer
Loew, Stefan ; Obradovic, Dragan ; Bottasso, Carlo L.; Economic nonlinear model predictive control of fatigue_Formulation and application to wind turbine control
Popp, Bernt ; Brugger, Melanie ; Poschmann, Sibylle ; Bartolomaeus, Tobias ; Radtke, Maximilian ; Hentschel, Julia ; Di Donato, Nataliya ; Rump, Andreas ; Gburek-Augustat, Janina ; Graf, Elisabeth ; Wagner, Matias ; Sorge, Ina ; Lemke, Johannes R ; Meitinger, Thomas ; Abou Jamra, Rami ; Strehlow, Vincent ; Brunet, Theresa; The constitutional gain-of-function variant p.Glu1099Lys in NSD2 is associated with a novel syndrome
Fahmy, Ahmed Raouf ; Jekle, Mario ; Becker, Thomas; Texture modulation of starch-based closed-cell foams using 3D printing: Deformation behavior beyond the elastic regime
Stanley, Philip M. ; Sixt, Florian ; Warnan, Julien; Decoupled Solar Energy Storage and Dark Photocatalysis in a 3D Metal-Organic Framework
Krueger, Felix ; Aigner, Christoph Stefan ; Hammernik, Kerstin ; Dietrich, Sebastian ; Lutz, Max ; Schulz-Menger, Jeanette ; Schaeffter, Tobias ; Schmitter, Sebastian; Rapid estimation of 2D relative B1+-maps from localizers in the human heart at 7T using deep learning
Ullmann, A. L. ; Haag, I. ; Bulbulshoev, U.; Ecological Calendars of the Pamir Mountains: Illustrating the Importance of Context-Specificity for Food Security
Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Hensel, Michael ; Barath, Shany ; Culshaw, Victoria ; Grobman, Yasha J. ; Hauck, Thomas E. ; Joschinski, Jens ; Ludwig, Ferdinand ; Mimet, Anne ; Perini, Katia ; Roccotiello, Enrica ; Schloter, Michael ; Shwartz, Assaf ; Hensel, Defne Sunguroğlu ; Vogler, Verena; Creating ecologically sound buildings by integrating ecology, architecture and computational design
Fricke, Ute ; Redlich, Sarah ; Zhang, Jie ; Benjamin, Caryl S. ; Englmeier, Jana ; Ganuza, Cristina ; Haensel, Maria ; Riebl, Rebekka ; Rojas-Botero, Sandra ; Tobisch, Cynthia ; Uhler, Johannes ; Uphus, Lars ; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Earlier flowering of winter oilseed rape compensates for higher pest pressure in warmer climates
Husmann, Kai ; von Groß, Volker ; Bödeker, Kai ; Fuchs, Jasper M. ; Paul, Carola ; Knoke, Thomas; optimLanduse: A package for multiobjective land-cover composition optimization under uncertainty
Menga, Davide ; Guilherme Buzanich, Ana ; Wagner, Friedrich ; Fellinger, Tim-Patrick; Evaluation of the Specific Activity of M-N-Cs and the Intrinsic Activity of Tetrapyrrolic FeN4 Sites for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Mittermeier, Fabian ; Bäumler, Miriam ; Arulrajah, Prasika ; García Lima, José de Jesús ; Hauke, Sebastian ; Stock, Anna ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Artificial microbial consortia for bioproduction processes
Herzog, Jan ; Mook, Alexander ; Guhl, Lotta ; Bäumler, Miriam ; Beck, Matthias H. ; Weuster-Botz, Dirk ; Bengelsdorf, Frank R. ; Zeng, An-Ping; Novel synthetic co-culture of Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium drakei using CO2 and in situ generated H2 for the production of caproic acid via lactic acid
Zhao, Xuan-Xuan ; Fujimori, Shiori ; Kelly, John A. ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Isolation and Reactivity of Stannylenoids Stabilized by Amido/Imino Ligands
Quansah, Frank ; Ankomah, Francis ; Agormedah, Edmond K. ; Abieraba, Richard S. K. ; Srem-Sai, Medina ; Hagan, John E. ; Okan, Orkan ; Dadaczynski, Kevin ; Schack, Thomas; COVID-digital health literacy and subjective well-being of students in Ghana: Mediation-moderation analyses
Liu, Qiang ; Pfriem, Niklas ; Cheng, Guanhua ; Baráth, Eszter ; Liu, Yue ; Lercher, Johannes A.; Maximum Impact of Ionic Strength on Acid-Catalyzed Reaction Rates Induced by a Zeolite Microporous Environment
Knecht, Peter ; Meier, Dennis ; Reichert, Joachim ; Duncan, David A. ; Schwarz, Martin ; Küchle, Johannes T. ; Lee, Tien-Lin ; Deimel, Peter S. ; Feulner, Peter ; Allegretti, Francesco ; Auwärter, Willi ; Médard, Guillaume ; Seitsonen, Ari Paavo ; Barth, Johannes V. ; Papageorgiou, Anthoula C.; N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Molecular Porters of Surface Mounted Ru-Porphyrins
Krilaviciute, Agne ; Albers, Peter ; Lakes, Jale ; Radtke, Jan Philipp ; Herkommer, Kathleen ; Gschwend, Jürgen ; Peters, Inga ; Kuczyk, Markus ; Koerber, Stefan A. ; Debus, Jürgen ; Kristiansen, Glen ; Schimmöller, Lars ; Antoch, Gerald ; Makowski, Marcus ; Wacker, Frank ; Schlemmer, Heinz ; Benner, Axel ; Giesel, Frederik ; Siener, Roswitha ; Arsov, Christian ; Hadaschik, Boris ; Becker, Nikolaus ; Kaaks, Rudolf; Adherence to a risk-adapted screening strategy for prostate cancer: First results of the PROBASE trial
Zschau, Richard L. ; Zacharias, Martin; Mechanism of β-hairpin formation in AzoChignolin and Chignolin
Felderhoff, Julia ; Gathof, Anika K. ; Buchholz, Sascha ; Egerer, Monika; Vegetation complexity and nesting resource availability predict bee diversity and functional traits in community gardens
Reitmaier, Michael ; Kulozik, Ulrich; Temperature-controlled gelation of casein concentrates enabled by the utilisation of acid whey permeate as a diafiltration medium in microfiltration
Kilanowski, Anna ; Thiering, Elisabeth ; Wang, Gang ; Kumar, Ashish ; Kress, Sara ; Flexeder, Claudia ; Bauer, Carl-Peter ; Berdel, Dietrich ; von Berg, Andrea ; Bergström, Anna ; Gappa, Monika ; Heinrich, Joachim ; Herberth, Gunda ; Koletzko, Sibylle ; Kull, Inger ; Melén, Erik ; Schikowski, Tamara ; Peters, Annette ; Standl, Marie; Allergic disease trajectories up to adolescence: Characteristics, early-life, and genetic determinants
Raihofer, Luis ; Zarnow, Martin ; Gastl, Martina ; Hutzler, Mathias; A short history of beer brewing
Nagel, Christoffer ; Mizerakis, Vangelis ; Pander, Joachim ; Geist, Juergen; The overlooked contribution of a fish bypass channel to the density and diversity of macroinvertebrate drift in a heavily modified river system
Vogel, Anna ; Rabenbauer, Alfred ; Deng, Philipp ; Steib, Ruben ; Böger, Thorben ; Zeier, Wolfgang G. ; Siegel, Renée ; Senker, Jürgen ; Daisenberger, Dominik ; Nisi, Katharina ; Holleitner, Alexander W. ; Venturini, Janio ; Nilges, Tom; A Switchable One-Compound Diode
Schuster, Clemens ; Huen, Julien ; Scherf, Katharina Anne; Comprehensive study on gluten composition and baking quality of winter wheat
Petz, Dominik ; Baran, Volodymyr ; Peschel, Christoph ; Winter, Martin ; Nowak, Sascha ; Hofmann, Michael ; Kostecki, Robert ; Niewa, Rainer ; Bauer, Michael ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Aging-Driven Composition and Distribution Changes of Electrolyte and Graphite Anode in 18650-Type Li-Ion Batteries
Atoini, Youssef ; Cavinato, Luca M. ; Fernandez-Cestau, Julio ; Gmach, Yvonne ; Van Opdenbosch, Daniel ; Costa, Rubén D.; From Blue to White: Sustainable Luminescent Metal Organic Framework for Hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes
Oeckl, Patrick ; Anderl-Straub, Sarah ; Danek, Adrian ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Fassbender, Klaus ; Fliessbach, Klaus ; Halbgebauer, Steffen ; Huppertz, Hans-Jürgen ; Jahn, Holger ; Kassubek, Jan ; Kornhuber, Johannes ; Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard ; Lauer, Martin ; Prudlo, Johannes ; Schneider, Anja ; Schroeter, Matthias L. ; Steinacker, Petra ; Volk, Alexander E. ; Wagner, Matias ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Wiltfang, Jens ; Ludolph, Albert C. ; Otto, Markus; Relationship of serum beta-synuclein with blood biomarkers and brain atrophy
Melse, Okke ; Antes, Iris ; Kaila, Ville R. I. ; Zacharias, Martin; Benchmarking biomolecular force field-based Zn2+ for mono- and bimetallic ligand binding sites
Dresler, Martin ; Buddeberg, Eva ; Endesfelder, Ulrike ; Haaker, Jan ; Hof, Christian ; Kretschmer, Robert ; Pflüger, Dirk ; Schmidt, Fabian; Effective or predatory funding? Evaluating the hidden costs of grant applications
Eisner, Teresa ; Kostenko, Arseni ; Hanusch, Franziska ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Room-Temperature-Observable Interconversion Between Si(IV) and Si(II) via Reversible Intramolecular Insertion Into an Aromatic C-C Bond
Cosialls, Raúl ; Simó, Cristina ; Borrós, Salvador ; Gómez-Vallejo, Vanessa ; Schmidt, Claudia ; Llop, Jordi ; Cuenca, Ana B. ; Casini, Angela; PET Imaging of Self-Assembled 18F-Labelled Pd2L4 Metallacages for Anticancer Drug Delivery
Elitzer, Daniel ; Jäger, Stefanie ; Höll, Clara ; Baier, Daniel ; Varga, Rosa ; Zaeh, Michael F. ; Göken, Mathias ; Höppel, Heinz-Werner; Development of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiAl6V4 Processed by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing
Mueller, Stephan ; Haller, Bernhard ; Feuerstein, Anna ; Winzer, Ephraim B. ; Beckers, Paul ; Haykowsky, Mark J. ; Gevaert, Andreas B. ; Hommel, Jennifer ; Azevedo, Luciene F. ; Duvinage, André ; Esefeld, Katrin ; Fegers-Wustrow, Isabel ; Christle, Jeffrey W. ; Pieske-Kraigher, Elisabeth ; Belyavskiy, Evgeny ; Morris, Daniel A. ; Kropf, Martin ; Aravind-Kumar, Radhakrishnan ; Edelmann, Frank ; Linke, Axel ; Adams, Volker ; Van Craenenbroeck, Emeline M. ; Pieske, Burkert ; Halle, Martin; Peak O2-pulse predicts exercise training-induced changes in peak V O2 in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Lesperance, Kaley ; Hofer, Sarah ; Retelsdorf, Jan ; Holzberger, Doris; Reducing gender differences in student motivational-affective factors: A meta-analysis of school-based interventions
Hu, Neng ; Shi, Lei ; Ji, Shangchao ; Wang, Weijia ; Lei, Lin ; Fan, Huiqing ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter ; Zhong, Qi; Adhesive Hybrid Interpenetrating Network Hydrogel-Based Detector to Monitor Solar Radiation Dose Required for Plant Growth
Schumann, Katharina ; Mauch, Cornelia ; Klespe, Kai-Christian ; Loquai, Carmen ; Nikfarjam, Ulrike ; Schlaak, Max ; Akçetin, Larissa ; Kölblinger, Peter ; Hoellwerth, Magdalena ; Meissner, Markus ; Mengi, Guelcin ; Braun, Andreas Dominik ; Mengoni, Miriam ; Dummer, Reinhard ; Mangana, Joanna ; Sindrilaru, Mihaela-Anca ; Radmann, Dan ; Hafner, Christine ; Freund, Johann ; Rappersberger, Klemens ; Weihsengruber, Felix ; Meiss, Frank ; Reinhardt, Lydia ; Meier, Friedegund ; Rainer, Barbara ; Richtig, Erika ; Ressler, Julia Maria ; Höller, Christoph ; Eigentler, Thomas ; Amaral, Teresa ; Peitsch, Wiebke K. ; Hillen, Uwe ; Harth, Wolfgang ; Ziller, Fabian ; Schatton, Kerstin ; Gambichler, Thilo ; Susok, Laura ; Maul, Lara Valeska ; Läubli, Heinz ; Debus, Dirk ; Weishaupt, Carsten ; Börger, Sevil ; Sievers, Katharina ; Haferkamp, Sebastian ; Zenderowski, Veronika ; Nguyen, Van Anh ; Wanner, Marina ; Gutzmer, Ralf ; Terheyden, Patrick ; Kähler, Katharina ; Emmert, Steffen ; Thiem, Alexander ; Sachse, Michael ; Gercken-Riedel, Silke ; Kaune, Kjell Matthias ; Thoms, Kai-Martin ; Heinzerling, Lucie ; Heppt, Markus Vincent ; Tratzmiller, Sabine ; Hoetzenecker, Wolfram ; Öllinger, Angela ; Steiner, Andreas ; Peinhaupt, Tobias ; Podda, Maurizio ; Schmid, Sabine ; Wollina, Uwe ; Biedermann, Tilo ; Posch, Christian; Real-world outcomes using PD-1 antibodies and BRAF + MEK inhibitors for adjuvant melanoma treatment from 39 skin cancer centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Stier, Philipp ; Kulozik, Ulrich; Comparison of one-step with two-step production of Bacillus atrophaeus spores for use as bioindicators
Moreno-Alcántar, Guillermo ; Casini, Angela; Bioinorganic supramolecular coordination complexes and their biomedical applications
Jafari, Yaghoob ; Koppenberg, Maximilian ; Hirsch, Stefan ; Heckelei, Thomas; Markups and export behavior: Firm-level evidence from the French food processing industry
Meissner, Valentin H. ; Peter, Cornelia ; Ankerst, Donna P. ; Schiele, Stefan ; Gschwend, Jürgen E. ; Herkommer, Kathleen ; Dinkel, Andreas; Prostate cancer-related anxiety among long-term survivors after radical prostatectomy: A longitudinal study
Jäkel, Anna C. ; Heymann, Michael ; Simmel, Friedrich C.; Multiscale Biofabrication: Integrating Additive Manufacturing with DNA-Programmable Self-Assembly
Hu, Neng ; Lin, Li ; Metwalli, Ezzeldin ; Bießmann, Lorenz ; Philipp, Martine ; Hildebrand, Viet ; Laschewsky, Andre ; Papadakis, Christine M. ; Cubitt, Robert ; Zhong, Qi ; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Kinetics of Water Transfer Between the LCST and UCST Thermoresponsive Blocks in Diblock Copolymer Thin Films Monitored by In Situ Neutron Reflectivity
Weinberger, Maria E. ; Schoch, Luis ; Kulozik, Ulrich; New technical concept for alternating tangential flow filtration in biotechnological cell separation processes
Reinhardt, Nikita ; Breitsameter, Jonas M. ; Drechsler, Klaus ; Rieger, Bernhard; Fully Bio-Based Epoxy Thermoset Based on Epoxidized Linseed Oil and Tannic Acid
Wismeth, Carina ; Flury, Markus ; Baumann, Thomas; Experimental quantification of interfacial convections at the water-nonaqueous-phase liquid interface in microfluidic systems
Saikia, Ankur ; Hadeler, Andries ; Prasad, Pranathi ; Zacharias, Martin ; Springer, Sebastian; Fast peptide exchange on major histocompatibility complex class I molecules by acidic stabilization of a peptide-empty intermediate
Walke, Patrick ; Venturini, Janio ; Spranger, Robert J. ; van Wüllen, Leo ; Nilges, Tom; Fast Magnesium Conducting Electrospun Solid Polymer Electrolyte
Schneider, Felix ; Papaioannou, Iason ; Müller, Gerhard; Sparse Bayesian learning for complex-valued rational approximations
Grünig, Marc ; Seidl, Rupert ; Senf, Cornelius; Increasing aridity causes larger and more severe forest fires across Europe
Eigenfeld, Marco ; Kerpes, Roland ; Whitehead, Iain ; Becker, Thomas; Autofluorescence prediction model for fluorescence unmixing and age determination
Georgakis, Marios K. ; Fang, Rong ; Düring, Marco ; Wollenweber, Frank A. ; Bode, Felix J. ; Stösser, Sebastian ; Kindlein, Christine ; Hermann, Peter ; Liman, Thomas G. ; Nolte, Christian H. ; Kerti, Lucia ; Ikenberg, Benno ; Bernkopf, Kathleen ; Poppert, Holger ; Glanz, Wenzel ; Perosa, Valentina ; Janowitz, Daniel ; Wagner, Michael ; Neumann, Katja ; Speck, Oliver ; Dobisch, Laura ; Düzel, Emrah ; Gesierich, Benno ; Dewenter, Anna ; Spottke, Annika ; Waegemann, Karin ; Görtler, Michael ; Wunderlich, Silke ; Endres, Matthias ; Zerr, Inga ; Petzold, Gabor ; Dichgans, Martin; Cerebral small vessel disease burden and cognitive and functional outcomes after stroke: A multicenter prospective cohort study
Duan, Yanyan ; Oropeza, Freddy E. ; Jin, Xueze ; Amargós-Reyes, Olivia ; Atoini, Youssef ; Cavinato, Luca M. ; Nagy, Gergely Norbert ; Kahaly, Mousumi Upadhyay ; de la Peña O'Shea, Víctor A. ; Wang, De-Yi ; Costa, Rubén D.; Holy Water: Photo-Brightening in Quasi-2D Perovskite Films under Ambient Enables Highly Performing Light-Emitting Diodes
Schweizer, Steffen A.; Perspectives from the Fritz-Scheffer Awardee 2021: Soil organic matter storage and functions determined by patchy and piled-up arrangements at the microscale
Huber, Eva M.; Epipolythiodioxopiperazine-Based Natural Products: Building Blocks, Biosynthesis and Biological Activities
Olenyi, Tobias ; Marquet, Céline ; Heinzinger, Michael ; Kröger, Benjamin ; Nikolova, Tiha ; Bernhofer, Michael ; Sändig, Philip ; Schütze, Konstantin ; Littmann, Maria ; Mirdita, Milot ; Steinegger, Martin ; Dallago, Christian ; Rost, Burkhard; LambdaPP: Fast and accessible protein-specific phenotype predictions
Ziegler, Kerstin ; Messner, Michael ; Paulig, Mario ; Starrost, Klaus ; Reuschenbach, Bernd ; Fietzek, Urban M. ; Ceballos-Baumann, Andres O.; Activities of Daily Living Are Improved by Inpatient Multimodal Complex Treatment for PD_a Real-World Cohort Study
Neukäufer, Johannes ; Ashour, Mohamed Adel ; Sarajlic, Nadin ; Klein, Harald ; Rehfeldt, Sebastian ; Hallmann, Heiko ; Meinicke, Sebastian ; Paschold, Jürgen ; Knösche, Carsten ; Grützner, Thomas; Development of enhanced three-dimensional printed packings for scale-up of distillation columns: A successful case study
Straka, Tanja M. ; Bach, Luise ; Klisch, Ulrike ; Egerer, Monika H. ; Fischer, Leonie K. ; Kowarik, Ingo; Beyond values: How emotions, anthropomorphism, beliefs and knowledge relate to the acceptability of native and non-native species management in cities
Vernes, Sonja C. ; Devanna, Paolo ; Hörpel, Stephen Gareth ; Alvarez van Tussenbroek, Ine ; Firzlaff, Uwe ; Hagoort, Peter ; Hiller, Michael ; Hoeksema, Nienke ; Hughes, Graham M. ; Lavrichenko, Ksenia ; Mengede, Janine ; Morales, Ariadna E. ; Wiesmann, Maximilian; The pale spear-nosed bat: A neuromolecular and transgenic model for vocal learning
Dieterich, Vincent ; Wein, Nicolas ; Spliethoff, Hartmut ; Fendt, Sebastian; Performance Requirements of Membrane Reactors for the Application in Renewable Methanol Synthesis: A Techno-Economic Assessment
Leube, Justin ; Mühlbauer, Anton ; Andrä, Immanuel ; Biggel, Madleen ; Busch, Dirk H. ; Kretschmer, Lorenz ; Buchholz, Veit R.; Single-cell fate mapping reveals widespread clonal ignorance of low-affinity T cells exposed to systemic infection
Wiehe, Arno ; Senge, Mathias O.; The Photosensitizer Temoporfin (mTHPC) - Chemical, Pre-clinical and Clinical Developments in the Last Decade+
Krenn, Martin ; Sommer, Rudolf ; Sycha, Thomas ; Zech, Michael; GNAO1 Haploinsufficiency Associated with a Mild Delayed-Onset Dystonia Phenotype
Bloemeke, Nicolas ; Meighen-Berger, Kevin ; Hitzenberger, Manuel ; Bach, Nina C ; Parr, Marina ; Coelho, Joao PL ; Frishman, Dmitrij ; Zacharias, Martin ; Sieber, Stephan A ; Feige, Matthias J; Intramembrane client recognition potentiates the chaperone functions of calnexin
Rehbock, Stephanie K. ; Hubner, Sylvia V. ; Knipfer, Kristin ; Peus, Claudia V.; What kind of leader am I? An exploration of professionals' leader identity construal
Wuensch, Alexander ; Boden, Maren J. ; Pärschke, Pia P. ; Peltzer, Samia ; de Figueiredo, Marcelo Niglio ; Bylund, Carma L. ; Zimmer, Heinz ; Vitinius, Frank; Com-On Questionnaire: Development and validation of a questionnaire for evaluating communication skills of oncologists
Erber, Bernd M. ; Reidler, Paul ; Goller, Sophia S. ; Ricke, Jens ; Dürr, Hans R. ; Klein, Alexander ; Lindner, Lars ; Di Gioia, Dorit ; Geith, Tobias ; Baur-Melnyk, Andrea ; Armbruster, Marco; Impact of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging on Detection of Early Local Recurrence of Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Gao, Hao ; Belova, Valentina ; La Porta, Francesco ; Cingolani, Juan Santiago ; Andersen, Mie ; Saedi, Mehdi ; Konovalov, Oleg V. ; Jankowski, Maciej ; Heenen, Hendrik H. ; Groot, Irene M. N. ; Renaud, Gilles ; Reuter, Karsten; Graphene at Liquid Copper Catalysts: Atomic-Scale Agreement of Experimental and First-Principles Adsorption Height
Synodinos, Alexis D. ; Karnatak, Rajat ; Aguilar-Trigueros, Carlos A. ; Gras, Pierre ; Heger, Tina ; Ionescu, Danny ; Maaß, Stefanie ; Musseau, Camille L. ; Onandia, Gabriela ; Planillo, Aimara ; Weiss, Lina ; Wollrab, Sabine ; Ryo, Masahiro; The rate of environmental change as an important driver across scales in ecology
Sahin, Baran ; Leung, Jane J. ; Magori, Erhard ; Laumen, Steffen ; Tawil, Angelika ; Simon, Elfriede ; Hinrichsen, Olaf; Controlling Product Distribution of CO2 Reduction on CuO-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes by Manipulating Back Pressure
Singh, Dheeraj Kumar ; Fuchs, Till ; Krempaszky, Christian ; Mogwitz, Boris ; Burkhardt, Simon ; Richter, Felix H. ; Janek, Jürgen; Overcoming Anode Instability in Solid-State Batteries through Control of the Lithium Metal Microstructure
Boehm, Christof ; Schlaeger, Sarah ; Meineke, Jakob ; Weiss, Kilian ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; On the water-fat in-phase assumption for quantitative susceptibility mapping
Henning, Alex ; Bartl, Johannes D. ; Wolz, Lukas ; Christis, Maximilian ; Rauh, Felix ; Bissolo, Michele ; Grünleitner, Theresa ; Eichhorn, Johanna ; Zeller, Patrick ; Amati, Matteo ; Gregoratti, Luca ; Finley, Jonathan J. ; Rieger, Bernhard ; Stutzmann, Martin ; Sharp, Ian D.; Spatially-Modulated Silicon Interface Energetics Via Hydrogen Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of Ultrathin Alumina
Locatelli, Giuseppe ; Marques-Ferreira, Filipa ; Katsoulas, Antonis ; Kalaitzaki, Vasileia ; Krueger, Martin ; Ingold-Heppner, Barbara ; Walthert, Sabrina ; Sankowski, Roman ; Prazeres da Costa, Olivia ; Dolga, Amalia ; Huber, Magdalena ; Gold, Maike ; Culmsee, Carsten ; Waisman, Ari ; Bechmann, Ingo ; Milchevskaya, Vladislava ; Prinz, Marco ; Tresch, Achim ; Becher, Burkhard ; Buch, Thorsten; IGF1R expression by adult oligodendrocytes is not required in the steady-state but supports neuroinflammation
Ahrens, Valentin ; Kiesselbach, Clara ; Gnoli, Luca ; Giuliano, Domenico ; Mendisch, Simon ; Kiechle, Martina ; Riente, Fabrizio ; Becherer, Markus; Skyrmions Under Control_FIB Irradiation as a Versatile Tool for Skyrmion Circuits
Murck, Harald ; Lehr, Lisa ; Jezova, Daniela; A viewpoint on aldosterone and BMI related brain morphology in relation to treatment outcome in patients with major depression
Downs, David H. ; Zhu, Bing; Property market liquidity and REIT liquidity
Zurita, Francisco ; Grob, Leroy ; Erben, Amelie ; Del Duca, Fulvia ; Clausen-Schaumann, Hauke ; Sudhop, Stefanie ; Hayden, Oliver ; Wolfrum, Bernhard; Fully 3D-Printed Cuff Electrode for Small Nerve Interfacing
Forel, Alexandre ; Grunow, Martin; Dynamic stochastic lot sizing with forecast evolution in rolling-horizon planning
Krasikova, Mariia ; Krasikov, Sergey ; Melnikov, Anton ; Baloshin, Yuri ; Marburg, Steffen ; Powell, David A. ; Bogdanov, Andrey; Metahouse: Noise-Insulating Chamber Based on Periodic Structures
Miller Naranjo, Bernardo ; Naicker, Semai ; Lieleg, Oliver; Macromolecular Coatings for Endotracheal Tubes Probed on An Ex Vivo Extubation Setup
Matusche, Britta ; Litvin, Ludmila ; Schneider, Ruth ; Bellenberg, Barbara ; Mühlau, Mark ; Pongratz, Viola ; Berthele, Achim ; Groppa, Sergiu ; Muthuraman, Muthuraman ; Zipp, Frauke ; Paul, Friedemann ; Wiendl, Heinz ; Meuth, Sven G. ; Sämann, Philipp ; Weber, Frank ; Linker, Ralf A. ; Kümpfel, Tania ; Gold, Ralf ; Lukas, Carsten; Early spinal cord pseudoatrophy in interferon-beta-treated multiple sclerosis
Nobis, Matthias ; Futter, Jonas ; Moxter, Maximilian ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi ; Rieger, Bernhard; Photo-Activity of Silacyclopropenes and their Application in Metal-Free Curing of Silicones
Scherer, Daniel ; Schwatke, Christian ; Dettmering, Denise ; Seitz, Florian; ICESat-2 Based River Surface Slope and Its Impact on Water Level Time Series From Satellite Altimetry
Maduekwe, Ebelechukwu ; Buchenrieder, Gertrud; The effect of negative human recognition on farmland access and well-being: Evidence from women farmers in Malawi
Michel, Klaus ; Kuch, Birgit ; Dengler, Sophie ; Demir, Ihsan Ekin ; Zeller, Florian ; Schemann, Michael; How big is the little brain in the gut? Neuronal numbers in the enteric nervous system of mice, Guinea pig, and human
Baierl, Ramona ; Kostenko, Arseni ; Hanusch, Franziska ; Beck, Alexander D. ; Inoue, Shigeyoshi; Synthesis and Reactivity of Bidentate N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Phosphinidene Supported Si(IV) Dicationic Complexes
Indelicato, Elisabetta ; Boesch, Sylvia ; Baumgartner, Manuela ; Plecko, Barbara ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Zech, Michael; Confirmation of a Causal Role for SHQ1 Variants in Early Infantile-Onset Recessive Dystonia
Harrer, Philip ; Schalk, Audrey ; Shimura, Masaru ; Baer, Sarah ; Calmels, Nadège ; Spitz, Marie Aude ; Warde, Marie-Thérèse Abi ; Schaefer, Elise ; Kittke, Volker M.Sc ; Dincer, Yasemin ; Wagner, Matias ; Dzinovic, Ivana ; Berutti, Riccardo ; Sato, Tatsuharu ; Shirakawa, Toshihiko ; Okazaki, Yasushi ; Murayama, Kei ; Oexle, Konrad ; Prokisch, Holger ; Mall, Volker ; Mel ák, Ivo ; Winkelmann, Juliane ; Zech, Michael; Recessive NUP54 Variants Underlie Early-Onset Dystonia with Striatal Lesions
Peiraviminaei, A. ; Gupta, S. ; Wohlmuth, B.; Numerical Modeling of Gas Hydrate Recycling in Complex Media: Implications for Gas Migration Through Strongly Anisotropic Layers
Schneider, Markus ; Antes, Iris; Comparison of allosteric signaling in DnaK and BiP using mutual information between simulated residue conformations
Allali, Abdelhakim ; Toelg, Ralph ; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed ; Hemetsberger, Rayyan ; Kastrati, Adnan ; Mankerious, Nader ; Traboulsi, Hussein ; Elbasha, Karim ; Rheude, Tobias ; Landt, Martin ; Geist, Volker ; Richardt, Gert; Combined rotational atherectomy and cutting balloon angioplasty prior to drug-eluting stent implantation in severely calcified coronary lesions: The PREPARE-CALC-COMBO study
Bauke, Sara L. ; Amelung, Wulf ; Bol, Roland ; Brandt, Luise ; Brüggemann, Nicolas ; Kandeler, Ellen ; Meyer, Nele ; Or, Dani ; Schnepf, Andrea ; Schloter, Michael ; Schulz, Stefanie ; Siebers, Nina ; von Sperber, Christian ; Vereecken, Harry; Soil water status shapes nutrient cycling in agroecosystems from micrometer to landscape scales
Wei, Kai ; Silva-Arias, Gustavo A. ; Tellier, Aurélien; Selective sweeps linked to the colonization of novel habitats and climatic changes in a wild tomato species
Gufler, Veit;Zwölfer, Andreas;Wehrle, Erich; Analytical derivatives of flexible multibody dynamics with the floating frame of reference formulation
Wittmann, Jonas;Kist, Arian;Rixen, Daniel J.; Real-Time Predictive Kinematics Control of Redundancy: a Benchmark of Optimal Control Approaches
Kerekeš, Anđelka; Perić, Vedran S.; Bećirović, Elvisa; Hamacher, Thomas; Sustainable and profitable energy system development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ziegler, Christian and Welpe, Isabell M.; A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
Marco Hölzel, Cornelia Jacobsen; Digitalisierung@Land – Potentiale und Herausforderungen für ländliche Räume
Marco Hölzel; Interaktion von Coworking Spaces mit ihrer Umgebung
Bismut E., Straub D., Pandey M.; Inspection and maintenance planning of a feeder piping system
Rosero-Velásquez H., Straub D.; Selection of representative natural hazard scenarios for engineering systems
Rosero-Velásquez H., Straub D.; Comparative assessment of models of cascading failures in power networks under seismic hazard
Bismut, E., Straub D.; Rethinking the quality of NDE within a unifiying framework
Kamariotis A., Chatzi E., Straub D.; The effect of the likelihood function on the value of SHM extracted via sequential Bayesian updating
Waldhör, Thomas; Riedl, Alfred; Notengebung: Wie berechnen Sie eigentlich Zeugnisnoten? Transparenz und Fairness von Noten aus Schüler- und Lehrersicht.
Gilch, Ines and Schauerte, Benedikt and Neuwirth, Tobias and Sebold, Simon and Schulz, Michael and Hameyer, Kai and Volk, Wolfram; Influence of pyramidal and spherical embossing on residual stress distribution and magnetic material properties of non-oriented electrical steel
Lin, C.; Herrmann, S.; Steinrücken, B.; Wilhelm,S.; Spliethoff, H.; Transient study of heat and mass transfer phenomena in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
Goetzl, Gregor; Chicco, Jessica; Schifflechner, Christopher; Figueira, Joao; Tsironis, Georgios; Zajacs, Aleksandrs; Pathways to better integrate geothermal energy at its full technological scale in European heating and cooling networks
Lambert, J.; Investitionskosten und Kostenreduktionspotenziale in der Fernwärme – Eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung
Bastek, S.; Kerschbaum, M.;Dossow, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Process Simulation of Plasma-Assisted Entrained Flow Gasification for Thermochemical Recycling
Bastek, S.; Kerschbaum, M.; Dossow, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Process Simulation of Plasma-Assisted Entrained Flow Gasification for Hydrogen-rich Syngas Production
Backofen, G.; Thermochemische Energiespeicher – vom Wirbelschichtreaktormodell zum MILP-Ansatz
Mörtenkötter, H.; Grünwald, D.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of the Chemical Association Form of Alkali Compounds on the Release Behavior from Solid Biomass
Dossow, M.; Leuter, P.; Spliethoff, H.; Fendt, S.; Decontamination of polluted soils: a gas fermentation model for SynFuel production and techno-economic estimation
Dossow, M.; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Maximizing carbon efficiency through electrolysis for an advanced biomass-to-liquid process producing sustainable aviation fuels
Schifflechner, C.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; CO2 als möglicher Wärmeträger in der petrothermalen Geothermie zur gemeinsamen Strom- und Wärmebereitstellung
Wilhelm, S.; Implementation of Langmuir-Hinshelwood Kinetics in CFD Modeling of Entrained Flow Gasification
Kaufmann, F.; (Reversible) High Temperature Heat Pumps as a Cornerstone for Future Geothermal Heat Supply
Westermeier, M.; Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; Dynamic simulation and optimization of a waste incineration plant
Wieland, C.; Spliethoff, H.; The Potential of Waste Heat Recovery from Industry in Europe – an ORC Perspectiv
Morgenstern, L.; Talebi, E.; Gleis, S.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Experimental Investigation of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for Thermochemical Energy Storage – Commissioning of a 0.5 kWh Experimental Set-Up
Leuter, P.; Johne, P,; Fendt, S.; Spliethoff, H.; Influence of Adsorption and Absorption: Removal of Trace Substances in a Modular Syngas Cleaning Facility
Talebi, E.; Morgenstern, L.; Würth, M.; Kerscher, F.; Spliethoff, H.; Effect of Multiple Storage Cycles on Heat Transfer in Bubbling Fluidized Beds for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Nowak Delgado, R.; Influence of Additive Sintering on Fine Particle Formation during Biomass Pulverised-Fuel Combustion
Michael Suda; Was habe ich von meinen Studierenden gelernt?
Müller, Christiane; Moser, Johannes; Neues Wohnen und Arbeiten in München und der Region
Lambert, J:,Herrmann, S.; Spliethoff, H.; A Nonlinear Optimization Method for the Topological Design of District Heating Systems
Thom, Dominik;Ammer, Christian;Annighöfer, Peter;Aszalós, Réka;Dittrich, Sebastian;Hagge, Jonas;Keeton, William S.;Kovacs, Bence;Krautkrämer, Ole;Müller, Jörg;von Oheimb, Goddert;Seidl, Rupert; Regeneration in European beech forests after drought: the effects of microclimate, deadwood and browsing
Patacca, Marco;Lindner, Marcus;Lucas‐Borja, Manuel Esteban;Cordonnier, Thomas;Fidej, Gal;Gardiner, Barry;Hauf, Ylva;Jasinevičius, Gediminas;Labonne, Sophie;Linkevičius, Edgaras;Mahnken, Mats;Milanovic, Slobodan;Nabuurs, Gert‐Jan;Nagel, Thomas A.;Nikinmaa, Laura;Panyatov, Momchil;Bercak, Roman;Seidl, Rupert;Ostrogović Sever, Masa Zorana;Socha, Jaroslaw;Thom, Dominik;Vuletic, Dijana;Zudin, Sergey;Schelhaas, Mart‐Jan; Significant increase in natural disturbance impacts on European forests since 1950
Reiner, Rudolf;Zedrosser, Andreas;Zeiler, Hubert;Hackländer, Klaus;Corlatti, Luca; Habitat and climate shape growth patterns in a mountain ungulate
Corlatti, L.;Iacolina, L.;Safner, T.;Apollonio, M.;Buzan, E.;Ferretti, F.;Hammer, S. E.;Herrero, J.;Rossi, L.;Serrano, E.;Arnal, M. C.;Brivio, F.;Chirichella, R.;Cotza, A.;Crestanello, B.;Espunyes, J.;Fernández de Luco, D.;Friedrich, S.;Gačić, D.;Grassi, L.;Grignolio, S.;Hauffe, H. C.;Kavčić, K.;Kinser, A.;Lioce, F.;Malagnino, A.;Miller, C.;Peters, W.;Pokorny, B.;Reiner, R.;Rezić, A.;Stipoljev, S.;Tešija, T.;Yankov, Y.;Zwijacz‐Kozica, T.;Šprem, N.; Past, present and future of chamois science
Puehringer-Sturmayr, Verena;Krejci, Julia;Schuster, Richard;Kleindorfer, Sonia;Kotrschal, Kurt;Frigerio, Didone;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio; Space use and site fidelity in the endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita: Effects of age, season, and sex
Jain, Varalika;Bugnyar, Thomas;Cunningham, Susan J.;Gallego-Abenza, Mario;Loretto, Matthias-Claudio;Sumasgutner, Petra; The spatial and temporal exploitation of anthropogenic food sources by common ravens (Corvus corax) in the Alps
Fanelsa, Niklas; Places of Rural Practice
Fanelsa, Niklas; Dauer, Roger; Rimkeit, Clara; Baustoffe anwenden: Hanfkalk
Fanelsa, Niklas; Rural Design Systems
Mommert, Jan; Fanelsa, Niklas; Revitalisierung und Umbau einer denkmalgeschützten Scheune in Gerswalde, Uckermark
Mommert, Jan; Fanelsa, Niklas; Revitalisierung und Umbau einer denkmalgeschützten Scheune in Gerswalde, Uckermark
Stylogiannis, Antonios;Prade, Ludwig;Glasl, Sarah;Mustafa, Qutaiba;Zakian, Christian;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Frequency wavelength multiplexed optoacoustic tomography.
Dehner, Christoph;Olefir, Ivan;Chowdhury, Kaushik Basak;Juestel, Dominik;Ntziachristos, Vasilis; Deep-Learning-Based Electrical Noise Removal Enables High Spectral Optoacoustic Contrast in Deep Tissue
Reifschneider, Anika ; Robinson, Sophie ; van Lengerich, Bettina ; Gnörich, Johannes ; Logan, Todd ; Heindl, Steffanie ; Vogt, Miriam A ; Weidinger, Endy ; Riedl, Lina ; Wind, Karin ; Zatcepin, Artem ; Pesämaa, Ida ; Haberl, Sophie ; Nuscher, Brigitte ; Kleinberger, Gernot ; Klimmt, Julien ; Götzl, Julia K ; Liesz, Arthur ; Bürger, Katharina ; Brendel, Matthias ; Levin, Johannes ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Suh, Jung ; Di Paolo, Gilbert ; Lewcock, Joseph W ; Monroe, Kathryn M ; Paquet, Dominik ; Capell, Anja ; Haass, Christian; Loss of TREM2 rescues hyperactivation of microglia, but not lysosomal deficits and neurotoxicity in models of progranulin deficiency
Kinniburgh, Fiona ; Selin, Henrik ; Selin, Noelle E. ; Schreurs, Miranda; When private governance impedes multilateralism: The case of international pesticide governance
Tyranowski, Tomasz M. ; Kraus, Michael; Symplectic model reduction methods for the Vlasov equation
Voss, Raoul ; Lee, Roh Pin ; Fröhling, Magnus; A consequential approach to life cycle sustainability assessment with an agent-based model to determine the potential contribution of chemical recycling to UN Sustainable Development Goals
Hagemeister, Jan ; Stock, Sandro ; Linke, Moritz ; Fischer, Marius ; Drees, Robin ; Kurrat, Michael ; Daub, Rüdiger; Lean Cell Finalization in Lithium-Ion Battery Production: Determining the Required Electrolyte Wetting Degree to Begin the Formation
Goldhardt, Oliver ; Freiberger, Robert ; Dreyer, Tobias ; Willner, Luisa ; Yakushev, Igor ; Ortner, Marion ; Förstl, Hans ; Diehl-Schmid, Janine ; Milz, Esther ; Priller, Josef ; Ramirez, Alfredo ; Magdolen, Viktor ; Thaler, Markus ; Grimmer, Timo; Herpes simplex virus alters Alzheimer's disease biomarkers - A hypothesis paper
Musiol, Stephanie ; Harris, Carla P. ; Karlina, Ruth ; Gostner, Johanna M. ; Rathkolb, Birgit ; Schnautz, Benjamin ; Schneider, Evelyn ; Mair, Lisa ; Vergara, Ernesto Elorduy ; Flexeder, Claudia ; Koletzko, Sibylle ; Bauer, Carl-Peter ; Schikowski, Tamara ; Berdel, Dietrich ; von Berg, Andrea ; Herberth, Gunda ; Rozman, Jan ; Hrabe de Angelis, Martin ; Standl, Marie ; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten B. ; Ussar, Siegfried ; Alessandrini, Francesca; Dietary digestible carbohydrates are associated with higher prevalence of asthma in humans and with aggravated lung allergic inflammation in mice
Schnurr, Benedikt ; Halkias, Georgios; Made by her vs. him: Gender influences in product preferences and the role of individual action efficacy in restoring social equalities
Ventura Silva, Gabriela ; Thomitzek, Matthias ; Lippke, Mark ; Heckmann, Thilo ; Karaki, Hassan ; Lischka, Clemens ; Möhlen, Felix ; Mayer, Dominik ; Hagemeister, Jan ; Daub, Rüdiger ; Fleischer, Jürgen ; Nirschl, Hermann ; Schröder, Daniel ; Scharfer, Philip ; Schabel, Wilhelm ; Kwade, Arno ; Herrmann, Christoph; Digitalization Platform for Sustainable Battery Cell Production: Coupling of Process, Production, and Product Models
Schreiner, David ; Lindenblatt, Johannes ; Daub, Rüdiger ; Reinhart, Gunther; Simulation of the Calendering Process of NMC-622 Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Imig, Anne ; Shajari, Fatemeh ; Augustin, Lea ; Einsiedl, Florian ; Rein, Arno; Improved Lumped-Parameter and Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Water Flow and Stable Water Isotopes
Seibold, Sebastian ; Weisser, Wolfgang W. ; Ambarli, Didem ; Gossner, Martin M. ; Mori, Akira S. ; Cadotte, Marc W. ; Hagge, Jonas ; Bässler, Claus ; Thorn, Simon; Drivers of community assembly change during succession in wood-decomposing beetle communities
Ding, Xing ; Sarpey, Theophilus Kobina ; Hou, Shujin ; Garlyyev, Batyr ; Li, Weijin ; Fischer, Roland A. ; Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.; Prospects of Using the Laser-Induced Temperature Jump Techniques for Characterisation of Electrochemical Systems
Hehnen, Melissa M. ; Fladerer, Martin P. ; Mols, Frank ; Frey, Dieter; Shaping EU Attitudes Through Identity Leadership: Investigating Pro-EU and EU-Skeptic Identity Narratives
Pensa, Evangelina ; Bogawat, Yash ; Simmel, Friedrich C. ; Santiago, Ibon; Single DNA Origami Detection by Nanoimpact Electrochemistry
Winkler, Philipp W. ; Chan, Calvin K. ; Lucidi, Gian Andrea ; Polamalu, Sene K. ; Wagala, Nyaluma N. ; Hughes, Jonathan D. ; Debski, Richard E. ; Musahl, Volker; Increasing the posterior tibial slope lowers in situ forces in the native ACL primarily at deep flexion angles
Gaser, Dominik ; Peters, Christiane ; Götte, Miriam ; Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate ; Feuchtinger, Tobias ; Schmid, Irene ; von Luettichau, Irene ; Kesting, Sabine; Analysis of self-reported activities of daily living, motor performance and physical activity among children and adolescents with cancer: Baseline data from a randomised controlled trial assessed shortly after diagnosis of leukaemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Bax, Karoline ; Bonaccolto, Giovanni ; Paterlini, Sandra; Do lower environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rated companies have higher systemic impact? Empirical evidence from Europe and the United States
Kränzlein, Moritz ; Pehl, Thomas M. ; Halama, Kerstin ; Großmann, Paula F. ; Kratky, Tim ; Mühlbach, Amelie M. ; Rieger, Bernhard; Azide-Modified Poly(diethyl vinylphosphonate) for Straightforward Graft-to Carbon Nanotube Functionalization
Franziska Pradel, Sebastian Sattler; Memories of a death threat: negative consequences of unconscious thoughts about a terrorist attack on attitudes towards alcohol
Maier, Lukas;Hosseini, Seyedbarzin;Barth, Aaron;Holzapfel, Florian;Hajek, Manfred; On the Flight Test Campaign of a Coaxial Helicopter for the Development of an Unmanned Aerial System
Heine, Jörg-Henrik; Bericht über die Erfassung von Chronotypen bei deutschen Schülerinnen und Schülern in PISA-2018
Ravichandran, Mahadevan; Winter, Johanna; Bartzsch, Stefan; Zimmermann, Markus; Material selection for extreme thermo-mechanical loads using design space projection: A concept study for an ultra-high power X-Ray source
Claus Schwechheimer, Peter Michael Schröder and Crysten E. Blaby-Haas; Plant GATA Factors: Their Biology, Phylogeny, and Phylogenomics.
A. E. Lanassa Bassukasa, Yao Xiao and Claus Schwechheimer; Phosphorylation control of PIN auxin transporters.
Kislaya Ravi; Multifidelity Polynomial Chaos Expansion Using Leja Grid Points
Kislaya Ravi; Multi-fidelity No-U-Turn Sampling
Scheerer, S.; Curbach, M.; Additive Fertigung frei geformter Betonbauteile durch selektives Binden mit calciumsilikatbasierten Zementen / Additive manufacturing of free formed concrete elements by selective binding with calcium silicate based cements
Scheerer, S.; Curbach, M.; Industrieller 3D-Betondruck durch selektive Zementaktivierung – Verfahren, Material, Anwendungen / Industrial 3D concrete printing by selective cement activation – process, material, applications
Ravil Dorozhinskii; Lukas Krenz; Sebastian Wolf; Gregor Hillers; Alice-Agnes Gabriel; Piero Lanucara; Michael Bader; Using code-transformation and CUDA graphs to optimize 3D elastic-acoustic simulations on Nvidia DGX A100
Schöberl, Maximilian; Offinger, Sebastian; Goldfuß, Theo; Kessler, Stefan; Fottner, Johannes; BIM-Integration of Light Construction Equipment
Auernhammer, H.; Mit Bits und Bytes - Von der Dampfmaschine zur Feldrobotik
Krause, Theresa ; Chen, Mo ; Wassermann, Lena ; Fischer, Doris ; Grossklags, Jens; China's corporate credit reporting system: A comparison with the United States and Germany
Miehl, Christoph ; Onasch, Sebastian ; Festa, Dylan ; Gjorgjieva, Julijana; Formation and computational implications of assemblies in neural circuits
Zhang, Zhilin ; Lin, Xiaoxiong ; Bao, Yan; Holistic temporal order judgment of tones requires top-down disentanglement
P. Bevanda; J. Kirmayr; S. Sosnowski; S. Hirche; Learning the Koopman Eigendecomposition: A Diffeomorphic Approach
Brown, Timothy M.;Brainard, George C.;Cajochen, Christian;Czeisler, Charles A.;Hanifin, John P.;Lockley, Steven W.;Lucas, Robert J.;Münch, Mirjam;O’Hagan, John B.;Peirson, Stuart N.;Price, Luke L. A.;Roenneberg, Till;Schlangen, Luc J. M.;Skene, Debra J.;Spitschan, Manuel;Vetter, Céline;Zee, Phyllis C.;Wright, Kenneth P.; Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults
Sommer, Alice J.;Peters, Annette;Rommel, Martina;Cyrys, Josef;Grallert, Harald;Haller, Dirk;Müller, Christian L.;Bind, Marie-Abèle C.; A randomization-based causal inference framework for uncovering environmental exposure effects on human gut microbiota
Česonis, Justinas;Franklin, David W.; Contextual cues are not unique for motor learning: Task-dependant switching of feedback controllers
Foley, Gabriel;Mora, Ariane;Ross, Connie M.;Bottoms, Scott;Sützl, Leander;Lamprecht, Marnie L.;Zaugg, Julian;Essebier, Alexandra;Balderson, Brad;Newell, Rhys;Thomson, Raine E. S.;Kobe, Bostjan;Barnard, Ross T.;Guddat, Luke;Schenk, Gerhard;Carsten, Jörg;Gumulya, Yosephine;Rost, Burkhard;Haltrich, Dietmar;Sieber, Volker;Gillam, Elizabeth M. J.;Bodén, Mikael; Engineering indel and substitution variants of diverse and ancient enzymes using Graphical Representation of Ancestral Sequence Predictions (GRASP)
Schuh, Lea;Kukhtevich, Igor;Bheda, Poonam;Schulz, Melanie;Bordukova, Maria;Schneider, Robert;Marr, Carsten; Altered expression response upon repeated gene repression in single yeast cells
Miehl, Christoph;Gjorgjieva, Julijana; Stability and learning in excitatory synapses by nonlinear inhibitory plasticity
Milenkovic, Dusanka;Sanz-Moreno, Adrián;Calzada-Wack, Julia;Rathkolb, Birgit;Veronica Amarie, Oana;Gerlini, Raffaele;Aguilar-Pimentel, Antonio;Misic, Jelena;Simard, Marie-Lune;Wolf, Eckhard;Fuchs, Helmut;Gailus-Durner, Valerie;de Angelis, Martin Hrabě;Larsson, Nils-Göran; Mice lacking the mitochondrial exonuclease MGME1 develop inflammatory kidney disease with glomerular dysfunction
Scales, Michael K.;Velez-Delgado, Ashley;Steele, Nina G.;Schrader, Hannah E.;Stabnick, Anna M.;Yan, Wei;Mercado Soto, Nayanna M.;Nwosu, Zeribe C.;Johnson, Craig;Zhang, Yaqing;Salas-Escabillas, Daniel J.;Menjivar, Rosa E.;Maurer, H. Carlo;Crawford, Howard C.;Bednar, Filip;Olive, Kenneth P.;Pasca di Magliano, Marina;Allen, Benjamin L.; Combinatorial Gli activity directs immune infiltration and tumor growth in pancreatic cancer
Butler-Laporte, Guillaume;Povysil, Gundula;Kosmicki, Jack A.;Cirulli, Elizabeth T.;Drivas, Theodore;Furini, Simone;Saad, Chadi;Schmidt, Axel;Olszewski, Pawel;Korotko, Urszula;Quinodoz, Mathieu;Çelik, Elifnaz;Kundu, Kousik;Walter, Klaudia;Jung, Junghyun;Stockwell, Amy D.;Sloofman, Laura G.;Jordan, Daniel M.;Thompson, Ryan C.;Del Valle, Diane;Simons, Nicole;Cheng, Esther;Sebra, Robert;Schadt, Eric E.;Kim-Schulze, Seunghee;Gnjatic, Sacha;Merad, Miriam;Buxbaum, Joseph D.;Beckmann, Noam D.;Charney, Alexander W.;Przychodzen, Bartlomiej;Chang, Timothy;Pottinger, Tess D.;Shang, Ning;Brand, Fabian;Fava, Francesca;Mari, Francesca;Chwialkowska, Karolina;Niemira, Magdalena;Pula, Szymon;Baillie, J Kenneth;Stuckey, Alex;Salas, Antonio;Bello, Xabier;Pardo-Seco, Jacobo;Gómez-Carballa, Alberto;Rivero-Calle, Irene;Martinón-Torres, Federico;Ganna, Andrea;Karczewski, Konrad J.;Veerapen, Kumar;Bourgey, Mathieu;Bourque, Guillaume;Eveleigh, Robert JM;Forgetta, Vincenzo;Morrison, David;Langlais, David;Lathrop, Mark;Mooser, Vincent;Nakanishi, Tomoko;Frithiof, Robert;Hultström, Michael;Lipcsey, Miklos;Marincevic-Zuniga, Yanara;Nordlund, Jessica;Schiabor Barrett, Kelly M.;Lee, William;Bolze, Alexandre;White, Simon;Riffle, Stephen;Tanudjaja, Francisco;Sandoval, Efren;Neveux, Iva;Dabe, Shaun;Casadei, Nicolas;Motameny, Susanne;Alaamery, Manal;Massadeh, Salam;Aljawini, Nora;Almutairi, Mansour S.;Arabi, Yaseen M.;Alqahtani, Saleh A.;Al Harthi, Fawz S.;Almutairi, Amal;Alqubaishi, Fatima;Alotaibi, Sarah;Binowayn, Albandari;Alsolm, Ebtehal A.;El Bardisy, Hadeel;Fawzy, Mohammad;Cai, Fang;Soranzo, Nicole;Butterworth, Adam;Geschwind, Daniel H.;Arteaga, Stephanie;Stephens, Alexis;Butte, Manish J.;Boutros, Paul C.;Yamaguchi, Takafumi N.;Tao, Shu;Eng, Stefan;Sanders, Timothy;Tung, Paul J.;Broudy, Michael E.;Pan, Yu;Gonzalez, Alfredo;Chavan, Nikhil;Johnson, Ruth;Pasaniuc, Bogdan;Yaspan, Brian;Smieszek, Sandra;Rivolta, Carlo;Bibert, Stephanie;Bochud, Pierre-Yves;Dabrowski, Maciej;Zawadzki, Pawel;Sypniewski, Mateusz;Kaja, Elżbieta;Chariyavilaskul, Pajaree;Nilaratanakul, Voraphoj;Hirankarn, Nattiya;Shotelersuk, Vorasuk;Pongpanich, Monnat;Phokaew, Chureerat;Chetruengchai, Wanna;Tokunaga, Katsushi;Sugiyama, Masaya;Kawai, Yosuke;Hasegawa, Takanori;Naito, Tatsuhiko;Namkoong, Ho;Edahiro, Ryuya;Kimura, Akinori;Ogawa, Seishi;Kanai, Takanori;Fukunaga, Koichi;Okada, Yukinori;Imoto, Seiya;Miyano, Satoru;Mangul, Serghei;Abedalthagafi, Malak S.;Zeberg, Hugo;Grzymski, Joseph J.;Washington, Nicole L.;Ossowski, Stephan;Ludwig, Kerstin U.;Schulte, Eva C.;Riess, Olaf;Moniuszko, Marcin;Kwasniewski, Miroslaw;Mbarek, Hamdi;Ismail, Said I.;Verma, Anurag;Goldstein, David B.;Kiryluk, Krzysztof;Renieri, Alessandra;Ferreira, Manuel A. R.;Richards, J Brent;;;;;;;;; Exome-wide association study to identify rare variants influencing COVID-19 outcomes: Results from the Host Genetics Initiative
Kalbfuß, Nils;Strohmayr, Alexander;Kegel, Marcel;Le, Lien;Grosse-Holz, Friederike;Brunschweiger, Barbara;Stöckl, Katharina;Wiese, Christian;Franke, Carina;Schiestl, Caroline;Prem, Sophia;Sha, Shuyao;Franz-Oberdorf, Katrin;Hafermann, Juliane;Thiemé, Marc;Facher, Eva;Palubicki, Wojciech;Bolle, Cordelia;Assaad, Farhah F.; A role for brassinosteroid signalling in decision-making processes in the Arabidopsis seedling
Kaura, Amit;Hartley, Adam;Panoulas, Vasileios;Glampson, Ben;Shah, Anoop S. V.;Davies, Jim;Mulla, Abdulrahim;Woods, Kerrie;Omigie, Joe;Shah, Anoop D.;Thursz, Mark R.;Elliott, Paul;Hemmingway, Harry;Williams, Bryan;Asselbergs, Folkert W.;O’Sullivan, Michael;Lord, Graham M.;Trickey, Adam;Sterne, Jonathan AC;Haskard, Dorian O.;Melikian, Narbeh;Francis, Darrel P.;Koenig, Wolfgang;Shah, Ajay M.;Kharbanda, Rajesh;Perera, Divaka;Patel, Riyaz S.;Channon, Keith M.;Mayet, Jamil;Khamis, Ramzi; Mortality risk prediction of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in suspected acute coronary syndrome: A cohort study
Pedron, Sara;Hanselmann, Michael;Burns, Jacob;Rich, Alexander;Peters, Annette;Heier, Margit;Schwettmann, Lars;Bor, Jacob H.;Bärnighausen, Till;Laxy, Michael; The effect of population-based blood pressure screening on long-term cardiometabolic morbidity and mortality in Germany: A regression discontinuity analysis
Langa, Irene;Padama, Fernando;Nhancupe, Noémia;Pondja, Alberto;Hlashwayo, Delfina;Gouveia, Lidia;Stelzle, Dominik;da Costa, Clarissa Prazeres;Schmidt, Veronika;Winkler, Andrea S.;Noormahomed, Emília Virgínia; The burden of T. solium cysticercosis and selected neuropsychiatric disorders in Mocuba district, Zambézia province, Mozambique
Keller, Luise;Stelzle, Dominik;Schmidt, Veronika;Carabin, Hélène;Reinhold, Ann-Kristin;Keller, Claudius;Welte, Tamara M.;Richter, Vivien;Amos, Action;Boeckman, Lindsay;Harrison, Wendy;Winkler, Andrea S.; Community-level prevalence of epilepsy and of neurocysticercosis among people with epilepsy in the Balaka district of Malawi: A cross-sectional study
Stelzle, Dominik;Schmidt, Veronika;Keller, Luise;Ngowi, Bernard J.;Matuja, William;Escheu, Gabrielle;Hauke, Peter;Richter, Vivien;Ovuga, Emilio;Pfausler, Bettina;Schmutzhard, Erich;Amos, Action;Harrison, Wendy;Kaducu, Joyce;Winkler, Andrea S.; Characteristics of people with epilepsy and Neurocysticercosis in three eastern African countries–A pooled analysis
Stelzle, Dominik;Makasi, Charles;Schmidt, Veronika;Trevisan, Chiara;van Damme, Inge;Welte, Tamara M.;Ruether, Charlotte;Fleury, Agnes;Dorny, Pierre;Magnussen, Pascal;Zulu, Gideon;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Bottieau, Emmanuel;Gabriël, Sarah;Ngowi, Bernard J.;Winkler, Andrea S.;; Epidemiological, clinical and radiological characteristics of people with neurocysticercosis in Tanzania–A cross-sectional study
Weiß, Lukas;Gaelings, Lana;Reiner, Tina;Mergner, Julia;Kuster, Bernhard;Fehér, Attila;Hensel, Götz;Gahrtz, Manfred;Kumlehn, Jochen;Engelhardt, Stefan;Hückelhoven, Ralph; Posttranslational modification of the RHO of plants protein RACB by phosphorylation and cross-kingdom conserved ubiquitination
Ait Sidhoum, Amer;Dakpo, K. Hervé;Latruffe, Laure; Trade-offs between economic, environmental and social sustainability on farms using a latent class frontier efficiency model: Evidence for Spanish crop farms
Gar, Christina;Thorand, Barbara;Herder, Christian;Sujana, Chaterina;Heier, Margit;Meisinger, Christa;Peters, Annette;Koenig, Wolfgang;Rathmann, Wolfgang;Roden, Michael;Stumvoll, Michael;Maalmi, Haifa;Meitinger, Thomas;Then, Holger;Seissler, Jochen;Then, Cornelia; Association of circulating MR-proADM with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the general population: Results from the KORA F4 cohort study
Singh, Bhagteshwar;Lant, Suzannah;Cividini, Sofia;Cattrall, Jonathan W. S.;Goodwin, Lynsey C.;Benjamin, Laura;Michael, Benedict D.;Khawaja, Ayaz;Matos, Aline de Moura Brasil;Alkeridy, Walid;Pilotto, Andrea;Lahiri, Durjoy;Rawlinson, Rebecca;Mhlanga, Sithembinkosi;Lopez, Evelyn C.;Sargent, Brendan F.;Somasundaran, Anushri;Tamborska, Arina;Webb, Glynn;Younas, Komal;Al Sami, Yaqub;Babu, Heavenna;Banks, Tristan;Cavallieri, Francesco;Cohen, Matthew;Davies, Emma;Dhar, Shalley;Fajardo Modol, Anna;Farooq, Hamzah;Harte, Jeffrey;Hey, Samuel;Joseph, Albert;Karthikappallil, Dileep;Kassahun, Daniel;Lipunga, Gareth;Mason, Rachel;Minton, Thomas;Mond, Gabrielle;Poxon, Joseph;Rabas, Sophie;Soothill, Germander;Zedde, Marialuisa;Yenkoyan, Konstantin;Brew, Bruce;Contini, Erika;Cysique, Lucette;Zhang, Xin;Maggi, Pietro;van Pesch, Vincent;Lechien, Jérome;Saussez, Sven;Heyse, Alex;Brito Ferreira, Maria Lúcia;Soares, Cristiane N.;Elicer, Isabel;Eugenín-von Bernhardi, Laura;Ñancupil Reyes, Waleng;Yin, Rong;Azab, Mohammed A.;Abd-Allah, Foad;Elkady, Ahmed;Escalard, Simon;Corvol, Jean-Christophe;Delorme, Cécile;Tattevin, Pierre;Bigaut, Kévin;Lorenz, Norbert;Hornuss, Daniel;Hosp, Jonas;Rieg, Siegbert;Wagner, Dirk;Knier, Benjamin;Lingor, Paul;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Sharifi-Razavi, Athena;Moein, Shima T.;SeyedAlinaghi, SeyedAhmad;JamaliMoghadamSiahkali, Saeidreza;Morassi, Mauro;Padovani, Alessandro;Giunta, Marcello;Libri, Ilenia;Beretta, Simone;Ravaglia, Sabrina;Foschi, Matteo;Calabresi, Paolo;Primiano, Guido;Servidei, Serenella;Biagio Mercuri, Nicola;Liguori, Claudio;Pierantozzi, Mariangela;Sarmati, Loredana;Boso, Federica;Garazzino, Silvia;Mariotto, Sara;Patrick, Kimani N.;Costache, Oana;Pincherle, Alexander;Klok, Frederikus A.;Meza, Roger;Cabreira, Verónica;Valdoleiros, Sofia R.;Oliveira, Vanessa;Kaimovsky, Igor;Guekht, Alla;Koh, Jasmine;Fernández Díaz, Eva;Barrios-López, José María;Guijarro-Castro, Cristina;Beltrán-Corbellini, Álvaro;Martínez-Poles, Javier;Diezma-Martín, Alba María;Morales-Casado, Maria Isabel;García García, Sergio;Breville, Gautier;Coen, Matteo;Uginet, Marjolaine;Bernard-Valnet, Raphaël;Du Pasquier, Renaud;Kaya, Yildiz;Abdelnour, Loay H.;Rice, Claire;Morrison, Hamish;Defres, Sylviane;Huda, Saif;Enright, Noelle;Hassell, Jane;D’Anna, Lucio;Benger, Matthew;Sztriha, Laszlo;Raith, Eamon;Chinthapalli, Krishna;Nortley, Ross;Paterson, Ross;Chandratheva, Arvind;Werring, David J.;Dervisevic, Samir;Harkness, Kirsty;Pinto, Ashwin;Jillella, Dinesh;Beach, Scott;Gunasekaran, Kulothungan;Rocha Ferreira Da Silva, Ivan;Nalleballe, Krishna;Santoro, Jonathan;Scullen, Tyler;Kahn, Lora;Kim, Carla Y.;Thakur, Kiran T.;Jain, Rajan;Umapathi, Thirugnanam;Nicholson, Timothy R.;Sejvar, James J.;Hodel, Eva Maria;Tudur Smith, Catrin;Solomon, Tom;; Prognostic indicators and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients with neurological disease: An individual patient data meta-analysis
Taji Heravi, Ala;Henn, Anne;Deuster, Stefanie;McLennan, Stuart;Gloy, Viktoria;Mitter, Vera Ruth;Briel, Matthias;; Investigational medicinal products, related costs and hospital pharmacy services for investigator-initiated trials: A mixed-methods study
Fricke, Ute;Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf;Zhang, Jie;Tobisch, Cynthia;Rojas-Botero, Sandra;Benjamin, Caryl S.;Englmeier, Jana;Ganuza, Cristina;Haensel, Maria;Riebl, Rebekka;Uhler, Johannes;Uphus, Lars;Ewald, Jörg;Kollmann, Johannes;Redlich, Sarah; Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod predation among habitat types
Gimbel, Anna Theresa;Koziarek, Susanne;Theodorou, Kosta;Schulz, Jana Felicitas;Stanicek, Laura;Kremer, Veerle;Ali, Tamer;Günther, Stefan;Kumar, Sandeep;Jo, Hanjoong;Hübner, Norbert;Maegdefessel, Lars;Dimmeler, Stefanie;van Heesch, Sebastiaan;Boon, Reinier A.; Aging-regulated TUG1 is dispensable for endothelial cell function
Schneider, Markus;Antes, Iris; SenseNet, a tool for analysis of protein structure networks obtained from molecular dynamics simulations
Fux, Daniela;Metzner, Moritz;Brandl, Johanna;Feist, Melanie;Behrendt-Wippermann, Magdalena;von Thaden, Anne;Baumgartner, Christine; Pharmacokinetics of metamizole (dipyrone) as an add-on in calves undergoing umbilical surgery
Gebhardt, Tom;Touré, Vasundra;Waltemath, Dagmar;Wolkenhauer, Olaf;Scharm, Martin; Exploring the evolution of biochemical models at the network level
Htay, Mila Nu Nu;Parial, Laurence Lloyd;Tolabing, Ma. Carmen;Dadaczynski, Kevin;Okan, Orkan;Leung, Angela Yee Man;Su, Tin Tin; Digital health literacy, online information-seeking behaviour, and satisfaction of Covid-19 information among the university students of East and South-East Asia
Rattay, Petra;Blume, Miriam;Wachtler, Benjamin;Wollgast, Lina;Spallek, Jacob;Hoffmann, Stephanie;Sander, Lydia;Herr, Raphael;Herke, Max;Reuter, Marvin;Novelli, Anna;Hövener, Claudia; Socioeconomic position and self-rated health among female and male adolescents: The role of familial determinants in explaining health inequalities. Results of the German KiGGS study
Fiske, Amelia;Schönweitz, Franziska;Eichinger, Johanna;Zimmermann, Bettina;Hangel, Nora;Sierawska, Anna;McLennan, Stuart;Buyx, Alena; The COVID-19 Vaccine: Trust, doubt, and hope for a future beyond the pandemic in Germany
Bartenschlager, Florian;Klymiuk, Nikolai;Weise, Christoph;Kuropka, Benno;Gruber, Achim D.;Mundhenk, Lars; Evolutionarily conserved properties of CLCA proteins 1, 3 and 4, as revealed by phylogenetic and biochemical studies in avian homologues
Straub, Florian;Kuppler, Jonas;Fellendorf, Martin;Teuscher, Miriam;Vogt, Juliane;Ayasse, Manfred; Land-use stress alters cuticular chemical surface profile and morphology in the bumble bee Bombus lapidarius
Weber, Simone;Kehl, Victoria;Erber, Johanna;Wagner, Karolin I.;Jetzlsperger, Ana-Marija;Burrell, Teresa;Schober, Kilian;Schommers, Philipp;Augustin, Max;Crowell, Claudia S.;Gerhard, Markus;Winter, Christof;Moosmann, Andreas;Spinner, Christoph D.;Protzer, Ulrike;Hoffmann, Dieter;D’Ippolito, Elvira;Busch, Dirk H.; CMV seropositivity is a potential novel risk factor for severe COVID-19 in non-geriatric patients
Krönke, Markus;Eilers, Christine;Dimova, Desislava;Köhler, Melanie;Buschner, Gabriel;Schweiger, Lilit;Konstantinidou, Lemonia;Makowski, Marcus;Nagarajah, James;Navab, Nassir;Weber, Wolfgang;Wendler, Thomas; Tracked 3D ultrasound and deep neural network-based thyroid segmentation reduce interobserver variability in thyroid volumetry
Takáts, Amanda;Berke, Gergő;Gede, Noémi;Németh, Balázs Csaba;Witt, Heiko;Głuszek, Stanisław;Rygiel, Agnieszka Magdalena;Hegyi, Péter;Sahin-Tóth, Miklós;Hegyi, Eszter; Risk of chronic pancreatitis in carriers of loss-of-function CTRC variants: A meta-analysis
Riedel, Maximilian;Amann, Niklas;Recker, Florian;Hennigs, André;Heublein, Sabine;Meyer, Bastian;Karge, Anne;Eisenkolb, Gabriel;Lammert, Jacqueline;Graf, Anna;Klein, Evelyn;Weiss, Martin;Riedel, Fabian; The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on medical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology—A nationwide expert survey among teaching coordinators at German university hospitals
Harke, Nina N.;Wagner, Christian;Hermann, Robert M.;Hadaschik, Boris A.;Radtke, Jan Philipp;Altay-Langguth, Alev;Aufderklamm, Stefan;Bach, Christian;Becker-Schiebe, Martina;Blana, Andreas;Bruns, Frank;Buse, Stephan;Combs, Stephanie E.;Engels, Christina L.;Ezzibdeh, Emad;Fiedler, Marcel;Fischer, Laura-Anna;Farzat, Mahmoud;Frismann, Alexander;Heck, Matthias M.;Henkenberens, Christoph;Roesch, Marie C.;Käding, Christoph;Klautke, Gunther;Krausewitz, Philipp;Kuczyk, Markus A.;Leitsmann, Conrad;Lettmaier, Sebastian;Mahjoub, Samy;Manseck, Andreas;Medenwald, Daniel;Meyer, Andreas;Micke, Oliver;Moritz, Rudolf;Ott, Marcel;Peters, Inga;Pokupic, Sasa;Porres, Daniel;Preisser, Felix;Reichel, Kathrin;Schneider, Andreas;Schwentner, Christian;Scobioala, Sergiu;Truss, Michael;Wegener, Daniel;Wezel, Felix;Willborn, Kay;Witt, Jörn H.;Wittig, Andrea;Wittlinger, Michael;Wolff, Hendrik A.;Zimmermanns, Volker;Christiansen, Hans; Lessons learned after one year of COVID-19 from a urologist and radiotherapist view: A German survey on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
Beck, Stefanie;Jahn, Laurenz;Deniffel, Dominik;Riederer, Isabelle;Sauter, Andreas;Makowski, Marcus R.;Pfeiffer, Daniela; Iodine images in dual energy CT: A monocentric study benchmarking quantitative iodine concentration values of the healthy liver
Sitali, Muloongo C.;Schmidt, Veronika;Mwenda, Racheal;Sikasunge, Chummy S.;Mwape, Kabemba E.;Simuunza, Martin C.;da Costa, Clarissa P.;Winkler, Andrea S.;Phiri, Isaac K.; Experimental animal models and their use in understanding cysticercosis: A systematic review
Canessa, Carolin;Vavvos, Andreas;Triliva, Sofia;Kafkalas, Iosif;Vrachioli, Maria;Sauer, Johannes; Implementing a combined Delphi and Focus Group qualitative methodology in Nexus research designs—The case of the WEFE Nexus in Apokoronas, Crete
Raichle, Claudia;Borgmann, Stefan;Bausewein, Claudia;Rieg, Siegbert;Jakob, Carolin E. M.;Simon, Steffen T.;Tometten, Lukas;Vehreschild, Jörg Janne;Leisse, Charlotte;Erber, Johanna;Stecher, Melanie;Pauli, Berenike;Rüthrich, Maria Madeleine;Pilgram, Lisa;Hanses, Frank;Isberner, Nora;Hower, Martin;Degenhardt, Christian;Hertenstein, Bernd;Vehreschild, Maria J. G. T.;Römmele, Christoph;Jung, Norma;; Hospitalized patients dying with SARS-CoV-2 infection—An analysis of patient characteristics and management in ICU and general ward of the LEOSS registry
Schönbach, Dorothea M. I.;Tiscareno-Osorno, Ximena;MacIntyre, Tadhg E.;Smith, Stephen;MacIntyre, Deirdre;Demetriou, Yolanda; What socio-demographic characteristics of university students in Southern Germany predict their urban nature connectedness?
Schaefer, Hannah;Rübben, Albert;Esser, André;Araujo, Arturo;Persa, Oana-Diana;Leijs, Marike; A distinct four-value blood signature of pyrexia under combination therapy of malignant melanoma with dabrafenib and trametinib evidenced by an algorithm-defined pyrexia score
Rahn, Simon;Gödel, Marion;Köster, Gerta;Hofinger, Gesine; Modelling airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 at a local scale
Egerer, Monika;Philpott, Stacy M.; ‘Tidy’ and ‘messy’ management alters natural enemy communities and pest control in urban agroecosystems
Hawchar, Fatime;Tomescu, Dana;Träger, Karl;Joskowiak, Dominik;Kogelmann, Klaus;Soukup, Jens;Friesecke, Singrun;Jacob, David;Gummert, Jan;Faltlhauser, Andreas;Aucella, Filippo;van Tellingen, Martijn;Malbrain, Manu L. N. G.;Bogdanski, Ralph;Weiss, Günter;Herbrich, Andreas;Utzolino, Stefan;Nierhaus, Axel;Baumann, Andreas;Hartjes, Andreas;Henzler, Dietrich;Grigoryev, Evgeny;Fritz, Harald;Bach, Friedhelm;Schröder, Stefan;Weyland, Andreas;Gottschaldt, Udo;Menzel, Matthias;Zachariae, Olivier;Novak, Radovan;Berden, Jernej;Haake, Hendrik;Quintel, Michael;Kloesel, Stephan;Kortgen, Andreas;Stecher, Stephanie;Torti, Patricia;Nestler, Frieder;Nitsch, Markus;Olboeter, Detlef;Muck, Philip;Findeisen, Michael;Bitzinger, Diane;Kraßler, Jens;Benad, Martin;Schott, Martin;Schumacher, Ulrike;Molnar, Zsolt;Brunkhorst, Frank Martin; Hemoadsorption in the critically ill—Final results of the International CytoSorb Registry
Cubillos-Pinilla, Leidy;Emmerling, Franziska; Taking the chance!–Interindividual differences in rule-breaking
Roy, Susmita;Grünwald, Alexander T.D.;Lampe, Renée; A non-invasive method for scoliosis assessment—A new mathematical concept using polar angle
Geith, Stefanie;Lumpe, Maja;Schurr, Johannes;Rabe, Christian;Ott, Armin;Zellner, Tobias;Rentrop, Michael;Eyer, Florian; Characteristics and predictive factors of severe or fatal suicide outcome in patients hospitalized due to deliberate self-poisoning
Mayr, Christina Maria;Köster, Gerta; Guiding crowds when facing limited compliance: Simulating strategies
Teusen, Clara;Hapfelmeier, Alexander;von Schrottenberg, Victoria;Gökce, Feyza;Pitschel-Walz, Gabriele;Henningsen, Peter;Gensichen, Jochen;Schneider, Antonius;; Combining the GP’s assessment and the PHQ-9 questionnaire leads to more reliable and clinically relevant diagnoses in primary care
Maldarelli, Gianmarco;Firzlaff, Uwe;Luksch, Harald; Azimuthal sound localization in the chicken
Kim, Elena S.;Zhou, Jun;Zhang, Hu;Marchetti, Alexander;van de Klundert, Maarten;Cai, Dawei;Yu, Xiaoyang;Mitra, Bidisha;Liu, Yuanjie;Wang, Mu;Protzer, Ulrike;Guo, Haitao; Hepatitis B virus X protein counteracts high mobility group box 1 protein-mediated epigenetic silencing of covalently closed circular DNA
Jurkowski, Wojciech;Paper, Michael;Brück, Thomas B.; Isolation and Investigation of Natural Rare Earth Metal Chelating Agents From Calothrix brevissima - A Step Towards Unraveling the Mechanisms of Metal Biosorption
Borza, Corina M.;Bolas, Gema;Zhang, Xiuqi;Browning Monroe, Mary Beth;Zhang, Ming-Zhi;Meiler, Jens;Skwark, Marcin J.;Harris, Raymond C.;Lapierre, Lynne A.;Goldenring, James R.;Hook, Magnus;Rivera, Jose;Brown, Kyle L.;Leitinger, Birgit;Tyska, Matthew J.;Moser, Markus;Böttcher, Ralph T.;Zent, Roy;Pozzi, Ambra; The Collagen Receptor Discoidin Domain Receptor 1b Enhances Integrin β1-Mediated Cell Migration by Interacting With Talin and Promoting Rac1 Activation
Bronnec, Vicky;Eilers, Hinnerk;Jahns, Anika C.;Omer, Hélène;Alexeyev, Oleg A.; Propionibacterium (Cutibacterium) granulosum Extracellular DNase BmdE Targeting Propionibacterium (Cutibacterium) acnes Biofilm Matrix, a Novel Inter-Species Competition Mechanism
Perry, Iain;Jâms, Ifan B.;Casas-Mulet, Roser;Hamutoko, Josefina;Marchbank, Angela;Lendelvo, Selma;Naomab, Erold;Mapani, Benjamin;Creer, Simon;Wanke, Heike;Durance, Isabelle;Kille, Peter; Challenges to Implementing Environmental-DNA Monitoring in Namibia
Serra-Llobet, Anna;Jähnig, Sonja C.;Geist, Juergen;Kondolf, G. Mathias;Damm, Christian;Scholz, Mathias;Lund, Jay;Opperman, Jeff J.;Yarnell, Sarah M.;Pawley, Anitra;Shader, Eileen;Cain, John;Zingraff-Hamed, Aude;Grantham, Theodore E.;Eisenstein, William;Schmitt, Rafael; Restoring Rivers and Floodplains for Habitat and Flood Risk Reduction: Experiences in Multi-Benefit Floodplain Management From California and Germany
Zhao, Yaqi;Wu, Jie;Li, Lan;Zhang, Huibo;Zhang, Haohan;Li, Jing;Zhong, Hao;Lei, Tianyu;Jin, Yan;Xu, Bin;Song, Qibin; Guanylate-Binding Protein 1 as a Potential Predictor of Immunotherapy: A Pan-Cancer Analysis
Wiedemann, Gabriela M.; Localization Matters: Epigenetic Regulation of Natural Killer Cells in Different Tissue Microenvironments
Zhang, Miao;Li, Siyu;Hertkorn, Norbert;Harir, Mourad;Xu, Dongfeng;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe;Wu, Ying; Substantial Biogeochemical and Biomolecular Processing of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Anticyclonic Eddy in the Northern South China Sea Down to Bathypelagic Depths
Sepúlveda, Nuno;Malato, João;Sotzny, Franziska;Grabowska, Anna D.;Fonseca, André;Cordeiro, Clara;Graça, Luís;Biecek, Przemyslaw;Behrends, Uta;Mautner, Josef;Westermeier, Francisco;Lacerda, Eliana M.;Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Revisiting IgG Antibody Reactivity to Epstein-Barr Virus in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Its Potential Application to Disease Diagnosis
Orabi, Ahmed;Hussein, Ashraf;Saleh, Ayman A.;Megahed, Ayman M.;Metwally, Mohamed;Moeini, Hassan;Metwally, Aya Sh.; Therapeutic efficacy of n-Docosanol against velogenic Newcastle disease virus infection in domestic chickens
Gros, Alexandra;Lim, Amos W. H.;Hohendorf, Victoria;White, Nicole;Eckert, Michael;McHugh, Thomas John;Wang, Szu-Han; Behavioral and Cellular Tagging in Young and in Early Cognitive Aging
Pollach, Matthias;Schiegg, Felix;Ludwig, Matthias;Bette, Ann-Christin;Knoll, Alois; Boundary Enhanced Semantic Segmentation for High Resolution Electron Microscope Images
Beauferris, Youssef;Teuwen, Jonas;Karkalousos, Dimitrios;Moriakov, Nikita;Caan, Matthan;Yiasemis, George;Rodrigues, Lívia;Lopes, Alexandre;Pedrini, Helio;Rittner, Letícia;Dannecker, Maik;Studenyak, Viktor;Gröger, Fabian;Vyas, Devendra;Faghih-Roohi, Shahrooz;Kumar Jethi, Amrit;Chandra Raju, Jaya;Sivaprakasam, Mohanasankar;Lasby, Mike;Nogovitsyn, Nikita;Loos, Wallace;Frayne, Richard;Souza, Roberto; Multi-Coil MRI Reconstruction Challenge—Assessing Brain MRI Reconstruction Models and Their Generalizability to Varying Coil Configurations
Ranjha, Muhammad Modassar Ali Nawaz;Shafique, Bakhtawar;Rehman, Abdur;Mehmood, Arshad;Ali, Ahmad;Zahra, Syeda Mahvish;Roobab, Ume;Singh, Ajay;Ibrahim, Salam A.;Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha; Biocompatible Nanomaterials in Food Science, Technology, and Nutrient Drug Delivery: Recent Developments and Applications
Berlet, Maximilian;Weber, Marie-Christin;Neumann, Philipp-Alexander;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel; Gastrectomy for cancer beyond life expectancy. A comprehensive analysis of oncological gastric surgery in Germany between 2008 and 2018
Hönikl, Lisa S.;Lange, Nicole;Barz, Melanie;Negwer, Chiara;Meyer, Bernhard;Gempt, Jens;Meyer, Hanno S.; Postoperative communicating hydrocephalus following glioblastoma resection: Incidence, timing and risk factors
Gevaert, Andreas B.;Mueller, Stephan;Winzer, Ephraim B.;Duvinage, André;Van de Heyning, Caroline M.;Pieske-Kraigher, Elisabeth;Beckers, Paul J.;Edelmann, Frank;Wisløff, Ulrik;Pieske, Burkert;Adams, Volker;Halle, Martin;Van Craenenbroeck, Emeline M.;; Iron Deficiency Impacts Diastolic Function, Aerobic Exercise Capacity, and Patient Phenotyping in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Subanalysis of the OptimEx-Clin Study
Lopez, Melina;Malacarne, Pedro F.;Ramanujam, Deepak P.;Warwick, Timothy;Müller, Niklas;Hu, Jiong;Dewenter, Matthias;Weigert, Andreas;Günther, Stefan;Gilsbach, Ralf;Engelhardt, Stefan;Brandes, Ralf P.;Rezende, Flávia; Endothelial deletion of the cytochrome P450 reductase leads to cardiac remodelling
Russomanno, Tiago Guedes;Blauberger, Patrick;Kolbinger, Otto;Lam, Hilary;Schmid, Marc;Lames, Martin; Drone-Based Position Detection in Sports—Validation and Applications
Kunz, Karolin;Hu, Yuncai;Schmidhalter, Urs; Carbon isotope discrimination as a key physiological trait to phenotype drought/heat resistance of future climate-resilient German winter wheat compared with relative leaf water content and canopy temperature
Husaini, Amjad M.;Haq, Syed Anam Ul;Shabir, Asma;Wani, Amir B.;Dedmari, Muneer A.; The menace of saffron adulteration: Low-cost rapid identification of fake look-alike saffron using Foldscope and machine learning technology
Maierhofer, Johannes;Dietz, Christoph;Zobel, Oliver M.;Rixen, Daniel J.; Multiphysical Simulation, Model Order Reduction (ECSW) and Experimental Validation of an Active Magnetic Bearing
Ögretmen, Levent;Rowold, Matthias;Ochsenius, Marvin;Lohmann, Boris; Smooth Trajectory Planning at the Handling Limits for Oval Racing
Dantsker, Or D.;Theile, Mirco;Caccamo, Marco; A Cyber-Physical Prototyping and Testing Framework to Enable the Rapid Development of UAVs
Warzecha, Marcel;Schatz, Markus E.;Lucarelli, Stefano;Jüttner, Cedric; Increasing Structural Performance of Space Telescope Mirrors through Simultaneous Shape and Size Optimization
Farschtschi, Sabine;Hildebrandt, Alex;Mattes, Martin;Kirchner, Benedikt;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Using High-Resolution Differential Cell Counts (HRDCCs) in Bovine Milk and Blood to Monitor the Immune Status over the Entire Lactation Period
Džolan, Ante;Galić, Mirela;Harapin, Alen; Model for the Simulation of the Time-Dependent State in RC Elements
Fuchs, Felix;Wahl, Markus;Zagst, Rudi;Zheng, Xinyi; Stock Market Crisis Forecasting Using Neural Networks with Input Factor Selection
Wölfle, Christoph Hubertus;Krempaszky, Christian;Werner, Ewald; On the Applicability of Approximate Rolling and Sliding Contact Algorithms in Anisothermal Problems with Thermal Softening
Adenaw, Lennart;Bachmeier, Quirin; Generating Activity-Based Mobility Plans from Trip-Based Models and Mobility Surveys
Hildebrand, Lucas;Dangl, Florian;Paschold, Constantin;Lohner, Thomas;Stahl, Karsten; CFD Analysis on the Heat Dissipation of a Dry-Lubricated Gear Stage
Lang, Jonas;Zielinski, Sebastian;Feld, Sebastian; Strategic Portfolio Optimization Using Simulated, Digital, and Quantum Annealing
Kraft, Martin;Bernhardt, Heinz;Brunsch, Reiner;Büscher, Wolfgang;Colangelo, Eduardo;Graf, Henri;Marquering, Johannes;Tapken, Heiko;Toppel, Kathrin;Westerkamp, Clemens;Ziron, Martin; Can Livestock Farming Benefit from Industry 4.0 Technology? Evidence from Recent Study
Ludwig, Sebastian;Steinhardt, Marco;Jossen, Andreas; Determination of Internal Temperature Differences for Various Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Pulse Resistance Approach
Hagemeister, Jan;Günter, Florian J.;Rinner, Thomas;Zhu, Franziska;Papst, Alexander;Daub, Rüdiger; Numerical Models of the Electrolyte Filling Process of Lithium-Ion Batteries to Accelerate and Improve the Process and Cell Design
Sigl, Martina E.;Grabmann, Sophie;Kick, Luca-Felix;Zens, Amanda;Hartl, Roman;Zaeh, Michael F.; Cell-Internal Contacting of Prismatic Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Micro-Friction Stir Spot Welding
Zhao, Yulong;Jossen, Andreas; Comparative Study of Parameter Identification with Frequency and Time Domain Fitting Using a Physics-Based Battery Model
Joyce, Daniel S.;Spitschan, Manuel;Zeitzer, Jamie M.; Optimizing Light Flash Sequence Duration to Shift Human Circadian Phase
Zellmer, Johannes;Yen, Hsi-Yu;Kaiser, Lena;Gildehaus, Franz Josef;Böning, Guido;Steiger, Katja;Hacker, Marcus;Bartenstein, Peter;Todica, Andrei;Haug, Alexander R.;Ilhan, Harun; Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Combined Treatment Using the mTOR-Inhibitor Everolimus and [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE in Nude CD1 Mice with SSTR-Expressing Pancreatic AR42J Xenograft Tumors
Rinecker, Jakob;Roesch, Romina;Krippgans, Sara;Nieberler, Markus;Stark, Leonhard;Stangl, Stefan;Haller, Bernhard;Fritsche, Kristin;Multhoff, Gabriele;Knopf, Andreas;Winter, Christof;Wollenberg, Barbara;Wirth, Markus; Comparing TIMP-1 and Hsp70 in Blood and Saliva as Potential Prognostic Markers in HNSCC
Zebhauser, Paul Theo;Macchia, Ana;Gold, Edward;Salcedo, Stephanie;Burum, Bethany;Alonso-Alonso, Miguel;Gilbert, Daniel T.;Pascual-Leone, Alvaro;Brem, Anna-Katharine; Intranasal Oxytocin Modulates Decision-Making Depending on Outcome Predictability—A Randomized Within-Subject Controlled Trial in Healthy Males
Li, Chao;Zahedi, Ata;Petzold, Frank; Pragmatic Design Decision Support for Additive Construction Using Formal Knowledge and Its Prospects for Synergy with a Feedback Mechanism
Hepf, Christian;Bausch, Konstantin;Lauss, Lukas;Koth, Sebastian Clark;Auer, Thomas; Impact of Dynamic Emission Factors of the German Electricity Mix on the Greenhouse Gas Balance in Building Operation
Kraus, Kim Melanie;Winter, Johanna;Zhang, Yating;Ahmed, Mabroor;Combs, Stephanie Elisabeth;Wilkens, Jan Jakob;Bartzsch, Stefan; Treatment Planning Study for Microbeam Radiotherapy Using Clinical Patient Data
Ziegelmayer, Sebastian;Graf, Markus;Makowski, Marcus;Gawlitza, Joshua;Gassert, Felix; Cost-Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence Support in Computed Tomography-Based Lung Cancer Screening
Meyer, Hanno S.;Wagner, Arthur;Raufer, Alessandra;Joerger, Ann-Kathrin;Gempt, Jens;Meyer, Bernhard; Surgery in Acute Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Timing and Functional Outcome
Schültke, Elisabeth;Jaekel, Felix;Bartzsch, Stefan;Bräuer-Krisch, Elke;Requardt, Herwig;Laissue, Jean Albert;Blattmann, Hans;Hildebrandt, Guido; Good Timing Matters: The Spatially Fractionated High Dose Rate Boost Should Come First
Prexler, Carolin;Knape, Marie Sophie;Erlewein-Schweizer, Janina;Roll, Wolfgang;Specht, Katja;Woertler, Klaus;Weichert, Wilko;von Luettichau, Irene;Rossig, Claudia;Hauer, Julia;Richter, Guenther H. S.;Weber, Wolfgang;Burdach, Stefan; Correlation of Transcriptomics and FDG-PET SUVmax Indicates Reciprocal Expression of Stemness-Related Transcription Factor and Neuropeptide Signaling Pathways in Glucose Metabolism of Ewing Sarcoma
Dimpel, Rebekka;Novotny, Alexander;Slotta-Huspenina, Julia;Langer, Rupert;Friess, Helmut;Reim, Daniel; UICC Staging after Neoadjuvant/Perioperative Chemotherapy Reveals No Significant Survival Differences Compared to Primary Surgery for Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer
Wu, Yang;Kram, Helena;Gempt, Jens;Liesche-Starnecker, Friederike;Wu, Wei;Schlegel, Jürgen; ALDH1-Mediated Autophagy Sensitizes Glioblastoma Cells to Ferroptosis
Ossyssek, Stefan;Hofmann, Andrea Maria;Geist, Juergen;Raeder, Uta; Diatom Red List Species Reveal High Conservation Value and Vulnerability of Mountain Lakes
Mitternacht, Jürgen;Hermann, Aljoscha;Carqueville, Patrick; Acquisition of Lower-Limb Motion Characteristics with a Single Inertial Measurement Unit—Validation for Use in Physiotherapy
Pfister, Heiko; Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Neutrophil-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Common Players in Neutrophil Effector Functions
Oberhofer, Angela;Bronkhorst, Abel J.;Uhlig, Carsten;Ungerer, Vida;Holdenrieder, Stefan; Tracing the Origin of Cell-Free DNA Molecules through Tissue-Specific Epigenetic Signatures
Ungerer, Vida;Bronkhorst, Abel J.;Uhlig, Carsten;Holdenrieder, Stefan; Cell-Free DNA Fragmentation Patterns in a Cancer Cell Line
Bronkhorst, Abel J.;Ungerer, Vida;Oberhofer, Angela;Gabriel, Sophie;Polatoglou, Eleni;Randeu, Hannah;Uhlig, Carsten;Pfister, Heiko;Mayer, Zsuzsanna;Holdenrieder, Stefan; New Perspectives on the Importance of Cell-Free DNA Biology
Polatoglou, Eleni;Mayer, Zsuzsanna;Ungerer, Vida;Bronkhorst, Abel J.;Holdenrieder, Stefan; Isolation and Quantification of Plasma Cell-Free DNA Using Different Manual and Automated Methods
Gezer, Ugur;Bronkhorst, Abel J.;Holdenrieder, Stefan; The Clinical Utility of Droplet Digital PCR for Profiling Circulating Tumor DNA in Breast Cancer Patients
Dang, Ni;Brüdigam, Tim;Leibold, Marion;Buss, Martin; Combining Event-Based Maneuver Selection and MPC Based Trajectory Generation in Autonomous Driving
Stein, Victor;Kaltenbach, Hans-Jakob; Validation of a Large-Eddy Simulation Approach for Prediction of the Ground Roughness Influence on Wind Turbine Wakes
Hatz, Raphael;Lukas, Alexander;Zepf, Andreas;Jaensch, Malte; Computational Investigation on the Performance Increase of a Small Industrial Diesel Engine Regarding the Effects of Compression Ratio, Piston Bowl Shape and Injection Strategy
Koch, Alexander;Nicoletti, Lorenzo;Herrmann, Thomas;Lienkamp, Markus; Implementation and Analyses of an Eco-Driving Algorithm for Different Battery Electric Powertrain Topologies Based on a Split Loss Integration Approach
Zähringer, Maximilian;Wolff, Sebastian;Schneider, Jakob;Balke, Georg;Lienkamp, Markus; Time vs. Capacity—The Potential of Optimal Charging Stop Strategies for Battery Electric Trucks
Mahmoodpour, Saeed;Singh, Mrityunjay;Mahyapour, Ramin;Tangirala, Sri Kalyan;Bär, Kristian;Sass, Ingo; Numerical Simulation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes at Soultz-sous-Forêts
Stimm, Kilian;Uhl, Enno;Pretzsch, Hans; Chances and Limitations of Mixed Oak Regeneration under Continuous Canopy Cover—Evidence from Long-Term Observations
Utz, Florian;Spaccasassi, Andrea;Kreissl, Johanna;Stark, Timo D.;Tanger, Caren;Kulozik, Ulrich;Hofmann, Thomas;Dawid, Corinna; Sensomics-Assisted Aroma Decoding of Pea Protein Isolates (Pisum sativum L.)
Bretträger, Marina;Becker, Thomas;Gastl, Martina; Screening of Mycotoxigenic Fungi in Barley and Barley Malt (Hordeum vulgare L.) Using Real-Time PCR—A Comparison between Molecular Diagnostic and Culture Technique
Schugmann, Martin;Foerst, Petra; Systematic Investigation on the Glass Transition Temperature of Binary and Ternary Sugar Mixtures and the Applicability of Gordon–Taylor and Couchman–Karasz Equation
Werner, Roman Alejandro;Hummel, Alexander Michael;Geier, Dominik Ulrich;Becker, Thomas; Investigations on Backflush Cleaning of Spent Grain-Contaminated Filter Cloths Using Continuous and Pulsed Jets
Amann, Laura Sophie;Frank, Oliver;Dawid, Corinna;Hofmann, Thomas Frank; The Sensory-Directed Elucidation of the Key Tastants and Odorants in Sourdough Bread Crumb
Kaiser, Isabelle;Diehl, Katharina;Heppt, Markus V.;Mathes, Sonja;Pfahlberg, Annette B.;Steeb, Theresa;Uter, Wolfgang;Gefeller, Olaf; Reporting Quality of Studies Developing and Validating Melanoma Prediction Models: An Assessment Based on the TRIPOD Statement
Dachaga, Walter;de Vries, Walter Timo; Integrating Urban Land Tenure Security in Health Determinants: The Design of Indicators for Measuring Land Tenure Security and Health Relationships in Developing Country Contexts
Gebhard, Doris;Neumann, Julia;Wimmer, Magdalena;Mess, Filip; The Second Side of the Coin—Resilience, Meaningfulness and Joyful Moments in Home Health Care Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nxumalo, Gift;Bashir, Bashar;Alsafadi, Karam;Bachir, Hussein;Harsányi, Endre;Arshad, Sana;Mohammed, Safwan; Meteorological Drought Variability and Its Impact on Wheat Yields across South Africa
Mühlbauer, Maximilian;Steinmetz, Franz;Stulp, Freek;Hulin, Thomas;Albu-Schäffer, Alin; Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation
Mühlbauer, Maximilian Sebastian;Stulp, Freek;Albu-Schäffer, Alin Olimpiu;Silvério, João; Mixture of experts on Riemannian manifolds for visual-servoing fixtures
Eisenberger, Laura;Mayr, Barbara;Beck, Maximilian;Venek, Verena;Kranzinger, Christina;Menzl, Andrea;Jahn, Inga;Sareban, Mahdi;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Niebauer, Josef;Böhm, Birgit; Assessment of Exercise Intensity for Uphill Walking in Healthy Adults Performed Indoors and Outdoors
Gao, Fei;Du, Zhiqiang;Fang, Chenyu;Zhou, Lin;Werner, Martin; A Spatio-Temporal Cognitive Framework for Individual Route Choice in Outdoor Evacuation Scenarios
Li, Yongguo;Fromme, Tobias; Uncoupling Protein 1 Does Not Produce Heat without Activation
Giglhuber, Katrin;Berthele, Achim; Adverse Events in NMOSD Therapy
Wang, Xingxing;Shi, Qinfang;Pradhan, Arpit Kumar;Ziegon, Laura;Schlegel, Martin;Rammes, Gerhard; Beta-Site Amyloid Precursor Protein-Cleaving Enzyme Inhibition Partly Restores Sevoflurane-Induced Deficits on Synaptic Plasticity and Spine Loss
Moggio, Aldo;Schunkert, Heribert;Kessler, Thorsten;Sager, Hendrik B.; Quo Vadis? Immunodynamics of Myeloid Cells after Myocardial Infarction
Köble, Katharina;Postler, Tanja;Oberhoffer-Fritz, Renate;Schulz, Thorsten; A Better Cardiopulmonary Fitness Is Associated with Improved Concentration Level and Health-Related Quality of Life in Primary School Children
Foerschner, Leonie;Erhard, Nico;Dorfmeister, Stephan;Telishevska, Marta;Kottmaier, Marc;Bourier, Felix;Lengauer, Sarah;Lennerz, Carsten;Bahlke, Fabian;Krafft, Hannah;Englert, Florian;Popa, Miruna;Kolb, Christof;Hessling, Gabriele;Deisenhofer, Isabel;Reents, Tilko; Ultrasound-Guided Access Reduces Vascular Complications in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation for Cardiac Arrhythmias
Zyskowski, Michael;Wurm, Markus;Greve, Frederik;Zehnder, Philipp;Pflüger, Patrick;Müller, Michael;Biberthaler, Peter;Kirchhoff, Chlodwig; A Prospective Randomized Study Comparing Functional Outcome in Distal Fibula Fractures between Conventional AO Semitubular Plating and Minimal Invasive Intramedullary “Photodynamic Bone Stabilisation”
Ferrante, Matteo;Rinaldi, Lisa;Botta, Francesca;Hu, Xiaobin;Dolp, Andreas;Minotti, Marta;De Piano, Francesca;Funicelli, Gianluigi;Volpe, Stefania;Bellerba, Federica;De Marco, Paolo;Raimondi, Sara;Rizzo, Stefania;Shi, Kuangyu;Cremonesi, Marta;Jereczek-Fossa, Barbara A.;Spaggiari, Lorenzo;De Marinis, Filippo;Orecchia, Roberto;Origgi, Daniela; Application of nnU-Net for Automatic Segmentation of Lung Lesions on CT Images and Its Implication for Radiomic Models
Knoedler, Samuel;Knoedler, Leonard;Baecher, Helena;Kauke-Navarro, Martin;Obed, Doha;Hoch, Cosima C.;Diehm, Yannick F.;Vosler, Peter S.;Harréus, Ulrich;Kneser, Ulrich;Panayi, Adriana C.; 30-Day Postoperative Outcomes in Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Undergoing Upper Airway Surgery
Strassen, Ulrich;Grimler, Christophe;Hofauer, Benedikt; Ultrasound-Guided Needle Aspiration vs. Surgical Incision of Parotid Abscesses
Hölzel, Marco;Kolsch, Kai-Hendrik;de Vries, Walter Timo; Location of Coworking Spaces (CWSs) Regarding Vicinity, Land Use and Points of Interest (POIs)
de Vries, Walter Timo; Social Aspects in Land Consolidation Processes
Well, Friederike;Ludwig, Ferdinand; Integrated Planning and Implementation of a Blue-Green Architecture Project by Applying a Design-Build Teaching Approach
Lamhamedi, Bouchra El Houda;de Vries, Walter Timo; An Exploration of the Land–(Renewable) Energy Nexus
Zhou, Lin;de Vries, Walter Timo; Collective Action for the Market-Based Reform of Land Element in China: The Role of Trust
Wang, Yunda;Shu, Qiguan;Chen, Ming;Chen, Xudounan;Takeda, Shiro;Zhang, Junhua; Selection and Application of Quantitative Indicators of Paths Based on Graph Theory: A Case Study of Traditional Private and Antique Gardens in Beijing
Tepnadze, Matsatso;de Vries, Walter Timo;Diaz, Pamela Duran;Bichia, Quji; An Experimental Study of the Social Dimension of Land Consolidation Using Trust Games and Public Goods Games
Göppel, Tobias;Rosenberger, Joachim H.;Altaner, Bernhard;Gerland, Ulrich; Thermodynamic and Kinetic Sequence Selection in Enzyme-Free Polymer Self-Assembly inside a Non-equilibrium RNA Reactor
Balato, Anna;Zink, Alexander;Babino, Graziella;Buononato, Dario;Kiani, Charlotte;Eyerich, Kilian;Ziehfreund, Stefanie;Scala, Emanuele; The Impact of Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis on Quality of Life: A Literature Research on Biomarkers
Schneider, Thomas;Dietsch, Maximilian;Voelkel, Katharina;Pflaum, Hermann;Stahl, Karsten; Analysis of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of a Multi-Plate Clutch during Transient Operating Conditions Using the FE Method
Farrenkopf, Felix;Schwarz, Andreas;Lohner, Thomas;Stahl, Karsten; Analysis of a Low-Loss Gear Geometry Using a Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Simulation including Mixed Lubrication
Strobl, Patrick;Schermer, Elias;Groetsch, Daniel;Pointner-Gabriel, Lukas;Voelkel, Katharina;Pflaum, Hermann;Stahl, Karsten; Identification and Validation of Linear Friction Models Using ANOVA and Stepwise Regression
Pungercar, Vesna;Musso, Florian; Hygrothermal Performance of Salt (NaCl) for Internal Surface Applications in the Building Envelope
Jiang, Dong;Xie, Shitao;Qin, Furong;Zhang, Dahai;Zhu, Rui; Constituent Parameter Identification of Braided Composite Based on Sensitivity Analysis
Ellinger, Johannes;Zaeh, Michael F.; Automated Identification of Linear Machine Tool Model Parameters Using Global Sensitivity Analysis
Schieber, Christian;Hettig, Matthias;Zaeh, Michael Friedrich;Heinzel, Carsten; Combination of Thermal and Mechanical Strategies to Compensate for Distortion Effects during Profile Grinding
Weinberger, Maria E.;Kulozik, Ulrich; Determination of Compressibility and Relaxation Behavior of Yeast Cell Sediments by Analytical Centrifugation and Comparison with Deposit Formation on Membrane Surfaces
Zapata, Avelino;Bernauer, Christian;Stadter, Christian;Kolb, Cara G.;Zaeh, Michael F.; Investigation on the Cause-Effect Relationships between the Process Parameters and the Resulting Geometric Properties for Wire-Based Coaxial Laser Metal Deposition
Obermayer, Thomas;Krempaszky, Christian;Werner, Ewald; Analysis of Texture and Anisotropic Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Ni-Base Alloys
Oliveira, Luis;Rückel, Anton;Nordgauer, Lisa;Schlumprecht, Patric;Hutter, Elina;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; Comparison of Syngas-Fermenting Clostridia in Stirred-Tank Bioreactors and the Effects of Varying Syngas Impurities
Engelhart-Straub, Selina;Cavelius, Philipp;Hölzl, Fabian;Haack, Martina;Awad, Dania;Brueck, Thomas;Mehlmer, Norbert; Effects of Light on Growth and Metabolism of Rhodococcus erythropolis
Chiorescu, Ion;Kremleva, Alena;Krüger, Sven; On the Sorption Mode of U(IV) at Calcium Silicate Hydrate: A Comparison of Adsorption, Absorption in the Interlayer, and Incorporation by Means of Density Functional Calculations
Lieder, Barbara;Čonka, Jozef;Reiner, Agnes T.;Zabel, Victoria;Ameur, Dominik;Somoza, Mark M.;Šebeková, Katarína;Celec, Peter;Somoza, Veronika; Long-Term Consumption of a Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drink in Combination with a Western-Type Diet Is Associated with Morphological and Molecular Changes of Taste Markers Independent of Body Weight Development in Mice
Varasteh, Zohreh;Weber, Wolfgang A.;Rischpler, Christoph; Nuclear Molecular Imaging of Cardiac Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction
Vehns, Elena;Arnold, Rouven;Djabali, Karima; Impact of MnTBAP and Baricitinib Treatment on Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Fibroblasts
Günther, Thomas;Konrad, Matthias;Stopper, León;Kunert, Jan-Philip;Fischer, Sebastian;Beck, Roswitha;Casini, Angela;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Optimization of the Pharmacokinetic Profile of [99mTc]Tc-N4-Bombesin Derivatives by Modification of the Pharmacophoric Gln-Trp Sequence
Kunert, Jan-Philip;Fischer, Sebastian;Wurzer, Alexander;Wester, Hans-Jürgen; Albumin-Mediated Size Exclusion Chromatography: The Apparent Molecular Weight of PSMA Radioligands as Novel Parameter to Estimate Their Blood Clearance Kinetics
Maier, Enzo;Lengmüller, Moritz;Lohner, Thomas; Effect of Transversely Isotropic Elasticity on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Point Contacts
Hofmann, Stefan;Maier, Enzo;Lohner, Thomas; In Situ Contact Analysis of Polyetheretherketone under Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
Schmoeller, Maximilian;Weiss, Tony;Goetz, Korbinian;Stadter, Christian;Bernauer, Christian;Zaeh, Michael F.; Inline Weld Depth Evaluation and Control Based on OCT Keyhole Depth Measurement and Fuzzy Control
Baier, Simon;Corti Meneses, Nicolás;Geist, Juergen;Schneider, Thomas; Assessment of Aquatic Reed Stands from Airborne Photogrammetric 3K Data
Krapf, Sebastian;Bogenrieder, Lukas;Netzler, Fabian;Balke, Georg;Lienkamp, Markus; RID—Roof Information Dataset for Computer Vision-Based Photovoltaic Potential Assessment
Eickeler, Felix;Borrmann, André; Enhancing Railway Detection by Priming Neural Networks with Project Exaptations
Saboori, Mojtaba;Mousivand, Yousef;Cristóbal, Jordi;Shah-Hosseini, Reza;Mokhtari, Ali; An Automated and Improved Methodology to Retrieve Long-time Series of Evapotranspiration Based on Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Data
Metzenmacher, Michael;Beugholt, Alexander;Geier, Dominik;Becker, Thomas; Combined Longitudinal and Surface Acoustic Wave Analysis for Determining Small Filling Levels in Curved Steel Containers
Neumair, Julia;Elsner, Martin;Seidel, Michael; Flow-Based Chemiluminescence Microarrays as Screening Platform for Affinity Binders to Capture and Elute Bacteria
Bär, Raik Martin;Schmid, Sebastian;Zeilmann, Michael;Kleinert, Joachim;Beyer, Karsten;Glas, Karl;Voigt, Tobias; Simulation of Energy and Media Demand of Batch-Oriented Production Systems in the Beverage Industry
Riesenegger, Lena;Hübner, Alexander; Reducing Food Waste at Retail Stores—An Explorative Study
Fassbender, Elisabeth;Ludwig, Ferdinand;Hild, Andreas;Auer, Thomas;Hemmerle, Claudia; Designing Transformation: Negotiating Solar and Green Strategies for the Sustainable Densification of Urban Neighbourhoods
Lu, Ying;de Vries, Walter Timo; A Discourse Analysis of 40 Years Rural Development in China
Naghshineh, Ali;Tehrani, Fariborz M.;Fischer, Oliver; Application of Sustainable Concrete in the Seismic Evaluation of an Innovative Type of Buckling Restrained Brace
Gschwendtner, Edda;Lotov, Konstantin;Muggli, Patric;Wing, Matthew;Agnello, Riccardo;Ahdida, Claudia Christina;Amoedo Goncalves, Maria Carolina;Andrebe, Yanis;Apsimon, Oznur;Apsimon, Robert;Arnesano, Jordan Matias;Bachmann, Anna-Maria;Barrientos, Diego;Batsch, Fabian;Bencini, Vittorio;Bergamaschi, Michele;Blanchard, Patrick;Burrows, Philip Nicholas;Buttenschön, Birger;Caldwell, Allen;Chappell, James;Chevallay, Eric;Chung, Moses;Cooke, David Andrew;Damerau, Heiko;Davut, Can;Demeter, Gabor;Dexter, Amos Christopher;Doebert, Steffen;Elverson, Francesa Ann;Farmer, John;Fasoli, Ambrogio;Fedosseev, Valentin;Fonseca, Ricardo;Furno, Ivo;Gessner, Spencer;Gorn, Aleksandr;Granados, Eduardo;Granetzny, Marcel;Graubner, Tim;Grulke, Olaf;Guran, Eloise Daria;Hafych, Vasyl;Hartin, Anthony;Henderson, James;Hüther, Mathias;Kedves, Miklos;Keeble, Fearghus;Khudiakov, Vadim;Kim, Seong-Yeol;Kraus, Florian;Krupa, Michel;Lefevre, Thibaut;Liang, Linbo;Liu, Shengli;Lopes, Nelson;Martinez Calderon, Miguel;Mazzoni, Stefano;Medina Godoy, David;Moody, Joshua;Moon, Kookjin;Morales Guzmán, Pablo Israel;Moreira, Mariana;Nechaeva, Tatiana;Nowak, Elzbieta;Pakuza, Collette;Panuganti, Harsha;Pardons, Ans;Pepitone, Kevin;Perera, Aravinda;Pucek, Jan;Pukhov, Alexander;Ramjiawan, Rebecca Louise;Rey, Stephane;Scaachi, Adam;Schmitz, Oliver;Senes, Eugenio;Silva, Fernando;Silva, Luis;Stollberg, Christine;Sublet, Alban;Swain, Catherine;Topaloudis, Athanasios;Torrado, Nuno;Tuev, Petr;Turner, Marlene;Velotti, Francesco;Verra, Livio;Verzilov, Victor;Vieira, Jorge;Vincke, Helmut;Weidl, Martin;Welsch, Carsten;Wendt, Manfred;Wiwattananon, Peerawan;Wolfenden, Joseph;Woolley, Benjamin;Wyler, Samuel;Xia, Guoxing;Yarygova, Vlada;Zepp, Michael;Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni; The AWAKE Run 2 Programme and Beyond
Wang, Yanru;Zhang, Cui;Wang, Jianlong;Knopp, Dietmar; Recent Progress in Rapid Determination of Mycotoxins Based on Emerging Biorecognition Molecules: A Review
Popovic, Marko; Biothermodynamics of Viruses from Absolute Zero (1950) to Virothermodynamics (2022)
Farschtschi, Sabine;Mattes, Martin;Pfaffl, Michael W.; Advantages and Challenges of Differential Immune Cell Count Determination in Blood and Milk for Monitoring the Health and Well-Being of Dairy Cows
Galster, Susanne;Helmreich, Brigitte; Copper and Zinc as Roofing Materials—A Review on the Occurrence and Mitigation Measures of Runoff Pollution
Steinbach, Markus;Jindal, Anshul;Chadha, Mohak;Gerndt, Michael;Benedict, Shajulin; TppFaaS: Modeling Serverless Functions Invocations via Temporal Point Processes
Vogel, Manuel;Bachfischer, Michael;Kaufmann, Jan;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Optical Equivalence Ratio Measurement of a Dual Fuel Burner for Natural Gas and Kerosene
Gutiérrez, Irene López;Mendl, Christian B.; Real time evolution with neural-network quantum states
Busch, Maximilian;Zaeh, Michael F.; Multi-Fidelity Information Fusion to Model the Position-Dependent Modal Properties of Milling Robots
Schölkopf, Lasse;Gatto von der Heyde, Camilla;Sprung, Anna;Diermeyer, Frank; Reducing the Gap between Mental Models of Truck Drivers and Adaptive User Interfaces in Commercial Vehicles
Steinbacher, Thomas;Polifke, Wolfgang; Convective Velocity Perturbations and Excess Gain in Flame Response as a Result of Flame-Flow Feedback
Bromig, Lukas;Leiter, David;Mardale, Alexandru-Virgil;von den Eichen, Nikolas;Bieringer, Emmeran;Weuster-Botz, Dirk; The SiLA 2 Manager for rapid device integration and workflow automation
Yang, Kui;Haddad, Christelle Al;Yannis, George;Antoniou, Constantinos; Classification and Evaluation of Driving Behavior Safety Levels: A Driving Simulation Study
Kreitmeier, Michaela;Ardern, Zachary;Abele, Miriam;Ludwig, Christina;Scherer, Siegfried;Neuhaus, Klaus; Spotlight on alternative frame coding: Two long overlapping genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are translated and under purifying selection
Mahapatra, Tanmaya;Banoo, Syeeda Nilofer; Flow-Based Programming for Machine Learning
Raum, Susanne;Rawlings-Sanaei, Felicity; WCM: A web content‐based method of stakeholder analysis
Herzog, Olivia;Forchhammer, Niklas;Kong, Penny;Maruhn, Philipp;Cornet, Henriette;Frenkler, Fritz; The Influence of Robot Designs on Human Compliance and Emotion: A Virtual Reality Study in the Context of Future Public Transport
Pudasaini, Shiva P.;Krautblatter, Michael; The landslide velocity
Adenaw, Lennart;Krapf, Sebastian; Placing BEV Charging Infrastructure: Influencing Factors, Metrics, and Their Influence on Observed Charger Utilization
Su, Shih-Wei;Hackl, Christoph M.;Kennel, Ralph; Analytical Prototype Functions for Flux Linkage Approximation in Synchronous Machines
Mennig, Philipp;Sauer, Johannes; Promoting organic food production through flagship regions
Hofer, Philipp;Wehrle, Erich; The Influence of Uncertain Loading on Topology-Optimized Designs
Gensheimer, Johannes;Turner, Alexander J.;Köhler, Philipp;Frankenberg, Christian;Chen, Jia; A convolutional neural network for spatial downscaling of satellite-based solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIFnet)
Chiba, Akane;Peine, Manuela;Kublik, Susanne;Baum, Christel;Schloter, Michael;Schulz, Stefanie; Complete Genome Sequence of Psychrobacillus sp. Strain INOP01, a Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterium Isolated from an Agricultural Soil in Germany
Kürzl, Christian;Wohlschläger, Heidi;Schiffer, Simon;Kulozik, Ulrich; Concentration, purification and quantification of milk protein residues following cleaning processes using a combination of SPE and RP-HPLC
Brunner, Christian;Duensing, Andreas;Schröder, Christian;Mittermair, Michael;Golkov, Vladimir;Pollanka, Maximilian;Cremers, Daniel;Kienberger, Reinhard; Deep learning in attosecond metrology
Etchegaray Bello, Margarita;Engelhardt, Ralf;Bublitz, Dennis;Drechsler, Klaus; Lab-scale experimental analysis of the cyclic compaction-recovery characteristics of uncured thermoset prepreg
Honecker, Julius;Ruschke, Stefan;Seeliger, Claudine;Laber, Samantha;Strobel, Sophie;Pröll, Priska;Nellaker, Christoffer;Lindgren, Cecilia M.;Kulozik, Ulrich;Ecker, Josef;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.;Claussnitzer, Melina;Hauner, Hans; Transcriptome and fatty-acid signatures of adipocyte hypertrophy and its non-invasive MR-based characterization in human adipose tissue
Götz, A.;Beggel, S.;Geist, J.; Dietary exposure to four sizes of spherical polystyrene, polylactide and silica nanoparticles does not affect mortality, behaviour, feeding and energy assimilation of Gammarus roeseli
Hartung, Michael;Anastasi, Elisa;Mamdouh, Zeinab M;Nogales, Cristian;Schmidt, Harald H H W;Baumbach, Jan;Zolotareva, Olga;List, Markus; Cancer driver drug interaction explorer
Scharl, Valentin;Sattelmayer, Thomas; Ignition and combustion characteristics of diesel piloted ammonia injections
Gabriel, Anna;Paternoster, Florian Kurt;Konrad, Andreas;Horstmann, Thomas;Pohl, Torsten; Comparison between the Original- and a Standardized Version of a Physical Assessment Test for the Dorsal Chain - A Cohort-Based Cross Sectional Study
Wysocki, Olaf;Hoegner, Ludwig;Stilla, Uwe; Refinement of semantic 3D building models by reconstructing underpasses from MLS point clouds
Heinzinger, Michael;Littmann, Maria;Sillitoe, Ian;Bordin, Nicola;Orengo, Christine;Rost, Burkhard; Contrastive learning on protein embeddings enlightens midnight zone
Engelhardt, Roman;Malcolm, Patrick;Dandl, Florian;Bogenberger, Klaus; Competition and Cooperation of Autonomous Ridepooling Services: Game-Based Simulation of a Broker Concept
Jehle, Ulrike;Coetzee, Cara;Büttner, Benjamin;Pajares, Elias;Wulfhorst, Gebhard; Connecting people and places: Analysis of perceived pedestrian accessibility to railway stations by Bavarian case studies
Mock, J.;Kallergi, M.;Gros, E.;Golibrzuch, M.;Rieger, B.;Becherer, M.; Revealing the Negative Capacitance Effect in Silicon Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes via Temperature-Dependent Capacitance-Voltage Characterization
Duan, Xucheng;Schockenhoff, Ferdinand;Koch, Alexander; Implementation of Driving Cycles Based on Driving Style Characteristics of Autonomous Vehicles
Myrvoll-Nilsen, Eirik;Riechers, Keno;Rypdal, Martin Wibe;Boers, Niklas; Comprehensive uncertainty estimation of the timing of Greenland warmings in the Greenland ice core records
Nanos, Emmanouil M.;Bottasso, Carlo L.;Campagnolo, Filippo;Mühle, Franz;Letizia, Stefano;Iungo, G. Valerio;Rotea, Mario A.; Design, steady performance and wake characterization of a scaled wind turbine with pitch, torque and yaw actuation
Laukemper, Rita;Ochs, Amelie;Wohlmannstetter, Kathrin;Kugler, Franziska;Becker, Thomas;Jekle, Mario; Contact area determination between structured surfaces and viscoelastic food materials
Hecht, Tobias;Zhou, Weisi;Bengler, Klaus; How to Keep Drivers Attentive during Level 2 Automation? Development and Evaluation of an HMI Concept Using Affective Elements and Message Framing
Al-Azzawi, Mohammed S. M.;Gondhalekar, Daphne;Drewes, Jörg E.; Neighborhood-Scale Urban Water Reclamation with Integrated Resource Recovery for Establishing Nexus City in Munich, Germany: Pipe Dream or Reality?
Tropschuh, Barbara;Windecker, Susanne;Reinhart, Gunther; Study-based evaluation of accuracy and usability of wearable devices in manual assembly
Herb, Christoph;Zimmer, Oliver;Georgii, Robert;Böni, Peter; Nested mirror optics for neutron extraction, transport, and focusing
Braun, Philipp;Rapp, Jonathan;Hemmert, Werner;Gleich, Bernhard; Coil Efficiency for Inductive Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
Schulte, Christina;Zarski, Anna-Carlotta;Sachser, Cedric;Rosner, Rita;Ebert, David Daniel; Internet- and mobile-based trauma-focused intervention for adolescents and young adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study protocol of a proof-of-concept feasibility study
Moser, Johannes;Wenner, Fabian;Thierstein, Alain; Working From Home and Covid-19: Where Could Residents Move to?
A.V.S, Sai Krishna;Sinha, Swati;Donakonda, Sainitin; Virus-host interaction analysis in colorectal cancer identifies core virus network signature and small molecules
Loew, Stefan;Bottasso, Carlo L.; Lidar-assisted model predictive control of wind turbine fatigue via online rainflow counting considering stress history
Nanos, Emmanouil M.;Bottasso, Carlo L.;Tamaro, Simone;Manolas, Dimitris I.;Riziotis, Vasilis A.; Vertical wake deflection for floating wind turbines by differential ballast control
Döge, Stefan;Hingerl, Jürgen;Petry, Winfried;Morkel, Christoph; Direct measurement of the scattering cross sections of liquid ortho-deuterium for ultracold neutrons and comparison with model calculations
Hoess, Rebecca;Generali, Konstantina A.;Kuhn, Johannes;Geist, Juergen; Impact of Fish Ponds on Stream Hydrology and Temperature Regime in the Context of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Conservation
Hoffmann, David;Freudenstein, Stephan; Development of a material-independent method for calculating the bending moment stresses acting on railway sleepers with constant cross-section
Sippl, Fabian;Magg, Renè;Gil, Carla Paulina;Düring, Steffen;Reinhart, Gunther; Data-Based Stakeholder Identification in Technical Change Management
Ziehfreund, Stefanie;Reifenrath, Johannes;Wijnen-Meijer, Marjo;Welzel, Julia;Sauter, Fabian;Wecker, Hannah;Biedermann, Tilo;Zink, Alexander; Considering medical students’ perception, concerns and needs for e-exam during COVID-19: a promising approach to improve subject specific e-exams
Jungfer, Carsten;Palmieri, Fernanda;Kling, Norbert; “DALSTON! WHO ASKED U?”: A Knowledge-Centred Perspective on the Mapping of Socio-Spatial Relations in East London
Bian, Qiang;Podhrazsky, Alexander;Bauer, Constantin;Stadler, Andrea;Buchfellner, Fabian;Kuttler, Rolf;Jakobi, Martin;Volk, Wolfram;Koch, Alexander W.;Roths, Johannes; Temperature and external strain sensing with metal-embedded optical fiber sensors for structural health monitoring
Mitsui, Takahito;Tzedakis, Polychronis C.;Wolff, Eric W.; Insolation evolution and ice volume legacies determine interglacial and glacial intensity
Wolff, Justus;Matschinske, Julian;Baumgart, Dietrich;Pytlik, Anne;Keck, Andreas;Natarajan, Arunakiry;von Schacky, Claudio E.;Pauling, Josch K.;Baumbach, Jan; Federated machine learning for a facilitated implementation of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare – a proof of concept study for the prediction of coronary artery calcification scores
Michaelis, Tamara;Wunderlich, Anja;Coskun, Ömer K.;Orsi, William;Baumann, Thomas;Einsiedl, Florian; High-resolution vertical biogeochemical profiles in the hyporheic zone reveal insights into microbial methane cycling
Cruz, Bruna;Eschlwech, Philipp;Hani, Michael;Biebl, Erwin; Characterization of Organic Conductive Materials as an Ecological Solution for RF Applications
Bharti, Richa;Siebert, Daniel;Blombach, Bastian;Grimm, Dominik G; Systematic analysis of the underlying genomic architecture for transcriptional–translational coupling in prokaryotes
Hermann, David;Marina Martinez, Clara;Sayer, Frank;Hinz, Gereon;Knoll, Alois; AutoSCOOP: Automated Road-Side Sensor Coverage Optimization for Robotic Vehicles on Proving Grounds
Kloft, Harald;Dörfler, Kathrin;Bährens, Meike;Dielemans, Gido;Diller, Johannes;Dörrie, Robin;Gantner, Stefan;Hensel, Jonas;Keune, Anna;Lowke, Dirk;Mai, Inka;Mainka, Jeldrik;Placzek, Gerrit;Saile, Bettina;Scharf‐Wildenhain, Ronny;Schwerdtner, Patrick;Kock, Sebastian;Siebert, Dorina;Talke, Daniel;Wenzler, David; Die Forschungsinfrastruktur des SFB TRR 277 AMC Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen
Asgari, H.; Munari, A.; Liva, G.; On the Performance of Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA with an Age of Information Threshold
Heue, Klaus-Peter;Loyola, Diego;Romahn, Fabian;Zimmer, Walter;Chabrillat, Simon;Errera, Quentin;Ziemke, Jerry;Kramarova, Natalya; Tropospheric ozone retrieval by a combination of TROPOMI/S5P measurements with BASCOE assimilated data
Fritz, Marvin;Khristenko, Ustim;Wohlmuth, Barbara; Equivalence between a time-fractional and an integer-order gradient flow: The memory effect reflected in the energy
Schneider, Thomas;Bedrikow, Alexandre Beiderwellen;Dietsch, Maximilian;Voelkel, Katharina;Pflaum, Hermann;Stahl, Karsten; Machine Learning Based Surrogate Models for the Thermal Behavior of Multi-Plate Clutches
Seifert, M.;Schmakat, P.;Schulz, M.;Jorba, P.;Hutanu, V.;Geibel, C.;Deppe, M.;Pfleiderer, C.; Neutron depolarization due to ferromagnetism and spin freezing in CePd1xRhx
Zanger, Benjamin;Chen, Jia;Sun, Man;Dietrich, Florian; Recovery of sparse urban greenhouse gas emissions
Lautizi, Manuela;Baumbach, Jan;Weichert, Wilko;Steiger, Katja;List, Markus;Pfarr, Nicole;Kacprowski, Tim; The limits of molecular signatures for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma subtyping
Steinert, Janina I;Sternberg, Henrike;Veltri, Giuseppe A;Büthe, Tim; How should COVID-19 vaccines be distributed between the Global North and South: a discrete choice experiment in six European countries
Makarieva, Anastassia M.;Nefiodov, Andrei V.;Nobre, Antonio Donato;Sheil, Douglas;Nobre, Paulo;Pokorný, Jan;Hesslerová, Petra;Li, Bai-Lian; Vegetation impact on atmospheric moisture transport under increasing land-ocean temperature contrasts
Pander, Joachim;Dobler, Andreas H.;Hoos, Philipp;Geist, Juergen; Environmental Pollution by Lost Fishing Tackle: A Systematic Assessment in Lake Eixendorf
Liu, Bing;Ding, Linfang;Wang, Shengkai;Meng, Liqiu; Misleading effect and spatial learning in head-mounted mixed reality-based navigation
Knoche, Martin;Hörmann, Stefan;Rigoll, Gerhard; Susceptibility to Image Resolution in Face Recognition and Training Strategies to Enhance Robustness
Knoke, Thomas;Gosling, Elizabeth;Reith, Esther; Understanding and modelling the ambiguous impact of off-farm income on tropical deforestation
Rißmann, Maximilian;Chen, Jia;Osterman, Gregory;Zhao, Xinxu;Dietrich, Florian;Makowski, Moritz;Hase, Frank;Kiel, Matthäus; Comparison of OCO-2 target observations to MUCCnet – is it possible to capture urban XCO2 gradients from space?
Tröster, Michael Friedrich;Sauer, Johannes; Characteristics of cost-efficient fertilization plans at the farm level
Knapp, Sibylle;Schwenk, Michael;Krautblatter, Michael; Geophysical evidence of massive hyperconcentrated push waves with embedded toma hills caused by the Flims rockslide, Switzerland
The, Matthew;Samaras, Patroklos;Kuster, Bernhard;Wilhelm, Mathias; Reanalysis of ProteomicsDB Using an Accurate, Sensitive, and Scalable False Discovery Rate Estimation Approach for Protein Groups
Diehl, Christian D.;Pigorsch, Steffi U.;Gempt, Jens;Krieg, Sandro M.;Reitz, Silvia;Waltenberger, Maria;Barz, Melanie;Meyer, Hanno S.;Wagner, Arthur;Wilkens, Jan;Wiestler, Benedikt;Zimmer, Claus;Meyer, Bernhard;Combs, Stephanie E.; Low-Energy X-Ray Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (Lex-IORT) for Resected Brain Metastases: A Single-Institution Experience
Huber, Kerstin;Lewalter, Doris;Biermann, Antje;Bannert, Maria; Supporting the Flipped Classroom Approach to Higher Education Through a Computer-Based Learning Environment
Amugongo, Lameck Mbangula;Kriebitz, Alexander;Boch, Auxane;Lütge, Christoph; Mobile Computer Vision-Based Applications for Food Recognition and Volume and Calorific Estimation: A Systematic Review
Diehl, Christian D.;Rosenkranz, Enrike;Schwendner, Maximilian;Mißlbeck, Martin;Sollmann, Nico;Ille, Sebastian;Meyer, Bernhard;Combs, Stephanie E.;Krieg, Sandro M.; Dose Reduction to Motor Structures in Adjuvant Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy of Brain Metastases: nTMS-Derived DTI-Based Motor Fiber Tracking in Treatment Planning
Schönweitz, Franziska;Eichinger, Johanna;Kuiper, Janneke M. L.;Ongolly, Fernandos;Spahl, Wanda;Prainsack, Barbara;Zimmermann, Bettina M.; The Social Meanings of Artifacts: Face Masks in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wimmer, Stefan;Frick, Fabian; How Do Animal Welfare Practices Relate to Farm Characteristics? Evidence from German Dairy Farms
Balamurugan, Vigneshkumar;Chen, Jia;Qu, Zhen;Bi, Xiao;Keutsch, Frank N.; Secondary PM2.5 decreases significantly less than NO2 emission reductions during COVID lockdown in Germany
Ferri, Anthony;Popp, Monika; ‘Wayfeeling’: Navigating through emotional and sensorial responses in public transit
Keller, Regine; Lüdicke Felix; Engeser, Gero; Hacken:Platz – Ein Straßenexperiment in der Münchner Altstadt
Keller, Regine; Lüdicke, Felix; Hannemann, Johann-Christian; Pop-Up-Trees
Fathima, Samreen;Sinha, Swati;Donakonda, Sainitin; Unraveling unique and common cell type-specific mechanisms in glioblastoma multiforme
Haselbeck, Florian;Killinger, Jennifer;Menrad, Klaus;Hannus, Thomas;Grimm, Dominik G.; Machine Learning Outperforms Classical Forecasting on Horticultural Sales Predictions
Simeon Rau, Frank Heyen, Stefan Wagner, Michael Sedlmair; Vi- sualization for AI-Assisted Composing
Shen, Bin ; Dong, Ciwei ; Minner, Stefan; Combating Copycats in the Supply Chain with Permissioned Blockchain Technology
Mandl, Christian ; Nadarajah, Selvaprabu ; Minner, Stefan ; Gavirneni, Srinagesh; Data-driven storage operations: Cross-commodity backtest and structured policies
Sachs, Anna-Lena ; Becker-Peth, Michael ; Minner, Stefan ; Thonemann, Ulrich W.; Empirical newsvendor biases: Are target service levels achieved effectively and efficiently?
Kleim, Benjamin D. ; Hinz, Maximilian ; Geyer, Stephanie ; Scheiderer, Bastian ; Imhoff, Andreas B. ; Siebenlist, Sebastian; A 3-Dimensional Classification for Degenerative Glenohumeral Arthritis Based on Humeroscapular Alignment
Jesinghaus, Moritz ; Boxberg, Melanie ; Schmitt, Maxime ; Kriegsmann, Mark ; Harms, Alexander ; Lang, Corinna ; Muley, Thomas ; Winter, Hauke ; Kriegsmann, Katharina ; Warth, Arne ; Stenzinger, Albrecht ; Denkert, Carsten ; Hoffmann, Hans ; Safi, Seyer ; Weichert, Wilko; Cellular dissociation grading on biopsies of pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma provides prognostic information across all stages and is congruent with resection specimen grading
Schwahofer, Oliver ; Büttner, Sascha ; Binder, Johannes ; Colin, David ; Drechsler, Klaus; Multiscale Optimization of 3D-Printed Beam-Based Lattice Structures through Elastically Tailored Unit Cells
Lorenz, Georg ; Ribeiro, Andrea ; von Rauchhaupt, Ekatharina ; Würf, Vivian ; Schmaderer, Christoph ; Cohen, Clemens D. ; Vohra, Twinkle ; Anders, Hans-Joachim ; Lindenmeyer, Maja ; Lech, Maciej; GDF15 Suppresses Lymphoproliferation and Humoral Autoimmunity in a Murine Model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Keune, A.; Performing algorithms: Weaving as promising context for computational learning
le Roux, J;von Bormann, R;Braun, S;Imhoff, A;Held, M; Mega-OATS of the knee without specialised instrumentation: a low-cost option for large cartilage defects in a resource-restrained environment
Li, Ronghe;Li, Yifei;Sang, Hande;Liu, Yuanyuan;Chen, Shuang;Zhao, Su; Study on near-field acoustic levitation characteristics in a pressurized environment
Spohn, Herbert; Hydrodynamic equations for the Ablowitz–Ladik discretization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Golibrzuch, Matthias;Maier, Thomas L.;Feil, Moritz J.;Krischer, Katharina;Becherer, Markus; Tuning the feature size of nanoimprinting stamps: A method to enhance the flexibility of nanoimprint lithography
Martinez-Sanchis, Daniel;Banik, Sagnik;Sternin, Andrej;Sternin, Daniel;Haidn, Oskar;Tajmar, Martin; Analysis of turbulence generation and dissipation in shear layers of methane–oxygen diffusion flames using direct numerical simulations
Schlager, Daniela;Clauß, Konstantin;Kuehn, Christian; Stability analysis of multiplayer games on adaptive simplicial complexes
Bielajew, R.;Conway, G. D.;Griener, M.;Happel, T.;Höfler, K.;Howard, N. T.;Hubbard, A. E.;McCarthy, W.;Molina Cabrera, P. A.;Nishizawa, T.;Rodriguez-Fernandez, P.;Silvagni, D.;Vanovac, B.;Wendler, D.;Yoo, C.;White, A. E.;; Edge turbulence measurements in L-mode and I-mode at ASDEX Upgrade
Addo-Akoto, Reynolds;Han, Jong-Seob;Han, Jae-Hung; Aerodynamic characteristics of flexible flapping wings depending on aspect ratio and slack angle
Schugmann, Martin;Foerst, Petra; Concept, design, and measurement methodology of a highly dynamic thin film dryer for experimental in situ drying manipulation
Sri Gyan, Deepankar;Mannix, Danny;Carbone, Dina;Sumpter, James L.;Geprägs, Stephan;Dietlein, Maxim;Gross, Rudolf;Jurgilaitis, Andrius;Pham, Van-Thai;Coudert-Alteirac, Hélène;Larsson, Jörgen;Haskel, Daniel;Strempfer, Jörg;Evans, Paul G.; Low-temperature nanoscale heat transport in a gadolinium iron garnet heterostructure probed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction
Hasenöhrl, Markus;Caro, Matthias C.; Quantum and classical dynamical semigroups of superchannels and semicausal channels
Biller, Benedikt;Hoppe, Nils;Adami, Stefan;Adams, Nikolaus A.; Jetting mechanisms in bubble-pair interactions
Nishizawa, T.;Manz, P.;Grenfell, G.;Griener, M.;Wendler, D.;Brida, D.;Kriete, D. M.;Dux, R.;Kobayashi, T.;Sasaki, M.;; Characterizing the flow and turbulence structure near the last closed flux surface in L-mode plasmas of ASDEX Upgrade
Lee, Jin Hong;Marcano, Lourdes;Aeschlimann, Raphaël;Mawass, Mohamad-Assaad;Luo, Chen;Gloter, Alexandre;Varignon, Julien;Radu, Florin;Valencia, Sergio;Bibes, Manuel; Strain tuning of Néel temperature in YCrO3 epitaxial thin films
Ajay, A.;Jeong, H.;Schreitmüller, T.;Döblinger, M.;Ruhstorfer, D.;Mukhundhan, N.;Koolen, P. A. L. M.;Finley, J. J.;Koblmüller, G.; Enhanced growth and properties of non-catalytic GaAs nanowires via Sb surfactant effects
Klaß, Yannick S.;Doster, Juliane;Bückle, Maximilian;Braive, Rémy;Weig, Eva M.; Determining Young's modulus via the eigenmode spectrum of a nanomechanical string resonator
Kretz, Bernhard;Egger, David A.; Accurate non-adiabatic couplings from optimally tuned range-separated hybrid functionals
Gkogkas, Marios Antonios;Jüttner, Benjamin;Kuehn, Christian;Martens, Erik Andreas; Graphop mean-field limits and synchronization for the stochastic Kuramoto model
vom Ende, Frederik; Which bath Hamiltonians matter for thermal operations?
Pantle, Florian;Karlinger, Monika;Wörle, Simon;Becker, Fabian;Höldrich, Theresa;Sirotti, Elise;Kraut, Max;Stutzmann, Martin; Crystal side facet-tuning of GaN nanowires and nanofins grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Ruhstorfer, Daniel;Döblinger, Markus;Riedl, Hubert;Finley, Jonathan J.;Koblmüller, Gregor; Role of twin defects on growth dynamics and size distribution of undoped and Si-doped GaAs nanowires by selective area epitaxy
Linke, Max;Quoika, Patrick K.;Bramas, Berenger;Köfinger, Jürgen;Hummer, Gerhard; Complexes++: Efficient and versatile coarse-grained simulations of protein complexes and their dense solutions
Hutterer, Franz P.;Buchmann, Benedikt;Engelbrecht, Lisa K.;Bausch, Andreas R.; Collective cell migration during human mammary gland organoid morphogenesis
Kadia, Subhojit;Rüther, Nils;Albayrak, Ismail;Pummer, Elena; Reynolds stress modeling of supercritical narrow channel flows using OpenFOAM: Secondary currents and turbulent flow characteristics
Martinez-Sanchis, Daniel;Sternin, Andrej;Haidn, Oskar;Tajmar, Martin; Turbulent combustion statistics in a diffusion flame for space propulsion applications
Eggert, Sebastian; Practical workshop on replacing fetal bovine serum (FBS) in life science research: From theory into practice
Safi, Seyer;Zimmermann, Gregor S.; Therapy option for early-stage lung cancer in nonsurgical patients
Paraskevas, Kosmas I.;Mikhailidis, Dimitri P.;Baradaran, Hediyeh;Bokkers, Reinoud P. H.;Davies, Alun H.;Eckstein, Hans-Henning;Faggioli, Gianluca;Fernandes, Jose Fernandes E;Gargiulo, Mauro;Jawien, Arkadiusz;Jezovnik, Mateja K.;Kakkos, Stavros K.;Knoflach, Michael;Kooi, M. Eline;Lanza, Gaetano;Liapis, Christos D.;Loftus, Ian M.;Mansilha, Armando;Mechtouff, Laura;Millon, Antoine;Myrcha, Piotr;Nicolaides, Andrew N.;Pini, Rodolfo;Poredos, Pavel;Ricco, Jean-Baptiste;Rundek, Tatjana;Saba, Luca;Silvestrini, Mauro;Spinelli, Francesco;Stilo, Francesco;Sultan, Sherif;Suri, Jasjit S.;Svetlikov, Alexei V.;Wijeratne, Tissa;Zeebregts, Clark J.;Gloviczki, Peter; The burden of carotid-related strokes
Yang, Fan;;Jiang, Jiehui;Alberts, Ian;Wang, Min;Li, Taoran;Sun, Xiaoming;Rominger, Axel;Zuo, Chuantao;Shi, Kuangyu; Combining PET with MRI to improve predictions of progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease: an exploratory radiomic analysis study
Held, Cora;Junker, Daniela;Wu, Mingming;Patzelt, Lisa;Mengel, Laura A.;Holzapfel, Christina;Diefenbach, Maximilian N.;Makowski, Marcus R.;Hauner, Hans;Karampinos, Dimitrios C.; Intraindividual difference between supraclavicular and subcutaneous proton density fat fraction is associated with cold-induced thermogenesis
Baessato, Francesca;Furtmüller, Claudia;Shehu, Nerejda;Ferrari, Irene;Reich, Bettina;Nagdyman, Nicole;Martinoff, Stefan;Stern, Heiko;Ewert, Peter;Meierhofer, Christian; Detection of early signs of right ventricular systolic impairment in unoperated Ebstein’s anomaly by cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking
Fritz, Celina;Engelhardt, Andrea;Grohmann, Jochen;Dähnert, Ingo;Hummel, Johanna;Tanase, Daniel;Ewert, Peter;Eicken, Andreas; A multi-center trial on efficacy and safety of the LifeTech CeraFlexTM ASD occluder for transcatheter closure in patients with secundum atrial septal defects
Freiberger, Annika;Beckmann, Jürgen;Freilinger, Sebastian;Kaemmerer, Harald;Huber, Maximilian;Nagdyman, Nicole;Ewert, Peter;Pieper, Lars;Deppe, Charlotte;Kuschel, Bettina;Andonian, Caroline; Psychosocial well-being in postpartum women with congenital heart disease
Andonian, Caroline;Beckmann, Jürgen;Mayer, Oliver;Ewert, Peter;Freiberger, Annika;Huber, Maximilian;Kaemmerer, Harald;Kurschat, Christine;Lagler, Florian;Nagdyman, Nicole;Pieper, Lars;Regenbogen, Claudia;Freilinger, Sebastian; Quality of life in patients with Fabry’s disease: a cross-sectional study of 86 adults
Sinning, Christoph;Huntgeburth, Michael;Fukushima, Norihide;Tompkins, Rose;Huh, June;Tataneo, Shigeru;Diller, Gerhard-Paul;Chen, Yih-Sharng;Zengin, Elvin;Magnussen, Christina;Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Cho, Yang Hyun;Blankenberg, Stefan;Rickers, Carsten;Harig, Frank;Weyand, Michael;Hübler, Michael;von Kodolitsch, Yskert;Oto, Öztekin;Zuckermann, Andreas;Kirchhof, Paulus;Baumgartner, Helmut;Reichenspurner, Hermann;Kobashigawa, Jon;Kaemmerer, Harald;Niwa, Koichiro; Treatment of advanced heart failure in adults with congenital heart disease: a narrative review and clinical cases
Strack, Katharina;Freilinger, Sebastian;Busse, Amely J.;Ewert, Peter;Hauser, Michael;Huntgeburth, Michael;Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Nagdyman, Nicole;Schopen, Judith;Kaemmerer, Harald;von Scheidt, Fabian; Long-term course of pulmonary arterial hypertension in adults with congenital heart disease under targeted therapy: a retrospective analysis of a single tertiary center
Klotz, Laura V.;Hoffmann, Hans;Shah, Rajiv;Eichhorn, Florian;Gruenewald, Christiane;Bulut, Elena L.;Griffo, Raffaella;Muley, Thomas;Christopoulos, Petros;Baum, Philip;Huber, Peter;Safi, Seyer;Kriegsmann, Marc;Thomas, Michael;Bischoff, Helge;Winter, Hauke;Eichhorn, Martin E.; Multimodal therapy of epithelioid pleural mesothelioma: improved survival by changing the surgical treatment approach
Busse, Amely J.;Freilinger, Sebastian;Eicken, Andreas;Ewert, Peter;Freiberger, Annika;Huntgeburth, Michael;Nagdyman, Nicole;Scheidt, Fabian von;Kaemmerer, Harald;Weyand, Michael; Healthcare status of adults with pulmonary hypertension due to congenital heart disease
Freiberger, Annika;Busse, Amely;Ewert, Peter;Huntgeburth, Michael;Kaemmerer, Harald;Kohls, Niko;Nagdyman, Nicole;Richter, Cristina;Röhrich, Christina;von Scheidt, Fabian;Weyand, Michael;Freilinger, Sebastian;Andonian, Caroline; Quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease with and without pulmonary hypertension: a comparative study
Suleiman, Mathieu N.;Freilinger, Sebastian;Meierhofer, Christian;May, Matthias;Bischoff, Gert;Ewert, Peter;Freiberger, Annika;Huntgeburth, Michael;Kaemmerer, Ann-Sophie;Marwan, Mohamed;Nagdyman, Nicole;Roth, Jan-Peter;Kaemmerer, Harald;Weyand, Michael;Harig, Frank; The relation of aortic dimensions and obesity in adults with Marfan or Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Oettgen, Fabienne;Shehu, Nerejda;Stern, Heiko;Ewert, Peter;Meierhofer, Christian; Safety of intrahospital transport for MR or CT scans in ventilated pediatric intensive care patients with congenital heart disease
Blum, Joanne L.;Laird, A. Douglas;Litton, Jennifer K.;Rugo, Hope S.;Ettl, Johannes;Hurvitz, Sara A.;Martin, Miguel;Roché, Henri H.;Lee, Kyung-Hun;Goodwin, Annabel;Chen, Ying;Lanzalone, Silvana;Chelliserry, Jijumon;Czibere, Akos;Hopkins, Julia F.;Albacker, Lee A.;Mina, Lida A.; Determinants of Response to Talazoparib in Patients with HER2-Negative, Germline BRCA1/2-Mutated Breast Cancer
Roy-Luzarraga, Marina;Reynolds, Louise E.;de Luxán-Delgado, Beatriz;Maiques, Oscar;Wisniewski, Laura;Newport, Emma;Rajeeve, Vinothini;Drake, Rebecca J.G.;Gómez-Escudero, Jesús;Richards, Frances M.;Weller, Céline;Dormann, Christof;Meng, Ya-Ming;Vermeulen, Peter B.;Saur, Dieter;Sanz-Moreno, Victoria;Wong, Ping-Pui;Géraud, Cyrill;Cutillas, Pedro R.;Hodivala-Dilke, Kairbaan; Suppression of Endothelial Cell FAK Expression Reduces Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Metastasis after Gemcitabine Treatment
Tsai, Jessica W.;Cejas, Paloma;Wang, Dayle K.;Patel, Smruti;Wu, David W.;Arounleut, Phonepasong;Wei, Xin;Zhou, Ningxuan;Syamala, Sudeepa;Dubois, Frank P.B.;Crane, Alexander;Pelton, Kristine;Vogelzang, Jayne;Sousa, Cecilia;Baguette, Audrey;Chen, Xiaolong;Condurat, Alexandra L.;Dixon-Clarke, Sarah E.;Zhou, Kevin N.;Lu, Sophie D.;Gonzalez, Elizabeth M.;Chacon, Madison S.;Digiacomo, Jeromy J.;Kumbhani, Rushil;Novikov, Dana;Hunter, J'Ya;Tsoli, Maria;Ziegler, David S.;Dirksen, Uta;Jager, Natalie;Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash;Kramm, Christof M.;Nathrath, Michaela;Bielack, Stefan;Baker, Suzanne J.;Zhang, Jinghui;McFarland, James M.;Getz, Gad;Aguet, François;Jabado, Nada;Witt, Olaf;Pfister, Stefan M.;Ligon, Keith L.;Hovestadt, Volker;Kleinman, Claudia L.;Long, Henry;Jones, David T.W.;Bandopadhayay, Pratiti;Phoenix, Timothy N.; FOXR2 Is an Epigenetically Regulated Pan-Cancer Oncogene That Activates ETS Transcriptional Circuits
Loevenich, Leon P.;Tschurtschenthaler, Markus;Rokavec, Matjaz;Silva, Miguel G.;Jesinghaus, Moritz;Kirchner, Thomas;Klauschen, Frederick;Saur, Dieter;Neumann, Jens;Hermeking, Heiko;Jung, Peter; SMAD4 Loss Induces c-MYC–Mediated NLE1 Upregulation to Support Protein Biosynthesis, Colorectal Cancer Growth, and Metastasis
Klümper, Niklas;Ralser, Damian J.;Ellinger, Jörg;Roghmann, Florian;Albrecht, Julia;Below, Eduard;Alajati, Abdullah;Sikic, Danijel;Breyer, Johannes;Bolenz, Christian;Zengerling, Friedemann;Erben, Philipp;Schwamborn, Kristina;Wirtz, Ralph M.;Horn, Thomas;Nagy, Dora;Toma, Marieta;Kristiansen, Glen;Büttner, Thomas;Hahn, Oliver;Grünwald, Viktor;Darr, Christopher;Erne, Eva;Rausch, Steffen;Bedke, Jens;Schlack, Katrin;Abbas, Mahmoud;Zschäbitz, Stefanie;Schwab, Constantin;Mustea, Alexander;Adam, Patrick;Manseck, Andreas;Wullich, Bernd;Ritter, Manuel;Hartmann, Arndt;Gschwend, Jürgen;Weichert, Wilko;Erlmeier, Franziska;Hölzel, Michael;Eckstein, Markus; Membranous NECTIN-4 Expression Frequently Decreases during Metastatic Spread of Urothelial Carcinoma and Is Associated with Enfortumab Vedotin Resistance
Liu, Hailing;Zhao, Yu;Yang, Fan;Lou, Xiaoying;Wu, Feng;Li, Hang;Xing, Xiaohan;Peng, Tingying;Menze, Bjoern;Huang, Junzhou;Zhang, Shujun;Han, Anjia;Yao, Jianhua;Fan, Xinjuan; Preoperative Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer with Deep Learning
Wang, Shu-Jen;Panhans, Michel;Lashkov, Ilia;Kleemann, Hans;Caglieris, Federico;Becker-Koch, David;Vahland, Jörn;Guo, Erjuan;Huang, Shiyu;Krupskaya, Yulia;Vaynzof, Yana;Büchner, Bernd;Ortmann, Frank;Leo, Karl; Highly efficient modulation doping: A path toward superior organic thermoelectric devices
Steinert, Janina I.;Sternberg, Henrike;Prince, Hannah;Fasolo, Barbara;Galizzi, Matteo M.;Büthe, Tim;Veltri, Giuseppe A.; COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eight European countries: Prevalence, determinants, and heterogeneity
Ganuza, Cristina;Redlich, Sarah;Uhler, Johannes;Tobisch, Cynthia;Rojas-Botero, Sandra;Peters, Marcell K.;Zhang, Jie;Benjamin, Caryl S.;Englmeier, Jana;Ewald, Jörg;Fricke, Ute;Haensel, Maria;Kollmann, Johannes;Riebl, Rebekka;Uphus, Lars;Müller, Jörg;Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Interactive effects of climate and land use on pollinator diversity differ among taxa and scales
Frey, H.;Beck, A.;Huang, X.;van Bokhoven, J. A.;Willinger, M. G.; Dynamic interplay between metal nanoparticles and oxide support under redox conditions
Düking, Tim;Spieth, Lena;Berghoff, Stefan A.;Piepkorn, Lars;Schmidke, Annika M.;Mitkovski, Miso;Kannaiyan, Nirmal;Hosang, Leon;Scholz, Patricia;Shaib, Ali H.;Schneider, Lennart V.;Hesse, Dörte;Ruhwedel, Torben;Sun, Ting;Linhoff, Lisa;Trevisiol, Andrea;Köhler, Susanne;Pastor, Adrian Marti;Misgeld, Thomas;Sereda, Michael;Hassouna, Imam;Rossner, Moritz J.;Odoardi, Francesca;Ischebeck, Till;de Hoz, Livia;Hirrlinger, Johannes;Jahn, Olaf;Saher, Gesine; Ketogenic diet uncovers differential metabolic plasticity of brain cells
Ulanowski, Alexander;Merkel, Benjamin;Reiserer, Andreas; Spectral multiplexing of telecom emitters with stable transition frequency
Niu, Yiming;Wang, Yongzhao;Chen, Junnan;Li, Shiyan;Huang, Xing;Willinger, Marc-Georg;Zhang, Wei;Liu, Yuefeng;Zhang, Bingsen; Patterning the consecutive Pd 3 to Pd 1 on Pd 2 Ga surface via temperature-promoted reactive metal-support interaction
Bleem, L. E.;Crawford, T. M.;Ansarinejad, B.;Benson, B. A.;Bocquet, S.;Carlstrom, J. E.;Chang, C. L.;Chown, R.;Crites, A. T.;Haan, T. de;Dobbs, M. A.;Everett, W. B.;George, E. M.;Gualtieri, R.;Halverson, N. W.;Holder, G. P.;Holzapfel, W. L.;Hrubes, J. D.;Knox, L.;Lee, A. T.;Luong-Van, D.;Marrone, D. P.;McMahon, J. J.;Meyer, S. S.;Millea, M.;Mocanu, L. M.;Mohr, J. J.;Natoli, T.;Omori, Y.;Padin, S.;Pryke, C.;Raghunathan, S.;Reichardt, C. L.;Ruhl, J. E.;Schaffer, K. K.;Shirokoff, E.;Staniszewski, Z.;Stark, A. A.;Vieira, J. D.;Williamson, R.; CMB/kSZ and Compton-y Maps from 2500 deg2 of SPT-SZ and Planck Survey Data
Leanza, Silvia;Pallanca, Cristina;Ferraro, Francesco R.;Lanzoni, Barbara;Dalessandro, Emanuele;Origlia, Livia;Mucciarelli, Alessio;Valenti, Elena;Tiongco, Maria;Varri, Anna Lisa;Vesperini, Enrico; The ESO-VLT MIKiS Survey Reloaded: Velocity Dispersion Profile and Rotation Curve of NGC 1904*
Keune, Anna; Advancing the materiality of gender equitable STEM learning
Keune, Anna;Ruiz-Cabello, Paulina; Inquiry of (Re)configurings: Toward a Review of Posthumanist Methods for the Study of Learning
Keune, Anna;Cain, Ryan;Dahn, Maggie;Kargin, Tolga;Thompson, Naomi; Local-global Maker-places: Toward an Instrument for International Maker Education
Han, Ariel;Keune, Anna;Huang, Joey;Peppler, Kylie; Visualizing Family Engagement in Museum Settings
Mau, S.;Nadler, E. O.;Wechsler, R. H.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Bechtol, K.;Green, G.;Huterer, D.;Li, T. S.;Mao, Y.-Y.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;McNanna, M.;Mutlu-Pakdil, B.;Pace, A. B.;Peter, A.;Riley, A. H.;Strigari, L.;Wang, M.-Y.;Aguena, M.;Allam, S.;Annis, J.;Bacon, D.;Bertin, E.;Bocquet, S.;Brooks, D.;Burke, D. L.;Rosell, A. Carnero;Kind, M. Carrasco;Carretero, J.;Costanzi, M.;Crocce, M.;Pereira, M. E. S.;Davis, T. M.;Vicente, J. De;Desai, S.;Doel, P.;Ferrero, I.;Flaugher, B.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gatti, M.;Giannini, G.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Kuehn, K.;Lahav, O.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Miquel, R.;Mohr, J. J.;Morgan, R.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Pieres, A.;Rodriguez-Monroy, M.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Suchyta, E.;Tarle, G.;To, C.;Tucker, D. L.;Weller, J.;; Milky Way Satellite Census. IV. Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter from Observations of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
Steinwandel, Ulrich P.;Böss, Ludwig M.;Dolag, Klaus;Lesch, Harald; On the Small-scale Turbulent Dynamo in the Intracluster Medium: A Comparison to Dynamo Theory*
Salvati, L.;Saro, A.;Bocquet, S.;Costanzi, M.;Ansarinejad, B.;Benson, B. A.;Bleem, L. E.;Calzadilla, M. S.;Carlstrom, J. E.;Chang, C. L.;Chown, R.;Crites, A. T.;Haan, T. de;Dobbs, M. A.;Everett, W. B.;Floyd, B.;Grandis, S.;George, E. M.;Halverson, N. W.;Holder, G. P.;Holzapfel, W. L.;Hrubes, J. D.;Lee, A. T.;Luong-Van, D.;McDonald, M.;McMahon, J. J.;Meyer, S. S.;Millea, M.;Mocanu, L. M.;Mohr, J. J.;Natoli, T.;Omori, Y.;Padin, S.;Pryke, C.;Reichardt, C. L.;Ruhl, J. E.;Ruppin, F.;Schaffer, K. K.;Schrabback, T.;Shirokoff, E.;Staniszewski, Z.;Stark, A. A.;Vieira, J. D.;Williamson, R.; Combining Planck and SPT Cluster Catalogs: Cosmological Analysis and Impact on the Planck Scaling Relation Calibration
Drlica-Wagner, A.;Ferguson, P. S.;Adamów, M.;Aguena, M.;Allam, S.;Andrade-Oliveira, F.;Bacon, D.;Bechtol, K.;Bell, E. F.;Bertin, E.;Bilaji, P.;Bocquet, S.;Bom, C. R.;Brooks, D.;Burke, D. L.;Carballo-Bello, J. A.;Carlin, J. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;Cerny, W.;Chang, C.;Choi, Y.;Conselice, C.;Costanzi, M.;Crnojević, D.;Costa, L. N. da;Vicente, J. De;Desai, S.;Esteves, J.;Everett, S.;Ferrero, I.;Fitzpatrick, M.;Flaugher, B.;Friedel, D.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gatti, M.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gerdes, D. W.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Hartley, W. G.;Hernandez-Lang, D.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;Hughes, A. K.;Jacques, A.;James, D. J.;Johnson, M. D.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Lahav, O.;Li, T. S.;Lidman, C.;Lin, H.;March, M.;Marshall, J. L.;Martínez-Delgado, D.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Massana, P.;Mau, S.;McNanna, M.;Melchior, P.;Menanteau, F.;Miller, A. E.;Miquel, R.;Mohr, J. J.;Morgan, R.;Mutlu-Pakdil, B.;Muñoz, R. R.;Neilsen, E. H.;Nidever, D. L.;Nikutta, R.;Nilo Castellon, J. L.;Noël, N. E. D.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Olsen, K. A. G.;Pace, A. B.;Palmese, A.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Pereira, M. E. S.;Pieres, A.;Plazas Malagón, A. A.;Prat, J.;Riley, A. H.;Rodriguez-Monroy, M.;Romer, A. K.;Roodman, A.;Sako, M.;Sakowska, J. D.;Sanchez, E.;Sánchez, F. J.;Sand, D. J.;Santana-Silva, L.;Santiago, B.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Simon, J. D.;Smith, M.;Soares-Santos, M.;Stringfellow, G. S.;Suchyta, E.;Suson, D. J.;Tan, C. Y.;Tarle, G.;Tavangar, K.;Thomas, D.;To, C.;Tollerud, E. J.;Troxel, M. A.;Tucker, D. L.;Varga, T. N.;Vivas, A. K.;Walker, A. R.;Weller, J.;Wilkinson, R. D.;Wu, J. F.;Yanny, B.;Zaborowski, E.;Zenteno, A.;; The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey Data Release 2
De Simone, Marta;Ceccarelli, Cecilia;Codella, Claudio;Svoboda, Brian E.;Chandler, Claire J.;Bouvier, Mathilde;Yamamoto, Satoshi;Sakai, Nami;Yang, Yao-Lun;Caselli, Paola;Lefloch, Bertrand;Liu, Hauyu Baobab;López-Sepulcre, Ana;Loinard, Laurent;Pineda, Jaime E.;Testi, Leonardo; Tracking the Ice Mantle History in the Solar-type Protostars of NGC 1333 IRAS 4
Federrath, C.;Rathborne, J. M.;Longmore, S. N.;Kruijssen, J. M. D.;Bally, J.;Contreras, Y.;Crocker, R. M.;Garay, G.;Jackson, J. M.;Testi, L.;Walsh, A. J.; Erratum: “The Link between Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, Filaments, and Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone Cloud G0.253+0.016” (2016, ApJ, 832, 143)
;Abareshi, B.;Aguilar, J.;Ahlen, S.;Alam, Shadab;Alexander, David M.;Alfarsy, R.;Allen, L.;Prieto, C. Allende;Alves, O.;Ameel, J.;Armengaud, E.;Asorey, J.;Aviles, Alejandro;Bailey, S.;Balaguera-Antolínez, A.;Ballester, O.;Baltay, C.;Bault, A.;Beltran, S. F.;Benavides, B.;BenZvi, S.;Berti, A.;Besuner, R.;Beutler, Florian;Bianchi, D.;Blake, C.;Blanc, P.;Blum, R.;Bolton, A.;Bose, S.;Bramall, D.;Brieden, S.;Brodzeller, A.;Brooks, D.;Brownewell, C.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Cahn, R. N.;Cai, Z.;Canning, R.;Capasso, R.;Rosell, A. Carnero;Carton, P.;Casas, R.;Castander, F. J.;Cervantes-Cota, J. L.;Chabanier, S.;Chaussidon, E.;Chuang, C.;Circosta, C.;Cole, S.;Cooper, A. P.;Costa, L. da;Cousinou, M.-C.;Cuceu, A.;Davis, T. M.;Dawson, K.;Cruz-Noriega, R. de la;Macorra, A. de la;Mattia, A. de;Costa, J. Della;Demmer, P.;Derwent, M.;Dey, A.;Dey, B.;Dhungana, G.;Ding, Z.;Dobson, C.;Doel, P.;Donald-McCann, J.;Donaldson, J.;Douglass, K.;Duan, Y.;Dunlop, P.;Edelstein, J.;Eftekharzadeh, S.;Eisenstein, D. J.;Enriquez-Vargas, M.;Escoffier, S.;Evatt, M.;Fagrelius, P.;Fan, X.;Fanning, K.;Fawcett, V. A.;Ferraro, S.;Ereza, J.;Flaugher, B.;Font-Ribera, A.;Forero-Romero, J. E.;Frenk, C. S.;Fromenteau, S.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Garcia-Quintero, C.;Garrison, L.;Gaztañaga, E.;Gerardi, F.;Gil-Marín, H.;A Gontcho, S. Gontcho;Gonzalez-Morales, Alma X.;Gonzalez-de-Rivera, G.;Gonzalez-Perez, V.;Gordon, C.;Graur, O.;Green, D.;Grove, C.;Gruen, D.;Gutierrez, G.;Guy, J.;Hahn, C.;Harris, S.;Herrera, D.;Herrera-Alcantar, Hiram K.;Honscheid, K.;Howlett, C.;Huterer, D.;Iršič, V.;Ishak, M.;Jelinsky, P.;Jiang, L.;Jimenez, J.;Jing, Y. P.;Joyce, R.;Jullo, E.;Juneau, S.;Karaçaylı, N. G.;Karamanis, M.;Karcher, A.;Karim, T.;Kehoe, R.;Kent, S.;Kirkby, D.;Kisner, T.;Kitaura, F.;Koposov, S. E.;Kovács, A.;Kremin, A.;Krolewski, Alex;L’Huillier, B.;Lahav, O.;Lambert, A.;Lamman, C.;Lan, Ting-Wen;Landriau, M.;Lane, S.;Lang, D.;Lange, J. U.;Lasker, J.;Guillou, L. Le;Leauthaud, A.;Van Suu, A. Le;Levi, Michael E.;Li, T. S.;Magneville, C.;Manera, M.;Manser, Christopher J.;Marshall, B.;Martini, Paul;McCollam, W.;McDonald, P.;Meisner, Aaron M.;Mena-Fernández, J.;Meneses-Rizo, J.;Mezcua, M.;Miller, T.;Miquel, R.;Montero-Camacho, P.;Moon, J.;Moustakas, J.;Mueller, E.;Muñoz-Gutiérrez, Andrea;Myers, Adam D.;Nadathur, S.;Najita, J.;Napolitano, L.;Neilsen, E.;Newman, Jeffrey A.;Nie, J. D.;Ning, Y.;Niz, G.;Norberg, P.;Noriega, Hernán E.;O’Brien, T.;Obuljen, A.;Palanque-Delabrouille, N.;Palmese, A.;Zhiwei, P.;Pappalardo, D.;PENG, X.;Percival, W. J.;Perruchot, S.;Pogge, R.;Poppett, C.;Porredon, A.;Prada, F.;Prochaska, J.;Pucha, R.;Pérez-Fernández, A.;Pérez-Ràfols, I.;Rabinowitz, D.;Raichoor, A.;Ramirez-Solano, S.;Ramírez-Pérez, César;Ravoux, C.;Reil, K.;Rezaie, M.;Rocher, A.;Rockosi, C.;Roe, N. A.;Roodman, A.;Ross, A. J.;Rossi, G.;Ruggeri, R.;Ruhlmann-Kleider, V.;Sabiu, C. G.;Safonova, S.;Said, K.;Saintonge, A.;Catonga, Javier Salas;Samushia, L.;Sanchez, E.;Saulder, C.;Schaan, E.;Schlafly, E.;Schlegel, D.;Schmoll, J.;Scholte, D.;Schubnell, M.;Secroun, A.;Seo, H.;Serrano, S.;Sharples, Ray M.;Sholl, Michael J.;Silber, Joseph Harry;Silva, D. R.;Sirk, M.;Siudek, M.;Smith, A.;Sprayberry, D.;Staten, R.;Stupak, B.;Tan, T.;Tarlé, Gregory;Tie, Suk Sien;Tojeiro, R.;Ureña-López, L. A.;Valdes, F.;Valenzuela, O.;Valluri, M.;Vargas-Magaña, M.;Verde, L.;Walther, M.;Wang, B.;Wang, M. S.;Weaver, B. A.;Weaverdyck, C.;Wechsler, R.;Wilson, Michael J.;Yang, J.;Yu, Y.;Yuan, S.;Yèche, Christophe;Zhang, H.;Zhang, K.;Zhao, Cheng;Zhou, Rongpu;Zhou, Zhimin;Zou, H.;Zou, J.;Zou, S.;Zu, Y.; Overview of the Instrumentation for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
Dalessandro, Emanuele;Crociati, Chiara;Cignoni, Michele;Ferraro, Francesco R.;Lanzoni, Barbara;Origlia, Livia;Pallanca, Cristina;Rich, R. Michael;Saracino, Sara;Valenti, Elena; Clues to the Formation of Liller 1 from Modeling Its Complex Star Formation History
Campeti, Paolo;Komatsu, Eiichiro; New Constraint on the Tensor-to-scalar Ratio from the Planck and BICEP/Keck Array Data Using the Profile Likelihood
Wittmann, Christopher;Sivchenko, Anastasiia S.;Bacher, Felix;Tong, Kelvin K. H.;Guru, Navjot;Wilson, Thomas;Gonzales, Junior;Rauch, Hartmut;Kossatz, Susanne;Reiner, Thomas;Babak, Maria V.;Arion, Vladimir B.; Inhibition of Microtubule Dynamics in Cancer Cells by Indole-Modified Latonduine Derivatives and Their Metal Complexes
Nagy, Béla;Campana, Mario;Khaydukov, Yury N.;Ederth, Thomas; Structure and pH-Induced Swelling of Polymer Films Prepared from Sequentially Grafted Polyelectrolytes
Calcinelli, Fabio;Jeindl, Andreas;Hörmann, Lukas;Ghan, Simiam;Oberhofer, Harald;Hofmann, Oliver T.; Interfacial Charge Transfer Influences Thin-Film Polymorphism
Palmblad, Magnus;Böcker, Sebastian;Degroeve, Sven;Kohlbacher, Oliver;Käll, Lukas;Noble, William Stafford;Wilhelm, Mathias; Interpretation of the DOME Recommendations for Machine Learning in Proteomics and Metabolomics
Khare, Rachit;Weindl, Roland;Jentys, Andreas;Reuter, Karsten;Shi, Hui;Lercher, Johannes A.; Di- and Tetrameric Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters Activate and Stabilize Dihydrogen as Hydrides
Kundu, Kankana;Melsbach, Aileen;Heckel, Benjamin;Schneidemann, Sarah;Kanapathi, Dheeraj;Marozava, Sviatlana;Merl-Pham, Juliane;Elsner, Martin; Linking Increased Isotope Fractionation at Low Concentrations to Enzyme Activity Regulation: 4-Cl Phenol Degradation by Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6
Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Rothkirch, André;Carstens, Niko;Chen, Qing;Strunskus, Thomas;Löhrer, Franziska C.;Xia, Senlin;Rosemann, Christoph;Bießmann, Lorenz;Körstgens, Volker;Ahuja, Shiwani;Pandit, Pallavi;Rubeck, Jan;Frenzke, Susann;Hinz, Alexander;Polonskyi, Oleksandr;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Faupel, Franz;Roth, Stephan V.; In Situ Monitoring of Scale Effects on Phase Selection and Plasmonic Shifts during the Growth of AgCu Alloy Nanostructures for Anticounterfeiting Applications
Sun, Fengchao;Mellage, Adrian;Wang, Zhe;Bakkour, Rani;Griebler, Christian;Thullner, Martin;Cirpka, Olaf A.;Elsner, Martin; Toward Improved Bioremediation Strategies: Response of BAM-Degradation Activity to Concentration and Flow Changes in an Inoculated Bench-Scale Sediment Tank
Müller, Julia;Jäkel, Anna C.;Richter, Jonathan;Eder, Markus;Falgenhauer, Elisabeth;Simmel, Friedrich C.; Bacterial Growth, Communication, and Guided Chemotaxis in 3D-Bioprinted Hydrogel Environments
Ekvall, Markus;Truong, Patrick;Gabriel, Wassim;Wilhelm, Mathias;Käll, Lukas; Prosit Transformer: A transformer for Prediction of MS2 Spectrum Intensities
Bauer, Maximilian N.;Probert, Matt I. J.;Panosetti, Chiara; Systematic Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Basin Hopping Approaches to the Global Optimization of Si(111) Surface Reconstructions
Fischer, Malte;Roy, Matthew M. D.;Wales, Lewis L.;Ellwanger, Mathias A.;Heilmann, Andreas;Aldridge, Simon; Structural Snapshots in Reversible Phosphinidene Transfer: Synthetic, Structural, and Reaction Chemistry of a Sn═P Double Bond
Šebelík, Václav;Duffy, Christopher D. P.;Keil, Erika;Polívka, Tomáš;Hauer, Jürgen; Understanding Carotenoid Dynamics via the Vibronic Energy Relaxation Approach
Elmestekawy, Karim A.;Wright, Adam D.;Lohmann, Kilian B.;Borchert, Juliane;Johnston, Michael B.;Herz, Laura M.; Controlling Intrinsic Quantum Confinement in Formamidinium Lead Triiodide Perovskite through Cs Substitution
Ilic, Mario; Sautter, Natalie; Margreiter, Martin; Loder, Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Changing Strategic Alignments in European Urban Traffic Control – Requirements for Future Developments
Metzger, Barbara; Loder, Allister; Kessler, Lisa; Bogenberger, Klaus; Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Freeway Congestion Patterns using Discrete Choice Methods
Schröder, Daniel; Kinigadner, Julia; Loder, Allister; Rothfeld, Raoul; Enhancing Sustainability in a Government-Contracted Mobility-as-a-Service Model
Chumakov, Andrei;Brett, Calvin J.;Gordeyeva, Korneliya;Menzel, Dirk;Akinsinde, Lewis O. O.;Gensch, Marc;Schwartzkopf, Matthias;Cao, Wei;Yin, Shanshan;Reus, Manuel A.;Rübhausen, Michael A.;Müller-Buschbaum, Peter;Söderberg, L. Daniel;Roth, Stephan V.; Sprayed Nanometer-Thick Hard-Magnetic Coatings with Strong Perpendicular Anisotropy for Data Storage Applications
Heilmann, Andreas;Roy, Matthew M. D.;Crumpton, Agamemnon E.;Griffin, Liam P.;Hicks, Jamie;Goicoechea, Jose M.;Aldridge, Simon; Coordination and Homologation of CO at Al(I): Mechanism and Chain Growth, Branching, Isomerization, and Reduction
Fottner, Maximilian;Heimgärtner, Johannes;Gantz, Maximilian;Mühlhofer, Rahel;Nast-Kolb, Timon;Lang, Kathrin; Site-Specific Protein Labeling and Generation of Defined Ubiquitin-Protein Conjugates Using an Asparaginyl Endopeptidase
Hu, Haiyang;Weber, Thomas;Bienek, Oliver;Wester, Alwin;Hüttenhofer, Ludwig;Sharp, Ian D.;Maier, Stefan A.;Tittl, Andreas;Cortés, Emiliano; Catalytic Metasurfaces Empowered by Bound States in the Continuum
Donohoe, Claire;Schaberle, Fábio A.;Rodrigues, Fábio M. S.;Gonçalves, Nuno P. F.;Kingsbury, Christopher J.;Pereira, Mariette M.;Senge, Mathias O.;Gomes-da-Silva, Lígia C.;Arnaut, Luis G.; Unraveling the Pivotal Role of Atropisomerism for Cellular Internalization
Boix, Virginia;Xu, Wenbin;D’Acunto, Giulio;Stubbe, Johannes;Gallo, Tamires;Døvre Strømsheim, Marie;Zhu, Suyun;Scardamaglia, Mattia;Shavorskiy, Andrey;Reuter, Karsten;Andersen, Mie;Knudsen, Jan; Graphene as an Adsorption Template for Studying Double Bond Activation in Catalysis
Pritzl, Stefanie D.;Morstein, Johannes;Kahler, Sophia;Konrad, David B.;Trauner, Dirk;Lohmüller, Theobald; Postsynthetic Photocontrol of Giant Liposomes via Fusion-Based Photolipid Doping
Elonen, Antti;Natarajan, Ashwin Karthick;Kawamata, Ibuki;Oesinghaus, Lukas;Mohammed, Abdulmelik;Seitsonen, Jani;Suzuki, Yuki;Simmel, Friedrich C.;Kuzyk, Anton;Orponen, Pekka; Algorithmic Design of 3D Wireframe RNA Polyhedra
Ruf, Alexander;Danger, Grégoire; Network Analysis Reveals Spatial Clustering and Annotation of Complex Chemical Spaces: Application to Astrochemistry
Beck, Arik;Rzepka, Przemyslaw;Marshall, Kenneth P.;Stoian, Dragos;Willinger, Marc G.;van Bokhoven, Jeroen A.; Hydrogen Interaction with Oxide Supports in the Presence and Absence of Platinum
Ilic, Mario; Sautter, Natalie; Margreiter, Martin; Loder Allister; Bogenberger, Klaus; Revisiting Urban Traffic Control in Austria, Germany and Switzerland - Requirements for Future Developments
Doricchi, Andrea;Platnich, Casey M.;Gimpel, Andreas;Horn, Friederikee;Earle, Max;Lanzavecchia, German;Cortajarena, Aitziber L.;Liz-Marzán, Luis M.;Liu, Na;Heckel, Reinhard;Grass, Robert N.;Krahne, Roman;Keyser, Ulrich F.;Garoli, Denis; Emerging Approaches to DNA Data Storage: Challenges and Prospects
Frank, Stephanie;Schieberle, Peter; Changes in the Major Odorants of Grape Juice during Manufacturing of Dornfelder Red Wine
Prokofeva, Polina;Höfer, Stefanie;Hornisch, Maximilian;Abele, Miriam;Kuster, Bernhard;Médard, Guillaume; Merits of Diazirine Photo-Immobilization for Target Profiling of Natural Products and Cofactors
Jayaramulu, Kolleboyina;Mukherjee, Soumya;Morales, Dulce M.;Dubal, Deepak P.;Nanjundan, Ashok Kumar;Schneemann, Andreas;Masa, Justus;Kment, Stepan;Schuhmann, Wolfgang;Otyepka, Michal;Zbořil, Radek;Fischer, Roland A.; Graphene-Based Metal–Organic Framework Hybrids for Applications in Catalysis, Environmental, and Energy Technologies
Marx, Franziska;Pal, Subhajit;Sautaux, Julien;Pallab, Nazim;Stoclet, Grégory;Weder, Christoph;Schrettl, Stephen; Plasticization of a Semicrystalline Metallosupramolecular Polymer Network
Forcisi, Sara;Moritz, Franco;Thompson, Christopher J.;Kanawati, Basem;Uhl, Jenny;Afonso, Carlos;Bader, Chantal D.;Barsch, Aiko;Boughton, Berin A.;Chu, Rosalie K.;Ferey, Justine;Fernandez-Lima, Francisco;Guéguen, Céline;Heintz, Dimitri;Gomez-Hernandez, Mario;Jang, Kyoung-Soon;Kessler, Nikolas;Mangal, Vaughn;Müller, Rolf;Nakabayashi, Ryo;Nicol, Edith;Nicolardi, Simone;Palmblad, Magnus;Paša-Tolić, Ljiljana;Porter, Jacob;Schmitz-Afonso, Isabelle;Seo, Jong Bok;Sommella, Eduardo;van der Burgt, Yuri E. M.;Villette, Claire;Witt, Matthias;Wittrig, Ashley;Wolff, Jeremy J.;Easterling, Michael L.;Laukien, Frank H.;Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe; Large-Scale Interlaboratory DI-FT-ICR MS Comparability Study Employing Various Systems
Liang, Dong;Dirndorfer, Sebastian;Somoza, Veronika;Krautwurst, Dietmar;Lang, Roman;Hofmann, Thomas; Metabolites of Key Flavor Compound 2,3,5-Trimethylpyrazine in Human Urine
Stasi, Michele;Monferrer, Alba;Babl, Leon;Wunnava, Sreekar;Dirscherl, Christina Felicitas;Braun, Dieter;Schwille, Petra;Dietz, Hendrik;Boekhoven, Job; Regulating DNA-Hybridization Using a Chemically Fueled Reaction Cycle
Varvarezos, L.;Delgado-Guerrero, J.;Di Fraia, M.;Kelly, T. J.;Palacios, A.;Callegari, C.;Cavalieri, A. L.;Coffee, R.;Danailov, M.;Decleva, P.;Demidovich, A.;DiMauro, L.;Düsterer, S.;Giannessi, L.;Helml, W.;Ilchen, M.;Kienberger, R.;Mazza, T.;Meyer, M.;Moshammer, R.;Pedersini, C.;Plekan, O.;Prince, K. C.;Simoncig, A.;Schletter, A.;Ueda, K.;Wurzer, M.;Zangrando, M.;Martín, F.;Costello, J. T.; Controlling Fragmentation of the Acetylene Cation in the Vacuum Ultraviolet via Transient Molecular Alignment
Yuan, Qimu;Lohmann, Kilian B.;Oliver, Robert D. J.;Ramadan, Alexandra J.;Yan, Siyu;Ball, James M.;Christoforo, M. Greyson;Noel, Nakita K.;Snaith, Henry J.;Herz, Laura M.;Johnston, Michael B.; Thermally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells by All-Vacuum Deposition
Pullmannová, Petra;Čuříková-Kindlová, Barbora A.;Ondrejčeková, Veronika;Kováčik, Andrej;Dvořáková, Kristýna;Dulanská, Lucia;Georgii, Robert;Majcher, Adam;Maixner, Jaroslav;Kučerka, Norbert;Zbytovská, Jarmila;Vávrová, Kateřina; Polymorphism, Nanostructures, and Barrier Properties of Ceramide-Based Lipid Films
Rutz, Andreas;Das, Chandan K.;Fasano, Andrea;Jaenecke, Jan;Yadav, Shanika;Apfel, Ulf-Peter;Engelbrecht, Vera;Fourmond, Vincent;Léger, Christophe;Schäfer, Lars V.;Happe, Thomas; Increasing the O2 Resistance of the [FeFe]-Hydrogenase CbA5H through Enhanced Protein Flexibility
Ayivi, Raphael D.;Ibrahim, Salam A.;Krastanov, Albert;Somani, Abishek;Siddiqui, Shahida A.; The impact of alternative nitrogen sources on the growth and viability of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
Schönfeld, Sabrina;Ozkan, Alican;Scarabosio, Laura;Rylander, Marissa Nichole;Kuttler, Christina; Environmental stress level to model tumor cell growth and survival
Uribe-Leitz, Tarsicio;Matsas, Bridget;Dalton, Michael K.;Lutgendorf, Monica A.;Moberg, Esther;Schoenfeld, Andrew J.;Goralnick, Eric;Weissman, Joel S.;Hamlin, Lynette;Cooper, Zara;Koehlmoos, Tracey P.;Jarman, Molly P.; Geospatial Analysis of Access to Emergency Cesarean Delivery for Military and Civilian Populations in the US
;Kocarnik, Jonathan M.;Compton, Kelly;Dean, Frances E.;Fu, Weijia;Gaw, Brian L.;Harvey, James D.;Henrikson, Hannah Jacqueline;Lu, Dan;Pennini, Alyssa;Xu, Rixing;Ababneh, Emad;Abbasi-Kangevari, Mohsen;Abbastabar, Hedayat;Abd-Elsalam, Sherief M.;Abdoli, Amir;Abedi, Aidin;Abidi, Hassan;Abolhassani, Hassan;Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi;Adnani, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah;Advani, Shailesh M.;Afzal, Muhammad Sohail;Aghaali, Mohammad;Ahinkorah, Bright Opoku;Ahmad, Sajjad;Ahmad, Tauseef;Ahmadi, Ali;Ahmadi, Sepideh;Ahmed Rashid, Tarik;Ahmed Salih, Yusra;Akalu, Gizachew Taddesse;Aklilu, Addis;Akram, Tayyaba;Akunna, Chisom Joyqueenet;Al Hamad, Hanadi;Alahdab, Fares;Al-Aly, Ziyad;Ali, Saqib;Alimohamadi, Yousef;Alipour, Vahid;Aljunid, Syed Mohamed;Alkhayyat, Motasem;Almasi-Hashiani, Amir;Almasri, Nihad A.;Al-Maweri, Sadeq Ali Ali;Almustanyir, Sami;Alonso, Nivaldo;Alvis-Guzman, Nelson;Amu, Hubert;Anbesu, Etsay Woldu;Ancuceanu, Robert;Ansari, Fereshteh;Ansari-Moghaddam, Alireza;Antwi, Maxwell Hubert;Anvari, Davood;Anyasodor, Anayochukwu Edward;Aqeel, Muhammad;Arabloo, Jalal;Arab-Zozani, Morteza;Aremu, Olatunde;Ariffin, Hany;Aripov, Timur;Arshad, Muhammad;Artaman, Al;Arulappan, Judie;Asemi, Zatollah;Asghari Jafarabadi, Mohammad;Ashraf, Tahira;Atorkey, Prince;Aujayeb, Avinash;Ausloos, Marcel;Awedew, Atalel Fentahun;Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina;Ayenew, Temesgen;Azab, Mohammed A.;Azadnajafabad, Sina;Azari Jafari, Amirhossein;Azarian, Ghasem;Azzam, Ahmed Y.;Badiye, Ashish D.;Bahadory, Saeed;Baig, Atif Amin;Baker, Jennifer L.;Balakrishnan, Senthilkumar;Banach, Maciej;Bärnighausen, Till Winfried;Barone-Adesi, Francesco;Barra, Fabio;Barrow, Amadou;Behzadifar, Masoud;Belgaumi, Uzma Iqbal;Bezabhe, Woldesellassie M. Mequanint;Bezabih, Yihienew Mequanint;Bhagat, Devidas S.;Bhagavathula, Akshaya Srikanth;Bhardwaj, Nikha;Bhardwaj, Pankaj;Bhaskar, Sonu;Bhattacharyya, Krittika;Bhojaraja, Vijayalakshmi S.;Bibi, Sadia;Bijani, Ali;Biondi, Antonio;Bisignano, Catherine;Bjørge, Tone;Bleyer, Archie;Blyuss, Oleg;Bolarinwa, Obasanjo Afolabi;Bolla, Srinivasa Rao;Braithwaite, Dejana;Brar, Amanpreet;Brenner, Hermann;Bustamante-Teixeira, Maria Teresa;Butt, Nadeem Shafique;Butt, Zahid A.;Caetano dos Santos, Florentino Luciano;Cao, Yin;Carreras, Giulia;Catalá-López, Ferrán;Cembranel, Francieli;Cerin, Ester;Cernigliaro, Achille;Chakinala, Raja Chandra;Chattu, Soosanna Kumary;Chattu, Vijay Kumar;Chaturvedi, Pankaj;Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel;Cho, Daniel Youngwhan;Christopher, Devasahayam J.;Chu, Dinh-Toi;Chung, Michael T.;Conde, Joao;Cortés, Sanda;Cortesi, Paolo Angelo;Costa, Vera Marisa;Cunha, Amanda Ramos;Dadras, Omid;Dagnew, Amare Belachew;Dahlawi, Saad M. A.;Dai, Xiaochen;Dandona, Lalit;Dandona, Rakhi;Darwesh, Aso Mohammad;das Neves, José;De la Hoz, Fernando Pio;Demis, Asmamaw Bizuneh;Denova-Gutiérrez, Edgar;Dhamnetiya, Deepak;Dhimal, Mandira Lamichhane;Dhimal, Meghnath;Dianatinasab, Mostafa;Diaz, Daniel;Djalalinia, Shirin;Do, Huyen Phuc;Doaei, Saeid;Dorostkar, Fariba;dos Santos Figueiredo, Francisco Winter;Driscoll, Tim Robert;Ebrahimi, Hedyeh;Eftekharzadeh, Sahar;El Tantawi, Maha;El-Abid, Hassan;Elbarazi, Iffat;Elhabashy, Hala Rashad;Elhadi, Muhammed;El-Jaafary, Shaimaa I.;Eshrati, Babak;Eskandarieh, Sharareh;Esmaeilzadeh, Firooz;Etemadi, Arash;Ezzikouri, Sayeh;Faisaluddin, Mohammed;Faraon, Emerito Jose A.;Fares, Jawad;Farzadfar, Farshad;Feroze, Abdullah Hamid;Ferrero, Simone;Ferro Desideri, Lorenzo;Filip, Irina;Fischer, Florian;Fisher, James L.;Foroutan, Masoud;Fukumoto, Takeshi;Gaal, Peter Andras;Gad, Mohamed M.;Gadanya, Muktar A.;Gallus, Silvano;Gaspar Fonseca, Mariana;Getachew Obsa, Abera;Ghafourifard, Mansour;Ghashghaee, Ahmad;Ghith, Nermin;Gholamalizadeh, Maryam;Gilani, Syed Amir;Ginindza, Themba G.;Gizaw, Abraham Tamirat T.;Glasbey, James C.;Golechha, Mahaveer;Goleij, Pouya;Gomez, Ricardo Santiago;Gopalani, Sameer Vali;Gorini, Giuseppe;Goudarzi, Houman;Grosso, Giuseppe;Gubari, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohialdeen;Guerra, Maximiliano Ribeiro;Guha, Avirup;Gunasekera, D. Sanjeeva;Gupta, Bhawna;Gupta, Veer Bala;Gupta, Vivek Kumar;Gutiérrez, Reyna Alma;Hafezi-Nejad, Nima;Haider, Mohammad Rifat;Haj-Mirzaian, Arvin;Halwani, Rabih;Hamadeh, Randah R.;Hameed, Sajid;Hamidi, Samer;Hanif, Asif;Haque, Shafiul;Harlianto, Netanja I.;Haro, Josep Maria;Hasaballah, Ahmed I.;Hassanipour, Soheil;Hay, Roderick J.;Hay, Simon I.;Hayat, Khezar;Heidari, Golnaz;Heidari, Mohammad;Herrera-Serna, Brenda Yuliana;Herteliu, Claudiu;Hezam, Kamal;Holla, Ramesh;Hossain, Md Mahbub;Hossain, Mohammad Bellal Hossain;Hosseini, Mohammad-Salar;Hosseini, Mostafa;Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi;Hostiuc, Mihaela;Hostiuc, Sorin;Househ, Mowafa;Hsairi, Mohamed;Huang, Junjie;Hugo, Fernando N.;Hussain, Rabia;Hussein, Nawfal R.;Hwang, Bing-Fang;Iavicoli, Ivo;Ibitoye, Segun Emmanuel;Ida, Fidelia;Ikuta, Kevin S.;Ilesanmi, Olayinka Stephen;Ilic, Irena M.;Ilic, Milena D.;Irham, Lalu Muhammad;Islam, Jessica Y.;Islam, Rakibul M.;Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful;Ismail, Nahlah Elkudssiah;Isola, Gaetano;Iwagami, Masao;Jacob, Louis;Jain, Vardhmaan;Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B.;Javaheri, Tahereh;Jayaram, Shubha;Jazayeri, Seyed Behzad;Jha, Ravi Prakash;Jonas, Jost B.;Joo, Tamas;Joseph, Nitin;Joukar, Farahnaz;Jürisson, Mikk;Kabir, Ali;Kahrizi, Danial;Kalankesh, Leila R.;Kalhor, Rohollah;Kaliyadan, Feroze;Kalkonde, Yogeshwar;Kamath, Ashwin;Kameran Al-Salihi, Nawzad;Kandel, Himal;Kapoor, Neeti;Karch, André;Kasa, Ayele Semachew;Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal;Kauppila, Joonas H.;Kavetskyy, Taras;Kebede, Sewnet Adem;Keshavarz, Pedram;Keykhaei, Mohammad;Khader, Yousef Saleh;Khalilov, Rovshan;Khan, Gulfaraz;Khan, Maseer;Khan, Md Nuruzzaman;Khan, Moien A. B.;Khang, Young-Ho;Khater, Amir M.;Khayamzadeh, Maryam;Kim, Gyu Ri;Kim, Yun Jin;Kisa, Adnan;Kisa, Sezer;Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna;Kopec, Jacek A.;Koteeswaran, Rajasekaran;Koul, Parvaiz A.;Koulmane Laxminarayana, Sindhura Lakshmi;Koyanagi, Ai;Kucuk Bicer, Burcu;Kugbey, Nuworza;Kumar, G. Anil;Kumar, Narinder;Kumar, Nithin;Kurmi, Om P.;Kutluk, Tezer;La Vecchia, Carlo;Lami, Faris Hasan;Landires, Iván;Lauriola, Paolo;Lee, Sang-woong;Lee, Shaun Wen Huey;Lee, Wei-Chen;Lee, Yo Han;Leigh, James;Leong, Elvynna;Li, Jiarui;Li, Ming-Chieh;Liu, Xuefeng;Loureiro, Joana A.;Lunevicius, Raimundas;Magdy Abd El Razek, Muhammed;Majeed, Azeem;Makki, Alaa;Male, Shilpa;Malik, Ahmad Azam;Mansournia, Mohammad Ali;Martini, Santi;Masoumi, Seyedeh Zahra;Mathur, Prashant;McKee, Martin;Mehrotra, Ravi;Mendoza, Walter;Menezes, Ritesh G.;Mengesha, Endalkachew Worku;Mesregah, Mohamed Kamal;Mestrovic, Tomislav;Miao Jonasson, Junmei;Miazgowski, Bartosz;Miazgowski, Tomasz;Michalek, Irmina Maria;Miller, Ted R.;Mirzaei, Hamed;Mirzaei, Hamid Reza;Misra, Sanjeev;Mithra, Prasanna;Moghadaszadeh, Masoud;Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin;Mohammad, Yousef;Mohammadi, Mokhtar;Mohammadi, Seyyede Momeneh;Mohammadian-Hafshejani, Abdollah;Mohammed, Shafiu;Moka, Nagabhishek;Mokdad, Ali H.;Molokhia, Mariam;Monasta, Lorenzo;Moni, Mohammad Ali;Moosavi, Mohammad Amin;Moradi, Yousef;Moraga, Paula;Morgado-da-Costa, Joana;Morrison, Shane Douglas;Mosapour, Abbas;Mubarik, Sumaira;Mwanri, Lillian;Nagarajan, Ahamarshan Jayaraman;Nagaraju, Shankar Prasad;Nagata, Chie;Naimzada, Mukhammad David;Nangia, Vinay;Naqvi, Atta Abbas;Narasimha Swamy, Sreenivas;Ndejjo, Rawlance;Nduaguba, Sabina O.;Negoi, Ionut;Negru, Serban Mircea;Neupane Kandel, Sandhya;Nguyen, Cuong Tat;Nguyen, Huong Lan Thi;Niazi, Robina Khan;Nnaji, Chukwudi A.;Noor, Nurulamin M.;Nuñez-Samudio, Virginia;Nzoputam, Chimezie Igwegbe;Oancea, Bogdan;Ochir, Chimedsuren;Odukoya, Oluwakemi Ololade;Ogbo, Felix Akpojene;Olagunju, Andrew T.;Olakunde, Babayemi Oluwaseun;Omar, Emad;Omar Bali, Ahmed;Omonisi, Abidemi E. Emmanuel;Ong, Sokking;Onwujekwe, Obinna E.;Orru, Hans;Ortega-Altamirano, Doris V.;Otstavnov, Nikita;Otstavnov, Stanislav S.;Owolabi, Mayowa O.;P A, Mahesh;Padubidri, Jagadish Rao;Pakshir, Keyvan;Pana, Adrian;Panagiotakos, Demosthenes;Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra;Pardhan, Shahina;Park, Eun-Cheol;Park, Eun-Kee;Pashazadeh Kan, Fatemeh;Patel, Harsh K.;Patel, Jenil R.;Pati, Siddhartha;Pattanshetty, Sanjay M.;Paudel, Uttam;Pereira, David M.;Pereira, Renato B.;Perianayagam, Arokiasamy;Pillay, Julian David;Pirouzpanah, Saeed;Pishgar, Farhad;Podder, Indrashis;Postma, Maarten J.;Pourjafar, Hadi;Prashant, Akila;Preotescu, Liliana;Rabiee, Mohammad;Rabiee, Navid;Radfar, Amir;Radhakrishnan, Raghu Anekal;Radhakrishnan, Venkatraman;Rafiee, Ata;Rahim, Fakher;Rahimzadeh, Shadi;Rahman, Mosiur;Rahman, Muhammad Aziz;Rahmani, Amir Masoud;Rajai, Nazanin;Rajesh, Aashish;Rakovac, Ivo;Ram, Pradhum;Ramezanzadeh, Kiana;Ranabhat, Kamal;Ranasinghe, Priyanga;Rao, Chythra R.;Rao, Sowmya J.;Rawassizadeh, Reza;Razeghinia, Mohammad Sadegh;Renzaho, Andre M. N.;Rezaei, Negar;Rezaei, Nima;Rezapour, Aziz;Roberts, Thomas J.;Rodriguez, Jefferson Antonio Buendia;Rohloff, Peter;Romoli, Michele;Ronfani, Luca;Roshandel, Gholamreza;Rwegerera, Godfrey M.;S, Manjula;Sabour, Siamak;Saddik, Basema;Saeed, Umar;Sahebkar, Amirhossein;Sahoo, Harihar;Salehi, Sana;Salem, Marwa Rashad;Salimzadeh, Hamideh;Samaei, Mehrnoosh;Samy, Abdallah M.;Sanabria, Juan;Sankararaman, Senthilkumar;Santric-Milicevic, Milena M.;Sardiwalla, Yaeesh;Sarveazad, Arash;Sathian, Brijesh;Sawhney, Monika;Saylan, Mete;Schneider, Ione Jayce Ceola;Sekerija, Mario;Seylani, Allen;Shafaat, Omid;Shaghaghi, Zahra;Shaikh, Masood Ali;Shamsoddin, Erfan;Shannawaz, Mohammed;Sharma, Rajesh;Sheikh, Aziz;Sheikhbahaei, Sara;Shetty, Adithi;Shetty, Jeevan K.;Shetty, Pavanchand H.;Shibuya, Kenji;Shirkoohi, Reza;Shivakumar, K. M.;Shivarov, Velizar;Siabani, Soraya;Siddappa Malleshappa, Sudeep K.;Silva, Diego Augusto Santos;Singh, Jasvinder A.;Sintayehu, Yitagesu;Skryabin, Valentin Yurievich;Skryabina, Anna Aleksandrovna;Soeberg, Matthew J.;Sofi-Mahmudi, Ahmad;Sotoudeh, Houman;Steiropoulos, Paschalis;Straif, Kurt;Subedi, Ranjeeta;Sufiyan, Mu'awiyyah Babale;Sultan, Iyad;Sultana, Saima;Sur, Daniel;Szerencsés, Viktória;Szócska, Miklós;Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael;Tabuchi, Takahiro;Tadbiri, Hooman;Taherkhani, Amir;Takahashi, Ken;Talaat, Iman M.;Tan, Ker-Kan;Tat, Vivian Y.;Tedla, Bemnet Amare A.;Tefera, Yonas Getaye;Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash;Temsah, Mohamad-Hani;Tesfay, Fisaha Haile;Tessema, Gizachew Assefa;Thapar, Rekha;Thavamani, Aravind;Thoguluva Chandrasekar, Viveksandeep;Thomas, Nihal;Tohidinik, Hamid Reza;Touvier, Mathilde;Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto;Traini, Eugenio;Tran, Bach Xuan;Tran, Khanh Bao;Tran, Mai Thi Ngoc;Tripathy, Jaya Prasad;Tusa, Biruk Shalmeno;Ullah, Irfan;Ullah, Saif;Umapathi, Krishna Kishore;Unnikrishnan, Bhaskaran;Upadhyay, Era;Vacante, Marco;Vaezi, Maryam;Valadan Tahbaz, Sahel;Velazquez, Diana Zuleika;Veroux, Massimiliano;Violante, Francesco S.;Vlassov, Vasily;Vo, Bay;Volovici, Victor;Vu, Giang Thu;Waheed, Yasir;Wamai, Richard G.;Ward, Paul;Wen, Yi Feng;Westerman, Ronny;Winkler, Andrea Sylvia;Yadav, Lalit;Yahyazadeh Jabbari, Seyed Hossein;Yang, Lin;Yaya, Sanni;Yazie, Taklo Simeneh Yazie;Yeshaw, Yigizie;Yonemoto, Naohiro;Younis, Mustafa Z.;Yousefi, Zabihollah;Yu, Chuanhua;Yuce, Deniz;Yunusa, Ismaeel;Zadnik, Vesna;Zare, Fariba;Zastrozhin, Mikhail Sergeevich;Zastrozhina, Anasthasia;Zhang, Jianrong;Zhong, Chenwen;Zhou, Linghui;Zhu, Cong;Ziapour, Arash;Zimmermann, Ivan R.;Fitzmaurice, Christina;Murray, Christopher J. L.;Force, Lisa M.; Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 2019
Taipale, Heidi;Schneider-Thoma, Johannes;Pinzón-Espinosa, Justo;Radua, Joaquim;Efthimiou, Orestis;Vinkers, Christiaan H.;Mittendorfer-Rutz, Ellenor;Cardoner, Narcís;Pintor, Luis;Tanskanen, Antti;Tomlinson, Anneka;Fusar-Poli, Paolo;Cipriani, Andrea;Vieta, Eduard;Leucht, Stefan;Tiihonen, Jari;Luykx, Jurjen J.; Representation and Outcomes of Individuals With Schizophrenia Seen in Everyday Practice Who Are Ineligible for Randomized Clinical Trials
Koutsouleris, Nikolaos;Pantelis, Christos;Velakoulis, Dennis;McGuire, Philip;Dwyer, Dominic B.;Urquijo-Castro, Maria-Fernanda;Paul, Riya;Dong, Sen;Popovic, David;Oeztuerk, Oemer;Kambeitz, Joseph;Salokangas, Raimo K. R.;Hietala, Jarmo;Bertolino, Alessandro;Brambilla, Paolo;Upthegrove, Rachel;Wood, Stephen J.;Lencer, Rebekka;Borgwardt, Stefan;Maj, Carlo;Nöthen, Markus;Degenhardt, Franziska;Polyakova, Maryna;Mueller, Karsten;Villringer, Arno;Danek, Adrian;Fassbender, Klaus;Fliessbach, Klaus;Jahn, Holger;Kornhuber, Johannes;Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard;Anderl-Straub, Sarah;Prudlo, Johannes;Synofzik, Matthis;Wiltfang, Jens;Riedl, Lina;Diehl-Schmid, Janine;Otto, Markus;Meisenzahl, Eva;Falkai, Peter;Schroeter, Matthias L.;Haas, Shalaila;Hasan, Alkomiet;Hoff, Claudius;Khanyaree, Ifrah;Melo, Aylin;Muckenhuber-Sternbauer, Susanna;Köhler, Yanis;Öztürk, Ömer;Penzel, Nora;Rangnick, Adrian;von Saldern, Sebastian;Spangemacher, Moritz;Tupac, Ana;Weiske, Johanna;Wosgien, Antonia;Krämer, Camilla;Blume, Karsten;Hedderich, Dennis;Julkowski, Dominika;Kaiser, Nathalie;Lichtenstein, Thorsten;Milz, Ruth;Nikolaides, Alexandra;Pilgram, Tanja;Seves, Mauro;Wassen, Martina;Andreou, Christina;Egloff, Laura;Harrisberger, Fabienne;Heitz, Ulrike;Lenz, Claudia;Leanza, Letizia;Mackintosh, Amatya;Smieskova, Renata;Studerus, Erich;Walter, Anna;Widmayer, Sonja;Day, Chris;Lowri Griffiths, Sian;Iqbal, Mariam;Pelton, Mirabel;Mallikarjun, Pavan;Stainton, Alexandra;Lin, Ashleigh;Lalousis, Paris;Denissoff, Alexander;Ellilä, Anu;From, Tiina;Heinimaa, Markus;Ilonen, Tuula;Jalo, Päivi;Laurikainen, Heikki;Luutonen, Antti;Mäkela, Akseli;Paju, Janina;Pesonen, Henri;Säilä, Reetta-Liina;Toivonen, Anna;Turtonen, Otto;Botterweck, Sonja;Kluthausen, Norman;Antoch, Gerald;Caspers, Julian;Wittsack, Hans-Jörg;Blasi, Giuseppe;Pergola, Giulio;Caforio, Grazia;Fazio, Leonardo;Quarto, Tiziana;Gelao, Barbara;Romano, Raffaella;Andriola, Ileana;Falsetti, Andrea;Barone, Marina;Passiatore, Roberta;Sangiuliano, Marina;Surmann, Marian;Bienek, Olga;Dannlowski, Udo;Solana, Ana Beatriz;Abraham, Manuela;Schirmer, Timo;Ferro, Adele;Re, Marta;Sberna, Maurizio;D’Agostino, Armando;Del Fabro, Lorenzo;Perna, Giampaolo;Nobile, Maria;Balestrieri, Matteo;Bonivento, Carolina;Cabras, Giuseppe;Fabbro, Franco;Delvecchio, Giuseppe;Maggioni, Eleonora ;Squarcina, Letizia ;Gritti, Davide;Rossetti, Maria Gloria;Ferrari, Raffaele;Hernandez, Dena;Nalls, Michael;Rohrer, Jonathan;Ramasamy, Adaikalavan;Kwok, John;Dobson-Stone, Carol;Brooks, William;Schofield, Peter;Halliday, Glenda;Hodges, John;Piguet, Olivier;Bartley, Lauren;Thompson, Elizabeth;Hernández, Isabel;Ruiz, Agustín;Boada, Mercè;Borroni, Barbara;Padovani, Alessandro;Cruchaga, Carlos;Cairns, Nigel;Benussi, Luisa;Binetti, Giuliano;Ghidoni, Roberta;Forloni, Gianluigi;Albani, Diego;Galimberti, Daniela;Fenoglio, Chiara;Serpente, Maria;Scarpini, Elio;Clarimón, Jordi;Lleó, Alberto;Blesa, Rafael;Landqvist Waldö, Maria;Nilsson, Karin;Nilsson, Christer;Mackenzie, Ian;Hsiung, Ging-Yuek;Mann, David;Grafman, Jordan;Morris, Christopher;Attems, Johannes;McKeith, Ian;Thomas, Alan;Pietrini, Pietro;Huey, Edward;Wassermann, Eric;Baborie, Atik;Jaros, Evelyn;Tierney, Michael;Pastor, Pau;Razquin, Cristina;Ortega-Cubero, Sara;Alonso, Elena;Perneczky, Robert;Alexopoulos, Panagiotis;Kurz, Alexander;Rainero, Innocenzo;Rubino, Elisa;Pinessi, Lorenzo;Rogaeva, Ekaterina;George-Hyslop, Peter;Rossi, Giacomina;Tagliavini, Fabrizio;Giaccone, Giorgio;Rowe, James;Schlachetzki, Johannes;Uphill, James;Collinge, John;Mead, Simon;Van Deerlin, Vivianna;Marschhauser, Anke;Regenbrecht, Frank;Thoene-Otto, Angelika;Gordulla, Jannis;Ballarini, Tommaso;Engel, Annerose;Pino, Daniele;Leuthold, Dominique;Naumann, Heike;Grossman, Murray;Trojanowski, John Q;van der Zee, Julie;Van Broeckhofen, Christine;Cappa, Stefano F;Le Ber, Isabelle;Hannequin, Didier;Golfier, Véronique;Vercelletto, Martine;Brice, Alexis;Nacmias, Benedetta;Sorbi, Sandro;Bagnoli, Silvia;Piaceri, Irene;Nielsen, Jørgen E;Hjermind, Lena E;Riemenschneider, Matthias;Mayhaus, Manuel;Ibach, Bernd;Gasparoni, Gilles;Pichler, Sabrina;Gu, Wei;Rossor, Martin N;Fox, Nick C;Warren, Jason D;Spillantini, Maria Grazia;Morris, Huw R;Rizzu, Patrizia;Heutink, Peter;Snowden, Julie S;Rollinson, Sara;Richardson, Anna;Gerhard, Alexander;Bruni, Amalia C;Maletta, Raffaele;Frangipane, Francesca;Cupidi, Chiara;Bernardi, Livia;Anfossi, Maria;Gallo, Maura;Conidi, Maria Elena;Smirne, Nicoletta;Rademakers, Rosa;Baker, Matt;Dickson, Dennis W;Graff-Radford, Neill R;Petersen, Ronald C;Knopman, David;Josephs, Keith A;Boeve, Bradley F;Parisi, Joseph E;Seeley, William W;Miller, Bruce L;Karydas, Anna M;Rosen, Howard;van Swieten, John C;Dopper, Elise GP;Seelaar, Harro;Pijnenburg, Yolande AL;Scheltens, Philip;Logroscino, Giancarlo;Capozzo, Rosa;Novelli, Valeria;Puca, Annibale A;Franceschi, Massimo;Postiglione, Alfredo;Milan, Graziella;Sorrentino, Paolo;Kristiansen, Mark;Chiang, Huei-Hsin;Graff, Caroline;Pasquier, Florence;Rollin, Adeline;Deramecourt, Vincent;Lebouvier, Thibaud;Kapogiannis, Dimitrios;Ferrucci, Luigi;Pickering-Brown, Stuart;Singleton, Andrew B;Hardy, John;Momeni, Parastoo;Barthel, Henryk;Elisa, Semler;Jolina, Lombardi;Christine, von Arnim;Felix, Oberahauser;Kai, Schumacher;Jan, Lehmbeck;Juan-Manuel, Maler;Tanja, Richter-Schmidinger;Anke, Hammer-Kaspereit;Timo, Oberstein;Felix, Müller-Sarnowski;Carola, Roßmeier;Albert, Ludolph;Jan, Kassubek;Anja, Schneider;Johannes, Levin;; Exploring Links Between Psychosis and Frontotemporal Dementia Using Multimodal Machine Learning
Kaufmann, Elisabeth;Rojczyk, Philine;Sydnor, Valerie J.;Guenette, Jeffrey P.;Tripodis, Yorghos;Kaufmann, David;Umminger, Lisa;Seitz-Holland, Johanna;Sollmann, Nico;Rathi, Yogesh;Bouix, Sylvain;Fortier, Catherine B.;Salat, David;Pasternak, Ofer;Hinds, Sidney R.;Milberg, William P.;McGlinchey, Regina E.;Shenton, Martha E.;Koerte, Inga K.; Association of War Zone–Related Stress With Alterations in Limbic Gray Matter Microstructure
Sorg, Anna-Lisa;Becht, Selina;Jank, Marietta;Armann, Jakob;von Both, Ulrich;Hufnagel, Markus;Lander, Fabian;Liese, Johannes G.;Niehues, Tim;Verjans, Eva;Wetzke, Martin;Stojanov, Silvia;Behrends, Uta;Drosten, Christian;Schroten, Horst;von Kries, Rüdiger; Association of SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Among Children and Adolescents in Germany
Ferreira, João Pedro;Zannad, Faiez;Butler, Javed;Filippatos, Gerasimos;Pocock, Stuart J.;Brueckmann, Martina;Steubl, Dominik;Schueler, Elke;Anker, Stefan D.;Packer, Milton; Association of Empagliflozin Treatment With Albuminuria Levels in Patients With Heart Failure
Ostrowitzki, Susanne;Bittner, Tobias;Sink, Kaycee M.;Mackey, Howard;Rabe, Christina;Honig, Lawrence S.;Cassetta, Emanuele;Woodward, Michael;Boada, Mercè;van Dyck, Christopher H.;Grimmer, Timo;Selkoe, Dennis J.;Schneider, Andres;Blondeau, Kathleen;Hu, Nan;Quartino, Angelica;Clayton, David;Dolton, Michael;Dang, Yifan;Ostaszewski, Beth;Sanabria-Bohórquez, Sandra M.;Rabbia, Michael;Toth, Balazs;Eichenlaub, Udo;Smith, Jillian;Honigberg, Lee A.;Doody, Rachelle S.; Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Crenezumab vs Placebo in Adults With Early Alzheimer Disease
Weber, Ute;Attinger, Sabine;Baschek, Burkard;Boike, Julia;Borchardt, Dietrich;Brix, Holger;Brüggemann, Nicolas;Bussmann, Ingeborg;Dietrich, Peter;Fischer, Philipp;Greinert, Jens;Hajnsek, Irena;Kamjunke, Norbert;Kerschke, Dorit;Kiendler-Scharr, Astrid;Körtzinger, Arne;Kottmeier, Christoph;Merz, Bruno;Merz, Ralf;Riese, Martin;Schloter, Michael;Schmid, HaPe;Schnitzler, Jörg-Peter;Sachs, Torsten;Schütze, Claudia;Tillmann, Ralf;Vereecken, Harry;Wieser, Andreas;Teutsch, Georg; MOSES: A Novel Observation System to Monitor Dynamic Events across Earth Compartments
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Eisenhut, F.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gautam, A.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guardiano, G. G.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, S. P.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Halimoglu, G.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hutson, A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Jalotra, A.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-ness, H. A.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F.;Silvermyr, D.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Cruz-Torres, R.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Weelden, R. J. G. V.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Measurement of Prompt D0 , Λc+ , and Σc0,++(2455) Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at s=13TeV
Li, Y.;Cui, J. X.;Jia, S.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Ahn, J. K.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Bonvicini, G.;Borah, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dossett, D.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Frey, A.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kawasaki, T.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kuhr, T.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lai, Y.-T.;Lam, T.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Martini, A.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Meier, F.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Singh, J. B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Werbycka, O.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yuan, C. Z.;Zhai, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Measurements of the branching fractions of Ξc0ΛKS0 , Ξc0Σ0KS0 , and Ξc0Σ+K decays at Belle
Waheed, E.;Urquijo, P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Borah, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Graziani, E.;Gu, T.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Kichimi, H.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lai, Y.-T.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Passeri, A.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Simon, F.;Singh, J. B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Varvell, K. E.;Vinokurova, A.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Study of B¯0D+h(h=K/π) decays at Belle
Bhuyan, B.;Nath, K. J.;Borah, J.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Badhrees, I.;Bakich, A. M.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, K.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Dash, N.;Di Capua, F.;Di Carlo, S.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dubey, S.;Eidelman, S.;Fast, J. E.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Haba, J.;Hara, T.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joffe, D.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, H. J.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, S. H.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Korpar, S.;Kotchetkov, D.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, R.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, J. K.;Lee, J. Y.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Lu, P.-C.;Luo, T.;MacNaughton, J.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Miyata, H.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mori, T.;Mussa, R.;Nakano, T.;Nakao, M.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pal, B.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Ritter, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Russo, G.;Sakai, Y.;Salehi, M.;Sandilya, S.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schneider, O.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shebalin, V.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vossen, A.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yusa, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for the decay Bs0ηη
Alexeev, G. D.;Alexeev, M. G.;Amoroso, A.;Andrieux, V.;Anosov, V.;Augsten, K.;Augustyniak, W.;Azevedo, C. D. R.;Badełek, B.;Balestra, F.;Ball, M.;Barth, J.;Beck, R.;Bedfer, Y.;Berenguer Antequera, J.;Bernhard, J.;Bodlak, M.;Bradamante, F.;Bressan, A.;Burtsev, V. E.;Chang, W.-C.;Chatterjee, C.;Chiosso, M.;Chumakov, A. G.;Chung, S.-U.;Cicuttin, A.;Correia, P. M. M.;Crespo, M. L.;D’Ago, D.;Dalla Torre, S.;Dasgupta, S. S.;Dasgupta, S.;Denisenko, I.;Denisov, O. Yu.;Donskov, S. V.;Doshita, N.;Dreisbach, Ch.;Dünnweber, W.;Dusaev, R. R.;Efremov, A.;Eremeev, D.;Eversheim, P. D.;Faccioli, P.;Faessler, M.;Finger, M.;Finger, M.;Fischer, H.;Floethner, K.;Franco, C.;Friedrich, J. M.;Frolov, V.;Garcia Ordonez, L.;Gautheron, F.;Gavrichtchouk, O. P.;Gerassimov, S.;Giarra, J.;Giordano, D.;Gorzellik, M.;Grasso, A.;Gridin, A.;Grosse Perdekamp, M.;Grube, B.;Grüner, M.;Guskov, A.;Haas, F.;von Harrach, D.;Heitz, R.;Hoffmann, M.;Horikawa, N.;d’Hose, N.;Hsieh, C.-Y.;Huber, S.;Ishimoto, S.;Ivanov, A.;Iwata, T.;Jandek, M.;Jary, V.;Joosten, R.;Kabuß, E.;Kaspar, F.;Kerbizi, A.;Ketzer, B.;Khaustov, G. V.;Khokhlov, Yu. A.;Kisselev, Yu.;Klein, F.;Koivuniemi, J. H.;Kolosov, V. N.;Konorov, I.;Konstantinov, V. F.;Kotzinian, A. M.;Kouznetsov, O. M.;Koval, A.;Kral, Z.;Krinner, F.;Kunne, F.;Kurek, K.;Kurjata, R. P.;Kveton, A.;Lavickova, K.;Levorato, S.;Lian, Y.-S.;Lichtenstadt, J.;Lin, P.-J.;Longo, R.;Lyubovitskij, V. E.;Maggiora, A.;Magnon, A.;Makins, N.;Makke, N.;Mallot, G. K.;Maltsev, A.;Mamon, S. A.;Marianski, B.;Martin, A.;Marzec, J.;Matoušek, J.;Matsuda, T.;Mattson, G.;Metzger, F.;Meyer, M.;Meyer, W.;Mikhailov, Yu. V.;Mikhasenko, M.;Mitrofanov, E.;Miyachi, Y.;Moretti, A.;Nagaytsev, A.;Naim, C.;Neyret, D.;Nový, J.;Nowak, W.-D.;Nukazuka, G.;Olshevsky, A. G.;Ostrick, M.;Panzieri, D.;Parsamyan, B.;Paul, S.;Pekeler, H.;Peng, J.-C.;Pešek, M.;Peshekhonov, D. V.;Pešková, M.;Pierre, N.;Platchkov, S.;Pochodzalla, J.;Polyakov, V. A.;Pretz, J.;Quaresma, M.;Quintans, C.;Reicherz, G.;Riedl, C.;Rudnicki, T.;Ryabchikov, D. I.;Rychter, A.;Rymbekova, A.;Samoylenko, V. D.;Sandacz, A.;Sarkar, S.;Savin, I. A.;Sbrizzai, G.;Schmeing, S.;Schmieden, H.;Selyunin, A.;Sharko, K.;Sinha, L.;Slunecka, M.;Spülbeck, D.;Srnka, A.;Steffen, D.;Stolarski, M.;Subrt, O.;Sulc, M.;Suzuki, H.;Tessaro, S.;Tessarotto, F.;Thiel, A.;Tomsa, J.;Tosello, F.;Townsend, A.;Triloki, T.;Tskhay, V.;Uhl, S.;Valinoti, B.;Vauth, A.;Veit, B. M.;Veloso, J.;Ventura, B.;Vidon, A.;Virius, M.;Wagner, M.;Wallner, S.;Zaremba, K.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zemko, M.;Zemlyanichkina, E.;Zhao, Y.;Ziembicki, M.; Exotic meson π1(1600) with JPC=1+ and its decay into ρ(770)π
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Adolfsson, J.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Berenyi, D.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Caffarri, D.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Damas, F. P. A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gautam, A.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, J.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guardiano, G. G.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, S. P.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Halimoglu, G.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Huang, C.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hutson, A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Jalotra, A.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pazzini, J.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-ness, H. A.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rode, S. P.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F.;Silvermyr, D.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Torres, R. C.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Weelden, R. J. G. V.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
Boillos, J. M.;Cortina-Gil, D.;Benlliure, J.;Rodríguez-Sánchez, J. L.;Alvarez-Pol, H.;Atar, L.;Aumann, T.;Avdeichikov, V. V.;Beceiro-Novo, S.;Bemmerer, D.;Bertulani, C. A.;Boretzky, K.;Borge, M. J. G.;Caamaño, M.;Caesar, C.;Casarejos, E.;Catford, W.;Cederkall, J.;Chartier, M.;Chulkov, L.;Cravo, E.;Crespo, R. N. P.;Dillmann, I.;Díaz Fernández, P.;Elekes, Z.;Enders, J.;Ershova, O.;Estrade, A.;Farinon, F.;Fraile, L. M.;Freer, M.;Galaviz Redondo, D.;Geissel, H.;Gernhäuser, R.;Golubev, P.;Göbel, K.;Hagdahl, J.;Heftrich, T.;Heil, M.;Heine, M.;Heinz, A.;Henriques, A.;Holl, M.;Hufnagel, A.;Ignatov, A.;Johansson, H. T.;Jonson, B.;Kahlbow, J.;Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.;Kanungo, R.;Kelic-Heil, A.;Knyazev, A.;Kröll, T.;Kurz, N.;Labiche, M.;Langer, C.;Le Bleis, T.;Lemmon, R.;Lindberg, S.;Machado, J. F. D. C.;Marganiec, J.;Movsesyan, A.;Nacher, E.;Najafi, M. A.;Nilsson, T.;Nociforo, C.;Panin, V.;Paschalis, S.;Perea, A.;Petri, M.;Pietri, S.;Plag, R.;Reifarth, R.;Ribeiro, G.;Rigollet, C.;Rossi, D. M.;Röder, M.;Savran, D.;Scheit, H.;Simon, H.;Sorlin, O.;Syndikus, I. J.;Taylor, J. T.;Tengblad, O.;Thies, R.;Togano, Y.;Vandebrouck, M.;Velho, P. J. F.;Volkov, V.;Wagner, A.;Wamers, F.;Weick, H.;Wheldon, C.;Wilson, G. L.;Winfield, J. S.;Woods, P.;Yakorev, D.;Zhukov, M.;Zilges, A.;Zuber, K.;; Isotopic cross sections of fragmentation residues produced by light projectiles on carbon near 400A MeV
Malbrunot-Ettenauer, S.;Kaufmann, S.;Bacca, S.;Barbieri, C.;Billowes, J.;Bissell, M. L.;Blaum, K.;Cheal, B.;Duguet, T.;Ruiz, R. F. Garcia;Gins, W.;Gorges, C.;Hagen, G.;Heylen, H.;Holt, J. D.;Jansen, G. R.;Kanellakopoulos, A.;Kortelainen, M.;Miyagi, T.;Navrátil, P.;Nazarewicz, W.;Neugart, R.;Neyens, G.;Nörtershäuser, W.;Novario, S. J.;Papenbrock, T.;Ratajczyk, T.;Reinhard, P.-G.;Rodríguez, L. V.;Sánchez, R.;Sailer, S.;Schwenk, A.;Simonis, J.;Somà, V.;Stroberg, S. R.;Wehner, L.;Wraith, C.;Xie, L.;Xu, Z. Y.;Yang, X. F.;Yordanov, D. T.; Nuclear Charge Radii of the Nickel Isotopes Ni5868,70
Rose, Félix;Schmidt, Richard; Disorder in order: Localization without randomness in a cold-atom system
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;An, R.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Ashida, Y.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;Balagopal V., A.;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K.-H.;Becker Tjus, J.;Bellenghi, C.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Boddenberg, M.;Bontempo, F.;Borowka, J.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Browne, S.;Burgman, A.;Burley, R. T.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Carnie-Bronca, E. G.;Chen, C.;Chen, Z.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, K.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dappen, C.;Dave, P.;De Clercq, C.;DeLaunay, J. J.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Dharani, S.;Diaz, A.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Dittmer, M.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Erpenbeck, H.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fan, K. L.;Fazely, A. R.;Feigl, N.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garcia, A.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glaser, C.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Grégoire, T.;Griswold, S.;Gündüz, M.;Günther, C.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Ha Minh, M.;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Harnisch, A. A.;Haungs, A.;Hauser, S.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hettinger, E. C.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hoinka, T.;Hokanson-Fasig, B.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Kontrimas, T.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Kozynets, T.;Kun, E.;Kurahashi, N.;Lad, N.;Lagunas Gualda, C.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Lee, J. W.;Leonard, K.;Leszczyńska, A.;Li, Y.;Lincetto, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Liubarska, M.;Lohfink, E.;Lozano Mariscal, C. J.;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mancina, S.;Mariş, I. C.;Maruyama, R.;Mase, K.;McElroy, T.;McNally, F.;Mead, J. V.;Meagher, K.;Mechbal, S.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Nguyễn, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Obertacke Pollmann, A.;Oehler, M.;Oeyen, B.;Olivas, A.;O’Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Paul, L.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Peters, L.;Peterson, J.;Philippen, S.;Pieloth, D.;Pieper, S.;Pittermann, M.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Prado Rodriguez, M.;Price, P. B.;Pries, B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rehman, A.;Reichherzer, P.;Reimann, R.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Roberts, E. J.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk Cantu, D.;Safa, I.;Saffer, J.;Sanchez Herrera, S. E.;Sandrock, A.;Sandroos, J.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Scharf, M.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schindler, S.;Schlunder, P.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Schwefer, G.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Sharma, A.;Shefali, S.;Silva, M.;Skrzypek, B.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spannfellner, C.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Steuer, A.;Stezelberger, T.;Stürwald, T.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Tenholt, F.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tomankova, L.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Unland Elorrieta, M. A.;Valtonen-Mattila, N.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Verpoest, S.;Walck, C.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weigel, P.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Yanez, J. P.;Yoshida, S.;Yu, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.;; Search for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with Eight Years of IceCube Data
Hafner, D.;Khanenko, P.;Eljaouhari, E.-O.;Küchler, R.;Banda, J.;Bannor, N.;Lühmann, T.;Landaeta, J. F.;Mishra, S.;Sheikin, I.;Hassinger, E.;Khim, S.;Geibel, C.;Zwicknagl, G.;Brando, M.; Possible Quadrupole Density Wave in the Superconducting Kondo Lattice CeRh2As2
Jia, S.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Bonvicini, G.;Borah, J.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Graziani, E.;Guan, Y.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hara, T.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hou, W.-S.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Kawasaki, T.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Kohani, S.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lam, T.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Martini, A.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Maurya, S. K.;Meier, F.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Narwal, D.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Singh, J. B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Stanič, S.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uehara, S.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, D.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yusa, Y.;Zhai, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for a Light Higgs Boson in Single-Photon Decays of ϒ(1S) Using ϒ(2S)π+πϒ(1S) Tagging Method
Alvey, James;Escudero, Miguel;Sabti, Nashwan;Schwetz, Thomas; Cosmic neutrino background detection in large-neutrino-mass cosmologies
Agostini, M.;Altenmüller, K.;Appel, S.;Atroshchenko, V.;Bagdasarian, Z.;Basilico, D.;Bellini, G.;Benziger, J.;Biondi, R.;Bravo, D.;Caccianiga, B.;Calaprice, F.;Caminata, A.;Cavalcante, P.;Chepurnov, A.;D’Angelo, D.;Davini, S.;Derbin, A.;Di Giacinto, A.;Di Marcello, V.;Ding, X. F.;Di Ludovico, A.;Di Noto, L.;Drachnev, I.;Formozov, A.;Franco, D.;Galbiati, C.;Ghiano, C.;Giammarchi, M.;Goretti, A.;Göttel, A. S.;Gromov, M.;Guffanti, D.;Ianni, Aldo;Ianni, Andrea;Jany, A.;Jeschke, D.;Kobychev, V.;Korga, G.;Kumaran, S.;Laubenstein, M.;Litvinovich, E.;Lombardi, P.;Lomskaya, I.;Ludhova, L.;Lukyanchenko, G.;Lukyanchenko, L.;Machulin, I.;Martyn, J.;Meroni, E.;Meyer, M.;Miramonti, L.;Misiaszek, M.;Muratova, V.;Neumair, B.;Nieslony, M.;Nugmanov, R.;Oberauer, L.;Orekhov, V.;Ortica, F.;Pallavicini, M.;Papp, L.;Pelicci, L.;Penek, Ö.;Pietrofaccia, L.;Pilipenko, N.;Pocar, A.;Raikov, G.;Ranalli, M. T.;Ranucci, G.;Razeto, A.;Re, A.;Redchuk, M.;Romani, A.;Rossi, N.;Schönert, S.;Semenov, D.;Settanta, G.;Skorokhvatov, M.;Singhal, A.;Smirnov, O.;Sotnikov, A.;Suvorov, Y.;Tartaglia, R.;Testera, G.;Thurn, J.;Unzhakov, E.;Vishneva, A.;Vogelaar, R. B.;von Feilitzsch, F.;Wessel, A.;Wojcik, M.;Wonsak, B.;Wurm, M.;Zavatarelli, S.;Zuber, K.;Zuzel, G.;; Correlated and integrated directionality for sub-MeV solar neutrinos in Borexino
Agostini, M.;Altenmüller, K.;Appel, S.;Atroshchenko, V.;Bagdasarian, Z.;Basilico, D.;Bellini, G.;Benziger, J.;Biondi, R.;Bravo, D.;Caccianiga, B.;Calaprice, F.;Caminata, A.;Cavalcante, P.;Chepurnov, A.;D’Angelo, D.;Davini, S.;Derbin, A.;Di Giacinto, A.;Di Marcello, V.;Ding, X. F.;Di Ludovico, A.;Di Noto, L.;Drachnev, I.;Formozov, A.;Franco, D.;Galbiati, C.;Ghiano, C.;Giammarchi, M.;Goretti, A.;Göttel, A. S.;Gromov, M.;Guffanti, D.;Ianni, Aldo;Ianni, Andrea;Jany, A.;Jeschke, D.;Kobychev, V.;Korga, G.;Kumaran, S.;Laubenstein, M.;Litvinovich, E.;Lombardi, P.;Lomskaya, I.;Ludhova, L.;Lukyanchenko, G.;Lukyanchenko, L.;Machulin, I.;Martyn, J.;Meroni, E.;Meyer, M.;Miramonti, L.;Misiaszek, M.;Muratova, V.;Neumair, B.;Nieslony, M.;Nugmanov, R.;Oberauer, L.;Orekhov, V.;Ortica, F.;Pallavicini, M.;Papp, L.;Pelicci, L.;Penek, Ö.;Pietrofaccia, L.;Pilipenko, N.;Pocar, A.;Raikov, G.;Ranalli, M. T.;Ranucci, G.;Razeto, A.;Re, A.;Redchuk, M.;Romani, A.;Rossi, N.;Schönert, S.;Semenov, D.;Settanta, G.;Skorokhvatov, M.;Singhal, A.;Smirnov, O.;Sotnikov, A.;Suvorov, Y.;Tartaglia, R.;Testera, G.;Thurn, J.;Unzhakov, E.;Vishneva, A.;Vogelaar, R. B.;von Feilitzsch, F.;Wessel, A.;Wojcik, M.;Wonsak, B.;Wurm, M.;Zavatarelli, S.;Zuber, K.;Zuzel, G.;; First Directional Measurement of Sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos with Borexino
Hadjivasiliou, C.;Fulsom, B. G.;Strube, J. F.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Babu, V.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bhardwaj, V.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bodrov, D.;Borah, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;De Pietro, G.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dossett, D.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Kahn, J.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lee, S. C.;Li, L. K.;Li, S. X.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Park, S.-H.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Shapkin, M.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Simon, F.;Singh, J. B.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, S.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Wang, X. L.;Watanuki, S.;Wood, L.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Search for B0 meson decays into Λ and missing energy with a hadronic tagging method at Belle
Sbresny, Friedrich;Hanschke, Lukas;Schöll, Eva;Rauhaus, William;Scaparra, Bianca;Boos, Katarina;Zubizarreta Casalengua, Eduardo;Riedl, Hubert;del Valle, Elena;Finley, Jonathan J.;Jöns, Klaus D.;Müller, Kai; Stimulated Generation of Indistinguishable Single Photons from a Quantum Ladder System
Garny, Mathias;Heisig, Jan; Bound-state effects on dark matter coannihilation: Pushing the boundaries of conversion-driven freeze-out
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheng, T.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cruz-Torres, R.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Eisenhut, F.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gautam, A.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guardiano, G. G.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Guo, W.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, S. P.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Halimoglu, G.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hou, Y.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hutson, A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Jalotra, A.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jimenez, A. A. P.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, D. H.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Molander, M. A.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oya, M.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-ness, H. A.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F.;Silvermyr, D.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Sukhanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tapia Takaki, J. D.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Weelden, R. J. G. V.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yadav, A. K.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, B.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Measurement of the Groomed Jet Radius and Momentum Splitting Fraction in pp and Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02TeV
Bauer, A.;Senyshyn, A.;Bozhanova, R.;Simeth, W.;Franz, C.;Gottlieb-Schönmeyer, S.;Meven, M.;Schrader, T. E.;Pfleiderer, C.; Magnetic properties of the noncentrosymmetric tetragonal antiferromagnet EuPtSi3
Brambilla, Nora;Leino, Viljami;Philipsen, Owe;Reisinger, Christian;Vairo, Antonio;Wagner, Marc; Lattice gauge theory computation of the static force
Baur, Alexander;Nilles, Hans Peter;Ramos-Sánchez, Saúl;Trautner, Andreas;Vaudrevange, Patrick K. S.; Top-down anatomy of flavor symmetry breakdown
Boettner, Christopher;Boers, Niklas; Critical slowing down in dynamical systems driven by nonstationary correlated noise
Hashizume, Tomohiro;McCulloch, Ian P.;Halimeh, Jad C.; Dynamical phase transitions in the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising model
Scholl, P.;Williams, H. J.;Bornet, G.;Wallner, F.;Barredo, D.;Henriet, L.;Signoles, A.;Hainaut, C.;Franz, T.;Geier, S.;Tebben, A.;Salzinger, A.;Zürn, G.;Lahaye, T.;Weidemüller, M.;Browaeys, A.; Microwave Engineering of Programmable XXZ Hamiltonians in Arrays of Rydberg Atoms
Chen, Y.-C.;Lee, Y.-J.;Chang, P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bilka, T.;Bodrov, D.;Borah, J.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chekelian, V.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Cinabro, D.;Das, S.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Dong, T. V.;Dossett, D.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Gu, T.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inami, K.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lai, Y.-T.;Lam, T.;Lange, J. S.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, Y.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Lin, C.-W.;Liventsev, D.;Martini, A.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Meier, F.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mohanty, G. B.;Moon, T. J.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Nishimura, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schwanda, C.;Seidl, R.;Seino, Y.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Shiu, J.-G.;Singh, J. B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Vossen, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, D.;Wang, E.;Wang, X. L.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Zhai, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations of Hadrons in e+e Collisions at Belle
Kaiser, Norbert;Lin, Yong-Hui;Meißner, Ulf-G.; Radiative corrections to elastic muon-proton scattering at low momentum transfers
Benka, Georg;Bauer, Andreas;Schmakat, Philipp;Säubert, Steffen;Seifert, Marc;Jorba, Pau;Pfleiderer, Christian; Interplay of itinerant magnetism and spin-glass behavior inFexCr1x
Aker, M.;Batzler, D.;Beglarian, A.;Behrens, J.;Berlev, A.;Besserer, U.;Bieringer, B.;Block, F.;Bobien, S.;Bornschein, B.;Bornschein, L.;Böttcher, M.;Brunst, T.;Caldwell, T. S.;Carney, R. M. D.;Chilingaryan, S.;Choi, W.;Debowski, K.;Descher, M.;Díaz Barrero, D.;Doe, P. J.;Dragoun, O.;Drexlin, G.;Edzards, F.;Eitel, K.;Ellinger, E.;Engel, R.;Enomoto, S.;Felden, A.;Formaggio, J. A.;Fränkle, F. M.;Franklin, G. B.;Friedel, F.;Fulst, A.;Gauda, K.;Gavin, A. S.;Gil, W.;Glück, F.;Grössle, R.;Gumbsheimer, R.;Hannen, V.;Haußmann, N.;Helbing, K.;Hickford, S.;Hiller, R.;Hillesheimer, D.;Hinz, D.;Höhn, T.;Houdy, T.;Huber, A.;Jansen, A.;Karl, C.;Kellerer, J.;Kleifges, M.;Klein, M.;Köhler, C.;Köllenberger, L.;Kopmann, A.;Korzeczek, M.;Kovalík, A.;Krasch, B.;Krause, H.;La Cascio, L.;Lasserre, T.;Le, T. L.;Lebeda, O.;Lehnert, B.;Lokhov, A.;Machatschek, M.;Malcherek, E.;Mark, M.;Marsteller, A.;Martin, E. L.;Melzer, C.;Mertens, S.;Mostafa, J.;Müller, K.;Neumann, H.;Niemes, S.;Oelpmann, P.;Parno, D. S.;Poon, A. W. P.;Poyato, J. M. L.;Priester, F.;Ráliš, J.;Ramachandran, S.;Robertson, R. G. H.;Rodejohann, W.;Rodenbeck, C.;Röllig, M.;Röttele, C.;Ryšavý, M.;Sack, R.;Saenz, A.;Salomon, R.;Schäfer, P.;Schimpf, L.;Schlösser, M.;Schlösser, K.;Schlüter, L.;Schneidewind, S.;Schrank, M.;Schwemmer, A.;Šefčík, M.;Sibille, V.;Siegmann, D.;Slezák, M.;Spanier, F.;Steidl, M.;Sturm, M.;Telle, H. H.;Thorne, L. A.;Thümmler, T.;Titov, N.;Tkachev, I.;Urban, K.;Valerius, K.;Vénos, D.;Vizcaya Hernández, A. P.;Weinheimer, C.;Welte, S.;Wendel, J.;Wetter, M.;Wiesinger, C.;Wilkerson, J. F.;Wolf, J.;Wüstling, S.;Wydra, J.;Xu, W.;Zadoroghny, S.;Zeller, G.;; Improved eV-scale sterile-neutrino constraints from the second KATRIN measurement campaign
Aaij, R.;Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W.;Abellán Beteta, C.;Abudinén, F.;Ackernley, T.;Adeva, B.;Adinolfi, M.;Afsharnia, H.;Agapopoulou, C.;Aidala, C. A.;Aiola, S.;Ajaltouni, Z.;Akar, S.;Albrecht, J.;Alessio, F.;Alexander, M.;Alfonso Albero, A.;Aliouche, Z.;Alkhazov, G.;Alvarez Cartelle, P.;Amato, S.;Amey, J. L.;Amhis, Y.;An, L.;Anderlini, L.;Andersson, M.;Andreianov, A.;Andreotti, M.;Archilli, F.;Artamonov, A.;Artuso, M.;Arzymatov, K.;Aslanides, E.;Atzeni, M.;Audurier, B.;Bachmann, S.;Bachmayer, M.;Back, J. J.;Baladron Rodriguez, P.;Balagura, V.;Baldini, W.;Baptista de Souza Leite, J.;Barbetti, M.;Barlow, R. J.;Barsuk, S.;Barter, W.;Bartolini, M.;Baryshnikov, F.;Basels, J. M.;Bassi, G.;Batsukh, B.;Battig, A.;Bay, A.;Beck, A.;Becker, M.;Bedeschi, F.;Bediaga, I.;Beiter, A.;Belavin, V.;Belin, S.;Bellee, V.;Belous, K.;Belov, I.;Belyaev, I.;Bencivenni, G.;Ben-Haim, E.;Berezhnoy, A.;Bernet, R.;Berninghoff, D.;Bernstein, H. C.;Bertella, C.;Bertolin, A.;Betancourt, C.;Betti, F.;Bezshyiko, Ia.;Bhasin, S.;Bhom, J.;Bian, L.;Bieker, M. S.;Biesuz, N. V.;Bifani, S.;Billoir, P.;Biolchini, A.;Birch, M.;Bishop, F. C. R.;Bitadze, A.;Bizzeti, A.;Bjørn, M.;Blago, M. P.;Blake, T.;Blanc, F.;Blusk, S.;Bobulska, D.;Boelhauve, J. A.;Boente Garcia, O.;Boettcher, T.;Boldyrev, A.;Bondar, A.;Bondar, N.;Borghi, S.;Borisyak, M.;Borsato, M.;Borsuk, J. T.;Bouchiba, S. A.;Bowcock, T. J. V.;Boyer, A.;Bozzi, C.;Bradley, M. J.;Braun, S.;Brea Rodriguez, A.;Brodzicka, J.;Brossa Gonzalo, A.;Brundu, D.;Buonaura, A.;Buonincontri, L.;Burke, A. T.;Burr, C.;Bursche, A.;Butkevich, A.;Butter, J. S.;Buytaert, J.;Byczynski, W.;Cadeddu, S.;Cai, H.;Calabrese, R.;Calefice, L.;Cali, S.;Calladine, R.;Calvi, M.;Calvo Gomez, M.;Camargo Magalhaes, P.;Campana, P.;Campoverde Quezada, A. F.;Capelli, S.;Capriotti, L.;Carbone, A.;Carboni, G.;Cardinale, R.;Cardini, A.;Carli, I.;Carniti, P.;Carus, L.;Carvalho Akiba, K.;Casais Vidal, A.;Caspary, R.;Casse, G.;Cattaneo, M.;Cavallero, G.;Celani, S.;Cerasoli, J.;Cervenkov, D.;Chadwick, A. J.;Chapman, M. G.;Charles, M.;Charpentier, Ph.;Chavez Barajas, C. A.;Chefdeville, M.;Chen, C.;Chen, S.;Chernov, A.;Chobanova, V.;Cholak, S.;Chrzaszcz, M.;Chubykin, A.;Chulikov, V.;Ciambrone, P.;Cicala, M. F.;Cid Vidal, X.;Ciezarek, G.;Clarke, P. E. L.;Clemencic, M.;Cliff, H. V.;Closier, J.;Cobbledick, J. L.;Coco, V.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Cogan, J.;Cogneras, E.;Cojocariu, L.;Collins, P.;Colombo, T.;Congedo, L.;Contu, A.;Cooke, N.;Coombs, G.;Corredoira, I.;Corti, G.;Costa Sobral, C. M.;Couturier, B.;Craik, D. C.;Crkovská, J.;Cruz Torres, M.;Currie, R.;Da Silva, C. L.;Dadabaev, S.;Dai, L.;Dall’Occo, E.;Dalseno, J.;D’Ambrosio, C.;Danilina, A.;d’Argent, P.;Dashkina, A.;Davies, J. E.;Davis, A.;De Aguiar Francisco, O.;De Bruyn, K.;De Capua, S.;De Cian, M.;De Lucia, E.;De Miranda, J. M.;De Paula, L.;De Serio, M.;De Simone, D.;De Simone, P.;De Vellis, F.;de Vries, J. A.;Dean, C. T.;Debernardis, F.;Decamp, D.;Dedu, V.;Del Buono, L.;Delaney, B.;Dembinski, H.-P.;Denysenko, V.;Derkach, D.;Deschamps, O.;Dettori, F.;Dey, B.;Di Cicco, A.;Di Nezza, P.;Didenko, S.;Dieste Maronas, L.;Dijkstra, H.;Dobishuk, V.;Dong, C.;Donohoe, A. M.;Dordei, F.;dos Reis, A. C.;Douglas, L.;Dovbnya, A.;Downes, A. G.;Dudek, M. W.;Dufour, L.;Duk, V.;Durante, P.;Durham, J. M.;Dutta, D.;Dziurda, A.;Dzyuba, A.;Easo, S.;Egede, U.;Egorychev, V.;Eidelman, S.;Eisenhardt, S.;Ek-In, S.;Eklund, L.;Ely, S.;Ene, A.;Epple, E.;Escher, S.;Eschle, J.;Esen, S.;Evans, T.;Falcao, L. N.;Fan, Y.;Fang, B.;Farry, S.;Fazzini, D.;Féo, M.;Fernandez Prieto, A.;Fernez, A. D.;Ferrari, F.;Ferreira Lopes, L.;Ferreira Rodrigues, F.;Ferreres Sole, S.;Ferrillo, M.;Ferro-Luzzi, M.;Filippov, S.;Fini, R. A.;Fiorini, M.;Firlej, M.;Fischer, K. M.;Fitzgerald, D. S.;Fitzpatrick, C.;Fiutowski, T.;Fkiaras, A.;Fleuret, F.;Fontana, M.;Fontanelli, F.;Forty, R.;Foulds-Holt, D.;Franco Lima, V.;Franco Sevilla, M.;Frank, M.;Franzoso, E.;Frau, G.;Frei, C.;Friday, D. A.;Fu, J.;Fuehring, Q.;Gabriel, E.;Galati, G.;Gallas Torreira, A.;Galli, D.;Gambetta, S.;Gan, Y.;Gandelman, M.;Gandini, P.;Gao, Y.;Garau, M.;Garcia Martin, L. M.;Garcia Moreno, P.;García Pardiñas, J.;Garcia Plana, B.;Garcia Rosales, F. A.;Garrido, L.;Gaspar, C.;Geertsema, R. E.;Gerick, D.;Gerken, L. L.;Gersabeck, E.;Gersabeck, M.;Gershon, T.;Gerstel, D.;Giambastiani, L.;Gibson, V.;Giemza, H. K.;Gilman, A. L.;Giovannetti, M.;Gioventù, A.;Gironella Gironell, P.;Giugliano, C.;Gizdov, K.;Gkougkousis, E. L.;Gligorov, V. V.;Göbel, C.;Golobardes, E.;Golubkov, D.;Golutvin, A.;Gomes, A.;Gomez Fernandez, S.;Goncalves Abrantes, F.;Goncerz, M.;Gong, G.;Gorbounov, P.;Gorelov, I. V.;Gotti, C.;Grabowski, J. P.;Grammatico, T.;Granado Cardoso, L. A.;Graugés, E.;Graverini, E.;Graziani, G.;Grecu, A.;Greeven, L. M.;Grieser, N. A.;Grillo, L.;Gromov, S.;Gruberg Cazon, B. R.;Gu, C.;Guarise, M.;Guittiere, M.;Günther, P. A.;Gushchin, E.;Guth, A.;Guz, Y.;Gys, T.;Hadavizadeh, T.;Haefeli, G.;Haen, C.;Haimberger, J.;Haines, S. C.;Halewood-leagas, T.;Hamilton, P. M.;Hammerich, J. P.;Han, Q.;Han, X.;Hansen, E. B.;Hansmann-Menzemer, S.;Harnew, N.;Harrison, T.;Hasse, C.;Hatch, M.;He, J.;Hecker, M.;Heijhoff, K.;Heinicke, K.;Henderson, R. D. L.;Hennequin, A. M.;Hennessy, K.;Henry, L.;Heuel, J.;Hicheur, A.;Hill, D.;Hilton, M.;Hollitt, S. E.;Hou, R.;Hou, Y.;Hu, J.;Hu, J.;Hu, W.;Hu, X.;Huang, W.;Huang, X.;Hulsbergen, W.;Hunter, R. J.;Hushchyn, M.;Hutchcroft, D.;Hynds, D.;Ibis, P.;Idzik, M.;Ilin, D.;Ilten, P.;Inglessi, A.;Ishteev, A.;Ivshin, K.;Jacobsson, R.;Jage, H.;Jakobsen, S.;Jans, E.;Jashal, B. K.;Jawahery, A.;Jevtic, V.;Jiang, X.;John, M.;Johnson, D.;Jones, C. R.;Jones, T. P.;Jost, B.;Jurik, N.;Kandybei, S.;Kang, Y.;Karacson, M.;Karpenkov, D.;Karpov, M.;Kautz, J. W.;Keizer, F.;Keller, D. M.;Kenzie, M.;Ketel, T.;Khanji, B.;Kharisova, A.;Kholodenko, S.;Kirn, T.;Kirsebom, V. S.;Kitouni, O.;Klaver, S.;Kleijne, N.;Klimaszewski, K.;Kmiec, M. R.;Koliiev, S.;Kondybayeva, A.;Konoplyannikov, A.;Kopciewicz, P.;Kopecna, R.;Koppenburg, P.;Korolev, M.;Kostiuk, I.;Kot, O.;Kotriakhova, S.;Kravchenko, P.;Kravchuk, L.;Krawczyk, R. D.;Kreps, M.;Kretzschmar, S.;Krokovny, P.;Krupa, W.;Krzemien, W.;Kubat, J.;Kucharczyk, M.;Kudryavtsev, V.;Kuindersma, H. S.;Kunde, G. J.;Kvaratskheliya, T.;Lacarrere, D.;Lafferty, G.;Lai, A.;Lampis, A.;Lancierini, D.;Lane, J. J.;Lane, R.;Lanfranchi, G.;Langenbruch, C.;Langer, J.;Lantwin, O.;Latham, T.;Lazzari, F.;Le Gac, R.;Lee, S. H.;Lefèvre, R.;Leflat, A.;Legotin, S.;Leroy, O.;Lesiak, T.;Leverington, B.;Li, H.;Li, P.;Li, S.;Li, Y.;Li, Y.;Li, Z.;Liang, X.;Lin, T.;Lindner, R.;Lisovskyi, V.;Litvinov, R.;Liu, G.;Liu, H.;Liu, Q.;Liu, S.;Lobo Salvia, A.;Loi, A.;Lomba Castro, J.;Longstaff, I.;Lopes, J. H.;López Soliño, S.;Lovell, G. H.;Lu, Y.;Lucarelli, C.;Lucchesi, D.;Luchuk, S.;Lucio Martinez, M.;Lukashenko, V.;Luo, Y.;Lupato, A.;Luppi, E.;Lupton, O.;Lusiani, A.;Lyu, X.;Ma, L.;Ma, R.;Maccolini, S.;Machefert, F.;Maciuc, F.;Macko, V.;Mackowiak, P.;Maddrell-Mander, S.;Madhan Mohan, L. R.;Maev, O.;Maevskiy, A.;Majewski, M. W.;Malczewski, J. J.;Malde, S.;Malecki, B.;Malinin, A.;Maltsev, T.;Malygina, H.;Manca, G.;Mancinelli, G.;Manuzzi, D.;Marangotto, D.;Maratas, J.;Marchand, J. F.;Marconi, U.;Mariani, S.;Marin Benito, C.;Marinangeli, M.;Marks, J.;Marshall, A. M.;Marshall, P. J.;Martelli, G.;Martellotti, G.;Martinazzoli, L.;Martinelli, M.;Martinez Santos, D.;Martinez Vidal, F.;Massafferri, A.;Materok, M.;Matev, R.;Mathad, A.;Matiunin, V.;Matteuzzi, C.;Mattioli, K. R.;Mauri, A.;Maurice, E.;Mauricio, J.;Mazurek, M.;McCann, M.;Mcconnell, L.;Mcgrath, T. H.;Mchugh, N. T.;McNab, A.;McNulty, R.;Mead, J. V.;Meadows, B.;Meier, G.;Melnychuk, D.;Meloni, S.;Merk, M.;Merli, A.;Meyer Garcia, L.;Mikhasenko, M.;Milanes, D. A.;Millard, E.;Milovanovic, M.;Minard, M.-N.;Minotti, A.;Mitchell, S. E.;Mitreska, B.;Mitzel, D. S.;Mödden, A.;Mohammed, R. A.;Moise, R. D.;Mokhnenko, S.;Mombächer, T.;Monroy, I. A.;Monteil, S.;Morandin, M.;Morello, G.;Morello, M. J.;Moron, J.;Morris, A. B.;Morris, A. G.;Mountain, R.;Mu, H.;Muheim, F.;Mulder, M.;Müller, D.;Müller, K.;Murphy, C. H.;Murray, D.;Murta, R.;Muzzetto, P.;Naik, P.;Nakada, T.;Nandakumar, R.;Nanut, T.;Nasteva, I.;Needham, M.;Neri, N.;Neubert, S.;Neufeld, N.;Newcombe, R.;Niel, E. M.;Nieswand, S.;Nikitin, N.;Nolte, N. S.;Normand, C.;Nunez, C.;Oblakowska-Mucha, A.;Obraztsov, V.;Oeser, T.;O’Hanlon, D. P.;Okamura, S.;Oldeman, R.;Oliva, F.;Olivares, M. E.;Onderwater, C. J. G.;O’Neil, R. H.;Otalora Goicochea, J. M.;Ovsiannikova, T.;Owen, P.;Oyanguren, A.;Ozcelik, O.;Padeken, K. O.;Pagare, B.;Pais, P. R.;Pajero, T.;Palano, A.;Palutan, M.;Pan, Y.;Panshin, G.;Papanestis, A.;Pappagallo, M.;Pappalardo, L. L.;Pappenheimer, C.;Parker, W.;Parkes, C.;Passalacqua, B.;Passaleva, G.;Pastore, A.;Patel, M.;Patrignani, C.;Pawley, C. J.;Pearce, A.;Pellegrino, A.;Pepe Altarelli, M.;Perazzini, S.;Pereima, D.;Pereiro Castro, A.;Perret, P.;Petric, M.;Petridis, K.;Petrolini, A.;Petrov, A.;Petrucci, S.;Petruzzo, M.;Pham, T. T. H.;Philippov, A.;Piandani, R.;Pica, L.;Piccini, M.;Pietrzyk, B.;Pietrzyk, G.;Pili, M.;Pinci, D.;Pisani, F.;Pizzichemi, M.;P. K, Resmi;Placinta, V.;Plews, J.;Plo Casasus, M.;Polci, F.;Poli Lener, M.;Poliakova, M.;Poluektov, A.;Polukhina, N.;Polyakov, I.;Polycarpo, E.;Ponce, S.;Popov, D.;Popov, S.;Poslavskii, S.;Prasanth, K.;Promberger, L.;Prouve, C.;Pugatch, V.;Puill, V.;Punzi, G.;Qi, H.;Qian, W.;Qin, N.;Quagliani, R.;Raab, N. V.;Rabadan Trejo, R. I.;Rachwal, B.;Rademacker, J. H.;Rama, M.;Ramos Pernas, M.;Rangel, M. S.;Ratnikov, F.;Raven, G.;Reboud, M.;Redi, F.;Reiss, F.;Remon Alepuz, C.;Ren, Z.;Renaudin, V.;Ribatti, R.;Ricci, A. M.;Ricciardi, S.;Rinnert, K.;Robbe, P.;Robertson, G.;Rodrigues, A. B.;Rodrigues, E.;Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.;Rodriguez Rodriguez, E. R. R.;Rollings, A.;Roloff, P.;Romanovskiy, V.;Romero Lamas, M.;Romero Vidal, A.;Roth, J. D.;Rotondo, M.;Rudolph, M. S.;Ruf, T.;Ruiz Fernandez, R. A.;Ruiz Vidal, J.;Ryzhikov, A.;Ryzka, J.;Saborido Silva, J. J.;Sagidova, N.;Sahoo, N.;Saitta, B.;Salomoni, M.;Sanchez Gras, C.;Santacesaria, R.;Santamarina Rios, C.;Santimaria, M.;Santovetti, E.;Saranin, D.;Sarpis, G.;Sarpis, M.;Sarti, A.;Satriano, C.;Satta, A.;Saur, M.;Savrina, D.;Sazak, H.;Scantlebury Smead, L. G.;Scarabotto, A.;Schael, S.;Scherl, S.;Schiller, M.;Schindler, H.;Schmelling, M.;Schmidt, B.;Schmitt, S.;Schneider, O.;Schopper, A.;Schubiger, M.;Schulte, S.;Schune, M. H.;Schwemmer, R.;Sciascia, B.;Sellam, S.;Semennikov, A.;Senghi Soares, M.;Sergi, A.;Serra, N.;Sestini, L.;Seuthe, A.;Shang, Y.;Shangase, D. M.;Shapkin, M.;Shchemerov, I.;Shchutska, L.;Shears, T.;Shekhtman, L.;Shen, Z.;Sheng, S.;Shevchenko, V.;Shields, E. B.;Shimizu, Y.;Shmanin, E.;Shupperd, J. D.;Siddi, B. G.;Silva Coutinho, R.;Simi, G.;Simone, S.;Skidmore, N.;Skuza, R.;Skwarnicki, T.;Slater, M. W.;Slazyk, I.;Smallwood, J. C.;Smeaton, J. G.;Smith, E.;Smith, M.;Snoch, A.;Soares Lavra, L.;Sokoloff, M. D.;Soler, F. J. P.;Solovev, A.;Solovyev, I.;Souza De Almeida, F. L.;Souza De Paula, B.;Spaan, B.;Spadaro Norella, E.;Spradlin, P.;Stagni, F.;Stahl, M.;Stahl, S.;Stanislaus, S.;Steinkamp, O.;Stenyakin, O.;Stevens, H.;Stone, S.;Strekalina, D.;Suljik, F.;Sun, J.;Sun, L.;Sun, Y.;Svihra, P.;Swallow, P. N.;Swientek, K.;Szabelski, A.;Szumlak, T.;Szymanski, M.;Taneja, S.;Tanner, A. R.;Tat, M. D.;Terentev, A.;Teubert, F.;Thomas, E.;Thompson, D. J. D.;Thomson, K. A.;Tilquin, H.;Tisserand, V.;T’Jampens, S.;Tobin, M.;Tomassetti, L.;Tong, X.;Torres Machado, D.;Tou, D. Y.;Trifonova, E.;Trilov, S. M.;Trippl, C.;Tuci, G.;Tully, A.;Tuning, N.;Ukleja, A.;Unverzagt, D. J.;Ursov, E.;Usachov, A.;Ustyuzhanin, A.;Uwer, U.;Vagner, A.;Vagnoni, V.;Valassi, A.;Valenti, G.;Valls Canudas, N.;van Beuzekom, M.;Van Dijk, M.;Van Hecke, H.;van Herwijnen, E.;van Veghel, M.;Vazquez Gomez, R.;Vazquez Regueiro, P.;Vázquez Sierra, C.;Vecchi, S.;Velthuis, J. J.;Veltri, M.;Venkateswaran, A.;Veronesi, M.;Vesterinen, M.;Vieira, D.;Vieites Diaz, M.;Viemann, H.;Vilasis-Cardona, X.;Vilella Figueras, E.;Villa, A.;Vincent, P.;Volle, F. C.;Vom Bruch, D.;Vorobyev, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Voropaev, N.;Vos, K.;Waldi, R.;Walsh, J.;Wang, C.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, M.;Wang, R.;Wang, Y.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Ward, J. A.;Watson, N. K.;Websdale, D.;Weisser, C.;Westhenry, B. D. C.;White, D. J.;Whitehead, M.;Wiederhold, A. R.;Wiedner, D.;Wilkinson, G.;Wilkinson, M. K.;Williams, I.;Williams, M.;Williams, M. R. J.;Wilson, F. F.;Wislicki, W.;Witek, M.;Witola, L.;Wormser, G.;Wotton, S. A.;Wu, H.;Wyllie, K.;Xiang, Z.;Xiao, D.;Xie, Y.;Xu, A.;Xu, J.;Xu, L.;Xu, M.;Xu, Q.;Xu, Z.;Xu, Z.;Yang, D.;Yang, S.;Yang, Y.;Yang, Z.;Yang, Z.;Yao, Y.;Yeomans, L. E.;Yin, H.;Yu, J.;Yuan, X.;Yushchenko, O.;Zaffaroni, E.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zdybal, M.;Zenaiev, O.;Zeng, M.;Zhang, D.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y.;Zharkova, A.;Zhelezov, A.;Zheng, Y.;Zhou, T.;Zhou, X.;Zhou, Y.;Zhovkovska, V.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, Z.;Zhukov, V.;Zou, Q.;Zucchelli, S.;Zuliani, D.;Zunica, G.;; Observation of the B0D¯*0K+π and Bs0D¯*0Kπ+ decays
Bloomfield, T.;Sevior, M. E.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Aulchenko, V.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Bennett, J.;Bessner, M.;Bilka, T.;Biswal, J.;Bobrov, A.;Bonvicini, G.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Browder, T. E.;Campajola, M.;Cao, L.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Das, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Dubey, S.;Eidelman, S.;Epifanov, D.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Garmash, A.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Halder, S.;Hartbrich, O.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hernandez Villanueva, M.;Hou, W.-S.;Hsu, C.-L.;Iijima, T.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, C. W.;Joo, K. K.;Kaliyar, A. B.;Kang, K. H.;Karyan, G.;Kawasaki, T.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, H. J.;Kim, S. H.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kimmel, T. D.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lange, J. S.;Lee, I. S.;Lee, S. C.;Li, C. H.;Li, J.;Li, Y. B.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Luo, T.;MacQueen, C.;Masuda, M.;Matsuda, T.;Matvienko, D.;Merola, M.;Metzner, F.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Mohanty, S.;Moon, H. K.;Mussa, R.;Nakao, M.;Natkaniec, Z.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Niiyama, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ono, H.;Onuki, Y.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pardi, S.;Park, H.;Park, S.-H.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Popov, V.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Ritter, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Rozanska, M.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sakai, Y.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Sanuki, T.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Schwartz, A. J.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shen, C. P.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Simon, F.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Strube, J. F.;Sumihama, M.;Sumisawa, K.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Sutcliffe, W.;Takizawa, M.;Tanida, K.;Tao, Y.;Tenchini, F.;Trabelsi, K.;Uchida, M.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Usov, Y.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Varvell, K. E.;Vossen, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, C. H.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Wang, P.;Watanabe, M.;Watanuki, S.;Werbycka, O.;Wiechczynski, J.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;Zhulanov, V.;; Measurement of the branching fraction and CP asymmetry for BD¯0π decays
Lovas, Izabella;Kiss, Annamária;Moca, Cătălin Paşcu;Zaránd, Gergely; Quantum Coulomb glass on the Bethe lattice
Smith, Adam;Jobst, Bernhard;Green, Andrew G.;Pollmann, Frank; Crossing a topological phase transition with a quantum computer
Burgess, C. P.;Hamoudou, Serge;Kumar, Jacky;London, David; Beyond the standard model effective field theory with bcτν¯
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheng, T.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cruz-Torres, R.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Eisenhut, F.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gautam, A.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guardiano, G. G.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Guo, W.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, S. P.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Halimoglu, G.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hou, Y.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hutson, A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Jalotra, A.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jimenez, A. A. P.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, D. H.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Molander, M. A.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oya, M.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-ness, H. A.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F.;Silvermyr, D.;Simantathammakul, T.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Sukhanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tapia Takaki, J. D.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Weelden, R. J. G. V.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yadav, A. K.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, B.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Polarization of Λ and Λ¯ Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02TeV
Aaij, R.;Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W.;Beteta, C. Abellán;Abudinén, F.;Ackernley, T.;Adeva, B.;Adinolfi, M.;Afsharnia, H.;Agapopoulou, C.;Aidala, C. A.;Aiola, S.;Ajaltouni, Z.;Akar, S.;Albrecht, J.;Alessio, F.;Alexander, M.;Albero, A. Alfonso;Aliouche, Z.;Alkhazov, G.;Cartelle, P. Alvarez;Amato, S.;Amey, J. L.;Amhis, Y.;An, L.;Anderlini, L.;Andersson, M.;Andreianov, A.;Andreotti, M.;Archilli, F.;Artamonov, A.;Artuso, M.;Arzymatov, K.;Aslanides, E.;Atzeni, M.;Audurier, B.;Bachmann, S.;Bachmayer, M.;Back, J. J.;Rodriguez, P. Baladron;Balagura, V.;Baldini, W.;Baptista de Souza Leite, J.;Barbetti, M.;Barlow, R. J.;Barsuk, S.;Barter, W.;Bartolini, M.;Baryshnikov, F.;Basels, J. M.;Bashir, S.;Bassi, G.;Batsukh, B.;Battig, A.;Bay, A.;Beck, A.;Becker, M.;Bedeschi, F.;Bediaga, I.;Beiter, A.;Belavin, V.;Belin, S.;Bellee, V.;Belous, K.;Belov, I.;Belyaev, I.;Bencivenni, G.;Ben-Haim, E.;Berezhnoy, A.;Bernet, R.;Berninghoff, D.;Bernstein, H. C.;Bertella, C.;Bertolin, A.;Betancourt, C.;Betti, F.;Bezshyiko, Ia.;Bhasin, S.;Bhom, J.;Bian, L.;Bieker, M. S.;Biesuz, N. V.;Bifani, S.;Billoir, P.;Biolchini, A.;Birch, M.;Bishop, F. C. R.;Bitadze, A.;Bizzeti, A.;Bjørn, M.;Blago, M. P.;Blake, T.;Blanc, F.;Blusk, S.;Bobulska, D.;Boelhauve, J. A.;Garcia, O. Boente;Boettcher, T.;Boldyrev, A.;Bondar, A.;Bondar, N.;Borghi, S.;Borisyak, M.;Borsato, M.;Borsuk, J. T.;Bouchiba, S. A.;Bowcock, T. J. V.;Boyer, A.;Bozzi, C.;Bradley, M. J.;Braun, S.;Rodriguez, A. Brea;Brodzicka, J.;Gonzalo, A. Brossa;Brundu, D.;Buonaura, A.;Buonincontri, L.;Burke, A. T.;Burr, C.;Bursche, A.;Butkevich, A.;Butter, J. S.;Buytaert, J.;Byczynski, W.;Cadeddu, S.;Cai, H.;Calabrese, R.;Calefice, L.;Cali, S.;Calladine, R.;Calvi, M.;Gomez, M. Calvo;Magalhaes, P. Camargo;Campana, P.;Quezada, A. F. Campoverde;Capelli, S.;Capriotti, L.;Carbone, A.;Carboni, G.;Cardinale, R.;Cardini, A.;Carli, I.;Carniti, P.;Carus, L.;Akiba, K. Carvalho;Vidal, A. Casais;Caspary, R.;Casse, G.;Cattaneo, M.;Cavallero, G.;Celani, S.;Cerasoli, J.;Cervenkov, D.;Chadwick, A. J.;Chapman, M. G.;Charles, M.;Charpentier, Ph.;Barajas, C. A. Chavez;Chefdeville, M.;Chen, C.;Chen, S.;Chernov, A.;Chobanova, V.;Cholak, S.;Chrzaszcz, M.;Chubykin, A.;Chulikov, V.;Ciambrone, P.;Cicala, M. F.;Vidal, X. Cid;Ciezarek, G.;Clarke, P. E. L.;Clemencic, M.;Cliff, H. V.;Closier, J.;Cobbledick, J. L.;Coco, V.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Cogan, J.;Cogneras, E.;Cojocariu, L.;Collins, P.;Colombo, T.;Congedo, L.;Contu, A.;Cooke, N.;Coombs, G.;Corredoira, I.;Corti, G.;Sobral, C. M. Costa;Couturier, B.;Craik, D. C.;Crkovská, J.;Torres, M. Cruz;Currie, R.;Da Silva, C. L.;Dadabaev, S.;Dai, L.;Dall’Occo, E.;Dalseno, J.;D’Ambrosio, C.;Danilina, A.;d’Argent, P.;Dashkina, A.;Davies, J. E.;Davis, A.;Francisco, O. De Aguiar;De Bruyn, K.;De Capua, S.;De Cian, M.;Da Graca, U. De Freitas Carneiro;De Lucia, E.;De Miranda, J. M.;De Paula, L.;De Serio, M.;De Simone, D.;De Simone, P.;De Vellis, F.;de Vries, J. A.;Dean, C. T.;Debernardis, F.;Decamp, D.;Dedu, V.;Del Buono, L.;Delaney, B.;Dembinski, H.-P.;Denysenko, V.;Derkach, D.;Deschamps, O.;Dettori, F.;Dey, B.;Di Cicco, A.;Di Nezza, P.;Didenko, S.;Maronas, L. Dieste;Dijkstra, H.;Dobishuk, V.;Dong, C.;Donohoe, A. M.;Dordei, F.;dos Reis, A. C.;Douglas, L.;Dovbnya, A.;Downes, A. G.;Dudek, M. W.;Dufour, L.;Duk, V.;Durante, P.;Durham, J. M.;Dutta, D.;Dziurda, A.;Dzyuba, A.;Easo, S.;Egede, U.;Egorychev, V.;Eidelman, S.;Eisenhardt, S.;Ek-In, S.;Eklund, L.;Ely, S.;Ene, A.;Epple, E.;Escher, S.;Eschle, J.;Esen, S.;Evans, T.;Falcao, L. N.;Fan, Y.;Fang, B.;Farry, S.;Fazzini, D.;Féo, M.;Prieto, A. Fernandez;Fernez, A. D.;Ferrari, F.;Lopes, L. Ferreira;Rodrigues, F. Ferreira;Sole, S. Ferreres;Ferrillo, M.;Ferro-Luzzi, M.;Filippov, S.;Fini, R. A.;Fiorini, M.;Firlej, M.;Fischer, K. M.;Fitzgerald, D. S.;Fitzpatrick, C.;Fiutowski, T.;Fkiaras, A.;Fleuret, F.;Fontana, M.;Fontanelli, F.;Forty, R.;Foulds-Holt, D.;Lima, V. Franco;Sevilla, M. Franco;Frank, M.;Franzoso, E.;Frau, G.;Frei, C.;Friday, D. A.;Fu, J.;Fuehring, Q.;Gabriel, E.;Galati, G.;Torreira, A. Gallas;Galli, D.;Gambetta, S.;Gan, Y.;Gandelman, M.;Gandini, P.;Gao, Y.;Garau, M.;Martin, L. M. Garcia;Moreno, P. Garcia;García Pardiñas, J.;Plana, B. Garcia;Rosales, F. A. Garcia;Garrido, L.;Gaspar, C.;Geertsema, R. E.;Gerick, D.;Gerken, L. L.;Gersabeck, E.;Gersabeck, M.;Gershon, T.;Gerstel, D.;Giambastiani, L.;Gibson, V.;Giemza, H. K.;Gilman, A. L.;Giovannetti, M.;Gioventù, A.;Gironell, P. Gironella;Giugliano, C.;Gizdov, K.;Gkougkousis, E. L.;Gligorov, V. V.;Göbel, C.;Golobardes, E.;Golubkov, D.;Golutvin, A.;Gomes, A.;Fernandez, S. Gomez;Abrantes, F. Goncalves;Goncerz, M.;Gong, G.;Gorbounov, P.;Gorelov, I. V.;Gotti, C.;Grabowski, J. P.;Grammatico, T.;Cardoso, L. A. Granado;Graugés, E.;Graverini, E.;Graziani, G.;Grecu, A.;Greeven, L. M.;Grieser, N. A.;Grillo, L.;Gromov, S.;Cazon, B. R. Gruberg;Gu, C.;Guarise, M.;Guittiere, M.;Günther, P. A.;Gushchin, E.;Guth, A.;Guz, Y.;Gys, T.;Hadavizadeh, T.;Haefeli, G.;Haen, C.;Haimberger, J.;Haines, S. C.;Halewood-leagas, T.;Hamilton, P. M.;Hammerich, J. P.;Han, Q.;Han, X.;Hansen, E. B.;Hansmann-Menzemer, S.;Harnew, N.;Harrison, T.;Hasse, C.;Hatch, M.;He, J.;Hecker, M.;Heijhoff, K.;Heinicke, K.;Henderson, R. D. L.;Hennequin, A. M.;Hennessy, K.;Henry, L.;Heuel, J.;Hicheur, A.;Hill, D.;Hilton, M.;Hollitt, S. E.;Hou, R.;Hou, Y.;Hu, J.;Hu, J.;Hu, W.;Hu, X.;Huang, W.;Huang, X.;Hulsbergen, W.;Hunter, R. J.;Hushchyn, M.;Hutchcroft, D.;Hynds, D.;Ibis, P.;Idzik, M.;Ilin, D.;Ilten, P.;Inglessi, A.;Ishteev, A.;Ivshin, K.;Jacobsson, R.;Jage, H.;Jakobsen, S.;Jans, E.;Jashal, B. K.;Jawahery, A.;Jevtic, V.;Jiang, X.;John, M.;Johnson, D.;Jones, C. R.;Jones, T. P.;Jost, B.;Jurik, N.;Kadavath, S. H. Kalavan;Kandybei, S.;Kang, Y.;Karacson, M.;Karpenkov, D.;Karpov, M.;Kautz, J. W.;Keizer, F.;Keller, D. M.;Kenzie, M.;Ketel, T.;Khanji, B.;Kharisova, A.;Kholodenko, S.;Kirn, T.;Kirsebom, V. S.;Kitouni, O.;Klaver, S.;Kleijne, N.;Klimaszewski, K.;Kmiec, M. R.;Koliiev, S.;Kondybayeva, A.;Konoplyannikov, A.;Kopciewicz, P.;Kopecna, R.;Koppenburg, P.;Korolev, M.;Kostiuk, I.;Kot, O.;Kotriakhova, S.;Kozachuk, A.;Kravchenko, P.;Kravchuk, L.;Krawczyk, R. D.;Kreps, M.;Kretzschmar, S.;Krokovny, P.;Krupa, W.;Krzemien, W.;Kubat, J.;Kucharczyk, M.;Kudryavtsev, V.;Kuindersma, H. S.;Kunde, G. J.;Kvaratskheliya, T.;Lacarrere, D.;Lafferty, G.;Lai, A.;Lampis, A.;Lancierini, D.;Lane, J. J.;Lane, R.;Lanfranchi, G.;Langenbruch, C.;Langer, J.;Lantwin, O.;Latham, T.;Lazzari, F.;Le Gac, R.;Lee, S. H.;Lefèvre, R.;Leflat, A.;Legotin, S.;Leroy, O.;Lesiak, T.;Leverington, B.;Li, H.;Li, P.;Li, S.;Li, Y.;Li, Z.;Liang, X.;Lin, T.;Lindner, R.;Lisovskyi, V.;Litvinov, R.;Liu, G.;Liu, H.;Liu, Q.;Liu, S.;Salvia, A. Lobo;Loi, A.;Lollini, R.;Castro, J. Lomba;Longstaff, I.;Lopes, J. H.;Soliño, S. López;Lovell, G. H.;Lu, Y.;Lucarelli, C.;Lucchesi, D.;Luchuk, S.;Martinez, M. Lucio;Lukashenko, V.;Luo, Y.;Lupato, A.;Luppi, E.;Lupton, O.;Lusiani, A.;Lyu, X.;Ma, L.;Ma, R.;Maccolini, S.;Machefert, F.;Maciuc, F.;Macko, V.;Mackowiak, P.;Maddrell-Mander, S.;Madejczyk, O.;Mohan, L. R. Madhan;Maev, O.;Maevskiy, A.;Maisuzenko, D.;Majewski, M. W.;Malczewski, J. J.;Malde, S.;Malecki, B.;Malinin, A.;Maltsev, T.;Malygina, H.;Manca, G.;Mancinelli, G.;Manuzzi, D.;Marangotto, D.;Maratas, J.;Marchand, J. F.;Marconi, U.;Mariani, S.;Benito, C. Marin;Marinangeli, M.;Marks, J.;Marshall, A. M.;Marshall, P. J.;Martelli, G.;Martellotti, G.;Martinazzoli, L.;Martinelli, M.;Santos, D. Martinez;Vidal, F. Martinez;Massafferri, A.;Materok, M.;Matev, R.;Mathad, A.;Matiunin, V.;Matteuzzi, C.;Mattioli, K. R.;Mauri, A.;Maurice, E.;Mauricio, J.;Mazurek, M.;McCann, M.;Mcconnell, L.;Mcgrath, T. H.;Mchugh, N. T.;McNab, A.;McNulty, R.;Mead, J. V.;Meadows, B.;Meier, G.;Melnychuk, D.;Meloni, S.;Merk, M.;Merli, A.;Garcia, L. Meyer;Mikhasenko, M.;Milanes, D. A.;Millard, E.;Milovanovic, M.;Minard, M.-N.;Minotti, A.;Mitchell, S. E.;Mitreska, B.;Mitzel, D. S.;Mödden, A.;Mohammed, R. A.;Moise, R. D.;Mokhnenko, S.;Mombächer, T.;Monroy, I. A.;Monteil, S.;Morandin, M.;Morello, G.;Morello, M. J.;Moron, J.;Morris, A. B.;Morris, A. G.;Mountain, R.;Mu, H.;Muheim, F.;Mulder, M.;Müller, K.;Murphy, C. H.;Murray, D.;Murta, R.;Muzzetto, P.;Naik, P.;Nakada, T.;Nandakumar, R.;Nanut, T.;Nasteva, I.;Needham, M.;Neri, N.;Neubert, S.;Neufeld, N.;Newcombe, R.;Niel, E. M.;Nieswand, S.;Nikitin, N.;Nolte, N. S.;Normand, C.;Nunez, C.;Oblakowska-Mucha, A.;Obraztsov, V.;Oeser, T.;O’Hanlon, D. P.;Okamura, S.;Oldeman, R.;Oliva, F.;Olivares, M. E.;Onderwater, C. J. G.;O’Neil, R. H.;Goicochea, J. M. Otalora;Ovsiannikova, T.;Owen, P.;Oyanguren, A.;Ozcelik, O.;Padeken, K. O.;Pagare, B.;Pais, P. R.;Pajero, T.;Palano, A.;Palutan, M.;Pan, Y.;Panshin, G.;Papanestis, A.;Pappagallo, M.;Pappalardo, L. L.;Pappenheimer, C.;Parker, W.;Parkes, C.;Passalacqua, B.;Passaleva, G.;Pastore, A.;Patel, M.;Patrignani, C.;Pawley, C. J.;Pearce, A.;Pellegrino, A.;Altarelli, M. Pepe;Perazzini, S.;Pereima, D.;Castro, A. Pereiro;Perret, P.;Petric, M.;Petridis, K.;Petrolini, A.;Petrov, A.;Petrucci, S.;Petruzzo, M.;Pham, T. T. H.;Philippov, A.;Piandani, R.;Pica, L.;Piccini, M.;Pietrzyk, B.;Pietrzyk, G.;Pili, M.;Pinci, D.;Pisani, F.;Pizzichemi, M.;Resmi, P. K.;Placinta, V.;Plews, J.;Casasus, M. Plo;Polci, F.;Lener, M. Poli;Poliakova, M.;Poluektov, A.;Polukhina, N.;Polyakov, I.;Polycarpo, E.;Ponce, S.;Popov, D.;Popov, S.;Poslavskii, S.;Prasanth, K.;Promberger, L.;Prouve, C.;Pugatch, V.;Puill, V.;Punzi, G.;Qi, H.;Qian, W.;Qin, N.;Quagliani, R.;Raab, N. V.;Trejo, R. I. Rabadan;Rachwal, B.;Rademacker, J. H.;Rajagopalan, R.;Rama, M.;Pernas, M. Ramos;Rangel, M. S.;Ratnikov, F.;Raven, G.;Reboud, M.;Redi, F.;Reiss, F.;Alepuz, C. Remon;Ren, Z.;Renaudin, V.;Ribatti, R.;Ricci, A. M.;Ricciardi, S.;Rinnert, K.;Robbe, P.;Robertson, G.;Rodrigues, A. B.;Rodrigues, E.;Lopez, J. A. Rodriguez;Rodriguez, E. R. R. Rodriguez;Rollings, A.;Roloff, P.;Romanovskiy, V.;Lamas, M. Romero;Vidal, A. Romero;Roth, J. D.;Rotondo, M.;Rudolph, M. S.;Ruf, T.;Fernandez, R. A. Ruiz;Vidal, J. Ruiz;Ryzhikov, A.;Ryzka, J.;Silva, J. J. Saborido;Sagidova, N.;Sahoo, N.;Saitta, B.;Salomoni, M.;Gras, C. Sanchez;Santacesaria, R.;Rios, C. Santamarina;Santimaria, M.;Santovetti, E.;Saranin, D.;Sarpis, G.;Sarpis, M.;Sarti, A.;Satriano, C.;Satta, A.;Saur, M.;Savrina, D.;Sazak, H.;Smead, L. G. Scantlebury;Scarabotto, A.;Schael, S.;Scherl, S.;Schiller, M.;Schindler, H.;Schmelling, M.;Schmidt, B.;Schmitt, S.;Schneider, O.;Schopper, A.;Schubiger, M.;Schulte, S.;Schune, M. H.;Schwemmer, R.;Sciascia, B.;Sellam, S.;Semennikov, A.;Soares, M. Senghi;Sergi, A.;Serra, N.;Sestini, L.;Seuthe, A.;Shang, Y.;Shangase, D. M.;Shapkin, M.;Shchemerov, I.;Shchutska, L.;Shears, T.;Shekhtman, L.;Shen, Z.;Sheng, S.;Shevchenko, V.;Shields, E. B.;Shimizu, Y.;Shmanin, E.;Shupperd, J. D.;Siddi, B. G.;Coutinho, R. Silva;Simi, G.;Simone, S.;Skidmore, N.;Skuza, R.;Skwarnicki, T.;Slater, M. W.;Slazyk, I.;Smallwood, J. C.;Smeaton, J. G.;Smith, E.;Smith, M.;Snoch, A.;Lavra, L. Soares;Sokoloff, M. D.;Soler, F. J. P.;Solovev, A.;Solovyev, I.;De Almeida, F. L. Souza;De Paula, B. Souza;Spaan, B.;Norella, E. Spadaro;Spradlin, P.;Stagni, F.;Stahl, M.;Stahl, S.;Stanislaus, S.;Steinkamp, O.;Stenyakin, O.;Stevens, H.;Stone, S.;Strekalina, D.;Suljik, F.;Sun, J.;Sun, L.;Sun, Y.;Svihra, P.;Swallow, P. N.;Swientek, K.;Szabelski, A.;Szumlak, T.;Szymanski, M.;Taneja, S.;Tanner, A. R.;Tat, M. D.;Terentev, A.;Teubert, F.;Thomas, E.;Thompson, D. J. D.;Thomson, K. A.;Tilquin, H.;Tisserand, V.;T’Jampens, S.;Tobin, M.;Tomassetti, L.;Tong, X.;Machado, D. Torres;Tou, D. Y.;Trifonova, E.;Trilov, S. M.;Trippl, C.;Tuci, G.;Tully, A.;Tuning, N.;Ukleja, A.;Unverzagt, D. J.;Ursov, E.;Usachov, A.;Ustyuzhanin, A.;Uwer, U.;Vagner, A.;Vagnoni, V.;Valassi, A.;Valenti, G.;Canudas, N. Valls;van Beuzekom, M.;Van Dijk, M.;Van Hecke, H.;van Herwijnen, E.;van Veghel, M.;Gomez, R. Vazquez;Regueiro, P. Vazquez;Sierra, C. Vázquez;Vecchi, S.;Velthuis, J. J.;Veltri, M.;Venkateswaran, A.;Veronesi, M.;Vesterinen, M.;Vieira, D.;Diaz, M. Vieites;Viemann, H.;Vilasis-Cardona, X.;Figueras, E. Vilella;Villa, A.;Vincent, P.;Volle, F. C.;Bruch, D. Vom;Vorobyev, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Voropaev, N.;Vos, K.;Waldi, R.;Walsh, J.;Wang, C.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, M.;Wang, R.;Wang, Y.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Ward, J. A.;Watson, N. K.;Websdale, D.;Weisser, C.;Westhenry, B. D. C.;White, D. J.;Whitehead, M.;Wiederhold, A. R.;Wiedner, D.;Wilkinson, G.;Wilkinson, M. K.;Williams, I.;Williams, M.;Williams, M. R. J.;Wilson, F. F.;Wislicki, W.;Witek, M.;Witola, L.;Wormser, G.;Wotton, S. A.;Wu, H.;Wyllie, K.;Xiang, Z.;Xiao, D.;Xie, Y.;Xu, A.;Xu, J.;Xu, L.;Xu, M.;Xu, Q.;Xu, Z.;Xu, Z.;Yang, D.;Yang, S.;Yang, Y.;Yang, Z.;Yang, Z.;Yao, Y.;Yeomans, L. E.;Yin, H.;Yu, J.;Yuan, X.;Yushchenko, O.;Zaffaroni, E.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zdybal, M.;Zenaiev, O.;Zeng, M.;Zhang, D.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y.;Zharkova, A.;Zhelezov, A.;Zheng, Y.;Zhou, T.;Zhou, X.;Zhou, Y.;Zhovkovska, V.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, Z.;Zhukov, V.;Zou, Q.;Zucchelli, S.;Zuliani, D.;Zunica, G.;; Observation of the Decay Λb0Λc+τν¯τ
Li, Y. B.;Shen, C. P.;Adachi, I.;Aihara, H.;Al Said, S.;Asner, D. M.;Atmacan, H.;Aushev, T.;Ayad, R.;Babu, V.;Bahinipati, S.;Behera, P.;Belous, K.;Bennett, J.;Bernlochner, F.;Bessner, M.;Bhuyan, B.;Bilka, T.;Bobrov, A.;Bodrov, D.;Borah, J.;Bozek, A.;Bračko, M.;Branchini, P.;Browder, T. E.;Budano, A.;Campajola, M.;Červenkov, D.;Chang, M.-C.;Chang, P.;Chekelian, V.;Chen, A.;Cheon, B. G.;Chilikin, K.;Cho, H. E.;Cho, K.;Cho, S.-J.;Choi, S.-K.;Choi, Y.;Choudhury, S.;Cinabro, D.;Cunliffe, S.;Dash, N.;De Nardo, G.;De Pietro, G.;Dhamija, R.;Di Capua, F.;Dingfelder, J.;Doležal, Z.;Dong, T. V.;Ferber, T.;Ferlewicz, D.;Fulsom, B. G.;Garg, R.;Gaur, V.;Gabyshev, N.;Giri, A.;Goldenzweig, P.;Golob, B.;Graziani, E.;Gudkova, K.;Hadjivasiliou, C.;Hara, T.;Hayasaka, K.;Hayashii, H.;Hedges, M. T.;Hou, W.-S.;Inami, K.;Inguglia, G.;Ishikawa, A.;Itoh, R.;Iwasaki, M.;Iwasaki, Y.;Jacobs, W. W.;Jang, E.-J.;Jia, S.;Jin, Y.;Joo, K. K.;Kahn, J.;Kang, K. H.;Kawasaki, T.;Kichimi, H.;Kiesling, C.;Kim, C. H.;Kim, D. Y.;Kim, K.-H.;Kim, K. T.;Kim, Y.-K.;Kinoshita, K.;Kodyš, P.;Konno, T.;Korobov, A.;Korpar, S.;Kovalenko, E.;Križan, P.;Kroeger, R.;Krokovny, P.;Kumar, M.;Kumar, R.;Kumara, K.;Kuzmin, A.;Kwon, Y.-J.;Lalwani, K.;Lam, T.;Laurenza, M.;Lee, S. C.;Li, J.;Li, L. K.;Li, Y.;Li Gioi, L.;Libby, J.;Lieret, K.;Liventsev, D.;Martini, A.;Masuda, M.;Matvienko, D.;Maurya, S. K.;Merola, M.;Miyabayashi, K.;Mizuk, R.;Mohanty, G. B.;Nakao, M.;Narwal, D.;Natochii, A.;Nayak, L.;Nayak, M.;Nisar, N. K.;Nishida, S.;Ogawa, K.;Ogawa, S.;Ono, H.;Oskin, P.;Pakhlov, P.;Pakhlova, G.;Pang, T.;Pardi, S.;Park, S.-H.;Patra, S.;Paul, S.;Pedlar, T. K.;Pestotnik, R.;Piilonen, L. E.;Podobnik, T.;Prencipe, E.;Prim, M. T.;Röhrken, M.;Rostomyan, A.;Rout, N.;Russo, G.;Sahoo, D.;Sandilya, S.;Sangal, A.;Santelj, L.;Savinov, V.;Schnell, G.;Schueler, J.;Schwanda, C.;Seino, Y.;Senyo, K.;Sevior, M. E.;Shapkin, M.;Sharma, C.;Shebalin, V.;Shiu, J.-G.;Shwartz, B.;Singh, J. B.;Sokolov, A.;Solovieva, E.;Starič, M.;Stottler, Z. S.;Sumihama, M.;Sumiyoshi, T.;Takizawa, M.;Tamponi, U.;Tanida, K.;Tenchini, F.;Uchida, M.;Uglov, T.;Unno, Y.;Uno, K.;Uno, S.;Urquijo, P.;Vahsen, S. E.;Van Tonder, R.;Varner, G.;Vinokurova, A.;Waheed, E.;Wang, D.;Wang, E.;Wang, M.-Z.;Watanuki, S.;Won, E.;Xu, X.;Yabsley, B. D.;Yan, W.;Yang, S. B.;Ye, H.;Yelton, J.;Yin, J. H.;Yuan, C. Z.;Yusa, Y.;Zhai, Y.;Zhang, Z. P.;Zhilich, V.;Zhukova, V.;; First test of lepton flavor universality in the charmed baryon decays Ωc0Ω+ν using data of the Belle experiment
Aaij, R.;Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W.;Abellán Beteta, C.;Abudinén, F.;Ackernley, T.;Adeva, B.;Adinolfi, M.;Afsharnia, H.;Agapopoulou, C.;Aidala, C. A.;Aiola, S.;Ajaltouni, Z.;Akar, S.;Albrecht, J.;Alessio, F.;Alexander, M.;Alfonso Albero, A.;Aliouche, Z.;Alkhazov, G.;Alvarez Cartelle, P.;Amato, S.;Amey, J. L.;Amhis, Y.;An, L.;Anderlini, L.;Andersson, M.;Andreianov, A.;Andreotti, M.;Ao, D.;Archilli, F.;Artamonov, A.;Artuso, M.;Arzymatov, K.;Aslanides, E.;Atzeni, M.;Audurier, B.;Bachmann, S.;Bachmayer, M.;Back, J. J.;Baladron Rodriguez, P.;Balagura, V.;Baldini, W.;Baptista de Souza Leite, J.;Barbetti, M.;Barlow, R. J.;Barsuk, S.;Barter, W.;Bartolini, M.;Baryshnikov, F.;Basels, J. M.;Bassi, G.;Batsukh, B.;Battig, A.;Bay, A.;Beck, A.;Becker, M.;Bedeschi, F.;Bediaga, I.;Beiter, A.;Belavin, V.;Belin, S.;Bellee, V.;Belous, K.;Belov, I.;Belyaev, I.;Bencivenni, G.;Ben-Haim, E.;Berezhnoy, A.;Bernet, R.;Berninghoff, D.;Bernstein, H. C.;Bertella, C.;Bertolin, A.;Betancourt, C.;Betti, F.;Bezshyiko, Ia.;Bhasin, S.;Bhom, J.;Bian, L.;Bieker, M. S.;Biesuz, N. V.;Bifani, S.;Billoir, P.;Biolchini, A.;Birch, M.;Bishop, F. C. R.;Bitadze, A.;Bizzeti, A.;Bjørn, M.;Blago, M. P.;Blake, T.;Blanc, F.;Blusk, S.;Bobulska, D.;Boelhauve, J. A.;Boente Garcia, O.;Boettcher, T.;Boldyrev, A.;Bondar, A.;Bondar, N.;Borghi, S.;Borisyak, M.;Borsato, M.;Borsuk, J. T.;Bouchiba, S. A.;Bowcock, T. J. V.;Boyer, A.;Bozzi, C.;Bradley, M. J.;Braun, S.;Brea Rodriguez, A.;Brodzicka, J.;Brossa Gonzalo, A.;Brundu, D.;Buonaura, A.;Buonincontri, L.;Burke, A. T.;Burr, C.;Bursche, A.;Butkevich, A.;Butter, J. S.;Buytaert, J.;Byczynski, W.;Cadeddu, S.;Cai, H.;Calabrese, R.;Calefice, L.;Cali, S.;Calladine, R.;Calvi, M.;Calvo Gomez, M.;Camargo Magalhaes, P.;Campana, P.;Campoverde Quezada, A. F.;Capelli, S.;Capriotti, L.;Carbone, A.;Carboni, G.;Cardinale, R.;Cardini, A.;Carli, I.;Carniti, P.;Carus, L.;Carvalho Akiba, K.;Casais Vidal, A.;Caspary, R.;Casse, G.;Cattaneo, M.;Cavallero, G.;Celani, S.;Cerasoli, J.;Cervenkov, D.;Chadwick, A. J.;Chapman, M. G.;Charles, M.;Charpentier, Ph.;Chavez Barajas, C. A.;Chefdeville, M.;Chen, C.;Chen, S.;Chernov, A.;Chobanova, V.;Cholak, S.;Chrzaszcz, M.;Chubykin, A.;Chulikov, V.;Ciambrone, P.;Cicala, M. F.;Cid Vidal, X.;Ciezarek, G.;Clarke, P. E. L.;Clemencic, M.;Cliff, H. V.;Closier, J.;Cobbledick, J. L.;Coco, V.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Cogan, J.;Cogneras, E.;Cojocariu, L.;Collins, P.;Colombo, T.;Congedo, L.;Contu, A.;Cooke, N.;Coombs, G.;Corredoira, I.;Corti, G.;Costa Sobral, C. M.;Couturier, B.;Craik, D. C.;Crkovská, J.;Cruz Torres, M.;Currie, R.;Da Silva, C. L.;Dadabaev, S.;Dai, L.;Dall’Occo, E.;Dalseno, J.;D’Ambrosio, C.;Danilina, A.;d’Argent, P.;Dashkina, A.;Davies, J. E.;Davis, A.;De Aguiar Francisco, O.;De Bruyn, K.;De Capua, S.;De Cian, M.;De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca, U.;De Lucia, E.;De Miranda, J. M.;De Paula, L.;De Serio, M.;De Simone, D.;De Simone, P.;De Vellis, F.;de Vries, J. A.;Dean, C. T.;Debernardis, F.;Decamp, D.;Dedu, V.;Del Buono, L.;Delaney, B.;Dembinski, H.-P.;Denysenko, V.;Derkach, D.;Deschamps, O.;Dettori, F.;Dey, B.;Di Cicco, A.;Di Nezza, P.;Didenko, S.;Dieste Maronas, L.;Ding, S.;Dobishuk, V.;Dong, C.;Donohoe, A. M.;Dordei, F.;dos Reis, A. C.;Douglas, L.;Dovbnya, A.;Downes, A. G.;Dudek, M. W.;Dufour, L.;Duk, V.;Durante, P.;Durham, J. M.;Dutta, D.;Dziurda, A.;Dzyuba, A.;Easo, S.;Egede, U.;Egorychev, V.;Eidelman, S.;Eisenhardt, S.;Ek-In, S.;Eklund, L.;Ely, S.;Ene, A.;Epple, E.;Escher, S.;Eschle, J.;Esen, S.;Evans, T.;Falcao, L. N.;Fan, Y.;Fang, B.;Farry, S.;Fazzini, D.;Féo, M.;Fernandez Prieto, A.;Fernez, A. D.;Ferrari, F.;Ferreira Lopes, L.;Ferreira Rodrigues, F.;Ferreres Sole, S.;Ferrillo, M.;Ferro-Luzzi, M.;Filippov, S.;Fini, R. A.;Fiorini, M.;Firlej, M.;Fischer, K. M.;Fitzgerald, D. S.;Fitzpatrick, C.;Fiutowski, T.;Fkiaras, A.;Fleuret, F.;Fontana, M.;Fontanelli, F.;Forty, R.;Foulds-Holt, D.;Franco Lima, V.;Franco Sevilla, M.;Frank, M.;Franzoso, E.;Frau, G.;Frei, C.;Friday, D. A.;Fu, J.;Fuehring, Q.;Gabriel, E.;Galati, G.;Gallas Torreira, A.;Galli, D.;Gambetta, S.;Gan, Y.;Gandelman, M.;Gandini, P.;Gao, Y.;Garau, M.;Garcia Martin, L. M.;Garcia Moreno, P.;García Pardiñas, J.;Garcia Plana, B.;Garcia Rosales, F. A.;Garrido, L.;Gaspar, C.;Geertsema, R. E.;Gerick, D.;Gerken, L. L.;Gersabeck, E.;Gersabeck, M.;Gershon, T.;Giambastiani, L.;Gibson, V.;Giemza, H. K.;Gilman, A. L.;Giovannetti, M.;Gioventù, A.;Gironella Gironell, P.;Giugliano, C.;Gizdov, K.;Gkougkousis, E. L.;Gligorov, V. V.;Göbel, C.;Golobardes, E.;Golubkov, D.;Golutvin, A.;Gomes, A.;Gomez Fernandez, S.;Goncalves Abrantes, F.;Goncerz, M.;Gong, G.;Gorbounov, P.;Gorelov, I. V.;Gotti, C.;Grabowski, J. P.;Grammatico, T.;Granado Cardoso, L. A.;Graugés, E.;Graverini, E.;Graziani, G.;Grecu, A.;Greeven, L. M.;Grieser, N. A.;Grillo, L.;Gromov, S.;Gruberg Cazon, B. R.;Gu, C.;Guarise, M.;Guittiere, M.;Günther, P. A.;Gushchin, E.;Guth, A.;Guz, Y.;Gys, T.;Hadavizadeh, T.;Haefeli, G.;Haen, C.;Haimberger, J.;Haines, S. C.;Halewood-leagas, T.;Hamilton, P. M.;Hammerich, J. P.;Han, Q.;Han, X.;Hansen, E. B.;Hansmann-Menzemer, S.;Harnew, N.;Harrison, T.;Hasse, C.;Hatch, M.;He, J.;Heijhoff, K.;Heinicke, K.;Henderson, R. D. L.;Hennequin, A. M.;Hennessy, K.;Henry, L.;Heuel, J.;Hicheur, A.;Hill, D.;Hilton, M.;Hollitt, S. E.;Hou, R.;Hou, Y.;Hu, J.;Hu, J.;Hu, W.;Hu, X.;Huang, W.;Huang, X.;Hulsbergen, W.;Hunter, R. J.;Hushchyn, M.;Hutchcroft, D.;Hynds, D.;Ibis, P.;Idzik, M.;Ilin, D.;Ilten, P.;Inglessi, A.;Iniukhin, A.;Ishteev, A.;Ivshin, K.;Jacobsson, R.;Jage, H.;Jakobsen, S.;Jans, E.;Jashal, B. K.;Jawahery, A.;Jevtic, V.;Jiang, X.;John, M.;Johnson, D.;Jones, C. R.;Jones, T. P.;Jost, B.;Jurik, N.;Kandybei, S.;Kang, Y.;Karacson, M.;Karpenkov, D.;Karpov, M.;Kautz, J. W.;Keizer, F.;Keller, D. M.;Kenzie, M.;Ketel, T.;Khanji, B.;Kharisova, A.;Kholodenko, S.;Kirn, T.;Kirsebom, V. S.;Kitouni, O.;Klaver, S.;Kleijne, N.;Klimaszewski, K.;Kmiec, M. R.;Koliiev, S.;Kondybayeva, A.;Konoplyannikov, A.;Kopciewicz, P.;Kopecna, R.;Koppenburg, P.;Korolev, M.;Kostiuk, I.;Kot, O.;Kotriakhova, S.;Kozachuk, A.;Kravchenko, P.;Kravchuk, L.;Krawczyk, R. D.;Kreps, M.;Kretzschmar, S.;Krokovny, P.;Krupa, W.;Krzemien, W.;Kubat, J.;Kucharczyk, M.;Kudryavtsev, V.;Kuindersma, H. S.;Kunde, G. J.;Kvaratskheliya, T.;Lacarrere, D.;Lafferty, G.;Lai, A.;Lampis, A.;Lancierini, D.;Lane, J. J.;Lane, R.;Lanfranchi, G.;Langenbruch, C.;Langer, J.;Lantwin, O.;Latham, T.;Lazzari, F.;Le Gac, R.;Lee, S. H.;Lefèvre, R.;Leflat, A.;Legotin, S.;Leroy, O.;Lesiak, T.;Leverington, B.;Li, H.;Li, P.;Li, S.;Li, Y.;Li, Z.;Liang, X.;Lin, T.;Lindner, R.;Lisovskyi, V.;Litvinov, R.;Liu, G.;Liu, H.;Liu, Q.;Liu, S.;Lobo Salvia, A.;Loi, A.;Lollini, R.;Lomba Castro, J.;Longstaff, I.;Lopes, J. H.;López Soliño, S.;Lovell, G. H.;Lu, Y.;Lucarelli, C.;Lucchesi, D.;Luchuk, S.;Lucio Martinez, M.;Lukashenko, V.;Luo, Y.;Lupato, A.;Luppi, E.;Lupton, O.;Lusiani, A.;Lyu, X.;Ma, L.;Ma, R.;Maccolini, S.;Machefert, F.;Maciuc, F.;Macko, V.;Mackowiak, P.;Maddrell-Mander, S.;Madhan Mohan, L. R.;Maev, O.;Maevskiy, A.;Maisuzenko, D.;Majewski, M. W.;Malczewski, J. J.;Malde, S.;Malecki, B.;Malinin, A.;Maltsev, T.;Malygina, H.;Manca, G.;Mancinelli, G.;Manuzzi, D.;Manzari, C. A.;Marangotto, D.;Maratas, J.;Marchand, J. F.;Marconi, U.;Mariani, S.;Marin Benito, C.;Marinangeli, M.;Marks, J.;Marshall, A. M.;Marshall, P. J.;Martelli, G.;Martellotti, G.;Martinazzoli, L.;Martinelli, M.;Martinez Santos, D.;Martinez Vidal, F.;Massafferri, A.;Materok, M.;Matev, R.;Mathad, A.;Matiunin, V.;Matteuzzi, C.;Mattioli, K. R.;Mauri, A.;Maurice, E.;Mauricio, J.;Mazurek, M.;McCann, M.;Mcconnell, L.;Mcgrath, T. H.;Mchugh, N. T.;McNab, A.;McNulty, R.;Mead, J. V.;Meadows, B.;Meier, G.;Melnychuk, D.;Meloni, S.;Merk, M.;Merli, A.;Meyer Garcia, L.;Mikhasenko, M.;Milanes, D. A.;Millard, E.;Milovanovic, M.;Minard, M.-N.;Minotti, A.;Mitchell, S. E.;Mitreska, B.;Mitzel, D. S.;Mödden, A.;Mohammed, R. A.;Moise, R. D.;Mokhnenko, S.;Mombächer, T.;Monroy, I. A.;Monteil, S.;Morandin, M.;Morello, G.;Morello, M. J.;Moron, J.;Morris, A. B.;Morris, A. G.;Mountain, R.;Mu, H.;Muheim, F.;Mulder, M.;Müller, K.;Murphy, C. H.;Murray, D.;Murta, R.;Muzzetto, P.;Naik, P.;Nakada, T.;Nandakumar, R.;Nanut, T.;Nasteva, I.;Needham, M.;Neri, N.;Neubert, S.;Neufeld, N.;Newcombe, R.;Niel, E. M.;Nieswand, S.;Nikitin, N.;Nolte, N. S.;Normand, C.;Nunez, C.;Oblakowska-Mucha, A.;Obraztsov, V.;Oeser, T.;O’Hanlon, D. P.;Okamura, S.;Oldeman, R.;Oliva, F.;Olivares, M. E.;Onderwater, C. J. G.;O’Neil, R. H.;Otalora Goicochea, J. M.;Ovsiannikova, T.;Owen, P.;Oyanguren, A.;Ozcelik, O.;Padeken, K. O.;Pagare, B.;Pais, P. R.;Pajero, T.;Palano, A.;Palutan, M.;Pan, Y.;Panshin, G.;Papanestis, A.;Pappagallo, M.;Pappalardo, L. L.;Pappenheimer, C.;Parker, W.;Parkes, C.;Passalacqua, B.;Passaleva, G.;Pastore, A.;Patel, M.;Patrignani, C.;Pawley, C. J.;Pearce, A.;Pellegrino, A.;Pepe Altarelli, M.;Perazzini, S.;Pereima, D.;Pereiro Castro, A.;Perret, P.;Petric, M.;Petridis, K.;Petrolini, A.;Petrov, A.;Petrucci, S.;Petruzzo, M.;Pham, T. T. H.;Philippov, A.;Piandani, R.;Pica, L.;Piccini, M.;Pietrzyk, B.;Pietrzyk, G.;Pili, M.;Pinci, D.;Pisani, F.;Pizzichemi, M.;P. K, Resmi;Placinta, V.;Plews, J.;Plo Casasus, M.;Polci, F.;Poli Lener, M.;Poliakova, M.;Poluektov, A.;Polukhina, N.;Polyakov, I.;Polycarpo, E.;Ponce, S.;Popov, D.;Popov, S.;Poslavskii, S.;Prasanth, K.;Promberger, L.;Prouve, C.;Pugatch, V.;Puill, V.;Punzi, G.;Qi, H.;Qian, W.;Qin, N.;Quagliani, R.;Raab, N. V.;Rabadan Trejo, R. I.;Rachwal, B.;Rademacker, J. H.;Rajagopalan, R.;Rama, M.;Ramos Pernas, M.;Rangel, M. S.;Ratnikov, F.;Raven, G.;Reboud, M.;Redi, F.;Reiss, F.;Remon Alepuz, C.;Ren, Z.;Renaudin, V.;Ribatti, R.;Ricci, A. M.;Ricciardi, S.;Rinnert, K.;Robbe, P.;Robertson, G.;Rodrigues, A. B.;Rodrigues, E.;Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.;Rodriguez Rodriguez, E. R. R.;Rollings, A.;Roloff, P.;Romanovskiy, V.;Romero Lamas, M.;Romero Vidal, A.;Roth, J. D.;Rotondo, M.;Rudolph, M. S.;Ruf, T.;Ruiz Fernandez, R. A.;Ruiz Vidal, J.;Ryzhikov, A.;Ryzka, J.;Saborido Silva, J. J.;Sagidova, N.;Sahoo, N.;Saitta, B.;Salomoni, M.;Sanchez Gras, C.;Sanderswood, I.;Santacesaria, R.;Santamarina Rios, C.;Santimaria, M.;Santovetti, E.;Saranin, D.;Sarpis, G.;Sarpis, M.;Sarti, A.;Satriano, C.;Satta, A.;Saur, M.;Savrina, D.;Sazak, H.;Scantlebury Smead, L. G.;Scarabotto, A.;Schael, S.;Scherl, S.;Schiller, M.;Schindler, H.;Schmelling, M.;Schmidt, B.;Schmitt, S.;Schneider, O.;Schopper, A.;Schubiger, M.;Schulte, S.;Schune, M. H.;Schwemmer, R.;Sciascia, B.;Sellam, S.;Semennikov, A.;Senghi Soares, M.;Sergi, A.;Serra, N.;Sestini, L.;Seuthe, A.;Shang, Y.;Shangase, D. M.;Shapkin, M.;Shchemerov, I.;Shchutska, L.;Shears, T.;Shekhtman, L.;Shen, Z.;Sheng, S.;Shevchenko, V.;Shields, E. B.;Shimizu, Y.;Shmanin, E.;Shupperd, J. D.;Siddi, B. G.;Silva Coutinho, R.;Simi, G.;Simone, S.;Singla, M.;Skidmore, N.;Skuza, R.;Skwarnicki, T.;Slater, M. W.;Slazyk, I.;Smallwood, J. C.;Smeaton, J. G.;Smith, E.;Smith, M.;Snoch, A.;Soares Lavra, L.;Sokoloff, M. D.;Soler, F. J. P.;Solovev, A.;Solovyev, I.;Souza De Almeida, F. L.;Souza De Paula, B.;Spaan, B.;Spadaro Norella, E.;Spradlin, P.;Stagni, F.;Stahl, M.;Stahl, S.;Stanislaus, S.;Steinkamp, O.;Stenyakin, O.;Stevens, H.;Stone, S.;Strekalina, D.;Suljik, F.;Sun, J.;Sun, L.;Sun, Y.;Svihra, P.;Swallow, P. N.;Swientek, K.;Szabelski, A.;Szumlak, T.;Szymanski, M.;Taneja, S.;Tanner, A. R.;Tat, M. D.;Terentev, A.;Teubert, F.;Thomas, E.;Thompson, D. J. D.;Thomson, K. A.;Tilquin, H.;Tisserand, V.;T’Jampens, S.;Tobin, M.;Tomassetti, L.;Tong, X.;Torres Machado, D.;Tou, D. Y.;Trifonova, E.;Trilov, S. M.;Trippl, C.;Tuci, G.;Tully, A.;Tuning, N.;Ukleja, A.;Unverzagt, D. J.;Ursov, E.;Usachov, A.;Ustyuzhanin, A.;Uwer, U.;Vagner, A.;Vagnoni, V.;Valassi, A.;Valenti, G.;Valls Canudas, N.;van Beuzekom, M.;Van Dijk, M.;Van Hecke, H.;van Herwijnen, E.;van Veghel, M.;Vazquez Gomez, R.;Vazquez Regueiro, P.;Vázquez Sierra, C.;Vecchi, S.;Velthuis, J. J.;Veltri, M.;Venkateswaran, A.;Veronesi, M.;Vesterinen, M.;Vieira, D.;Vieites Diaz, M.;Viemann, H.;Vilasis-Cardona, X.;Vilella Figueras, E.;Villa, A.;Vincent, P.;Volle, F. C.;Vom Bruch, D.;Vorobyev, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Voropaev, N.;Vos, K.;Waldi, R.;Walsh, J.;Wang, C.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, M.;Wang, R.;Wang, Y.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Ward, J. A.;Watson, N. K.;Websdale, D.;Weisser, C.;Westhenry, B. D. C.;White, D. J.;Whitehead, M.;Wiederhold, A. R.;Wiedner, D.;Wilkinson, G.;Wilkinson, M. K.;Williams, I.;Williams, M.;Williams, M. R. J.;Wilson, F. F.;Wislicki, W.;Witek, M.;Witola, L.;Wormser, G.;Wotton, S. A.;Wu, H.;Wyllie, K.;Xiang, Z.;Xiao, D.;Xie, Y.;Xu, A.;Xu, J.;Xu, L.;Xu, M.;Xu, Q.;Xu, Z.;Xu, Z.;Yang, D.;Yang, S.;Yang, Y.;Yang, Z.;Yang, Z.;Yao, Y.;Yeomans, L. E.;Yin, H.;Yu, J.;Yuan, X.;Yushchenko, O.;Zaffaroni, E.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zdybal, M.;Zenaiev, O.;Zeng, M.;Zhang, D.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y.;Zharkova, A.;Zhelezov, A.;Zheng, Y.;Zhou, T.;Zhou, X.;Zhou, Y.;Zhovkovska, V.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, Z.;Zhukov, V.;Zou, Q.;Zucchelli, S.;Zuliani, D.;Zunica, G.;; Measurement of the charm mixing parameter yCPyCPKπ using two-body D0 meson decays
Leutgeb, Josef;Rebhan, Anton;Stadlbauer, Michael; Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g2 in holographic QCD
Errasti Díez, Verónica;Marinkovic, Marina Krstic; Symplectic quantization of multifield generalized Proca electrodynamics
Caola, Fabrizio;Chakraborty, Amlan;Gambuti, Giulio;von Manteuffel, Andreas;Tancredi, Lorenzo; Three-Loop Gluon Scattering in QCD and the Gluon Regge Trajectory
Halimeh, Jad C.;Homeier, Lukas;Zhao, Hongzheng;Bohrdt, Annabelle;Grusdt, Fabian;Hauke, Philipp;Knolle, Johannes; Enhancing Disorder-Free Localization through Dynamically Emergent Local Symmetries
Alonso-Álvarez, Gonzalo;Elor, Gilly;Escudero, Miguel;Fornal, Bartosz;Grinstein, Benjamín;Camalich, Jorge Martin; Strange physics of dark baryons
Aaij, R.;Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W.;Abellán Beteta, C.;Abudinén, F.;Ackernley, T.;Adeva, B.;Adinolfi, M.;Afsharnia, H.;Agapopoulou, C.;Aidala, C. A.;Aiola, S.;Ajaltouni, Z.;Akar, S.;Albrecht, J.;Alessio, F.;Alexander, M.;Alfonso Albero, A.;Aliouche, Z.;Alkhazov, G.;Alvarez Cartelle, P.;Alves, A. A.;Amato, S.;Amey, J. L.;Amhis, Y.;An, L.;Anderlini, L.;Andersson, N.;Andreianov, A.;Andreotti, M.;Archilli, F.;Artamonov, A.;Artuso, M.;Arzymatov, K.;Aslanides, E.;Atzeni, M.;Audurier, B.;Bachmann, S.;Bachmayer, M.;Back, J. J.;Baladron Rodriguez, P.;Balagura, V.;Baldini, W.;Baptista Leite, J.;Barbetti, M.;Barlow, R. J.;Barsuk, S.;Barter, W.;Bartolini, M.;Baryshnikov, F.;Basels, J. M.;Bashir, S.;Bassi, G.;Batsukh, B.;Battig, A.;Bay, A.;Beck, A.;Becker, M.;Bedeschi, F.;Bediaga, I.;Beiter, A.;Belavin, V.;Belin, S.;Bellee, V.;Belous, K.;Belov, I.;Belyaev, I.;Bencivenni, G.;Ben-Haim, E.;Berezhnoy, A.;Bernet, R.;Berninghoff, D.;Bernstein, H. C.;Bertella, C.;Bertolin, A.;Betancourt, C.;Betti, F.;Bezshyiko, Ia.;Bhasin, S.;Bhom, J.;Bian, L.;Bieker, M. S.;Biesuz, N. V.;Bifani, S.;Billoir, P.;Biolchini, A.;Birch, M.;Bishop, F. C. R.;Bitadze, A.;Bizzeti, A.;Bjørn, M.;Blago, M. P.;Blake, T.;Blanc, F.;Blusk, S.;Bobulska, D.;Boelhauve, J. A.;Boente Garcia, O.;Boettcher, T.;Boldyrev, A.;Bondar, A.;Bondar, N.;Borghi, S.;Borisyak, M.;Borsato, M.;Borsuk, J. T.;Bouchiba, S. A.;Bowcock, T. J. V.;Boyer, A.;Bozzi, C.;Bradley, M. J.;Braun, S.;Brea Rodriguez, A.;Brodzicka, J.;Brossa Gonzalo, A.;Brundu, D.;Buonaura, A.;Buonincontri, L.;Burke, A. T.;Burr, C.;Bursche, A.;Butkevich, A.;Butter, J. S.;Buytaert, J.;Byczynski, W.;Cadeddu, S.;Cai, H.;Calabrese, R.;Calefice, L.;Cali, S.;Calladine, R.;Calvi, M.;Calvo Gomez, M.;Camargo Magalhaes, P.;Campana, P.;Campoverde Quezada, A. F.;Capelli, S.;Capriotti, L.;Carbone, A.;Carboni, G.;Cardinale, R.;Cardini, A.;Carli, I.;Carniti, P.;Carus, L.;Carvalho Akiba, K.;Casais Vidal, A.;Caspary, R.;Casse, G.;Cattaneo, M.;Cavallero, G.;Celani, S.;Cerasoli, J.;Cervenkov, D.;Chadwick, A. J.;Chapman, M. G.;Charles, M.;Charpentier, Ph.;Chatzikonstantinidis, G.;Chavez Barajas, C. A.;Chefdeville, M.;Chen, C.;Chen, S.;Chernov, A.;Chobanova, V.;Cholak, S.;Chrzaszcz, M.;Chubykin, A.;Chulikov, V.;Ciambrone, P.;Cicala, M. F.;Cid Vidal, X.;Ciezarek, G.;Clarke, P. E. L.;Clemencic, M.;Cliff, H. V.;Closier, J.;Cobbledick, J. L.;Coco, V.;Coelho, J. A. B.;Cogan, J.;Cogneras, E.;Cojocariu, L.;Collins, P.;Colombo, T.;Congedo, L.;Contu, A.;Cooke, N.;Coombs, G.;Corredoira, I.;Corti, G.;Costa Sobral, C. M.;Couturier, B.;Craik, D. C.;Crkovská, J.;Cruz Torres, M.;Currie, R.;Da Silva, C. L.;Dadabaev, S.;Dai, L.;Dall’Occo, E.;Dalseno, J.;D’Ambrosio, C.;Danilina, A.;d’Argent, P.;Dashkina, A.;Davies, J. E.;Davis, A.;De Aguiar Francisco, O.;De Bruyn, K.;De Capua, S.;De Cian, M.;De Lucia, E.;De Miranda, J. M.;De Paula, L.;De Serio, M.;De Simone, D.;De Simone, P.;De Vellis, F.;de Vries, J. A.;Dean, C. T.;Debernardis, F.;Decamp, D.;Dedu, V.;Del Buono, L.;Delaney, B.;Dembinski, H.-P.;Dendek, A.;Denysenko, V.;Derkach, D.;Deschamps, O.;Desse, F.;Dettori, F.;Dey, B.;Di Canto, A.;Di Cicco, A.;Di Nezza, P.;Didenko, S.;Dieste Maronas, L.;Dijkstra, H.;Dobishuk, V.;Dong, C.;Donohoe, A. M.;Dordei, F.;dos Reis, A. C.;Douglas, L.;Dovbnya, A.;Downes, A. G.;Dudek, M. W.;Dufour, L.;Duk, V.;Durante, P.;Durham, J. M.;Dutta, D.;Dziurda, A.;Dzyuba, A.;Easo, S.;Egede, U.;Egorychev, V.;Eidelman, S.;Eisenhardt, S.;Ek-In, S.;Eklund, L.;Ely, S.;Ene, A.;Epple, E.;Escher, S.;Eschle, J.;Esen, S.;Evans, T.;Falcao, L. N.;Fan, Y.;Fang, B.;Farry, S.;Fazzini, D.;Féo, M.;Fernandez Prieto, A.;Fernez, A. D.;Ferrari, F.;Ferreira Lopes, L.;Ferreira Rodrigues, F.;Ferreres Sole, S.;Ferrillo, M.;Ferro-Luzzi, M.;Filippov, S.;Fini, R. A.;Fiorini, M.;Firlej, M.;Fischer, K. M.;Fitzgerald, D. S.;Fitzpatrick, C.;Fiutowski, T.;Fkiaras, A.;Fleuret, F.;Fontana, M.;Fontanelli, F.;Forty, R.;Foulds-Holt, D.;Franco Lima, V.;Franco Sevilla, M.;Frank, M.;Franzoso, E.;Frau, G.;Frei, C.;Friday, D. A.;Fu, J.;Fuehring, Q.;Gabriel, E.;Galati, G.;Gallas Torreira, A.;Galli, D.;Gambetta, S.;Gan, Y.;Gandelman, M.;Gandini, P.;Gao, Y.;Garau, M.;Garcia Martin, L. M.;Garcia Moreno, P.;García Pardiñas, J.;Garcia Plana, B.;Garcia Rosales, F. A.;Garrido, L.;Gaspar, C.;Geertsema, R. E.;Gerick, D.;Gerken, L. L.;Gersabeck, E.;Gersabeck, M.;Gershon, T.;Gerstel, D.;Giambastiani, L.;Gibson, V.;Giemza, H. K.;Gilman, A. L.;Giovannetti, M.;Gioventù, A.;Gironella Gironell, P.;Giugliano, C.;Gizdov, K.;Gkougkousis, E. L.;Gligorov, V. V.;Göbel, C.;Golobardes, E.;Golubkov, D.;Golutvin, A.;Gomes, A.;Gomez Fernandez, S.;Goncalves Abrantes, F.;Goncerz, M.;Gong, G.;Gorbounov, P.;Gorelov, I. V.;Gotti, C.;Govorkova, E.;Grabowski, J. P.;Grammatico, T.;Granado Cardoso, L. A.;Graugés, E.;Graverini, E.;Graziani, G.;Grecu, A.;Greeven, L. M.;Grieser, N. A.;Grillo, L.;Gromov, S.;Gruberg Cazon, B. R.;Gu, C.;Guarise, M.;Guittiere, M.;Günther, P. A.;Gushchin, E.;Guth, A.;Guz, Y.;Gys, T.;Hadavizadeh, T.;Haefeli, G.;Haen, C.;Haimberger, J.;Halewood-leagas, T.;Hamilton, P. M.;Hammerich, J. P.;Han, Q.;Han, X.;Hancock, T. H.;Hansen, E. B.;Hansmann-Menzemer, S.;Harnew, N.;Harrison, T.;Hasse, C.;Hatch, M.;He, J.;Hecker, M.;Heijhoff, K.;Heinicke, K.;Henderson, R. D. L.;Hennequin, A. M.;Hennessy, K.;Henry, L.;Heuel, J.;Hicheur, A.;Hill, D.;Hilton, M.;Hollitt, S. E.;Hou, R.;Hou, Y.;Hu, J.;Hu, J.;Hu, W.;Hu, X.;Huang, W.;Huang, X.;Hulsbergen, W.;Hunter, R. J.;Hushchyn, M.;Hutchcroft, D.;Hynds, D.;Ibis, P.;Idzik, M.;Ilin, D.;Ilten, P.;Inglessi, A.;Ishteev, A.;Ivshin, K.;Jacobsson, R.;Jage, H.;Jakobsen, S.;Jans, E.;Jashal, B. K.;Jawahery, A.;Jevtic, V.;Jiang, X.;John, M.;Johnson, D.;Jones, C. R.;Jones, T. P.;Jost, B.;Jurik, N.;Kalavan Kadavath, S. H.;Kandybei, S.;Kang, Y.;Karacson, M.;Karpov, M.;Kautz, J. W.;Keizer, F.;Keller, D. M.;Kenzie, M.;Ketel, T.;Khanji, B.;Kharisova, A.;Kholodenko, S.;Kirn, T.;Kirsebom, V. S.;Kitouni, O.;Klaver, S.;Kleijne, N.;Klimaszewski, K.;Kmiec, M. R.;Koliiev, S.;Kondybayeva, A.;Konoplyannikov, A.;Kopciewicz, P.;Kopecna, R.;Koppenburg, P.;Korolev, M.;Kostiuk, I.;Kot, O.;Kotriakhova, S.;Kravchenko, P.;Kravchuk, L.;Krawczyk, R. D.;Kreps, M.;Kress, F.;Kretzschmar, S.;Krokovny, P.;Krupa, W.;Krzemien, W.;Kubat, J.;Kucharczyk, M.;Kudryavtsev, V.;Kuindersma, H. S.;Kunde, G. J.;Kvaratskheliya, T.;Lacarrere, D.;Lafferty, G.;Lai, A.;Lampis, A.;Lancierini, D.;Lane, J. J.;Lane, R.;Lanfranchi, G.;Langenbruch, C.;Langer, J.;Lantwin, O.;Latham, T.;Lazzari, F.;Le Gac, R.;Lee, S. H.;Lefèvre, R.;Leflat, A.;Legotin, S.;Leroy, O.;Lesiak, T.;Leverington, B.;Li, H.;Li, P.;Li, S.;Li, Y.;Li, Y.;Li, Z.;Liang, X.;Lin, T.;Lindner, R.;Lisovskyi, V.;Litvinov, R.;Liu, G.;Liu, H.;Liu, Q.;Liu, S.;Lobo Salvia, A.;Loi, A.;Lomba Castro, J.;Longstaff, I.;Lopes, J. H.;López Soliño, S.;Lovell, G. H.;Lu, Y.;Lucarelli, C.;Lucchesi, D.;Luchuk, S.;Lucio Martinez, M.;Lukashenko, V.;Luo, Y.;Lupato, A.;Luppi, E.;Lupton, O.;Lusiani, A.;Lyu, X.;Ma, L.;Ma, R.;Maccolini, S.;Machefert, F.;Maciuc, F.;Macko, V.;Mackowiak, P.;Maddrell-Mander, S.;Madejczyk, O.;Madhan Mohan, L. R.;Maev, O.;Maevskiy, A.;Maisuzenko, D.;Majewski, M. W.;Malczewski, J. J.;Malde, S.;Malecki, B.;Malinin, A.;Maltsev, T.;Malygina, H.;Manca, G.;Mancinelli, G.;Manuzzi, D.;Marangotto, D.;Maratas, J.;Marchand, J. F.;Marconi, U.;Mariani, S.;Marin Benito, C.;Marinangeli, M.;Marks, J.;Marshall, A. M.;Marshall, P. J.;Martelli, G.;Martellotti, G.;Martinazzoli, L.;Martinelli, M.;Martinez Santos, D.;Martinez Vidal, F.;Massafferri, A.;Materok, M.;Matev, R.;Mathad, A.;Matiunin, V.;Matteuzzi, C.;Mattioli, K. R.;Mauri, A.;Maurice, E.;Mauricio, J.;Mazurek, M.;McCann, M.;Mcconnell, L.;Mcgrath, T. H.;Mchugh, N. T.;McNab, A.;McNulty, R.;Mead, J. V.;Meadows, B.;Meier, G.;Meinert, N.;Melnychuk, D.;Meloni, S.;Merk, M.;Merli, A.;Meyer Garcia, L.;Mikhasenko, M.;Milanes, D. A.;Millard, E.;Milovanovic, M.;Minard, M.-N.;Minotti, A.;Minzoni, L.;Mitchell, S. E.;Mitreska, B.;Mitzel, D. S.;Mödden, A.;Mohammed, R. A.;Moise, R. D.;Mokhnenko, S.;Mombächer, T.;Monroy, I. A.;Monteil, S.;Morandin, M.;Morello, G.;Morello, M. J.;Moron, J.;Morris, A. B.;Morris, A. G.;Mountain, R.;Mu, H.;Muheim, F.;Mulder, M.;Müller, D.;Müller, K.;Murphy, C. H.;Murray, D.;Murta, R.;Muzzetto, P.;Naik, P.;Nakada, T.;Nandakumar, R.;Nanut, T.;Nasteva, I.;Needham, M.;Neri, N.;Neubert, S.;Neufeld, N.;Newcombe, R.;Niel, E. M.;Nieswand, S.;Nikitin, N.;Nolte, N. S.;Normand, C.;Nunez, C.;Oblakowska-Mucha, A.;Obraztsov, V.;Oeser, T.;O’Hanlon, D. P.;Okamura, S.;Oldeman, R.;Oliva, F.;Olivares, M. E.;Onderwater, C. J. G.;O’Neil, R. H.;Otalora Goicochea, J. M.;Ovsiannikova, T.;Owen, P.;Oyanguren, A.;Padeken, K. O.;Pagare, B.;Pais, P. R.;Pajero, T.;Palano, A.;Palutan, M.;Pan, Y.;Panshin, G.;Papanestis, A.;Pappagallo, M.;Pappalardo, L. L.;Pappenheimer, C.;Parker, W.;Parkes, C.;Passalacqua, B.;Passaleva, G.;Pastore, A.;Patel, M.;Patrignani, C.;Pawley, C. J.;Pearce, A.;Pellegrino, A.;Pepe Altarelli, M.;Perazzini, S.;Pereima, D.;Pereiro Castro, A.;Perret, P.;Petric, M.;Petridis, K.;Petrolini, A.;Petrov, A.;Petrucci, S.;Petruzzo, M.;Pham, T. T. H.;Philippov, A.;Piandani, R.;Pica, L.;Piccini, M.;Pietrzyk, B.;Pietrzyk, G.;Pili, M.;Pinci, D.;Pisani, F.;Pizzichemi, M.;P. K, Resmi;Placinta, V.;Plews, J.;Plo Casasus, M.;Polci, F.;Poli Lener, M.;Poliakova, M.;Poluektov, A.;Polukhina, N.;Polyakov, I.;Polycarpo, E.;Ponce, S.;Popov, D.;Popov, S.;Poslavskii, S.;Prasanth, K.;Promberger, L.;Prouve, C.;Pugatch, V.;Puill, V.;Pullen, H.;Punzi, G.;Qi, H.;Qian, W.;Qin, J.;Qin, N.;Quagliani, R.;Quintana, B.;Raab, N. V.;Rabadan Trejo, R. I.;Rachwal, B.;Rademacker, J. H.;Rama, M.;Ramos Pernas, M.;Rangel, M. S.;Ratnikov, F.;Raven, G.;Reboud, M.;Redi, F.;Reiss, F.;Remon Alepuz, C.;Ren, Z.;Renaudin, V.;Ribatti, R.;Ricciardi, S.;Rinnert, K.;Robbe, P.;Robertson, G.;Rodrigues, A. B.;Rodrigues, E.;Rodriguez Lopez, J. A.;Rodriguez Rodriguez, E. R. R.;Rollings, A.;Roloff, P.;Romanovskiy, V.;Romero Lamas, M.;Romero Vidal, A.;Roth, J. D.;Rotondo, M.;Rudolph, M. S.;Ruf, T.;Ruiz Fernandez, R. A.;Ruiz Vidal, J.;Ryzhikov, A.;Ryzka, J.;Saborido Silva, J. J.;Sagidova, N.;Sahoo, N.;Saitta, B.;Salomoni, M.;Sanchez Gras, C.;Santacesaria, R.;Santamarina Rios, C.;Santimaria, M.;Santovetti, E.;Saranin, D.;Sarpis, G.;Sarpis, M.;Sarti, A.;Satriano, C.;Satta, A.;Saur, M.;Savrina, D.;Sazak, H.;Scantlebury Smead, L. G.;Scarabotto, A.;Schael, S.;Scherl, S.;Schiller, M.;Schindler, H.;Schmelling, M.;Schmidt, B.;Schmitt, S.;Schneider, O.;Schopper, A.;Schubiger, M.;Schulte, S.;Schune, M. H.;Schwemmer, R.;Sciascia, B.;Sellam, S.;Semennikov, A.;Senghi Soares, M.;Sergi, A.;Serra, N.;Sestini, L.;Seuthe, A.;Shang, Y.;Shangase, D. M.;Shapkin, M.;Shchemerov, I.;Shchutska, L.;Shears, T.;Shekhtman, L.;Shen, Z.;Sheng, S.;Shevchenko, V.;Shields, E. B.;Shimizu, Y.;Shmanin, E.;Shupperd, J. D.;Siddi, B. G.;Silva Coutinho, R.;Simi, G.;Simone, S.;Skidmore, N.;Skwarnicki, T.;Slater, M. W.;Slazyk, I.;Smallwood, J. C.;Smeaton, J. G.;Smetkina, A.;Smith, E.;Smith, M.;Snoch, A.;Soares Lavra, L.;Sokoloff, M. D.;Soler, F. J. P.;Solovev, A.;Solovyev, I.;Souza De Almeida, F. L.;Souza De Paula, B.;Spaan, B.;Spadaro Norella, E.;Spradlin, P.;Stagni, F.;Stahl, M.;Stahl, S.;Stanislaus, S.;Steinkamp, O.;Stenyakin, O.;Stevens, H.;Stone, S.;Strekalina, D.;Suljik, F.;Sun, J.;Sun, L.;Sun, Y.;Svihra, P.;Swallow, P. N.;Swientek, K.;Szabelski, A.;Szumlak, T.;Szymanski, M.;Taneja, S.;Tanner, A. R.;Tat, M. D.;Terentev, A.;Teubert, F.;Thomas, E.;Thompson, D. J. D.;Thomson, K. A.;Tilquin, H.;Tisserand, V.;T’Jampens, S.;Tobin, M.;Tomassetti, L.;Tong, X.;Torres Machado, D.;Tou, D. Y.;Trifonova, E.;Trilov, S. M.;Trippl, C.;Tuci, G.;Tully, A.;Tuning, N.;Ukleja, A.;Unverzagt, D. J.;Ursov, E.;Usachov, A.;Ustyuzhanin, A.;Uwer, U.;Vagner, A.;Vagnoni, V.;Valassi, A.;Valenti, G.;Valls Canudas, N.;van Beuzekom, M.;Van Dijk, M.;Van Hecke, H.;van Herwijnen, E.;van Veghel, M.;Vazquez Gomez, R.;Vazquez Regueiro, P.;Vázquez Sierra, C.;Vecchi, S.;Velthuis, J. J.;Veltri, M.;Venkateswaran, A.;Veronesi, M.;Vesterinen, M.;Vieira, D.;Vieites Diaz, M.;Viemann, H.;Vilasis-Cardona, X.;Vilella Figueras, E.;Villa, A.;Vincent, P.;Volle, F. C.;Vom Bruch, D.;Vorobyev, A.;Vorobyev, V.;Voropaev, N.;Vos, K.;Waldi, R.;Walsh, J.;Wang, C.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, J.;Wang, M.;Wang, R.;Wang, Y.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Wang, Z.;Ward, J. A.;Watson, N. K.;Weber, S. G.;Websdale, D.;Weisser, C.;Westhenry, B. D. C.;White, D. J.;Whitehead, M.;Wiederhold, A. R.;Wiedner, D.;Wilkinson, G.;Wilkinson, M.;Williams, I.;Williams, M.;Williams, M. R. J.;Wilson, F. F.;Wislicki, W.;Witek, M.;Witola, L.;Wormser, G.;Wotton, S. A.;Wu, H.;Wyllie, K.;Xiang, Z.;Xiao, D.;Xie, Y.;Xu, A.;Xu, J.;Xu, L.;Xu, M.;Xu, Q.;Xu, Z.;Xu, Z.;Yang, D.;Yang, S.;Yang, Y.;Yang, Z.;Yang, Z.;Yao, Y.;Yeomans, L. E.;Yin, H.;Yu, J.;Yuan, X.;Yushchenko, O.;Zaffaroni, E.;Zavertyaev, M.;Zdybal, M.;Zenaiev, O.;Zeng, M.;Zhang, D.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Y.;Zharkova, A.;Zhelezov, A.;Zheng, Y.;Zhou, T.;Zhou, X.;Zhou, Y.;Zhovkovska, V.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, X.;Zhu, Z.;Zhukov, V.;Zonneveld, J. B.;Zou, Q.;Zucchelli, S.;Zuliani, D.;Zunica, G.;; Angular Analysis of D0π+πμ+μ and D0K+Kμ+μ Decays and Search for CP Violation
Trepka, H.;Keller, T.;Krautloher, M.;Xu, J.;Habicht, K.;Böhm, M.;Keimer, B.;Hepting, M.; Critical magnetic fluctuations in the layered ruthenates Ca2RuO4 and Ca3Ru2O7
Zhao, Hongzheng;Mintert, Florian;Knolle, Johannes;Moessner, Roderich; Localization persisting under aperiodic driving
Zhao, Hongzheng;Rudner, Mark S.;Moessner, Roderich;Knolle, Johannes; Anomalous random multipolar driven insulators
Wienand, Julian F.;Horn, Friederike;Aidelsburger, Monika;Bibo, Julian;Grusdt, Fabian; Thouless Pumps and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Higher-Order Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases
Brambilla, Nora;Chung, Hee Sok;Vairo, Antonio;Wang, Xiang-Peng; Production and polarization of S -wave quarkonia in potential nonrelativistic QCD
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akbar, Z.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Alam, S. N.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altenkamper, L.;Altsybeev, I.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andreou, D.;Andronic, A.;Angeletti, M.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Anuj, C.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Ball, M.;Banerjee, D.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Bergmann, L.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhattacharya, P.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Bysiak, S. A.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Camacho, R. S.;Camerini, P.;Canedo, F. D. M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakraborty, P.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chavez, T. G.;Cheng, T.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Conesa Balbastre, G.;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cruz-Torres, R.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, I.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Deja, K. R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Delsanto, S.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Diaz, R. A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Do, J.;Dobrin, A.;Dönigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dukhishyam, M.;Dupieux, P.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Eisenhut, F.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Erokhin, A.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Galvan, C. D.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Garner, K.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Gautam, A.;Gay Ducati, M. B.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Groettvik, O. S.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Guardiano, G. G.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Guo, W.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, S. P.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Hadjidakis, C.;Halimoglu, G.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamid, M.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harlenderova, A.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hasenbichler, J. A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Hernandez, E. G.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Hornung, S.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hou, Y.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Husova, L. A.;Hutson, A.;Hutter, D.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Jalotra, A.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jimenez, A. A. P.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khabanova, Z.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Köhler, M. K.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Koryciak, S. D.;Koska, L.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, D. H.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, J. A.;Lopez, X.;López Torres, E.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Malaev, M.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malinina, L.;Mal’Kevich, D.;Mallick, N.;Malzacher, P.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Mareš, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Menon, A. S.;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Mohisin Khan, M.;Molander, M. A.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Moreno, L. A. P.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Mühlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Osako, T.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oya, M.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Palasciano, A.;Pan, J.;Panebianco, S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Perez, G. M.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrovici, M.;Pezzi, R. P.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Płoskoń, M.;Planinic, M.;Pliquett, F.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Ramos, A. G. T.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-ness, H. A.;Renfordt, R.;Rescakova, Z.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Røed, K.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Röhrich, D.;Rojas, P. F.;Rokita, P. S.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Rossi, A.;Rotondi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Rueda, O. V.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S. K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Sarti, V. M.;Sas, M. H. P.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shaikh, W.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shimomura, M.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silva, T. F.;Silvermyr, D.;Simantathammakul, T.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Sputowska, I.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Sukhanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Šumbera, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Tarhini, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Muñoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thakur, S.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Toia, A.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Torres, S. R.;Trifiró, A.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Trzeciak, B. A.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;van der Kolk, N.;van Doremalen, L. V. R.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vargas, A.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Weelden, R. J. G. V.;Wegrzynek, A.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Witt, W. E.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yadav, A. K.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I.-K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, B.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhi, Y.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zichichi, A.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;; Hypertriton Production in p -Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02TeV
Ukleev, V.;Pschenichnyi, K. A.;Utesov, O.;Karube, K.;Mühlbauer, S.;Cubitt, R.;Tokura, Y.;Taguchi, Y.;White, J. S.;Grigoriev, S. V.; Spin wave stiffness and damping in a frustrated chiral helimagnet Co8Zn8Mn4 as measured by small-angle neutron scattering
Abbasi, R.;Ackermann, M.;Adams, J.;Aguilar, J. A.;Ahlers, M.;Ahrens, M.;Alameddine, J. M.;Alispach, C.;Alves, A. A.;Amin, N. M.;Andeen, K.;Anderson, T.;Anton, G.;Argüelles, C.;Ashida, Y.;Axani, S.;Bai, X.;Balagopal, A.;Barbano, A.;Barwick, S. W.;Bastian, B.;Basu, V.;Baur, S.;Bay, R.;Beatty, J. J.;Becker, K.-H.;Becker Tjus, J.;Bellenghi, C.;Benda, S.;BenZvi, S.;Berley, D.;Bernardini, E.;Besson, D. Z.;Binder, G.;Bindig, D.;Blaufuss, E.;Blot, S.;Boddenberg, M.;Bontempo, F.;Borowka, J.;Böser, S.;Botner, O.;Böttcher, J.;Bourbeau, E.;Bradascio, F.;Braun, J.;Brinson, B.;Bron, S.;Brostean-Kaiser, J.;Browne, S.;Burgman, A.;Burley, R. T.;Busse, R. S.;Campana, M. A.;Carnie-Bronca, E. G.;Chen, C.;Chen, Z.;Chirkin, D.;Choi, K.;Clark, B. A.;Clark, K.;Classen, L.;Coleman, A.;Collin, G. H.;Conrad, J. M.;Coppin, P.;Correa, P.;Cowen, D. F.;Cross, R.;Dappen, C.;Dave, P.;De Clercq, C.;DeLaunay, J. J.;Delgado López, D.;Dembinski, H.;Deoskar, K.;Desai, A.;Desiati, P.;de Vries, K. D.;de Wasseige, G.;de With, M.;DeYoung, T.;Diaz, A.;Díaz-Vélez, J. C.;Dittmer, M.;Dujmovic, H.;Dunkman, M.;DuVernois, M. A.;Dvorak, E.;Ehrhardt, T.;Eller, P.;Engel, R.;Erpenbeck, H.;Evans, J.;Evenson, P. A.;Fan, K. L.;Fazely, A. R.;Fedynitch, A.;Feigl, N.;Fiedlschuster, S.;Fienberg, A. T.;Filimonov, K.;Finley, C.;Fischer, L.;Fox, D.;Franckowiak, A.;Friedman, E.;Fritz, A.;Fürst, P.;Gaisser, T. K.;Gallagher, J.;Ganster, E.;Garcia, A.;Garrappa, S.;Gerhardt, L.;Ghadimi, A.;Glaser, C.;Glauch, T.;Glüsenkamp, T.;Gonzalez, J. G.;Goswami, S.;Grant, D.;Grégoire, T.;Griswold, S.;Günther, C.;Gutjahr, P.;Haack, C.;Hallgren, A.;Halliday, R.;Halve, L.;Halzen, F.;Ha Minh, M.;Hanson, K.;Hardin, J.;Harnisch, A. A.;Haungs, A.;Hebecker, D.;Helbing, K.;Henningsen, F.;Hettinger, E. C.;Hickford, S.;Hignight, J.;Hill, C.;Hill, G. C.;Hoffman, K. D.;Hoffmann, R.;Hoshina, K.;Huang, F.;Huber, M.;Huber, T.;Hultqvist, K.;Hünnefeld, M.;Hussain, R.;Hymon, K.;In, S.;Iovine, N.;Ishihara, A.;Jansson, M.;Japaridze, G. S.;Jeong, M.;Jin, M.;Jones, B. J. P.;Kang, D.;Kang, W.;Kang, X.;Kappes, A.;Kappesser, D.;Kardum, L.;Karg, T.;Karl, M.;Karle, A.;Katz, U.;Kauer, M.;Kellermann, M.;Kelley, J. L.;Kheirandish, A.;Kin, K.;Kintscher, T.;Kiryluk, J.;Klein, S. R.;Koirala, R.;Kolanoski, H.;Kontrimas, T.;Köpke, L.;Kopper, C.;Kopper, S.;Koskinen, D. J.;Koundal, P.;Kovacevich, M.;Kowalski, M.;Kozynets, T.;Kun, E.;Kurahashi, N.;Lad, N.;Lagunas Gualda, C.;Lanfranchi, J. L.;Larson, M. J.;Lauber, F.;Lazar, J. P.;Lee, J. W.;Leonard, K.;Leszczyńska, A.;Li, Y.;Lincetto, M.;Liu, Q. R.;Liubarska, M.;Lohfink, E.;Lozano Mariscal, C. J.;Lu, L.;Lucarelli, F.;Ludwig, A.;Luszczak, W.;Lyu, Y.;Ma, W. Y.;Madsen, J.;Mahn, K. B. M.;Makino, Y.;Mancina, S.;Mariş, I. C.;Martinez-Soler, I.;Maruyama, R.;McCarthy, S.;McElroy, T.;McNally, F.;Mead, J. V.;Meagher, K.;Mechbal, S.;Medina, A.;Meier, M.;Meighen-Berger, S.;Micallef, J.;Mockler, D.;Montaruli, T.;Moore, R. W.;Morse, R.;Moulai, M.;Naab, R.;Nagai, R.;Naumann, U.;Necker, J.;Nguyễn, L. V.;Niederhausen, H.;Nisa, M. U.;Nowicki, S. C.;Obertacke Pollmann, A.;Oehler, M.;Oeyen, B.;Olivas, A.;O’Sullivan, E.;Pandya, H.;Pankova, D. V.;Park, N.;Parker, G. K.;Paudel, E. N.;Paul, L.;Pérez de los Heros, C.;Peters, L.;Peterson, J.;Philippen, S.;Pieper, S.;Pittermann, M.;Pizzuto, A.;Plum, M.;Popovych, Y.;Porcelli, A.;Prado Rodriguez, M.;Price, P. B.;Pries, B.;Przybylski, G. T.;Raab, C.;Rack-Helleis, J.;Raissi, A.;Rameez, M.;Rawlins, K.;Rea, I. C.;Rechav, Z.;Rehman, A.;Reichherzer, P.;Reimann, R.;Renzi, G.;Resconi, E.;Reusch, S.;Rhode, W.;Richman, M.;Riedel, B.;Roberts, E. J.;Robertson, S.;Roellinghoff, G.;Rongen, M.;Rott, C.;Ruhe, T.;Ryckbosch, D.;Rysewyk Cantu, D.;Safa, I.;Saffer, J.;Sanchez Herrera, S. E.;Sandrock, A.;Santander, M.;Sarkar, S.;Sarkar, S.;Satalecka, K.;Schaufel, M.;Schieler, H.;Schindler, S.;Schmidt, T.;Schneider, A.;Schneider, J.;Schröder, F. G.;Schumacher, L.;Schwefer, G.;Sclafani, S.;Seckel, D.;Seunarine, S.;Sharma, A.;Shefali, S.;Shimizu, N.;Silva, M.;Skrzypek, B.;Smithers, B.;Snihur, R.;Soedingrekso, J.;Soldin, D.;Spannfellner, C.;Spiczak, G. M.;Spiering, C.;Stachurska, J.;Stamatikos, M.;Stanev, T.;Stein, R.;Stettner, J.;Stezelberger, T.;Stürwald, T.;Stuttard, T.;Sullivan, G. W.;Taboada, I.;Ter-Antonyan, S.;Thwaites, J.;Tilav, S.;Tischbein, F.;Tollefson, K.;Tönnis, C.;Toscano, S.;Tosi, D.;Trettin, A.;Tselengidou, M.;Tung, C. F.;Turcati, A.;Turcotte, R.;Turley, C. F.;Twagirayezu, J. P.;Ty, B.;Unland Elorrieta, M. A.;Valtonen-Mattila, N.;Vandenbroucke, J.;van Eijndhoven, N.;Vannerom, D.;van Santen, J.;Veitch-Michaelis, J.;Verpoest, S.;Walck, C.;Wang, W.;Watson, T. B.;Weaver, C.;Weigel, P.;Weindl, A.;Weiss, M. J.;Weldert, J.;Wendt, C.;Werthebach, J.;Weyrauch, M.;Whitehorn, N.;Wiebusch, C. H.;Williams, D. R.;Wolf, M.;Woschnagg, K.;Wrede, G.;Wulff, J.;Xu, X. W.;Yanez, J. P.;Yildizci, E.;Yoshida, S.;Yu, S.;Yuan, T.;Zhang, Z.;Zhelnin, P.;; Strong Constraints on Neutrino Nonstandard Interactions from TeV-Scale νμ Disappearance at IceCube
Aker, M.;Batzler, D.;Beglarian, A.;Behrens, J.;Berlev, A.;Besserer, U.;Bieringer, B.;Block, F.;Bobien, S.;Bornschein, B.;Bornschein, L.;Böttcher, M.;Brunst, T.;Caldwell, T. S.;Carney, R. M. D.;Chilingaryan, S.;Choi, W.;Debowski, K.;Descher, M.;Díaz Barrero, D.;Doe, P. J.;Dragoun, O.;Drexlin, G.;Edzards, F.;Eitel, K.;Ellinger, E.;Engel, R.;Enomoto, S.;Felden, A.;Formaggio, J. A.;Fränkle, F. M.;Franklin, G. B.;Friedel, F.;Fulst, A.;Gauda, K.;Gavin, A. S.;Gil, W.;Glück, F.;Grössle, R.;Gumbsheimer, R.;Hannen, V.;Haußmann, N.;Helbing, K.;Hickford, S.;Hiller, R.;Hillesheimer, D.;Hinz, D.;Höhn, T.;Houdy, T.;Huber, A.;Jansen, A.;Karl, C.;Kellerer, F.;Kellerer, J.;Kleifges, M.;Klein, M.;Köhler, C.;Köllenberger, L.;Kopmann, A.;Korzeczek, M.;Kovalík, A.;Krasch, B.;Krause, H.;La Cascio, L.;Lasserre, T.;Le, T. L.;Lebeda, O.;Lehnert, B.;Lokhov, A.;Machatschek, M.;Malcherek, E.;Mark, M.;Marsteller, A.;Martin, E. L.;Melzer, C.;Mertens, S.;Mostafa, J.;Müller, K.;Neumann, H.;Niemes, S.;Oelpmann, P.;Parno, D. S.;Poon, A. W. P.;Poyato, J. M. L.;Priester, F.;Ráliš, J.;Ramachandran, S.;Robertson, R. G. H.;Rodejohann, W.;Rodenbeck, C.;Röllig, M.;Röttele, C.;Ryšavý, M.;Sack, R.;Saenz, A.;Salomon, R.;Schäfer, P.;Schimpf, L.;Schlösser, M.;Schlösser, K.;Schlüter, L.;Schneidewind, S.;Schrank, M.;Schwemmer, A.;Šefčík, M.;Sibille, V.;Siegmann, D.;Slezák, M.;Spanier, F.;Steidl, M.;Sturm, M.;Telle, H. H.;Thorne, L. A.;Thümmler, T.;Titov, N.;Tkachev, I.;Urban, K.;Valerius, K.;Vénos, D.;Vizcaya Hernández, A. P.;Weinheimer, C.;Welte, S.;Wendel, J.;Wiesinger, C.;Wilkerson, J. F.;Wolf, J.;Wüstling, S.;Wydra, J.;Xu, W.;Zadoroghny, S.;Zeller, G.;; New Constraint on the Local Relic Neutrino Background Overdensity with the First KATRIN Data Runs
Landaeta, J. F.;Khanenko, P.;Cavanagh, D. C.;Geibel, C.;Khim, S.;Mishra, S.;Sheikin, I.;Brydon, P. M. R.;Agterberg, D. F.;Brando, M.;Hassinger, E.; Field-Angle Dependence Reveals Odd-Parity Superconductivity in CeRh2As2